#cap’s symbol is a shield
peacefulofskye · 1 year
Do I like Captain America?
No, I’m just wearing this shield shirt that I coordinated my entire outfit off of for the aesthetic /s *rolls eyes*
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hopesallwegotleft · 2 years
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rootedinrevisions · 13 days
Texas Orange
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SUMMARY: Heavily based on the song "Tennesse Orange" by Megan Moroney. You're in the early stages of your relationship with Glen and he takes you to a Texas football game with him.
**This was my first time writing about Glen himself and not one of his characters. I really loved the idea and the song that inspired this fic, however think I may stick to writing his characters instead of him as a person in the future. **
The Texas sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm, golden light over the landscape as you and Glen drive through the winding roads of Austin. The truck hums steadily beneath you, the air conditioning a welcome relief from the sweltering heat outside.
You glance over at Glen, dressed in a black t-shirt with the orange Texas Longhorns symbol emblazoned on the chest, and a white Longhorns baseball cap turned backward on his head. His sunglasses shield his eyes from the bright light, and with one hand on the wheel, he holds your hand gently in the other. You glance over at him, and the corners of his mouth lift into a smile when he catches you looking at him.
"This is amazing," you say, taking in the sprawling hills and the way the cityscape rises in the distance. "I can't believe I've never been here before."
Glen chuckles, his voice low and smooth, the kind of sound that makes you feel instantly at ease. "I still can't believe that. Austin's pretty great. But, I mean, you grew up on the coast, right? Plenty of beauty there too."
You nod, your mind flashing back to memories of ocean breezes and sandy beaches, a world away from the vast, open skies of Texas. "Yeah, but it's different. I've never seen anything quite like this."
He grins, squeezing your hand gently. "You're gonna love it here. Plus, this is only the start. Wait till you see the stadium-it's a whole other world."
You laugh, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves bubble up inside you. "Speaking of the stadium, I've got to admit something. I've never actually been to a football game before. My family wasn't really into sports growing up."
Glen's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, but he quickly recovers with a teasing grin. "You've never been to a game? Well, that changes today. Texas football is like a religion around here. It's something you just have to experience.
"Hopefully I'll fit in okay," you say, half-joking. The thought of stepping into the massive stadium, surrounded by thousands of passionate fans, is both thrilling and a little daunting.
He chuckles, his voice warm with affection. "Don't worry, I'll be right there with you. We'll ease you into it. Plus, my folks are going to be so excited to meet you they're gonna forget about the game, at least for a minute."
The mention of his family makes your stomach flip. This is a big step, meeting his family, even if you've both been keeping things casual. There's a part of you that wonders if this trip is more than just a casual one for Glen.
"What are they like? Your family, I mean," you ask, trying to keep your tone light.
Glen's expression softens, a fond smile playing on his lips. "They're great. They'll love you, I promise. My mom might be a little overwhelming at first, but that's just because she cares so much. And my dad, well he's the quiet type, but once you get him talking about anything Texas-related, you won't be able to get him to stop."
You smile at the thought, feeling a bit more at ease. "They sound like a good bunch."
"They are," Glen says, his voice sincere. "And they're going to love you. How could they not?"
His words bring warmth to your chest, and you squeeze his hand in return. "I hope so."
As the two of you continue to drive further into Austin, Glen gives you a mini tour. He points out a few landmarks - his favorite taco place, the park where he used to hang out with friends, and a music venue where he once saw an incredible show. You listen, soaking in every detail, feeling a sense of connection to this place that Glen clearly loves so much.
"Here we are," Glen says as he pulls into a parking spot near the stadium. The massive structure looms ahead, a sea of burnt orange and white, alive with energy even from a distance.
You take a deep breath, a mixture of anticipation and nerves swirling inside you. "This is it, huh?"
"This is it," Glen confirms, turning to you with a smile that melts away any lingering doubts. "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be," you say, smiling back at him.
As you step out of Glen's truck, you notice that nearly everyone around you is decked out in burnt orange and white. Texas Longhorns hats, jerseys, and t-shirts, all show their pride. The sea of matching colors makes you acutely aware that you're the only one not wearing any team gear.
Glen steps around the truck to join you, noticing the way your eyes scan the crowd. He gives you a playful nudge with his elbow. "Feeling a little out of place?"
You laugh, shrugging slightly. "Just a bit. I think I missed the memo on the dress code."
Without missing a beat, Glen reaches up to the back of his head and pulls off the white Longhorns cap he's been wearing. He turns it around in his hands before stepping closer to you. "Here, you can wear this. Can't have you being the odd one out."
Before you can respond, he's already placing the cap on your head. His fingers brush against your hair as he adjusts the fit, making sure it sits just right. You tilt your head up at him, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "How do I look?"
Glen takes a step back to admire his work, a slow smile spreading across his face. "You look great in Orange. Might even say you wear it better than I do."
You roll your eyes playfully, feeling a warmth spread through you at his words. "You might be biased."
"Maybe," he says with a grin, his eyes sparkling with affection. "But I'm also right."
As you walk towards the section of the parking lot reserved for tailgating, Glen drapes an arm over your shoulders, keeping you close. "Tell you what, we'll hit up the merch stand once we're inside. Gotta get you a t-shirt to complete the look."
"You don't have to do that," you start to protest, but Glen shakes his head.
"I want to," he insists, squeezing your shoulder lightly. "Consider it part of the full Texas football experience."
You smile up at him, feeling more at ease with every step. "Alright, but only if you help me pick it out."
"Deal," Glen says, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your temple before leading you into the sea of orange and white.
The aroma of sizzling barbecue fills the air as you and Glen approach the tailgating area. Rows of trucks and RVs are lined up in the parking lot, each decked out in burnt orange. Flags bearing the Texas Longhorns logo flutter in the breeze, and the sounds of laughter, music, and clinking bottles create a festive atmosphere.
Glen leads you through the crowd with a confident stride, his hand securely holding yours. As you near a large, lively group gathered around a grill, Glen spots his family and friends.
"There they are," he says, nodding towards the group. "Ready to meet everyone?"
You take a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Ready as I'll ever be."
Glen gives your hand a reassuring squeeze as you approach the group. His mom, Cyndy, is the first to spot the two of you, and her face lights up with a welcoming smile. She's a petite woman with a warm demeanor, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she waves you over.
"There you are!" Cyndy calls out, pulling Glen into a quick hug before turning her attention to you. "And you must be the one we've been hearing so much about. I'm Cyndy, it's so nice to finally meet you!"
You return her smile, instantly feeling at ease with her friendly nature. "It's great to meet you too. Glen's told me a lot about you."
"Oh, I'm sure he has," Cyndy says with a wink before pulling you into a hug. "Welcome, sweetheart."
Next, Glen's dad, Glen Sr., steps forward with a firm handshake and a nod. He's tall and broad-shouldered, with a quiet strength about him. "Good to have you here," he says simply, but the warmth in his tone is unmistakable.
Then, Glen's sisters Lauren and Leslie, each take their turn to greet you. Lauren gives you a friendly smile. "You're braver than I would be, meeting the whole crew at once like this. They can be a handful, but you'll be fine."
Leslie nudges Glen playfully. "You didn't warn her about us, did you?"
Glen laughs, shaking his head. "I figured I'd let you all speak for yourselves."
As you exchange pleasantries, more of Glen's friends and extended family members join in, introducing themselves and welcoming you with open arms. Someone hands you a cold drink, and before you know it, you're standing around a grill piled high with burgers, sausages, and all the fixings, soaking in the pre-game atmosphere.
The conversation quickly turns to stories about Glen's past. A few of his college buddies, each with a beer in hand, are eager to share some of their favorite memories.
"Remember that time Glen tried to impress a girl by riding a mechanical bull at that honky-tonk?" One of them starts, a grin spreading across his face.
"Oh, I remember!" Another chimes in. "He was so confident, strutted right up there like he was gonna show everyone how it's done. Lasted about five seconds before he got thrown off and landed flat on his back."
The group erupts in laughter, and even Glen can't help but chuckle at the memory. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," he says shaking his head. "At least I gave it a shot."
Cyndy leans in closer to you, a glint in her eye. "That's nothing compared to the time he and his sister decided to 'borrow' my car when they were kids. Thought they'd take a little joyride around the neighborhood...until they crashed it into a mailbox."
"Oh no!" You gasp, unable to suppress a laugh.
Lauren grins, shaking her head at the memory. "We were grounded for months. Glen thought he was so slick, but he didn't realize the mailbox he hit belonged to one of Dad's friends."
"Yep," Glen Sr adds with a rare smile, "and that's how they learned not to mess with my car."
The easy banter and lighthearted stories quickly dissolve any lingering nerves you have. Glen's family and friends are down-to-earth, welcoming you into their inner circle as if you've always been a part of it. The more they share, the more you see the depth of their bond and the way they care for each other.
As you take another bite of your burger, you look over at Glen, who's been watching you with a soft smile. "You doing okay?" he asks quietly, leaning in so only you can hear.
You nod, feeling completely at ease now. "Yeah, I'm doing great. Your family's wonderful."
His smile widens as he places a hand gently on your back. "I'm glad you think so. They're a little crazy, but they're mine."
"And now I guess I'm part of them too," you say with a playful grin.
Glen's eyes light up at your words, and he leans in to press a quick, affectionate kiss to your lips. "Yeah, I guess you are."
Just then, one of Glen's friends raises his drink and shouts "Hook 'em, Horns!" The entire group responds in unison, raising their hands in the iconic "Hook 'em Horns" gesture, with pinkies and index figures extended with the thumb tucked grasping the second and third fingers.
You try to mimic the gesture, but you don't quite cooperate. Glen catches your struggle and chuckles softly. "Here, let me help," he says, gently taking your hand in his.
With his warm fingers guiding yours, Glen carefully adjusts your hand, making sure your pinky and index fingers are extended and your thumb tucks the other fingers. His touch is gentle and precise, and you can't help but feel a little flutter in your chest as he concentrates on getting it just right.
"How's that?" you ask, looking up at him with a smile.
He gives your hand a final tweak before stepping back to admire his work. "Perfect," he says, his voice soft and affectionate. "Now you're officially part of the team."
You laugh, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. "Guess I really am one of you now."
The group continues to laugh and share stories as the sun begins to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the gathering. The pre-game atmosphere, filled with the sounds of sizzling food, clinking bottles, and cheerful banter, is everything you imagined - and more. With Glen's arm draped comfortably around your shoulders and the "Hook 'em Horns" gesture nailed down, you feel a sense of belonging that surprises you in the best possible way.
As the tailgate winds down and the anticipation for the game grows, Glen wraps his arm around your waist, guiding you through the throng of excited fans heading towards the stadium. The air is filled with the sounds of chanting, music, and the collective buzz of thousands of supporters, all eager for the big game.
"Ready for the full game day experience?" Glen asks, glancing over at you with a grin.
You nod, feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity. "Definitely. Lead the way."
As you approach the entrance, Glen veers off towards a merchandise stand just inside the gate, keeping his promise to get you your very own Texas Longhorns shirt. The stand is awash with burnt orange and white, offering everything from t-shirts to hoodies, foam fingers, and even Longhorns-themed sunglasses.
"Okay, let's find you something," Glen says, scanning the racks of shirts. He picks out a simple, yet classic burnt orange t-shirt with the Texas Longhorns logo emblazoned across the front. Holding it up to you, he grins "How about this one?"
You take the shirt from him, feeling the soft fabric between your fingers. "It's perfect," you say, already imagining yourself fitting right in with the sea of orange in the stadium.
Glen pays for the shirt and then hands it back to you. "Go ahead and try it on. Let's see how it looks."
You pull the t-shirt over your white tank top, the bright orange contrasting perfectly with your outfit. As you smooth the fabric down, Glen steps back to admire the look.
"Hold on," he says, reaching for the white Texas Longhorns baseball cap he had been wearing earlier. With a playful grin, he gently places it back on your head, adjusting the brim so it sits just right. His fingers linger for a moment, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
You look up at him, a smile playing on your lips. "How do I look?"
Glen's gaze softens as he takes you in, a warm smile spreading across his face. "You look great," he says, his voice filled with genuine affection. "I think orange might be your color."
You laugh softly, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "Guess I'm officially part of the team now."
"Absolutely," Glen replies, leaning in to brush a quick kiss against your forehead. "Now, let's get to our seats."
With his arm comfortably draped around your shoulders, Glen guides you through the bustling concourse and up towards the exclusive box seats he reserved for you, his family, and close friends. As you walk, you can't help but notice a few heads turning, whispers following in your wake. It's clear that Glen's presence isn't going unnoticed.
But Glen seems unfazed by the attention, focused entirely on making sure you're comfortable and enjoying yourself. "Don't worry," he says, sensing your unease as you pass by a group of fans who seem to be debating whether or not to approach. "The suite will give us a bit of privacy. It's just us and the people we want to be with."
You give him a grateful smile, relieved at the thought of a more private space. "That sounds perfect."
When you reach the suite, a staff member opens the door, revealing a spacious, comfortable area with large windows offering an unobstructed view of the field. The room is decked out with cozy seating, a fully stocked fridge, and even a table spread with game day snacks.
Glen's family is already there, mingling and settling in, and they greet you warmly as you enter. You quickly realize that this box isn't just a place to watch the game - it's a space where you can relax, enjoy the company, and soak in the experience without any interruptions.
Glen guides you to a seat near the window, right next to him. As you take in the view of the field below, and the energy of the crowd that's starting to pile into the stadium, you feel a sense of excitement bubbling up.
"So, what do you think?" Glen asks, settling in beside you, his hand casually resting on your knee.
You turn to him, your smile reflecting the excitement you feel. "It's incredible."
Glen grins, clearly pleased. "I'm glad you're here," he says giving your knee a gentle squeeze. "Now, get ready for some real Texas football."
Suddenly, the lights dim, and the giant screen at the far end of the stadium flickers to life. The Texas Longhorns logo appears, and the crowd erupts into cheers. You glance over at Glen, who is grinning ear to ear, clearly caught up in the excitement.
"Here they come," he says, nodding towards the tunnel at the edge of the field.
The sound of drums fills the air as the Texas Longhorns marching band begins playing. The brass instruments gleam under the stadium lights and the rhythm of the drums pulses through the stands, making your heart beat a little faster.
As the band starts playing the school fight song, the crowd rises to their feet, the familiar tune echoing throughout the stadium. Glen stands up, pulling you to your feet with him. The sight is breathtaking - the sea of burnt orange, the flags waving proudly, and the booming voices of thousands of fans all joining together in the song.
Glen leans in close, his voice just above a whisper in your ear. "You've got to sing along, it's tradition."
You smile nervously, not sure what the words are, but Glen's enthusiasm is contagious. As the band reaches the chorus, Glen starts singing, his voice blending with the roar of the crowd. "Texas Fight! Texas Fight! And it's goodbye to A&M..."
You start to hum along to the words, your soft voice, almost drowned out by the thousands of others. But Glen's infection energy pulls you in. His eyes spark with excitement. "Louder!" he urges, his grin widening.
You laugh, feeling the last of your hesitation melt away as you throw yourself into the chant, clapping along with the beat and shouting the words with enthusiasm. Glen's pride is evident, and he can't hide his delight at seeing you get into the spirit of the game.
As the team bursts onto the field, the stadium erupts into a thunderous roar. The players, clad in their iconic burnt orange and white uniforms, charge out of the tunnel, the sight of them stirring a fresh wave of excitement into the crowd. The band crescendos into the final notes of the fight song, and the noise level reaches a fever pitch.
Glen wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as the team lines up on the field. "What do you think?" he asks, his voice barely audible over the noise.
You look up at him, your heart racing with the excitement of the moment. "It's amazing," you reply, your smile wide and genuine. "I can see why you love this so much."
As the players take their positions on the field, the atmosphere in the stadium becomes electric. The roar of the crowd swells, and you can feel the anticipation vibrating through the stands. You're fully immersed in the excitement, your earlier nerves replaced with growing enthusiasm as Glen points out different players and explains the significance of the game.
Just as you start to relax, the opening kickoff is moments away. You're leaning forward in your seat, eyes glued to the field when suddenly - BOOM!
The deafening sound of Smokey the Cannon firing catches you completely off guard. You jump in your seat, your heart racing as the shock of the blast reverberates through your chest.
Glen, noticing your startled reaction, can't help but chuckle. "Sorry, I should've warned you about that," he says, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting embrace. His laugh is warm and affectionate, and he pulls you close, resting his chin on your shoulder. "That's Smokey the Cannon. It fires off at every kickoff. Just part of the tradition."
You lean into his embrace, your initial fright quickly fading as you feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your back. "I think I just aged a few years," you say with a laugh, trying to shake off the lingering adrenaline. "I wasn't expecting that at all."
Glen's grip tightens slightly, his way of reassuring you. "It's loud, but you'll get used to it," he says, his voice gentle and comforting in your ear. "Trust me, by the end of the game, you'll be waiting for it."
You turn your head to catch his eye, feeling a smile tug at the corners of your mouth. "I'll take your word for it," you reply, your nerves settling as you take comfort in his closeness.
The game kicks off, and the action on the field immediately draws you back in. As the players clash, the crowd erupts into cheers and groans, their energy contagious. Glen keeps you close, his arm draped over your shoulders, and you find yourself getting more and more caught up in the excitement of it all.
Throughout the game, Glen is right there, guiding you through the experience. He explains the rules as plays unfold, pointing out the strategy behind each move. "See how the quarterback is scanning the field?" he says at one point. "He's looking for an open receiver, someone who can catch the ball and make a run for it."
You nod, trying to absorb the information. "It's a lot more complicated than I thought," you admit, appreciating his patience.
Glen grins, his eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "That's what makes it fun," he says. "Once you start to understand the strategy, it's like watching a chess match...only with a lot more action."
As the game progresses, you find yourself cheering along with the crowd, your earlier nerves completely forgotten. Glen's explanations help you feel more connected to the game, and his excitement is infectious. Each time something exciting happens on the field - a touchdown, a particularly good tackle - he turns to you with a grin, eager to share the moment.
"Did you see that?" he asks after a particularly impressive play, his eyes alight with excitement. "That's what they call a 'Hail Mary' - a long pass to try and score a touchdown when time's running out."
You nod, caught up in the moment. "I think I'm starting to get the hang of this," you say, feeling a sense of pride as you follow the flow of the game.
Glen leans in, his voice low and full of affection. "You're doing great," he says, his hand finding yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad you're here with me."
You smile up at him, the warmth of his words making your heart flutter. "Me too," you reply, feeling more at home in the stadium with each passing moment.
As the game continues, the two of you settle into a comfortable rhythm - Glen explaining plays, you cheering along with the crowd, and both of you enjoying the shared experience. It's a day filled with excitement, but also with moments of quiet connection, each one deepening the bond between you.
And by the time Smokey the Cannon fires off again, you barely flinch - too caught up in the thrill of the game and the warmth of Glen's presence beside you.
The final whistle blows and the stadium erupts in a sea of burnt orange and white. Texas has won, and the energy in the air is electric. Fans are cheering, hugging, and celebrating as the Longhorns players wave to the crowd before making their way off the field. You can't help but get caught up in the excitement, clapping along as the band strikes up the fight song one last time.
As the crowd begins to thin out, Glen helps you gather your things, and the two of you make your way out of the suite. The halls of the stadium are still buzzing with excitement, fans streaming toward the exits, chatting excitedly about the game. You notice a few people casting glances your way - recognition flickering in their eyes as they realize who Glen is.
You feel a flutter of nervousness in your chest as the looks become more frequent. The idea of being recognized, of suddenly being in the spotlight, is overwhelming. But before the anxiety can take hold, Glen reaches for your hand. His grip is firm, and reassuring, and he gives you a comforting smile.
"Don't worry," he murmurs, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. "I'm right here."
His words and his touch soothe you, and you take a deep breath, focusing on the warmth of his hand in yours rather than the curious glances around you. Together, you navigate through the crowd, Glen's presence beside you acting as an anchor, keeping you steady.
As you step out into the cool evening air, the noise of the stadium fades behind you, replaced by the more distant sounds of fans celebrating in the parking lot. The crowd is thinning out, and the atmosphere feels less intense, allowing you to finally relax.
Glen leads you to his truck, and as you approach it, he glances over at you, his expression softening. "So...your first Texas game," he says as he opens the passenger door for you. "What did you think? Did it live up to the hype?"
Your smile, climbing into the truck and settling into the seat. "It really did," you reply, your tone reflecting the surprise in your voice. "I didn't think I'd get so caught up in it, but I did. The energy, the crowd, the way everyone was so passionate...it was contagious."
Glen closes the door and walks around to the driver's side, sliding into the seat beside you. He doesn't start the truck right away, instead turning slightly to face you, his gaze soft and warm.
"I'm really glad you came," he says, his voice sincere. "It means a lot to me to share this with you."
You feel your heart swell at his words, and you take a moment to let them sink in. "I'm glad I came too," you say softly, your eyes meeting his. "It's not something I ever imagined myself doing, but I'm really happy I did."
Glen reaches out and takes your hand again, his fingers intertwining with yours. "You were a great sport about everything," he says, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "Even when Smokey scared the life out of you."
You laugh, shaking your head at the memory. "I'll admit, that was a bit much," you say with a grin. "But honestly, the whole experience was incredible. I see now why it's such a big deal for you."
Glen's smile widens, and for a moment, the two of you simply sit there, hands clasped, sharing a quiet, meaningful silence. The excitement of the day is still buzzing in your veins, but there's also a deeper feeling - a sense of connection, of understanding, that goes beyond just the game.
"I'm really happy you're here with me," Glen says quietly, his voice carrying a weight of emotion. "This...it all means a lot more with you by my side."
His words hit you in a way you didn't expect, and you realize just how much this day, and this man, have come to mean to you. You squeeze his hand, feeling a warmth spread through you that has nothing to do with the game or the crowd, but everything to do with him.
"I'm happy to be here," you reply, your voice just as soft. "With you."
For a moment, the world outside the truck seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you in the stillness of the parking lot. It's a moment of quiet reflection, of mutual appreciation, and as you sit there, you realize that this experience has brought you closer to Glen in a way you hadn't anticipated.
Glen starts the engine, but before he shifts into gear, he leans over and presses a tender kiss to your lips. It's soft, sweet, and filled with unspoken emotion, a perfect ending to a day you'll never forget.
As he pulls away, you both smile at each other, the bond between you stronger than ever. As the truck rolls out of the parking lot, leaving the stadium behind, you feel a sense of contentment, knowing that this is just the beginning of something truly special.
The next morning sunlight filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across your bedroom. You sit on the edge of your bed, phone in hand, absently twisting the brim of Glen's baseball cap between your fingers. The events of the previous day play on a loop in your mind - Glen's infectious enthusiasm, the electrifying atmosphere of the game, and the way he held your hand, guiding you through it all. A smile tugs at your lips as you remember the look in his eyes when he told you how much it meant to him to have you there.
But now, in the quiet of your room, the excitement of the game has given way to do something deeper - an unmistakable warmth in your chest, a feeling that's both exhilarating and a little terrifying. You realize that what started as casual dating has slowly grown into something more. And for the first time, you feel the need to talk to someone about it.
You take a deep breath and scroll through your contacts, landing on your mom's number. The familiar sound of the ringtone fills the room as you hold the phone to your ear, your heart beating a little faster with each passing second. Finally, you hear her voice on the other end, warm and welcoming as always.
"Hi, sweetie! How are you?" Your mom greets you, the sound of her voice instantly soothing some of your nerves.
"Hey, Mom," you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. "I'm good. Just...thinking about a lot of things."
Your mom chuckles softly. "Well, it sounds like you've got something on your mind. What's going on?"
You pause for a moment, gathering your thoughts before you begin. "I met somebody, and...he's really great, Mom. he's got these green eyes that I could just get lost in, and he's so sweet. He opens doors for me, he makes me laugh, and he...he doesn't make me cry." Your voice softens as you say the last part, a small admission of how different this feels from anything you've experienced before.
There's a brief silence on the other end, and then your mom speaks, her voice gentle. "He sounds wonderful, honey. Tell me more about him."
A smile spreads across your face as you think about Glen. "He's from Texas, not exactly where we're from, but...when I'm with him, he feels like home. He's got me doing things I never thought I'd do, like going to a football game." You laugh, still a little surprised at how much you enjoyed the experience.
Your mom laughs too, a mix of surprise and amusement in her tone. "A football game? You? Never thought I'd see the day."
"I know, right?" you reply, shaking your head at the memory. "He even gave me his hat to wear because I didn't have any Texas gear. And, Mom...I liked it. I really liked it."
There's a pause, and you can almost hear your mom's smile through the phone. "It sounds like you're really falling for this guy."
You bite your lip, the truth of her words sinking in. "I think I am," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "Mama...I like him a lot. I even learned the words to the Texas Fight Song."
Your mom's laughter rings through the phone, full of warmth and understanding. "It sounds like he's got you wrapped around his finger," she teases, but there's no judgment in her voice, only happiness for you.
"Maybe he does," you say, feeling a warmth spread through you at the thought. "But...it feels right, Mom. He feels right."
Your mom's voice softens, a hint of emotion creeping in. "I'm happy for you, sweetheart. Just take things one step at a time, and follow your heart."
You nod, even though she can't see you. "Thanks, Mom. I will."
As you end the call, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. Talking to your mom has helped you put things into perspective, and you realize that you're ready to see where things go with Glen, no matter where that may lead. The thought of him brings a smile to your face, and you can't help but feel a flutter of excitement at what the future might hold.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Things tloz has not been consistent about that you'd think it would be:
Everything. Buckle up.
The hero being called Link. He's Link in the same way Frisk is the character. The player chooses the name in every SINGLE game up until botw, and that only happened because of the voice acting. It's just shorthand for the link between the player and the game.
The princess being called zelda. Wind waker, she was called Tetra.
The princess being in the game at all (links awakening)
There only being one princess (the hero of either hyrule or legend had two)
There only being one hero (hyrule warriors had three and also linkle)
The princess not being a playable character (hw, aoc, and upcoming EoW. There's also non canon games like cadence and smash bros).
The master sword being in the game (four swords, minish cap, triforce heroes (?), ooa/oos only have it as a linked game post story unlockable, zelda 1,2 and la it was the magical sword).
Ganon being in the game (basically the exact same as the last point minus the 1st 3 games)
Ganon being a bad guy (hyrule warriors and generously, GENEROUSLY aoc, where he's playable as an ally post game).
The master sword being needed to defeat ganon (in botw aoc and totk the master sword is entirely optional, and totally inverts the traditional 'zelda weakens and link deals the final blow').
Link being the main character (upcoming eow which I'm cackling about)
The existence of humanity
Link being in green (abotk made him blue :( and took his hat >:((().
Zelda being in pink (abotk)
Zelda being blonde (she's anything from blonde to brown to ginger)
Link being blonde (tp and lttp (why is he pink?! Zelda is blonde! There's brown haired people! Why neon pink??)
Gerudo having rounded ears (up until abotk)
Nintendo making the games (hw and aoc, cadence lol)
Teen/kid link (totk is the only Link over the age of 19)
Link having a companion (it's pretty evenly split)
Zelda having the companion (aoc and eow)
Link having two companions (hw with basically all of them)
The nature of humanity vs hylians
The story taking place in hyrule (literally so many... La, mm, ooa, oos, technically ww, technically ss, half points for lttp and lbw, tfh)
Just the one triforce (lbw)
Just three separate pieces of the triforce (ww)
Any triforce at all (okay this one is complicated bcz depiction/hand marks/Actual Wish Granting Triforce but hylia alone knows where the triforce was in abotk. I'm counting ooa/oos because opening cutscene. La has zilch and I'm pretty sure mc too.)
Literally any religion has come and gone INCLUDING IRL CHRISTIANITY
Knowledge of the triforce
Knowledge of hylia (it's literally just ss abotk and maaaybe lbw)
The existence of hylia (^^^
The general populace being useless (totk) (that's it)
Link being left handed (in ss and abotk he's right handed. Tp is 50% right handed because they flipped the controls (and world) for the wii).
Link being able to swim at the start of the game (only in the 3d games minus lbw and la remake)
Link succeeding in his quest (botw) (I'm not counting failed hero oot because it's a meta attempt at a working timeline)
At least a tiny bit of time travel (loz 1/2, la, fs, lbw, lttp, botw...)
The hylian shield (only appears in the 3d games! (-la remake and ww and mm))
Link using a bow! (surprisingly 50/50)
Epona!! (literally just oot mm and tp. Botk she's noncanon amiibo and she's in mc but doesn't belong to Link T-T.)
A tutorial (varying subtlety, yes, but there's a difference between the great plateau and a 'press x to open menu :D' prompt five minutes into the game while a knight is trying to kill you (lttp)).
Link having the hero's spirit (ww. I personally disagree but hey)
The hero being a hylian! (totk hero's aspect)
Sleepy boy link (botk he has power naps On Lock)
Link being masc presenting (linkle, hw)
The symbolic elements (3/5/7 combos, lightning/ice/water/fire/wind triforce, boar/owl/dragon/whatever tf)
Things tloz has been consistent about in every game:
Link being a gnc short king (tp is the beefiest he ever got and that was 4'9 male gymnast build at BEST).
Him not telling anyone anything important ever.
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Reader is male & his hair is described to be long enough to reach his nape (long hair symbolizes a time of peace in his culture). I just made up kingdom names. Part One, Part Two
After a morning in council with your advisors, seeing to your subjects and their grievances, you were in desperate need of some stress relief. So you put on your armor and made your way to the training courtyard where veteran knights and trainees alike where training, your hands itching to have a sword in them.
"My king!" Several knights around the training courtyard cried out at the sight of you, bowing. But your eyes were trained on Ghost, who ha stopped the training match he was overseeing.
"Sir Ghost, I wish to spar with someone. And I figured you were the best knight of mine to spar with," you said, walking over to Ghost. You smiled at him, able to look him into the eyes easily since you were around the same height. "If you're up for it, of course. If not, I can spar with someone else."
Ghost shook his head. "No, I can spar with you, my king." He gestured for someone to bring you both training swords and shields. "It would be honor to help you keep your swordsmanship skill sharp."
You laughed at that, placing your hands in gloves before taking a training sword out of the two you were given and taking a shield in the other hand. "Are you keeping my swordsmanship skill sharp or am I keeping yours sharp?" you teased, waiting until he held a sword and shield before getting into position.
"How about both, my king? Neither of us can get rusty."
You nodded in response and those were the last words spoken between you two as Ghost strikes first, swinging his sword. You parried with your own and pushed him back, quickly striking back just as quick as he struck first.
Since they were training swords, they barely made dents into either of your armors. Still, the act of swinging and wielding the sword was enough for you, enough for you to love the thrill it gave you to spar with your knight.
Parry, block, strike.
The movements seemed so rhythmic, your sword and shield an extension of yourself. Even then, exhaustion was wearing on you both as you could feel it settle in your bones and see his balaclava and white mask start to get soaked with Ghost's sweat. Your movements were starting to slow down, but neither of you were giving up yet.
That was, until Ghost unarmed you. One second you were thinking of parrying his upcoming strike, the next he was sending your sword flying in the air and away from you. You heard it clang against the ground, signaling the end of the match.
"Well done, Sir Ghost," you said, panting. A small smirk made its way onto your face. "Though I'm quite glad that my knight is good enough to best me. Means I'm placing my life in the right hands."
Ghost straightened up from his hunched stance, nodding. "You gave me a run for my money, my king," he said, though that might've been to make you feel better about losing the match.
You chuckled and followed him to where his canteen of water was, watching him pull up his balaclava enough to reveal his mouth. You greedily watched him take a sip of water, a few drops dripping from his mouth and down his chin.
He must've seen you watching him because as soon as he finished drinking from the canteen, he didn't cap it again, instead he offered it to you. "Are you thirsty, my king?"
"Oh, I can't drink from your canteen, it's yours. I'll be fine," you replied, trying to refuse the canteen, but he wasn't having it.
"Nonsense, you must be thirsty after out sparring. Drink, I don't mind," he murmured, his gruff voice softening just softly.
Ghost didn't let you hold the canteen, instead tilting it himself so you could drink from it. Your eyes closed as the water hit your tongue. It was an intimate gesture, but everyone else in the courtyard was too busy training to watch you two.
You made sure not to drink too much of his canteen, pulling away when you were done. "Thank you."
You watched him cap his canteen again, nodding in response to your thanks. Silence washed over you two for a few seconds and you were about to excuse yourself when he spoke.
"You seem troubled, my king." Ghost turned to you once his canteen was set down on the bench again. "Come, sit with me please. Talk to me."
He sat down on the bench and you hesitated before sitting down. Your weary bones felt relief at sitting down. Sure, you best the morning sitting on your throne, but you hadn't relaxed since you woke up, not until now.
"My advisors are worried that I don't know how to rule this kingdom during a time of peace," you murmured, your voice soft so no one else heard word of your advisors basically thinking you were unfit to lead the kingdom during an era of peace.
It was true that when you took the throne from your father when you were twenty-four, Eridies had been in war with Loria for at least a year and the war lasted until six months ago which meant the kingdom had been at war for eight years. Your reign had started with war and a warrior king was what you had been for eight years. Just because you ushered peace to the kingdom, didn't mean that you knew how to keep peace.
Ghost huffed at that, clearly thinking differently. He hesitated for a few seconds before he rested his gloved hand on your knee.
"My king, you've been doing a wonderful job of ensuring the peace you've won stays. You might have been a warrior king for the past eight years, but you've had a kind heart and a heart of a peaceful king. You care about Eridies, its people," he said, rubbing his thumb against your knee. "I have no doubt you'll continue to keep the peace alive."
Your eyes flickered from his hand on your knee to his own eyes, holding eye-contact.
This man, a man you had never fully seen his face, was a steady presence by your side for the past eight years. You never went into battle without knowing he'd be covering your back, your own personal shadow. You knew him like you knew yourself, he was like a sword; an extension of yourself. You didn't know what you were like without him and you found, you didn't want to know what life was like without him by your side.
A smile graced your lips and you rested your hand on his, squeezing it gently. "You know, I think as long as I have you, I won't mind listening to the people's grievances over one farmer stealing the other's crops," you said, intending on lightening the mood.
Judging by the soft chuckle, a sound only you managed to get from him, your response had its intended effect. Ghost turned his hand over so your palms were facing each other and he could intertwine his fingers with yours.
He knew what he was doing was dangerous. He should be keeping his distance from you, but you pulled him in like no other. Every time he wanted to pull back, his heart drew closer to yours. It felt like your soul was intertwined with his, trying to come together to form a whole soul.
"I'll be by your side for as long as you need me to, my king. As long as you'll have me."
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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lnsfawwi · 5 months
CACW brainrot again cus I just rewatched the movie
when Steve dropped that shield, I think it's more than just a fuck you to Tony and CA symbol. put that scene into context: Tony said "you don't deserve that shield. my father made that shield." and they just watched the tape of the Winter Soldier murdering Howard and Maria Stark.
Steve wasn't just choosing Bucky over the Avengers, he was choosing Bucky over the past - a past he used to be unable to expel from his mind. He was a man out of time, he missed his past, his very much dead friends so much he was isolated, didn't make new friends, he visited his own museum just to see his dead old pals.
we often talk about what Peggy's death means and what Steve renouncing the shield means, but the role of Howard is often overlooked. by including HS, Steve in CACW completely cut ties with 'the good old time' that wasn't Bucky (I'd say he still misses the Howlies but they never have any recognition post catfa...). Again I think it reiterates the theme of CACW which is 1. Steve would choose Bucky over anyone (eps. some colleague he never liked) and 2. he has moved on from 'the man out of time' because he's found his home in first and foremost Bucky, and in members of team cap.
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[Image Description: Linked Spirit's Mouse and Lantern in Tears of the Kingdom inspired outfits. Mouse wears a green vest with a cream shall. The shall is hooked together by a dragon head design, beaded with brown beads and the Minish Cap Elements. He has brown long sleeves with a gold design around the forearms. He has a teal green half skirt with a tri-force cutout pattern over a cream skirt with a gold wrap. He wears brown ankle boots with a shield-like gold pattern and winged cuffs. He smiles, pointing and holding Lantern's hand. Lantern looks back at him with a smirk, one hand on her hip. She wears a blue dress with a triangle pattern cutout and a purple center 'apron' with a gold triforce design on the bottom and eye design at the top. It has dark purple off the shoulder straps and a waist sash with a blue diamond center. She has white body paint in various designs down her arms, and three marks under her eyes similar to Tears of the Kingdom Sonia. Her boots have a golden triforce symbol and a thin wing pattern. End ID]
I wanted to give them a Fancy Royal Outfit to go with me putting the CDi and Hero of Men in ancient totk era. :3
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reaper2187 · 3 months
Wanda maximoff x female reader
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Long story so prepare
Chapter 1: Unexpected Allies
The world was a kaleidoscope of conflicting ideologies, especially in the wake of the Sokovia Accords. Tensions ran high, and the Avengers, once a united front, were now divided. Team Iron Man pushed for oversight, while Team Cap fought for autonomy. In the midst of this chaotic conflict, Y/N found herself thrust into a war that demanded she choose a side.
Clint Barton, her closest ally, had dragged her into this mess. Clint knew Y/N was reluctant to engage, but he also knew that her abilities could tip the scales in their favor. As the daughter of the Seven Deadly Sins, Y/N possessed unique powers, each one a reflection of her dark lineage. Her introverted nature made her a silent storm, one that rarely spoke but acted with precision.
Standing in the shadows of an abandoned warehouse, Y/N watched Clint approach. His face was a mixture of determination and weariness.
"Y/N," Clint said, his voice a low whisper. "We need you. Stark's team is stronger, and without someone who can level the playing field, we don't stand a chance."
Y/N's gaze met his, her eyes reflecting a stormy mix of emotions. She wasn't one for words, preferring actions to speak for her. After a moment, she gave a single, resolute nod. Clint's expression softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Thank you," he said. "Let's go. The others are waiting."
As they made their way to the rendezvous point, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that this conflict was only the beginning. Little did she know, her world was about to intertwine with that of a certain Scarlet Witch.
Chapter 2: First Impressions
The abandoned airstrip was the chosen battlefield. Team Cap gathered, each member a testament to defiance against control. Steve Rogers stood at the forefront, his shield a symbol of their cause. Beside him, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, exuded a quiet strength, her eyes betraying the turmoil within.
When Y/N arrived with Clint, all eyes turned to her. The silence that followed was heavy, a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. Steve stepped forward, offering a welcoming smile.
"Y/N, right?" he asked, extending his hand.
Y/N nodded, shaking his hand firmly. Her eyes flickered to Wanda, who was watching her intently. There was something about the way Wanda looked at her, as if trying to unravel the enigma that was Y/N.
"Welcome to the team," Steve continued. "Clint speaks highly of you. We could use your help."
Y/N simply nodded again, her eyes briefly meeting Wanda's before she looked away. She felt an odd pull towards the witch, a connection she couldn't quite place.
"Y/N," Wanda said, her voice soft yet commanding attention. "It's good to have you with us."
There was an unspoken understanding in Wanda's words, a recognition of the power that both women held. Y/N responded with a small, appreciative smile, a rare expression for her.
As the team discussed their strategy, Y/N felt Wanda's presence beside her, a comforting proximity that made her feel less like an outsider. Despite the looming battle, Y/N couldn't help but feel a spark of something new and unfamiliar.
Chapter 3: Battle and Bonding
The clash was inevitable. Team Iron Man arrived, their presence a stark contrast to the rebels. The ensuing fight was a blur of motion, power, and resolve. Y/N found herself in the thick of it, her abilities creating chaos among Stark's forces. Her masculine presentation and silent demeanor made her an enigmatic figure on the battlefield, one that demanded respect and fear in equal measure.
In the midst of the chaos, Y/N found herself fighting alongside Wanda. The two women moved in sync, an unspoken synergy guiding their actions. Wanda's hexes complemented Y/N's destructive force, creating a whirlwind of power that left their opponents scrambling.
At one point, Y/N saw Vision targeting Wanda, a blast of energy aimed directly at her. Without a second thought, Y/N intercepted, her body absorbing the impact. Pain surged through her, but she stood her ground, protecting Wanda with every ounce of strength she had.
"Y/N!" Wanda's voice was filled with concern as she helped her to her feet. "Are you okay?"
Y/N nodded, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Just… focus. I'll be fine."
Wanda's eyes softened, and for a brief moment, Y/N saw a flicker of something more than concern. She felt a warmth spread through her, a strange comfort in the midst of battle.
As the fight raged on, Y/N and Wanda continued to protect each other, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. By the time the dust settled, both women were exhausted but victorious. Team Cap had managed to hold their ground, albeit at a great cost.
Chapter 4: Connection
In the aftermath, the team regrouped in a safe house. Y/N sat in a quiet corner, nursing her wounds. Her introverted nature made her a solitary figure, but she didn't mind. She preferred the silence, the calm after the storm.
Wanda approached her, a soft smile on her face. "Mind if I sit?" she asked.
Y/N shook her head, motioning for Wanda to join her. The silence between them was comfortable, a shared understanding that words were not always necessary.
"You were incredible out there," Wanda said after a while. "I've never seen anyone fight like you."
Y/N shrugged, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "Just doing my part," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Wanda's smile widened. "You're modest. But I can see the strength in you, Y/N. Both in battle and within."
Y/N looked at Wanda, her eyes searching. "You're strong too, Wanda. More than you realize."
There was a moment of silence, the air between them charged with an unspoken connection. Wanda reached out, her hand gently covering Y/N's. The touch was warm, comforting.
"Thank you," Wanda said softly. "For saving me."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, the sincerity in Wanda's words resonating deeply. "Anytime," she replied, her voice steady despite the emotions swirling within her.
As the days passed, Y/N and Wanda spent more time together, their bond growing stronger. They trained, fought, and confided in each other. Wanda found solace in Y/N's presence, a stability that anchored her in the chaos of their world. And Y/N, for the first time in a long while, felt understood and accepted.
Chapter 5: Revelation
The conflict continued, each battle bringing new challenges. But through it all, Y/N and Wanda remained steadfast, their connection a source of strength.
One night, as they sat by a crackling fire, Wanda turned to Y/N, her expression serious. "Y/N, can I ask you something?"
Y/N nodded, her gaze meeting Wanda's. "Of course."
"Your powers… they're different from anyone I've ever seen," Wanda said. "And I've seen a lot. What are they? Where do they come from?"
Y/N took a deep breath, the weight of her lineage pressing down on her. "I'm the daughter of the Seven Deadly Sins," she began, her voice steady. "Each one of them gave me a part of their power. It's… a lot to handle."
Wanda's eyes widened in surprise, but there was no judgment in her gaze, only curiosity and understanding. "That explains a lot," she said softly. "But it must be a heavy burden to bear."
"It is," Y/N admitted. "But it's also a part of who I am. I've learned to live with it."
Wanda reached out, her hand gently squeezing Y/N's. "You're not alone, Y/N. You have us. You have me."
Y/N's heart swelled with gratitude and something more. "Thank you, Wanda. That means a lot."
Their eyes met, and in that moment, the world around them faded away. There was only the two of them, a connection that transcended words and actions.
Chapter 6: Harmony
The final battle was upon them. The stakes were higher than ever, and both sides knew that this could be the end. As Y/N and Wanda prepared for the fight, they shared a moment of quiet reflection.
"No matter what happens," Wanda said, her voice filled with determination. "We'll face it together."
Y/N nodded, her resolve matching Wanda's. "Together."
The battle was fierce, each side fighting with everything they had. Y/N and Wanda moved as one, their synergy a force to be reckoned with. They protected each other, their bond a beacon of hope in the chaos.
As the dust settled and the last echoes of the battle faded, Y/N and Wanda stood victorious, their strength and unity undeniable. The conflict had taken its toll, but they had emerged stronger, their bond unbreakable.
In the aftermath, as they stood side by side, Y/N turned to Wanda, a rare smile gracing her lips. "We did it."
Wanda smiled back, her eyes shining with pride and affection. "We did."
In that moment, Y/N realized that she had found something more than just an ally in Wanda. She had found a kindred spirit, someone who understood her in ways no one else could.
And as they faced the uncertain future, Y/N knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. In the chaos of their world, they had found harmony in each other.
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turbofanatic · 6 months
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A bunch of ink studies and sketches.
I love Tiny's nose. It's so fun to draw. And I think I'm getting a handle on drawing him as a kid. He's an adorable little weirdo with a thousand-yard stare.
Ravio is another one of my favorite Zelda characters, I like the idea that he's a heavily sarcastic scam artist who also makes one of the most harrowing ethical choices ever seen in a Zelda game. While wearing a bunny hood. Also Sheerow is the most competent one on the top row.
I've been trying to figure out everyone's height in relation to each other, and wow, the downfall and adult timeline Links are tiny. To some extent with video game heights you just have to accept that getting exact values is a fool's errand. Oh sure, you can pull out the model and measure it, but then you have to account for the fact that there's lots of size multipliers applied to models that can change throughout the game, and that the entire world might not quite use the same measurements as ours, plus stylistic differences, and... yeah it's hard. It's pretty clear most Links are tiny (except Tiny, who ends up being huge canonically) and I'm going to make Ravio about 4'7" / 140cm. Since it's hard to reconcile the wide range in sizes of Hylians, I think there's just a tendency for some to be very small, just like the Gerudo have a tendency for some to be very large, and certain ethnic groups have more or less of this. The ones surviving in the harsh environments of flooded and downfall timelines tend to have more of the smaller Hylians.
In the middle we have Link from OG Zelda and Adventure of Link. He's probably even shorter than Ravio. I've given him a Phrygian cap, which is pretty cool and loaded with symbolism. I've also drawn his fairy form, and tried to keep the curly hat shape. He's green because of course, but also a little red for the color shift when he uses the shield spell.
At the bottom we have a rough idea for a shadow beast from Twilight Princess, because they were hugely influential to me and one of my favorite designs ever, though I think I have to refine this further.
Also a maneless lynel! No thoughts only big kitty.
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charcubed · 1 year
Disneyland's Rogers: The Musical, propaganda that turns Steve Rogers into more myth than man, and revisionist history (possibly) to a purpose
Any of my thoughts in this post could just be me reading too far into things. I'm very aware of that, and please know that this post exists just because this sort of thing is fun for me! This is a thought exercise where we propose "What if we live in a world where the MCU is actually doing a cool and interesting thing as a longcon?" If you have anger at Marvel, that's valid and relatable, but please don't get angry at me or imply I'm an MCU stan who doesn't think critically about the mouse. Thanks!
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Breaking news: I'm back on my bullshit!
A quick personal recap: I infamously hated Avengers: Endgame for a long list of reasons (and I even rewrote the movie). One of those reasons is that I've always taken issue with Steve's ending. But in the years since then, and as the MCU's phase 4 has evolved, my frustration at Steve's "ending" has turned into an ongoing and legitimate theory that the MCU could be slowly leading into a loosely adapted Secret Empire plot line. I know we've all been joking about Steve being trapped or about an imposter Steve since 2019, but uhhh, it's kind of not a joke to me anymore? It feels weirdly plausible at this point and so I enjoy discussing the potential.
You can find a full elaboration on that here, where I wrote out my "Steve was snatched by HYDRA" theory in 2021.
In that post, one of the things I mentioned at the time was Rogers: The Musical being in the Hawkeye trailer.
[The musical's] very existence is an example of how in-universe the stories of the lives of the heroes are being commodified, especially (in terms of how they’re framing it) for Steve’s. The heroes are no longer seen as people, if they ever were. They are, as Kate Bishop says to Clint in a recently released clip, more about “branding.” Sam Wilson will be redefining the shield moving forward in a Cap context, but simultaneously, the world is still enamored by Steve Rogers as a symbol in his own right. And that is ripe for manipulation as a Trojan horse to control public opinion… whether in the context of things like this by themselves (is the musical portraying Steve accurately, or is it painting an inaccurate picture of him the world accepts as fact?) or in future (is this propaganda that makes the public see Steve a certain way and continue to love him, to set up a fake or brainwashed Steve coming on the scene later?).
Now a form of the musical exists in full, at Disneyland and all over Youtube. Considering some of its baffling content – which I will break down below – this perspective seems even more strongly worth considering.
I have two main reasons for why I'm defending examining this musical so closely:
1. It is (arguably) an in-universe piece of media that has bearing on the MCU canon. It isn't like any other typical Disneyland attraction; its very existence is meta and it was in canon first. Obviously it's seen in Hawkeye, but there are also posters for it in several different phase 4 properties. It's lurking in the background indefinitely. So what can this musical tell us about what the wider public within the MCU is being told about the life story of Steve Rogers?
2. This Secret Empire graphic – which is animated in the center of the stage of a prolonged period of time – feels like a literal sign to pay attention.
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Granted, this is obviously still ancillary material. 99% of the MCU audience will never see this musical, whether in person or on YouTube. But just because it isn't a vital piece doesn't mean it's automatically an entirely irrelevant piece.
They've given me an inch with that sign and I'm taking a mile.
So if you're interested, please join me on this journey :)
For the record, let me just say that I salute the creative team behind this show. It's pretty fun and the songs are catchy, the sets and costuming are cool, and the cast is overall very talented.
It's also fucking maddening. LMAO.
Why? Firstly, because of the seemingly deliberate ahistorical inaccuracies. We all know Ant-Man is wrongly shown in the Battle of New York, which originally "came from [the Hawkeye showrunner] and Marvel, as something to further aggravate Hawkeye as he watched the show, and also as a comment on how movies and articles and people always get something wrong." It seems like they expanded those meta nods, but most inaccuracies are now in service of glorifying Steve and Peggy's "love story." Yes, romance objectively makes for good theater; but again, I feel that this is worth examining considering the full context.
And secondly, Steve's ending is framed as an offer presented to him, convincing him it's the happy ending he deserves because he's tired. In my mind, these two big elements go together, and I'll walk you through the details of what happens in the musical before I tie the thought threads back around into some theorizing.
For your reference, here's a list of the main songs and story beats:
• "U-S-Opening Night" - the Starkettes (who are basically a Greek chorus) frame the show's story, and then it turns into an ensemble that loosely takes place at the Stark Expo. • "I Want You" – Steve's "I want" song about trying to enlist in the army. • "Star-Spangled Man With A Plan" – Steve performing on the USO tour obviously, and then there's a reprise with an added voiceover that (very briefly) covers the Howling Commandos' rescue + the war via comic book imagery. • "What You Missed" – Fury and the Starkettes tell Steve some pop culture things he missed while he was frozen, + they tell him about the Avengers. Then Fury goes down a list of other hero characters, including the Guardians? Doctor Strange? Wanda?? It plays loose and fast with time, because many non-2012 characters are bafflingly mentioned in this nonlinear Avengers list – including the Winter Soldier (???). • "Save the City" – this is the song seen in Hawkeye, with the civilians + the Avengers all involved, but it's slightly different here and expanded to also reference other battles. • "End of the Line" – Old Steve presents main Steve with the time stone as an opportunity for his happy ending, and they reflect on things together. (Yes, this is insane.) • "Just One Dance" – Steve and Peggy reunite and sing about their love. • And then there's basically a reprise of "Save the City," with the Starkettes and the whole cast closing the finale out.
Right out of the gate, let's address this: the main reason you're going to see some fans pissed about this musical is not only that Steve and Peggy's ~epic romance~ is made a pillar of the story... but also that Bucky's importance/involvement in Steve's life is minimized as much as possible.
And they took Bucky-related elements from canon and made them center more around Peggy instead.
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• For some weird reason, Peggy is in the Stark Expo scene. When a soldier is hitting on the Starkettes ("hey sweetheart, I wanna dance!"), Steve tells the soldier to show the ladies some respect. The soldier grabs Steve and throws him down, and then Peggy swoops in to yell "Pick on someone your own size!" and punches the guy before walking away. So she's given Bucky's TFA line verbatim, and she is given the role he had of saving Steve from bullies. There is blatantly no reason they couldn't have had Bucky still serve that function and be truer to "history," because he briefly enters this scene in uniform less than a minute later to announce he's shipping out to the 107th – and then he spins off with a date on his arm. (We don't see Bucky on stage again until the full cast comes out for the finale!)
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• After the Star-Spangled Man show, Peggy rushes in to talk to Steve. Steve is excited about his USO performance (???) but she urgently tells him to listen as she says that the 107th has been captured. Peggy apparently knows it's Bucky's division, and she knows Steve is going to go, so she tells him that she's already arranged transport for him. This is a subtle twist from the truth of how it went down in TFA, in which Steve recognized 107 as the number of Bucky's division, and his dogged determination inspired Peggy to relent and help his rescue mission. Here, Peggy is given a stronger role in the Cap origin story. And before Steve rushes off, Peggy sings a short untitled ballad hoping for their dance, so Steve pauses before he leaves to ask her to go on a date with her when he returns. • The most egregious Bucky-to-Peggy change of all is the song "End of the Line," in which the infamous Steve and Bucky line/promise (that broke Bucky's brainwashing...) is re-contextualized to be about ???? Peggy waiting for Steve in the past??? Old Man Steve and regular Steve sing it together. But we'll go back to that in a minute.
Again, I get it, yeah? It's for theater. Whatever. But in reality, the obvious logical truth is that Peggy is centered (to the point of taking elements from Bucky's story, and in turn Bucky is downplayed) because they needed to convince the audience that Steve going back in time to be with her makes sense. Steve's time travel ending had to be justified, so the Peggy and Steve "love story" had to be a pillar in this with everything else being given lesser weight.
And the inherent selfishness of him doing something as big as going back in time also had to be justified... which is why they do their best to convince you Steve fought so much he deserved it.
Let me elaborate on that by describing the lead-up to the "End of the Line" song.
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So, right before "End of the Line" is "Save the City" – which includes Steve belting "I can do this all day!" repeatedly, of course. It's the 2012 Battle of New York as the Avengers come together to win.
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As they begin to disperse, the song then transitions to a voiceover alert mentioning Sokovia being under attack by artificial intelligence (a.k.a. Age of Ultron). The Avengers group rushes back to center stage to say "Save the city! Help us win!" together for battle again.
And then things get fucking weird.
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Because the next voiceover threat is "Washington DC. Attack: the Winter Soldier." This is not accurate to the order of events! The Winter Soldier events were before Age of Ultron; the public of the MCU would also know this.
And suddenly on stage Steve is now in the center while everyone else gestures to him. Instead of singing with him, they're telling him "Save the city! Help us win!"
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Then, another voiceover: "Wakanda, under attack" (Infinity War) and again, Steve is centered while everyone else points to him. The ensemble says, "Save the city, help us win! Save us all from the state we're in! Got to hear you, got to hear you, got to hear you say..." as Steve is buckling to his knees under their pointing. And as the lights go down to one spotlight on him and everyone else leaves, he says "I can do this all day" one last time, but now it's subdued.
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The implication is that Steve has been fighting and fighting, people leave him or he loses them, and he's tired.
And then fucking Old Man Steve arrives.
He says "On your left," because yes, they gave him Sam Wilson's line. BATSHIT.
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So now there's two Steves on stage! There has been no mention of Thanos or infinity stones or anything up to this point! (I can only assume that's because in the MCU universe no one would want to be reminded of the trauma of "the Blip" – though it's pretty wild that they're allowed to know about magical time travel?)
Steve is baffled by Old Man Steve's arrival. I, too, was baffled by Old Man Steve's arrival.
As Steve questions how this is possible, Old Man Steve shows him the time stone from his pocket – and only the time stone – which Steve recognizes.
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OLD MAN: "You've got to remember where you've been to know where you're going." STEVE: "Where am I going?" OLD MAN: "A date with destiny." STEVE: “Destiny. So we’re the hero till the end?” OLD MAN: “That’s the thing about endings, Steven. They can be rewritten.”
Steve starts singing about how he hopes this means they "win" and calls himself a "tired hero."
STEVE: "But sometimes I wonder, who will save the savior? Can we really do this all day? So here I am, now and also then. Just a man, looking back at where he's been." OLD MAN: "The road is rough but wounds are healed by a thing called time. You can't forget what's waiting at the end of the line."
Me, watching this: the fact that he says this out of the blue makes absolutely no sense.
There's a bit more singing, including "end of the line" repetition, and then Old Man Steve pulls out the time stone to essentially show visions of... I don't fucking know. Past, present, and future?
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That's pre-serum Steve, Steve with Mjolnir, and Sam Wilson as the new Cap. This is the only reference to Sam in the whole thing.
More singing, and then: Peggy's silhouette.
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OLD MAN: "Can't forget who's waiting..." STEVE: "I can't forget who's waiting..." BOTH: "Don't forget who's waiting..." STEVE: "At the end of the line."
At this point I'm like, what in the hell?
Did Old Man Steve just brainwash normal Steve into thinking "end of the line" is now about Peggy? Because uhhhh, sorry, that's what it feels like!
Then Steve uses the stone to go back in time, reunites with Peggy, etc. etc. finale.
It's truly some crazy shit.
[drags hands down face]
Look... there's a lot to unpack here, and there's a lot that gets me about it. I know this is dramatized for the stage! I KNOW! But the fact that Old Man Steve shows up to convince Steve he should go back in time makes me want to gnaw on furniture.
Another person essentially uses the lure of a life with Peggy to tempt Steve into doing this, dramatized or not. That is how it's framed.
It's a hell of a way to frame it, and it makes Steve's ending stand in even starker contrast to so many other things in phase 4. Desperately trying to go backwards when you shouldn't or to bring back a lost lover is an evil temptation, and it results in a trap or negative cosmic consequences for basically all of the other characters in the MCU.
• In Shang-Chi, Wenwu is tempted by the Soul Eaters beyond the Dark Gate. They use the voice of his deceased wife to convince him to set them free. • In "What If" episode 4, Doctor Strange becomes evil in a desperate bid to save Christine and he destroys his universe. Along the way, he tries to tempt/trap the good Strange who's fighting him by using visions of Christine, but good Strange knows she isn't real. • Wanda's grief and desire to bring back Vision leads to – well, you know. • In No Way Home, Peter trying to undo things is what causes the multiverse problems.
And the fact that they frame it as Steve being tired, so basically the argument is he deserves that time travel ending (just like MCU fans who defend Endgame say in real life)... Well.
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There's no way to make it hold up, especially because in "What If" they explicitly subverted that and had Captain Carter not go back in time despite how she felt she'd "earned" it.
Lastly, in this musical as Steve decides to pursue time travel as his course of action, he basically has the meaning or memory of "end of the line" rewritten for him. I refuse to not think that is some nefarious shit. Yes, it's not out of the realm of possibility that it's just some general Disney erasing Steve and Bucky nonsense.
But... this is on another level to me. I do think that it's a blatant choice that they had to be aware even general MCU fans would call bullshit on. Everyone knows it's inaccurate. "End of the line" is embedded in pop culture consciousness as being connected to Bucky. It just is! Surely that means it's not a stretch to theorize it could be deliberate meta commentary.
How, in the MCU world, would the in-universe playwrights even know the phrase "end of the line"? How the fuck would it be accidentally applied to Steve and Peggy? Not to sound like a crazy person, but who the fuck was rooting around in Steve and/or Bucky's personal business or their brains in order to obtain that knowledge and then remix it, and why? Neither of them would flippantly mention it in the public eye or interviews ever. So where did its inclusion come from?
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And in the finale ensemble, this is Bucky's line when he comes out on stage and salutes + points to Steve: "Don't forget who's waiting..." And Old Man Steve completes it with "...at the end of the line."
What on God's green earth am I meant to do with THAT?
The vibes are fucked, folks.
The MCU public wouldn't know enough to say the vibes are fucked. The MCU public wouldn't know the origin of "end of the line" as a phrase. But us? The ones who know the "true story" via the movies? We can call bullshit.
Whether the creative team behind this musical did every aspect of this consciously or not, in my opinion the fact that they had to tweak canon "history" to A) make Peggy's involvement in Steve's life more central and B) emphasize Steve as a tired hero all works as commentary on and almost a condemnation of Endgame's frustrating ending. In a way, it's also what Endgame did with the compass and 1973 moment with Peggy as well.
Steve's ending had to be convincing.
It's theater.
And so, maybe the same is true for the in-narrative perspective of this musical in the context of the MCU world. What purpose would it serve to tell the MCU public a feel-good narrative about how all Steve Rogers wanted was to no longer be a tragic man out of time and get to make a life with his best girl? To frame it as being about how he fought so hard for years and so he earned a happy ending? To minimize and nearly erase Bucky's importance in his life?
Who would want to do that sort of propaganda, and why?
The MCU civilians are given this happy explanation and maybe don't widely question it. Who cares about the details or logistics if it makes a good story, I guess. It's a stretch, but maybe they mostly applaud it. Maybe they're happy for "America's favorite son" (not unlike people who uncritically liked Endgame). In a way, it's even a rehabilitation of his image (after the Accords) like putting the shield on the Statue of Liberty. And maybe they'd even be ready and waiting to applaud if Steve ever made a dramatically selfless and de-aged return to the spotlight or a position of authority.
But mostly, the public is being conditioned to not know or to forget that anyone else like Bucky Barnes or Sam Wilson would possibly know Steve Rogers the person well enough in the modern day to call bullshit on any of this – or on his hypothetical miraculous future return.
So. Sure, it's probably nothing.
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But what if it's not?
UPDATE: @faeriecap added to this post with some incredible information and further behind-the-scenes context about the MCU/Marvel stuff at Disney parks! Check it out here :)
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tomoeakatsuki · 17 days
The thing that sounds strange to me is: Bucky was a sweet boy - in the First Avenger, in Civil War, in Infinity War and in Endgame. By sweet boy I mean he was always smiling, yeah mocking a little Steve (but mostly in the First Avenger), but in general he was gentle and he wouldn't hurt a fly. Like, in Civil War, he tries to avoid as much as possible as direct fight, knowing that otherwise the Winter Soldier would get the best over him - like when they're in Romania, and the germans attack his apartament, and he have to fight them face to face, Steve says "we're trying not to kill them" because in that moment is the WInter Soldier fighting, not Bucky. And the famous scene in Infinity War - "Where's the fight?" -. He's tired of fighting, but he fights anyway (by the way, this scene is been already analyzed by a lot of people so I don't go further on it). And when he sees Steve again, he's that sweet boy again, all smile and rough hug. He's the same even in Endgame, in wich - comfirmed in TFATWS - he already knew what Steve was gonna do.
Then, why in TFATWS he has this rage? I know he's pissed that Sam gave away the shield, but he isn't only pissed for it. If it's for the new world, he could ha kept on living in Wakanda, where he seemed in peace with everything. Then why he returned to the USA? And the whole pardon thing by the Government about him and Sam - because, Nat is dead and they made her a martyrdom for the cause, and so Steve, even if apparently they don't say that he's dead (the scene where a fan asks Sam if it's true that Steve is on the moon) - sounds strange. I get it for Sam, he has the shield, so given that the Government wants to have control on the shield and all it symbolizes, but Bucky is knew for being the Winter Soldier, an assassin - and also Cap's best friend, but more for being an assassin. So what, they want an asset, ready to the use - this is a possible theory for the Thunderbolts (ex criminals being underground hero) -?
What it's understable is why he's pissed at Sam, and that's clearly explained in the series. And, probably he's pissed because he's alone, he don't know what to do with his life - therapy sessions don't help, because the only goal of Dr. Raynor is to get him back to work in the fastest way possible, so it's a point in favor to the Government wanting him as an asset.
So really, I don't know. That's that sudden change in six month and it isn't explained properly. And now there's Thunderbolts, in which he's again in another context and with different people - like, can this man have a peaceful life? (but probably, surely, he's like Steve: he can't stay still.)
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captainwidowspring · 8 months
An excerpt from my Captain America music paper, for I just made a seriously disgusting discovery:
"The other appearance of the breaking-up-of-the-Avengers theme is during the Siberia fight, where it is played twice. The first time it plays is when Friday tells Tony, “You can’t beat [Steve] hand to hand,” and it continues as Tony tells Friday to analyze his fight pattern and she does it, up until Friday says, “Countermeasures ready,” and Tony grabs Steve’s shield. The second time it plays is shortly after Steve disables Tony’s suit, and shortly before Steve, exhausted and injured, slides off Tony’s suit and onto the ground; this plays until Steve helps Bucky off the ground and starts to walk away with him. Now, as the previous use of the Avengers-breakup theme helps show that Civil War was more of an Avengers movie than a Cap movie, this use actually happens to show how the film is more of an Iron Man movie than either of those other two. For considering that the theme was obviously meant to have the most impact after Steve broke the arc reactor, the fact that it first shows up a little before then is quite notable: and when exactly it shows up is very revealing. It first appears when Tony does not exactly have the upper hand (though Steve is doing no damage despite pummeling Tony’s suit), but then it stops when Friday allows Tony to get the upper hand over Steve and seriously hurt him, and then it resumes again when Steve is able to thwart Tony and disable his suit.
Such use of the music that symbolizes the Avengers team splintering seems to be the movie implying that if Tony had won the fight, whatever fracture the Avengers were experiencing would be less severe, but it is solidified now that Steve won the fight. Now, this is very much not true, as the entire Siberia fight was literally Tony trying to kill Bucky because he was upset, while Bucky tried to avoid this and Steve defended Bucky: and while Tony did some really despicable things throughout the movie, successfully killing Bucky and/or Steve while he was having a temper tantrum is something he would never be able to come back from. But considering the lengths the movie went to to try to make it seem like Tony was justified in doing this and not acting monstrously, it is not surprising that these fraudulent efforts extended to the music. And curiously, the Avengers-breakup theme does not play when Tony provokes Steve into dropping the shield, even though that is much more symbolic of the Avengers breaking up than Steve preventing Tony from killing him and Bucky. But that, too, might have painted Tony in a bad light, and the movie avoided such a thing at all costs. Civil War is seriously messed up."
Truly, the more one examines this mockery of a Captain America film, the more it becomes clear just how thoroughly rotten this movie is, and how it is most definitely not Cap 3.
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ilprinciperosso · 2 years
As promised I’m gonna try and translate the article (the link is in my previous post), it’s gonna be hard ‘cause it was basically an in between of journalism and poetry about Charles’ relationship with Ferrari 😂
“He doesn’t have a world championship to his name, he doesn’t have the safety of a solid team that knows how to keep stability, he doesn’t have the certainty of a glorious future and neither the Ferrari’s first driver mark on his red suit. But there’s something only Charles has. And it’s what is outside of Maranello’s fences.
Shaky hands, caps to be autographed, big flags and cellphones to take pictures are what stick out from the fence dividing Fiorano circuit from the public. It’s cold, the 2023 season hasn’t started yet and who’s there, pressed behind the fences of an almost empty circuit, hasn’t travelled from far away to enjoy a Sunday race. There are no podiums, championship fights, overtakes, crashes, there isn’t the usual f1 adrenaline.
In this end of January day in Fiorano there’s only a test, one of the 3 test sessions given to Ferrari, livening up the track. The rumble of the SF21, driven by Charles Leclerc for 123 laps. The shivering cold tifosi are all there for him, squeezing into the best spot to record what, for the monegasque, it’s no more than a training session after the winter break. Some of them were there the previous day too, to watch Carlos’ test, but the crowd today is visibly bigger.
When he sees them Charles looks like the young man he is, a 25 years old who only ever had one dream: to wear the color red and Maranello symbol, to feel the myth he grew up with and to try, with all the dedication he’s known for, to let the tifosi feel and love the myth too. To thank the tifosi for being there in the cold, the whole day, Leclerc does donuts on the track and then runs towards the fences separating him from the public. He signs autographs, caps, flags and T-shirts.
Leclerc lights up in front of the people, as if he was finding there the dream of driving for Ferrari, in the hopeful eyes of those tifosi. As if the hardships of a not so peaceful coexistence with the team the previous season were smoothed over by the presence of tifosi and a shared dream: to bring the championship back to Maranello.
And it’s right in front of those fences that it’s clear how lucky Leclerc is. He doesn’t have, contrary to his life long rival Verstappen, 2 championships to his name to shield him from his insecurities, telling him he’s been the best and he can get back to being the best too. He doesn’t have a solid and steady team like Russell, who grew up within Mercedes and always had a guide in the protective and charismatic figure of Toto Wolff.
Charles is the glue holding Ferrari together, he knows this. After Binotto’s departure from the team and Vasseur’s arrival he was left as the reference figure for tifosi, made as a lightning rod, scrutinised by the press and the tifosi.
He doesn’t even have, for now, the certainty of being Ferrari’s first driver, contrary to other teams that clearly stated who’s the driver they want to win the championship with. “It’s gonna be decided on track” said Vasseur in his first press conference. He said that, contrary to what happen in 2022, Ferrari will have a first driver, but it will have to be Charles, grown up in red in the FDA, to show again he deserves to be.
Charles doesn’t have any certainty that he’ll realise his life long dream. He could end his career without having managed to become a world champion, but he could also rewrite Scuderia Ferrari’s history and bring the championship back to Maranello. But he has, among all of that he’s missing, something impossible not to see.
Charles Leclerc has been a catalyst for Ferrari, he got to the team very young, charismatic both in his wins and his losses, holder of memorable wins - one above all Monza 2019 - and with a personality just perfect for the scuderia, within which he found the answer he was looking for.
Even more pressure, sure. Even more expectations and risks for the monegasque everybody wants to see on the highest step of the podium. For the young man who lost a lot during his life, who learnt to be all heart first, then mind second, who found himself as the fulcrum of a very complex reality, such as Ferrari.
It’s a difficult role the one he has to play, but it gives him a power nobody else has. Those hands sticking out from Fiorano fences in a winter testing day, the crowd welcoming him in Monza, Imola, Maranello, Monaco and all over the world.
Him, monegasque all heart and dreams, without certainty or championships, has something that’s only his. And that’s the starting point for this 2023 season.”
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allthedoorsareopennow · 10 months
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ok top left. brian is the oracle of delphi, of course in greek mythology the most prominent oracle
bottom left. for some reason the goddess artemis’ name seems to have been misspelled as artimes? I have no idea why. artemis is the olympian that features in actea and lyssa.
bottom right. seems to suggest marius’ lecture will take place in the aristotle institute - aristotle is a famous greek philosopher (among other things, grouped loosely as a polymath)
top right. as you likely know, these are military dog tags, usually intended to allow for the identification of corpses. an enomotarch is the commander of an enotomy, a division of 25-36 soldiers, bound together by oath. this seems to be a term originating in Sparta.
middle right. tipple seems to be a term for alcohol, consistent with the bottle top the term appears on. the toy soldier seems to have made its own liquor brand while in the city. (perhaps DB stands for dionysus bacchus, the greek and roman names respectively for the god of alcohol?)
right. a coin is shown, on one side reading ‘to speed the/journey down’. this likely is about the belief that the ferryman (charon) who takes the dead souls across the river acheron and into the underworld must be paid. virgil’s aeneid claims that if the deceased cannot afford to pay the ferryman, they must wander the shores of the styx (another underworld river, in some stories providing the same function as the acheron) for one hundred years before they are allowed to cross into the underworld. thus having this coin to give the ferryman would literally speed the journey down into the underworld in greek mythology. also depicted on this side is the logo of the acheron. on the other side of the coin is featured a headshot of ashes, with the text ‘a penny’ above (the smallest british unit of currency). I cannot discern the text below.
background. the blueprint for the aegis, which in homer’s iliad is a device carried by athena pr zeus, interpreted as either an animal skin or a shield, sometimes featuring the head of a gorgon, that symbolises protection.
the text on the left appears to read as follows:
‘…[ti]tanium…n for the…ens district…[lig]htning rod
‘spikes - they look badass
‘Durable Ti core
Ti is the chemical symbol for titanium. also depicted is a uranium fission reaction. a moderator is something else that is needed in a fission reactor core, so this must be a design for a fission reactor. ‘enriched to 90%’ refers to the uranium - uranium-235 is the most fissile isotope, so the more U-235 you have, the more fission you can achieve. for context, reactors often use uranium enriched to 3.5-4.5% - 90% is overkill by a long way for energy generation purposes. my guess is that this reactor core is designed to provide huge amounts of energy to operate sone kind of lightning device, likely intended for zeus (the god of lightning). it is signed by athena and raphaella la cognizi.
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another acheron coin is shown. I'm not really sure what’s happening in most of this one.
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more acheron coins and a half-visible toy soldier’s tipple bottle cap. the focus of this picture is a torn and blood-splattered coaster for Calypso’s, the bar from which the suits kidnapped ulysses.
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now this is more like it
a zeus coin is depicted, showing five credits - presumably the official currency of the city
there is a gambling chip bearing the name hermes, perhaps referencing his role as a trickster god
the guitar pick is stamped with the name apollo, the greek god of music and song.
there is a fragment of a newspaper cover - we will get more shots of this later.
the emblem of poseidon is shown to be a trident, a weapon poseidon is often depicted as wielding, representing his status as god of the sea.
wow I wonder what name is on that card it’s mostly blocked I wonder if the next will have the name..
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so that’s presumably an ID card for a security guard, whose name we can now see is Anippe ?aiad. Anippe in greek mythology is the egyptian daughter of the river god nilus, and is thus a naiad, so the name on the card is Anippe Naiad. I can find little information about her, other than that heracles killed her son.
we also get a look at ulysses here, the the text ‘//ALL POINTS FUGITIVE ALERT//‘ above their mugshot.
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the text on the ulysses info that seems to be on some kind of old tablet reads
this seems to be putting a bounty of ‘DR-25000’ (presumably a currency?) on ulysses’ head for the theft of the eye of the cyclops.
more newspaper.. shall we take a closer look?
across four different images, here is the newspaper:
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The City Oracle Telephone Number
292 West Hector Stree[t]
(columns on right):
Oedipus Rex, the doctor hailed as a hero after successfully curing the disease ravaging the sublevel slums, has been revealed to have been married to his own mother for the last eight years, in what is being hailed as the social scandal of the decade.
Mr. Rex previously claimed to have grown up in one of the City's most troubled orphanages. However, a source within the Acheron has claimed that Teiresias, one of the network's most trusted interfaces, revealed his true origins yesterday.
“I didn’t know,” Oedipus told The Oracle, “I’d always believed my parents to be dead. I had no way of knowing they were even alive, let alone…”
Oedipus’ wife and mother, Jocasta Rex, has been unavailable for comment. She was last seen boarding a transport line to Outer Thebes, an area known for the number of suicides it attracts.
It is known she had been married once before to Laius, Mayor of one of the Thebian districts at the centre of the Sphinx epidemic. It was repoterd that he disappeared shortly before the announcement of the cure, under circumstances described by City PD as ‘suspicious’.
The City High Court finally came to a ruling today in the case of Heracles, the notorious figure at the centre of the murder trial which has gripped the City for the last four weeks.
Heracles, who worked for the House of Zeus as head security for fifty years before resigning under unknown circumstances last Theozenios, was found not guilty of the brutal slaying and dismemberment of his wife and two children.
According to sources familiar with the case, he was found lying unconscious in his home, surrounded by the bodies of his family, holding in his hand what was at first thought to be the murder weapon. However, forensic evidence regarding the blade was judged to have been inadmissible, and his insistence he was defending his family from an attacker swayed the jury.
Heracles has been unable to identify the assailant against which he was struggling. This is not the first time Heracles has been involved in accusations of violence. Rumours persist that he may have been the infamous “Thunderbolt of Zeus” while working with the company, despite no connection ever being proven between the Olympian patriarch and the unknown hitman.
Delphi and the oracle are referenced several times.
A drachma is a greek unit of currency, hence why I have guessed that as the unit of price for the newspaper.
Teiresias, the one referenced as revealing Oedipus’ parentage, is a blind prophet of Apollo from Thebes, known for clairvoyance and being transformed into a woman for several years. he is referenced as being one of the first brains volunteered into the acheron in the fiction, and holds and manages all the knowledge of the acheron.
Theoxenia seems to be a descriptor for greek mythology stories in which characters show benevolence and hospitality to strangers who turn out to be disguised deities capable of reward. These stories encourage people to treat anyone they meet as potential disguised divinity.
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another oracle of delphi ad, the corner of the newspaper, and part of hades’ file on oedipus..
TRANSCRIPT BEGINS (pencil markings in orange)
Name: Oedipus Rex not given surname
Occupation: Doctor (Retired) Disgraced
Age: 52 No records- abandoned at birth. Estimate Height: 5’10” Weight: 132l[b]
Hair: Chestnut Eyes: N/A self-blind[ed]
District: Thebes
Abandoned by wealthy but paranoid parents at birth. Olympians secret[ly] pulled strings, used him as poster [child] for failing orphanage scheme. Notab[le] for successfully researching the cause/[…] for the Sphinx - exceptional intel[ligence] shown. Worthy candidate for "Trial [by] Wits". Currently seeking to leave T[he] City after publicised patricide and maternal relations; will likely pla[…] ball given ample funding. EXPLOIT
the tab at the side reads WITS. as well as oedipus’ fingerprints, there is a dirty handprint in the top right of the document. the newspaper appears to be stained with rings of tea or coffee.
at first I thought the photo of oedipus featured in hades’ document was this one, but it doesn’t quite match. it’s a good photo anyway.
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gunpowder tim’s dog tags from earlier are visible at the base of the photo again. A different part of Oedipus’ file is shown, showing a handprint and the start of a date on the photo of Oedipus, beginning 08/12. a map is shown too, with crosses through two locations and a circle around another. from what I can see the streets seem to mostly have fairly generic names.
sadly I have now reached image limit. when I have made the next post, I will link it here.
update I realised some of the stuff guessing cut off words and such that I did is pointless because the full documents for a bunch of them are in the goddamn cd book thing. and I kind of can’t be bothered to finish cause it feels like half the stuff I did was pointless. if you would be interested say so and maybe I will do more. but otherwise. nah
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sciderman · 11 months
the only mcu thing i can kinda get behind is iron man is fucking dead
god, you know, my relationship with the mcu really shifted over time - i remember really loving the first iron man movie and - honestly, from a filmmaking standpoint, it's still a really good movie (probably the mcu's best - it's just. really well-made, and fresh, and predates all the quickly established marvel formula that all the following movies just spiral into) - but i kind of can't enjoy it anymore now that i'm kind of - so hyper-aware now of all the miltary-glorification that kind of pervades the entirety of the mcu. there's this glorification of american interventionism and it's - naturally, not something i pick up on as a kid, and think "HEHE guy in cool robot suit!! he's a hero!!" - looking back on it now, the entirety of the mcu is sullied by this - and this kind of - obsession with tony stark. and how he's vindicated in death. he was right. we need armour to protect the world. we need child soldiers, and suits with insta-kill protocols.
kind of - everything bad in the marvel universe is caused by tony stark inadvertently? and it carries onto peter parker, too. peter parker also, never at any point in the movies, saves people that he didn't put in danger in the first place. i think the same can be said about tony. that's the thing - if you carry a gun, you're not making the place safer. the place is less safe now because you brought a gun there.
i think all forgiveness for tony should've been revoked after ultron - he should have been imprisoned. an entire nation of people almost died because of him. but he gets vindicated. because his "intentions" were "good"? and i guess he makes a good gun next time (vision) and he's redeemed in death. he's like, this saviour figure. i KNOW marvel is hoping most people won't question it, and just take it at face value - he's wearing a cool suit. kids buy action figures of him. he's the good guy. like he isn't actually directly responsible for like, 90% of all the deaths in the mcu and like, the supervillain origin story of practically every villain on earth.
maybe i'll always be team cap - solely for the symbolism of his weapon of choice being a shield, rather than a gun.
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captainpikeachu · 4 months
we don’t talk enough tbh about how John never sold out Sam and Bucky about them breaking Zemo out of jail even after they broke his arm and took the shield from him
sure the Wakandans returned Zemo and didn’t make a fuss about it, but John could have made it public about what Sam and Bucky did and it would have created distrust from everyday folks in Sam as the new Cap and it would have affected Bucky’s pardon status
even if the Wakandans managed to smooth everything out, there still would have been initial outcry and drama that made things difficult for Sam and Bucky, and John could have used that to take the heat off of himself or use it as payback
but he doesn’t do that, it doesn’t even occur to him to do that
and instead in the end, he chooses to help Sam and Bucky save people — he lets go of the shield (symbolically) and accepts Sam as Cap
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