#cant stress enough how much she wasnt expected to be there
pinkyjulien · 1 year
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT Actually I'm going to share my fresh, sleep-deprived thoughts that I wrote yesterday- or more like, this morning gfhhgf bear with me cause I was loosing it :>
⚠ Heavy spoilers under read more!
As a heads up as to why the formating is all weird, this was sent to a friendo who worked on PL :3 Did a list of things that stuck to me in those 4-5 first hours right before falling asleep! I stoped at the little hideout with Myers, didn't met Reed or Kurt or MrHands or Anybody elses yet really 👁👄👁✋ taking my sweet time with it!
The start : I LOVED the glitchy holocall with songbird, it set the tone immediately
God walking up to the gate and seeing all those cars and npcs waiting to enter- THE BIT with the cops who cant go in ?? omg loved it, again its such a tiny thing that set the tone right up
Songbird introduction oh my goddddddd…. HGJG I love HER SHE'S SO COOL… When she was like "were going to crash so I woobled into your relic" I was???? Ok so How and What and What and What UH… Also I can see why people won't like her, already just cause she mute Johnny and isnt a Samurai fan fhdjbqg BUT I PERSONALLY REALLY LIKE IT
Dogtown itself???? Holyshit. Like, I remember dev saying that Night City itself was a character, the main character even, and they nailed it hardcore with Dogtown too- all of the civilians are fucking so memorable too??? how good the random crowd npcs look as well!! Its a glowup from vanilla and it shows (special kudos to the netrunner kid vendor, and the flame thrower elbow guy and his little dance ghdjs)
I wheezed when trying the AR googles HGKHQ
The crash : God. Even tho I knew what was going to happen, the amount of chills I had during that scene!! It reminded me of one of my favorite DLC from Mass Effect 3, Citadel, there is a scene where Shepard eat shit and fall through a big aquarium / building and is truly alone, hurt and all- gave me the same vibes of "the world is too big, too Much and I'm just one Guy" ??? It got me so hookt, god. ALSO THE TITLE POPING??? UUUGGGHHH. GOD.
Rush to the crash, the sneaking to the ship and getting Myers got me Alert and excited
Escorting Myers feels nice cause she's not useless, she knows how to handle herself (DUH!) but I mean her A.I as a NPC, I like that she also sneak attack on ennemies when you do, like Jackie did
Part I had struggle with was the Driving Myers to the Garage bits, was getting frustrated- I love driving in FPP but with this car, in those streets and in this stressful situation YUOOOCK it wasnt IT FHFJJG switched to TPP and managed after a few tries UwU
OK GOD. The museum- amazing visuals and lore crumbs ofc BUT THE CHIMERA???? HELLO???????? THEY FUCKING POPPED OFF. I havent felt this stressed on a boss battle in FOREVER! Funny enough it reminded me of my first time against Nefarious from Ratchet and clank 3, and its positive HKGJ I was a wee kid back then and its my favorite game from the ratchet serie (which is my favorite console serie tbh) and it made me so nostalgic of that time??? REALLY Comf, really challenging, I shat myself.
District itself is FUCKING INSANE. Of course, it looks amazing, the sound design, the VIBES- I thought everything was already done in night city, how much different nuance of CyberPunk can you do when you already have such a big city with such different districts?? but dogtown is so different and yet fit perfectly
I LOVE. THE. NOMAD DIALOGUE OPTIONS… One of my big "fear" was being left out of the fun cause yeah Nomads really just have the badlands kinda hfjdjg but!!! I already been fed from the few choices I had, especially the one when cutting out the tracker from Myers neck, mentioning the uhh ritual thing, I was !!!!!!! AAAAAH FOOD FOR THOUGHTS AND ROTS I LOVE IT
talking about Nomads I LOVE THE DIVERSITY in the new garments!! Had a lot of corpo and barghest armor loot at the start, so I didnt expected to see some cool denim harnesses, practical jeans and worker gears OwO Excited to see more cause AZHHHGFH
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floshav · 2 years
nerdy!draco malfoy x fem!reader
are you alright? pt. 1
a touch of angst
fluffy goodness
sad reader
concerned draco
1,477 words
this is not exactly canon draco? maybe some aspects but yeah basically him but nerdy and awkward cuz i find that hot 😭 (this is my first ever fanfic on here so be kind aha) i hope you enjoy!
y/n rubbed her eyes open to be met with darkness still casted over her room. She expected it to be bright out by now but she quickly realised it was one of those days where she might’ve had a lil bit too much of coffee than she shouldve.
Despite needing the rest, she was glad she drank that extra cup of coffee because she couldn’t bare falling asleep again. the feeling of cold sweat trickling down her body and that aching sensation in her head but especially since sleep was always just another way of transport into the hellish nightmares she was experiencing lately.
She tumbled around in the dark over a few things, sharp and blunt while trying to get herself composed for the day that was to begin in… ah yes another 4 hours. She wasn’t the type to laze around because it would always end up with her getting anxious or stressed that she wouldn’t have enough time to do a certain thing, so with that she immediately “accio’d” her clothing and put them on while patting herself down. She didn’t bother to shower considering it was winter and she didn’t really care about what others thought of her odour anyway.
Stacked on the side of her desk was a pile of old books gathered from the library which have been worn out to a concerning degree. She decided it would be good to catch up on some work before one of Snapes potion classes because she hated the idea of getting humiliated in front of everyone just for some unfinished questions she forgot to line on her parchment (a very specific event if i may add).
Just as the ink touched her paper for the 2nd time, she remembered. She remembered how awful today was going to be, not because she had an insufficiency of friends or that her days were always just methodically lonely but because today was the start of letter week.
Letter week was basically another way of smacking y/n in the face with a “Hey! You’re lonely, come look at other people thrive in the departments of love and friendship!!” by the exchange of letters between two anonymous students. Sure y/n didn’t mind it, but being in a room filled with love struck teens definitely didn’t make it easy for her.
She would always hear some reading their letters aloud or shoving their letters in her face even if she refused to look at them, she would still be forced to read them or a hex would come her way. She couldn’t do anything about the bullying because there was always something her classmates would use as blackmail against y/n.
Suddenly y/n felt a giant slam on her desk making her and the books slightly jolt from the desk for a mere millisecond.
“Look who we have here.. Trying to drown your sorrows with studying are we? Because you aren’t good at anything else? Or maybe it’s because you’re so unlikeable that you cant pull anyone during letters wee-“ Y/n heard the voice of a fimiliar yet annoying siren which made her want to turn her body inside out. It was of course from one of her roommates. She didn’t even bother to hear the rest of the incredulous insult before storming out the door glad she got ready early.
The hallways were empty and filled with moonlight draping across the floors lighting up the light dust particles which floated around effortlessly throughout the corridor.
She felt hot tears trickle down her red cheeks as she tried to contain herself from loosing all senses. But it was no use, her vision was too blurry that it was hard to make out what she was about to bump into.
she just prayed and hoped it was a professor, even a wall seemed welcoming at the moment. Just anything but getting caught by a prefect this early in the dawn.
Just as she was hoping so hard it wasnt someone, she bumped into a pale looking boy who had been holding a lamp lit up by a soft fire which danced around in the holder.
“Excuse me? What are you doing this early in the corridors?” The soft yet smooth voice inquired now having a concerned yet irritated look in his face.
“i could ask the same to you too Malfoy.” she spat now looking at the last person she would want to bump into, even mr filch was looking right about better at this point.
“I’m a prefect.” He spat back softly whilst visibly clutching onto the lamp ever so slightly harder that his knuckles turned white.
“Oh yea.. you’re one of those.” she utters back just above a whisper while rolling her dark eyes.
“You still haven’t answered my question on why you’re here.” he spits back annoyed with a blank yet suave expression.
“Well i- uhm- “ she takes a deep breath to compose herself under his stare before continuing “I’m on an early mornin stroll ya see.” she says ecstatically while looking around the corridors trying to avoid eye contact.
“Mhm… Sure.” he says in a fake skeptical voice obviously knowing that’s not what you’re here for.
“Darcy giving you a hard time again? You know i can just talk to he-“ Before he could finish that sentence, she cuts him off.
“No! i-it’s not Darcy. Why would you think it’s darcy anyway? That stupid little bit-“ She cut herself off with a breath before she could rant about how annoying she was for decades.
“The last time your roommates gave you problems i found you walking down this exact same hallway.. except it wasn’t before school hours because you were a goody two shoes back then.. apparently. Oh and you had that exact expression.” He says matter of factly while staring her dead in the eyes. If looks could kill, she would definitely be dead with several markings on the floor.
“What expression? And i was never a goody two shoes for your information.” She says with an annoyed tone while emphasising the very last part of her sentence.
“That- i don’t know… That sad hopeless tear trembling face like you just got bullied into oblivion. Oh, and you look quite petty and lonely.” He chuckled before swinging his arm over her shoulder
she jumped slightly at the contact of his long slender fingers that were loosely hung onto the side of her shoulder. she would most definitely be lying if she said she's never thought about those fingers before.
"So what was it about this time?" draco asks slyly while walking y/n down the corridor.
"What do you mean?" she asks in an inquisitive tone.
"You know, the reason they bullied you this time.." he said now making it to the moving staircases "Oh and watch your step you dont want to fall down here again.. last time you did it was a nightmar-"
before he could finish that sentence y/n abrubtly changed the subject. "Shut up, and also it was about letter week this time." she says while woefully looking down at her shoes.
"Im surprised darcy and her rats even get an exchange of letters for letter week." Draco remarks annoyed.
"Who would even be surprised? Their like the prettiest girls here. Im surprised you havent gotten with darcy yet.. considering her many mesirable attempts at getting with you." Y/n says with slight admiration for draco, in his ability to decline THE darcy, the most yearned for girl in school.
"Shes not all that you know.. i myself find her quite.. bland and boring. No offence to Darcy though, I guess i just have a completely different idea of what pretty is then." He says exasperatedly like he's explained this a million times to y/n.
They now have found themselves at the bottom of the moving staircase, stood still like untouched waters waiting for the next ripple.
"So.. where to now my little juvenile. I should really be sending you back to your dorm you know. You should repay me for my dastardly! rule breaking!.. just for you~." Draco says dramatically while running his fingers through his silver locks.
"Oh shut your trap you old lad." she spits back in the same tone while a smile shines upon her lips.
"Ah.. thats more like it m'lady. Glad i could let those teeth break free again." He says now pulling her hand into an unknown direction.
"Draco slow down! we're going to get caught you fool!" Y/n says in adrenaline as the sound of their footsteps echo the halls.
And... y/n was right. They did get caught by the worst person to get caught by. Snape.
"Now to what delight do i have to see... Draco.. and one of his.. friends in the hallways at 5AM." He slurs while eyeing y/n up and down.
I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED PART 1!!!! if this does okay, ill put up part 2.. but if it doesnt.. then i guess we'll never know.
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natsmagi · 1 year
(future au anon) OKAY BE READY BC IT'S VERY ANGSTY me and my friend loves angst wayy too much lol
So uh first of all tw suicide :')
Yeah hum i guess you can guess where it went with that
Basically Tsumugi unalived himself yeah-
Which traumatized Natsume and their daughter, Marisa (i was the one who made her!) pretty hard and now they're suuuper overprotective of eachother in fear anything happens to the others like calling each other VERY often Marisa would even get late to practice sometimes (bc ofc most kids are idols too and with time we decided ES accepted girls and other genders too) and Marisa often sleep at home too instead of the ES dorms and like if Anything remotely bad happens to his daughter Natsume would go MAD
It also affected Marisa personality a lot since she was pretty young when that happened so now she's SUPER parano and anxious about her loved ones wellbeing and like she would cling to her friends a lot and always ask them if they're okay bc she always worries they ever..you know. Do what Tsumugi did
Also Marisa is a big nerd (is that the term) she's super into books, animes/mangas, games and such and also a looot into the magic stuff her dad does teehee she also likes drawing and i like to imagine she's the one designing her unit clothes
ANYWAY but its time i actually explain why Tsumugi did what he did. So uh very basically me and my friend decided Eichi died of his illness to give the Wataei family angst which well ended with ES in a MESS since Eichi is like. An important figure in it yk. And so Tsumugi as he now became President of NewDi OR WHATEVER YOU CALL IT got super stressed and pressured with stuff (also grief of Eichi dying) and also with time the idol industry became much more strict and uh. Overworking? Idk how to explain but uh yeah all that was just too much for poor Mugi
It might be ooc idk,,but i decided to not have any mercy to the Eccentrics in this au (i mean do we have mercy on anyone really) and so uh oopsies Natsume i took ur husband away
Damn i ended up rambling a lot sorry i got excited,,i love this au i lot i would love to tell u more if ur ever interested?? :')
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BUT IT IS A REALLY INTERESTING PREMISE........ im not the angstiest guy myself sorry im a big fan of happiness and joy and love but id say this is a very good foundation for the story ur telling from what im hearing !! and given the circumstances of everything i can see these events taking place....... BUT I CANT STOP THINKING ABT THE EMOTIONAL TURMOIL NATSUME WOULD GO THROUGH. like given everything theyve been through, all their promises together, baby tsumugi vowing "lets become happy together, you and me" to natsume-chan when they were kids, now even forming a family together, thinking theyve gotten their happy ending, only for the man he loves to then take his own life due to stress and anguish. im very fixated on the feeling of "i wasnt enough/i didnt do enough" natsume would be suffering through. the amount of regret he'd face. maybe wishing he'd been nicer to tsumugi. had put in more effort. given him a stronger sense of love and security while he had the chance, but now hes gone and the only memory he has left of him is marisa. This au sure is getting the brain juices pumping THATS FOR SURE
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crqelsummer · 2 years
saving the more coherent thoughts for later bc this i what im workin with post-PLW watch binge lmao. all about saeka during the PLW arc
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currently thinking about saeka, doing her due diligence to protect everyone even as everything's going to shit because she has to
being the only one to chase after shoto because goddammit she was not letting her brother back out of her sight. shes really starting to see him for who he is at this point -- a fledgling hero just like herself. not the twin she was born to be replaced by. the brother and companion that he shouldve been to her all these years.
i imagine at some point while shoto was booking it through the already destroyed streets he's struggling to keep up his ice to travel faster and saeka finally finally looks at him as an equal -- and reaches out a hand to him to pull him along with her on her own icy path
"dammit shoto, take my hand! we'll get there together faster!"
hes able to use his fire as propulsion and her already mastered ice quirk makes them that much faster on the scene.
their combo move, frostburn, is sort of what he pulled off at the sports festival? but stronger because he has some decent control over his fire now and hes able to pour more power into it when its saeka that's doing the ice half of it. it can do some real damage, and they know exactly what they're doing when they arrive.
do i think about how much touya's death affected shoto? yes. but im also currently thinking about how it affected saeka, seeing the shifting in power between elder brother and new masterpiece -- and how she thinks she relates to touya so much
because you know, she was the spare for so long in her life. she's the opposite of touya, where her ice quirk was so powerful that it meant she shouldve been her father's champion. but she wasnt because he was really after what would eventually become shouto's quirk.
i mean, she looks just like him before he died.
which i also think that enji wanted her out of training so bad because he saw not one but two failures in her. the stark white hair of her mother and brother after so much stress and the piercing blue eyes that would haunt him for the rest of his life.
i think saeka created such a parasocial relationship as a child and even into adolescence with touya that she's just. stunned??? when he does his big reveal because she thought touya was a nice person, someone who just wanted to be a hero so bad he was willing to die for it. but he's a villain. someone's whos killed. someone who's still trying to kill even now.
is this the brother she wishes was around for so long? the murderer, the one who's threatening to kill their father -- kill shouto?
and i think thats a real moment of realization for saeka because she has to kill this image of touya that shes held onto like a vice for her whole life. because he was everything to her, someone who could relate to her pain and struggle in a way natsuo, fuyumi and shouto couldn't.
or at least, she thought he could.
maybe dabi calls to her. shouts out to her that he's just like her. forgotten and dumped away for shouto. calls to her that theyre one and the same. brother and sister. that she could be on his side.
and i genuinely think dabi does think of saeka in some type of way. he hates shouto for what shouto represents to him but saeka isnt an obstacle. a possible ally even, though i think even some part of him knows he doent want her on the other end of this battle.
and she quiet for so long until he launches an attack at endeavor and she leaps into action to protect him with an ice wall even he cant burn through. and shes just there, glaring at him with all the bravery that a sixteen year old cryokinetic can -
'i'm NOTHING like you, you monster!'
hes taken aback by this long enough that shouto can get a decent hit in. then jeanist, before he can launch prominence burn.
i think she comes out of that fight less hurt than anyone really expected but shes there to back up shouto at every turn almost. she cant fly, so shes stuck on ground duty and immobilizing as many nomus as possible. a few toss her around like a ragdoll but its here shes moving faster, further, creating more ice than she thought possible. the fire from her brothers is able to cool her that she can keep working for as long as possible, but i think either a nomu or machia gets a good hit in on her, snapping a rib or two clean in half
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
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((here we go! lets try to wrap it up here kid, you asked a loaded question first time. i dont think i was ready to explore my in-universe consequences on canon like that.))
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What the fuck is going onnnnn.
"Uhm. Okay. Uhm.
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"You know everything, right? Do ya know what'll happen durin' that rematch on Tuesday?"
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((I... Don't Know.))
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"Oh what the fuck--"
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((im serious!!! dont hurt me i kind of cant get hurt easily.
((you're dealing with a lot, right? youve still got a lot of stress on your back from various events and now certain friends have become a bit of a sore subject for you, right?))
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". . ."
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((without certain things happening to further push you along a certain path there's. not much i can say about it without it happening already. you dont have all the information. you dont have a real gameplan going in to the fight. you still dont know what he's doing, really. you havent learned anything yet.
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((yooooou still have time to, don't get me wrong!!!
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((but if youre not pushed in the right direction...))
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". . .
"Then how the fuck do I get pushed in that direction???"
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((i dont know, girl. that's what it all comes down to, right? you getting pushed in that direction in the first place.
((but im not exactly sure what you need, either. this shit aint binary--there's no switch to turn on or off that lets you develop the necessary skills and knowledge that lets you do what you want to do.
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((i dont want the worst case scenario to happen just as much as you dont. you need a break. youre barely surviving as is right now--and i know this because im the girl that's writing you. you're not okay in any sense of the word and wow id hate to spell this out not only for you but for everyone reading this right now but hell if it wasnt obvious before then its hella fucking obvious now.))
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". . .
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She sits on the floor, bringing her knees close to her chest.
"This... This ain't how I expected this 'ta go."
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((you and me both.
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((over halfway, carol. c'mon, ask me an easy one and then we can say our goodbyes.))
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"Uhm... "What comes of this whole... Sony an' Lyli thingie?"
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((i said something EASY, you TWERP))
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". . . !!!!!!"
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((listen, okay, i do not have a good answer for you there at all. to uh, put it simply and not confuse you further--lilac's her own person. and so is sonar. i cant just tell you what's going to happen there--not that i'd want to--because like ((...i dont have ''free range'' over them, so to speak. ((you're set in stone. and by the looks of it theyre also set in stone. as long as lilac keeps suffering in her little silence and sonar's there as a support for both you and her--probably--then i cant imagine anything changing from the set path y'all have.))
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"...Lyli's what."
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((shit. me and my big mouth.
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". . ."
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((just... have faith, right? it's what you've been doing thus far. why stop now?
((everyone'll be fine.
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((okay, we dont have much time left to talk. ((remember sonar's song. remember how much lyli loves you. remember all the friends and family you have by your side.
((a little birdie told me something once.
((''That unlike some, Carol didn't have to face it all at once, that the people around were, fortunately understanding enough to grant her this small solace...''
((it's a lot right now. i know it is. and not everything looks great, coming out on the other side.
((but you can do it. you can make it!!!! i know you can, girl.
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((and after all of this, you'll be able to relax for a bit.
((keep going. have faith. dont give up. that's the best i can say about any of this.))
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She did not have any confidence in this entity's words, funnily enough.
Everything she said felt like it was making things worse.
"Y-Yeah. Okay. "Thanks."
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((right. well! i gotta get to fixing this stupid wall.
((good luck out there carol. im rooting for ya))
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And all she would do is nod.
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rainecloud020604 · 2 years
Can you tell me about Karma I saw you uploading images to (??? pronouns??) toyhouse and I'm very curious
you cant see me shaking with excitement and also i let this sit for a few days cause i havent touched my laptop since thursday SDFHKHFKJWFHDSJ anyways this is about to be a lot you asked for it
Anyways <333 Karma my beloved (pronouns, he/him doesnt care about gender and is probably agender thinking about it) hes another one of my comfort characters who every once in a while i will just draw and draw and draw, I also have drawn a few comics with him which I'm kinda surprised that I have done more than one dfhskjFDHSKJ but nevertheless hes fun to draw and like also one of my many greyscale ocs cause if you cant tell i really like those Hes a god, of what? Balance and Revenge. He doesn't like being a god, its so much responsibility and also the way people will treat him for being so powerful isn't ideal to him. he prefers to play amongst mortals and interact with them, pretend to be one and blend in with them even because he just really hates being a god :( Also he is Jardins twin and Universos uncle
He is an old god, which makes the pressure he feels significantly worse as he has seen so much change and dissolve, build and be destroyed. Including the godly realm he is from, most of the people that worshiped their gods ended up just...stopping, stopping or were wiped out and this made a good portion of the gods from their realm forget what they were, several reincarnated themselves out of boredom (A rather common practice in fact, Karma is an older god due to only doing so once) and it ended up falling into chaos, and as well as several mortal faults at some point some order was established but it had fallen to severe corruption, someone did rise to power several times once this weird system was established, the one that had the most power was supposed to be in charge and head of things, every once and a while it would cycle on who was there/old enough
Karma is a rather powerful god, never took as head cause he believed the entire thing was stupid but after a while with Vida became in power he reluctantly agreed to take a position as like his right hand man, only because he his brother and a handful of others were plotting something to help everyone realize and remember what they were and get things back to normal and not this fucked up mess of things and upon taking this position it led to a lot of abuse that Karma just, tolerated and didnt argue or fight against at all because he really couldnt risk it with how close he had gotten to get this plan executed and have this all be over.
Karma used to have a wife when he was younger, she was the goddess of winter and also suicide, which should hint to one thing that happens next, she didnt warn Karma at all, hell she didnt expect him to be there to witness it either but he was, Inverno was no longer there and Karma was alone in the woods with more than a broken heart and grief to carry, is he over it? no no he isnt but hes getting there slowly
He has a fear of sewing needles due to Vida, as well as most of his will to fight back against being abused was burned out, as if enough wasnt killed by his abusive father who favored him over his brother and wasnt shy about it and led to Karma trying everything to get him to hate him. It didn't work at all which led to frustration but he no longer is able to be near his father or think about him for too long without getting upset or stressed out. Other than his father using him like a tool to just brag about, Vida treated Karma like a puppet and would literally have strings attached to him only he could see and feel,which sucked for karma. But he let Vida do it just to get close enough for thousands of years to one day kill him, which he finally was able to do.
He adopted a baby angel named Winter who he will protect with everything in his being, shes a delightful child who he rescued from being kidnapped and she is a handful but makes his day brighter, he takes care of Winter and roams the mortal realm just getting to know mortals and befriending them as well as enjoying what small things there are there and the mortal realm has to offer him, he likes dresses and the color yellow which i associate with him, he also plays the guitar and violin <3
there is so much more but i will stop here SDHFKJWHFJHDFSKJ
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heartyearning · 2 years
I'm lady luck's favourite I truly do believe that
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rjshepherd · 3 years
Hello! I really like your headcanons, and I'm excited for your fics. If it's possible, can I request some headcanons for Karl's lover getting hurt/killed by Ethan in a way similar to Dimitrescu's daughters? I have a serious thing for angst, and it seems like Karl's a goldmine.
oof nonnie ur gonna give me feelies with this one. 
Karl reacts to his S/O's death at ethans hands
-what can i tell you? he reacts about as well as one might expect. in private he breaks down, screams and cries out your name, cursing ethan winters with every fiber of his being.
-In public he seems more composed, but scratch the surface and you'll see he's become worse in every way without you. he's more violent, more sadistic, shorter tempered and angrier than he's ever been. He chain smokes, refuses to eat and drinks more than he ever did with you. If he showed up to a lords meeting drunk as a skunk i wouldn't be surprised. Simply put, he's coping badly and without you he just doesn't care anymore.
-things go flying and i don't just mean because of his magnet powers. When Karl first hears/sees the news, he throws things like alcina threw her vanity ( must run in the family), anything he can get his hands on until wherever he currently is looks like a bomb has hit it, total unbridled destruction.
-Karl is nowhere near as good at keeping composed as Alcina. when she's around ethan she makes jokes and although she's angry, she's still vaguely flirtatious (in a black widow sort of way)with him. in private we see she's still able to think with reason, telling cassandra , the families best hunter, to bring her his head. Karl however? Reason and logic go out the window, he's going to hunt ethan down himself and rip out his spleen with his bare hands.
-finding that Miranda has already killed him however, just sends him spiraling down. He wasn't strong enough to protect you, he wasn't able to convince ethan to kill miranda, he couldn't kill either of them himself. He feels inept, incompetent, inadequate and weak. every negative thing miranda has ever said to him comes to the forefront of his mind.
-Miranda has the gaul to mock Karl while he's in this vulnerable state. Really grind her heel into an open wound. she berets him for being too weak to protect you and take out ethan, makes jokes about how she's cleaning up after her children. i see her being motherly in a very harsh, condescending way. She tells him to be grateful you were killed before he had a chance to get attached and that he should be happy she's taken care of ethan for him.
-I see things going one of two ways. Either karl snaps or he falls into numbness and gives up on revenge:
- If karl snaps under the stress, miranda is going to find out what he's been up to: the army, the coup, trying to steal rose. She goes through him for a shortcut, karl fights like he doesnt care if he lives or dies. without you, theres no point. He loses, unsurprisingly but i dont think the fear comes until miranda refuses to deliver the killing blow. He cant fathom living without you, he wasnt counting on surviving long enough to have to find out what thats like. Sadly for Karl, miranda has gotten quite creative with her punishments over the centuries.
-If he lets himself succumb to despair, he simply becomes miranda's puppet. He has no interest in revenge anymore. whats the point? the whole point of being free was to be with you. and since ethan is dead too his life has no purpose. He gives into his fate at mirandas side, simply because he doesnt care enough to resist anymore
And then karl woke up from his nightmare, you were still lying there very much alive and everything wasnt terrible <3
i love angst nonnie but now ive just made myself sad so im going to write some comfort stuff for myself.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
hii! can i request a jeno very angsty scenario where its his s/o and his anniversary but he forgets abt it bc the dreamies wanted to go to an amusement park and then the managers took his phone so when he comes home his s/o and him get into a fight and they dont talk to each other but she always goes their dance practices since his s/o is so used to taking care of him and he gets sad bc his s/o doesn't look at him at all and he's tired because since he's so stressed with the cbs he just wants love but he knows he's wrong and they make up and stuff:) I'm sorry if this is long! you dont have to do it if you dont want to:)<3
a/n: jdjsjsjsj thanks for this beefy request it was fun to write :)
Sitting on your bed, you wondered when your boyfriend was coming home. After texting him where he was and wondering when he'd come pick you up to celebrate your guy's anniversary, youd started losing hope seeing as he never answered or bothered reading them. You knew jeno to always answer after just one second but it was like he was ignoring you.
Furious and heartbroken, you threw your phone on at the other side of the bed and decided to just take off the dress you were going to surprise him in. It was his favorite color too. A deep shade of blue silk, comfortable and cute yet still appropriate enough to wear at the fancy restaurant you guys were planning on going to. But those plans were thrown out the window quickly once you noticed how late it was.
"Why do men?" your eyes rolled as you moved in your bed, trying to get comfy.
"Why do men what?" You shot up in the bed from the sound of jenos voice as it basically frightened you back to reality. He was so quiet, you didn't even hear him walk through the door.
"Its about time you showed up." Jeno raised an eyebrow at your sudden aggression, not knowing why you were suddenly angry at him. He thought you'd be excited to see him.
"Woah why are you getting mad at me?" He questioned as he started changing out of his work clothes and into his pajamas.
You grit your teeth. How could he forget this special day that only comes once a year? "Did you forget what day it is?"
Jeno cocked his head to the side, "Um...Tuesday?" He really was clueless on where you were going with this, but your face made him realize he was missing something.
"Jeno..." your head fell into your hands, your boyfriend sat next to you in the bed, still wondering what he was missing and why it was on the tip of his tongue, "Our anniversary, you missed our damn anniversary."
The boys eyes bugged, he knew he missed something and the whole day he couldn't figure it out. He had been so stressed with the recent comeback and the upcoming one that even something as simple as an anniversary date slipped his mind.
God, he felt so bad just thinking how excited you probably were today to go out with him and enjoy your guy's day together, but because of him, your day was long gone and passed up.
"No wait, that was today!? Babe I'm so sorry, I was with the dreamies at the amusement park and I didn't have my phone with me because my manager took it and-" jeno stopped mid sentence before noticing he still didn't have his phone and forgot to get it back from his manager. He messed up bad today.
"You could've told me beforehand you were doing something with dream, although I still wouldn't have appreciated you missing our anniversary, but at least you wouldve told me where you went." You showed your annoyance by rolling over in bed, ignoring jeno.
Jeno growled at his sudden frustration, he already apologized and explained himself why are you still mad? "You know what? At least I told you what the hell I was doing and why I couldn't respond. Yeah I missed the anniversary, but you know what? Its just the fucking time of year we started dating, the day will come again."
"So what you're telling me is you don't care about the day we started dating? Whatever I'm not in the mood to argue right now." You never turned to look at jeno once you finished talking, needless to say you didn't care what he was going to reply with. It wasnt like he cared anyway.
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The bass of the music boomed in the practice room. Everyone was so tired these past few days and were anxious for the upcoming comeback that all they wanted to do was relax for once and take a break.
Jeno especially.
After the little argument you both had last night, he couldnt get that out of his head. There were no words spoken to him this morning and you didn't even spare him a glance. His heart broke for sure and he didnt know what to do because he knew he messed up bad. Saying those words to you and knowing how much it meant to you, was something he wish he could take back and start over.
Walking through the practice door, you took a seat on the floor where you rested your head against the wall with bags of food for the members. They were doing so well preparing for their comeback you wanted to congratulate them for working so hard. Plus, you wanted to make sure jeno had eaten today.
"Is that food for us!?" Chenle came barging towards you, giving you a strong squeeze as you laughed into his shoulder.
"Yeah I got food for everyone to congratulate you guys for working so hard." You smiled and handed the bags of food to chenle who looked about ready to take it for himself and eat it.
"Thanks so much y/n! You're the best!" He hopped away happily with the food. Jeno stared between the food and you. He loved how you took care of everyone and still came to their practice though you both weren't on best of terms at the moment, but you weren't even looking at him or acknowledging his presence again, only returning your attention to your phone.
Jaemin wrapped an arm around jenos shoulders as he was eating a chicken wing and looked at the you as well, "Whats up with the both of you all of a sudden? Normally you guys are being so disgustingly cute that I have to walk away for a solid 5 minutes." Jaemin sighed.
"I-its nothing. We just-"
"What is it?"
Jeno shook his head and put on the best smile he could muster while patting jaemins back, "its really nothing jaemin." He said and walked over to the food.
You on the other hand felt bad for causing jeno to be this way. He was silent and didn't really interact with the members when they were eating and goofing around. Not even haechan or mark could crack him. You sighed, putting your phone down and leaned your head against the wall. The only way for all this tension between the two of you would be to settle this and forgive one another. It shouldn't be that hard.
"Jeno," you called, startling your boyfriend who perked up with full cheeks, "come here please."
The dreamies silently watched jeno amble towards you, too invested in what was going to happen to continue talking. You didn't seem to care though, just wanting to get it over with and talk with jeno.
You still stared at the ground avoiding eye contact with jeno, but he couldnt take it. All he wanted was your attention on him.
"Can't you just look at me," he muttered before taking a seat in front of you, "I know I messed up, but please?"
You blinked up at him, "wait...jeno are you tearing up?"
Jeno sniffled back the tears and looked at you with big puppy eyes, your heart sank at the sight. You didn't intend to hurt him, you were just sad and angry about one important thing. And now you think maybe ignoring him had gone too far.
"Please dont cry." You took his hand into yours, softly caressing his knuckles.
"I-im sorry I cant help it. I know I messed up and now you're ignoring me and its just so frustrating because of the comebacks and I'm so used to you taking care of me that I can't even go one day without you loving me." Jeno teared up again. If just a day could hurt him, imagine what would happen if you kept this up.
"You think I dont love you right now?" You asked. Jeno nodded his head slowly, "Babe, of course I love you, I was just mad you forgot or anniversary and went to the amusement park with the dreamies." A sigh fell from your lips before you lifted jenos chin up, "I shouldn't have acted the way I did last night and argued. I dont expect you to be perfect jeno."
There was a smile on the boys face as he brought a hand behind your head and kissed your cheek, "Im sorry, I really am baby. I promise ill make it up to you." He said.
"I know a really cute restaurant. We can have a cute date later." You smiled and jeno nodded his head happily until you heard a groan come behind him.
"This was so disgusting. I need to walk away now."
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mybluudyvalentine · 2 years
..cont to last post
i think her overdose truly was a wake-up call for bojack (as he said.) not just because he saw himself in sarah lynn but because not only did he metaphorically but he (possibly) literally killed sarah lynn. the heroin is named bojack, not only this, but HE gave it to her as he was on a bender he suggested (even though sarah lynn planned to relapse anyways, so i dont entirely blame bojack for this bender because she was going to relapse anyways.) and it was the heroin [bojack] that had killed sarah lynn.
the way bojack "addressed" sarah lynn's struggles was with the last monologue he gave her; essentially he was telling her that what she feels in the moment doesn't matter because everyone is insignificant and the universe is so big there's no use in worrying about such small issues. one day she will be gone like everybody else that exists at a point. so what's the point in stressing over something that wont matter in a few years? he tells her that all that matters is being in the moment, feeling happy; which i believe sort of lead to her death. not directly, but definitely a consequence of bojacks flawed logic. he doesnt bother much thinking about consequences or what may happen; he lives in the moment, which totally fine in a normal case, but not bojack's. he uses "living in the moment" as an excuse not care about anything. he acts on impulses and how he feels (example: s1 ep2, when he went on LIVE NEWS and shouted at two men solely over muffins. instead of thinking like diane suggested, he acts off of how he feels in the moment.) bojack tends to be very self destructive and impulsive. often times he doesnt know how to see the bigger picture. he parties and drinks constantly. since horsin' around (/herb situation?) he's spent his life feeling shitty about himself, leading to a series of bad decisions. "being in the moment" for him expresses as being far too careless, possibly another reflection of his self hatred. he tells her that her insignificance to the universe shouldnt make her worry about the little things. i think this was his backwards way of trying to comfort her. but still sort of bad advice. you shoudln't really say "live in the moment" to a struggling addict. what she needed was help, and bojack couldnt provide that for her. he couldnt even help himself. he lacks awareness, not just for himself but for others. even with herb he struggled with maintaining their friendship BECAUSE of this lack of awareness. bojack is constantly apologizing for kicking herb off horsin around, totally unaware that he abandoned his best friend for 20 years. after herb tells him that even though bojack understandably wasnt expected to follow herb after he got booted off horsin around, he should've at least stuck around. bojack is clueless as to why herb feels so strongly about this, he even doesn't understand why herb rejects his apology; herb saw right through him. he knew he was only apologizing because herb was dying and he wanted to sort of "tie a loose end" (if you will)
bojack lacks a lot in himself, and its very obvious. he has no idea how to manage himself, constantly relying on others around him, even sarah lynn. It's not that bj cant manage on his own, it's more so that he doesn't have enough awareness of himself to even fix the problems he has. He is absolutely unaware of about 96% of his problems. he often leans onto others that can't take what he dumps off on them, especially sarah lynn. He did more projecting than dumping to sarah lynn. but nonetheless he contributed to the eventual demise of sarah lynn; it was even seen through flashbacks that if someone could have intervened maybe her "inevitable" pop star death could've been avoided.
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zmayadw · 4 years
Evening to all :)
Allright, so after two days of terrible headache, one sleepless night, lots and lots of coffee, and constant tweeks of what I already had written, its time to continue with the story. Lets have some fun at the Aurora :)
Wish you all a nice evening :)
We left the restauran and drove to Aurora. It was saturday night, but the bar wasnt that much filled with people yet. The Aurora was like most of the bars : booths wer on each side, tables towards the middle, but still leaving enough room for people to dance. The bar was on the opposite from the entrance with barstools arround it, a smaller stage and karaoke machine on the left, basement/storage entrance on the right, with big TV above it. Since Jessy's brother Phil was the owner of Aurora, we had a booth waitng for us. We settled at our booth, and i got up to get us drinks, since they refused to let me chip in for the dinner. Dan decided its still too early for whiskey, but emphasised that at some point in the evening we're having it. Jessy just groaned at that, and i chuckled going to the bar ordering us beers. As i was waitig, a guy appeared behind the bar „Put this on the house, Dave. Cant let her pay for her first drink here.“  As i turned ,he winked at me, setteling down a box with bottles on the counter. „Hello, Phil.“ I smiled at him „And thansk for the drinks.“ He extended his hand towards me, and i did the same. He took it, moved it towards his lips, giving me one of those cavalier kiss on it „Hello, Maya, nice to finaly meet you.“ I felt a little heat coming to my cheeks. Phil really was a charmer, as i was told, especially from Jessy, but i must admit he wasnt bad looking. He had a long brown hair, mostly worn in a tail. His eyes wer dark brown, and he was tall and muscaline. He was wearing a white shirt with the Aurora written on it, wich just made his tattoos more noticable. I was a sucker for tattoos. „Do all girls get such a charming 'hello' from you here?“ i asked teasingly. He grinned devilishly „Just the special ones.“ „I got warned about you, trying to sweet talk me.“ I grinned back.  „Can you blame me? I'm a sucker for a beautifull woman.“ I felt even more heat coming to my cheeks, and was greatfull the light wernt that bright, so noone would notice, especialy Phil. It felt good, being flirted like this, but i didnt want to give Phil any wrong ideas. I knew from Jessy that he was interested in me, and to be honest, if Jake was out of the picture, it might be different. „Thanks for the compliment! But, i have to warn you, i might not be a good choice.“ I said, making a serious face, leaning a bit closer towards him over the bar, wich made him do the same. „I was told i was reckles and out of control, kinda hard to handle, stressing people too much.“ He looked at me, that devilish spark in his eyes intensifieing „Well, Maya, maybe you just havent met your match..yet.“ „Maybe.“ I replied, leaning back, smile forming at the corner of my mouth. We just stared at eachother like that for a while, Phils gaze intensifing with each moment. I felt my heart starting to beat faster, and i was really confused about it. What was happening here? Ok, Phil was good looking, but Jake was the one i was longing for. Wasnt he? „Well, as much as i'm enjoying talking to you, i better get those beers over to my friends.“ He glanced towards our booth „You just might need some more beer.“ I turned to see what was it that he refered to, and saw the whole gang showed up while we wer talking. Including Jake. I was glad to see him, i didnt really think this was a place he would feel comfortable being at, but i supposed Hannah made him come. I heard from Jessy they wer spending much time together, the three of them, wich wasnt to be unexpected. He was their halfbrother after all, they wanted to get to know eacother better. And Hannah made him stay at her appartment since he came to Duskwood.  And then i noticed Jake staring, but it wasnt me he was staring at, but Phil. Oh boy, i tought, can my life be simple for just one evening. I turned to Phil, sighing „I guess your right.“ I took the beers, slowely moving from the bar, walking backwards. „Oh, and i have a feeling i might need something stronger soon, so keep a glass close for me.“ I said skeptical, but Phil just grined and winked „I'll be right here with that glass ready.“
As i neared the booth, putting on my best smile, they all stood up cheering. I settled the beers on the table, Hannah embracing me in a tight hug, with Thomas grining behind her. „Its so good to finaly do this.“ She said. „Its good to see you , Hannah.“ I said, hugging her back. Hannah let go of me, and now it was Cleo's turn. „Dont you scare us like that anymore, you hear me!“ she scolded me before smiling „I promise.“ She let go of me, and they all sat back. I grabbe myself a chair from the table near us, since the booth was full now. As i sat down, i glanced at Jake. He smiled and nooded at me, and i smiled back. Lily was just siting there, barely sparing me a look. I tried not to take it too personal, from the begining she wasnt that much fond of me, and the feeling is mutual. „So, how are you feeling?“ Hannah asked me. „Oh, im much better, thanks for asking. Few more days and i'll be back to my old self.“ I told her, as a waiter, Dave , came to our booth, bringing five more beers. I turned towards the bar. Phil just winked at me, and continued about his business. I noticed Jake saw that also, his body tensing a bit. „Thats good to hear.“ Hannah siad, and Dan chimed in „I'll drink to that!“ raising his glass towards me. I got my glass and added cheerfuly to him „Me too!“ Now Lily finaly spoke „Good thing it ended as it did, we could all be drinking our sorrow instead.“ I tensed at her words, a bit of rage forming in me, but Hannah jumped in before i could say anything. „Lily, stop it. We are all aware of how things might ended, no need to emphasising it anymore.“ She sounded tired saying it, i got a feeling this wasnt the first time the two of them had a similar conversation. „Im sorry, Hannah“ Lily continued „but you know how i feel. Maya's actions could have terrible consequencess, and i dont see what is there to celebrate.“ „How about me being here, Lily? Is that good enough reason for you?“ Hannah asked, but Lily just sat there silently. I couldnt be quiet anymore. „Im sorry you feel that way Lily.“ I started. „I expected you to be more happy now that Hannah is back. Yes, i made some mistakes, i know. But we all do mistakes, Lily, you should know it all too well.“ She shot me such a angry look when i said it. It wasnt my intention to start a fight with her or anything, i knew all too well how badly all of it could have ended, but i was also tired of it being dragged out constantly. „My sister could have died!“ Lily basicly screamed, wich made few people arround us turn to see what was happening. „Lily, enough!“ Hannah started, but i really had enough, and my head started to hurt a bit now. „Your sister could have died eitherway, Lily“ i said basicly hissing at her „No matter what i might have or might have not done. At least i had the guts to act, and would do the same all over again if i had to, gladly. Luckily, things turned out for the better. You should be happy about it, and stop dwelling on the 'what if's'. If you cant do that, to just be happy you got your sister back, then for fuck sake i dont know what more to say to you.“ As i finished, you could feel the tension gathering around. „Sorry all, but i need something stronger to drink.“ I stood up going for the bar.
Phil came as i sat on one of the stools, rasing his eyebrow  „My, my, you wernt wrong about needing that drink. So, whats your poison?“ he asked me grining. ���Oh, whatever you grab first, as long as it washes the bitternes out.“ I said, feeling that rage not setteling, and my head throbing some more. He grabbed two shot glasses, pouring both with whiskey. „Dont mind if i join you.“ He said, rising one of the glasses. I grinned, taking my glass knocking it at his „Its no fun drinking alone, anyway!“ „Bottoms up!“ he chimed, and we exed our gasses. „One more, please, the bitter taste is still not washed completly.“  „Comming right up!“ he said cheerfuly, filled both again, and we drank those too. Someone patted me on my shoulder, and i turned to see Dan standing next to me. „Aww, Maya, you started without me.“ He said, being dramatic and acting hurt. „Aww, sorry Dan“ i said making a sad face „You cant really blame me, after all that just happened back there.“ „Point taken“ he said, sitting next to me. I turned towards the booth. Jessy, Cleo, Thomas and Hannah wer still there. I could see they didnt seem much affected by any of what just happened. But Lily was gone. And so was Jake. Great, i tought. The night began so nicely, i guess it was too good to last. „Well, Dan, feel free to join us now. The more, the merrier.“ I turned to Phil. „Barkeep, antoher glass for my 'nonjudgemental' friend here, please.“ Phil grinned, taking one more glass and filling them all again „The lady commands, the lady gets!“ Now the three of us chinned our glasses, and drank up. „Phil, i think you and I will be very good friends.“ I started „Since i assume you are not theirs most likable person of all time.“ i waved my hand towards the booth. „And i suppose as of now, i might join that club, too.“ Phil looked at me, a bit sirious  „I told you once before, Maya. Everyone gets the exactly right ammount of respect from me as deserved. I dont bother with the tought if im 'likable' to someone or not. You dont mess with me, and i dont mess with you, its simple as that.“ „Amen to that!“ It was Dan, and both Phil and me looked at him, not really expecting it. I started laughing so hard „Oh, Dan, thanks, i needed this.“ „What?“ Dan looked at me, question marks written all over his face. Phil just shook his head, lowering it down, hiding himself smiling too, filling our glasses again, and drinking his up. „If you two would excuse me, i actually have some work to do.“ He winked at me as he left. „Be careful Maya, Phil is a player.“ Dan told me a bit serious. „Dont worry, Dan, i'm a big girl, i can take care of myself. So, tell me, how much am i hated at the moment amongst the others?“ i asked him. „Dont worry, Maya, nobody hates you, trust me. But you gotta understand Lily. She really was scared for Hannah, and she tought she was doing her best.“ He paused for a while before adding  „Just like you did.“ I looked at Dan, and tought 'shit, he has a point there'. „Ah, crap, Dan, why you have to be so 'smartypants' all of a sudden?!“ He chuckled at me „Look, both of you did what you did, and it ended how it did. Even if you dont see it, you both expected the same result. Just your ways of trying to acomplish it wer totaly different. And thats where all hell broke loose.“ I knew Dan was right, but i tought Lily would be at least a bit happier for having Hannah back, and not to be all bitchy about it, clinging so tightly on all the things that could go wrong. „All right, enough with this serious talk. I tought we came here to drink.“ I started, but added quickly so Dan dont feel me being ungrateful „But, thanks Dan. I understand what you wanted to say to me. I will keep it in mind,  for the next time.“ Dan smiled and noded at me. I took a sip of my whiskey, when there was another tap on my shoulder. It was Hannah „Hey, just wanted to say we're leaving. It was really nice seeing you, we should definatly do this again.“ She said, adding „When things cool down a bit.“ She gave me an appologetic look, „Yeah, definatly! And it was really nice seeing you two, Hannah.“ She hugged me „And dont take Lily by the heart, please. I know she can overreact sometimes, but she means well.“ „Dont worry, Hannah,  i understand, its all good. Hope i wasnt too forward myself.“ Now i looked at her appologeticly. „Everything is good.“ She smiled „Take care, Maya, see you later.“ „Laters you two.“ I waved at Hannah and Thomas as they left. Cleao and Jessy joined us at the bar. „Uhh, that was fun.“ Cleo said. „Indeed. Not really my definition of a 'fun night' i expected.“ „Dont worry, Maya. Lily is just a hard person sometimes, a bit overprotective, too. She will calm down, eventualy.“ Cleo told me, to wich I replied a bit skeptical „ So everyone tells me.“ Phil came to us, taking two new glasses „C'mon you sad lot, enough with it. I tought we wer celebrating a 'new girl in town'!“ he said cheerfuly, winking at me, filling all the glasses up, handing one for Jessy and Cleo. Jessy groaned at it, scolding Phil „Ohh, dont encourage this two, Phil“ she said, pointing at Dan and me „I'm the one who will have to endure them for the rest of our evening, with all that whiskey in them. And we all know Dan and whiskey doesnt end well.“ „Hey babe, dont be like that!“ Dan said to her, in that dramatical and hurt way he does, making Cleo and me laugh. „See, it already started.“ Jessy said, leaning her elbovs on the bar, sighing sadly, now she trying to be dramatic. „Awwww babe, i promise i'll behave.“ Dan said, pecking her on the cheek. „You better behave..remember, im the one you're going home with.“ She told him, giving him one of her serious looks. Phil was just taking a sip of his drink, and hearing Jessy say it laughed so hard that he spat his drink out. Cleo and me laughed with him, but Dan looked at Jessy all pale„Yes, ma'am!“. I took my glass, raising it „Last one? Then we get beer again.“ Jessy looked at me „Deal!“, the rest of them taking their glasses and we drank. „That's it for me“ Cleo said „I'll be going now. Have to be early at the Gates of Hope tomorrow. And you all know how my mother can be if its not her way.“ She said shuddering a bit at it. „Ohh, we dont want to get Miranda cross at you, or any of us.“ Jessy said, giving Cleo a look of symphaty. Cleo hugged me „It was nice seeing you, Maya. We should definatly do this again, soon. And i promise i wont leave so early next time.“ „No worrys, Cleo, thanks for coming anyway.“ I said, smiling back at her. She waved us goodby and left. We ordered some beer then, as i promised Jessy no more whiskey. „Sorry, Maya, i really didnt think this will go so badly.“ Jessy looked at me appologeticaly. „Oh, dont sweat it, Jessy“ i grinned at her „Im having more fun with just the two of you, anyway.“ She grinned back, when Phil looked at me, making a sad face, mimicing Dan's hurt gesture „Awww, and what about me, i dont belong in this 'fun club'?“ I looked at him and winked „We have our special 'secret club', remember?“ That made Jessy switch her look from Phil too me, all puzzled, but Phil just grined devilishly at me, winking „We sure do.“ Jessy turned to Phil now, making a serious face, waving her finger at him „Phil, you better behave! Maya is not a 'toy' to play with and throw away after it.“ I jumped in, before Phil could say anything „Oh, dont worry, Jessy. Phil was nothing but a gentelmen towards me.“ Phil grined at her, makeing an aureola sign above his head with his hands, sugesting him being an angel. Jessy just snorted „Yeah, yeah, more like a 'devil in disguise'.“ „Im not sure who's the 'devil in disguise' here actualy.“ Phil said looking at me intensely, my cheeks flushing again.
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Haikyuu boys and what gifts they would give you
Includes: Karasuno, Aoba Johsai, Nekoma, Shiratorizawa, Fukurodani, Inarizaki
A/N: Aha Aha Aha
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Hinata: He would give you a rock that him and natsu painted on. On the rock there’s a silly face on it, from natsu, and then a volleyball, from hinata, then an I love you at the bottom part. He gave that to you when you guys went on a park date with natsu.
Kageyma: The first give he would have ever given you was a milk box and you were so happy because he never really shares his milk. This was actually how he confessed to you like he wrote “Want to go out with me?” Or something like that at the bottom. He was blushing the whole time.
Yamaguchi: This baby boy would give you his scarf and a warm drink because you were both walking home from school and it was really cold but you forgot your scarf at home so he just gave you his. He would blush whenever he sees you wearing it now.
Tsukkishima: Salty boy gave you a playlist ever since you told him what type of music you liked. He wouldnt give it to you right after making it though. He would have given in when you’re stressing out over homework or something like that and he’d just put it on speaker for you waiting for you to ask whose playlist that was.
Nishinoya: An ice cream stick. Why? You called him senpai the first time you met him and he just- He automatically fell in love and asked you to an ice cream “hang out” because it wasnt a date or anything! He was just being a good senpai. He confessed to you by making an ice cream stick and the stick had a heart carved into it.
Tanaka: You and him went to a matsuri, shrine festival, with the team. He decided that he was going to be a man and catch you some goldfish. It took him a while however but you still appreciated his victory even though he spent most of his money it. You named that single goldfish “Ryuu”.
Suga: It’s not technically a gift but he gave you a mechanical pencil with your name on it. He was supposed to keep it for himself but you were borrowing a mechanical pencil during lunch time and he just gave you his pencil case only late to realize that it was there. When you saw it oh boy were you confused. Ended up confessing to you that way.
Asahi: OH MY- He gave you a handmade hair tie. Like he saw how you were struggling with your hair so much so he just decides to make one but he didnt plant ahead on how he’d give it to you. He was forced by suga and daichi to give it to you but in the end noya did that because he was too nervous to even tell you. Noya just “Oh hey! Y/N! Asahi thought you might be having trouble with your hair! Here” and just gives it to you. Blushing mess.
Daichi: The traditional gift 😤 He gave you a response chocolate he made with suga during white day. You gave him chocolate during valentines and he responded by giving you chocolate gift back. He gave it to you after practice and though the chocolate was a bit soft now he still gave it because the effort? Not letting that go to waste!
Ennoshita: Another traditional man. You gave him chocolate and he didnt know what to do so he just...Huh? He gave you chocolates back and let’s just say things started from there on ❤️
Kiyoko: You were stuck in the friendzone for quite a time too. She gave you matching keychains for your bag but like...Yachi also has it. 😔
Yachi: 😳😳😳 She drew you once for “art class”. Baby didnt have “art class” but when it came out better than expected she gave it to you when she confessed along with a letter. Let’s be real she was blushing and saying sorry the whole time.
Im sorry, guys but Im a big yachi-stan. Yachi is THAT bitch for me.
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa Toru: He doesnt give you 1 or 2 no no...He gives you 5 service aces. Shows off in the game more when you’re watching and for Seijoh it’s a sure victory once he does his little service ritual for you.
Iwaizumi Hajime: One time you called oikawa “shittykawa” during class he instantly fell in love with your fierce attitude so he legit treated you good food after that time. It became a ritual for both of you to eat out whenever they one which was often. His comfort food cannot be complete without you eating it with him.
Mattsukawa issei: His horsecock. That shit is a gift in itself. A big gift in fact.
Kyoutani Kentarou: People may see him as a very scary person but he actually gave you a stuff toy you wanted at the arcade. He saw how you looked at it with such longing that one time and proceeded to get it for you whenever you werent around. It took him such a long time but gosh was it worth it to see you smiling like that.
Kuroo: This man gave you...A headache. No fr hahahaha he gave you a spike actually. The first time you watched him play in a game...mf told you that if he stomped twice then it was a spike for you. He actually did win the game with that one spike because nekoma was losing and team morale was low. The moment he spiked that ball with that subtle double stomp he managed to score and boost morale again.
Kenma: He always gives you gifts but more like...Health potions, resources you need, animal crossing gifts tbh 🥺. He didnt really give you much gifts physically but virtually? He would specifically go and get rare items in doubles just to give you the other one and say he “Accidentally got another one”.
Lev: Alisa’s cooking. You were both out during lunch time and he saw that you were only drinking something so he decided to feed you his sister’s bento for him. My baby is so sweet- and also headaches. He also gives you headaches.
Bokuto: He gives you either his jersey OR a spike as well. Better yet he gives you his jersey for a game then does a spike for you. Bitch didnt even have a signal he legit shouted “That one was for you, Y/N!” And pointed at you. Kill me please- Needless to say everyone was looking at you so much.
Akaashi: You cant convince me he doesnt give you a copy of the book you wanted and were looking for. He just so happened to have it, yeah sure...🙃 Little did you know that he went all over miyagi for that fucking book. He probably gave you a bookmark along with it too. ❤️ Ya nerds
Date tech
Aone takanobu: Surprisingly enough he gave you a small vase for the flowers he gave you last time. He even told you how to preserve them more. He be teaching you all about plants whenever he you two go home together. He doesnt speak he just...gives you books or he shows you himself sometimes.
Futakuchi: He gave you his sour gummies 😖 TOO ADORABLE FUCK. You were staring at them and he just offered you some and now you’re in love.
Ushijima: Waka baby gave you a service ace. He isnt one to give you anything big and he didnt know what to give you so he just gave you something he knows he could. Before the game itself he actually told you that he promised you a service ace the first time he would be given the chance. Volleyball Idiot 🥺
Tendou: MIRACLE BOY STRAIGHT UP GAVE YOU ONE OF HIS SHONEN JUMPS. He gave you the one that you really liked and said it was “Not a big deal”-It was a big deal considering how in love he is with them.
Goshiki: Im sorry but...good head. He gave you heavenly head. 😔 King of oral right here. No really hahahaha tsutomu probs gave you a shrine charm that says “absolute victory”. You keep that little charm whenever you watch his games now. Though you tell him that its the charm working he says you’re his actual lucky charm.
Miya Atsumu: A migrane. His fangirls keep threatening you and you had to keep on telling them that you were just their team manager. He just- I mean I wanted to say he gave you a service ace but mf just gave you a migrane.
Miya Osamu: Unlike his brother this guy is actually pretty reasonable. As an asian you have no idea how happy your parents would be when this man gives you half a sack of rice. I know everyone expects the “Onigiri” answer but I enjoy being given a sack of rice more. 🍚
Aran Ojiro: I- IM SUCH A SIMP! He gave you his a batch of cookies. This headcanon is from @oof-she-needs-therapy by the way because I fell in love with their works so much. He just “Felt like he had to make an extra batch”. This boy 100% made that for you alone. Dont play me. He even fed you one and just to tease back you kissed the tips of his fingers. Practice that day was E V E N T FU L.
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Taglist: @my-mass-hysteria @janellion
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randomsevans · 4 years
Part 2
Chris Evan's x Reader
@jtargaryen18 30 days of chris 2020
summary: following the news of Chris's engagement you find your way back down memory lane . To the finding and first crack in your love for Chris that would only lead to the current pain you are in
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The part couple of hours have been a blur ever since Lisa had announced that Chris was getting married to his actress girl friend ,Minka . You feel like your mind was somewhere as your body floated around not releasing what was going on , feeling numb . You dont know how or when but you laid on your bed under the covers in the pitch black . Finally letting the tears fall . You knew this day would come , but it doesnt stop the pain , the constant stabbing in your chest . You always knew loving Chris was bad for you , but you did it anyway, you still do . And you know deep down no matter what the future holds for you or who you have in your life you will love Chris . And you will always love the joy and pain he brings into your life , without anyone knowing, well apart from Scott now . And you know no one , ever , future ,past , present will have the same effect on you as those blue eyes do . You will always love chris , different love no one could ever be able to beat or match or even go higher But you kept it a secret long enough and it will always be . It's not like you expect somewhere down the line you two might end up together, that was never gonna happen . His to good for you , and his sees you as a sister . An Minka is perfect for him in every way . You are happy for him truly getting the life he has always wanted . But that doesnt stop the pain. You cant help but remember to the day you realised you love him and how he could never be yours , you never would allow it .
'The dickhead , errrrrrr knew it was too good to be true , I bet his getting a proper kick out of it ' 14 year old you was standing outside the cinema. The movie you were ment to be seeing playing, probably half way through now . Your date never turned put and to be honest your not that disappointed, he seem like an asshole anyway . Your just annoyed he probably thinks it's fun and thinks your crying. (You wouldnt allow your self to cry over something so pathetic in your eyes ) But you can't help on single tear roll down your cheek , this was ment to be your first date . You didnt want to go , you wasnt interested, but Scott kept pushing you to give it a shot. At least one lesson was learnt , dont listen to Scott but it's a lesson you already knew all to well .
To make things worst Scott wasnt picking up his phone . Probably to busy was something stuiped as always . Once you called him the 10th time you started to become stressed . How was you gonna get home ? You felt more teare escape due to the stress .
Scrolling though your contacts you came across Chris . You held your thumb over the name of awhile debating whether to call him or not . He was Scott's older brother ,you didnt want to make a fool of your self and seem like a little girl who cant look after her self but at the same time he said he you ever needed him he was one phone call away .
So that's what you did . With your phone now up to your ear you waited to see if he would answer. 'Hes probably busy with his new girlfriend '
But to your surprise he answered
"Hello "
"Hi " your voice cracked and tears began to run down your cheek at the sound of his voice.
"Y/n are you okay ?" You could hear the panic in his voice , you just let out a loud hiccup as your tried not to cry "... tell me where you are I'll come and get you "
"But ... a... arnt you .u busy ?"
"I'm never to busy for you . Now where are you ?" He demand as you heard on the phone and loud slam you could only assume a door and a seconde later you heard his car engine.
"Umm Chris it's fine, I should of called "
"Sweetheart tell me where you are ,or I swear I'll look on every street in Boston. "
"Umm but "
"Y/n " he warned
"I'm at the cinema 15 minutes away from your and Scott's "
"Okay I'll be there in 5 " he ended the call .
How can he be here in 5 , its 15 minutes away . Unless he is going to speed . He better not. Maybe he already knew where I was . Oh who iam kidding his nee girlfriend probably leaves 5 minutes away .
And with that you waited ,not much else you could do . Your tears died down . Still feel stuipid of crying over something or someone or somewhere you didnt even want to be
As if in a blink of an eye a battered dirt coloured trunk pulled up in front of you . The windows rolled down to show a very conserndier Chris showing lines on his youthful face as he frownd . "Get in " he muttered by in a tone that was not to be argued with . So you step forward hesitant at first but then you remember you did call him . As as you open the car door and I one footed jump into the truck , shuting the door behind you placing your bag in front of you , inbetween your feet as you fiddled with the seat belt .
"So ... " he began " why are stranded at the cinema "
"I was... um "
' Why am so nervous '
"I was ment to be on a date ..." it was then you final met Chris eyes that showed a flash if emotion as if he was almost hurt at the thought of you on a date . But it was probably because you interrupted his own . But you still felt a need to explain as if to avoid hurting his feelings.
"He ..he stood me up.. its not like I even wanted to go it was all Scots idea ." To quickly finished quite nervous as if you did something wronge .
Chris raised an eyebrow "Scotts ha ?" You nodded
"I tried calling him but he didnt pick up "
"So you called me ?" You nodded " so why was you crying if you didnt even want to be on the date ?"
"I was not!" You never like showing your emotions it made you feel weak and you are anything but weak .
"I heard you on the pho..." he chucked trying to lighten the mood
"I was just stress I didn't know how I was gonna get home "
"Well iam here now "
"So can you take me home ?" You questioned
"No !" You were shocked by his sudden answer.
"What ?"
"I'm not taking you home, not yet anyway " he said with his sights smirk .
"So where ?"
"Surprise!" He said starting the engine
"But ... but dont you have to get back to your girlfriend?"
"Pfff girlfriend?" He looked confused.
"Yeah Scott said you had a girlfriend "
"You shouldn't listen to Scott "
"I know that " you giggled now looking out the widow watching the world pass away. Unaware of certain blue eyes keep glancing at you with a smile only for you .
" you didn't have to do this you know " said while manching on your fries in a dinner Chris brought you to .
" I did !" He agreed with a mouth full of his burger ." I couldn't make you go home with a frown " he said with his mouth. You blush at his words but disgusted by his manners .
Throughing a scrunched up napkin you giggled playfully " dont speak you your mouth full "
He raised an eyebrow and smirked a little sorry .
"Why do you care anyway , why do this just to make me smile " you giggled certainly in a better mood , his blue eyes stared into your in awe and a quite mutter you just about heard " if only you knew " but you swear you heard him wrong some you moved on to your next question . As those also familiar butterflys return to your stomach when ever your around Chris .
" So is that your job to make me smile " you ask while putting another frie or two in your mouth .
"Among other thing "
"Like ..?" Your curiosity getting the better of you .
" Give me the punks name ? " he glared at you but still in a soft manner as if to tell you his anger wasnt towards you
" what ?"
" the idiot who stood you up I want his name " he demanded as if a man on a misson .
"Why? "
"Because he made a mistake standing you up "
"And whys that ?"
Because he stood up the best girl in Boston, I know I wouldnt if I was him" the last part came out a bit shaky and quite .
"It doesn't matter anyway " you felt the butterflies raise to your chest as your heart began to faster .
"Because it does "
You couldn't argue anymore , abit scared by his tone you gave him the boys name . But you were still under the spell of his blue eyes . And it was at that moment everything your mother said as a child when you ask about love , princess and prince, clicked in your head . She expain how the flurry feeling never goes away as their around, how theirs a smile on your face always. And how their a feeling. A feeling only there can make you feel . It was at this moment you realised
Holy shit I'm in love with Chris
As you stared at those blue eyes surrounding a 17 year old Chris you knew you always had a little crush on him . You were pretty sure half of the girls in school did . But it never accrued to you just how far those feelings ran .
"Why do you care ?" You titled your head .
"Because your Scotte best friend " he smirked with yet another mout h full of his burger. You giggled at his terrible manners .knowing full well he was doing it because he knew it annoyed you .
And it was in this moment you knew
'He will never be your y/n and keep it that way to keep both Scott and Chris in your life '
You put on a small smile , as the first crack appeared on you new found love for Chris that will forever be on you heart . If only you knew it would be the first of many. Leading to the one big hole you feel currently. But that's the pain of being in love
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b00bconnoisseur · 3 years
Under the cut im just ranting abt my mom so you dont needa read or anything 🤷🏽
I am just so fed up w my mom and am so goddamn close to telling her bitch ass motherfuckin self off for how shit she is to everyone especially my lil sister who takes the absolute most shit from my mom cause shes so far gone wrapped into her mindgames that we can see that she doesnt. We see and know that shes a narcissistic abusive (emotionally, mentally, and even has been physically) gaslighting manipulative homophobic racist and annoying bitch ass motherfucker who calls herself a mother but aint shit. Shes so shitty so thats why she aint got any frens, over half her kids hate her, her husband dont like her, family members dont like her, her DAD dont even want her in his house and only lets us live there because his grandchildren (us) and has said multiple times that if it wasnt for us he wouldnt let her stay w him at all point blank, alotta strangers dont like her, even all the librarians i knew at the library didnt like her and she knows it, she also gets karma n wonders why she gets so much bad luck, etc. She aint got anyone and thats cause shes a cunt. Once we all leave her she'll have no one and will be alone and miserable and i cant wait to hear abt her breaking.
I just so bad want to just yell at her abt how shitty and manipulative and abusive she is and how bad of a mother she is and how i so bad want to leave her, like legit leave to across the country cause i wouldnt live in the same state as hee cause ik how crazy she is and she'd try n find me, and wanna cut her outta my life completely point blank
Like how does she expect me or anyone else to like her when she just uses people and gets mad when ppl dont do what she wants n doesnt get her way, yells n screams her lungs out abt EVERYTHING, etc. She feels so entitled and that shes such a victim at all times that literally when i finally CAME OUT AND ALSO SAID I HAD A GIRLFRIEND she had a full argument with me the next morning and when i was loudly balling my goddamn eyes out IN FRONT OF HER from how mean n shit she was being to me she was like "why are YOU crying?" and played victim and said i was being rude n not considerate of how she would feel abt me telling her i was gay and said she would've just wished i waited another like 6 months till i was 18 to say anything. And she still continues to be homophobic
Anyway not the point but LIKE. Shes so trash n i cant stand her omfg
And she has serious shit wrong w her and bothers everyone w her mental shit. Like its not even "hey can i talk to you about this?" Like she constantly every second of the day talks about herself. She tells every single thought that goes thru her brain at every second ABOUT THE DUMBEST SHIT LIKE "i had a thought about what if i got possessed or you got possessed or i switched bodies with this person in the tv or you or you did or anyone or any" to my SIBLINGS and if they arent listening or dont respond or are like "um" she gets so angry and plays victim. She acts lik a full blown child i cant stress this enough. Shes so annoying and im just. And like she literally annoys everyone and makes everyone uncomfortable and irritated with how much she just keeps talking abt every fucking tiny dumb thought she has and i literally starting crying cause i couldnt take it anymore. Like she was and is heavily affecting my mental health n i told her that and she was just like "um you hurt my feelings, youre so mean" and shes SO MUCH WORSE NOW. I literally cant take it. If she was someone else id block them or cut them out of my life for how toxic and shit she is. Theres a difference between talking abt your mental shit and then forcing everything youre feeling onto everyone and getting mad when theyre tired of hearing it. Like i definitely have mental issues of my own but i dont go to my gf or frens every second and tell all my shit cause who tf does that and also theyre gonna be annoyed to hell w me and be like "bitch please stop we're tired"
Anyway i hate my mom
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stjudesfandom · 4 years
i'm curious so give me your honest opinion about the disney princesses!
here’s my honest opinion on the cast in general. just mine remember! other fans might feel differently: THE PRINCES
cameron as flynn - completely yes. he has a boyish charm that would work so well. people who say “actors should/can play anything” are completely wrong and will never work in the industry for that reason. actors have to fit the part to the extent and this is probs the most exciting casting for me. he’ll do so well. alex as aladdin - undecided...i don’t think he’s going to play him in the way we know aladdin. i think he’ll have a more serious spin on the character but i definitely dont HATE it.  oliver as prince charming - yes, yes, yes. charming isn’t exciting so they NEEDED someone who was going to give him some personality. i think this could really elevate oliver’s career too. we need more of him. harvey as eric - an actor we don’t know much about but again. YES. i think he’s the perfect fit and it’s great to see some new faces getting the chance to go big.  danny as prince phillip - yes! i like it and we know danny will be able to give us prince vibes. he’s very talented. what i like about these castings is there’s a perfect balance between big names to draw people in (like danny) and lots of up and coming talent too. ezra as naveen - i don’t hate it but it’s my least favourite prince casting...the energy people wasted trying to say zara was a predictable rapunzel should have been given to this. i think he’ll kill it but idk, it doesn’t excite me as much.  leo as kristofer - I DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL. it’ll either be amazing or a trainwreck. i just cant visualise it. again, im not saying i hate it. i just need some time to sit with it. i think when we get trailers and sneak peaks, it’ll make more sense. it was just a big surprise.  luke as li shang - also known as the perfect casting. he’s the perfect li shang. 
natalie as the fairy godmother - YES but she really needs to embrace it because this could become an iconic role for her. i think it’s perfect, i just hope she gives it her all.  florence as tinkerbell - this is her first acting gig, so i haven’t got much to go off of...HOWEVER, im always very sceptical when hamiltons go into something new...because their family is so powerful in entertainment it always smells of nepotism. i love her for tinkerbell but now i hope she can actually act and has talent/wasnt just cast for who shes related to. matt as the genie - NOT A SINGLE OTHER ACTOR could do it. i’m so glad this is what he got and he wasn’t lumped with a prince or something. he has the range, we know he’s going to be reeling off those punch lines. yes.  duyi as mushu - another actor i havent seen MUCH of. i think it’s accurate though and i’m intrigued to see where he goes with it. 
i’m not going to get into an individual breakdown of the villains because i agree with it all. i love that every single one is an established and known actor. i love that every single one has proved themselves already. THEY are going to be the ones who reel the audience in because names like wesley higgins, gisele collins, disney hamilton etc. are so linked to st judes. i think this was such a smart move. 
autumn as snow - hm...i don’t know much about autumn. she has the look, definitely, but i don’t know what she’s like in terms of acting. BUT i can get behind it because acting is her main career choice so at least we know she has talent/is serious and she’ll be elevated to a new level of relevance in her career.  natasha as aurora - YES YES YES i cannot stress how much i was hoping aurora wasn’t cast as someone very traditionally princess-y like mal or zara. aurora is easily the most boring and passive princess and she needed someone with a bit of edge, especially bc this is a modern franchise. a VERY underrated choice but the perfect one!  mallory as cinderella - love it. i think cinderella is more relevant/important than she gets credit for so i hope mallory takes it seriously and really does her justice. looks wise, it couldn’t be more perfect. this could be a great performance if the work is put in.  ruby as belle - i really love it. i didn’t at first because ruby is a singer and with franchises like this, you kind of want ALL of the cast to be very serious actors but she has had broadway experience and been in her fair share of projects so i’ve warmed to it and she just looks like belle, doesn’t she? i think she’ll do well.  maelyn as ariel - i was NOT expecting it. i don’t know who i thought was going to get this tbh. i feel the same as i do about autumn...i haven’t seen much of her and ariel is SUCH a big character, i’m worried she might not do her the justice she deserves.  rosalie as jasmine - YES YES YES. rosalie is the next big actress in st judes. she can do film just as well as she can do stage and this will totally prove it.  harper as pocahontas - i love it! she has the look 100%. i think the only thing people will moan about is age but honestly? i think it’ll be fine. harper could easily pull off a college student (because that’s who pocahontas is in this?) and it’ll be nice to see her in something big.  elodie as mulan - YES. I WAS HOPING FOR THIS. 10/10. cassidy as merida - see autumn/harper! i don’t have any complaints but hope she can do the role justice as we haven’t seen much of her.  kobi as tiana - kobi is the perfect tiana. we’ve seen her do tiana before, but not a modernised version? i’m really happy we get to have her again. mason did well to not just go for “unpredictable” people and actually consider actors who would be convincing LOOKS WISE as well as acting range wise.  zara as rapunzel - i will defend this casting till i die. i feel like everyone who said it was predictable lowkey wanted mal to be rapunzel and imo that would’ve been a weaker casting. when it comes to disney, you definitely have to LOOK like the character you’re portraying, zara looks the most like her AND her acting ability is insane. idk where all the arguments were coming from about actors ‘can play people they’re not necessarily like’ as well because she’s not exactly like rapunzel irl but people can already see she’d be amazing as her, so that kind of defeats what the people who dont like the casting are saying? long story short, a perfect casting and the right choice. i just hope she isnt disheartened and brings her A-game. mackenzie as elsa - YES YES elsa is supposed to be slightly older than most of the princesses and have a sophisticated air about her. mackenzie will give us the elsa we deserve. she looks enough like her to make this a recognisable disney franchise but also has the acting range to show different sides to elsa’s character that haven’t been portrayed in the original movies.  heidi as anna - THIS IS CUTE. i approve!  christelle as moana - the same as ruby, pretty much! i hope there’re musical elements too though because imagine if we get a “how far i’ll go” cover from christelle? yes pleaaase?
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twilightpoison · 4 years
Diabetic head cannons but for a different fandom? More likely then you think, because i need to keep myself awake until i can get a second opinion on what to do next. So have fun with my rambles about selected Ikerev boi’s that will not make sense.
Warning: Needles unedited and cursing because lack of sleep
General head canons:
- alright just to start out lets say Alice is from our time, not sure how they dealt with diabetes back in the 19th century but apart of me is saying it wasn’t that good.
- So with falling into cradle really in theory out of the suitors, Kyle would be the only one who would know what the fuck is going on.
- Probably during the chase out of the garden Alice’s blood runs low and she doesn’t have glucoses tablets on her or something. Zero would ask what’s up and she would give a small explanation with Kyle cutting her off to finish her sentence.
- Anyway is already canon that Zero always has lollipops on him so thats how she doesn’t die from low blood sugar and gets like 15 different flavors of lollipops.
- Alice depending on the route would probably end up with him as her doctor and supplier of insulin and needles until the full moon.
- dude imma be straight with y’all, he’s suffering.
- Do you think he can administer glucagon? He cant even take getting a shot.
- Plus he probably cant even watch Alice giving herself an insulin injection.
- Alice would probably be more considerate with that last one though.
- I cant see Lance’s Alice being the type to just do it in the open because of how much Lance hates needles.
- If Alice mentions about how her world has Pods or sensors that negates the needles, you can bet he’ll get someone to create something similar.
- The first person i think of is Oliver so probably him.
- Despite hating seeing Alice inject herself, he does often make sure she does.
- Carb counting and the conversions he can help with too.
- ey I know the relationship here is built on the mutual love of sweets, and you think because Alice is a diabetic she wouldn’t eat to much of it.
- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nah that wont stop her. If anything she would be the type to 100% eat sweets on the regular and not care about it. Trust me I knew someone like this and I too wondered how the fuck was she still alive.
- Once Jonah realizes what’s up though... he probably be very strict on Alice’s sweet intake.
- Alice is probably chaotic enough that he knows he can’t stop her, because lets be real here. Edgar would give her some of his candy so really its the lesser of to evils.
- Would definitely track the blood sugar levels, you would think he was the one that had it. Thats how detailed it is.
- Probably keeps in mind on what foods they like to eat and how many carbs are in there so when the two of them are on a date and Alice is struggling to carb count he knows what’s up and tells her how much to give.
- Jonah would probably be reluctant to stab Alice with glucagon or insulin. He would know how to but its something else doing on someone you care about.
- He would be internally panicking probably.
- tbh wasnt expecting to put him in this but now that i think about it, Edgar would definitely some how know right away.
- I haven’t played his route yet though so there isn’t much I can comment on. But what I can comment on...
- Edgar would always have sweets on him and some how always know how much Alice need to take.
- How the fuck he gets this information I can’t tell you, because I don’t even know.
- Another boy that can track her levels better then she can herself.
- He would probably be able to stab Alice with glucagon or insulin if something happens. I wouldn’t trust him to, but he knows how so its better then no one doing it.
- Definitely wouldn’t panic if something bad happen, he would become serious but nothing else.
- Would always keep a watchful eye for signs of lows or highs.
- After finding out what candies Alice likes he would definitely carry those around him more often.
- havent played this bois route part 2.
- Stressful yes, BUT EXCITING.
- As mentioned Cradle is in the 19th century while Alice is from the 21st. There is so much they don’t know about Diabetes that Alice can tell him about.
- Would 100% try to get Oliver to invent a insulin pump or a Blood Sugar sensor, after hearing about them.
- probably gets into the habit of carrying around glucose tablets and makes sure Alice has all their stuff with them as well.
- Constant check ups for Alices levels and condition, this is a new world that doesn’t have everything she has back at home so they need to be diligent with keeping up with that sort of thing.
- Idk if he would know that sometimes Type 1 can also have Celiac but if he does he would ask.
- If not Alice would probably let him know if they do or not.
- Kyle would probably make sure the kitchen staff knows to give Alice low carb meals most of the time.
- anything to make this easier to control until the full moon.
- This is obvious but Kyle would 100% stab Alice with a needle if in an emergency.
- a baby- he always has lollipops on him.
- The first time it was just luck on Alice’s part that he did, but now he is like the go to man to get sweets from. (Aside from Edgar.)
- I dont think Zero would be to involved with helping. Its not really something he knows to much about.
- However that doesn’t stop him from helping out.
- Aside from carrying sweets he also gives gentle reminders after meals or if Alice has a snack or something to take insulin to cover it.
- Would probably be the third most confident with stabbing Alice with a needle if need be.
- You know how he gives Alice those earrings that tell him if she is in danger?
- Imagine him getting something similar but its like an ID bracelet that lets him know if there is an emergency.
- He mostly lets Alice take care of everything herself though.
- Its the small things that he can make alittle better.
- Definitely would be the type to make the frustrating times better with sweet words and cuddles.
I’m not gonna do the black army tonight (today? Idk). I just gotten the ok to sleep. Hopefully my 24 hour lack of sleep brain did good lol.
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