#canon expansion if that's a thing
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saym0-0 · 8 months ago
hm i think after the rapture joel only tried to use his soul magic (not magic, according to him) once, in esmp s2, where he used the last of his clay he took from mezeleas stores during the rapture to create 'god joel', and never again because he was so worried that it wouldn't work (not that he told anyone that). until he joined hermitcraft and began sculpting again at last. thats his armour stand dabbling hehe. maybe soon he'll start experimenting on transferring his soul to his new sculptures. they're not mezelean clay clones but maybe they'll work :33
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thelaurenshippen · 1 year ago
re: that *chef kiss* PERFECT Franken-Drummer post and tumblr not being all over The Expanse, I know right?? it’s such an amazing show with so many delightful, complicated characters yet it’s so unfairly slept on! maybe because S1 takes awhile to get going and ppl give up? idk but it makes me sad that I have so few ppl to squeal about Drummer and Amos and Bobbie and Christjen and Ashford and Naomi (ad infinitum) with 😭🚀😭
WHY ARE PEOPLE NOT OBSESSED WITH THE EXPANSE HELLO!?!?! there's literally so much to love about it oh my god. you're right, it DOES take a second to get going but once it does!!!
for those of you who have not read or seen The Expanse series (I myself have yet to read the books), let me tell you why you'll love it:
political space drama with incredibly distinct cultures and phenomenal world building, if you're a details girlie (gn), you're gonna go nuts
the found family vibes!!??! are off!?!? the charts!?!? (minor spoilers for the first few episodes) four people are thrown into a situation in which they accidentally become the most important people/fugitives in the whole galaxy and most of them DO NOT trust each other, what could possible go wrong, and even better, what could possibly go RIGHT
Christjen Avasarala. you are not ready for her. most powerful mover-shaker on earth with the most incredible outfits you've ever seen, refined elegance with the filthiest mouth, plus she's got a classic "whatever those two have going on is so gay it veers into something else entirely" with her younger protective knight lady, Bobbie
Bobbie. the "not to be a lesbian but oh my god" post is made for her. we meet her in the show for the first time when she arm wrestles a robot and WINS. you will be begging for her to step on you with her mech suit
speaking of women I want to step on me Camina Drummer. angry revolutionary pirate queen of my heart. do you miss the unique agony of 2000/10s queerbaiting but want it to be not baiting somehow? this show does that, idk how else to explain it. the most agonizing sapphic pining you've ever seen but it's textual and also not painful because its gay. don't worry, Camina fucks, just not the girl she wants most (also spoilers, but this is not a bury your gays show don't worry)
Jim Holden is literally just Some Guy who becomes the special fantasy chosen one because he simply cannot stop Getting Involved. nosiest bitch in the universe, I love him.
imagine you're a girl who leaves your shitty ex and gets a normal industrial job on a spaceship, only to have a six foot, two hundred pound killer dressed as a mechanic imprint on you like a baby duck, and its unclear whether he wants to fuck you or call you a little sister but he definitely WILL kill for you and will do literally anything you say and then you both end up caught up in a weird galactic war by mistake and there's this other guy with a captain america level moral compass and he's cute and you're into him except your shitty ex is still out there with the biggest secret you have and meanwhile your best female friend is the coolest person you've ever met but you don't think you can be what she needs and you're holding your family together, you're holding the universe together and all you want is justice for your people but unfortunately you've gone and fallen in love with the accidental most important man in the galaxy. well, every day Naomi Nagata wakes up
Praxideke Meng. botanist of my heart. literally tames the rabid guard dog that no one else could. gentle and able to stay gentle because of said dog. which brings me to...
Amos Burton. I saved him for last because he is my guy. he is THAT guy. canonically aromantic pansexual king. are you into guard dog characters? do you find yourself drawn to the "sorry my love language is acts of service and all I'm good at is killing people" characters? amos burton is like seventeen tumblr posts come to life. previously mentioned enormous killer dressed as a mechanic, former heels wearing "I didn't always work in space" sex worker who is always rolling into brothels and being like "you guys unionized?", gives a shit about basically no one in the universe except his crew and every single child in the galaxy, accidental comedian because he cannot stop saying weird shit, not a nice or good person but a loyal one, and one who is always trying to relearn the empathy that was carved out of him as a young person. every time he goes homicidal to protect one of his chosen people (crew + any and every child), an angel gets its wings.
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somebluemelodies · 1 year ago
@atthebell's SPIDERBIT WEEK DAY SIX: it couple | enigma revisiting the coffee shop au for this one, which you can read here! consider this a couple months or so post first date :> featuring: qroier being hopelessly in love and qcellbit being a total fucking nerd (/affectionate. and also hopelessly in love) this is a little lengthy like the last one my apologies-
"Roier, I can hear you thinking from here, man."
Roier abruptly stands from his spot leaning against the counter. "Perdón."
"Keep thinking that hard and you're going to destroy your last functioning brain cell." Mariana eyes his best friend. "Are you still trying to ask that guy out?"
"Yes," he answers, exasperated. "I don't know what the fuck to do."
"Just fucking ask him, man! It's not hard."
"I don't want to just ask, man! I want to do something cool for him, you know? He deserves it." Roier eyes Mariana right back. "Besides, I don't think you're allowed to offer relationship advice. You and Slime just started making out every day and eventually slapped a label on it."
Mariana looks smug and punchable. "And we're engaged now."
Roier only flips him off, leaning back against the counter and returning to his moping pondering. The other barista huffs after a few seconds, finally attempting to make himself useful. "Well, what does he like?"
"He's an investigator," is how Roier answers, "he—"
It's like a flip is switched in his brain, and he shoots back upright. "That's it! I know!" And before Mariana can question it, he's rushing out back to grab his phone.
When he returns, he's near-silent for the next several minutes upon grabbing a pen and napkin, save for occasional mumbling to himself as he studies intently whatever is on his phone screen.
Mariana doesn't bother stepping over yet, watching as Roier eventually starts writing something down on the napkin. Only when the pen has been capped, and Roier sighs to himself, seemingly satisfied, does he finally question the other again. "Happy now?"
Roier nods, smiling. "Sí."
(And so it goes.)
“And someone left this on one of the tables?”
Roier nodded. “Sí. Shortly before my shift ended.”
Cellbit seems mildly skeptical, but he doesn’t question it. Besides, who would he be to pass up solving a jumbled mess of letters?
“Well, it’s not a Caesar cipher. Doesn’t make sense. But…” He leans down, reaching for his satchel and rummaging through its contents before he finds a piece of paper, placing it on the coffee table alongside the napkin.
Intrigued, Roier scoots closer from their spot on his couch, hooking his chin over Cellbit’s shoulder. It looks like a table, but it’s full of letters instead of numbers. “What is that?”
(It’s just to get a closer look.)
(Cellbit wills his cheeks to cool down.)
“It’s for a Vigenère cipher. The letters in the middle are for all the encrypted letters. The left-hand column is the alphabet for whatever the key is, and the top row is the plaintext, or the 'normal' letters, if you will. In this case, it's what we're going to solve for."
(Cellbit explaining is leagues better than reading a bunch of words on a screen.)
(He could listen to Cellbit talk all day.)
“So how exactly do you solve it?” Roier asks. He has somewhat of an idea, but it was mostly him filling out the criteria on the website to encrypt it for him.
“I want to try and figure out the key first. I’m guessing the little coffee cup in the corner here has something to do it.” Cellbit points to the little doodle in the bottom right-hand corner, thinking for a moment. “It might not work, but let’s say the key is the word café. Vigenères are polyalphabetic ciphers; it utilizes multiple Caesar ciphers inside of itself, but the increments depend on whatever the key is— sorry, not important— polyalphabetic just means that they—"
“Use multiple alphabets?”
Cellbit smiles, and warmth blooms in Roier’s chest. “Yes!”
He pulls a pen from his chest jacket pocket. “We’re going to repeat café until it matches the length of the message.” He starts writing the letters underneath the cipher, continuing to talk. “We’re only going to be using the C, A, F, and E letters on the left-hand column, none of the others. Let me just finish this…”
Roier waits patiently until Cellbit gets to the last letter. When he does, he reaches for the table he’d pulled out. “Okay! So, now, to actually decipher it, we’re going to take the first letter of the key, C, and we’re going to locate the first letter of the cryptic message, Y, in C's row.” Cellbit’s pen lands on the letter Y. “Next, we’re going to follow that up to the top row for the plaintext.” The pen travels up. “W. So, the first letter of the decrypted message is W. Does that make sense?"
The barista nods as the investigator glances over to check. "Yeah. You're very smart, gatinho, you know that?"
Cellbit chuckles. "Gracias, guapito."
With that, he starts to work on decoding the rest of the cipher. Roier can't help but marvel at the speed he's able to work at - and doing it manually at that, not just putting it through online like he did. But Cellbit solving it fast is doing nothing for his nerves, his heartbeat starting to pick up.
He lets the other work quietly, trying not to shuffle and shift too much from his place leaning against him. He can't tell if he's regretting this or not, with the way the anticipation is killing him.
(But he also knows shit like this makes Cellbit happy, so maybe it won't be the complete end of the world.)
When Cellbit gets to the last word, though, he starts to slow down, processing exactly what the message is in front of him. He becomes acutely aware of Roier's head on his shoulder, the way his dark eyes are flitting back and forth between him and the papers, and pieces start clicking into place.
But he finishes it, because he knows Roier made it. Because he's stunned someone would go to this length for him. And so, the decoded cipher stares back up at him.
Cellbit reads it back over to himself, once, twice, heart hammering in his chest as a haziness washes over him. He feels Roier lift his head, momentarily mourning the loss of contact, but wills his voice to work. "Roier..?"
"Well?" Roier asks after a moment, and Cellbit feels brave enough to glance over at him. They lock eyes, and he looks just as nervous as Cellbit feels, if not more. "Will you?"
For a moment, Cellbit doesn't move, expression unreadable, and Roier wonders if maybe this was a mistake after all. But then he sits upright, and orients to face him. "Cellbo—?"
He's effectively cut off by lips pressing against his, one of Cellbit's hands cupping his face as the other rests against the back of his neck.
Roier's eyes close immediately, melting into it as one arm wraps around the investigator's neck. His other hand goes up, threading through Cellbit's hair and subconsciously deepening the kiss.
(It feels warm, it feels right.)
They only pull apart when their lungs demand oxygen, foreheads resting together.
"Does that answer your question, guapito?" Cellbit breathes out.
Roier grins. "I think I need a little more clarification, gatinho."
Cellbit can't help but laugh. "Let me try again, then."
"By all means."
And somehow, the second kiss is almost better than the first.
(Enigma solved.)
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tweedfrog · 8 months ago
Thinking abt human sacrifice in westeros in ASOIAF I rlly rlly do love the idea that it was practiced openly in the north but died out (except on skagos allegedly) when the Andals came and now people view it as barbaric but it just happens en masse but they call it something else....Northerners tithing men before the beginning of winter and giving them to the Nights Watch based on luck of the draw....Southerners setting up whole tourney circuits and melee battles where men die brutally for entertainment. It's all still there you just call it a different thing!!!!
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canon-divergence · 10 months ago
. . .
Oh, hello there, 257.
. . .
Are you alright? You look..upset-
You're a disgusting whore.
You did this. You ruined everything. You ruined my love, you ruined 453, and I'm surprised you didn't FUCKING ruin me.
2-257..p-please calm dow-
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timeclipsed · 2 months ago
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Don't mind me, just gonna...
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ratcandy · 8 months ago
i keep imagining what sozonius' family is like. i really hope they expand on the whole mimi thing. (but... im scared whatever they come up with will be barebones and predictable)
I also really want to know but I can't imagine they . Will? Expand on it? I mean at least not anytime soon The Sozo expansion(tm) was pretty big n honestly MM seems disinterested in giving NPCs that much attention often shdgkjh. The Mimi thing seems like something they just tossed in for speculation's sake if I am Being Honest
But yes I also fear that whatever they would come up with for Mimi would be . Not interesting 💔 Or worse just have them Show Up in the Cult and totally take out part of Sozo's tragedy aspect by daring to reunite him with his family
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impossible-rat-babies · 1 year ago
me grabbing eyrie and shaking them is it not enough to have gone through four ships by now. is it not enough for you funny man
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t4tadrienette · 2 months ago
I appreciate the anime for putting canon stuff outside the manga as well, but like, not in the middle of the war arc. Madara activates the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and then I have to watch like 10 episodes of the Itachi backstory, like put it after it's over
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thepandalion · 3 months ago
devastating: the good fic that ends on a cliffhanger and will never update
#see also: the good fic that last updated a year after the original media's release#I'm not gonna write for the fuckjng gay werewolves fandom. Im not. Im stronger than that#.... I am not in fact stronger than that. however because it already has werewolves I cant go off the wall on worldbuilding#gotta have at least some basis in canon for my wellbeing but also I hate how they do werewolves in canon#so like.... canon expansion ig#I also. dont have a specific plot idea. because typically my plot ideas go “canon but werewolves” and uh#idk what to do when canon is... already... werewolves...#like do I just expand on the Boy (like everyone does because he's absolutely the best)?#theres this semi-recent fic I liked the concept of that I could borrow the general idea of ig but like. idk how Id do that#its pretty much just taking canon and going “nothing has been fixed they're all werewolves” and then expanding the werewolf lore#like. I can do that! I can expand upon some cool friendships and explore the inevitable werewolf related trauma#just. maybe slight more nerdiness and slightly less abo dynamics#(the thing Im most disappointed about is that when they said “were like captive wolves” noone said “oh dear god life is omegaverse now”)#like. I can see dylan or abi being in fandom spaces. tbh I can also see jacob in fandom spaces but he needs to be pushed into exploring tha#also. yknow. less weird about it. just lean aggressively on the “beast within” thing and the Creature vibes#((everyone trying to sneak up on dylan. who is apparently the tallest. to give him scritches. as vengence for him giving them all scritches#((they uh. dont manage it for the first while. what with the entire wolfdog superhearing bit))#(((they would get him eventually tho. kaitlyn gets him first bc I like their friendship most)))
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doolallymagpie · 2 years ago
I’m actually gonna try speaking “Sam and Max realize they never actually got married, legally speaking, and have Drummer officiate the real deal in Poker Night at the Inventory 3” into existence
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 7 months ago
parker casting assassin's approach 🤝 arthur casting unseen form. two sides of the sneakery coin. together they can become totally undetectable
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le-agent-egg · 7 months ago
finally made a few doodles for the thh splatoon au
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just trying to figure out how the idol groups would announce the news
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fereldanwench · 1 year ago
another day being completely normal about the disrespect to goro takemura's hairline
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anthyies · 2 years ago
number one x-factor investigations (2005) hater. what if there was a book which had one of the first gay marvel kisses between two of your favorite characters ever. and what if that book also weirdly mischaracterized one of them + they were constantly homophobically made fun of by another guy + was SO weird about women!!!!
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canon-divergence · 11 months ago
i think im pan,,,,
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