#trigger splatty havoc
le-agent-egg · 1 month
finally made a few doodles for the thh splatoon au
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just trying to figure out how the idol groups would announce the news
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catboymoments · 2 years
Me making splatoon danganronpa au: ‘haha, trigger SPLATTY havoc’
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le-agent-egg · 2 months
while î procrastinate work on the ishimondo week prompts from today and yesterday, i thought of another neato idea for trigger splatty havoc (this will make much more sense if you’ve seen my other yapathons)
what if post octo-expansion, everyone in the gang meets up (probably via takemichi and taka since they have ties to both groups of people) and kind of, introduce themselves! they’re all part of the same side!
this includes introducing agents 4 and 5 (kyoko and hina) to mondo, since they haven’t really met before. it takes a bit of pushing for them to talk to each other, but they actually hit it off pretty well (mostly because they have taka as a kind of mutual friend (weird homoerotic totally not boyfriend in mondo’s case)) LONG STORY SHORT. what if they grouped together and kind of became something like deep cut? agents turned idols? i feel like that would be cool. sayaka offers to help them with getting on the music scene because there is only so much “sitting in an elevator and watching two people make out” she can take.
so those three get to have a kind of deep cut relationship and therefore, get to be in the third games campaign. still sorting some stuff out, like how to actually deal with the splat 3 campaign + who agent 4 will be, but we ball! i love gay squids this is just combining the least straight casts of characters from the least straight games ever into one au
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le-agent-egg · 2 months
hi i had another idea regarding the splat 1 campaign of the tsh (trigger splatty havoc) au.
i really really want to make taka agent 3 because i feel like?? he fits so well?? so here’s what i’m thinking (spoilers below cut in case i ever bother making this into a fic and you wanna read it for some reason)
(and also because it’s really fuckin long and incoherent)
the great turf war ended a little differently- yes it was still inklings and octolings at war with each other, but the leader of the inklings ended up getting assassinated in an incredibly petty way. the octopus who carried out said assassination was toranosuke, a high-class general in the octarian army. while inkling society shunned him further, the octarians praised him for taking out the opposition’s leader.
now, toranosuke would slowly start to rise to further power, and after only a short period of time, would become the new leader of the octarians. his quote unquote son, takaaki, was uh. kind of sorta disturbed by his father’s actions, but oh well, life is looking good for him!
until a rogue inkling soldier from the new squidbeak splatoon infiltrates the base, and takaaki falls head over heels for her. inkling and octoling cross-reproduction probably works pretty differently, but regardless, taka somehow pops into existence. and all hell breaks loose.
not only did the son of the entire octarian race produce a child with an inkling, but that child was an inkling himself! furious, toranosuke pretty much kicked his son and grandson out, and ordered for taka’s mom to be splatted on sight. takaaki obviously didn’t have a great time in inkopolis, being an octarian. yk. so he and taka lived in a very low class type area you know the rest.
now when taka turns sixteen, fully mature (he’s got that octarian blood in him, so it took a bit longer for him to cook) he was strolling around inkopolis plaza when he noticed a head peeping from one of those manholes. curiosity got the better of him, and he followed, ending up in a place known as octo valley. standing (or rather, sitting) in front of him were two inklings around his age, and more importantly, from the most famous band and idol group in all of inkopolis. (i’m going to be using squid sisters as a placeholder whenever it comes up)
junko and mukuro, two child prodigies in the performing field - and part of the squid sisters, seemed like they were anticipating someone to finally follow them into octo valley. that someone “just so happened” to be taka, “coincidentally” the grandson of the current leader.
what happens next is very similar to the original campaign- junko and mukuro go under the disguise of wanting to get revenge for squidkind after their leader was killed all those years ago, and with the help of a few other recruits (whom i’ll elaborate on later) work to take down the octarians from the inside out.
midway through the campaign, a challenge “level” would appear, in which agent 3 (taka) - (side note, why is he agent 3 if there’s 5 other agents before him? could this have been planned?)
…anyway, in which taka only has a single life, so to speak. the respawn point stopped working, because oh no, the octarians stole the great zapfish! whatever will we do!
so now, for each progressing mission, taka has fewer lives to respawn with, making him extra careful. but also… suspicious. wouldn’t it have been easier for the octarians to take their power source at the beginning? why did junko and mukuro call him and explain with great detail what happened, only a couple minutes after it did? did they contact the other agents, whoever they are? why on earth hasn’t he met them yet?
near the end of the campaign, after a rough encounter with one of the great octoweapons, taka is temporarily put out of commission, and taken care of by two other recruits- agents four and five. one of them has her tentacles tied in this ridiculous, gravity defying bun, and the other has her’s cut off at the ends, just above her waist. hm, these descriptions definitely don’t sound like another duo of gals from danganronpa who do have some form of relationship, one who likes to swim and one who probably enjoys ace attorney…
so- when taka finally faces off against his grandfather, he’s confused as to where this fabled great zapfish is. everything is working fine power wise, so what could have been the motivation?
thing is, this time at least, there was no motivation- because toranosuke didn’t take the zapfish. but you know who did? junko and mukuro, duh.
turns out, these two have been working as double agents, giving toranosuke information on taka’s (and the other two recruits’) whereabouts, all for the sake of being promised some rule over inkopolis. in fact, junko’s plan was never about “getting revenge for their assassinated leader”, but rather, getting others to take down the octarian army (including mukuro) so she could have complete power over both races. and why steal the zapfish? well, with no power, no one can respawn, tell others what’s happening, all that stuff- and what’s more despairing than that?
and then, on basically the verge of death, taka starts to hear a very familiar folksong, only this time, much more upbeat and lively. almost immediately, he recognizes the song as the calamari inkantation. but it’s not junko and mukuro, you know- the idol group of inkopolis plaza playing it, but rather, those two other recruits he had met! and yeah it’s hina and kyoko. who would have thunk. they work really well as callie and marie, ok?
in the end, those two help taka defeat not only his grandfather, but also junko and mukuro, returning the zapfish in the process. i don’t know if i want to have taka splat (see: literally kill) his own grandfather, but i do know he traps junko and mukuro in a snow globe. they’re getting the octavio treatment lmao.
kyoko and hina maintain their relationship, working on and off together with performing covers of songs. honestly, they both really enjoyed it- taka helps out sometimes as well, but for now, that’s all any of them want of being secret agents.
that pretty much brings octo valley to an end!
i did forget to mention that other agent- what was his name, agent 6? yuki… something? i think he had a role with some kind of rebellion group- last i heard, their leader got splatted after trying to rebel during toranosuke’s defeat, and everyone else either had a similar fate, or ran away… speaking of ran away, one of those elite engineers also went missing - i wonder what happened to her?
oh well, maybe someday we’ll know.
psst, if you bothered to read my whole yapathon- reply to this post with this emoji -> 🥨 !!!
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le-agent-egg · 2 months
wanna draw the trigger splatty havoc au again
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le-agent-egg · 2 months
guys. regarding the trigger splatty havoc au. you will get michi crumbs. i am unable to confirm or deny crumbs of any other captives. but there will be michi crumbs.
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