#cang argue with that!
nonbinarychair · 23 days
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"You can't make Jeremy trans! Jeremy isn't trans !" EXPLAIN THIS THEN
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djappleblush · 2 years
Lord Arbiter and Changyuan are Xiao Lanhua's parents and that is fact.
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valley-of-the-lost · 2 years
“Dongfang Qingcang coming back at the end of the drama was all in Xiao lanhua’s head” is rapidly becoming my least favorite interpretation of the drama ending
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ruvi-muffin · 1 year
Can't talk to my family bc they're religious
Can't talk to my friends bc they're atheist
I've a list of... three friends who are from the same church and would get it and One friend who is queer and ex christian who would get it.
Do i want to bother them just to be sad abt radicalized teenagers who will likely calm down in forty years???
Shit fam i need a drag show to bust into my aunt's place and whisk me away from ppl who don't get that deadpool is the queerest most wholesome R rated action movie fr
I'm even wearing my gay dad shirt today. This is a crime against me Personally
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l33n1s · 2 months
No but Shen Twins AU where Shen Yuan is technically a member of Cang Qiong Mt sect but he's almost never there cause he's too busy traveling and studying/documenting all of the cool plants and animals.
But when he Does spend time at the sect it's Qing Jing Peak's emotional equivalent to Christmas, cause Shen Jiu is actually in a good mood (as good as his moods get at least) and Shen Yuan has picked up a habit of bringing sweets for the disciples. He just shows up and suddenly the bamboo house doesn't seem so empty, Shen Jiu actually seems comfortable for once, and the whole peak's atmosphere seems to shift.
And, it's always a very jaring experience for new disciples the first time they meet Shen Yuan. Cause there's this guy who looks exactly like their teacher but is so much less severe. His posture is a little more relaxed, he Actually smiles at them every once in a while, he doesn't get annoyed when they ask about his adventures and is instead very willing to share his stories (if he dresses them up a little who's to blame him). For many of them it stuns them to see Anyone be so casual with their teacher and be left alive after; to see him argue with someone in a way that is actually harmless rather than scathing.
It doesn't help though that noone actually knows When Shen Yuan will ever show up or how long he'll actually stay. It definitely varies, sometimes he'll just be passing through the area on his way to some other cool place, sometimes he stays for a few months in order to teach a couple classes on useful plants and dangerous animals.
Often during his visits, he visits the other peaks too. He talks with Mu Qingfang about about medicinal plants while he's treated for any injuries he has (it's not his fault he's accident prone, and if he fell of that cliff while trying to follow a very cool bird-thing no one needs to know). He has tea with Yue Qingyuan (who met him for the first time and said "our younger brother"); Shen Jiu is decidedly not happy about this but "oh well he'll live"
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lttawnymadison · 2 months
TGCF Revised Version Afterword by MXTX
Since I kept seeing snippets of this, I wanted to read the whole thing for myself. I'd already bought the book on JJWXC and did an MTL for this. It's so wonderful that she's back and sharing new things and that the revised is finally done! - Tawny --------------------------------------------- The author has something to say:
Seeing the small red clay stove again.
———— Afterword of "Heaven Official's Blessing" 2022
■ Finally done!
Long time no see! It's another afterword starting with "finally." Without further ado, seasoned readers would know that I make substantial revisions. For instance, scenes like the Bai Feng Mountain Hunt and the ending recognition of Sizhui in the serial version of "Mo Dao Zu Shi" were not originally there.
The revisions in "Heaven Official's Blessing" are the most extensive of all my works. It was a huge project, as it is also the longest in terms of length, serialized over eight months. Due to poor health and other reasons, the revision process was interrupted for a long time before I picked it up again, and it sporadically took about five to six months over several years.
In the era of web novels, there are endless new entertainments, and honestly, not many people re-read a story. Plus, some problems in the serialized version are structural and can't be changed, but I still tried my best to address my regrets. After all, when I was serializing it, I was almost always in a feverish and sick state, barely pushing through. Additionally, I often enjoy comparing different versions of my favorite authors' works back and forth, finding pleasure in the process. So, for readers, discovering "Wow, this part has changed!" is like starting a new journey with Easter eggs in a second round.
■ The new revised version includes about 100,000 words of new content!
These 100k words are mainly concentrated in the latter half of Volume 1 and Volume 3, but there are plenty scattered throughout the text. For example, I fulfilled a promise to A-Hua, giving him several new outfits. Seeing A-Hua dressed beautifully in a new hairstyle to meet his gege made me happy.
In terms of the intensity of revisions, personally, I feel it goes like this:
Volume 1 and Volume 2 > Volume 3 > Volume 5 > Volume 4.
Additionally, the new version cuts some redundant words and plots that weren't very meaningful. However, I tried to keep all the original interactions between Hua Lian as complete as possible. If some minor interactions are missing, they weren't deleted but moved around.
■ One day, I suddenly dug out something.
An antique from 2017, a folder called "Heaven Official's Blessing Setting Collection."
Curiously, I opened it and read with interest.
● Comparing the original setting outline and the main text, the highest fidelity is in the main storyline between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.
A-Hua, restored at a ratio of 1:100.
Hua's character setting is the most detailed, and virtually every point made it into the main text, including details like "ghosts don't like the sun, so Hua Cheng sometimes drapes a red cloth over his head"...
Points not used, listed a few:
As a child:
· After being saved from falling off a city wall, he foolishly followed a parade over and over again, grabbing people to ask, "Who is that? Who is that person?" People told him, "That's the royal son, the future Celestial God, the most outstanding Crown Prince of Xianle Nation ever!"
(This point couldn't be used because in the text A-Hua was held in the Crown Prince's arms after being saved)
· At home, he was often punished to stand or kneel, not given food, and wore old clothes, accused of stealing money. Whenever he argued with his family, he would stubbornly sleep in the Prince's temple overnight.
· Went to Mount Tai Cang to volunteer sweeping red leaves at Huangji Observatory, just to sneak peeks at his future wife happily swinging.
After becoming the ghost king:
· One of his hobbies is buying and building houses everywhere.
· Very protective of his leather boots, would (badly) polish them until they shone.
· To other devout followers of Xie Lian, he said: "You have good taste."
· Secretly prepared many betrothal gifts for his beloved god, wanting to marry him!
The character setting of Xie Lian as a teacher in the serialized version compared to the initial draft, the serialized text subtly differs. The initial draft was more... exquisite and elegant, very serious. The serialized text is more... humorous. I think perhaps because some plot points were tragic, Xie Lian thought he should be happier to make the readers more relaxed, so he drove me to adjust his mental state! But due to the spiritual oppression at that time, the character's depth was not enough, while in the new revised version, I hope he can show a more self-content state on the same core basis.
Excerpts from the unused original setting:
· Super easy-going. Easy-going means: if given fifty bucks, he would happily dress in drag and dance. Accepts haggling. Thirty bucks works. Twenty bucks too!
· The observatory is small, the house is broken, wants to grow flowers. Leaks during rain, so he uses a bucket to catch rainwater.
· Because he can't afford a caretaker, he cleans himself, and also feeds chickens. Chickens eat flowers. Keeps a cat.
· Completely engrossed in discussing serious matters, he unknowingly finished all the broken sweet dumplings!
● Water, Earth, Wind original setting:
The highest fidelity is the main line between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, followed by the Water, Earth, Wind subplot.
The main conflict hasn't changed. Just... how could the original setting of Water, Earth, Wind be so dark and terrifying!
The character morals in the main text improved a lot, otherwise, the original Black Water would be sheer scheming + murderous! The ending for the Wind Master would have been more tragic.
The Venerable of Empty Words suddenly became an improvised character. It seemed like an ancient fable-like monster, making the main text more interesting than the original setting.
Overall, the formal version is a bit better written than the original draft.
● The unfortunate life of Lang Ying:
Lang Ying? Is there such a character? I don't remember!
Ah? It seems there was such a person, but I don't remember any of his plotlines.
This is most people's feeling towards the character of Lang Ying. It's not a delusion because he barely had any significant plot. In fact, any valuable scenes could have been replaced equivalently, so in the new revised version, I deleted this character.
But, in the 2017 setting collection, I suddenly found that I had actually opened a separate document for Lang Ying, and his role was defined as a "growing-type BOSS!"
I was silent.
And immediately opened the document, curious about my initial setting. A "growing-type BOSS," how did he become someone whose deletion went unnoticed...? (I even don't know how to address him!)
Who knows, perhaps out of excitement, I accidentally pressed the wrong shortcut, and somehow it became irreversible, leaving only an empty document for me to stare in disbelief. The once "growing-type BOSS" has now forever become a mystery!
This is the unfortunate life of the deleted Lang Ying.
· There was another document in the setting collection called "Swordsmith." I opened the document and read it with interest.
I was shocked. Because I completely forgot I had conceived this story. Why didn't I write it?!
I know why I didn't write it. This story... it had no ending!
——————— Thus, the magical glimpse into the "Heaven Official's Blessing Setting Collection" concludes!
■ I like men with stories!
Maybe because I watched an outstanding work as a child. It was a memoir, the protagonist in the biography was gentle and affable, and the protagonist in the memories was cold and ruthless. The story was scattered with the poignant fragrance of white plum blossoms amidst bloody and stormy circumstances.
This almost perfect work deeply influenced my aesthetics, leading me to be most interested in the memory parts of characters in various works. Although many viewers prefer the present scenes, often asking when the memories will end, I actually find these intense and painful memories to be the most fascinating!
A story is the history of a character, as well as the key to their personality. A person with a story stands before me like a puzzle. The way to solve this puzzle is to understand their story. Because the biography makes one curious to know more about a character they like, loving them more now because of their past. When serializing "Heaven Official," my greatest pain initially was telling myself, "This time I don't want to write a memory slaughter," deliberately trying to avoid a structure similar to previous works, yet I still hadn't found a better way to express it, resulting in my deep dissatisfaction with the later part of Volume 1. I was also hesitant to fully commit to the memory scenes in Volume 2, and with the heavy mental burden, this part was very painful to write. When revising, looking at Volume 2 was almost unbearable, because I'm the type of person who, as a child, would immediately switch channels when a TV show's protagonist was about to be wrongfully accused or embarrassed. I couldn't help but knock on a friend's door and ask:
Me: Was the author suffering some kind of mental trauma at the time? This negative energy is too horrifying, the protagonist is so pitiful, I really admire anyone who could read through Volume 2 completely.
Friend: Do you even have the right to say that?
But the memory slaughter in Volume 4 was much freer, written in one breath, so the revisions for this volume were also the least.
So, will you still write large segments of memory slaughter?
Um, well, we'll see, haha, hehe...
■ Closing Remarks:
Lastly, I'll address the question some asked me, "Will the new revised 'Heaven Official's Blessing' be more torturous?"
Me: You're talking nonsense. 'Heaven Official's Blessing' is a sweet pampering story, thank you!
Shi Nai'an wrote in the preface to "Water Margin": "On snowy nights, about five or six people listen to my storytelling; on rainy days, about seven or eight; on bright and sunny days, about ten. I read, everyone listens, and we are all happy, with no other thoughts." When I read this as a young person, I was delighted. What divine days! Writing first to entertain oneself, then to entertain others. Self-expression and self-acceptance are certainly primary, but the affection of others is also a significant positive feedback. Thus, first, I thank the steadfast readers who have accompanied me all this time. I've thought about just walking away amidst the noisy disputes; abandoning the account amidst the tumultuous world! It seems not bad. But looking back, I can't bear to leave some truly sincere readers.
I've had authors I liked disappear from the internet, and I always feel like a part of my youth has vanished, a feeling quite distressing, reminiscent of overly grand and harsh things like the tears of the era or the torrent of history. So, I want to accompany my readers as long as possible, hoping that the day of parting comes later. Perhaps I'm not good enough now, but I will strive to be better in the future. Or perhaps you've never truly understood what kind of person I am, or even completely misunderstood me, but as long as you genuinely like my stories, we can sit down and chat.
And, I must mention my friends, who can be described as having the courage of a hero. Long time no see, Teacher Changyang's illustrations are still as beautiful as those of a celestial being, I hope Teacher CAS can go to bed earlier and worry less, and Teacher Kuohao, who despite a heavy workload, still fully honored our agreement. The "Heaven Official's Blessing" radio drama is really fantastic! It reminded me of the original intention of writing this story, and I was very moved. If it weren't for the silent companionship and efforts of these old friends, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu might have stopped writing back in 2016, disappearing from the world of martial arts, and thus, "Heaven Official's Blessing" would not have been born. I look forward to retracing the paths we once walked together when gathering ideas. And many friends who reached out to help and encourage me, thank you for accompanying me through the snowy nights.
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lizhly-writes · 3 months
hi. we're back to svsss again. i read Asymptotical's Many an Ill to Cure yesterday. There was this line that sort of caught in my head:
If this bit of lore was true, then Yue Qingyuan was married to Shang Qinghua of all people, and that was about the only matchup he could think of that was possibly worse than pairing Shen Qingqiu with Liu Qingge.
and my brain.... ran with it. not for very long, because i really don't have a GREAT grasp of these characters and also i should absolutely be doing something else. but here you go.
At the ripe old age of twenty-something, Shang Qinghua had successfully lied and cheated his ass off to become the An Ding Head Disciple. It absolutely didn't mean his troubles were over -- it was still An Ding, and An Ding always meant backbreaking work, no matter how high up you climbed, and haha also there was still the entire fucking plot left. But at least he had a really nice house now! At least people had to pretend to respect him! At least the System wouldn't keep that fucking countdown clock in the corner of his eye about how he had X months to make Head Disciple before it nuked his brain into a crisp!
Overall, things were going about as great as could be expected!
Except for, you know, this... this one little thing.
"What???" Shang Qinghua said, when Shizun had first lobbed it at his head.
The Lord of An Ding Peak looked askance at him. Shang Qinghua cleared his throat and tried again. "Begging this one's pardon, but... but could Shizun repeat that?"
"You'll be engaged to Yue Qingyuan," said the An Ding Peak Lord.
Yeah, that's what Shang Qinghua thought Shizun said.
This was his fault. Like, literally everything was his fault, seeing how he was effectively God, but this was a mistake that he didn't have to make! You could argue about the violence and the papapa, but in the end, he was speed-writing a stallion novel for money so he didn't starve.
But the engagement.
Airplane-Shooting-Towards-The-Sky had been trying to explain exactly why so many young, beautiful, cold cultivators were so eager to get with Bing-ge, even if they seemed to hate literally any other person ever. He'd eventually settled on the idea that in PIDW, even cultivators weren't truly respected as adults until they were married. In other words, marriage was a requirement! A spouse was a job position! Of course Bing-ge's wives would sell out for the best possible candidate, even if they were ambitious power-hungry snakes without a romantic bone in their body! Especially if they were ambitious power-hungry snakes without a romantic bone in their body!
In fact, even the Peak Lords of Cang Qiong did it! They were even married to each other! Even the Sect Leader! Haha, it wasn't so weird after all!
God. It would have been fine if he left it without explanation. It wasn't even like he kept the explanation -- no, he wrote it and forgot about it, just like how he did with half of the shit he wrote sleep-deprived and running on caffeine alone. And now he was stuck with this.
"Do you have any objections?" Shizun said, and then Shang Qinghua had to go noooo, of course not, Yue Qingyuan was a mighty and handsome cultivator who topped the unofficial rankings for most eligible bachelor on Cang Qiong for three years straight! How could this lowly Shang Qinghua possibly have any objections?
It was super lucky that Shen Qingqiu was too busy being engaged with Liu Qingge to murder Shang Qinghua for the affront.
Anyway, that was how Shang Qinghua had ended up here -- alone with Yue Qingyuan, sitting across from each other and drinking tea. There was a plate of delicately shaped cakes sitting between them that Shizun had heavily suggested Shang Qinghua should make. You know, to show off his culinary skills to his... his fiance.
“Shang-shidi," Yue Qingyuan said, turning a cake over in one hand. There was some muffled yelling in the background. Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge were clearly having a great time of their own scheduled courtship meeting session.
"Yue-shixiong," Shang Qinghua said. "Hi."
Yue Qingyuan's smile didn't waver. "These are very good," he said politely.
Of course they were good. Shang Qinghua wouldn't have been able to successfully suck up to Shizun if they weren't good. It had taken a lot of practice! And sabotage! Practice AND sabotage!
"Haha, thanks," Shang Qinghua said.
Faintly, an explosion sounded in the background. Yue Qingyuan's brows furrowed slightly. "Shidi," he said. "Could you perhaps open the door?"
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mxtxfanatic · 10 months
The way people view Bing-mei as a villain for having an appropriate (and I’d argue it’s actually pretty damn tame) reaction to being an abuse victim needs to be studied as a critique of how society very easily turns against victims who do not appropriately perform victimhood. In the story, the cultivation world outside of Cang Qiong Mountain are in the dark about how Luo Binghe was treated pre-Abyss, but we the audience know! We know he was abused horrifically for his first 14 years of life, 4 of those years under his shizun. Three years of kindness before being kicked into hell is not going to erase the scars left by that abuse. And just because we the audience also know that Shen Yuan’s Shen Qingqiu was not responsible for those first 4 years of Luo Binghe’s life as a disciple, that does not mean that he is let off the hook for them as the person assuming Shen Qingqiu’s identity, let alone the fact that he is the one who still forces Luo Binghe into the abyss, not Shen Jiu.
Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu, himself, knows that he wronged Luo Binghe and spends the rest of the novel attempting to make up for it. After all, the abyss, itself, and that final act of betrayal are a point of trauma on their own level above those previous years of mistreatment combined. Shen Qingqiu never absolves himself of his actions the way fandom does for him, but the fact that he feared Luo Binghe’s retribution is somehow enough to flip who the victim is and who the abuser is in too many people’s minds. Even Bing-ge and Shen Jiu get this treatment: people act like because Bing-ge allowed his resentment to consume him in his thirst for vengeance that this not only absolves Shen Jiu of the grotesque abuse he subjected a 10-year-old to for 7 years in an attempt to kill him but that it also makes Shen Jiu the “ultimate victim” of the relationship rather than the reaper of the seeds of abuse he sowed. Cause as we all know, vengeance makes a villain, but somehow baseless abuse does not (🙄).
People take fear (or claims of it) as the sign of “true victimhood” while anger is assigned as an “abuser emotion,” especially in cases of abuse where the abuser is well-liked, and I see this sort of idea in the stated reasoning behind 95% of the Luo Binghe hate.
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greeniegaes · 3 months
Cumplane Shenanigans
Little silly Cumplane Drabble I have in my docs with SY trying to threaten the sect just because he wants his husband home for their anniversary
Feat: disapproving brother and brother in law SJ and YQY, confused/intimidated peak lords watching all of this happen, Shen brothers
The doors of the meeting hall dramatically slammed open, a rather pretty man wielding a sword in hand.
“Sect leader Yue Qingyuan! I demand you give me my husband back!” The man pointed the weapon at the table, obviously agitated over something.
Everyone turned to look at him, silence sweeping over the room. There were slight glances, looking at the strange man, then the sect leader, then back at the man.
“….Xiao-Yuan?” The man finally spoke, tilting his head in confusion for a moment.
“Yea yea, that’s me.” The man allowed his sword to dissipate, crossing the room and folding his arms over on another “not important though! I would like my husband to return for our anniversary. Cang Qiong Sect overworks him far too much.”
“Apologies, but I’m not aware of anyone being marri-” the sect leader starting, cut short by the snap of a fan.
“Shen. Yuan. You have not seen either of us for years, though I’m sure you knew where we were this whole time, only to complain about a husband? Whomst did you bow to at your wedding?!” Shen Qingqiu started, getting out of his seat and grabbing the man’s cheek. “Have you no shame?! Is there not more important things to worry about? How dare you storm in here so disrespectfully, during a meeting no less!” He chastised, starting to bicker with him.
As the two stood next to each other the other peak lords noted how alike they were. Same shade of ebony hair, pale jade skin and bejeweled green eyes. The both of them starting to argue a bit quieter as they delve into new topics. At some point the most people could see was a blur of hands as they smacked the other away. The An Ding peak lord sighed, standing up from his seat.
“A-Yuan.” The man put a hand on the small of the newcomer’s back, trying to save the brothers’ fight. “I thought I told you I’d be heading home soon. There’s no need to try and fight the sect leader.” Shang Qinghua gave a shaky smile, purposefully ignoring the glare from the older Shen.
“You’re married to An Ding peak lord, Shang Qinghua?” Shen Qingqiu asked, crossing his arms.
“Yes we have been for some-“ the man started, quickly being cut off
“Absolutely not.” Both Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu started, glaring down at the smaller peak lord.
“What do you mean absolutely not?!?” Shen Yuan shrieked, standing in front of his husband protectively, brows furrowed.
“I’m not letting my didi marry him. What do you even see in him?!” The Qing Jing peak lord glared down, his fan snapping open and hiding his face.
“Plenty! He has been there for me for years! I had gone to you once and you sent me away! For goodness sake you only start to act like a brother when I do something you don’t approve of.”
“I understand I made a mistake but why him?!”
“Jiu-Ge, I for one thought you’d understand liking pathetic men.” Shen Yuan sighed, looking past his brother to Yue Qingyuan. “Speaking of which, Peak Lord Yue, what is the matter with my choice of husband?”
“Ahem… Peak Lord Shang is just.. well..” the man stammered, avoiding eye contact.
“Maybe don’t try to insult me to my face.” Shang Qinghua sighed, leaning onto his husband. Shen Yuan looked over to him, a hand raising to hold the man’s cheek.
“Ah, apologies my dear.” The younger Shen sighed, shaking his head. “I’m just peeved that my husband has been overworked and my brother has finally decided that my life is his business again.”
“I understand, you looked cool yelling at him.” Shang Qinghua complimented, smiling softly. He was able to ignore the other peak lord’s whispers, only having eyes for his spouse.
“Ahem- well I suppose you should get going to celebrate another year of your marriage.” The sect leader coughed into his fist, awkwardly trying to break up this whole ordeal.
“Thank you for your understanding. I’ll return another time.” Shen Yuan bowed, fist in palm as he showed his respect. He made his way out of the meeting hall, Shang Qinghua still standing there for a moment.
“Shen Qingqiu.” The An Ding peak lord addressed him, looking directly into his eyes. “Your brother makes a lovely little wife.” He smiled, running after his spouse. The Qing Jing peak lord stood there for a moment, snapping his fan closed against his hand.
“SHANG. QING. HUA. Stay away from my brother you bastard!” Shen Qingqiu shouted out after them, too late as they both disappeared with the help of a teleportation talisman.
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clownflower · 6 months
You know, with what the Fullbringers imply, and White (the Hollow), and even Metastacia, with the name referring to metastasis, I think it would have been better if Hollow reiatsu wasn't immediately toxic/deadly to Quincy, but rather infectious.
Like maybe due to their ability to constantly draw in spirit particles to fuel their powers, Quincy are particularly susceptible to the corrupting influence of Hollow reiatsu. Spend too long fighting a Hollow, and suddenly you start developing a mask.
So this would explain how Quilge was able to absorb Ayon seemingly with no ill-effect, but then incorporated parts of Ayon's anatomy into his Vollstandig, including a mask. You could also argue he became more violent and hot-headed after the absorption took place.
Perhaps if the fight took longer, Quilge would have eventually turned into Ayon.
So if a Quincy stole a Resureccion like Fornicaras and actually tried using it, given what releasing a Resureccion actually entails, that Quincy ends up transforming permanently into another parasite worm-butterfly thing, with presumably of all of Szayel's charm and sunny personality.
So imagine, in the fight against Cang Du, instead of Daiguren Hyōrinmaru breaking off a wing in a splatter of blood, it slowly starts absorbing/taking over Cang Du.
By the time Cang Du realizes what's happening, it's too late, and Hitsugaya ends the battle in an unconventional way: he reseals Daiguren Hyōrinmaru.
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whoreforchr1ss · 6 months
“don’t be shy.” — Chris sturniolo
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౨ৎsummary: your fucking your friends brother Chris and bouta cum.
౨ৎnote/warnings: nsfw!! dirty talk, (chris is the type to dirty talk u,idc. argue w urself in a mirror),fingering, name calling.
౨ৎ first time writing sum so…enjoy hoes!!!!🍒🍒🍒
lil song to get u inta it🙈🙈
you and Chris has never really talked but you’re close if u get me.? i mean…especially after that one night u walked into his room and he has just came out of the shower,towel around his waist and everything and u could see his enormous dick bulging through the towel….ofc u had to look,why wouldn’t u?
you both know that you have a crush on each other,yous just couldn’t do shit about it because you were best friends with his brother nick. You had made a promise to nick like 4 years ago and that was to never ever date Chris,it was only a promise to not date Chris and not his other brother matt because Chris was chris and he ALWAYS got what he wanted.
you were in chris’s room with matt and nick. you were all playing fortnite and it was now Chris’s turn to play,you carfully grab the headphones and place em on his head.
N: “im starvinggg” *i whine and sit lousy on chris’s bed*
M: “u wanna go get food or sum?” *i say standing with my arms crossed,looking at the screen glowing on the ps5*
N: “yeh..what do u guys want?” *i say looking at y/n and chris*
C: “wendy’s.” *i say as my fingers click fast on the controller and my tongue sticking out the side of my mouth,because im so concentrated.
M: “nah, im not driving that far” *i say looking at chris with a strict expression on my face*
C: “bro pleaseeee?” *i beg and look at him while pleading and looking back at the game*
M: “shut the fuck up then..” *i sigh and walk out with nick*
chris continues playing the game as i admire his fingers as he clicks the buttons of the controller,while his fingers glide so smoothly against the surface of the buttons..
C: “FUCK” *i say as the screen before me darkens* “thats bullshit..”
Y/N: “chris u lost..ur just bad at the game” *i chuckle softly*
C: “oh shut up..cmere” *i stand up and remove the headphones from my head and pushing back my hair with my hands and waiting for her to sit down in the gaming chair*
as i sit down in the chair,chris places the headphones on my head gently. its just me and him now. He walks over to me and puts both hands on each side of the desk,leaning over me and watching me play with concentration. suddenly he steps much closer to u..like right on ur back close. Your getting visibly nervous as he does this,u can feel his hot breath on ur bare neck. Hes leaning over ur head,his chin barely touching ur head,
Y/N: “what the fuck are u doing?” *u asked him with a bitchy tone*
you get no reply,instead..he just smiles,slightly biting his bottom lip and not taking his eyes off the screen*
Y/N: “your not gonna answer me?” *u ask with a confused expression.
C: “i know u get nervous when i come close to u,thats why im taking advantage of it.” *he chuckles*
Y/N: “i don’t know what ur talking about” *you say while scratching the back of ur neck slightly*
he shrugs and tilts his head slowly looking down on you
C: “but u know im right,u can admit it…its just the two of us here anyway”
he states confidently staring down at u. He then brushes the right side of ur hair back. He begins to lightly kiss your neck which startled you a little bit,causing your heart rate to increase rapidly and your breath to shake.
leaning down into your right ear,he whispers.
C: “i could do alot of things right now..”
his deep whispery voice puts you on edge.
Y/N: “you know we cang do this here.” *u exclaim with frustration*
he rolls his eyes at you before speaking again
C: “dont act like u dont want it.”
you look up and furrow your eyebrows at him and glare into his eyes. Chris suddenly spins the chair around so u face him and he places his hands on each side of your body and stares into your eyes with a spark.
Y/N: “chris’s i don’t think this is a good id-“
your words are interrupted by chris’s wet lips kissing yours,his hands still on the desk,you suddenly find ur hands making their way to his neck and pulling him into a more passionate kiss. his tongue travels the inside your mouth for a hot minute until he pulls back. He looks at ur neck and goes to kiss your neck and nibble slightly on it while leaving small love bites all over your collar bone. you let your head fall back with a soft moan escaping your mouth,you slowly feel his hands reaching into your shorts as he teases you by playing with the waist band and then slowly puts his fingers down ur pants. you open your mouth as ur breathing quickens..he starts to slowly rub your clit and then takes his fingers out and puts them in his mouth as he looks at you..he spits on his fingers and places them on your clit and he starts to rub it in circular motion while staring into ur eyes. your eyes roll to the back of ur head and ur mouth is wide open as u breath through it since the pleasure is too good.
C: “keep ur eyes on me ma..” *i say in a low tone while i rub her clit before inserting my fingers in her pussy without warning and picking up the pace and going faster. My fingers pulse inside her while i kiss her neck softly leaving hickys everywhere.
Y/N: “fuckkk” *you moan out while gripping onto a strand of hair on his head.
Chris adds another finger into ur pussy and goes even faster inside of you.
Y/N: “im gonna c..c..cum” *you whimper out*
C: “cum baby,cum all over my fingers..” *he says in a low tone while going faster and looking in your eyes with hunger*
the only noise in the room right now is the sound of your moans and his fingers moving inside of your wet pussy.
C: “dont be shy..” *he says whispering in ur right ear*
after a few moments,you finally cum..letting out a gasp and trying to find ur breath. Chris slowly removes his fingers from you and looks down on ur pussy and then back up at your eyes and stands up and goes back to his bed
you eventually catch your breath and hear the front door open down stairs..nick and matt arrive home with yalls food..
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warheittiashi · 8 months
Role reversal, but the non-sexual kind. I think it's too shallow to only consider reversing positions. Or maybe I just don't want to write smut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It'll be Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu. The reversal is with who escapes the Qiu Manor. So, in this case, Shen Jiu is the one who leaves to become a cultivator while Yue Qingyuan stays back and waits.
This feels really ambitious, honestly, so I might just keep most of the events summarized. If I feel motivated later, I'll try to flesh it out more. I just think it would be interesting to see how things would change.
It'll start with their different perspectives, so Shen Jiu in Cang Qiong and Yue Qi at the Qiu Manor.
Shen Jiu finds himself rising in the ranks rather quickly. It was partly because of his natural abilities, but also because he was desperate to get stronger so he could save Yue Qi. The other Qing Jing disciples didn't really like him since when he arrived, he was dirty and obviously not a noble. He was hated further due to his natural abilities and talents.
His Shizun was impressed and showed him favor which made the others more resentful. Despite how his fellow disciples felt, they also could not argue that Shen Jiu was the best among them. Also, Shen Jiu's reputation was much more neutral to positive on the other peaks. Most felt pity for him since they saw the way he was ostracized for his past.
Shen Jiu also minded how he treated others since, as he learned from the streets, it was better to keep a good relationship in order to avoid issues. He would make himself look pitiful to garner support and sympathy.
Mostly, he was known for being studious and hard-working, a prodigy who reached the last stage of qi condensation within a year and was already at the early stage of core formation. At the rate he was going, he would be able to reach late stage by the time he turned 16.
Shen Jiu wasn't satisfied, though. He worked hard because his Shizun said he would only allow Shen Jiu to go after Yue Qi when he could pull a sword from Wan Jian Peak.
It was 2 years later that Shen Jiu pulled Xiu Ya. He didn't care for the prestige and awe of grabbing such a powerful sword. The first thing he did was leave the sect to find Yue Qi.
On Yue Qi's side, he suffered in the Qiu Manor, but not as bad as the others. He was older so he was in charge of heavy tasks such as collecting water or moving items. While the master enjoyed torturing the staff, he was able to keep a low profile. Mostly, he avoided the young mistress.
Every night, he thought about Shen Jiu. He was glad that Shen Jiu wasn't there, that he didn't have to suffer. Even more, he thought that Shen Jiu was such a beautiful child. No doubt, if he was here, the young master would definitely have his interest caught.
He had tried to be kind, but he learned early on that kindness was not something valued but rather a trait to be exploited. He had been betrayed many times already. It made him think of Shen Jiu who is always by his side. He thinks about all those times Shen Jiu would do things for him, and he misses him terribly.
One day, Yue Qi was going to collect water from the river when he heard a call of his name. He turned around and the metal made a low thumping noise as the bucket fell from his hand.
Shen Jiu looked like a dream, dressed in impressive-looking robes and beautiful and there.
Their reunion was filled with emotion. They had so much to say to each other, but more than that, they just wanted to be in each other's arms.
Shen Jiu asked about Yue Qi's treatment, and not wanting Shen Jiu to worry, he made sure to omit most of the information. Shen Jiu didn't believe him but chose to drop the issue. They decide to just leave, to run away. Shen Jiu claimed that Yue Qi was just one slave among many. They would plant a corpse for someone to find, and the slave Yue Qi would leave people's minds within a few days.
Shen Jiu brought Yue Qi to Cang Qiong and begged for his discipleship. Though Yue Qi was a bit older than the ideal age, there was potential in him. The sect leader himself took an interest.
Yue Qi was busy with studying and training, but he had Shen Jiu to help him. Many were jealous of him for monopolizing Shen Jiu's attention. After Yue Qi arrived, Shen Jiu seemed to bloom. While he was still harsh and sarcastic, he was more mellow and smiled more. Never mind that those smiles were mainly directed at Yue QI.
Yue Qi on the other hand was also feeling possessive. He was used to being the only one in Shen Jiu's eye, but suddenly Shen Jiu was popular and had friends (amicable acquaintances). While he is kind towards others, he does so guardedly and disingenuously.
Add: various relationships with other characters, development of rumors, a lot of manipulation, etc.
Yeah, okay, that's enough rambling. I want to add more, but I feel like I won't stop. I think it's fine to end it here for now. The fic will most likely end just with the reunion.
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61below · 9 months
Listen I’m still gd feral about Cang Lan Jue but I think the biggest thing is that for the majority of the show, Xiao Lanhua is disabled. Her damaged roots / the spell that disguised her both left her emotionally stunted, and I’d argue it also affected her ability to even speak. Half the time I’m railing at the screen JUST SPEAK!!
Listen, listen, I’m autistic and when I’m redlining toward a meltdown, I’ll feel like words are boulders that I have to heave out of my chest. It’s fucking gd difficult (and if I’m then forced to speak when I get like that, it only shoves me even faster into *glitchtext* Meltdown(tm)). The executive dysfunction? The emotional dysregulation? Holy shit, check and check. It’s really gd frustrating being locked inside my body and mind railing against all these feelings, internally shrieking JUST SPEAK!!!!
But in that moment? I can’t.
I really wish the show spent more time with her post-ascension, bc I can only imagine how disorienting it must have felt for her, to finally have a brain and nervous system that weren’t frequently fritzing out. Omfg.
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Hey I don't want to be a bother but can you do a angel dust x self conchess reader I love your blogs and thank you for reading
I think I've officially ran out of Angel dust Gifs to use.
Angel dust x Self conscious Reader
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★ In his words "No matter what you look like, you'll always somones kink". He tells you not to worry about it because you look good! You don't need to cange anything, if you did he would've told you.
★ If you say your body is gross, he argues with you about it. Most of the time it works, but when it doesn't he tries to drop a few compliments in the following days, mostly cheaky pickup lines.
★He makes you take self care days when you aren't doing so well. He even brings a bottle of semi-expensive wine, even if you don't drink it's mostly for him anyways.
★ Will try to get you to go out with him more, but won't push it if you say no. He still likes to go out, with or without you. Preferably with you though.
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Also on the topic of furries I don't think I ever posted my svsss alternate universe: furry au here so let me just drop it real quick
- Shen Yuan is an affluent self-proclaimed nonfurry who is "only into the cool species lore and stuff like that". His gateway into the fandom was getting into elitist closed species like dutch angel dragons and protogens and such. He paid upwards of $1k to buy Shen Jiu's DAD fursona called Shen Qingqiu without knowing that sj didn't tell any of his friends that he was quitting the fandom, so sj's old DeviantArt group Cang Qiong Mountain Sect invite him in thinking he's sj. He talks big about hating the nsfw side of the fandom but pays his share for the annual cqms fursona orgy commission anyway because it's "supporting artists".
- Luo Binghe joined cqms as a teenager and was instantly bullied for not being able to afford pricey commissions and having an edgy half angle half devile wolfsona. When Shen Yuan takes over he takes pity on lbh and buys him a Sushidog fursona, instantly making lbh fall in love with him. After this sy always makes sure to include lbh's sona with his when commissioning artists, which makes lbh jealous because he thinks that sy shouldn't be asking other people for art of his fursona, only lbh. Lbh eventually becomes a famous artist in the fandom with highly sought after incredible skills. However, he only draws Shen Qingqiu.
- Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky is a furry porn artist/writer/troll/Jack of all trades who's known for making incredibly mediocre work but never denying even the most specific fetish commissions. He thinks closed species are overly elitist and stupid and makes his own thinly veiled ripoffs of them, which draws Shen Yuan's ire and eventual obsession with arguing with him messily and publicly. Sy constantly threatens to block him but can't really do anything because Airplane is also in the cqms DeviantArt group supplying most of the lore for the group, which sy begrudgingly admits is fairly decent and interesting.
- Mobei Jun is the nonfurry heir to a hotel chain that occasionally hosts furry conventions. He had disdained furries before because a previous convention org trashed one of his family's hotels, but then had a chance meeting in a con lobby with a half-suited Airplane. Airplane was super nauseous in his suit and had to take off the head because he felt like he was going to puke. Mbj saw him during this event and fell in love at first sight with his pathetic face and how well he fit the hamster fursona. Airplane thought he was going to call security on him. After the con ended, mbj decided to research as much as he could about furries in hopes of finding the man that almost puked on his family's hotel lobby floor in an extremely mbj core conspicuous and awkward fashion.
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plotweasels · 1 year
Original Luo Binghe: Gotta Catch Them All
So the basic concept here is that Bingge after his adventure with meeting Shen Yuan decides to start traveling through various alternate timelines, trying to find the Shen Qingqiu who likes him back. He is basically kidnapping Shen Jiu from various timelines and ends up with a harem of very angry Shen Jius. (Should the collective noun for a group of Shen Jius be a "pissy?")
So far, he has only found Shen Jiu, not Shen Yuan. He does not yet know that it's Shen Yuan who likes him. Or that Shen Yuan even exists. He cannot exactly go back and ask the Other Version of him about it.
He has been going up and down various timelines under the theory that if he can just interject himself at the right point in time, that he will be able to steal a Shen Jiu who will fall in love with him.
(Original Mobei-jun is not comfortable with the bridestealing, even if it's Traditional.)
The Wives are kinda cranky about this new hobby of Binghe's and many of them are kind of pissy about the slowly growing Shen Qingqiu harem. (The "other harem" has to be kept warded from the wife-harem because of the homicidal tendencies of Liu Mingyan and Qiu Haitang and the Little Palace Mistress.)
All of the Shen Jius hate each other. So. Very. Much. They snipe and they argue and they threaten each other. They hate each other so much they usually can't even present a united front to Bingge.
I am not sure whether it would be better or worse for Bingge's Shen Qingiu to still be alive.
If alive he's technically a part of the harem, but also very much not, and is viewed as something of a threat of what might happen to them, even though Bingge is actually not INTENDING it to be a threat.
There is a Shen Jiu who was at the point where Yue Qingyuan brought him to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. (And had been there about a year.)
There is a Shen Jiu who was stolen at the point where he was a still a disciple of Wu Yanzi.
There is a Shen Jiu who had recently ascended as the Peak Lord of Qing Jing.
There is a Shen Jiu from the point where Luo Binghe first came to Cang Qiong mountain sect.
There is a Shen Jiu from the point where Liu Qingge qi deviates, and also a Liu Qingge who is slightly horrified that his baby sis married a demon emperor and helped bring about the destruction of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. (Luo Bingge does not want to be selfish and also wants to placate Liu Mingyan.) At this point Luo Binghe starts to get the feeling that some of the information he got was bad or inaccurate.
There is a Shen Jiu from the point where Luo Binghe gets thrown into the Abyss.
This may or may not also mean that there are two younger versions of Luo Binghe.
There is a slight panic among the Shen Qingqius when Bingge turns up with a Xiao Jiu. And a Qiu Jianluo. Who now has stumps in place of hands. Qiu Haitang has a qi deviation after an argument about the condition he found Xiao Jiu in.
At least three or more of the Shen Qingqius engage in what they consider to be survival sex work with Luo Binghe. None of these people including Bingge are actually all that great at conceptualizing consent because of trauma and Bingge being a stallion novel protagonist who is also full of trauma and brainworms.
Basic theme: Negotiating Polyamory When You Are Six Kinds of Mentally and Emotionally Compromised by Trauma and/or an Evil Sword And Have Almost No Concept of Healthy Relationships Because of Same.
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