#*​autism brain screeches like a gremlin*
61below · 1 year
Listen I’m still gd feral about Cang Lan Jue but I think the biggest thing is that for the majority of the show, Xiao Lanhua is disabled. Her damaged roots / the spell that disguised her both left her emotionally stunted, and I’d argue it also affected her ability to even speak. Half the time I’m railing at the screen JUST SPEAK!!
Listen, listen, I’m autistic and when I’m redlining toward a meltdown, I’ll feel like words are boulders that I have to heave out of my chest. It’s fucking gd difficult (and if I’m then forced to speak when I get like that, it only shoves me even faster into *glitchtext* Meltdown(tm)). The executive dysfunction? The emotional dysregulation? Holy shit, check and check. It’s really gd frustrating being locked inside my body and mind railing against all these feelings, internally shrieking JUST SPEAK!!!!
But in that moment? I can’t.
I really wish the show spent more time with her post-ascension, bc I can only imagine how disorienting it must have felt for her, to finally have a brain and nervous system that weren’t frequently fritzing out. Omfg.
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themothsnest · 3 months
For as much shit as i (privately) give the local kids due to experiencing more than 12 overstimulation meltdowns due to screeching children in the past 3 years after going most of my life with only 1 or 2 every few years due to being a very indoorsy autism creature
One of the 4 is loud but not a dog whistle squealer and we found out he's moving soon and earlier on got confirmation that he has ADHD so I'm a bit more tolerant since he's a good kid who just puts the hyperactivity in ADHD a bit too much
He also gets bullied by the squealers a lot cuz they are bratty kids
I recently got some Pokémon cards cuz I'm a gremlin that likes to collect things and am finally in a position where i can occasionally indulge the crow braincell and my autistic ass forgot to brain to mouth filter while the kid's mother stopped by for a quick chat not long after i opened my first elite trainer box cuz she mentioned he struggles with making friends due to being seen as weird (due to being neurospicy we all know this story too well) and i ended up piping up about how she could probably get him to talk to me about Pokémon as a last resort since we both liked Pokémon and were both neurospicy (granted its opposite ends of the spectrum)
Fast forward a few days to today and ive completely forgotten this interaction happened cuz i had a dentist appointment and some strong painkillers
8:20am theres a knock on the door and it turns out that it was the kid coming over to drop of a little stack of Pokémon cards for me since his mother obviously mentioned it to him and had wanted him to do a little organisation of his cards before they moved
I decided to keep these cards separate from my tiny collection so they dont get lost as the collection grows since im planning to treat myself to 3 more elite trainer boxes this Christmas and organise my cards in small stacks based on the card type (item, trainer, energy etc)
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The funny thing? I never mentioned which mons were my favourites and Bulu is my favourite of the four Tapus due to it's lore (Koko and Fini are a close tied second due to their shinies) so it's pure chance that a Tapu Bulu GX was in the stack
Hopefully life treats the kid better cuz secondary school bullying is nasty around here if you aren't one of the "in crowd" with being neurodivergent resulting in it being even worse and he's already had some shit due to bullies going way too far
Might see if i can find some new Bluetooth headphones before the end of this month to replace my 8 year old pair though because the footballs hitting fences and all the squealing is very unpleasant for me due to my sensitive hearing and i quite like the idea of not having to deal with yet another set of 4 overstim meltdowns this summer
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61below · 5 months
It’s been almost three years since I got diagnosed and I’ve managed to build a life where I’ve accommodated so many of my sensory issues that I start thinking ‘It’s not that bad, and it’s not bothering me now, so maybe I was overreacting the entire time??’
Then I went the mall for the first time in… three years? (Has it been that long already? I can’t remember if it was before or after the lyme) IT WAS HORRIBLE. I got so far as where Victoria’s Secret faced off against Bath & Body Works and the clashing stank was so bad it physically hurt. I already did my time in the trenches of the Axe Wars, so no gd thank you. And THEN I went to ULTA bc I wanted to try a vamp lip but that store was like getting attacked, too. So yeah, nope, I am going to once again tell myself to stop doubting my diagnosis just bc I’m finally able to live my life in such a way that I rarely, rarely even edge close to a meltdown anymore.
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61below · 8 months
I’m both a gifted kid and the kid that was kicked out of the gifted program for being a chaos gremlin* and then had multiple years of teachers Decide(tm) that I was being a troublemaker for kicks, and then have to listen to constant shit. Like one time we had a test on naming all the world’s seas. I actually fuckin studied for that one (because I love Categorization! You gotta be able to put everything in its box!) but partway through I realized the teacher just put everything as question 1) A. question 2) B. question 3) C. ‘Neat pattern!’ I thought, but I also didn’t trust her to start a pattern like that without twisting it up in the end to play Gotcha, so I answered them all based on the right name, not by knowing the alphabet. I finished before everyone else. She picked it up and in front of everyone (!) who were still working (!!!!) she said something like ‘I see you figured out what I was doing.’
Instead of, you know, acknowledging that I was doing what teachers are supposed to want: answering tests correctly.
Tldr, I got into a real dark place after years of that shit. Why keep putting effort into shit if it is only EVER going to get thrown back in my face? Thankfully by the time I got to 7th grade and started having one teacher per class instead of one teacher per day, I was able to have less exposure so they didn’t build up as much animosity. I didn’t graduate top ten, bc FUCK math, but I did finish 12th in my class, I did go on to a good college, and I did get a good job. But seriously, fuck every single one of those teachers who treated me like I was evil incarnate bc I couldn’t behave like everyone else.
* I didn’t get diagnosed autistic til I was 33. Now to be fair idk if my school ever did talk to my mom to encourage her to pursue a diagnosis back then, but this WAS the 90s in middle America and I WAS a girl, so it’s equally likely they didn’t even consider it.
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61below · 9 months
Tfw you go to a suuuuper chaotic crowded noisy Busy cafe but Suffer(tm) bc the food is just THAT good
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61below · 1 year
I am a person who likes to make my own decisions, plan meticulously, but altering on the fly is fine, bc when I plan, I plan for multitudes, and never be dependent on anybody else. I also acknowledge that I have a strong tendency to isolate myself, for ex: I have many friends and family members that live in the cities, but whenever I’m down there, I never want to reach out to anyone to try to meet up. Both bc I hate to be a burden by asking, and also bc I just genuinely get so overstimulated that it’s easier to Be Alone.
(Well ~hello~ childhood trauma. I wonder how YOU got here 😑)
My problem is that right now, I have put myself in a situation where I’m depending on someone else to make plans, I need to ask someone else for permission, and I’m trying to also coordinate plans with ANOTHER someone else, but the main person has. Not. Gotten. Back. To. Me. So now I’m stressing that Person C is going to think I’m flakey and I’m rather invested in making a good impression. All of this is cumulating into a thunderhead of worry that this is going to be Entirely Too Much and that I should just fucking back out now.
But at this rate, if I’m not careful, I’m going to turn into a complete hermit. And while it is tempting, I don’t want to completely isolate myself just bc I’m not brave enough to get out of my comfort zone.
Did I mention that this is all inter-family stuff?? God fucking preserve me.
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61below · 1 year
I live my life in such a way that I can fairly effectively manage my autistic bullshit, normally, which then starts the maugrims like ‘but maybe I’m faking it, it’s not like it’s really been that bad though…’
I just spent several hours at a grad party in the lobby of a hockey rink, so it
A) smelt faintly but distinctly like Eau d’ Hockey,
B) was a cinderblock room with the most horrible acoustics: like, I get that ‘I can hear every word of every conversation everywhere at once’ occasionally but THIS time it was LOUDER, and
C) f̷̠͎̥̯̖͓̆̾o̵͎̺̹͈̞̬̟̻͙͕̟͚̗̦̅́͗͊̽͂l̴͓͚͓̟͓̯̱̱̮̺̹̙̈̿̆d̶̨̢̪̱͚̦̫̳̪̣͔͙̝̒̒̇́͊̊ï̶̛̛̳̪̙̤̲̲̣̞̺͍͎̦̺̈́̓̂̑͛͊̊̀̂̚͠ͅͅņ̶̗̫͙̤̥̱̰͕̰͎̮̄͂͒͛̈́̚g̶̼̻͆̆͐̔͐̄͂̐̒̾̈́̓͂͐ ̴͉̟̟̯̥̦̖̰̻̳̇̿́č̶̺̬̐h̸͙͕̜͓̝̮̬̘͚͌̂͝ͅa̸̢̝͖̞̮̩͚͔̰̮͓̠͒͋̄̈́̅̉̃̚i̴͎̖͑͌͗̎̋̌͛̐̃̌̓̄̇r̴̛̜̘̱̻͕͔̱̬͖͓̯͕̽͛͒͐̊̈́̂̎̍͒̈́͜ͅs̵̞̉̾͊̉̀̿ …………………………………………………………. Oh and I spent the whole day swaying and slapping, so that was just fucking great.
I’m finally home, and I feel like ants are crawling on me, I have a hangover headache even though I don’t drink, and I need to take a week’s vacation in a deprivation chamber.
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61below · 1 year
The autistic rage of having to bathe this fucking meatsuit multiple times a week.
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61below · 6 months
*glares at my 7/8s-full bottle of water* …I hate you
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61below · 9 months
It’s been nearly 2 years but I’m STILL mad they stopped making my preferred pads, and every fucking month I have to go through the rage all over again 😤
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61below · 2 years
(Temps hit single digits F) welp, guess it’s finally time 😑😒😔😬😤☠️
… Time to switch from my Summer Shoes to my Winter Shoes 🔪🔪🔪
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61below · 2 years
Me: Idk why they make grandfather clocks chime every fifteen minutes, with full bells on the hour, do people just not understand how to read clocks??
Also me:
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61below · 3 years
As someone who has ALWAYS fucking struggled with oral hygiene, and who has since had to have major gd dental work to save my g.d. teeth, please PLEASE keep working toward finding a way to do it anyway. I finally figured out I have non-negotiable sensory issues with toothpaste taste mixing with food or beverage taste, but I also have enough troubles with a Bedtime Routine(tm) that 9/10 by the time I DO convince myself that Yes it IS Bedtime, I’m so tired that I just go straight to bed. So I tried setting a time earlier in the evening, but my fucking brain is like How Dare You Interrupt My Reading Time and skips past the notification, which then means I forget it entirely. Now I’m trying to establish a routine where I brush and floss on my morning break, tagging onto the inertia of having already gotten up. We’ll see.
Tldr, find a way to brush and floss. Hate the feel of floss? Get a pick or upgrade to a water pik. Hate the bristles? Experiment with softer bristles, or use a cloth (and then floss). Electric toothbrushes are a Hard Nope for me, but try them and see. Or those full mouth box brusher things. Just. (And holy fuck especially if you live in the dumpster fire of the US of A) take care of your hecking teeth by any means necessary.
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61below · 2 years
Ah. My least favorite autistic mood: the Well If You Don’t Have Any More Soup On Hand, Then We Shall Just Not Eat
(And gfdi I don’t have any crackers on hand either. My glorious dinner is going to be like choking down ash 😑)
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61below · 2 years
Hey so like idk if this is an ‘autistic brain’ thing or a ‘I spent years at a job interviewing people’ thing but I’ve realized I struggle with small talk bc I usually ask yes/no questions. And even when I was doing communication trainings (okay but listen, I know I didn’t get my ~officielle diagnosis~ til my mid-thirties, but I gd knew) they’d really emphasize Open Ended Questions, Go: and I’d blank out.
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61below · 3 years
If any of my coworkers ever give me shit for having a medical excuse to work from home, I would like to just point out that even though I’m currently spending my chill Saturday night with my noise-cancelling headphones in, and my husband has his noise-cancelling headphones in on the other side of the living room, I could STILL hear the rhythmic shrilling of the machining video he was watching and it was enough to make my soul want to eject straight into the stratosphere. My auditory spd bullshit is fucking s t r e s s f u l.
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