#cane user tim
iheartmangomonster · 4 months
cane user tim
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peep the fuzzy slippers they're my favorite part
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neilgayman69 · 6 months
Having a cane can be fun cuz I just put googly eyes all over mine to match my Jonathan Sims cosplay I'm going to a convention as this weekend.
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sunnycanwrite · 1 year
The Batfamily, and the majority of vigilantes are disabled in at least one way. That fight to protect their city's and the planet, sometimes the universe. No one gets away from that unmarred physically or mentally.
Bruce Wayne, has bad knees it ran in his family to begin with, but they got bad fighting crime. Now he supports metal ones, and has a cane that he normally refuses to touch.
Tim, and Cass are fibromyalgia buddies. Understanding that they're both in constant pain, all over. It's trauma based but neither of them can pin point when theirs started. Just that Cass can hardly remember a time before pain, and it started for Tim during that weird time period where everyone he cared about was dropping dead. Tim also has no spleen, and whenever he gets fibro flares up there's panic.
Steph has POTs, she keeps a salt shaker in her utility belt. Sometimes Spoiler can be spotted with purple forearm crutches. In daily life she uses a cane, a plain purple one cover in doodles and stickers. Damian keeps handing her pamphlets about service dogs.
Barbara Gordon is paralyzed from the waist down (not a hc lol), and had to adjust to life without her legs. She has the coolest sleek low back wheelchair, and a whole drawer full of colorful wheelchair gloves.
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kingofpeacows · 2 years
He's a cane user now
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ble-ed-mo-re · 2 months
post marble hornets aac device user alex kralie, arbitrary wheelchair user/crutch user brian thomas, cane user tim wright, jay merrick with an emotional support/service dog
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mersei47 · 1 year
Dunno if ur still taking requests but maybe cane user tim?
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I hope this is what you meant
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yazthebansheek · 3 months
“Pet names” I feel like crp ships would have 4 each other<33
Tw: Suggestive and sexual language 😰😔
Candy Pop x Jason The Toymaker
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Puppeteer x Bloody Painter
Lost silver x Ben drowned
Mary Vaughn x Jane the killer
April fools x Candy Cane
Ciara x Nathan the nobody
Nina the Killer x Clockwork
Masky x Hoodie
Candy Pop To Jason:
sex doll
pretty boy
Cum dumpster
Bratty Little Slut
hot stuff
lover boy
Fuck toy
Jason to Candy Pop:
big boy
Jeff to EJ:
EJ to Jeff:
PrEtTy PrInCeSs
Puppeteer to Bloody Painter:
He can’t come up with creative name lmao
Bloody Painter to Puppeteer:
Lost silver to BEN:
he can’t come up with names, and even if he could, he’d be too embarrassed to use em’.
Ben to lost Silver:
lover boy
Mary to Jane:
Love bug
my beloved
hot stuff
honey bun
Jane to Mary:
Glorious wife of mine
Woman I adore with all of my heart
my beloved
hot stuff
April to Cane:
sugar tits
honey bun
Cane to April:
April darling
Ciara to Nathan
Nathan to Ciara:
definitely “Mommy” 💀💀
Nina to Clockwork:
lover girl
hot stuff
Clockwork to Nina:
Scene Princess
Masky to Hoodie:
Hoodie to Masky:
masked motherfucker
Cheese-cake mistake.
#1 drug user in this mansion.
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
tumblr user annabelle cane i need to know your take on the "augustus is annabelle" theory
as much as I would love it and I can definitely see it being possible within universe, it has been confirmed on a stream that augustus is being played by tim fearon. here's to hoping that annabelle did get sucked through the portal but came out the other end fine and normal and in fifty episodes will make a cameo to talk about her new life as a moderately successful children's horror author.
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gerrydelano · 2 months
Seventh Installment of the Pharos By Right series
Title: CROSSROADS Rating: M Chapters: 7 / 7 Words: 12k Characters: Gerry Keay, Jon Sims, Martin Blackwood, Tim Stoker, Sasha James, Melanie King, Danny Stoker, The Contortionist (OC), Jonah Magnus, Georgie Barker (mentioned), Mikaele Salesa (mentioned), Annabelle Cane (mentioned)
Relationships: Gerry/Tim, Martin/Danny, Sasha/Melanie/Georgie, Jon & The Distortion, Danny/The Contortionist
Additional Tags: Archivist!Gerry, Canon Divergence, Mostly Morbid Humor, Angst, Tragedy, DID/EDS/POTS Gerry, HoH Tim, Cane User/Monocular Vision/Autistic Jon, Autistic/BPD Martin, End!Tim, Stranger!Danny, The Eye, The Spiral, The Stranger, Non-Canonical Character Undeath, Canon-Typical Apocalypse, Canon-Typical Smiting, Graphic Violence, Murder, Suicide, Just a whole lot of death in this one lads, But there's hope too
Chapter Summary:
There’s a dying part of him that wants to smirk back at her, naught but a frail bud of flame in a chipped lantern. If it’s just Gerry, he can’t tell. Pharos can’t feel him anymore. Any of them, really. They must have taken him rather seriously when he first told them to stay inside. This is for him to see through to the End. “Let’s get moving,” he says. “It’s a long way up.”
Or: The end of all things, for beginning's sake.
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bloodcoveredbutch · 2 months
cane user tim stoker send post
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hrtley · 1 year
crutch user brian and cane user tim Twirling my hair rn
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cleromancy · 10 months
giving tim the spleenless wonder chronic illnesses is good and all absolutely never stop doing that forever but also I personally deserve compensation for the fake cane user thing in the form of making him a real cane user
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alias-sam · 1 month
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 44. Stand Users Assemble
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 2,218
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
"It's too late Mr. Jotaro!" You yelled dodging the man's attack. It was surprising how fast you learned the ropes of self defense, at this point your movements were much less clumsy than before. Your punches had more power and calculation behind them. All thanks to the man you were now trying to land a hit on. "I'm not letting you win this time!" The two of you were using stands this time, a single hit from either of you could be decisive in a one on one fight. You hadn't told Jotaro about the extent of your ability, and for now, you decided to keep it a secret. Just as you had gotten close enough to beneficially use your stand, you heard Jotaro activate Star Platinum.
"Star Finger!"
You barely had a moment to process what was said before having the wind knocked out of you.
Something made hard contact with your throat. You fell to the ground, barely understanding what happened. After a minute straight of coughing you looked up to see Star Platinum's fingers retracting to their normal length.
"What in the ever-loving FUCK was that?!" You yelled the second you had the breath for it.
"You weren't keeping your enemy in mind." Jotaro replied plainly.
"How was I supposed to know you had...." You looked at Star Platinum's fingers pensively. "Whatever the hell that was?!" Before you could stand up and slap the indifference off your mentor's stone-cold face a cane slapped against his arm.
"Go easy on them Jotaro." Mr. Joestar scolded. "What kind of a grown man beats up on a high schooler? Be a gentleman!" You sighed; glad the old man was so much more tolerable than his grandson.
"Sometimes I think you only offered to train me so you could make me a punching bag." You remarked, getting back on your feet
"I only turn people who really piss me off into punching bags." Jotaro clarified coldly before turning away from you.
"I'm surprised you haven't been to jail yet with a philosophy like that." You mumbled.
The old man laughed lightly and Jotaro looked away. You paused, letting their reactions sink in. "I was joking, you've been to jail!?" You were flabbergasted to say the least. Jotaro seemed like such a quiet guy, a little detached, but not a delinquent or anything. He was a marine biologist for Christ sake!
"That's a story for another time kiddo." Mr. Joestar gave you a pat on the shoulder before heading back to his chair in the nearby shade.
"Yare Yare."
"Y/n!" Vita's voice called over to you excitedly. "We're here!" At his side stood Tim, who looked nothing short of exasperated.
"Indeed." Tim said, pushing up his glasses.
"Get this Jojo! Timster here took forever this morning! I was waiting outside his house for like- thirty minutes!" Vita threw an arm around Tim.
"I still have no idea how you figured out where I live." Tim mumbled, cautiously peeling Vita's hand from his shoulder.
"You smell nice." Vita whispered with wide eyes and a head tilt.
"What?" Tim asked turning to Vita with a raised brow.
"What?" Vita echoed before walking off towards the water. You watched as your eccentric friend skipped off and offered Tim an apologetic look. Based on the skeptical look Tim returned, you had a lot of explaining to do after all of this.
"Thanks for coming. I couldn't have called everyone here without your help." You sighed. It was true. After deciding to have this little congregation, you needed someone to help get everyone to the beach. Thankfully Tim was a reliable guy.
"You owe me so much more than a thank you after making me guide that miscreant to this meeting spot!" Tim responded irately. "Not to mention its Saturday and I'm sacrificing my normal weekend sleep."
"V isn't that bad." Glancing back, you saw Vita was standing in the water with a few fish floating lifelessly around his angles. You laughed nervously. "Besides, you barely know the guy."
"Oh you have no idea..." Tim said with an eye-roll before heading over to talk with Jotaro.
"I wonder where-" You stopped when you saw a familiar head of long platinum blonde hair approaching from further down the beach.
"Jojo." He greeted.
"Julius." You nodded. "Calmer than the last time we talked I see."
"Still a little shaken up." Julius sighed. "But Jaya explained most of what's going on."
"Speaking of your sister," you looked around curiously. "Where is she?"
"Dad had the day off and decided to take her to hamon train in a remote place an hour or so out of town." Julius explained dryly. "She was pretty relieved to hear you were safe."
"Oh... well, tell her I hope she's doing okay." You replied awkwardly. "It's been awhile since I've seen her."
"Y/n?" You and Julius jumped at Vita's sudden interjection. "Shouldn't we get to the point of this meeting?"
"Right." You took a deep breath, steadying yourself for the meeting ahead. The other stand users and yourself met in the shaded area Joseph was sitting earlier. All of them awaited patently as you took your place as the center of attention. Even if you knew everyone present, you felt uneasy. You weren't used to being a leader, let alone a coordinator. After a few moments of awkward silence among the present stand users you cleared your throat, deciding to push down the uneasy feeling in your stomach. "Since we don't know how many more enemy stand users are in this town, I thought it best we get to know who our allies are. We also need to share what we know about everything going on, I figured all of us gathering to compare notes would be helpful to prevent misinformation." You glanced around at your fellow stand users. Their eyes were all on you. Despite the uneasiness you were feeling, your voice came out strong and decisive. "Since I've been at the center of most of this bizarre activity. I'll start." You fished through your pocket, taking out a small plastic bag. "This piece of metal is from the weapon we're assuming turned Tim and Julius here into stand users. We still don't know why anybody would do this, but given I've been almost killed every time I so much as stumble on a member of the group involved, I can only assume the worst."
"Given their leader Keicho Nijimura hasn't made any moves against us directly." Tim stated, mostly thinking aloud. "It's highly likely he doesn't know the extent of our organization."
"As of right now, Vita is our biggest asset." You continued, motioning over to the boy.
"Wait, what?" Vita pointed at himself. "Me...?"
"Y/n's right." Tim nodded. "Since you were born a stand user there's no way the enemy knows you exist."
"Or that you're working with us." Joseph chimed in.
"Then again..." You sighed, head sinking to the ground.
"Jojo?" Vita murmured.
"They have been able to spy on me without me noticing." You grimaced. "Who knows what other tricks they have up their sleeves?" Blaze Martez was stalking you before he attacked with Quiet Riot. Blake not so subtly admitted just yesterday to breaking in to your house. "For your own safety, keep an eye out."
"As for Julius, using the surprise of what your ability is will be to our advantage." Joseph commented.
"You should all be as careful as possible." Jotaro added. "We can't afford to let the enemy see any more of our cards."
"Any questions?" You looked over to Vita who had a raised hand. "Yes Vita?"
"Wanna get smoothies after this?"
"Any relevant questions?" Tim asked with an irked expression. There was a short silence.
"If anyone gets in any trouble, you know to call me, or the Joestars." You said decisively. There was no denying you were a center for the stand activity. Even if you were tempted to leave all of the leadership on Jotaro and Joseph's capable shoulders, you just couldn't. Tim, Vita, and Julius knew you, trusted you. Tim was distrusting of new people in general, let alone these strange adults you claimed you just ran into. Vita, despite his nonchalant and carefree exterior, was clinging to you for support in this new environment. Julius was less reliant on you than the other two, but since Jaya thought so highly of you, so would he. It was only logical for you to take a leading role in this group.
As the group started disbanding, you glanced over at Jotaro. Something seemed off with him the entirety of your meeting today. Under his stone cold exterior, you got the feeling he was upset with you somehow. Even when you were training just a little while ago it felt like he actually meant it when he hit you. A few of your thoughts brought you back to the conversation you overheard between Jotaro and his grandfather. "Hey Jotaro, I was wondering if we could talk about-"
"I have some business to attend to." He interrupted, turning to leave. Jotaro only got so far before noticing the absence of Joseph at his side. "Jiji?"
"You go ahead Jotaro." The older man said, looking off towards the boardwalk. "It's a beautiful day, it would be a shame not to enjoy it. I have been staying in this town for nearly a month, and I still haven't seen most of it!"
It didn't take much to notice Jotaro's apprehensiveness. Joseph was a man nearing his eighties, the last thing he needed was to overexert himself. The possibility of the old man getting lost was pretty high, especially since he hadn't seen most of the town. Jotaro didn't want to tell his grandpa no though. Both Joestar men were stubborn, but Jotaro knew Joseph didn't want to slow down, even in his old age. Despite the creak in his bones, and weak knees, Joseph's sense of adventure was as insatiable as ever.
"Why don't I show you around?" You offered walking over to the two men. "I've lived in this area my whole life, I know a thing or two about getting around tourists."
"What a lovely idea!" Joseph smiled. "Try to keep up!" He said, hobbling on ahead.
"I'll take good care of him." You whispered over to Jotaro.
"You better." Jotaro murmured, looking at you warningly. He glanced at his grandpa and back at you. "Good luck."
He didn't say it comfortingly. You couldn't help but feel like you signed up for babysitting as you sped up to match pace with the old man. Offering to look after him couldn't be that bad. Right?
"So, where to first?"
"Hey Y/n! Wait up!" You and Mr. Joestar briefly paused to let Vita catch up.
"What's up?" You asked, watching the boy catch his breath.
"I have something for you." He quickly reached into his pocket and took out a small black box. You hesitantly took it, only to find what looked like a necklace inside.
"What is this?" You asked, lifting it up. It had a gold-plated chain and a pendant that was shaped like a beetle.
"It's a locket." Vita explained. "I figured keeping the shard in a locket would be much safer than a plastic bag."
"Vita, I really can't take this." You sputtered, trying to hand the box back. "Where did you even get it?" You weren't an expert, but the necklace looked like it was made from real gold. Vita's expression fell as he sighed deeply.
"Its one of the only things my biological father left for me. I'm not much of a jewelry person, and to be honest? I want nothing to do with the womanizing prick who ran off on my mom in Egypt." Vita looked up at you with a smile. "I have no bad feelings about parting with it." You could only look at Vita's expectant expression for so long before relenting.
"Fine, I'll take it." You sighed. "But as soon as this is all over, I'm giving this back." Vita watched as you transferred the arrow shard into the beetle pendant. He had been looking for a reason to ditch the thing for ages, and giving it to you just felt like less of a waste than throwing it into the awaiting ocean like he was originally planning. Vita didn't remember anything about his father, but he hoped giving away the cretin's only gift to him was a perfect act of spite. You carefully placed the gold chain around your neck and tucked the pendant under your shirt collar. "Thanks V." You smiled.
"Are you two coming?" Mr. Joestar called from a few feet away.
"Oh! Sorry Mr. Joestar!" You sputtered, getting back on track. "I got a little distracted." The man glanced between you and Vita strangely before shrugging. "Where to first?"
"Smoothies!" Vita cheered excitedly. With an okay from the old man, the three of you headed towards the smoothie shop Jaya showed you not too long ago.
A shadow glided over the sand, watching carefully as the stand assembly disbanded. The man was drawn to the grouping upon noticing the familiar face of the tallest man.
"So there are other stand users in this town..." The man growled as he watched Jotaro walk away. There was no way he could take on Star Platinum, not after last time. His hateful gaze shifted to the two teens escorting a familiar old man towards the boardwalk. He grinned maliciously as he watched you tuck a necklace under your shirt, exposing a star shaped birthmark on your shoulder for just a second. "Joestar...."
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docgold13 · 1 year
Are there any girl magic users around Damian's age running around?
There aren’t a lot of superheroes/villains Damian’s age. He’s in kind of a gap between the teen heroes (like Tim Drake or Cass Cane) and the toddler heroes (like Wally West’s twins).
The only female magic users I can think of approximately around Damian’s age would be Raven (unsure if she’s still de -aged) Djin, Amethyst and Traci 13.
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stuffwithart · 2 years
Updated new List
Hi I would like to note I do not own any of these characters and note that some of these creators are may or maybe not into Creepypasta anymore but please do not bother the creators
Slenderman- Rightful Owner
Splendorman- Neil Cicierega
Trenderman - Rightful Owner
Offenderman - Arcanineryu
Lord Zalgo - Rightful Owner
Ticci Toby - Kastoway
Tim Wright - Marble Hornets
Brian Thomas - Marble Hornets
HABIT - EveryManHybrid
The Observer - TribeTwelve
The Chaser - Slender The Arrival
Charlie Matheson Jr - Slender The Arrival
Xvirus - Rightful Owner
Wilson The Basher - LazyCatLady
Rouge The Proxy - LazyCatLady
Nemesis - darkangel6021
Hoaxton - Dav-Ink
Weeping Forest - Rightful Owner
Nightmare Ally - InvaderIka
Jeff The Killer - Sesseur
Homicide Liu - Sesseur
Jane The Killer - TheLadyBlackWolf
Nina The Killer 2021 Version - Alegotic-Twevel
Eyeless Jack - Rightful Owner
Vailly Evans - Natsuki100
Clockwork - Leafcrowns
Zero - ZombiePunkRat
Judge Angels - Yaguyi
Bloody Painter - DeluCat
Nurse Ann - Yaguyi
Dr Smiley - Rightful Owner
Dr Pain - Alloween
Hobo Heart - ChrisOzFulton
Chris - 0ktavian
Erin The Killer - To me
Ron - To me
Chaotic Sam - eve of halloween
Reggie - Dethkira
Bleeding-Man - Chibi-Works
Shadow-Walker - Chibi-Works
Stripes - Chibi-Works
Good Doctor Locklear - Madame Macabre
Elska Ruth - Kerry-Sene
Cherry Pau - Natsuki100
Vengeful Spirits
The Puppeteer - BleedingHeartworks
Emra - Highwind-Valor
Suicide Sadie - pnckes
Kagekao - Jinbeizamezama
Wendell Wilson - ijustwannahavefunn
Daisy White - ijustwannahavefunn
Anna - ImaginemonsterVi
The Roadwalker - obsoletegoat
The Bartender - PaxArsenal
Akira Asahi - To me
Carnival Creeps
Laughing Jack - SnuffBomb
Isaac Grossman - SnuffBomb
Frankie - SnuffBomb
Laughing Jill - SabrinaNightmaren
Candy Cane - DanceOfAngels
Candy Pop - DanceOfAngels
April Fools - Promptus
Papa Grande Di Magico - MysticalSorcery
Jason The Toymaker - Krisantyl
The Doll-Maker - Chisai-Yokai
Nathan The Nobody - IvyDarkRose
Whispering D - eve of halloween
Blood Moon Dancer - eve of halloween
Knives Lollipop - To Me
Clown - To Me
The Item Stealer - GhostfaceNikol
Nightcrawler - GhostfaceNikol
The Skroll - GhostfaceNikol
Ericsson Ford - Natsuki100
Young Spirits
Lulu - Chibi-Works
Lazari - Chibi-Works
Sally Williams - La-Mishi-Mish
Lifeless Lucy - NightmareQueenKasei
Lily Kennett - NaughtyKittyDV-1992
Sam Williams - CamyWilliams9
Oliver Henderson - Cupcake889
Wendy Wilson - Ijustwannahavefunn
BEN - Alex Hall
Lost Silver - Rightful Owner
Glitchy Red & BRVR - Rightful Owner
Herobrine - Rightful Owner
Entity 303 - Rightful Owner
Channel 666 - Rightful Owner
Sonic Exe & Tails Doll - Rightful Owner
Mario Exe - Rightful Owner
Eleted - IceyPie
Mario Exe - Rightful Owner
Lord X - Rightful Owner
Mario 85 - Rightful Owner
Hypno - Rightful Owner
Candle Cove - Rightful Owner
Red - Rightful Owner
Suicide Mouse  - Rightful Owner
Suicidal Squidward - Rightful Owner
Happy Appy - Dronian
Shadowlurker - Rightful Owner
The Rake - Rightful Owner
BOB - Rightful Owner
Scarecrow - Madame Macabre
Mr Wide-Mouth - Rightful Owner
Pinkiemena - Rightful Owner
Smile Dog - Rightful Owner
Grinny Cat - Comickit
Seed Eater - Rightful Owner
Magic Users
Miss Pencilneck - ComicKit
Korbyn Jumping-Eagle - Madame Macabre
Who Lives in Our World
Mary Vaughn - TheLadyBlackWolf
Alex Kralie - Marble Hornets
Jay Merrick - Marble Hornets
Jessica Locke - Marble Hornets
Amy Walters - Marble Hornets
Alice - Madness Returns
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thestarscollective · 4 months
The Stars Collective (🌌)
Collective pronouns: He/It
Collective name: Dean/Void
Bodily age: 21
Physically disabled (cane user), also with autism + adhd, cptsd and more we do not wish to disclose. Medically recognized but not officially diagnosed for a couple of reasons.
Last updated: 05/04/2024
- Tempest 🪦 || He/It
- Lazarus 2.0 ⛓️‍💥 || He/It/Rot
Frequent Fronters:
- Viticus 🎸 || 22 || He/It
-Lazarus ⛓️ || 22 || He/It/Rot
- Skully 🎞️ || ? || They/It
- Toby 🪓 || 25 || He/Him
- Brian Thomas 🧱 or 🛠️ || He/Him
- Tim Wright 🚬 or 📸 || He/They
- Dabi 🔥 || He/Him
- Shigaraki 🎮 || He/Him
- Hoodie 🙁 || He/It. don’t care
- Frank Castle 💀 || He/Him
Other Members (but not all)
- Bill ⚠️ || He ( @yelloweyesandbirchtrees ) (2.0 @decipheredknowledge )
- Klaus Hargreeves 🪬 || He/They
- Oleander 🪴 || No pronouns (Aux they or it)
- Jay Merrick 📹 || He/They
- Sorrows ❤️‍🩹 or 🗡️ || 26 || He/They/She
- Merle 🍓 || He/It/Hir
- Frank 🦂 || 26 || He/Him
- Vincent Sinclair 🕯️ || He/It
- Ezekiel ✨ || It
- Kevin ☀️ || ? || He/They
- Cecil Palmer 🎙️ or 🌙 || He/They/It
- Enoch 🎃 || He/They
- Kismet 🔋 || 17 || They/It
- Thorn 🧲 || He/They/It/Hound ( @shattered-visions )
- Ash 🍂 || 14 || He/Him
- Asra 🔮 || They/He
- Lestat ⚰️ || He/Prince
- V1 🩸 || IT
- Gabriel ⚔️ || He
- Essex || He/Him
- Orpheia 🎼 || He/They
- Salem || She/Her
- Archivist 📼 || He/They
- Nico (2.0) 🎉 || It/He/They
- Toby 🧯 || He/Him
- Masky 🫥 || it/he/she
Plus multiple doubles that will probably add their own shit and fronting tag if they want to use the blog
- Marble Hornets
- My Chemical Romance
- Forestry
- Agriculture/Agriscience
- Ultrakill
- Tattooing, Piercing, Body mods
- Taxidermy
- more
Partnered, but open.
Always looking for more friends.
DMs also open!
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