#canadian giallo
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goryhorroor · 2 years ago
masterpost of horror lists
here are all my horror lists in one place to make it easier to find! enjoy!
action horror
analog horror
animal horror
animated horror
anthology horror
aquatic horror
apocalyptic horror
backwoods horror
bubblegum horror
campy horror
cannibal horror
children’s horror
comedy horror
coming-of-age horror
corporate/work place horror
cult horror
dance horror
dark comedy horror
daylight horror
death games
domestic horror
ecological horror
erotic horror
experimental horror
fairytale horror
fantasy horror
folk horror
found footage horror
giallo horror
gothic horror
grief horror
historical horror
holiday horror
home invasion horror
house horror
indie horror
isolation horror
insect horror
lgbtqia+ horror
lovecraftian/cosmic horror
medical horror
meta horror
monster horror
musical horror
mystery horror
mythological horror
neo-monster horror
new french extremity horror
paranormal horror
political horror
psychedelic horror
psychological horror
religious horror
revenge horror
romantic horror
dramatic horror
science fiction horror
southern gothic horror
sov horror (shot-on-video)
splatter/body horror
survival horror
vampire horror
virus horror
werewolf horror
western horror
witch horror
zombie horror
horror plots/settings
road trip horror
summer camp horror
cave horror
doll horror
cinema horror
cabin horror
clown horror
wilderness horror
asylum horror
small town horror
college horror
plot devices
storm horror
from a child’s perspective
final girl/guy (this is slasher horror trope)
last guy/girl (this is different than final girl/guy)
reality-bending horror
slow burn horror
pregnancy horror
foreign horror or non-american horror
african horror
spanish horror
middle eastern horror
korean horror
japanese horror
british horror
german horror
indian horror
thai horror
irish horror
scottish horror
slavic horror (kinda combined a bunch of countries for this)
chinese horror
french horror
australian horror
canadian horror
silent era
30s horror
40s horror
50s horror
60s horror
70s horror
80s horror
90s horror
2000s horror
2010s horror
2020s horror
blumhouse horror
a24 horror
ghosthouse horror
shudder horror
other lists
horror literature to movies
techno-color horror movies
video game to horror movie adaption
video nasties
female directed horror
my 130 favorite horror movies
horror movies critics hated because they’re stupid
horror remakes/sequels that weren’t bad
female villains in horror
horror movies so bad they’re good
non-horror movies that feel like horror movies
directors + their favorite horror movies + directors in the notes
tumblr’s favorite horror movie (based off my poll)
horror movie plot twists
cult classic horror movies
essential underrated horror films
worst horror movie husbands
religious horror that isn’t christianity 
black horror movies
extreme horror (maybe use this as an avoid list)
horror shorts
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mimismoviemayhem · 1 year ago
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Two new additions to the collection. Tales from the Campfire was filmed right here in my home province. Can't wait to check it out. Plus I even got it autographed :D
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blackramhall · 1 year ago
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Diane, 11:30 AM, February 24th. Entering the town of Twin Peaks, five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line. I've never seen so many trees in my life.
Blackram Hall: whodunit, murder mystery, noir, pulp, hardboiled, italian giallo, crime, spy stories, serial killers, vintage, manor houses, art, life and death.
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amf-369 · 2 years ago
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"Ho scelto questo ritratto di cuore di Marsha P. Johnson, scattata dal fotografo Alvin Baltrop, come copertina del mio disco"MY BACK WAS A BRIDGE FOR YOU TO CROSS." . Quando sono arrivato a New York nel 1990, gli anziani del Village mi hanno parlato di Marsha. Vivevo vicino alla West Side High Way, e a volte vedevo Marsha in Christopher Street. L'ammiravo, e il destino ha decretato che il giorno di sole prima della sua morte, alla parata del gay pride, l'ho ringraziata, le ho detto che l'amavo, e le ho baciato la mano. Lei sorrise dolcemente e disse: "Oh, ti amo anch'io, bambola".Una settimana dopo, il suo prezioso corpo fu estratto dall'Hudson. Ho organizzato alcuni amici per camminare da Sheridan Square fino a quel punto vicino al bordo dell'acqua dove era giaciuto il suo corpo. Indossavo un abito da sposa. Alcune anime hanno parlato a questo monumento. Poi ho dipinto il suo nome con lo spray sui moli e ho coperto il villaggio con poster di Marsha che indossava un diadema, e la parola "S.T.A.R". Tutto questo ha appiccato un fuoco dentro di me che non capivo.Ho cercato come artista di aiutare a portare il suo nome attraverso una divisione della notte e nella luce più ampia della cultura. Nel 1995, abbiamo ri-interpretato il suo viaggio nell'Ascensione di Marsha P. Johnson. Ho cantato River of Sorrow più e più volte. Nel 2006, ci ha sorriso dallo schermo durante TURNING. Nel 2012, quando mi sono esibito al Radio City Music Hall, ho visto il suo nome sul marchese. Sembrava un trionfo, ma era pur sempre un segreto, il suo lavoro ancora invisibile.Negli ultimi 6 anni Marsha è stata finalmente riconosciuta da molte fonti come Rosa Parks dei movimenti per i diritti civili trans e gay, insieme a sua sorella, Sylvia Rivera.Per me è un onore rappresentare Marsha qui, che Agosto Machado una volta descrisse come un bodhisattva. Questa copertina record, la più importante della mia carriera, commemora il ripristino di connessioni e percorsi neurali tra generazioni, passato e futuro". ANOHNI"MY BACK WAS A BRIDGE FOR YOU TO CROSS".il 7 luglio, sarà disponibile su vinile giallo da Rough Trade Records e Secretly Canadian webstore più vinile bianco presso indie retail e vinile nero massimi ovunqueFoto di Marsha P. Johnson di Alvin Baltrop ©2022 Tenuta di Alvin Baltrop / ARS, NYPreordine: https://anohni-johnsons.ffm.to/mbwabfytc
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aviculor · 4 months ago
I've mentioned New French Extremity before, a movement of French and French-Canadian horror in the mid aughties on a similar wavelength as American "torture porn". Films such as Irreversible, or as it's known in French, Irréversible. Martyrs, or as it's known in French, Martyrs. And the film I am watching today: Inside, or as it's known in French, À l'intérieur.
Yes, I had that bit planned for a long time.
Inside is about a pregnant woman who previously lost her husband in a car crash, who is now being stalked inside her home. Spoiler alert: the stalker is the other driver from the crash and she wants to steal the protagonist's unborn baby to replace hers since she was also pregnant during the crash but miscarried.
At an hour and 18 minutes, it should be a pretty tidy watch. It's also technically a Christmas movie, I'm just choosing to ignore that.
Sarah's mom needs to back off. Like, your daughter's husband died four months ago and you're trying to get her to hook up with someone? Her boss, no less? Disrespectful.
Grief really do be like that.
Whether or not she "wants to be alone", it really is risky to be by yourself when you're nine months pregnant and it's overdue where you're having labor induced the next morning. Not that anyone would reasonably have to worry about a crazed lunatic breaking into their home seeking to kidnap the baby out of their stomach. That's a slight extenuating circumstance.
"Your husband is not sleeping, Sarah. He is dead."
Given how "La Femme" is so quick to violence, I think if Sarah did buy the "car broke, phone yes?" story she would have gotten gutted like a trout right there at the door.
Oh okay, she just left to go to her darkroom when this woman is standing in her yard having punched her back door hard enough to have broken the glass.
I like how La Femme is decked out in a gothic dress and heels and giallo gloves for her big night of home invasion/murder/fetal abduction.
Did...did she not think Sarah would wake up and fight back after she stabbed her in the bellybutton?
I think that if Sarah had directly told Jean-Pierre that somone was trying to break into her house when she called him after the initial attack, things would have gone a little differently.
Wait, what the fuck is happening here? While Sarah is hiding for dear life in the bathroom with a slashed face and her water broken, La Femme is trying to rizz up her boss in the living room while pretending to be her mom?
Oh, that sucks.
So before the reveal of who La Femme is and what her motivations are, she really just looks like a really inept criminal. You would have expected her to be this invincible, overpowering presence, but she is getting injured just as often as she's crying.
Ah yes, I suspected that the opening narration and the cgi baby was actually La Femme's story since it was fully formed and the crash happened 4 months ago. There were two pregnant women driving and they crashed into one another and we're supposed to take this reveal seriously. We don't even learn who was at fault.
Oh, this is hard to watch. Wow. This is really happening. On-screen.
One hell of an ending. Worth noting that baby was silent and not moving.
Sarah said that no one else survived the crash and La Femme said Sarah killed her once already, which seems to imply La Femme is some kind of vengeful spirit. It's ambiguous though.
Apparently, the cgi baby shots were added without the director's knowledge and that sucks since they're definitely the weakest part and they did not age well.
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moviesteve · 8 months ago
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The Editor https://tinyurl.com/2yblfguq Astron-6 are a bunch of Canadians who knock out intelligent entertainment with a twist. They're on a giallo tip with The Editor, and really the only thing you can say against it is that there’s probably too much of a good thing. It’s no...
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ericmorseblog · 2 years ago
William Pattison’s Bloodbath Theatre Episode 82: Giallo Night 2
Join your host the King of Splatter Punk, William Pattison, and horror host skull, John, for the 82nd episode of Bloodbath Theatre. Be ready for a double feature of both Canadian and Italian Giallo Films, Curtains and Deep Red. Also, be ready for a bonus short film, Stephen King’s The Boogyman as well as the fifteenth episode of the lost TV series Jason of Star Command and this month’s Criswell…
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years ago
Vero: in base al tipo di minerale incluso, il diamante può avere una variazione di colore. Se ne distinguono 7 famiglie: Bianco, Blu, Giallo, Bruno Arancio, Nero, Rosa Rosso. I più rari sono quelli della famiglia rosa rosso.
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Vero: Kenichi Ito ha conquistato un nuovo Guinness World Record, percorrendo 100 metri in 17,8 secondi indoor su pista da 200 metri, ma il record all-time, sempre detenuto da lui è di addirittura 15,71 secondi, al Komazawa Olympic Park Athletic Field di Setagaya, a Tokyo nel Novembre del 2015. Il suo sogno è di avvicinare a 4 zampe il record sulla distanza di Usain Bolt, che correndo con i soli piedi è arrivato a 9"58, stabilito ai campionati del mondo di Berlino 2009.
Vero: il Sommo Maestro circa tre anni prima della sua morte iniziò a lavorare a due sinfonie commissionate dalla Royal Philharmonic Society di Londra nel 1817, la Nona e la Decima. Della Nona, grande apoteosi della musica beethoveniana, si sa tutto, e fu completata tra il 1823 e il 1824; della decima rimase solo un abbozzo, largamente incompleto, che non fu mai sviluppato a causa del peggioramento delle condizioni di salute di Beethoven, che morì poco dopo, nel 1827. Un gruppo di scienziati e musicologi diretti da Ahmed Elgammal, direttore del laboratorio di Arte e Intelligenza artificiale della Rutgers University del New Jersey, che ha anche coordinato la parte tecnologica del progetto attraverso la start-up Playform AI, ha insegnato al computer a "comporre" come Beethoven: una prima esecuzione è stata effettuata in occasione del 250 anniversario dalla nascita, nel dicembre del 2020. Va detta una cosa curiosa: tutti i più grandi compositori dopo Beethoven, per vari motivi, si sono tutti fermati a 9 Sinfonie, quasi in reverenza al numero che il Maestro aveva scritto in vita. La bramosia del progresso va anche oltre le leggende.
Vero: Nell'ottobre 2011, la Perth Mint ha creato una moneta d'oro da una tonnellata, della serie Kangaroo Nuggett, battendo il record per la moneta d'oro più grande e più preziosa, precedentemente detenuta dalla Royal Canadian Mint, la Big Maple Leaf. La moneta ha un diametro di circa 80 cm (31 pollici) e uno spessore di 12 cm (4,7 pollici). Presenta un canguro rosso sul fronte della moneta e un ritratto della regina Elisabetta II sul rovescio. Il valore nominale della moneta è di 1 milione di dollari australiani, ma al momento del conio era valutato oltre 53 milioni di dollari australiani in peso d'oro.
FALSO: la città con il nome più lungo del mondo si trova in Galles: è Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch (58 caratteri). Esiste però una località neozelandese, vicina a Porangahau, a sud di Waipukurau nella Hawke's Bay meridionale, che è un luogo sacro maori che si chiama: Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu (92 caratteri). La località gallese significa "Chiesa di Santa Maria nella valletta del nocciolo bianco, vicino alle rapide e alla chiesa di San Tisilio nei pressi della caverna rossa", e da tutto il mondo turisti si fotografano vicino il cartello della Stazione ferroviaria con il nome di 52 lettere. Si abbrevia di solito in Llanfair PG o Llanfairpwll. La località neozelandese definisce "Il luogo in cui Tamatea, l'uomo dalle grandi ginocchia, che discese, scalò e ingoiò montagne, conosciuto come divoratore di terre, suonò il suo flauto per il suo amato [fratello]" e si abbrevia in Taumata. Ecco una foto
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Vero O Falso
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ladamarossa · 4 years ago
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American Nightmare (1983)
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horrorpaingoredeath · 4 years ago
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#cityinpanic #deathknockstwice #thespiralstaircase #togetherbrothers #dvd #canadian #crime #horror #mystery #thriller #giallo #mariobavastyle #theaidsmurders #blaxploitation #barrywhite #cmonnrideitthattrain #jacquelinebisset #christopherplummer #petercollinson #massacrevideo #roguevideo #blaxfilm (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfuG5nJGAI/?igshid=rx6x5k38g27s
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sloshed-cinema · 3 years ago
Sisters (1972)
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I’m starting to get the vaguest notion that Brian De Palma might maybe be a Hitchcock fan.  This psychodrama freely intermingles giallo, body horror, and thriller in a pulpy pastiche of Rear Window.  De Palma displays a thorough control of pacing to drive tension, and his camerawork adapts to reflect that.  During the pivotal murder scene that kicks off events, the frame splits in two, watching both coverup and discovery attempt unfold in parallel.  Elsewhere, breathless POV shots limit the viewer’s ability to fully perceive the action, Grace Collier looking through binoculars at apartment windows and trying to help her private detective associate escape a threat she can only partially glimpse.  These are all techniques which wouldn’t have felt out of place in Hitch’s wheelhouse.  Hell, De Palma even snags regular Hitchcock collaborator, composer Bernard Herrmann to write a brilliantly bombastic score.  But while all of this works, the key element in this homage is that he remembers Hitchcock’s penchant for gleeful ghoulishness.  De Palma winks knowingly to the audience by opening his film with the taping of a pervy game show centering on audience reactions to peeping toms.  And he understands that on some subversive level the audience crave murders, doling them out in gloriously ketchup-red spurts of blood.  The film is populated by bit players who wouldn’t feel out of place in Vertigo or The Trouble With Harry, from Grace’s chatty and mildly disapproving mother to the private detective and his constantly changing fake company car signs.  The stakes are high, but between Grace’s plucky fervor and the cartoonish mad scientist hypnosis sequences, we know it’s all in good fun.
While it gets buried in the madness of the film’s back half, Sisters is quietly an ACAB film.  Columnist Grace Collier has a passion for investigative journalism which focuses on exposing police brutality and miscarriage of justice.  She clashes with investigators arriving on the scene of the crime she witnessed and uses the opportunity of her investigation to present another case of pigs being pigs.  All the more impactful is that the man murdered was a person of color, stuffed into furniture and smuggled out of the apartment right under the cops’ noses.  For too long his murder is shrugged off, and even when the investigation does reopen, it’s a hopelessly futile case.  The final shot depicts the couch concealing his body left outside a station in some remote Canadian backwater.  Sure, the detective on the case seems to have found him, but that was the only man who bothered to follow the thread.
Someone says ‘sister’.
The score goes absolutely bonkers.
Danielle misplaces a word.
A NYC borough is named.
Mama Collier belittles her daughter.
Split-screen begins.
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ericmorseblog · 2 years ago
William Pattison’s Bloodbath Theatre Episode 82: Giallo Night 2
Join your host the King of Splatter Punk, William Pattison, and horror host skull, John, for the 82nd episode of Bloodbath Theatre. Be ready for a double feature of both Canadian and Italian Giallo Films, Curtains and Deep Red. Also, be ready for a bonus short film, Stephen King’s The Boogyman as well as the fifteenth episode of the lost TV series Jason of Star Command and this month’s Criswell Predicts.
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whatever-lola-wants · 4 years ago
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Stage Fright/Deliria/Aquarius (1987)
A giallo-lite movie about a musical troupe rehearsing a play about a fictional serial killer, only to realize there's an actual killer -- an insane former stage actor in an owl mask -- in the deserted theater with them. There are elements of the classic giallo horror as I've mentioned before -- a dreamlike, almost hyperreal quality to everything from the dialogue to the gore -- but this one veers more towards the artsy side. A surprisingly tasteful take on the slasher genre but never afraid to go all bloody disgusting when it needs to. That owl mask is actually pretty good looking, too. Also has some of the best cinematography you've ever seen in a horror film, period. It's an Italian production with American actors though, so expect some weirdly stilted writing/dubbing.
Ever notice how weird it is that giallo horror movies always have totally bopping soundtracks?
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The Fly (1986)
Like The Thing, this is another masterpiece I've been waiting to gush about. Yes, much like the former, the practical effects and makeup are gorgeous, gross, and breathtaking, but what sets The Fly apart from other horror movies with great practical effects/makeup/animatronics (like, say, The Void (2017) which is otherwise devoid of any redeeming value) is its near-flawless writing, specifically, the character development and the slow build to the payoff. If we chart the path of the protagonist and the antagonist in this movie, they're actually twisted inversions of each other. The antagonist is a rapey douche and stalker who ends up being the savior for all the wrong reasons, and our protagonist is a genuinely good guy who you empathize and root for, but who succumbs to ego and pride and his good intentions are corrupted as he becomes the titular monster of the movie. I absolutely love The Fly. It accomplishes everything it sets out to do, and it's right up there with The Thing for me in terms of one of the best movies ever made regardless of genre.
Also, FUCKING JEFF "DADDY" GOLDBLUM. That's all the recommendation one could realistically need.
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Black Christmas (1974)
Look, as cliched as it is, as overrated as you think it might be, you can't have a list of spooky movies without mentioning the best slasher movie of all time, John Carpenter's Halloween (1978). That one transcends its genre and is one of the most influential movies of all time. Just watch it if you haven't already. I'd much rather talk about Black Christmas (1974) instead, a Canadian film which actually originated the slasher flick genre (yes, you heard that right.) and influenced John Carpenter to make Halloween in the first place. It's an exceptional example of the genre, but more interestingly, it's also unique in every way in the genre. Every character is developed, and every death matters. There's no cookie cutter tropetastic pretty girl who gets murdered in seconds here, no idiotic decisions and random deaths just to add to the body count. Because you empathize with these characters, the psychological embodiment of the killer in the form of disturbing, disgusting phone calls are as scary as the actual physical embodiment of the killer when he shows up. It's such a...dark, depressing, cynical take on Christmas and I hate and love it at the same time. Kind of difficult to find it these days though, but there's an uncensored version floating online (arrr matey 🦜🏴‍☠️) that's easy enough to find if you're willing to look.
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Frankenhooker (1990)
"A terrifying tale of sluts and bolts". One of the most well known 'cult' classics ever. I'm pretty sure anyone from this era has at least heard of this one. A beautiful, creative, whimsical take on the classic Frankenstein story that doesn't let its low budget hold it back from what it wants to accomplish. A saccharine sweet happy relationship comes to a tragic end in a...um. A comically gory lawnmower incident. The guy just can't let go, preserves the girlfriend's head, and works to bring her back to life. He needs female body parts to rebuild her though, and naturally resorts to killing sex workers in seedy alleyways, porn theaters, and peep shows to collect enough of them until...well, that would be spoilers. The editing, pacing, writing are all near-perfect, and honestly, I think it's only the grim premise and black comedy that has held it back from being considered one of the best movies of all time. It's not for everyone, but damn if it isn't an expertly made movie and some of the most fun you'll ever have watching a spoopy thing.
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REC (2007)
Fair warning : this Spanish movie is one of those fancy shaky-cam-found-footage films, so if you get motion sick easily you might want to steer clear. That being said, it's one of the best examples of the genre. REC keeps things super simple plot wise -- reporter and cameraman (hence the title) get caught in an apartment, in the middle of some sort of zombie outbreak with a demonic touch -- and is paced perfectly, making for a very enjoyable watch. There's some really cool setpieces throughout, the CGI is so subtle you'll never notice it, and the ending is absolutely shocking. Unfortunately its Hollywood remake (Quarantine) and many sequels could never live up to the original.
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Event Horizon (1997)
You've probably heard of this movie at least once on the internet, and any time you have, the subject has been the infamous goretastic cannibalistic orgy scene and how its original, uncut footage has now been lost. Missing the forest for the trees. That scene was exactly as long as it needed to be (all of five seconds maybe) to drive home the predicament the protagonists were in, and more importantly, even without it, the movie itself is one of the most disturbing, unsettling sci-fi x haunted house x cosmic horror crossovers ever. While it does get predictable in parts, the premise is interesting (no upsetty space alien ripping people apart), every jump scare is earned, every visceral moment is properly built up with suspense, every actor does their job earnestly (Sam Neill is always good, and Lawrence Fishburne plays one of the most pragmatic horror leads ever), and the special effects, makeup, set designs, all hold up to this day. Also, soon to be re-adapted into an Amazon prime miniseries.
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videomessiah · 4 years ago
Top 5 holiday movies for the viewers at home?
After much consideration, I've decided that 5 isn't enough. It must be 10. Sorry in advance to the other couple dozen movies that could have been on here. And so, in no particular order:
1: Die Hard (1988) Everybody's got to mention Die Hard, right? A group of handsome male models robbing Nakatomi Plaza during Christmas and looking gorgeous while they do it. And I guess Bruce Willis and the dad from Family Matters are there somewhere, I don't know.
2: Lethal Weapon (1987) Alright, but seriously, while the world is busy "ironically" putting Die Hard on their Christmas movie lists, they often forget about this holiday classic. Not only is it a great background setting, but I consider the Christmas spirit to be integral to both Riggs' and Murtaugh's story arcs. Die Hard and Lethal Weapon will always be double-billed here.
3: Home Alone (1990) Honestly, I wanted to put Planes, Trains & Automobiles on the list, but Thanksgiving comes before Halloween in Canada, so I have even less of an excuse to relate it to "the holidays" than Americans do. Nonetheless, a John Hughes-penned film has its place on my holiday mantel. The kids love it, the adults love it, John Candy's there. What more could you want?
4: Scrooged (1988) Sometimes lambasted as either too cynical or too sentimental, I myself believe that Scrooged gets the balance pretty near perfect. Bill Murray is at his best as the seemingly irredeemable asshole modern Scrooge named Frank Cross, and the supporting cast is fantastic. The television-faced Ghost of Christmas Future is just so damn creepy and cool in this, too.
5: Jingle All the Way (1996) Sometimes lambasted as either too cynical or too... shit, hang on. While a fantastic satire of Christmas consumerism, this movie is indeed very goofy. You're telling me that stupid kid didn't recognize his gigantic Austrian father just because he had a visor and a voice modulator? Ridiculous! Aside from that, I love Jingle All the Way with my entire heart. Have you ever noticed how many jokes there are in reviews about Arnold Schwarzenegger playing an American with an American family in this and other films? Like, do they think immigrants just hang out in their scary segregated bars all day and only marry other immigrants and pop out kids who somehow also have foreign accents? But I digress.
6: Black Christmas (1974) There's only room for one Bob Clark-helmed Christmas movie on this list, and it doesn't involve BB guns. The classic that starts all of the "can a non-Italian movie be a giallo?" and "what's the difference between a slasher and a giallo?" arguments with your friends (maybe just my friends?), it cemented the importance of Canadian productions in both the horror and holiday genres.
7: The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) Scrooge again! But this time it's got the Muppets and Michael Caine and that old-timey setting that you would be missing if you only watched something like Scrooged. And it's a musical, you have to have a musical somewhere on a Christmas movie list.
8: The Hebrew Hammer (2003) You said "holiday", not "Christmas". 'Tis the season, goyim! It's pretty fucking sad that this almost 20-year-old comedy about a Jewish private eye having to defeat the evil son of Santa Claus is one of the only Hanukkah movies around outside of Hallmark and Adam Sandler. But if this is all you're going to get, it's pretty damn great.
9: Eastern Promises (2007) It takes place during Christmas. It's a Christmas movie. Fuck you. It's a Very Cronenberg Christmas. I won't hear otherwise.
10: Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) / Christmas Evil (1980) Breaking my own "list of 10" rule by sticking these together. There was so much controversy about a horror film having a killer Santa when Silent Night, Deadly Night was released. If anyone had ever actually seen Christmas Evil when it came out, I'm sure it would have gotten the same treatment. Both are about a traumatized man dressing up as Santa Claus and murdering people. There are plenty of differences between the two movies, of course, but I like to consider them siblings.
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viralnews-1 · 2 years ago
Daria Nicolodi Is the Ultimate Scream Queen of Giallo Horror
Daria Nicolodi Is the Ultimate Scream Queen of Giallo Horror
When you think of Scream Queens, the usual names come to mind like Jamie Lee Curtis, Neve Campbell, and Heather Langenkamp. That trio and many others have dominated the American horror scene. There are a plethora of non-American films and actresses, however, that have given us some great Scream Queens, such as the Argentine Olivia Hussey in Bob Clark’s 1974 Canadian film Black Christmas. Another…
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moosterrecords · 4 years ago
  Coming this Summer from SEVERIN FILMS
[8 Disc Blu-ray Collection + Book + Soundtrack CD] (6/22)
STRIKE COMMANDO and STRIKE COMMANDO 2 [Blu-ray] and [DVD] (6/22)
INVADERS OF THE LOST GOLD [Blu-ray] and [DVD] (6/22)
SKINNED DEEP [Blu-ray] and [DVD] (7/27)
SIEGE [Blu-ray] and [DVD] (7/27)
BORN FOR HELL [Blu-ray] and [DVD] (7/27)
via MVD Entertainment Group
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Severin Films' Summer lineup includes a massive Christopher Lee box set, a boatload of epic Action flicks, and a few Horror gems for good measure...

He remains one of the most beloved horror/fantasy icons in US/UK pop culture history, but Christopher Lee delivered several of the most compelling, acclaimed and bizarre performances of his entire career in 1960s Europe. THE EUROCRYPT OF CHRISTOPHER LEE brings together five of these Lee classics - the 1964 gothic shocker CRYPT OF THE VAMPIRE; the 1964 cult hit CASTLE OF THE LIVING DEAD co-starring an unknown Donald Sutherland; 1962's celebrated SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE DEADLY NECKLACE; 1967's lurid favorite THE TORTURE CHAMBER OF DR. SADISM and the rarely-seen 1963 oddity CHALLENGE THE DEVIL - with the 24 surviving episodes of the 1971 Film Polski anthology series THEATRE MACABRE hosted by Lee, all remastered from original negative materials with over 10 hours of trailers, rare promos, audio commentaries & vintage interviews, plus the CASTLE OF THE LIVING DEAD soundtrack and an all-new 88-page book by Lee biographer Jonathan Rigby.
Two years before the deranged genius of ROBOWAR and SHOCKING DARK, writer/director Bruno Mattei and co-writers Claudio Fragasso & Rossella Drudi borrowed from RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART II, MISSING IN ACTION and more to create their own mind-blowing 'Namsploitation masterpiece STRIKE COMMANDO. Reb Brown (UNCOMMON VALOR) stars as Sgt. Mike Ransom, a one-man war machine on a screaming-for-vengeance mission against brutal Vietcong, merciless Russians, double-crossing U.S. officers and acres of bullet-blasted Philippines jungle. Christopher Connelly (RAIDERS OF ATLANTIS), Luciano Pigozzi (ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK) and Jim Gaines (ISLAND OF THE LIVING DEAD) co-star in this exploding bamboo gun-tower of "Mattei magic at its finest" (Good Efficient Butchery), now mastered in 2K from the original negative for the first time.
In STRIKE COMMANDO 2, Mattei and crew return to the Philippine jungles with a higher budget, bigger action and Richard Harris (yes, that Richard Harris) for a crowd-pleaser that shamelessly borrows from APOCALYPSE NOW, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, RAMBO and beyond. This time, Sgt Mike Ransom (Brent Huff of GWENDOLINE fame) battles the KGB, rogue CIA agents, an army of ninjas, a tough bar owner (Miss World 1977 Mary Stavin) and "all the stuntman craziness and explosions you can cram into 90 minutes" (DTV Connoisseur). Mel Davidson (ROBOWAR) and Vic Diaz (THE BIG BIRD CAGE) co-star in this slow-motion machine-gun of Mattei mayhem that's "just as insane as its predecessor" (Good Efficient Butchery), now featuring a 2K scan from the original negative for the first time ever.
From producer Dick Randall - whose international trashterpieces include ESCAPE FROM WOMEN'S PRISON, THE WILD WILD WORLD OF JAYNE MANSFIELD and PIECES - comes perhaps the most notorious all-star Philippine productions of the '80s, INVADERS OF THE LOST GOLD. In the last days of WWII, a Japanese platoon is attacked by headhunters while attempting to hide millions in gold. 36 years later, a grizzled guide (onetime Academy Award® nominee Stuart Whitman) is hired to lead an expedition - including Woody Strode (SPARTACUS), Harold 'Oddjob' Sakata and Laura 'Emanuelle' Gemser - into a jungle inferno of greed, violence, nudity and murder. Edmund Purdom (ABSURD) and Glynis Barber (DEMPSEY AND MAKEPEACE) co-star in this "delicious piece of atrocity cake" (Funxton) directed by Alan Birkenshaw (KILLER'S MOON) - also known as HORROR SAFARI - now scanned in 2K for the first time ever.
His mind-blowing work as an FX artist has included everything from Frank Henenlotter's BRAIN DAMAGE and FRANKENHOOKER to Matthew Barney's CREMASTER CYCLE. And for SKINNED DEEP, his 2004 debut as writer/producer/director, Gabe Bartalos created this "demented gift from the B-Movie Gods" (Bloody Good Horror) about a rural clan of psychotic freaks, the killing spree "that takes us places and shows us things we've never seen before" (Dread Central) and the final girl that may be their depraved undoing. Warwick Davis (LEPRECHAUN) and Jason Dugre (SAINT BERNARD) star - with an appearance by fandom legend Forrest J. Ackerman - in this "brutal, bloody forgotten masterpiece" (Morbidly Beautiful) featuring music by Captain Sensible of The Damned, now scanned uncut in 2K from the original negative for the first time ever.
From co-directors Paul Donovan and Maura O'Connell (DEFCON-4) comes one of the most disturbing - and rarely-seen - Canadian shockers of the '80s, SIEGE, which was inspired by the actual 42-day Halifax police strike. When a local group of right-wing vigilantes massacres the patrons of a gay bar, the sole survivor seeks refuge in a nearby apartment building whose residents must now defend themselves in a night of hate, terror and bloodshed. Doug Lennox (BREAKING POINT), Tom Nardini (CAT BALLOU), Jack Blum (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME) and Keith Knight (MY BLOODY VALENTINE) star in this "dark and intense thriller, still uncomfortably relevant 35 years after it was made" (Blog Of Horror) - released in the U.S. as SELF DEFENSE - scanned in 2K from the original negative recently discovered in a Nova Scotia archive.
In 1976, Montreal filmmaker Denis Héroux - future director of THE UNCANNY and Oscar®-nominated producer of ATLANTIC CITY - adapted the true story of Chicago mass murderer Richard Speck to war-torn Belfast, where a disturbed Vietnam vet drifter (Mathieu Carrière of MALPERTUIS and BILITIS fame) brutalizes a dorm full of student nurses in BORN FOR HELL. Re-edited by its video distributor and released as NAKED MASSACRE, Héroux's harrowing director's cut has remained unseen in America until now. Debra Berger (THE INGLORIOUS BASTARDS), Leonora Fani (GIALLO IN VENICE), Christine Boisson (EMMANUELLE), Ely Galleani (BABA YAGA) and Carole Laure (SWEET MOVIE) co-star in this "uncompromising and unfathomably grim work of art" (Video Basement), scanned in 2K from an uncut 35mm print discovered in The National Archives of Canada.
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