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fabioemme78 · 10 months ago
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droppedculture · 10 months ago
What's the perfect mix for a 70s sci-fi space opera? A model/Bond girl wearing a bikini in space, a magic space hero with a perm that will not quit, a robot with a twang, David Hasslehoff wielding a lightsaber and .....Christopher Plummer!? (Wait....is this even a real movie?) Join Brock and Dan as they bring you the story of Stella Star and Akton, smugglers who need to find the Prince, stop the evil would-be conqueror and drop a city on some fools! (Turns out this is, in fact, a real movie.) Listen now or we will scan you with our computer waves! Share your thoughts with the fellas at www.droppedculture.com or drop them a line over at [email protected].
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klarence4 · 2 years ago
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thekenobee · 5 months ago
Waterloo (1970) but it's just Arthur Wellesley being iconic
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raurquiz · 3 months ago
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#remembering #ChristopherPlummer #actor #generalchang #startrek #theundiscoveredcountry #elsaandfred #thefallofromanempire #thesoundofmusic #achrismascarol #themanwhoinventedchristmas #waterloo #TheManWhoWouldBeKing #allthemoneyintheworld #theinsider #remember #knivesout
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duranduratulsa · 1 month ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's SciFi Cinema... Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #scifi #StarTrek #StarTrekVI #StarTrekVITheUndiscoveredCountry #ussenterprise #ncc1701a #williamshatner #LeonardNimoy #RIPLeonardNimoy #deforestkelley #ripdeforestkelley #JamesDoohan #ripjamesdoohan #NichelleNichols #RIPNichelleNichol #GeorgeTake #walterkoenig #graceleewhitney #MichaelDorn #KimCattrall #ChristopherPlummer #RIPChristopherPlummer #MarkLenard #christianslater #williammorgansheppard #brockpeters #kurtwoodsmith #iman #TomMorga #JohnSchuck #davidwarner #ripdavidwarner #joebobbriggs #90s #vintage #vhs #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasscificinema
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31 August 161 – 31 December 192
            Commodus (Lucius Aurelius Commodus) was aged 18 when he became Roman Emperor, his reign lasted from 180 to 192. He ruled as co-emperor with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177-180. He was educated by various teachers and his father had him prepared to rule Rome.  
            Commodus had little interest in administration and left the running of the state to his favourites. Commodus spent most of his reign outside of Rome, on his family estates. He was described as attractive with blond curly hair.
Commodus was popular with the military and commoners; he handed out money to the masses and rewarded his friends with powerful positions. His favourite was Cleander, who was a former slave who rose to the top. Papirius Dionysius oversaw the grain supply which was placed in storage to feed the masses. In 190, during famine and the plague, Papirious told the Roman people that it was Cleander who kept the grain from them, and they called for his death. Cleander fled to Commodus, who panicked. His mistress Marcia urged him to have Cleander executed. Commodus had Cleander killed, as well as his son and friends, which destroyed his greatest ally.
Commodus had four sisters with power hungry husbands. His sister Lucilla had two of her lovers attempt to kill him which failed. The men were executed, and Lucilla was sent away in exile where she was later murdered. Commodus survived numerous assassination attempts, he became paranoid and had thousands of people killed each day.
Commodus called himself Romulus and named months, fleets named after himself and renamed Rome to Commodiana. He claimed to have been Hercules and had statues made of himself dressed like the Greek hero. Commodus was cruel to people as well as animals. He killed hundreds of animals, 100 bears, as well as a hippopotamus and an elephant. He also had an ostrich beheaded. He forced men to kill each other for entertainment and had 2,000 people killed in one day. He had criminals inject poison into people, regardless of if they were innocent. Senators and those in leadership positions became worried for their own lives due to Commodus irrational behaviour.
Senators had enough of Commodus and decided he had to be killed. The emperor was a heavy drinker, Marcia tried to kill him by poison, he vomited it back up. When he retired to his bath, men were sent and strangled him to death. Commodus died aged 31. He was succeeded by Pertinax whose reign didn’t last long during the Year of the Five Emperors.
Commodus today is best known for his fictional depictions in films. Christopher Plummer played him in The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964) and Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator (2000).
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#commodus #ancientrome #christopherplummer #falloftheromanempire #joaquinphoenix #gladiator2000
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agrpress-blog · 2 months ago
Un ricordo di Christopher Plummer nell’anniversario della sua nascita Il grande attore canadese, interprete d... #christopherplummer https://agrpress.it/un-ricordo-di-christopher-plummer-nellanniversario-della-sua-nascita/?feed_id=8602&_unique_id=6762b167eaf0d
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alex6186 · 7 months ago
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My MCM aka Movie Crush Monday about a brilliant mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. A Beautiful Mind one of my favorite biography film starring Russell Crowe & the beautiful Jennifer Connelly
Based on the true story of prominent mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr, who seemed to be guaranteed a promising future when he won international acclaim as a result of his pioneering work in the field. After he is recruited to assist the military with top-secret code-breaking duties, the high-pressure job takes its toll on him, and he begins to develop a mental illness.
#MCM #MovieCrushMonday #AJBMCM #ABeautifulMind #JohnNash #JohnForbesNashJr #RussellCrowe #EdHarris #jenniferConnelly #ChristopherPlummer #PaulBettany #JoshLucas #AdamGoldberg #AnthonyRapp #AustinPendleton #JasonGrayStanford #VivienCardone
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thegospelhighways2020 · 8 months ago
The Haunted Mansion On Freeform we're praying for Them tonight I'm #revpastormarcusvolturisr Sunday Morning Freewill Preaching #tyreeboyce #edasner #christopherplummer #rodserling #burgessmeredith #elizabethmontgomery #ingerstevens #annalee #johningle #gladyscooper
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kaimeicanoon · 2 days ago
#christopherplummer #georgvontrapp
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elbisonodelcine · 2 years ago
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🎞️Knives Out (2019) 🎥Rian Johnson 📷Steve Yedlin
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larsfredriksvedberg · 3 years ago
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#christopherplummer #1953 #nyc #michaelochs #gettyimages @gettyimages https://www.instagram.com/p/CeMhPN1Knwl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raurquiz · 1 year ago
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#remembering #ChristopherPlummer #actor #generalchang #startrek #theundiscoveredcountry #elsaandfred #thefallofromanempire #thesoundofmusic #achrismascarol #themanwhoinventedchristmas #waterloo #TheManWhoWouldBeKing #allthemoneyintheworld #theinsider #remember #knivesout #startrek57
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duranduratulsa · 1 year ago
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Now showing on my 90's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead (1991) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #comedy #christinaapplegate #christopherpettiet #ripchristopherpettiet #keithcoogan #joannacassidy #JoshCharles #JohnGetz #KimmyRobertson #roberthygorman #DavidDuchovny #ChristopherPlummer #dancastellaneta #jaynebrooks #vintage #vhs #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas3rdannual90sfest
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usnatarchives · 4 years ago
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Christopher Plummer as National Treasure’s John Adams Gates (father of Patrick Gates, grandfather of Benjamin Gates). From here. 
RIP Christopher Plummer
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President Reagan with  Christopher Plummer and Elaine Plummer in the Yellow Oval Room, 9/30/1985, from the Reagan Library. NARA 75854333.
See also: 
Christopher Plummer narrated the 1964 program Essay on Death: A Memorial to John F. Kennedy.
So long, farewell! Remembering a von Trapp family singer, Pieces of History story by Hilary Parkinson, 1/3/2011. 
Movie vs. Reality: The Real Story of the Von Trapp Family, by Joan Gearin, Prologue Magazine Winter 2005. 
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