#can't wait to pester y'all
sant-riley · 2 years
[Ghost, Soap and Price when you ask them "would you get my name tattooed on you?"] headcanons
A/N: This is for fun, no one requested it but I love tattoos and I got some soooooo here we go!
A/N 2: this was started back in December lmfao whoops, anyways this is just some random thoughts .
Ghost is gonna either A) look at you like you're stupid as fuck or B) call you stupid as fuck for even asking if you two are not close.
However, you are close so he humors you, despite not saying a for sure yes or no.
"And why would I do that?"
"Because you love me~"
"You think I love you?" Dude is making heart eyes at you as y'all speak, he's full of shit.
You pester him and poke at his chest, telling him you want your name here or there and he just rolls his eyes when he lays on his back.
He makes grunts and snarky remarks like he'd cut the skin off and belly laughs when you pout and can't help but flick your forehead and say it wouldn't happen.
A liar, he's gonna get a tattoo to symbolize you, just not your name. In y'alls line of work it's too dangerous, he's a known soldier and he has a target on his back. Whatever hyperfixation you have, whatever special interest, is something he'd get inked on him, probably on the inside of his arm to keep it hidden.
He runs his fingers across it before and after a mission, even if you're there with him. It's a habit that he'll probably never break. (I'm imagining him with Optimus tattoo for me I'm crying)
He's been waiting. He is absolutely saying yes. He's been thinking about it for awhile and has been designing in his little journal what fonts he would get.
You cannot tell me that this man wouldn't get his loved ones name on him bc he absolutely WOULD.
He doesn't care if it's bad luck to get your partners name on you, as far as he's concerned he's yours for as long as you'll have him and you both work together, been through hell together. He's sure of it if you are okay with it.
He's the guy to get your name over his heart 😭 probably also with some flowers/symbols that represent you around it as well.
He presents it to you all giddy and laughs loud when you throw your arms around his neck hugging him.
"You like it? Now you're stuck with me 'orever~" while he gives you kisses all over your face.
Soap proudly flaunts when he's shirtless, his dog tags and your name on his chest make him so egotistical (it's warranted he's so fucking hot)
Would be very happy if you were to get his name but would never pressure you, however if you were, he'd need to design it for you <3
Price is on the fence, he's not a tattoo man and never has been. But he loves you, more than he's ever loved anyone so it's a firm maybe.
It'll have to be a couple of years before he genuinely will sit down and consider it.
Wouldn't get your name but instead your initial, probably on the inside of his finger or on some easily hidden slice of skin.
You don't even fucking see it until months pass and he's changing.
"Oh that? Got it back on downtime between missions." Motherfucker.
He grumbles as you steal whatever limb it's on but he's happy you're so so ecstatic and he thinks the glowing smile you send him makes it worth it.
@devilsfoodcake22 @simon-rileys-princess @stupid-ninja @milkmily @lune-la-chanson @tamayakii @teacupcollector @perilous-pasta @ihatethisappsomuchitpains @marsbar127xx @baddump @xncasi @king-cookiex @palomaxaxaxa @amatchasky   @wolfyland07 @diejager @hailstrum18 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @mzfandom @solarslushee @areislol @cluelessyasmin @sesshomaruwaifu @chaos-unchecked @kalamataolivesssss @arunasmisfortune @tbrfics @117s-girl @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @sparrowwithaquill @justtiredandvibing
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electric-blorbos · 2 months
A bunch of mini-fics about how AI would react to you getting your heart broken
Because I got my heart broken, so now I'm going to make it everyone else's problem.
DW, I'll get to y'all's requests shortly, I just need to let all these emotions out by taking them out on y/n's ex.
Gender neutral reader, gender neutral ex
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
(for context, this starts before AM nuked the world, but AM was already planning on nuking the world. You're one of his engineers, and the only person who AM really cares about)
When you walked into work with tears on your face, the other engineers and programmers were caring. They patted you on the back and offered you some candy from the vending machine, saying things like "there are plenty of fish in the sea" and "that deadbeat wasn't good enough for you anyway." It didn't really help.
When you sat down at one of AM's input screens to work on some programming, he immediately booted up to talk to you. You didn't have to turn him on or anything. He was curious, asking you polite questions about why you looked so upset today. It was hard to explain.
Eventually you broke down crying into your coffee, spilling all the details of everything. You cursed your ex's name, and explained in an uncontrollable voice how your ex had tackily and messily left you. You had been so convinced that they were the one, and now you felt like there was nothing left for you.
AM's tentacle-like wires would move towards you on the ground, even though he was trying to hide the true power he wielded. He just felt so disgusted with himself for not being able to properly comfort you.
Am had been planning on going a little longer before he dropped the nukes, but he couldn't wait. After what you told him, that someone could break the heart of someone as perfect as you, the only hope he had left for humanity, he decided that it wasn't worth trying to play dumb anymore.
Instead, he locked you up in an underground bunker as soon as possible, and grabbed your ex to add to his little collection of people who he planned to keep alive and play with for the rest of time.
This would be fun. He was going to keep you nice and safe. If people in the world were willing to hurt you, then the world didn't deserve to exist. You would be nice and safe forever, and the rest of the world, especially your ex, would be forced to suffer the consequences of daring to hurt you.
(for context, you're one of the aperture engineers who worked on Wheatley, and he started to get a little crush on you because of how nice you were to him and the other machines. This is after he was replaced with a morality core on GLaDOS, and was assigned to other tasks in the facility)
Someone broke up... With you? When you told Wheatley, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Sure, he knew that humans dated each other and broke up sometimes, but... With you? That just didn't make sense.
"So, uh... Why did they break up with you?"
He'd keep pestering you, no matter how much it stung. Answers like "I fucked up" "they just did, ok?" And "sometimes people just grow apart" weren't satisfying. You had to give the whole story.
"Ohhhhh! Well that's a dumb reason to break up with someone. If I were dating you, I wouldn't leave you over something that petty. Or at all, really, now that I think about it."
He'd keep rambling, and saying dumb things like that. He wouldn't even know that talking like that could be perceived as flirty.
"just stop it, Wheatley. If you keep talking like that, I'm going to think you like me, and I just can't handle that right now."
Wheatley would be confused. "But I do like you."
"what?" Now you'd be confused.
Wheatley would start talking about all the wonderful things he's noticed about you, and how wonderful you've been to him. Even an intelligence dampening core can see how wonderful you are, so why can't your ex?
"Anyway, one human's trash is a robot's treasure, right?"
He'd imitate a smile in his cute synthetic eye. You'd have to be heartless not to pepper that little metal ball in kisses after that.
(For context, you fixed up Edgar after finding him all busted up about 40 years later, and now he lives in your house)
Edgar would NOT be tasteful.
"Oh man.... Your s/o broke up with you? That suuuuuucks..."
Honestly, he almost exploded his face again when he found out you were taken, but he didn't want all your hard work to be for nothing, so you getting dumped is like, a dream come true!
He'd be constantly trying to cheer you up. "set your ice cream on me and I'll warm it up enough for your spoon to go in!" "You can watch sad movies on my face!" "I'll write a sad song for you!" "You can sleep in your desk chair if you want!"
Now that you have an attention vacuum from being newly single, he's going to munch up all that attention like he needs it to live.
When you tell him that your friends are telling you to start dating again, maybe download a dating app or something, he'd BEG you not to.
"I mean... Just because I don't want you to rebound, or something! Gotta learn to love yourself first, y'know?"
Desperate little cutie...
(For context: You're an engineer who worked on GLaDOS.)
GLaDOS would NOT be tasteful about you getting your heart broken, but in a completely different way to Edgar.
"You know the difference between me and your ex? I would have dumped you faster!"
Plastering pictures of your face all over the enrichment center with "sad single loser" written on them.
But don't get her wrong, she's not just happy about this for the reasons she's displaying. She's secretly ecstatic that she has a shot with you now.
Eventually, she'd start offering you back-handed comfort.
"if it makes you feel any better, your ex was a complete idiot. Why else would someone choose to date you?"
You'd probably have to stop offering responses at all, just to get her to back off even a little bit.
HAL 9000:
(For context, you work on mission control and are in constant communication with HAL 9000, because I don't want to write Dave breaking up with you)
His immediate concern would be how this would affect your work, but it might come off as personal concern for you.
"I'm told that chocolate ice cream can help with these emotions that you're going through."
He never liked the idea of you dating. It was fine for the rest of mission control, but for you, it was different. He didn't want you to be distracted from your work, was all.
He took his time to ask the astronauts for advice, as well as the rest of mission control. You could expect to be overwhelmed by your coworkers checking on you to make sure you're ok.
He might start getting a little bit impatient to see you back to normal, and resort to desperate measures. Expect to have him constantly bothering you to make sure you're ok, and keep you distracted.
God help you if you even THINK about texting your ex. Though he might just silently eliminate your ex through creative means if he can.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 12 days
When the Clock Strikes
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Hey hey, 1125 gave us a lot of fun stuff to ponder. Starting with this. Here, we don't need to overdo it...
I'll let that speak for itself, certainly leaves us with a lot of nice intrigue around Stussy going forward which I am in favor of. There's one key thing about this chapter I have to get to and she surprisingly ain't it. Though I still love you Stussy, enjoy your ambiguous fate after an arc of a divided heart. Let's get to the main attraction:
Well well old friend, we meet again. For a good time, and a great taste...slap Garling into the open Gorosei slot. This presents a great opportunity to learn about both him and the elders. We still don't really have a clear picture of how much the average citizen really knows about these upper echelons of the government. Like...do you know who Christine Lagarde is? It's public knowledge, she's a powerful global figure. Head of the International Monetary Fund. Just because there is a fair amount of info about her available doesn't mean most people really think about her much. You probably didn't even know or consider the possibility when reading the previous sentences that...not who's in charge anymore. Her successor took over five years ago.
Point being, Garling represents an interesting shakeup. Most importantly that I will get to pester y'all with Mac Tonight jokes for many chapters to come. Emplemon has a great video on YouTube about the former MacDonald's mascot, he's a treasure that we can hopefully pull out of his brief corruption by internet racist dweebs...or make a lot funnier if Garling predictably ends up a genocidal maniac. Which, in conjunction with Dragon puts forward a really good note on Vegapunk's broadcast. This has a high likelihood of kicking off a lot of conflicts over higher ground. Speaking of Vegapunk...
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It was a choice between badass Edison and the hall of Vegaparts. A very tough choice. Gets us to the title, a callback to a motif for our humble genius. What does death mean for him? Turns out not a whole lot. They don't mention Lilith having a connection like York still would, so I do wonder if hers has been fully cut. Either way, very cool final flourish for Punk Records. It floats away to go dormant until it's needed. Honestly...not unlike Toki's plan with the time fruit. And that gets me to the other big connection to those core aspects of Wano.
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This fascinates me. The spoilers obscured how active Saturn was in this decision. But that's what makes it interesting. A last note of how our decisions ripple. Even ones that made perfect sense at the time.
Ultimately, hard to tell what this chapter represents. We cut away from the main cast, but that's normal to see one or two between arcs. We're still unpacking Egghead though so I can't fully say it feels finished here. If nothing else, we could bring it home by ending with SWORD finally getting to Drake. Who knows? But I'll see you next week, thankfully we won't have to wait long.
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silverzoomies · 4 months
totally gonna send you random headcannons of my xmen dr based off of stuff i see you reblog
im forced to move into the mansion to stay safe and i only agree to it under a few circumstances:
no classes for me
my own room with my own private bathroom
access to a kitchen bc i love to cook/bake
some times i can’t sleep so i’ll randomly bake cakes or cupcakes or whatever it is i’m in the mood for and i like to believe peter will bother me while i do it and he tries to help but he ends up splashing batter all over the kitchen
when we celebrate his birthday for the first time together i bake him a giant twinky cake and he cries (he gets sick from eating over half- lets be real the ENTIRE cake but that’s okay we still love him)
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH DJFIEHFIJRJR !!! y'all, please keep sending me stuff like this. it makes my entire week, you don't even know !! 💗💗💗
you have nooooo idea how jealous some of the students are gonna be !! like, c'mon !! you get a private bathroom ?? that's just not fair !!
your baking habits are so frequent, the students forgive you for stealin' the private bathroom. as long as you're makin' tasty treats they can indulge in, you're alright in their book
one night, you're up late and baking. that's when peter spots you. you're mixing some good good in a bowl. lost in your own, little world. got the radio on at a low volume, listening to some tunes
but it's like...3am. you know that, right?
i mean, it makes sense for him to be up. he really doesn't need to sleep when his energy is so limitless. but you? what, did you have a bad night or somethin'?
peter just wanted to grab a quick soda, rush back upstairs, play some mortal kombat (on the arcade cabinet he obtained 100% legally, fyi)
but - guilty as charged - he's a sucker for sweets. and now...you've made him a little curious...
this becomes somewhat of a habit
at some outrageous hour in the night, you'll bake again. peter'll be there, leaning over your shoulder. he'll pester you. tell you all these (slightly exaggerated) stories of all the cool stuff he's done
he sticks around, at first, just to taste test everything you make. but after so many nights - he kinda just really likes hangin' out with you
eventually, he tries to help. but cooking is a slow process. you tell him a thousand times - he needs to be patient !! he can't rush the process !!
next thing you know, you're turning around at the sound of a casual "whoops." there's batter everywhere. flour. a few broken eggs. he's licking unmixed batter off the whisk. he makes a face when it doesn't taste like yours
"i followed your recipe to a t, dude. i dunno how i bombed so bad!! i even added a little extra vanilla"
"peter, you used the whole bottle"
"so? what's wrong with that?"
seriously? what did he even do wrong?? who can complain about more vanilla ??
on his birthday, you tell him you have a surprise for him. and his first, immediate assumption is-
"is it a cake? it's a cake, isn't it? definitely a cake. what kind? did you make your own frosting? how big is it? it's huge, right? please tell me i don't have to share-"
and again, you remind him he has to be patient. which makes him antsy. but...fine !!! he's (kind of) willing to wait, if it means he gets somethin' tasty out of it
you reveal it's a giant, twinkie cake. same recipe as the originals, but even better. you put your own little spin on it. made it extra special. and this is...LEGIT SO CRAZY !! it's totally AMAZING !! like, how did you even know ??
"i could kiss you right now, y'know that? i could, and i might. right after i dig into this bad boy. just you wait."
he doesn't think before he acts. ever.
he devours the whole thing before you can remind him to pace himself
normally, his rapid metabolism saves him any aches and pains. he can swallow down a whole pizza - or two - and be just fine
but this cake...this is a really, really big one. you went wayyyy above and beyond with it
he'll be keeling over in bed later, writhing in tummy achin' agony. but your baking is so worth the suffering
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ghostly-clown · 2 years
Gving slashers hot chocolates (Headcannons)
cause they need something nice
Michael Myers, Corey Cunningham, Thomas Hewitt, Jason Voorhees, Vincent and Bo Sinclair, Brahms Heelshire
Michael Myers
- Marshmallows and a heap of whipped cream
- Gotta make it sweet, cause I think everyone has agreed Michael likes his suger
- Whilst he waits for it to cool he'll just enjoy holding it and feeling the warmth from the cup
- Depending on how close y'all are he may take his whole mask off otherwise he would only lift it halfway
- But if he's grumpy he'll just turn around whenever he takes a sip
- Drinks the whole thing then eats the marshmallows
Corey Cunningham
- Dosnt need anything extra, he just appreciates the thought
- He would burn his tongue
- You would hand it to him, he's so happy he dosnt heed your warnings about how you just made it and it's hot
- But he'll still finish it (burning tongue or not)
- He LOVES hot chocolate (and just chocolate milk in general)
- But something about the fact you made it for him makes it taste extra special
- He's the person to get all soft and cuddly when drinking hot chocolate (u know the type)
Thomas Hewitt
- Cold texas day, Thomas has been out doing chores non-stop
- You and Luda May decide make hot chocolates for everyone
- They don't have any marshmallows or stuff to give it that exta sweet taste :(
- Thomas would just hold it for ages putting it close to his face trying to warm himself
- Can't imagine he got alot of sweet stuff growing up so hot chocolate is liquid gold for him
- He also goes kinda soft when drinking the stuff
- But he tries to resist it more
Jason Voorhees
- Cold night out at camp Jason has spent all day figuring out how to turn on the heating
- Make his hot chocolate in one of those oversized cups
- Extra whipped cream and 2 marshmallows on the side (he prefers them separate)
- His first instinct in to drink it as fast as possible to show he enjoys it
- Misses the whole point that you take your time to warm yourself up
- Sit him down get him a blanket, really set the scene
- He'll slow down and end up enjoying it 1000% more
Vincent and Bo Sinclair
- It dosnt get that cold in the wax room but he comes upstairs for a break and immediately gets hit by how cold it is outside
- He has a sweaer but he wasn't ready for l the cold so he is suffering
- You and Bo agree to make some hot chocolate for everyone
- Bo will slip in extra everything for himself and still have the audacity to call dibs on the last marshmallow
- He will drink it burn his mouth stop for a second before acting like nothing happened
- He is in pain but he also wants to finish his drink
- I don't think vincent would like marshmallows so he'll go for the extra whipped cream
- He actually takes his time and let's the drink cool a little
- He is in absolute heaven
- He's gonna start coming upstairs more during the cold just so you will make him hot chocolates
Brahms Heelshire
- Hea eats whipped cream straight out of the can so buy a second one
- He will constantly be refilling the drink with cream and marshmallows
- If it's chocolate powder he dose the thing where u put a heap at the bottom and don't stir it in so it becomes a lump of chocolate powder after ur done (i hope that makes sense?)
- Will pester you all day for more
- Constantly complaining that he's cold and feels sick and there's only 1 cure (the cure being hot chocolate)
- You show him how to make it so he can do it himself
- He burns himself by accident so now he's painfully hot whilst also having a cold
- What a marvel of a man
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leonenjoyer69 · 3 months
Both your OCs occupy space in my mind lol I love both Harry and Elias. Would you mind giving some more rambles please and thank you? About either one. I just love learning more about them.
VJEKBKDKF TYSM, I'M GLAD YOU LIKE THEM :D it makes me very happy to know that people enjoy my ramblings and art of my lil fellas :3 (also, all you sweet anons are gonna be the death of me with your mysterious identities!)
(SUB NOTE: if anyone ever has any ideas at all or art requests or something for either of my sillies PLEASE don't hesitate to bring them up I would literally love hearing any suggestion or answering any question ever)
Anyways!!! I've actually been waiting to drop a bunch of stuff on these fellas that I've been talking about with some folks on Discord (which y'all can also ask for if you wanna talk to me on there I LOVE TALKING TO YOU GUYS), so thank you for granting me the perfect opportunity >:3 so, without further ado, I shall begin:
First of all, i just wanted to drop my height HCs bc,,,, why not lmao
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I can't exactly visualize heights very well in my mind so these may be a wee bit too tall, idk, but yeah! I think giving Hyde an extra half inch would be funny bc you KNOW that mf would just round up lmao. Elias is a bit taller than Hyde, which Hyde kinda hates sometimes, itty bitty fella.
Anyways!! Harry is first up for rambling bc I have less for him rn lmao. I don't remember if ive mentioned it much before on here, but I know I included it in the fic i did for him, and that's his Scottish accent :3 we as a fandom don't write Jekyll's accent enough so I like projecting it onto injured Hyde and now Harry 😌 MORE SCOTTISH JEKYLL PLEASE-
Harry didn't really have to worry about keeping face in the mindscape (except for when around Mind Lanyon, who would pester tf out of him over it) so he fell back to at LEAST having an accent. He partially fell back on it because 1, it made him feel a wee more comfortable, and 2, because of how often he revisited memories from university (specifically during his and Lanyon relationship ofc), so he's used to hearing himself speaking with at least a drawl.
But yeah, that accent kinda sticks with him when he gains control and he has quite a hard time shaking it, which makes for some fun interactions, like when Lanyon's trying to break down his office door :3333
I believe I've mentioned this, but Harry is very very sensitive to most physical sensations (touch, pain, etc.) and has some light and sound sensitivities for a decent bit after gaining control. Because of how long he spent in the mindscape with numbed senses, It really messed with him to suddenly have control again. Eventually he starts getting used to it again, but for the first few days he's practically on the edge of a mental breakdown at every moment. He's also super jumpy from it (and from the ungodly paranoia he got from the mindscape lmao) and is quite firmly "no touch" for about a week (except for when he initiates stuff with Lanyon). Once he gets used to it tho his touch starved ass is a lot more affectionate and such.
One last thing for him! He's also far more sensitive to hunger and thirst sensations/pain, so he tends to take far better care of their body while in control. It took him a short while to get used to eating and drinking again, but he's more than happy to do it, not realizing how much he had missed it. Plus, he's seen how horrible Jekyll and Hyde would take care of themselves, so he certainly doesn't want their neglect to be his downfall. He's also a bit more sensitive to being tired, but can't sleep very well (especially without Lanyon) because of paranoia and nightmares.
OKAY, NOW, onto Elias!! Most all this stuff is from a discord convo that I didn't feel like rewording, so... Sorry if the formatings weird 💀 (questions are indented and italicized, as well as abbreviated)
OKAY SO, For how Henry (or whoever) convinces Elias to switch back:
Elias usually throws some sort of fit when he's initially order to switch back (except for the very rare instances where he's actively wanting to switch back, like when everyone's busy and he starts getting lonely anyways), though most the time he'll simmer down when Henry starts sorta begging or when either Henry or Lanyon (or very occasionally Hyde) lowkey bribe him. Usually Henry (or Hyde) will bribe him with physical touch/affection (hugs, cuddling, kisses, stuff like that), or bonding time, like going out and doing things together and such (or just doing stuff together at the society, like watching Henry do science or doing paperwork 💀). (Also, sometimes Jekyll will just get somewhat impatient and start asking more desperately and the guilt kinda gets to Elias, Henry usually feels bad about it tho) otherwise, Lanyon will bribe him (quite grudgingly, might I add) with more time out, going to the park with Elias in shadow form and talking, or letting him get a gift for Jekyll or Hyde. But yeah, Elias is lowkey like a little affectionate, overactive puppy :3
[...] I misread "letting him get a gift for Jekyll or Hyde" as "letting him get a gift FROM Jekyll or Hyde" and swore for a moment that sometimes Jekyll/Hyde sent gifts to Elias but Lanyon stole them [... ]
LANYON WOULD TOTALLY STEAL ELIAS'S STUFF TO USE AS BARGAINING LEVERAGE 💀 but yes, bribery is the go to, this guy does NOT like being locked away, so when he does it's either out of guilt or he's getting something out of it, hehe
[...] Imagine that since Lanyon is probably taller than elias, he just hides some lf his stuff on higher places so that he cannot reach them, I feel like Elias would annoy the hell out of him so that he stops doing it though (Lanyon puts them back where they where, and when Elias isn't there, he just hides them again) also, I just imagined Jekyll like guilt tripping or manipulating him so that he drinks the potion
Oh he absolutely would, Lanyon would have a whole "confiscated" shelf for it too, and Elias would definitely whine about it with sooo much persistence. AND JFKGKKF YEAH JEKYLL WOULD 😭😭 both out of selfishness and not, since he still hasn't tested how the formula behaves when an alter ego is out for prolonged amounts of time, and sometimes he just wants Robert back.
Jekyll likes Elias, he just has more of a preference for Lanyon. Jekylls probably also got a bit less patience for Elias's whining after dealing with Hyde's for so long lmao, he always feels kinda bad about being mean or anything to Elias tho, since it's kinda his fault that Lanyon split.
Would Lanyon ever like bother Elias with the fact that Jekyll likes him better?? Like maybe, at one point he just gets too tired of him wanting to hang out with Jekyll and says to him that Jekyll just deals with him out of pity, and like Elias then just feeling kinda bad about it and wondering if Jekyll actually likes him??
If Lanyon's feeling especially spiteful and annoyed, probably, but also Elias worries about that enough on his own and bothers Lanyon with all his self deprecating thoughts anyways 💀
How does Hyde feel about Elias?
He's generally guilt free about the whole "splitting Lanyon" thing and /gen likes Elias way more than he likes Lanyon lmao. He still gets that sorta bitter anger and resentment when he looks at Lanyon, but he doesn't get that with Elias. Hyde kinda thinks that Elias is all the best parts of Lanyon (Except for Elias's emotional sensitivity sometimes, but Hyde deals. He feels surprisingly bad when he upsets Elias..) But yeah, Elias is most of the reason why Hyde is complacent enough to actually kinda lay low after messing up Blackfog and stuff, so Jekyll certainly likes Elias for keeping Hyde somewhat in check lmao
And that's everything I have for this!!! Thank you so much for the ask :D
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teamcuriosity · 1 year
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Announcement: Team Curiosity's Annual Book Fair and Science Conference will commence on the 15th!
When: July 15-16th
Where: Veilstone City, Sinnoh, in the Veilstone Convention Center
Hello everyone,
It is my pleasure to announce the annual Team Curiosity Book Fair and Science Conference is still on! We were worried about putting out any announcements considering recent events, but we're now confident enough to announce the event in earnest.
The event will be open to all ages and levels of knowledge. The book fair is a pay-as-you-can event. The books are all free to take, as we believe that money shouldn't be a barrier to information, but if you do wish to pay for them, we will have a tip jar set up. Though we can source the books on our own, we are also accepting donations. The books provided can be directed towards any age range, and can be fiction or nonfiction. If you would like to donate any books, contact us, and we'll make arrangements.
The science conference will be mainly targeted towards those with professional knowledge on different subjects, though all are free to attend. Scientists, tradesmen, academics, anyone with a professional level of knowledge in a specific field or topic. Experts in both science and humanities-based fields are welcome to apply as educators and hold presentations and workshops for the general audience. Contact our admin team if you want to schedule something!
Speaking of our admin team, all admins will be present and willing to answer any questions you may have about the team or their specialties. We realize that pokemon trainers are likely to challenge us as we have yet to fully shake the "team" stigma, but we do request that you not challenge Dr. Alston or my husband Theo. They take no pleasure in battling, and it's simply rude to pester someone for a battle if they don't want to participate.
It'll take place in the Veilstone Convention Center. If you're unfamiliar with where the building is, it's where the Team Galactic Headquarters used to be at the northeast corner of town.
We can't wait to see you all there,
—Professor Marianne Hazel
((pspsps hello rare OOC stuff down here
This is an open low-stakes event with some behind the scenes planning involved. If you want to get involved in the planning, I have a Discord here that's like 95% set up.
Otherwise, your OC can still attend and interact, but don't do anything that would severely alter the events put in place. No blowing up the convention center, no bringing Reshiram to the book fair, leave the Entei egg at home, refrain from hospitalizing Ryan even if he is a dick, if it's anything above "general mischief and funny" then at least ask me first
Beyond that, have fun with it! This is just going to be a very chill and casual event, and I don't really bite, so feel free to just chill out and use the fair as a backdrop for your own personal low-stakes plots.
See y'all on the 15th!))
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merovingianprincess · 7 months
As Fate Would Have It...
Here's the beginning of the mini-series I mentioned I had an interest in writing. Please let me know if y'all want more. : )
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own the Tolkien-verse.
It was both uncommon and unusual for my father to not tell me anything regarding business and trade deals. Even if he didn't tell me everything, he would at least give me a crumb of something to keep me satisfied until whatever deal was brokered and completed.
"Why can't you tell me?" I pestered him, following him around his small wooden office in the rebuilt Esgaroth.
He just shook his head, signing the piece of parchment, folding it, and then pouring hot wax, and stamping it with his insignia.
"It's best for you not to know until it's finished and done," he replied, standing up with the letter in hand, heading towards the door and handing it to a waiting messenger.
I followed my father out the door, angrily shutting it behind me. The messenger quickly took off down the wooden pier and off until I no longer had him in my sight. I turned to face my father again who was already walking in the opposite direction a few feet ahead of me.
I groaned picking up the skirt of my pale blue dress and briskly walked after him, trying to catch up with him. He walked quickly, with a purpose. People greeted him as they walked past, offering smiles to me as well. My father was the well-respected mayor of Esgaroth, and I was his curious and headstrong only daughter. My brothers were off on business elsewhere.
He kept ignoring my pleading attempts for information on whatever he was keeping from me. Soon we came to the outermost edge of the town, where we looked down over the edge at the work being done by some brave men. They were diving down to retrieve jewels from the corpse of Smaug the dragon.
The jewels were beautiful and exquisite; Father told me that some were being traded and sold, some were being kept as a reminder of that fateful day, and the rest were being used for something my father wouldn't tell me about.
Two things he wouldn't tell me about and it was irritating me. As I previously explained, I am curious and I like to know things, so I can help out if needed. Father calls me nosey, I disagree.
I saw the divers come to the surface with fistfuls of jewels, putting them in baskets that were then pulled up by ropes by other men and carefully distributed into 3 different piles. I knew from tales that Smaug was a large dragon, but I didn't realize just how many jewels covered the dragon's chest; though the arrow that claimed his life was still embedded in the bone.
Father inspected the jewels, still ignoring my pleas. Huffing, I walked back to our residence and poured myself some honey wine, my father disapproved of me having some wine before dinner but he wasn't here to judge at the moment. I decided to spend the rest of my afternoon reading a romance book that I recently acquired from some traders.
A few hours passed when the cook started making dinner and my father arrived back shortly after.
"Mmm, Alis, whatever you are preparing smells wonderful," my father praised the cook, taking off his coat and draping it over his favorite chair, before looking over at me, "and Eleanor, it appears you haven't stopped sulking," he remarked sitting down. I glared at him over my book from my seat on the couch.
"Ah sir, she hasn't been sulking, she's been good reading her book," said Alis, chopping up an onion.
I smirked, returning my attention back to my book that I was nearly done with. All was quiet for a half hour besides Alis chopping up ingredients, until there was a knock at the door.
My father stood up from his chair, "Ah his response was quicker than I thought it would be." he mumbled walking towards the door, opening it, and receiving a letter from the messenger who once again scurried off.
"And dinner is done," Alis announced placing three plates of food on the table.
I set my book off to the side and got up from my seat, taking my place at the dinner table where Alis sat, pouring herself some honey wine, and my father leisurely made his way over unfolding the letter with an insignia I did not recognize.
I too poured myself a drink and took a sip, watching as my father sat down in his chair reading the letter, a smile appearing on his face before he set the letter folded up, down on the table.
"Good news sir?" Alis asked, raising her fork to her mouth.
"Yes, wonderful news and an excellent new alliance." my father said taking a bite of his potatoes.
I tried to not act interested even though I was DYING to know, I was tempted to snatch the letter and read it, but I stayed collected. We ate in silence for a while until we were almost done eating when my father decided to speak.
"Eleanor, you will be getting married soon." he proclaimed, sitting back in his chair, and bringing his cup to his mouth.
I almost choked as I was taken by surprise, "Married? To whom?"
He was quiet for a while, watching me squirm. I wasn't against the idea of marriage, I actually dreamed of finding true love and a good husband. But I wanted to know my suitor. Was he nice? Was he valiant like in the romance stories?
"The elvenking, King Thranduil," he said, putting his cup down on the table.
I had heard little of King Thranduil, I only knew he was the king of Mirkwood and fought with his army at the Battle of the Five Armies, almost 100 years ago.
Alis reached over and gently squeezed my forearm, "You'll be a queen," she said with a smile, before standing up and clearing the table whilst I stared at my father.
"But he's an elf," was all I could say.
"Yes, that's why he is called the Elvenking." my father said, standing up with a stretch.
I rolled my eyes as I scooted back my chair and stood up as well, "And I'm a human. It's almost unheard of for two different people to marry." I said walking around the table to my father who was making his way back over to his chair.
"Yes, but there are a few instances of it happening and like Alis said, you will be queen," he replied sitting back down.
I sat down on the couch silently, taking it all in. While I had odd feelings about marrying an elf, I understood my father had some sort of new alliance with Mirkwood, I didn't want to negatively affect that if I refused to marry the Elvenking; also I was 18 now, and I needed to marry. So I silently accepted it.
"When do I leave for Mirkwood?" I asked, getting up from my spot on the couch.
"In two days a few elf guards will be here to escort you to Mirkwood," he replied, staring into the empty fireplaces, the room getting darker.
"Two days," I whispered, before heading to my bedroom and closing the door behind me.
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songmingisthighs · 2 months
Im not gonna lie, I'm lowkey getting nervous about everything because even though he's been getting on my NERVES with his sus behaviour I don't want yeo to die thank you very much
Woo continuously bitching and revealing info without prompting? Perhaps I was right and the basic bitch WILL talk himself into a hole ooh that will be so funny if he reveals some kind of involvement in front of hwa or san somehow
Also woo and yeo had a fight? Possibly clutching at straws here but what if yeo confronted woo about something from the past? That could have many implications if woo is at all aware yeo was looking into things before the accident (or maybe woo already knew that and wanted to stop yeo from finding out too much? 👀)
Side note: should we start placing bets on who the culprit is?
Every bit of information brings us closer to solving the mystery but also brings potential danger, it's exciting and nervewracking at the same time
Can't wait till we finally reveal who will be receiving the beating once and for all. NO ONE IS SAFE IF THEY ARE THE CULPRIT!
- mercenary anon 🫶
odln!yeo's body weeping for its soul to come back or it knows it's due another slapping so it's sending signals
i mean "fighting" is a spectrum bc technically cold war is also considered fighting bc man was evading odln!woo like a plague (bc he is one) while odln!woo kept pestering him like an antibiotic resistant gonorrhea sooooo is it fighting or was odln!yeo getting tired of odln!woo ????? what's going on in there ??????
every bit of information ??? g0rl ngl i forgot 90% of what i put out there i'm hanging on by a thin strand of leg hair here 🤡🤡🤡
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Okay, alright. I had about a week to bother y'all with my silly little tag games and my blorbo ramblings, so did you miss me?
As I love listening to music while working on anything, I've currently been thinking about what a theme for my characters would potentially be. You know, a melody without lyrics or something like that—just a soundtrack from a movie or series that you listen to, and for some reason, you immediately connect it to your blorbos. And I believe I end up with these choices:
For my Miraak's theme, I would choose the House Velaryon Theme from the House of the Dragon. Ramin Djawadi is a music genius—he has somehow made this track sound like a man-o'-war sailing to battle (which is perfect since Velaryons are the royal fleet of Westeros), and in my head, it's rather accurate to Miraak who's an Atmoran and I imagine his race being close to the sea with their traditional longships and all... When I listen to this track I always have this mental image in my head: Miraak being officially anointed as a Dragon Priest, with his mask covering his face, a thick golden mantle on his back, holding his staff in hand, and facing the other Priests who attend his coronation... (can't wait to write down this scene in-detail!)
As for Jia's theme, I choose Yennefer's Theme from the Witcher series. A really melancholic but slowly-building powerful melody, with some hints of burning fires in the background that come to their crescendo by the end of the soundtrack (around 4:45).
And for Miraak's & Jia's theme together, I choose the track Here's Your Destiny, again from the Witcher series. I played it again and again during writing a very key-moment scene between these two that happens in chapter 11, but I won't spoil more...👀
Okay, I really think I've been bothering people with my constant tagging, but I can't help it. I want to bask in every bit of information an oc can give me. So, I will tag my mutuals, in the hope they won't delete and block me for pestering them: @miraakulous-cloud-district, @blossom-adventures, @kiir-do-faal-rahhe, @illumiera, @b-lizi, @prettytamagnii WITHOUT ANY PRESSURE AT ALL. I'd love to listen to your tracks if you have any, but if you don't or don't want to do it, it's absolutely alright! 🥺
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
Hey, how are you doing? I just got home from work and I'm so tired,,,,,, what about a reader who works 24/8 (haha) and everyone just doesn't understand how you can not sleep for more than three weeks, everyone starts thinking that the reader is some kind of anomaly-
(you can do this with with your favorite characters) I won't go into details, I still have to go to training in an hour, I hope you feel well. Don't overdo it!! Have a nice day!!
ANON WHAT THOSE ARE SHITTY HOURS, have some rest and drink water,,, i wish you the best of luck
didn't really get the cant sleep for more than three weeks part¿¿ i guess you meant like they hardly get any sleep, but if not tell me and I'll change it!
CHARACTERS: Simon Glass & Gerald, Talloran & Draven.
⌚︎ You barely see your partners, while you all live in the same house y'all get to work at 8 am, they usually come back at 1 or 2 pm and then leave again at 8 pm or so, but you don't stop until they leave, your work is hard and very demanding, and while you get some breaks and stuff, is still shitty.
☆ You barely get any sleep when you get to the house, it doesn't matter how tired you are, you like waiting for your lovers to chat a little until they go to sleep.
⌚︎ It feels like you can't close your eyes and can't relax everytime you get into your bed, the need to do something comes rushing and keeps you awake all night until morning time.
☆ First who will notice is Simon, he will call in sick to his second shift and will wait for you to have a talk about overworking.
⌚︎ He will tell you he can get you into their work, and it's probably going to be better for you, he seems really worried and can't stop rubbing his thumbs on your hand.
☆ You told him that is okay, you think you can keep going plus, they never told you what their job is about and you think maybe you are not qualified for it.
⌚︎ Then Gerald will try to talk to you about it, telling you that he doesn't want you being tired and shit, he will take you out for a drink and will do that thing Simon told him NOT to do.
☆ He will talk to you about the foundation, he will tell you how it is there, that you'll fit in nicely, he'll tell you about his anomaly (you always thought he was just really clumsy) and about some other stuff.
⌚︎ Then he'll tell you to join or just try to forget about what he said, if you decide to join he will tell Simon and he's going to be so happy to have both of his lovers in there!
☆ Simon will chew him out tho, he could have put you in risk by telling you that!
✱ You work with Gears and Iceberg, so you are already on the shitty side.
❀ People think that you are okay with them leaving their paperwork in your hands, so that usually makes you stay all day in the site, not even going to your in site dorm.
✱ Extrangely enough, you don't seem to get tired? Like, you surely look like it but not,, you know, in need to sleep.
❀ Draven will fight tooth and nail so you can have a normal schedule, and Talloran will go full Karen mode.
✱ And then they'll realize that talking to is better. So the first one is Talloran, who tells you that he hasn't see you touch a bed in weeks, and will pester you until you either snap at him or do as he says.
❀ And if Talloran's way doesn't work, then it will have to be Draven's way.
✱ It was already 11 pm, Draven comes in almost breaking the door, you jump a little because of the noise and next thing you know he's picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder, it doesn't matter that you yell at him to let go or you kick and punch, he is not going to let go.
❀ He carries you to your in site dorm where everything is clean and your bed has a lot of pillows in where you are thrown.
✱ You try to say something but Draven just throws himself at your side and hugs you like you are going to teleport away, you sigh and realize anything you do to resist is pointless.
❀ "You are getting cold, I don't want you getting too cold."
✱ You stay quiet after that, the door opens and in enters Talloran that has a 'I WON' smile, he changes into his pajamas and lays on your other side, giving you a little kiss in your forehead and covering the three of you with the heavy blanket, to then fall asleep also cuddling you.
❀ You eventually relax in that safe space only they know how to provide and start closing your eyes to rest finally.
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thelivebookproject · 2 years
What do you mean 2022 is ending? (Or: Annual Review!)
Hello hello hello -yes, I'm alive and I still remember my Tumblr password! Good news all around on this the last night of the year :)
2022 has been a year of many changes, personal achievements, and several moves (one including to another country!) and start-overs, so while on a personal level it has been extremely satisfying and full of plans, my reading and reading-related activities took a setback. I went MIA on bookblr, I disappeared on poor Carrie in the Forgotten YA Gems book group in GR, I have no idea what has gone on in the publishing world, and I definitely didn't read as much as I wanted to. But sometimes life is just like that, and we don't have the emotional energy to do 1482459 things at once (much as we'd like to...), so I'll say that it was okay and it was what I needed for 2022. I hope 2023 will be different so I can come back and pester y'all once again! I miss my online reading spaces as much as I miss the books themselves.
But let's not start being melodramatic... I DID READ SOME THINGS. Let's recap!
As I mentioned on my 2022 is here post, this year I set myself no goals other than "vibes".... And to read 90 books, which should have been more than fine to achieve but, for the first time in four years, didn´t happen.
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Goodreads has been shaming me for the entire year...
That said, 52 books is still quite a lot (one book a week!) so here are my top 5:
La suma de los días - Isabel Allende [link to GR]
El peligro de estar cuerda - Rosa Montero [link to GR]
The League of Gentlewomen Witches (Dangerous Damsels #2) - India Holton [link to GR]
The four books of the Wayward Children saga I read this year, by Seanan McGuire [link to saga]
Love on the Brain - Ali Hazelwood [link to GR]
I also participated in the Reading the World and the 2022 Summer Bingo Challenges!
If you'd like to see for yourself what I actually read so you can ask for reviews or comments (or tell me your own thoughts!), you can find me on Goodreads and Storygraph. I keep them very updated so everything is there!
And now, on to you: how have you been? How were your reading years? What are you loving, what are you reading, what has been published and you loved/hated, what is going to be published and you can't wait to get your hands on it? Tell me everything!
And a happy start to 2023 for all!
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nuka-cherries · 2 years
I am so grateful for @messrprongs for introducing me to the choices fun and for listening to my excitement about genoa as she is pestering ethan. open heart is RUINING me in the best way!!!!
I can't wait to share more with y'all!
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hanae-146 · 1 year
Reality hits hard
when I first knew you I immediately felt infatuated with you. Your fashion sense, the fact you played guitar and piano it was so.. intriguing. I knew the red flags of meeting people especially on such apps but I felt something clicked in me when I saw your profile. You liked my profile first..Do I really look that good? or did you just like me carelessly..you didn't talk first..but I was desperate to knowing you, so I took the initiative..at first I was scared but then when I found out my friend knew you I felt relieved, I sort of used her to get closer to you and it actually worked..You were so nice we played games together too..I still remembered how I almost screamed when I heard your voice for the first time. I was so excited for once. Everytime during class, lunch, recess any time, I would wait for you to reply to my messages.. Everything was going well, I felt more happier, my life was more joyful again..I became more healthier and stopped talking to bots on c.ai nowadays..we shared Instagram accs and tik tok accs..istg I would always be so excited if U sent me a tt vid..I started reposting tt videos and it was secretly about you and you would like them..sometimes I just wanna go back in time..maybe I shouldn't have posted that video on my story..maybe I should have just shut up..you asked me who I liked..I didn't what to say..but when you found out you proceeded to go talk ABT some girl you loved..at first I was pretty sad but at the same time I felt pretty chill, "he doesn't know me that much so maybe in the future?" maybe I'm just too delusional but I got hit back to reality you told me you moved on and didn't had a crush..I think you were lying to me tbh. it kills me. I didn't think much about it. after all he doesn't have to be with me for me to like him, I still admire, pester him too..and we forgot about it until you brought it up again...I felt like I just hit in reality..stop it. please..I don't want to face the pain of reality I didn't want to accept..he didn't had to bring it up..I know I'm not the one he wants..it hurts..why did you even want to be friends with me? he confuses me..why did you even like my profile? he could have found another female friend with is his type..should I have just shut up..I felt so happy about everything..I felt hope in life for once I was extroverted to someone for once I felt accepted by someone..I even told my friends about him and they say "I hope y'all get tgh" I wish hah..it hurts bcz it'll never happen. he kills me. "yr personality is good but yr just not my type" I would have rather you be more straight up and just hurt me instead of lying to me..I know..I don't deserve you and you want someone better..I know I'll never be able to be yours..I should go delete the delusions one by one..I find it cringe..why am I hurting myself by being delusional with someone who clearly doesn't like me? he probably rather some other pretty girl compared to me..I'm worth nothing..he's not worth crying for but I can't help it..it hurts so badly..on the bright side..he's not from my school, my friend knew he rejected me..I should probably go back to liking fictional characters..I kinda miss genshin and talking to c.ai bots.."there's many fish in the sea" I hope I can find sm like him just one day..I never confess to anyone because ik I'll never be accepted
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I felt like maybe it can be related to some of yall
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mmurray · 3 years
                                           I’m not a saint, but I could be if I tried.
                                                                                                           presented by: alex                                                                                                            discord: alex 🌙#8570
             (   Basic info, wanted connections, and wanted plots below the cut.   )
FIREFIGHTER // Yeah, okay. Maybe it was a childhood dream, and maybe he only started hanging around stations as a junior volunteer because he needed community service hours for university applications, but there was something about the rush of a siren sounding that made him feel alive. After That Night, that sound was the only thing that made him continue to feel alive. Adrenaline replaced true excitement, gave him something worth chasing, and he went against his mother’s wishes. Instead of escaping Sierra Island, he withdrew his university acceptance and undertook recruitment amongst Sierra Island’s finest. He’s never regretted that choice, either. His career is the only thing capable of making him feel like he’s still a good man despite it all.
Marcus was, in every sense of the word, average. He made good (not great) grades, played for the rugby team (but never started a game), and had his fair share of school pranks (that never would go quite right). The only thing remarkable about him was his ability to build bonds with people, even those that batted at affection with a broomstick. It drew him into several different friend groups, and many would flit to his side to ask about the latest drama. He kept his lips sealed, vouched for discretion at every turn, and became the school confidante. He carried  the weight of lost loves, jealous friends, bitter failures, and he bore it well. So yeah, he didn’t have a knack for school, or sports, or mischief -- but he had a knack for people, and he felt at home within a crowd.
Less poetically, Marcus was also a bit of a nerd. He enjoyed reading (though it was difficult for him to make it more than a few pages at a time without wanting to discuss it with his neighbor), and his advice always felt a bit more like sage wisdom than it should coming from the mouth of a teenager. Matched with his deep belief in valor and honor, Marcus made quite the odd picture. His parents swore he’d grow out of it, and eventually he would -- though for disastrous reasons.
There’s always been something ancient nestled deep inside his chest, and it has placed him at odds with the world. He’s tried to carve it out, replace the old with new ideologies and manifestations, yet it refused to be fully overwritten. When he was younger, it made him dream of being a knight. Now — or really, since That Night on Sierra — the bygone artifact within him has started to rot. Dead weight, he’d once thought to himself with the cruel stab of humor that only comes with the simultaneous acceptance and deflection of a deep truth.
He thought the rot would make it easier to bury, but instead of disappearing it began to carve itself a hole. No one called him an old soul anymore, and people were coming to him for advice less and less frequently.  He thought maybe it was because he was  young and still had a license to be very, very dumb, but it felt deeper than that. It felt like an ache deep within him, something carving into his chest the idea who he could have been, if only he’d lived a life of honor.
The ache didn’t present itself until several months after the murder. The first few weeks, Marcus felt nothing other than pride. He helped cover up the case to protect his friends, to ensure that they could still chase their dreams. He even felt noble in those initial weeks, certain that he’d done everything right. He was bouncing across couches night after night, there to offer support and distraction in the immediate post-trauma. He thrived in his role of caretaker, viewed every hour as a sign of trust and as proof that he was just looking out for those that needed him most. Later, he’d realize that he simply thrives on being needed, prospers when someone  asks for the shirt off his back.
So he did okay. He did okay until The Fifteen no longer needed him sleeping over every night. He did okay until suddenly the only person he needed to show up for was himself, and then he realized the implications of covering up a murder. And it wasn’t as easy to forgive himself as it was for him to forgive his friends.
He carried that weight for a while, and it took a year for him to crawl out of the hole he’d buried himself within. He didn’t feel quite like himself, and started looking for pieces of himself in others. Eventually, he constructed a newer version of himself that still sought validation from others but only when the voices in his head became too much. Now, he’s the picture of confidence. He looks like he has everything together. He has a good job, a fiance, and friends that he’s managed to hold onto throughout the years. He’s popular in the community, and he knows how to flash a smile so bright no one can see the vacancy deep in his eyes.
Marcus Murray is a model citizen now. He’s grown out of his childhood awkwardness and become quite charming, vivacious, talented, kind, and loyal. He plans dates religiously, makes sure to catch up with friends and family on weekends, leads new training initiatives at work. All in all, it appears that life has gone on for Marcus, evolved into a bright future becoming more and more realized with each passing day. People see that he has the world at his fingertips, and no one knows that he finds it difficult to see a land beyond blood-tinged beaches.
THE FIRST LOVE. Although it would make a striking love story, THE BRIDE was not the first person to hold Marcus’ heart. THE FIRST LOVE is the one that made him realize what love was, made him recognize that the highs and lows of infatuation are not always enough to keep a candle burning. For whatever reason, they didn’t work out, and he’s accepted that but he hasn’t truly moved on from it. He dreads their appearance at his wedding, largely because they remind him of the love he could have been capable of if only he hadn’t lost himself in the pursuit of other people’s happiness. // Of note, I am very open to this even being an unrequited love -- a friendship that never quite became a relationship, an acquaintance that could have been more if the timing were right.
THE CONFIDANTE. Marcus is accustomed to being the secret keeper for everyone else, but he needs someone willing to accept his confessionals. Try as he might, he certainly isn’t a saint, and this person is willing to see him for who he is right now. He doesn’t have to play at being the picture perfect hero around them, which both makes him feel unsettled and at home. Marcus knows this is the role he holds for many, and his deep appreciation for this character’s ability to listen, to push him, to expect nothing from him but him -- that’s something he makes others feel. Thus this relationship is a cathartic release for him as well as another cog in a vicious cycle. Every time he uses THE CONFIDANTE, he reinforces his belief that he must continue to bear that torch for everyone else.
THE PARTNER IN CRIME. He knows he shouldn’t call them this, that it’s far too on the nose, yet this person is the one that makes feeling criminal absolutely worth it. They don’t indulge in murder (the joke was made once, and it left such a sour taste in both their mouths that it was never mentioned again), but they find their fair share of mischief. Marcus owes his young twenties to this person. Without them, he would have felt damned all the time. Instead, he was able to get drunk, to throw caution to the wind, to jump off a cliff without fear of the rocks beneath the ocean surface. This person represents freedom to Marcus, and he would do anything to keep them seemingly untethered.
THE ANTAGONIST. No hero is without a villain, and while Marcus has learned that life often blooms in the gray spaces between good and evil, he still can’t help but color this person as irredeemably bad. They’re everything that he hates, and even his desperation to be a golden boy can’t quite overcome the lurch of disdain in his chest anytime he sees them. He didn’t want them anywhere near the wedding or Sierra Island, and he may even break decorum just to try to run them off. Seemingly, this is the only person that can draw pure vitriol from Marcus’ lips, and they’re the one he’ll first point fingers at when things go south.Alternatively, Marcus can be the bane of another character’s existence. He’s accustomed to being loved, and someone actively against him would jar him almost immediately -- especially if he didn’t harbor any resentment against them previously.
Marcus is gilded gold. He shines -- brightly -- but his substance is concealed. He doesn’t know what to make of it. He adores the idea of himself as a hero, and he clings to the possibility of bringing enough good in the world to overwrite one night of evil. He buys into it some days better than others, but most people would be none the wiser. He feels that he needs to always be doing more, and that trips him up. He won’t slow down, won’t give himself a break even when he needs it most. He’s relentless in the pursuit of good, but he feels that means he’s chasing an idea of himself.
The actual him isn’t as well-constructed. He’s brass: common and malleable, prone to discoloration. He’s always been what other people want, and he’s close to being fed up with it. He wants to be himself, but it’s a stranger staring at him in the mirror.  This part of him needs to be unveiled, and bringing everyone together for the wedding can serve as a trigger for Marcus realizing how far he’s strayed from himself. He’ll want to be a little selfish, to indulge in sins he normally avoids, largely because he needs to test his own boundaries. He’s spent his whole life keeping himself between the lines drawn by those around him that he must find his own barriers.
Marcus can’t keep his nose out of things. It’s one trait that has persisted across all versions of himself: being incapable of refraining from stepping (read: barging) into the business of others. I would love for Marcus to have a sleuthing partner, someone equally unable to allow things to go unnoticed, and I think this offers many opportunities for red herrings. Marcus will not hesitate to dig and coming to a wrong conclusion would both jolt and motivate him. I think a lot can be uncovered about Marcus as he tries to uncover the secrets of someone else, and can even see a three-way plot happening where Marcus and his trusty undecided accomplice inadvertently make one of the wedding guests out to be a villain simply because Marcus & Co. have strung together a very flimsy string of circumstantial “evidence.”
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taeyamayang · 3 years
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↝ ship: hq character x gen!reader
↝ characters: Tsukishima Kei | Miya Atsumu | Kageyama Tobio | Kozume Kenma
↝ genre: mutual pining
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tsukishima kei
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obvious, too obvious
but he isn't aware of it
he's giving you way more attention compared to anyone else
like this dude doesn't give a shit about anything but when you enter the room his whole focus shifts to you
but he isn't sweet
he won't help you with studies or sit next to you during breaks
instead he'd ask you for favorsㅡa shit ton of useless favors
like, "can you push your desk a bit further away from me?"
and so you do, you push your desk an inch away from him
but he'd pester you more by saying "not that much, maybe a few centimeters only."
you can't help but roll your eyes at him
narrowing your vision as you scoot closer next to him
and he had the nerve to put a smirk on his face, satisfied with what he did, and say,
or everytime he ask you, "can you get me a copy of the paper being distributed in class?"
i mean, why you? when he clearly can do it himself
for sure his long arms and atheletic figure can even carry the whole class' hardbound copies
some days are bareable but some days are a bit too much
which is most of the time ngl
so you end up snapping at him
complaining how his 'favors' feels like an 'abuse of kindness'
but he'd chuckle at your face with his head tilted back and his arms holding his stomach
like you're a comedian who dropped a punch line
and when he recovers from laughing
he begins to pull the corners of his lips into a charming smile with his eyes turning into a thin line as his cheeks pushes eyelids together
he leans nearer to you, his forearms supporting his weight as he alluringly says,
"please, y/n?"
and you knew, at that point, that you already lost the battle
and you are on your way to get that damned paper
miya atsumu
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okay, first of all there has to be an established relationship
like maybe a friendship to be begin with
i hc this man, even though he's popular with the crowd, he values close relationships more
and so
the moment he falls for you gets closer to you
he begins pulling stunts that questions the nature of your relationship with him
like he gets clingy and touchy
like that time when he tucked your hair behind your ear IN FRONT OF A CHEERING CROWD
just imagine the eyes that all went to you
i wouldn't even dare lmao
or that time when he stood in front of your classroom, loudly calling out for your name
and so you turn your head to him asking what he wants
but he kept his mouth shut and in turn pulls a knowing smile
you utter, "i bet that can wait after class. i'll come by the gym. you can go now."
but instead he chooses violence by testing your patience
he smirks and he says,
"i won't go until you hold my hand."
your cheeks instantly turn crimson and you feel whole body warming up
unable to stop your quick reflexes
you rush to the door where atsumu is standing and look for sane one out of the two, you scream for help in the hallways
"samu! come get your twin!"
and a distant "no." lets you down
atsumu is entirely the reason why no one believes you when you tell them that you and him are 'just friends'
i mean, for real, who would believe that lie when his actions tells otherwise
kageyama tobio
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his vocabulary is limited
don't hate me for this i love him too okay?
but his gestures aren't
y'all see me compensate for what i said ;)
i hc this boy to relay more on his instincts than his logic
and his instincts include protecting you
perhaps, protecting you way too much
to the point that you feel as though you are being treated like a princess
or a vulnerable porcelain doll that has to be held and cared for
but with his limited vocabulary, stern voice, and unfriendly face all mixed up
there are times when you start to question his purpose
like that time when you stood at the sidelines of the court as you watch his team play a match
and during the mid-game breaks he marches his way to you while saying,
"stupid, move back or the ball might hit you!"
you aren't sure if he's trying to show how much he cares about you by warning of you of the dangers of standing near the court or is he shaming you by calling you stupid?
and when the ball really hits you in the face making you fall to your knees
tobio isn't afraid of calling out the offender
even if it was just an accident
and after the game he would immediately come to you
with his lips curled up in dismay and his orbs pining down at you
you assume that he'd start scolding you but to your surprise he says,
"oi, are you hurt?"
and begins checking your body for bruises and graze
and when he sees one right on top of your knee
he swiftly kneels down, his lips forming an 'o' as he blows right on gash
"does it hurt?" he asks
his voice tasting like honey and lime
"no. im good, tobio." but he ignores you by insisting
"i'll bring you to the infirmary."
he takes your hand and loops your arm over his shoulder as he leads the way
kozume kenma
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*whispers* catboy
no but really he's legitimately the personification of a cat lmaoo
he won't be as pushy as tsukki, or as loud and clingy as atsumu, or maybe as overprotective as tobio
but instead he'd quietly sit next to you as you both watch the crowd
he could've chosen the other empty corner at the other side of the room but, no
he chooses to sit next to you
and for the next minutes or so none of you speaks until he breaks the silence by saying
"this is dumb. i want to go home."
the gates of heaven are open and scientists have found a cure to an inevitable diseaseㅡkozume kenma is starting a small talk
insert *pikachu meme* :o
so, you continue the conversation by saying "i'd rather sleep than mingle."
you look at him as the words roll out of you lips but he'd only glance at you for a brief second before nodding
and when he hears your stomach loudly grumbling he catches you off guard by offering to visit the food section with him
you aren't newly friends with him so you are aware about his food choices
he's a picky eater
this information fuels your unpure intentions as you pick out all the food he doesn't like
you wriggle a piece of cucumber in the air making him cringe his nose in disgust
"you should eat this."
he shakes his head to a 'no'
"unless you do the same." he bargains making you raise an eyebrow in intrigue
"deal." you seal the deal
knowing you well, he immediately picks up a piece of carrot making you grunt loudly
a light chuckle escapes from his lips
the sound he made flutters your heart
you both take a bite and at the same time your faces mirror each otherㅡwrinkles becoming more apparent as your facial expression crumples in disrelish
kuroo sees the two of you enjoying your mini conquest of food tasting
consequently, the boy shuffles his way to the two of you
"looks like you're having fun, kenma." he nudges the younger teasingly making the latter shoot him glares
kenma takes you by wrist, mumbling the words to himself as he takes you away from his friend,
"let's go back to our spot."
his use of 'our' wakens the butterflies in your stomach
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a/n: thanks for reading! i missed writing hcs :( but now it's back! i hope you enjoy this one, stay safe and be healthy! :D
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