#can't blame 'em but ugh
iamnotawomanimagod · 2 months
I knew I should've called people instead of taking a nap, lol
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impishjesters · 10 months
jax with a fem! rabbit reader pregnant of his litter of 6 bunnies (3 boys and 3 girls) and everything went well with y/n and the lil bunnies who are at the moment blind, hairless and deaf...
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warning(s): it's honestly just some soft new dad Jax note(s): Since they aren't actual bunnies I didn't really include the blind and deaf part, but they are very much hairless. They are baby-sized though, I blame a fanart I saw once with Jax and his lil mini-copy babies and had to draw inspo from it. Also not mentioned but Jax was just being a lil shit, some of the kits do take after you. A/N: You can't tell me Jax (even as a joke) wouldn't try and name his kids after himself in some horrible manner.
Exhaustion still rang high even after a quick nap, popping out six babies would do that to you you suppose. You’d caught a decent glimpse at all the kits when they were cleaned up but once everything was done and clean and you were taken care of, you conked right out.
You woke to hushed whispers and a few cries, no doubt one of the kits being fussy. If anything you are amazed Jax has kept them so quiet—that or you were in a deep sleep. Probably the latter.
“Who’s being fussy?”
Jax mumbled a silent ‘fuck’, he didn’t mean to wake you, even if it wasn’t directly him who woke you. “I got ‘em, babe, you just rest.” He scooped up the fussy kit in question, giving them a gentle rock to try and soothe them.
“They’re probably hungry..” You moved to sit up and Jax rushed over to shove pillows behind you. “Hand ‘em over…”
He hesitated, so far it was just the one, but if they kept crying it was only a matter of time before the others did too. Jax carefully handed the kit over and simply watched you begin to breastfeed like it was nothing—not that you didn’t have practice with someone on your—
“I can practically hear you staring at my chest.” You gently ran your finger over the kit’s cheek while they fed, finally having a moment to really look over your little munchkins.
They looked like an exact copy of Jax, sans the thicker coat of fur, but you already knew they’d have to grow into it. Lightly tinted lilac skin and cute little ears tucked away, and if their eyes were opened there was little doubt they’d also have his eyes. “I carried these suckers for months, don’t tell me they all look like you.” You teased.
Jax snickered, perching himself on the edge of the bed to watch the two of you. Fuck, he was not prepared for just how beautiful you looked with his offspring. Sure you looked amazing when you were pregnant, that big ol’ belly was something he could see you wearing again in the future, but now? There was something breathtaking about seeing you holding a baby, his baby. And there were six of those little boogers.
“Sorry toots, these handsome genes are just too strong.” He ran a hand over his head, swiping his ears back before they sprung back up.
“Ugh,” you groaned, “that would be my luck. At least I didn’t get rug burn.”
The two of you share a quiet giggle at the joke before the kit pushes away from your chest. You burp the kit and not a moment after Jax takes them from you, laying them back down with their siblings.
“So I know we were struggling for names… and since they all took after me. I thought we could name them all after me.”
Coming up with six names had been a difficult task, but you did have a list—he was just being a little shit for the sake of seeing you smile.
“We are not naming our kids ‘Jax’.” You know he’s kidding but that doesn’t make the image any less scary, or stupid. Imagine Christmas with six little Jax’s and trying to differentiate all those damn presents.
He scoffed playfully. “Nah, there can only be one Jax. I was thinking Jaxson—” you let out a snort, “then there’s Jaxica, Jaxcella—”
“We are not naming them like that, oh my god.” Jax sat beside you with a playful pout and threw his arms carefully around you. “There will be no Jax-themed naming, at least give me one thing since they all look like mini yous.”
“Fiiiiine..” he groaned. “Guess I could be persuaded to let you name them all.” You lay your head on his shoulder, looking up at him curiously. “For a kiss.”
“Really? Our children’s names are on the line for a kiss? Avoiding years of future bullying by having the same Jax-themed names all boils down to one kiss?” What a goober. “You drive a hard bargain. Deal.”
The smile on your face is all he really needs, seeing you exhausted and stressed earlier made him annoyed for you. The nurses were stupid and making you more stressed than you needed to be—being a pain in your ass was his job, not theirs. Hell, he nearly decked someone earlier for upsetting you.
You nudged your face against him, he’d spaced out, and if you knew this man you knew he was no doubt thinking about something unnecessary. “Whatever it is isn’t important.”
“You’re very important, and so are those six little wrinkly nuggets.” he huffed. Leaning down he kissed you, it was gentle and sweet, like he was afraid of hurting you. Cute.
“That’s right I didn’t get to see, was the doctor right?”
“Three boys and three girls.”
You let out a groan, picturing all the future sit-downs and explanations you’d have to give to the girls and boys about heaven knows what. “You potty train the boys, I got the girls.”
“Deal.” He quickly spat out.
The two of you sat there quietly, just watching six little chests rise and fall until Jax cleared his throat catching your attention.
“I know it’s a ways off, but wanna really embarrass the kids by you giving the boys the sex talk and I’ll give the girls the period talk?”
You slapped his chest with your free hand, the other coming up to stifle your laughter. “Oh my god, you are awful.”
“I’m not hearing a no.” he hummed.
“We’ll see, periods can be embarrassing and sensitive I don’t want you—”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m not actually gonna be a dick, sheesh… I’m wounded you’d think I’d mess with my own kids—”
“You would.”
Jax pouted, giving you a little playful shake before dropping the topic as a whole. Yeah, he’d definitely prank his own kids—but that wasn’t until later on, he had to soak up all this cute baby shit for now.
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Part 1
Chloe just reached the door to her dorm room and as she was about to open it. A worried looking Red opened the door, seeming in a hurry."Grazie al cielo" Red mutters with relief as she sees Chloe "Where have you been, Princess? You were late! You're never late." She looks at her trying to act annoyed but she can see the worried look in her eyes. Chloe blushes and chuckles nervously, not sure what to say. "Em.. Tschuldigung....etwas is passiert.." Red looks confused and then annoyed and curious "Chloe. You know I don't understand you when you speak that language" she rolls her eyes fondly. Chloe wants to say something but she knows Red won't understand so she just points behind Red into their shared dorm room. Red looks curious and concerned.
Chloe seemed to look fine physically, if a bit tired from staying up to long looking through books. So whatever may have happened was on a mental level, which Red is terrible at. Red watches Chloe as she sits down on her Bed. She does look a bit different than this morning. She seemed happy and excited at the start of the day. And Red loves when she's happy
But now, now she seems exhausted and frustrated but also embarrassed. Red is surprised how, even with not having many human interactions, she finds it easy to read Chloe. "Chloe?" Chloe looked up and refocused, having spaced out for a moment "Ja?" She cringed a bit at how wobbly her voice sounded "Are you ok?" Chloe shrugs with a sheepish smile but then nods. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it again. Red being the smart person she is asks "Can you not speak English?" She tilts her head like a confused puppy. Chloe nods "Anscheinend" then flops down on her bed. Lying on her back "Ugh das is so nervig, und ich hab mich so auf heute gefreut" her voice muffled as her hands cover her face in frustration. Red walks over and sits down on Chloe's bed next to her, giving her a pat on her knee saying "there there"
Chloe quietly giggles at that and looks through her fingers "Du bist echt schlecht darin" Even tho Red doesn't understand German, she absolutely knew what Chloe just said and chuckles "I know, but hey, if it would make you feel better. Che ne dici se parlo solo italiano?" Red looks at Chloe. Chloe stares back at Red, her face flushing red. But can you blame her. Red speaking Italian..looking at her like that, mischief and.. something else.. she can't pinpoint it.. but it seemed so familiar... Red's expression turns smug as she sees Chloe's face flush. "Cosa che Amore? Ti piace quanto parlo italiano?" She leans closer. Her body is hovering over Chloe's. They aren't even dating, yet.
Yet as in, Chloe totally accepts her feelings but thinks Red is just being silly because she's Red's first real friend and Red is actually her first real friend too and she doesn't want to lose her. And maybe Red doesn't know how friendship works and she's just flirty in general?
And Red is totally obvious about her feelings by flirting with her but thinking that Chloe deserves someone better and how could Chloe ever like someone like her.
But they sure do act like they are dating.
"Rot, wenn du mich weiter so ansiehst...." Chloe mumbles quietly, stealing a glance at Red's lips. When she looks back up to Red's eyes she snaps out of her love sick trance and tries not to panic. Red was shocked and leans back up again, either Chloe just looked at her lips or Red was imagining it. Red's eyes were wide, surprise and confusion swirling with curiosity together. Chloe again acts like a fish, trying to say something as she sits up straight and moves to the side to put more distance.
"Ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll, damit du mich verstehen kannst" Chloe finally says, frustrated that Red can't understand her and still flushed about what happened, wanting to change the subject. Red once again being smart, has a plan "Ok. You have a beautiful voice but I hate not understanding what you're saying. Sooo," she pulls out her phone "you'll just text me whatever you want to say" red smiles proudly at Chloe's dumbfounded look. She could have used her phone. Chloe thought. She mentally facepalms herself.
As Chloe was about to get her phone, she saw Red's expression, she could be the Cheshire Cat herself with that mischievous smirk. Chloe narrows her eyes "Was hast du vor, Rot..." Red knows by her look that Chloe has suspicions so she starts typing on her phone. Then Chloe's phone buzzed.
"Since you can only talk German, I'll only talk Italian as well ♥️
"Qualcosa non va, Amore?" Red smirks, happy she has made Chloe blush so much today.
"Du wirst mein Ende sein, Herz." She covers her face and sighs.
Part 3
This is the part two
Also you can gladly give me plots and I may write other small stories. Or if anyone wants to write a full on fan fic about it they can gladly use my ideas.
Hope you liked it and thanks for reading
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weirdfreakshow · 4 months
gemskizz rpf talk just makes me think of them at Vegas. maybe gem got a lil too tipsy, too handsy. skizz knew she was drunk but she was so cute, clinging to him the whole time he tried to bring her to her room. and she's maybe blackout drunk, she won't remember what's going on and he knows that. so what's a little feeling up while she's giggling and asking what he's doing? or pushing her on the bed while she asks what he's doing? then she calls him dad as he's unbuckling and he loses it. rips off her clothes, pushes her into the mattress. fucks her with reckless abandon while she sobs and begs him to stop. keeps calling him dad the whole time because she's drunk and trying to get him to stop in any way she can but it just drives him on further until he's cumming in her while she's begging for him to just stop, please
she's all giggly n tipsy and she just seems so... Innocent, and smiley, and it's just making him hornier n hornier, having Gemmy hanging off his neck or hiding her face in it. Sighh he wants to be a good friend and bring her to her room. Nothing else. She's just sooo much of a tease ! Too much! You can't blame him for it, wanting to explore her body, sliding hands up her tummy under her shirt, cupping her chest over her bra, oh she's so small compared to him its kinda doing things to his brain. And oh god, when she tilts her head and asks "dad, what are you doing?" At the sound of him unbuckling his belt. He just. His mouth practically hangs open. It's like his brain got completely rewired and his body feels so hot if he doesn't stick his dick in Gem he might just go completely and utterly insane. Ripping her clothes off, pulling her pants and underwear down and leaving it hanging one of her legs because he just needs them off, now, now, no time for being careful, he just needs to fuck her into oblivion. Even if she tells him to wait and to stop and to at least be careful or anything !! But in no time he's sliding in raw, watching how his cock completely disappears in his little girl's cunt, groaning with need and want and something feral that pushes him to just fuck her roughly, carelessly. She clings to him and scratches him and begs him to stop or to at least slow down and leave her alone, "please, dad! Stop! Dad, dad, stop it, get off!" Her legs shake and she's hyperventilating but making the cutest sounds ever, she sounds just like a little kid, he just wants to get close to her ear and whisper that she's so good, brave girl, perfect girl, so pretty and perfect, and he just does that, panting on her ear as he grabs her hips and lifts em up, pushes em against him so his thrusts are met halfway, using Gemmy's perfect body to milk his cock absolutely dry. Her body eventually reacted and she's wet now, ugh her body should give out jerky little movements, she's moaning desperately, all mixed in between her sobs. It's a bit pathetic and gross and pitiful but to Skizz is the hottest thing he's ever seen. She should cum, forcibly so. She doesn't want to but her body is just, doing it and when it comes she can't stop it because Skizz just keeps pounding into her and her brain is somewhere else entirely now, while also being awfully aware of what's happening to her, and she just cums while she cries and tightens up around Skizz as she does, over and over again and Skizz groans deeply, caught off guard. He ends up cumming in her, pushing his seed deeper in her and not pulling out, almost like he wants to plug her up with his own cock.
Let's say they don't talk about it afterwards, Gem is mortified by the fact that she called him dad so many times during what happened and um, and all the rest. She doesn't even known if that actually happened or if it was an awful nightmare, or if it was someone else who did that to her because, surely it wasn't skizz, he wouldn't do that, right?
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keviniiryuu · 3 months
okay like last time, I will compile my reaction/thoughts for ep13 and gbc as a whole :D (i don't do this often bc I can't write well... but..)
I knew it.... I don't like Hina HAHA. Like, I get her, but you really left Nina just like that huh?
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Go tell her off! Maybe people will say that Nina is having a hero complex or sticking her nose in to other people's business, but I think it's very brave of her.
Also, ngl, I didn't expect for this to be the reason why she was bullied...
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Momoka no......
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Miura-san is a goat for this one and why does Subaru looks like she's saying "God, why did it end up being me explaining it to you"
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Seriously having this truck right by their agency is a huge slap to the face
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Nina Fang (also Nina stop reading the negative comments...)
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"I was wrong and Hina was right all long." You know what? Fuck you, Hina. I know at present it's like Hina lowkey pushing Nina and motivating her, but I can't appreciate it that much lmao.
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I love the moments where Momoka gets all serious/mature mode
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Momoka apologizing.... seeing everyone getting shocked about it.... Honestly, this one broke my heart a bit. Momoka, who had lost all self-confidence, had rebuilt it very slowly because of Nina's and everyone else's trust in her.
So, seeing the song that was made by her with the members in mind not doing well must be a blow to that fragile confidence yet again. She was guilty that she let everyone down.
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you're not wrong, nina. i promise you.
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Everyone is tired (affectionate) of Nina's outbursts while Momoka looks awestruck... Of course, we will add this to the album of the Momoka Gayze (tm) but I think this is also related to her self-confidence.
I just said that Momoka felt guilty and like how Momoka blew Nina away in Ep. 1, Nina's outburst blew her away in a way that no, no one was blaming Momoka for their failure and the person that she is closest to still believes and trusts in her.
That awestruck gaze, admiring Nina's confidence and unwavering belief for her and the group. To the song. To their decision and that they weren't wrong. Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but let me be lmao.
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ugh the softness in her gayze.... i can't...
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SHUT THE FUCK UP HINA. Nina is brave enough to do the things no one would normally do!!
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bro whoever that was, it's on sight. also momoka, subaru. fight em
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tomo no...
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sigh... i love togetoge
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let them drink!!!
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Momoka gayze again
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You love this city (and Momoka) and met friends (and a girlfriend) right Nina?
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Ngl, I did like the touch that no miracle happened. Like, oh wow, a sudden burst of tickets selling! It is what it is.
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First time when i'm sad we didn't get a training arc for Nina playing guitar
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I love them
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idiot (affectionate)
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ngl. the song is not for me HAHAHA but welp. I will take this camera angle. thanks.
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Okay, now for GBC as a whole: I adore this show so fucking much. I didn't expect to fall in love with the show when I started watching it, but man. I am so glad that I didn't wait for this to finish and got to wait each week for a new episode with everyone.
Personally, the ending was okay. It feels like it's just the beginning, so it didn't feel like an ending ending. Idk how to explain it. It just.... it's like not everything has been concluded.
Regarding momonina: I am not surprised that nothing happened on camera. But with all the subtext and hints, I will take it. Sure, I wished they addressed the confession more openly, but you can't win it all.
Overall, this is my anime of the season, possibly anime of the year, and definitely one of my all time favorites. Maybe I'll make a post about the ED (since it's an epilogue), about momonina, or my fave moments throughout the season but we'll see haha.
"I wasn't wrong, was I?"
"To fall in love with Girls Band Cry."
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Tuesday all. Yay for writers strike being over. Now we just need to get the actors a good deal as and we'll get our couple back hopefully soon enough. Or have some kind of premiere on the horizon. Till then let's continue on with our rewatch. :) Getting to the crux is this whole Stanton SL. Their moments get better as we approach the climax of this whole ordeal. We don't have a ton of content but its pretty solid what we do get. Off we go.
3x05 Lockdown
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We start out with our couple already in process of booking someone. Lucy is telling Tim that Stanton gave Jackson a blue page with leaving the drugs behind. She see's the guilt wash over him. She immediately stops Tim from blaming himself. Says it’s not his fault. Tim is riddled with guilt regardless and says it is. It was his fault because it was his idea to reach out to Doug's old rookie.
Then Tim sees Stanton enter the building and goes into aggressive protector mode. I’m here for it. If looks could kill oooh boy. That look in his eye is like a fight on sight clause. *fans self* Nothing love more than protective/aggro Tim. Lucy spots where his eyes are going. Quickly tries to deescalate Tim from knocking Stanton out cold immediately. Saying they don’t want to make things even worse for Jackson. Tim doesn’t hold back in the slightest when he comes up to Stanton. Asking if he wants to brush up on any arrest control techniques. Get em Tim. (Tim would've totally owned his ass if they had)
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First off I love Lucy trying to ground Tim by touching him. Bringing him back to earth by saying hey we’re on duty… let's go. Doing what she does best by de-escalating him in the moment. He is ready to throw down with this putz. He doesn't care the consequences at this point. Lucy is very aware of this and is trying to head it off as quickly as possible. Doesn't want to risk Tim in the war they are waging against Stanton. She is doing her damndest to protect him from himself in this moment. Then Doug makes his next mistake... Trying to incite Tim by using Lucy and saying very inappropriate things about her.
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Tim doesn’t have to step in because Lucy is gonna stand up for her damn self. Goes toe to toe with Stanton. Just like Tim does. Suddenly it's not just Tim. It's Lucy ready to take him down as well. Tells Doug he’s the one who is going to need rescuing. Whew lord This is getting good. Pass me the popcorn. Stanton is messing with the wrong couple. Separate they'll kick his ass. Together? Utter desolation. Fool of a man to try and take them on. Had no idea the hornets nest he just kicked.
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Lucy telling Stanton she has a great hair pull takedown she’s been dying to try. LMAO Amazing. Don't mess someone they care about. Tim then becomes the one to ground her with his touch. Having them walk away before either of them do something they’ll regret. The fact that both of them wanna kick his ass in this moment is *chef kiss*. Best part is their natural instinct to protect one another.
Could care less about themselves but always instinctively shield the other. God I love them. Let's talk about how casual and natural they are about the touching to calm each other. Especially in front of others. My heart. Friggin love how they both wanna take Stanton down but also want to protect the other. Lucy calmed Tim down and then when Doug went after Tim through Lucy he had to be the one to calm her down. What a pair these two.
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Tim can't help but give her crap about going after Stanton after she made him stand down. Lucy cracks me up with her testosterone line. How she got a contact high off of it LOL It was that and she was protecting both of the men in her life. The most important relationships to her. He threatened both in one moment and she was not going to have it. Ugh so good. Great opening scene for them hot damn. I will take this kind of content all day.
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They follow up with a hilarious scene with the girl they booked. She’s asking for the bagels she stole back. The balls on this chick my god. Tim tells her they’ve been disposed of. She goes on saying how bad that is for the environment. His eye roll and his head tilting back LMFAO. I love this man so much your honor. He's in no mood to deal with this person. Lucy steps in and offers some logic to her ‘whole ethos’ Adore her stepping in and trying to run interference for Tim.
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They’re both so over this girl by the end of their interaction I’m dying. They have much bigger problems today than her. She continues her obnoxious annoyance and says she doesn’t believe in money. But wants them to call her a cab. Sassy Tim arrives on the scene and he is most welcome. I’m laughing so hard at his reply. He is beyond done with this girl and her BS. Forever love how sassy he is now. Thank you Lucy haha
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Lucy turns around and asks Nolan how his exam was. He says he passed but doesn’t seem psyched about it. Lucy notes this and Nolan says Grey just confirmed he’ll never make detective. Tim does this deep chuckle that does things to my insides and says ‘You mean you still thought you had a shot?’ LMFAO He’s so mean to Nolan and I love it sfm. Legit brings me joy how constantly underwhelmed he is by John.
His body language the whole scene has me rolling. Legit tickled pink Nolan with his letter of reprimand thought he still had a shot at detective LOL It’s the giant laugh that proceeds his line that kills me the most. Tim can't believe John could actually think he still had a legit shot at it after what he did. He’s such a jerk to Nolan and it makes me happy. I’m a bad person I know haha
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They get pulled away by their freegan. She goes and gets herself arrested again by breaking into a car in their parking lot. John follows them out and quickly gets pulled away by a man in a van while they arrest her again. Nolan of course gets caught in a bomb threat outside the station. Leaving Tim and Lucy stuck there until the threat is neutralized. Hence the name of the ep. They're locked down till this mess is resolved.
They bring everyone in the lobby and in holding down to the parking garage. I love the chat they have about it. Lucy is voicing her concerns and anxiety for Jackson. Tim is instantly the calm presence she needs. He knows she is stressed because now they can’t be Jackson’s backup. Advises her the best he can till they are out of this current mess. The more they focus on the task at hand faster they're back out there to help him. I just can’t get over them being this united front to protect Jackson best they can. Makes my heart happy.
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Once they're out of the garage Tim and Lucy do some digging on Graham their bomber. They find out he has a GF Kelsey Adams. She set up a page to fund his medical bills. Yet they haven't asked for money. Another thing is she’s going under an assumed name and they have no pictures of her. She wasn’t home when Lopez tracked her address down. All their leads aren’t going anywhere. It’s not about money or about the convict this man pretended to want release at first. So feels like they're back to square one. All they know is Kelsey must be involved in this circus. That they're close enough for her to have a hand in this with Graham. The issue is figuring why they're both doing this.
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Lucy then has an epiphany and says what if it’s meant to distract them? Since this isn't about money or releasing someone. That the real reason is to pull their focus outside the station. When it should it really be focused inside. Harper then asks what kind of crazy person would be inside while her BF threatens that same building with explosives? I love this beautiful look between them. Their silent communication at its finest right here. All she has to do is look at Tim and they have the same thought. Their Freegan who got herself arrested twice in one hour is crazy enough.
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They go to confront Freegan Freida and I love their dynamic. How confident they are and the back and forth they display. Trying to get her to break. Tag teaming it. Explaining how they caught her and her reasons why. Until they realize she’s not Kelsey Adams…. It was real good till then guys haha The real Kelsey takes off and breaks the keypad trapping them down there.
Harper is able to catch Kelsey in the evidence room and figure out why she’s there. They’re trying to get her fingerprints before they’re scanned into the system. Her ex-husband was abusive and has cops on his payroll. Why she was under an assumed name. Harper also finds out the bomb is a fake. Only needed them to think it was real to buy time. Also get him arrested so his medical care could be paid for in prison. With this mess resolved Tim and Lucy are finally able to return to their shift.
Lucy tells Tim about a text she receives from Jackson. Saying everything came to a head with Doug. That Jackson pulled his dad running IA card. That Jackson thinks he'll back off now. Hearing this sets Tim on edge. He wants to go find Jackson ASAP. He’s worried about what Doug is going to do since Jackson pulled his dad card. Say's he's not the type of guy you can back into corner and not react. Tim is afraid of what he’s going to do now that he is. Has them leave the station immediately to find him.
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Tim and Lucy hear a call come over the radio. It’s the exact situation Tim was worried about. He’s having him and Jackson go into an area where they should have serious backup. Doing a ‘premise check’ solo. Doug is up to something and it’s not good. Sounds like he’s leading Jackson into the lions den. Which is exactly what happens. They split up and Jackson gets jumped. He is overwhelmed by 4 guys. Makes a call over the radio and Stanton says he’s coming to help then leaves him there be beaten to death.
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Tim and Lucy show up on scene and run into Stanton and he “claims” to have lost Jackson. They quickly find Jackson and rush over to him. Tim calling in ambulance and RA. Beautiful thing about this moment is Jackson grabbing for his body cam. The cam footage that ends up condemning Stanton.
Watching Tim march over with Grey to suspend him. Phew lord Tim telling him 'Give me a reason'. Yum. Stanton gets the ending he so richly deserved. That ends quite an intense episode. Loved the United Front that is them in this episode. The way he fiercely protects Jackson the entire episode while keeping Lucy calm. So damn good. Not a ton like I said but enough goodies to enjoy especially the beginning.
Side notes none really this episode was truly intertwined. Glad to see Stanton finally get what’s coming to him. Awful that took Jackson nearly dying to get it done but glad he was finally removed.
As always thank you to everyone who supports these reviews. Been so fun for me to Analyze and share with you all. All the likes/comments and reblogs mean a lot ❤️ see you all in 3x06
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sunnychuuya · 2 months
Time for my now nightly sally face vomit the one thing I dislike about this game so far is its lack of a save button
-6 minutes 34.94 seconds to get back to chapter five okay time to look up a tutorial..
-what the fuck. It was t h a t e a s y?? IT CAN BE COMPLETED IN LESS THAN 15 SECONDS?! IM ENDING IT ALL WTH
-didn't mention this before but I love the detail of the gear boy screen being scratched
-this is definitely foreshadowing
Hey guys look how much more coherent I am when I have the light off and am not on a fucking terrifying part
-well thats..creepy.
-Holt ahit the whole screen going black scared me so bad
-yea guys maybe yall should fucking move cuz that shit is terrifying leave before you all fucking die
-Ok I mean like it does sound like bullshit so u can't rlly blame him for not believing sal..
-fuck wait if the tree house has proof what traumatizing shit happens there later why can't a tree house ever just be silly
-the apartments were abandoned huh..
-why am I playing as m a n
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I mean I don't rlly know what sal did except kill someone but all the fanarts I see of him post killing someone say "I had no choice" in the background and he doesn't seem like the dude to just go and murder someone
Maybe I just rlly like sal lmao
-Why did Enon just die wth
-seeing a ghost take the form of Larry made me scream like not even joking I'm bawling my eyes out whay the fuck
-wait pookies this hopefully is not true and I don't see any reason in why it would be true of it is true I'm gonna find the nearest cliff but like sal murders someone and laryr is dead ...
No right that's not right it can't be they're bestie bros
Also it wouldn't make sense cuz Larry's tryna help sal
BUT HOW THE FUCK DID HE DIE THEN? one of my friends is being sus about it
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I know I haven't met Travis but I've developed an attachment to him bc of the fan content I've seen
Thats low-key sus
Thats really sus actuslly
Right as Enon is like finding out about smth he dies
-"white room eht ni em dnif. Ouy dlot I tahw tegrof t'nod" thanks I understand that
Dont forget what I told you. Find me in the white room.
HUH ??
GUYS am I forgetting smth or is this sposed to be mysterious
Omori ass shit
-oh it's the ghosty thing
-am I stupid I csnt even kinds decipher what should be in the blanks half the time
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Bad example. But sad!
Okay but run only has three letters what
Yes I'm smart
that scared me so fucking bad my vision low-key blacked out for a second I'm in the dark again lmao
-sal I love you but for the love of God (okay thst might not be a great thing to say from the foreshadowing we've been getting lol) fucking at least try to win the case
-oh someone told me j would be scared of bologna bc of this game
-"ugh" dude pls
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Yoo I'm finally gonna get rhe lore..
Im scared!
-Mr dood El is so real
-"Hello are you okay" *demonic garbling* fucking mood
-"now please leave us alone your head will frighten the children" LMAOKK
-okay so the truth stuff is sus obviously
-y aren't circle heads normal :(
-"Hello are yiu the great beast" "well, fuck you too friend." Teehee
-ik this is prolly gonna be some like deep foreshadowing but it's just this is so cool and funny?
-on the side of the fortune teller it looks like it says gae instead of green
-makes me kinda scared for late game tho!
-math class sleep >> all other sleep
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-"nobody likes a cliche bully traaavis" SAL ILY SM
-"yk if you took that stick out of ur ass you may actually enjoy yourself for once." DAMNNNN
-travis you hoe 😔
Bro ik this is like sposed to be serious but why was the panel kf travis punching sal so fucking funny to me
-but like sal ik you don't know but maybe don't talk about travis dad
Like j appreciate u trying to help but not the best move-
-larry.. how good.. to see you.. alive.. *sobbing*
-ash the ghosts are fucjing real stfu
-yea sal his dad is shit but like it doesn't rlly excuse it all idk
-mk yup there's smth up with the bologna
I hate that word it's not even close to how it's pronounced
-wtf is the hot dog incident???
Made with dog??
-"You're lucky it's bologna day" that is such a fucking sentence 💀
-"i don't know if this town has room for another conspiracy theory" there's prolly gonna be like 17 more this game
-I got a paperclip! And then I look at it and it says "I can use this paper clip to get into my friends lockers" lmal
-oh yea how old r they rn r they still freshman ? Assuming so
-sal is so short god
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-this is completely unrelated to sallt face but chat my leg is bleeding and it reallt burns uhh ow
It might be bc there's alcohol marjer in it but that's from a day ago so idk
i mean ik sla is canonically bi but when there's a gay relationship in canon it's so happy okay
wait through the past two years
What is their age in ep 3
Like someone pls answer this
Im trying to figure it out
They said if they killed Travis they'd have to deal with him for two years
Indicating two years of hs left
Ig thar makes sense
Im a liar I don't understand
-i wish u could runnnnnnn ahhhhhh
-"you butt nozzle" wtf does this mean
-actusllt maybe I shouldn't say I wish u could run bc the thing that happened earlier.. haha..
-yall that's sus why r there so many missing posters
-where am I sposed to be going ahh
-the textbook in Larry's locker is labeled "generic textbook" lmao
-mmm that's sus home made by a teacher.. nah..
-?? Travis is gone
-bruh gods whole thing is loving everyone stop being homophobuc
-"yk we aren't all actually gay, right? I mean besides forTodd. Todd is super gay." Good for Todd
-okay I have to go through all the dialog options
-"says the boy who hides behind a mask! Get lost, you mutant!" OUCHIE :<
-can I murder kenneth.. he shot sal and his mom.. and is la shitty dad to travis.. :/
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-empty envelope..
The note be from there
-i hate puzzles how am I sposed to know what the lock is
-sally has mental I'll
-me when uiuruy.rhoheitnruy.a,drwitoflsuynbusmo
-okay guys wrf was that cuz they're acting like it's a reoccurring thing
-ik is not that but dehydration rlly is a bitch
-im so on edge like it went into the bathroom and we saw gizmo qnd it had a record scratch sound and I jumped
-wow our dad actually says he'll do smrh with us soon.. shocker 😐
-oh ow that's sad but sals dad u bitch u fuckin got rid of photos of sals mom??? I like get ur also affected but be a better dad jeez
-welcom to windom guys
-time to try to geuss the password
-y r there empty letters randomly appearing eith my name that's sus!!
-Robert slays
-yo we can enter 403 now shouldn't they have fixed the doorframe by now tho lmao
-whyis she talking out her neck god I'm gonna vomit the sound effects are Not Neesxcaru
-I feel like that red eyed demon ain't really gone.
-it's 1:06 am have mercy on my orbs pls
-these letters r confusing
-samn what r Todd's parents on 💀
-did sal jusr say "good lord" beuh
-im scared.
-theres a lock on the freezer fuck fuck fuck
-okay. Ifs creepy, but at least it'd just a goat head. Could be worse. Could be human
Waych me end up regretting these words..
-she has a weird obsession with pi huh
-greem stuff in the tub
-whay am I sposed to do while waiting 4 Larry
I feel like there's a possibility the thing we found in her desk could be used to open the door but it'd not letting me
-clock puzzle..
-I did it
-yall I just killed a dude don't feel great about that haha...
-"if we don't make it out alive.. I.. I love you dude"
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-it's just ash fuckign great what the hell
-"damn." Valid reaction ngl like what r u sposed to say to thar
-this isn't very girlypop core
-ngl just googled the lock combo bc I'm uncomfy rn and don't feel like puzzles
-please don't go down the trash chute.
-welp she's dead okay Larry let's go!
-ripped carpet
-"whelp this looks bad" I love Larry
-"it's a good thing thr cult isn't around anymore.. the demon too" YA JUST FUCKIN JINXED IT THEYRE GONNA KILL YA SAL
-qere gonna die were gonna die were all gonna die oh god oh fuck
-why do these things always happen to me?" Idk why I thought if schooby doo
Wait he doesn't die here does he.
-great gonna be here for 7 hours
-no im not looking up a tutorial Ur looking up a tutorial
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Me when
I made itty
Qalk around in circles and you'll figure it out cool
-yipee I have to have a tutorial for sal too. End me.
-gwuss who's bleeding again! Different spot this time closer to my ankle
-following a tutorial
-does exactly what it says
-doesn't work
-runs around in rage and despair
-it fucking worked
Making a second part to this cuz my phones trying to die ill rb when thr other is finish
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samisadeangirl · 4 months
I read a post that said Dean was clearly physically abusive to Sam pre-Stanford because of how Sam is never surprised when Dean punches him when he's angry (when Sam said Dean was replacing John with Gordon, when Sam took the Impala, when Soulless!Sam confessed something was wrong with him, when Dean finds out he was using demonic powers) and how Dean took out his anger on Meg!Sam by punching Unpossessed Sam and how Sam is clearly very used to it to be able to say that Dean can hit him more if it makes him feel better. What do you think about it?
Hi Anon,
Ugh, this nonsense again?? Frankly, I file the "Dean is physically abusive" BS in the same trash can as the "John is physically abusive" BS because both bad takes are coming from people who have an agenda (i.e. Dean or John haters) and/or are projecting their own issues onto the character.
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Yes, Dean does punch or even beat up Sam a few times, particularly in the early seasons, and obviously that's not good. I tend to blame behavior like this and Dean calling Sam "gay" in the early seasons on Kripke basically being a dude-bro who thought it would make Dean seem more "macho" or something, particularly since we don't see it happening much under the other showrunners. Regardless, Dean's crappy childhood and overall crappy life clearly left him with a lot of issues, including not knowing how to handle his anger well sometimes, which most of us will agree is one of his flaws.
However, I don't believe this ever reaches the level of Dean being abusive to Sam because Sam is clearly not afraid of his brother and has no problem with punching or beating up Dean on occasion too (just like neither Sam nor Dean act afraid of John or have a problem physically confronting their father). We know how Sam behaves around an actual abuser--just look at his fear and hyper-vigilance when he's near Lucifer post-Cage--and he doesn't behave that way around Dean. (Flinching when Dean knocked the books off the table in 13.18 Bring 'Em Back Alive doesn't count because anyone would flinch at a sudden loud noise--Sam also flinched when Mary slammed the Bunker door in an earlier episode, for example.)
Trying to extrapolate that this behavior means that Dean was abusive during their childhood is especially nonsensical because there's no actual evidence, just projecting. We've seen repeatedly that Sam has no compunction against complaining about how (legitimately) shitty his childhood was, including the moving around, being left alone, enforced training, overall danger, and so on, yet he never once in 15 seasons mentions being hit or otherwise physically abused as a kid by either his brother or his father, and I can't see Sam keeping quiet about something that significant if it had ever happened. This goes back to the basic rules of canon: If it didn't happen onscreen (words or actions), then it's not canon, and if it's solely based on "interpretation" or "subtext" or "coding," then it's just head-canon.
As I mentioned before, the "fans" who come up with this sort of "X is abusive" BS tend to be stans/haters who want everyone to believe that their fave is a poor widdle meow-meow and/or perfect cinnamon roll who can do no wrong and is totes abused by mean ole X, and so they try to interpret both characters' behavior to fit this agenda. They completely miss that one of the appeals of both Sam and Dean is that they're complex characters with both admirable and negative traits, not boring cardboard cutouts. Their narrative not only does a disservice to Dean, whose anger issues are far outweighed by his caring, empathy, and selflessness, but also to Sam, who is a BAMF who stood up to Lucifer and God himself, not some helpless victim--and who loves his brother more than anything.
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aquaquadrant · 8 months
Deciding to live write (react) (?) this as I'm reading this new chapter (two parts WOW, double the angst) (so part one out of two, hope that's cool). If something happens my therapist WILL be hearing about you.
The title already I'm sobbing /pos
It's very Jimmy to not like crying, I love to see it. I love when fanfic writers don't like him crying, ty.
Tango :( The RANCH, it was THEIRS, my HEART These Watchers ugghhHHHH Jimmy immediately defending Tango, please nothing else happen to them, PLEASE
Every time the watchers speak, my want to punch them grows The explanation paragraph, ugh something about it, how Jimmy doesn't immediately try to blame Tango, or just understands it well. Just bjhebwg
Bdubs being so worried for Tango, please, JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY
Watchers ugghhe
Okay, therapy time <3 (yes I did actually read this before my therapy appointment, this was /srs and not /j)
Therapy break over, BACK TO ANGST
Awww, Jimmy not believing Tango is evil. Love to see it.
Nvm not alright, Watchers need to Watch their mouths
"Pity is a suitor that won’t take a hint, no matter how many times Jimmy turns it away." Is SO good???? Excuse me??? Pity x Jimmy real ship of the htp au?? /j
Maybe I hate the watchers more than I hate Atlas, hm.
I like that they all still keep an air of lighthearted-ness about, even with Tango in such critical condition, they still are friends :)
Jimmy being okay with a scar to the face if it means Tango doesn't have to unnecessarily respawn :( /pos
This description of Tango has me thinking about that kinda old drawing that lunarcrown did of Tango back when he was chained up. Like, it's literally the first post that shows up when clicking on the chronological timeline, yeah that one, it reminds me of that one.
Still love Jimmy calling for SOS, like yes, smart move. I wish we could've seen what it was like for the other DL to see chat and immediately go "oh shit ???" and then see the SOS and go "OH SHIT ???"
I love Impulse <3
Ooooo, getting some more cases of this fantasy (racism? Bigotry? Bad stuff) worldbuilding
"I don’t believe that just being from there would automatically make someone evil." Nature vs nurture <3 Maybe all Bravo needed was two minutes with Impulse god DAMN
Sleepy time <3
Okay, don't like the Watchers, but the "Round two!" was funny, I'll give em that
"(You cannot sleep, there are monsters nearby.)" I- I- STOP I CAN'T LAUGH BUT OMFG
Rancher :((((((
Let me at these Watchers, LET ME AT EM
Ugh, disassociation. As someone who's dealt with this during panic attacks, it totally tracks and breaks my heart :(
No way Tango is tryna pull the "I'm fine" card rn, AFTER ALL THAT LMAO
Jimmy is very pretty TO ME
The collar dampening Tango's fire, metaphorically and literally, is just ugh. What's more is Jimmy likes Tango's fire, he likes the warmth Tango produces physically, and he likes the sparks of creativity and burning passion of Tango's metaphorically. And they took it away! Both ways to Sunday!!!
Na because crying on someone is such an intimate gesture. To let your heart pour out of you, no one does that to just anyone. What makes this even more important is how Jimmy cried on Tango's shoulder last chapter, and now Tango's crying on Jimmy's shoulder this chapter. They are each other's soulmate, they are their each other's ranchers. They are so important to one another and soo ughguew
Not gonna cuss this Watcher out, I'll let this sweet dreams comment slide for now.
Oooo, a peak into how they reacted to everyone joining. AND we get a look at Atlas' full username <3 Love it.
Wait Tyrannicide and Phantonym joined too?? Huh, thought as scientists they would've stayed behind. Cool to know!
I can see now why you needed all those usernames lol.
Hmmm, love Scar immediately jumping into action. Oop and ofc the two scientists head out first lmao
Actually really funny that ATLAS got the most kills from the Hels cast. Like, damn, pop off???? Man did more work than the ppl hired to actually do the dirty work lmao.
Wonder how difficult it was to keep up with all the names, who died then got back in, who killed who, etc.
Oop, Jimmy also noting Atlas is smarter than the average bear.
This whole paragraph talking about Bravo, yes Jimmy, drag that man. Loving how he immediately is like "dude is just like a hels player" and scoffing at the nerve of Bravo to claim to be his actual soulmate. Yes.
Head in hands, Watchers about to catch these hands.
Tango immediately wanting to get this all over with hurts. Damn, wonder if he just wants to get it over with cause he thinks they all want him gone.
"I mean, everyone knows I’m a vicious monster but I don’t have to look it, right?" UGH, Aqua you're lucky I already did my therapy time BEFORE this part, UGGGHHHHHH. I need to go back rq just to tell her this god DAMN
Welp, on to act two! Thank you so much for the wonderful reading material :)
TLDR: I hate the Watchers with a burning passion.
what’s this?? a DETAILED LIVE BLOG of my writing for ME to read??? don’t mind if i do…
ok first off, thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to write down ur thoughts and share them with me. it’s truly one of the greatest joys of being an author, and the closest i can get to experiencing my writing as if i wasn’t the one who wrote it. NOW let’s get into it…
the overarching watcher hate is so justified and hilarious, they really just exist to be the most obnoxious and toxic livestream chat ever. at least, the ones who hang around jimmy are LMAO
AHA i’m glad u liked the part abt jimmy not liking to cry, i’ve been told he’s got a bit of a prideful streak in other series that didn’t come thru as much in his double life run, so that was a little nod to it.
the ranch could not escape its destiny of being tragically burned down 🫡
(omg the therapy appointment interlude. i remember when i’ve had to pause while reading a fic to address real life business and now someone’s doing that for MY writing…. :’))) i hope the appt went well!)
this chapter was a lovely opportunity to really show jimmy stepping up for tango, with both verbal and physical reassurance. he may not know everything abt the hels situation but he knows he loves tango <3
AND YEAH YEAH THAT FIRST ART MEL DID. definitely throwing back to that w tango’s disassociated state and the collar. nice catch ;0
the chin-hand response was another throw back to old mel art, isn’t that fuuuun? ;000
ok the watchers do get their funny moments in here and there HAH
phantonym and tyrannicide did come along! they might be scientists, but they’re as nasty as any hels player (dr l8r_h8r did, in fact, stay home to monitor the portal. he’s kinda over the whole ‘violence’ nonsense.) tango actually targeted them first bc of their lab coats.
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and YUP i got a lotta good username ideas from those suggestions. and it WAS very difficult to keep track of them all thru the chat backlog. i don’t know how long i spent going thru each player’s sequence of events, one by one, JUST to make sure i hadn’t forgotten to have someone die for the last time, or show up again without a new join message.
and unfortunately for jimmy he made the classic error of “typo in the group chat.” joel did what he had to 🫡 (buuuut once he saw how serious the situation was, he decided not to push it anymore)
atlas is a clever bastard and i love that yall love to hate him 🙏 he saw a virtual ocean of wolves storming down the hill and was like “ok clearly i’m not dealing with that, so let’s see where my efforts can be better spent.” the hired grunts don’t possess that kind of critical thought 🎻
i’m SO glad you enjoyed it!! thank you again for this lovely feedback <3
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sorrel-minis · 1 year
So my working theory with Welcome Home is that the Puppets were exploited for their charming appearances by a bunch of human bigwigs. The neighbors were cute and cuddly, which is marketable! But they were also queer and neurodivergent and all sorts of other things that made the human staff look at them with disdain. Y'know, since it's the 70s and the dudes in charge woulda been older men in there 50s and up.
Tw: theory got some abelism, anti queer attitudes, and narcissist based trauma and the cut so warning
I'm thinking the neighborhood has a Toontown situation going on (but with like puppets, and it managed to stay a secret for decades). Some humans discovered it in the colonizer sense and started talking up a storm to these little dudes about fame and fortune (but being hush hush about the cheap penny payment they'd give our puppet protags, and how they'd have to keep their lifestyles and mannerisms on the downlow y'know. That fine print is a bitch). Once the humans got em to believe that, the scuzzballs then convinced the puppet pals to form the neighborhood as we know it now: secluded from other puppets, far from family and friends. Y'know. Real narcissistic type behavior that only a real slime would know how to pull off. Isolate and cut them off from anyone who could see through the bullshit. Convince the puppets that anyone who says the human staff is bad news is just jealous of their fame or trying to clip their wings! If any of the neighbors object or try to ask more questions, just turn the blame around! Convince the puppets they're being unkind and ungrateful! Threaten to hurt yourself! Bring up how badly they're hurting you! Yell if you need to! Repeat as many times as you need until you've got puppets with broken spirits who'll just go along with whatever you say.
Once the black ooze/mold/ whatever started forming in Home (either it was dumped or it's just a natural forming thing) Home and Wally tried to speak up but the humans were all like "ugh you puppets will complain about anything 🙄"
And Wally is like "Okay but seriously this is making me sick please help"
And the humans were all "Ugh it's not even that bad. You people and your made up problems! Just keep making the show! That's the problem with these types! Give em an inch and they take a mile!!!"
Wally started clamming up more about it cuz honestly these guys get terrifying when they're mad.
But it got worse and worse and more concerning. Humans kept being all "Ugh! You think YOU'VE got it bad?!" And eventually Wally just stopped trying to speak up. Dude even started feeling guilty and bad and like he was lazy, so he just lived in these worsening conditions, much to the detriment of his health. The other puppets even grew concerned.
The humans finally took note and were either like "sucks to suck, but w can't do this show anymore with him looking like...that..." Or "This stuff is hurting the important human staff! Why didn't you say it could do that! We can't work here anymore! It's too dangerous!" Or something and just peaced out (maybe giving Wally two aspirins as a courtesy). They may have even tried to create a barrier between puppet town USA there and wherever they were. I'm guessing either to prevent the spread of the illness to more staff, or so no puppets will come up begging for help cuz think of the publicity scandal!!! And also mangled puppets???? Ew.
Fast forward to now. Wally's health has seriously declined over the years, and his friends are trying to just include him and keep him happy in these uncertain times. Being real pals, y'know? Heck, they might even be aware of the spread of whatever the thing is and be terrified themselves, but just continue to live life as though everything is fine. Plus, they've all got the burden of that unspoken trauma, they've lost all contact with other family and friends (and are worried about spreading the ick to them anyway), and are just trying to repress as many uncomfortable unhappy feelings as they can. That chapter is done. It was bad. In the spirit of the 70s, let's all pretend everything is always okay and we're all fine!!!
Wally or Home on the other hand has finally found a way to get contact outside of the neighborhood for help.
Sending out messages and info to anyone who will listen, hoping SOMEONE will bring justice down on the humans that used them. Wally's whole "Let me in" thing might literally be him trying to get into the human part of the place. The neighborhood doesn't have puppet doctors. He's SUFFERING and just wants to be healed and fixed. All the puppets need some kind of healing, either physically or from their mental trauma.
Buuuuuuut that's just the ramblings of a bitch with CPTSD rambling and projecting onto little puppet dudes
Could be anything really
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Anyway that's my Hotep inspired sleep deprived theory.
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polyhexianchicken · 5 months
Scandalous inquiry: what are Whirl's favorite forms of 'kissing'? Nuzzles, boops, etc etc elaborate
Oh frag yeah an easy one!
Uh...lemme think..
Alright so usually I just headbutt mechs because that's my favorite way- easiest way too, most of the time at least. Sometimes I forget to dial back the strength, which ugh.. guess sometimes sucks if I didn't mean to do it?
Apparantly I have this.. ability with my prongs to zap electricity to others, to 'kiss' I guess? Haven't figured that one out yet, maybe eventually.
Bonking and nuzzling physically feels like the best approximation I can give to a kiss... and I like doing it, so...
Definitely feels like it's not really as satisfactory for the other party, can't really blame 'em..
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kellyscowboy · 1 year
Consider!!!! Queens being hella pissed after jack takes all that money and tells them to disband the union after literally begging for their help and they ain't gonna let the deed go unpunished so they find some of the Manhattan newsies to soak to send a message to jack that actions have consequences
stop it rn omgomg. i'm thinking dave finds him up in his "penthouse" before kath does and it goes a little bit like this:
cw: cussing & fighting
"What the hell's the matter with you?" David shouted, shoving a finger into Jack's chest.
Jack angrily shoved the other boy away. "Go away, Dave."
"No. You don't get to run away. You don't get to screw us all, take your money, and get your dumbass happy Santa Fe ending."
"You think I'm gla-"
"Shut up!" David all but screamed. "Do you know what happened tonight? Right after you left with your stupid fucking money; Queens beat the crap out of us!"
Jack went quiet, the weight of his actions drowning him. David didn't stop. "You can't just do that, Jack. No, not to Queens. And I can assure you, they made that pretty damn clear. You can't beg a turf to go out of their way, to lose their money, to help you and then just bail on them."
Dave chokes on his words, and Jack wouldn't have thought he had cared about them that much. "You know how I found 'em?" He doesn't wait for a response. "They were sitting in an alley, just a clump of practically lifeless bodies. You would've thought that a morgue had come and dumped some unclaimed corpses right there in the middle of that alley. Racetrack didn't move, not even when I tried to get him up. Honest to God, Jack, I thought he was dead."
"And Elmer was sitting there, and you know what he was doing? He was clinging to his rosary and he was pleading with God. Now, I don't know Elmer as well as you do, but I do know that he doesn't have the greatest relationship with the church. You know how desperate you have to be to plead with a God who hurt you?"
"You're not gonna believe this, but that's not even the worst part. The beatings aren't even close to the worst part. What's worst is that all of them are blaming themselves. And all of them are sitting in the lodging house waiting for you to walk in and fix their wounds, because that's what you've always done. The worst part is that they're all defending you with every broken bone in their body. And that's awful because it's all your fucking fault, Jack!"
Jack fell into David's arms. And David doesn't shove him away, he takes him into his arms and begs him to fix things. Because David isn't mad either, he wants to be mad but he can't be mad because he's making excuses for Jack too. All Jack can do, for at least a couple of minutes, is sob into Jack's shoulder.
SO SORRY FOR STEALING THE ASK LIKE THAT LMAO. honestly the idea ignited something in me bc oh my god like the angst?? i can't!! also imagining any of the boys telling him. racetrack telling him, all beaten up and sore. ugh im dead
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resurrection-of-soul · 9 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 2
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Kaoru, Koga, Adonis
Rei: Hm. The secrecy makes it all quite unclear, but is this “AIIE” affair meant to create idol versions of those AIs which are adept at artistry? I fear this old man finds it quite difficult to keep up with these newfangled technologies.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
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Koga: Could ya quit lecturin' me on the basics like I'm some newbie? Even I know that that's how it is, alright! That's why I just grinned and bore it, appearin' on those stupid shows even though I hated it!
Rei: Indeed. Consequently, we've become a unit which half-heartedly partakes in everything. Unable to wholly embrace either a hard rock image or a casual, playful one, we have, over time, yielded ground to more specialized units. The current economic recession bears its own share of the blame. When one must be frugal in the management of their modest household budgets and dine out only in moderation, the natural inclination is to favor an establishment of expertise which serves but a select few exquisite dishes over a more casual eatery boasting a profusion of ordinary fare. The true palate shall inevitably be laid bare, for if the price is the same, one will naturally gravitate towards that which is most delicious — 'tis simply human nature. As it stands, we undeniably find ourselves trailing in the wake of those "specialty" units. The difference in both effort and experience is clear as day.
Koga: Hmph. While the bats were flittin' around wonderin' which side they should choose, both the beasts n' the birds lost interest n' ditched 'em.
Rei: Aye, you speak true. Though the situation hath yet to deteriorate to the point where our very foundation is rattled, if left unaddressed, we will someday find ourselves with no place to belong. 'Tis the inevitable fate of those who fail to make it in this industry to be forsaken, and consequently sink to the depths in solitude.
Koga: So the hell're we gonna do about it? If I'm understandin' correctly, you're sayin' our backs're to the wall now. But'cha ain't just gonna tell us to give up n' go with the flow, right?
Rei: Nay, assuredly not. Failing to mount a resistance will surely usher us into the abyss of ruin. We mustn't sit idly by.
Kaoru: I mean, yeah. It's, like, a given that we've gotta do something about it.
Rei: Even our esteemed agency harbors apprehension regarding our current state of affairs. Unsurprisingly, such concern hath prompted the higher ups to interfere in their customary heavy-handed fashion.
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Koga: Ugh, they're actin' as high n' mighty as always, huh... This is what I can't stand about bein' in a well-established agency. It's like they think we can't do anythin' without 'em. We're gonna get treated like a buncha helpless newborn chicks forever.
Rei: In the past, they scarcely would have bothered themselves with "newbies" such as us. Yet at the biggest event of the year, the illustrious SS, the industry veterans whom Rhythm Link boasts of with such pride found themselves utterly bereft of any noteworthy achievements. Consequently, the value of we youngsters has risen. As we hath become the foremost earners beneath our agency's banner, 'twould pose quite the quandary for the management if we were to falter. Thus, in the interests of helping us surmount this hurdle, Rhythm Link hath requested our participation in "a certain experiment" devised by ES.
Adonis: An experiment...? Doesn't that sound a bit unsettling?
Koga: Haah? What kinda experiment does our oh-so-great, well-established agency want to turn us into guinea pigs for?
Rei: 'Tis a matter shrouded in utmost secrecy, and the particulars shall not be laid bare unless we deign to accept. However, we hath been told the title of this clandestine experiment — it is the Artificial Intelligence Idol Experiment, or "AIIE" for short.
Koga: Huh? Artificial intelligence...?
Kaoru: Ah, yeah, I hear that kinda thing — AI, or whatever — is like, super popular these days.
Adonis: Yes, it can be used to skillfully create pictures and sentences for you. I am still not very good at writing sentences in Japanese. Yuuki is good with technology, so when he heard about my concerns, he showed me how to use AI to help.
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Adonis: It is also very good at drawing pictures, but when I gave the smartphone a pat and told it, "you are very skilled," Yuuki gave me a strange look.
Koga: Oh yeah, that four-eyed beansprout likes this kinda stuff. Hmph, he's seriously such a nerd.
Adonis: Yuuki's skills are at a level where they can even be useful for his work, so it is not something to make light of. In fact, when I gave it a try, AI turned out to be very convenient. My awkward sentences were quickly transformed into beautiful Japanese. It's so convenient that it might even make me lose motivation to learn how to draw or write on my own. Instead of struggling against my own clumsiness, it might be better to leave it all to AI.
Kaoru: I've heard that AI programs sometimes use images or whatever from the internet without permission, causing, like, copyright issues and stuff, though? Don't you think it'd be better not to rely on it too much~? It's like everyone crossing at a red light together — it's not scary, but it's totally still a crime, y'know?
Adonis: I understand. Even a kitchen knife can be used to kill. Like any other tool, it ultimately all depends on the ethics of the user.
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Rei: Hm. The secrecy makes it all quite unclear, but is this "AIIE" affair meant to create idol versions of those AIs which are adept at artistry? I fear this old man finds it quite difficult to keep up with these newfangled technologies.
Koga: Are ya seriously still pullin' that old man act… Anyway, it's real annoyin' bein' told what to do, but I'm not gonna act out against direct orders. Do we have to participate in this AIIE thing or what?
Rei: Though declining the offer 'twould be within our power, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they say. As we find ourselves bereft of any other solutions to the problem, a little taste-test might not be amiss, wouldst you not agree?
[ ☆ ]
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punisheye · 1 year
There's a bruise still blossoming at Vash's temple from where the people in that town had begun throwing rocks at him. He'd smiled, then, too-- remembers the look on Milly's face as he'd done so. Her hurt sits heavy across his shoulders, worse than his own, hates that he'd been so see-through (no matter how observant she'd shown herself to be).
He doesn't blame those people though-- couldn't in a hundred years blame them. He is a monster after all, so different than them. It keeps being proven again and again, and this time is no different.
But now those feathers keep on sprouting, having been dormant for so long, and he hates himself for that too; that he can't even control them, can't keep them hidden away. He's putting the both of them in danger like this, what with the chances of someone else seeing, even if they're still out in the middle of nothing. Get a grip.
Another tiny wing slowly unfurls from the bend of his wrist as though beckoned, and he scowls at it. Without thinking, he brings up his prosthetic and plucks one of its feathers. There's no hesitation, no wince as it's pulled free.
"Sometimes," he says quietly, "I hate them."
It's frustrating.
He watches, again and again, as Vash lets people hurt him. As he lets people betray him, chase him across all of creation, without ever fighting back. With a smile. Always. Wolfwood wants to throttle him and tell him to grow a fucking spine, that he's allowed to be upset, he's allowed to yell and scream and cry when he's upset and when people hurt him and to stop being so fucking chickenshit.
Wolfwood always yells when he's angry, but he never cries. He never says when he's sad, or if he even gets sad. If people hurt him he just returns the favor. It's how it's been for years. He's having a hard time imagining it any other way.
He's not the person to tell Vash how to act when he's hurt. He'd just be a hypocrite.
But he hates seeing him like this.
Subdued, shrunken into himself, eyes downcast. Wolfwood keeps glancing over at him, watching as those little feathers unfurl from him. The same feathers that got them driven out of the most recent town, that earned Vash a bruise on his temple and Wolfwood a split lip because he got hit by a rock meant for Vash in the midst of yanking him away from the chaos.
They're stuck there in the badlands for the night, huddled near an abandoned, half-collapsed adobe house. Wolfwood's too tired to keep driving and he doesn't want to risk Vash crashing his bike again. No bus is gonna take them when Vash is sprouting feathers. Camping out here isn't ideal, but it's all they can really do now.
The suns are dipping low over the horizon. Wolfwood watches him from where he sits, frowning. He watches as more feathers sprout. Some of the skin across Vash's cheek is a little pink, a little raw, a little tender from plucking them out.
Vash speaks and Wolfwood scowls. He squashes out his cigarette in the sand and pushes himself up to his feet to walk over to his side and drop himself down next to him with a grunt.
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"Stop pickin' at it," he snaps.
He already knows what Vash is thinking. That he's some kind of fuck-up, or a monster. Sure, maybe he's got the power of ten nuclear warheads packed inside of him and wiped an entire major city off the map and blasted a hole in the moon, but...
... That doesn't matter. Vash doesn't want to hurt people.
Whatever. They can both be monsters together, or something.
Ugh, sappy shit.
He reaches over without thinking, toward the tiny wing on his wrist. Wolfwood pauses and he swears the closer he gets to touching Vash that he can see that blood forming on the skin of his palm, threatening to stain Vash's skin, but when he blinks — it's gone.
Don't let your hands stained with blood taint this holy creature.
Wolfwood curls his fingers into a tight fist and pulls his hand back, thinking better of it. The muscle in his jaw tenses.
"Well, nothin' you can really do 'bout it now. Just try to keep 'em in next time."
Wolfwood's never been good at comfort. He pulls out another cigarette and lights it behind his hand.
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"... Spikey." He sighs, exhaling a puff of smoke in the process. "C'mon, I hate to see ya mopin' like this."
He lightly nudges him with his elbow. Wolfwood plucks the cigarette from his lips and offers it over to Vash between his index and middle fingers. It's... something. An attempt.
I'm here.
He doesn't say it out loud. If Vash looked at him, though, and right into his eyes, it's clear as day.
I'm here.
In the light of the moon, with the burning bright red cherry of his cigarette between them, he can only hope that maybe his selfish desire to be close, that his presence is enough to ease Vash's worries. If only for a little bit.
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ereardon · 2 years
I've read part 2 of My Best Friends Wedding and I have some thoughts 😱 I loved it btw, it was sooooo angsty and delicious (can't think of a better word 😂).
I really do feel for Bradley, the ending when he realised everything was probably too late but he still had a shred of hope until she said 'I do' just broke my heart. But he really should have said something sooner! It was never going to end well for him, especially after they slept together and she still stayed with Jeremy. 😞
I think that she equally is to blame for their heartbreak too. She let things go too far and then refused to acknowledge the reality and thought they could just paper over the cracks (they both did to be fair).
I also wondered if you thought about Jeremy's point of view? Do you think he suspected anything went on between them? I'm guessing not because he still turned to Bradley to fill in for him when he couldn't be there?
Thank you for sharing more of your writing 🥰
Aww I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
Ugh I know why did he wait so long BUT I can totally see a guy doing that? Just holding out the smallest scrap of hope that at the end she might change her mind.
She was totally to blame, too! That's for sure. For context in terms of the timeline the NOLA wedding where they slept together was about 2 years after the three of them met. The wedding was a decade after they met so that incident happened pretty early in the scheme of things!
Ooh that's a good question about Jeremy. In my mind, he's a good guy. A normal, OK, decent guy, who has no reason to think his best friend is in love with his fiance. I don't think he had any suspicions and I don't think he necessarily did anything wrong — all he did wrong was not being Bradley Bradshaw! Which, let's face it, who can compare 😅
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rwac96 · 2 years
Trust Me... (A Dragon Ball AU)
Chapter 4: Pride & Strength
Previous Chapter
A disc of golden Ki hurled towards the red & black doppelganger of Son Goku, bisecting the clone in half. Krillin, former Orin Monk, dedicated Turtle School Martial Artist and Z-Warrior shouts in triumph. Then, the shout of the Kamehameha can be heard from the genuine Earth-Raised Saiyan. Unleashing the attack upon the clone of the monk. The duo fighters pant as bodies of clones littered the battlefield they stood on. A forest that once hosted many animals, including some herbivorous dinosaurs, before the Clone Fighters laid siege upon it.
"That's the last of 'em," Goku says, "for now." The man in orange & blue looks around, his onyx eyes scanning the area to search for any foreign Ki Signatures. "Man, it's like there's no end to these guys, even if they do look like us."
"You're tellin' me, Goku," Krillin wipes the sweat rolling down his brow, "I hope Gohan and Piccolo are doing well on their end." Then, his brows creased in worry, looking down towards the ground.
"C'mon buddy," the wild-haired martial artist comforts his oldest friend, "I'm sure Eighteen's alright. She's strong, remember."
"I know, I know," the Earthling Monk replies, closing his eyes for a moment. "But, I can't shake the feeling of all of this mess," opening his eyelids, gesturing to the clone corpses.
"I can't blame ya there," the Saiyan says in agreement, gazing down at one of his doubles, "plus Frieza and Cell being alive, and our powers being suppressed by these weird waves." Rubbing his chin, furrowing his brows in thought and concern. "It's like whoever's behind this, pulled this off right under our noses."
Krillin's brows raised in concern, listening to his friend's words. "Just like Gero," the Monk shuddered, the memory of the late, mad Red Ribbon Scientist crossing his mind. "No! No! No!" Goku turns to the dwarf fighter, "I was sure me and Trunks destroyed the sub lab!"
"Oh, man," the defender of Earth gulps, reaching for one of his ears, pressing his index finger against a white & blue device. "Bulma, can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear, Goku," Bulma Briefs' voice can be heard, "picking up anymore clones or the others?"
He shakes his head, "No, but we're startin' to get an idea of who's behind this weirdness. Kneeling down to hoist up the corpse of his clone, "This might be a plan by the Red Ribbon Army."
"What?" The scientist's voice rings out from the ear piece, "Seriously? Ugh, but how? How can there be anymore remnants?! I thought Gero was the last!"
A small sigh escaped Krillin's lips, pressing a button on his own communicator. "It's a possibility, which can link to Sixteen's sudden reappearance to Seventeen & Eighteen's sudden disappearance."
"Well, now that you say that," the blue-haired woman said on the other end of the line. "it does make sense, sadly. Right now, we have to cut down the number of Clone Fighters, find our friends and stop any revived jerks."
"Any word from Vegeta?" Goku speaks up, bringing up the Saiyan Prince.
"Last time I spoke with him," Bulma begins to answer, "he was fighting against a horde of clones. So, I'm guessing he's still hunting."
A shout escaped the Prince of Saiyan's lips, his gloved fist going through the pale-skinned clone of himself. Vegeta then spins his body around, bringing his foot against the imposter's cheek. A loud snap can be heard, the Vegeta Clone going down in a heap. Standing proud in his blue, white and yellow armor, the former Frieza Force Elite scoffed; turning his gaze to the other dead clones. Some resembled his rival Goku, or Kakarot as he calls him; others resembling himself or other Z-Warriors.
"Disgusting imposters," Vegeta says with contempt in his voice, "Zamasu and Black put up a better fight than this." He looks down at his gloved fists; as the Saiyan may be handicapped by the waves that are effecting strong beings, he was still a force to be reckon with.
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes to focus; raising his Ki. Then, his white aura erupts around him. Then, opening his eyes, Vegeta lets out a primal scream and he became surrounded by the golden light of Super Saiyan. Due to the power suppressing phenomenon, being in the form felt heavy; bringing him back to the days when he first ascended. The battle against the clown Android and the decrepit scientist, then his humiliating defeat at the hands of the blonde cyborg. The Prince lets out a small exhale, as little by little, he felt himself return to his proper fighting condition.
"I will find those responsible for this," Vegeta says to himself, "responsible for these wretches...and make them suffer."
"A wretch you say?" A sophisticated voice inquired, one the Saiyan never forgot. "My, my, even as a Super Saiyan, you still have that attitude of yours."
Vegeta turns his gaze to the white and purple form of Frieza, the self-proclaimed emperor of the universe, the killer of many races, including his people, the Saiyans. The seasoned warrior grits his teeth, glaring at his former 'benefactor' with hatred.
"Tch, talk while you can, Frieza," the Prince says, "but like me, you're power's suppressed as well."
"You assume," the cosmic tyrant says with a chuckle, "you assume, Vegeta. I was planning to have my vengeance against Goku, but I suppose you'll serve as a proper warm-up."
"Warm-up?!" Vegeta's brow twitches in rage, his golden aura erupting once more as he becomes filled with fury. "Kakarot won't need a turn when I'm done with you, Frieza!"
The conqueror chuckled, his tail sways slowly behind him as the Prince proceeds to charge towards him. Frieza's lips turn into a focused frown, taking flight and speeding towards Vegeta. When the two aliens collided, the area around them quaked due to a shockwave created by the impact.
Shallot hollers his signature attack, hurling the Ki Blast towards the group of clone charging towards him. The Attack collided with the grey-skinned clone of Piccolo, causing the energy to explode; killing him and a couple of clones in the process. Panting, he turns to Androids Seventeen and Eighteen, who were battling against clones of Cell and Vegeta.
The black-haired cyborg unleashed a flurry of blows upon the Saiyan clone, who attempted to block his attacks. Seventeen then leans his head back, performing a headbutt on the being. The fighter then launches a Ki Sphere point-blank onto the Clone Fighter's torso, pushing him towards a plateau. When the clone collided with the rock, it exploded on impact.
Meanwhile, Eighteen fired a volley of Ki Blasts towards the grey & red Cell; yelling in fury. The clone seemed to be stepping through the hellfire of energy blasts, despite it's healing capabilities being weaker than the true Cell's. The blonde cyborg then raises her right hand upward, forming a Ki disc in the form of her hand.
"Kienzan," she yells, tossing the attack towards the Clone Fighter. In a instant, the being was vertically sliced in two; the halves falling down in a heap. She lands down onto the ground, staring at the corpse with intense hatred.
"Violent, Sis," Seventeen comments, dusting his hands off as Shallot lands next to him.
"Not everyone can calm down from nature, ya know," Eighteen replies to her twin, dusting off the denim skirt she wore. "Anymore clones left?"
"None," Shallot shakes his head, "well, none left in this area." Then, his brows raised in alarm. "Hold on, I sense somethin'." The Saiyan in Blue & Black says, turning his head to the east. "Two strong powers!"
"Two?" The twins say in unison, concern in each of their reactions. Then, the young Saiyan proceeds to fly off, despite the blonde's protest.
"Shallot," she hollers, "get back here, goddammit!" She then reaches for her vest jacket, pulling out a device with the Red Ribbon insignia. "Twenty-One, can you hear me? Shallot's gone off towards two fighters likely fighting. He's gonna get himself killed!"
"Really now?" The voice of the auburn-haired woman sounded intrigued, no hint of worry in her voice. "That must've been Vegeta and Frieza he sensed. Let him walk in on their pissing contest."
"Excuse me?" Seventeen says to 21, stepping towards his sister and glaring down towards the communicator. "Are you crazy?!
"You heard me," she says to the pair, "don't interfere! If you do...I will sic Sixteen on the both of you. You don't want that, do you?"
The two cyborgs turn their gaze from the device, then turn to the direction Shallot flew towards. Their trust in Twenty-One was shaky from the start, but now, the pair had suspicions of the woman's intentions; especially if she was seemingly neglectful towards a new ally.
---Red Ribbon Hidden Bunker---
"Twenty-One," Sixteen raised his voice to the auburn-haired woman, who stared at one of the monitors showing 17 & 18. She turns her gaze to the footage of Vegeta and Frieza's battle. "Shallot may have raised his power, but...is sending him to fight against Frieza is wise?"
"Not you too," she lets out a small whine, "Sixteen, Shallot is a Saiyan. They live to fight, they become excited fighting stronger opponents. For God's sake, review your databanks!"
The mohawk Android kept his stoic stare, but he couldn't help but to grow fearful of the woman. "He may get stronger should it come to that," he hypothesized, then his eyes widened. He begins to approach the woman, who watched the cosmic emperor kicking away the Prince's Galick Gun. "Twenty-One, are you okay?"
"Never better," she says, her lips spreading into a eerie smile. She drags her tongue across her upper lip. Crimson electricity sparked around her, making the hulkling man step back.
"No," he grits his teeth, "she's in control. Your cells are growing beserk!"
"I have the detonator," Twenty-One's smile vanished, her gaze focused on the battle between Vegeta and Frieza. "I will not hesitate to destroy you, Sixteen. Remember that? So, you are in no position to negotiate."
If Android Sixteen could sweat, he'd be sweating bullets at the woman's demeanor, as if her personality had changed. He shifts his gaze towards the footage of Vegeta and Frieza's battle, the former growing exhausted and beginning to struggle against the latter.
The Saiyan Prince was hurled by a tail smack by Frieza, landing down onto the earth. Covered in bruises, scars and bloodied scratches. His armor cracked and the blue spandex torn, Vegeta slowly gets up onto his feet. He internally cursed, if only these waves weren't a issue; he would've finished the tyrant off in Super Saiyan Blue. But, no! He found himself struggling against Frieza in Super Saiyan, the very form that defeated him back on Namek years ago.
"Oh, my, Vegeta," the cosmic murderer laughed, his hands placed behind his back. "It seems these waves are effecting you worse than I originally thought. Perhaps that mental training in Hell payed off better than I've anticipated."
"B-Bastard," the Prince coughs up some blood, wiping his mouth. "d-don't get cocky! I promised to kill you, and I will make good on it!"
"Hmm, it sounded familiar," Frieza clicks his tongue, "was it back on Namek...or was it before I killed your simian king...your father?"
"BACK TO HELL!!" The Super Saiyan Royal screamed, launching a volley of Ki Blasts towards his opponent.
Curling his lips into a amused smile, Frieza increased his power slightly and with a flick of his wrist; he blocked the volley with a shockwave he created. This made Vegeta flinch, witnessing how powerful the tyrant had grown since his attempted invasion of Earth. Pointing a index finger towards the Saiyan, the emperor launches a Death Beam, striking true; hitting his opponent in the torso. The armored man falls down in a heap, reverting back to his normal form.
"I'm certain Goku sensed that," Frieza said with a sadistic smile, "because that should draw his attention."
The seasoned warrior coughed up more crimson droplets, a horrific hole where his right lung is. He stared at the killer of his kind with hatred, attempting to lift himself up from the ground. Before he strained himself further, he picked up a new Ki Signature. It was definitely Saiyan power, but an aura he never met before.
Meanwhile, Shallot arrived to the ruined, grassy wasteland; observing the devastation that took place. His onyx eyes then sees a older spiky-haired man in white armor, making him squint.
'So, that's the Prince, huh?' The Saiyan in Blue Armor thought, then turns his attention to the man's opponent. 'Hold on?! Is that--!?' Suddenly, his mind shifted once more as he gazed at Frieza; as if his thoughts were screaming at him.
"Murderer!!" Shallot hollers at the horned invader, purple & orange; staring at him with pure malice. "You piece of shit!!"
"She shouldn't have gotten in my way," the dwarf being says, "this is the fate of those who dare oppose Lord Chilled."
"I'll kill you," the young man says, as he became surrounded by golden light, "I will make you suffer!!"
"C-Chilled?" He muttered underneath his breath, then furrows his brows in fury. "CHILLED!!" The young man shouts at the top of his lungs, golden sparks crackling around his muscular form.
This made Frieza cease delivering the fatal blow upon Vegeta, turning his attention to the newcomer. "What's this now?" He studied the youth, taking notice of the tail and armor he wore. "Another Saiyan...? Hold on, Sadalan Armor? It's been years since I've seen such rubbish."
"Sadalan?" Vegeta blinks in confusion, turning his attention to the Saiyan the cosmic emperor noticed. "Hold on?! That's...the armor before we joined Cold! B-But how?!"
"I don't know how you got here," Shallot spoke, landing onto the rocky earth. "but I won't let you slaughter more people like you did before!"
"My, my," the white-skinned alien snickered, "I believe you've mistaken me for an ancestor, my dear boy."
"Like I give a shit!" Shallot snaps at Frieza, "I'll make you pay! For killing my fellow villagers! For killing my Parents!" An emerald aura erupts around Shallot as his fury grows, "For killing Hanasia!!"
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