#anti dean hate
fandom-hoarder · 24 days
I'm irritable today about scenes taken out of context to hate on dean. Especially when he does deserve criticism, but not for THAT. 🙃
"Gotta start [trusting Sam] sometime" --- is not dean saying he's NEVER trusted Sam. You have GOT to take this in context of the fact he was hunting for six months alongside soulless sam: who lied to him; who let him be turned into a vampire; who at least once pointed a gun at dean in his sleep and considered. You have GOT to further take into context the fact that just the previous episode, Sam went missing and Dean found him shouting at hallucifer and had to talk Sam down after shooting at his hallucination. And that IN THIS EPISODE Sam is still seeing hallucifer and dean could tell even though Sam said he's fine. AND THEN SAM DISAPPEARED (with the car and all).
You HAVE to take the context into account.😡
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samisadeangirl · 4 months
I read a post that said Dean was clearly physically abusive to Sam pre-Stanford because of how Sam is never surprised when Dean punches him when he's angry (when Sam said Dean was replacing John with Gordon, when Sam took the Impala, when Soulless!Sam confessed something was wrong with him, when Dean finds out he was using demonic powers) and how Dean took out his anger on Meg!Sam by punching Unpossessed Sam and how Sam is clearly very used to it to be able to say that Dean can hit him more if it makes him feel better. What do you think about it?
Hi Anon,
Ugh, this nonsense again?? Frankly, I file the "Dean is physically abusive" BS in the same trash can as the "John is physically abusive" BS because both bad takes are coming from people who have an agenda (i.e. Dean or John haters) and/or are projecting their own issues onto the character.
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Yes, Dean does punch or even beat up Sam a few times, particularly in the early seasons, and obviously that's not good. I tend to blame behavior like this and Dean calling Sam "gay" in the early seasons on Kripke basically being a dude-bro who thought it would make Dean seem more "macho" or something, particularly since we don't see it happening much under the other showrunners. Regardless, Dean's crappy childhood and overall crappy life clearly left him with a lot of issues, including not knowing how to handle his anger well sometimes, which most of us will agree is one of his flaws.
However, I don't believe this ever reaches the level of Dean being abusive to Sam because Sam is clearly not afraid of his brother and has no problem with punching or beating up Dean on occasion too (just like neither Sam nor Dean act afraid of John or have a problem physically confronting their father). We know how Sam behaves around an actual abuser--just look at his fear and hyper-vigilance when he's near Lucifer post-Cage--and he doesn't behave that way around Dean. (Flinching when Dean knocked the books off the table in 13.18 Bring 'Em Back Alive doesn't count because anyone would flinch at a sudden loud noise--Sam also flinched when Mary slammed the Bunker door in an earlier episode, for example.)
Trying to extrapolate that this behavior means that Dean was abusive during their childhood is especially nonsensical because there's no actual evidence, just projecting. We've seen repeatedly that Sam has no compunction against complaining about how (legitimately) shitty his childhood was, including the moving around, being left alone, enforced training, overall danger, and so on, yet he never once in 15 seasons mentions being hit or otherwise physically abused as a kid by either his brother or his father, and I can't see Sam keeping quiet about something that significant if it had ever happened. This goes back to the basic rules of canon: If it didn't happen onscreen (words or actions), then it's not canon, and if it's solely based on "interpretation" or "subtext" or "coding," then it's just head-canon.
As I mentioned before, the "fans" who come up with this sort of "X is abusive" BS tend to be stans/haters who want everyone to believe that their fave is a poor widdle meow-meow and/or perfect cinnamon roll who can do no wrong and is totes abused by mean ole X, and so they try to interpret both characters' behavior to fit this agenda. They completely miss that one of the appeals of both Sam and Dean is that they're complex characters with both admirable and negative traits, not boring cardboard cutouts. Their narrative not only does a disservice to Dean, whose anger issues are far outweighed by his caring, empathy, and selflessness, but also to Sam, who is a BAMF who stood up to Lucifer and God himself, not some helpless victim--and who loves his brother more than anything.
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unkindledangell · 3 months
Ughh, sometimes I would like to block "Destiel/Cockles" tags and words, but I can't. I don't hate them, I like Destiel, love Jenmish; just hate their xtreme stans, people who don't know how to tag correctly, and Tumblr/Twitter for show me Destiel/Cockles profiles that really hate Sam/Jared.
Sometimes I feel that we are few people who really appreciate TFW equally. Those of us who are multipshippers or that we simply don't hate a character/actor we don't like all the time.
Same with Wincesties on the other hand
Tumblr/Twitter: Here is an Wincest Artist for you ✨
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Them: Dean fans only like him because they're attracted to Jensen.
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Pretty sure I like Dean on his own merit. I can separate fictional characters from real life people, thanks.
I mean, have you seen thee Dean Winchester?
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Who wouldn't love this guy?
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I'm sorry but J2 panels are so dull. There is literally no enjoyment at all in there panels. Sorry Jensen but you are just boring AF when you are with Jared BUT I STILL LOVE YOU TO DEATH JENSEN! Only the gold panel was bearable because of JDM.
The only panels I enjoy are panels where Jared is not around (sorry not sorry) because with out Jared, Jensen actually seems to have fun and becomes loose while with Jared he is all serious and recycles the exact same things over and over, nothing new. Jensen IS ALLOWED TO HAVE FUN IN PANELS AND AT CONVENTIONS JARED! LET HIM HAVE FUN!. Jensen seems to have a lot of fun doing panels with Misha, because their are actually funny jokes and un serious interactions going on during the panel. I'm sorry J2 stans or JP stans buts its the truth, Jared is boring AF and any one who does panels with him is bored and its easy to tell.
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serendipity0930 · 8 months
I hate how some people act like, when dean disappeared at the end of s7, sam just dusted off his hands, went “oh well,” and immediately got with amelia?? like just because they didn’t show him going through it on camera doesn’t mean that didn’t happen. or that the months of grieving were any less real. this man had just recovered from months of hallucinating the devil and then lost his only connection to reality and is always always always canonically suicidal whenever dean dies. he didn’t want to take his brother from (what he thought was) a better place and just did what he thought dean would’ve wanted. just because sam didn’t kill himself to tear dean from (what he believed to be) heaven doesn’t mean he wasn’t devastated over the loss of his brother.
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lukesfrag · 5 months
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musclesandhammering · 5 months
“Yall don’t know him like I know him.”
Except what I mean is that I know the character in question to be, in fact, the most irredeemable piece of shit on the whole show, and am pulling my hair out over the fact that you guys think he’s a lil pookie.
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dreamytfw · 10 days
Over my 12 years of being in the fandom, I've encountered quite a few new fans who are always very surprised at how defensive Sam fans are. Then I see the same handful of (somehow popular) cliquey Dean fans constantly talking shit about Sam fans. They'll do things like generalize a few toxic outliers as the entirety of Sam fans. Or they'll put blatant anti posts in the Sam Winchester tag and then act like "omggg those Sam girls are SO unhinged" when they get push back. Meanwhile, someone points out something Dean did IN CANON that is unambiguously morally bad they lose their minds and call that person an anti, regardless of who they actually do or don't like.
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angel-fruitcake · 2 months
when one of my mutuals posts about a ship i don't love but i still support them and their opinions
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dazzle02 · 2 months
Buck and Maddie's relationship is one of the most interesting on the show to me personally.
She was nine, she lost her brother and gained a new one and suddenly she's not just an older sister, she's a parent too. She's nine years old and someone's Mother. While not being allowed to properly grieve the brother she just lost. Not even allowed to acknowledge his existence.
And of course she did the best she could, but she was a child raising another child. No parent has all the answers, but especially not a CHILD who never asked to have this put on them. So she of course got things wrong. One that really sticks out is her explanation about their parents worry when Evan falls off his bike. She kinda put the idea in his head that getting hurt is what will get him that love he craves from their parents. And that was NOT her fault. She was 12. And also living in this abusive household. But she was the one that gave him the idea to continue hurting himself to get attention. And there are likely other things that he learned from her that weren't actually healthy, due to her being a child trying to learn about the world herself.
And when she left for Boston, that would definitely feel like a parental abandonment for Evan due to her being the only parental figure he ever really had. But it WASN'T. It was a 19 year old moving out and going to School, which is what a lot of people that age tend to do. But to Evan, it would feel like the only parent he's ever known leaving him. And logically he'd know that's not the case. She's NOT his mother, she's his sister and she's supposed to live her life and she never asked to raise a child at such a young age. He was NOT her responsibility. But emotionally? That's the start of his abandonment issues.
And it's why Maddie can be kinda overbearing with him at times too. (Especially after the lightning strike...) It was ingrained in her from the age of nine that he's her kid and she has to take care of him. So as soon as she sees him suffering in any way, those instincts come back full force. She's gotta take care of him, make sure he's not going to die while she's not looking. AND make it clear she's not leaving him again.
They've had to figure out how to go from the relationship they had as kids where she was more a parent than a sister, to a new one now that they're adults where they're siblings.
And that's gotta be tough. And I would love more of a focus on that really. Just them still kinda adjusting to having to have this new dynamic. Because logically they both are aware that Maddie having to raise Buck was messed up and unfair for them both. But it's also just what's normal to them.
And any time someone comes for Maddie about not being a good sister it makes my blood boil. SHE DOES HER BEST! She was a child raising a child, and she's now an adult who went through abuse for pretty much her entire life! First the neglect from her parents (plus the parentification) and then her marriage to Doug for like 15 years! Of course she's not perfect. And as much as they both love each other, they ARE BOTH part of each others traumas. For Maddie a big trauma for her was having to raise him, and for Buck a big trauma for him was her leaving. And they've managed to work through that for the most part. It's always going to be there, they're both very defining for each of them. For Maddie having to become a parent at such a young age made her feel as though she couldn't be a very good one due to not being a perfect parent AS A CHILD. And for Buck, Maddie leaving was definitely the start of his abandonment issues. And neither of them are at fault for that, but they both have these issues that are directly tied to each other. It all comes back to their parents though. If they'd just done their jobs as parents, things would be so different.
Some of this may not make much sense as it is very hot here right now and I am not thinking right. But you get what I mean, hopefully. 🤣
I would also like to add to Supernatural fans, you can not claim Dean Winchester is just the best brother in the world for raising Sam and then turn around and claim Maddie is a terrible sister. Especially as Dean could be very abusive at times...
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mothgardens · 8 months
I need people to reblog this (or dm me if u prefer private chats) and genuinely explain why they don’t like Sam Winchester to me. Like tell me what he said or did, please, because as a Sam lover, i do NOT get it.
Sure he isn’t a perfect character, but I think he is one of the best on the show. Considering the writers somewhat neglected him I think he came out delightful.
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I know I cannot, and should not, try to sway people from single character standom into the ways of bibrodom. I know that.
But I WANT to!
There are certainly Sam or Dean only fans that seem super chill and have their well thought out reasonings for only liking one brother. I know they’re not like the stans who actively hate and try to denigrate the less favored brother. I know it’s also super douchey to try and interfere with how people consume and relate to media. I know… seriously! I do!
But I just feel like it’s so sad how much fans miss out on when they waste time misunderstanding one of the brothers. Like how could you love and understand Sam, while genuinely feeling that Dean is awful, and an unintentional but massive villain in his life? How could you love Dean when you feel the main love and motivation in his life is a poisonous brother?
How can you watch this show and judge one of them so harshly? How can you see their journey and not root for BOTH of them? I just don’t get it!! I can’t wrap my head around watching a show for 15 seasons and disliking either Sam or Dean.
Bleccchhhhh. I’ve been seeing a lot of anti Sam and Dean stuff lately. People retreating into really off base meta’s that confirm long held prejudices that are based on a kernel of canon that was misunderstood to begin with.
I know I can block and move on. And I very rarely engage here anymore. Today though, I want to reclaim that bibro space. I want to live in and enjoy that Sam and Dean love. I want to revel in that brother bond that was so multifaceted. So complex. So beautiful.
Sam and Dean were EVERYTHING. I hope others, especially these new people watching the show for the first time, will latch on to the two of them.
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trashmouthsworld · 9 months
I love being a supernatural fan because I can be "I HATE Dean😡😡😡, generational trauma passing down the family tree, look at how he treats women, Jack, Cas, Sam, etc.😡😡😡" one minute and the next I'm "hoodie Dean 🥰🥰🥰 look at him, he's just a little guy 😘"
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I swear I'm about to embark on another SPN rewatch just to pick every single episode apart and show just how relevant Dean was to the story after season 1. So tired of hearing this bullshit about how Dean didn't matter to the show, how he was just a prop, he's only a strong supporting character, he doesn't matter because Jensen was #2 on the call sheet, and that he got what he deserved in the end because "it wasn't his story". Yet every time someone else dares to mention another character from the show that isn't a Winchester, then suddenly these same people have no problem grabbing Dean and including him for their defense of "the show is only about the brothers!" Make up your goddamn minds. Is it purely just the Sam show as the sole protagonist or is it about both brothers (aka multiple protagonists)? It can't be both. That's not how story telling works.
And what kills me even more is that half of these people hate on Dean because they have an issue with Jensen (that has nothing to do with Dean or Dean's story line at all). And these very same people scold others on how they're unable to compartmentalize and distinguish between reality (the actor) and fantasy (the character) which the hypocrisy is just...wow. Your asses are showing. Big time.
If you have legitimate criticisms about Dean and/or his story line, that's cool. But this bullshit I keep seeing is just to serve stupid fandom war shit, whether that be to hate on Jensen or prop up Sam/Jared, and it is beyond fucking annoying.
By season 3, definitely season 4 (aka still Kripke-era meaning Kripke did this himself), Dean stopped being a supporting character and became a protagonist right alongside Sam. Kripke solidified that by making Dean the yang to Sam's yin, by having Dean be the true vessel for Michael while Sam was Lucifer's true vessel, having Dean represent the faction of Heaven (via Cas) while Sam represented the faction of Hell (via Ruby). Kripke even told you that the story doesn't work without BOTH brothers by leading up to the battle between Michael and Lucifer in season 5. BOTH Sam and Dean would have had to say yes to an entity to bring about the battle; the battle would not come to pass without BOTH brothers; even though they found a loophole in Adam, it's stated that Adam is not Michael's true vessel (but since he has the genetics of John, he's a suitable temporary replacement to bring on that battle that Dean interrupts and Sam makes the choice to sacrifice himself to save Dean, and the world by extension); it was stated in the show that John and Mary actually didn't like each other when they met and a cupid had to intervene so they would get together and have Sam AND Dean in order to bring the story to that point (aka 5x22). That's all from Kripke, the creator of the series. It all happened on his watch, during his run, way before the "later seasons". He equated Dean with Sam; he brought Dean and his story more to the forefront, pulling him out of the supporting role he was originally playing in season 1. Regardless of why he did it, the point is he DID it.
The story was about both brothers. Dean is just as important as Sam was to the story. Get over it.
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multifandom-lesbian09 · 3 months
The thing I hate about anti Stereks (I’m an anti Sterek btw) is that a lot of them are also anti Stiles. I mean I get that some Stiles stans are like incredibly annoying and try to put ALL of the attention on him, but that doesn’t make the CHARACTER bad. It’s like anti Destiels being anti Cas because some people like him more than Sam. Like come on guys people can have favorite characters.
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