#can you tell I finished Solo Leveling
When watching a power fantasy anime, is it a point in favor or a point against the show if it doesn’t allow the protagonist to not have the upper hand for longer than 10 minutes?
Personally I think it weakens the power fantasy if every few episodes the protagonist is despairing their helplessness which will be undone by the end of the episode (eg if it is undone easily, then the intellect/power to overcome it must not have been great, which in turn makes the power seem less impressive) but I’m willing to be convinced that I’m just watching it with the wrong headspace
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earlycuntsets · 24 days
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translation: "my chemical romance interview. "for us, the live stage is the only place where we can be ourselves."
The songs are like a collection of rock anthems from all over the world, past and present, and it sets the hearts of listeners ablaze.
Who is the emo band that rocked the Summer Sonic stage?
My Chemical Romance, from New Jersey, who just released their major debut album "THREE CHEERS FOR SWEET REVENGE" in July, came to Japan for the first time at Summer Sonic 04. MCR's music is called "screamo" because of their friendship with their friends, including THE USED, and their style, and it contains the street/garage sensibility unique to the generation that went through American punk in recent years… but if you listen to it with a calm ear, you can see that although the vocals are "screamo style," the songs have a beautiful structure and tearful melodies that are related to British heavy metal, and they also feature beautiful guitar solos. In other words, MCR is a band that plays heavy metal at the street level… That's why they must have been so welcomed right from the start in Japan, a country that has a strong tradition of heavy metal music (probably) - their first performance in Japan was a big success.
45 minutes after the end of the thunderous "Summer Sonic" stage
We caught up with the two excited guitarists!
I've never been to a show like that before! I'll never forget this experience.
--Now Frank Iero (FI): This isn't real.
How was the live show you just finished?
FI: Seriously! I've never done a show like that before. It was a memorable moment in my life. I'll never forget it!
--You seem very excited. What was so amazing about it?
Ray Toro: No, not "What". WTF! I mean, they were so welcoming! I wasn't expecting that kind of reaction at all. It felt like a hometown show. Oh, what can I say… ahhhh… anyway, it feels great!-- (Laughs)
Was the positive reaction because the new york was great? Especially the first single "I'm Not Okay" it's really exciting… It's a great song, and the song structure is well-crafted, building up from the intro, and the solo is uplifting too. Did you feel any magic when you made it?
FI: Well, let me tell you something. This song is something that you can't really call "written".
Really? Is that so?
FI: That's true. The song itself only has four chords, right? Except for the solo, it's all four. So at first, I thought it would be a boring song. But when we got together in the studio and Ray was playing those four chords over and over… Gerald (Way/vocals) started singing. The other members were silent. I closed my eyes and listened carefully. Then I realized it was an incredibly beautiful song. I felt it was worth completing. So I tried to change it up with the chorus. The root remained four.
---The guitar solo in this song creates a harmony with the guitar, creating a grandeur that is reminiscent of Queen. How did this come about?
FI: That solo was all Ray!
RT: Of course we were totally inspired by Queen! We were all saying, "Let's have a big guitar solo. Nobody does that anymore!" So I layered the guitars on it and made it as epic as possible. Also, when we were writing the song originally, we talked about making it as production-heavy as possible in the studio… Another thing I did consciously was to think of all the '80s pop and '70s bands I liked. I thought, "What would they do to make a song that's really epic…?" That's also where the two-second piano in the middle of the song came from. It doesn't really mean anything, but it's a bit like a soundtrack.
In terms of age, he was still very much alive.
FI: To tell you the truth, that second part is from the live album "CHEAP TRICK AT BUDOKAN" (1978) [laughs] I really wanted to include it. To begin with, even though some people have performed it live, I've never heard it performed in a studio album. I tried to include that as well and create the biggest anthem I could think of.
Q: Not just "I'm Not Okay," but all of MCR's songs…The composition is designed to make the listeners excited. They are all uplifting and dramatic. Is this something you do consciously?
FI: I'm totally aware of it.
RT: Yes. You can hear it in the song, but I change parts one after another. For example, We never repeat the same parts twice, and as the song progresses, new elements are added. We want it to feel like it's building from one thing to the next. Every member of the band contributes to that. The drums, the vocals, the melodies…everything helps the song to go higher and higher.
FI: Especially the new album, "It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's a Deathwish" crescendos all the way through. It just gets stronger and stronger. It all comes together in a spectacular finale. The whole band sings together for an anthemic ending. Because I like it! Our styles are completely different, maybe that mismatch is a good thing?
MCR's music tends to be dramatic. Is that due to the influence of the music you've listened to up until now?
RT: I grew up listening to heavy metal, like Ozzy Osbourne. I was obsessed with guitar heroes. I like bands that feature guitar players such as the late Randy Rhoads (g/Ozzy Osbourne) and Joe Satriani, Jimi Hendrix… In other words, Randy is the one who combined heavy metal with classical music, but his guitar playing I think he is the person who has had the biggest influence on my style. It's a bit old-fashioned, but it has a melody. And it's timeless. Melody.
FI: Richie Havens. My first woodstock. He was the opening act for the concert. He took me to an acoustic I just played it with one guitar, like a solo. There wasn't much, just sitting on the stool. He played very melodic and rhythmic guitar. But it's a completely unique style that can't be imitated. He had tiles… Such a great performer. I've never seen him before! I've seen Richie on stage about 10 times now, and I'm blown away every time. He's one of the reasons I don't stop playing guitar. I also love Greg Ginn (guitar/Black Flag) and Thurston Moore (vocals, guitar/Sonic Youth). In other words, I like dirty and emotional guitar more than intellectual style.
——————Hmm. You two have completely different tastes…
FI: Well, we are completely different types of guitarists, but maybe that mismatch is a good thing.
--You mentioned a lot of artists, but listening to your album I can sense a strong influence from heavy metal. But you also listen to a lot of different music from the '70s and '80s, right?
RT: Well, you can't just listen to one type of music, you know? There's so much good music out there. We can't just pretend not to notice it! All of us in the band try to listen to as much as we can and want to absorb as much as we can from all kinds of music.
FI: What we heard was an influence in some way.
FI: I like to use a Marshall JCM900 connected to a SUNN cabinet, and an Epiphone Zak Wylde model Les Paul as the only guitar. I turn up the bass all the way (laughs). Treble is about mid-range. I add gain here and there. But I like to keep it sounding like a real guitar. Not a "buzzing" sound with too much gain, but more of a solid sound.
RT: Yes! And we both try to only use effects when absolutely necessary, and usually plug them straight into the amp. Oh, but we do use wah pedals. Personally, I'd love to see the wah come back!
--I see. So with Frank on the bass and Ray raising the middle, it feels like you've managed to balance the band sound well?
FI&RT: Exactly!
FI: That's how I make it clear that there are two guitars. It's better to have a difference where you can hear each guitar part and it doesn't sound too cluttered.
――――So, let's talk about your playing, not just the guitar sound.
RT: I've been in the middle of it all. But the best thing to do is come to a show and see for yourself! I think there have been times when people thought it was Frank and it was me, and vice versa. We've influenced each other so we have some similarities.
---So you're influenced by each other's playing?
RT: Yeah. At least I got it from Frank.
I learned to play dirty. Not just clean, but more emotional. Instead of being super technical and perfect, I gave myself a little more leeway and tried to avoid feedback and pick-squeezing.
Frank is especially good at pick slides. He likes to make noise out of the guitar, rather than a pretty sound.
He's really good at bringing that out. Making noise, not just playing, is something I'm still learning.
FI: I'm the opposite, I'm learning to play clean, to keep things under control, but still let out emotion when necessary.
RT: A classic example of what you're talking about is "The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You." Frank has a really great part here. After the second chorus, it gets really quiet.
"THREE CHEERS FOR SWEET REVENGE" Warner Music Japan [CD] WPCR-11883 Sensual vocal melodies and emotional guitars, as heard on the 1st single.Their popularity is on the rise thanks to the explosive emotion of their vocals. This is the band's second album and their major label debut. Ray's strengths are in his guitar playing, which always lifts the listener up. While talking about the existing screamo sound, such as the "screamo" part, a new sense of flavoring with the essence of gothic and metal shines. And it's the same with everyday experiences! Everything that comes out of it naturally comes out in the work, and the more I shut out certain types of music or certain experiences, the less fertilizer I have. The goal is the stage. Keep playing to the limit. From what I saw on stage a while ago, the live equipment was, you both used similar things. How do you differentiate between the sounds?
RT: I'm more into distortion. I play a lot of riffs and generally like to emphasize the mid-range.
My model was the crunch guitar sound of Metallica's "Master of Puppets" (1986).
FI: On the other hand, I only use distortion to a natural degree.
Can you tell me the specific equipment names?
RT: The amps are Marshall "JCM2000" and "1960".
Cabinet. The guitar was bought by my brother for Christmas 10 years ago.
It's a very easy one to make, but the sound is great!
I also use an Epiphone Les Paul.
036 GuitarBreakers Vol.8
He said it was a good example of how the differences between the two of them are well expressed.
Can you name any?
FI: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us
In Prison, I guess?
RT: You're right!
FI: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us
"In Prison" is huge! The first two verses are
It's rhythmic and dirty, and then…
Ray's guitar hero-like, epic solo begins (laughs). And it has a light rhythm. And then there's "To The End" too.
RT: Yes. In some ways, I play more technically than Frank, but "To the End" has a great guitar solo, it's fast, and it's got some rhythmic, dirty parts. But I think you can hear the difference in our playing styles on every song to some extent.
---By the way, on the album, which is left and which is right?
Are you playing the channel?
RT: Well, in the verses, I mostly play on the left.
Ray is on the left. And Frank is on the right in the chorus.
Frank really blossoms in this scene. It's totally different from his previous style.
FI: Mmhmm!
---Finally, could you tell us about your future goals regarding guitar and songwriting?
FI: For now, I'd like to be able to turn the parts I've written for the next album into proper songs.
Also, we have a clear goal as a band.
But I'll keep it a secret until I achieve it (lol).
RT: For me personally, I just want to keep improving.
FI: Me too!
RT: We both love playing guitar.
That's what life is all about, so I want to keep improving both in technique and melody.
FI: For us, it was a live show that lasted less than two hours. I think that the only chance I have is to be myself, to experience a pure and spiritual moment. So my goal is to continue to play all the way to the end. There is a joy that cannot be expressed in words. I don't think you can understand it unless you have experienced it!
My Chemical Playing - A magnificent world created with guitar
The key to My Chemical Romance's songs is the twin guitars. When the two guitars intertwine, sometimes intensely and sometimes elegantly, it gives the listener a great sense of exhilaration.
Ray was crazy about guitar heroes like Randy Rhoads and Joe Satriani, while Frank loves Greg Ginn and Thurston Moore. They come from completely different backgrounds, but as Ray says, "When we get together, we don't know why, but a special atmosphere is born," which is the characteristic of the My Chemical Romance sound. In fact, Alba
If you check out his playing, you can hear many good examples of two-guitar ensemble. One of the best is the backing for "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)." As mentioned in the interview, the bass in this song is a repeat of four chords (D → Bm Em → A), but it is amazing how the performance is not at all simple. Due to space limitations, I will not post an example.
"I'm Not Okay" style guitar solo sheet music.
I'm sorry I can't introduce it, but I definitely want you to check out the ensemble in the A-melody. So, I'll introduce the solo below. This performance was inspired by Queen and was meant to be grand. The harmonies are great, but the chord progression is deliberately E/G#, even though E would have been fine in the flow. This is one of the reasons why it feels so grand.
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In the harmonies from bars 1 to 8, you want to be aware of the speed at which you raise the pitch of the choking, and the speed and depth of the vibrato.
The first half of bar 12 means "play five notes in two beats."
2004 volume 8 guitar breakers from theydrewblood.blogspot.com
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Hi!!! Would it be okay if I requested a worried head cannon for Astarion(Or Wyll or Halsin, I’m fine with any of them) where they lost track of Tav while on a scouting/stealth mission or on the battlefield? Thank you!
A/N: I went with losing track of their Tav on a stealth mission because that seemed the most anxiety-inducing… lol. Poor boys. Sorry, it’s not my best, I was rushing :( 
✧ Losing Track of Their Tav on A Stealth Mission ✧
The most likely to panic, even though he swears he’d be the last to do so. 
He’s running all the worst-case scenarios through his head: you’ve been killed, you’ve been captured, you’re being enslaved just like he is…
Immediately jumps to the worry that Cazador or someone working for him has realized the two of you are together and plans to get to him through you.
He considers getting one of his companion’s attention but ultimately decides to continue sneaking in alone. He’s pretty good at sneaking, and the others could screw it up. He can’t leave your fate in the hands of someone klutzy like Gale accidentally casting fireball and alerting everyone to their presence. 
If he wasn’t intent on killing anyone in his way, he is now. They mean nothing to him. You mean everything to him. Do the math. You > Them. 
Definitely ends up compromising the mission, by either getting seen and alerting everyone or by causing enough chaos and death that people begin to notice. But none of that matters anymore to Astarion, whose only goal is finding you. Of course, if anyone else was to make that mistake, he’d chew them out for it. But he can’t see how hypocritical he’s being: all he can think about is your safety. 
When he finds you, he masks his fear with anger. He calls you an idiot, a fool- every name in the book. He doesn’t intend to hurt your feelings, he just doesn’t like how his affection for you puts him in a vulnerable place. He was terrified of losing you. The fear of that greatly outweighs the fear of the tadpole. 
He’ll get you away from there, away from everyone else. He can’t trust the strangers of Baldur’s Gate, and he doesn’t want his companions to see him this emotional. 
After the two of you are back to safety, and after he finishes berating you, he yanks you into a tight hug, refusing to let go. 
You tell him you’re sorry, and that it’s over now and you inform him it’s okay to let it out. Be prepared for the shoulder of your top to become soaked in tears. He’ll cry into you, telling you in between sobs how you were the first person in forever to see him as an equal. He needs you. You are the only one who sees him. He can’t lose you. 
After he’s calmed down, he’ll try to lighten the mood with a joke. Something about also being afraid to lose his very own privately stocked food source. Of course, you see right through the facade. You let him feed after that comment anyway, softly petting his hair as he does so. 
And even though normally while feeding, he’d be comforting you, telling you it’s alright, that it’s almost over- you end up comforting him, shushing him, and telling him the two of you will be okay- you’re not going anywhere. 
Probably the most level-headed in his reaction, even if his thoughts are racing like mad. As the Blade of Frontiers, he’s learned how to think strategically in most situations. Of course, that’s easier said than done when someone you know and love is personally on the line. 
He’s figuring out all the possibilities, working out how likely each one is, in order to figure out which avenues to first explore. 
He continues on his own before remembering he’s not acting solo anymore. He’ll round back to where the others are stationed, and give them the news. He tells them the mission’s priorities have changed, and the goal for now is to find you. 
He doesn’t plan on completely abandoning the original job of course. He intends to get right back to business. He can keep both ideas in his head
Tries his best not to blow the original mission while looking for you. Of course, when push comes to shove, he’s going to choose you. The mission can be tried again at a later time: he can’t lose you. He’s lost too much in this life to accept having to part with another. 
If he has no leads and it's been a while, and he’s growing increasingly nervous, he might consider calling Mizora and asking for her help, even though he knows it’s going to cost him more years of servitude. Having to work for a devil is much more bearable when there’s someone you love. He’d make a thousand deals if it meant you’d stay safe. 
Once he finds you, he’ll quickly ask if you’re alright, before ushering everyone out. He wants nothing more than to speak to you freely, but he knows right then isn't the time to do it. 
After you are safely far enough away, either back at camp, or somewhere secluded, he’ll firmly but kindly demand to know what the hell you were thinking, sneaking off like that?! He wants you to know he was worried, dammit! He loves you! Can’t you see how much losing you would hurt him? 
He’ll take you into his arms and place a soft kiss on your forehead. You are so precious to him. Please, please, he asks, be more careful. 
He vows to be at your side for any future stealth missions. He loves how brave you are, and how much you want to protect him. Just let him protect you in return. 
Halsin probably reacts the least because he has the most faith that you’ll be okay. He sees you as his savior- a savior of his people, of the grove, of the tieflings- you are the most incredible person to him. 
That being said, he’s not going to simply do nothing if he thinks you’ve run into trouble. You mean so much to him, of course he’s going to change courses and instead go search for you! 
He’s also going to rope the others into helping him. I mean, he’s not forcing them or anything, but he does regroup and tell the others of his concerns. He’s very calm and level-headed, but also quite determined, so the others have few qualms about switching gears and following him. 
He’s also the most adept at staying hidden while looking for you, being able to wild shape into an inconspicuous animal like a cat or a rat or a bird. He uses his druid abilities to his advantage, steering clear of confrontation as he makes a beeline to where your scent takes him. 
Once he finds you, if you yourself haven't been discovered and taken, he’ll stay in animal form, and carefully guide you to a reliable exit. However, if you’ve already been caught, be prepared for things to get hairy. (Get it? Hairy?) 
He will not hesitate to shift into a big-ass bear and rip people’s throats out as he carries you on his back to safety. Even though this makes him a much more large and obvious target, he’ll do it, if it means keeping you protected. Any hits or damage he can take, he can heal from, all the less pain you have to endure. 
He absolutely brings you somewhere outside of the city. He feels safest in nature, and in order to calm down, he needs free-flowing nature, which is hard to come by in Baldur’s Gate.
He’s going to squish you- even if you’re bigger than him. He’ll lay you down gently, before resting on top of you, keeping balanced so that you don’t have to support all of his weight. He needs to be close to you, preferably with skin-to-skin contact. He needs your warmth, your smell, the softness of your skin… It centers him and brings him back down to earth. 
He’ll voice his worries while simultaneously complimenting your skill. He doesn't want you to feel incapable, but he must let you know how he felt in that moment when he feared you were hurt or worse. 
You are his light, you brought him out of the shadows. And he can’t bear to lose you. Please, don’t fade away. Don’t leave him in darkness once more. 
Please Like & Reblog!!!
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hallietblr · 1 year
the after party is better than the party | j.fisher x reader
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request: hi im new here and do you any imagine requests at this moment? and if you do can i request an jeremiah smut if you are okay with it btw i love your blog page and your writting thanks girl🥰🫶🏻
a/n: hi babe:) i was so excited to write this one, so thank you for the request! lots of love xx
warnings: smut (MINORS DNI!), oral (fem! receiving), mentions of alcohol consumption, swearing.
the loud music and the colourful led lights around the house with the red solo cup in my hands all were factors to the buzz that i was feeling. i giggled as i danced with a few girls that i just met.
my eyes travelled across the room to the wall where my golden retriever boyfriend stood with steven. steven was clearly drunk which was making jeremiah, who was the dd, laugh. our eyes connect and he offers his iconic sweet smile, he lifts the cup of water in his hand towards me as a cheers with a wink.
even though we’ve been dating for over a year, jeremiah fisher still makes my heart race and my cheeks flush with his pretty smile. i pull away from the dance floor and walk towards jeremiah and steven, stumbling slightly over my feet.
“what are you two doing?” i giggle as i approach them, jeremiah’s empty hand pulls me by my waist and holds me close to him, “hey gorgeous, we’re just chatting”
“it’s a party! you guys should be dancing with me.” i exclaim, before bringing my drink to my lips to take another sip.
the two laugh at my comment before jeremiah leans down to plant a soft kiss on my forehead, “what are you drinking?”
“probably something girly like a white claw” steven snickers while crushing his empty can and tossing into the nearby trash can. his eyes land on shayla before quickly excusing himself to go see her.
“it’s just some vodka cranberry” i answer before resting my chin on his shoulder, “you’re like really pretty.”
he smiles at me, “that’s all you, lover”
i shake my head at him before finishing my drink and throwing it out, “no, like you’re model level pretty. you know, i am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend!”
jeremiah places his hands on my hips and connects our lips. my arms subconsciously wrap around his neck and my fingers gently playing with his curly locks. his lips slowly start to travel towards my flushed cheek, then to my ear and then down to my jawline. i sigh happily, relaxing into his touch,
“do you wanna get out of here?” his whispers into my ear, “i promise the after party is better than the party”
i look up into his blue orbs, there’s a slight glimmer of lust in them and i nod, “yeah”
he grabs my hand and we walk away from the crowd of drunk teenagers. jeremiah squeezes my hand as we walk towards his red jeep wrangler. he opens the passenger door for me,
“alright, get in, my sweet girl” he tells me as i carefully climb into the seat. he pulls the seatbelt and leans over my lap to lock it in. as jeremiah straightens up, his thumb caress my cheek before pulling me into a kiss.
his soft lips make the butterflies in my stomach go into a frenzy and the slight pool in thong makes sitting uncomfortable. i shift in my seat and he notices before chuckling,
“soon baby” he promises before getting into the drivers seat.
the car ride feels like a life time as he drives us to my house, which was coincidentally across from his. his hand never left my upper thigh, his fingers drumming slightly to the music playing off the stereo,
“seems like you were having fun tonight,” jeremiah grins, “saw you dancing it up on the floor”
i laugh, “music is made for dancing, babe.”
“we also have that vodka cran to thank.” he mentions as he pulls up on my driveway.
the two of us walk into my house through the front door and head towards my bedroom on the second floor. luckily, both of my parents were away for the weekend due to needing to head back home briefly for a business meeting.
“are your parents home?”
i giggle, “no, they’re away for the weekend. so we can be as loud as we want.”
he smirks at me, “good.”
jeremiah opens my door and motions for me, i smile at him
“always a gentleman,” i say to him as he closes the door behind himself,
“anything for my girl.”
i sit on my bed and pull his wrist to sit next to me. i pull him into a kiss which quickly turns into a heated make out session. he carefully lays me down and situates himself to hover over me. our lips never disconnecting in the process.
my hands travelling from his large biceps and shoulders to his hair which i tug at, causing jeremiah to release a low moan,
“fuck that’s so hot.” i mumbled against his lips, he pulls away to remove his shirt and i quickly do the same. his eyes following my every move,
“fuck you’re so hot” he says back to me, reciting what i had just said moments ago before leaning down to kiss my neck and throat area. my hands stay busy in his locks as he sucks on a sensitive part, making me moan and buck my hips.
he licks the spot that he proudly marked me as his, “now everyone will know that you are mine.” he breathes out before continuing to kiss me down to my chest. jeremiah has one forearm supporting his weight above me, while the free hand effortlessly unclasps my yellow laced bra.
“is this okay?” he asks sweetly
no matter how many times we’ve had sex, he always makes sure that i’m okay. i nod quickly, his lips litter kisses across my chest and kisses my nipples, making me shudder from the pleasure. he eventually makes it to the waistband of my shorts, i lift my hips up so it’s easier for him to pull them down.
jeremiah plays with the edge of my matching yellow thong as me kisses my inner thigh, “fuck, baby, you’re so wet. is this all for me?”
i nod at him, pulling at his curls, “it’s all for you, jeremiah. please stop teasing.”
he chuckles, “always so needy for me.”
with that, he pulls down my thong and places a single kiss on the bundle of nerves making me moan loudly in response. i can feel his smile against my skin before he licks a long stride up my centre,
“you always taste so good,” he moans as he continues to eat me out. his tongue works his magic, sending my body into a bliss as he traces figure eights and sucks on my clit.
“jeremiah,” i cry out, tugging harder at his hair, “fuck, i’m close”
the knot in my stomach tightening as he moves faster to help me reach my orgasm, i let out a pornographic moan as he inserts two of his fingers into me. his fingers thrust quickly and harder into me making me pant.
“come on my tongue, baby.” was all that was needed before my legs started to shake and the knot inside releasing the waves of constant pleasure.
jeremiah continues to finger me through my orgasm as i slowly come down from the high. i breath heavily and brush my fingers through my hair, he smiles at me with evidence of my orgasm glistening on his lips.
he fiddled with his shorts before pulling them down with his boxers. his erection slapping his six pack, he sighs from the relief of his tight boxers. he grabs a condom from my nightstand drawer before carefully rolling it onto his length.
my heart rate and breathing patterns regulate by the time he returns back to me. he hovers over me with support from his hands that are next to my head, “ready, baby?”
“fuck yeah,” i breath out, he kisses me quickly before lining himself up. i open my legs wider for him to give better access, jeremiah lets out a low groan as he enters into me,
“holy shit, y/n, you feel so good.”
my back curves upwards in reaction to his thick cock stretching my inner walls out, “fuck, jeremiah!”
he slowly starts to thrust into me, the two of us in a panting and moaning mess. jeremiah lowers himself to get more contact with my body, our sweaty chests touching each other. he connects our lips before quickening the pace of his thrusts.
i grab onto his shoulders before slowly clawing his back, making him throw his head back in pleasure. his necklace dangles over me, this moment needed to be engraved in my memory forever.
jeremiah fisher, his built body with defined shoulders and chest muscles shining in the moonlight from my window, his head throw back which showing the small veins in his neck, and his necklace hanging in front of me.
“i’m close,” he moans out as he buries his face in the crook of my neck. i squeeze his shoulders, feeling close to my second orgasm. i can feel him feeling open mouthed kisses on my neck and his thumb rubbing harsh circles on my clit.
he kisses the edge of my lips, “fuck, i know you’re close, baby. i can feel you squeezing on my cock.”
i feel my legs starting to shake, “harder, jere”
his hips move slower but snap harder, the tip of his length hitting my sweet spot harder than before.
“that’s it, baby” he pants, “fucking come on my dick.”
i let out a high pitch moan as my toes curl, fingernails scrapping down his muscular back, and my back arching in pure pleasure. i feel myself squeezing harder around him which resulted in him also releasing into the condom.
he slowly thrusts into me while his hands brush out the hairs from my face, “you’re so amazing, y/n, truly.” he whispers before pulling out.
my muscles relax and my eyelids start feeling heavy, jeremiah soon gets up to throw out the condom while also pulling his boxers on.
i raise my head up from the pillow as he leaves my bedroom, in confusion, i call out, “jeremiah?”
within seconds he returns with two glasses of water and a warm towel. he hands me a cup and tells me to relax as he slowly cleans me up.
we both crawl under my blanket, his arm instinctively wrapping around my waist to pull me closer, “i love you, my sunshine.” he mumbles into my hair and kisses my bare shoulder,
“i love you too, baby”
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kamotecue · 1 year
Can you do Alessia Russo x WNBA reader (R is famous, like Steph Curry level) I know Alessia is tall but R easily towered over her. Alessia introduces R to her International teammates after R attended one of their match. Lionesses being fan girls, just fluff.
and i thought i was the fan ꕥ a. russo
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pairing: alessia russo x reader
summary: the lionesses have only heard of you through ella and of course, your stargirl. other than that, they’ve watched the news—word has it you’re one of the best players in the WBNA despite your young age.
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you hummed as you took your seat at the family and friends section, it was the semi-final match between australia and england.
you were wearing one of alessia’s match worn jerseys, at the same time, you had the colors of the matildas face painted on your face. how could you not support your home country, after all?
you sat by alessia’s mother, carol who pulled you into a tight hug. when she first learned that alessia was dating someone, she was eager to meet the one who stole her daughter’s heart.
“just in time, dear.” the kick off was about to start, you were in line getting a snack, as well as a small glass of beer.
“is less part of the starting line up?” your voice was soft, as you had taken your seat.
“yup, she’s up front.” carol said, she was proud of her daughter and the achievements she made. you looked up front to see alessia, a soft smile made it’s way to your face. she had her game face on, as you chuckled at how cute she looked.
when the kick-off began, you were sitting in your seat analyzing the plays. despite not knowing much about football, you understood the gist of it. the information that alessia would tell you, the offside rule, the var rule and etc.
throughout the whole match, your leg was crossed and you were literally at the edge of your seat, trying not to fall off.
in the first half, ella toone was the first one to make a goal as it was fired across the goal and into the top right corner, making it 0-1. you watched as the fans cheered.
during the half time, you had met fans that supported you through your career. you played fantastically at uconn, also at seattle storm. however, you did get looks from a few football fans, wondering who you were.
not all watched the wnba, but the ones who did knew you were slaying.
“ooooh, kerr with the equalizer.” you said, covering your eyes with your hands but slightly peeking through it.
well done, you hummed. it was a brilliant solo effort, as she ignored fowler who was on the left. the goal was about 25 yards out, if you weren’t mistaken yet it went into the top-left corner.
however, the game quickly game to an end. lauren hemp had scored a goal in the 71st minute, ending the equalizer between the two teams.
you had jumped in joy, when you saw alessia score the winner of the match. just a few minutes before the game had ended, she scored the third point as she fired an angled finish across goal and into the bottom-left corner.
the british fans had cheered, as the australian fans looked devestated. you included, despite wearing an england shirt—you knew how much it meant for the matildas to perhaps win the match.
but there was also expectations, the pressure was too high. you knew as an athlete, you didn’t want to fail.
“go on, then.” carol chuckled, as you looked a bit eager to meet alessia on the sideline. you rushed to the barrier where alessia had pulled you into a hug.
the star striker was quite tall, however you easily towered over her, being 6’2. she wrapped her arms around your waist, as she buried her head in your chest. the black button up coat had covered her face, as you hummed.
she felt your chest vibrate as she pulled away only to give you a toothy grin.
“less, i believe it’s time for you to introduce us.” lotte teased the striker as she flushed a bit red, you chuckled at her reaction before pulling away from her.
“i’m y/n l/n, alessia’s girlfriend.” you introduced, giving her your hand for her to shake, to which she did with a soft smile.
“y/n l/n? as in the australian basketball star?” lucy asked, as you gave her a small nod.
“less!—do you know who you’re dating? she’s considered basketball royalty.” bronze exclaimed as you snickered at her reaction.
“some people say that she’s the best player.” ella teased, as alessia playfully glared at her bestfriend.
“not the best, perhaps one of the best. but it’s always the hard work i put into training.” you commented.
you spent a few minutes literally chatting with the lionesses, the fans were filming the interaction between stars and a (basketball) star. it was a scene, as a few of them had watched your games.
mainly lotte as she would watch your college games, with a few of her friends.
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tteotlma · 7 days
Brewing Emotions
- tension and unspoken feelings finally come to a head.
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Sam Winchester/Reader 2.1kw
a/n: i wrote this after finishing spn over the summer. can u tell i love tension.
tw: mild violence mention, mild sexual content (kissing), emotional distress
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The drive back from Wheeling, Illinois to the Bunker was an excruciatingly silent drive. It seemed as though everyone was steeping in their misery, and it was gonna be hard to shake off.
A family of Djinn’s were plaguing the city with missing persons for the past three weeks, and by the time the three of you showed up – there was more bloodshed than expected. Turns out the Djinn were running this operation for way longer and tens of lives were lost.
The three of you tried to save the remaining five survivors but because they were so weak, not all of them could be saved. Much to Sam and Dean’s dismay, only two walked away.
Of course, you were devastated as well but having been a solo hunter far longer than teaming up with the boys – you learned the hard way that losses were inevitable.
You were also less emotionally constipated than the other two, so you knew the better way to feel better was to surround yourself with things that bring you joy. But tweedle dee and tweedle dum here like to sit and stew in silence.
You were able to get them to talk here and there for the first few hours but your efforts ultimately fell short and silence took over. Exhaustion took over and you just let the silence be. During the car ride, you stared at the back of Sam’s head trying to stop yourself from reaching out and touching him in some way. Especially running your hands through his hair. You didn’t know if it was because of your feelings for the man, or because the act of petting lowered stress levels but whenever you found yourself feeling troubled you always found your hands in the man's hair, and vice versa.
Sure the science article was about animals but – potato, potato.
Instead you just crossed your arms and tucked your hands into your armpits, closing your eyes to try and get some shut eye.
The first person to say something was Dean, when the car pulled up to the Bunker.
“I’m gonna wash up.” He huffed, as his leather jacket squeaked against the leather seat while shimmying out of the car.
Perfect, you and Sam could prepare a meal while Dean washes up. You were about to reach out to Sam when he sprung out of the car.
“Hey Sam-” you rushed, following his steps in unloading the car. “Why don’t we-”
“Actually, I’m feeling a little grimy so I’m just gonna wash up too.” He mumbled, lugging the duffel bag over his shoulder, and walking away.
“Oh, okay.” you whispered, trying not to sound dejected. You entered the bunker and everyone made a B-line for their bedrooms.
Throwing your backpack onto the ground, you started undressing wanting nothing more than to just step under hot water and let it burn the tension away from your shoulders.
By the time you were done, you were already feeling much better. Your pajamas felt softer and cleaner than the stale outfit you had been wearing for the past two days. Your hair no longer felt stringy and greasy, and your skin felt exfoliated. Now to top it all off with a nice warm cup of tea.
You startled, seeing Sam standing in the kitchen.
“I thought I wasn’t gonna see you until tomorrow.” You said, giving him a soft smile as you walked up to him.
“Uh, well we hadn’t eaten anything since that rest stop about seven hours back.” He returned the same smile, before beginning to chop vegetables. You nodded, placing a swift hand on his shoulder blade as you passed him, to let him know you were walking behind.
He cleared his throat, and a small smile spread on your lips.
“I’m making tea,” You started, “would you like some?” Opening the drawer in front of you, an array of colored boxes splayed out before you.
“Sure, I’ll just take a cup of whatever you’re having.”
You took the small red box out the drawer, placed it on the counter and opened the cabinet above you to get your mugs. You grabbed your favorite, and when you went to grab Sam’s you realized it wasn’t in the usual spot next to yours. Pushing around the mugs, all that could be heard was the ceramic clinking together.
“You need help there?” A small scoff escaped his mouth.
“Your mug isn’t here.” Ceramic still clinking, standing on your tippy toes to try and get a better look.
“That’s okay just grab any other one.” He said, throwing the chopped vegetables in a large bowl.
“But you like that mug,” He turned to look at you. “I swear I put it here when I did the dishes.”
“Maybe someone used it.” He obviously wasn’t convincing you that another cup could be used so he put down the knife with a chuckle and walked towards you.
You could feel his presence loom over you as he stood behind you – barely able to feel his warmth on your back. You tried not to move a muscle.
“Yeah look it’s right here,” He said, reaching into the only shelf you couldn’t reach, and behind a large bowl he pulled out a dark blue mug. He looks down at you as you turn to grab the mug.
“Well, that’s not where I put it.” you mumble, taking the mug from his hands.
Inspecting the mug, to make sure it’s clean you notice Sam falls silent. You look up at him and catch him looking at you – quite intently.
Heat rushes up the back of your neck, and you give him a little smile hoping to god this tension building up isn’t just your imagination.
“Are you okay?” You ask under your breath. Sam blinks and shakes his head clearing his throat.
“Uh, yeah, yes I am.” He spits out, and he steps away. The cool air swooping in and taking place where he previously stood. He goes back to chopping vegetables in silence. His kurt answer leaves you thrown off, so rather than respond you choose to join in the silence and fall into a sort of rhythm beside Sam as he preps the salad he’s been working on as you work on the tea you offered.
As Sam shakes the bowl to mix the dressing, you could feel his warmth and you wanted nothing more than to step closer, under the impression that maybe his warmth could take away these remaining forlorn feelings.
"How'd you like your tea?" you ask, steeping the leaves.
"Like I said, whatever you're having." He puts down the bowl and turns to look at you. You shift your eyes towards him, then away when you feel his gaze boring into you.
As you grab the honey and a spoon, you turn to get some oatmilk from the fridge. Suddenly, you realize Sam is no longer behind you but beside you, his chest at eye level. You startle and look up.
"You okay?" His eyes never leave your face.
"Yeah," is all he says, his gaze unwavering.
Shifting uncomfortably, you begin to look anywhere but at him. An unbearable longing aches within you to touch him—to feel the rough texture of his shirt beneath your trembling fingers, to inhale the faint scent of his cologne mingling with his skin's warmth. You yearn to be enveloped in his embrace, to feel his strong arms wrap around you, pulling you close until his steady heartbeat thrums against your chest. Every fiber of your being screams for that connection, that solace, that undeniable closeness.
Your hands clench and unclench at your sides as you look down, the weight of his gaze becoming too intense.
"What is it?" Your voice barely rises above a whisper, afraid to break whatever spell he might be under.
He remains silent. Instead, he steps closer, fingers trailing lightly along the hem of your shirt. He moves even nearer until his chest is mere inches from your face. His hand circles around to your lower back, slowly pulling you in. The movement is so gradual you're barely sure you're moving at all. It's not until you feel Sam begin to lean in, his arm wrapping fully around your waist, that you realize he's been wanting to touch you just as badly as you've been wanting to touch him.
Your breath catches in your throat as Sam's arm tightens around you. Your already small world narrows even more to just the two of you—the warmth of his body, the sound of his breathing, the faint thrum of his heartbeat. You finally allow yourself to raise your hands, letting them rest tentatively on his chest. You slowly look up at him.
"I-I'm sorry, for brushing you off earlier," he says, a glint of remorse in his eyes.
Your hands move to hold his face, thumbs gently caressing his cheeks. "It's okay," you whisper, maintaining the intimate atmosphere between you. "You don't have to apologize."
You watch as Sam presses further into your hands, his eyes closing. A breath of relief leaves his lips, the tension in his shoulders visibly easing. The vulnerability in this moment strikes you, making your heart swell with affection.
Studying his face, your hands glide into his hair, gently pulling him close. As if by instinct, Sam buries his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. His hands, initially at the middle of your back, slide down to your hips. He tries to bring you closer, but you're already pressed against him. Instead, your hips align more firmly with his as he holds you there.
The sound of your shaky breaths mingles with the scent of his cologne. The warmth of his body envelops you, and the gentle tickle of his breath against your neck sends shivers down your spine. Time seems to slow, each sensation heightened in this intimate embrace. It all feels like a dream—a long-awaited, exquisitely real dream.
Sam's fingers flex slightly at your hips, as if reassuring himself that you're truly there. You respond by carding your fingers through his hair, relishing the softness beneath your touch. The world outside fades away, leaving only this moment, this connection that you've both longed for.
Sam pulls away to look at you, his eyes searching your face. You lightly tug at the hair entwined in your fingers, a silent gesture of affection. Without a word, Sam begins to lean in. His lips brush against yours, feather-light and questioning. Your stillness is all the encouragement he needs.
Years of unspoken feelings finally come crashing down as Sam captures your lips in a proper kiss. He pulls you impossibly closer, one hand cradling the back of your head as if afraid you might slip away. His lips part slightly, and you seize the moment to nip gently at his bottom lip. Sam responds by deepening the kiss, and you meet him willingly, your mouths moving in perfect harmony.
A soft noise escapes him, echoed by your contented sigh. The kiss grows more passionate, your shared breaths becoming ragged. Sam's hands, which haven't left your body, slide down until his fingers find the bare skin at your hips. He kneads the flesh there, his touch both tender and desperate.
The intensity builds with each passing second. Sam's kisses grow more insistent, more passionate, mirroring the longing you both have harbored for so long. The forgotten tea steeps on the counter, the abandoned salad wilts - neither of you notices or cares. There's only this moment, this long-awaited connection, consuming you both entirely.
"Hey, did you guys make any—" Dean's words cut off abruptly as he entered the kitchen. "Well, alright Sammy!"
You and Sam spring apart, both flushed and breathing heavily. Dean stands in the doorway, his eyes wide with surprise before a knowing smirk spreads across his face.
"About damn time," he chuckles, shaking his head. "Don't let me interrupt. I'll just grab a beer and go."
As Dean rummages in the fridge, you and Sam exchange sheepish glances, a mix of embarrassment and barely contained laughter in your eyes. The spell of the moment is broken, but the warmth of it lingers.
Dean grabs his beer and heads out, but not before throwing a wink over his shoulder. "You might want to take this somewhere more private next time. And Y/n? Your tea's probably over-steeped by now." He chuckles.
As Dean's footsteps fade down the hall, you and Sam look at each other trying not to laugh, the tension dissipating. Sam reaches out, taking your hand in his.
"So," he says, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth, "about that tea..."
You squeeze his hand, your heart light despite the interruption. "I think we might need to start over," you reply, unable to keep the grin off your face.
As you move to prepare fresh tea, Sam's arm wraps around your waist, unwilling to let you go just yet. You lean into him, savoring the closeness. The night may not have gone as planned, but it's ended better than you could have imagined.
pls leave comments/feedback! i luv hearing ur thoughts!
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cinnamonest · 7 months
Okay so like I've been waiting for you to be back to just toss an idea at you: so imagine Lumi is going to Inazuma and instead of the payment the guards just decide to use her for stress relief instead. (Optional: have an Inazuma yan save her and use her themselves?) Also unrelated: I have not finished Fontaine yet but I feel you would appreciate some of the new characters are a brother and sister. Just thought you should know.
Honestly the most unrealistic part of the game is how no one ever makes advances on this girl.
Like, you’re telling me, you have various guards and law enforcement and high-ranks in various institutions that have this girl come begging for this or that with the whole, “I’ll do whatever you want just give me entry/a certain object/info etc” and every single one just gives us a fetch quest or a “beat these low level enemies” task? Not a single one uses the situation to their advantage? No one is exchanging anything for pussy? None?
It's not just guards, either. Treasure hoarders, eremites, the random fatui encounters… you can't tell me these groups of large-build, aggressive, often criminally-inclined men would see some girl walking alone by herself and not try something. And like, you can't do much elemental attacking if your arms and legs are completely restrained either. It would literally be so easy to overpower her with sheer numbers but alas, the game must remain general-audience-friendly (SIGH)
Organized groups like eremites and treasure hoarders in particular are always on the lookout for unfortunate girls traveling solo. Easy prey. And you can't catch them off-guard with powers, they're used to vision-holders, and the traveler isn't much different. Once they get your arms all bound up behind your back and your legs tied and connected by a tie behind your neck, you can just be picked up like a little bundle, or a communal fleshlight to get passed around the campfire circle at night.
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ddejavvu · 5 months
Hiii I was just wondering if I could request some Han Solo x reader? Like maybe him with a super soft shy reader and Han just has the biggest soft spot for her, like maybe she gets injured in a fight or smth and Han is all sweet and doting towards her (or as sweet as he can be 😭) love youuu
happy may the 4th! send me star wars requests/headcanons and we'll have a party <3
his own brand of sweetness <3
"I told you not to rush in there," Han's voice is stern as his face wrinkles with the force of his frown. He's peering down at your arm, a gash stretching from shoulder to elbow from where a sharpened staff had caught you in the heat of battle. It's not as deep as it is wide, which is a small blessing, but it does sting, moreso when Han slathers it in antiseptic.
"I was trying to help you," You protest feebly, "They were shooting at you."
"Uh-huh," He glances incredulously up at you, "And I was shooting back. That's what a fight is, sweetheart. If I hadn't gotten to you in time, they'd have plucked you off of that spear and hung you on the wall."
"I think I helped, though." Your voice gives way to a slight cough, courtesy of the smoke inhalation you've suffered, "'Cause they got distracted when they saw me and that's how you got through."
"They got distracted 'cause they saw you as an easy target! You should let Chewie and me take care of the stupid stunts," He corrects you, stretching a strip of gauze around your bicep, "And I mean stupid; that was braindead, sister."
Humbled by your injury and Han's lecture combined, you grumble, "You are pretty good at stupid."
"Incredible." He marvels, sitting back and looking at your half-wrapped arm, "I'm sitting here, playing medic because you decided to run face-first into an entire Imperial fleet, and you're sitting here telling me I'm a moron."
"That's because you're yelling at me for trying to help you," You level him with as vicious of a glare as you can manage, "Face it, Han, you can't shoot your way out of everything."
"It's never failed me before," He insists, finishing up the dressing on your freshly cleaned wound, "But thank you, brave warrior, for charging headfirst into a fight you were hopelessly outgunned in, and making me circle back to drag your lifeless body back onto the Falcon."
Thank you for distracting them, is what he really means, but words like those could never come directly from his mouth. You know their translation though, and you grin proudly, "You're welcome, Han."
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
Hmmmm.... Sephiroth gets sent out on a LONG ass mission on a Tuesday by himself. (a segment of one of your asks)
The Wild Goose Chase Prank On Sephiroth
• Zack's most elaborate prank yet has Sephiroth as its victim. He has Kunsel hack into the mission roster's system and give Sephiroth a solo mission to the middle of nowhere in the western continent.
• It's summer, it's humid, and Sephiroth's assignment is to find an escaped creature from R&D labeled a "Triserpoco"
• Zack photoshopped an extra leg and a zolom head on a chocobo.
• Sephiroth takes the mission, seething with rage as he thinks about the poor creature having been subjected to Hojo's experimentation—it's the main reason Sephiroth doesn't question the mission. Knowing Hojo, a chocobo-zolom hybrid is something he would pull.
• He's flown out to a quiet little village near the coast, where the mission detailed that it had last been seen.
• The villagers are absolutely perplexed to see a Shinra helicopter touch down on their quaint village, and even more so when the Sephiroth appears. But nothing could've prepared the poor mayor for the "Triserpoco."
*Sephiroth holds up the clearly photoshopped picture*
Sephiroth: I'm looking for this creature.
Sephiroth: Don't laugh.
Mayor: I'm sorry.
Sephiroth: This is a serious matter. It's classified as a highly dangerous and invasive creature that could—sir please stop laughing, your village is in danger.
• After the mayor asks the other officials who confirm that there has never been a sighting of that creature in the village, Sephiroth takes matters into his own hands. He figures that since chocobos flock to grass lands and Zoloms to marshes, he'll have better luck on the outskirts of the village where there's nature.
• He asks a curious and starry-eyed group of kids near the town hall where he can locate the local chocobo-keeper, or perhaps the farmer. Once the kids finally finish asking him for his autograph and waxing poetic about how awesome he is, they point him in the right direction.
• He decides to try his luck and ask the kids if they've seen the Triserpoco, since children are naturally adventurous and would be the first to find some mythical creature when playing in nature.
Child #1: I never saw that in my life, Mister Sephiroth!
Child #2: Me neither! It looks fake. Are you sure that's not a photoshopped picture?
Sephiroth: No, children. This is a Triserpoco. It is a very real and very dangerous creature that I must catch before it harms the townspeople.
Child #3: Hmm I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.
Sephiroth: It does too.
Child #3: Does not.
Sephiroth: Does too.
Child #3: Does not.
Child #4: I know where it is! I saw it that creature by down the river!
Sephiroth: Ah, thank you.
*He turns to child #3, lowers himself to his eye level, and leans in to whisper in his ear*
Sephiroth: It does too.
• He finds the local chocobo-keeper at his farm—after traversing a field full of clingy chocobos who want to cuddle him.
Sephiroth: I'm looking for this creature. Have you seen it?
Farmer: Son that's photoshopped.
Sephiroth: I appreciate the concern, but this is Shinra's official image of the Triserpoco, a hybrid who escaped captivity and was last sighted in this village.
Farmer: Do you want us to contact Shinra and tell them that you're here?
Sephiroth: I assure you I'm of sane mind. I'm just trying to locate this creature and get it back to Midgar before it harms someone.
• The farmer tells Sephiroth he'll have better luck looking it in thing in the woods, since that's the best place something could hide.
• Sephiroth declined the farmer's wife's offer to join them for lunch, but accepts the borrowed chocobo for his journey.
• Sephiroth rides to the woods on the chocobo and begins his search for the Triserpoco. One hour in, he hears some ruffling in the trees and stops.
• Bandits. As if he didn't have enough to deal with.
• They try to ambush him unsuccessfully. Sephiroth manages to protect the chocobo and fight the group of men off, tying them to a nearby tree.
Bandit #1: Let us go! You defeated us already!
Sephiroth: Absolutely not. While I've got you, have you seen this creature?
*Sephiroth pulls out the Triserpoco picture and shows it to them*
Bandit #1:
Sephiroth: Well?
Bandit #2: Is this a joke?
Sephiroth: Do I look like a comedian to you?
Bandit #1: That's photoshop.
Sephiroth: It's a Triserpoco, a dangerous hybrid bred in captivity that went missing around this area.
Bandit #3: That's bad photoshop too.
Bandit #2: Dude are you high? Guys maybe he's lost or something.
Sephiroth: I am not inebriated nor am I insane.
Bandit #1: Are you sure Shinra sent you here to look for that?
Sephiroth: Yes. If you are able to provide information I might be inclined to let you go.
Bandit #2: My cousin photoshopped a picture of herself marrying Genesis Rhapsodos once and told everyone it was real.
Bandit #2: She's in jail now for setting her house on fire.
Sephiroth: What on earth does this story have to do with my question?
Bandit #2: She legally changed her name to Sephiroth when she was 18.
Sephiroth: I'm leaving.
• Sephiroth ventures further into the woods, stopping twice to pause, rest and consider retirement a total of 58 times. He keeps his eyes peeled for the creature, but even he's starting to doubt why Shinra would send him out here alone with no additional information about the sightings.
• He doesn't dwell too much on it though. Hojo's involvement and R&D's penchant for secrecy makes the mission sound normal.
• Sephiroth finally comes across a river and ascertains that it's the same river the enthusiastic three-year-old claimed to have seen the Triserpoco. He sees a old woman fishing by the river bank and decides to ask her for information.
*34 minutes later*
Sephiroth: Ma'am, for the last time. While I'm flattered, I have no interest in marrying your granddaughter. I'm sure she's lovely but—
Old Woman: You're gay.
Sephiroth: Excuse me?
Old Woman: That's perfectly fine! I have a nephew who's gay. Oh, I should've known. You look very gay, did you know that?
Sephiroth: I wish to speak to you about a creature that escaped Shinra's captivity a few weeks ago—
Old Woman: What about Genesis Rhapsodos? Do you think you could introduce him to my granddaughter?
Sephiroth: Ma'am if I look gay, he looks like he's been inhaling the rainbow since birth.
Old Woman:
*Sephiroth pulls out the picture*
Sephiroth: Have you seen the Triserpoco?
Old Woman: Oh, I know what that is. The kids these days call it photoshop.
Sephiroth, through clenched teeth: It's not an edited image. It's a real creature. Have you seen it or not?
Old Woman: You'll have better luck looking for that thing in the mountains.
Sephiroth: Why the mountains?
Old Woman: Have you checked the mountains?
Sephiroth: No.
Old Woman: There you go.
• Sephiroth thanks her and leaves for the mountains. On his way there, he stumbles across a path near the lake that leads to some wet lands. He figures he should try his luck there before going up the mountain.
• There he finds a group of teenagers hunting and decides to avoid them entirely and instead try his luck with the man collecting crabs in the marsh.
Sephiroth: Hello. I'm looking for this creature, the Triserpoco. Have you seen it, perhaps?
*Sephiroth holds up the image*
Man: That's photoshop.
Sephiroth: It's a Triserpoco.
Man: That doesn't exist.
Sephiroth: It's a hybrid bred in captivity. Only one of its kind exists.
Man: I think someone's playing a joke on you, boy. That looks like something straight out of a horror movie.
Sephiroth: So you have not seen the Triserpoco?
Man: No one in the world has seen the Tripsipico.
Sephiroth: Do you have any idea where I could find more information about the Triserpoco?
Man: You could try a psychiatrist.
Man: Have you spoken to that group of teenagers over there?
Sephiroth: No.
Man: Do you intend to?
Sephiroth: Please don't make me.
Man: .....?
Sephiroth: Fine. I'll talk to them. Thank you for your time and help.
• Sephiroth turns around and begrudgingly makes his way towards the group of noisy teens. Just as he had feared, one of them is wearing a Silver Elite T-shirt. After the initial fanfare, groveling and autographs, Sephiroth calms them down enough.
*He shows them the picture*
Teen #1: What is that, satan??
Teen #2: That looks like bad—
Teen #3: Uh..Are you oka—
Sephiroth: I'M FINE.
Teen #4: Really? Because you look—
• For the first time in his life Sephiroth manages to scare away a group of people without needing to take his sword out. He sighs, turns around, and begins his trek up the mountain. He wonders wether those therapy vouchers Angeal gave him for his birthday are still valid.
• He decides that if the Triserpoco isn't anywhere on the mountain, he'll declare this as a mission failed and go home. It's a foreign concept to him. He hasn't failed a mission since he was a child.
• Back at the headquarters, Zack can't sit still and finish his overdue mission reports. He keeps giggling and thinking of the wild goose chase he sent Sephiroth on. This distracts Genesis, who's on the SOLDIER lounge trying to read.
Genesis: What's so funny?
Zack: I'm playing a prank on Sephiroth. I had the mission roster send him out to the western continent to look for a monster that doesn't exist.
Genesis: That's brilliant. Why didn't I think of that?
*Angeal walks in*
Angeal: Has anyone seen Sephiroth? Director Lazard's sent for him but no one can find him.
Zack: He's out on a mission looking for the Triserpoco.
Angeal: The what?
*Zack holds up an image of the photoshopped creature, unable to contain his laugh*
Genesis: That's what you sent Sephiroth on a wild goose chase for?? That photoshop is horrendous! He's never going to buy that!
Zack: He already did! He left on his mission nine hours ago. He should be back any moment now empty handed.
Angeal: He's going to murder you. He's going to shove your head in an oven and make you suffocate on the fumes from your hair gel.
Zack: No he's not! Sephiroth will think it's hilarious. He hasn't failed a mission since he was a runt. This is refreshing for him!
*And then the elevator doors open. Sephiroth steps out, looking exhausted as he pulls a Three-Legged-Chocobo-Zolom hybrid on a leash*
Sephiroth: Good evening, gentlemen.
Sephiroth: I found the Triserpoco.
Sephiroth: It's appalling what atrocities Hojo uses R&D's resources for.
Sephiroth: Anyway, I must take it back up to the labs.
Zack: But this is impossible...The Triserpoco doesn't exist....It's photoshop....
*Sephiroth turns to Angeal and hands the leash to him*
Sephiroth: Hold this for me.
*Sephiroth unsheathes The Masamune*
Sephiroth: COME HERE.
*Zack runs away as Sephiroth chases him, hurling balls of firaga at his feet*
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thedisc0spider · 4 months
can u write spencer introducing reader to star wars💕💕?? ive never seen it 😭
Star Wars
Summary: Spencer is really excited to introduce you to Star Wars.
Warnings: reader gets a little stressed out, cursing, pre established relationship, reader works at smosh, not proof read!
Point of view: 2nd person
A/n: this request was so adorable and I had so much fun writing it! I took this prompt and ran (maybe a little to far) with it SO if this wasn’t what you wanted I’m so sorry!! Id be willing to rewrite it if so.
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You can already tell today will be very interesting. Well, the next few weeks actually.
A few days ago you had revealed to Spencer that you’ve never seen a Star Wars movie. Of course, he was shocked as to how this was the first he was hearing of it.
“You’ve never seen a Star Wars movie? How?”
“I don’t know, when I was a kid I wasn’t allowed to watch it and by the time I was an adult there were way too many and starting just felt overwhelming.” You shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
To Spencer, it was not nothing.
So he convinced, nay, begged you to watch with him.
“Come on, it’s like my favorite thing! We always watch (y/f/s) together, baby. Pleaseeeeeee.”
What were you gonna do, say no? How could you? He was right, you always forced him to watch what you wanted, so it was only fair that you comply.
However, you were still a little exhausted just thinking about the idea of committing to an entire film series. You looked it up, it will take you 25 hours and 7 minutes to watch all the Star Wars movies. This, however, includes the nine movies from the Skywalker saga and the two anthology movies, Rogue One and Solo. Excluding the anthology movies, it will take you 20 hours and 39 minutes to watch and Spencer gave in and promised not to make you watch the anthology films.
‘Okay,’ you think, ‘if we watch one movie a night it will only take a little over a week. That’s not bad, right?’
You tried to convince yourself, but you’ve always had issues with things like this. You’re a hard worker, so taking this much time to watch movies always felt like a waste to you. You felt like you could much easily find a better use of your time, like you were missing out on what you could’ve been spending on more productive activities. In all honesty, it stressed you out.
The work day is now over, you have just finished filming your last video of the day and you’re walking to the games pod to find your boyfriend. There he is, working on something on his computer. You walk up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you bury your head into his neck.
He lets out one of his signature stupid laughs and gently rubs your arm. “Im almost done, then we can go home.” You nod, and he leans his head onto yours, “are you excited?” He whispers.
You raise your head from his shoulder so your faces are level, “hmm… depends. Are there any hot guys in these movies?” You squint your eyes.
Spencer laughs, “oh, yeah, definitely. Just wait ‘til you see Han Solo.” He raises his eyebrows, “or Anakin, he’s more your type.”
“Okay, now I’m excited.” You laugh, before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Spencer closes his laptop and begins to put away his belongings for the day while you sit in his chair. “Hey,” he says, still putting things in his bag, causing you to look up at him, “I really appreciate you doing this with me…” he turns to look at you, “like, it really means a lot that you’re letting me share something with you that’s important to me. I know you’re not really into all this… space stuff, but..” he shrugs, stepping closer, “it makes me really happy that you’re doing this, that’s all.”
Your heart melts hearing this. ‘How is he so perfect? I can’t believe I was being so selfish, making this about me when it’s not. Its about him. Who cares if it’s not productive in a conventional sense of the word? it’s productive for our relationship. That’s what matters. Us. Who cares about all this superficial shit? The only thing that truly matters is doing what makes you happy, and I’m happy with Spencer.’ You stand, walking to him until you’re standing directly in front of him.
You place your hands on either side of his face, looking up into his eyes. “You’re so sweet, you know that?” His hands find your waist as you lean into him, hugging him tightly. “Im honored you’re sharing this with me, sweetheart.”
You pull away from the hug and Spencer smiles at you, before kissing your forehead briefly. “I love you, (y/n).”
“I love you too.” The two of you kiss, lost in your own little world for a moment. Its deep, yet sweet. Not rough or hasty, but full of love and passion. “We need to leave if we want to have time to actually watch the first movie, Spence.” You say, after pulling apart.
He rolls his eyes, turning to grab his backpack. “Okay, okay. Let’s go.”
The two of you walk to the parking lot, hand in hand, saying bye to the various cast and crew members you see on your way.
As you get into the drivers seat and connect your phone to the auxiliary cord, Spencer suddenly speaks out, “oh, shit, I almost forgot. Do you want to watch the movies in chronological order or in release order?” He asks, looking over at you.
You look up from your phone, thinking to yourself for a second before you turn your head to meet his gaze, your eyebrows furrowed.
“They weren’t released in chronological order?”
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straykidsnerd255 · 4 months
Hello! If its cool can I request some Solo-leveling headcanons for how Sung Jinwoo and Liu Zhigang react to overhearing childhood bestfriend casually confessing their long-standing crush on them to another person.
When asked why they won't tell them, reader replies with this laughs sadly and then tells them following reasons:
A) Genuinely doesn't think the boys see them that way at all B) Reader thinks they deserve better than them C) Doesn't want to ruin their friendship
Reader even jokingly admitting to their plans of taking this secret to the grave. Thus being completely unaware that said crush heard everything.
(I hope this isn't too much, but thank you if you decide to do it :))
Here you are! Sorry this came out so late! I couldn’t get my brain to function long enough to write. 
Sung Jinwoo:
You and Jinah have been friends since your childhood. You told each other everything. 
When you told her about your crush on her brother, Jinwoo, she asked why you hadn’t said anything to him and you just looked at the floor and chuckled softly. 
“I don’t think that he likes me like that. I want to tell him. I just don’t want to ruin the friendship that we have.” You mumbled sitting on the floor and pulling your legs to your chest
Jinah placed her hands on her hips and glared playfully at you. 
“Jinwoo is head over heels for you. He loves you to the point he continually talks about you to me when you are not here.” Jinah said. 
You chuckled and waved off her comment before telling her you would take this secret to the grave. 
Jinwoo had come upstairs to see if they wanted to order food and leaned against the wall listening to the two talk. A smile appeared on his face when he heard you like him back. 
A few days had passed before you got the courage to walk over to him and tell him about your crush on him. You didn’t expect him to pull you into a hug and press a kiss to your forehead. 
“I was hoping you would tell me.” He whispered. 
You were completely mortified after learning that he had heard your conversation with his sister. 
He motioned his sister to leave so he could talk to you. She smiled and left the room.
You sat on the bed trying to figure out what to say when you felt Jinwoo’s hand on your chin moving your head to face him. “Look at me Y/n” He whispered. 
You turned to look at him and when to explain but you froze when you felt his lips on yours. 
After a few seconds of shock you leaned forward and kissed him back. You felt a smile appear on your lips. Jinwoo wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his chest. 
Pulling away from the kiss, he laid his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes. Your arms wrapped around him and held him close as you slowly leaned back against the wall. You lifted your arm that wasn’t pinned and ran your fingers through his hair, content and happy.
Liu Zhigang
You and Liu have been best friends since you can remember. You told each other everything and did everything together. 
He was extremely protective of you but loved to tease and joke around with you. 
His favorite thing to do was flirt with you. He loved when you got flustered and had a red blush that sat on your face as you would try to bat him away and laugh at his flirting.
One day, he wanted to come and hang out with you before he had to leave for a month-long mission.
Your mother answered the door and smiled seeing him. “Liu! What a surprise! I think she is up in her office working on a project with a coworker but you are more than welcome to go up there.” Your mother said before entering the kitchen to finish lunch.
As he walked up the stairs and got close to your office, he could hear you talking to someone on the phone and leaned against the wall waiting for you to finish the call.
“I don’t know Amber. I have been best friends with him for my whole life and I don’t want to ruin anything. Not only that, I’m not exactly the best for him. He deserves so much better than me.” You said, chuckling sadly. 
Liu glared at the ground thinking about what you said. He didn’t want anyone else. He wanted you. 
When he knew that your call was done he knocked on the door and waited for you to answer. 
When you opened the door, he enveloped you in a hug and held you close to his chest. “I heard everything Y/n, I don’t want anyone else. I only want you. Why do you think I flirt mainly with you and no one else?” He asked, looking at your shocked face. 
“I didn’t think you would like me that way. I just kept my feelings bottled up….”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to your effectively quieting you down.
You leaned into him and pressed closer to him before he leaned back and smiled at you. 
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justheretobreakthings · 6 months
All right, Genshin Impact people, I get it. I understand why there's a fandom. I've gotten more into the story, I've gotten to know the characters, and I've gotten rather addicted. The world's very fun to explore, and from what I can tell so far, every single character in this universe is mega neurodivergent.
But now I make a plea for help. A few weeks back, I started the Trails of Tianqiu quest, naive the horror I was about to enter and unaware that this quest locked you out of co-op until its completion. Thus, my game has been soft-locked ever since, especially since I can no longer ascend characters since I can't beat bosses solo.
The last time I was stuck on a quest I drove a few hours round-trip so my brother could beat it for me. Unfortunately that's not an option anymore as he is in rehab now, so I've gone to the internet. And so far the GI players of Discord, Reddit, and the official player forums have made it very clear that they do not like giving advice to anyone who has not very carefully studied the characters' stats to meticulously optimize their build from the very beginning.
So, I'm hoping Tumblr people will be nicer. I still have absolutely no clue how I'm ever going to finish the climbing challenge (hell, I still haven't even managed to beat that time trial near the Stormbearer Mountains where you just have to climb the spiral staircase outside of that little building - that's how bad I am at orientating myself in video games - so I may just have to wait until my brother's out of rehab for that one), but I can at least see if I can get some advice for the third floor battle with the cryo mage and slimes.
These are the characters that I currently have:
Traveler, level 60
Kaeya, level 58
Yanfei, level 57
Amber, level 56
Noelle, level 50
Ningguang, level 50
Chongyun, level 50
Lisa, level 50
Barbara, level 50
Xiao, level 40
Lynette, level 40
Diona, level 40
Yaoyao, level 40
Gaming, level 40
Xiangling, level 34
Sayu, level 20
Dori, level 20
Kuki Shinobu, level 20
Kujou Sara, level 20
I'm world level 3, currently AR 35 (don't want to ascend until I get this quest out of the way since increasing the world level will only make it that much harder), and play on mobile (my laptop is a piece of junk when it comes to gaming).
Anyone have any advice on some sort of strategy I can use?
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shesnake · 3 months
just finished watching s2 of the newsreader bc of you and i'll tell you, i think that i might need a rewatch to understand exactly where dale jennings wronged all these people the way i've seen some comments. besides tim, i think that helen was equally to blame at points with him - they just feel like they'd be great friends but bad partners - and the gerry thing is super complex because i genuinely don't see where else the tim thing could have leaked from and it's a shame they turned on each other when dale had managed to get him air time prior to the gossip columnist's calls. and with tim, i feel like the conflict really just maintained itself at the same scale it was at the end of s1. anyway, the only thing dale sees as valuable from himself is his journalistic skills, he's clearly more lost than ever in relation to his bisexuality and i feel for the guy. the day he unlocks it he's going to be unstoppable.
Hey there! Very glad you watched the show ❤ and you've kind of answered your own question with that last paragraph. Everything following is a (hopefully) more cohesive version of this post I made when season 2 finished:
Dale's professional ambition leads him to wronging everyone. Over the course of season 2, we can see him slowly shedding his principles and journalistic integrity, hoping to reach the status of a newsreader like Geoff Walters. His number one priority is to maintain his public image. He no longer fights for The Story, only for damage control.
When he sees a problem coming, he works harder to save face than he does to help fix the actual problem, leaving Helen to scramble around. He prepares a little joke and practices his laughter in the mirror so he can be unfazed when her interview with Lynus about his Aboriginal perspective on the bicentennial gets cut. On a public level it's incredibly racist!!! And on a personal level he's fucked Helen over. He "handles" Helen by dismissing her bipolar swings as "migraines", treating her mental illness the same way every other man has.
And with Tim... it hurts to admit, but Tim is just a very handsome plot device. A pretty vehicle for Dale's bisexuality to enter the plot. Tim exists solely for Dale to fumble. Sorry Tim.
In season 1, Dale's internalised homophobia becomes the story when his shitty interview skills leads to NA6 platforming homophobic AIDS rhetoric. Dale's delivery of misinformation was an accident, then Geoff comes in purposely to deliver the death blow. Dale throwing Gerry UNDER THE BUS was season 2's death blow. Regardless of whether it could've flipped the other way. He's so cold when he finally speaks to the gossip journalist. HE is the one offering HER the deal to stay silent about his bisexuality, because he knows he's made it.
Dale has always felt inadequate, as a journo and as a man. His clothes have always been too big for him. But by the end of season 2, after sacrificing all these personal relationships that made him more vulnerable, he's reached a point of privilege where the benefits of appealing to his public image outweigh exploiting his hidden truths. He is now The Newsreader. He gets on camera and delivers his bulletin, solo, in a black suit that fits him perfectly.
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jq37 · 5 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 15
The Buddy System
Welcome back to Fantasy High where the Bad Kids are still fighting for their lives and, more importantly, their grades. 
After a sterling start to their Last Stand exam, they still have a lot more test to get through before they’re academically out of the woods and they need a perfect score on the written portion to pass which is incredibly harsh but that’s Aguefort for you!
This is a very long episode where everyone gets to be so cool. Truly, you can see how competent all of the players and the characters have become as they carve a bloody path through wave after wave of enemies. 
As usual, it doesn’t really make sense for me to do a blow for blow recap of this fight but it’s absolutely worth watching. It’s an absolute delight from Siobhan and Emily irl making up a limerick in tandem to pass the Performance section of The Last Stand to Gorgug rolling truly more Nat 20s than I’ve ever seen in my life and almost solo-ing a *Purple Worm*. There’s not really any commentary that I can add to improve on just how amazingly they do in the episode. They’re forced to use the auto-pass stamp twice but only on the two most unreasonable things Brennan asked them to do–write a 300 word essay longhand in five minutes and do a (gag) math word problem. With those two stamped, they get 100% on their written exam. They even get some extra credit (partially due to Siobhan’s IRL LOTR geekery). 
Not only that, but Gavin (the proctor) only gets hit (I think) once and never actually goes down! None of the Bad Kids do. Hell, Adaine–their squishiest member–basically just sits at her desk the whole fight answering questions and slinging spells and she’s fine! Happy ending, A+s all around, roll credits, right?
No, of course not. Nothing is that simple–not that this was simple. They can’t just be the first party to ever pass The Last Stand without dying and have it be done. 
During the fight, everyone–but especially Kristen–has been suspicious of Buddy. She does an Insight check and sees that he seems on the level but that’s not enough to quell her suspicion. Near the end of the fight, she eats the Vulture King eyeball (granting her a minute of Truesight) with the intent of seeing who Buddy really is–a reasonable instinct considering Ruben was in disguise at the festival. 
She sees that Buddy is Buddy. She *also* sees Kipperlilly Copperkettle invisibly aiming a crossbow at Gavin. KP clocks Kristen clocking her, smiles, and lowers the crossbow, instead choosing to SLIT BUDDY’S THROAT. Buddy falls to the ground, absolutely DEAD. Not making saves. FULLY DEAD. A blue scaly hand touches her and they both vanish–Kristen can tell that the spell was Plane Shift (which is necessary for getting in and out of this testing pocket dimension). She frantically looks for a diamond to cast Revivify but her pockets have been picked and Buddy’s Revivify diamonds are gone as well. 
They finish the fight victoriously but Buddy’s death casts a pallor on everything. This was supposed to be a fight to the death but Buddy was the one person whose death wasn’t figured into the bloodbath. Gavin tells them that they pass the rest of the year with A+s but is shaken and thrown off kilter by the seemingly random murder. Kristen tells him what she saw and Gavin says that he was observing so he can vouch for the fact that none of them had anything to do with the murder but this is a crime scene and they have to call the Fantasy FBI. The Bad Kids are all super worried about Gavin’s safety since Kipperlilly was going after him initially, but in the end they agree to take him to the Council of Chosen office in Bastion City so he can be under their protection and to leave Fig’s phone (juiced up by Gorgug) in the pocket dimension with Buddy’s body in case there are any shenanigans (you know, besides him getting murdered which was already a pretty big shenanigan).
The Bad Kids drop off Gavin and then take a bus back to Elmville with a new mission: CSI Elmville, let’s get this bitch arrested! 
Editing to Add: This is a very cool post by @thisisnotthenerd that covers all the Last Stand Qs and monsters in the form of Gavin's proctor notes. Check it out!
Kipperlilly for Icing Buddy
This was gonna go to Brennan for making a bunch of stand up comedians do math under a time limit but I can’t not give it to Kipperlilly here. She smiled. She looked at Kristen, smiled, and slit Buddy’s throat. There was no gritting her teeth like it was a hard but pragmatic choice. She was about to take the life of someone who fully trusted her and she did it with glee. There is something *deeply* wrong with this bitch, and we knew that already but hoo boy this certainly clinches it. 
Honor Roll
Gorgug for DESTROYING that Purple Worm
Everyone was in top form this episode but if I have to give it to one person, I’m gonna give it to Gorgug for single handedly holding back a Purple Worm, a monster so terrifying that there is an official D&D show where the premise is that all the players have to fight an OP monster they’re almost certainly gonna TPK against and the title is “Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!” Our boy didn’t even drop. That’s Maximum Legend Behavior. 
Random Notes
Kristen has the thought that she interrupted a truly horrible thing that KP was about to do and wonders what the crossbow bolt was loaded with. I didn’t mention it in the recap but I wanted to call attention to it because Brennan called attention to it. 
Also Riz got some footage of Gavin clearing them with his tie and Gavin sent their scores to the superintendent (not Jace to be clear–Tectonya Karkovnya who we met in The Seven).
Ugh I’m so annoyed because if KP and Oisin get questioned under Zone of Truth they’re absolutely gonna be dosed up with Devil’s Honey.
Buddy’s throat was slit and there’s no rune on his chest so presumably he can be revived if he’s brought to a hospital–hell Kristen could probably do it with a higher level spell–but I’m worried someone’s gonna slap that rune on him while his body is alone.
Do we think KP killed Buddy without a thought because she knows she lives in a world with revives and she knows it’s temporary or is she just like I truly do not care what happens to this (literally) corny ass cleric. I don’t know him like that. 
Once again, I love Adaine’s div powers so much. “You crit actually.” What a legend. Also love Fig coming to her with doubt and her just being like don’t be crazy and slapping a reticle on the monster to help her aim. I really love their friendship. 
Adaine is my favorite Bad Kid and I am first in line to throw down wrath on anyone who tries to mess with her. That being said, my favorite non-Bad Kid character is Aelwyn who has absolutely tried to kill Adaine and attacked her on multiple occasions and also is wanted for murders she absolutely did. My point here is that Oisin’s next moves will determine if he’s “surrounded by bad influences/I can fix them” material like Aelwyn or, “Throw out the whole man” material like that cop Antiope had a crush on. I am still rooting for the former but I will flip on a dime, do not doubt me. 
I tried that essay writing task and with 25 seconds left on the clock (I stopped when I finished making my points) I was only at 174 words and my hand was seriously cramping. So I would say, valiant effort from the Bad Kids but that was a *rough* ask. 
Kristen’s Bless really came in clutch! Honorary mention to her for that AND for having enough intuition to keep an eye on the Rat Grinder situation. I wonder if Brennan contemplated that might happen. 
Fig bug zapping all those flying monsters was chef’s kiss. 
Did Bobby Dawn fail Kristen specifically so she’d have to take the Last Stand? If so, he is indirectly responsible for his grandson getting iced. Hope that tastes bitter when he finds out but for all we know he’s one of those ends justify the means guys. Bleh. 
This season really is a love letter to all that came before it. The questions, the pentacorn, Adaine’s go to move even magically just being making a fist and letting it fly. I really love how much love Brennan clearly has for this world. And the 100% score the players got on the test shows they obviously love it right back!
Loose Ends
It is Fantasy High tradition for us to get a huge lore dump near the end of the season that ties together a lot of disparate clues and I hope we’re getting there soon because there are a LOT of loose ends we have yet to tie. Here are as many major ones as I can think of right now in case it helps spark productive speculation amongst y’all. 
Who killed the Loams?
Why the move to Loam Farm for Frosty Faire?
What specifically was Ruben trying to do with the symbol when he was playing at the festival? Presumably the thing Grix was trying to prevent?
Who killed Professor Badgood?
What were the exact circumstances behind Lucy’s death?
Who was able to put the rune on both of their bodies and what exactly was the goal there?
What is the Devil’s Honey being used for? What about the other things Aelwyn was getting for KP like Ambrosia? Why did she want a Cloud Rider engine?
How is Jace involved? Why is he manipulating Ruben?
How culpable is each individual Rat Grinder? Are they all in it together or are there varying levels of how involved they are?
Why were Ankarana’s domains wiped from heavens’ computers?
Why did Ankarna become corrupted and why was she forgotten? Were the celestial gods (Sol and co) involved?   
How did KP find the rogue teacher?
Also what’s her damage? Why is she obsessed with Riz? What are her anger issues about?
What’s her current goal? Who is she loyal to (if anyone)? Why did she want to know about Kristen creating a god exactly?
Why did Lucy change her god and then change it back?
Why was Buddy specifically requested by the Rat Grinders?
Why is KP running for class president? And is Mazey being principal a purposeful machination or just a weird thing that’s happening incidentally? 
What’s up with Spy’s Tongue Curse and Kalina only being able to say Ragh’s name? Is it related to that conversation between Kalina, Adaine’s mom, and Jace from SY?
Why wasn’t Ivy surprised to see Fig in disguise as Lucy who was at the time fully dead?
What’s up with the party vision that Adaine has now had at least twice?
Where is KP getting her money from?
What made the Rat Grinders become the Rat Grinders when they started as the High Five Heroes?
What's up with the shatter stars infecting the soil around Elmville?
Where exactly is Cass right now?
What does Ankarna want?
How does Ruvina fit into all of this?
Feel free to hit me up if there's something you think I should add to the list! Can't wait for next week. I'll see you then!
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weeeeeekly · 2 months
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quarter life crisis – ot5 tomorrow x together x afab!reader
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blurb !!! Reincarnation can bring soulmates together despite their time apart. Being a huge fan of TOMORROW X TOGETHER helped you get through the struggles of entering early adulthood. You would thank them personally if you ever could but when you possibly get the chance it’s more than what you could ever hope for.
info !!! txt are still idols, reincarnation au, soulmates au, polyamory, throuple²… they’ll all eventually date each other, mc has mental health struggles, universe assigned lactose intolerance, team no kids, glasses wearer, lives in the middle of fuck nowhere but still a city (just go with it), pet names used are “our love” and princess, & not edited.
wc: 2.6k
WARNINGS !!! NSFW, MDNI, 18+, extremely self-indulgent, soft yandere!txt, mentions of mental health & self-harm (nothing graphic) for entire series
author’s note !!! This is fiction!!! this is made up!!! I do not condone breaking in, stalking, and other ulterior motives to get close to someone you are romantically interested in.
why are there not more ot5!txt x fem/afab or gender-neutral reader… mandatory note that i do not think txt act like this in real life. I also cannot come up with a blurb for the life of me, so please peep the info tags.
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(extra warning for fear of open water)
The rest of your week consisted of getting to know each of the members on an individual level.
The next day after your heart-to-heart with Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai, you had to head back to work the next day.
“Don’t go.” Kai complains, stretching the “o” out and hugging you tighter to his body.
“I have to. I don’t want to be unemployed.”
Yeonjun takes a sip of water from the doorframe, “Kai, let our love go. I’ll walk you to your car.”
After bargaining with Kai that you’ll hangout with just him tomorrow – and a quick use of the nickname “Hyuka” – you change for work in the bathroom, drink your usual iced matcha latte made by Taehyun, and say your goodbyes with your arm intertwined with Yeonjun’s.
“Thanks for walking me to my car.”
“It’s an excuse to spend alone time with you.”
Both of you get into elevator, Yeonjun tries to push the button, but it’s not working. Yeonjun gives you a forced chuckle as he hits the button again. Nothing. And then the open button for the doors that won’t open.
“You’re joking.” You deadpan as the lights go out in the elevator.
“I’m going to be so late to work.” You shoot a quick text to your boss as Yeonjun presses the emergency call button.
“Should I text the guys that we’re stuck?”
Just as you finish your sentence you hear Beomgyu call out, “I’LL SAVE YOU, OUR LOVE!”
The next 20 minutes is spent with Yeonjun telling you a story from their trainee days as Beomgyu and Kai take turns trying to open the elevator doors like they’re Spider-Man. Once you two are saved by the fire department, Yeonjun still walks you to your car via the apartment’s staircase. You get into your car but before you can close the door, Yeonjun bends down to kiss you on the cheek.
“Have a good day at work.”
Miraculously, you’re only 5 minutes late to work and your boss didn’t even notice.
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Wednesday, your favorite day of the week, and your promised day with Kai.
You even make sure to finish our work early so you can leave early to surprise him. You need to get groceries since your fridge and snack corner were getting bare. You hope that Kai won’t think it’s boring and a waste of solo time.
“Any time with you is good!”
The look on Kai’s face makes you want to cry – the look of “As-long-as-we’re-together-I’ll-be-happy” on his angel face makes your knees weak.
“How do you feel about going shopping with me?”
“Let’s go.”
You drive yourself and Kai to the family-owned supermarket that was the greatest thing within the city for the next couple of miles. The next best thing being the airport and the downtown city. You could honestly walk to the store, but you’re not too sure how much you both might buy.
The parking lot isn’t empty, but it’s also not full, so a good amount of people were also grocery shopping. You grab a cart as you open your phone’s notes for your list.
“Grab whatever you need.”
Kai nods as he heads down the aisle as you stop to look for your favorite brand of chips.
Kai can’t believe that he’s doing a mundane task with you again. It takes him back to when you two used to sail to the neighboring island to watch the nurse sharks migrate.
When he looks over to observe you, it’s like you never left. Sure, you don’t look the exact same as you once did, but you’ve kept the same mannerisms and facial expressions. Your manner of speech is almost identical except updated for the current times. Not even the language barrier can bother him or his other soulmates – as long as you stay together with them.
If he puts aside the fact that he’s a member of TXT, and pretends he’s just Huening Kai, it’s like you two are buying groceries as newlyweds for your shared home. The thought of him standing at the altar with his soulmates and looking down the aisle to see you walking towards them.
He needs to sit down.
“Are you okay?” You ask as you look down on him sitting in the middle of the chip aisle.
“Uh, looking for Yeonjun.” He comes up with the excuse as he reaches for a bag of hot fries.
“Good idea. We should surprise them with their favorite snacks.”
The smile on your face as you reach for the bag makes him need to sit down again.
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You power through your tasks at work so you can get home early again to hangout with Beomgyu. As you’re packing up your bag to leave your boss stops you.
“Someone’s in a hurry to leave.”
“Yeah, I’ve got plans with a friend.”
“Oh, a friend.” She winks at you continue packing. “Hopefully this friend can take your mind off ETC.”
“Right, TXT. See you tomorrow!”
When you arrive at the parking garage, Beomgyu is waiting for you next to your parking spot. When you pull into the spot, you roll down the window to talk to him.
“Um, hey?”
“I want to walk you back.”
“That’s kind of you.”
As you two walk back, hands swinging in almost perfect synchronicity that your hands could touch, Beomgyu holds your hand as he holds the door open for you. Laid out on the table are the snacks purchased yesterday, extra pillows on the couch, and two controllers with the video game’s menu screen ready.
“You played this before?”
“No, I usually play farming games where I can do whatever I want and decorate my character and house.”
“The game is just fighting. Easy to learn.”
The two of you played the video game with Beomgyu winning 4 rounds in a row. You didn’t mind. You got to chill out, eat some snacks, and spend more time with him.
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After heading back to your apartment to sleep, you wake up to Taehyun calling you.
You groggily accept the call, “Hello?”
“Hey, can you get ready in 15 minutes to work out?”
You bolt up from bed, “Yes. See you soon. Bye!”
Hanging up, you rush to your closet to grab the comfiest clothes, the quickest shower ever, change, fill your favorite reuseable water bottle, and greet Taehyun in under 15.
“12… minutes.” You huff out as you try to catch your breath.
“Woah, we haven’t even started working out yet.”
Yeah, because not all of us can be athletically blessed and still look like the reincarnation of a Greek god while doing so.
You force a smile to Taehyun as you stand up. “Let’s just get this workout over with. Please go easy on me.”
“It’ll be an easy workout!”
Easy workout your ass. He made you want to die during stretching, tried to torture you with boxing against him, and made you cuss him out while on the stairmaster.
“I hate this stupid fucking machine.” You glare at Taehyun as he works out.
“It’s not that hard.”
You purse your lips to not make a sexual joke. Honestly, it’s been difficult to not make a multitude of jokes, especially with the fan edits you’ve seen. Many “I bet you are”, “You’re what”, and “I can show you what’s hard” were trapped in your mind.
The rest of the workout wasn’t as terrible since you begged Taehyun to use the remaining time on the treadmill so you could watch videos. You snuck your favorite To Do episode before you two went back to your apartments so you could get ready for work.
You hate to admit it but despite the fire you felt in your legs – you did feel better after working out in the morning. Just slightly.
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You immediately crashed after getting back home from work. You were excited to stay up late and catch up on some tv shows, but the second your head hit the pillow after showering and getting into some cozy pjs, you knocked the fuck out.
You did wake up refreshed the following morning though.
A text notification caught your attention as you were scrolling through your emails.
gc with 6 cuties
            soob 숩 hi do you want to bake with me
            hyuka egg tarts ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
            you i’ll be over in 10
All of these social outings have made you feel like the most popular person on earth. You don’t want to dwell on the thought too much, but this is exactly what you wished for in high school – a group of friends you regularly hung out with. TXT was a friend group you’ve always wished for, but whatever you have with them is more than that. You still can’t wrap your head around how you were reincarnated soulmates, especially since only they held memories of it. It would’ve been a different story if it was vice versa, you wouldn’t have been believed.
Shutting your eyes and breathing out, that doesn’t matter right now. You should be getting ready to bake with Choi Soobin, your friend. Someone that you can confide your thoughts to and feel no judgement. Someone that apologized for not baking cookies for you when he moved in next door.
More than half an hour went by before you knocked on their door. You spent too much time trying to get your hair just right that you gave up before you started crying in frustration. Your outfit was fine, nothing exciting since you couldn’t find the clothes you wanted to wear.
Soobin just smiles at you when he opens the door, dimples on full display. You could write a master’s thesis on how much you love his dimples. Soobin’s whole face in general. When he does the silly one-sided smile to the head tilt with a wink and tongue out.
“Sorry for being late.”
“It’s okay.”
When you walk in, the rest of the guys are out of the apartment. The kitchen counter is full of baking supplies. Soobin ties a pink apron around himself before holding up a matching apron for you.
“Can I?”
You nod as you turn around so he can put the apron on for you. Once he’s done you turn around, “How do I look?”
You widen your eyes at him before fixing your glasses, “Thanks.”
“We can bake cookies and egg tarts.”
Soobin baked most of the desserts as you barely served as an assistant. You weren’t complaining as you were too excited to eat the food. You did help measuring the dry ingredients, putting on icing, using the oven, and giving Soobin space in general.
The rest of the guys came home while you two were still baking with Taehyun coming home last when you were letting the desserts cool down. The 6 of you lounge around the living room, eating the desserts when you say the first thought that comes to mind. “I want to be in a pool right now.”
“It’s 10 PM. The pool is closed.”
You sent a smirk to Yeonjun, “So? We can sneak in. We can go after you guys finish eating.”
The next few minutes are spent with everyone quickly scarfing down more desserts before leaving. Kai makes sure to grab some towels. Your little group takes the stairs down to the first floor and take the side door to the apartment complex pool.
Taehyun stops walking, “Wait, we don’t have swim clothes.”
You turn your head over your shoulder, “It’s okay, we don’t need any.”
Taehyun turns to Yeonjun who has his mouth open in shock. Soobin’s ears turn red as Kai stops in his tracks. Beomgyu pushes Kai to keep walking. They don’t want to voice it out loud, but they’re all thinking the same thing.
Are you going to swim naked like they used to in the past.
Once you climb the fence, they hear a splash a few minutes later which causes them to quickly scale the fence.
You’re standing in the shallow end as you wave at them to get in. As they approach the pool ledge, you swim over to them and push yourself up to sit on the ledge. They notice that your clothes are sticking to your figure causing inappropriate thoughts to flood their mind yet again.
You look at Yeonjun as his ears turn red.
“Are you blushing?”
“Am not.”
“Are too!”
You giggle as you tease him and the way your nose scrunches up causes his heart to flip like before. If he squints his eyes – it’s almost like you never left on that damn ship.
Beomgyu goes to pretend to push Yeonjun in, but Yeonjun moves at the last minute and makes him accidentally push you in.
You let out a surprised gasp as you go underwater. When you resurface, your glasses are missing.
“Oh no, my glasses!”
Beomgyu face drops, confusion written on your face as you look around the dimly lit pool.
“I’m so sorry, love. Soobin will help you find them.”
“W-what?” Soobin steps backwards away from the group, shaking his head in protest.
“Just shine your phone flashlight.”
Soobin carefully walks toward the ledge, death gripping his phone. You dive under the water again and resurface with a frown.
In a fraction of a second, Kai rips Soobin’s phone out of his hand as you pull Soobin’s ankle toward you, making him fall in.
Once underwater, you open your eyes to look at Soobin, but even with your shitty vision and the blurriness from the water, you know something is wrong. You reach your hands out to pull Soobin above water.
Even with both of your feet touching the floor, Soobin starts freaking out. He clings to you as you look over to the guys with confusion clearly written on your face.
Soobin keeps muttering something as you try to make sense of what he’s saying.
“It’s my fault.”
“Hey, it’s okay. Soobin, look at me. You’re okay.”
You hold Soobin’s face as he finally makes eye contact with you and regulates his breathing.
“You’re okay. Whatever it is, it’s not your fault.”
“Yeah, it’s me. Let’s get you out of the pool.”
Taehyun gets into the pool and helps you walk Soobin out to sit him down in a lounge chair. You sit down next to him as Yeonjun drapes a towel over his shoulders.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask as he shakes his head.
“It’s okay. We should head back to our apartment before we get in trouble.”
All of your heads comically whip in the direction of the stranger’s shout only to see one of the complex’s security guards waving a flashlight from across the pool, on the other side of the fence.
“Oh shit.”
The 6 of you start running to the door and run up the flight of stairs not stopping until Yeonjun locks the door of their apartment behind you.
“Dammit. I left my glasses in the pool.”
masterlist | previous | next
author's note i drove myself to panera to write this chapter out in an effort to be productive. i'm posting this from panera!! yeah, i definitely cannot keep up a consistent schedule for updating. my bad y'all. i should have just waited until i wrote out the entire story before posting.
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somasbrianrot · 1 year
Saw that you're taking requests... Could you do one for Solo Sikoa? So like he's got 2 kids with Almia (God bless that woman, she's gorgeous) right? So something like Almia cheated on him and left him with the kids so now he's a single dad of 2 boys. So now he's insecure/scared that the reader wouldn't want to be with a guy with 2 kids but turns out the reader loves his kids. All fluff please?
I'm sorry if it's too much. It doesn't exactly have to be like this. I'm happy as long as it's some fluff with solo.
No pressure though. It's alright if you don't wanna do this, I just wanted to make a request 🤧
Thank you in advance and love you😘
Omg of course, I've personally never written for Solo so I hope I do him justice
and ily too
No Matter What (Solo Sikoa x Wrestler! Reader)
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As the Smackdown Women's Champion you had a reputation to uphold, and that reputation was harder to uphold when you were looped into the bloodline, it wasn't exactly your choice but you didn't really mind much, you got along well with the Usos, Roman was pretty impressed with how you held yourself within your title defenses, Paul didn't really associate with you much, except for in promo's but Solo seemed to be the most cut off of them all.
you had thought Solo's whole silent thing was just an act for his character but whenever you had tried to talk to him he either stays silent or walks away from you, you didn't understand so you went to his brothers to ask
"Jey? Jimmy? you in here?" you looked around catering and spotted the two twins chatting with some of the other talent before they turned to look at you "Hey twin! whatchu need us for?" said Jimmy as you walked over "actually, I just want to talk about Solo" "huh? what for?" Jey questions as you all find a table to sit at "Just the way he's been...ignoring me, I'm worried he doesn't like me!" Jimmy and Jey look at each other before nodding.
"It's not that he don't like you, because he does, I think he just might like you too much, you know?" "No! No I don't know!" "Listen, don't tell anyone we told you this but...Solo likes you but he's scared, see his ex Almia and he had two children, Zion and Za'khi, then she cheated and left him with the kids, and he's scared if he tries to make a move you won't like him because he has kids!" you are shocked at the revelation "Fuck...what do I do? I want to show him I wouldn't hate him because of his kids!" "Well Solo is gonna bring them in because the show is finished, maybe that's how" you nod.
You hear little footsteps down the hall and look over to see two young boys followed by Solo, it immediately softens your heart and you smile widely as the little boys run over to see their uncles, you kneel down eye level with Zion "How are you little man?" he stares at you before smiling and wrapping his arms around you "Whoa!" he nearly knocks you off balance but you're able to catch yourself "It's nice to see you too! is that your daddy?" you point to Solo and he nods, you pick him up and stand with him as his little brother walks over, holding his hands up to you and you pick him up as well.
"Wow! look at you big boys! your dad must be so proud to have you two!" you lift them up and they giggle "do you like my dad?" you quirk your brow at the question from the older of the two boys "I mean he's cool, but I think I like you two even more" you teasingly poke his stomach and he laughs "Okay you two, leave her now" you hear Solo say as you lower them both to the ground but Za'khi won't let go of you.
"Awe, he's like a little koala!" you coo and lift him above your head, blowing raspberries into his stomach "He can stay with me Solo, I love children!" you toss him up and catch him.
"You...like kids?" "yeah! I basically raised my siblings growing up, so I know how kids work" Solo stares at you holding his youngest son as Zion walks over and tugs on his shorts "Can she be our new mummy? please?" Solo shushes him but you managed to hear the comment, a huge smile spreading across your face "I mean I'd love too, only if your daddy would let me" you smile up at Solo.
"I-...really?" "yes, I like you too dummy! but I think I love the kids more" you tease and he smiles at you, pulling you into a hug and kissing your cheek "God, you're the perfect woman" you cannot help the smile that spreads across your face as Zion motions for his dad to pick him up, the four of you looked like a picture perfect family, you look at Solo and lean over, leaving a small peck on his lips
"And that's going on the instagram" you look over to see jey holding his phone up, he must have taken a photo, Solo glares at him and tries to snatch the phone from his elder brother, you laugh as you watch Solo chase his brother around, the bloodline really was your family
A/N I hope you liked this!
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