#can you guys tell i like stoick
countlessofvoids · 1 month
Idk if this is a hot take, but I quite liked Drago Bludvist at first. Yes the way they showed how he controls dragons was goofy - but the build-up, his connections to Eret, Valka etc. and parallels to Stoick I thoroughly enjoyed.
The moment he started interacting with Hiccup was when he became nothing burger of a character, besides the "Or tear them apart" line.
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koiiiji · 3 months
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my favourite russian songs + lookism boys (pt.3)
ПОДАРОК (by akyuliych & МP) = Seo Seongeun
tw ; a little suggestive, reader mischievous, slight body description, added song in the end
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00:00 - 00:30
i walk into the party. "what the fuck?" the DJ is a total jerk you're dancing alone, and 'm pouring a colorful cocktail into my cup. you're mine tonight let's untie my bow! i'm your present i'm dancing alone, i don't need you i need the keys to your car i'm dancing alone, i don't need you i need the keys to your apartment
Goo knew that it will be hard to catch you, after all you learned a lot from him and Gun, not even taking into account that you have ears and eyes all over the city. to be honest, Goo himself didn’t understand at what moment you managed to build such a huge informant system, literally making yourself a monopolist in this area - not a single sneeze in this city took place without your knowledge, so Goo knew how useful it would be to make you his secret friend in the fight against Charles Choi. however, he also knew that you wouldn't let anyone who works or worked with Charles get within a kilometer of you, and besides, after his last prank on you… his and Gun’s past actions only added fuel to the fire. he knew that there was simply no point in looking for you himself - he remembered how Gun tried to chase you when they were still working together for Charles and he wanted to bring you back to headquarters.
but it was over before it started. after all, you had eyes and ears everywhere, so you disappeared from any place even before Gun got even a few kilometers there, leaving behind only a few hints that you had once been in one place or another…
that's why Goo had few options to contact you and try to bring you to his office for a conversation. at the moment, he knew about your location for tonight (he spent quite huge amount of money so you wouldn't know about that small incident. just don’t tell him that all your girls are always loyal to you. of course you knew what Goo did.), but he was still puzzling over who should be assigned this case? Logan? no, this mattress is too slow and rude, absolutely not the one who is needed for negotiations. Taejin? another gremlin who has...troubles in communicating with women, as far as Goo could tell, especially after that incident in Chongliang. he couldn't go himself, because he knew that you wouldn't listen to him, so the last and only right option was Samuel! handsome, courteous when needed, and the girls are delighted with him always!! God, Goo was so grateful that among the barbarians he hired in the person of Taejin and Logan, he had a ray of hope in the form of Samuel.
Goo gave pretty clear instructions (read - brief concepts about what you look like, where and at what time he can catch you) and to be honest, Samuel didn’t think it would take much time - he just needed to catch some girl in another overly expensive club and drag her to Goo, right? And why, for the gods sake did Joon send him in the first place, couldn’t that ram Logan really cope with all the work? or maybe Taejin? Samuel talked with this overgrown guy a couple of times, he seemed quite suitable for this job - a handsome, stoick face, covered in all sorts of expensive stuff - which is too vulgar if you gonna ask Samuel - all in branded clothes and even a couple of scars on his arms and body, Samuel heard girls like that. so why the hell was he now sitting in his car, waiting for the green traffic light, to take the last turn on the way to the club.
the club pulsed with life, a kaleidoscope of lights and sound. music was loud, the bass reverberating through the walls and into the very bones of everyone present. bright soffits cast dramatic beams of light across the room, while disco balls and neon lights spun and flashed, creating a dazzling display of color and movement. the beats were relentless, a steady rhythm that set the pace for the night, making it impossible to stand still. everywhere people were moving to the music, their elegant outfits shimmering under the ever-changing lights. there was an intoxicating blend of laughter and conversation, a hum of joy that added to the vibrant energy of the place. on the dance floor, bodies moved in sync, rubbing against each other in the heat of the dance. faces were flushed, eyes bright with euphoria and the liberating atmosphere of the club. the air was thick with the mingled scents of perfume, cologne, and the faint, sweet tang of alcohol. groups of friends huddled together, their voices rising in excitement over the music, while others danced with abandon, lost in the music and the moment. there was a sense of freedom, a collective shedding of the day's worries and an embrace of the night's possibilities. in this space, everyone was united by the rhythm, the lights, and the shared desire to lose themselves in the celebration. it was a world unto itself, where problems melted away and the only thing that mattered was the here and now.
00:30 - 01:15 you only need my car and a penthouse (pam-pam) — house music is playing. i'm smiling at you and we're hanging out in Moscow Seoul on your birthday and it's a shame I'm not on your wishlist you have friends (bitches), spreading rumors about me you're like ANIKV, and i'm SALUKI, i want to wear matching looks and i blend in with the crowd, watching you i'm already drunk on you, and i i walk into the party. "what the fuck?" the DJ is a total jerk you're dancing alone, and i'm pouring (eh) a colorful cocktail into my cup. you're mine tonight let's untie my bow! i'm your present
however, as the head of the third branch, Samuel didn't find anything new here. the picture of a good, expensive club was all too familiar to him. now, he just had to find the reason he came here tonight - you. making his way to the bar through the throngs of people, he periodically looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of you on the dance floor or perhaps in the VIP area or maybe - *collision*
he felt someone’s back crash into his chest. instantly, he turned his gaze to the cause of the collision, ready to tear apart the drunken idiot who had dared to bump into him. but luck was on his side - the fish had caught itself in the net.
a pair of eyes stared up at Samuel, almost level with his own. he was surprised; it was rare for him to meet a girls who didn’t have to look up at him. that fox, Kim Joon Goo, hadn’t mentioned that you would be so tall and so… cute. the light touch of your fingers on his wrist, right where his watch was, accompanied by a sweet, apologetic smile. "oh i'm sorry! i wasn't looking where i was going," - you said, raising your voice slightly to be heard over the loud music as you turned to face him. it was you - the girl Goo Kim had assigned him to bring to his office. Samuel remembered Goo's instructions to be careful with you; you could slip away at any moment. he needed a plan.
Samuel put on his sweetest smile. "it's nothing…" - he paused, waiting to hear your name.
"Y/N," you supplied with a smile at his attempt to flirt. without warning, you grabbed his large hand and pulled him deeper onto the dance floor. the music changed, the beat becoming more intense, the lights flashing in a mesmerizing pattern. Samuel was taken aback. he liked girls who knew what they wanted, but something about your genuine smile, your slender fingers wrapped around his larger palm, the way the lights played on your figure, and that gorgeous dress you wore tonight made him follow you.
you danced with him, touching him, directing his hands on your body as the beat pulsed through the floor. you rubbed against him, your movements fluid and confident. Samuel didn't forget his task - to take you to Goo - but your company was so warm, so pleasant, so intoxicating.
he let his hands rest on your waist, sliding higher, rubbing your belly and ribs, as you turned your back to him. you threw your hands up, grabbing the back of his neck and placing your head on his shoulder, giving him perfect access to the crook of your neck. in that moment, Samuel overwhelmed by the allure of you. time seemed to lose meaning as the music shifted again, this time to a slower, more sensual rhythm. Samuel found himself lost in your presence, the genuine laughter you shared, the flirtatious lines you threw at him, the way your eyes sparkled with mischief and delight. His task felt like a distant memory as he became more intoxicated with every passing second.
"you're quite the dancer," - you whispered, your breath warm against his ear.
"you're quite the charmer," - he replied, his voice low and filled with a mix of admiration and something deeper. you smiled, a playful glint in your eye. "maybe i'm just trying to distract you."
"maybe it's working," - he admitted, his hands tightening slightly on your waist. you turned in his arms, facing him once more. your fingers traced a path up his chest, stopping at his collar. "tell me, Samuel, are you always this serious?"
he chuckled, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "only when i'm not having fun."
"well then," - you said, leaning closer, - "let's make sure you have plenty of fun tonight." your neat hands sank lower, somewhere to the level of the pockets of his trousers, leaving a light, fleeting touch on his hips.
Samuel's heart raced as he looked into your eyes, feeling a connection he hadn't anticipated. He knew he had to take you to Goo, but for now, he allowed himself to get lost in the moment, the music, and the warmth of your company. as you continued to dance, the world outside the club faded away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of shared smiles and electrifying touches.
the night passed on while you and Samuel danced, drank, laughed, and danced again, not paying attention to the people and music around. It seemed to him that tonight his hands explored almost your entire body, at least as far as the situation allowed, but you didn’t lag behind him. your deft fingers touched him here and there, making Samuel almost purr with pleasure when your claws touched his neck, gently stroking. as the night wore on, you leaned close to his ear, your breath warm against his skin. "i need to use the restroom. be right back," - you said, flashing a playful smile before disappearing into the crowd. Samuel watched you go, a smile tugging at his lips. he felt a strange mix of exhilaration and satisfaction from the evening. after a while, he glanced at his wrist to check the time. shit. his watch was missing. a sinking feeling hit him, and he quickly patted his pockets - phone, car keys, wallet, and apartment keys - all gone.
01:16 - 01:59 i'm dancing alone, i don't need you i need the keys to your car i'm dancing alone, i don't need you i need the keys to your apartment i turn on autopilot, they pour Moët like in business class, and i'm already carried away and warmth spreads through my body, but not from you is— is— is that gin and tonic? i want a new iPhone and an apartment in the center, a BMW with tinted windows boy, jump over to the table! i have a question for you can you do it for me? give me another zero (on my account)
"that little - " - he growled under his breath, anger bubbling up. you had fooled him. the girl he had been sent to retrieve had not only slipped away but had taken everything he had. desperately and annoyed he approached a random guy leaning against the bar. "hey, can i borrow your phone? an emergency." - the guy looked skeptical but handed over the phone. Samuel quickly dialed Taejin's number.
"Taejin, it's Samuel. i need you to pick me up from the club. now."
he walked out of the club, lighting a cigarette, his hands shaking with fury. the smoke curled around him as he remembered his conversation with Goo before the assignment. Goo had warned him about you, your mischievous personality, and how easily you could slip away.
"she's a slippery one," Goo had said, his eyes narrowed and he looked at Samuel. it was rarely when Goo talked serious "don't relax or let yourself to ease your attention, Samuel."
but he had let his guard down, and now he was paying for it. his frustration grew as he replayed the night's events in his mind, cursing himself for being so easily deceived.
twenty minutes later, Taejin pulled up outside the club, and Samuel slid into the passenger seat, seething with anger. his jaw was clenched, and his fists were tight as he tried to control his frustration.
"what happened?" Taejin asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced over at Samuel.
"little bitch took everything - my phone, keys, wallet even watches. everything," Samuel muttered. "we were supposed to bring her to Goo, but now she's gone."
"great," - Taejin sighed. "this is just what we needed. what are we going to tell Goo?"
"i don't know," Samuel snapped. "i'll think of something."
as they drove to Taejin's apartment, Samuel's mind raced. he was furious with himself and worried about the repercussions. Goo was a man he deeply respected, man who actually acknowledged and accepted him and the thought of disappointing him was almost unbearable. When they finally arrived at Taejin's apartment, the two men wearily headed to separate rooms. the night had taken its toll, and they quickly fell asleep, though Samuel's sleep was fitful, plagued by thoughts of what awaited him in the morning.
01:59 - 2:22
i walk into the party. "what the fuck?" the DJ is a total jerk you're dancing alone… (i'm dancing alone) i'm dancing alone, i don't need you i need the keys to your car i'm dancing alone, i don't need you i need the keys to your apartment
the next morning, they arrived at Goo's office, dreading the conversation that awaited them. Samuel's stomach churned with anxiety. He knew Goo expected results, and he had none to show. to their shock, they found you sitting in the office, bathed in sunlight streaming through the window. your sweet, apologetic smile was aimed at Samuel, and you lightly waved, whispering "sorry" with your lips. Samuel was stunned, his anger momentarily forgotten as he took in the surreal scene. Goo waved them off with a smile.
"thank you for your work, Samuel," - Goo smiled. "you and Taejin can leave now. we have some more things to discuss."
stunned, Samuel and Taejin left the office, confusion etched on their faces. Samuel's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of relief and residual anger coursing through him. moments later, you emerged, a mischievous grin spreading across your face. "thanks for the night," - you said, a hint of laughter in your voice. Samuel's mind flashed back to the previous evening. "you played me," Samuel said, half in admiration and half in frustration.
you leaned in closer, your lips almost brushing his ear. "maybe. but it was fun, wasn't it?" - you then pulled back, your expression turning sincere. "i'm really sorry, Samuel. i had to do it. but thank you for the night. i really meant each word yesterday... it was amazing." - you handed Samuel his belongings back, your eyes sparkling with amusement.
with a final wink and the most genuine smile, you turned and walked away, leaving Samuel standing there, his emotions a whirlwind of anger, admiration, and something else he couldn't quite place. he watched you go, a strange mixture of respect and irritation battling within him. the night had been wild, but the aftermath was even more bewildering.
as soon as the door slammed behind you, Samuel’s gaze lingered on his things, which you placed directly in his huge hand. opening his wallet he found a polaroid photo of the two of you from the club - his nose buried in the crook of your neck, his hands on your hips, guiding your movements to the beat of the music while your fingers were buried deep in his hair. at the bottom was the signature "sorry again hehe. xxx-xxx-xxx - conciliatory dinner from me.”
Samuel just chuckled, wondering who managed to take a photo of you and how this photo ended up in your possession, closing your wallet. Goo’s palm lay on his shoulder and a chill ran down his spine when he hissed in his ear, “don’t think that i will believe the stories that she didn’t run away from you yesterday. you’re lucky that she came today herself, saying that you were convincing." Goo’s voice oozed venom, although he had the most playful smile on his face, and the grip on his shoulder was already beginning to feel painful.
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noctusfury · 6 months
What Would Have Happened if Stoick Slew Dagur? (Riders of Berk)
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Hello, fellow Furians! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Today, we'll dive into the what-if scenario that could've happened in the Riders of Berk episode "Twinsanity".
In this scene, Stoick was clearly about to end the Berserker Dynasty right then and there, until DreamWorks Hiccup and the Gang came along and interrupted it with their fake "Dragon Raid" forcing the Berserkers to retreat.
Thus, the question is this: What would've happened if he had succeeded or failed in doing so had he NOT been interrupted?
Obviously, of course, there would've been war between Berk and Berserk. Reason for this is that there would be witnesses who'd see Stoick strike Dagur down from behind. There are four Berserk Guards who are with Dagur (as seen below).
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There's a risk of the one who's not encumbered with a task — and is closest in proximity to Dagur — intercepting Stoick's strike. However, when Stoick closes the distance with Dagur, the other guards, along with Dagur himself, are far too preoccupied with Barf and Belch to notice Stoick's actions. So it's possible that Stoick could easily succeed in assassinating Dagur.
However, it's what happens afterward that's important. The guards would've seen Stoick slay their chieftain and will want to exact vengeance. Of course, as we know, the moment Stoick slays Dagur, Hiccup and the Gang come in with their fake dragon raid on the Berserkers. There might be a 5-10% chance that Stoick, depending on the timing and the Berserker's POV, might get away with it if the Berserkers immediately focus from Barf and Belch to the other dragons without noticing Dagur's fall. But I doubt that Dagur would go down without a fight or without making any sound, hence why the percentage is so low.
So we will continue with the assumption that the Berserkers saw Stoick slay their chieftain. Stoick and the others would have to deal with them, or else they'll report this to the armada waiting near Berk's docks.
Of course, if Berk fails to cover their assassination up, they'll immediately have to deal with an entire armada of angry Berserkers. Even if the Berkians are battle-hardened and every person who can hold a weapon is recruited and the dragons join in the fight, and even if the majority of the Berserkers haven't seen many battles or wars, it can't be denied that the Berserkers have been well-trained and are, of course, Berserkers. It'll still be a very difficult fight. There will be severe casualties on both sides. In the end, though, Berk will probably pull through this with a victory in the end. But at what cost? It'd be a conflict that could've been easily avoided, and Berk suffered losses that it can ill afford to take when they're still fighting with the Outcasts — with little gains to show for it. And there's no guarantee that the conflict will even end there.
So, in summary, if Stoick wasn't interrupted and succeeded in ending Dagur, he'll need to get rid of the guards as well. This will be pretty easy since they have the dragons, and they can easily make it look like a dragon raid killed them and hopefully Berk can relax and keep an alliance with Berk, while Berserk is reeling from their chief's death and busy running around killing as many dragons as they can. And — even better — Berk could masquerade this as something that Alvin, an Outcast, did and can better solidify Berserk's involvement in Berk's war against the Outcasts.
So yeah, so long as the Berserkers don't look too closely at the bodies, the Berkians would have a pretty good chance at getting away with it.
What do you guys think? What would've happened had Stoick went with his plan? Do you think that Berk would've been able to get away with it? Or would it end up sinking in defeat, with Alvin taking advantage of the chaos? Tell me your thoughts!
Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article intriguing and I'll see you in the next article.
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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spacenintendogs · 6 months
I’ll be asking about the dragons off the coast au.
What inspired you to make this au?/what made you make it different from every other modern au. (Small dragons was a great idea)
What does Valka/Eret do in this Au?:)
Whose all not included? (Any villains/side characters, ect.)
i was inspired by modern aus by ppl in the past mainly from when i was a teenager!! funkytoes/funkytoesart, siggyshrieks/sigtryggr, perpez/rikez, daglout, edge-of-bizarre, soplezhuj, & yenich are my main inspirations! some these blogs do not exist anymore but old reblogged posts can be found! obv any blog that still exists i will link directly!!
this is going to be LONG so please bare with me!
the answers to your questions about eret and valka & then other character inclusions/exclusions will be after the list of my inspirations!!
example of rikez/perpez's work! they're my main inspiration for the dragons being small!!!!!! the idea also isn't unique, it's been done before in the past but rikez/perpez's works are SO amazing!!! they are also where i got the idea for having the legendary dragons keep their leviathan sizes!! i miss their blog so much.
funkytoes/funkytoesart is the inspiration for the sanctuary aspect!! the dragons are their full sizes in their au but i LOVE the whole vibe of it all!! so so so good!!!! their blogs are still active and you can scroll through their httyd art at your leisure!!! highly reccomend esp if you're a hiccstrid fan!!! @/funkytoesart (remove the /)
sigtryggr/siggyshrieks is one of my biggest inspos for overall vibes and the feelings i want this au to create. this art means so much to me. they still make art, but not for httyd as they've gone professional and deleted all of their httyd art from their blogs. their blog is currently @/celialowenthal (remove the /)
edge-of-bizarre's modern au called north of nowhere is also a huge inspiration to me!!!! have been since they first appeared in the fanbase and i was a kid who lurked without having a tumblr acc!! pls pls pls check out their au!! absolutely stellar
daglout's modern au is also incredible and includes versions with regular animals as well as the dragons being dragons!! he also has an au where everything happens in florida and it's fucking incredible like. pls just scroll through his modern au and florida au tags!!
so much of my au is an amalgamation of what i've seen over the past 14 years in terms of being in the fanbase (lurking and otherwise) and just. trying to combine my favorite reoccuring aspects, like the dragons being dragons and being small, from different ones and the uniqueness that makes mine different is just?? i think the stories i'm telling with the setting and that's also what separates everyone else from each other!!! different character interpretations/even different favorites leads to different stories abt how everything connects!!!
one of my biggest inspirations is definitely soplezhuj in terms of how the characters are and basic things like general direction of where they go/what they do (like snotlout being a biker guy!) their art was everything to me back in 2015/2016 and i still have it saved to my phone. i miss their blog every day.
what do valka & eret do in this au?
valka is alive and well, however she is a mostly absent mother as her conservation work with dragons has her traveling the world and she considers it to be more important than anything else in her life, at the expense of her relationships with stoick & hiccup. hiccup looks up to her SO much tho & he yearns to be like her & help her with her work. she doesn't NOT love stoick & hiccup but her priorities are elsewhere & she maybe shouldn't have started a family but alas. hiccup & stoick will visit her wherever she is during summers. she doesn't come home too often but once stoick dies she decides to be in hiccup's life full time & has to come to terms with the fact she does not know her son at all & was a terrible mother. i'm actually very excited for her arc :) cloudjumper is her buddy btw!!! also she was the one who originally started the hidden world sanctuary in berk!! but once she started traveling it became too much & that's why it's not in use until hiccup gets it going again! she's also connected to drago! they're former partners in conservation work & they had a BAD disagreement!! (drago is going to be more fleshed out for this au. he's not gonna be straight bad guy villain!!)
eret, on the other hand, is a poacher :) after the red death, berk becomes a destination spot for tourists esp with the sanctuary & the stories of the potential last night fury in existence being there draws a lot of attention. he goes & visits, pretending to be a tourist, & gets a tour to help scout for the group he's a part of. there's like, a whole heist planned & everything, which isn't new for the gang given who they deal with before :) through his scouting tho, he befriends astrid & learns a lot abt dragons & becomes attached to stormfly (obv!!) & then skullcrusher (much to stoick's chagrin lol) & does decide to side with the gang & admits his (now former) job. :) he becomes the tidal class dragon guy (not quite an expert yet but he's on his way!!) & splits the tracker class dragon duties with astrid to help take off her work load
who's all not included?
characters from the comics except for bayana!!! i love bayana and he deserves his time!! i haven't talked abt him yet bc i'm figuring out his storyline but i want him to be one of the volunteers & help with the mystery class dragons specifically and therefore works with the twins!!! but yea, other than bayana, no comic characters like king mikkel or the scalie bad guy dude from the serpent's heir (caldur i think lol)
characters that will be there but i haven't figured out yet are viggo, ryker, krogan, etc!! it's me trying to have everything connect in such short time spans & it's a lot LOL
i've figured out basic ideas for alvin & drago!!! they're connected to stoick and valka, respectively :) but i'm basically like this rn lol:
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but tbh any character is fair game!! even book characters like camicazi!! altho idk if i'll put like, humongously hotshot the hero or big boobied bertha in for major roles!! (omg i could have tantrum o'uglery as someone fishlegs crushes on..... that'd be iconic) i'm even including my oc ermintrude for a side story & have @artinandwritin's oc siri be in my snotstrid fic!!! it's all depending on my mood & if the ideas strike me!!!
thank u for asking!!!!
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sarnai4 · 5 months
Went Out For Some Milk
I think that Dagur and Hiccup have more in common than most people realize. An underrated example of this is how they both have parents who just plain abandoned them. To a certain extent, I understand Valka and Oswald. On a deeper level, I really can't get it at all. Here's why:
I get that Valka didn't willingly leave. She was taken by Cloudjumper. That's not her fault in the slightest. She was trying to protect her baby and was taken by a spooked dragon; however, why did she stay gone? She learned how to fly on dragons. Therefore, she had the means to return. The idea of her not being able to come back is gone. The realm with the dragons wasn't too far from Berk. She could ride a flying creature. The next suggestion is that it would've been unsafe. That's the one she used to explain it...but how? I'm genuinely curious if anyone has a reason because I can't think of it for the life of me. Just have Cloudjumper drop you off near Berk, swim to shore, and say you escaped. Or don't say that and try to gradually get the other Berkians to accept dragons. Heck, if she loved dragons so much and didn't want to ever be away, she could have flown to Berk and been like, "Hey, hubby, I'm a dragon rider now. Be cool with that and we can stay together." Stoick probably would've loved her enough to accept one of these. He loved her enough to accept that she made him a single dad for 20 years and wasn't even upset. It's also not fair to Hiccup that he grew up without a mom because she was too scared to be herself around the Berkians or risk losing her new freedom away from the island.
Oswald runs into the reverse of this. For him, I understand why he didn't return. The guy was shipwrecked on an island with dragons who didn't want anyone leaving. My issue with him is that he left in the first place. Why did he go? Why did he not tell anyone? Dagur never should've been able to convince the other Berserkers that he killed Oswald because the man should have told the others he was heading out. If he was going to a peace treaty signing, I'm sure he would've gone with more people. As a chief, it's irresponsible to not let his Vikings know where he'll be going or if he will since they might need his help. As a father, it's irresponsible to leave his son 50,000+ people to be in charge of without so much as a goodbye first. All he had to do was tell someone. An argument could be made that he told Dagur, but the question then becomes why on Earth would he do that and not tell anyone else? Mini Dagur isn't the person you give your location to so that he can be your emergency contact. If he even paid attention, he'd probably laugh at the idea of there being an emergency. Even still, I doubt that Oswald told him because Dagur seemed to really have no idea where he had gone. So, it's highly likely that Oswald just decided he had enough of being a chief and dad, then went to the great beyond.
I'm sure these are both unpopular opinions, but these parents really do bug me. What annoys me more is that I don't think either is shown to be anything other than loving despite that. It's unfair to their kids. I don't want the movie to tell me Valka is just the best mom ever and that they're going to be a happy family now that they found her. She could have returned to them years ago and we wouldn't have had that sad episode back when they were kids with poor Hiccup being desperate to find the one item his mom had given him since that was the only thing he had to remind him of her. I don't want to see a happy scene with Dagur reading about how much his dad loved him. Oswald should have proven it by not abandoning him, then in that same episode with the supposed happy moment, Dagur wouldn't have voiced his doubt that his dad did in fact love him. Just a little something that irks me, but I'm curious what everyone else thinks.
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reviewinghiccup · 2 years
Blog Post Series: Breaking Down Hiccup
Title: When Lightning Strikes
Ep/Season: Episode 13, Season 1 (Riders of Berk)
A strange and fierce lightning storm besets the village, and angry suspicions rouse claims that Toothless is to blame.
HICCUPS HYPER-FIXATIONS He's so fixated on the new perches that he nearly drinks dragon poop infested water. Love how Stoick stops him, knowing that his son is so obsessed over the new developments, he ain't thinking.
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Hiccup is an ideas man. In todays age, he could be anything. Software designer, architect, engineer, pilot? I mean, the list of career opportunities is endless.
We know that in the final instalment of the franchise, they set out to find New Berk. I feel like that was indicative of the kind of forward trajectory having a chief like Hiccup would cause. Playing to his strengths is what allowed Berk to modernise and who knows, maybe his style of village / town planning is the kind we see in the old Scandinavian Countryside.
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It's possible, all the ideas he intended to build on Berk for the dragons he ended up doing at Dragon's Edge like the landing areas and stables. And it's such a clever way to learn and improve designs in their "mock" village during the RTTE season before implementing the same in Berk as we see in the opening of HTTYD 2.
Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but I think a lot about what Stoick tells Hiccup are probably lessons on chief-ing he picks up as he goes along. Learning mostly through observation and spending time w his dad.
We know that Hiccup's decision in HTTYD: The Hidden World, i.e., to leave Berk to find new pasture, is because Berk is no longer a safe place for its people. The threat from enemies is endless.
This eminent danger is heightened if you watch the TV programmes. Because apart from Drago Bludvist and Grimmel the Grisley, we have Alvin the Treacherous, Dagger the Deranged, Ryker & Viggo Grimborn, Krogan and Johann. The other more treacherous than the last.
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At the end of The Hidden World, Hiccup knows that he must let go of Toothless and all the other dragons for everyones safety.
Hiccup becomes a good chief by virtue of all these little moments w his dad. I can even recall a moment in Episode 7, Season 1 (Riders of Berk) : How to Pick your Dragon where Stoick releases this inner monologue. Maybe that's what caused Hiccup to put the village first in the end.
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No doubt Hiccup becomes one of the best chiefs because he has learned from the best. Pick and chosen which lessons to keep and which to improve.
When a society lacks understanding, it is guided by fear. The village, after incessant accusations by Mildew, goes on a witch hunt for Toothless. They believe that keeping a Night Fury has angered Thor.
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They are in a sense, a deeply religious society. And because they don't understand the science of nature i.e., that metal attracts lightning, they believe any explanation pitted against a certain cause.
HTTYD series conflicts go beyond bad guy v good guy. Sometimes, it is your own people you need to deal with.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. ROB has some of the best comedic lines of the franchise.
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I know we've discussed Snotlout previously. I know we all agree he's not all that bad. Just a damaged viking really, with a lousy father. His relationship w Hiccup is very up and down. But, I love how he took revenge along w Tuffnutt, who in a sense are pretty mellow in terms of defending Hiccup, until the series progresses.
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A real point of growth here for Stoick to stand between the village and Toothless.
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He's a pretty great dad. Don't you think so?
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lousymoonwalker · 1 year
Little rant about live action remakes, specifically HTTYD
Okay, so sometimes when I am reminded that HTTYD is getting a live action remake, it kinda makes my stomach hurt. Why? Let me tell you.
I watched HTTYD as a kid and kinda forgot about it, but in 2020, when the world was falling apart, I turned to it and fell in love. Like obsessed. I hyper-fixated on it for months. I watched all three movies, the short films, RTTE, and a few episodes of DoB that I could find for free lol. I read the fanfics and have obsessed over fan-art (seriously guys, whoever is talented enough to draw, keep it up! I love y'alls fan-art so much!!) I listened to John Powell's music while I completed my online homework, it felt so stable to me. The characters, the music, the beauty of the animation, it was comforting. Especially during such an awful time.
When I heard that there was a live-action film in the works, it literally made me sick. I refuse to watch the D*sney remakes because they're all soulless cash-grabs. But, I also admit that I have never been as attached to any of the Mouse movies as much as I have been with HTTYD. One of my friends asked me why I am not happy with this because he knows I love the series. So here is my little rant and reasons as to why I am dreading this so much.
1) Did the fans ask for this?? No. It's not as simple as, "just don't watch it". When this movie inevitably makes a ton of new changes (like all live action remakes) those changes will become actual canon. Whatever changes are made will affect what we know about the world of Berk and the characters of it. We as a fandom, have done a pretty good job of appreciating these characters for who they are and the story for what it is and growing it through some pretty great head cannons. Well, guess what, that could all change. Whoopie doo!
2) The degradation of Animation. Animation is an art form. Not a genre. It is a medium. Yet, time and time again it is presented as something childish and something that cannot be taken seriously. (I've recently had an argument with my friend because he thinks he's much too mature to watch animated movies). Each and every-time an animated movie is remade, it is a slap to the face of every animator who worked their butts off to make it as beautiful as possible. And in an effort to make the remakes more realistic, they are often washed out and use bland colors. Can you imagine the unholy offspring we'll get with Toothless and the other dragons when they are made "realistic"??
Let's appreciate scenes like this:
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and this
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or this
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also, can't forget about the hidden world,
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these scenes are GORGEOUS. They are not realistic, why should they be?? This is a series about dragons, not taxes, it doesn't have to be realistic. The colors, the textures, every element works together, beautifully.
Some honorable mentions: the scene in HTTYD 2, when Stoick is walking into the blacksmith shop,,, the way the light shines on him as he walks... ugghh BEAUTIFUL
the sand on the beach in THW when Toothless is drawing a picture of the Light Fury, I swear that sand is real. The animators went HARD and for what?? for the company to come in only a few short years later and decide that it is too unrealistic or not valid enough as an art form?? i'd be pretty upset.
3) This will cause unnecessary trends on social media. (This is specifically a rant that stems from my own lack of confidence, sorry in advance) Look, I hate to say it, but I naturally gatekeep stuff. I like to feel unique and like my interests are my own, so it pains me when the internet will find something niche that I love and ruin it with unnecessary trends. For example, I love Avatar, (yes... the "blue one" :/). So for years, the fandom was kinda controlled, I appreciated the artwork and content from real fans and honestly I liked when nobody even really knew the Avatar fandom was still going strong. But, with the release of The Way of Water, all of a sudden, everyone on TikTok and Instagram became the biggest fans ever or at least pretended to be. One of my friends is an aspiring makeup artist and she did the Na'vi look despite never having seen either movie. All of a sudden, this special thing I was interested in, blew up. That is what is going to happen to this fandom at least for a while. I won't be able to find real fans because everyone will just post all kinds of things and create new trends using John Powell's music. I'm all about getting new fans and being welcoming to actual fans. But it won't be all fans, it'll just be content creators needing to stick with the trends. People who haven't seen any of the HTTYD films since they were children are going to act like they've been waiting for this moment their entire lives. Idk, I'm kinda cynical, if you couldn't tell. I truthfully like ppl actually becoming fans and I don't want to discourage that, but I don't want to lose the real fans to the internet trends. and I am afraid that I will. At least for a few months after the release.
4) Dreamworks only really exists as a middle-finger to Disney. With Disney really sucking it up with their live actions in the past few years, and Dreamworks KILLING it with their new and exciting animated movies (Puss in Boots anyone??), I really thought they would continue trying to capitalize on honing their skills as animators. But, it makes sense that Dreamworks is trying their hand at something Disney does, but trying to make it better. I actually think Dreamworks will be better. I mean, we still got Dean DeBlois, which is a major win. Plus, in general, Dreamworks tends to take their time and create something actually good. So, I don't think the quality will be the problem, I just wish they wouldn't stoop to Disney's level.
5) We're wasting time instead of making a new work. Okay, let's say that Dreamworks HAS to create a live-action film. Create a new story. We wrapped up HTTYD with a pretty bow, now, let them sleep. Leave the story alone so you don't f- it up. Because as we all know, the more you f- around, the more you find out.
Look, as I said earlier, I don't think it will be crap quality or even a bad movie. I'm glad we get Dean DeBlois again and I really think that is going to make a huge difference. I'm not even upset by the casting of Hiccup and Astrid. I just don't want to lose one of my favorite franchises to watch it become a deflated, boring, bland reenactment that continues to be just another cash-grab. It makes me genuinely sad.
As long as the series is over, I feel like nothing can touch it. Nothing can ruin it. But, the second it is resurrected from the dead, it becomes fair play for anyone on the internet to regurgitate it and ruin the magic and now, this entire fandom is at the mercy of a few writers and one big corporation determined to one-up the competition as well as content creators looking for a new trend to get-in on.
Anyways, I love that as a fandom, we're all still here. I am proud that y'all are still making art and fanfics (keep going, pls). If we stick together, we can weather this storm. And maybe, if we all cross our fingers, we might get a decent new movie that is fun to watch and is respectful to the original material and is something us fans can approve of.
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Making Waves : The End
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You are a young mermaid, not ready for your adult responsibility when you find a secret underwater tunnel that leads to a secret cove. You couldn’t imagine how your life was going to change because of it. HiccupXMermaid!Reader
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Chapter 9: A Snoggletog to remember
A few months later the winter arrived on Berk.
All was under the pretty white blanket of snow. Making the village look magical.
You experienced for the first time snow on land and it had been a hoot. You, Hiccup, and the gang had actually a snowball fight or more of a war the other day as you admitted that you never have done something like this before.
Of course, the guys had been mindful of you, you were nearing the end of your pregnancy, and the baby could be born any day now. That didn’t mean you hadn’t waterbend waves of snow at them.
It had been an amazing day.
You and Hiccup even build a little snowman family before your house with a dragon, symbolizing you two with your to-be-born baby and Toothless.
The dragon had cooed at his snow doppelganger. He seemed pretty happy with it. Toothless was such a sweetheart.
But right now, he was been a little pest.
It was early morning, you and Hiccup cuddled up under the blankets of your bed and groaned together at your dragon who banged on your rooftop.
“Don’t go!”, you whine to Hiccup, embracing him by the shoulders, your huge stomach didn’t allow for more.
“You know he won’t stop till I go flying with him.”, he reminded you, giving your forehead a kiss. “You know I would rather stay here with you in the warm, but Toothless is family too.”
“Of course. I just miss flying with you guys. Till the baby is born, I can’t come with you.”
Hiccup placed a lot of kisses on your face, while he caress your stomach. You giggled cutely under the affection gesture.
“I speak for Toothless and me, that we miss flying with you too, but remember, Gothi said one week or two more weeks tops, then our little bundle of joy should be born.”
“All right, all right.”, you hummed.
Your lips found each other sweetly.
“Now go, before Toothless storms into the room.”, you tell him playfully.
Hiccup steals another kiss and gives your stomach one too before he gets dressed to meet Toothless outside.
You sign happily.
Who would have thought this would be your life one day?
To say you are happy would be an understatement.
You caressed your stomach and decide to get some more sleep. You fall asleep again with a small smile.
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The snow follows your hands moved gracefully, you arch and spin how much you can with your pregnant belly and create beautiful snow sculptures around the village plaza.
The little children are oh-ing and ah-ing at you. You smile at them and bend the snow so that it falls down on them in snowflakes. The little Viking children laugh, trying to catch them with their tongues.
You feel all warm seeing the joy in their eyes.
You can’t wait when you can play with your child like this.
“Good job, [Y/N].”, you hear Astrid say to you. She comes up behind you and wraps an arm around your shoulders. Stormfly, her trusted dragon, noises delicately your stomach.
You lean on her and pet Stormfly’s snout.
Who would have thought that after the first time you meet, you both were now good friends?
“You and Stormfly did a great job with the tree and the shields too.”, you compliment them.
“Well done. Well done, all of you!”, you hear your father-in-law call out to you all. Gobber is with him. “I've never thought I'd live to see this day. Peace on the island of Berk. This will surely be the greatest holiday, we've ever seen!”
Everybody, human and dragon, cheer happily.
Suddenly all the dragons start to get tense, Stormfly even stops cuddling Astrid and you.
“What the...?!”, wonders Stoick, like all of you.
What is going on?
The sky of Berk is filled with dragons of all kinds.
“What in Thor's name?!”, adds Gobber.
One of the village Monstrous Nightmares let out a loud roar, which the other village dragons answered, and one by one they start to take off and join the other dragons in the sky!
You and Astrid hold each other by the arms.
“Where's Hiccup?”, asks Astrid.
Since he was the first dragon rider, she logically thinks he knows the most about dragons.
“He is flying with Toothless.”, you answer her. “They should be back soon!”
That’s when also Stormfly decides to join the flying dragons.
“Nonono! Don't leave, Stormfly, don't go! Please?”, begs Astrid her Nadder, but her dragon doesn’t listen to her.
You hold Astrid’s shoulders in comfort and look around worried. You also don’t know what this all means. Dragon and merpeople have been friends since forever, but you never experienced this or heard about this from the Elders of the coven.
Finally Hiccup and Toothless land back on the island. Your husband jumps from his dragon, while you waddle up to him.
You take each other hands.
“Hiccup! What's going on?”, comes Astrid after you. “Where are they going?”
The whole villages assemble around you guys. Questions get asked left and right.
“Why did they leave?”
“What's happening?”
“Will they ever come back?”
“Stop! Wait!”, Hiccup asks for room to breathe.
“One after another.”, you suggest.
Thankful Stoick comes for you.
“Calm down! Give him a chance to speak! Hiccup, where are all our dragons going?”
Your husband looks sad at his father, while you squeeze his hand.
“Dad... I don't know.”
There you hear how it seems that Stormfly is trying to encourage Toothless to fly with them away, but your dragon of course can’t because of his tailfin.
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A while later the whole village is at the Great Hall.
You are sitting on a chair, Hiccup beside you holding into your shoulders, you holding one of his hands and rubbing with the other your stomach. The baby seems to feel the sad and nervous energy and is kicking you.
The gang is around you two and you all listen to what the older Vikings discuss.
“Where'd they go?!”
“Snoggletog is ruined!”
“It's not ruined!”, contradicts your father-in-law. “We're Vikings! We've been perfectly happy celebrating without dragons for generations! And there's no reason we can't do it again! Now we don't know where they've gone off to. But we have to have faith that they'll be back again soon. Am I right?”
“You're right, we are Vikings! We are tough!”, agrees Gobber with him, while not really looking Viking-like with all the shiny bells and baubles attached to his arm and helmet. “Most of the time...”
It’s like you all agreed on, you and the gang walk out of the Great Hall, in the meantime, Gobber tries to get the other Vikings to sing Snoggletog songs.
Out in the streets, you hold into Hiccup’s arm and walk with the gang in a line.
“That was depressing...”, says Ruffnut, what you all thought.
“I know! I was looking forward to spending the holiday with Stormfly.”, signs Astrid sadly.
Strangely Fishlegs is whistling a happy tune. What is up with that?
“What are you so happy about?”, wonders Tuffnut too. “Don't you miss Meatlug?”
“Me? Oh! Yeah!”
Fishlegs lets out the fakest sobs you ever heard.
“I miss him so much!”
Not a second later he wishes you all a good night and formally runs home.
With your free hand, you point at him.
“I’m not the only one who thinks this was fishy.”
Agreeing nods from everyone.
“I’m with, mermaid-girl.”, expresses Snotloud.
Yeah, he never stopped calling you that and probably wouldn’t. Not that it got on your nerves.
“I've got an idea!”, tells you Astrid suddenly excited. “Let's come up with a bunch of new holiday traditions! You know, to bury the sadness!”
Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Snotlout groan at that.
“Actually, Astrid might be on to something.”, states Hiccup.
You nod.
“Keeping our minds occupied can help us till the dragons return.”
Tuffnut scoffs: “Easy for you two to say. Your dragon can't go anywhere without you. One of you needs to fly him always.”
At this, you and Hiccup look for Toothless and find him on a cliff looking pretty sad.
Your poor sweetheart…
“Must be nice.”, adds Ruffnut sarcastically.
You and Hiccup look helpless at each other. What could you do for Toothless?
After you both retire to your home, you both brainstorm together. That’s when Hiccup gets a brilliant idea and you applaud him.
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The next day you sit on a chair watching your husband working on his idea in the blacksmith stall.
“[Y/N], Hiccup!”, you hear Astrid call for you two.
“We are here, Astrid!”, you call back.
Your friend enters the blacksmith stall with a tablet with two mugs on it which smell disgusting! You wrinkle your nose.
Whatever that is you wouldn’t taste it!
“Here.”, she hands you both a mug. “Happy holidays, from me to you both, or three should I say.”
She makes a kissy face at your stomach, which makes you giggle and rub your belly.
“Thank you, 'Strid!”
Hiccup thanks her too and when she turns to him to see what he is working on you fast throw the beverage away. You wouldn’t have your future child taste that!
“What are you up to, Hiccup?”
“Okay, you're gonna think I'm crazy, but me and [Y/N] just couldn't stop thinking about what Tuffnut said last night. Toothless can’t come and go like the other dragons, and that's just not fair. We were up all night and I think I found a way to fix that.”, explains Hiccup to her.
He shows Astrid the new tail fin and takes a sip of the Yaknog. Realizing how disgusting it tastes, he's unable to swallow. You bite your lip to not start laughing out loud. You should feel bad for your husband, but his face is just hilarious!
“No way! You built him a new tail?”, gasp Astrid surprised. “So he's gonna be able to fly without you or [Y/N]!”
“Wow, what a great gift!”
“What if he never comes back?”
That’s when your amusement turns into dread. Toothless, your sweetheart, never to return to you and Hiccup?
“What am I saying? Of course, he will!”
“Well, I'm going spread some more holiday cheer! See you guys later!”
With that Astrid runs off again. Once she gets far enough away to not notice, Hiccup spits the Yaknog onto the floor.
Now you can’t help but laugh.
“You could have warned me!”, he growls playfully to you.
“And miss the show? Now you know how I feel with morning sickness, Mister!”
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Hiccup and you walk to your house with the new tailfin, where already Toothless is on the roof jumping up and down, dislodging shingles.
“Toothless! Come on down, bud, we have got something for you.”, your husband calls to him up.
The dragon leaps down and approaches. He sniffs, curious.
“What do you think, sweetheart?”, you ask him.
He is more interested in what Hiccup's holding than what you guys say, follows the fin as Hiccup tries to line it up with his tail.
“Would you just settle down? Toothless, come on bud, let me get this on you.”
“Be a good boy.”, you join and hold his snout in your hands.
Toothless croons at you in question, while your husband closes the latches on the fin.
“Yeah, you are going to love this. Okay?”, tells him Hiccup.
For the time being Toothless seems really confused about what he has now on his tail. He roars, swinging his tail around wildly.
You and Hiccup try to calm him down.
“Easy sweetheart! It’s nothing dangerous! Just stay calm!”
“No, no! Toothless, stop. Please, wait. Toothless, please!”
The tail unfurls by itself. Toothless freezes, wide-eyed. He tests the new tail, gears whirring as he sweeps his wings in and out.
“There you go.”, says Hiccup. “See? Got it?”
Toothless stares deeply into Hiccup's eyes, a kind of animal communication both familiar and feral. Hiccup stares back. You look confused between the boys.
What is going on?
Questioning Hiccup says the dragon’s name, when Toothless turns, push off the ground and into the sky!
Hiccup and you watch shocked as he files away and disappears into the clouds.
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Three days.
For three days Toothless was missing.
You and Hiccup were worried to death.
And Hiccup even more so because you were pregnant and the stress was not good for the baby.
That’s why you visit this early Gothi to do a quick check-up on you. You let Hiccup sleep in. He didn’t catch any sleep over the last three days worrying about anything.
The old Viking woman told you to relax, with the baby all was good, but you wouldn’t make the situation better by worrying over Toothless so much.
But you couldn’t help it.
You loved Toothless too.
Yet you would try it for your child.
Signing you sat at one of the piers of the village looking into the ocean. How you wished to take a dive and visit your parents, yet it was forbidden to change forms when one was pregnant.
It was not good for the unborn child.
That’s when you see a familiar Gronkel having a very familiar passenger on him flying over you.
“Hiccup?!”, you shout surprised and stand slowly up. “Where are you going?!”
“I have no idea...!”, he shouts back.
“Meatlug!”, the familiar voice of Fishlegs shouts. You turn in his direction. “What about presents? Hey!”
Curious about what Meatlug was still doing here on Berk and what Fishlegs had to do with it, you waddle up to his shed.
The others are here too and Astrid seems to scold Fishlegs.
“You can't believe him? You kidnapped your dragon!”
“That makes it sound so mean.”
You rub the spot where your baby is kicking you and turn to Snotloud.
“What’s going on?”, you ask.
“Apparently Fishlegs hold his own dragon prisoner so he couldn’t fly away, mermaid-girl.”
“Guys!”, shouts Tuffnut for all of your attention.
He and his twin are kneeling before a haystack. They seem to have found something interesting.
“Whoa, Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks!”, yells Fishlegs surprised as the twins step back.
Lying in the hay are a dozen or so small, blue, rocky spheroids. Astrid grabs one and holds it up.
“You're such an idiot. Those aren't rocks. Your dragon laid eggs.”, corrects him Ruffnut.
“Hey, wait.”, calls Astrid in between. “I bet that's why the dragons left. To lay their eggs.”
“That makes actually a lot of sense. A lot of animals wander to different places to have their young. Why not dragons too.”, you agree, a finger on your lip, thinking out loud.
“But boy dragons don't lay eggs.”, disagrees Fishlegs what Ruffnut said.
“Yeah, your boy-dragon is a girl-dragon.”
“Okay. That actually explains a few things.”
You snort quietly at this. Did Fishlegs never check Meatlug’s gender?
Astrid pops up in front of you guys and dashes off.
“Hey! Everyone's missing their dragons, right?”, ask Astrid rhetorically.
Snotloud groans at this: “Ugh, here it comes.”
You hit his side with your elbow and he whines and rubs at the hurting spot.
Astrid snags a ribbon and wraps it around the egg.
“I've got an idea. It'll be another new Snoggletog tradition!”
She presents you with the Gronkel egg with the pretty red ribbon around it, like a gift. She explains to you all her plan and you can’t help to get excited.
This sounds so wonderful.
So you and the gang sneak out of the shed, arms full of Gronckle eggs with red bow ties. You break apart, each heading for a different section of the village.  Each of you sneaks into a Viking home and places your eggs in an empty Snoggletog helmet.
After you have finished you all meet up at the village plaza.
“Wasn't this a great idea?”, asks you, Astrid.
“Uh-huh. Everyone is gonna be so surprised!”, answers her Fishlegs.
Suddenly you all hear a loud explosion.
Before you can even wonder what it was a baby Gronckle bursts through a nearby door in a ball of fire, hitting Fishlegs on the head and knocking him back.
“Surprise!”, yells Snotloud cheerily to the fallen Fishlegs.
You all crowd around the little baby Gronkel, while Snotloud and the twins coo at it, you and Astrid stare at the baby and then at each other.
“The eggs explode?”, you say together shocked.
A second Gronckle bursts out of an attic. Another one through a house's roof.
“The eggs explode!”, you both scream.
This will not end well!
And you will be right because the exploding eggs spread fire and chaos among the whole village. Vikings run, yelling, from their houses, into the town square.
“I'm sorry! Sorry!”, apologizes the blond.
“We didn’t know!”, you add and twitch at another explosion with flying baby Gronkel.
A ball of fire bursts through a roof, leaving a giant hole. Another Gronckle soars past the tip of the Snoggletog tree, setting it alight.
“Save us!”, one of the Vikings yells.
One by one, as if on a timer, three houses explode in a row. Gronckles crash through the Snoggletog tree, ripping off wood and lighting giant patches of fire.
Astrid and you are paralyzed with fear. The others watch in awe.
“Awesome.”, declares Ruffnut.
“Wow.”, comes from her twin brother.
“This is your best idea yet!”, compliments Snotloud Astrid.
Your father-in-law and the other Vikings crowd around the Snoggletog tree, which is slowly burning to the ground.
“What in Thor's name is going on?!”, Stoick demands to know.
“The eggs explode.”, you and Astrid explain together again.
The final egg explodes in a house behind you.
Astrid and you wince.
This was a catastrophe!
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A dozen or so baby Gronckles lie sleeping beside a house. Vikings are walking across the town with wood and supplies, helping each other clean up.
You also helped and dosed all the fire you could find with ice.
That is the last you could do for being partially responsible for the destruction of your home.
You sign and look into the night sky.
You wonder where Hiccup is and when he is coming back.
You would really like to get a hug from him.
At this moment you see a dark figure appear from behind the clouds. Wondering you join the other Vikings who are all in the plaza and try to see who it is.
It's the mast of a Viking ship. Held up by hundreds of flying dragons. And piloted by a very familiar Viking.
“Hiccup! It’s Hiccup!”, you yell happily seeing your husband well.
“And our dragons!”, adds Astrid excited.
The crowd cheers. The ship drops lower and lower in the sky until it crashes down onto the icy ground of Berk. The ship scrapes to a stop in front of the crowd.
The dragons release the ropes holding it up.
Baby dragons emerge from all over the ship to an aww-ing crowd. You and the gang run up to meet them.
“Love!”, you call for your husband and find yourself back in his strong arms.
You both kiss each other sweetly, while your friends and neighbors are greeting happily their dragons and the babies.
“I hope I didn’t worry you too much pearl.”, asks Hiccup, after your kiss.
You play with one of his little braids and smile sheepishly. “Me and the gang nearly let whole Berk explode, so I didn’t have time to worry.”
That’s when Stoick comes up to you two and lifts you together in a giant bear hug.
“Well done, son.”, he chuckles.
“Thanks, Dad.”
“Everyone, grab your dragons.”, calls Stoick. “To the Great Hall! We finally have something to celebrate!”
Vikings and dragons cheer together.
It's a giant party, lit by the glowing candle-balls and decorated with shields and wreathes. And best of all, the dragons are with you.
Hiccup has his arm around your shoulder, you lean on him and have your arm around his waist and watch the others with a smile.
Fishlegs hugs the baby Gronckles. Snotlout jumps back as his baby Nightmare releases a burst of fire. Kids play with a tiny Zippleback. A young girl squeezes a Terrible Terror into a hug.
You see how the smile of your husband fades.
You know what he is feeling. You feel it too.
“Love.”, you start and turn his head to you. “You did something amazing today. You brought anybody dragon back and saved the holiday. You are amazing.”
You pull him into a loving kiss and hug him tight as you can with your pregnant belly in between.
“Oh pearl, where did Toothless go?”
“I don’t know, I miss him too. We just have to believe he will return to us.”, you mumbled to him and give his cheek a kiss.
Very quietly, the Great Hall door opens and closes behind Hiccup, drawing your attention.
Toothless peeks into the hall!
You gasp happy, tears spring from your eyes.
“Hiccup, turn around!”, you beg your husband.
He does it with a raised brown to see the Night Fury run up to you two.
“Toothless! Hey, bud!”
You both hug the dragon around his neck. Your dragons seem to enjoy greatly the affection.
“Bad dragon! Very bad dragon!”, Hiccup lets go of Toothless and scolds him, while you cross your arms and nod. “You scared us to death. Don't ever stay away that long again. And what is in your mouth?”
Toothless deposits a very slimy Viking helmet onto Hiccup's head. Dragon saliva drips down into Hiccup's hair.
You and everyone who saw it happen gag at this.
“Yeah, you found my helmet.”
It takes Hiccup a second to realize what that means.
“Hey! You found my helmet! That's where you've been? Buddy, thank you. You are amazing.”
“You are the best boy in the world, my sweetheart.”, you coo.
Together you embrace your dragon again.
Everybody is happy and Astrid shouts: “Happy Snoggletog!”
Suddenly you feel how water drips down your legs. Frowning you let go of Toothless and hold your stomach.
Something is happening…
“Pearl? What’s wrong?”, ask you Hiccup worried, even Toothless croons at you.
“The baby…”, you stumble and hiss at the pain you start to feel. “The baby is coming!”
“The baby is coming?!”, shouts Hiccup shocked.
Toothless looks at you wide-eyed.
The whole crowd repeats what Hiccup said.
“YES I’M HAVING A BABY!”, you shout angrily and hunch over from the pain. “OH BY THE SEVEN SEAS IT HURTS LIKE A BITCH!”
You can’t even look that fast, as Hiccup picks you up and puts you on Toothless.
“Gothi, where is Gothi?!”, yells now your husband in a panic.
Calmly the old Viking woman walks up to you three and gestures for you to follow her.
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After hours and hours of the worst pain of your life and threats to Hiccup that you would never again have sex with him if he put you a second time in this agony, your child was finally born on the first hours of the new day.
It was a pretty little girl.
She had your skin color but came clearly after her father.
Her father who sat beside you on the bed, holding the babe in his arms, staring at this daughter in wonder and crying silent tears.
You just watched the two silent and happy, petting Toothless who was sitting on your orther side, cooing at the infant.
“She is so beautiful.”, Hiccup whispered and kissed her tiny forehead. “I can’t believe, that I got to have something so beautiful. That this is my life. With you and Toothless and now her.”
You hummed and stroked his head.
“You are okay with her name?”
“Yes, it’s perfect, since she comes from both worlds.”
You put your head on his shoulder, Toothless right behind you, and looked down at the most precious thing in the world. You would have killed for Hiccup, you would destroy the whole world for her.
“Then welcome to the world Katara Valka Haddok.”
Katara, named after one of the greatest waterbending mermaids from your childhood stories, who had been your hero growing up and Valka for the mother Hiccup never knew but missed the same.
You had a feeling she would be something special.
Not because she was your daughter.
No, because she was her father’s daughter, you just knew it.
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This time when Toothless wakes you up, Katara is sleeping between you and Hiccup.
Normally newborns don’t give their parents much sleep, but Katara liked to sleep. It was more of a hassle getting her to drink milk from you.
The baby babbles, while Hiccup kisses her forehead and then your lips.
“What do you say? Do my girls want to join the morning fight with our Toothless.”, he asked playfully.
You giggle. “As long daddy doesn’t jump from the saddle and does other tricks why not.”
You had missed flying with Toothless and Katara would be one day a dragon rider too, so why shouldn’t she already experience flying?
After you three get dressed and Hiccup puts Katara into a backpack-like baby transporter he invented, so she can be strapped on the chest or the back, you make your way out of your house to Toothless.
Katara is strapped on your chest and coos at the black dragon who waits for you on the ground.
Strangely Toothless has pulled out the old tail and saddle in front of him. He looks between them and Hiccup.
“Toothless, what'd you pull this out for?”, wonders Hiccup. “You don't need this anymore. Come on, let's get going.”
Toothless groans, and walks around Hiccup, gesturing again to the saddle and tailfin.
You want to say something, but you feel your boys have to understand each other alone, so you just caress your daughter, while you watch on how Toothless destroys his new tail and makes Hiccup understand that he only wants to fly with him.
Your husband looks at you, you smile back and Katara babbles at her dad.
With a big smile, Hiccup turns to Toothless.
Winter in Berk lasts most of the year. It hangs on with both hands and won't let go. And the only real comforts against the cold are those you keep close to your heart.
You are up again in the sky and can help your happy shout. Katara seems transfixed with these new sensations.
Hiccup makes Toothless fly higher, towards the sun, while the dragon croons happily.
You all were together again and your family just got bigger.
Turns out that was the best Snoggletog ever. Not only made I an awesome gift for my best friend and he gave me a better one, but no my wife also gave me the greatest gift of them all. A beautiful daughter.
Katara waves one tiny hand around trying to reach for the clouds. You kiss her head.
Hiccup turns around and looks at you two with so much love in his eyes.
I could never imagine that one day I could be so happy. And I’m so thankful for all this. All because I made friends with a dragon. I will never not be grateful for that.
You smile back at him.
Your first Snoggletog has been a wild ride, you can’t wait for many else to follow.
With the men you love, the dragon who is a part of you, and a daughter who owns all you are and ever be.
And so your little family flies into the unknown future.
Full of possibility and new memories.
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The End!
I'm so proud that I finally finished a fanfic! :D
I hope you enjoyed the story as I enjoyed writing for it.
I hope you like the name I gave our daughter, in honour of Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender one of the most badass female characters in TV stories, and how I describe her looks, she is a little Hiccup just with the skin color you the reader have .3.
Update 09/05/2024: I decide to end the story here, so no second movie and third, since I lost interest in continuing.
I hope you understand.
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Httyd AU alternatives #001
"We move to the lower defenses." Stoick said, looking at his men. We’ll counter-attack with the catapults."
The Vikings heeded the instructions of their leader before rushing to take cover from another volley of shots. A dragon swoops down and set another house on fire.
The Viking teens were seen carrying buckets of water as Hiccup looked out towards them longingly.
Oh, and that’s Fishlegs, Snotlout, Dimitri, Astrid, the Twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and
"Here we go, guys! Let's do it!"
In Hiccup's imagination, while he had tunnel vision on the handsome boy, it was on slow motion and he was visualizing the guy posing dramatically and doing a little flip with his bangs before strutting away from a structure he just put out fire from only to have another blast light it up all over again. In reality, Jackson Overland was quickly rushing about to put out fires with Dimitri and the others, jumping onto rooftops with brilliant agility and fluidity, jumping back flips before landing back on the ground to move along to the next burning structure. 
Jim didn't even bat an eye as he passed by, carrying some metals, and actually doing his share of work. He's guessing that Gobber's going to be the one to tell him off anyway, as per usual. Although like Hiccup, he himself would much prefer to join the others outside, but he's told that it wasn't a job until he was at least fifteen, which was ridiculous since he was going to be fifteen tomorrow anyway.
Oh, their job is so much cooler.
Hiccup leaned out of the smithing window to get a better look. Gobber lifted him up and back into the shop. "Oh, come on." The brunette exasperated, "Let me out, please? I need to make my mark!"
"Oh, you’ve made plenty of marks." The blond Viking drawled, jabbing the boy with the blunt side of his hook. "All in the wrong places!"
Jim placed a crate down, "With your best friend having to help clean up the mess more often than not." he said leadingly.
"Could do with a little less begruding there, bud." Hiccup rolled his eyes before looking back at Gobber. "Please, two minutes." He continued to implore. "I’ll kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. I might even get to speak to Jackson Overland without tripping over myself."
Jim narrowed his eyes, "You know he's a nice guy, right?" he said. "Just strike up a conversation, start with the freezing weather if you have to."
"You'd think that if it were that easy, I'd get somewhere by now." Hiccup huffed, shaking his head. "But I know if I can just... Take down one dragon that isn't one of those tiny things, maybe I'd get a little of the push to actually speak a sentence to him. A correct sentence!"
Jim rolled his eyes, "Several issues with that." The younger boy snarked, "one, you can’t lift a hammer. Two, you can’t swing an axe. Three, you can’t even throw one of these." he held up a bola and a passing Viking snatched it and used it to bring down a dragon. "You're welcome." Jim called out sarcastically to the man, before going to replenish the barrel which had gone empty during the conversation.
"Okay, fine," Hiccup conceded, "but this will throw it for me."
The brunette patted a wooden machine, which opened and shot a bola randomly. Gobber hopped aside instinctively, Jim was returning from getting more weapons when he was at the path of the launched bola and ended up getting tangled in it, before hitting the ground with a grunt.
"Damn it, Hiccup!"
"Sorry," Hiccup winced, chagrined. "Mild calibration issues..."
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the ROB/DOB cast as incorrect quotes because they dont get enough recognition
Hiccup: Did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
Astrid: There's no way they like me back. Fishlegs: Hiccup would throw themself in front of a moving car for you. Astrid: Hiccup would throw themself in front of a moving car for fun.
Gobber: I'm sorry. Please talk to me. Stoick: Gobber: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure? Stoick: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&Ms.
Snotlout: I can't imagine what Hiccup is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Ruff: Hey I just got a pet snake. What should I name him? Fishlegs: A pet WHAT?! Tuff: William Snakespeare.
Fishlegs: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco. Tuff: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy. Snotlout: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance. Hiccup: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
Dagur: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Alvin: You're alive. Savage: There's no need to sound so disappointed.
Snotlout: *chokes on something* Hiccup: Jeez, Person E, don't die on us. Snotlout: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
Tuff: Wasn't icarly that guy that girlbossed too close to the sun because he was down for Apollo? Fishlegs: ICARUS?
Hiccup: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
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Draft reveal
HiJack - Brave AU
"C'mon Hic, it's not too late yet." Jack said, flinching a bit as Hiccup snatched the bucket of fishes he was carrying to dump it into Toothless's stall. "you just... Have to really talk to him; how you don't want your marriage partner chosen this way."
"Talk to him? Have you met the guy?"
"Yup," Jack nodded, popping the 'p.' "Gotta say, still the most terrifying moment of my life. Even compared to the first time you convinced me to ride Toothless with you."
Hiccup snorted, returning to stand directly in front of his best friend. Well, best human friend. "Then you understand that listening isn't his strong suit."
"Well, runs in the family." Jack quipped, earning a glare from the brunette. The servant boy cleared his throat, "But I've also seen him with you and your mother; if he realizes how upset this would really make you he would have second thoughts in forcing you into this. Just... Do something to make him really listen. Make a stand, or something."
Hiccup looked thoughtful. 
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"My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, the Third!" The brunette intoned, looking over at everyone present at the field. Jack's mouth popped open, pretty certain he didn't have this in mind when advising him the other day. Green eyes stayed a moment longer at his father's, but when it reaches Jack, it was maintained. Even he looked as shell-shocked as everyone else did, "And since Jack can't participate since he's 'not a chief's son' I'm his stand in proxy. If I win, I'm marrying him because I love him!"
Jack turned bright red. In any other situation, he would be elated that Hiccup's liked him all this time. But the utter shock and bubbling up rage Stoick was sporting put a damper to the moment. "Oh Hic... We gotta talk about timing..." Those around him looked towards him. he shrunk back sheepishly. "Yeah, okay... I mean, I consent and reciprocate but for the record, let it be known, I did not tell him to do that."
"HICCUP!" Stoick bellowed with Valka sighing and trying to calm him down. "Get off that dragon and out of that race!" A horn flared as response, and the racers flew off...  including his son. He glared at the man who flared the horn, "GOBBER!"
"... Sorry." The blond responded, looking chagrined. "It was very moving."
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"What?! You sent Jack to the dungeons?!"
"Until he's banished from Berk. His voyage docks out tomorrow."
"He can stay," Valka interjected, in attempt to placate her son. Although she's not very approving of Stoick's choices right now either, "but that follows after you choose either of the other participants whom are either chief sons or daughters."
"You can't be serious!"
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twiafom · 1 year
starting with this issue haha ​​*snaps fingers*
in fact the first app i tried to use was notion because i saw a lot of people on youtube saying that it helped them to get organized (but my account in the app got closed which frustrated me a bit)
I realized that I am not a person of too much order and notion was very methodical and I was overwhelmed, although it is actually a good app and I started it again with a little more calm (between online)
I found milanote because it sponsored a booktuber that I see (XD) and I started using it. It really helps me, I can put the notes I need, reminders with color, mind maps, reference images, I can change the color of the notes and the background. I'm not good at explaining and to keep things short I can only say that milanote is my organizer app (although it has little space for free and I can't have the paid one).
Another question, what kind of music do you listen to write? Right now I'm listening to Melanie Martinez as I write that (I love that woman) and some audio edits.
As for the guys and the powers.
Hiccup of course has the powers of fire but I was also thinking about linking with animals, for all the linking with dragons, for a moment I thought about putting it for rapunzel but I already have her defined and I can't think of this for merida then he stays with hiccup. For example, if they are in a wild place, he can have some communication (or understanding) with the animals and avoid problems with the most dangerous ones or ask for some kind of help (also I like that detail of the connection he has with toothless that can understand him). Moving on to the fire powers, I feel that for that reason, Stoick would send him to the forge with gobber, both to help gobber and hiccup learn and to develop his power, although he would also use inferno to not depend so much on his power ( that's what I feel).
Rapunzel: she has this whole healing thing, I once read in an HP AU that witches carry their hair up and take great care of it because that's where they store/channel most of their power.
I would put something similar to her, but with some changes, for example, she has a core where she has her healing power, but she channels it into her hair (that's why she would be so strong and would keep it tied in the braid from the movie haha ) but, since hair is a weak point and can be easy to cut (Eugene showed us that) she can use her power without having to channel it into (forgive the redundancy) her hair. Also, I feel like she would be very sensitive to magic and this whole astral plane thing (I was inspired by Dr. Strange to be honest) so it would be a useful skill on the battlefield, when she's blind she can feel the astral form of their enemies (or the aura, but I have this in doubt xd) and know their location.
Jack is a whole thing in my head. For example, the way he got his powers, I even told him the story of how he got them LOL (I can tell you about that in another note if you need more context). The thing is that, based on that, in addition to having his winter powers, Jack is able to move water (or liquids) to turn them into ice or snow (which would be, convert it to be able to manipulate it) also, as in the movie With the bunny he makes in Jaime's room, he could make animated ice figures, things he could handle/control/bring to life (something like the snow monster in Elsa's castle?)
This is where it gets complicated because, the "extra" (to give it a name), that I wanted to include in Jack, is that he possesses magic, we could call it "pure magic", and it was this that saved Jack from dying. drowned and gave him his ice powers.
Otra cosa que también pensé para él fue la "absorción de poder" que va de la mano con la "magia pura". Digamos, cuando vencieron al tono, parte de su poder fue absorbido por Jack, y ahora es él quien produce las pesadillas (lo cual no le gusta, pero desarrollaría eso en algún arco de personaje si desarrollo la idea).
And it's all I've got, I haven't been able to develop Merida well and I'm still in doubt about what to include in Jack of the ideas that I already mentioned.
any suggestions?
hello again 🥀🦋!
oh awesome i'm glad milanote works for you! yeah notion can be pretty complicated if you can't find the right templates or want to make your own setup and can't figure it out, so if milanote is what you find most helpful you should stick with it! i just got back into notion again recently because i Really need to be outlining and found having some organization way more helpful than 5 different google docs 😭
i listen to different stuff depending on what i'm writing, like i have different playlists for each of my fics and original projects so i put one of those on while working, but sometimes i just have a single song i'm really into and i'll put that on repeat! typically if i post some art where the caption is a line of lyrics then that's probably what i was listening to over the couple hours of drawing LMAO
yeah i do get that for hiccup! my personal interpretation is that i avoid giving animal powers to hiccup because i like him learning that empathy with them and dragons as a skill he has to develop as opposed to an inherent power he's born with or given, BUT again that's just how i think of it and that doesn't mean no one can do it! in an au with powers then him having a kind of mental link to toothless is really cool!
no that's a really cool idea for rapunzel! magic being stored in hair also reminds me of the comic witchy which utilizes a similar concept. the astral plane stuff is also cool, if you're thinking of having rapunzel have a sort of magical core then maybe she can sense that sort of thing in other people?
pure magic could even be man in the moon related! maybe it comes from him or is somehow otherwise related to him? and the water manipulation makes a lot of canon sense too, we see him creating frost and the like so it would track that he could do that to a larger degree, maybe not exactly water bending level but you know HAHA
oo i mean if you did go the route of having the pure magic be manny related, then him having "absorbed" that power could maybe make him susceptible to absorbing other power's like pitch's?
i hope something in here could be helpful? sorry i have no ideas with merida 😭
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noctusfury · 5 months
Who Replaced Savage as Alvin's Chief Subordinate? (Defenders of Berk/RTTE)
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Today, we'll be going into another Alvin/Outcast topic!
Anyone wonder who replaced Savage as Alvin's subordinate after Dagur's defeat at the Defenders of Berk finale? Savage fled after Dagur's capture, and Alvin was left sans a right-hand man. So who took over his position?
I can think of a few people. Though, it could always be somebody that we don't even know. But, for argument's sake, let's start with four likely candidates. With one additional fanon option, which I'll add at the end of this.
The first candidate I'd like to present you as a likely option is this guy in the Riders of Berk episode "Alvin and the Outcasts," where he runs to Alvin, who's in Stoick's place, and reports of having been given reports by Scouts about Bucket and Mulch with a bunch of others heading to Thor's Beach, along with Stoick and a group heading into the forest.
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We also see in later on, when he's stranded on Dragon Island with Alvin, Savage, and others.
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Personally, I like this guy. He looks like he's got a good head on his shoulders, and he's got a pretty nice voice. Sadly, he doesn't have a name despite having a speaking part since he doesn't have one in the credits. 😔🙏🏻
So let's just call him Hugin, after one of Odin's ravens who reports to him all he finds. 🤷‍♂️
It's hard to tell if we see him in other episodes after this, since it's been awhile since I've watched ROB, and we also have to deal with the multiple Outcast minion clones that resemble him. 😵‍💫
The Second Candidate for the position of Alvin's chief subordinate is this guy, found in RTTE Season 6 episode "Return of Thor Bonecrusher", who talks to the Gang and informs them about the situation, as well as the pike:
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Let's call him Cheeky, due to his cheekguards. (I honestly don't know what to say about that helmet. It's not even covering his cheeks but his nose area instead. 💀 Is his beard THAT bushy? 😅)
Now, this could be pure coincidence — again, given the clones DreamWorks Dragons LOVES to duplicate — but we also see him in "Alvin and the Outcasts", along with, I assume, the first candidate I've just mentioned earlier, convening with Alvin in their Great Hall, listening to Alvin's plan about capturing the "Dragon Conqueror".
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Judging from this picture above, I'm assuming that he's one of Alvin's subordinates, since usually the only ones allowed to be in-the-know about a chieftain's plans or schemes are those under their retinue: the commanders who lead the men and keep things somewhat civilized and orderly.
Of course, the men in these two pics look different: One looks rather friendly while the other one just above us looks rather stern and focused, as a subordinate ought to be. So this could just be two completely different people. Though that could be that he only gets "that way" — friendly and talkative — when talking about Ice Pike. (That, actually could be very interesting. 😮 A literal ice-breaker, that. 🤭)
So in case I'm wrong, let me clarify: the second candidate is the one we see in "Alvin and the Outcasts," just like this fella here just down below, wearing a... full-faced spangenhelm — the Third Candidate:
Let's call him Helmface.
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We also see him in "Return of Thor Bonecrusher," and, if memory serves, he was with Cheeky when he explained the pike, and then threw up when Fishlegs, as Thor, ate one of them raw. 💀
In ROB's "Alvin and the Outcasts," we also see him — or who we assume is him — among those stranded with Alvin.
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However, keep in mind that full-helmed goons for Outcasts, Berserkers and Hunters are usually just your run-of-the-mill common soldier. So I may be fully wrong and am just assuming that since the other two subordinates are there that he is also a subordinate.
And now we get to the Fourth and Final Candidate: Mildew.
That's right. Mildew.
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As you know, in the ROB finale, as well as Defenders of Berk, Mildew has become an Outcast and serves Alvin. And after learning how to train dragons thanks to Hiccup impromptu dragon training lesson, he uses this knowledge to teach the Outcasts how to train dragons — namely Whispering Deaths and even Changewings.
(I'll be honest, I was rather disappointed that they passed on the opportunity to have a bunch of Outcast Dragon Riders. That would've been much more entertaining. And that would've been an extra nod to the books. That really should've been added. 😢😔)
He's also shown to be really intelligent, not only in being competent in handling the dragons, but also came up with several ideas to deal with the dragons: In ROB's "Dragon Flower," he bought Blue Oleanders which was basically poison for the dragons and thus weakened them considerably (honestly, it would've been great to utilize blue oleander to keep dragons away from certain places or as a type of defensive measure, etc — another lost opportunity); In "Dragons We Trust," Mildew successfully used his dragon tools to frame the dragons and get them banished from Berk, thus leaving Berk open to an Outcast raid (you can read here). In DOB's "Live and Let Fly," "The Iron Gronkle," "Tunnel Vision," and "Worst in Show," Mildew set a plan to destroy Berk from within by using Whispering Death eggs. And, unintentionally, it brought forth the Screaming Death, which gave a much greater challenge to Berk; and he also then suggested using those tunnels made by the Whispering Deaths to sneak into Berk and do whatever they wanted, and was able to capture Meatlug as a result.
And finally, at the end in the DOB finale episode "Cast Out," he was the inside man which helped Alvin and Hiccup to sneak onto Outcast Island and free Stoick and defeat Dagur. I don't know how he got caught, since I'm sure Savage or the other Outcasts should've told Dagur about him, the Whispering Deaths, and the caves. But they either don't know, or, in Savage's case, perhaps he didn't like Mildew's increasing importance within the Outcast Tribe and didn't want him doing the same thing as a Berserker subordinate. Who knows. But that would actually be interesting. 🤔🤷‍♂️ But all we know is that Mildew was one of the few Outcasts who knew about Alvin's return and helped him defeat Dagur.
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In conclusion, Mildew is a resourceful and intelligent individual, despite his acrimonious and recalcitrant complaints. He obviously keeps all that to himself while on Outcast Island, since he could lose his head. Or maybe he just genuinely enjoys not being on Berk. Who knows. 🤷‍♂️
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According to School of Dragons game lore — and you guys know how much I avoid game and comic lore to the hilt! — Mildew apparently can't stand that there are too many dragons both on Outcast Island and on Berk, and thus travels to a less-populated island called Icestorm Island. This would, of course, disprove this theory that Mildew became Alvin's chief subordinate, if this is true.
So this is up to you guys on whether you wish to incorporate this part of the game lore into it or not. Personally, I don't. So I'll be ignoring this. That being said, though, it WOULD be like Mildew to try to get away from dragons. But in the show, Mildew looked like he was having a soft spot for the Whispering Deaths and all that, so... I don't know. Make out of that what you will. 🤷‍♂️
And thus, my final candidate is a fanon one of my own concoction:
Fishlegs Ingerman.
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I had just posted some posts concerning this (see here and here), but Fishlegs after the "The Return of Thor Bonecrusher" would've been the perfect candidate for Alvin. He saved his (Alvin's) life and is very intelligent and strong as an individual. If Fishlegs decided that Berk wasn't the place for him and yearned to do something more or to continue doing something adventurous, joining the Incasts-nee-Outcasts as Alvin's chief subordinate — even heir — and gaining fame and achievements and honor for himself. Personally, I'm really liking this headcanon-cum-theory. 😁
Of heck, it could even be some random character who we aren't aware of. Or even a child or young man that washed up on shore who Alvin had taken under his wing. The sky's the limit!
So in conclusion, there are several candidates who have the potential of being Alvin's chief subordinate. As to who, I'll leave that up to you. Let me know what you guys think. I'd love to see your thoughts on this.
After this post, there will probably be another 3 or so Alvin or Outcasts-related articles before I dive into the Berserkers or other topics! I'll also try to make sure to post the links on my blog so that they'll be readily available.
Thank you very much for reading! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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dragonmasterhiccup · 17 days
She pushed him on the shoulder. “Hey! I know that’s not true! You were thinking of me like your sister well before that, because I know it didn’t just randomly hit you on Snoggletog.”
“Okay, good luck!” she called out as he left.
When Hiccup knocked on the door to Danny’s hut, she had been occupying herself by making some soup, using the leftover herbs from when Hiccup had been sick to whip up something that would hopefully be edible enough to consume for dinner.
She had been in the middle of eating a spoonful when he knocked, the sudden noise surprising her and causing her to choke.
In between coughs she managed to spit out, “One- one sec! A-actually just come in-“ She knew it was Hiccup, I mean who else could it be?
Chugging down some water from her canteen, she looked over at him, humming in confusion.
“What the hell are you talking about?” she asked, disbelief laced in her voice as she set her water jug on top of the mantle.
Was she losing it or was Hiccup saying that Spitelout’s rumors were true?
Waiting for him to speak, she went back over to the cauldron, stirring the soup around.
“Oh s***, seriously?!” Her eyes shot wide in surprise, and she dropped the ladle into the cauldron. His smile was so wide it had been contagious, and she found herself grinning as well.
“You’re actually getting married? Wow…- I mean, this is great! You’ve been bringing it up nonstop-“ A sudden thought came to mind and her expression became serious. “You guys are doing this because you want to, right? Not because of Spitelout running his mouth off to the entire village? I’m not trying to get in the way of whatever you two have going on, that’s not my business, I’m just saying that it’s probably not a good idea to get married just because of pressure.”
Finally registering that she was coughing, he quickly looked over at her, concerned. "Hey, you okay?"
Still grinning happily, he nodded. "Yes! Very, very seriously!" Gods, he couldn't wait!
His expression faltered to confusion for a quick moment. "What? Oh, no, of course not. Astrid's concerns were valid, I'll say that, but we talked, and cleared it all up! She knows I'm a man of my word, so we both agreed to finally get married."
Continuing, he added, "Spitelout probably wanted to cause an argument between us or something, but it was just the opposite! If I had realized it sooner, we probably would have been married by now, but I've been a little preoccupied with the raids and things..."
His mind was racing. He'd have to really start delegating, then.
The dragon raids would fall under Eret and his mom, surely. Crops and seed rotation under Fishlegs, Snotlout can continue weapons testing...
It was then that Valka came home from patrol. "Oh, Danny, that smells delightful!" Sensing the excitement in the air, she paused, looking at the two of them. "Erm, did I miss something? What's going on?"
Hiccup told her the good news, and she immediately wrapped her arms around her son, thrilled for him. Pulling away, she placed a hand on his cheek. "Oh, congratulations! Stoick would be even happier than I am if he were here!"
"Where is my future daughter-in-law, anyways? Shouldn't she be here?"
Hiccup shook his head. "She's telling her parents the news now, but the two of us are going for a flight together at sunset."
Looking between the two of them, he became a little more serious. "Now, we're going to make an official announcement in a couple of days, so please keep this news between us until the announcement. Astrid and I just wanted to tell our families as soon as we could."
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ljf613 · 2 years
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I posted 3,049 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and everything to do with what being around people who are overly concerned with their own personal physical appearance does to your psyche
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110 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
What really sold me on Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs was the part of the movie where Snow can't get the shoes off (because deep down she's no longer so sure that she wants to be who she is without them).
It's one of the most realistically accurate scenes I have ever seen in an animated kids' movie.
126 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Konekomaru: Hey exwires, here's a pro tip: do not write an email to your cram school teacher while you're seriously sick. Signed, a person who somehow came up with "dear hello, I am sick and not sure if I'll be alive to come tomorrow and I'm sorry, best slutantions, Miwa".
Shiemi: I mean, if someone wrote that to me, I'd probably believe they were sick.
Renzo: "Slutantions" has me crying laughing
Rin: i once emailed Shura with a migraine. a mistake. "I amsick will not to training because i have a heache. i Hope its very and i am so sorry love, blue" the subject line was "OW"
Mephisto: As someone who runs a cram school, please send those emails because 1) We WILL believe that; no one would write that on purpose and 2) we need a laugh sometimes.
Ryuji: On the other side of this, once after getting taken to the ER by ambulance, I got an email from Sideburns, and the message had no text, just the subject line "you good?"
Yukio: Claritin makes me weird, but I have allergies so there’s about a month and a half block of time where I’m taking Claritin and am just weird most of the time. Anyway, last year, I got the flu or something and was also taking Mucinex. I told Shiro I couldn’t work one day by email except I couldnt think of what to say, so my medicated self decided to make a Fry meme. I think it said something like “Not sure if I can go perform an exorcism with a head the size of Gehenna, bottom text.” I didn’t think until the next day that it probably wasn’t socially-acceptable to tell the Paladin you weren’t coming on a job via Tumblr style memes. When i woke up, i found that he’d printed it out and taped it to the fridge.
Yukio: Oof you guys i turned on my laptop that I used to use back then. IT WAS ON THE DESKTOP. THIS IS WHAT I SENT. It’s even worse than i remember it
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For @swearingintengwar
145 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
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Adorable commission of Kacchan and Fuyumi-neesan from @wintertundra-art! I absolutely love how this one came out, thank you so so much!
145 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Apparently my best friend has never seen any of the How to Train Your Dragon movies, and I'm due for a rewatch, so we're watching them together.
We're about halfway through the first and there's two things that really stand out to me this time around:
Hiccup is funny. Like, really funny. (Sure, he's funny in the later movies, too, but there's something uniquely amusing about the self-deprecating humor of an awkward and lonely fifteen year old with absolutely no filter. It's great.)
All things considered, Stoick is actually.... a pretty decent parent. I mean, I've been reading a lot of HTTYD fics lately, and many of them portray him as this awful, domineering guy who doesn't care about his son AT ALL until he becomes "useful" or whatever. And watching the OG movie, especially from a more grown-up perspective on things, he's really not all that bad. Sure, he's not exactly getting any 'parent of the year' awards. He's a human, and he makes mistakes, but, considering the circumstances, he really is trying his best.
399 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
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the-halfling-prince · 2 years
Crying while reading the 11th How To Train Your Dragon book because,
Five years after I read this book the first time, I finally understand Snotlout.
I read this book the first time when I was twelve, almost thirteen. A few days before I turned thirteen, and at the time, I didn't understand why everyone in the fandom talked about being upset when this guy died. "He was awful," I'd say, a twelve year old kid who was relentlessly bullied just like Hiccup, "He was horrible. How can you all feel bad for him?"
And of course he was awful. Of course he was horrible. But just now, just a few minutes before I started typing this, I understood.
This kid (Kid. He was 16-17, roughly. My age) was told for years that he was the hero. He was the important one. And suddenly Hiccup comes along and he feels useless, like he isn't important anymore.
Then fucking Alvin comes along and is going to become king, and Excellinor banishes Stoick along with Hiccup and suddenly Snotlout is going to be chief of the Hooligans. He's finally going to be what everyone told him he was going to be. He knew what they were doing was bad but he didn't think about that. What was going on through his mind was that he was finally going to get what he deserved.
A quick note, again, that he was still in the wrong. None of this excuses that, it just explains why.
So then people like his father, and his teacher, and the former chief tell him that he's not the man they hoped he'd turn out to be. He's on the wrong side of this war. And he does think... what do I do? What side should I be on? Again, might I add, that this KID is AROUND SIXTEEN YEARS OLD.
The sword fight scene was where I started crying. He wants Hiccup to hate him so badly. He doesn't want to be forgiven, he wants to be angry, he doesn't want to stop and think about his actions. He finally had what he always wanted but at what cost? So much was ruined for him all because of this hiccup in fate. Yes, he was chief, but everyone hated him. He told Hiccup that he wanted to be king but that nobody would follow him.
So he wants to help Hiccup win now.
And this is where I started sobbing.
Snotlout wants to help Hiccup win.
And he tells Hiccup the plan. Hiccup isn't too sure about the plan, but Snotlout says to him, and I'm quoting directly from page 289 here, "Listen, you're always hogging the limelight, Hiccup, but you know what? It's my turn to be the hero."
He says, "So next time I see Gobber he will know that I am a hero after all. My father will be proud of me. They will all be proud of me."
He knew he was going to die.
Alvin says as Snotlout starts singing, "He knows he's trapped. That's Grimbeard the Ghastly's Last Song he is singing there. He knows he is trapped and he is going down fighting."
And I believe that fully.
In the final chapters of book 11 and it's epilogue, we know that Snotlout's father and Gobber and Stoick hated him. They thought he was a traitor, even as he was dying, because of course they didn't know. They didn't know. What they saw was Hiccup dying because of Snotlout's betrayal. They didn't see what we saw: Snotlout dying so Hiccup could continue on.
But Snotlout knew that they would see the black star medal around Hiccup's neck, and that they would understand. They would finally see him as the hero they told him he would be a long time ago. He knew there was no redemption for him other than the path he chose.
And I understand.
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