#can you believe I'm an elation demon?
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galaxyg1204 · 5 months ago
Huxley who got bullied in highschool for liking flowers and making flower crowns which led him into a mindset of toxic masculinity which he practically carried throughout highschool and only started getting out of that mindset after moving to study at DAMN.
17 year old Lasko who constantly went to Jessica for advice, to the point where they started developing a mother-son dynamic of their own, and after the Inversion, while Damien and Huxley had their own mothers to reunite with, Jessica showed up to check on Lasko.
Damien who got his cooking skills from wanting to help out his mom after his dad left and can still remember some of her recipes by heart, which makes him wonder when they'll reconnect again whenever he makes them.
Guy who works at Max's Rustic Pizza because Max is actually a close friend of his parents and allowed him to stay and earn for a living seeing as his parents were almost too lazy to raise him almost his entire life.
Aggro being a rescue cat with one eye that Milo took in when he was in highschool and hid from his parents until they found out, to which his dad reacted negatively and tried to send him back to a shelter, only for Aggro to find his way back and sneak back in through Milo's window.
Ollie and Geordi as cousins and when Geordi came out and majority of his family reacted negatively about it, Ollie was one of the few who comforted him, but they drifted apart after Geordi got into his first relationship (*cough* Ben *cough*).
Child Aaron who always developed a routine whenever his parents would argue, of locating Elliott and taking him to his room, where he would lock the door and keep him distracted/entertained as much as possible.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 18 days ago
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But it's okay could I please ask for a yandere giyuu
But where she tells him she's pregnant and that he doesn't need to be in the baby's life if he doesn't want to
And I'm not sure what else to ask so the rest is up to you
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-You couldn’t believe what the doctor just told you, you didn’t want to believe it as your mind and heart were both racing as you panicked, fearing what your husband, Giyuu was going to say now that you were pregnant.
-Giyuu was very gentle with you, but also fiercely protective, he didn’t want anyone to take you away from him and he was willing to throw hands with anyone to prevent that from happening, be it human or demon.
-You were scared that having another person in your life would make Giyuu jealous, even if it was the child that you both created. However, you weren’t going to endanger this child in any way as you thought back to your own childhood- you refused to let anyone go through anything like that. You would die first before letting that happen.
-You were scared as you arrived home, scared of what Giyuu was going to say, making yourself believe the dark thoughts clouding your mind.
-Giyuu immediately came to you when you called out that you were home, as he had been worried when you had been sick the past few days, but he had been unable to attend your appointment due to being sent out by Ubuyashiki.
-His embrace was warm, and you would have enjoyed it, but it only made things worse as you instantly burst into tears, startling your husband as he panicked, thinking you were hurt.
-It took a few minutes to get you calmed down but once you were calm enough, you took the plunge, wanting to rip the band aid off as quickly as possible, “I’m pregnant.”
-Giyuu’s reaction was exactly how you imagined it, his face going completely blank in shock, his eyes wide, like he didn’t believe what he just heard.
-You were quickly in tears again, clenching the cloth around your stomach, “I- I’m keeping this baby! You can leave if you don’t want it- I can raise it on my own and I-”
-Giyuu cut you off with a deep kiss, the type that made all brain function cease for a moment or two, your eyes going wide before he pulled back, elation on his face, “Why would I want to leave? We’re having a baby!”
-His joy was something you had not been anticipating, your eyes going wide in shock and he could see that you had convinced yourself that he was going to be upset with this.
-He kissed you again softly as more tears welled in your eyes, this time happy tears as his hand laid over your belly, a sense of relief and calm filling him, “We’re having a baby, Y/N…we’re having a baby.”
-You smiled softly, leaning into his embrace as he held you close, nodding softly, your previous fears now gone. Now you couldn’t wait to meet yours and Giyuu’s baby!
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alexana47 · 1 year ago
The days in Hell have been going much slower since most of the Harbin Hotel was emptied. Sinners have atoned for their sins and have embarked on the right path. But what should Charlie do? What should a princess born in Hell do if everyone around her finds a cozy place in Paradise while she wanders alone through the Ring of Pride?
Charlie: I'm afraid... I'm afraid I'm going to be alone, you know? I hadn't even thought about it before, but now that Angel, Cherry and Husk followed Sir Pentius... I realized that I didn't want to lose them. (She pauses. Not daring to look at him, afraid that he will only laugh at her ridiculous weakness, she completes her words, leaning her hands on the balcony railing) I don't want to lose any of you.
Alastor puts his hand on her shoulder and then slides a little higher, touching her neck with his fingers before reaching the pink spot on her cheek.
Alastor: Silly girl. How did you come up with the idea that you could stay without someone's company?
Charlie: I know... I know it's stupid. But now I feel like a hypocrite when I can't even be genuinely happy for my friends. They all deserve to be in Paradise. Just... I'd like to be with them now. (She is silent, biting her lip. A veil over her eyes and a wet drop rolls down her cheek again, falling on her jacket before soaking into it and remaining on the fabric as a darkened speck) Sometimes it seems to me that you are also close to atoning for your sins.
Charlie wanted to say something else, but she was interrupted by Alastor's laughter, distorted in the static. It seemed to her that she could easily be offended by him for this now, but again she feels a touch on her face. The demon squeezed her cheek and finally uttered another laugh.
Alastor: Do you believe what you're saying, my dear?
Charlie: (feels confused, so, knitting his eyebrows on the bridge of her nose, she mumbles a little to himself) What's so funny about that? Everyone has improved, so you will atone for your sins after the others.
Alastor: Oh, silly girl. Your hotel alone is hardly enough to atone for my sins. (He booping her nose and grins wider, revealing his yellow teeth)
Charlie: That is, you...
Alastor: I'm not going to be elated and skip off to Heaven after everyone else, my sweetheart. Don't even hope.
She finally decided to look at him. Her eyes immediately noted his mocking look. Before she can respond, he opens his arms, knowing how much she needs what she's going to do right now.
Charlie hugs him tightly, knowing that Alastor is most likely doing this act of favor for the first and last time. But she doesn't care. Her chest gets warmer when she realizes that the days in Hell will not be so lonely, when there will always be a demon around, whose sins are not so easy to atone for.
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energonbunny · 2 years ago
I can't stop thinking about how Genya figured out he could consume demon parts and gain demonic attributes.
The funniest option, I think, is Genya finding out mid battle. Maybe he stumbles across a demon mid snack and is so enraged he takes a bite himself in a sort of "How do you like it?!" manner and swallows out of sheer stubbornness just to really traumatize the demon. I'm imagining it like Itadori swallowing Sukuna's finger, basically. And then poof, he gets a glow up!
Of course, it could be out of sheer desperation. Maybe he's fighting for his life and is just doing whatever he can to try and survive, which includes biting and scratching, and he swallows a bit or bob on accident and then kicks the demon's ass.
I have to consider that there is the possibility that he hears talk of other demon slayers who could do it. It'd be funny because whatever slayer was telling the story would very obviously be doing it in a "What a lark!" manner because they wouldn't believe it, but Genya would miss that entirely and then go and try it for himself and be like hell yeah!
I just really wish we had gotten an answer on how he found out, and when! Was it before or after he started training under Gyomei? How funny would it be if he did it while out with Gyomei and Gyomei just stands there reciting prayers at him while Genya is elated.
And, really, what a missed opportunity for potential Shinazugawa brother reconnecting if somehow Sanemi found him just after he had consumed a bit of a demon and thought he had turned and he can't bring himself to kill his brother because it's Genya and he's standing there not attacking. So Genya gets a chance to explain, or maybe Gyomei or something does it, and Sanemi is just so relieved and Genya gets to realize his brother was just being an asshole because he thought that was the best way to push him away.
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snorkling-in-sodasea · 2 years ago
A Thought That Came To Me
You know, I think I came up with two concepts for myself when it comes to character portrayal. The Pink Diamond Effect and the Stolas Geotia Effect. And I'll be more than happy to explain more into that. (Warning, though, if I rant here and there. Kinda of spontaneous as I write down opinions and all that) (Another warning, Stolas lovers should stay out of this one)
So I felt like watching Helluva Boss videos on youtube. I would come across Steven Universe ones, too. And I noticed something kinda peculiar about Steven's mom, especially when I compared her to Stolas. Both the gem woman and the demon owl man are exact opposites in character protrayal.
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond was initially this big force of goodness, who couldn't do anything wrong and was thoroughly, absolutely perfect. The most to mistakes we would hear about is from Greg and, even then, it made Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond more, well, human. (And now that I think about it, did Greg ever find out that he had a child with a diamond? Like, before Steven was born or was it at the same time as everyone else?)
But then the series would go on to reveal how awful Steven's mother was, over and over again. Like I heard from Sarcastic Chorus, was there anyone Pink didn't traumatize when she met them? And really, the main series was already enough to pound in how demonized Pink Diamond is. I'm not sure if much people can keep in mind the good that she did do before being, well, gone for good.
Yeah, Pink Diamond foolishly thought that her family would be discouraged by her death and then be happy that she's gone, had left behind Spinel, and we're not touching all the shit between her and Pearl. But she was the only one to see value in organic life and fought to defend Earth. And the thing is, Earth was her first planet so she likely never saw any planets up close that would still have life on it. So I would like to believe that she's the kind of person who would instantly love whatever her planet is as it is and would fight to defend it. She did it in a way that wasn't rocking the boat too much, up until she did it in a way that ended up overturning the boat. But she at least never realized that and, compared to the other diamonds who just get a weirdly-constructed turn from evil to good, Pink Diamond had a more natural turn from evil to good.
Then there's Stolas. At the start of the series, Stolas was just a closeted gay who discovered a new source of elation and wanted it. Badly. He wanted it so badly that he chose when Blitz was currently being shot at so that Stolas could talk to him. So that Blitz couldn't exactly say 'no' the arrangement presented. Then Stolas gets the bright idea to distract his daughter from the troubles at home by inviting the most painfully physical reminder of the troubles at home as bodyguards and spend a good chunk of the day graphically flirting with Blitz right where Octavia can see and hear it. Even after they made up, Stolas kept focused on sleeping with Blitz (Just because Stolas promised to never leave Octavia for Blitz doesn't mean it can't leave a bad taste in one's mouth if Stolas continues to screw around with Blitz even after his daughter exploding with built-up frustration at Loo Loo Land). And Stolas kept up the baby talk and demeaning names to Blitz until the second to last episode decided that he loves loves the imp for some reason.
Season 2 starts and the show pretends so damn hard that Stolas was never an asshole who just wanted imp dick. Now Stolas is all of a sudden a sensitive, lonely woobie boy who was forced to marry a horrible, abusive girl against his will and has always loved Blitz since first seeing him. And now, whenever anyone tries holding him accountable for anything anymore, it's either by Stella or Striker - antagonists and/or villains who are meant to not be in the right anyways - or by Octavia or Blitz, who are made out to be tragic cases that will resolve itself in an episode's time anyways. In Blitz's case, he'll likely ignore the problem just like how Stolas does, even if it's the opposite way from how Stolas likes to ignore problems. (Although the show itself seems to be doing that. And ironically enough, I would have just been fine with the show if Blitz and Stolas just remained what they were before: mutual assholes to each other, especially if the series was supposed to be episodic)
Long story short, Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond started as an undeniably good person who was beloved by all but then got demonized more and more and more as the show went on. (And seriously, the movie and the sequel series didn't relent on that, either. At fucking ALL). But with Stolas, he started out as an asshole only for the show to eventually start pretending that he never was. And I'm certain the show will keep pounding it in that idea of Stolas being a poor woobie as it goes on
So I'm calling the whole thing, respectively, the Pink Diamond Effect and the Stolas Geotia effect but if anyone has any other ideas, go ahead and tell me. It'll be fun seeing your ideas on what to call it
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becoming-your-hottest-vision · 11 months ago
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I'm just starting this blog as I journey through my own perceived limits and attempt to become the hottest me that I can become. It requires a lot of giving up, giving in and most of all believing in other people who have your best image and spirit in mind. A lot of p[eople think that spirit has no part in looking good. Let me tell you. It is the complete opposite. You must trust in ways that exercise the demons of doubt right out of you. Give in to other people's imaginations of what you can be and let them help you. It certainly is an exercise in love and trust which are two of the highest qualities found in men/ human's today. This will be a short story of my journey into transformation of a frumpy looking guy, into a guy I would have once gone home with. Becoming what you never thought could or would be yours to offer. I hope others are inspired and really do try it, becoming the best possible self with the gifts you were given to work with coupled with a simple decision to do whatever it takes to put you on the path forward without looking back and truly becoming the transformation that always seemed out of reach.
My first pic just after starting the journey. At the end of this blog, I will post what I started with so everyone can see how much work was involved in this process. Building a new projection of myself that enhances my good stuff and readdresses the negative to stand behind the positive. I haven't worked on expression yet as you can see in the picture with the lack of smiling or projecting confidence, I am too busy trying to feel the new hair and style that I forget others need to respond and that change is for everyone not just myself and how I feel about what I must work with. It is a kind of challenge to look your best in every area and keep the smile on your face. Not to mention coming out of a new eating habit that lost me 30 lbs. with no bag pipes and it looks great. Two months after this pic I went to a strip club and the dancers would not leave me alone. They were all over me asking me to rub them down and this was on the main floor of the club. Not even in the back. They all wanted my stylist's name. So, I was elated to have such positive feedback after working so hard towards my own transformation. I am doing this and journaling a bit for the purpose that anyone can make themselves look the best they can if they listen to their desires and except the limits of what they must work with. Everyone can find their inner hot man/woman and breathe life into the creation leaving the fantasy behind limp and restless on the floor. I am waiting another couple of months so when I post the next pic you will be able to easily see the difference in confidence and in the look being settled into fully. It will be soon. SO far this has taken me only about six months of actual work and about two years of dreaming about making a change. The hardest part of bringing out the best in oneself is fighting the evil demons that tell you that you will never look hot or desirable to anyone because you have never taken looks that seriously for yourself, but in the same breath you never went home with the anyone that smelled like the street to much. What a conundrum. Till my next picture.
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spacealligator · 8 months ago
ok so, about this concept, I had a AU scene in my mind, but I don't know where to take this story, so I'll just drop this here instead of posting it kn ao3 as usual
some background: in this AU Rin somehow survived Kakashi's Raikiri because of the Three Tails, but she decides not to go back to Konoha as to not put anyone else in danger, so she just travels around the shinobi world seeing everything, the good, the bad and the ugly in people, hope you enjoy!
Why won’t the dead stay buried
The alcohol burned her throat again and honestly, after the 8th shot it wasn’t pleasant anymore, even if it was free. It made her feel alive in all the wrong ways. It was a stupid tradition from Water Country. Well, stupid for the locals, advantageous for her. She turned her glass upside down to show everyone at this shitty dive bar she had drunk every last drop of… well, whatever the hell this disgusting thing they were serving to her was. The crowd behind her cheered and yelled in support of her. The crowd behind her challenger was silent and muttering small curses.
The rule was simple: if somebody challenged you to a drinking competition, whoever won had the right to bill all their expenses on the loser's tab on the bar. Rin had not spent one ryo in food nor accommodation in the one year she's been traveling around Water Country, thanks to this idiotic game alone. She always won. The Sanbi made sure of that.
“Don't think I'll heal you forever, petulant child!”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up stupid one eyed turtle.”
Rin leveled her dizzy stare to her competitor. He was a burly man who thought of himself as a real man, the type they just don’t make anymore these days. She knew the type, she had the unlucky pleasure of meeting a lot of those since becoming a missing nin or whatever kids called it these days. When Rin stepped inside the bar (a young woman who measured 1.52m and weighed 50 kilos on a good day) and yelled at all the patrons saying she was up for a challenge, this guy was the first one to get up on his feet with all of his more than 100 kilos.
He ordered a bottle of something that had a dead snake inside it, and was probably on the shelf of this stinky bar since before the First Shinobi War. He served the clear liquid in the first glass of Rin’s row, they cheered, and she downed the glass. It was horrible, it probably tasted of what disappointment might taste. But honestly, it could be worse. She had drunk worse.
As glass after glass was turned on the table and they progressed through the rows the betters served them, the guy’s face got redder and redder. Rin wasn’t well herself but she just needed to hold until the other guy caved in.
As he reached for the 9th shot, he instead hit the table face first and rolled to the floor, erupting a chorus of screams around the bar, half elated and demanding their money, and the other half protesting the game, saying it was rigged. She just slipped off her chair and stumbled towards the bartender, drunker than she had previously thought.
“Hey stupid turtle, can’t you heal me faster?”
“I'm already doing what I can, insolent child, you believe me to be content about your inebriated state?”
“Alright, just speed it up, will you?”
She needed to go get some air or vomit in the bathroom to get rid of all this shit inside her stomach. Then when she got back she could eat her dinner with a renewed appetite.
In the midst of the commotion she managed to slip through the back door to a suspicious back alley with trash cans and passed out drunks. But to be fair every alley in Water Country was suspicious. She slumped against the humid rotten wood of the bar's wall to catch some breath already feeling her head clear up. She always cursed and bantered with the Sanbi but damn her if the demonic turtle wasn’t useful sometimes.
“Is that what the powers given to me by the Sage of the Six Paths himself are reduced to? Curing a reckless girl's hangovers?”
“Shut up fucking turtle. Alcohol was invented after you were created ok? The world evolved.”
“If this is where the human race is headed then I-”
“Shut the hell up, I'm trying not to puke.” Rin muttered through gritted teeth to the night air, her breath condensing in puffs and swirls as she fought a wave of nausea.
The turtle groaned inside her and Rin pictured it crossing its little arms and turning around so as not to look at her. It took them some years- ok, almost a decade, to figure out how to share the same body without killing each other or anyone else in the process. There were still some problems, but she'd been through worse.
Yeah, she'd been through worse. This was fine. This was more than fine.
A salty breeze from the ocean hit her face and she felt fresher and less dizzy. Her stomach didn’t feel like it was swimming around her belly and maybe she could just go back inside and enjoy some water, order five portions of katsudon and then go to bed, all of them paid with someone else's money, which only made it taste better. She wasn’t particularly cheap about this stuff, but she had to get ahead whenever she could, after all, tomorrow never knows. She’s been in situations where a few ryos could have made a difference.
Better not to think of the past. Better not to think at all.
She opened her eyes again to the night sky and wondered not for the first time how the fuck she ended up here. It was a fruitless, meaningless, pointless question that crossed her head at least several times a day. Another reason for drinking. Yeah, maybe she'll also get the rest of that disgusting bottle with a dead snake in it and drink the rest of it in her room above the bar. That would work, she'd sleep great tonight after getting hammered with that.
She closed her eyes again and nodded, decided on the activities for the rest of the night. She pushed off her back from the wall and leveled her eyes back to the suspicious alley she was in, only to stare at one single black eye that she used to be familiar with a few lifetimes ago.
“Rin?! It's really you, isn’t it?! You're alive?!”
She bent down in front of Kakashi and finally spilled out all the contents from her stomach on his feet.
anyone else thinks Rin is a bit idolized in canon and fanon?
always the perfect good girl or a girlboss
people, give me a girl failure
Rin is almost as fucked up on the head as Kakashi and Obito, she went through hell in war, and in AUs where she survives, she goes through hell with the jinchuriki thing and Obito’s death
c'mon give her some unhealthy coping mechanisms, make her jaded, tired of the world's bullshit, make her a total cynic, dissimulated, selfish, morally gray, relatable!
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just-some-yandere-writer · 4 years ago
I'm back again
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But anyways- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT ONE REQUEST OF KOKUSHIBOU. I have another request- Yan!Kyojuro Rengoku manipulating MC by saying like 'you're useless' like that one song useless child. This makes MC god crazy thinking no one loves them and only panics, wanting attention from Kyojuro because they now believe that no one needs them and only Kyojuro needs them.
▶ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ ꜰɪʟᴇ . . .
▶ ꜰɪʟᴇ ʟᴏᴀᴅᴇᴅ .
▶ ɴᴀᴍᴇ : ᴋʏᴏᴊᴜʀᴏ ʀᴇɴɢᴏᴋᴜ .
▶ ᴀɢᴇ : 20 .
▶ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ : ᴜɴʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ , ᴛᴏxɪᴄ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ , ᴍᴀɴɪᴘᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ . ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ɪꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀꜱ ʏᴏᴜ .
▶ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ : ʜᴏᴡ ? ? ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ? ? ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴏᴋᴜ ʜᴄꜱ ? ? ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇɴ ' ᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴏᴜᴅᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴋ , ᴛʙʜ , ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʏꜱᴍ /ɢ ! ! !ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴡʜʏ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴍᴀɢᴇ ꜰʟᴀɢɢᴇᴅ ᴀꜱ ɪɴᴀᴘᴘʀᴏᴘʀɪᴀᴛᴇ ʙᴀʜᴀʜᴀʜᴀ - [ ᴍᴏᴅ ᴜᴅᴏɴ ]
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-> if you refuse to have Rengoku take care of you , he will result to bringing your self esteem down .
-> he really doesn ’ t want to do this , but you give him no choice !
-> Rengoku will threaten demons to go attack you to show how you ’ re useless without him , that you need him .
-> outside of the demon attacks , Rengoku will keep telling you that you ’ re useless , weak , and you ’ re nothing without him .
-> when you finally crack and start clinging to him , Rengoku will be elated , even more so
-> if you start asking him if you ’ ll leave him , he ’ ll hold you close to him , giving you reassuring words .
-> when he has to go on missions and you break down , Rengoku finds that a bit troublesome , but he ’ ll comfort you , telling you that he ’ ll be back as soon as he can .
-> when Rengoku comes back from his mission , he will cuddle you , giving you sweet kisses on your face as you cry into his arms .
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reacty · 3 years ago
Yvette and how to write a Byronic heroine(Part 1)
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"Inwardly, Bruce Wayne is still an adolescent watching his parents being murdered. That will never leave him. And people really relate to that."
Kevin Conroy
"In truth it was I, who was betrayed!"
Illidian Stormrage, World of Warcraft
"But few people really want to see themselves as being bad or evil, whatever label they wear. I've done things I regret, I've done things I'm proud of, and I've walked the roads in between. The sliding scale is a fantasy. There's no simple answers."
Skitter, Worm
Various Byronic Hero/ine quotes.
The first time I see Yvette was on Wrath season 1 I see a manipulative,spiteful and bitter woman who was unable to let go of her past but while playing on Fire Emblem Three houses I read those comment on Edelgard(by the way if you love in slightest way Yvette YOU WILL LOVE EDELGARD!):Edelgard is dislike not because of her actions,not because of what she does or doesn't but because she is a very complex that can easily misunderstoond so 3/4 people are willfully ignorant or just not interested in looking closer. They accept what Rhea tells them as facts instead to take a lens and analyze Edelgard(By the way Edelgard x Fbyleth are my OTP!) since the biggest barrier most fans not wanting to feel like they have “chosen wrong” and to feel they are righteous and unbiased. So I've decide to give Yvette a try after I've finished Wrath s1(since it bored me,don't worry after Yvette I'll do Wrath reaction) and I like her since to quote her she is a very complex character:
Here the "General Byronic hero/ine" traits list,
I wasted enough words let's start:
The " first time" I see really her was on the show as the summary of her first season states:
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and its true with few words and gesture she lures MC(and ME) on rabbit down the hole* and start to see multi- that is Yvette Holte and I will use her Love story with MC start+ some of her actions on the following to avoid spoiler for those didnt go further season 1=
At first a she see a cute innocent woman whom she can't help herself but teasing mc and suggest to not esitate and be embarrassed by her desire to reach for what(Hotness,flirtation🤤😏) but when mc chase her to say hello and ask her name but she mistake Yvette and Vinca situation being captured by mafias(we're on Las Vegas after all) go to her rescue and inadvertently caught her in the act to punish a demon for his failure(capture Vuzgamad ? Innocent and good civilian caught in the crossfire ? I dunno😅) leaving Yvette stunned and out of control for the first time ever(vulnerability) so she forced to put an Indy ploy* to give mc a way out by saying she's illusion and mc caught them in the middle and she gifted with a ticket both as apologize for the scare and thanks for her goodness and bravery for her will to rescue a stranger from thugs if necessary(and the secret hope to meet MC again[showing both her soft and good side not wanting mc being caught in a mess simply she saw women in need of rescue] and vulnerabity wanting to meet her as woman not as sin assassin),
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so we see at the deadly sin show and Vinca and Lazareth caught a true jerk that deserve punishment (he steal funds for poor and buy cars you jerk!),she show me both her cynism and ruthless in try to punish by ask the public how to punish him and hyped them up their greedness for punishment but when mc show up and rescue the jerk by taking his place Yvette is both surprise and elated to see her again(ruthless,cruel and punisher of evil; sweetness,vulnerabity and softness for good people and Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things and anyone in need this is why even at her worst she keep up with her duty*) she and mc and enjoy for the first time the show(sparkling the light that Yvette believe to have to have lost in the darkness that is her life and starting to fall in love with MC)
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Then at date she talk with a demon who work for her but since mc has no clue about demon,assassin and crazy stuff she mistaken Yvette for a Mafia woman and the demon for a henchwoman and after mc surprised her with bravery,intelligence and being cute(showing Yvette ruthless,darkness to the demon and the protective,sweet,soft and good side to MC by keeping her safe and good).
After the dinner in which Yvette introduces mc to her crazy world by gifting her "The Sight" and we her philosophy and how she keeps the world safe from being enslaved by demons again:
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Keep it away from the innocent,cripples, bastards, and broken things by keep the bad and the evil on thigh leash! Like the ouroboros.
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Since there is no future for demons or they work for protect humans with her or they die and a less demon who can harm or worst kill a human really poetic and byronic(By the way she meant Vuzgamad with the demon currently work for)
and show her protective side by scolding Vinca given she was mean to MC since Day 1* and remind her and us reader that MC is woman whom she and will can do everything
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and more important she can think for herself(showing how well she read people) and apologize for the rough evening and the fact that while Yvette is used to this Mad Wonderland but MC not so Vinca reveal to mc that Yvette she likes her(so Vinca being a shipper and show us that her feelings for mc are slowly became genuine:like,the need to see her) and to give Yvette a try!
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So when Vuzgamad appear to threaten to kill her because since Yvette meet mc,she slowly and surely reawakened her dying light,love and hope so Yvette goes ballistic on her and while protect mc with all her heart and we know another side of her bitterness,mystery,self-loathing and self-hatred and doesn't believe that she deserve MC(Her light,her love her everything....ad I'm going fast forward again😂) and after they escaped Vuzgamad she promise to show the woman behind the illusion and after the while ordeal Yvette show us again her good and soft side by checked and fretting over mc ad blamed herself about Vuzgamad,despite that Vuzgamad is absolutely unpredictable and fiercily promise mc that she will always protect mc and when MC ask her to come with her to check on Joyce(mc mother) and she does keep her word and answer was going on Yvette
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MC:What Vuzgamad meant she made you?
This....is the first time she's genuinely broken,hurt like a lost puppy both MC and me wish to hug her and lash out at everyone who wish to harm her
Yvette:I have ... history with demons since I was little...
MC:did you seek them?
Yvette then makes an expression of a kicked pup 😥
I never seeked evil😡.... they found me😥 and since then it nevel left me and I'm at war,deal with it every day,I have to survive(I Never Asked For This...*)
So when Yvette see MC and Joyce being a heartwarming family❤ she's overwhelmed by all of this and show us the broken,lonely who have nothing but despair and bitterness thanks to Vuzgamad
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That she run away from all of this.
*Definition of go down the rabbit hole : To enter into a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, especially one that becomes increasingly so as it develops or unfolds.
*Definition of Indy ploy:The Indy Ploy is when someone improvises a plan in the middle of the action or comes up with one immediately before the action starts. Either way, the initial plan has failed, and now the character is forced to come up with a new plan on the fly with no time to prepare or think about the consequences.(Which for a crazy prepared,100% in control and all woman Yvette is an out-of-character is a serious business!)
*Tyrion Lannister: " I have a soft spot for Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things"
*Vinca a complex and interessing character to. See here↓
*Adam Jensen
-Deus Ex Human Revolution
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adammilligan · 5 years ago
Do you ever read longer midam fics? Any you can recommend? Do you know any other authors who write for them?
i try to find longer midam fics all the time in the deep corners of ao3!! there isn't enough of them, imo. but here's a few that i've found! these will vary from being incomplete to being complete (though most of them are complete!), and i'll set the word count to 10k+ for the definition of "longer."
With a Whimper (M) -  Adam Milligan is free from the Cage, having been rescued by Michael while the archangel was using his body as a vessel. On the surface, the world looks the same, but nothing could be farther from the truth: something big is coming, and Adam is smack in the middle of it. He tries to run - wanting nothing to do with the world of the supernatural anymore - but he can't run from what's been festering and growing inside him ever since he and Michael broke free. His estranged half-brothers, the Winchesters, try to help, but there's only so much they can do. And the day will come when Adam has to face his destiny of Biblical proportions - or die trying.
To Be Found Without Searching (T) - Adam Milligan had never really cared about soulmates, which was useful when his mark came and was written in total gibberish.
Damning and Dizzying in Equal Measure (T) - When they pull Michael Shurley out of the back of the ambulance, Adam's first thought is "Dead on Arrival." When he's still there the next morning, Adam starts to wonder if maybe there's something magical about this guy.
In which Michael survives falling off a bridge, Adam is attacked by a weird dog, and they both question their roles in the universe. Adam doesn't want to believe in death, and Michael doesn't want to believe in life, but they both manage to meet in the middle, so maybe they'll meet again.
The Hardest Truth (M) - "The elation of being topside is wearing off and Adam feels murky with the aftertaste of it, energy leaving his body so abruptly it’s only the presence of a celestial being inside of him that stops him from toppling over his own feet."
Adam and Michael leave Lebanon and start on a new journey together. Adam's POV.
Tripwire (T) - The apocalypse rolls on as planned, with no Dean Winchester to interrupt, and Lucifer wins. As a result, humans are rounded up into camps and used for food and entertainment by the now-dominant monster and demon species. Adam Milligan, once the vessel for the archangel Michael (who is now presumed dead by the world at large) works as a bartender earning his keep, but his life is once again turned upside down by the appearance of Castiel. The angel asks Adam to look after none other than a weakened Michael and keep him safe from the demons who might want to kill him. Now Adam has to decide if Michael's really worth protecting, and if he is, what that means for both their futures.
Wings, Rings, and Interspecies Flings (E) - The souls of sinners eventually develop callouses that protect them from the worst of the torture in Hell. Adam, unfortunately, has too little of these to count, so he jumps at the chance when Michael offers a solution that could save them both: binding his soul to the archangel's grace. It makes life in the Pit slightly more bearable, his soul is no longer in danger of being shredded, and Adam even comes to see Michael as a friend. When they are raised from Perdition, however, Adam realizes that there was a heck of a fine-print to this seemingly sweet deal: he and Michael are soul-mated and there's no such thing as divorce-court in Heaven. Marriage to an angel isn't all puppies and rainbows, especially when you're also juggling a family curse and some dewy-eyed bromance crap.
half alive, i dive (my wings aren't working) (G) - In punishment for not siding with his father, Adam and Michael are ripped apart. Now, with only those who left him to rot in the Cage, Adam must trust his "family" to reunite him and his angel, all the while as the scars from the Cage return.
and also i'm gonna promo my two long ones a little bit because i worked too hard on them to feel guilty about it LMAO
your mother's son and the divergence of divine law
there's some long ones for you!!! hope you enjoy :)
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metalotaku-da · 5 years ago
Kolivance halloween 5
Shiro rushed to the door at the sound of the door bell. Normally such an unexpected sound would put the coven on high alert and combat, but not when he hoped it was Lance at his door. Lance had not been heard from in nearly a week. Not even Adam’s strongest locator spell was able to locate his pupil. He swung the door open without pause, slamming his prosthetic hand into the door frame right beside the startled face of Lance on the other side. The boy brought his shoulders up to his ears as he looked up at his teacher. The wide eyes fear on his students face was too much. He didn't even wait for whatever words Lance started to try to share. He lunged forward and pulled him into a tight embrace: one hand on his back the other on the back of his head holding on as tight as possible. 
"Don't do that again ever. I was so scared for you. We all were." Shiro let out into his hair barely holding back his tears. "I'm so sorry I scared you like that. You didn't have to leave. Didn't want you to leave."
"Lance," three different voices echoed out one after the other as Keith, Curtis and Adam joined them in the doorway throwing their own arms around him. 
"Where the hell have you been?"
"You stupid fucking idiot!" Keith dug his face into Lance's upper back, ignoring Shiro admonishment of language. "Adam couldn't even find you. What were you thinking?!" He dug his claws in slightly to Lance's sides. 
"Please don't leave us like that again, Lance. We were so worried."
"Sorry, everyone. I…" Keith's growl cut him off. Lance tensed up again as all four of his coven turned their focus on his familiar just behind him. 
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Keith bared his teeth and claws at the demon, releasing his hold on Lance. Curtis followed suit. Shiro started to direct his magic at his hand to make a show of force also. Adam was the one who caught the look of panic on Lance's face first, Curtis was next from scent. 
Adam reached out for Lance just as the boy took a step back, drawing Shiro's attention as he got out of his reach. "Lance…" Keith turned towards his bonded.
Lance shook his head hard as he continued to back up making himself smaller as he did so. "No, no, this was a bad idea.” He hugged himself tight. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We'll go. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come back. I'm so sorry. I'm…"
"What?" Keith looked at Lance with his own panic. "No you're staying here where you belong! With us!" Keith lunged forward to grab lance.
"Keith wait…" Curtis let out too late.
 Kolivan stepped up to Lance's back, while blocking both his retreat and Keith's attempt to grab hold of his bonded, placing his hands on his witch's shoulders and making eye contact with Keith. "He will do as he wishes. You will not be forcing him to anything he doesn't want to." Kolivan chose to ignore the young demon's growl at him, instead focusing on his bonded. "It is alright. We came unannounced," He whispered to his witch, though he knew the demons could hear his words.
"I can't. I can't do this, they'll…" Lance muttered out his words sinking in on himself more.
"You are letting your nerves take from you all the courage you have built this week, love." Kolivan kissed his witch's head on his hat. "The elation they bore at the sight of you was no trick of the nose or eye." He paused to allow his words to sink into bonded, keeping his magic wrapped tightly around the other. "If you or they feel overwhelmed by the unexpectedness of my presence, we can instead make arrangements to complete this task at a later date. When no one will be caught off guard." Kolivan carefully brushed his hands down Lance's sides, gently untangling them to hang lax at his sides. "Do not give up just yet over shock."
Keith was glaring still at the other demon, but his fierceness was tempered by the confusion twisting his brows. “Lance, you can’t leave us.” Keith pleaded.
“I don’t want to.” Lance sobbed, pressing into his demon more. 
“Then we are all on the same page, Lance.” Adam spoke softly, waving his hand at the wrist towards Shiro, trying to get the man to turn off his arm’s defense mechanism.
“Just come inside, Lance. We can talk. We just want to talk.” Shiro said while taking deep breaths, willing his magic from his hand. “We can figure this out. Together.”
“I can’t.” Lance shook his head, eyes shut tight. He clutched at his demon’s hand. “Not with… I can't give up Kolivan. I Don't want to. Please, please don’t make me.”
In response Shiro’s hand began to flicker in and out. Keith carefully moved to his witch’s side, never turning his back on the pair on their stoop. The fire demon placed a steadying hand to his wind witch’s arm. 
The sight brought another sob from Lance. “I’m sorry.” He went to turn and move around Kolivan to flee. The demon surprised him by blocking him with his arm.
“Not yet, love. Don’t give up yet.” Kolivan pulled his sobbing witch close, choosing to ignore the rising heckles on the one bonded pair in front of him. He then turned his attention on the four they came to see. “I apologize for my behavior upon our meeting. I should not have met your hostility with my own. Had it been during other circumstances, I would like to believe I would have been rational in my behavior, having recognized your fear. I acted poorly, and upon my own elevated emotion from bonding. That however is no excuse for my actions. And seeing how it is affecting my bonded’s pack, it brings me great pain.” Kolivan paused to meet the watery eyes of his witch staring up at him. He swept his hand gently across his mark on his witch. “Please, do not take our first meeting against your packmate. I wish to make amends so he may remain with his pack as long as both choose it. I will abide by any rules you’d place upon me, that keeps me at his side, so you may speak at ease. I will even submit to being sealed. But please do not allow Lance to walk away without speaking. Even if you are to go your separate ways, you all deserve closure.” With his last words Kolivan slowly kneeled before the others and lowered his head in submission. He however never took his hold off of Lance. The water witch wrapped his arms tightly around his demon’s neck. Pressing their cheeks together. Lance’s mouth was moving but no words slipped pass. But Kolivan felt the gratitude his witch felt clearly, even through the fear that hadn’t really ebbed.
The other four stared flabbergasted for a minute. Adam was the first to find his composure. He pushed up his glasses before turning to look at the tightly pressed lips on Shiro’s face. The powerful witch tried to contain his words. Keith was not being subtle in looking between his witch and the submitting demon. Since shiro wasn’t going to answer the question, Adam decided to take it up. “Agreed. However multiple seals. You had no issue bypassing Lance’s seal. And I wish to be the one to make them.”
“Are you out of your mind, Adam?!” Shiro whirled on him, ignoring his demon’s attempt to settle him.
“I will submit to your terms.” Kolivan interjected before it was lost in the coven’s bickering.
“Shiro, stop.” Curtis hissed at the witch. His eyes shifted towards Lance who was slowly sinking to the ground with his demon, embracing in consolation. Even if the stench of fear wasn’t pouring off their covenmate, the trembling gave it away to the humans. “Do you want to, Lance? Because if you do, please put up a fuss. We know how you feel. We understand, but through no fault of his own Lance does not. And his demon is holding out a hell of an olive branch for us. So unless we want to lose him, I suggest we take it.”
“He’s terrified, Shiro.” Keith said quietly pulling on his bonded arm. “Lance, our packmate is terrified. Of us.”
“He agreed to be bound. I will make sure they are all sound seals. But if they leave, I don't think we will ever see him again, nor his family. We know he didn’t return home after leaving here. His demon is trying to help us fix this. Whatever happened.” Adam tried to reason with his coven-head and friend.
“This can’t just be about the fight. Lance and I fight all the time. He’s never been like this.”
“I don’t want to force anyone,” Lance spoke up not meeting the others gaze but facing them. “We can just go. I won’t bother you anymore. I’m sorry I’m still such a burden to you. I’m so sorry I wasn't grateful enough. I can’t ask more of any of you.” He turned back to his demon, “Please kolivan, we need to go now.” Lance spoke softly in Spanish. 
Shiro looked shocked for a moment at the words of his pupil, before shifting to pain as he brought himself closer to the pair. “Hey, hey, none of that. You aren’t a burden to this coven, Lance. I don’t… what do you feel a need to be grateful for? Just come inside. Come back home and we can work this out.” He slowly lowered himself down to crouch at their level.
“Lance, we know your bond is new. That can make you feel very dependent on your demon, but we can chat just us while he stays out here can’t we?” Curtis asked coming up behind Shiro. Curtis and Shiro’s eyes widened as Lance clutched tightly to Kolivan’s hand and pressed more into his chest.
“I don’t want our bond severed. Please, we can just leave. We won’t be your problem anymore.” Lance pleaded shaking his head.
Keith stepped back at the words, like he’d been hit. His own pain being felt by his witch. “You think we’d forcefully severe your bond without your consent. Lance, you…” Keith’s words caught in his throat.
“Lance, we aren’t trying to trick you.” Shiro said softly, reaching out for his pupil. He carefully placed his hand on his knee with a quick glance to the larger demon. He let out a breathe to see his submitting posture had not changed. “None of us would do that to you. That kind of thing is very painful, and damaging to both your body and mind. Nothing would make me do that to you against your wishes. No matter how I feel about your familiar.”
“Lance, go to your room with your familiar while I work on the seals.” Adam spoke up his features firm but neutral in their expression. “I’ll call you down to the kitchen when we are ready. You can relax for a bit, or even pack up your things if you want incase you choose to leave after. But till then, go show off your room to your familiar like i know you were looking forward to before this fiasco. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Adam…” Keith cut in only to be silenced by Curtis with a gesture. 
Shiro carefully stood and helped Lance up. He moved off to one side after Kolivan took to his feet once more, bowing his head at Adam and then Shiro. “Thank you for compromising with us, to facilitate this discussion.” He still held tight to Lance’s hand. The other still hunched in on himself carefully regarding his coven. 
“Thank you for not fleeing with him at first request.” Curtis said to the demon before looking to his now diminutive packmate. He cocked his head towards the doorway and moved out of the path. Shiro and Keith turned the other way as Lance regarded each of his cove carefully before practically darting into the house and up the stairs, pulling Kolivan along by their joined hands.
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