#can willow say asshole??
seeingivy · 23 days
middle name
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friends older brother fic
previous part linked here
all you can do is stare.  
there’s the smallest hint of gray hairs mixed in with his natural color. his hair is longer, but it’s still the same color. he has the faintest smile lines near his eyes and that small wisp of a beard that he used to always sport is long gone. 
he looks younger. what you assume is his youngest daughter is wearing a sparkly green bracelet. green was always sammy’s favorite color. they both seem to have his nose – though that’s really the only resemblance they bear, since they almost entirely take after the lady at their side. 
she had to be younger than him, a willowing black dress clinging lovingly to her figure. she had the same smile lines and that short haircut that you find young moms always sported, with three stacked silver chains and a glittering diamond on her finger. 
you wonder if she smells like vanilla like your mom does. 
“don’t react.” 
you turn to your left to find sammy at your side, sukuna and yuuji hovering in the background with matching hazel eyes filled with concern. you shake your head – throwing away the image of their picture perfect smiles – as you focus on sammy, mostly on the fact that her upper lip is trembling. 
sammy was always the favorite. 
“what did you say?” you ask. 
“don’t react.” sammy repeats. 
you pause, mulling over the thought. 
“okay.” you respond. 
“yeah? because we can’t give that asshole the satisfaction. he has no right barging in here the way he just did.” sammy seethes. 
you give her a nod, before she takes her side next to you on the wall, the four of you leaning against the wallpaper. sukuna slithers his hand into yours, offering you a smile that you don’t return, before focusing back on the four of them in the living room. 
it annoyed you – that you didn’t have enough time to really consider what the best course of action would be. not reacting, you suppose you could understand the appeal. of showing him that you were above him, that he didn’t even warrant a response. 
but deep down, you wondered if that would bother you the day after next. if you would be standing in the shower, rinsing the soap out of your hair, and somehow come up with the right thing to say, that would perfectly encapsulate whatever it was that you were feeling. 
though you suppose that’s easier said than done. you can barely put words to whatever it is that’s forming in your chest. 
you watch as he talks to sukuna’s old basketball coach. so loudly animated as he chats – about how the property values are better two towns over and how the school district is better for the girls. you wonder if the coach thinks it’s offensive. you wonder if he ever considered that you and sammy needed to switch to a better school too. 
and it happens in a split second – your dad catching the sight of the four of you – before lifting off the couch and closing the distance between you. yuuji shoots you a weary glance as he gives the four of you a bright smile, before clearing his throat. 
you catch a slight whiff of the lemon smell as he walks up, though the lingering scent of smoke you remember gone all together. 
“sukuna. is that you?” 
you look over at sukuna, watching as he swallows hard, before clenching his jaw. 
you watch as he frowns, before pressing one of his hands to his chest. 
“i’m so sorry for your loss, kid.” he states. 
“sure. thanks.” sukuna responds, rather stiffly. 
you can tell that your dad finds the situation uncomfortable – being treated so blandly by the kid he watched grow up, a kid that he knows could surely be more expressive than that – as his eyes flicker over to you and then back to sukuna. 
“your dad told me you studied abroad in europe. is this a pretty girlfriend you brought back?” 
you bite down so hard on your cheek that all you taste is metallic blood pouring out of the side of your mouth. the implication makes all of you seethe. 
that he still talked to people in town. that sukuna’s dad had known his whereabouts, probably for years. and worst of all, that he didn’t recognize you. 
“what?” sukuna hisses. 
your dad turns over to you, eyes bright, as he holds his hand out. you can feel a sensational burning in the back of your eyes. 
“he always used to brag about how his son was studying with the greats. i’m mr. l/n. i’ve known sukuna since he was little.” he states, holding his hand out. 
you swallow down the lump of bile, before extending your hand out to him, unsettled by the freezing cold feeling. 
that was in no way what mr. itadori said. and he didn't know sukuna, only briefly, when he was little, before he ran away. and you know exactly who he is – far too well. 
“nice to meet you.” you mumble. 
“take care of this one, okay? he’s a tough one, but we all need a little love sometimes.” he jokes, lightly tapping sukuna on the shoulder. 
you watch as he gives sukuna a lingering smile, before shuffling over two steps to where sammy is. sukuna places his hands on your shoulders, his eyes boring into yours – like he’s trying to beckon for your attention – as you watch the two of them. 
“hi sammy girl.” he whispers. 
you watch as sammy’s eyes water. sukuna watches as you clench your jaw. 
“hi dad.” she whispers. 
so much for not reacting. 
you wonder if you would have broken just as fast if he recognized you. though you suppose you’ll never know, because he didn’t. 
it’s a long list of things you’ll never know. the questions that bother you at night – the ones that expose that deep rooted rot that festered in your brain –  seem to come to the surface for the first time, in broad daylight. 
when did he fall out of love with your mom? when was sukuna going to fall out of love with you? why does he have such a distaste for you? if you were more polite like sammy, would he have stayed? if you screamed a little louder, would the begging have worked? 
“i wanted to tell you something.” 
you watch as he slings his hand around sammy’s shoulder, squeezing hard, before pointing to the two little girls that are seated on the couch, the two of which were making a mess of mrs. itadori’s coaster set. you wonder what she’d think fo all of this, if she wasn’t so preoccupied. 
“those are my girls. claire and molly.” 
you watch as sammy scrunches up her nose, her fists clenched into little balls at her side. 
“molly was born a year ago. she’s a little shy, but she loves music. but claire, claire’s the exact opposite. headstrong, strong-willed. exactly how a big sister should be.” 
“so?” sammy asks, her voice dripping with attitude. 
he shakes his head. 
“what i mean is that my girl claire reminds me of you. my first girl. so much so, that…well. claire and molly are real special to me. but you, my sammy girl, are always going to be the person who made me a father. that’s why i made claire’s name claire samantha.” 
you watch the tears spill from sammy’s eyes, the most bitter contempt in her eyes, as she turns to him, wiping away the stray. 
the questions return. what festers in someone to breed such cruelty? what horrors could you and sammy had exacted in your past life to deserve it? how much pressure does it take before something cracks? 
would sammy ever get over the fact that she had basically, for all intents and purposes, been replaced? which one is worse – not warranting recognition or just enough to be traded out for the shinier new model? 
“thanks dad. that’s real kind of you.” she mutters, crossing her hands over her chest before leaning back against the wall. 
you watch as his face falls, albeit halfheartedly – the clear inclination that he didn’t really mind that the statement didn’t land as he intended – before he turns back to the three of you and gives you an awkward smile. 
“family stuff.” he mutters. 
he disgusts you.
“well, i’ll take my leave. molly’s about to start fussing. i’m very sorry for your loss again, boys.” 
you watch as he walks off, retreating back to the couch and picking up claire – claire samantha – before you feel sukuna’s lips on your temple, his hands rubbing circles into your side. yuuji’s at sammy’s side, offering her his pocket square which she takes. 
“oh shit.” sammy mutters. 
“what?” you ask. 
“he’s going to the patio, where mom is.” 
you clear your throat, turning on your heel to move, before sammy reaches for your elbow. 
“it’s better if you stay here. you don’t want to make things worse when he realizes it’s actually you.” sammy responds, before walking off towards the direction of the room. 
sukuna watches as you step back, cursing the fact that sammy, for the most part, always seemed to have a horrible way with words, as he reaches for your hand. 
he knows what she meant. that whatever reaction your mom was going to warrant would get infinitely worse when she realized that your own father wasn’t able to recognize you at first glance. 
but she didn’t need to say it like that, sinking words placing the blame on you. 
“she didn’t mean it like that.” yuuji states. 
sukuna watches as you look over at yuuji, face blank, as you nod. he can see that you’re picking at the scab from the shot glass a few days prior on your hand, but you sidestep too fast before he stick his hand in between yours and make you stop. 
“i know.” you respond. 
it stings. 
“i’m just going to take a minute. i’ll be back.” you respond. 
you drag your feet as fast as they can take you to sukuna’s room, before shutting the door behind you, quick and fast breaths heaving out of your chest as your vision blurs. sukuna’s voice is quiet, muffled by the wood. 
“hey. i’m on the other side when you’re ready for me, okay pretty girl?” 
you sit in sukuna’s room for two hours, watching the sun sink down into the horizon from his window, watching as people trail in and out of the front door from below. it’s a pretty sunset – a vibrant mix of purple, blue, and pink – with the clouds swirling beneath. 
if sukuna’s dad was a different type of guy, you’d almost think it was a sign from him. that sweet solace that people felt – seeing their loved ones in the beauty of nature. 
though, you’d figure he’d be more of a hurricane or a tornado, wrecking havoc to everything he touched, as opposed to a pretty sunet that shed light. 
sitting at the windowsill is the first time you realize that from sukuna’s vantage point, he’s always had a perfect view of your bedroom window. it’s not exactly level, so you assume that he was probably never able to see much, except for if your light was on or off and if your curtains were pulled. 
you wonder how often he stared at it. 
you find one of his sukuna’s old hoodies and pull it over your dress, before climbing into his sheets and pressing your face into his pillow. it smells faintly of his shampoo, the smell so sweetly comforting, as you feel your eyes swell up, the choking feeling in your throat unbearable. 
the sounds that leave you are embarrassing, but luckily, you’re the only one who can hear them. 
[sammy]: mai came to get me. let’s talk tomorrow okay? 
the typing bubble appears, before disappearing. and after a few minutes, a second text followers. 
[sammy]: i love you. 
you wonder if that complicated, infected part of your brain that seemed to always cultivate some type of disgust for sammy, even when nothing really happened, was a part that you got from your dad. 
you’re almost positive that it is. and it bothers you that it somehow feels like it’s something so fundamental, almost biological, that she’ll always rub salt into a wound that you can’t even heal. 
you turn your phone off instead. 
“are you okay? your mom mentioned that you went upstairs pretty abruptly, said you needed a minute.” 
sukuna looks up to find your mom standing there, two ice cold bottles of water in her hands, before she plops down on the carpet next to him, hiking her knees to her chest. the usual picture of perfect hair is astray, the front stands pulled out, and sukuna absentmindedly wonders if you get your hair pulling habit from her. 
he doesn’t respond. only because what he said was a lie. 
not entirely at least. it was true that he needed a minute, it was just an obstruction of truth that he really needed to take that minute for you. 
sukuna notes that she doesn’t mind the silence that much – not only because it’s something that she was well versed in, the mere fact that sukuna didn’t really like to talk when it came to things like this – and instead changes the subject. 
“has she come out yet?” she asks. 
“no. did yuuji tell you what happened?” sukuna responds. 
she smiles, leaning her head back against the rungs of the stairs. 
“you missed quite a show downstairs.” 
she laughs, before reaching up to mess with the ends of the strand closest to her ear. 
“he walked out onto the patio with his wife, cindy he said her name was, because he wanted to offer his condolences. your mom responded by slapping him across the face.” 
sukuna wishes he was there to see it. or do it himself. 
“he was about to start yelling but that’s when sammy came out. i got the gist of what happened before, because sammy basically dragged him out on his ear, giving him a choice set of words about how he can’t gives his new daughter the same names as his old ones, and that he wasn’t her father, no matter how much he deluded himself into thinking that he was.” 
sukuna watches as she pauses, taking a shaky breath. 
“he told sammy that he wouldn’t really want to be their father anyways, which is why he left, and yuuji punched him in the face.” 
sukuna pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“i really did miss a show, didn’t i?” he mutters. 
“nothing we aren’t used to. i’d think hell froze over if there wasn’t some type of drama at this thing. though, i’d expect violent dramatics from you, not yuuji.” 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“he came up and talked to all of us before you. he didn’t even recognize y/n, he…he thought she was some girlfriend i brought home from studying abroad. and i’d almost understand it – she was really little when she left – but there’s no excuse. she looks the exact same.” sukuna offers. 
sukuna looks over, seeing the same bridge of your nose mirrored in her face, before looking back at the faded paint chipping off the wood of his bedroom door. he wished that he had yuuji’s horrible habits of hoarding snacks in his room, just so that you weren’t sitting in there crying.  
“do you have the key?” 
“the key to the door.” she states. 
sukuna bites at his lip. 
“i’m not going to open it. or give it to you. she’ll come out when she’s ready for me.” sukuna mutters. 
he watches as she laughs, full bellied and warm, before reaching forward and tangling the matted mess of his hair off of his forehead. 
“have i ever been one to force you to do anything?” 
sukuna sighs, slumping against the wall, before shaking his head. 
he had heard the sentiment before, the first time he carried his tired and bleeding knees to the porch, after being kicked out of his house for the first time. 
he nearly beat his knuckles bloody from knocking on the door loud enough before she came down, tired and weary eyes that were instantly snapped awake at his crying. and he can’t exactly remember what it was that he said, though he assumes that it wasn’t short of rudeness. 
when he begged to stay. and when she let him in without a second glance, he said it quietly.
“you can’t force me to tell you what happened.” 
and the response was always the same – the seventh, eight, and ninth time – before he finally got a understood. 
have i ever been one to force you to do anything? 
“do me a favor, sukuna.” she states. 
“let me take care of your mom.” 
sukuna looks over at her, taken aback by the sentiment. he was half expecting the half hearted lecture that sammy gave him months prior, about being careful and gentle with her sister, and was expecting a tougher version of that to come from what he knew was a very opinionated and defensive woman. 
“the worst part is over. i appreciate you picking up slack with me where you could and i’m sorry i couldn’t help more.” 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“she was basically debilitated. you had to stay with her.” he offers. 
“and you sicked my daughter on your brother. but his boyfriend has got him for the rest and i’ll be with your mom for the foreseeable future, like i always have been.” 
“i don’t think –” 
“you’re leaving here tonight. and you’re taking my daughter with you.” she states. 
sukuna shrugs. 
“i can’t just leave her. she’s my mom and…and she’s been so fucking fragile for the past few days. you saw how she acted when –” 
“and you’re her son. that’s not your job.” 
she pauses. 
“you step back and take care of my daughter. and maybe more importantly, let my daughter take care of you.” she whispers, raking her fingers through his hair again. 
sukuna feels a shiver down his spine, before shaking his head. he can’t just leave. 
he shakes his head again, this time more fervently. 
he can’t just leave. he can’t just pawn his own mother off to her and his brother to megumi and walk away. 
“you know that godawful, shitty dining table downstairs that your dad picked out? the one that we gave to goodwill when he left for his trip to new york?” 
he remembered the fight that followed after when he realized it was gone. and sometimes, he wondered why his mom would pick a fight over something so trivial as a table. 
“it was really heavy. seeing it every day irritated her to no end – that this was her house and her space and that he had taken over it another time. it pissed your mom off so much that every night, after they fought, she’d try to push it out of that damn room on her own. ” 
sukuna snorts. 
“i remember that.” 
she smiles. 
“i remember it too. watching her try to push it out of that room on her own, barely making a dent in moving it the merest inch. i think sammy even took a picture of it with that shitty disposable camera i bought her.” 
sukuna rubs his palms together. 
“i ended up helping her. carried one side and we were able to move it a few more inches. it didn’t really do much, so i got that piece of shit down the street, to help us too. and the old guy who used to live next door, the handyman. your dad was on a three day trip and it took five of us to push that god forsaken table out of the house.” 
sukuna feels her pull him closer, wrapping him in a hug. it makes his chest pang, eerily similar to the feeling of being sixteen and sitting on the fact that he was going to leave without saying goodbye. 
“my point is that there’s just some things you can’t carry alone, son.” 
sukuna feels his throat dry. his eyes water, as he understands – the embarrassing and pitiful question spilling out as a byproduct. 
“what if it’s too heavy for her? what…what if i can’t hold her up?” he asks, shaking his head as his voice cracks. 
what if sukuna breaks his lifeline? an even worse fate than you dying – being the one responsible for killing you. 
she smiles, before gesturing to her left, where sukuna sees yuuji standing. 
“you’re more than capable, sukuna. you always have been. and there’s always an extra set of hands to help you lift.” 
the thought comes an hour later. 
maybe his mom did get to meet the love of her life. and maybe it just wasn’t the person he was expecting it to be. 
the second one that follows makes even more sense. 
of course the love was always going to be there between you and him. it was destined before you even got here. genetic even. 
you make it back home around two in the morning, to three plastic wrapped plates of dinner and megumi asleep on your couch. 
it feels a little bit like intruding, but the two of you can’t help but stare as yuuji lightly nudges megumi to wake up, the latter of whom literally bolts up at the sight of him, arms quick on his face before pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
you look over at sukuna, gesturing for him to turn around with you, as sukuna unboxes the closest package – the replacement of the broken mug from your birthday – as you hear the two of them retreat, a quiet goodnight whispered to the pair of you. 
“which mug do you want?” he asks. 
“we can just share.”
there’s a ghost of a smile on his face as he wraps his hands around your wrists, his touch warm as he pulls you forward, tucking you straight into his arms and resting his chin against the top of your head. 
and you’re not sure when it starts, but it’s not long before he’s quietly weeping, his frame shaking under you as you bury yourself closer to him, his heart pounding under your ear as you run your hands up and down his arms, quietly whispering into his ears. 
he doesn’t stop. he makes no inclination of stopping and it sends a shiver down your spine. 
you pull back, cupping his flushed pink cheeks, and wiping away the wetness from his eyelashes before locking your fingers together behind his neck. 
“you took my jacket.” he whispers, voice strained. 
“it was cold in your room.” you respond. 
he nods, before leaning his forehead against yours, quietly trying to steady his breaths in pace with yours, before he abruptly pulls away, and leans against the granite. 
“what’s wrong?” you ask. 
he gestures his head to the left, where yuuji is standing, before quickly wiping the wetness from his face and pouring the warm milk into the mug. you give him a nod before retreating over to where yuuji is standing, his eyes glued to sukuna. 
yuuji looks over at you, shaking his head. 
“sorry. i wanted to take a shower. do you –” 
“i’ll get you a towel, yuu.” 
yuuji watches as you retreat, socks sliding on the tile, as he runs his hand through his hair, a deeply sweltering hot regret in his chest. 
he had you pegged all wrong. both of you, written off the second he found out about it. 
yuuji had the tiniest glimpse of it the other day. the way you so freely ranted to sukuna, watching as he quietly attended to you by braiding your hair to stop you from pulling at it, really – exuding a quiet comfort he didn’t even know he possessed. 
but this was worse. because while you were being exactly who he knew you to be – maybe just shocked that you were able to do it with someone else – what he just saw in the short amount of time – sukuna freely crying, or more importantly, openly humbling himself to let someone in to help him crawl out – it was foreign. 
unheard of. yuuji was almost positive that sukuna hadn’t even done it before, being so vulnerable with someone. 
and he had been giving him a hard time for it
“here’s your towel.” 
yuuji grabs your hand as you hand it over to him, squeezing hard as he looks up at you, teary eyed. 
“thank you.”
for loving my brother. 
“of course. get some rest.” you respond, giving him a smile as you watch him retreat back to the room. 
sukuna’s crying has ceased when you make your way back to the kitchen. there’s a steaming cup of hot chocolate with a godawful amount of marshmallows and whipped cream, that he passes over to you for the first sip. 
“i’m back.” you respond. 
he nods, as he place the cup in your hand hand. and it’s a searing warmth in your cheeks as sukuna lifts his hand, wiping the whipped cream residue from the top of your lip. 
“real cute.” he responds, before licking the excess off his own fingers. 
you shrug. 
“i try.” 
he smiles, taking the mug from you. 
you’re confused by what happens next – because it looks like he’s going to say something, even going as far as opening his mouth to start talking, before he clamps it shut, with something steaming behind his eyes that you can’t really understand. 
and he does it a few times.
“are you okay?” 
“yeah. yeah, i just…was trying to figure out how to talk.” 
“how to talk?” you ask. 
“you know. about all the stuff.” 
you hum in response, before looping your arm around his torso, watching the marshmallows slowly dampen under the warm liquid, the smallest amount of steam still leaving the glass. 
“it’s probably a lot.” you murmur. 
“you have no idea.” 
“how about you pick one thing? and we’ll do one thing at a time.” 
sukuna nods, heaving a deep sigh, before tangling his free hand into your hair. 
“my dad was a piece of shit.” 
one of the marshmallows sinks down into the cup, the curved waves of the whipped cream disintegrating with it. 
“i mean…my dad was a piece of shit. he died a piece of shit and now he won’t ever be anything else.” 
you nod. 
“do you…do you know those lifetime shows? where people go on the news and talk about how…how different things changed their lives? like families getting out of horrible financial situations and being happy or people finally getting time to put the work in to better themselves?” 
“i had this really, really crappy thought that i held on to when i was a kid. that some day, that prick would just wake up, and realize what really mattered. that he’d put in the work, that i’d watch my mom get what she deserved, and…and he’d come to my wedding.” he murmurs. 
sukuna shakes his head, before clenching his jaw. 
“knowing him, the last thing he probably said about you was shitty. and not because he was some vile, sick asshole filled with hatred for you – but hatred for me. for yuuji. for the fact that you were fine with yuuji just as he was. liked me just as i am.” 
the steam from the mug is gone. 
“that stupid asshole died just as he was. a homophobic, misogynistic prick. he won’t ever change.” 
you lean your head against his shoulder. 
“still hurts, doesn’t it?” you ask. 
sukuna nods. 
and thanks his lucky stars that you had that in you, to parse out what he really meant. that his dad died just as he was and now sukuna knows that whatever it was he lost out on is something he won’t ever be able to get back. 
grief for what was never going to be. 
“more than you know.” he responds. 
sukuna pauses. 
“what do you think about it?” he asks. 
you look down at the mug. 
“that it’s his loss.” 
“by some turn of fate, your dad was very undeservingly blessed with two very loving children. it’s his loss that he’s died without even getting to feel even an inch of that. and i get it, that on paper, his legacy, his career – it’s seemed so worthwhile to people at your house. that even though he died young, he lived a very full life.” 
you push the mug over to him. 
“to me, it always seemed like he was chasing something. a better title at work, a bigger party he could throw to show off, anything that made him feel like he was larger than life. and i feel sorry for him. he’s had two boys that give the word love meaning under his roof for all these years and it’s embarrassing for him that he never got to feel it.” 
you shrug. 
“you won’t ever get to have the dad you wanted. but he won’t ever get to reap the benefits, the good love, of what he already had.” 
sukuna leans forward, gentle hands on your cheeks, before locking his lips with yours, the kiss mixed in with his quiet tears. 
the best kind of kiss he could give you – affectionate. devoted. and bare. you felt like the smallest parts of him were in the palm of your hand, to cherish and preserve. 
“your turn.” he whispers. 
you snort. 
“do you have short term memory loss? i just told you what i thought.” 
sukuna shakes his head, wiping the wetness on the back of his hand, before clearing his throat. 
“i gave you three hours in that room. it’s your turn.” 
you elbow him in the side, before lifting the mug with your hands. 
“i gave you a week.” 
“you’ve always been more patient than me. i nearly broke the door down.” 
you roll your eyes. 
“i know you have a key.” 
“and i’d never use it.” sukuna affirms. 
you smile, seeping in the warmth of the ceramic mug, as you look down at the flowery print, a mottled mess of liquid swimming from everything you had mixed in the cup.
“some part of me thinks that i’m rotten.” 
sukuna watches as you set the mug down, reaching for the ends of your hair as you twirl them in your fingers. 
you sigh, warm tears in your eyes. 
“i always thought that there was something wrong with me. there was always a rotten part of me, deep down, and everything i was doing was to keep it from getting out. like…like an infection or something.” 
“okay.” sukuna whispers, his tone in his voice beckoning for you to continue. 
“he’s vile. he’s vile for showing up to your dad’s funeral. for not even saying a word to yuuji when he was there the day he was born, for trying to sweet talk on your behalf like he knows you or something. having a new family, two new girls, not even sparing a second glance to what came before.” 
you pause. 
“and he’s my dad. he’s vile and sometimes i feel like he’s…he’s in my head. that some part of him is always going to be intertwined with me and deep down, running through my blood, and that’s why i won’t ever win.” 
sukuna reaches forward, cupping your warm cheeks in the palm of his hands. and you look up at him, warm brown hazel eyes so washed in concern for you, and it makes your chest hurt. 
“i look at you and all i can think about is that one day, it’ll be the last time you’ll look at me like that. because you’ll leave. you’ll realize that it’s just lipstick on a pig, or…or too much and you’ll take your leave for something better.” 
sukuna wishes that he was the one who got to punch him instead of yuuji. 
“what do you think?” you ask. 
sukuna drops his hold, lifting your hands against his lips and pressing a kiss against your knuckles. 
“that i wish i punched him instead.” he states. 
“what? someone punched him?” 
sukuna smiles. 
“my mom slapped him. and yuuji punched him. everyone got to have their cake except for me.” 
you snort. 
“i wish it was me. because i think he’s sick in the head.” 
typical. sukuna was never one to really mince his words. 
“i think it’s absolutely disgusting that he left without a trace and that the one person he talked to when he left was my dad – though i suppose that’s fitting.”
sukuna pauses. 
“it’s been criminal to watch your mom suffer when she’s one of the first people who gave me a lifeline…and when she brought my second lifeline into this world.” 
you smile. 
“i think any bit of harshness or judgment i’ve passed on sammy is unfair, because i think i’d be immeasurably cruel at times too if the one person who was required to love me felt that i was special enough to deserve a replacement, but not enough to be the one who was actually loved.” 
you sigh.. 
“and i think it’s batshit insane that he was unable to recognize you when most of the time, you’re the only person in the room with me. it’s entirely unbelievable to me that the one person he gave no recognition to is probably the only person who would ever deserve it.” 
sukuna looks down at you and frowns.
“you’re a considerate daughter, a compassionate sister – maybe even when you shouldn’t be – and the warmest friend that my brother has ever had.” 
sukuna leans forward, pressing a wet kiss to your forehead. 
“you’re a beautiful girlfriend, so painfully kind-hearted towards me that i’m half convinced you’re god with the way you’re able to fix everything with just your hands. you’re everything good and every part of you is worth acknowledging and appreciating. it’s humiliating for your dad that he’s part of the reason you’re here – and that he won’t ever be able to realize that his greatest accomplishment is you.” 
you lean forward, tucking yourself into his neck, and it makes sukuna shiver – the cold tears running down his neck as you quietly sob, your voice muffled against the fabric of his jacket. 
“you think i’m god?” you sniffle. 
sukuna rolls his eyes, unable to contain his smile. 
“of course that’s what you take away from it.” 
you lean back, looking up at him and the smile on his face. and you commit it to memory – the laugh, the love in the silence, and how it persists in the pain. 
“people worship gods.” you clarify. 
“and i worship you.” 
you curl your nose in disgust. 
“ew, sukuna.” 
“you’re not saying ew when i’m doing it. it sounds a lot more like –” 
you wrap your hand over his mouth, before shushing him. 
“your brother is in the next room over.” 
“he’s always such a thorn in my side.” sukuna mutters, earning you a laugh from him. 
the two of you retreat after the fact. you wash sukuna’s hair in the shower. he insists on doing your skincare for you. and the sun rises on the two of you the next day.
next part linked here
an: LOL. ok I write dream girl now I just wanted to get that out of me.
edit: someone left an ??? upset? or like...idk the word for it comment on ao3 about the fact that it's kind of toxic that sukuna calls her god at the end. pls know that it's JUST a metaphor and he's just trying to compare her to something that's really important and being hyperbolic 💌
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @sugu-love @yihona-san06 @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreadersthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebuns @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @wishmemel @gyros-cum-sock @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara a @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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Was I the asshole for wearing a darker blue dress at the wedding of my son and daughter in law?
👗👗👗👗 <- so that I can find this later.
So my (51, f) son (29, mm) got married to someone I thought was a truly lovely woman (27, f) last month. It was lovely, the ceremony was a fairly quiet affair, only immediate family there in person. Anyway, the bride's colour scheme was baby blue and light teal with white. All the bridesmaids were in teal, all the guests had to wear the blue. I personally had no problem with it, except that she was insistent that every woman in attendance had to wear the exact same type of dress as her. Now, it became a problem when I could not find that dress in that shade of blue in my size. I looked into how much tailoring would cost if I ordered one that was two or three sizes too big (the closest I could find), and while I will not write out the exact sum, it did make my eyes widen.
However, I did manage to find the dress in my size in a darker shade of blue. It wasn't navy or anything extreme, think just a little lighter than the shade of blue on those nice willow-patterned china pieces. I did consult with my now daughter in law, and while she was lukewarm when I showed her the pictures and asked if it would be alright, since having a dress in the paler shade tailored to my size would be too expensive and it wasn't THAT much darker, she did not say no. She hmmed for a bit, but did not say no, and said something about the flower decorations on the wedding cake being a similar shade to the dress I was discussing with her. I didn't want to be the monster in law you always read about, and I was feeling quite happy that we had come to an agreement.
On the day of the wedding however, she was very cold towards me, refusing to even stand next to me while the photographs were being taken. I found it a bit rude, but decided not to say anything because I thought she might just be stressed. During the reception, however, she pulled me aside and told me she thought I was joking when I said I was going to wear the darker dress. Very confused, I replied that I thought she had said she was fine with it, that it matched the cake? She continued to insist that she had thought I was joking, and even went as far to say I had ruined the photos and the wedding. After she left, I went and sat outside the venue until the reception was over or my youngest (22, f, she goes to the local college and plans to move out when she is done) was ready for me to drive her home, since she planned on drinking and I haven't really touched alcohol since I was her age.
I really don't know what I did wrong. Until that point, my daughter in law and I had always gotten on fairly well, and I truly thought we had come to an agreement regarding the dress. My son is refusing to take a side, and my daughter in law is still behaving coldly towards me.
Was I the asshole?
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willowser · 7 months
hi hi willow!!!!!!!!!!! (<- absolutely not in pain whatsoever)....... i am just wondering if..... uh.... u have imagined a reason for the breakup yet? i'd love to know why you think bakugo would ever break up with you. heh heh. hah. :D (i am crying)
here are the things you don't know—yet, at this point in time after the breakup.
two weeks before, dynamight gets into an ugly argument with a civilian. over something stupid, probably; she's drunk and not listening to a word the hero is telling her, stumbling around in public and taking her shoes off and shoving at him when he tries to corral her from getting into another fistfight in the street.
it's just—bad. looks bad. before anything productive can happen, a few of her friends are stumbling out and screaming at him, too, for being a cocky asshole and putting their phones in his face and recording him and maybe he says something he shouldn't—not something terrible, just something that sounds extra bad when a group of young women are screaming and angry at you—and it gets blasted all over the internet.
two weeks before, dynamight gets dragged in the paper. for being a jerk. for being such an asshole. remember when he nearly collapsed that building last month, during that fight? so careless. and he's never friendly when anyone comes up to him on the street, either in uniform or not. is more likely to brush someone away than stop and take a picture. in high school he was a little brat, too, with the way he spoke to his peers and didn't know respect if it slapped him in the face.
his poor partner. must be miserable to be with him all the time. they deserve better.
and if they know how he is? and how he acts to the people he's supposed to take care of? well, they must condone that kind of behavior, no? they're okay with him acting like that in public? what kind of morals do they have, anyway?
the other thing you don't know yet is that katsuki has been working every day. two shifts, sometimes, to the point that there's little more he does than eat and sleep and be dynamight. there's no free time. if any tries to make an appearance in his schedule—he's filling it with something, anything; going hiking, working out, cooking dinner for his shithead friends, not being at home.
whatever he's doing, he's not being at home.
yes, he got rid of everything he could that belonged to you. because he couldn't stand to look at it and know you weren't going to use it in his house again. can't stand it. refuses to, actually. is only putting one foot in front of the other, every day, and not really thinking about that weird, awful weight sitting in his gut, that feels dark and terrifying. he can't think about it. he's not bad at avoiding those kind of thoughts—he's done it before and he'll do it again.
and lastly—he's a fucking idiot.
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Willow and Gus are underrated, so here is why they are amazing. Starting with Willow:
1. Willow is gentle and willing to be vulnerable to make connections with others. But she is also protective of her heart. She only is willing to open her heart when she sees good and potential in others. Just like how she was willing to reconnect with Amity and how she saw Hunter, a sad boi, and decided he was important.
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"I can't say we're friends but... it's a start" / "At one point or another we've all been misjudged. Still think we're pathetic?"
2. Willow is very protective of her friends. She always wants to keep them safe and is willing to fight to do so. She wants to be the rock for her friends. And while this causes her to be closed off emotionally sometimes, she always is there for her friends emotions.
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3. Willow is powerful and passionate. She is amazing at plant magic but she also simply loves the plants. She treats them like babies and tries to keep them safe from the boiling rain. She is also the only one that can control her more vicious plants - seen by Viney telling Willow that her plant has been out of control since she's been gone in S3 Ep two.
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4. Willow encourages others to be themselves! She is the first to accept Luz as herself without belittling her for her interests. She is the first to not attempt to use Gus as a tool for her classes. She sees Hunter's enjoyment in Cosmic Frontier and praises his cosplay. While others see her friends quirks as problems, she never even suggests that they are an issue.
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5. Regarding her development, Willow makes excellent progress in living for herself. She starts out as unconfrontational and passive and grows into a confident and strong young woman. Willow begins her own flyer derby team, fighting against an asshole teacher to do so. She begins to take pride in her magic and work. She realizes that she has worth as a person and just because she struggles in some areas that doesn't make her less than others.
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Some of Willow's accomplishments: - She successfully overpowered Amity and Principal Bump with plant magic at a point where she had not been taught much of the track. - Helping Luz break into a highly guarded castle along with Gus. - Winning a game of flyer derby when Professor Hermonculus used magic to make her fail. - Started a protest to stop Belos (the tyrant that has been silencing people for decades) of at least one hundred people, likely more, from petrifying Eda. - Helps Amity and Gus break into the Blight Warehouse. - Fought against Adrian Graye Vernworth (the leader of the illusion coven) and helped group/hide many members of Hexside. - Alongside Amity, defeated an abomatron that were designed for destroying others (this particular one defeated many other students before reaching them). - Fought alongside the gang to kill Belos.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Can’t wait for people to flip when they meet “Privileged French White micro-aggression compilation”’s mentor, Mr. macro-aggression colonizer superiority complex Marius “I married a thirteen-year old former sex slave and adopted him as my son” de Romanus. Marius is his own trigger warning. Wait until they hear about Marius’ disciplinary methods involving whips and willow switches. Or the fact that Marius sent his son-wife to a brothel to learn “important skills”. Or that when he told Lestat about Those Who Must Be Kept, Marius literally framed Akasha’s genocidal tendencies as “taming savages”. Oh boy, it’s not gonna be good.
Like… Who do you think Lestat learned his skewed world view from? Moving to America was probably a bucket of cold water to Lestat. I would like to give Lestat the benefit of the doubt, as his father was an asshole aristocrat. Lestat quickly learned how privileged he was, even as a disgraced marquis’ son. His genuine horror at how the racist fat cats treated Louis said everything to me. I don’t think anyone understands that Lestat is interested in doing better. He is. He’s working through it. He will fuck up, because nobody ever gave him a look outside his little world.
The thing is, vampires do end up in ruin when they stay behind as the world around them goes forward. Just like humans, when we get stuck in outdated ideals. It’s heavily implied at the end of the Blood Communion novel that Marius is slowly going mad. All vampires do, at some point, go through a period of madness. Some just come out of it better than others. In the IWTV novel, Louis eats grass and mopes around his brother’s rectory for a while after Armand hesitantly leaves him. Armand kills his own coven. Khayman loses his memories for a while and wanders the world, snacking on mortals’ bone marrow. Daniel becomes mute and obsessive, luckily finding an outlet in model trains. Poor Lestat lost an eye and had to be restrained, before he slept for a long while. Thorne got tied down for a while. Benji and Sybelle. Unm. Well, Benji ended up with a podcast and Sybelle delved into the piano. And Louis, of course, tried to kill himself once— but it changed his relationship with Lestat for the better.
Okay, so I went on a meta tangent, but the point is, Marius is an even bigger fuck-up than Lestat, and covering him is going to get pretty ugly. And even more existential. I hope viewers stop and philosophize, you know? Everyone stops to question the nature of mankind and how we fall if we don’t move with time.
And as far as Marius goes, hope Justin Kirk is prepared. 😅
P.S. I swear I’m not high, just tired. 🥱
(For those who think the "eating grass" is an euphemism here: "I was picking at the grass, and tasting it, though the taste was bitter and unnatural. The gesture seemed natural.":))
Marius... is going to be something. Which is part of the reason why I keep saying that Justin Kirk will be perfect if he is, because it needs a very seasoned actor with a lot of thick skin to pull him off (and, I mean, Justin does not shy away from difficult characters as we know *nods at Succession*).
It will be interesting to see what kind of wounds they will put their proverbial fingers in.
Like, the casual racism and superiority complex Marius employs has to clash with Armand's recast, too. Not necessarily with the choice (of Amadeo) per se, but with the circumstances. I am betting real money that there will be some very uncomfortable meta commentary on sex slave trade in combination with racism coming up right there (and I for one want them to make that commentary! Even though it will probably lead to more fandom drama.).
These vampires are children of their times, and they do change/adapt/grow, but... slowly. (I am not so sure about Lestat getting his world view from Marius, I think there is a reason why Lestat never became the pupil Marius wanted him to be, and I do think that Lestat might be willfully ignorant at times, which can come off a certain way, but his own backstory is more to blame here than Marius, imho.)
I do not need Marius to be a good character to enjoy the fuck out of him, on the contrary.
I am not sure if the show will go the "whip" way. They might insinuate. I think they will, as with other scenes let the mind of the audience do the rest, which will be more than enough, too. I mean, the audience can read up on it all in the book *coughs*. There's no need to go more explicit than needed.
But yes. I hope Justin Kirk is prepared :)))
And... I hope the audience is prepared as well.
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
#lily james and sirius all trusted peter over remus #do you ever think about that #and what that implies about their relationship - WELL NOW I AM THINKING ABOUT IT I GUESS :sideeye: What do you think WHY they did it that way? Like, I mean, a deeply (?) buried prejudice against 'dark creatures'? Idk I just don't see that at least for Lily...would be really interested to hear your thoughts on that if you'd be willing to expand on that. Thx and take care xx
this ask touches on SEVERAL things i think about all the time so i'm going to use it as an excuse to talk about all of them
i think lily could be just as prejudiced, if not more, as anyone who's grown up in the wizarding world
harry's dislike of slytherin ("anything but slytherin") was solidified by one throwaway comment by hagrid and one unpleasant interaction with draco. these kids are eleven. that's the perfect age to pick up on unbiased bigotry. no critical thinking, all reaction, and bubbling with feelings lacking framework
hermione doesn't care about remus being a werewolf, but then again she's a rights and freedoms activist. she wouldn't, would she? that's not a muggleborn thing, that's a hermione thing
harry doesn't care, but honestly that's because harry - like a lot of abused kids - is incredibly self centered. people who are nice to him and who are safe are good. people who are mean and who could hurt him are bad. it takes him years to develop any type of nuance, because that's how long it takes for him to both grow up and grow out of survival mode. harry doesn't hate werewolves because a werewolf has never insulted his mother or made him uncomfortable. remus is nice to him, remus is safe, remus is a werewolf - therefore being a werewolf can't be bad
lily was best friends with severus snape, who's not a man i associate with a large amount of tolerance. if snape had kept his hatred to creatures rather than muggles, maybe lily wouldn't have cared at all
frankly, i don't think the marauders - any of them - were exactly the nicest of people, and i don't think their ringleader married the nicest of girls
that doesn't make them evil. and frankly a lot of kids grow out of their meanness (the saddest i'm ever able to feel for canon snape is at the idea that james grew out of his meanness at the same rate that snape grew into his)
but damn, did these kids' meanness take things way too far
one of the things that i can't help but roll my eyes at in canon is the idea that snape owes james a life debt. especially since this first comes up in first year when dumbledore is trying to explain snape's actions to harry by saying he protected harry to repay his father - and not the fact that he's a teacher and that's his job, or the obvious truth that dumbledore didn't want to tell harry - that snape looks out for him, inbetween being and asshole and terrible teacher - because his mother was his best friend
frankly, the incident surrounding this casts sirius in such an irredeemable light that the only way i can wrap my head around this occuring anything close to canon without remus cutting sirius out of his life or some serious consequences, and with dumbledore apparently knowing about all of it and not being outright insane, is this:
sirius told snape about the whomping willow because he thought he was a coward
the shrieking shack was rumored to be haunted and everyone avoided it because of the terrible shrieking, which was obviously remus as he transformed. snape was snooping around and sirius was tired of dodging him and so told him about the secret passage. he thinks snape is a coward, so what he thinks is going to happen is that snape gets scared at the screams, backs out of looking further, and is so embarrassed about being a coward that he stops harassing them about all the questions surrounding remus
this has to be it, because the only option is that he was okay with killing another student, ruining his best friend's life if not getting him thrown in azkaban, and likely getting himself expelled. in one version sirius is a kid with bad judgement but no malicious intent, while in the other he's literally a psycopath
obviously this plan doesn't work because snape is a lot of things, but not a coward. realistically this is happening in their sixth year when james is already obsessed with lily and she's likely started to thaw towards him if not dating him. he's heard more about snape from lily than he's been able to pick up in six years of sniping at each other and james knows that there's no way in hell that snape is going to turn away. instead of trying to explain that to sirius, he bolts, and goes to stop snape from finding remus
he's too late, but they both manage to get away unscathed, somehow. the other thing that makes sense to me is that james through himself between snape and remus - not as a form of self sacrifice, but because remus was familiar enough with him, even while he's in his human form and remus is a wolf, to be thrown enough to stop himself from attacking
james was in very little to no danger. if remus had lunged for him, he could have transformed into prongs. snape, on the other hand, could have died
he did not risk his life to save snape. he risked some injury, quickly fixed by pomfrey, if anything. if james hadn't saved snape, sirius would be expelled, remus would be imprisoned or worse, snape would be dead, and lily would never speak to him again
snape is the one with all the power here. i imagine this is when lily has to get involved, because the idea that snape didn't go around telling everyone what happened, that dumbledore would just tell snape to keep quiet about being nearly murdered by another student, makes no sense
lily finds out about remus being a werewolf because he nearly kills her childhood friend. lily has spent years thinking that remus is a cruel, heartless bully, and now she finds out that he's a monster
lily is not on the mauraders' side here
but snape is physically incapable of not biting his nose to spite his face. he reads dark books all the time and he knows exactly how dangerous a werewolf is and why and he knows that it's not his fault, that remus can't help himself, and he snaps at lily. things between them are so broken by now (if this is how she reacts to dark things, how would she react if she knew the truth about him?). he says that if she wasn't an ignorant mudblood then she'd know better than to come to the most base conclusions
getting scolded by snape of all people for being prejudiced cleanses her of her knee jerk fear and shames her for feeling it at all. snape now feels stuck because he can't go back on his words that were mostly bullshit, so he has to commit. when dumbledore hears of everything, snape says that he went exploring in the shack on his own even though it's forbidden and james stopped him, which is why all dumbledore does is tell him to keep remus's secret
whatever the reason, whatever the circumstances, snape does not: go public to get remus expelled/imprisoned/killed or tell the world that sirius attempted to kill him; ever tell another soul what remus is even if he does hint an awful lot when he starts working in his school again (with children, when he's so dangerous, and snape is then proven right)
i think the reason why remus and snape's relationship is almost cordial is because remus is grateful to him. snape may hate him and hate that he's there and think he's not qualified to be there, but he did not return cruelty with more cruelty 20 some odd years ago and even the werewolf curriculum while he's out is so much less worse than it could be. snape is petty and vicious and rude and very cruel, but sometimes in some circumstances "not as much of an asshole as you could have been" is enough
that said, i don't think lily, james, and sirius's feelings for remus were about prejudice
i think james and sirius have known each other the longest - both purebloods if in different circles - and peter's known them only slightly less. i think of the pettigrews as a formerly rich if not prestigious family that's fallen on hard times - perhaps drained by the war
remus they meet at hogwarts and they love him and trust him and the very first thing he does is lie to them. it's not personal. they understand why, when they find out, but now they know what remus acts like when he's lying
war is hard
sirius says no because he's the obvious choice, but also because he's still fighting on the frontlines, likely working to turn moderates from dark families because he's the best one for that, because despite his break from his family he still knows that crowd, still grew up with them
remus is working to do the same thing with the werewolves, just like we see him doing with the second war
i think peter is a spy. he's supposed to use his animagus form to spy on death eater meetings, which is how he gets caught and how he gets turned
harry is an accident
lily and james are fighting on the frontlines of this war. they're young and everything's going to hell and they have work to do - now is not the time for a child. but lily gets pregnant, which is bad enough, but then they find out that Voldemort is targeting their child specifically they make the very hard decision to place their family over the war
they hide
but sirius, remus, and peter can't hide. they still have work to do. more work, even, now that lily and james can't leave their home
i don't think sirius and remus ever intended to have children. whether they're together or apart, the reasoning is the same. a werewolf raising a child is under such intense scrutiny. any child of sirius's would be hounded by the black family, and frankly i think sirius in particular had a lot of growing up to do even then
peter, i think, might have planned to have children. he spends twelve years not only as a rat, but a child's pet rat. children are rough and loud. i can only assume that he must have liked children to settle there, liked them enough to find being their pet a comfort rather than a trial
but what they all decide long before harry is even thought of is that they'll raise their kids together
harry is lily and james's son but he's all their kid. sirius is his official godfather but the mauraders understand it's a title they all share
i think both sirius and remus and even peter didn't want war to touch the potters now that they moved away from it. i think they all sunk into the idea that if they could only keep this one little part of their family safe, maybe it would be worth all the devastation
they started lying
not maliciously. not meanly. but they were trying to hide their stress and horror and fear not only from the potters, but from each other
they all know what remus looks like when he's lying, when he's lying about something huge, when he's doing it all the time
but remus knows what sirius is like when he's lying too. so does james, but since sirius isn't suspicious of him, so he confides in him, and james has no reason to disbelieve him
remus doesn't confide in them. he's trying to be strong for them. he's trying to be a decent soldier and a good uncle and a good friend and he's cracking but he can't crack. his family is depending on him
they know there's a spy. it has to be one of them
remus knows sirius is lying. sirius knows remus is lying. they suspect each other, and the potters reluctantly start to suspect remus too - they have seen this behavior before, after all
as for peter?
he's under so much pressure, and he's so nervous and jumpy all the time. he's not hiding anything
peter's not lying to them
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iamchaos1234 · 5 months
Some more owl house headcanons lets go-
Witch and demon eyes reflect like a cats when you take a flash picture and it scared the crap out of Luz the first time she saw it-
Amity has an hour long facecare routine she does every morning
King has tiny lil wings on his back that appear around the time of the final episodes ending
The collector and king are really close now, they love sleepovers and playing with kings toys
Luz and Hunter sometimes stay up really late playing video games together. Mostly mario kart or smash bros
Gus is asexual and gay, and he ended up getting together with Matt a year or two after the final episode
Vee is genderfluid! When in human form it's normally she/they and in basilisk form usually she/they/it which she likes them all
Hunter's hair can sometimes grow moss or flowers or mushrooms due to being made up from palistrom wood, which plants can grow on. Willow takes advantage of this a lot
As King's power grows as long as Jean-Luc is close it can be active and work, but once out of range it turns back off
Kikimora's palisman was a fuzzy dark blue spider. She regrets giving it to Belos after everything despite being such an asshole-
Servine's palisman is a dark brown kitten. Also, she deserved more appearances, as like a small supporting charecter just saying-
Thats all for now! Have anyone or anything you want me to do headcanons for? Don't be afraid to ask!
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lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (VI)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn @deans-baby-momma @willow-sages @ritz-hell-hotel @perpetualabsurdity (If you would like added, please send me a message, it's easier to keep track of! Much love to everyone already on it!)
soft ass chapter for you all!
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I walked back down the dirt path towards Jared's house, a few stray tears slipping from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away.
I wouldn't give Jensen the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
It's not like he would anyways.
He was already practically at the door, taking larger strides than me. I noticed him stop, his hand on the handle, his shoulders slumped over. I thought he was going to turn around and apologize but instead he sulked inside the house with a huff.
I sat down on Jared's porch steps, taking a minute to collect myself. It wasn't like I could just leave, we were almost three hours away from Laredo, and I came here with Jensen.
Why did he have to make this so difficult?
I was trying really hard to understand him, but I won't fight for something if he won't even meet me halfway.
I heard the door open slowly a body slipping out.
"can you please just give me a minute Jensen.." I started but was cut off.
"It's Jared."
Jared sat down beside me placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"sorry, I just uh needed a minute." I said playing with my hands.
Jared nodded his head as I took a shaky breath.
"he's kind of a asshole sometimes." Jared spoke making me smile.
I thought asshole was putting it mildly but I wouldn't say that.
"just a little." I spoke biting my lip.
"look it’s really not my place, but he's been through some really bad shit, and so for him it's just easier to push people away then deal with his feelings which is why he acts like an ass." Jared explained.
I was silent, fighting the tears that threatened to fall any minute.
"but I can honestly say, him bringing you here, him grabbing your hand in front of the guys, that's him trying, something he doesn't do very often." he added.
"why can't he tell me this himself?" I asked placing my head in my hands.
Jared didn't say anything as he rubbed a hand down my back in comfort.
"he makes it so incredibly hard to get close to him." I spoke finally picking my head back up.
“I’ve watched Jensen push away many good things in his life, but I don't want to sit by and watch him lose this too. I think you're good for him, whether he'll admit it or not. you...you push his buttons, and you don't allow him to get away with his bullshit. that's exactly what he needs. I guess what I'm trying to say is to give him some time, he'll come around, and when he's ready, he'll let you in."
I chewed on my bottom lip contemplating his words.
"Jared, what did Jensen whisper to you the day I first met you, when you came to his house?" I asked nervously, turning my body so it was fully facing Jared.
Jared beamed with a smile looking in my eyes.
"he said you were definitely not like the other girls who've been there."
I couldn't fight the smile that appeared on my face. I guess if I really wanted Jensen, I'd have to take him flaws and all. I was just hoping that Jared was right, if I just gave it time, he'd finally let me in.
"thanks Jared." I smiled giving him a hug.
"of course, now you have to come in and try Gen's dessert, it's to die for." Jared smiled helping me up.
As he opened the door for us to go in, Jensen stood on the other side, like he was coming out.
"I'll uh, give you guys a minute." Jared said smiling at me and stepping to the side so Jensen can come out.
I stood in silence, my arms folded across my chest.
"what did he uh say to you?" Jensen asked hesitantly.
"don't worry, he didn't spill any of your secrets... said you were an asshole though." I smirked satisfied with my jab.
"I am." Jensen said.
It hurt me to hear him talk badly about himself. Even though he totally deserved it.
"he also told me that you were trying, and that you push people away because it's easier for you." I said uncrossing my arms.
Jensen looked slightly relieved at my words.
"I am trying, god (y/n) I've never had to try this much with a woman before, I slept with you in my bed, I.. I threatened a douche bag at the bar for you, I even went looking for a stupid sd card…” he rambled but I cut him off.
“you went looking for my sd card?”
“yeah, I mean I needed some excuse to see you again, so I went looking for it.” He said rubbing his neck nervously.
I felt my heart rate increase, the butterflies in my stomach erupting.
He does care.
“I’m trying and it's driving me crazy, you're driving me crazy." He murmured, his large hand cupping my cheek.
"Jensen I'm not trying to drive you crazy" I said laughing.
"you're driving me crazy because you're changing me."
I felt the breath get caught in my throat. I bit my lip looking up at him. I could tell this wasn’t him acting, he was being real and raw right now.
"how about this I won't push you about your past as long as you promise me you'll at least try to meet me halfway?" I offered him with a smile.
"I promise I'll try." Jensen said bringing his lips down kissing my forehead while pulling me to his chest.
I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. He removed his arms, but settled one around my waist as he led me back inside.
"oh there they are, thought you two were screwing somewhere on the property." Jeff laughed, a shot glass in his hand filled with what appeared to be whiskey.
"I think he's drunk." Jensen whispered in my ear.
"no we uh save the screwing for his house." I joked with Jeff sending Jensen a wink.
I could see his eyes go dark with lust.
I walked in to the kitchen, wanting to apologize to Genevieve for my leaving. Jared was on his way out with a bottle of rum. He quickly caught my elbow.
"everything okay with you guys?"
"thanks in part to you." I said offering him a smile.
"yeah well, like I said he needs someone to keep him in check." Jared laughed.
It was a rather uneventful rest of the night. All the guys sat around a small fire pit on Jared's deck swapping stories while sipping on some rum from Jensen's business.
Well with the exception of Jeff who was chugging it, and was clearly wasted.
I sat beside Jensen listening intently to them talk, laughing at their antics. Jensen's hand stayed at rest on my thigh, stroking his fingers gently making me flinch every time he did so. Everyone started to say their goodbyes. I gave Genevieve a big hug.
"please come around again, it's nice to have another female here." she said smiling.
I gave a hug to Misha and Jared, and a handshake to both Mark's and Richard, not having the time to connect with them as much as Misha and Jared. Jeff gave me a big hug that lasted a little too long, forcing Jensen to pry me away as I laughed.
"ah come on don't be such a party pooper Ackles." Jeff slurred with a smirk.
He wasn't serious, it was all just in good fun.
“get your own Jeff.” Jensen laughed.
Jensen led me back out to the ferrari opening the door for me. Once he was in he looked my way with a smile.
“I think they liked you, some of them a little too much.” He said.
“I liked them too… especially Jeff.” I shot back biting my bottom lip.
He was an asshole tonight, so I was going to push his buttons, I mean it was only fair after all.
“oh is that right?”
“uh huh, he’s my favorite character from the show.” I smirked.
I could see Jensen’s jaw tense as I continued to tease.
“In fact I always found him kind of sexy.” I pushed further.
“sexy huh?”
“sexiest on the show.”
Jensen growled. He kept one hand on the wheel while the other rested on my leg running up my thigh. He continued upwards until he was rubbing his fingers over my lace thong.
“how sexy is he now?” Jensen asked rubbing his thumb over my sensitive spot.
I bit my lip not wanting to moan at his touch.
He wasn’t winning this one that easily. I put my hand on his thigh starting to massage it. He groaned as I let my hand linger over his crotch. He was already hard.
He pulled my panties to the side, easily inserting his two fingers, and rubbing up and down my slit. I panted heavily, it was getting harder to choke back the moans that wished to escape.
okay then, two can play your game. I reached over undoing the button on his pants and palmed him through his boxers.
“you better stop that if you don’t want me to crash this car.” He groaned.
“stop what?” I asked innocently.
I slipped my hand into the waistband of his boxers, gently running my fingers over his length He removed his fingers gripping the wheel tightly with both hands.
“fuck.” He groaned throwing his head back.
I rubbed up and down his length with my hand, his hips instinctively bucking up to meet my palm.
“fuck, you gotta stop, can’t focus on driving.”Jensen panted.
I slowly pulled my hand out of his boxers making sure my fingers danced over him one last time.
“oops” I smirked.
Jensen looked over at me, his pupils dilated with pleasure.
“take your panties off.” Jensen ordered.
“hm what for?”
“cause as soon as we get out of this car I’m fucking you senseless… or I could always rip them off, up to you.” He growled.
I leaned over peppering light kisses to his neck.
“I think I’ll go with option two..” I whispered seductively in his ear.
“as you wish angel.” Jensen growled.
I felt the car speed up, making me clutch the door handle for stability. I laughed as Jensen ran a stop sign trying his quickest to get back to his house.
“okay easy there race car driver, we can’t fuck if we don’t make it back in one piece.” I said as Jensen increased his speed a little more.
I gasped as he did a burn out in to his driveway. Once the car was stopped he grabbed me pulling me over to straddle his lap. His lips went to my neck kissing up and down it feverishly. I could feel him throbbing through his jeans. I ground my hips down on to his causing a throaty moan to escape his lips.
His hand traveled to my panties. The sound of ripping fabric filled the car.
“Jensen please fuck me.” I whined.
I’m not sure how he did it, but he somehow got out of the car with me still straddling him. My lips sucked on his neck, kissing his bearded jaw. He fumbled with his keys, trying to unlock the door.
Fuck he was taking too long.
He finally got the door unlocked. He walked me over to his dining room table laying me down gently. He quickly disposed of his shirt, before pulling his pants and boxers down to his ankles. I yelped as he pulled me by my legs down the table until my butt was dangling off the edge. He wrapped my legs around him, lining himself up with my entrance.
I let out a breathy moan as he thrust in to me.
“fuck you feel so good.” Jensen groaned.
He worked at a quick pace thrusting in and out of me. Jensen worked my dress over my head leaving only just my bra.
“better take that off, or I’m gonna rip it too.” He groaned thrusting deeper.
I quickly unclasped my bra, sliding it off and throwing it to the floor. Jensen’s lips came down to my breast, his sweet lips wrapping around my hardened nipple.
“fuck Jensen.” I moaned as my hands came up to his hair tugging it.
“that’s right angel moan my name.” He growled, his thrusts becoming noticeably sloppy.
“Jensen.” I moaned again feeling my high approach.
Jensen snapped his hips harder and faster.
“I’m not making it much longer sweetheart.” He moaned.
“that’s fine me either.” I panted.
Another snap of his hips had Jensen spilling out, a string of curse words leaving his lips. Just that sight alone was enough to make me reach my high. His name leaving my lips as I orgasmed.
My body went limp as he pulled out.
I don’t think I’d ever get tired of that.
Jensen picked me up bridal style bringing me over to his sectional, laying us down so I was on top of him. My head lay on his chest as his hands rubbed up and down my back.
“do you really have to go to California this weekend?” He asked hands now playing with my hair.
“yeah I do… I have to meet Richard.”
“but you already met Richard?” Jensen said confusion in his voice.
“not that Richard you doofus.. my moms new boyfriend.” I laughed.
“Oh and how do you feel about that?” He asked in concern.
“I feel that she deserves to be happy, and if this guy really makes her happy then I’ll be fine… she was really hurt when daddy died, she told me she’d never find another love like that, and she did… so maybe that means there’s hope for the rest of us.” I said biting my lip.
I noticed Jensen was quiet again. Oh no, he wasn’t shutting down again was he?
“Jensen? I didn’t say something that upset you did I?” I hesitantly asked.
“maybe some of us are just hopeless.” He whispered.
I quickly picked my head up to look in his eyes but he was glancing at the floor.
“Jensen look at me.” I said placing a hand on his cheek and forcing him to look in my eyes.
“you are not hopeless.” I spoke sternly.
“how can you say that, I’ve been nothing but an asshole to you?” He said.
that wasn’t entirely true.
“yeah well I guess I have a soft spot for you Ackles, I mean you did go through all that trouble to find my sd card.” I said smiling.
“do you know how hard that little thing was to find in the dark?” He asked laughing.
“oh I’m sure it was.”
“I spent over an hour looking for that thing, had Cole and a couple other guys helping me.” He said laughing still.
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I leaned down pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
“and who said you didn’t have a heart?”
“I guess I let it come out every now and then.” He murmured licking his lips.
“well I really like when it does.” I whisper brushing my fingers across his cheek.
He cuddled me closer to his body. I laid my head back on his chest wishing we could just live in this moment forever.
however that wasn’t reality….
and reality sucked.
Author Note:
Damn another cliffhanger, I be doing this to myself too don’t worry. Remember if you’re enjoying and want to see more, show some love! It’s all appreciated!
Part (VII)
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s1zar · 8 months
I rewatched Owl House.
First season is so average, like they make it by a notebook
Lilith get off the hook too easily
Fucking body swap plot is annoying in anything but Gravity Falls and Adventure Time
Willow and Amity reconciliation is too quick
Titan Trappers are exist only to exist
Who the fuck put this magic door in Titan’s skull and then put Collector Dish there
How did witches have information to tell legends about the Collector?
When Amity and Hunter are cut off from they Evil Pumping Stations they are lost all personality
Belos is boring as fuck. His only character trait is that he is evil, which is laughable for the show that tell us people are complex. That’s why he only will be referred as Evil Dude
Odalia is so stupidly evil that it’s impossible to take seriously
Lumity is not developed further than “Girlfriends” and the only reason why Lunter could be better is because it’s just easier to develop
Luz and Evil Dude’s parallel starts and ends with the fact that they are humans
Evil Dude is an idiot
Collector could be named Plot Device
Raine is very meh. They only personality is that they are hero
Evil Dude is said to be the strongest witch ever, but he almost looses to five teenagers
What was the point of standing against coven system if in the end we have a squad from a fucking RPG game. Character form plants, character for illusions, character for abominations, character for teleportation
Evil Dude have as much super powers as the plot need
Characters have zero reaction of learning they arch enemy story
Evil Dude looses all small glimpses of being an actual character and become villain of the week
Absence of chemistry between Hunter and Willow can cause physical pain
For the Future is one of the most useless things created by a human being
Caleb Wittebane appears for reasons and never affects anything, so he will referred as Fan-service Background
Collector is an insult to God
I hate Collector
“One character hears half of what other character says and is offended by it, only for the audience learn that other character didn’t actually mean what first character thought they mean” plot line is a violation of Geneva Conventions
Evil Dude spending 98% percent of his screen time in finale as giant roaring green blob is a final shot from a shotgun in a head of his characterisation
Luz is Chosen One now. Message of the show is annihilated by Atomic Bomb
Titan is an asshole who assaulted a child because there was no one else to assault
There two villains. One looks like a child, have sparkles in his eyes, and flies and a star with happy face. Second is goopy skinny, rots in real time, have eyes in places that supposed to be without eyes, and he shrieks like an Alien. Who of the two is going to be redeemed?
The moment Evil Dude is dead Boiling Isles is an utopia. If you take this seriously, I don’t feel sad for you, I will laugh at you
Hunter becomes Caleb 2.0, and that’s why you dig up in the fact that you are a clone, my boy. You never know if your actions are actually yours
Evil Dude’s death better than Toffee’s only because this time main antagonist dies by the end of the series
The fact that Owl House doesn’t redeem it’s main antagonist like Steven Universe or have a better ending than SVTFOE is not an argument
Fuck Collector
I could write what I liked but it would be boring
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Skelly pissed off a shape shifter so shape shifter threatens to kiss skellys s/o when skelly isn't around
Undertale Sans - He shrugs. Go and suit yourself. The shapeshifter is so mad he doesn't care he's doing it right now. S/O lifts a brow when he comes to kiss them because... Uh... Sans never goes for the kiss. S/O does. Shapeshifter is called out in ten seconds. Sans waves at them on their way out with a smug smile.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus is anxious after that and won't let S/O alone to the point it's starting to make them worried. Papyrus tries to hide what's wrong until S/O, and Undyne, and Sans call him out on this and he's forced to explain what happened. They create a super cool password to know which Papyrus it is and Papyrus is so relieved.
Underswap Sans - The shapeshifter suddenly finds themselves handcuffed to a gate. Here you go. Now try to steal his identity, asshole. Blue leaves and abandons them there. Byyyye!
Underswap Papyrus - "n-no! please! I'll do what you want!" Honey is slightly panicked as that shapeshifter is very scaring of him. He doesn't want it to mess with his S/O. He doesn't know what to do, except clinging to his S/O all day long to make sure it doesn't happen. He's having panic attacks when S/O disappears for more than one hour, and eventually, that makes Blue worried. Honey doesn't know how to lie and infodumps him on everything that happened. Blue is going to take care of this.
Underfell Sans - .... The hell you just said? Red headbutts the shapeshifter and breaks their nose. Stay away from his S/O or next time you won't lose just your nose. Bad move...
Underfell Papyrus - You're threatening him? You dare to threaten him? Edge puffs up his chest and growls to scare the shapeshifter, before putting a bone sword right under their carotide. Say that again? Just to see what happens?
Horrortale Sans - He stares, then he growls and casually takes out his massive axe out of his inventory. What? You're threatening him, he can do that too. Don't like it? Then leave and never come back, that's not that hard. Right?
Horrortale Papyrus - He uses his walking stick like a golf club and hits the shapeshifter on the temple. They fall unconscious. Don't mess with Willow. He can break you in half like a small branch.
Swapfell Sans - Nox smiles "OH PLEASE SUIT YOURSELF BUT DON'T CRY WHEN YOUR FAMILY WILL NEVER FIND YOUR BODY." He says that like a joke but he is really not joking. If the shapeshifter dares to push their luck, they're dead.
Swapfell Papyrus - "k." "What?" "k. do the hell you want." The shapeshifter goes and kisses S/O. S/O knocks them between the legs for not respecting consent. Rus laughs at the shapeshifter's face.
Fellswap Gold Sans - You give him: a threat. He gives you: a blaster in the face. Do not threaten the general of the royal guard until you're really sure what you're doing...
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - "no." "What do you mean no?" "no!" He flees to go back to his S/O, he's never letting them leave his side and he's going to talk to Wine directly. Wine didn't appreciate someone threatening his little brother... So much the shapeshifter strangely never appeared ever again.
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roodles03 · 7 months
Tumblr media
Unrecognized Talnet
For years, Willow struggled with her self-worth and self-esteem. Trapped in a track she hated, she was frowned upon her peers and teachers everyday. Her former best friend now bullied her every single day. She went a few years without anyone, before finally meeting Gus. The first person who didn't determine her value as a witch by her magical power. The teacher shamed and humiliated her everyday, and despite trying her hardest for years, she never got better. She kept failing.
Meanwhile, she had a natural talent for plants, but had to keep her talent and love for it a secret, as her dads had placed her in the abomination track. Forced to keep struggling when she could be succeeding, she doesn't want to disappoint one of the only people on her life who encourage her to suceed and that she can actually do this.
...yeah I just wanted to draw Willow by herself for once. But I always think about how miserable her life was after Amity's betrayal and wasting away in abominations. I fucking hate when people say that Willow going througb a little bullying isn't trauma and she shouldn't be upset because others had it worse. Fuck off with that shit. First off, dont compare people's trauma. That is gatekeeping and makes you look like an asshole. Second, having your only friend betray you, going on to bully you, on top of having no friends and everyone in your class hating you, takes a SEREVE mental toll on a child. (I would know.) Willow was alone for years until she met Gus, and thank Titan she met Luz, or else her true talent would've never been recognized. I appreciate Willow as a character representing such a realistic interpretation of what years of bullying does to a child. It's not pretty. This shit fucks you up for life.
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
introduction/guidelines here
wip list!
I wanted to revamp my masterlist, so here yall go!
〘 ♥ 〙
dadbur headcanons to feel something || x
fluff, headcanons, gn/afab undertones cc!wilbur x reader pregnancy/health issues, swearing
he said he'd cure all your ills (but he did and he always will) || x
hurt/comfort, angst with fluff, warped reality cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 2k swearing, derealization, manipulation, cheating
he said he'd cure all your ills (but he didn't and he never maybe will) || x
angst, warped reality, yeah that's it cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 2.7k swearing, manipulation, bittersweet ending, heights, cheating, wilbur is an asshole, please don't do what reader does
marry the idiot on the stage (request) || x
fluffy marriage proposal!! thats it!! cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 2k swearing
this is it, this is what joy feels like, doesn't it? || x
hurt/comfort, little angst lots of fluff cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 5.3k swearing, one undetailed kiss, mentions of alcohol and drinking
too, more and most || x
very dark angst with a redeeming fluffy end, hurt/comfort, warped reality they/them // cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 3.3k alluded death, mcd but not permanent, swearing, derealization, hallucinations, flat out death, swearing probably!
guitars and domestic bliss || x
so much fluff! cc!wilbur x reader // 2.4k swearing, kissing, thunderstorms, sliiiightly suggestive, tickling
sick at space camp || x
my space camp boarding school au, tooth-rotting fluff cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 2.5k swearing, a cold, whiny and clingy wilbur
mission sims and missing cues || x
another bs au fic, flirty pinning friends they/them // cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 6.3k swearing, pinning galore, suggestive ish sorta
my darling, husband || x
domestic bliss, relationship/marriage reveal?? he/him // cc!wilbur x male!reader // 2.3k swearing, suggestive at the end, lots of physical affection (wholesome), tickle fight woo!!
miscommunications and mistakes || x
slightly angsty, will they/won't they, gay pining, another another bs au fic- he/him // cc!wilbur x transmale!reader // 4.2k swearing, kissing, slight make out, mentions of anxious thoughts, wilbur says he's gay in this- I think that's it?
don't lock yourself away || x
request, hurt/comfort, shit mental health, depressive episode, supportive bf wilbur they/them // cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 1.5k swearing, depression, unaliving ideation, please tread lightly- that's it
peer pressure and canned beer || x
hurt/comfort, miscommunication ish, peer pressure, cheating, asshole drunk wilbur they/them // cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 3k swearing, underage drinking, peer pressure, kissing, cheating, homophobic undertones, alchehol (please read that as is, its supposed to be funny)
goodnight, my sweet || x
little hurt/big comfort, autistic coded reader, best bf wilbur they/them // cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 1.7k mentions of possibly fainting, lots of kissing, all of its wholesome kissing, lowercase intentional, not proofread
you changed, it's good || x
mini hurt/big comfort, old feelings, wil is a dad, willow my dear<3 they/them // c!revivedbur x gn!reader // 1.8k swearing, child, inaccurate depictions of lore, suicidal mentions perhaps?
tomorrow you can fly || x
fluff, minor angst, makeupbur!! they/them // cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 3k anxiety, separation anxiety, brief mention of will being shirtless, sorta suggestive, so fluffy it hurts, overuse of petnames, autistic coded reader/wil
halloween costumes & anxiety || x
wilbur helps reader when he panics over negative words thrown at him by fans, halloween costumes included (pt 1 of glances of love) he/him // cc!wilbur x male!reader // 3.2k one sfw use of daddy, lots of petnames, anxious autistic coded reader, so fluffy yet angsty, some assholes in the lvjy fanbase, maybe swearing?
i prefer life with you, than without || x
wilbur gets a bit self conscious about his relationship with reader but you're quick to reassure him ! (pt 2 of glances of love) they/them // cc!wilbur x gn!reader // 2.4k possible swearing, mentions and vague descriptions of parental fighting and childhood trauma, food mentions (no EDs), implied age gap (do what you will with that)
i love you, you know? || x
request // wilbur disappears from his office and so when reader goes looking for him, he only responds to daddy. then reader threatens him to not shave (beardbur my beloved) they/them // labrat dr!wilbur x gn!reader // 1.8k sfw playful uses of daddy (literally the whole point of the fic), maybe swearing, mentions of burning alive (its a joke i-), threatening wil to not shave! beardbur coded bc- I love it (the last stream's beard specific), mild seperation/abandonment anxiety
someone to (not) watch me die || x
wilbur's been distant lately but when you finally convince him to spend some time with you, your life takes a dramatic turn. he doesn't always keep his promises. they/them // lmanbur x gn!reader // 2k hurt absolutely no comfort, MCD !!! incredibly implied suicide/assisted suicide (going into a battle knowing he's not coming back), swearing probably, overuse of baby (sue me), reader kinda wants to off themselves at the end but uh who wouldn't? implied age gap
someone to live with || x
part 2 of previous fic // after wilbur's death and a too long to think, you ask your sister to help you. she does but maybe her methods work a bit too well. they/them // reivivebur x gn!reader // 3.1k slight hurt/big comfort, suicide mentions, kissing, easily forgiving reader, ghostbur goes to a happy limbo, probably swearing
heaven is you (godbur au) || x
after a few (actually, many) instances where you risked your life in order to reach your beloved wilbur’s world, you have a final disagreement that brings him to a few realizations and maybe some more effort to bring you want you want they/them // godbur x gn!reader // 2k kinda hurt but comfort at end, illusions to suicide but not flat out said, probably swearing, is there an unbalanced power dynamic? probably, uses of baby (i’m sorry i’m a sucker for it-)
an angel to you || x
you and wilma live outside of a small town and on an off day decide to have a sleepy day in they/them // witch!wilma x gn!reader // 1.1k fluff, fluff, fluff. maybe implied age gap? dont remember. a gay guy writing for a woman is enough of a warning i think.
this is reality || x (also on ao3)
kind of sbi and autistic wilbur au, angst (non reader) autistic!wilbur // 5.4k anxiety, panic, swearing
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bcofl0ve · 10 months
okay okay gather round sorry this is coming later than i said it would, law school brain. but. at long last, bottoms review time with mollie except this time with lots and lots of spoilers.
i think we covered my general “good movie very funny” thoughts in the spoiler free review, which you can read here so this is gonna be more me info dumping about my thoughts on the plot. and the core of those is that….
PJ IS A LITTLE BITCH!!! i wanted to like her in a “i support women's wrongs” way truly i did but she’s just. an asshole! not all annoying female characters are redeemable, and she is one! that’s not to say her character *existing* annoyed me, i think her being the anti-thesis to josie is an important facet of the movie and the whole “lie falling apart” plot line needed a bad guy so. she was a necessary evil.
that said though gahhhh. i wanted to wring her little neck and ik a satirical movie is not meant to be a realistic example of friendship. i do..but i still think josie was wayyy too forgiving. josie deserves better friends!!! and i fear in a world where these characters are real/the story continues pj needs to idk go to therapy or she’s gonna make josie miserable for being happy with isabel while she’s not in a relationship. (and that is to say she should not be with hazel either! she needs therapy not a girlfriend!)
buttttt but but all that to say i do think rachel did a great job playing her. playing unlikeable characters in a way that makes them unlikeable without a viewer wishing they weren't in the movie at all is a skill set! her being funny and me wanting to punt her across the room are very much thoughts that co-exisit!
moving semi away from pj…the reveal of brittany being straight threw me for such a loop that the next like- 5 minutes of the movie went right over my headkjfkj not to be an insane person but i was gen a little disappointed!! let kaia play a gay character in something that isn’t ahs!! i will wait!!! that said though she actually pulls off the whole “straight girl that isn’t gay just likes gay porn” stereotype very well and made me laugh. i still loved brittany to bits and pieces…heterosexual and all.
josie and isabel. josie and isabel. wahhhhh. wahhhh. my darling girls. when josie almost told her they were lying about juvie but went back on it my heart broke a little bc you could tell she felt guilty and i just ,</3..and yeah she did choose to keep up with the lie when she realized she was getting what she wanted (isabel) but i think the film did a good job of showing how her keeping up with it was different from pj keeping up with it. pj kept up with the lie bc she was on a power trip. josie kept up with it because she didn’t want to lose isabel/lose finally having a geuine connection with a girl/and felt like she had in a way gotten her away from jeff so as long as they kept the lie up she could keep looking out for her.
which is still well, manipulative. lying is bad! but idk i had much more sympathy for her than i did pj. and think when it all came out that josie was actually sorry, whereas pj was only sorry they got caught/still bitter britt was straight. 
those are my main thoughts on it all, but some side bars: lovedd hazel. ruby is great and i am not really a fantasy show person, just not my genre but now i kinda wanna check out willow just to see more of her. the plot twist with jeff actually fucking her mom was soooo early 2000s teen movie and i ate it up. as was the fact that outside of that no one seemed to have parents at all LOL your kids are coming home with black eyes and you don’t have some questions?!?! miles fowler was also really great and tbh i liked him as much as i did kaia in it. esp his flip phone. especially his flip phone. josie's monolouge about marrying a pastor and lavender marriages is what made me start choking on my shake. right up my humor ally as someone who grew up evangelical, and i imagine ayo found it funny for the same reason! was expecting the big josie/isabel hookup scene to be more vulgar less *fade to black* but this is a movie about high schoolers so actually that's a good thing i think?? i accidentally read a spoiler explaining the final killing spree scene months ago and really wish i didn’t bc it would’ve been fun to experience that going in blind.
another side bar to close this out. i *loved* this movie. 5 stars in my book i can’t wait to rewatch it over and over when it’s on prime. but i…kinda disagree with all the tweets saying it’s the next mean girls/heathers/etc cult classic. not because i don’t think it’s good! but because i think comedy film criticism is turning into everything having to be iconic or a future cult classic to be praised? a funny movie can just be a funny movie! it doesn’t have to be the next heathers for you to like it and praise it! does that make sense?
if you read this all the way through congrats! go gay people! go losers!
hello! If you’re reading this because you’re scrolling through the bottoms tag my name is mollie (-: this is primarily a gossip blog for austin butler and his girlfriend kaia gerber (brittany!), both folks i’m big fans of- with a side of elvis presley/presley family fan posting. but i’ve been ‘covering’ bottoms quite a bit so do feel free to come hang out and send anons if you wanna chat! <3 and i’m going to start posting anons containing spoilers on sunday night- so if i don’t answer something right away that’s why.
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mdhwrites · 9 months
If you really don't like Amity having bad parents being a reason why she became antagonistic initially, what do you think would've been a better reason for why she acted the way she did initially? After all, no one is born mean.
So first: Sometimes kids are just mean. Not everyone comes from a broken family or has some sort of trauma that caused them to be an asshole. My twin brother is a narcissistic, abusive dick while my sister is incredibly selfless and caring and SHE is the one who has gone through real abuse and a failed marriage while my brother's biggest whine to make is... Honestly not much. Hell, I don't have some big trauma to explain why I have depression. I just hit adulthood and my brain's reaction to the stresses and changes was to shatter like glass. Humans are complicated like that
BUT to be fair, in a narrative no one needs to be evil just for the sake of evil. It's part of why Belos is boring. Even with Sasha, she's made more interesting by the fact that she doesn't think she's in the wrong for two entire seasons. So what could have been a better reason for Amity to be antagonistic?
Easy: The reason they gave in Covention and then expanded on in Lost in Language. It's actually the Willow stuff, the stuff that is more tied into her parents, that sucks way harder for Amity's character. Amity, early on, is an overachiever who deeply cares about her craft and takes things very seriously. That is just generally opposed to who Luz is in general. The fact that Luz wants to be a witch when there should be no way for that to be possible, made worse by how Luz treats it like something that should be fun. The fact that Luz is constantly messing around while she's working herself into an aneurysm. These are very natural conflicts that could have been explored more by the show but they made a severe mistake.
They made Amity an over the top, practically OOC, villain when she first shows and they show this by having her bully Willow and say this is what she normally does. The problem for Amity is that now she NEEDS an explanation to be such a bitch. It's not something a little understanding can deal with because it's not friction that causes her to be mean or standoffish, it's that she just straight up enjoys torturing this one girl. And mind you: It was still her choice because she only had to stop being friends with Willow. She didn't have to target her for extra bullying as we see is the present status quote.
It's also bad for Luz. Part of why I don't buy that she's some tortured outcast who has been mistreated is because she doesn't blink when it comes to Amity. One moment of cuteness and Luz is immediately going "Let's live out my fantasy and befriend her!" despite Amity being the absolute epitome of the sort of girl who supposedly would have made Luz's life hell back home. By the end of Lost in Language though, their third major episode together, they're effectively friends.
Honestly, with how little of characters Gus and Willow are, mostly serving to let Luz into Hexide and closer to Amity, alongside the fact that Dana herself said she wanted a queer romance as fast as possible... I just wouldn't have given them an antagonistic relationship. Bare minimum, not enemies to lovers (not that the show really tries that hard). Their personalities are enough to make an interesting, classic dynamic without making them hate each other at first.
Honestly, if I were to try to suggest a rewrite: Make it so that Covention is the third episode, Luz forces Eda to take her there because she sees a sign and tortures Eda like in the episode, Gus and Willow don't do anything besides exposition and introduce the concept anyways and then have the episode go the way it was originally but instead of it being because she's comically evil that she steps on King's cupcake, have it be for King's actual personality. She doesn't like the freeloader who she sees as mooching off of things and so stomps his cupcake. Gets across her serious attitude and that she is a pretty severe person. Luz makes her challenge, they have their duel where Luz finds out about Eda's sister and Amity being Lilith's pupil and after their heart to heart (because Luz in S1 had no reason to chase Amity in Covention anyways besides empathy for a crying girl), Luz gets an idea: She's going to befriend Amity and in the process, mend the rift between Lilith and Eda. This gives an actual plot purpose to getting closer to Amity.
Then you don't have the episodes wasted on Gus and Willow, nor the episodes wasted apologizing for Amity's behavior but instead can focus on Luz breaking into Hexide to say Amity. While Amity doesn't like the methods, she appreciates hard and dedication and doing it so as to be nice to her? That... That touches her and she's willing to see what the human does, especially if maybe she can learn some of that glyph magic to supplement her own? Make her a better witch too achieve her own goals?
And as they grow closer, it becomes less transactional. Grom can still happen like it did with Amity expecting Luz to want something for helping but nope! It's just because Luz is nice. And then for the finale, Luz doesn't have to be alone in her heist because while it puts her future in jeopardy, Luz has taught Amity enough about being a good person and doing the right thing that while she'll still want a disguise, she'll come with to try and save Eda's life. An act of early rebellion against what she believed in, the morals taught to her, so as to be able to properly show she's changing to not just blindly accept the EC as the best option. This also allows for the betrayal of Lilith to mean more to Amity if their mentor and student relationship has meant more to the series. Suddenly, her dance with anarchy becomes more fervent because her teacher, the one she saw as the best proof of how great the EC is, was lied to and tricked by the Emperor and now against the coven.
And for S2, if her parents aren't the main pressures on her, if it's just because she's a kid who cares about success, you don't need Escaping Expulsion and can spend half of that episode and the entirety of Looking Glass Ruins exploring Amity trying to figure out rebellion, potentially not wanting to put Luz at risk after she almost died in the S1 finale, but justifying it as her always doing things on her own. They have a big adventure climax against Belos that's also exploring rebel Luz and afterwards, Amity gives Luz a peck on the cheek for always being there. Always helping her figure things out when she'd be too stubborn to see clearly herself. Then go into Knock Knock Knocking with little changed if you want to keep that moment of them getting together the same.
It's not a perfect outline but it's what I came up with while writing this. And if you're thinking this is too much time spent on Amity, you need to remember that she already consumes a third of Luz's time during episodes in S1 and 2. Sure, TOH claims to not be a romance but then the original way it's written is unjustified because Amity already has more time dedicated to her as a pure romance without ANYTHING to do with the plot and barely anything to do with the themes at best.
But I will also admit that this is with hindsight and a more indulgent rewrite than I normally allow myself to. After all, I removed two entire characters for this. Characters that hardly matter to TOH anyways but if I was really trying to keep to it, I wouldn't get rid of them. The deck is stacked in my deck regardless to make it 'better' and that's not fair to the show.
But I hope that my point stands clear that Amity didn't need to be a real villain, even if only for an episode. She could have been a light antagonist, if she even needed to be that. Nothing is really gained by it in the grand scheme of TOH besides the Twitter posts who make shallow claims on her arc by using the angry face in episode 3 versus her smiling with purple hair and going "Can you believe this is the same person?"
And my response every time because of how shallow her villainy is, which makes her arc shallow, is why should I care? Because blaming her parents doesn't make me care.
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crimeronan · 2 years
the fondest specific compliment i’ve gotten on my toh fic is that everyone swears in a way that’s very true to character. where it feels like they Definitely talk like this offscreen, like it flows naturally & isn’t jarring despite the G-rated source material
this delights me because i have spent SO MUCH time thinking about the owl house cast and how different people swear. limiting this post to POVs i’ve written but here’s a few headcanons
luz: almost never swears. if she does she’s either doing it for Maximum Emphasis or because it’s very funny in a very specific situation with very specific peers (hunter & willow. she can’t swear in front of amity or gus bc she feels like she’s tarnishing her Innocent Image). even when luz CAN say “fuck” in T-rated properties, she does in fact default to “jeez” and “crikey” and “wow” and “EAUGHHH NO OH NO EUGH NO” at all times. some people swear in their other main language around english speakers but luz is not one of these people. generally in situations where most reasonable individuals would yell “HEY ASSHOLE” or “DUDE??? WHAT THE FUCK????”...... she simply throws things and/or starts biting. That’s My Daughter
hunter: swears more than luz but still not Super Often. most common go-tos are ‘shit’ as a panicked exclamation & ‘bullshit’ as an unimpressed observation. he knows more curse words than anyone else in the show including eda because of How The Coven Scouts Are. several of the curse words are wholly made-up epithets shared by approximately ten trauma-bonded weirdo soldiers. that said, he.... legitimately does not know which muttered oaths are just weird idioms versus Actual Swears bc he’s never Needed to know. (formal speak with belos automatically removes all of these informal interjections in the first place, and no one else is gonna question how The Golden Guard talks, so.... no reason to learn.) if anyone tries to explain these nuances to him later in life he will get into an autistic shouting match about how that’s SO STUPID and UNNECESSARY and MAKES NO SENSE you DUMBSHIT MOTHERF-
eda: tries hard to tone down her language around The Chillens but swears... sssSSSO MUCH. sailor tongue ahoy the woman was raised by wolves (ie: her mom who even in her old age will still shout “YEAH RUN YOU PUNK-ASS BITCH” at randos on the street). eda says “fuck” aloud an average of once or twice in any given fic chapter but should say it more. if i ever write her alone with raine it will become 200 times per chapter because with raine she casually flips back to her high school self and all her creative teen lingos. yknow, back before she learned to be all Mature and Professional. a class act. as she rifles through heaps of garbage and develops hives at any sign of emotional intimacy
darius: theoretically swears a lot and has nothing AGAINST a very verbose “motherfucker son of a bitch dick-for-brains are you fucking SHITTING me you INCOMPETENT-” however he USUALLY uses boiling isles swears. not because he’s being censored by the writers but because a muttered “mother of titans i’m begging you to come down and cast these fucking imbeciles into the boiling sea before i lose my fuckdamned SHI-” is just. Yeah. That’s Him. darius is the guy who WOULD be saying ‘jesus h christ’ and ‘christ on a stick shift’ and ‘mother mary of god PLEASE either end this meeting early or STRIKE ME DEAD BEFORE MASS’ except. yknow, he’s got other religious figures to invoke. sidenote he’s been dying to shout “KIIIIISS MYYYY ASSSSSS” at 98% of his coworkers for 30 straight years. to the point that he sometimes dreams about it
camila: swears exclusively in french (a language in which she is not fluent) bc she doesnt want luz picking up bad language. she learned these expressions from an old friend from montreal which means that luz now has a weirdly broad knowledge of extremely rude quebecois slang without knowing any specific definitions. she just knows that these are words you recite to french-canadians if you want to start a bar fight.
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i haven’t had much time for shifting lately (i started working again after being unemployed for like a year) so i’m gonna explain cute little aspects of my hogwarts dr to give myself motivation!!
1. Parties!
So, actual PARTY parties are only attended by 5th/6th/7th years. there’s an anti-asshole policy. anyone who’s being an ass, like breaking shit or trying to peer pressure people, get permabanned from ALL future parties unless they are specifically invited by the party’s main host (which like never happens). there’s smoking and drinking and they’re generally just a good time. the music playing always fits the vibe of the party. every month, a different house hosts a big party and it rotates between each of the houses. gryffindor parties tend to end with the most people blackout drunk, hufflepuff parties end with the most people stoned out of their minds, ravenclaws usually try to do fun games and themes every time, and slytherins hosting usually ends with people doing the biggest dares that usually cause some destruction of property (that we clean up) and/or someone in the hospital because they got dared to do some dumb shit. big parties are never hosted by 5th years, they’re only responsible for like birthday parties and smaller stuff. the big parties are typically ran by the prefects and the “party animals” of each house bouncing ideas off of one another. prefects do a good job of taking things down a little so that no one actually like dies or gets expelled, but the partiers still get fun and engaging ideas through. final touches/final say runs through the 7th year head boy and head girl of the respective house who’s hosting. if it’s a party thrown by all of the houses combined, and it’s after October 31st, Pumpkin King and Queen get final say. If it’s before, it’s the Pumpkin Prince and Princess from the year prior.
2. Pumpkin Court during the halloween party!
I’ve briefly mentioned Pumpkin King and Queen in a previous post, so let me elaborate more. There’s a Halloween Party hosted every year. again, parties are only for upperclassmen. 5th/6th years vote for, and two are crowned as the pumpkin prince and princess. sort of like prom prince/princess in this OR. then the 7th years vote two of their peers to be Pumpkin King and Pumpkin Queen. these titles are heavily respected within the school and these two are basically untouchable for the rest of the school year. there are several ways to get voted in. most of the time, people are voted in because they’re a Quidditch star or they happen to be the most popular couple in the grade who everyone actually likes. but sometimes, it’s the valedictorian, or the quiet person who’s kind to everyone, things like that. but it’s always someone fully deserving of the title and the acclaim that comes with it. of course everyone would want to hold the title, but there’s no bitterness afterwards because the two voted in always actually make sense and deserve it.
3. Family!
I’m a muggle-born witch. my parents noticed some odd things surrounding me when i was young, but never could have suspected that i’d be a witch. no one in my family tree (to our knowledge) has ever been a witch or wizard. if they were, it was kept secret from our family. this is intentional so that when i arrive in my dr, i can ask stupid questions because i’m not supposed to know anything about the wizarding world. my parents are kind, and considerate. above all else they trust that they raised me well enough to be self-sufficient and make good choices for myself. they’re proud of me for standing up for what’s right, in their eyes, i can do little to no wrong. i strive every day to honor them. my father, Anthony Adler (face claim David Harbor), runs his own business. he practices ethically, and he’s very successful in his endeavors. enough to always keep both of our bank accounts stocked with money, at least. And my mother, Willow Adler (face claim Winona Ryder), is incredibly mothering on nature. if i lose something, she’s always able to find it. if i need advice, she always knows the best course of action. they never judge me and they practice rational, gentle parenting. we have two dogs, named after two dogs I had in my OR. they’re both dobermen, though- so they’re not exactly the same dogs. more so to honor them i guess.
4. Experiences!
I’m shifting to the morning of my eleventh birthday, so that I can experience the magic of receiving my Hogwarts letter! Dumbledore comes personally to talk to my parents about what everything means and to invite them to a muggle-born orientation where staff further explains things to parents with magic children. i also want to experience shopping for first year for myself. i want to be fitted for robes at the robe shop. i want to pick out my owl at the owlry. but most importantly- i really want the feeling of my wand choosing ME. i’m shifting so early in the story so that i can experience everything for myself in the moment.
5. Camp!
Incoming first year muggle-borns are invited to a sort of summer training camp before their first year of school. It’s a ten day retreat in the Scottish Highlands that runs from june 1st to june 10th. You’re still invited to go to the camp if your birthday falls between the start of june and the start of school, that just means that all of the letters have to come out by may 31st. if you’re born before then, you get your letter on your birthday. if not, and you’re muggle born, you get it may 31st. The founder of the camp is a muggle-born witch who went to Hogwarts and was completely blindsided by how many of her peers already knew basic magic spells, while she could barely hold a wand. she eventually decided to open the camp as a way to teach kids who were starting out like her get ahead in the wizarding world. it’s completely free of charge in any way, and all muggle-born first years from any wizarding school worldwide are invited. they teach you things like when it’s appropriate to wear robes, a very loose rundown of how the ministry works, how to hold wands, how to set up for potion-making, the brief history of wizarding magic dating back to ancient greece, etc. it’s all the stuff magic born kids know so no one is ahead of anyone else unfairly going into school.
6. Alternative world magic!
Not all magic is sourced through the greek pantheon or lesser greek gods. there are different magic practices that are real and almost as powerful as wizardry that stem from other world religions and practices. for example, voodoo is practiced by certain people of African decent reliably in my dr. there are other branches- hoodoo, wicca, paganism, nordic, etc. wizardry is the most prominent, though. and other magic practices keep to themselves in their own secret societies. i just like knowing that there are other cultures out there practicing magic in different ways than we are.
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