#can we have a show with them as the protagonist
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heroicn0nsense · 1 day ago
I guess I'm about to get real vulnerable on main here, but I saw some kinda "BookTok" disk horse cross my BlueSky feed, and it's got me thinking in a way I really can only discuss without a character limit. But it feels kind of relative to an over all trans creative experience. Maybe more specifically for us masc people, but. You know. Maybe the threads are different but the weave a similar picture. Anyway, this is kinda what my tumblr blog has become, and so here goes. Please note I also use 'queer' as an all encompassing term, as to me it is the most inclusive word I can use despite its dubious origins and history. Sorry if that upsets anyone.
The funniest thing about this whole conversation popping up was the fact that I had just been lamenting about finding the concept of 'romantasy' fun but what I'd give to find or read something with a transmasc protagonist paired with an opposite partner of any gender. Something my masc bisexual ass would love to see. Mostly because I see and support so many ones that are sapphic in nature, but hardly see any masculine. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places but Anyway. Just so happened that in the next hour I saw what I was looking for cross my Bsky feed, but with the author show casing the really nasty and negative comments he received on his concept. things like but not limited to:
"of course the transmasc character is a twink bottom" "just a girl who got a mastectomy" And other just Internalized Misogyny and Heteronormative things that affect a good portion of us transmasculine guys.
And idk, man it really struck a nerve with me.
If only because first and foremost, the author is writing something he wanted to see. Filling a niche and void he wanted to see realized, and like so many other authors' works, in a way that feels personal to him. And to attack it in such a way was pretty vile.
Queer stories and creations in of themselves are personal stories, because we write from our own experiences, and put them in our original works whether subtly or not so subtly. It's there, and you can't separate the queer experience from a queer work because by its very nature its queer. But also like, that experience isn't the same for everyone. And we shouldn't expect it to be. So, no, not every work is going to be what you want or associate with. But we should be uplifting all of it so that someone with an idea or concept that does speak to you will have the confidence to bring it to the table. And yeah. Unfortunately, that sometimes means that cliches are gonna happen. That twink ass transmasc might end up being a bottom 75% of the time.
But it also like, led me to associate my own struggle of accepting my own body and transness and some of my own preferences in the bedroom.
I'm not saying that all writers, artists, or creators are using their method of making art to explore their own hang ups with their gender and bodies, navigating this absolutely messy and strange world of norms and expectations while simultaneously seeming to want to turn them on their head. Gender is complex. Being trans is complex. And it gets weird, and sometimes we need outlets to work our way through it.
But also, most of us transmasc people have vaginas. It's just a fact of life. We've got a big ol' gaping axe wound of an organ sitting between our legs and for a lot of us, it still feels good to stick something in it, and we shouldn't be ashamed of that at all. And hell, a lot of us are short, considering our genetics are wired that way and no amount of HRT is going to change the fact some of us aren't going to get past 5'5". But sometimes, especially with what is expected to be masculine by gender norms, and the physical form of a cis male body, it can sometimes be really hard to reconcile that.
I know it was for me. To the point where I often struggled with my sexuality and my relationship with intimacy about it for a long time.
I made my character Akihiro while I was, and still am parsing through a lot of my own dysphoric issues, and paving my own way to acceptance. And that's made him a deeply personal character to me. And he has grown and changed as I project a lot of those issues on to him and his development. Akihiro has been an exploration of myself as much as he is an an original character that I role play. But not so much in the ways of personality, but more in the ways of the challenges with which he is presented and has to navigate himself.
Akihiro is a trans man in a world that is accepting of it. Society has progressed past these petty and arbitrary standards. But he becomes a cyborg at a time where the question is instead what it means to be human, and so...The aspect of depersonalization, dysphoria, and depersonalization he experiences at the hands of transhumanism is not so different than what I have and do experience in my own transition.
Akihiro wasn't always trans. That was honestly a pretty recent development and one that I did struggle with making. And I realized I was struggling with it because of those same dysphoric issues. And I just needed to let them go.
It was reflected in another recent development; the way that I had Akihiro handle his genitals when he was presented with the option to upgrade from none to a functioning set. And he chose to go with what he had been born with, the genitals he had when his body was mangled. He went with a vagina. Because he wanted to embrace the body he had taken for granted before he lost it, and not some idealized version of himself he could have obtained at any point prior.
And yeah. He 'bottoms' the majority of the time for his boyfriend because he enjoys it. But it doesn't stop him from topping him either, nor enjoying that. Nor had it stopped him previously from being intimate with other men and women. And that's his preference as a character.
And who are we to say it wasn't the same for this author? Where he is putting his feelings and acceptance of his own body and desires onto paper? And that is being met with such vitriol because it's not someone else's idea of what is masculine, or whatever. I don't know. Maybe they weren't. Maybe they did just wanna write some twink ass boy getting dicked down and like, that's fine too. Why do we have to be so mad about that?
And maybe this was just a lot of words to say that I think we get so wrapped up in words and labels for things that it completely erases the nuances of our own experiences and it turns right back around to being so queerphobic and limiting. And we don't give ourselves, much less other people, the grace to create the things they want to, and from a place of their own experience and desire. It's harmful.
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starly-amazing · 15 hours ago
Thinkin about Zelda and ISAT
They're both two games/series near and dear to my heart which have a lot of crossover potential. Just wanted to ramble off some disjointed (emphasis on the disjointed) thoughts before I trip and fall in my own crossover hell which I DO NOT have time for (also why you haven't seen any Nier/ISAT crossovers from me despite the MASSIVE POTENTIAL for crossovers from so many similar themes between them, mainly Nier: Automata).
I haven't read more than part of one isat/zelda crossover of it but I occasionally see fanart of it which I love so so much but it's also weird seeing Mirabelle/Siffrin drawn as (usually BOTW) Link since neither of them are really "chosen ones". They're both "just a guy". Like, don't get me wrong I love the fanart and no shade to the artists but it gets my brain going sometimes.
I think crossovers would work better thematically with Wind Waker. WW Link is 'just a guy' who wanted to save his kidnapped sister. He's not the chosen one who died ages ago and never returned which is what spurred the events of Wind Waker in the first place.
He's just a guy who left his island home with pirates he just met to try to save her. Through the game has to collect the Triforce fragments to prove he's worthy to go back down to old hyrule to defeat the Demon King Ganon.
WW Link also has the King of Red Lions helping him. This can work nicely with both Siffrin/Loop (somewhat rude helper with a secret identity from a world that 'no longer exists') and Mirabelle/Euphrasie (Chosen because they showed potential and because they're the one who happened to be there at the time)
I love Zelda games; I love the settings and the gameplay and art styles and stories, but at the same time it's lacking for me because I don't really get into Link's head as much as he's closer to the blank slate protagonist as Siffrin is at first shown to be before we get into the thick of the game and realize 'oh...oh no'.
Obviously we can see Link is nice and heroic and cares about Zelda and being the Good Guy (aside from trashing everyone's houses). But he's still overall someone written for as many people as possible to fill in his shoes so he's going to lack the depth that really gets me. But ho ho holy shit does ISAT rip out all my insecurities and problems and shove them into one little fella, trap me in their head in their time loop and make me suffer personally.
Honestly I don't even know what point I'm trying to make rn. More Wind Waker/ISAT crossover art I guess. Mirabelle and Siffrin being "just a guy" forced into a hero role rather than The Chosen One. Link and Siffrin both have cool pointy hats.
Look at my cat her name is Kainé Sunny Fartypants Von Siffrin L'Dadnier.
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quibbs126 · 5 hours ago
Yesterday I saw someone on Twitter mentioning the babyfication of Bumblebee in the fandom, and that's been somewhat of a thought in my mind before, so I figured "eh, might as well write my own thoughts on the matter myself". Though in a tumblr post, since Twitter has a character limit and I don't feel like doing a thread
So yeah, that's what this is
Why does Bumblebee get babyfied so much in the Transformers fandom?
Disclaimer though: I'm only really touching on the shows and movies and how they might contribute to the issue, and only the ones I've seen, so no Unicron Trilogy or RID 2015. And probably not much on the live action movies either since I remember them very little, just design things. I've also not read any of the comics, so they aren't weighing in either
I'm also not claiming I have the definitive answers, just some guesses based on my own understandings. I'm very socially inept, so I could be completely wrong. It's also why I'm not touching on the fandom side much
My friend told me to put a "read more" tab on this after showing her what I was doing, and yeah I probably should. Take note that this is an absolute monster of a post, this took me hours to write. So be warned
But yeah anyways, let's start this
Oh right, I should probably start with what I mean by "babyfied", so we all are on the same page here. The biggest things I think are making Bumblebee a teenager or child, whether in interpretations of canon material, AUs of official series, or people's own versions of the Transformers (though note the most damning one here is the first one, seeing a canon Bee as a kid, specifically when it is not shown that he is one. The third one is completely fine, it just is a symptom I think), and then also basically just making Bumblebee Optimus' son, or Elita's, or Megatron's, or a combination of characters; basically, just making Bumblebee someone's kid
I'll be tackling it in a general order of the shows/movies and how they contribute to the issue, starting with:
G1 cartoon
So in g1, I will admit, I think I can see Bee and Optimus having some sort of father-son relationship, at least in moments; like Attack of the Autobots which is where Optimus and Bumblebee have that iconic little hug
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But I mean also, Optimus just kind of generally has paternal vibes in g1, he feels like everyone's dad. I think it might just get magnified with Bumblebee because Bumblebee is small and probably has the "cutest" personality of the Minicars, so it's just him from that group. And also, he's got a cute little Beetle car as his alt, which factors into it
He also does seem to have been written with the idea of him being younger, at least that's how the toy description feels to me
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He was also Spike's best Autobot friend, and as I'm pretty sure Spike was supposed to be the young teenage human for the kids to relate to more, that probably helps with his youth factor
Though he is still functionally an adult. But I don't think the problem is as bad here, since let's be real, people mostly remember g1 for the nostalgia, iconic moments, and being the origins of the franchise; people aren't really making g1 AUs outside of that one person with the Orion Pax and Megatron knowing each other AU
So from the start, he's always had this, but I don't think we can call it an issue at this point. But it does bring in some of the main factors in the babyfication of Bee, namely:
He's small, which can give the impression of younger
He generally is one of the younger bots, even if he's still an adult
He tends to be the main friend of a human protagonist, who generally tend to be kids or teenagers
These will show up again, so keep them in mind. Now, let's move onto our next show, 23 years later
So in Animated, Bumblebee is yet again, one of the youngest members of the main cast, though this is specifically told to us, like how Sentinel, one of Optimus' contemporaries (and TFA OP is meant to be on the younger side of his variations too), was Bee's drill sergeant, as well as just Bee's general behavior
He is also the smallest member of the main cast, which can contribute to the feeling of him being younger
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He is also friends with the human protagonist Sari, who is an 8-year-old at the start of the show, and the two of them tend to go along with each other's crazy schemes, rather than Bee trying to be responsible with Sari; that's more Optimus' job.
What I didn't pick up until way later than I probably should have was that Bulkhead is around the same age as Bumblebee, thus making him also one of the youngest members of the cast. Which honestly in retrospect, makes a lot of sense with how he's written, and him also being one of Sari's closest friends. I think why I didn't pick up on it while watching however comes from two things: 1, he's like the biggest member of the main cast, which doesn't immediately make me think he's one of the younger members, even though younger people being big is something they can be (I mean my brother's like 6 feet tall and he's not even 15 yet), and then 2: Transformers Prime Bulkhead, aka the one from the show that might be more popular than TFA, is very much an adult, and that was the Bulkhead I knew. So I didn't know he was supposed to be younger
We'll swing back around to Prime later, I think it's one of the main contributors to the issue, but keep in mind that interpretations from popular series tend to stay in mind and bleed over into other shows and their versions, even if that's not how they are
But back to Bumblebee, things generally aren't super different between this and g1, other than the fact that he and Optimus don't have much of a parent-child dynamic, and that this Bee definitely is on the younger side in canon, though probably still an adult? I'm not sure, but he can't mentally be more than like, very early 20s. But it happening again does reinforce these ideas of Bumblebee as a younger bot
In fanon, I don't know if the TFA side has this much of an issue, at least nowadays? I see him get shipped with Blitzwing and Prowl plenty, and I don't see him as Optimus' kid, other than like one time with the "9 months in my womb" meme, and him being an oplita kid, which might have just been for the joke and also TFA Elita was yellow, so eh. But I'm also not too big on the TFA side of the fandom anyways, so I could be wrong
So before we get to Prime, I just want to sidestep into the movies that were also coming out at the time
Bayverse/live-action movies
Now I can't say much on the writing front with Bee, since I have not seen any of these movies in a hot minute, outside of the first hour and a half of the 2007 movie. I will say though, based on what I saw of Bee there (aka mostly his car shenanigans), that is not a child, that is a sassy little bastard man. Though that could be because Bay was trying to market more to like, teenage boys and trying to make him "cooler"
But anyways, what I wanted to talk about was his design, and how it contributes to the babyfication issue
The Bay movies gave Bumblebee a redesign, looking pretty different from his original design (though that goes for pretty much everyone except Optimus)
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The thing I notice most with these movie designs is how round they make him, specifically with his eyes, being so big and round, especially later. While it was probably originally just a reference to bug eyes, it makes him cuter looking, more innocent. I think by Bumblebee, they were trying to capitalize on that in the movie, making him seem cute and non-threatening in certain scenes so Charlie knows he's not a danger. Which makes sense, but it does contribute to the problem here
And in general, he's a lot rounder I think in his design. And while I'm not expert on shape language, I think I can gather that more round shapes leads to him looking more friendly and less threatening and cuter in our minds, and "cuter" leads to "younger". That's why I keep bringing up "cute" by the way, forgot to say earlier. Cuteness tends to be associated with youthfulness and thus younger characters more
And in general with Bumblebee, him being yellow, a bright color more associated with joy and optimism, and thus youth, and generally having a more optimistic and extroverted personality (though not necessarily in the Bay movies, though I can't say for sure) again leads into him being younger. Now it probably came from the fact that bees are yellow, thus he's yellow (and also black), and his personality came from that bright color. Actually the name probably also comes from the yellow color scheme, but you get it. His color scheme and personality lends Bee to being a younger character
Back to Bayverse, it did change Bumblebee's alt mode from a Beetle to a Camaro (again probably to make him "cooler"), and I think since then, Bumblebee's basically always been a sports car, outside of explicitly g1 referencing things. So it does tend to take away the "smaller" aspect of what makes him seem so young, as he's more average sized now. But the youthful connotations don't necessarily go away
This is also (I think) what started the trend of Bumblebee losing his voice, being replaced with either radio/movie clips, or just beeps that the characters can understand. Now while I'm not too sure how this affects him in Bayverse, as I haven't seen much of Bee proper in the movies in a long time (the first half of the first movie is pretty much just car Bee), and since I know he can still talk in some way, it does mean you focus less on his dialogue and how that characterizes him, and more on his appearance and actions (at least in robot mode). Or he just doesn't talk, and you can have your own interpretations of what he's saying. And as mentioned prior, his design tends to make him look cuter, adding to the issue. I'll get more into this in Prime, since I am familiar with Prime, and he doesn't talk at all there
He's also again, I'm pretty sure one of the younger bots, despite probably being an adult. We'll go over that more in Prime
I don't think I have much else to say on these movies, so to go over the general points, this seemed to cause a bit of a shift in Bumblebee's portrayals. He got a bigger alt mode, so he's not tiny anymore, but he got big round eyes that make him seem cuter, rounder features, and he lost his voice, which means you can fill in the gaps in what he's saying in your head
Now, let's get to the real meat of this, and I think the biggest cause of this all:
I hope I didn't hype this section up too much. But I think this is where all the things conglomerate into the main factors of Bee's babyfication
Bumblebee is not the smallest bot, but the smallest is the female motorcycle bot, as opposed to his sports car, so. He is the youngest Autobot, and bot in general outside of I guess the Predacons, until Smokescreen comes in in Season 2, who is also considered young. He and Optimus have a close relationship, that given their age differences, could be read as paternal. He's got the big round eyes of Bayverse and a generally round design, which we've already discussed as to how it contributes to the problem. He also does not speak at all, only using beeps that we the audience cannot understand, until the finale. His designated human friend is the youngest human companion here, and the most child of them, being only 12. All these factors combine to create the most "baby" Bumblebee so far
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(I just added a picture since I felt like I needed to. But there's not much to talk about design-wise that wasn't in the Bay section)
First up, the age thing. I keep saying that Bumblebee is one of the youngest bots in the casts, even though he's technically an adult. This is true, in part because as far as we can see in canon, Transformers don't really have "child" stages, they're just born adults. And they don't really age; or well, they do, it just takes millions and millions of years to do so, so they're functionally immortal. So, they don't really age like us humans, physically and probably mentally too, given they skip the young child years. So I mean like, technically speaking, Bee's an adult, it's not really clear where that translates into our perception, so maybe he's more mentally a child? I don't think I'm making sense here, maybe ignore this section
But he is younger, and particularly in Prime, he's in a team of bots all much older than him. If I were to put them in mental human years, I'd say he and Smokescreen are probably somewhere in their early 20s, while everyone else is probably like, 35+. Bee is notably younger than his peers, and we are made aware of this fact. And this makes him appear even younger than he is
If I were to make a comparison, and maybe this is a bit random, but take Mouthwashing for example. I may never have been super knowledgeable of the fandom, but I am aware that Daisuke is like, 22, while everyone else on the Tulpar is 35+, and that makes him feel so much younger by comparison. He's only just started his adult life, compared to the far more experienced adults around him. And while I didn't see it, I do think I remember seeing people talk about how people kept portraying Daisuke as younger and more innocent than he is when he's a 22-year-old man. I also remember someone comparing the portrayals of Daisuke in the fandom with another character from another series (I think it was Omori?), who was the same age as Daisuke, but because that character is the oldest of the protagonist group, everyone else being children or teenagers, he was portrayed super differently to Daisuke. The other character had to be responsible and make mature decisions, while Daisuke is allowed to be silly and reckless. The point I'm trying to make here is that age, and how a character is portrayed and interpreted, is relative to the characters surrounding them, with the characters on the extremes sometimes getting exacerbated because of it. This is true in real life too, but for the sake of analysis
Bumblebee is the youngest member of the Autobot team (at least until Smokescreen), and thus, he feels even younger as a result. This is probably also helped by the fact that there's no Decepticons around his age either, everyone around Bumblebee is a full-grown adult by comparison. And his close relationship with Optimus, who is meant to be one of the older bots in the group, feels very paternal, which serves to make Bee feel again younger, like he's Optimus' son. Which I like here, but it furthers the issue
And on the topic of him just feeling younger, let's bring up Raf. Bumblebee is again a friend of a human protagonist, but in Prime we have 3 main humans, ranging in ages but all in grade school, and each one has an Autobot they're paired with. And Bumblebee gets Raf, the youngest member at around 12. Due to Raf's youngest member status and technically not being a teenager, he is, as I said before, the most "child" of the group, even if they're all technically children still. I thought he was 10 until I double checked and saw he was 12, and honestly, I feel like he feels younger than Sari did, who was only 8 when we met her. Probably because unlike Sari who had no human friends, Raf does, both of whom are older than him and treat him as such. It's the relative age thing again
But back to Bee, unlike with the other humans and bots, Bee doesn't act as the responsible adult, but more of a friend for Raf, though not nearly as chaotic as TFA Bee and Sari. They aren't causing trouble; they're just having fun and cute moments. There's again, the cuteness factor that probably contributes to the young feeling he brings, but it also serves to make Bumblebee not feel as much as an adult. Arcee is definitely an adult with Jack, and Bulkhead particularly gives me responsible adult vibes with Miko, at least on some occasions where they aren't indulging in fun, reckless behavior and Bulkhead has to get serious with her. They're responsible with the kids, even if they slip up at times, and help them learn things. But Bee doesn't have that with Raf, probably because Bee can't talk and give him the lesson. Raf also doesn't cause much trouble on his own and has Ratchet for that
Which segues me nicely into Bumblebee's lack of voice in this show. This was a carryover from Bayverse, since Hasbro was still trying to have synergy with the movies at that point. But instead of radio clips, he just beeps, with the other bots and Raf just being able to understand him, even though we the audience don't. And because of this, we never know what he's saying, and he also just straight up doesn't have a voice for us to gauge his age with. Thus, it's up to us the audience to fill in the blanks in our imaginations. But with all of the discussed factors of him being cute and young, we can just end up interpreting him as younger because of it. It's also again, probably because he doesn't talk. It's like R2D2 and BB-8, who only speak in beeps, but because they're cute, we see them probably as much cuter than they would be if we knew what they were actually saying (R2 especially)
To maybe go off on a weird tangent, I think child characters tend to be seen more as objects than people, or I guess objectified more, since they don't have fully developed brains and personalities and are less likely to be able to hold their own in a fight. They're things to be protected and loved and angst over, while all they need to do is be there and be cute. I think the lack of voice ties into this in a way, I just don't know how to explain it, other than like, because they took away his voice, we can see him as even cuter and child-like instead of the grown adult he is. Infantalization, that's what I'm trying to say. I think that's term for all of this, but you get what I mean by "babyfication"
Especially because at least for me, when Bumblebee did get his voice back, I started seeing him more as an adult, because he could actually talk and had an adult voice. Yes, him learning to take more of a leadership role in Predacons Rising is also a factor, but him having a voice now is part of it too. But he only got it back in the finale and the movie, so you spend pretty much the entire show with voiceless Bumblebee, and what comes with that
I think that wraps up everything about Prime Bee's portrayal, but now let me get into why I think overall, it was what really caused this baby Bee thing to stick
Like I said prior in the Animated section, the more something's repeated, the more it sticks, and these traits of Bumblebee being the youngest have been consistent throughout the series we've covered. Not to mention, I just think personality wise, this Bee feels the youngest/child-like, though again, it probably has to do with his company and lack of voice. And also, the fact that he's well-behaved, like how people want children to be
So, by this point, this interpretation of Bumblebee is stuck in our minds as how he is, younger than the rest of the team
But I think another big thing is that Transfomers Prime is probably the biggest series in the fandom, at least show-wise. G1 was influential and Animated is still popular, but no show comes close to the amount of popularity I see for Prime stuff, particularly their brand of megop or for their Decepticons in general. The only thing I've seen come close is Transformers One, which is also the newest one and what brought new people in during this wave, so who knows if it'll stick forever. I'm not sure where IDW stands though, because I know that was big too
If I had to attribute Prime's success in the fandom to things, I'd say it's because plenty of people around my age (20s-ish?), who are definitely online and on social media, grew up with Prime (though I will note that Transformers tends to have an older fandom than I'm used to), the fact that for a long time, Prime was easily accessible in its entirety on Netflix, long before the streaming wars (and this is how I watched the show), it generally has good writing and animation, it feels like it had a complete story, unlike Animated which had Season 4 cancelled, and Frank Welker and Peter Cullen were back as Megatron and Optimus, making them feel more "definitive". Among probably other things I'm missing
But the point is, Prime is big, and it'll take a lot to dethrone it, outside of possibly some TF One sequels sticking the landing after the first movie. But that's not certain at the moment
And like I said before, popular interpretations tend to bleed into other series and interpretations, even when they don't entirely fit. There's a reason when people want Knock Out in another show, they basically want more TFP Knock Out, design and character wise, or why Breakdown was in Earthspark without the other Stunticons. Or why people basically try to recreate the g1 backstory when making Skyfire and skystar for their stories, even when I'm not really sure versions of Starscreams would ever be scientists. Why Functionism will show up in fanfics despite something like TF One not really having a place for it outside of the cogless thing. Why people will instinctively ship megop across continuities despite it not working as well in some (*cough cough TFA cough*). Why Megatron and Optimus have largely had the same backstories for ~15 years, with One being probably the most different, but still the same general beats. It happens both in canon and fanon, but it definitely happens
So when Prime Bumblebee is portrayed as young, and probably intentionally, it sticks in our minds that Bumblebee is very young and usually will be. He's like Optimus' son here, especially since he explicitly is younger than him. He's cute and friendly, even if he can get into trouble sometimes. He's just a little guy
And by this point, the franchise was like, 30 years old. There's been a number of series, and a lot of the general staples of the series had been set and remain today. I'd argue Prime is the last of the "foundational" series in this franchise, at least where we are now with it; we could end up going in another direction in the future. So it's gonna be hard to just change how we see the characters here
The shows after
I won't go into each one in detail after this, because let's be real, this is long enough already. And again, I don't think at this stage, anything other than One has left as much of an impact on the fandom/series
We're skipping over RID 2015 since I haven't watched it, but I do think it's one of the shows with the least of this problem. Probably because he is at least initially surrounded by characters his age or younger, so the age relativity isn't a factor
Cyberverse actually has Bumblebee around the same age as Optimus here, not being notably younger, but that holds true for everyone in that series; basically everyone here is the same age, outside of like, Cheetor. I don't interact with the Cyberverse fandom enough to know how it fares with Bee there, but given he's a main character, probably more than Optimus, he's probably doing fine?
Though I have to admit I personally find it weird when Bee gets shipped, because surprise, I too have some amount of the babybee influence on me too. I mention it here because there's genuinely nothing wrong with shipping Bumblebee and Windblade here, if anything it makes so much sense; it's just that I can't get out of my head that Bee is supposed to be younger, and thus, shouldn't be shipped
I know nothing about the War for Cybertron trilogy
Earthspark Bumblebee is another case of being hit with the baby beam the least, which I think is attributed to his role as the Terrans' mentor. Once again, he is put as an older character instead of younger, and even more so than RID because he's the main adult teaching our young child protagonists. The age relativity is working in his favor this time. Most you're gonna get is him being called megop's child of divorce, but those two are old anyways
So far, canon wise, it doesn't seem that bad
But then we get to One, which is where I think the problem is really rearing its ugly head. See, B-127 is never said to be younger than the rest of the quartet, he's assumed to be the same age as them. Heck, you could maybe even see him as a bit older, given his odd knowledge and having been in Sublevel 50 so long. But B is constantly portrayed as younger than the rest, being the child of divorce, but actually more "child" this time, him basically being Optimus and/or Elita's son (Megatron is another parent too), despite no indication of such a bond in the movie outside of just being friends (even less so with Elita, whom he has the least screen time with of the group), or just straight up being made into a child or baby for the rest of the group to parent, despite it taking out a member of the group, especially when again, he is not said to be younger
But it keeps happening to him because it's the new popular series and some are coming in with prior expectations and knowledge of B and his relationships, that Bee must always be baby, and probably because he's very energetic and hyper and probably neurodivergent, which has a history of getting characters infantalized. Not saying everyone who sees him as younger is problematic or ableist for doing so, just that this probably contributes on some level to why it's so widespread
I think I've covered all my points at this rate. Are we finally done? Can I go do my schoolwork? Sorry, just random, I've been here for a while
So, to summarize, why does Bumblebee get babyfied so much?
Because Bee has a long history as being young, he's put around older characters who make him feel younger by comparison, he's got a design that lends him to be seen as cute and young, especially in the most well-known depictions (I mostly mean g1, Bayverse and Prime here), the fact that the show were all of these traits are at their biggest is also the most popular show, and thus influencing people's minds going forward that this is how he should be, even when it doesn't fit so well
And I don't think this mentality around Bee is going away anytime soon, and it isn't necessarily wrong to make Bee a young bot, but I think we should acknowledge that sometimes it's trying to fit a square in a round hole, it just doesn't fit as well, and we need to be mindful of that
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ichabodcranemills · 5 hours ago
Hello. I’m at it again with a final “in defense of Helena Eagan” manifesto before the season finale, and now I want to talk about how entirely baffled I am with the people who genuinely think that the moral solution would be to permanently sever Hellyna, so that only Helly is left.
Like… Severance is a bad thing, right? That’s the whole premise of the show. You bring a person into the world, to do a task you don’t want to—or to escape your grief, or to please your father, or whatever—and they develop their own consciousness, have their own wishes and will, and yet you keep them locked in a basement without ever experiencing life and they might cease to exist at any moment, at your whims.
So, in a way, every single one of MDR’s crew is an antagonist, because that’s what they’re subjecting their innies to, whatever it was their reasoning behind it. But you know, everyone’s on a journey of learning, let’s just not forget this for a moment, okay?
But then, Helena haters think that the reasonable solution to deal with one of the most tragic and compelling characters of the show—someone who is not in any way an irredeemable villain, but I’m not gonna go into this right now—is just to snuff her out? Just how we think it’s morally abhorrent that outies or Lumon get to do with their innies?
They think that our show’s heroes, when doing the “right thing” for themselves and for the world is to essentially kill—and yet keep her body for someone else to use—a traumatised, abused woman, who was born into a cult, has basically no agency and no hand in most of the horrors being committed, and who had her body autonomy removed from her several times, in this season alone?
Like… what they’re doing is ignoring the entire plot of the season—which is that things permeate the severance barrier—because they were so pissed at her actions, so instead of hoping that the woman who shares a brain and a body with Helly (someone who essentially lives inside her) learns that her actions were wrong and grow from what she learns, they prefer her to be erased, so that she can have her body autonomy stolen one final time and then cease to exist for good. And they think that’s the brave, moral thing the protagonists should pursue? And that this would be a happy ending for this show?
Like, are they watching it with their eyes closed or something?
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firedragon1321 · 10 hours ago
Digimon Adventure Beyond Oddities
The timeline on this seems to be post-02 the Beginning. We know this because we see shots Meiko and possibly Lui (thanks to @seventeenlovesthree and @gutterpufferfish for helping reveal them).
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It isn't clear how Agumon, Gabumon, and Biyomon were able to return. But going with the "letting go of your inner child is what ends possibilities/ partnership, rather than physically growing up" interpretation, it seems Tai, Matt and Sora were able to do this.
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My strongest piece of evidence in favor of this theory is that tomboy Sora is back! She's always had to balance the desires of her mother and her own wants. After spending tri. forward emulating her mother, here she seems to embrace her own independence (with is not mutually exclusive with femininity- she's wearing all pink after all).
It can be implied, then, that Tai and Matt did similar soul-searching offscreen. And that's what returned Agumon and Gabumon to their sides.
I could be missing several key details (this series has so much lore packed in). But Lui being here confirms Kizuna by extension. We know this because Tai is never shown with Agumon in the film or promotional material- even when Veemon is with Davis.
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The real kicker is what this means for Menoa. Her Neverland plot was tragically unnecessary, and she never found out why. It's unlikely she ever will.
Nurse Jun
Not an oddity just wanted to point out cool women in STEM.
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The Goggles
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What. The. Hell. Are. These. Doing. Here?
This is an Adventure promo. I'm not hating on the other seasons. I just don't know the purpose of showing the goggles from other seasons in an Adventure promo. Unless... wait. Let's put our thinking cap on. I don't know why it's lined with tinfoil today. I'm sure that's not important.
First of all- these goggles belong to Takato, Takuya, and Mikey (or Taiki- I'll go with Taiki since the dub of this series was such a disaster that most people don't know it). Not certain on the last pair, but that might be Taiki in Young Hunters.
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No Tagiru (despite him being the poster boy of Young Hunters), and no Haru. I'm not counting characters who do not wear goggles for this (i.e.- Marcus and Hiro). Nor counting the reboot as the goggles Tai wears in it are the same in design as the OG/Davis's.
The crossover in Young Hunters makes the most sense on the surface. Haru/Hiro's absence is explained as they were not created yet. But there's problems. All Adventure characters were shown as kids in that series (they could have been de-aged- I don't really recall). Marcus's absence could be explained as a need to use goggles for the reflection effect. But if so, why make a "call forward (to the crossover)" built to exclude him?
The dialogue- "The fight never ends, huh? It's just getting started. But we can't give up. Not as long as we have people that believe in us."- implies some kind of inheritance. As if the battles going forward will be fought by new DigiDestined. But I think everyone lost their memories of the events/alternate worlds introduced in Young Hunters, and the only human Adventure character who should know about any of these worlds is Ryo (who noped out of the Adventure universe ages ago).
Maybe it's a reference to the new series- Beatbreak- announced immediately after...but that character wears glasses, and is partially obscured. If this is meant to lead into Beatbreak, why bother obscuring its protagonist/not giving him goggles to include in this montage? It's not like he wouldn't have been revealed seconds later.
I have no clue what the goggles mean for Adventure lore, nor Digimon as a whole. But it's worth exploring.
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deskraven · 3 months ago
About Chaos Terran AU Transmutate
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Transmutate was the last Chaos Terran to be born, and their birth was quite unexpected. Instead of Starscream succeeding in S02E09, a shard was knocked out of his hands and fell into a very convenient pool of water before Spitfire could piece them together. Starscream immediately tries to abort (?) the Terran in formation with the Cyber Slayer. The action shocked Spitfire. She acted before thinking and knocked the weapon away.
The new Chaos Terran survived but their generation was interrupted, causing them to be half-formed, both mentally and physically. They have a skeletal appearance with a hollow abdomen (indicating the lack of a T-cog), their limbs all messed up. They don't have a sense of identity, meaning no name, no gender, and no language. Their frame is too weak to hold the chaos energy it generates which caused them to immediately scream out a huge blast of chaos energy, and the Autobots took the chance to collect some of the shards and escape. The Malto Terrans were very concerned with the safety of the new Terran but were urged to escape quickly.
Starscream called the new Terran a transmutate and the name sticked (I might change this if I ever come up with a better origin). He didn't try to kill them, not wanting to raise further suspicion from the Chaos Terrans as well as wanting to exploit their chaos energy scream in the future.
The world is a really confusing place for Transmutate! It took them a while to realize those who don't share a psychic link with them are also sentient beings, that these bots and organic creatures are different from objects and have their own thoughts and act under a certain logic that is for some reason invisible to them. Transmutate ends up being very good at interpreting their siblings' emotions and thoughts though the link, as well as express themself through it.
Spitfire felt really torn about them. She wished she had either acted quicker before Starscream could have stroked them with the Cyber Slayer, or acted later because she thought death would be better than ending up like this. She was heavily manipulated by Starscream and wanted his approval, but didn't know how to feel about him trying to kill a Chaos Terran. Overall she was very protective of them though she didn't know how to care for them.
Transmutate's birth would somehow help Sideways realize chaos energy's connection to Unicron. Transmutate is the only Chaos Terran who's able to release chaos energy though it's involuntary, so it gave him samples to study. Sideways wasn't a good big brother at all and would intentionally trigger them to collect chaos energy.
Wreck-gar was probably the only being in this world who felt completely positive about Transmutate. She was simply happy to become a big sister and immediately assumed the role. Transmutate's messed up limbs made walking a struggle so Wreck-gar usually carried them in her backpack.
I think the Maltos, especially Twitch and Nightshade, would try very hard to approach the duo, but it was hard to persuade them to willingly stay at the Maltos. The two were friendly and were happy to visit but would always return to their siblings. Transmutate grew an interest in flying due to the two flying Maltos though, and Wreck-gar built them a jetpack.
Thoughts on their future
Eventually Starscream would collect all the shards and start killing the Chaos Terrans, I haven't thought the whole thing through but here are some thoughts:
Spitfire and Aftermath stayed to fight while ordering Wreck-gar to leave with Transmutate.
The Decepticons were more involved with Starscream's plan in this AU, but some grew attached to the kids and allowed the duo to escape.
Wreck-gar decided to return when she felt Aftermath dying. The Maltos arrived and split up - Nightshade was responsible for taking Transmutate away and the rest went to rescue the other Chaos Terrans with Wreck-gar.
Hashtag and Wreck-gar would eventually reach Starscream, join force with Spitfire, have a cool fight, but eventually be over-powered. Starscream would spare Hashtag's life and maybe give her an invitation to join him, which only left Hashtag with severe survivor guilt.
Sensing Spitfire and Wreck-gar's deaths, Transmutate was devastated and could no longer keep the chaos energy within them under control. Feeling about to explode they decided to focus their energy outburst on the one responsible for their siblings' death. The concentrated energy created a very unstable chaos dome (similar to the one they made in BW), which trapped all the Decepticons and the rising Chaos Titan.
The Maltos managed to escape the shield in time.
Instead of watching them explode, Nightshade remembered that Terrans and Chaos Terrans can sync and hopped in to help. The rest of the Terrans joined as well. Their combined form was able to stabilize both Transmutate and the chaos dome, making it a chaos-quintus dome.
Transmutate wasn't that happy about surviving though. They were still mostly nonverbal at this point and their siblings were literally the world to them. For a good while they would refuse to go with the Maltos and just wander outside the dome wanting to get in to the side of their siblings. But the dome wouldn't be so easy to open in this AU.
Eventually they would start living with the Maltos. Initially they might abuse syncing as a replacement for psychic link communication but would eventually learn to communicate with English - maybe picture cards at first, then reading and typing, eventually speaking?
Nightshade would be very enthusiastic about building them assistive tech. Dot would supervise them to make sure they don't make something like a shooting leg again and teach Transmutate to use them. She's also quite insistent that Transmutate fly with a helmet (which gives Transmutate a chance to look not bald but just like any normal person they refuse to wear the helmet when not flying).
Eventually Transmutate would have an upgraded jetpack and a pair of crutches attached their forearms that can transform into jets and arm blades. They usually only wear the multifunctional crutches. They would also repaint themself into their classic colors ^ ^
Transmutate would still want to go back inside the dome, not wanting their siblings bodies to be trapped with the ones who murdered them. And the wish grew stronger as they learned more about Cybertronian biology and realized that there were hope to revive their siblings. Nightshade would very much support the idea and the two would research on it together, but I need to think more on the attitudes of the other Maltos.
It would feel really weird when the Chaos Terrans (excluding Sideways who were somewhere in some other universe doing child labor for Unicron) were revived. By that time Transmutate would have lived longer than their older siblings. Spitfire and Aftermath would refuse to live with the Maltos and move into the previous Decepticon base, and Transmutate would go with them. They regard both the Maltos and the Chaos Terrans as family and would try to bring them together, or at least urge their older siblings to think about who they want to be now that the Decepticons are gone.
Transmutate wouldn't assume the Maltos' surname though, and wouldn't wear a Terran badge. At some point they may reconsider the name and gender they were assigned with, only to realize they feel quite apathetic about it. (So technically they are okay with all pronouns including it/its but most of the character would just continue using they/them.)
I'm still weighing whether to add Rampage to this AU or not. There are already too many characters. But if I do bring him in - he would be a result of Quintesson experiment and meet Transmutate when the latter got abducted by the Quitessons for some reason. I don't want this AU to be an exception if the two are having a "do you think we are friends in every universe" conversation somewhere else lmao.
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mymarifae · 3 months ago
i will also be dedicating my account to hating on the amphoreus men. i hope mydei is too problematic for the average fandom space to justify liking. i hope anaxa is boring as fuck. i hope both their 3d models end up being really fucking ugly and unsatisfying. i hope phainon kicks a puppy
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dayurno · 8 months ago
cavan got an ask about it so i am thinking of it but it is truly really funny when raven neil aus have ichirou or kengo or even tetsuji for that matter weirdly fixated on neil even if it's in a bad way (re: going out of their way to abuse him). the powerful men with a bloody empire that cannot even acknowledge their own blood family in riko would not spare a single thought for some no name wesninski downgrade in the perfect court i fear.............. as far as they are concerned pc members are literal dirt under their shoes. just a deeply unserious way to create angst for a character that does not need it
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sunbunnyyy · 6 months ago
i know i just got here, but seeing all of the laughably bad takes from both sides of the spectrum is convincing me that no, i don’t actually need to be on social media again.
#this is about mdzs fandom discourse#this is a jc/jiggy support blog#but#they did bad things and made bad choices and i love that about them#i can acknowledge their bad choices and their flaws and still like them#but hooooooly fuck#the jc/jiggy/XICHEN antis drive me fucking banana nut bonkers#there are valid reasons to dislike all 3 of those characters and somehow you have created ones that are so far from reality i cannot believe#that we read the same book#or watched the same shows#1. get some reading comprehension i beg you#2. for the love of fucking god please like. find some god damn joy in your lives and stop giving a fuck about characters you don’t like#2.5 and people who like characters you don’t like#2.75 and i know that’s kind of blasse of me to say in the tags of a post griping abt people griping abt characters they don’t like#3. just??? go find joy? touch grass?? not everything is about you and your terrible reading comprehension#4. stop assuming that your way is the right way#5. the puritanical bullshit of protagonist inherently good is really getting old#i am begging you to do any modicum of research into the concept of antiheroes#it will broaden your horizons i prommy#not everything is about blorbos being all good all the time#your blorbo is not free of sin#(unless it’s sizhui. sizhui is always free of sin)#anyway i think imma delete tumblr. the algorithm keeps showing me anti posts and im old and tired#no discourse here pls and thanks#moots dm for discord if u wanna
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littledeadling · 2 years ago
Cant get over how hard they’re biffing it with the Mandalorian. God. Ouchie
#THEY HAD THE PERFECT SHOW GOING & THEY RUINED ITTTT#s3 should have been him on his own slowly realizing he can’t live without Grogu /knowing he’d never be able to see him again#and ON SCREEN we see him go back to argue w the Jedi & take him home. beautiful family reunion ON SCREEN. w the BREATHING ROOM IT DESERVES#& both of them learn to value each other & their connection more than anything else.#& Din’s repression & rigid barriers are slowly but surely eroding#it should have been a story abt how not everything needs to be tied up in destiny & the skywalkers!!!#it should have been the story that demonstrated that star wars could be more & the world can have space for different types of stories!#smaller scale stories!#bitch this bro literally does not care about the darksaber or any of that shit?!#he should have left that thing on the ground somewhere and dipped. or dropped it in the ocean#Now Din is just a guy who doesnt care abt the marvel plot he’s stuck in. *jenny Nicholson voice* oh what a good trait for a protagonist!!!!#they didn’t stop at any point and go hm... maybe that means we’re taking this in the wrong direction?????#literally so stupid#it should be about Din realizing he craves love and connection more than he is beholden to his creed#and going back to Tatooine to fuck a cowboy sloppy style#who said that#bz bz#mandoposting#oogh do u see why i had to go and write a 10k+ word fic to do something about all this#if u agree w me i think u moight loike it 🤭
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sethdomain · 2 years ago
imma be honest I did not watch 3below it was boring as hell, they should've stick with Jim story
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deviousdiesel · 1 year ago
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malcolmschmitz · 3 months ago
The Insider and Outsider Detectives
So there's a lot of discourse about detectives floating around, ever since 2020 shifted a lot of people's Views on the police. Everyone likes a good mystery story, but no one seems to know what to make of a detective protagonist- especially if they're a cop. And everyone who cares about this kind of thing likes to argue over whether detective stories hold up the existing order or subvert it. Are they inherently copaganda? Are they subversive commentary on the uselessness of the police?
I think they can be both. And I think there's a framework we can use to look at individual detectives, and their stories, that illuminates the space between "a show like LAPD straight-up exists to make the cops look good" and "Boy Detective is a gender to me, actually".
So. You can sort most detectives in fiction into two boxes, based on their role in society: the Insider Detective and the Outsider Detective.
The Insider Detective is a part of the society they're investigating in, and has access to at least some of the levers of power in that society. They can throw money at their problems, or call in reinforcements, and if they contact the authorities, those authorities will take them seriously. Even the people they're investigating usually treat them with respect. They're a nice normal person in a nice normal world, thank you very much; they're not particularly eccentric. You could describe them as "sensible". And crime is a threat to that normal world. It's an intrusion that they have to fight off. An Insider Detective solving a crime is restoring the way things ought to be.
Some clear-cut examples of Insider Detectives are the Hardy Boys (and their father Fenton), Soichiro "Light's Dad" Yagami, or Father Brown. Many police procedural detectives are Insider Detectives, though not all.
The Outsider Detective, in contrast, is not a part of the society they're investigating in. They're often a marginalized person- they're neurodivergent, or elderly, or foreign, or a woman in a historical setting, or a child. They don't have access to any of the levers of power in their world- the authorities may not believe them (and might harass them), the people they're investigating think they're a joke (and can often wave them off), and they're unlikely to have access to things like "a forensics lab". The Outsider Detective is not respectable, and not welcome here- and yet they persist and solve the crime anyway. A lot of the time, when an Outsider Detective solves a crime, it's less "restoring the world to its rightful state" and more "exposing the rot in the normal world, and forcing it to change."
Some clear-cut examples of Outsider Detectives are Dirk Gently, Philip Marlowe, Sammy Keyes, or Mello from Death Note.
Now, here's the catch: these aren't immutable categories, and they are almost never clear-cut. The same detective can be an Insider Detective in one setting and an Outsider Detective in another. A good writer will know this, and will balance the two to say something about power and society.
Tumblr's second-favourite detective Benoit Blanc is a great example of this. Theoretically, Mr. Blanc should be an Insider Detective- he's a world-famous detective, he collaborates with the police, he's odd but respectable. But because of the circumstances he's in- investigating the ultra-rich, who live in their own horrid little bubbles- he comes off as the Outsider Detective, exposing the rot and helping everyone get what they deserve. And that's deliberate. There is no world where a nice, slightly eccentric, mildly fruity, fairly privileged guy like Benoit Blanc should be an outsider. But the turbo-rich live in such an insular world, full of so much contempt for anyone who isn't Them, that even Benoit Blanc gets left out in the cold. It's a scathing political statement, if you think about it.
But even a writer who isn't trying to Say Something About The World will still often veer between making their detective an Insider Detective and an Outsider Detective, because you can tell different kinds of stories within those frameworks. Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote is a really good example of this-- she's a respectable older lady, whose runaway success as a mystery novelist gives her access to some social cachet. Key word: some.
Within her hometown of Cabot Cove, Fletcher is an Insider Detective. She's good friends with the local sheriff, she's incredibly familiar with the town's social dynamics, she can call in a favour from basically anyone... but she's still a little old lady. The second she leaves town, she might run into someone who likes her books... but she's just as likely to run into a police officer who thinks she's crazy or a perp who thinks she's an easy target. She has the incredibly tenuous social power that belongs to a little old lady that everyone likes- and when that's gone, she's incredibly vulnerable.
This is also why a lot of Sherlock Holmes adaptations tend to be so... divisive. Holmes is all things to all people, and depending on which stories you choose to focus on, you can get a very different detective. If you focus on the stories where Holmes collaborates with the police, on the stories with that very special kind of Victorian racism, or the stories where Holmes is fighting Moriarty, you've got an Insider Detective. If you focus on the stories where Holmes is consulting for a Nice Young Lady, on the stories where Holmes' neurodivergence is most prominent, or on his addictions, you've got an Outsider Detective.
Finally, a lot of buddy detective stories have an Insider Detective and an Outsider Detective sharing the spotlight. Think Scully and Mulder, or Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde. This lets the writer play with both pieces of the thematic puzzle at the same time, without sacrificing the consistency of their detective's character.
Back to my original point: if you like detective fiction, you probably like one kind of story better than the other. I know I personally really prefer Outsider Detective Stories to Insider Detective Stories- and while I can enjoy a good Insider Detective (I'd argue that Brother Cadfael, my beloved, is one most of the time), I seek out detectives who don't quite fit into the world they live in more often than not.
And if that's the vibe you're looking for... you're not going to run into a lot of police stories. It's absolutely possible to make a story where a cop (or, even better, an FBI agent) is an Outsider Detective-- Nick Angel from Hot Fuzz was originally going to be one of my 'clear-cut examples' until I remembered that he is, in fact, legally a cop! But a cop who's an Outsider Detective is going to be spending a lot of time butting heads with local law enforcement, to the point where he doesn't particularly feel like one. He's probably going to get fired at some point, and even if his badge gets reinstated, he's going to struggle with his place in the world. And a lot of Outsider Detective stories where the detective is a cop or an FBI agent are intensely political, and not in a conservative way- they have Things To Say about small towns, clannishness, and the injustice that can happen when a Pillar Of The Community does something wrong and everyone looks the other way. (Think Twin Peaks or The Wicker Man.)
Does this mean Insider Detective Stories are Bad Copaganda and Outsider Detective Stories are Good Revolutionary Stories? No. If you take one thing away from this post, please make it that these categories are morally neutral. There are Outsider Detective stories about cops who are Outsiders because they really, really want an excuse to shoot people. There are Insider Detective stories about little old people who are trying to keep misapplied justice from hurting the kids in their community. Neither of these types of stories are good or bad on their own. They're different kinds of storytelling framework and they serve different purposes.
But, if you find yourself really gravitating to certain kinds of mysteries and really put off by other kinds, and you're trying to express why, this might be a framework that's useful for you. If your gender is Boy Detective, but you absolutely loathe cop stories? This might be why.
(PS: @anim-ttrpgs was posting about their game Eureka again, and that got me to make this post- thank them if you're happy to finally see it. Eureka is designed as an Outsider Detective simulator, and so the rules actively forbid you from playing as a cop- they're trying to make it so that you have limited resources and have to rely on your own competence. It's a fantastic looking game and I can't recommend it enough.)
(PPS: I'm probably going to come back to this once I finish Psycho-Pass with my partner, because they said I'd probably have Thoughts.)
(PPPS: Encyclopedia Brown is an Insider Detective, and that's why no one likes him. This is my most controversial detective take.)
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kianamaiart · 27 days ago
FAQ wahoooo!!
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Who are you?
I'm Kiana, I'm a queer, Japanese Jamaican woman, and a Director/Storyboard artist who works in animation. I'm currently at Disney Television Animation.
What are your pronouns
I usually go by she/her but I don't really mind any pronouns~
Where did you go to school?
California College of the Arts (but I dropped out when I was hired at Disney)
How did you get hired at Disney?
My bosses found me on twitter. They liked my drawing style and asked if I wanted to take a storyboard test. I did, I passed, I got interviewed and moved to LA two weeks later to start storyboarding.
Your work seems familiar. What do I know you from?
I've been on the internet for a long time! It could be a number of things. As maimai97 on dA I had a comic about next gen Pokemon characters called Pokemon 25 Years Later. As kilala97 I had some popular next gen ponies and also had a Steven Universe gemsona named Larimar. I'm also @yamujiburo, known most for drawing Jessie x Delia (hanamusa) a lot. I also work professionally! I've worked as a storyboard artist and director on Disney Channel's Big City Greens, I was a storyboard artist on one of the Steven Universe anti-racism shorts and I was a storyboard artist on Pokemon: Path to the Peak. Most recently I've been on season 6 of Dropout's Game Changer!
What program and brush do you use to draw?
Default brush in Storyboard pro. Photoshop sometimes just for compositing or specific effects.
What is this project?
This is a project that started off as a silly idea that has since grown into me creating a 10 minute pilot animatic.
What does "pilot animatic" entail?
It means that this will effectively be a pilot/episode 1 of a (potential) larger series. It's fully voice acted but will not be fully animated. It's an animatic, meaning it will be comprised of storyboards in video form.
When can I watch the pilot!?
Right here!
What would this series be rated?
Ideally like PG13/TV14! Or whatever they call it. Definitely more geared to a YA audience. Not completely kiddy but also not what most people would consider adult animation to be
What are you planning to do with the project now that the pilot has released?
Don't know yet! There has been studio interest so I'm in the process of talking with them and seeing if I can find this show a home.
You said Aika had teammates, will we see them?
Because of the studio interest and potential for more of this show, there's some stuff I'm still holding close to my chest. This is one of them.
Do the characters have parents??
Zira does! As for Aika and Eclipse, this is something I'm still developing and don't really know myself haha
Is "Star Guardian: Guardian of the Stars" a reference to that vine?
Nope! It's more so a parody for just really long and redundant titles which I love. Similar to the title of this project, which is called "Pretty Pretty Please I Don't Want to be a Magical Girl"
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freshfrenchtoast · 5 months ago
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Kageyama's backstory only being revealed near the very end of the series is really interesting from a meta perspective.
For reference, his chapter is 387 out of 402. That's 96% of the way in.
To contrast, other characters like Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's backstories are shown in Chapters 87-88.
Now, we do get the explanation for his "King of the Court" title in Chapter 6, at the start of the series, but we don't see how he got to that point, or why he started playing volleyball in the first place like Tsukishima's and Yamaguchi's stories show.
It creates this situation where, despite being the deuteragonist, the character our protagonist, Hinata, is practically glued to the entire series, we barely know anything about him.
We don't even know he has a sister until that point whereas other characters' siblings like Natsu, Saeko, Akiteru, Alisa have all made appearances way before then. Even Oikawa's sister, though we don't see her, we at least know she exists because of Takeru.
He's both closed off to us (the audience) as well as the other characters in the series, and this results in them finding him rude or disliking his character in general (see: the "Kageyama is abusive" discourse that somehow keeps popping up even now).
Chapter 387 takes place in 2018 and was published in 2020 so it takes him 6 years of in-universe time and 8 years of irl time to really open up.
And the catalyst for all of this is Hinata fulfilling his promise of beating him.
You see, another thing to note is that, whenever Hinata thinks of Kageyama, he's always looking at him from behind.
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His internal image of him is someone who's always up ahead, someone he needs to catch up to, meaning Hinata can only see one side of him, he cannot see all of Kageyama until he catches up and passes him.
Which he finally does here.
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In this shot Hinata is finally the one who's looking back at Kageyama. At this moment, Hinata (and by extension the audience) can see him for all he is, can see how he was just a lonely boy who's been waiting for someone to meet him where he is, to keep running alongside him and not quit the race.
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Someone he doesn't have to go easy on. Someone who would actually tell him to hurry up instead of slow down for a change.
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His someone better.
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sidsinning · 1 year ago
Apothecary Diaries is pog as fuck bc serious political issues and dynamics from a woman's POV are rarely depicted in ANY form of media
It's always a man's world where women's issues surround him. Even if we get a female perspective once in awhile- it all comes back to how it facilitates his game in the end. She's a footnote in the overarching scheme of things. Misogyny exists. Back to the real plot.
Apothecary Diaries is strictly from a female perspective and how each class of woman has to act, what limits they have, what rights they have and don't have between each class, etc. These women have to behave a certain way under a patriarchy, which you would think makes it a man's story, but it never is. The women are THE focus of this show, their struggles are THE plot. The focus is about how the patriarch effects them.
Take the concubines for example. The show dives into how bearing a child affects their rank, how traumatizing it is to lose that child, the consequences of that, etc. We have barely seen the emperor who sired all these kids because this is not about him.
Jinshi's personal plot is secondary to Mao Mao's journey- he is mostly there to provide new cases for Mao Mao to solve and to learn more about the shortcomings of his class when taking care of citizens like Mao Mao.
Jinshi is not a bad person, but by virtue of his position in the higher classes, he cannot understand how harsh life as a poor WOMAN is specifically- he can only catch glimpses of it from what Mao Mao tells him and feel outrage but powerless in his wealth and luxury
Mao Mao is a fortunate commoner woman for what privileges someone in her class should and shouldn't have. She happened to be adopted by a knowledgeable man. She is allowed to read, write, learn, and has enough skill to be a poison tester and have a job EXTREMELY out of her class limit as an apothecary, also a job not traditionally meant for women
Mao Mao is not a "noT lIkE oThER gIrLs" protagonist, she is FOR THE GIRLIES. She only wants to help the women around her, and women are whom she has the closest relationships to. She sees a woman being harassed and can't let it stand. She sees a frail, traumatized woman dying from the recklessness of those who should be caring for her and spends day and night nursing her back to health, while also punishing the people who were so careless with her needs.
My girl has STUDIED UP on THE BODY to TEACH these upper class ladies on how to really HEAT things up in the BEDROOM
Sex depicted in Apothecary Diaries is both something women are not shamed to be enjoying, while at the same time being acknowledged as an unfortunately huge economic necessity to market themselves.
Like shit is just so real in this series???
Listen, I can go on and on about how GOATED the series and especially Mao Mao is but you get the picture
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