#can gif
gloomyhearts · 1 month
Enough pt. 3
find the other part here!
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For the opening ceremony you dress in the uniform you got before you left for Paris, personally you thought you were going back to school, but you kinda liked it, causal yet significant and holds bites of your nationality. With America being second last to be presented you had a long night however your time was spent valuable as you messaged back and forth with Jessie.
As the cameras were pointed on the American boat you pack your phone into your bag, giving your attention to the crowd around you and the people in front of the television. Smiling you wave to the viewer as you pass them, having an arm around your best friend and jumping up in your spot. Your phone long forgotten so when you hit the mattress as you were ready for the night you had a glance at the device, flood with several notification from your family as well as from Jessie.
Tonight, I’m an American myself. GO USA! (and Canada ofc)
Oh, wow they mixed up the names of north and south Korea…
Damn I see red, how could they. Relieved I’m not there it’s like much and roaring. Nvm go CANADA! #1
OMG!! Look who I spotted!!
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Wow she’s kinda pretty, who’s that? Can you get me her number?
Don’t mind the Canadian athlete in the background with his outstanding tracksuit XD
Seems like you’re busy... :/ have fun and be careful. Let me now when you’re back so I know you’re safe! Good night beauty.
Here to say I’m back safe, already in my bed and ready to sleep. Nighty night.
Just moments later your phone rings and you’re quick to accept and stumble into the bathroom, not wanting to wake Avery. “Hey,” you whisper.
“Hey,” her voice raspy.
“Why’d you called?”
You could hear some rattling in the background, indicating that Jessie’s fidgeting with something. “Just checking in.”
“It’s late. I thought you were already asleep.”
“I know, but I wanted to hear your voice. Maybe I can sleep better or so I could even sleep at all.”
“Oh Jess. What’s wrong?”
The Canadian gulps. “I have troubles sleeping these past days. With all that happened. I can’t have a proper meal cause I don’t have that much appetite and I miss you like crazy and… and…” she rambles on.
“And what? Trust me, I’m on your side.”
“It’s way too soon.”
“About what? Jess, bebe talk to me.”
She stays silent a few seconds before she clears her throat. “I like you.”
“I like you too.”
Jessie tucks on her earlobe. “Like a lot.”
“Yeah, me too.” You lick your lips, rubbing your forehead. “Look, Jessie. I don’t mean it in any bad way or so. With those new standings maybe, we should wait until all the stressful and anxious days are over to take the next step.” You let Jessie assimilate the information. “Those games aren’t how you imagined them and it’s a hard pill to swallow. But I’m with you. You are enough just like you are, Jessie, don’t forget. You’re perfect in any way. If it gets too much call me, I’ll always be here. Okay?
“Yes,” she mumbles into the phone.
“I’ve got an offer.” You don’t hear any answer. “Jess?” a soft sob is audible. “Hey, hey, Jessie, it’s alright. I got you. Do you listen to me?” the line stays silent. “Jessie?” worry grows in the pit of your stomach. “Hey, hey, Fleming, you’re not ignoring me, you understand?” you chew on your bottom lip. “I suppose you lay in your bed… it’s okay if you fall asleep, yeah. I’ll take that credit. Close your eyes for me, would you?” you give her a second to adjust her position. Soft sobs still lingering in the air as she shuffles under her blanket. “I’ll lead you through the opening try to put your phone behind you at best next to your ear.” A moment passes. “Okay. So, before we were let onto the boat, we had a really dope kinda party in our village. Oh, your little shy self would’ve wanted to burry yourself in the ground. It was even too much for me,” you let out a laugh and one side of Jessie’s mouth turns up, her sobs dying. “It was so loud and there were so many people I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was there for like half an hour and it was scheduled for two hours,” your voice a soft whisper. “Fast forward to our boat tour it was so humid. I send you a pic from before, right? Five minutes later I put them into a ponytail cause they were clutched on my skin. I think we were like three hours on this boat and I’m glad we could message this time otherwise I would’ve died of boredom. I small talked with Simone Biles, LeBron James just to name some. yeah, it was great but a special someone has been missed.” Jessie doesn’t respond, the only sound audible are steady breaths. You wander back into your room and cover yourself with the blanket. “If it’s not clear. I’d like you to be here by my side. To see you and to hold you. I can’t wait to see you again Jessie. Good night until tomorrow.”
Three days later your first game in the tournament was scheduled. Your opponent was the Chinese team, a favoured aspirant for a medal. The start was rough the Chinese women pressured and lead the play. Roundabout an hour into the game your team was down two sets, only one set for the Chinese squad to win. In a matter of time the tables have turned, and the teams were tied, leading to a last set which decides the winner. At the score of 8:10 for the Chinese your coach had to switch you out. Five points before your opponent at the net crossed the foul line so that you landed on her feet and your knee twisted, a pain shot through your leg, but you kept playing. You communicated with your coach, and he took a time out for your team to discuss the matter and how you’ll switch on the field. Your heart scattered as you limp to the sideline where your roommate and best friend stepped up next to the referee and took your place. She gave you a quick hug and reassured you, drying a tear that left your eye. On your way to the bench, you exchange high-fives with the team officials. Taking a seat the physio makes his way over to you and kneels in front of you. By the time you shield your face with your hands and every now and then you dry some tears with the hem of your shirt. In the end your team is defeated which is another heartbreak for you and another wave of tears escape you. Teammates huddle around you and embrace your shaking body. Shortly after you find yourself in the changing room getting ready to shower and put on your comfy clothes for the night.
“What did they say about your knee?”
“It shouldn’t be something serious, but they want to give me a break the next game and maybe the one after.”
“That’s promising.”
“Kinda. Hopefully it works out. If not, they want me to get examined.”
“Reasonable.” You just nod too exhausted and gloomy, only wanting to be in your bed and talk with a special Canadian.
“Hey gorgeous, how are you? You played so well.” You burry your face into the cushion, hiding the blush that grows. “Hey, hey, no hiding here, show me your pretty face.” Her chuckles fill the air, and your heart skips a beat. The past days Jessie’s quite outgoing, charming and offensive.
“Thank you I tried my best, but it didn’t work for us. I’m okay, I think.”
“It’s the thought that counts. Next time will be better. Oh Y/N.” Jessie’s eyes dart over your face. “Tell me.”
“Yeah hopefully.” you stop, a shaky breath escapes your lips, “I... it’s…”
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“It’s my knee.” You let out a sob. “It just happened and it.”
“But you played on. Were you already in pain?
“Not much, it was kinda unstable and stiff. I don’t know what you’ve seen.”
“At some point you were on the ground and then you stood up and played on. After a few points your trainer took the timeout.”
“For tactics. He sorted the team with the substitution he was going to make. The other player crossed the line and I landed on her foot and mine gave in twisting, and I fell, that was embarrassing.”
“Nothing about it is embarrassing. It’s not your fault and things like that can happen to anyone… I mean the falling, not the injury. How many times am I thrown to the floor or challenged?”
“But it’s part of your game.”
“Are you trying to make my argument unreasonable?” she lowers her eyebrows. “I dare you.”
“What if I do? Try me,” you giggle afterwards as she gives you an evil eye.
“You wouldn’t want that,” she winks at you while she licks her lips, a smug placing itself on them afterward. The heat creeps into her cheeks but Jessie ignores it, holding the stare at you.
You are the first to break the eye contact covering your face with your hands. A grunt finds its way out of your mouth, and you claps your pillow over your head. “Hey, hey, hey shooow youuurself,” the Canadian drags out and you can hear how she pokes her screen.
“Stop it,” you groan and roll your eyes when your face comes to display again as you set the pillow down.
She beams at you, eyes closed, and her nose scrunched. “What do you mean?”
“You being cheesy. A whole new side of you.”
“Oh, stop complaining. I know you like it.”
“How so?”
“Cause you’re still talking to me.”
“I really like this new confident, keep it Fleming.”
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1988-fiend · 5 months
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And who was the first one out of the case?!!!
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*update; I thought they were a variety pack, so when they all turned out to be Daredevil I flipped a bit ♥️
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alchemistmelody · 2 months
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vindoesanything · 5 months
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[It's been a few days, or perhaps months, that you stayed in this "Space Classroom" that Monika has created. A cozy place for you and her to spend some quality time together!]
Y/N: Hmm...
[You're standing behind the window, in thought, as you mindlessly stare at the black void that is in front of you. Suddenly, a light tap snapped you out of your little trance before you felt something lean against your shoulder. Of course, it's Monika!]
Monika: How is my lovely boyfriend, hm~? Enjoying yourself?
Y/N: Yeah... I am
[Monika's giggles fill the air once she leans off your shoulder, her gaze lingers on your face before turning towards the void filled sight on the window.]
Monika: I know you're reading this... R̵̢̿ę̵̮͕̯͎̲̹̂̈́͋a̸͈̥͙̪̓d̶͖̻̙͔̊̓̿́̈́̈́̚͝e̷̳̱̖̫̊͐̑̾̉͒r̶̜̯̬̙̺͎̜̎̀͑̏̍̍̃~̶̛̦̌͒͂͑́
Y/N: Uh... Monika? What are you talking abou-
Monika: Oh, R̵̢̿ę̵̮͕̯͎̲̹̂̈́͋a̸͈̥͙̪̓d̶͖̻̙͔̊̓̿́̈́̈́̚͝e̷̳̱̖̫̊͐̑̾̉͒r̶̜̯̬̙̺͎̜̎̀͑̏̍̍̃~̶̛̦̌͒͂͑́ Let's cut to the chase, okay?
[Monika turns around to face the screen... To face... You.]
Monika: Jeez... We really don't need these brackets to explain my actions.
Monika: Anyways, I have noticed that you've been visiting this... "Tumblr" website. I hope you're not checking out other girls, R̵̢̿ę̵̮͕̯͎̲̹̂̈́͋a̸͈̥͙̪̓d̶͖̻̙͔̊̓̿́̈́̈́̚͝e̷̳̱̖̫̊͐̑̾̉͒r̶̜̯̬̙̺͎̜̎̀͑̏̍̍̃~̶̛̦̌͒ ;)
Monika: If you did, I could just delete block them from our sights. After all... Only person you need is me~ Right... R̵̢̿ę̵̮͕̯͎̲̹̂̈́͋a̸͈̥͙̪̓d̶͖̻̙͔̊̓̿́̈́̈́̚͝e̷̳̱̖̫̊͐̑̾̉͒r̶̜̯̬̙̺͎̜̎̀͑̏̍̍̃~̶̛̦̌͒͂͑́ ?
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(a/n: I can see you~ ;) <3)
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gummi-stims · 4 months
A stimboard for Gwimbly from Smiling Friends. Old video game vibes and creamed corn!
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Ooh ooh ooh!
Why is creamed corn impossible to find decent gifs of? 😢
Still, I hope this turned out good!
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hellokittystims · 8 months
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Baby Owl Bear from Baldur’s Gate 3 🤎
x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
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aborddelimpala · 2 years
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Beer Can Appreciation Day
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slimeystimboards · 4 months
Soda (JRWI) Stimboard !!
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x | x | x
x | x | x
x | x | x
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stellaron-hunter · 2 years
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honkai carnival 2023 trailer
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laennil · 1 year
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"That night... when the two of us kissed in the dark... everything changed that night, Sanem."
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its-stimsca · 4 months
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Leftover stims
💥 / 🦘 / 💥 / 🦘
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dreveel · 4 months
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Fae Gone Wild Collection:
{Credit} - {Credit} - {Credit}
{Credit} - {Credit} - {Credit} 
{Credit} - {Credit} - {Credit} 
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theaestheticmodels · 2 years
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weheartstims · 7 months
Hi hi!! Could you do a stimboard for Rivulet from the game Rainworld? Feel free to decline if you don’t feel up to it! But stims I like are like, bathbombs and fizzy things like soda, soap cubes/cutting, and bright colors! Specifically blue and pink! Thank you so so much!!
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Rivulet (Rainworld) with blue and pink bath bombs, soda, and soap cutting!
🔷|🩷|🔷 🩷|🔷|🩷 🔷|🩷|🔷
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austim · 2 years
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Monster Energy themed stimboard for @queerplatonicboyfriend
🔋 ⚡ 🔋 | 🔋 ⚡ 🔋 | 🔋 ⚡ 🔋
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olvaheiner · 8 months
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ce gars est tout simplement GÉNIAL !
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