#can block this kinda stuff so that they dont see it
puppyeared · 9 months
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my attempt at making a fursona
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trashcreatyre · 8 days
I think the main thing that pisses me off about like 90% of mephiles ships is that people will be like "how old is he??" Look that fanwiki says that he's ten and they RUN with it. Like they don't read further. I'm so convinced that most people don't even know the plot of 06 bc the shit I've seen people draw and write with the characters is just mind boggling.
#trash rambles#like yeah i understand thwt nearly all of the named sonic characters are either minors or unspecified#but like#even if he was actually ten#shipping him with other minor characters would be so weird 😭#plus i dont think it would even matter if he has actually a minor because that uncomfortable power dynamic would still be there with most#other characters#and like#god idk#the amount of dog shit mephiles ships i have to have blocked in my tags is extremely upsetting#LIKE. WDYM?#MARIA??????#STOP IT 😭#tikal makes more sense but that one still makes me uncomfortable#idk i dont even remember all the ones i blocked i just remember that find the maria posts was like#devistating#that and the one person who liked all my 06 posts and was a mephiles and elise shipper (theyre siblings to me so someone like that liking m#art of them is understanbly upsetting)#that being said how old do i think infinite is??? because he doesnt have an official age (that i could find)#personally i think hes anywhere from 19 (at the absolute youngest) to like. early 30s idk 💀#somewhere between thoes idk#the only version of him that has a 100% solid age in my head is for the ghost au and hes 22 in that (bc hes a junior in collage)#n e way#i just woke up so ignore if this is illegible#ugh idk i really try not to be gate-keepy about stuff i like because its annoying but like#i love 06 so much it kinda hurts tl see people just kinda not knowing even the basic plot or like. only going off the fandubs (which i#really enjoy but at a certain point you can only say mephiles is ur favorite and have people quote it at you or in the comments of your 06#posts so many times before you just like. idk. (also ive had people irl tell me 06 sucks after i told them directly it was my favorite sonic#game??? like??? bro you asked ME.))
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 3 months
question !!! can people you block interact with your blog ?
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elegyofthemoon · 2 months
i kinda forgot how mochizuki does expressions so well that they speak more than texts in an image
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esp for someone like oz who has identity crisis going on for him that he doesn't really care who he is as a person so long as it makes others happy (the way later he could care less if people see him as jack the hero rather than just oz)
but the shock in oz's expression as though he had been read so clearly by sharon's words.
also idk it never crossed my mind while i was rereading, but i love that this is just in chapter 2 -- that things would go bad if oz should ever lose sight of himself
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bc that's the gist of oz's whole character arc, inching away from just being whatever people want him to be, shying away from his emotions, and accepting himself and what it means to be himself - emotions and past - alike.
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nexus-nebulae · 7 months
really trying to be patient and wait for my brain to go back to normal over time but by god do i want to just obliterate creative block with a hammer
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toonfinatic · 1 year
OCD sucks when you're online because you just can't win.
You are uncomfortable with certain types of fans interacting with you so you block them and don't talk to them because they trigger your mental illness? Someone's going to label you an oversensitive puritan omg how dare you come for my 15year old x 20year old ship!!!
You like fiction with violent content and greatly enjoy shit like enemies to lovers and characters generally being horrible people? Someone's gonna be like why are you romantizising these things???
Like god i do not want to get into any discourse because i have better shit to do and it stresses me out but like. Let people have boundaries but also stop being a moral police about everything
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reel-fear · 1 year
While I won’t deny that misogyny definitely plays a role in it, I also feel like one of the reasons people tend to want to focus more on Blitzwing than on Blackarachnia in fanworks is the same reason people are so obsessed with the secret bosses in Deltarune: the overall mystery surrounding his character.
Blitzwing and Blackarachnia are both unique, one-of-a-kind models, so people are naturally going to have three questions running through their minds upon their debut: what happened to them, what led up to that point, and who they used to be beforehand.
However, despite Blitzwing making more appearances than her, there’s still so little we know about him in comparison with Blackarachnia, who basically has her entire backstory revealed to us in her first spotlight episode. Even the information we do get regarding his past raises more questions than it answers, and that information’s Schrödinger’s canon at best. Fans are naturally drawn towards mysteries, so of course they’re going to be more interested in making content exploring and trying to solve those mysteries rather than just restricting themselves to stuff they already know.
I feel like the writing team showed their cards too early with Blackarachnia and left people with much less of a mystery to play around with other than “is techno-organicness reversible” and “will she cure herself or accept herself for who she is”. I think that maybe if they had had her make more appearances and held off on revealing her backstory until much later, while maybe dropping subtle hints of her knowing Optimus and Sentinel from somewhere and having once been an Autobot, people would feel like they had much more to work with.
(Also, from what I’ve seen, most Blitzwing fans are well aware of the ableist portrayal of his character but are usually neurodivergent themselves and thus have reclaimed him in a sense, alongside portraying him in a much more accurate manner to real-life DID and OSDD in fan works while still acknowledging that he’s an alien robot whose processor is much different from a human brain and thus would logically not be a complete one-to-one regarding analogous disabilities and mental disorders.)
So, I have been admittedly sitting on this ask for while bc it's been hard to digest and fully think about the points being made here. I don't want to get defensive on an impulse so I wanted to kinda stew on it a bit and read it over and over to see how my thoughts change. But really my thoughts are the same as when I first saw it which is most of this? Really just reads as excuses for Blitzwing's popularity that distract from the real causes being sexism and fandom's bias towards conventally attractive characters.
I want to go through this point by point but the TDLR; almost everything said here is also true for other characters who are very much not as popular as Blitzwing usually bc of sexism or not being the kind of characters the fandom cares to pay attention to. Sure you could point out all the things Blitzwing has that BA doesnt and say 'those are the things that make him more popular' but that ignores all the things BA has that Blitzwing doesn't. [Motivation, a personality, complexities, story relevence, she's not a horrible potrayal of the mentally ill, narrative focus etc] That the fandom just pretends don't exist and barely awknowledge, you can't just shy away from the reality that Blitzwing massively benefits from the misogyny present in this fandom because he's ur fave and you like him. That's only being complicit in it and turning a blind eye to it. Sure you could project a lot onto a bland male character and say you like him but you should also keep in mind the female characters who are ACTUALLY complex and interesting characters you tossed to the side to focus on him. I get that you 'awknoledged' the misogny in the first bit of the ask, but when you follow that up with... That it really doesnt come accross as genuine.
Anyways I'm gonna disect this message and talk about why I simply do not buy it.
"While I won’t deny that misogyny definitely plays a role in it, I also feel like one of the reasons people tend to want to focus more on Blitzwing than on Blackarachnia in fanworks is the same reason people are so obsessed with the secret bosses in Deltarune: the overall mystery surrounding his character.
Blitzwing and Blackarachnia are both unique, one-of-a-kind models, so people are naturally going to have three questions running through their minds upon their debut: what happened to them, what led up to that point, and who they used to be beforehand."
I'm going to be blunt, this is something SO many characters in TFA have going on. Lugnut is a great example of a character who has way more screentime than Blitzwing [remember Blitzwing disappears by S3 and is replaced by Shockwave as an evil minion but Lugnut stays] but is still almost entirely a mystery in terms of backstory motivation etc. But Lugnut is almost NEVER the center of fan content unless being made to be the butt of the joke and when he does appear hes usually just used as a tool to progress Blitzwing's character, someone to pressure him abt being in the cons, someone to be mean to him, etc.
But Lugnut is an entirely unique design with a helm look no other character has and claws that resemble the ones given to empurata bots in IDW. We don't even know why he hates the autobots so intensely but seeing how fucked up the autobots are in TFA why isn't there more theorizing about what exactly they did to make him need to see their downfall so badly? To the point where Lugnut is constantly at the feet praising someone who he doesn't even know would throw him to the side and leave him for dead the INSTANT it was convient for him.
You could say people don't explore it bc its played as a joke but so is everything about Blitzwing's character, esp his DID which is in increadibly poor taste. No, it's because Lugnut is fat and 'ugly', the fandom has no interest in him, same way they have so little interest in Bulkhead compared to other characters. He's just not hot enough to become the little sexyboy of the fandom. So he's tossed the side same way Bulkhead is. Not to mention characters like Arcee also have a ton of mystery surrounding them but they're women so...
"However, despite Blitzwing making more appearances than her, there’s still so little we know about him in comparison with Blackarachnia, who basically has her entire backstory revealed to us in her first spotlight episode. Even the information we do get regarding his past raises more questions than it answers, and that information’s Schrödinger’s canon at best. Fans are naturally drawn towards mysteries, so of course they’re going to be more interested in making content exploring and trying to solve those mysteries rather than just restricting themselves to stuff they already know.
I feel like the writing team showed their cards too early with Blackarachnia and left people with much less of a mystery to play around with other than “is techno-organicness reversible” and “will she cure herself or accept herself for who she is”. I think that maybe if they had had her make more appearances and held off on revealing her backstory until much later, while maybe dropping subtle hints of her knowing Optimus and Sentinel from somewhere and having once been an Autobot, people would feel like they had much more to work with."
Gonna be honest these paragraphs really piss me off LMAO, BA's mystery goes so much deeper than the two questions provided here such as the fact when trying to cure herself it's almost always potrayed as painful and life THREATENING! The mystery and tension of her character isn't' will she cure herself and can she?' its whether or not she will KILL HERSELF trying to cure her disability. Will she leave the cons? Will she grow to become a better person or keep spiralling down into evil? Fans are drawn to mystery sure but only when that mystery involves a sexy man, when it involved a woman character whose biggest mystery is whether or not her self loathing will kill her, its uninteresting and not worth their time, if they even bother to awknowledge it instead of just making her a scary villain/abuser for their male faves to be sad.
I also have to ask on this point too, fans tend to HEAVILY ignore any canon Blitzwing has either way, nobody awknowledges the bigotry towards organics/techno organics he displays, nor the levels of cruelty so why does canon even really matter in this discussion when as far as fanon is concerned it doesnt? It's excuses. It only matters now bc now people wanna justify the reason BA is a mean evil woman and Blitzwing is a sad puppy boy with so many complexities in fanon without facing the actual reason that is.
And while we're talking about things Blitzwing has that BA doesn't let's talk about all the things BA has that Blitzwing doesn't.
She's not a horrible potrayal of DID
She has complexities to her character beyond being an evil minon for the sake of being evil whose also 'the Crazy one'
She has narrative importance
She got told she should fucking die by one of her friends bc he hated her scarring so much.
She is shown to at least somewhat care for others when she spares Prowl and Bee despite not having gotten her part of the deal.
She has likely faced that sort of bigotry all the time and had to flee her home bc of it.
She has so much mystery behind how she joined the cons, why she joined the cons when they seem to show the same disgust to her as the autobots.
She's an interesting character.
I could go on but I'm not going to. F- on this point.
Now the last point which to me is the most BS
(Also, from what I’ve seen, most Blitzwing fans are well aware of the ableist portrayal of his character but are usually neurodivergent themselves and thus have reclaimed him in a sense, alongside portraying him in a much more accurate manner to real-life DID and OSDD in fan works while still acknowledging that he’s an alien robot whose processor is much different from a human brain and thus would logically not be a complete one-to-one regarding analogous disabilities and mental disorders.)
this is just not fucking true, 99% of content of Blitzwing I have seen either has people declaring him good rep [I have seen this several times] or is just talking about how sexy he is, its very very rare the horrible potrayal of his disability is awknowledged. Hell Blitzbee has such a deathgrip on the fandom and one of the nicknames Bee constantly uses in that content is BLITZBRAIN, literally making fun of his disability more. Not to mention how much of it is purposely making the scary disabled character scary on purpose. I'm not saying you cant enjoy or consume that content but you seriously have to be dumb to think the fandom is aware of or cares about this issue.
Also on the 'making him more accurate' I've never seen fanon do this truly and honestly. Where is the childhood truama? The awknowledgement that DID doesn't work the way Blitzwing shows it? I almost never see any fan content that wasn't just copying what TFA potrayed with him. Where are you finding this?
And lastly you can't just say youve 'Reclaimed' something and suddenly its okay, Hasbro knows how much this fandom loves TFA Blitzwing, you guys spend money on him you praise him you dont talk about how bad rep he is. If Hasbro rereleased TFA Blitzwing right now so many fans would flock to get him not even thinking about the fact THAT ENCOURAGES HASBRO TO THINK THAT THIS POTRAYAL OF THE MENTALLY ILL IS OKAY. This is just an excuse to consume content of Blitzwing uncritically to produce content of him uncritically! What about all the times DID swag polls esp ones involving good rep for them INCLUDED BLITZWING?? Did the runners of those who might not even know what TFA is say it was okay to send in a character who is clearly a mean spirited potrayal of them?? You can't just say Blitzwing is reclaimed and therefore its okay, you guys haven't even properly awknowledged all the things wrong with his character being a horrible potrayal of DID enough to get the sense to not fucking submit him into polls abt it. Let alone to produce half decent content of him.
Anyways thats it, I dont mean any of this aggression directly towards you anon, writing and posting a bad opinion on the internet does not justify harassment or hatred, but I dont feel a need to pull my punches when the fandom has been justifying this for so long, therefore. I didn't. I said what I thought of this message and if others agree then maybe I have a point.
Either way this is a discussion long Long overdue so Im putting this in the tags bc I think this fandom seriously needs a wake up call.
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siffrins-therapist · 7 months
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
(Different anon)
Blocking people will stop you from seeing their original posts, but not stuff they added to reblogs.
It's really annoying, I wish it would just make them poof! disappear.
But adding their name to filtered content does seem to make them go away forever.
(there's this awful woman named vaspider who like, delights in bullying minors and refers to herself as a 'fandom mama' and for some reason people i follow seem to find her amusing and filtering her username made her additions to posts go away)
yeah thats the problem I run into sometimes so genuinely good to know, time to add to my filtering lol love this site love the way this cake is cut
ugh I hate those types. knew a lot of em back when I ran in different fandom circles as a youngster, theyre always. the most unbearable people. havent run into one in a while thank god but thats because I do not interact with larger fandom spaces beyond what the people I follow put on my dash and also ao3
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totalswag · 3 months
fourth july — RAFE CAMERON
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authors note hope everyones being safe today and having a good time. this is kinda short but hope you lovies like it. summer time in the obx sounds looks so much fun. i don't think i've written about dad!rafe yet or maybe i have but either way, rafe is such a girl dad.
summary spending the summer day with friends and family by the pool, barbecuing, and lighting fireworks at night.
warnings swearing, happy moments, kissing, loud fireworks.
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Friends and family were surrounded in your backyard, in the pool, on the patio, with children running around and cooking. It's a lovely summer day in Kildare, where friends and family are gathering.
Today is the Fourth of July. Rafe and you agreed a few weeks ago that you would like to have everyone come to your house by eating, swimming, eating, and then watching fireworks at night.
You were at the shallow end of the pool with your seven-month-old daughter, Layla, her small hands clutching yours as she stamped against the water, making everyone around giggle.
Layla's tiny hands gripped your fingers tightly, her chubby legs kicking up water in all directions. The sheer joy on her face was a delight to see.
"She's a natural," Sarah said from her lounge chair, sipping a refreshing lemonade. "Already a little mermaid."
You smiled, her heart flooding with affection for her tiny girl. "She sure is," you said, adjusting Layla's sunhat to block the harsh sunlight.
Layla was surprised to see kids swimming and bouncing in the water. She drew her body towards the kids as you lifted her up beneath her armpits, drawing her towards them.
You're so cute
I wanna hold her
Layla do you like to water?
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Rafe stood nearby, engaged in conversation with Topper and Kelce. Layla had grown tired of the water and was now perched on Rafe's hip, her tiny fingers entwined with his gold chain. She babbled happily, occasionally tugging on the chain, making the guys laugh.
You were near all the snacks with your girlfriends chatting it up too.
The three were talking about typical guy stuff.
"She's got a good grip there," Kelce remarked, grinning.
"Yeah, you sure she won't rip it off?" Topper added.
"She knows what she likes," Rafe stated proudly, kissing Layla on the forehead. The sight of Rafe seamlessly mixing fatherhood with his typical friendship was wonderful.
Layla has always had this fascination with Rafe's chain the moment she was able to grab onto things. The main thing is the chain; Rafe has talked about getting her one with her name on it when she turns one in a few months.
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As the day progressed into the evening, everybody went from the pool to the front yard. Lawn chairs and blankets were put out in preparation for the fireworks display.
The kids were able to set up s'mores on the side while they sat on the blanket on the grass watching neighbors light their fireworks.
Layla is wrapped in a comfortable blanket and nestled in your arms. She looked at you with her beautiful blue eyes, babbling in baby talk; you responded back even though you dont like what she's saying.
Rafe approached Layla with a pair of baby headphones and carefully placed them over her ears. "We don't want her to be scared of the noise," he murmured quietly, his eyes finding yours with a loving expression.
Layla grins softly at Rafe, hiding her face in your chest when he playfully tickles under her chin.
The first firework launched into the sky, resulting in a shower of bright sparks. The audience cheered, their faces illuminated by the glow. Layla's eyes widened with surprise, yet she remained calm and secure in your grip.
Sarah had her phone out, taking pictures and videos. She caught Layla at the perfect moment, focused on the fireworks and occasionally making perplexed facial expressions in response to particular fireworks.
"Please send that to me as soon as you can," you laugh, pointing at Sarah. "Do not worry, I will send you everything," she says with a smile on her face.
A few minutes later, Rafe approaches you, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder, and kissing your cheek.
"I love you girls so much."
"And we love you so much, Handsome."
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@winterrrnight @chenslucy @rosezza @solanathascientst @diqldrunks @runningfrom2am
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anime-grimmy-art · 9 months
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People always be preaching bout snowleopard or avian Alhaitham, but WHERE is my BULL representation. Kaveh literally calls him bullheaded in so many fanfics Ive read, yet I barely see Alhaitham represent his darshan’s animal. But like, him being an aggressive herbivore that can literally bodycheck you so hard your bones shatter is such a fun concept ngl.
Even though I think giving human characters in genshin animal traits wouldn’t change much about them (I mean, Tighnari also only has like, better senses), I do have some funny headcanons about BullHaitham and LionKaveh.
I think while, as theyre mostly human, they dont often act on instinct, there’s still some things that makes em kick in. 
I hc that Alhaitham and Kaveh’s first meeting was mostly the same, with Kaveh approaching Alhaitham, but instead of just chatting, Kaveh approached him from behind and Alhaitham’s damn tail just looks like the most enticing cat toy and Kaveh couldn’t help but pounce. He got it way more under control now, but it still sometimes happens.
Same with using Alhaitham’s horns as his cat tree. Those damn pointers just scratch the itch perfectly.
Sucks for Alhaitham even more, cos he hates when his horns are jostled, cos they’re one of the bigger sources for his headaches. He does use them sometimes to prod other ppl (mostly kaveh) when he gets impatient.
Despite Alhaitham being really calm, when he’s really relaxed or tired (ie in the morning) his ears and tail often wiggle or flick ever so often. (which, again, sucks for him cos it just makes Kaveh swat at his tail.)
Also, I did call Alhaitham a herbivore, but since he’s more human than animal, he does eat meat too. He finds it amusing how ppl always reacted so shocked when he does so.
I also find the thought funny of them using phrases that are kinda animal specific to them. Like Alhaitham saying “Kaveh, you’re waving the flag” when Kaveh’s pushing things to far, cos, ya know, bull fighting. or like Alhaitham calling Kaveh a housecat to tease him.
Thinking about bullfighting, I’d think he needs his headphones not only cos of his sensitive ears, but because they help him generally block out and ignore stuff, cos if he sees sth flap about too much, it gets him agitated rly fast. (ie, Kaveh’s pacing and flowy clothes bouncing about in his periphery is torture for him)
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sturnsmadl · 18 days
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enemy!chris headcannons!
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warnings!-mostly just angst and chris being a huge dick, swearing, mentions of self harm, slight bodyshaming, bullying, mentions of nudes, kissing, male masturbation, mentions of sex, light fluff, player chris.
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enemy!chris who hates all your boyfriends and ex's.
"wheres the ugly guy your always with lately?"
"we broke up.."
"thank god. he bored the shit out of me."
enemy!chris who makes you feel like shit for fun.
"im gonna go get lunch if you wanna-"
"of course you are. always eating."
enemy!chris who still denys he likes you.
"your in love with her. we all see it."
"no im not.."
"the denial is crazy."
enemy!chris who doesn't let you go on dates.
enemy!chris who constantly makes sneaky comments.
enemy!chris who is always looking at your body.
enemy!chris who never lets you get your own way.
"can we go target instead?"
"oh yeah! i love-"
"actually walmarts good."
"can you just fucking decide?!"
enemy!chris who makes excuses like crazy.
"i was drunk." "i dont know. i was tired." "phone got hacked."
enemy!chris who you regret hooking up with.
"wasnt saying all this when you were under me."
"shutup. i regret that everyday."
enemy!chris who goes through your phone while your asleep.
enemy!chris who is always harsh with you.
"im gonna go to the gym when i-"
"thats a shocker."
enemy!chris who blocks all the boys off your phone.
enemy!chris who always asks for you to send.
"you tryna send something?"
enemy!chris who doesn't let you get a word in.
"oh nick did i tell you about-"
"god no one fucking cares..shut the fuck up for once."
enemy!chris who hooks up with girls all the time so you know your just a number.
"u said i was.."
"different? yeah. i say that a lot huh?"
enemy!chris who breaks your lock when he finds out you hurt yourself.
"fuck..where are you?!"
enemy!chris who keeps an eye on you at parties.
enemy!chris who shows you up when your in a group.
"i got this new shirt and its like-"
"suprised you could afford it."
enemy!chris who feels slightly bad when he finds you crying because of his words.
"are you...okay..?"
"do i look okay?!"
enemy!chris who stares at you when you scream at him.
enemy!chris who kisses you to shut you up.
"chris your really starting to-"
kisses you
enemy!chris who hugs you to his chest when you cry.
"shh..your okay.."
"its not i-"
"your getting makeup on my white shirt."
"oh fuck off chris."
enemy!chris who gets caught jerking off to your pictures.
"chris have you seen-"
"what?! get out!!"
enemy!chris who finally admits everything.
"sorry..i was just too scared to admit my own feelings.."
"oh..i mean..nick said-"
"doesnt matter. im sorry."
enemy!chris who actually feels guilty.
"but..you said all that stuff so quick like you didnt even think.."
"i know..i didnt mean it. i was just a dick."
enemy!chris who loves make-up sex.
"yeah? fuck your tight..you feel that?"
"yeah! fuck chris.."
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a/n this is a lot but its kinda my favourite one lol. i like angst so thats probably why :) needed to put some warnings which i probably should from now on for all tbh. im very aware that chris would never act like this!!! mafia matt might be out tommorow depends how im feeling tbh.
taglist! @bellaonthelow @hrtsdollie @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersgf @ellizzyy @fratbrochrisgf @phoenix062 @pixxiies @conspiracy-ash @blahbel668 @monroesturnns @gwennybenny @sturnobsessedwh0re @xoxo4chriss @pixie-sticks-are-good @wurlibydominicfike @anitahunt @ilusa @mattstrombolii @stvrlighht @asherrisrandom @amelia-sturniolo3
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leclercdream · 11 months
tell me who i am pt.3
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
when in austin everything comes crashing down on reader because people on the internet are mean af
author's note: not much going on in this chapter bc of picture limit haha, will probably upload part 4 after the gp so i have more social media content!
tw: slut shaming
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
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liked by danielricciardo, lilymhe, charles_leclerc and 182,325 others
yourusername: im damned if i do give a damn what people say
tagged: danielricciardo, alexandrasaintmleux, landonorris, friend1, friend2, friend3
view all 55 comments
danielricciardo: there’s just no reason for you to be this fine
danielricciardo: wow
danielricciardo: marry me
↳ yourusername: brb crying
landonorris: ew
↳ yourusername: shut up this is your fault
lilymhe: you are glowing!!
↳ alexandrasaintmleux: oh trust me, she is being well taken care of, thats why
↳ friend1: yeah we can all hear it
↳ yourusername: jealous bitches
comments in this post have been limited
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, kellypiquet and 439,234 others
danielricciardo: As many of you know, this is my girlfriend y/n. We have been dating for 3 years now and she is not only my girlfriend but also my best friend, biggest supporter and the love of my life. For some unknown reason many of you have taken upon yourselves to leave hateful comments on her social media, even taken it as far as saying stuff to her face at the GPs she attended. Do not slut shame women for being proud of their bodies and feel comfortable with it. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to look. yourusername happens to be one of the people I know, that being one of the main reasons I fell in love with her. She is passionate, selfless, funny, caring, beautiful. So please, if you consider yourself a fan of mine and have ever treated her like less than any of that, you are not welcome here.
Any hate comments, threats or anything slightly disrepectful will be deleted and blocked. If you treat the people I love like that, you are not my fan.
Thank you for the tattoo baby!
tagged: yourusername
view all 24 comments
landonorris: imagine having a girlfriend that gets a tattoo because of you
↳ yourusername: you will never know ha
↳ landonorris: haha so funny!!
landonorris: jokes aside, hate comments are NOT welcome on my profile either. y/n is my best friend and i love her (dont let this get to your head PLEASE) so i wont tolerate any hate towards her.
liked by danielricciardo and yourusername
maxverstappen1: 🧡
alexandrasaintmleux: love you guys!
charles_leclerc: You guys are amazing, see you in a few days!
yourusername: i love you sososo much 🍯🦡 you are the love of my life!!!
yourusername: how did i get SO lucky
yourusername: thank you so much for this
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 637,231 others
landonorris: Nothing better than a few days with friends.
tagged: danielricciardo, alexandrasaintmleux, yourusername, maxfewtrell, friend1, friend2, friend3
view all 1,425 comments
yourusername: low quality lando.jpg
↳ landonorris: its because i have a low quality model
↳ yourusername: yourself?
↳ landonorris: shut up
maxfewtrell: bob stop drinking you have media day tomorrow
↳ danielricciardo: time for a break i guess
user1: kinda love this friend group
user2: 8 pretty best friends
user3: the switch all of you had after daniels post lol
↳ user4: i mean it was about time they left the poor girl alone
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taglist: @urmotheris @minkyungseokie @dhhdhsiavdhaj @dl-yum @1655clean @skepvids @forevercaffeinated-lee @laneyspaulding19 @dark-night-sky-99 @bibissparkless @crlsummer
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sexxyasia · 7 months
polaroid [luke castellan x !fem! reader]
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ABOUT: after the camp perv; luke goes through your things to find a pair of your panties he finds a scandalous polaroid you took of yourself and takes it back to his bunk, when you find out he's been jerking off to your picture and panties, but when you notice your shit was gone you confront him. but, you ended give him what he wants most.
tysm anon for sending this beautiful request 😋 (send anons, get weird w it too, idc ill write abt it!!!)
WARNINGS : told in 3rd person, pet names (reader & luke), cursing, p in v, use of y/n, kinda soft sex, luke is kinda soft dom if u read between the lines... squirting (i kinda have a kink so...), protected sex FINALLY 🥳, luke jerking off to a picture of you and to ur panties :3, luke deadass stealing ur shit, luke is being a little shit towards ur siblings so, thats that... luke being nosy and sniffing ur underwear (what a freak amirite!) and the reader can be any race (no shit) but i intended for her to be black bc i am but idc...
MDNI :P (wait until ur 17+ stink stink... if u think thats dumb, i MIGHT have to click that block button)
PEEP THE NEW BANNER (its still a gif, but im working on it... its a little bit better tho...)
luke ran as fast as he could to your cabin when he saw you going to the showers, shoving kids out the way and busting open the door to the athena cabin.
"oh hey luke!" one of your siblings said. "y/n's in the shower, take a message?"
"fuck no, move!" luke said in a sassy tone going straight for your underwear drawers
"what're you lookin' for luke?" one of your siblings ask
luke looks your younger brother up and down before scoffing.
"something you dont need to see? now move!" luke says while shooing your siblings off.
"well the only thing you're gonna find in there is underwear, trust me. i was looking through her things to find her diary to read to my friends, and i found girly underwear instead..!" your younger brother jokes.
luke sideyes him until he moves out of his sight. whipping his head back and forth to see if anyone saw him, luke shoved a light blue thong into his front pocket.
while he continued looking through the drawer, he was left disappointed. until he found an upside down polaroid in the back of the drawer.
he flips the photo before gasping in pure shock.
a picture of you, nude... your perky tits, your big soft ass, your curvy hips all on display in the one photo.
he continued digging through your property before finding another polaroid. this one you sat with your freshly shaven fat cunt taking up almost all of the space on the little piece of film.
luke shoves the pictures into the pocket with your panties and closes the drawer, "couldn't find it, thanks for distracting me you fuckin’ shit face." luke stupidly responded to your younger brother before running back to the hermes cabin.
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when you came back from your shower you picked up your clothes and went straight for your underwear drawer to find something to put on. but you couldn't find your underwear, or your strategically placed polaroids that you purposefully hid under your bras in the back corner.
"was anyone snooping in my stuff, i can't find anything..." you asked your brother.
"i dont know, im not the police of your underwear or something!" he whined.
he left the room to go to the weekly campfire. the only place luke couldn't possibly be because he got his privilege taken after he was caught jerking off in the showers.
when all of a sudden you got to thinking and realized who took your things, the most promiscuous boy at camp, also known as luke.
quickly you dressed and stormed out of your cabin going straight for the hermes cabin knowing luke would be there.
you didn't know what he'd be doing, but you had a good guess.
you still decided not to think about the consequences of going into the camp pervs cabin unannounced during his "alone time"
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you opened the front door to the hermes cabin to see your panties clutched in his hand with the polaroid resting on his thigh, his eyes hazy and low but still fixated on the photo. his big hand quickly stroked up and down on his thick cock.
"oh my god, you really are a perv!" you yelled out.
his gaze shifted to you. eyes instantly locking with yours, yet he didn't stop
"hey baby, thought you'd be at the campfire by now..."
he stood up, still stroking and walked over to you.
"we're not together and you know that, and stop jerking off to me and on me! you're so weird." you whined
"or what" he whispered, his hand traveling from his dick to your shoulder. "i know you like seeing me like this, naked, sweaty, and horny for the most sexy, delicious girl at camp."
you sighed, trying to ignore the sea of lubricant your cunt was making in your shorts.
"i dont even like you, perv..." you said brushing him off of you.
he shook his head and pointed down.
"what about that... you may not like me but she sure does. you" luke says pointing to the crotch of your shorts.
your juices leaked through the light wash shorts you put on since you had on on underwear to catch it.
"you knew what you were doing coming here without underwear on. you wanted me to see you like this..."
he got behind you and rubbed his hand up and down your back.
"how do you know i didn't put underwear on..?" you asked.
luke chuckled "you dont get camel toe and soaking shorts from putting on an extra layer. i may not be the smartest, but im not stupid. hell even the most gullible idiot could tell you didn't put any on..." he snappily replied.
you placed your hand over your crotch and looked at him. "if we do this, you cant tell anyone... ok?" you said
"yes ma'am" he said with a shit eating grin on his face.
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slowly luke rolled a condom on, "i always keep these handy incase i get lucky." he said with a smirk.
his hands wander in between your thighs to your dripping cunt "you're already so wet, and loose for me baby. thats what i love to see" he praises while leaving hickeys all over and around your erect nipples.
"you wanna get on top mama..." he says while massaging your throbbing g-spot.
"yes." you said slowly trying not to moan too loud
luke sits up straight while you lower yourself onto his cock.
"more like this baby." he says with his hands on your hips guiding you to move a little smoother.
looking down into his big brown eyes, you ride on luke slowly while messing with the curls on his head.
low grunts and slight moans escape lukes mouth every once in a while.
"you feel so good sweetie" he praises
your eyes are shut tight and your mouth his completely sealed before you respond.
"you feel even better, you fill me so fucking good." you answer back.
"wanna do doggy or something?" he suggests, you nod in response. luke quickly flips you onto your stomach and into the new position.
his long girthy cock feels even better from this angle, filling you completely making you almost scream his name out after every stroke.
luke speeds up as well as rubbing your clit and whispering nasty phrases in your ear everytime you throw your head back as a pleasure response.
speeding up, luke curses to himself about how good and wet you are.
confidence fills luke to the brim, he pulls your hair forcing you to look up at him. "look at me while i fuck you.. good girl, keep fucking looking at me like that"
luke lets go of your hair and looks down between the two of you, he watches as his cock slides in and out of you so smoothly, how your perfect pussy leaves opaque white rings around the base of his girthy member.
to his suprise you quickly begin fucking him back, his movements stop completely as he lets you do the work of slamming your phat ass onto his cock, making him almost whimper in pleasure.
"just like that... oh- you're s'fucking good dont fucking stop." he says looking up at the ceiling trying not to cum too quick.
his hand speeds on your clit making you whimper and squirm until you mess up his sheets with your liquids.
your dripping pussy squirts out all the sexual frustrations you've been holding in since you got to camp last year.
"good girl, just like that, keep fucking me. you can do it baby. make me cum, make me cum, make me cum." he whined out while using your slightly overstimulated pussy to chase his high.
"im fucking cumming, dont stop..." luke whispered "holy shit..."
you felt the condom fill with his hot seed after his release.
"thank you so much baby." luke says
"i guess i should go, they're gonna be back soon." you said
luke nodded and took off the condom. you both dressed and went your separate ways.
"oh, i almost forgot." luke handed you your items. "no keep them." you responded. "i need a reason to come back tomorrow, dont i?" you whispered into his ear smoothly.
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hwaddist · 8 months
i gonna be so real and honest here and say that some of you do not know how to read:
QSMP2024 is still the same damn server with the same damn lore and they are STILL ON THE SAME DAMN ISLAND
Phil pointed out yesterday how they were 200k blocks away, today Luzu tried using the waystones but they were deactivated because the waystones in the og spawn and surrounding areas are still there, when Cucurucho was going around talking to the islanders he asked “how are you liking THIS PART of the island”
there wasnt no lore restart nor this is a new server, the lore is still there, but this is day TWO of this new era of fucking course theres no lore, bad even said that today on stream that “there could be lore at any point.” the eggs even have immunity!
yes! it was kinda shitty that Richas and Pomme went without Phil to rescue Cellbit and Baghera but maybe, just maybe, you guys should remember that this people have lives outside of the server and maybe phil couldn’t make it to the recording of the video!
Willy pointed out today that the reason he stopped logging in when he first joined the server was because everyone else was already way too OP with literal castles and armor so tough they would barely get scratched by mobs when he barely had diamond armor, so he got discouraged and didn’t logged on again. Now that everyone is back at being balanced he wants to log in again! Maybe even tell Vegetta to log in again!!
edit but also general minecraft knowledge: they probably traveled so far out to get new world generation because they jumped from 1.18 to 1.20 (from what i can see because the spawn wouldn’t generate stuff like deep dark don’t generate on already loaded chunks), so that is why they are 200k+ blocks out. also the create mod didnt got taken out, its just disabled at the moment because the admins probably dont want another tubchunk.
you guys SERIOUSLY need to stop doomposting and trust in the admins and in Quackity.
UPDATE: Baghera has talked about having planning issues and thats why they had to cancel the rescue mission with Phil!
and Fit said that his lore is STILL ONGOING
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tomsvouge · 7 months
Bad Idea Right?
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Pairings: Ex!Joe burrow x Ex!Reader Warnings:Alcohol use, situationship, mentions of sex Summary- What happens when y/n gets a text message from someone in her past that her friends are not fond of? Her friends tell her not to go but it can’t be a bad idea…. right?
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Who would have thought I would end the night with him, In his bed cuddled with him like we are together. Should I regret it? Probably. Do I regret it? Hell no! Have you seen this man he is literally a walking hercules and who am I to block an opportunity that I was given. Anyways, you may be asking, "y/n what the heck are you even talking about?". Well let's go back to earlier in the day where everything started.
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My friends and I were talking about throwing a party and I couldn't be more excited. I needed something to get my mind off of him. Me and Joe are kinda rocky when it comes to a relationship. We broke up about two months ago. Usually when two people break up they dont talk to each other, buttttt me and Joe have been sneaking around for the past two weeks. No one knows about this, not my friends, not his friends just sneaking around like two teenagers. 
As we all sit on my couch we start talking about party details, y’know the time, who to invite the food, all that good boring stuff when out of nowhere melody says this.
“Well since we're talking about personal invites I don't think you should invite Joe y/n”- Melody 
“Why would I invite Joe? We're done. Over” I said lying through my teeth knowing that we were still hooking up.
“I'm just saying you seem to be tense each time you see him. Like that one time we were watching tv and his Bose ad came on. You looked like you saw a ghost.” She says laughing.
“I was Just shocked at his dance moves, I thought I taught him better when we took that dance class.” and that was true we did take a dance class but let's just say, Joeys not dancing for a while.
“I wasn't the worst i've seen but also not the best”- Kaylee says while  writing something down.
OK! Can we stop talking about my ex, kinda getting weird. 
“Ok but just know Joe Burrow is not allowed through these doors.” Melody says in a serious tone.
“Got it Not allowed through the doors.” I say looking at her. 
“I'll just let him in the backyard” I say in my head.
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Getting ready for the party I put on my outfit and did my makeup. As I'm putting on my mascara I get a facetime. I look at the screen and immediately knew it was joe as his contact name is “LOSER NOT WORTH MENTIONING🩷” showed up. Reluctantly I picked up the phone.
“What?” I say in a aggravated tone 
“Well hello to you too” Joe says, rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone.
 “What are you doing?” he says, trying to change the vibe of the call.
Getting ready-i say in a sassy tone.
“For?”- Joe
“My party”-y/n
“And i didnt get an invite?” joe says with that cocky smile on his face 
“Didn't think you needed one considering we were not really together”- I say side eyeing him so hard you could feel it.
“Just because we're not together doesn't mean we cant be friends”- joe 
“If this is what you call just friends I would love to see what you do with people you hate.” i say laughing
“You know what i mean” - Joe
“Friends dont have sex nearly every night and talk to each other the way we do.”- y/n
“Well friends also don't hide things from each other” Joe says, placing the phone down so I could see him.
“I didn't invite you because you are not allowed to come, you are not exactly on my friend's good side right now.”- y/n
 My friend did not like Joeto much after the shit they had heard about him from endless phone calls to late night gossip sessions at the house. He didn't hurt me like cheat or anything. He is actually a nice guy but anyone who plays mind games and gaslights is a no no in my friend's book.
“Nothing new, I wasn't on their good side when we were together.”- Joe
“But since I can't come to you, how about you come to me?”- Joe 
“And why would I do that?” I genuinely asked because who was he to think I would leave my own party for him.
Because we can't get enough of each other no matter how hard we try we both know that we will all go back.
And Joe was right, no matter how hard I tried to move on, no one seemed to understand me like Joe does. He knows everything about me. He accepts me for who I am and vice versa. Still sad we didn't work out due to commitment and trust issues. I think when the time's right Joe and I will be perfect for eachother.
“Well I'll think about it.”- I say 
“Good, let me know when you decide.” - Joe
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I was having the time of my life. My friends made sure I didn't even think about joe. So much that I forgot to even remind him if I was coming or not. 
In the middle of taking group shots I feel a vibrate coming from my hip.
“Don't do it.”-Kaylee says, looking over my shoulder.
“Who said I was?”
“You didn't say that but the look on your face said otherwise.”
“Okay but would you pass up a chance to just go back to your ex for one night.” 
“One night more like two weeks but she didn't need to know that right now.”
“No I wouldn't, he cheated and I'll be damned if I go back to him just to disrespect myself again.”
“Well I won't if i will make you happy.”
Okay sooo im going to his house. You guys may say I have little respect for myself but all the respect leaves my body when I see that man. You get in a room alone with Joe Burrow and see how long you last without being all over him. Plus, can't be that bad of an idea right?
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With my luck the rain decided to pour harder and completely drench me. Rushing to my car I hopped in and started it. I quickly texted Joe back telling him I was on my way. Thankfully The drive from my house to joes is not that far at all. Getting out of the car rushing to get to the front door as the rain came down on me. When I kid you not to say this man is a QB he is not quick on his feet off the field. I literally took him forever to open the door. 
Walking in the house I'm immediately tackled into hugs and kisses . After a while pushing wavy from him I decided I needed to put my clothes somewhere because wet clothes just don't feel comfortable. 
Eventually me and Joe decided to chill on the couch and talk for a while. And lets just say after the talk and cuddles the door was locked to that bedroom and that's how we got to this morning 
I woke up to like a million texts from my friends asking me why I disappeared in the middle of the party and I just told them all that I didn't feel well and went up early to sleep. Looking over left I see Joe sleeping with his arms wrapped around me. Part of me felt bad for lying to my friends about going to sleep early but technically i did lie i said I was sleep I just didn't say where.
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hey guys! I'm gonna try to start putting out more fics . I chose to do this as a fun hobby and I just don't want it to feel and chore or job but if you want to request fics you are welcome to do so 🩷
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