#can be interpreted as platonic
dirk-menace · 1 year
their hells are close
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
way too many camp camp headcanons? why not
part two: preston (my favorite boy)
preston's parents died when he was a baby (car crash or something), so he has no memory of them and no real attachment. he likes hearing gram gram's stories of them, but to him, gram gram is all he really needs. he doesn't wish for what he never had.
speaking of gram gram, preston is a grandma's boy. he doesn't get embarrassed when she shows affection towards him and he returns it with the same intensity.
preston and his grandmother live in an apartment, so it's quite small. that doesn't stop preston from decorating the hell out of his room.
preston performs plays for his grandmother in the living room. she's very proud of him, even though she doesn't understand much of it.
preston's grandmother wrote poetry when she was younger, which preston found and inspired him to get into dramatics.
gram gram will sometimes get sad over the death of preston's parents. when she does, preston will try his best to make her feel better.
preston picked up on a few of his grandmother's skills, two of which being cooking/baking and knitting.
preston initially had very bad stage fright, but overcame it as the years went by and he performed more in his school's drama club.
preston has an entire bookshelf in his room dedicated to ideas and plays he's written, as well as the scripts for various famous plays he enjoys. he's fascinated with sequels and the expanding of stories already completed, which is why he makes so many. two of them being ones we already know, romeo and juliet II: love resurrected, and forrest gump 2: too much shrimp. a few others he's workshopped for now are heathers 2: college and hamilton: next generation.
preston has an alarm clock which blares meant to be yours.
preston has a complicated routine in the morning to make sure he looks his best. he probably takes the longest out of all the campers to get to the mess hall for breakfast.
preston takes great care when deciding which camper gets what role, and tries to match up roles with skill set.
after eggs benefits, preston tries his best to not get on nurf's bad side. still, he's a victim of nurf's bullying a lot more often than the other campers.
as a kid, preston was the type to make entire powerpoint presentations to convince his grandmother of something. it worked sometimes.
preston also definitely wanted a pet at some point, but his and gram gram's apartment doesn't allow pets.
gram gram still has drawings made by preston when he was like five or six hung up on the fridge. she hasn't dared take them down, and preston appreciates it.
gram gram has hearing aids, but forgot them during parent's day, as she also doesn't have a good memory. preston usually helps her remember things when she can't.
preston autism. preston autism. preston auti
preston can recite every single line in hamilton at this point, because he'd watch it daily when he was a bit younger.
preston has regular dreams of winning trophies for his plays and becoming successful. his nightmares usually consist of him failing or being publically shamed in some way.
preston is very affectionate. he has all five love languages for giving and receiving. he is not ashamed to show affection to people in public.
when preston sleeps over at nerris' house with harrison, he usually helps nerris' parents cook meals. they enjoy having him help around, and preston enjoys helping out.
preston tends to be the mediator when nerris and harrison banter, and usually stops the arguments before they get too heated.
preston was considered weird and annoying at school, but he never minded, and wasn't really bullied for it.
pansexual preston because 1 alliteration 2 he is not straight
preston's favorite color is purple, and after camp it's the color he usually wears (though after camp, yellow became one of the colors he started to like, and sometimes wears outfits similar to the one he did during camp). he also has green and white striped scarves that he wears, because you cannot tell me he wouldnt.
preston inherited poor eyesight from his gram gram, so they both wear contacts.
preston can speak a bit of french. he gave up after a few months of duolingo, but he knows the basics.
preston's gone to broadway during visits to his aunt who lives in new york. the first time he went, it was when he truly fell in love with the theatre.
one of preston's most prized posessions is an autograph from miguel cervantes, actor of hamilton.
when harrison and/or nerris sleep over at preston's place, gram gram always makes them cookies or brownies and makes them feel as welcome as possible. nerris and harrison adore her, especially harrison. the performance trio will sit in the living room and listen to gram gram talk about stories from when she was a little girl while they do their own thing.
preston has about six books he's working on writing at the same time, because he can't focus on just one. he's probably never going to finish most of them.
preston reads fanfiction. you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me he doesnt read fanfiction.
preston is allergic to bees. he freaks out in the most dramatic way possible when a bee is in a mile radius of him. (same, preston)
preston carries a mini notebook around with him so he can write down ideas when he gets them in public.
preston's pens are all those feather pens that look like quills but they are just normal pens.
preston talks and argues with himself a lot of the time. he also enjoys narrating what he's doing like he's on some sort of reality tv show.
preston had a youtube channel as a kid called 'XXGOODPLAYXX' where he recorded himself doing one-man plays. he deleted the channel and all of the videos when he was 12 and remembered they were out there.
trans ftm preston. supporitve gram gram.
preston gives random gifts to nerris and harrison whenever he feels like it. (can be platonic but intended to be romantic)
preston always goes all in when LARPing with nerris. its similar enough to acting, so he gets as in character as he can. his character is Preston the Brave, a bard who teamed up with Nerris the Cute and Harrison the Magical to save the day.
preston takes inspiration from events happening around him for his plays, though he often exaggerates them or lets his mind wander to the point where the actual event is nothing like the idea he's using.
preston planned an entire surprise birthday party for harrison, with the help of nerris and their parents, after learning harrison hadn't had a birthday party in a few years.
preston loves disney movies. he'll often watch them before going to bed. he always cries over Up.
preston would always lie to get out of doing PE, because he is the least athletic person in the world.
preston takes note of things people he care about say in passing and keep them in mind for gifts. nerris once mentioned that they enjoy baking, and for their birthday preston got her a baking book and some DND related cookie cutters.
prestons two favorite holidays are halloween and valentines day. he never dresses up as something scary for halloween, though.
as a kid, preston promised his grandmother that he'd become famous and rich and get her everything she'd ever want, and live with her forever in a big mansion. even now, preston still holds that promise in the back of his mind and hopes to live up to that promise
thats all for preston who btw is better than everyone else
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funkyposs · 1 month
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my redesign/take on sombra! (+bonus twi and discord)
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isjasz · 11 months
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[Day 113]
manifesting mumbo in the life series 2 days left manifesting this photo is real i took it its them teasing the life series manifesting
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damn i've seen the infamous "i love you" in gifs and such but i. was not prepared for the deep unbridled sincerity with which hugh laurie delivered that line
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cottagedreamy · 2 months
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Romance dawn trio my beloveds
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keylimesiren · 1 year
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crack idea no one asked for:
yona ends up being to zelda what sidon is to link, and zelda and link agonize together over their shared confusing feelings and wonder if all zora royalty are just Like This
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ghostbite0 · 5 months
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big fan of obanai and sanemi being two of the hardest people to talk to when obanai is five feet tall and sanemi never knows when to shut up
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ellaphnt · 5 months
“Don’t die. [because you gave me hope that you’ll all get out alive.]”
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etruski · 2 months
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Krem week day 4 —Family / Love
For every bloody battlefield, we'll gladly raise a cup.
No matter what tomorrow holds, our horns be pointing up!
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ks1971 · 2 months
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With you
I am the air we breathe, I am the tears in our eyes, I am the blood we spill, I am the cloth we weave,
I am a constellation of the brightest stars.
With you.
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sparkanonymous · 22 days
I just finished Dragons Rising... uhhh... Glacier reunion!
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Gi designs by _L1_B1_! Zane Cole
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New pfp too
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
way too many camp camp headcanons? why not
part three: nerris
cw for animal death briefly mentioned?
she/they nonbinary nerris!!
"so whos the man in the relationship" regardless as to what relationship, its nerris. nerris is always the man in the relationship
nerris is a heavy sleeper. they've slept through various storms and generally loud events and haven't woken up once because of it. she's able to sleep anywhere too, regardless of discomfort.
nerris is easily embarassed by any type of affection from literally anyone. someone could give them a hug and they'd sputter and not know how to react. because of this, her usual way of showing affection is through indirect compliments and headbutts/light punches. when tired, they're more open to showing affection.
for some reason, she rarely gets sick. her entire family could be sick with the flu, and she'd be perfectly fine. when they DO get sick, it's usually pretty bad.
nerris doesn't like showing physical pain. they're the character in the movie that gets stabbed and hides it for some reason. they have a 'i'll tough through it' mentality. this applies to everything, and often leads to more harm in the long run.
she disragards all warnings of "do not eat X with your braces". popcorn, gum, all of it she's eaten with braces.
nerris only likes vanilla ice cream. she is called basic by everyone because of this.
nerris has a black cat named salem. they have a little blue cape outfit for her, and calls salem their familiar.
nerris idolizes ered, mostly because they want to be cool. at school, she's often bullied for her interest in DND (and probably their glasses/braces, because kids are like that), and wants to learn to be cool.
nerris loves baking shows, and on christmas eve, they binge christmas baking shows with their mother. their favorite christmas tradition is making christmas cookies.
nerris and her dad are big on halloween and conventions, and both enjoy dressing up for them. nerris' dad has always been big into DND, and he calls nerris his "little sorceress".
nerris reads fantasy novels a lot. when they were younger, they were obsessed with the magic treehouse. now, they've moved onto harry potter, percy jackson, and narnia.
nerris is secretive about their feelings, good or bad, and tends to hide them from others. they get defensive when asked about their feelings. she hates feeling vulnerable, though as she gets older she allows herself to be more open.
nerris at first despised harrison, partially because of jealousy of his magic. but after a while, they started to respect one another. doesn't stop them from bickering like toddlers whenever they see each other.
nerris goes to preston for ideas for their campaigns.
after inviting harrison and preston to join their campaign, nerris bickered with harrison about how he couldn't be 'Harrison the Magical', because she was the most magical of the two. eventually, they relented and let harrison have the title.
internally, they feel bad about calling harrison a dwarf, but they'd sooner die than admit it.
nerris was really sad for the first few days after camp ended, so her parents decided to see if they could get in contact with her friends. preston and harrison, thankfully, lived nearby, and dolph and nikki weren't that far away.
nerris has trouble accepting compliments/gestures of affection. they self implode and bluescreen.
nerris' favorite color is blue, and outside of camp it's the color they mostly wear, mixed with purple.
when nerris does show direct gestures of affection, they're usually embarassed the entire time and insist that they still hate whoever they're being affectionate towards.
tsundere nerris? nah. nerris is the most dense motherfucker ever.
nerris collects board games and bottlecaps. they have a glass jug of bottlecaps on their bookshelf.
nerris loves the choose your own adventure series.
adhd bisexual nerris vs adhd bisexual harrison
nerris and harrison will often have duels in nerris' backyard with foam swords, and force preston to be the judge of who wins.
nerris, dolph, and nikki will go on adventures that sometimes last hours long and return home covered in dirt and leaves. nerris' mother is always concerned and worries if nikki and dolph are bad influences.
nikki, dolph, and nerris went on a camping trip together with their families. nikki's mother and nerris' mother did not like each other.
when taking walks, nerris will drop whatever she's doing if she sees someone walking their dog. they always ask to pet it no matter what, and instantly their mood is lightened by dog.
nerris had a dog when she was younger, a golden retriver named aslan (after the lion from narnia, he was named by nerris' dad before nerris had read narnia). the dog died when nerris was 11, which was when they decided to get into narnia.
that is it for her!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ghostbredtt · 2 months
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btw!! thanks for 400 subs :D that's actually a crazy amount?? and. woah. love y'all 🫶
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xulips · 1 year
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clearly, they have the same opinion on being "casual"
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mossiistars · 4 months
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a man of his time
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