#can be interpreted as a different thing though
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justladders · 3 days ago
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The only reason I like something without reblogging it is because I wanted to save it to look at it later. And if I ever reblog without any kind of comment or tag it's because I forgot.
There’s a friend of mine where, after our DnD sessions, they’ll individually ask people’s opinions on how they role-played their character. Now, they’re really good, and we tell them that all the time, but when they ask, no matter if you say it was good or bad, they ask why you think that (and if you’re alright with sharing why). They don’t argue that you misunderstood something about their performance, they just listen, and prompt further if you leave something vague. The only type of comments they’ll make about your opinion is that you phrased something about your answer really well, like in a way that tickled their brain.
When one of the other members of the group asked why they wanted to know the details, they basically responded, “Well, you need an outside opinion when you do creative stuff. And not just ‘it’s good or bad’ because you can’t do anything with that. People are normally quick to point out when they dislike something, but won’t bother to comment when it’s something they like, so if you all like what I did, I want to know why. Maybe I did something that I thought would be interpreted a certain way, but it ended up coming off differently. Even if that different way was still good, I want to know why it was good, why it didn’t come off how I thought, and I’ll never know if no one says anything.”
They’re very good at DnD. They understand the game balance really well, are even making their own adjustments and QoL to the game for their own campaign, and always make and play characters that everyone ends up loving. And we tell them that they do a good job with stuff they make.
Though, in their words, “Things can always be better, and it can only be better if someone’s willing to say something.”
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cybrasigilism · 2 days ago
No Return, No Reason (Squid Game + Yellowjackets AU)
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contains: NICHE AU POST | yellowjackets x squid game world swap | these are my interpretations of these characters, please be respectful even if my opinions on the characters differ from yours
A/N: IVE HAD THIS AU IN MY HEAD FOR SO LONG NOW ITS PAINFUL. i really love both yellowjackets and squid game, so this is a passion project if nothing else. this post serves as an introduction the characters in this AU :P
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⚜ THE TEAM ⚜
➻ cho hyun-ju (#5). the team’s defensive midfielder. her tactical skills are as strong as her footwork, allowing her team to rely on her during a cut-throat game. her collected, yet tenacious, nature has led the team to many victories— including the finals.
➻ choi “thanos” su-bong (#7). one of the team’s two wingers. his hot-headed attitude carries onto the field well, letting him become an absolute menace to the opposing team. on his own, he’s strong, but when he’s paired up with nam-gyu, the team’s second winger? yeah, they’re lethal.
➻ kang dae-ho (#1). the goalie. dae-ho takes his job of defending their team’s net extremely seriously, you’d have to enlist a military to drag him off the field before he gave the opposing team an easy opening to score. he isn’t just the goalie though, dae-ho may very well be this teams biggest cheerleader, on and off the field.
➻ nam-gyu (#10). another one of the team’s two wingers. he’s at his most aggressive when paired up with thanos. when his buddy’s been benched for messing with the opposing team and he’s on his own, nam-gyu isn’t much of a threat at all. he talks a big game, and may seem scary when he’s got thanos around, but his low self-esteem and lack of self confidence puts him at odds on the field when he has to fend for himself.
➻ kim jun-hee (#2). the centerback. don’t let her standoffish demeanour fool you, jun-hee is silent, but deadly. opposing teams should always watch their backs when she’s on the field, because just when they think they’re about to score a goal— BAM, jun-hee swoops in with a surprising defence for someone of her stature. small but mighty, silent but deadly; that’s player #2 in a nutshell.
➻ se-mi (#6). the central midfielder. arguably, the most interesting part of each play lies in se-mi’s hands, seeing as her position takes control of the centre of the game. her team leans on her for the win, but she almost never gets the credit that hyun-ju does. that doesn’t bother se-mi though, her one goal is to play like a team and win.
➻ lee myung-gi (#4). the team’s attacking midfielder. the yin to hyun-ju’s yang on the field. for someone with such an important position in the game, the other defenders will often have to jump in and save any potential goals he might miss. myung-gi often gets flack from his more hot-headed teammates for “screwing them over”, but he thinks they should cut him some more slack— after all, it’s a high pressure situation!
➻ gyeong-su (#9). the teams striker. while he may not be the fastest, and his footwork may be lacklustre at worst— gyeong-su does one thing right and that is scoring. he’s usually the one to cover myung-gi’s ass at the most nail-biting parts of the play, but unlike most, gyeong-su never gives him a hard time for it.
➻ kim young-mi + park min-su. these sweethearts mean well, but due to their poor performance in the games as initial players, they often serve as substituting benchwarmers. while nam-gyu and thanos might mock them for this, don’t think for a second that will dull their team spirit. even while on the bench, the loudest cheers can be heard from these two backing dae-ho with their “rah-rah” behaviour.
COACHES (etc.)
➻ seong gi-hun + hwang in-ho. these two co-coach the team, and they do it with a “good cop/bad cop” dynamic. gi-hun is more skilled with pre and post game pep-talks, lifting spirits after a particularly rough match and boosting morale overall. in-ho rules over the team with more of an iron fist however. he’s extra hard on his players, and claims that if it weren’t for him, they wouldn’t have even touched finals qualifications. gi-hun could argue that in-ho is a bit too hard on the players, but the success rate of the team is more in in-ho’s favour.
➻ park jung-bae. assistant coach. the team all show clear favouritism to jung-bae for his carefree and easygoing nature. think of him like the fun uncle to the parental dynamic that the two head coaches bring. need snacks after practice, or someone to craft fun signs to rally the team? jung-bae is your guy. his positivity is contagious, and was a necessity during the finals-qualifying game.
➻ seon-nyeo. equipment manager. while she may simply be in charge of supplying the equipment, seon-nyeo firmly believes her “involvement” in the team is just as significant as the coaches. she prays for the team before every game, and while the skeptics may side-eye her for this, with how many wins the team has under their belt— how can her involvement be anything but significant?
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INDULGING ME! this’ll not be the last you see of this AU, i don’t care if it “doesn’t make sense”, IT MAKES SENSE TO ME AND ILL MAKE IT EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS!
as always, any constructive criticism/advice on how to improve my writing is appreciated and requested! have a fantastic day/night lovelies 💋
tags: @gongyoosgf @kouzih @strangelife122 @agornotsworld @kvstjwonnie @room-722 @marymustdie @pink-apples001 @fiicalapsiholoaga @wonestro @luvlyfandoms @putrescentpoet
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1007xf · 2 days ago
Ever since EP3 first came out and I found out that the hallucinations during the Translation Core fight change depending on your team and that each member has a corresponding one, I've been, well, very normal about this fact. I've been ruminating over theories in my brain ever since then and now with EP4 behind me I think it's about time I laid down my thoughts about each one in written form for whoever has the patience to humor me.
DISCLAIMER this entire post could be me overthinking some cool designs. But overthinking is like my thing so. Can't help it☆☆
Now, I'm going in with the assumption that each hallucination represents some sort of deep seated fear within each character. Maybe not necessarily their biggest fear ever, but definitely something that eats away at them from the inside. So, let's begin with looking at each of them in alphabetical order!
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Starting off strong here with I Have No Idea. Seriously. For all of these, I have some pretty robust interpretations, but Akizet's the only one that fully stumps me.
I can make out some elements, the receptors on it seem to be tir, but they hardly match any character we know of. The shape kind of fits Miltza, but her receptors have 5 "fingers", not 4, and Kazki doesn't fit at all either. So either this is someone from her past we haven't met yet (Rouzesche? Unlikely), not any specific person at all, or I'm missing something.
Obviously something that sets this hallucination apart is the pink "strings" coming out of it. This is the only one that has them. Looks like parasites to me, probably secri since we know what zuzucri infection looks in quite great detail and it's not like this. This is not particularly surprising, we know Akizet dealt with things like this as a surface runner, though I suppose this could hint to how her larval death went. Also to be noted, this hallucination lacks the hole in the chest multiple other hallucinations which depict someone "infected" have. This leads me to believe this is a larval obesk, as opposed to a qou, who can't even get infected by secri.
Last thing I'd like to add is that this thing kind of looks like... a weird amalgamation of multiple obesk. The 3 legs all look like they were taken from different bodies, and also it kind of looks like it had a second head that got decapitated? So like I said when I was talking about the mystery tir receptors, maybe this isn't a specific individual, but a mixed representation of a parasitic infection? Like the multiple victims, all having fallen prey to the same hivemind, now are fused and melted together into one monster. But I'm actually really unsure about this. I promise I'm more confident with the other ones, this one is just really confusing to me for some reason!
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Okay, this one is quite interesting. I'll first get out of the way what I think this is not.
This guy clearly has jut receptors. But I don't belive it's Cavik or Tozik, since it doesn't look like either of them beyond anything extremely superficial.
As for I do think it is... this is Vekoa. Appearance wise, I'd say she fits.
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The receptors are the same, the one eye, and the cape (?) thing behing the hallucination isn't too far from Vekoa's clothing. Also, this hallucination is a qou, since it has a hole in the chest, denoting the destroyed mindcore and hijacked body.
Though beyond just looks I do believe it also makes sense from a character standpoint. Everyone at this point would be scared of Vekoa, since all clues lead to her spearheading the collapse, however Bozko seems to dread her the most out of anybody. He multiple times mentions how he thinks she's to blame for the entire tragedy. He zeroes in on eliminating Vekoa being the solution to everything, to the point he starts sounding somewhat sinister, definitely concerning. Obviously the situation was much more complicated, however Bozko is unstable and needs to anchor himself to anything in order to stay present, and burdened by his past as he is, that anchor seems to be protecting the team and culling the infection. To him, Vekoa is the root of it, and technically he isn't wrong, but his way of thinking and processing the situation is very dangerous. He has tunnel vision on the idea that he is alone, alone with the monster, with the predator, with Vekoa, that it's him and him only that needs to bear the responsibility of taking her on, because he fucked that up in his life, so now he needs to set the record straight in his death.
Overall, what at first seems like a twisted representation of Vekoa slowly becomes a representation of Bozko's self destructive, self punishing spiral.
(I could talk about this guy for so long but it's so hard because his story touches on some real personal stuff for me. He just like me frfr but honestly it's not even funny anymore why are the pixels on the screen stealing words from my mouth)
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Do I. Do I need to say anything. Seriously.
I think the fact that this is so obvious fits Cavik. He's always been so open about himself and his ideas, to the point it can become... problematic.
Seeing how important Akizet is to him like this is quite sad. Losing her could very well be his greatest fear, especially losing her in such a violent, terrible (haha get it. Because terrible life. Parasites?) manner.
What I would like to point out is that while Cavik's hallucination is clearly Akizet, Cavik is nowhere near close to being Akizet's hallucination. Just something to think about. Their dynamic is healthy and will definitely not degrade in time because of Events that have transpired.
IK Golem
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(Or well, Karik, since Itzil is asleep at this point) (right) (they're asleep right) (I'm not misremembering this no? 0_0)
Well, this is Gakvu! Funny thing, girl is featured in a whopping 3 hallucinations. Congratulations?? I think???
Now, I will not give this one too much thought. It's just a Gakvu turned into a husk. The "real" hallucination of Karik appears only after the Pale Halls are unlocked.
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Hey girl.
This is Telyu! The fact that the hallucination changes is so cool. Yeah, but I don't have much to say here either. Karik is scared of losing a close friend. Painfully normal fear for a painfully normal kiv. What is interesting is that Telyu retains Gakvu's melted leg. I don't think that means anything, but I thought I'd mention it.
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Huh. Looks like she couldn't be bothered to even come up with a hallucination for herself. I'm joking.
Now, here, this is less based on actual clues and more just me interpreting something. I think this creature represents the Conflict as a whole. Gakvu always thinks of the bigger picture, so her fear being this Conflict itself fits. And, even visually, I'd say it fits. It's a ambiguous mass, with many eyes, many claws, a great thing that only works because so many minds are dedicated to senseless fighting, stuck in their ways of thinking, a ball that in it's own stubbornness throws itself down the hill, only to inevitably get hurt, only for inevitably tragedy to strike. This stubbornness to stay in your old ways, this closed off way of thinking, is what Gakvu resents, is what she ultimately fears, because she knows how destructive they can be. From the trauma of how she was raised (yes, trauma, she may act cool, but it clearly greatly affects her) in the structurist way, to the imminent threat of her execution (I do hope she doesn't die that way. She'll definitely die, I just hope she gets to do it on her own terms) she's always lived with the fear of a much greater entity out to get her.
An interesting thing, her hallucination and Bozko's kind of parallel eachother? Or are moreso foils? Bozko's is the immediate problem, Vekoa, the person propagating this infection, but Gakvu's is the Conflict itself, the bigger picture. It's cool to see how they view their situation in such different ways, both of their ways of thinking being both useful, but also potentially dangerous. I generally tend to think of Bozko and Gakvu as foils to eachother in one way or another, but that's another discussion entirely.
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Miltza. MiltzaMiltzaMiltza. Sigh.
Again, this is one of the very obvious ones. Though it's cool that you can cross reference this with another hallucination of Gakvu, the one IK has. It really shows how Miltza sees Gakvu, even if she tries to be reasonable, not as a qou, as an individual, but as a saboteur, as an instrument for mayhem and strife. Instead of the hole in the chest, the hand symbol is shown, a mark of Gakvu's alliance. Miltza literally doesn't see her heart.
Obviously I don't think Miltza is that vile. She clearly was... trying. And Gakvu herself seems to recognize as much, unfortunately by then it's too late and she's gone. But the hallucinations are the worst a mind can conceive, so I don't think she's really to blame for this.
Miltza you certainly were a character. Bon voyage girl you were kinda crazy for believing in allat <3
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Last but definitely, definitely not least.
This is. Okay. It's not okay.
Obviously the figure in the left is Bozko, the one on the right is Gakvu, the one in the middle could be Cavik, but it could also be Tozik himself. The receptors could literally be either of them. Yes, they have a curve, which would be Cavik, but the style in which the hallucinations are present seems to kinda hate the straight lines and angles of the Ekivik style sooo... it's a bit hard to tell? Either way, I think both interpretations carry similar enough meaning.
Tozik cares. A lot. He always did, Akizet was just terrible at reading him (to nobody's surprise). When his fear gets extracted out of him and made manifest, it's a corrupted, lost version of his closest friends. While he seems to keep everyone at an arm's length, his friendship with Bozko gets outright stated and it's clear he was closer to Gakvu too. (As for Cavik, if that is indeed him, I guess they shared a caste and had similar duties so maybe they worked together more?? I don't know. Their tie doesn't seem as personal as the other 2 so that's another reason I tend to lean into that being Tozik himself)
And now? Now, beyond everything else happening, he has to witness these 2 friends deteriorate more and more, Bozko's struggle being obvious, and the cracks starting to show in Gakvu's façade too. Ironically, he is the first to start physically deteriorating, and at a much faster pace, a little later on. Maybe because this hallucination doesn't have the chest hole, this isn't the fear of them becoming husks, but rather the fear of them succumbing to their own internal struggles and losing it?
Another interesting detail, this hallucination seems to have blood on its hands. This is the only one with such a detail. It obviously means something. I don't know what, but it must mean something.
Hi are you still with me. No. Ok :)
But really, if you somehow read this far I really appreciate you <3<3<3
I would like to add something. I'm not on the discord (too scared :( ) and I've never really participated in online discussions yet. I've never seen anybody else speak so in depth about this topic specifically yet, however obviously I could have missed something. So if I just stated a bunch of obvious shit everyone knew already I'm soooorryyy. I tried to give it my own flare okay☆☆☆
Overall I'm glad to finally get all this info off my chest and into the void of tumblr. I definitely have more to say about other things and maybe I will in the future!! I was thinking about writing some of my thoughts on each character respectively, maybe.
And once again thank you for reading and good night is 3 in the morning for me and I need to get up in 3 hours <3
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sovietyaoi · 1 minute ago
First of all when I wrote about creating fandom content I wasn’t talking about myself or shipping crowferi in any way but about things like fanfiction/fanart/headcanons/any other type of fandom content. I was reffering to you writting about how it annoys you when people mischaracterize character and ignore canon. Before posting something like that I feel like you should have considered that nobody’s perception and interpretation of characters is perfect (neither is yours) and facts from canon can be interpreted in different ways, so getting upset over something like that is counterproductive. And yes, people are going to ignore canon wile creating fandom content. That’s like the whole point of transformative works.
As for me mentioning the inspiration for Ferid and Crowley I suppose it was a little random, allow me to elaborate. The reason I didn’t earlier is because it will take a while and I’m not even sure you’re going to read this with understanding but here we go.
When I first came across people calling crowferi incest I found it very surprising, for a very simple reason. There are many pieces of vampire media where vampire and their creator are reffered to in familial terms, in OnS it’s sire/progeny, another popular one is maker/fledling, yet romantic/sexual relationships between them are never considered incest. I don’t think it’s hard to imagine a vampire turning their human lover and then what, are they supposed to be like “oh wait, we’re family now, sorry :/”. I mentioned the characters Ferid and Crowley are based on – Lestan and Louis from IWTV, because the familial/vampiric relations in that book are very complicated and show very well why claiming crowferi is incest doesn’t make sense. In short – Lestat (on whom Ferid is based) turns Louis (on whom Crowley is based), yet they don’t share a familial relationship and don’t refer to each other as family. What I say now might seem like I’m doing some mental gymnastics but bear with me – their relationship is not explicitly romantic, yet that’s how it’s usually interpreted. I have no idea why author chose to do this, maybe some American literature critic can explain it, but’s that’s how it is (also in the latest. version of the story their relationship is both romantic and sexual). Then Lestat turns Claudia and tells Louis that she’s their daughter, even though he only gave her his own blood (also he calls himself her mother at some point). Claudia ends up being closer to Louis and referring to him as her father and to Lestat as uncle, even thought technically he’s her sire. And also Lestat had at some point turned his own mother so by your logic she would be his child?
Another good example is Vassalord, which is basically Ferid and Crowley but it’s a bl. Rayflo turns Cherry into a vampire, he sometimes jokingly refers to him as his son, their relationship is again, romantic and sexual.
Also I think it’s good to point out that no vampire aside from Ferid refers to other vampire’s as his family. Ferid only does so joking, which you can see from the fact he either calls Crowley his son or his brother. The reason why he switches it up is because he’s not being serious.
Now answering to you writing that the relationship between Ferid and Crowley isn’t romantic, I think something you forget about is that just because somebody ships something doesn’t mean they believe it’s canon. I’ve never claimed their relationship is romantic, there are however scenes between them that can be interpreted as romantic, for example Crowley saying he doesn’t mind having his mind fried because he just wants to learn more about Ferid in the latest chapter, and I’d say their relationship is homoerotic.
Lastly I’ll never get over how people use that one scene where it’s literally said Ferid feels no desire for women as an argument as to why he’s straight. I understand your point, but it’s still ironic to me.
I’ll be honest – to me the kind of thinking “all characters are straight until proved queer” or “if a character expressed interest in opposite gender (or lack I guess?/j) they must be straight” is just homophobic. I have sad news for you – queer people do in fact exist and sometimes they are even showed in media. Unless officially confirmed character’s orientation is up for interpretation and Ferid has many qualities that can be interpreted as queer (androgynous appearance, him flirting with Crowley). Coming from somebody who has, I assume, more experience with queer media the scene you mentioned, when Ferid thinks he wishes he felt desire towards women can be interpreted in queer way (queer people wishing they were straight since it’s considered normal). That is especially true since vampirism is often used as allegory for being queer (like in IWTV). I personally don’t interpret it that way, but it’s still extremely funny when people use it as an argument that Ferid is straight while it can be understood like that.
kami's rage
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mellybabbles · 11 months ago
May I ask for the one and only Killer Sans?
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"We're gonna have a great time~"
So I totally decided "why not animate it rq" real quick was a lie, this took hours and it was totally fuckin worth it @swiftmitsu he's at your door bro, let him in (don't rip off the door on accident-)
Killer belongs to Rahafwabas Please do not repost my animations
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wyvernity · 7 months ago
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wip posting just to get something out there, and it's def a mixed bag!! the only thing more inconsistent than my posting schedule is my art style RIP
#wip#yapping below#1. sinnohtrio group pic where nothing bad has happened yet... dedicated sinnoh post coming soon#2. personalizing dawn and lyra's togekisses with different coloring and markings based on region. there's lyra's omelette :]#3. timeskip red and leaf except it's just pikachu#4. top left is all the assets i made for my cs final project! a little cherrim themed browser game#then there's sprites for my champion dawn; cool concept methinks but it's definitely a work in progress. peep the giratina hairclips#some vaugely lugia/ho-oh inspired protag ideas for a hgss sequel#anddd a bunch of background doodles. goldenrod flower shop and a very saturated mt. silver#in timeskip there shall be a proper town at mt. silver's base to officially bridge kanto and johto (and make lyra's work commute easier)#5-7 is me spitballing ideas abt pokemon biology#dratini & dragonair are forever sea snakes to me!!! though i do enjoy the amphibian interpretations#also i didn't know dragonite island was already a thing from pokeani... rip wyverse dragon master lore#i think crobat looks goofy no matter how you stylize it. silver and his big bumbling bat that insists on grooming its trainer. so unserious#there's a togekiss page too but then i remembered egg groups are a thing so i'm revising parts of it#i spent so long trying to come up with a reasonable wing-to-body ratio for togekiss and crobat. literally useless when dragonite can#apparently fly around the globe in 16 hours. are you Kidding me. dragons weren't even merging with jet planes until gen 3.#OK that is all. sorry for the lack of uploads wah#i'm like a ferret hoarding all my doodles until the quantity > quality lever switches in my brain to give the 👍 to post#i did made a spam blog but who knows if i'll actually post on there lol! probably for non-pkmn related stuff
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neunhofferart · 3 months ago
Howdy, Heidi! You said that some fans picked up things that were done on accident
 Were there more scenes like that? Also, were there scenes that you guys made on purpose but fans didn’t pick up / were aware of them? In shipping terms (hihi) and in general terms. Thanks!
I think in every type of media you will inevitably see versions of 'authorial' intent vs audience interpretation that overlap and differ from each other in many ways. (Authorial intent in quotes because in collaborative mediums like film and animation every single person on the pipeline who touches the work probably has a slightly different personal interpretation they're contributing to the final work, even under someone like a showrunner or a director).
Humans are smart and it's in our nature to look for connections and find explainations to questions, so most of the time if someone is putting something down, someone is going to pick it up, so to speak, and a lot of things ARE on purpose.
But this same phenomenon can also lead to us seeing connections in places that even the 'authors' might not have originally thought of while creating the work, and I think that can be pretty neat actually! I don't necessarily think reading alternate interpretations of works is wrong-- it can be very healthy to explore multiple reads of a narrative or a character/character dynamic. On Chaos Theory there were definitely times when we were like 'fans are probably gonna ship this even if it's not the text' haha. Sometimes fans latch onto headcanons you really have no control over. Sometimes things were animated slightly differently from how they were conceived (which is also a natural part of things).
But yes, sometimes I have seen a few other things that were interpreted in slightly different ways from how they were directed or written verbally, but I'm personally of the opinion that it's more fun to leave some things visual and open to a little interpretation rather than beating the words over the audience's head and having the characters constantly announcing 'I'm feeling this because of this!' And going 'this is the only way to interpret the show and the characters and if you don't you're wrong!'
It's usually not a huge deal. I think even as we were working sometimes I'd make connections to myself that weren't necessarily spelled out to us and go 'oh, this is a throughline for this character actually!'
Like for example- if I remember correctly, the original direction behind how Kenji reacted to Ben's apparent death was that it was supposed to the first time he'd ever seen someone he really KNEW seemingly die right front of him, and being unable to do anything about it deeply affected him. Ben is a very important turning point in his character development regardless of which way you read it.
And I think this is actually something that just continued to stack onto his character throughout both shows whenever any of his friends lives are seriously in danger. In Camp when he's still unable to do anything but comfort Sammy while she's poisoned, to deciding it's too dangerous not to trade Wu's laptop for Brooklynn, to eventually throwing himself between the spinosaurus his dad is about to kill Darius with and choosing his friends over his own father and being willing to die with/for them... and then in Chaos Theory it kind of reboots all over again with Brooklynn dying and then his dad dying right in front of him, and his complex of not wanting to be useless and trying to do whatever he can at the expense of even himself to keep the loved ones he has left safe is kicked into overdrive.
I think there are a lot of things like that where the intent is not always verbally spelled out, but the more important thing is that it's still (hopefully) making you feel something.
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hadesknockedupintheunderworld · 5 months ago
Between Sonic and Tails, who do you think would end up confessing their feelings first?
Good question. Definitely depends upon the iteration and context, but for the most part (at least in my head) getting either of them to confess (and in some cases even ruminate on their feelings and admit to themselves the nature of them) is hard
Like, for example, I personally think that game!Sonic (and post sgw Archie Sonic and IDW Sonic) kind of take Tails' presence for granted in a way. To them, it will always be the two of them (Sonic and Tails). The ideal future is that they keep on hanging out and still fight side by side sometimes and that even if Sonic goes it alone he can always come back from his adventures to chill with Tails or crash at his place. In other words, in Sonic's fantasies of the future, things like getting married or raising families or anything like that are just kind of tacked on as something that will just kind of be true at best and ignored at worst. If he even considers a future where things are a bit different because Tails is togetherℱ with someone, to him it's only natural that Tails would be in his life the same way and nothing would really change. And so to that end, even if Sonic DOES realize his own feelings, he probably wouldn't see any good reason to confess. It would make things more complicated, especially if Tails doesn't share those feelings, and he doesn't have to worry anyways because Tails will always prioritize the two of them and be at his side, right?
And then it's even worse for versions of Sonic more akin to, say, pre sgw Archie Sonic. This is because in addition to the already existing unwillingness to change things and the assumption that he doesn't ever have to worry about no longer being the center of Tails' world (or a major figure in it at least), there is some palpable internalized homophobia within that hedgehog with an added complexity. For Archie Sonic in particular, I think even if he realized that he wanted to even be with Tails forever in a strictly non brothers fashion, he would feel mixed feelings about that (perhaps that coming out about it would ruin things or make things weird, or that getting together with Tails at any point would deprive him of "normalcy", or that he'd pressured Tails into it, or even just weird or a bit creepy).
As for Tails, I actually think that most iterations of him have figured their feelings out by this point. In all honesty, there's only so long you can go on fixating on someone and admiring them, and structuring your life around them before you realize your "I want to be with them" isn't just about simply admiring them. It's just that Tails' main obstacle to me is the avoidance of ruining anything.
On one hand, there's Sonic's avoidance to being tied down. We've seen time and time again Sonic rejecting people who pursue him openly or looking uncomfortable with them. Archie Sonic in particular made it clear that this version of Sonic couldn't stand the idea of not being able to freely be himself or adventure. He couldn't stand the idea of having to tie himself down and taking on extra responsibilities and expectations simply because he's with someone. I can see Tails being afraid that by confessing, he could scare Sonic away. If he happened to confess and Sonic thought Tails meant to stifle him or Sonic felt uncomfortable by that open expression, wouldn't that risk their relationship? Even if Sonic wouldn't go so far as to drop him as a best friend (which he never would do that for the record), there's still real fear in making things weird or different between himself and Sonic.
And that feeds right into the other hand. On the other hand, Sonic probably doesn't see him that way, right? Though Sonic is special to him and Sonic also cares for him back, at best Sonic has never thought about it and never will, or he just wouldn't feel the same (in Tails' eyes). With Archie Tails in particular, even if Tails gets over his own interlized homophobia about it and recognizes his feelings for what they are, he probably feels that there's no way to be anything different than a brother to Sonic, and thus confessing would be a terrible move. If Tails confesses and Sonic doesn't feel the same, it also runs the risk of making things weird between them or (in Tails' eyes) ruining it.
All this to say that my general opinion is that as long as things stay exactly the way they are forever, even if they start spending even more time together, I find it hard to believe either of the two will opt into confessing on purpose
But, with that being said, a confession is not an impossibility. I don't think either of the two are immune to being put in a position where they finally confess (and no, with the state of things for them, simply saying "I love you" will not count as a confession). And if we barred situations where like. They're literally about to die or one can do anything they like without the other (or themselves) remembering the outcome, I actually can give you an answer
And honestly, if one of them had to confess eventually, I believe it would probably end up being Sonic.
Why? Well, out of the two, Tails actually sits back and thinks about his emotions more often than not. I think even before he figured out the exact nature of his feelings he knew he felt very strongly for Sonic. But, no matter which media you're touching upon, I feel as if Tails fits into that archetype of "person who has been in love with their best friend since literally forever, but knows their best friend will never feel the same". The longer Tails ruminates on these feelings, the stronger he feels them, the more he watches Sonic (especially as someone who cares about plenty of people other than him), the more time he spends with Sonic, the less incentivized he feels to actually confess. Especially if Sonic would never feel the same, the best Tails can hope for is that things stay the same between them and Sonic never replaces his role.
Or in short, Tails is so in his head about it at this point, it's very hard to convince him that confessing is ever a good idea or necessary.
But while Tails is more obviously attached to Sonic, Sonic is much less obviously attached to Tails and other people as a whole. With him being "free as the wind" and the kind of figure he is, he kind of benefits from having the persona of a guy who doesn't need his friends but (nevertheless) can be assisted by them. He probably seems cool for being so strong and independent while equally caring that people live. But this doesn't mean Sonic doesn't have attachments (far from it). Rather, for Sonic, his attachments to others seem to naturally grow. And the more time he spends with them, the more he grows used to their presence. And especially with someone like Tails, who has been around as his companion the longest, he doesn't sit around long enough to consider that Tails would ever leave his side. Once he grows used to that person, he doesn't have to recognize his attachment or even think about the nature of his own feelings because it is and always has been whatever it is. So, in other words, even if he becomes more and more reliant on the fact that Tails will always be around or that Tails will always assist him, he doesn't have to admit more than "This is what our best friendship is. This is what it's like"
All of this is to say that while my idea of present Tails would be trying to do anything in his power to stay with Sonic (as long as Sonic is willing of course), even if that means never confessing the exact nature of his feelings for the hedgehog, Sonic isn't already thinking about these things. This means that while Tails has very few pathways to confession, Sonic has plenty!...if you scare him well enough.
For example, Idw Sonic has been more clearly spending more time with Tails (even baseline just. Crashing at his place more often) after the metal virus arc. Couple this with post neo metal incident 2 electric boogaloo idw Sonic who just wants to have a break and live peacefully for a minute, this is a Sonic who has become scared enough to want to indulge in spending more time with Tails. I also think that post Sonic Prime Sonic is also a version of him who would start to spend more time with Tails than before after having already lost him and having to deal with the Tails shaped hole in his life once.
So, if you got a Sonic to the point where he'd fully accepted his feelings and he felt like confessing them would be necessary to secure the future he wants, then he'd confess. Honestly, the easiest way I'd see this going about would be a story where Tails is framed as leaving him to go do something or be somewhere else, away for Sonic, possibly indefinitely, or if Sonic actually has to spend enough time without Tails after initially telling himself his own feelings wouldn't matter so long as Tails is happy wherever he is. But, if it came down to confessing being something that might actually bring Sonic to his desired future (especially if Tails rejecting him is no different from prolonging the separation they already have if he says nothing), then I think he could work up the courage to do it.
And in the end...I think it has to be Sonic. Although I on occasion enjoy fantasizing about moments where Tails can't take it anymore and confesses, only for Sonic to realize his own feelings in the process, I think that Sonic would have to be the one who confesses his feelings/wishes for the future for Tails to even believe that his pipe dreams are a possibility. I think it's Sonic who would need to pull Tails out of his head, because the probability that Tails works up the courage to confess is more unlikely.
So...yeah. In my head, Sonic is driven to a point where he confesses and pulls Tails out of his head about it.
#sonic the hedgehog#tails the fox#miles tails prower#sontails#unbreakable bond#i just be ramblin#flashoneonetwo interview#long post#In all honesty#I think what's most likely for them (best case at least) is a kind of future where they're more domestic partners who also go on adventures#than anything#Or basically...things are kind of as they are now they've just been growing closer still?#And without intervention or conflict in the form of moving on or adding other people to the mix that may replace the other's standing in#their lives any way‚ I can honestly see them never truly confessing or recognizing their relationship for what it is#But then again perhaps if the stars aligned and they borderline had a married with kids relationship and Sonic started joking about them#being together only to realize the truthℱ then maybe a confession is in order?#Yeah.#On the bright side‚ even if they never confess‚ at least the two of them could be happy and also be happy and content being as they are as#best friends as long as they're by each other's sides and have each other's back forever#And with this as a possibility‚ even I would not be sad if there wasn't an outright confession#After all...who needs words when you're living your truest life without them?#Anywho#Thank you so much for the ask!#I must admit that I initially was gonna talk about different iterations of them and how a confession may go‚ but in the end I ended up#explaining my sort of collective sontails thoughts/the general interpretations I have of them#While it is my interpretation/opinion at the end of the day though it does touch my heart that you'd want to know😂😊#If you do end up having any other questions pertaining to these two and my opinions/readings or anything else‚ do always feel free to shoot#me another ask!!😊
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let-the-wind-sing · 7 months ago
love the dps fandom and all but some people genuinely did not understand what dead poets society was about and it scares me
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wojtekaneko · 2 months ago
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Yay! Tanabemas!!! Here's my gift for @desfraisespartout - some domestic scenes with the girls!! They're having fun, going places, and generally being together c: Wanted to draw them for a while now, and I'm happy how they turned out ^^ (close-ups under the cut)
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akuma-tenshi · 2 months ago
i love how my favourite dislyte characters are falken and chu yao bc they both make me absolutely descend into madness at every thought. if i'm thinking about dislyte i am either losing my mind over falken's hypervigilance being a shitty and unhealthy coping mechanism, OR i am thinking of every single unfriendly reminder i can give chu yao that he is mortal and can in fact die. pick your poison
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aphelea · 2 years ago
first time we see alvar he chugs a glass of wine in a sip, talks about his 3 girlfriends and proceeds to call known facts a hoax. truly what a guy
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cybrasigilism · 2 days ago
The Blood Hive (SquidJackets AU World Swap WILDERNESS POST)
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warnings: drug mentions | typical yellowjackets stuff | SQUID GAME X YELLOWJACKETS CROSSOVER | this is my interpretation of these characters, please be respectful even if my opinions on the characters differ from your own
A/N: we’ll be back to scheduled programming shortly, but since we got the soccer team roles out of the way, it’s only appropriate that i discuss their roles in the wilderness now. i’m lowkey considering writing a detailed fic about this because i love love LOVE this AU of mine :P
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seon-nyeo: the profit.
her faith allowed her to be the first feel connected to the “wilderness”, and due to her psyche breaking in two from the trauma of the crash— she genuinely believes the wilderness is an entity. (consider her the lottie of this world, minus the schizophrenia) she has good intentions, but when she learns of a teammate who has access to hallucinogenic drugs, she finds a gateway for the others to “connect” with the wilderness too.
cho hyun-ju + kang dae-ho: the hunters.
the team knew that they would need the most reliable people to be the ones entrusted with supplying sustenance while they awaited their rescue, thus the responsibility fell on hyun-ju and dae-ho. the former excelled as the hunter, clear headshots every single time; the latter on the other hand, seemed to struggle with the concept of killing the animals. after the two collectively decided dae-ho wasn’t the right fit for a hunter’s position, he stepped down and hyun-ju went solo.
kim young-mi: the medic.
having learned the tricks of the trade from a first aid course provided by the university pre-crash, young-mi was the only choice for the position of designated medic in the eyes of the team. at first, she panicked at being the only one equipped with the skills to head such a daunting task, but with hyun-ju’s help, she became more confident in her work and aided the group’s injuries to the best of her ability post-crash. there’s just one problem though, jun-hee is pregnant— and the first aide course doesn’t teach you to deliver a baby.
seong gi-hun (former coach)
when the team first crash lands, they all look to gi-hun for guidance. however, unfortunately for gi-hun, bad things keep coincidentally happening under his advisory: the flight recorder being mysteriously smashed, rationing going haywire, disagreements turned physical etc. the group takes this as a sign that gi-hun is no longer fit to lead them, and he is essentially de-throned and forced to take a backseat to in-ho, who was always there to deescalate the bad situations that arose. gi-hun isn’t so convinced that in-ho is the miracle leader everyone else is making him out to be, but thanks to the circumstances before him, anyone could chalk that feeling up to jealousy.
hwang in-ho (acclaimed group leader)
after continuously swooping in to “clean up” gi-hun’s mistakes during his brief time as the head of the group, in-house is revered as the group’s new leader. situations lined up in his favour and he now has the control over the group that he didn’t pre-crash. unbeknownst to everybody else, in-ho is not the fantastic, fearless leader that he’s cracking himself up to be. appearances can be deceiving, and that holds true with coach hwang in-ho— now that’s he’s gained their trust, there’s nothing he cannot do.
choi “thanos” su-bong + nam-gyu
for the first bit of time post-crash, their biggest purpose was to stir the pot and make it everyone else’s problem that they didn’t want to be there. at worst, they were nuisances who got shut down by se-mi or hyun-ju when their limits had been pushed by the nonsensical tomfoolery these boys start up. things start to amp up when thanos becomes a person of interest to seon-nyeo, who believes that his hallucinogenic substances can act as a gateway for “wilderness connection”.
kim jun-hee
out of anyone on this team, jun-hee may have it the worst— she’s pregnant out in these woods. and as if to be a cherry on top of the big fuck you sundae, the father, myung-gi, is present. normally, that would be a good thing, but jun-hee isn’t exactly myung-gi’s biggest fan as of late. thanks to his loud mouth, she’s had a hard time at the university with people having misconstrued opinions of her, so she’s going to be on the defensive for her time here seeing as from her perspective, she only has herself and no one else to rely on.
lee myung-gi
myung-gi does not have luck on his side, apparently he never did to begin with. the one time he actually was lucky in any regard was in his relationship with jun-hee, and he still managed to screw that up. now, these two were stranded in the wilderness together, and while she isn’t interested in being around him to any degree— myung-gi sees this as an opportunity to patch things up. he wants to take ownership of jun-hee’s pregnancy alongside her, but with his track record you can’t blame jun-hee for being skeptical.
she may be the most understanding of all the players in the crash to everyone’s grievances. she rolls her eyes at the beseeching of thanos and nam-gyu, sure, but she is also the first person to extend a helping hand to jun-hee— despite her (jun-hee) beliefs that everyone looked down on her. se-mi also works alongside hyun-ju to help young-mi adjust to the medic position that was swiftly thrust upon her, and she actively sticks her neck out for min-su when thanos and nam-gyu ironically tease him for being scared.
gyeong-su is not built for the wilderness, to be sure. he knows this, so he stays close to thanos because he views him as being “stronger”, even with all that complaining in the beginning. he knows that he can’t help much with hunting or scavenging, but gyeong-su still tries his best to keep spirits high in hopes of rescue one day coming for them.
park min-su
at first, the team looked upon min-su as being the one least likely to survive should help take longer than expected to come, but he’s managed to make it far in the wilderness living. he proved himself as a talented tracker when the team got lost on their way back to the crash site from the lake, and he also helped the girls scavenge for berries during the warmer seasons. min-su proved to be more useful in a survival situation than on the literal playing field— which surprised everybody involved.
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IM SO HAPPY THAT THERES PEOPLE INTERESTED IN THIS AU, if you have any questions at all regarding this story let me know!
as usual, any constructive criticism/advice on how i can improve my writing is appreciated and requested! have a amazing day/night lovelies 💋
tags: @gongyoosgf @kouzih @strangelife122 @agornotsworld @kvstjwonnie @room-722 @marymustdie @pink-apples001 @fiicalapsiholoaga @wonestro @luvlyfandoms @putrescentpoet
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squorttle-pox · 3 months ago
idk if it means anything really, but i think it's interesting how after all their time together as a couple in a christianity-adjacent world, lucifer and lilith only had one (1) child, and it was only 200 years ago at that
#for a show based on a religion notorious for the expectation put on women to become mothers (especially at a young age)#(and in certain extreme cases the only real role of a woman being essentially that of a breeding tool/incubator)#it's a neat detail (though quite likely unintentional) that the Ultimate 1 Most Horrible Sinner Couple betrayed heaven's rules#then went on to have a long (happy? generally successful?) relationship without needing/rushing to have children#presumably satisfied with one another rather than feeling obligated to make themselves “useful”#I feel it really highlights exactly the sort of differences that came of lilith choosing lucifer over adam#like no wonder amirite.#freedom for lilith was as small and inherent a thing as bodily autonomy (👀); as getting to have a relationship where she can be loved for#who she is instead of what services she can provide#the show obviously mentions this a lot in other ways but to me a main example of this is the childlessness in their marriage#again idk if it means much but i haven't seen this talked about much i know this specifically is not talked about in the show either#but it's a pretty obvious deviation from what christianity teaches women and what lilith would have especially known to be her role at the#beginning of humanity where they needed to do a lot of ~populating~#even nowadays the expectation for women to become wifes and be subservient to their husbands & the role of sex being purely reproductive#all that time but only 1 kid & so late too just goes to show how absent those roles + rules + expectations were once lilith rejected adam#(and therefore heaven)#which. the detail itself can be interpreted in different ways as can the reaction to this particular interpretation. but personally i'm just#happy for her that she (perhaps/presumably/temporarily) got to experience a loving relationship based on mutual respect and equality etc.#so like good for her#this doesnt really have a point i just thought it was a cool detail#rant post#shitpost#kind of#hazbin hotel#lucilith#i am not trying to generalize christianity itself here btw#and when i say extreme cases i do mean *extreme* as i know it's not reflective of the religion as a whole or it's principles#but in the hellaverse specifically it does seem like those teachings and mentalities and heavily unequal gender roles *were* meant to exist#so the specific lack of their fulfillment with lucilith seems important
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doomedlemur · 11 months ago
Thoughts on the character motivations of secret relationships in AU fanfics...
I've been reading a lot of fanfiction, a lot of AU fanfiction, and something I've seen a few times now is Aziraphale wanting to keep his relationship with Crowley secret because it could potentially jeopardize his career if people knew. (Usually he's in the closet, but maybe there's something about Crowley specifically that makes it scandalous (or both).) This invariably leads to angst until Aziraphale decides to come out after all, and then they live out and proud together, happily ever after. Which, great! But—
I've just realized why this trope kind of bothers me: It isn't true to Aziraphale's character.
Because wanting to stay in heaven's good books isn't his primary motivation for keeping his friendship with Crowley a secret. I mean sure, obviously he doesn't want them to know, but his bigger worry has always been for Crowley and his safety. What if his side found out?
Look at him in the Globe scene, looking at Crowley with such fear: "If Hell finds out...they'll destroy you."
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That the secrecy is all just to keep his own public persona clean? No, it doesn't fit.
I have my quibbles with Shotgun Wedding, but this is something it got right, that the relationship is a danger to both their careers, and more to Crowley's than Aziraphale's.
Tangentially, another fic I was reading got me thinking about Crowley's role in this setup. Usually there's strife due to Crowley not being okay with being Aziraphale's dirty secret (which tbf is a legit understandable stance, and a great catalyst for Aziraphale's journey to self-acceptance), but in this one, while Aziraphale had the thing thinking that being with Crowley would ruin his career, Crowley's role was subverted. Instead of Crowley stepping away, Aziraphale pushed him away, assuming Crowley wouldn't want to be his secret, that it wouldn't be fair to him. Until eventually, Crowley snaps, calls him an idiot, and that he doesn't care if Aziraphale is in the closet or not! That he's okay with being Aziraphale's secret. (I hesitate to name the fic because this is a spoiler for the climactic revelations in it, but it is on my fanfic master rec list and if you like I'll tell you in DM.)
That blew my mind. It was so opposite to the other characterizations and yet felt so right for Crowley. He never cared that he had to see Aziraphale on the DL, so long as he got to see him, and he wouldn't dream of trying to make Aziraphale compromise his standing for his sake. "I'm not going to tell anybody. Are you?"
Anyway, all this to say that while I understand the plot setup and why it's used, looking past the surface level, it doesn't actually fit for either of these characters.
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skeletoninthemelonland · 2 years ago
Do you like all the Springtraps đŸ€š
Or Just springtrap :^
Ofc there are a few exceptions, but in general- Yes, I do like all the Springtraps!!! :O
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