#can anyone post the video on tumblr? i need it lol
hanzajesthanza · 3 months
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jhunals · 3 months
team dragonborn dashboard simulator
(in which the gang discuss the thalmor, rumarin tries something new, an alpha male ventures over to tumblr, and the ldb has a rough time)
[part 2]
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🗡️ dragonguard_kaidan Follow
I want everyone to know that @ thlmr.tal has a history of racist behavior, and you can see it clearly in his old posts. It's not a surprise that he still wears the robes of an organization known for gen*cide.
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
You scrolled past all the pictures of my cats on my blog to get to my old posts (from years ago, mind you), and you still left salty?
🌱 greenauri Follow
that in no way excuses what kaidan accused you of?
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
Ah. Well, I have a knack for brushing off my problematic elements.
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🌼 prince.cary Follow
just as a reminder, i am no longer affiliated with the thalmor. in fact, i actively speak out against them quite often.
🌼 prince.cary
update: my father found my blog and thereby my location due to the attention this post got. will be going offline for a while
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👹 rumarin Follow
about to try this new type of skooma since i don't see anyone else doing it
👹 rumarin
this skooma aint shit
👹 rumarin
who am i . what am ido ing here?
👹 rumarin
ithink i i h9 myslef
👹 rumarin
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👹 rumarin
th dragobnorn wasrigh .t i tinki shld see a teraphist
👹 rumarin
update: it went well 👍
🐉 ldb Follow
ru what the fuck
🥴 elffcker96 Follow
we love you king but you should get help
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😈 bluecatinigo Follow
Volume II, Part V
Inigo was meandering past a farm, when suddenly he was caught in a surprise rainstorm. He ran for cover on the farm's porch, and the door promptly opened behind him. Within stood a tall farmer of unspecified gender and race.
"Come in, friend! The rain can be dreadful, but I have made some soup to get the chill out," said the farmer.
Inigo was grateful for the hospitality, and he followed the farmer inside.
-------------------------------Keep Reading-------------------------------
📜 scholarlucien Follow
Enlightening update! I did not see the plot twist coming. Glad Inigo survived that dragon attack :)
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🌱 greenauri Follow
i'm tired of EVERYTHING. i want to leave this party right now.
🌱 greenauri
yes, inigo and lucien were eating sweetrolls in front of me again
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🐺 rangerbishop Follow
A woman in a tavern is a red flag. I saw three yesterday laughing together at the Sleeping Giant Inn and I immediately knew something was up. Avoid these wenches at all costs. All they want is your coin.
🪲 thecuntress Follow
yesss pop off king
👑 sapphicmonarch Follow
saw this guy getting his ass kicked by a MUDCRAB on my way to markarth. in case ur wondering i did not help him
🌩️ drowstorm Follow
this dude asked me out. he made me pay for both our drinks btw
🗡️ dragonguard_kaidan Follow
go to hell you you piece of hsit
🐊 lucifer.the.argonian Follow
you know this site is predominantly non-men right? idk what kind of audience you were expecting but you will not find it here
👊 mickeysdicksmasherthelorefriendlykhajiit Follow
this mf needs to SHUT UP
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🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
reblog if you would fuck the LDB
🐉 ldb Follow
taliesin why would you post this
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
I need to scout out my competition.
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urls (some are a little on the nose lol):
ldb = the last dragonborn
dragonguard_kaidan = kaidan
thlmr.tal = taliesin
greenauri = auri
prince.cary = caryalind thallery
rumarin = rumarin duh
bluecatinigo = inigo
scholarlucien = lucien
rangerbishop = bishop from skyrim romance mod
lucifer.the.argonian = lucifer (the argonian)
mickeysdicksmasherthelorefriendlykhajiit = based on foulserpent (on tumblr)'s dragonborn and their video series on bishop
all other urls = random npcs
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kirkscarr · 2 months
ok so i just finished my book cover for First, Best Destiny - Part 1 by the amazing @ophelia-j !!
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admittedly i was going to wait until i actually attached the text block to the cover before i posted this haha, but i was SO excited after making this cover that i decided to just post it and then update with the finished product later!!
this book is absolutely embedded in my soul, and words cannot even describe how gorgeously it’s written. it’s a book that made me realize - hey, the adventure doesn’t end as you grow old.
you can read it here. i promise you won’t regret it!!!
anyways!!! here’s all of my other bookbinding steps for anyone interested.
cam’s somewhat incomplete bookbinding guide
please note that i am an AMATEUR hobbyist. please do not actually use this as a tutorial.
oh also!! bookbinding terminology will have a * by it which will be explained at the end in order to make this flow better. i’ll also link the tutorials i used at the end of this for anyone interested.
1) Formatting the document! I downloaded the original text as a PDF, and then designed a cover page, grabbed some art from the internet (i know, frowned upon, but this is just a personal copy so it is what it is), and then designed a table of contents and chapter icons!!
*side note! i added which episodes each chapter follows to the table of contents (pictured below) as this book was written as an accompaniment to TOS and the movies.
2) Next, I printed out all NINE HUNDRED PAGES??? admittedly i could have done it in less if I’d used a bigger page size, but sending things out to be printed is expensive so we made do. after printing, i folded them into signatures*.
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*there’s an additional note about the paper i used at the end
3) punching out holes in all the signatures! although not technically necessary, I honestly don’t think i would’ve been able to sew this behemoth without doing it.
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4) sewing the pages into a real!! actual!! book!! this was the part i was most nervous about. i’ve NEVER attempted to sew anywhere near this large of a book before, so i tried out a new method of sewing in hopes of making it a bit more sturdy. we won’t know if it worked until this book endures some wear and tear, but i’m pretty optimistic!
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5) next up is glueing the spine! this is where it really hit me that a lot of bookbinding is just…glueing shit together. later i also added cardstock to the spine in hopes of helping it adhere to the cover better, and a book headband* for decoration.
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5) now we’re onto the book cover!! they only sell bookboard in minor bulk around here, so we’re not even gonna discuss how much bookboard i now own… anyways! i glued the faux leather onto the bookboard and then let that dry.
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6) last up! off to the cricket! a huge thank you to my friend for letting me borrow her cricket AND supplies! anywho, this is where i designed my cover art. i then adhered the design to the cover. after this step, i realized i…definitely need some kind of sealant - so, if any more seasoned bookbinders have suggestions for this i am all ears!!
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all in all, this was a super fun project, and a great way to kill some time while i recover from surgery! i absolutely plan to bind the sequel at some point, but that may be a…ways away. i’m a STEM major and school starts back up soon so…time will be in short supply lol!
To be continued...
*signature: group of sheets folded in half, to be worked into the binding as a unit.
*book headband: just look up a picture if you’re curious because tumblr says i can't add any more pictures lol.
*about the paper!! i actually got it from a local specialty paper store, but if you want something similar i've heard amazon has some good bookbinding alternatives!
please PLEASE go check out Jess Less on youtube. she's phenomenal. here are her vids and what i used them for.
don't laugh!! i actually stole MOST of my techniques straight from this video.
i used this one to help me format the book correctly! although i still ended up with some goofs haha (see: any pages on the left side have the page number in the margin LMAO).
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emi-soja · 2 months
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So I was scrolling through my tiktok fyp, as you do, and I came across this video. I got curious and so I swiped left to like get to the next image, and when I tell you my jaw DROPPED when I saw this dress. I don't remember the username of the person who made the video (I think it was '🍃' something but I'm not sure) so unfortunately I can't properly credit them so if you recognise the picture or part of the username please put the link in the comments or tags or something. But, the point of this post was that I needed to ask the artists of Tumblr to please please please (lol) draw Dick Grayson in this dress. The princess Grayson vibes are ASTRONOMICAL and I need to see it drawn or even just edited. Please and thank you for anyone who does. Send a link or repost with it or something so I can see it please.
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crimeronan · 10 months
kitkat's dirt-cheap writing and editing services!
hello all! i'm kitkat, i'm a professional writer and editor who's been professionally writing and editing for well over ten years. as far as tumblr audiences go, though, i'm better known for my work over at ao3 elliptical.
the vast majority of my prior clients have dropped me for AI, and i need to build my freelancing base up again. so i've created a fiverr profile.
however, in order to get work on fiverr, you need good reviews. and before you have good reviews, you need to offer your services cheaply enough for people to take a chance on you.
so! i have some dirt-cheap offerings at the moment (11/14/23):
writing 500 words for $5
writing 1,100 words for $10
writing 1,700 words for $15
editing 1,000 words for $5, $10, or $15 (depending on how in-depth you go)
transcribing audio/video (price starts at $5 and depends on length)
my MAIN ask if you take advantage of the offer is to give me a five-star rating and nice review. if just a couple people here buy my stuff, i can show fiverr that i actually am good at my job. and then they'll show my profile to more people, and i can work up to a living wage!
quick faqs:
can i buy fanfic from you?
i cannot legally write fanfic for money. however, if there's a certain AU, relationship, character, prompt, etc., that you want to see, you can tell me (there should be a free-write space to explain what you're looking for when you order). then i can write you something that's "like" that, just with original names.
can i pay for you to edit/beta my fanfic or original fiction?
ABSOLUTELY, yes. just keep in mind that only the $15 tier currently includes in-depth comments and constructive feedback. with the $5 and $10 tiers, i'll happily proofread and check your grammar, but i won't have a ton of actionable feedback to give!
what's the copyright situation on this stuff?
you have the full rights to anything you buy from me on fiverr, forever. more in-depth explanation here!
i can't buy anything right now but want to support you. how can i do that?
it is 100% okay if you don't have money to spend (or simply don't wanna buy my writing)! one helpful thing you can do is favorite my profile, if you have a fiverr account. you can also make a fiverr account pretty fast if you have a gmail, but it is completely reasonable not to want to do that.
you can also reblog this post if you want! i think most of my potential audience for this already follows me..... but if anyone wants to sing my praises in reblogs, i definitely won't say no, LOL
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thewillowtree3 · 10 months
Korrasami Secret Santa 2023!! ;DD!!
Hi, Korrasami fam!! We're back!! ;D!!
We're doing Korrasami Secret Santa for 2023!! (Sike, I did not copy this part from Korrasami Secret Secret 2022, but the rest I will LOOL). 6 years and kicking, babey, let's go ;DD!!
The rules are the same:
Korrasami creators will be able to gift one another with Secret Santa gifts. Whether it be fics, art, videos, animations…the fun’s all there! (It doesn’t have to be holiday-themed! It can be whatever you want :)
The Process:
This Secret Santa exchange will be done through drawnames.com, which is a Secret Santa Name Generator. You’ll need your email for this, and you can message me it directly on Tumblr (I’ll gather everyone’s names up, and put them into the generator when it’s time to draw names.)
The due date to sign up is 11:59 PM Nov 30, 2023 PDT (I’d like everyone to have ample time to do their Secret Santa gifts). :)
Most likely, you’ll need to make an account on drawnames.com (you don’t need to, but it’s recommended.  When you get to writing your Wish List on there, under ‘Hobbies and Interests’, make two different lists: One for ‘Fic Requests’, the other for ‘Art Requests’. If a writer draws your name, you’ll have a suggestion for what you want them to write. If an artist draws your name, they’ll have an idea of what to create! (Also, originally, this project only had fanfic and fanart- but if anyone can contribute any other talents, that’d be swell!)
Example: Fic Request- I want Korra and Asami cuddling at home with a fireplace!
Art Request: I want Korrasami going otter-penguin sledding!
The fic and art requests can be the same, or they can be different. Please limit it to one, or if you can’t choose, then two options. You can also note things that you don’t want (i.e. No smut or NSFW work!). You can be as specific as you wish.
Also, everyone else! We recognize that there may be people in the fandom who don’t create content, but still want to contribute! @lamftw​ came up with these great ideas four years ago, if you’d still like to participate in the Secret Santa. You can:
Create Korrasami memes! The more memes, the better :)
Share your favorite Korrasami headcanons! We’d love to hear them.
Share your favorite artwork/fanfic!
Share your favorite moment from LoK or share how much Korrasami means to you.
Create Korrasami memes, write a sweet holiday message/ note of appreciation :)
Also, we can all show some love to our favorite creators, to Bryke, Janet Varney, and Seychelle Gabriel (the voice of Korra and Asami, respectively). :)
When everyone has signed up, I’ll put all the names into the Secret Santa Name Generator. You should get an email, asking you to join the Secret Santa exchange. Just click ‘Join Group’, and you’re good! Once everyone has joined, the names will then be drawn, and you’ll get your chosen individual (you’ll get an email for this too). Please remember to check your email on Dec 1; we cannot draw names unless everyone has joined the Secret Santa group!
The reveal will be on Dec 19, 2023 (the 9th Korrasami Anniversary ;DD). Post your work on Tumblr, and tag the person you got, so they’ll know what lovely work they got! Also, please tag ‘Korrasami Secret Santa’ so we can save these posts for the future :).
Please note that if you sign up, you HAVE to commit to making something. This is open to all creators, of any skill level, but please please make something if you sign up. You don’t wanna leave anyone hanging!
Last note- remember to message me on Tumblr and give me your email. That’s the way to sign up! :)
Let's freaking go, y'all! LET'S MAKE THIS A GOOD ONE!! ;DDDD!!
Spread this to all your creator friends! LET'S GO FAM!! ;DD!!
Note- 11/27: Hey y’all, I’ve been shadowbanned recently LOL. Idk when Tumblr will unban me and give me my account back so ;__;. Because I’ve been shadowbanned, I cannot see any messages about the Korrasami Secret Santa :((. If I don’t get my account back before Nov 30th, I’ll just have to postpone the event and make a new date for it/prolong the posting date. I’ll keep y’all updated ;__;.
Note-11/28: Y’all, I just found out- Y’ALL CAN SEND IN ASKS!! I can still see them!! ;DDDD!! So if you still wanna join, please send me an ask with your email. I’ll still be prolonging the join/posting date if I don’t get my account back before Nov 30th, but this is a solution in the meantime!! :33
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lacefuneral · 10 months
ok i've seen some posts about the tumblr alternative cohost but none that were actually helpful so!
(disclaimer: i am very new to this website. users who have been there longer can and should chime in with additions and/or corrections)
Cohost Introduction Post
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What is cohost?
Cohost is a fledgling website that is essentially a tumblr clone, but with its own culture and site-specific features. It is also very much a work in progress. You are encouraged to talk in the cohost forum to suggest changes for devs, report bugs, and upvote other people's suggestions. This website WILL grow and change over time. And as such, I do not know if/when the information I share here will be outdated. Edit: To answer an ask I received, anyone can join cohost without an invite. It used to be invite-only. It is not this way anymore.
Is "adult content" allowed there?
Yes. Cohost is not on the app store, meaning that it is not subject to Apple's specifications. You can post illustrations, writing, and photographs (cohost does not support any video formats at this time, just gifs). Cohost has an elaborate filtering and trigger warning system (moreso than tumblr), and you can disable adult content for your entire account or for individual tags. I actually don't engage with the adult content at all on there. Visual CSEM (both real and fictional) is specifically forbidden (although frankly I think the guidelines could be stricter wrt written content. Still, does seem to handle this better than AO3 does, going as far to say that written content about real minors is forbidden.)
How are minors protected?
The minimum age to join cohost is 16, and requires proof of parental permission to join. Users who are under 18 are automatically age-gated and cannot view adult content.
If cohost isn't on the app store, how is it used?
You can, of course, use cohost on a computer, but it is designed with mobile in mind. Opening the website on any IOS browser, clicking "share", and then "add to home screen" will install an app for you to use. The same can be done on an android. There is a guide here.
How does cohost work?
First, you create an account. Then you wait for approximately two days (read: weekdays) for the account to be activated. This is done to prevent spam bots. In the meantime, edit your profile. List some interests, your pronouns, your other social media links. Give yourself an icon. Note: icon and banner file sizes are small. You may need to shrink and compress images.
After the two days are up, make your first post! Write a basic introduction (with what you feel comfortable you feel sharing) and list some interests you like, maybe some hobbies, media, etc. And then tag this post with "#welcome to cohost". This will let existing members know that someone new has joined, and they may initiate conversation and/or follow you.
Next, go to the search and type in "The Cohost Global Feed" and click on the tag. Bookmark this tag. This is essentially one giant community space where you can find random users. (There is currently some discourse on the website as to whether this tag existing is a "bad thing" or not because "cohost isn't supposed to have a global tag". Just ignore that lol). Next, go back to search and type in things you like. TV shows, maybe. Video games. Music. Anything. See if people have posted in the tags. Follow them. Comment on their stuff. Click "like" to bookmark the post if you want to.
Most crucially, make sure that you bookmark the actual tag so you can look in that tag again later without having to manually type it each and every time. Also, you get a feed called "bookmarked tags" which allows you to scroll through all of them at once, which replaces the "for you" feature other websites have.
You can "share" a post (called "rebug" in user slang) which serves the same purpose as a reblog on tumblr. In a rebug, you can add your own tags or comment in the body of the post. Cohost users do not talk in tags as much as tumblr users - they tend to prefer to speak in the body of a rebug, or in the comment section (replies). At this time, you cannot view all reblogs. But you can view all comments in the comment section. Any post that is rebugged will preserve the tags of the OP, with any additional tags added being attributed to you. Rebugs are named after the website mascot Eggbug, a purple bee-like insect.
Posts are called "chosts" - and shitposting is called "shitchosting." Two examples of global shitposting tags are "#css crimes" - which is when a person does goofy things with the HTML/CSS editor to make colorful text, fake chat windows, and such - and "#shitchosting" which is a general shitposting tag. I've also seen people use tags like "#random".
If a post makes you laugh, check out the OP's profile. See if they post frequently, and if you have any common interests. If you realize you want to block or mute someone instead, you can.
You can send asks just like on tumblr, but your inbox must be manually opened first. So remember to do that.
How do I look at my own blog?
This is one of my gripes about the UI. You would think, intuitively, you would click here (at the top of the screen). But you would be wrong!
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It is ACTUALLY under the sidebar menu, called "Profile." And I'm not the only one to to complain about this. (To get back to your dashboard, by the way, you click on the cohost logo.)
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Are there sideblogs?
Yes! Each sidepage (sideblog) has its OWN set of likes AND followed pages (blogs). This allows you to easily switch between multiple sets of dashboards. A lot of users use this to have a SFW dashboard and an adult content dashboard. But it works like tumblr, too. You can have a side page/dashboard for whatever you'd like. Maybe one of your pages is for programming. Maybe another is for photography. You switch between your pages by clicking the arrow next to your icon/username at the top of the screen. ("Ohhhhh.... THAT'S what that's for.")
What's the userbase on there like?
Mostly programmers. Trans people. Furry artists. Plural systems. Furry trans plural programmers. Certainly a lot of shitposters. The website is trans-run and, as such, has zero tolerance for TERFs. Everyone seems pretty friendly from what I can tell. And there's very much a culture of "follow someone randomly based on their vibes" that doesn't happen as much on tumblr. Tumblr is more like "I really like this TV show, I'm going to follow 40 blogs about just this interest." Because the cohost community is so much smaller, there is a lot less content overall, especially fandom content. You can't follow 40 fandom pages because your fandom tag has a total of 3 posts, all made by one person approximately a year ago (well. for me anyway).
Cohost, then, actually has much more in common with real-life socialization. You seek out people with interests that may be very different from your own, and to find a common interest is very exciting! Unlike tumblr, you are encouraged to tag as much as possible. This allows your posts to be seen, to find common interests. And, of course, don't forget to look in "#Welcome To Cohost" too! You may find some new friends there.
What file formats can I post in?
Currently, I am aware of basic image formats working (like jpeg, png) animated gifs, and mp3s. You currently cannot upload videos to cohost. I believe the reason is not related to server costs, but rather as a way to curb the uploading of copyrighted content.
How does cohost make money?
There are no ads, and yet, as far as I am aware, cohost is operating comfortably. There is, however, an entirely optional "cohost plus" that is $5 USD a month. Currently, there are a few perks, but not enough to convince me.
What if I think something about cohost should change?
Cohost has a forum where users can submit ideas for features and other users can discuss/upvote those ideas.
Here is a list of posts made for newcomers to read:
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lemotmo · 2 months
Q. What I'm truly confused by is why they want people to hate Ryan and Oliver so much. Like they aren't attacking Eddie and Buck nearly as much as they're attacking Ryan and Oliver. I'm so confused by that.
A. Everything we are seeing is because they know, in spite of everything they are saying, that Tommy's existence on this show relies entirely on his relationship with Buck. The minute that relationship runs it course story wise he is gone, and they know it. Because of that Eddie became their enemy. Oliver wants Buck with Eddie. A significant portion of their audience wants Buck with Eddie. In their minds they needed the audience to turn on Eddie to make the case for Tommy. But their campaign didn't accomplish anything so they shifted gears and decided to go after Ryan personally. Unfortunately for Ryan, and the rest of us, in the middle of their hate campaign towards Ryan, Lou said some things during his cameo videos, and his Twitter past came to light, and people's reaction to those two things caused his fans campaign against Ryan to become even uglier. What they are attempting to do to Ryan is disgusting. He was completely out of line when he said what he said a few years ago, but he owned it. He acknowledged that he needed to work on some things and better educate himself on things he really didn't seem to understand. And he did it. He went away and genuinely educated himself, and made changes in his life that allowed him to grow and better himself as a human being. Which is all we can ever ask of one another. I will never understand how he could have said it, but that's not the point. What I can see and understand is the work he has clearly put into growing and learning from his mistakes. They don't get to erase Ryan's personal growth because it hurts their already weak defense of Lou. And that's what they are trying to do. And they're trying to do it all in the name of a temporary plot device on a television show. And that's too immature and disgusting to be allowed to happen. So we aren't allowing it to happen. And that angers them.
Their entire problem with Oliver is that he doesn't appear to be friends with Lou, and he isn't promoting their preferred ship. He promotes and talks about his preferred ship, which is what Oliver has always done. Oliver isn't doing anything he hasn't always done. What he has with Ryan is what they're trying to demand he have with Lou. They are completely dependent on Buck, and Oliver is making it pretty clear they're fighting a losing battle. Somewhere along the way someone convinced them that even though there aren't that many of them if they are nasty enough, and loud enough they can bully Ryan, Oliver and Tim into submission. It was an absurd plan and is of course a complete failure, but they're going to be as horrible as possible on their way out. We're nearing their end though, and Oliver and Ryan completely ignoring them is causing them more anger than we ever could. Our boys will be just fine. 💗
Thank you Nonny! :) Again much appreciated!
I admit that my brain has been fried by that deleted Eddie and Christopher scene we just got. So you won't get anything interesting out of me at the moment. xD LOL!
I also don't have the same insight in fandom dynamics that Ali does, so I'm just going to let her do her thing and answer this question as only she can. :)
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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lilislegacy · 7 months
I hate when tumblr messes shit up, but Hey, it's me again.
Like in my original aks, I want to reiterate that I'm not trying to come for everybody. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. This is just my 2 cents on the whole demigods and menstruation thing
My original ask was kind of convoluted, so I'll just sum it up here.
I like the idea of what demigods being different but I don't like the idea of administration just being completely gone.
I am currently reading jealous of the god, and that is something that Percy directly says is how you get the worst of both worlds.
I love the idea of demigods being more powerful and more protective when they are pregnant or whether their partner is. But imagine not knowing you're a demigod and never getting your period, then thinking "oh I can never get pregnant!" and then get pregnant. That sounds terrifying.
I do like the idea of certain demigods from certain gods having a different sort of thing. Kind of like with Athena, I saw one post about annabeth getting a migraine and shit which is hilarious.
I just feel like having no menstrual cycle. It all seems a little too easy. It's very reminiscent of Alexandria's Genesis if you were around on Tumblr about 10 years ago to remember that. (If not then izzzyzzz has an amazing video on YouTube all about this fake disorder and hoax)
In my original ask I pointed out how It would be an interesting point of view especially for trans demigods.
I am a transperson. I have a lot of dysphoria around that sort of thing. I am currently in pain because of it. So I've been thinking about it a lot.
(Also, this is a completely different headcannon, but I definitely headcannon Leo as a trans man)
Thinking more about it would be interesting to see people lose control of their powers because of how in pain they are I know. I get very upset very quickly like imagine how terrible that would be. (Like Thalia accidentally zapping someone or something)
I'm also a sucker for those hurt/comfort fics surrounding periods and such. Idk why I just like comforting fics lol
I do like the idea that the hunters of Artemis once they become a hunter would not get a period because fuck that.
Also among other things, Artemis is the goddess of childbirth and I feel like she can do that for her hunters.
I did add a little bit more from my original ask because I've just been thinking about it more.
Again, not coming for anyone I really love that everyone has their own opinions and fantastic ideas. It just makes me so happy as an artist!
Thank you! (Sorry tumblr deleted the original one lol)
thank you for the ask! and thank you even more for sending it twice lol!!
now, onto my thoughts. i totally see where you’re coming from. because you are right, part of being a demigod is having to deal with the crappy parts of both worlds. and as much as i would love for female-born demigods to not have to deal with periods, i can totally see them still having one.
so maybe it just works differently? maybe their cycles are longer and they only have a few periods a year? or maybe they are just way lighter? idk. but i still feel like they would work differently than regular humans
i definitely see where you’re coming from on the account of trans-demigods having to deal with it. there would definitely be an added emotional struggle with it along with the physical, and there’s a lot to explore there!
i love the idea of the children of different gods having different symptoms. like you mentioned athena’s kids having more headaches and migraines lol. and maybe ares kids get huge angry mood swings, and maybe aphrodite’s kids get really lovesick and cry every 3 seconds over couples doing cute things lol.
100% with you on the hunters not having one. no boyfriends = no sex = no babies = no period needed. they ain’t got time for that! they’ve got hot girl shit to do. like shooting people with arrows.
i also like the thought of demigods’ powers being heightened when they’re on their period lol. that’s hilarious. imagine a child of demeter having cramps and craving chocolate, and a cocao tree just spurts out of the ground LOL.
thank you for being so nice and wonderful towards people having different headcanons! and whether someone thinks demigods menstruate or not, it sounds like we can all agree that it’s at least different for them than it is for humans.
thank you for your thoughts! they were all super interesting!
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tinybed · 7 months
i rly wanted to vent about this because its getting on my nerves -_- tumblr is where i vent bc there’s no character limit. Ok so i just find it rly annoying how nothing is ever good enough for anyone online. thats a generality ofc and it’s been like this forever but i cant take it anymore! someone posts a poem that they made from the heart and everyone jumps on them saying i hate it Booooo!!! this is a bad poem and you wrote it too simply so its obvious you’re just trying to go viral!!
or someone else makes a tweet that sounds kind of flowery and “Cringey” and everyone’s like “wow you’re so pretentious” and “You rly thought you said something” and then you read the person’s replies and they admit it was actually just a real thought they had and posted offhandedly… not a big deal.
a youtuber who’s been documenting her journey from homelessness to having an apartment while maintaining sobriety introduces their bf who they admit their sponsor knows about, and says they’ve taken it rly slow, and then all of the comments are freaking tf out, mothering her, telling her either what she “needs to do” instead or accusing her of “lying” and denouncing her completely…
an old guy makes a video about something where he has to read from the script he wrote and top comment is “next time put the teleprompter 6 inches up so it at least looks like you’re speaking to us!”
those are just some examples but its sooooo fucking tiring seeing ppls cynicism, criticism, bad faith takes, entitlement, dogpiling, etc.
of course this is something i could avoid by simply putting my phone down forever. but im not going to do that LOL im just noticing it almost seems like its getting worse. i just dont like it and i wish ppl would give other ppl more grace…. we’re lucky when ppl share with us. we are lucky that ppl take the time to make art and “content” thats meant to connect to us and it bothers me a lot how unwilling people are to ignore something we dont like personally. not every poem can appeal to you. not every post can appeal to you. sometimes an old man isnt thinking about looking a camera in the eye to make you feel like he’s talking directly to you? so yeah i guess thats what i wanted to say :-/ if this seems like im freaking out about nothing then thats fine idc
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god-of-fandoms · 5 months
a fic request by nonsense-at-2am on tumblr:
“(This is random lol but-) jay uses video games to cope with the events of skybound but it eventually just becomes unhealthy and eventually the other ninja help him get out of this"
Jay is fine. He promises.
Ok, so that might not exactly be the truth, but he can't (and won't) tell anyone otherwise. After all, he'd hate to be a burden. So what if he can't sleep because of nightmares? So what if the thought of what happened a month ago makes him feel sick to his stomach? It's better if he just keeps it to himself. At least he has training in order to take his mind off of it!
At least, until he gets barred from doing so thanks to an accident.
When a late night talk with Kai prompts him to use video games as a way to satiate his need for a win, Jay completely misunderstands the point and gets trapped into using them as an unhealthy coping mechanism - and what's worse, he refuses to admit he's not ok. Will he give in and accept a helping hand from his family? or will he continue to bottle up his issues until he buckles under the pressure?
I’m honestly so proud of myself. I’ve always meant to start sharing my writing, but up until I started posting on Tumblr I never gathered the courage to do so. This was an absolutely incredible experience - I loved every second of writing this lol.
Shout out to the incredible @lovely-love-angel, who beta read this for me (and provided me with emotional support during the writing process lol). You’re so awesome, thank you!
I really hope you guys enjoy this! and @nonsense-at-2am, I hope this is to your liking.
Feel free to ask me anything if you have questions! I’d love to hear your thoughts. You can tell me what you thought of this chapter either here on Tumblr or over on ao3 - can’t wait to find out what you have to say!
Have a lovely day!
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mecachrome · 8 months
for an incredibly new f1 follower, what would you recommend for getting up to date with teams and racers and performances and history? apart from dts lol
oh that is a good question!!! i don't think i'm even the best person to answer this but honestly i think it all comes naturally if you pick a specific thing/team/person you're interested in and set out to learn more about that topic, because everything is so connected and with time you can fill in those knowledge gaps pretty quickly :') more under the cut:
dts is imo perfectly acceptable for learning names and faces for the first time and basically creating a vague outline of a given subject (i've said it's like using duolingo for learning a new language lol), so if you watch it and are like oh—i'm interested in charles or mercedes or learning more about technical regulations or whatever, then you can just dive deeper into that via wiki / youtube / podcasts + published media + old race archives and build up from there!
otherwise i think the main thing is just to start watching the actual races when the season gets underway, and in order to properly appreciate them then also read up on + watch videos about the technical/strategy side of the sport as well. back in the day i used to really like chain bear and i still always recommend it to anyone who asks! after that i would just seek out like... a community/server/place where other people are discussing news real-time; this could be meeting people on tumblr and twitter, but personally i'm subscribed to r/formula1 because it's the most active composite source of f1 news and Discourse. if you're reddit-averse i also just keep a big list on twitter with a bunch of random data accounts, official driver/team accounts, journalists, etc. that helps me keep up with the season in a tidy fashion—though honestly f1 journalism is so unserious that you don't really need to do that because most journos regurgitate the same three quotes in slightly different formats, so if you want to follow One Guy who won't disseminate bs info i'd recommend chris medland. or just general sport publications like autosport, motosport.com, the athletic if you're already subscribed to it (pretty lacking for f1 though since it's american lol), etc... some sites like the-race are very contentious though so i'd say just tread with caution!!! on the data side i personally enjoy fdatanalysis and f1telemetrydata (i've also used f1-tempo to do my own telemetry analysis but idk if that's useful). but again i'd highly recommend the subreddit since it keeps everything i just mentioned in one place anyway 😭
other media recs:
f1tv, if it's available in your area, has pretty much everything you need to follow f1 in its entirety. i hate to shill for paid media but i genuinely think it's good; you can watch every f1, f2, f3 session real-time, as well as go to the archives and revisit old races for each series from most seasons. it also has technical shows and a whole host of minidocs with bite-sized info that are probably less sensationalized than dts. if you don't have f1tv though then a lot of decent content is cross-posted to the f1 youtube so honestly the official channels are all pretty good for keeping up with the sport.
podcasts: if you're an auditory person then podcasts are a great way to deepdive into f1 history. personally i believe that 80% of men running f1 podcasts should be legally barred from ever having an opinion on motorsport, so i don't listen to that many, but i do enjoy the official f1 podcast beyond the grid (i listen to it on spotify but you can also find full transcripts on the f1 site) since, you know, they get official personnel on and i appreciate the wide range of personalities interviewed—from drivers to tps to various types of engineers. i've also heard good things about shift+f1, the race, and engine braking, but i haven't checked them out so i'd recommend just looking podcasts up yourself and seeing what vibes with you! though some podcasts are just like... I'll eat this because you're interviewing my guy but i would never watch/listen to you otherwise. (cough pit stop...)
books & autobiographies: again if you want to dive more into old f1, then you can always read a book!! i read jenson's autobiography life to the limit earlier and was very endeared, it's a super breezy but charming read ❤️ adrian newey's memoir is also a decent overview of a clearly brilliant and accomplished mind, i enjoyed the technical details and found his early career path especially interesting.
docus, movies, tv: there's also plenty of f1 media outside of f1tv, so you can always check those out; f1 movies aren't necessarily that accurate or frankly good but sometimes it's fun just for the Vibes and the love of the sport. for ex rush (2013) covers james hunt & niki lauda's rivalry, netflix has a schumacher (2021) doc, the brawn gp miniseries ft. jense came out last november, just things like that... some current individual drivers also have their own random miniseries so you can always seek those out, for ex i watched maxv's anatomy of a champion the other day just for the fun of it LOL.
i don't know whether any of this is helpful... but maybe other people can reply with their own recommendations!!!
also if you're interested in f2, f3, etc. then honestly just follow feeder series on whatever platform since they cover everything pretty well; feeder_series on twitter, r/f1feederseries, plus they do interview podcasts on youtube/spotify so i like watching those to keep up with young drivers. you can also watch chasing the dream for succinct f2 narratives; it used to only be on f1tv but it gets uploaded on youtube now so it's fairly accessible. lmk if you have any other questions or something specific you'd like more info about!!!
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forestdeath1 · 5 months
I...just found....the perfect Sirius Black fancast
It might just be me, but I can't unsee it now
Sorry for the late answer, today was Snape's day :D Finally we can get back to Sirius, hallelujah!
Ok, he’s not my type, but he’s nice? I mean if you like him, that’s good!
You know why there's no perfect fancast for Sirius Black? Because everyone imagines their own idea of beauty for him! Half the world thinks Ben Barnes is handsome, but I'm not into him. So one "fancast" can never be perfect for everyone.
And secondly, what's important to me is that beauty for Sirius doesn't work without charisma and 100% self-confidence of the model/actor. So it's really tricky.
I don't know any perfect fancast for Sirius. I've found a few for fem!Sirius, but not for Sirius himself. I'm less picky about fem!Sirius because I generally find girls more beautiful, and I don't expect 100% charisma from fem!Sirius.
But I'm very picky about boys' appearance :( This guy here is quite good-looking. He has classic facial features (Sirius should have kinda classic ones):
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But he is quite shy. He lacks that confidence in his gaze and charisma to say "yes, that's Sirius." His eyes definitely aren't Sirius's. So we need to add charisma and confidence. 
For example, like Damiano David (I suppose USAmericans don’t know about Maneskin, it’s an Italian band), he has zero social anxiety as Sirius. There's confidence in his gaze. Ben Barnes has puppy-dog eyes, and sometimes I think he's gonna cry. But Damiano and Gary Oldman have that charisma (though I don't like Gary's appearance at all, even when he was young). In my opinion, Damiano doesn't fit Sirius either, he has a bit rough facial features (actually Damiano is my fancast for another character :D). But here I'm only talking about the overall impression, facial expressions, gaze.
Tumblr only allows you to attach one video to a post, so the rest will be links.
Sirius has to be able to be fun, even if he doesn't need to be! Having stupid fun like this, not caring what anyone thinks.
But at the same time, Sirius shouldn't be so active, he should be slightly melancholic lol I mean yes, Sirius can do whatever he wants. But he’s not an attention-seeker.
I'll also leave these two videos here. Young Mick Jagger (yeah, he's high in the second video , but it doesn’t matter). It's hard for me to explain this vibe in words, probably those who love 70s-80s music understand it.
Sooo it’s really difficult! I want everything and everyone at once, so there is no such thing as a perfect fancast for Sirius.
This is fem!Sirius. This is Loli Bahia, and for me, she's a young fem!Sirius.
Here's who else I considered for fem!Sirius (yeah, this is just my type of women lol):
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
Do you actually know something/seen something that makes you even more sure in your Larrie believes? Like where you are Larrie first and then got some “proves” from your job, or?
Understand if you can’t say anything 😊
Wow ok this accidentally turned into a welcome to the show. So, anon, without further ado, welcome to the show!
I’ve been a larrie since like… 2011. When we were “larry shippers” lol. So the confirmation and further info didn’t happen until I started in the industry. I always knew they were together but it’s interesting. People say they don’t believe they’re like… open about it to the industry but they kind of are. Not in a “I’ll prove it to you” overt way, but it’s just far more conservative in front of fans/the public eye. Plus… so much of this industry are contractors/suppliers who work with big names all the time. While yes, there are NDAs and contracts to assess and sign, a lot of crew just don’t give a fuck. They’re there to get paid and do their job and move onto the next one. Whether it be specific artist’s phone calls or in the cases they’re (larry) at each other’s shows… it just… doesn’t matter to the crew, a lot of the time. There will be a fan here and there who works a show, but you have to be so careful. Many folks in this industry know things and do have proof, but they hold onto it.
It is what it is, at the end of the day. A lot of these folks work with people like P!NK, Taylor Swift etc., like… some seriously high profile names. But there are also times where NDAs are enforced more specifically in specific regions or tours, in which the artist’s mgmt will ensure crew and staff and anyone external to the touring party sign a much more thorough contract, due to… particular “friends” being there/another higher personal matter risk. It’ll be far more specific, as opposed to a blanket basic contract. And the artist requests this if they feel they need to for their own personal comfort and freedom. SO whenever I see those, I know that there is someone on tour with that artist who shouldn’t be identified, or like… something very personal may happen. Which, yeah. If there’s more of a risk, there’s more contracts.
Now, not everyone has to sign these contracts, but if something leaks, like… a photo or an in depth story (less so for fans bc no one believes receipts, more so selling to the media with proof), said touring party often (depending on the artist/level of fame/level of risk) have a spreadsheet of every person there who’s external to that party with contact details, job titles etc. They know who to interrogate. So even if you don’t sign a specific NDA for that specific artist, they will find you if something drops.
Now, that’s important for multiple reasons - the main one being that some receipts can actually be real. Without photo proof, a lot of mgmt teams just don’t give a fuck, because particularly in the case of larry, we’ve been debunking/calling bullshit on folks for so long, that without proof, stories may get some attention but often just… disappear. Unless sold to the media with proof, it kind of…. Doesn’t matter to them. Plausible deniability, etc. ya know.
Say that 2 people saw something at one of Harry’s shows. Let’s role play it.
Person 1: *sends an anon to a popular larrie tumblr and a popular Larrie Twitter because they have to get it off their chest and they can’t hold back* “omg harry was talking on the phone to louis backstage at one of his shows!!! I know because I heard blah blah blah”
Person 2: *sends a voice recording/shitty video that catches his voice but no face as well as an anon to a popular larrie tumblr/twitter* “omg harry was talking on the phone to louis backstage at one of his shows!!! I know because I have proof but please either post carefully or not at all, you just need to know”
And listen… of course proof helps obviously. People are gonna believe person 2 over person 1 because it’s way easier to write a fake receipt than try and AI/fake a voice recording for anon clout. And also… that’s such a different thing since back in the day. Louis really be out here like “you never know what’s AI and what isn’t” because it’s fucking true. When we got photos/videos/shitty recordings or whatever back then, we sat down and pulled it apart so damn intensely that it’d be debunked, or at least considered somewhat proof/might be a thing. But now? Mgmt can just ignore that shit unless it’s very clear proof, because of AI and the lengths people will go to for internet clout nowadays. It’s just… yeah. It has to be very explicit for them to care.
I have no doubt we have had recent legit receipts, and yes, the majority are fake. But folks just don’t have as much to lose these days. It’s easy to not be traced if there’s no solid proof. So, people are getting away with more because more can be faked. It’s an interesting dynamic to a long running “conspiracy theory”, and provides mgmt with plausible deniability.
So, a lot of people know a lot of things. Some people don’t care, some people sit on solid proof because they’ve signed an NDA or will be found out 100% if they post it even on anon, and some people lie to get kicks. It’s just… So much more complicated than it used to be, which makes it easier for larry, and harder for us to prove things are real.
For example, louis may not require an extra NDA signed by all members of external parties because a certain “pal” won’t be with him on that tour. Anything else he does (trash a hotel room, or get really stoned for example), will be covered by a blanket NDA. Extra contracts come into it when there’s extra risk.
SO Harry may not have needed extra signatures/contracts for certain legs of his tour, but had them for other bits. In the case that a whole region may be a risk in terms of a pal joining him/where he is in his stunt contract, it’ll be a requirement to provide an extra NDA. it won’t be for particular shows because it’s too obvious, more so for a whole leg, and a US promoter isn’t gonna compare NDAs to a UK or AU promoter (even if they’re the same company) because like… why would you? A lot of worldwide promoters don’t actually have access to each other’s folders or content, either. Like… Live Nation US can’t see Live Nation UK’s stuff, because it’s not relevant. It’s regional and different sizes and too much data. Only very specific touring stats/fees would be shared. Same with AEG Presents, and so many other global promoter companies. So, yeah. Plus the personal promoters who tour Harry etc. through their companies, are the big dogs who’ve been doing this for 20+ years and have seen so much shit that they don’t care. They’re more worried about the money. It just… yeah. They’re not ones for delving into the interests of personal lives for artists, because they’re already working on 7 other big name tours. It’s… interesting. The blasé of it all, when you’re in this wild world. It’s so different to the fandom.
So yeah. It’s a topic that’s often debated, but without saying too much more, there’s a little squiz into what people know, and hold, and what mgmt care about and don’t care about. Larry are often together, but no one believes shit without solid proof. And the people who have solid proof, can’t/wont share it, 99% of the time.
I’m not saying believe every receipt, and I’m not saying everything is true, and I’m not saying everything is fake. I’m saying that some stuff is plausible and should be entertained because it very well could be true. But yeah… I hope this makes sense. Sorry for the chaos, and thanks for the chats. I know this isn’t exactly what you asked but yeah.
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neonponders · 1 year
I’m not an OG Harringrove person (I call myself a member of the “second wave” lol I watched ST at the end of 2019 and got into the fandom while Harringrove for Australia was popping off in 2020) but I’ve noticed a reoccurring trend in posts/mentalities.
So many of us question how to be more active in fandom. What can we do differently that will get us more interactions? Really, what can we do to be more appreciated? During my time in this fandom, I’ve gathered good news and bad news:
The good news, is that any negligence we feel, isn’t our fault. We feel like something personal is going on, but really, everyone is just living their lives. So many OG’s are older, married, have kids, and have scary big kid jobs. People’s lack of interaction with us actually has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with them just trying to successfully exist lol
The bad news is that we, for some reason, are convinced that praise is intrusive. That rolling up into someone’s tumblr mailbox is the exact same as unlocking their house and yelling, “HEY. NICE COUCH. GOOD TASTE.”
I’ve been there, and I continue to visit this imposter syndrome place, because I’m a nasty little goblin who needs to be pat on the head as much as anyone else. Now for the deep dive:
Humans are pack creatures with an intrinsic need to create. Easy examples are food, and cliff drawings. It’s not enough to eat a banana right off a tree. We take the risk of putting it to fire and creating a different flavor profile. One of the oldest pieces of human art are some animal outline carvings in the side of some Egyptian cliffs that overlook a stretch of the Nile. Archeologists and anthropologists theorize that these are the first signage we ever made: “Hey heads up, these animals live in this mile-stretch of river. Yes, there’s deer here, but also hippos. Hunt wisely.”
These two traits combine into a neediness that doesn’t know how to be satisfied. Worse, we’re in a broken society that doesn’t celebrate the artist/creative anymore (if it ever really did). And that’s so hypocritical. Artists have kept people alive and happy just as much as the hunter and cook.
We create writing, art, edits, videos, etc and share share share share share....because it’s a stupid little wacky gift of stardust in our brains. This human trait trickles down into us making our silly little fanfics and art projects of rotten characters finding peace, getting plowed after a slow-burn, or just making tea for each other.
The honest truth is that creating isn’t enough. Yes, we do it for ourselves, and we always will. We need to create the same way we need water. The unfair flip side is that we also need our pack to answer us when we ring that bell.
All I can tell you is that life is hard, and more than likely, we see the stuff you’re posting for us. And we’re wildly grateful to you. We’re just trained to think that telling you how special you are, and how grateful we are, will make you disappear.
A star died eons ago and gave us its stardust. It’s unfair that shining is hard but we do see you.
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kdinjenzen · 2 years
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So I just got this wall of text, which sprouted from someone asking me my opinion on mayo.
First off, I want to say that this is a good example of a parasocial relationship in a really bad way.
This person really liked me in "CONTENT MADE BY COMPANY" - and followed me because of it, but then obviously didn't like me the person or the things I make.
I don't understand why anyone, for any reason, would continue to follow a blog for content they don't enjoy.
It's like someone who HATES nsfw content, but follows a bunch of porn artists and then THEY get mad when the PORN ARTISTS post PORN.
Also this is Tumblr. No one cares about numbers. Everyone HATES when posts blow up because it RUINS their notifications. Literally being "KNOWN" here makes no real difference and absolutely doesn't matter at all.
It's why I like Tumblr and really dislike other social media websites.
In another important point... most of the AMA questions I get are always framed as: "Hey Kdin, what do you think of (INSERT THING HERE)" ... which means I'm being asked what I think about something.
I don't need to put a qualifier on things like "I hate mayo" or "I don't enjoy that show" - if my not liking something or absolutely loving something ruins your day somehow or gets you pissed off... it says less about me and more about you.
Also: "(I am not convinced you don't send yourself asks just to gain traction) (again, how often do you reblogged yourself)."
Part 1 - LOL, no. If I have something stupid to share, I just fucking make a post and then leave it alone and giggle to myself about it. Why would I ever bother to send myself asks - especially when I don't care about "gaining traction".
Part 2 - You ever felt proud about something you did? Like art? Or a funny joke? Or a video? Or a POTG in something? Or - fuck - literally anything? And wanna show it off again? ... yeah that's the WHOLE POINT OF THE WEBSITE YOU'RE ON! It's SOCIAL MEDIA, meaning posting... sharing... re-sharing... and re-blogging others and YOUR OWN stuff so people who may want to see it, can see it, and ALSO because "Hey, I did a thing, that I think it cool, and I like it. The End. I will share it again, 1000000 times if I wanna."
Being drunk doesn't excuse rudeness.
I am a human person.
I constantly have pushed AGAINST people putting me on a pedestal, calling me a role model, or saying "Kdin you're famous" - I don't wanna be any of those things.
Well, for two reasons...
For bullshit like this.
Because once that happens, you're no longer treated as a PERSON, just a THING to be CONSUMED by others.
I'm not a commodity, I'm a person.
And it's quite obvious, you don't see anyone who you "enjoy content from" as a person, just a thing.
I hope you get therapy, and are able to deal with your anger.
PS: I fucking hate mayo.
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