#campus ambassador work from home
interships-ulead · 1 year
How to Find an Online Internship That's a Good Fit for You
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The traditional internship model is no longer the only option for students looking to gain valuable work experience. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards Online internship program. These programs offer students the flexibility and convenience of working from home, while still providing them with the opportunity to learn and grow in their chosen field.
There are many benefits to participating in an online internship program. First, they offer students the flexibility to work around their other commitments, such as school or work. This can be especially helpful for students who are juggling multiple responsibilities. Second, online internship programs can be a great way to gain experience in a field that you are interested in, without having to relocate. This can be a major advantage for students who are not able to move away for an internship.
Work from Home Internships
Work from home internships are a type of online internship program that allows students to work remotely from their own homes. This can be a great option for students who live in rural areas or who have other personal reasons for not being able to commute to an office.
Work from Home Internship can offer many of the same benefits as traditional internship programs, such as the opportunity to learn new skills, gain experience, and network with professionals. However, they also offer some unique benefits, such as the ability to work in your own comfortable environment and set your own hours.
Campus Ambassadorships
A campus ambassadorship is a type of internship program in which students serve as representatives for an organization on their college campus. Campus ambassadors typically promote the organization's products or services, organize events, and connect with other students.
Campus ambassadorships can be a great way to gain experience in marketing, event planning, and public relations. They can also be a great way to network with professionals and other students.
If you are interested in participating in an Campus Ambassador, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting accepted. First, make sure to research different programs and find one that is a good fit for your interests and skills. Second, tailor your resume and cover letter to each specific program. And finally, be prepared to answer questions about your motivation for wanting to participate in an online internship program.
Online internship programs can be a great way to gain valuable work experience, learn new skills, and network with professionals. If you are looking for a flexible and convenient way to intern, an online internship program may be the perfect option for you.
Here are some tips for writing a blog post on online internship programs:
Start by brainstorming a list of keywords that you want to include in your post. This will help you to target your audience and ensure that your post is found by people who are interested in online internships.
Write in a clear and concise way, using simple language that your target audience will understand.
Use visuals to break up your text and make your post more visually appealing.
Promote your blog post on social media and other channels to reach a wider audience.   Apply now!!.
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unschool · 2 years
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unschool23 · 2 years
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dyinginfandom · 7 months
Been trying to put my frustration with what Israel is doing in Gaza into words for months. But I’m done with the bullshit from Zionists and their supporters
My grandfather was Hungarian and as part of a non political paramilitary youth organisation likely had to have a hand in the war I know this from his POW papers from 1945 in an American pow camp in Germany . He would later flee the soviets in Hungary after taking part in their attempted revolution. He abandoned his family; a wife and son and we don’t know what their fates were. He first went to Austria then to Turkey then the uk where he met my gran and they married in 1963 and moved away from her entire support system to a city with many Hungarian refugees like him working in cutlery works and steel factories. He’d never talk of the war or of his first family past them existing, his siblings families don’t know their fates other and with no one from his generation left we can only guess. He was an awful man who died an awful death alone because of his own actions.
I use this to preface what I’m about to say
He was forced to take part in a genocide and support it, I’m watching my government do that now, watching as universities label anti Zionism as antisemitism while my uni hosts one of the Brits who went over and fought for the IDF and was allowed to return while a girl who joined isis almost a decade ago just lost her appeal for her citizenship back. Both went over to partake in a foreign war and commit acts of terror, one is stateless and the other is allowed to walk around with no consequences. We aren’t allowed to protest on campus so the Palestine society held one off campus to try and stop him from visiting.
The university of east anglia has labelled these two quotes graffitied on campus as antisemitic and the BBC is reporting on this as such, antisemitism. They are anti Zionist. ‘Judaism opposes Zionism’ and ‘Zionism = colonialism’.
Aaron Bushnell an active duty US service man set himself on fire in protest of the war on Gaza.
Brazil’s president spoke out against the Zionism and Israel decided to have a word with the Brazilian ambassador but knowing what was coming Brazil recalled him
China has called out that Hamas should not be labelled as terrorist under international law as it is armed resistance.
Countries have cut funding to the UNRWA a relief group that exists because Israel refuses to call the Palestinians refugees or allow their return to their ancestral homes once it has stolen it
Israel is knowingly committing a genocide and has said it won’t listen to the ICJ
They are killing their own hostages that are being held by Palestine then cheering when 2 are saved while others lay dead murdered by their own hands.
They are executing young children in front of their parents who are then carrying them to hospital to hope for salvation.
They’re stealing belongings from walking canes to underwear from those they’ve killed or displaced to humiliate them for owning normal things.
They killed the Family of a six year old girl, Hind, while she was in the car with them then when the Red Crescent ambulance arrived which they allowed in they bombed it and killed her and the two paramedics, Ahmed and Yousef, who were there to save her.
During the Super Bowl they displayed propaganda while they bombed Rafah, the safe Zone they had told people to go to. There was a little girl, Sidra, hanging from a window!
They are targeting journalists and their families. Wael’s family was killed while he worked and he was reported, he was attacked with his camera man who was killed and he reported on it. Over 25 journalists killed
They have attacked every place where documents can be found to destroy them, mosques, churches, government buildings, universities, everything gone.
Egypt is building a buffer zone in the desert, Bissan a brave young journalist has talked of her fear of this desert buffer zone killing them
Canada has removed Palestine as a country of birth on passports
ITV filmed as a man with a white flag they had just interviewed and was walking way as he was murdered by a sniper
In the West Bank IDF shot a teenager at a family bbq then prevented his family getting him to an ambulance
Also in West Bank IDF dressed up as civilians walked into a hospital and assassinated a man incapacitated in a hospital bed and those at his bedside
Heck they’re allowed to stay in Eurovision, ‘October rain’ in name alone has political connotations meanwhile Russia and Belarus are banned and the Palestine flag has been banned - Iceland was fined the other year for a free Palestine banner.
This occupation, this genocide has been happening for over 75 years since the creation of Israel in the aftermath of ww2 but their want for this land goes back further. When Zionism was founded in the late 1800s they chose Palestine, a peaceful place where the abrahamic religions lived in peace, to be their land and no one else’s (did we not learn from the crusades?) in 1903 they got the support of the British govement then ww2 and the Holocaust happened and Britain ‘owning’ Palestine gave them what they wanted, Palestinians who had not been consulted or considered in this who’s homes were stolen fought against it and you get the war of 1948 where this kicks off.
When you look at their defenses for this we have ‘self defence for October 7th’ that isn’t an excuse for genocide and reminds me of Germany faking a polish invasion to invade them and kick off ww2. ‘They have hostages’ so do you and you’ve refused to exchange hostages for a ceasefire heck you’ve killed your own hostages in Gaza. ‘Palestine started it’ see my very very cut down explanation of the history.
Then there’s the classic ‘we can’t be committing a holocaust cos that happened to us’ see the cycle of abuse, the number of Holocaust survivors in poverty in Israel, and the other victims of the Holocaust cos everyone focuses just on the Jewish casualties of the Holocaust that 6 million number cos they’re the biggest proportion but there were 5 million other victims, political enemies of the reich, disabled people, lgbt, poc, Romani, Soviet pows, by making the Holocaust just a Jewish genocide in discussion you erase the rest of that genocide.
I put on les mis for a fanfic I’m writing and all I can think about instead of what I’m writing is what Palestine was and how we treat Palestine today.
I was labelled a nazi for my heritage growing up, just like Israel is calling Palestinian children Hamas. Only difference is that Hamas is closer to those of the Warsaw Getto or the French resistance than the Nazis. Because Israel’s laws against Palestine are extremely close to the Nazi laws against the Jews.
End Zionism on Israel and return Palestine to the Palestinians
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“You know I am a righteous man.”
They are the villains, and he, the righteous hero.
Or so he thinks.
... Oh no.
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“Mr. President, there’s another letter for you from Night Raven College!“
Another week, another letter.
That pesky girl is at it again.
He barely glanced up from his paperwork. “… Leave it on my desk.”
“You’re not going to read it now, sir?” his aide asked. “I think it’s from your pen pal. The girl in raven feathers, right?”
He silently cursed the bird—he had misjudged her cunning, her sentimentality. To intentionally send correspondences to his fellow student council members instead of directly to himself, asking them to deliver the letters to him on her behalf… It placed a social pressure on him to receive them, to reply, rather than ignore or trash them.
We both scrawl down our true feelings on paper rather than share them with those around us, so let’s talk with each other. It doesn’t have to be about anything serious, but just sharing a little of our days and sharing stories. Let’s take small steps together. Shall I start? Today, Sebek-san introduced me to a new book series—
He had furiously scrawled responses while his aide and vice president hovered. Blissfully ignorant and eagerly commending his newfound friendship.
Miss Crowley, you must cease your frivolous communications—
This, too, he considered a cruel and unusual punishment dreamt up by the depraved souls at Night Raven College.
Disgust and hatred surged through him. It took all of his willpower to not snap his writing implement in half. He could feel a migraine coming on.
“That will not be necessary. I will be paying their campus a visit soon enough on official student council business.”
“Oh, so you can just catch up with her and all your other NRC friends in person.”
“That’s our president!” his vice laughed. “Always so courteous. It’s better to speak to people face-to-face. They’ll be really surprised to see you, huh? The last time we saw them was the masquerade.”
“… Indeed. It had been some time.”
The masquerade. Anger rose like bile in the back of his throat. His face remained blank as he signed off on and stamped the current document before him.
“To serve as an ambassador for ourselves and the Night Raven College is truly an honor,” he said flatly. “Strengthening our bond is my first and foremost priority. If there is time to dedicate to socializing, then it is secondary to my duties. I do not plan on squandering my time there.”
Moreover… I must remain vigilant.
A monstrous figure emerged from his mind. Horned, with eyes that glowed green in the dark. Dressed in nightmares and outlined by flame. A cold, challenging sneer at his mouth.
The demon walking around in broad daylight.
Malleus Draconia. He still yet lives.
Night Raven College was the home turf of he and his retainers. Enemy territory teeming with magic.
He was quick to cover his grimace with a handkerchief. A quick prayer uttered under his breath. God have mercy on me.
"Has there been any news of who is to receive me upon my arrival?" he asked of his aide.
"A student representative like yourself, sir. I believe they're still in the process of selecting someone. Would you like me to contact them again to inquire for an update?"
"If you can find time to do so after completing your other tasks. It doesn’t take priority.” He shook his head, crushing his handkerchief in his grip. “Surely the headmaster of such a prestigious learning institution will send a qualified and professional candidate. Perhaps I worry for naught."
"Yessir! I'll get right to it when I can."
He returned to his work.
The unease that had been building in him all day had not abated. No, it had only swelled since the morning, having evolved into a deep despair weighing down his soul. Metallic fear clung to the roof of his mouth.
What's wrong with me lately? Am I going mad? He rubbed at his temples, trying to chase away the sinking feeling. This visit is merely a formality, nothing more. So why does this dread persist?
Outside, bells tolled. A familiar, comforting sound that resonated, filling the entire City of Flowers for a fleeting moment. They announced the beginning of the afternoon, a time of respite and relaxation.
The bells.
The bells.
A distant, painful exchange flared back to life. Of he and of Malleus, their wills clashing in the aftermath of a great calamity. But who was man and who was monster?
He couldn't see anymore.
"Lie, if you must. It will make it easy for you to deceive others, perhaps even deceive yourself."
"However, you cannot fool the Bell of Salvation. You cannot run, nor hide, from the eyes which see the entire city."
Don't look at me.
"It has always been watching over you, judging your every action."
Not with those damnable eyes...!!
He guiltily tore away from the bells, addressing his student council. "You're dismissed. Enjoy your lunch break. We'll resume our activities when you return."
"Aren't you going to have lunch too, sir?" his vice president asked. "You shouldn't overwork yourself."
"You could always join us!" the aide suggested.
"Thank you, but I need some solitude. I'm not feeling very well. I would hate to potentially pass it onto you."
"Oh... well, can we at least grab you something?"
"Don't trouble yourselves." He waved a hand towards the door.
His aide and vice president exchanged a look--but ultimately, the two shuffled out as ordered. When the door clicked shut behind them, he allowed himself to expel a sigh. The emotions brewing inside of him still stirred restlessly, seeking an outlet.
How pathetic. Those villains are getting to me.
They would be so smug about it if they knew the effect they were having on him. Jeering, proud characters, all of them. What he would give to wipe those grins off their faces.
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious bunch.
He tried to squash the feeling down, smothering the fire into cinders and ash. The thought dispelled, he was left with a deep scowl.
From the corner of his eye, he spotted the letter, untouched at the edge of his desk. “I think it’s from your pen pal. The girl in raven feathers, right?”
Something burned inside of him. The same fuel for the fire he held for his most hated foe. Her forgivingness, her encouragement—he despised it, didn’t want that pity.
A ray of hope. The temptation for an alternative path to salvation.
“If you look around, you’ll realize that there are others that care for you and want to see you at your best. You don’t need to face your pain alone anymore.
“Let others in. Reflect, repent, and forgive yourself. Only then can you rediscover joy. I’m sure he would have wished for your happiness as well.”
“… Hmph. Ridiculous.”
Granting me a ‘second chance’? When I’ve committed no sin? Yet it is the sinners themselves who would tell me to repent…
Draconia and that girl continue to be thorns in my backside. Servants of evil, the both of them!!
He stood from his desk, snatching up the letter. Storming over to the fireplace, he stood before the enticing dance of fire, envelope crushed between his fingers. The hypnotizing warmth, conjuring visions of the sun caught on hair, power blazing out of control.
He casted the letter into the waiting, eager flames. It smoldered into a satisfyingly pitch black within seconds, cleansing him of the burden.
His resolution was born anew, scorching hot and seared into his very soul.
“Malleus Draconia…! Raven Crowley…! And every single one of the malefactors of Night Raven College… Mark my words, when next we meet, I fully intend to make good on my promise.”
To destroy you and all that you stand for.
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studypoetry · 8 months
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First week back (proper)!
Plenty of early mornings, driving chaos and welcome events to resume normal programming. All the lectures were as you'd expect: here's the module, here's the assignment...
Two society taster sessions, both game nights were I had to make up the rules of Pictionary and pretend I knew what I was doing.
The cinema was showing Anchorman for its 20th anniversary so you know I had to go - forgot how iconic Ron Burgundy is. Also didn't enjoy Mean Girls, I can imagine it works better as a stage musical but not on film imo.
Got to do my first campus tours for the open day (finally) - it was a relatively small one (for freezing cold January ig) so not many to do but hopefully more down the line.
Recently I've been trying this hip new thing called ✨work-life balance✨ where I draw a hard line between uni and home. And what do you know, it's working 🙃
Recent highlights from 100dodw #5-#10:
Ambassador shifts
Internship application (!!)
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erinelizabethh · 10 months
Time Slip | Chai x Reader (5/?)
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Summary: Chai, ambassador of Vandelay Technologies, certainly has his ways of communication. You, living in the suburbs outside the campus, don't even have a cell phone. You know what they say about relationships...
Chapter One: Time Slip
Chapter Two: #E67451
Chapter Three: Daisies
Chapter Four: Sweet Dreams
Chapter Five: Synesthesia
When the sun begins to set is when Chai begins to squeeze at your fingers like the beat that grants him life. One heartbeat, two heartbeats… a song from the late seventies that he begs you to never skip when you tune into the radio. He swings your arm back and forth with the tune, walking with a swagger unlike you, basking in the summer breeze that caresses your skin and draws out the beauty marks and imperfections–a sketch across your skin. The glances up and down is the tell, except his eyes don’t gloss over the flush of red all over your face. Yours can’t help but notice, the casual, “Me and a pretty girl out on a date? Who would’ve thought… and she’s my girlfriend!” sinking into your stomach like butterflies.
 The date is like your first, with the visit to that same cafe except Chai wills himself to order a pumpkin spice latte he mentioned seconds ago released too early. However, his tongue relishes in the whipped cream reduced to foam atop his drink; the man raises his free hand to slurp at the topping before groaning in satisfaction. His eyes roll to the back of his head every time, and you imagine the reaction is amplified by the fact that the two drinks did not come out of his wallet. His hand does not let go of yours, the two of you across an overpass that overlooks the sun in the distant horizon. The time of day calls for a movie night, perhaps at a local theater where the experience is so real and imperfect and humans provide the service.
He pulls you along the sidewalk of the overpass but you halt your movements to observe the trail of train tracks descend towards a sky of violet hues and summer blues. The path grows narrow as the distance between increases, and behind the two of you is the sound of a drawn out horn. Your gaze is through holes of a fence, a wall before you dragging you from the unknown. What is now is the garden of tulips that surround you, the scent that represents the present more than any other invention that attempts to replicate what is real. What is real is the arm that hangs over your shoulder, following your gaze out into the distance, as real as the refuge Chai provides you.
You hum, and because that doesn’t get his attention, you call out his name. “You gotta’ take me to that place. Y’know, with the view.”
His arms wrap around your shoulders, his chin resting on your left. “That’s off limits but I guess I can take you.”
So he does. The route there is as mundane as the life he lived as a child, a conclusion you jump to upon the tapping of his feet on the train car floor. His prosthetic taps at the metal bar above your head, regardless of the huffs that escape you, yet they falter at the first sight at the place he calls home: the campus that houses him and his roommate Peppermint. The buildings, although imitating, tower above the railway with the interest in housing for those desiring to be close to work. Ahead of you is the spot you have dreamed of since the photo Chai sent you of him and his friends with the ocean behind them; the shine of the sun’s rays across the water is a sight you want to experience for the rest of your life. Perhaps there is the romantic getaway the hopeless romantic in you have always wished for.
You don’t think there’s a sight that can compare, especially because the tips of the grass glows and tickles at your ankles with a sway that rivals Chai’s incessant rocking. You taste the breeze atop your lips, the chill brushing past a cupid’s bow chewed on the more Chai reminds you how much you are loved… without saying it, of course. You scramble to your knees, to embrace the tufts of grass in your fists, to savor the distance between you and the sun setting to meet you. Ten steps forward and it is you against the ocean, waves crashing against the rocks below as the ascent to reach you begins. Nothing is past your vision except the possibilities and the stories untold; you haven’t a clue what is out there, and perhaps that is what’s most exciting.  The young man behind you throws his hands up in the air as if to say, “Welp, this is it!” yet he underestimates the glimpse of the wonders of the world he bestowed to you.
“You like it, huh? Did good, right babe?” He then sits beside you, a guitar he picked up from a nearby rock resting atop his crossed legs. The streaks of red and white are his match, as are the stickers he slapped on with the most notable being a holographic black cat and a fragment of you outlined as a flower. Chai’s shoulders are relaxed, a sigh escaping past the grin that cements itself on his lips. When his eyes begin to glisten, no doubt the reason being the attempt to see the world in your eyes, he turns to find you sparing a glance at him at the corner of your eye. You share the sentiment, your vision shuffling to the guitar in his embrace, and your smile grows with the shade of pink that warms up his face. 
With a hurried strum of his guitar, he warns you with a, “This isn’t finished, but—” He shakes his head. “I really want you to hear it.”
Synesthesia is the name of his work in progress. He looks into your eyes as he begins, a gaze so tender that it’s as if the song is written for you, and you edge closer as if the warmth stems from only him. His voice is soft, low enough that the waves crawling towards the bottom of the cliff threaten to drown out his tune. He whispers at times, mumbling words here and there, and he remedies his nerves by closing his eyes and allowing his body to sway with the chords. The grass follows his movements, and what surrounds you two is an audience that resonate with Chai’s words so much they sing along ever so quietly, a murmur swallowed whole by your humming. As if familiar with the song, a chorus is raised around the two of you as the outro begins, the wind picking up despite the heat nipping at your skin.
When we're together, I'm all the color
When we're together, I'm all the color
When we're together, I'm all the color
You repeat the lyric back to him, effortless enough to memorize. Your lips are centimeters from his when he opens his eyes again, your vision flickering to his lips wet with anticipation. Like yours, they begin to flutter close with what’s about to come, both of you confident that the two of you will align with a kiss that is as perfect as this view. This one promises to be different from the rest, edging toward the abstract of love without the words being spoken. You imagine it’s another step toward that three word phrase, one you’ve said so many times and too quickly for your own good. His breath hot on the tip of your nose, his hand threads itself past the knots in your hair to the back of your head, pulling you close. For now, you can tell him you love this, that you love that it seems as if each kiss will be better than the last. You hope it’s enough for him, if you remind him that—
“Oh dear! It looks like we’ve interrupted something between Mister Chai and Miss—”
Chai groans, his eyes rolling to the back of his head at the sight of his trusted friends. Peppermint is the first to approach you two, followed by her love interest Korsica, their guardian Macaron, and his whimsical analyst CNMN. Of course, 808 follows suit with a nuzzle against Chai’s back, vying for his attention once again. However sheepish the big guy is, Macaron tends to the curiosity of his friends by tagging along with an apology and a scratch of his scalp. Peppermint, with her hands on her hips, relishes in the embarrassment of her friend with a smirk tugged on her lips, cackling when Chai answers with a, “Yeah, CNMN! You kinda’ did!” They definitely did, as his head drops with a drawn out huff. The robot taps at his arm to grab a marker from a slot in his forearm, then drawing eyebrows on his face that resemble two meeting sides of a triangle above eyes that emit a bright yellow glow. He is thrilled, surely because he spends too much time with someone who very much finds joy in seeing her friend too red in the face.
Korsica stoops down to your level. “Thought we’d find ya’ here!” Then, to Chai. “You finally showed her the spot, eh?”
“Yes!” CNMN nods, his excitement concerning. “Did she like the song you wrote for her, Mister Chai?”
Your boyfriend, with another groan, buries his face in his hands. You giggle in response, evolving to a snort when you lunge forward to attempt to pry his hands away from his burning cheeks. Only then, despite the burning of your own, do you throw your arms around him to pull him into an embrace. The left side of his face is squished up against yours in the process, and despite voicing his complaints, no effort is made to distance yourself from you. His complaints, mind you, are at the mercy of a smile so wide they stretch at his cheeks. 
The rest of them can’t help but share the sentiment, but the second you notice the lingering gaze of Peppermint’s towards Korsica, you are at the mercy of her glare. Her eyes narrow, as if already knowing your not so well-kept secret.
Hey. Stop messing around and go tell him you love him already.
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oddballwriter · 2 years
May I get a Chai x Reader fic where the reader is chai's best friend?
Still Have Time for Me
Summary: Chai comes back and shows off all that he's done to his best friend and has them meet is new friends and talk about all the cool heroic stuff he's done. But as it turns out, it might not all just be a person showing off to their best friend.  
Warnings: Major Hi Fi Rush spoilers right at the beginning so skip if you have't already beaten the game. CNMN calling Chai the fuck out and Chai being a big idiot (/lh /affectionate). Band turns out to have been spying on Chai and reader at the end.
Author’s Snip: Chai my beloved 
Notes: I didn't proof read this 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Seeing Chai come back from what was meant to be him getting a new robotic arm and maybe attending the famous Mimosa's ArmStrong Party to suddenly having to take down the entire corporation of Vandelay and their conspiracy to mind control people into consuming their products with some people he made friends AND becoming the new Vandelay Corporation's ambassador within the span of a day and a half wasn't what you were expecting to hear once he got home.
You literally woke up that morning having realized that Chai didn't send to a message telling you that he was home, a tradition you two had together, but you shrugged it off on the idea that Chai was exhausted from having rocked out hard at the party. That did seem like something he'd do. But then when you turned on the TV to hear some morning news you almost choked on your breakfast seeing your one and only best friend on TV right next to Roxanne Vandelay herself. When you called him and asked why he was on TV and what happened he nervously laughed and said "I'll have to go and explain it all to ya'.".
He soon came with his whole crew to your doorstep. Chai explained everything, with some additions and clear-ups from those you now know as Peppermint, Macaron, Korsica, and CNMN. Oh, and you met 808 too.
When you heard what Chai got himself into that day you wanted to choke him for being stupid and trying to fight a conglomerate super power almost by himself. But instead you just gave him a big hug and said that you were glad that he was okay and did something so good and brave. After all, you've been close friends for so long that you don't think you can ever actually be mad at Chai.
A few days later Chai took you to the Vandelay campus to show you around and see all the work he and everyone were now putting in for the new and improved Vandelay, the band's super neat hideout, now headquarters, and even all the spots where Chai bragged about the totally wicked tricks he did while running and kicking robot butt. The latter making you giggle about how only Chai would brag about doing such bold actions.
Unfortunately, Chai had to take a break from giving you the grand tour for some actual Vandelay business as part of being the ambassador, but he assured you that once business was done he'd get right back to it. Luckily, that gave you the time to meet Chai's new friends who seemed interested to meet you too.
"So," Peppermint said, "You and Chai are best buddies, huh?". You nodded, "We've known each other since we were both pretty young." you mention, "Can't recall a day I didn't have Chai around." you added. "My condolences." Korsica piped up as she passed by. "And here I thought we were Chai's only friends." Peppermint partially joked. "Well, I was the only person as close to him as you guys are now before he met you all." you reply, "I am pretty glad though. You guys are so cool. No wonder he likes you." you praise. "I am a bit sad that I'm gonna have to share Chai with you all." you joke.
"Share? Oh, no no no. Chai's all yours." Peppermint commented, "I'm sure he's all yours already." she added giving you some type of look. You raised your eyebrow, confused by what that meant. "Excuse me?" you asked.
"I believe Miss Peppermint is hinting at the fact that Mister Chai has romantic feelings for you." the robot CNMN chimed in bluntly and out of the blue. You whipped you head around towards them as soon as you heard that, missing Peppermint silently signaling him to shut it. "What?!" you sputtered out. "No! No, CNMN! You've got it all wrong! Chai's my best friend. There's no way he'd have feelings for me." you explained with your face a bright beet red face from such an idea.
" I do not think that I am, (Y/N)." CNMN disagreed. "I'm very keen on detecting a wide range of emotions and behaviors. And it seems to me that Mister Chai has been displaying behaviors that indicate that he feels very strong romantic feeling for you. Though it appears that you are not aware of such things since you have been around Mister Chai for so long that you see them as regular behaviors." they continued. "CNMN. Stop." Peppermint demands in a whisper, trying to have you not hear it. "No! Don't stop, CNMN! Explain it to me how you know. Please." you object.
"Well. When we went to your home so that he could explain the events that took place and hugged him claiming that you were relieved and happy that he came out of the situation over all unharmed and that what he did was great bravery, his turned red and vitals went up. Similar to when Miss Peppermint receives a compliment from Miss Korsica." CNMN claimed before Peppermint interjected with another call of his name. "My apologizes. I am getting sidetracked." the robot remarked. "Any how. I also observed that Chai was taking it upon himself to talk about actions he took in order to receive a praise or positive comment from you. What seems to be him desiring to impress you, which is a behavior that some people act in to charm someone they have feeling for." they stated. "Oh, and he stands closely next to you at all times and occasionally stares at you for prolonged times." They also added.
Almost similar to the day that was mentioned earlier in CNMN's statements, you stood there gobsmacked at what you just heard. All of what they said did just sound like Chai being Chai. But were you actually just used to seeing those behaviors in that light and missing the bigger picture that implied that Chai had feeling for you for who knows how long.
"I..." you managed to get out, "I don't know what to say.". "Have I just missed the signs this entire time?" you ask yourself out loud.
"Do you not reciprocate these same feelings, (Y/N)?" CNMN asked, still in that blunt manner.
"What? No! Of course not!" you blurted out. "You do not reciprocate Mister Chai's feeling?" CNMN asked tilting their head. "No! That's not what I mean- I-" you blurted out again without thinking. "I mean- I-" you try to clarify. "CNMN. I think (Y/N) needs to take a moment to sit down and think about the information you just gave them." Peppermint interjects as they grab a hold of your shoulders and guide you to the couch in the hide out. "I believe you're right. I am deeply sorry for distressing you with such sudden knowledge, (Y/N)." CNMN replied.
Once you were sat down Peppermint patted your shoulder and gave you an apologetic look for being what was a snowball that made an avalanche and Macaron, who had slightly over heard the whole thing made you some tea and water to help you calm down from the shock.
You spent a good while on that couch digesting, pondering, and thinking about it all. You guess that a part of you did always feel that way about Chai too. Maybe it was hiding just behind your mind waiting for an ah-ha kind of moment to let itself be known. Did Chai know that he felt that way towards you? I mean, it's worth asking since you knew Chai wasn't the brightest lightbulb in the lamp. But wow, was that bright and loud personality that made up for his smarts something you figured you always found charming. But to think that Chai's been making goo goo eyes at you this whole time.
You hardly noticed how much time passed as you thought on and on about all these new heads you've come to. By then, you drank all the water and tea offered to you, got comfy on the couch, and Chai was had come back to come and get you.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, (Y/N)." Chai announced. "But I see the band's taken care of you and you've gotten comfy while I was gone." he added as he gave nods to them all, completely oblivious to what has gone on since he left you here with them. "Oh yeah. They made great conversation with me." you claim as you get up off the couch and walk towards him. "Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your relaxation time, but we still get some stuff to see." Chai playfully remarked. "After you." he said gesturing towards the rest of the way.
Chai continued his actions from before. Showing you the sights, scenes, and "Vandelay history that's so going in the books". And as you listened, you watched for all the things that CNMN brought up. And you saw them. The dramatic retelling of his daring tricks, the playing out of how he fought, and the occasional pause to wait for you to laugh at his antics or sing him a type of praise. You saw them all.
The tour came to an end in the little center area outside in the campus. You know that Chai wasn't thinking about or planning anything, but you couldn't help but think of those cliché moments where a school boy would confess to their crush with the fact that the two of you were alone together.
"So. You made it pretty big, huh, Chai?" you comment. "Now you're able to be the rockstar you always wanted to be. Plus some new pals." you mention. "Yeah. I sure do." he agrees. "But don't worry. Between me and you. They could never replace the person who's been there since it was all just a daydream." Chai says as he looks over at you. "Jeez, thanks. I knew you'd get there somehow." you said. as you take a hold of his hands almost subconsciously. " I mean, you're Chai. You're too special to ignore." you clarify.
As you hold onto his hands, you feel the beat from the music in his chest from his robot arm. It feels weirdly nice. You'd felt it before since he got back and would make contact with you. But it felt, different. Somehow... intimate. You hadn't noticed that you looked away from him but when you did look back at him you saw that head over heels look on his face with the rosy blushing cheeks. He seemed like he wanted to say something but for once the words are caught in his throat.
"Chai." you speak. "Yeah?" he asked.
"Do you think that now that you're a rockstar ambassador you'll still have time for me?" you questioned. Chai nods, still with that look on his face. "Why?" you ask, more so because you think he might just say what you now want to hear.
"Because..." he mutters.
"Because I'm in limbs with you." he says.
"What?" you ask, confused. "What?" Chai mimics, seemingly heard himself. "What?" you both hear from the hidden 808 orb, which undoubtedly had equally confused friends on the other side.
"Mister Chai, I do believe you were meant to say you are in love with them." CNMN corrected before Korsica's voice came on. "Oi! Just kiss already you idiots!".
Without much left to do, you shrug and pull him down by his scarf and plant a kiss on his lips. You feel Chai fail to process for a moment before going in too on the kiss. And maybe even doing that stupid thing where some lifts their foot up.
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By: Passant Rabie
Published: April 11, 2023
When Dr. Makenzie Lystrup was sworn in as the new director of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center last week, she didn’t take her oath of office on the Bible or the U.S. Constitution, but rather on a tome revered by space enthusiasts everywhere: Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot.
The book, published in 1994, is named after an iconic image of Earth, snapped by the Voyager I probe, that depicts the planet as a small speck smothered by the emptiness of space. That photo inspired astronomer Carl Sagan to write: “Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us.” For many, the book serves as a reminder of humanity’s place in the universe and the need to preserve our home planet, which makes it similar to holy scripture for a newly appointed NASA director.
On Thursday, when Lystrup chose to place her left hand on a copy of Sagan’s book while being sworn in by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, a photographer captured the moment, and NASA Goddard’s social media shared the image.
The constitution does not require that government officials be sworn in using a particular text, just that they “shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution.” Most U.S. politicians and officials end up using the Bible.
But over the years, many officeholders have improvised while taking their oath. In 2018, Mariah Parker was sworn in as a member of the Athens-Clarke County commissioners with her hand placed on a copy of “The Autobiography of Malcom X.” When former U.S. ambassador to Switzerland Suzi LeVine took her oath in 2014, she put a hand on her Kindle. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to be elected to Congress, took his oath in 2007 using the Quran.
Sagan is a revered figure in the space sciences community for his pioneering contributions to space exploration. “Like many astronomers and space scientists, my passion started with watching Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’ on public television as a child,” Lystrup, who is a planetary scientist like Sagan, said in an emailed statement. “Sagan worked very hard to make science accessible and meaningful to everyone, and ‘Pale Blue Dot’ emphasizes the importance of exploring our universe and understanding our home planet.” 
“Given its personal significance to me and how its message resonates with the work we do at NASA Goddard on behalf of the world, it felt apropos to include it in the ceremony,” she added.
Lystrup will be the first female center director of the Goddard Space Flight Center, which includes a primary campus in Greenbelt, Maryland, as well as Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, the Katherine Johnson Independent Verification & Validation Facility in West Virginia, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the White Sands Complex in New Mexico, and the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Texas.
Goddard is home to the nation’s largest concentration of scientists, engineers and technologists dedicated to Earth and space science, according to NASA.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
The Carrick Brothers - HC
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I've been meaning to share some background on these two forever. Since this week will have some family drama leading up to Casey & Tobias's wedding, I thought it a good time to do so.
This is an HC about their past. It takes us up to just before Casey & Tobias are engaged.
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Jordan was born when Tobias was seven years old, so it was an adjustment for him to have a sibling. Even though Tobias was disappointed that newborns didn’t know how to play, spent a lot of time crying, and took more of his parents’ already limited time, Tobias still loved his brother very much.
Growing up, he was very protective of Jordan, but their age difference kept them from being too close. When Tobias was into playing with trucks and video games, Jordan was in diapers. When Jordan reached the trucks and video games stage, Tobias was into concerts and girls. By the time Jordan got there, Tobias was already at college.
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Tobias grew up in Washington, DC, and attended college at Howard University in the same town. However, he lived on campus and treated it as if he were “away.”  Due to a falling out with his father, Tobias would probably not have seen his family much, even though he was in the same town. But Vivian (his mother) saw to it that they met for dinner at least a couple of times a month – but relations were very strained, impacting the brother’s relationship.
Johns Hopkins is a less than 2-hour drive to DC, but it may as well have been a world away. The workload, his social life, and his deepening divide with his father kept Tobias far away from home.
Despite that, Jordan always looked up to his big brother, the one who used to threaten the bullies who were mean to him when he was young. Their time together was limited, but Jordan always treasured it; Tobias never really knew how much.
Growing up biracial was difficult, and Tobias never felt like he belonged. With rare exceptions, his father’s affluent white family made it clear that he was not exactly one of them. Because of this, Tobias was happier and felt more at home with his mother’s black, working-class family. He spent much of his formative years with his maternal grandparents and cousins, and he felt accepted…. for a while.
Around the time he was in middle school, Tobias’s maternal cousins began to distance themselves. He was one of them… but he was in one of the top private prep schools in the world. While they attended public schools and dealt with abject racism every day, Tobias sat next to ambassadors' sons and daughters. He dealt with racism, too, but his privilege protected him from what his cousins endured.
It was a turbulent time for him, and he felt no one understood. His mother tried, but she was so in love with her husband, Charles, she couldn’t see fault and attempted to rationalize both families’ behaviors. Tobias and Charles fought frequently. Tobias accused his father of not understanding what it meant to be black or biracial in America and of being oblivious to the things his wife and children had to endure daily. Charles was offended by this and dug his heels in. He took a defensive stance instead of listening to what his son had to say. 
This culminated when Tobias, trying to find a sense of personal identity, chose to attend an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities). He decided to attend Howard, and his father was not pleased. Tobias took that as his father denying his son his black heritage. This wasn’t entirely true. Charles came from a world where Ivies or close to Ivies were the only options. He wanted his son to have every advantage in life, but he refused to see that he could have that by going to Howard. This was the final straw, and the men barely spoke after Tobias moved onto Howard’s campus.
While Tobias was attending Hopkins, his father was diagnosed with late-stage cancer and given a short time to live. The sobering news caused the men to work on healing their relationship, but Tobias was terrified and riddled with guilt that he couldn’t admit. As a result, his attempts at healing could be viewed as limited by some. He was lying to himself, insisting they’d have more time, but in the end, they had less time than expected, and his father died before they fully healed.
Jordan was very close with their father and didn’t see things the same way as Tobias. Partly because he had always been more readily accepted by the Carricks (mostly because he was the youngest grandchild). He came to resent Tobias. First, because he was a teenager living at home and coping with his father’s illness daily, Tobias seemed to pop in and out of it. But mostly because he knew how much the estrangement hurt their father. He began to harbor intense resentment toward his brother.
Charles died when Tobias was 24 and Jordan was 17. Tobias was devastated and riddled with guilt, leaving lifelong scars. He tried to be there for his mother and brother, but Vivian was so distraught she wasn’t fully reachable, and Jordan rebuffed him. Still, he accepted a residency at George Washington Hospital in DC to be close to them. Then, one day, he and Jordan had a vicious fight. Jordan told Tobias that, as far as he was concerned, he didn’t have a brother.  Tobias changed his plans and moved to Boston to begin his residency at Mass Kenmore.
Once Jordan was out in the world a bit more, he began to see microaggressions he hadn’t understood before. He also came to see how the Carrick family wasn’t all he believed, so he was more sympathetic to his older brother's feelings. At this time, the brothers began to repair their relationship, to their mother’s great relief. 
But they were both men by now, living different lives in different cities. They kept in touch and made sure to see each other when they could, but the relationship was somewhat superficial. Both were wealthy professionals with playboy tendencies, so often they met up on vacations filled with debauchery. It was fun but relatively shallow. Still, they were both happy to have each other back in their lives.
Jordan was stunned when Vivian told him Tobias had a girlfriend – a real girlfriend – and he seemed to be very much in love. He was sure it was a phase. He was in Boston on business and met Casey (briefly covered here), and he was impressed. But, the nature of his relationship with his brother hadn’t changed. While he didn’t fully realize it himself, he was resentful. This meant their semi-annual vacations, where they’d get involved in all sorts of mischief, ended. Tobias realized that and tried to include him in other ways, but Jordan didn’t show an interest. 
Still, the brothers chatted and saw each other at family events, and the relationship seemed status quo.
That leads us to when Casey & Tobias became engaged. There will be some fics about this - and I'll add to this HC in time. But real quick, they go through more turbulence before Tobias & Casey's wedding, but they work things out and remain close after. Jordan is a doting uncle to their little girls.
Tagging Perma and Tobias.
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @aishwarya26 @animesuck3r @annfg8 @annoyingmillenialnewbie @bex-la-get @binny1985 @bluerosesbloom @bluebelle08 @cariantha @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @different4strawberry @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @forallthatitsworth @genevievemd @hopelessromantic1352 @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lilypills @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @peonierose @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @toadfrog26 @trappedinfanfiction @uneravine @youlookappropriate @zahraha7448 @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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interships-ulead · 1 year
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aman5005 · 1 year
Build connections during your online internship
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In today's digital age, more and more internships are being conducted online, which can present a unique set of challenges when building connections with colleagues and mentors. However, building relationships is just as meaningful in an online internship as in person. Here are some tips on how to build connections during your unpaid or paid internship.
1. Be proactive in communication: It's important to remember that your colleagues and mentors are likely juggling numerous responsibilities and may have a different level of interaction than they would in person. Be proactive in reaching out to your colleagues and mentors, whether it's through email, instant messaging, or scheduling virtual meetings. In simple terms, make your work-from-home internship worth it. 
2. Participate in virtual events: Many organisations now host virtual events, such as webinars or online networking sessions, to connect with employees and interns. Attend these events and engage with others by asking questions or sharing your experiences. You will make connections by getting to know their experience in their chosen field. 
3. Connect on social media: If your colleagues and mentors are active on social media, consider connecting with them on LinkedIn or Twitter. This can help you stay up-to-date on industry news and trends while allowing you to engage with others. Ensure you maintain professional networks during your campus ambassador internship because it can be useful in the future. 
4. Join online communities: Many organisations have online communities or forums for employees and interns to connect and share information. Join these communities and engage with others by asking questions, sharing your thoughts, and providing feedback. Unpaid or paid internships can help you explore your domain as well as meet new people. 
5. Be authentic: Building connections requires authenticity, so be yourself and let your personality shine through. Show interest in your colleagues' work and experiences, and share your own perspectives and ideas.  
6. Follow up: After a virtual meeting or conversation, follow up with your colleagues and mentors to thank them for their time and reiterate any key takeaways or action items. This can help you build rapport and establish a stronger connection. 
Overall, building connections during an online internship requires effort and initiative, but it can be just as rewarding as building connections in person. By being proactive in communication, participating in virtual events, connecting on social media, joining online communities, being authentic, and following up, you can build strong relationships that will benefit you in your current internship and beyond.
Likewise, Ulead offers a paid online internship for students to upskill themselves while reinventing learning and transforming lives with us. Embark on a fulfilling journey to experience, create, nurture and carry out multiple aspects of what makes our organization click, right from sales, to marketing in various segments.  We are looking for spirited individuals who are looking to challenge the way the system works. We are on the same page if you believe that exceptional and well-rounded education is the way to change the world.  Apply now!!.
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warwickroyals · 2 years
what are the official residences of the various warwick families, and can you give us some history/fun facts about each residence?
Anon this is a lovely question, anon, and it's one that's actually encouraged me to begin making a map of my country and where each royal residence is listed.
In Sunderland, a royal residence is a castle, palace, or house in which a member of the royal family lives. Some are considered Crown properties (AKA taxpayer's money fund them), while others are privately owned. Some are only occupied on seasonal or irregular occasions, while others are full-time residences. Below is a quick list of some of these residences:
CHESTER PALACE - Chester Palace is located in Warwick, Sunderland's largest city. It is the main residence of The King and serves as the royal family's administrative headquarters. The offices of the King's surviving sons are located there as well. Despite not being located in Woodbine, the nation's capital city, most state functions are held at Chester Palace, which is more accessible and modern than the older Woodbine Castle. It was refurbished extensively during the 19th Century to accommodate all manners of people, including palace staff, politicians, ambassadors, and tourists. It is often the focal point of the city during times of celebration and morning alike.
COLLINGWOOD CASTLE - Collingwood is a large estate house located four hours north of Warwick. It became the summertime residence of the royal family when it was purchased in 1872 and is private property. Since then the Collingwood Estate has grown, covering tens of thousands of acres, and is home to a wide variety of unique wildlife and landscapes. While secluded from the public, the estate is a working one, and members of the royal family are free to hunt and fish. Collingwood is also home to extensive farmland.
ELLESMERE PALACE - By the mid-19th century, Sunderland had completed much of its expansion westward, and annexed a territory that became known as New Westminister, covering most of Sunderland's northwest coast. Ellesmere Palace is the official residence of the monarch when he is in western Sunderland and is used for local state functions and events. Traditionally, the monarch will spend a few weeks out of the year at Ellesmere, where they would carry out official engagements and events. Due to its proximity to the Scarborough campus of the Royal Military College, members of the royal family have also lived at Ellesmere Palace while engaging in military training and serving domestically.
ROSEDALE HOUSE - Rosedale House and Estate is located in Sunderland's midwest. It is a relatively new royal residence, and is relativly small when compared to other royal residences. It was the country retreat of Queen Anne throughout the 1930s, who tended to the gardens and decorated the house to her tastes. Following the death of her eldest son, Prince George in 1942, Anne isolated herself from the rest of the family at the estate. Following Queen Anne's death, the property has sat largely abandoned until the mid 2020s, when Anne's great-grandson Prince Phillip leased the property from the Crown.
ST MARY'S PALACE - St Mary's is a red-brick palace and the smaller of the two royal palaces in Warwick. It is home to the offices of less senior members of the royal family, and is the headqauters of the King's Royal Court. It is also known as the Curator's Palace due to its numerous artisitc collections and galleries. St Mary's is often the venue for high-profile charity and soceity events. St Mary's Royal Chapel is still used for fuctions of the royal family and the ocassional royal wedding.
WARWICK HOUSE - Warwick House is a country house and, despite the name, is located in Woodbine, just ten minutes outside of the downtown core. Warwick House is famously where the royal family spends Christmastime each year, and the King himself spends roughly two months on the property between November and January. Much like Collingwood, Warwick House is an extensive estate with a dedicated hunting culture. The propery is praticularily beloved by members of the royal family and is regarded as a family retreat. Throughout its history, several members of the family have been born and died on the grounds.
WOODBINE CASTLE - Woodbine Castle is the oldest and largest royal residence. Woodbine is a summit castle, that was built in the Gothic Revival style in order to resemble the European strongholds of antiquity. In a way, it's like the ancestorial seat of the royal family and its proximity to the federal government allowed it to be a venue for many state events. However, in the 19th and 20th centuries, the old Woodbine Castle grew neglected by members of the family. Recent Warwick kings preferred the more modern Chester Palace as their main residence. However, once Louis V took the throne in 1970, he began to make changes and minor renovations to the colossal lake-side castle. Now, he favours it as his weekend residence and country retreat. Several members of the royal family live on the grounds of Woodbine Castle, in smaller properties once dedicated to staff.
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unschool23 · 2 years
Why Are Online Internships Viable For Gen-Z?
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jcmarchi · 4 months
SPURS Fellowships offer time out to reflect, learn, and connect
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/spurs-fellowships-offer-time-out-to-reflect-learn-and-connect/
SPURS Fellowships offer time out to reflect, learn, and connect
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Sixteen international mid-career urban planners and public administrators recently bid farewell to the MIT campus, having completed a 10-month exploration of North American education and culture designed to expand their professional networks and infuse their work with new insights as they return to influential positions in government agencies, private firms, and other organizations throughout the developing world.
Hailing from Argentina, Bhutan, China, Egypt, Honduras, India, Kosovo, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Trinidad & Tobago, Yemen, and Zimbabwe, they comprise this year’s group of MIT Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies (SPURS) Fellows. Founded in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in 1967, SPURS has drawn from 135 countries to host more than 750 mid-career individuals who are or will be shaping policy in their home countries. Along with admitting several fellows directly into SPURS, MIT has competed successfully to be among 13 U.S. universities that also host a larger group of fellows annually selected and funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program.
Recipients of the Humphrey Fellowship have their travel to the United States, living expenses, and other costs fully financed by the U.S. State Department. Perhaps equally valuable — and some say unique among international fellowships — is a focus that frees all fellows to explore beyond classroom teachings to learn, and advance their professional development without the pressure of earning a degree.
“This is the best reward of my life, this year at MIT and Cambridge in general,” says Carina Arvizu-Machado of Mexico, former cities director for Mexico and Colombia at the World Resources Institute and Mexico’s former national deputy secretary of urban development and housing, who is sponsored by the Humphrey Fellowship. “I think this year of stepping back and stepping out of the active life that we have as professionals and being able to reflect, to learn, to exchange ideas — it’s very useful.”
Arvizu-Machado’s sentiments are echoed by many past and present fellows, says Bish Sanyal, MIT’s Ford International Professor of Urban Development and Planning and director of SPURS since 2004.
“The fellows mention that this one year has given them a real opportunity to reflect on what they have done in the past and what they are going to do in the future,” he says, adding that the value of developing professional networks with peers in other developing countries can’t be overstated. “Some have never met colleagues from another country before. The program provides the ideal setting to reflect on professional challenges, collectively, without political concerns which stifle frank deliberation in their home countries.”
While some SPURS Fellows might not be well-traveled before coming to MIT, they are nonetheless a uniformly “very highly motivated and politically powerful group,” Sanyal says — movers and shakers in their home countries in fields such as urban planning, economics, governance, and business development. Some notable alumni include the current managing director of the International Monetary Fund, a former CEO of the World Bank, former ambassadors to the United States from Colombia and Haiti, the corporate vice president of strategic programming of Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina or CAF (Latin America’s largest development bank), and a Nepalese Supreme Court justice.
“When the Ebola outbreak happened in Africa, the person who headed the Ebola response team in Liberia was a SPURS Fellow,” Sanyal says.
The benefits of having a such an accomplished and cosmopolitan group of people on campus flow both ways, says Allan Goodman, CEO of the Institute of International Education (IIE), which administers the Humphrey Fellowship for the state department.
“It really enriches MIT … and all the places that are participating,” Goodman says. “The undergraduate and graduate students interact with the fellows, and they wouldn’t ordinarily have that chance. You have a ready-made group of international consultants who are focused on the theme of your department.”
Each university participating in the Humphrey Fellowship program is assigned fellows based on a specific area of expertise. With SPURS housed within the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, the programmatic focus is on urban and regional planning. Sanyal remarks that this focus is deliberate and consistent regardless of whether fellows are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State or other agencies from the fellows’ home countries. One difference, however, is that Humphrey Fellows are required to be professionally affiliated for at least six weeks with U.S.-based organizations in their areas of work or interest — an engagement described as a cross between an internship and pro-bono consultancy that provides fellows the opportunity to develop professional relationships with U.S. practitioners.
Peter Moran, director of the Humphrey program at IIE, says the biggest value to fellows at MIT and other participating universities is the ability to step out of their past professional lives and reflect from a fresh perspective on their professional aspirations to serve their nations in an interconnected world. In the process, they also benefit from the relationships with other fellows and professional partnerships that last years after they return home.
“To say it broadens your perspective really undersells it,” he says. “The diversity of the fellows is remarkable. It’s a lot of the world … and we are putting them all around the table together.”
By continuing to put fellows from diverse corners of the world together for over 50 years, SPURS has sparked lasting partnerships between fellows, as well as among SPURS alumni, MIT faculty and students, and other professionals they encounter during their time in Cambridge.
Two factors are key to maintaining the high quality of the program, Sanyal says.
First, additional funding could strengthen the program, and, to that end, he envisions sponsoring financially sustainable relationships with over a dozen local, national, and international agencies as long-term partners.
The second challenge is to revise the program’s objective in a rapidly changing world. This is harder to surmount. When SPURS was established in 1967, Sanyal says, there was widely held public perception that the United States ought to look outward to help democratic nations of the world.
“I think the challenge now is that many countries, including the U.S., are looking inward,” Sanyal says, adding that this inward turn increases the importance that SPURS develops a diverse portfolio of funding sources.
As Arvizu-Machado prepared to return to Mexico this spring, she recounted myriad positive experiences enabled by her fellowship — from lectures she was invited to give and graduate courses she attended to practicing yoga with her undergraduate dorm mates.
“Most important, I think, is the people I’ve met,” she says. “This includes, foremost, the other fellows. They are just amazing people. They have become part of my family. But also, some of the faculty and the extended network which this fellowship allows you to have access to. I’m very grateful to be part of this program.”
One of Arvizu-Machado’s co-fellows, Tenzin Jamtsho, agrees that the opportunity for personal connections with other fellows as well as with faculty highly respected in their fields is the aspect of SPURS that will continue to resonate when he returns to his native Bhutan. Jamtsho, director of administration and finance at Bhutan’s Druk Gyalpo’s Institute (formerly the Royal Academy), who is sponsored by the Humphrey Fellowship, says he pursued the fellowship after colleagues at home told him it would be “life changing.” His actual experience at MIT affirmed this expectation.
Jamtsho says the MIT campus offers fellows a “free-flowing environment” for learning, with opportunities to take whatever classes they’re interested in. During his fellowship, Jamtsho says he came to appreciate different ways to approach challenges — viewing problems through a “systems lens,” which he calls “a valuable skill that I am taking back home.”
Also returning to Bhutan with Jamtsho are some less-tangible aspects of his time at MIT.
“I’ve been fortunate to interact with people who are very intelligent and passionate,” he says. “What I’m going to take home is the kindness and humility of these people.”
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itsfazee · 5 months
A Passion for Horses: Harrison Goode's Journey at the University of Kentucky
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From Winston-Salem to Lexington, one student's pursuit of equine excellence
How does a young man from Winston-Salem, North Carolina end up as a student at the University of Kentucky? For Harrison Goode, the answer is simple - horses. Goode's passion for the equine industry led him to seek out the best education in the heart of horse country.
As a graduating senior at UK's Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Goode reflects on his journey and the impact he has made during his time at the university.
A Passion for Equine Science and Management
When Goode first arrived at UK in 2020, he knew that his major had to revolve around his love for horses. Enrolling in the equine science and management program at the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment was a natural choice for him. His goal was to learn more about the management of horses and promote ethical practices within the industry.
Finding His Place on Campus
Coming to a large campus far from home was initially a daunting experience for Goode. He recalls feeling out of place during his first week at UK, as there were not many people who looked like him in his classes or walking around campus. However, his passion for horses and the warm welcome he received from the equine department helped him find his place.
Goode quickly formed connections with his professors and fellow students, creating a community that made him feel at home.
Making a Difference in the Equine Industry
Goode's professors in the equine department recognized his dedication to promoting diversity and inclusivity within the horse industry. They admired his willingness to push for change and his efforts to expose new audiences to the equine world. Through his work, Goode not only made an impact academically but also created a community beyond the campus.
His mentor, Jermo Reese, helped him organize the Equine is for All program, which provided Kentucky middle and high school students with an immersive experience with horses. The program aimed to diversify the perspectives within the industry and educate students about horse care and showmanship.
Leaving a Lasting Legacy
Goode's involvement extended beyond the equine department. He was crowned Mr. Black UK during the 2023 Homecoming celebration, showcasing his leadership and representation within the university community. As a Wildcat Wrangler equine ambassador and a member of the American Saddlebred Horse Association's diversity, equity, and inclusion charter committee, Goode actively worked to promote diversity and inclusivity within the broader equine community.
His efforts did not go unnoticed, as he was honored with the Lyman T. Johnson Torchbearer Award in the fall of 2023.
A Future in Green
As Goode prepares to graduate, he looks forward to his future career at John Deere. He will be joining the company's lifecycle services implementation team at their world headquarters in Moline, Illinois. Despite his transition away from the equine industry, faculty members believe that Goode's emotional maturity and passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion will make him a valuable asset in any endeavor he pursues.
Harrison Goode's journey at the University of Kentucky has been defined by his passion for horses and his commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity within the equine industry. From his humble beginnings in Winston-Salem to his impact on campus and beyond, Goode has left a lasting legacy. As he prepares to embark on his career at John Deere, it is clear that his dedication and drive will continue to make a difference in the world.
The University of Kentucky is proud to have been a part of Goode's journey and looks forward to seeing all that he will accomplish in the future.
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