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midnight-grind · 6 years ago
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Writing deadlines have no meaning when you have cats... #campnanowrimo2019 #campnanowrimo #catsofinstagram #athena #ares #beautifulbabies https://www.instagram.com/p/B0iwjKVBf5Q/?igshid=1lg4ezp18vwb8
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queeranarchist · 6 years ago
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getting that camp nano word count up 💪⌨
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sxltedcxramel · 6 years ago
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O look I survived
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hazelmcnellis · 6 years ago
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Fazit zum #campnanowrimo2019 ✨📜🥳 . Der #Juli geht heute zuende und damit auch meine Teilnahme im #CampNanoWriMo, ehe im November der ursprüngliche "National Novel Writing Month" ansteht. 📝🤫 . Zurück zum Camp: Da konnte man sich selbst ein individuelles Schreibziel setzen. Wörter zählen oder Minuten, Stunden, etc. - völlig gleich, jede|r wie er/sie es mag. Das geht im November ja nicht. Deshalb hab ich mir ein zeitliches Ziel gesetzt, um am #Elfenprojekt zu arbeiten. 😊 . Anfangs war ich allzu optimistisch und bin mit 3600 Minuten (60 Stunden) ins Feld gezogen. 😏 Aber schon früh merkte ich: täglich 2 Stunden klappten nicht konstant, sodass ich das Ziel früh kürzte und mir bloß noch das halbe Pensum vornahm (also 1 Stunde täglich). 😌 Das war für mich besser zu bewältigen. 😎👍 . Bin ich deshalb eine Siegerin im Camp? Nope. 👌😅 Es fehlen aktuell noch 425 Minuten (~7 Stunden). 🙄 Alsooo, sagen wir's mal so: Wenn ich heute aufs Essen und alles weitere verzichte, könnte ich es noch schaffen. 👌🤪😅 . Wer von euch hat denn auch beim Camp mitgemacht? Mit welchem Ziel? Habt ihr es erreicht? 🤓 Ein positives Ergebnis hat meine Teilnahme in jedem Fall gebracht: Ich habe in diesem Monat einiges über meine #Selbstorganisation gelernt. 😊 Da kann ich jetzt ansetzen und schauen, wie ich künftig besser vorgehen kann. ✌️😎 . #autorin #autorenamlimit #schreiben #überarbeiten #schriftsteller #autorenleben #schreiballtag #autorenalltag #hazelmcnellis #writerslife #writingislove #schreibenistliebe #ichliebeschreiben #schreibenmachtglücklich #schreibenschreibenschreiben #buchschreiben #autorenaufinstagram #Autorinnenleben (hier: Wuppertal, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0lDvJmAsDA/?igshid=q71d8msrqkbx
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sassafraslowrey · 6 years ago
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guess this whole draft a novel in 30 days thing WASN'T such a bad idea - over 75% of the way to my 50k word goal! also i've had so much fun with this book it's so different from ANYTHING i've ever written! #campnanowrimo2019 #writing #writer #onwriting #amwriting #books https://www.instagram.com/p/B0AQeKjAnS4/?igshid=1bx9lhoj4iefs
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aisazia · 6 years ago
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Throw back to my time in #Oahu #Hawaii. Wish I relaxed more. 😴 Have to remind myself to take it slow and steady. Too often I'm jumping from one thing to another with little breaks. 😅 Been surprisingly keeping up with #campnano so far. Apparently I can do about 30 minutes a day. 😊 I've been feeling exhausted and burnt out so I've been on social media less. Really wished I didn't book up my weekends the rest of the month.... 😭 Trying to take better care of myself and finally joined a gym. Pray for me. Lol 🤣 How are your stories or writing going? 😎 I know I said I'd post more art but I haven't taken photos of them... Tell me to get my act together! 😜 #CampNaNoWriMo #CAMPNANOWRIMO2019 #campnano2019 #campnanowrimo2019 #amwriting #amrevising #amoutlining https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_HF7VJCJ_/?igshid=17c9znlbmt6r1
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isadorafelixm · 6 years ago
Google Pics made this GIF from some photos that I took eating ice cream and I love it 😂 Tell me, are you doing #campnanowrimo? #campnanowrimo2019 I am, kinda... but every month is #nanowrimo month so 😂😂 it's nice to see everyone writing and working hard. #authorsofinstagram #writerslife #authors #writerscommunity #instawriter #writers #writingcommunity #write #storyteller #instatext #writersblock #authorlife #instawrite #wordgasm #igwriters #writtenword #writersoninstagram #amwriting #amediting #messages #writings #writersnetwork #creativewriting #storytelling #spilledink #wordsmith #amreading https://www.instagram.com/p/BzgiImZBwZ7/?igshid=a5oooorxo6fm
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writingaladurand · 6 years ago
Day 12 - Im currently out traveling. Before I left I took a picture of my board. This is actually to get me out of dark days, hence a few pictures of me. Beinga me light in bad places.
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author-mathomas · 6 years ago
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It's nearly time! I'm going to be working on Game Changer, which is book five in my series The Girl Diaries, during CampNaNoWriMo. I'm so excited to work on this book, lots of new characters unfold and my arc series The Therapy Journals' kicks off from here as well. Eight, no more apoilers! I hope to see lots of my #writingcommunity friends posting updates on progress next month with me :) #instawrimo #instawrimochallenge #campnanowrimo2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BvnAB2Kn0JZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e3230ou2o3l1
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allisonaldridge · 6 years ago
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This is going to be so much fun! What time would you want this at?
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bluejaybabbles-archive · 6 years ago
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I DID IT, Y'ALL, I CAUGHT UP 🥳🥳🥳 It's so wild that I only have around 2,500 words left to complete my goal for this month!!
Also I wrote two Very Intense scenes and I am. So exhausted wow
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writingaladurand · 6 years ago
Day 21 - My mood. I just came back from here but these pictures are better than my own. I am...not eager for ork tomorrow, I miss the beautiful solitude.
However, the rewrite of book is going to be awesome beyond belief.
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a comfortable day on the coast
Lofoten / Norway
by Denny Bitte
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soniavanickova · 6 years ago
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I wanted to finish my novel by the time I reach the 10k words that I’ve set on ny #campnanowrimo2019 . It would have 70k words in total. But my story is nowhere near the end, she needs far more words. And, as exhausted and frustrated as I am, I will give them to her. We’ve been together for too long for it to end poorly. So let’s see where it takes me 🖤🌿☕️ #books #bookstagram #bookworm #bookwormproblems #amwriting #dailywriting #thedailywriting #writer #writing #shewrites #workinprogress #exhausted #relax #coffee #script #wordcount #loveforwords #loveforwriting #czechgirl #czech #czechstoryteller #morewordsneeded #amwriting https://www.instagram.com/p/B05fVoGIkJU/?igshid=1q20qg69iboor
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jcscraba · 6 years ago
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Random facts about the different continents in Enemy Fire! This time we go west to Boiro. . . . #campnanowrimo #campnanowrimo2019 #amwritingfantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/B0o0D6NgSbz/?igshid=p0qi0wlzz0f8
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pchdwck-too · 6 years ago
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Reached my #writinggoals a few days early for this year’s #campnanowrimo #campnanowrimo2019 - next up planning out the novel for #nanowrimo2019 and continuing #microfiction on Twitter #pchdwck_2019_jul (at Wichita, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0fxakqgx7c/?igshid=i5a0y1x9yf0d
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authorcynthiafrazier-buck · 6 years ago
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I validated my project last night! Thanks to #campnanowrimo I now have a finished first draft. Now it’s time to let it marinate a while before beginning edits! #campnanowrimo2019 #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writerscommunity #youngadult #romanceauthor #indieauthor https://www.instagram.com/p/B0a72qaAv1O/?igshid=90tcg0wwyr17
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