#camila morrone x you
reasonsmandy · 1 year
The Hands of Fate
Camila Dunne x Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Hi I don't know if you're taking requests so I'm so sorry if you're not but if you are would I be able to ask for a Camila/male oc that she knew from highschool that lives in Chicago when everything kick's off.
✧.* summary — The lines of destiny walk in unlikely and incomprehensible ways and that's why it hurt so much every time Camila Dunne saw her husband reject her more and more. She was always there for everyone and no one was there for her but you.
✧.* warnings — none
✧.* word count — 3.3k
✧.* 🫀 — Camila's Masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I'm actually so proud of this one, first time writing for my little angel and I miss her so so much. AND OMFG SHE'S SO GORGEOUS I CAN'T 😭
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The lines of reality are shaped in doubtful and painful ways, sometimes momentary pleasures and sweetness as a kind of reward showing you the smoothest paths, the shortcuts, the ways to follow, the shields to create. As she watched her daughter's chest rise and fall Camila tried to understand where she had gone wrong, which way had she missed? When did she miss the exit? When had she let everything slip away from her so easily?
She felt fragile in the hands of fate, letting the thousands of timelines run through her mind like several short films. She always thought that everything she had endured this far had been for her, for that little girl who was not to blame for her father's heinous attitudes. She always thought that after they dealt with all that mess between them they would come out strong... But now she couldn't help thinking that if she was in fact strong she wouldn't put up with his shit.
It was unfair how he had a chance to leave everything, he had a chance to go through his breakdown, she had to be a mother, her daughter needed her. She couldn't go around drinking them all, she couldn't ignore all the obligations she had and throw a tantrum like she was sixteen again, after all, he took any chance of it from her, he made her lose her maturity by his hands like the source of a river in spring, she sees the waters flowing naturally and misses it when it doesn't come back like the used to. After all, a man never bathes in the same waters twice, and she was always reinventing everything she knew, that was Camila Dunne's life.
Since when has loving become this? She knew it wouldn't be an easy road, she was sure of that, but what kind of ordeal did she have to go through to be this difficult with Billy? Why did she have to rip out a piece of her heart to deserve a space in his? Why did she have to prove every time he stepped into the same room as her that she was worthy of a look?
It was suffocating to look for a hold, she always extended her hand but he never caught her in that jump, she always fell, she hurt, she got up, and it started all over again. And looking at the calm face of her daughter, who was sleeping peacefully in the hotel room, she understood that the hole she fell into was one she would never be able to fill, because no one could fill the insufficiency that fate holds eternally for Billy Dunne.
She feels the tears fall down her cheeks so naturally, her body still on that bed so big, a needle falling could be heard in that room, when had she normalized the presence of that pain taking over her husband's? She was so tired of feeling insufficient, of holding the whole world to her back while he pretended with smiles that he was the one providing the foundations.
She sighs deeply, gathering all the strength she didn't even know she still had inside her, approaching the little girl and placing a kiss on her forehead, she stops for a few moments resting her forehead on hers as if she was going to be able to recompose herself there, she needed to be strong for her, but she couldn't.
"I'm so sorry." She whispers to the little one who clutches her pillow between her sleep. "But I can't anymore, I tried, but I can't."
The smoke flooded her cognitive functions, all the choices she made until she reached the door of your house were like mental lapses, varied flashes of impulsive choices where she bundled up Julia and packed her suitcase with the aim of getting out of there as quickly as possible. She asks for the first taxi and gives him the address you gave her a long time ago in case she needed something, watching the streets of Chicago with anguish thinking about what would become of her, what would she do?
There's a fine line between kindness and giving your being for someone, and you knew Camila couldn't tell the difference. She is the kindest person in the world, she would do anything to see anyone happy even if it means burying her wants and needs until she doesn't see the light and loses her breath as she languishes among the earth. She got lost there among the worms in the dark earth, helpless indeed, she had no one but you that she could count on.
You knew her like every line on the palm of your hand, but not by observation like most people, not out of guesswork like most who watched her and deduced what she liked or didn't, you listened to her, you let her talk for hours and hours and actually listened to her. This was so unheard of in her setting that she felt as if she were on constant seawater where the sands of the water are always uncertain, where her feet would never know whether the ground would be firm or slippery, if there were holes or any kind of shell stones that would hurt her from the front.
Was the armor she learned to build necessary with you? Would she need all those mechanisms when she was in your presence? Did she have to scream to feel worthy of your gaze? You knew it wasn't easy to show her that she didn't have to, and you were willing to prove it.
Since high school, you were very close, after all, you had so much in common. You always made it very clear that the world wasn't ready for someone as extraordinary as her, and she always laughed thinking you were overreacting when it came to her, but you knew better. You saw her in a way that nobody sees, maybe not even herself after a certain time, you never stopped being close even after she started dating Billy and you moved to Chicago, it was necessary for you to be each other in a certain way.
So when Camila's life passed through the eye of the hurricane, you were there, as much as you could giving the support you got from a distance, you hated to see the situation where she lost a piece of herself to donate to the other, and that was when you tried to show that she deserved it more than crumbs of affection. You then said that when she felt ready to understand her true worth, to understand that she could be her best on her own and that she didn't depend on anyone else to be everything that she and her daughter needed, she could look for you in that apartment in Chicago.
Camila pulled her daughter closer to her, as if hiding the truth that that moment was dooming them, she takes a deep breath taking her trembling hands to the door and knocking three times on the wooden object, the harsh melody of the sound echoed through her body refreshed the tension of her choices, she looks away feeling her breath escape her lungs.
She hears his quiet steps towards the door, each step a relief from the anxious grip that has been living in her belly since she and her husband landed in this city. You turn the doorknob to find her weary figure with the little girl asleep in her lap, you frown in concern, immediately opening the door.
"Camila?" You give her space to come in, you know her, you know what coming here means. "What happened?"
"Where can I leave her sleeping?" Her voice was so weak it was like a breeze hitting your ears.
You point to your room and she, without precepts, guides the little one to the place, you arrange the room as much as you can for the unexpected visit, you try to ignore it but the nervousness was inevitable when she was near you. You sit on the couch, swinging your legs as you wait for the brunette to put the girl to sleep.
Camila props up the bedroom door and walks down the hall, leaning on it she closes her eyes collapsing in tears. The noise makes your chest tighten, you see the strongest woman you've ever known break down in front of you, it was scary you didn't know how to act.
You abruptly stand up, "Can I hug you?" You question slowly approaching her, she just nods through her tears.
She hugs you around the waist, her arms tremble around you and you wrap her around like a valuable treasure. For a while you are in a comfortable silence, you knew she was going to be in town but figured this time she'd be watching the band's soundcheck or something, but you decided not to ask until she's better for that conversation.
Time passes slowly for her, as if the torture of not knowing how to deal with the life she always dreamed of for herself grew more and more and her destiny was just to watch everything she always dreamed of among the dying flames like it was nothing. With every urge to cry, you wrap her around her more tightly, conveying in some way that you are there for her.
"Honey, don't you want to lie down?" You whisper after a while, she nods, you guide her to the couch. "Want to talk about it?"
"I don't know what else to do." She says running both hands through her hair. "I've done everything I could, all these years... To keep this family together, my family."
You see her tremble and take her hands carefully, without interrupting what she wants to say. "I just wanted things to be the way they used to, but I don't think Billy is going to be like that again, and I need to understand that."
"I'm so sorry Cami." You felt it was true when they said your heart cramps when you see your loved ones suffer. "You did everything you could, you are the best person, the best mother for Julia, the best wife. And if he didn't know how to recognize your worth, the fault is not in you, my dear."
She sighs in frustration, you hug her closer, "She's very proud of you, I'm sure." Your speech made her fall into tears, you know that her life is for her daughter, you wipe her tears.
"I just want her to be happy." She lays down on your chest, and you stroke her hair lovingly.
"And when are you going to give yourself a chance to be happy?" Your question leaves her speechless, and you don't press her to say anything. "Little Jules will be so much happier with her mom having that beautiful smile on her face."
Camila smiles weakly in thanks, she looks exhausted and you just wish she had time to rest from everything around her, you then stroke her hair once more whispering comforting words, giving her time to process and reassure her of everything she's able to do.
"You can rest, I'll take care of you." You say and feel as if after years she relaxes her muscles. "I promise you that everything will be fine when you wake up, or at least I will try to help you with that."
She closes her eyes and feels like she can ignore the world for once in her life, and rests in your arms. When she falls asleep, you put her on the couch and you see little Julia leave the room with her eyes tired because she just woke up.
"Hey Jules." You smile saying hello to the little one, who waves shyly at you. She threatens to call her mother but makes "shii" with her hands and widens her eyes when she sees her sleeping on the couch. "How about we make a snack for when mommy wakes up?" You suggest and the little one smiles excitedly, taking the hand you extend to her and following you into the kitchen.
As you step into the cozy kitchen with little Julia, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Sunlight streams through the window, casting a gentle glow on the countertops adorned with colorful bowls and utensils.
You guide Julia to a sturdy wooden stool pulled up to the kitchen island, ensuring she can reach the ingredients effortlessly. The little one's eyes widen with curiosity and anticipation as she observes the array of fruits, bread, and spreads neatly arranged before her.
"Let's start by making some sandwiches," you suggest, grabbing a loaf of bread from the breadbox. Julia's face lights up with excitement as she watches you slice it into soft, even pieces. She eagerly takes charge of selecting various spreads, carefully spreading them on the bread slices with the enthusiasm only a child can possess.
Meanwhile, you retrieve a colorful assortment of fruits from a nearby bowl, encouraging Julia to pick her favorites. As she meticulously selects strawberries, banana slices, and blueberries, you can't help but marvel at her innocence and the way her eyes sparkle with delight.
Together, you assemble a delightful fruit platter, arranging the vibrant fruits into a pattern that resembles a cheerful smile. Julia giggles with delight, and you can't help but smile back, appreciating the joy she brings to even the simplest tasks.
As you reach for a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice, you notice a small step stool tucked away in the corner. Realizing that Julia might need a little extra help, you bring it over and place it next to her stool. Her eyes widen with anticipation as she eagerly climbs up and takes her seat, feeling like a kitchen assistant.
You pour the juice into two tall glasses, the liquid glistening in the sunlight, and place one in front of Julia. She takes a small sip, her eyes lighting up with the sweet tanginess, while you take a moment to savor the beauty of this shared moment.
With the sandwiches and fruit platter beautifully arranged on a decorative tray, you extend your hand to Julia, inviting her to carry it alongside you. She eagerly takes hold of your hand, her tiny fingers wrapping around yours, as you make your way back to the living room.
"Did you like it?" You ask in a calm voice, the little girl smiles and nods her head.
"Let's give it to mommy." She says with difficulty the words with scramble. She pulls her hand towards the living room, where Camila was already sitting, waking up slowly from her sleep. "Hi mommy, good morning." The little one says excitedly running to hug her.
"Good morning Jules, what were you guys doing?" She says kissing the little girl's forehead, you could see that she was airy, something had happened.
"Me and Y/N made a snack." She says proudly, pointing at you, you hold out the tray in your hand showing off your "project".
Camila smiles at you in gratitude, "I can't wait to try it, my love."
"Jules, I've got an idea." You say in a stilted voice, and the little one feels she's been called to an essential mission. "How about you prepare the balcony with pillows for mom? I have some in that room where you were sleeping, can you do that?"
"Yeah!" The little one exclaims excitedly, she goes skipping towards the room where she had slept and you take the time to sit there next to her mother.
"What happened?" You question, worried about the way she had the saddest face.
"Is it so obvious?" She asks despondently, resting her body entirely on the body of the couch. "It's almost showtime, Billy said if I thought we had a chance yet I should show up." she whispers
"And how do you feel about that?" You question, admiring the way she manages to be so beautiful.
"I feel guilty for not believing that there is still hope for us." She says and you notice she holds on to not cry, you hold her hand. "Very guilty."
"You did everything for this relationship..." You cup her face in your hands, "You gave your life for him, you lived this relationship for two people, actually... For three. You have full right to know that he has reached his end, and to know that this is his limit. Everything is fine Cami, this doesn't make you a horrible person."
"I feel so incapable of all of this." She rests her face in her hand, "Thank you for this, you're the only one who actually listens to me, you have no idea what that means."
"You don't have to thank her for anything." You assure her, stroking her cheeks. "Now, we have a snack made by your mini chef to eat."
You extend your hand to her, lifting Camila off the sofa, and guiding her to the balcony, where little Julia was already arranging the pillows.
As you step out onto the balcony with Camila, the warm breeze gently brushes against your skin, carrying with it a sense of serenity. The sight before you is transformed into a cozy oasis, as little Julia skillfully arranges a cluster of soft pillows and cushions on the floor, creating a comfortable space for Camila to relax.
Camila's eyes widen with surprise and appreciation as she takes in the tranquil scene. A small smile graces her lips, and she looks at Julia with admiration. "Wow, Jules, you did an amazing job! Thank you so much," she says, her voice filled with gratitude.
Julia beams with pride, her eyes shining with joy at her accomplishment. She pats the pillows, inviting Camila to take a seat, and you guide her to settle down amidst the plush cushions. As she sinks into the softness, Camila lets out a contented sigh, feeling the weight of the world slowly lift from her shoulders.
Taking your place next to her, you reach for the tray of sandwiches and the fruit platter that you prepared earlier. Julia eagerly joins in, her eyes dancing with excitement as she selects her favorite sandwich and takes a bite. The room fills with the sounds of satisfied munching and the occasional burst of laughter, as the three of you indulge in the simple joy of nourishing both body and soul.
As you watch Camila and Julia eat, a sense of warmth and fulfillment washes over you. This moment of shared companionship and comfort is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love and support. It is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there are moments of solace and connection that can carry us through.
You exchange glances with Camila, and there is a silent understanding that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you will be there for her. The unspoken promise of support and unwavering loyalty resonates between you, bringing a sense of solace to both of your hearts.
As the snacks disappear and the conversation flows effortlessly, you can see a hint of the burden lifting from Camila's shoulders. Her smile grows brighter, her laughter freer, as the weight of guilt and doubt gradually fades away.
In this moment, surrounded by love and the warmth of the sun's gentle rays, you realize that sometimes the simplest gestures, like sharing a meal together, can be the most profound acts of love and understanding. As the day unfolds, you know that whatever may come, you will face it together, drawing strength from the connection you have nurtured.
The balcony becomes a haven of serenity and hope, where Camila can momentarily set aside her worries and simply embrace the love and support surrounding her. And as the sun begins to set, casting a golden glow over the scene, you can't help but feel a renewed sense of determination and a belief that together, you can face whatever challenges lie ahead.
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afterglowsainz · 4 months
friends | max verstappen
summary: you and max broke up a few months ago and he can’t seem to get over it, looking for a second chance with you or at the very least, be friends
fc: camila morrone
warnings: food
a/n: so happy for max!! (a bit sad for lando but he said he had fun so happier for max overall) anyways enjoy this one based on that justin bieber song that’s been on loop in my head this whole week
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liked by maxverstappen1, sukiwaterhouse and others
yourusername a never ending series called yn being obsessed with food
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username how are you so gorgeous doing everything like what is your secret
username omg yn finally posted !!!
username girl we MISSED YOU
sukiwaterhouse my beautiful baby😚
yourusername not the iconic suki waterhouse on my comments 🤭
username what is max doing on the likes ???
username 🤨🤨🤨
username i thought he was out of the picture what is he doing here 😩
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liked by samclaflin, maxverstappen1 and others
yourusername daisy jones & the six is now on streaming🌟 who’s watchinggg
tagged samclaflin, rileykeough and daisyjonesandthesix
view all comments
username and she looked sooo good throughout the whole show
username the perfect camila dunne🫶🏽
samclaflin ❤️❤️❤️
username love the first pic they legit look like a couple ☺️
username max punching the air right now 🤣
username you really did the book justice!
maxverstappen1 loved the show!
username what is this
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername so happy to see all the support daisy jones and the six has gotten🤍 now the goldens 💫
tagged samclaflin
view all comments
username she’s legit getting prettier and prettier each day
username and that dress 😍
username i’m so happy she’s getting the recognition she deserves💕
username and of course she’s slaying on the red carpet
username i love her friendship with sam❤️‍🩹
username are they dating tho??
username max still on the likes seems a little…
username and now charles too
username what karma is she paying 😩😩😩
maxverstappen1 congratulations!
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liked by yourusername, schecoperez and others
maxverstappen1 hot miami 🐬
view all comments
username last pic 😮‍💨😮‍💨
username no cause like, he knows what he’s doing
username nice p2!
username well, at least there was a podium
redbullracing great race🏆
username why is yn on the likes 😩
username pls god i never ask you much but pls
username guys let them live!
username am i the only one who lowkey wants them to get back together 🤭
yourusername 🦁🦁🦁
username okay bestie i get it
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and others
maxverstappen1 sweet imola 🍝
view all comments
username aaaand back to winning
username and who’s that on the likes again👀
landonorris fun race mate👊🏽
username finally!!! as a redbull fan i can say i was in PAIN
redbullracing great comeback to p1😉
username you did amazing 💙💙💙
yourusername well if it isn’t my friend the grand prix winner 😅
maxverstappen1 🥰🥰🥰
username HUH?
1K notes · View notes
finalgowrl · 9 months
oh pathetic long haired bimbo joe keery save me
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225 notes · View notes
charlesleclerrc · 1 year
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BILLY AND CAMILA DUNNE Track 6: Whatever Gets You Thru the Night DAISY JONES & THE SIX (2023)
295 notes · View notes
mzannthropy · 10 months
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13 notes · View notes
goldsainz · 24 days
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pairing . . . carlos sainz x reader
◦∘。゚. summary . . . you give your boyfriend a birthday gift that leaves the whole world shocked.
◦∘。゚. note . . . last fic with this blue theme!!! i am so excited for the new one (can you tell😭). anywayyyy i hope you all like this and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLOS 🥳🥳🥳🥳 can’t believe he’s now thirty (and flirty)…
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liked by carlossainz55, chappellroan and 1,084,729
yourusername are you free next week? 01.09.
view all 16,270 comments
landonorris i have a grand prix change the date
⤷ yourusername no ❤️
ynfan2 will the sad song streak finally end?
rosalia.vt diviiiiina
⤷ yourusername vossssss 💋
ynfan3 she’s finally smiling
user1 not a fan but i’m excited
alexandrasaintmleux 🤩🤩🤩
ynfan4 oh this is about to be a bop
⤷ ynfan5 when has yn not given us a bop
⤷ ynfan4 true true
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yourusername updated their instagram story!
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liked by mrsamclaflin, leahkateb and 1,964,078
yourusername happy birthday carlossainz55 🛌💋
view all 29,461 comments
carlossainz55 This is more than I deserve, mi amor.
⤷ yourusername nonsense, this is nothing to what’s to… come
ynfan21 yn learned what an innuendo was and never looked back
ynfan22 gonna be streaming 24/7
carlosfan21 can’t believe she’s a wag now😭
⤷ yourusername i’m swift af boi
carlosfan22 i know more about carlos than i ever though i would
ynfan24 “come right on me” HUH?!?!?!
ynfan25 unhinged yn is my fav yn
⤷ carlosfan23 they’re about to be the most unserious couple
carlosfan24 how did carlos bag her
ynfan26 someone make an edit QUICK
carlosfan25 need them to make their paddock debut😩
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carlossainz55 and yourusername updated their instagram story!
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764 notes · View notes
adrienneleclerc · 2 months
hii i love your fics so much! i was wondering if you could do a latina!reader x charles fic were reader is asking charles juicy questions fans sent in or him guessing female products? i hope this make sense ❤️
I think I get it. I’m going to make Y/N like Kika, she has a heavy social media presence but is also a model.
Grill the Boyfriend
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Latina!Reader
Summary: Charles fans have questions and Y/N will give them the answers
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors, a few +18 questions
A/N: sorry it took me so long, this was written on my phone
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Y/N was setting up the camera and ring light in the living room so her new video would turn out well.
“Muñeco, are you ready?” Y/N asked,
“I’m coming!” Charles called out from his room before coming into the living room with a black shirt and gray sweatpants. “Do we have to film this today?”
“We don’t have to, but I want to get it out of the way.” Y/N said. Both sat down on the couch and Y/N clicked a button so it could record. “Hola, mis amores, if you’re new here, my name is Y/N and welcome to a new video. Today we are here with my boyfriend, the beautiful monegasque man who’s face card never declines, Scuderia Ferrari F1 driver Charles Leclerc.”
“Hello, everyone.” Charles waves hi to the camera.
“So all of you have sent me your questions on Instagram, and today we are going to be asking them, how are you feeling, muñeco?” Y/N asked.
“A little nervous.” Charles said
“We will start with an easy question, who is your celebrity crush?” Y/N asked.
“You are.” Charles said.
“Aw, that’s sweet. Mine is (your celebrity crush) actually.” Y/N said and Charles was offended.
“That’s how you want to play it? I change my answer, my celebrity crush is Camila Morrone.” Charles said.
“Oh my gosh, Charles, she’s my friend, you are never beating the homie hopper allegations now.” Y/N said and shook his head.
“Next question, please, before you give me a migraine.” Charles said.
“Very well, what is your favorite Måneskin song?” Y/N asked.
“Mm, i like zitti e buoni, mamma mia is very good too. Zitti e buoni is my favorite.” Charles said.
“Of course it is, there are so many edits of you to that song. I like supermodel and baby said, which is also used in your edits.” Y/N said.
“You watch edits of me, Mon coeur?” Charles asked.
“Next question!” Y/N exclaimed and Charles laughed at her abruptness. “Besides wiener dogs, what is your favorite breed?”
“I like all dogs honestly, I don’t have a favorite breed, but I always wanted a golden retriever.” Charles said
“That’s because you are a golden retriever boyfriend. I always wanted a Saint Bernard.” Y/N said.
“That’s because you loved Beethoven as a kid.” Charles said.
“I still love Beethoven, such a cute movie. Anyway, next question, if we broke up, would you try to date one of my friends?” Y/N asked and Charles covered his face.
“No I wouldn’t, all of your friends are in the states.” Charles said.
“So if one of them came here, would you go out with her if we broke up?” Y/N asked.
“Of course not! I would be trying to win you back.” Charles said.
“Okay then, do you think the car has gotten worse since Monaco?” Y/N asked. Charles paused for a moment
“Legally I can’t confirm or deny that statement. I think there are strategies that the team are implementing that only work in theory but not in practice and that’s causing poor results in races.” Charles said
“What a diplomatic answer, Mr. Leclerc. Based on your recent grill the grid video, have you ever thought about standing me up when we were first talking?” Y/N asked.
“No I did not think about standing you up at all.” Charles said.
“Más te vale, eh. Okay, this question is in Spanish, has pensado en tener una fiesta de despedida para Carlitos? Have you thought about throwing a goodbye party for Carlos since it’s his last Ferrari season?” Y/N translated the question to English.
“Yes, at the Ferrari garage, we’ve already started planning.” Charles answered
“Si, en el garaje de Ferrari, ya están planeando todo para Carlitos.” Y/N translated in Spanish. “Next question, do you like my cooking?”
“There’s no way they asked that.” Charles stated but Y/N showed him the Instagram inbox with the questions. “Does Charles like your cooking” Charles read. “I do like her cooking, she tries to make her cultural dishes fit into my diet and I appreciate that.”
“Thank you, muñeco.” Y/N kissed him. “What is your favorite sex position?”
“Why?” Charles asked facing Y/N. “Why do you need to know?” Charles asked facing the camera.
“They’ve asked this multiple times, the world wants to know.” Y/N said.
“Fine, I like Cowgirl, I like it when she rides me, I also like reverse cowgirl and doggy because I like seeing Y/N’s tattoo of my driver number.” Charles explained in detail and Y/N covered her face.
“Like Haley from One Tree Hill, anyway, what is one of your kinks?” Y/N asked.
“I like choking, hair pulling, being called sir.” Charles said.
“There will be no demonstrations. Craziest place you had sex?” Y/N asked.
“On the yacht.” Charles answered easily.
“I find it concerning how comfortable you are answering these types of questions.” Y/N commented. “Moving on, have you ever thought about marriage?”
“I have thought about getting married someday, having a family, 3 children like my mom did, a nice family dog.” Charles said.
“I’ve also thought about it, I think most women have Pinterest boards of wedding dresses, rings, centerpieces, shit like that.” Y/N commented. “Have you thought about moving away from Monaco?”
“I like Monaco, my family is here, I don’t think I can love somewhere else.” Charles said.
“Have you ever read fanfics about yourself?” Y/N asked.
“Im sorry, what?” Charles asked.
“Fan fiction, have you ever read fan fiction about yourself?” Y/N asked again.
“No I haven’t, but I admire the creativity all of you have.” Charles said.
“I have read fanfics about you.” Y/N admitted to Charles. “They are really well written on tumblr, you know.”
“Why read about me when you have the real thing, Mon coeur?” Charles asked
“Because I have trouble sleeping and I need something to read.” Y/N said. A few questions later, we are in the last question. “Are you excited for Lewis to join Ferrari?”
“Of course I am! We have talked a lot off the track, we are very good friends, I can’t wait for him to join Ferrari.” Charles said.
“And that’s it for this video, hope y’all liked it, make sure to like, comment, and subscribe. For more content, follow me on TikTok and Instagram, besitos.” Y/N said and stopped the recording. “Perfect! I just need to edit it and I can post it later. Thank you for being a good sport, muñeco.” Y/N said, kissing Charles.
“Of course, Mon coeur, anything for you. Now what were you saying about someone else being your celebrity crush?” Charles asked.
“Well they are my celebrity crush, you were my celebrity crush but now I’m dating you.” Y/N said. “You really think about marriage and having a family?”
“Whenever I picture myself having a family, you are right there.” Charles said, they shared a loving kiss. “You want to head out in the yacht today?”
“I would love to.” Y/N said.
The End
hope y’all liked it!
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itsv3n0r1s · 5 months
WHEN I CATCH YOU, max verstappen
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pairing, max verstappen x fem! gasly! reader
summary, in which max starts the 2024 season with a bang...
note, i see the mistakes but i'm honestly too lazy to fix them :(
faceclaim, camila morrone
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masterlist┊༉┊the winner's circle masterlist ┊༉┊taglist
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instagram, ༉‧₊˚.
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liked by maxverstappen1, username, and 843,652 others
forthegirlsf1news 3 time world champion max verstappen seen kissing mystery girl in monaco ahead of the 2024 season, what do you guys think is this a new wag or a possible fling?
view all 6,732 comments
username not him liking
username he's so irritating😂
username grainy ass photos, stop lying on my mans name
username calm down guys that's literally me
username sure
username max baby look me please tell me the truth, are you cheating on me
maxverstappen1 idk am i🤔 username AHHHHHHH username sass? emojis? sarcasm? yh he's gone😪
danielricciardo damn, somebody took my bitch
username dannyyyyyyy
username she ain't me tho
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liked by danielricciardo, username, and 475,823 others
yngasly life lately😊💐
view all 8,462 comments
username HELLO?!?!
username now babe.
username she know we see him right?
username i don't think she cares tbh😔
francisca.cgomes ynnnnnnn
yngasly kikaaaaaaa
username now who the hell is this yngasly
yngasly 😶 username don't let me catch him outside cause i don't play bout you yngasly 😦
pierregasly ?
yngasly ? pierregasly something you need to tell me yngasly no. charles_leclerc she lying landonorris get her ass
username hairy, brown hair, 1.81 m and submissive. might be crazy what about to say but.....
username let's stop you right there, back to bed grandma🙂 username submissive is crazy
yngasly posted 16 hours ago
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twitter, ༉‧₊˚.
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messages, ༉‧₊˚.
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instagram, ༉‧₊˚.
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 2,673,981 others
yngasly my race winner, i'm so happy for you baby even though it's not how I wanted everyone to find out but that my fault for not being able to keep my hands to my self😓💙
tagged maxverstappen1
view all 9,762 comments
username not her exposing the rest of them too
username she so messy
username wow i didn't expect that lowkey
maxverstappen1 i love you
yngasly i love you more pookie maxverstappen1 😒
username they're so cute
landonorris posting that photo of us is dirty work
danielricciardo pierregasly i had no idea i'm just as shocked as you
landonorris he took those photos pierregasly
pierregasly WTF!?!!
pierregasly HELLO???!!
pierregasly I KNOW YOU SEE ME
pierregasly yn i'm sorry please answer the phone
pierregasly maxverstappen1 COME ANSWER THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW
pierregasly maxverstappen1 i'm sorry, i'm not mad just come open the door
username it's them ignoring pierre's comments for me🤣
landonorris my mom said not to talk to strangers pierregasly when i rip your esophagus out you won't be doing much talking landonorris 😦 yngasly pierregasly don't threaten my child😒
username somebody call the nurse pierre is going crazy😭
username it's them hiding in max and yn room for me
username ik their pr team somewhere stressing rn
twitter, ༉‧₊˚.
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monzabee · 1 year
nonesense (social media au) - dr3
Summary: The one where you and Daniel fall in love with a song, so you must share it with the whole internet.
Pairing: daniel ricciardo x actress!reader (model used: camila morrone )
Warnings: sexual innuendos, cursing?, daniel being a sweetheart, Sabrina carpenter's bbc lounge outro for nonsense (simply iconic), time-line doesn't match I know the incident happened earlier in the year but please ignore this thank you!!
Request: this was actually a message request sent to me, but since they want to remain anonymous i won't be tagging them!
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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Liked by danielricciardo, ellefanning and 135,002 others
yourusername: had a date night with a certain mr ricciardo and he insisted i post the pictures he took afterwards.
ynoscarserawhen: come home, the kids miss you
thiccdannyricc: this is a yn stan account first, and a daniel Stan account second
view all 1,879 comments
danielricciardo: how quickly can you take your clothes off pop quiz
yourusername: i bet your house is where my other sock is and you still haven't thrown away your own socks in the hamper
danielricciardo: damn, sabrina why you had to do me wrong like that
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Liked by lando.jpg, yourusername and 217,202 others
daniel3.jpg: Smileys
lando.jpg: what is wrong with yn's hair
georgerussel63: great heavens
yourusername: this is why i support red bull
view all 559 comments
yourusername just posted a story!
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Liked by isabellalombardini, danielricciardo and 42,255 others
yourusername: Day one in London talking all things Camila Dunne and (as @nytimes calls it) "the sharp edges of a love triangle." #daisyjonesandthesix Photos by @isabellalombardini
danielricciardo: i'm so fucking proud of you
danielricciardo: i will pick up my socks i promise
view all 1,043 comments
lorenzaizzo: Linda!!
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 739,932 others
danielricciardo: slam dump featuring the missus. also, note to self that bbc means different things in different countries and sabrina cannot be trusted.
yourusername: proud of you for coming to that conclusion
sabrinacarpenter: sorry mom and dad
landonorris: wait, what?
view all 1,523 comments
sabrinarchives: wait until they here they hear about the drama
yourusername: @danielricciardo BABE WAKE UP, THERE'S DRAMA
danielricciardo: wait, there's more??
1K notes · View notes
feliciasharpclaws · 1 year
like a moth to a flame / c. sainz
carlos sainz x fem! latina! bartender! oc!
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faceclaim: camila morrone
a/n: hi. my first language is spanish, not english, so there are most likely spelling errors. if you like it, please tell me so i can keep writing things like this.
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Carlos Sainz had just turned twenty years old. And to commemorate this moment, his closest friends decided to introduce him to a traditional ritual of adulthood: visiting a local club. Carlos was elated and equally nervous. The idea of visiting a club seemed extremely tempting. However, he did not expect the extraordinary encounter that would await him that night.
Upon entering the club, Carlos couldn't help but notice the fascinating atmosphere. The incandescent glow of the neon lights and the neutral-colored walls that followed the r&b music playing in the place created an attractive scene. In the middle of all that, like a red rose among thorns, was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen: Catalina Muñoz. He just couldn't take his eyes off her all night.
With her beautiful brown skin, her hazel eyes, her dyed blonde hair, and beautiful lips Catalina was a sight to behold. Carlos was drawn to Catalina like a moth to a flame. He found every one of her movements incredibly attractive: the way she served drinks skillfully, how she communicated with customers, and how she carried herself with grace. It was irresistible to him.
Overwhelmed by her magnetism, Carlos mustered up the courage to walk towards the bar. By engaging in a conversation with her filled with flirtatious comments, Carlos little by little built a surprising relationship with Catalina. His playful banter was met with Catarina's lively charm and witty repartee. The chemistry and tension between them was palpable.
With each passing minute, the bar faded into the background. Carlos found himself trapped in Catalina's captivating aura. They seemed isolated from the rest of the world, as they continued their faint smiles and playful banter.
A gleam in Catalina's eyes revealed her hidden interest in Carlos. Her prolonged eye contact and her continued initiative to engage him in conversation all spelled a silent confession of her attraction to him.
However, as two-thirty in the morning approached, Catalina announced the end of her shift. With a hint of mischief, she mentioned her availability to spend some time together on a warm night in the heat of Madrid. A proposal that Carlos accepted with enthusiasm.
As the night came to an end, Carlos escorted Catalina back to her apartment. He hesitated at her for a moment before leaning in to kiss her and she met his lips eagerly. Carlos couldn't believe his luck. And he knew this was the start of something special.
Thus, a visit to a seemingly normal club became an extraordinary night. A night of low expectations blossomed into a basket of unforgettable memories. Carlos's first experience in a club was truly memorable. He mingled with new faces; But the most important thing is that he met Catalina, the woman of his life, in a meeting that he would cherish forever. His birthday outing ended up giving him a cherished memory and a new feeling thanks to the intriguing and beautiful barista.
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redahlia-writes · 1 year
you make loving fun. | masterlist
pairing: francisco “frankie” morales x ofc (camila garcia)
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abstract: “We didn’t necessarily do things the proper way–Will would say we actually did them backwards, which I think is just partially true, I’m not giving you the satisfaction, Miller. You see, when I first met Frankie we didn’t say a single word to each other for exactly three minutes and thirty-four seconds–and I know that, because that’s the exact duration of You Make Loving Fun. Technically, the first thing I said to him was Sweet wonderful you, and after all this time I still stand by those words. We could’ve done things in order, we could’ve done everything scrambled through whatever amount of time, but the result would still be the same–Francisco, my sweet wonderful you, you really do make loving fun.”
a/n: this was born as a companion piece to one of @lcvenderblues​ ideas and then it became a beast of its own and, in true me fashion, turned from a one shot to a way longer story. i’ve always wanted to write something inspired by fleetwood mac and i know my boy frankie listens to them religiously–also seeing camila morrone in 70s clothing inspired me furthermore. so there you have it
also on AO3 - masterlist
feedback is always greatly appreciated. you can send it here, too
content warnings will be given for each chapter, the story is 18+ (mdni). chapters marked with * contain smut.
1. you make loving fun*
2. landslide
3. everywhere 
4. crystal*
5. songbird
6. need your love so bad.
7. as long as you follow.*
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
It's me and you
Camila Dunne x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Hey there! Hi, I hope you're having a good day. I don't know if you're looking for requests or not (I didn't see anything on your blog, but I could be stupid and didn't see it😅) if you do, I have an idea for a Camila one. It's pretty simple, so you have all the liberty that you want. The reader and Camila met because the reader work at the studio maybe and she quickly become friends with the band and of course Camila too, they start to develop feelings, but the reader is afraid both because of how the others might think and also because Camila is still with Billy. But they have a happy ending ...? Please 😂 maybe with Billy's help too... might be nice 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Alright, bye❤️
✧.* summary — You have always been a closed person, preserving your secrets and your limits in fear of what the outside would do to you. But with them you found a family, and in Camila more than that, a love.
✧.* warnings — none.
✧.* word count — 2.9k
✧.* 🫀 — Camila's masterlist
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In the vibrant music scene of the 70s, you embarked on a courageous journey as a music producer. Your passion for creating captivating melodies and pushing boundaries knew no bounds. As you navigated the challenging terrain of the industry, you remained dedicated to your craft, showcasing exceptional talent in music production. Your commitment to professionalism was unwavering, leaving no room for prejudice to seep into your interactions.
You understood the delicate balance between asserting your identity and ensuring that your work spoke for itself. Your focus on maintaining a high level of professionalism stemmed from a deep desire to be recognized for your abilities rather than being judged based on gender or sexual orientation. As a result, you have been cautious about forming close friendships, fearing that personal connections might lead to biases or hinder your professional growth.
However, amidst the solitary pursuit of excellence, destiny led you to a remarkable encounter—the emerging band known as Daisy Jones and the Six. The band's rising popularity within the label piqued your interest, and you became intrigued by their musical potential. It was through their performances and recordings that you witnessed raw talent that resonated deeply within your soul.
With a delicate balance of curiosity and professionalism, you observed the band's progress, contributing your expertise as a music producer to their journey. While you remained focused on your role and responsibilities, you couldn't help but be drawn to their magnetism, the synergy that ignited between their music and your passion for producing.
It was no secret that the band's energy was captivating and attracted anyone who lived with them - despite the fights several times. They made you feel loved and very comfortable, something that you never experienced before in a work environment, it was magical to feel more than at home in what you loved to do.
That band not only acted like a family, they were one, and you understood that when you met Camila Dunne.
Camila intrigued you on every level a person could surprise you on, she was so unique and so surprising that you wanted to swim deeper and deeper into her wonders. When the band was hired she was a frequent presence for the recordings, especially when the instruments were recorded, Julia loved to see her uncles and her aunt play and loved to wander among the instruments, occasionally being caught pounding Rojas' drums or "strumming" Eddie's bass.
And since you were in charge of that room when Teddy Price wasn't there, you always allowed the two of them to be present, because whether you wanted it or not, it was just a matter of seeing the figure of that brunette go through the door with them that your day got better immediately. Billy usually joined them, but it didn't take long to walk out the door with Daisy and come back hours later, so you kept Camila and Julia company while everyone else worked on their parts.
Those afternoons made you connect immediately, you never thought you would get along with someone as well as she did, but it was something as natural as the air you breathe, and little by little it became something as essential as that. With her, things seemed so easy, light, simple, and you came to the conclusion that it was impossible not to fall in love with Camila Dunne.
When you realized the passion that grew in your chest every time your eyes met, you got scared. What would others think of you? What would Billy think of all this? Would you miss this phenomenal friendship? You knew that the oldest Dunne didn't deserve her, you knew that things between them weren't the same for a long time, but something in your mind told you that you weren't within your right to express any feelings for her. You didn't want to mess up the only thing right in your life after so long.
But there were moments where you were sure she felt the same way, moments where it was just the two of you in that studio laughing at the dumbest thing you thought of last night and commented to her, moments where you comforted her when she felt like it was just her against the whole world, moments where she held you close and said she was proud of the project you had done, moments where that smile was directed at you... where you were it's cause, where she was only yours.
Billy and Daisy were a magnificent show, an entertainment that delivered anger, love, hate, passion, lust, need, sadness and all kinds of human emotion between the notes emanating from their voicing strings. A show that would astound any individual amongst the throngs of its audience, a show that was not only memorable for fans but also for art history, a show that Camila Dunne watched daily from the box.
Camila watched Billy and Daisy go up in flames, she watched closely as their souls found each other and shared their wounds and deep feelings, she watched intently as they lost themselves in the intensity that consumed them, intent on filling their own frustration. They needed each other, but they weren't each other's salvation, and she knew it. Quiet, attentive and trying her hardest to keep calm for her daughter as she watched her husband fall in love with another woman.
It was to be expected that she would fall apart, that she would freak out when she saw everything she had built for years slipping through her hands like grains of sand, but there was something holding her that was inexplicable, she expected to feel the thump of the fall as the wave broke into the tide, but instead she felt the water move her smoothly somehow. It didn't wound her as deeply as she expected. It was a puzzle she couldn't comprehend until she confronted the truth: her heart had already begun to wander towards someone else—towards you.
Camila's mind swirled with a flurry of doubts, attempting to unravel the origins of these blossoming feelings within her. How had they emerged? And more importantly, how were they growing stronger? The thought of embracing a romantic relationship with you both thrilled and terrified her. What would others think? Would they understand?
Yet, amidst the fear and uncertainty, Camila couldn't help but envision a future together. She imagined tranquil afternoons in the park, the three of you, sharing laughter and creating memories. She saw herself spending precious free days reading alongside you and Julia, cherishing the simple joys of a life she had always yearned for.
These daydreams gently nudged aside visions that had once featured Billy. Instead, Camila found solace and peace when she imagined herself by your side. And what made it even more remarkable was that you saw her, truly saw her, regardless of the roles she played or the expectations she met. In your presence, she felt valued and appreciated for simply being herself.
As these thoughts danced within Camila's mind, she acknowledged the effort you made to be a part of her life. Your presence, even in a platonic sense, held immense value. It was a testament to the bond you shared, a connection that went beyond professional obligations. Your genuine care and unwavering support touched Camila's heart, assuring her that you were a steadfast presence in her life.
With each passing day, Camila's dreams transformed from mere figments of her imagination into tangible possibilities. And the beauty of it all was that you were right there beside her, making those dreams a reality. Your dedication and commitment to her well-being spoke volumes, instilling in Camila a sense of hope and anticipation for what the future held. Gradually she didn't care anymore about the way Billy neglected her, she only thought about you.
Camila played with Julia in the living room of their house, she could hear Billy in the kitchen preparing something for her breakfast, his voice was like a muffled noise she didn't pay attention to anything that he was saying.
"Cami, are you listening to me?" The older Dunne sits with the girls, stroking little Julia's hair.
She seems to be aware of the dispersion, looking directly at her husband. "Sorry, what were you saying?"
"I wanted to know if you want to go with me to the photoshoot of the album." He cracks a smile, Camila could tell he was distant, something was on his mind since the last time he went to the studio.
"Sure." Camila agrees, letting her hair fall over her shoulders, while touching the doll next to her. "You seem a little restless since Friday." she points out.
Billy shrugs, trying to hide the thoughts of him that had wandered into the kiss he and Daisy shared a few days ago. He doesn't say anything.
"You know Billy, there's a lot of unspoken things between us." Camila says between a sigh, glancing from time to time at Julia trying to make sure she was distracted. "I just wanted you to be honest with me if there's something changing about you, between us."
He looked deep into her eyes, there was something necessary that needed to be said and he knew he couldn't hold back too long. "Look Cami I-, I don't know what's been happening to me these last few days."
Camila sighs, she knew what was coming in this conversation. "You don't know or you don't want to tell me?"
"Daisy she... We have something between us." He says at once, ripping off the band aid. "She makes me burn, it's something I've never felt before. I'm so sorry…"
Camila sighs, opening a smile, he finds the action strange but he watches her carefully. "Thanks for being honest with me, I knew there was something. I know what it's like to see you in love."
His heart squeezes, he felt a huge love for Camila but he wasn't in love with her the same way he was with Daisy Jones, knowing that the woman in front of him was willing to understand his feelings and not only that but also validate them. "I love you Camila, I really do. I just need to figure out what this is. And I don't want to hurt anyone."
"I love you too." Camila says through a smile, wondering if she should open her heart about everything she's been feeling the past few days. "I also need to figure out a few things."
Billy feels a twinge of jealousy, he knew it was selfish of him to think that way so he tried to hide whatever that feeling was. "What do you mean?"
"Exactly what I said, I need to figure some things out too." She shrugs, not wanting to give away too much information. "I only ask you for my space, I want us to maintain a good relationship for Jules, please."
"Absolutely, Cami." He says, kissing her forehead. "You are my family."
The wind on top of the hill was freezing, the hairs on your arms stood on end with each gust of wind that made the leaves fly and the branches move. You tried not to shiver as you watched the band get ready to start the photo shoot, Warren and Eddie were eating while talking about something you were too distracted to understand, Karen and Graham had taken another one of those getaways that they swore you didn't know were happening. But pretty much everyone knew, well, except Warren.
Billy Dunne's car parks, it was almost immediately that your eyes went to the vehicle just by hearing the sound of the engine. As soon as your eyes met hers, your heart pounded in your chest like an animal desperate to break out of its cage. She smiles when she sees you, Julia waves happily at you and you blow her a kiss and she catches it in the air.
It doesn't take long for them to get out of the car, Graham appears and takes his niece in his lap to show the surroundings along with Eddie and Warren, not long after they were playing tag around. While Billy and Daisy took their pictures alone Camila approaches you with that smile that makes you melt.
"I didn't know you would be here." She comments, the wind making the strands of her hair ruffled. She tried to fix it and you laughed with her playful face.
You shrug, putting your hands in your pockets. "And lose these goofs in a photo shoot? Never!" You say making her laugh, her laugh makes the butterflies in your stomach dance. "You look wonderful, you know?"
You couldn't contain the compliment, it was inevitable to speak well of a woman like her and admire her in her presence. Camila smiles shyly, looking at the floor. "This coming from you means a lot, thank you."
"No need to say thank you, just facts." You offer her one of the foods that are there for the staff, she gladly accepts it.
Camila sighs, she had so much to tell you but there was something holding her back. Would this be a good time? You can sense her anxiety, with concern you calmly take your hands to hers, your fingers gently brush against each other as a shock runs down your spine like sensational energy.
"Can we talk in a more private place?" She asks in a low voice.
"Want to go for a ride?" You say jingling your car keys, she opens a small smile and quickly asks if Graham can take care of Julia while she needs to go out and he agrees.
When she closes the passenger door, you start the car and then the radio, and as always "Honeycomb" was playing full blast through the speakers. You automatically open a smile of pride, in a comfortable silence that is established between you, after a while her hand rests on yours, your body shivers.
You turn around a curve to a quieter place, which gives you a beautiful view of that place. Parking the car you turn to watch her, trying to understand what was going on there. Camila looked nervous, and you would do anything to calm her down.
"Hey, it's okay." You reassure her, holding her hands. "You can tell me whatever you want."
She squints her eyes shut, drawing in a sharp breath before speaking at once. "I know this might sound really crazy but I'm falling in love with you."
You feel like you've frozen in time, your heart races, your hands shake as your pupils widen at your words. Afraid that your silence would mean rejection for her, you rush to formulate your words.
"Cami... Are you serious?" Your voice was shaky, Camila just nodded. "I've been head over heels in love with you for a long time."
There was a glow you haven't seen in her in a while, which resurfaced when you saw a huge smile spread across her face. She pulls you into a hug, you are quick to wrap her arms around her. Kissing her shoulder tenderly, you remain in the hold for a few seconds until she pulls away.
"I imagine this is all pretty new to you." You whisper, taking her face in your hands, she nods, her eyes wandering every now and then to your lips. "I'm here for you every step of the way, I understand there are a lot of things you need to figure out and-"
"Let's forget about the world for a while." She says, and you feel that with her you could do this. "Me and Billy, we well... we're not us anymore."
You are surprised to hear this, you have never been taken so seriously in this way, you have never been considered the first option in this way. She had made a very difficult decision to risk anything with you... It made you feel so wanted for the first time in your life.
You take a deep breath, containing the emotion that such words caused in you. "I want to kiss you so badly right now."
She approaches you little by little, resting one of her hands on your thighs "Please, do it."
You laugh shyly, gently cupping her face in your hands, your lips touching in a kiss that feels perfect. Her lips fit perfectly, as if you came back to life after years underground, she made your energy resurface with every movement of her lips. She kissed you with affection and need, it was a new path for her but you felt that together with caution she had the need to have you. You get lost in each other there for a few minutes, just the two of you and nature around you.
The silence was comfortable, you felt good in each other's presence, you felt at home, you belonged. Silly smiles, laughs and kisses were exchanged from time to time until the hours passed and it was necessary for you to return.
"Are we going to continue with this?" You question, very much wanting to receive a yes for an answer. "I respect your time, beautiful, I just want to know if we're going to be together from here."
She holds his hands, intertwining their fingers she brings them to her mouth, placing a lingering kiss there. "It's me and you."
You smile silly, how did she make you feel so surrendered like that? You kiss her one more time, with affection and willingness, wanting to enjoy every second left.
She rests her forehead on his, letting out a giggle. "And Jules, of course."
You laugh along with her, nodding in agreement. "The three of us, that's for sure."
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
Want to be tagged when new stories come out? REASONSMANDY'S TAG LIST
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goldnhrs · 4 months
hello! i finally have some free time ahead of me and have been dyinggggg to write. i'm looking for 21+ partners to write with on discord & open to m/f & f/f ships! below are some wanted fcs, wanted opps and fandom ships that i would love soooo if you are interested please feel free to shoot me a message or like this and i'll reach out ♡
wanted fcs:
sabrina carpenter, madelyn cline, sydney sweeney, olivia rodrigo, camila mendes, lola tung, camila morrone, abigail cowen, margot robbie, simone ashley, greta onieogou, zoey deutch, lily collins, ana de armas, kristine froseth, jessica alexander, olivia holt, maude apatow, florence pugh, halle bailey, laura harrier, dua lipa, kaia gerber, madelaine petsch, dakota johnson, blake lively, lily james, alisha boe
wanted opposites:
drew starkey, harry styles, jeremy allen white, glen powell, pedro pascal, renee rapp, joe keery, maya hawke, oscar isaac, austin butler, theo james, chris evans, sebastian stan, christopher briney, jonathan bailey, jacob elordi, michael evans behling, bill skarsgard, mason gooding, cillian murphy, jonah hauer king, joe burrow, dylan o'brien, damian hardung, penn badgley, michael b jordan, barry keoghan, + any from my wanted fcs
fandom ships: (bolded is my preference)
haley james x nathan scott , sarah cameron x john b routledge , sarah cameron x jj maybank, rory gilmore x jess mariano, nancy wheeler x steve harrington, kate sharma x anthony bridgerton, summer roberts x seth cohen, marissa cooper x ryan atwood, joey potter x pacey witter, belly conklin x conrad fisher, ruby bell x james beaufort, padme amidala x anakin skywalker, daisy jones x billy dunne, gwen stacy x peter parker (tasm), elena gilbert x stefan salvatore, serena van der woodsen x nate archibald
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finalgowrl · 7 months
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watched marmalade again.
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charlesleclerrc · 2 years
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chelseachilly · 1 year
king of my heart - pt 1
i’m perfectly fine, i live on my own  i made up my mind, i’m better off being alone
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell summary: Of all the men in London, Ben Chilwell would’ve been extremely low on the list of who you would expect to meet at a random party your friend dragged you to. You know who he is, obviously - your younger brother is a massive Chelsea fan, as was your dad before he passed away unexpectedly a couple years ago - but you hardly run in the same circles as professional footballers. Until now. warnings: mentions of death of a parent, takes place in a fantasy world in which chelsea will plausibly beat arsenal this season word count: 2.5k
author’s note: hi! i’m very new to the tumblr football world but needed a distraction from chelsea’s current situation, so here we are! i’ve noticed there aren’t enough fics for ben and this is my first time writing for him, pls let me know what you think and feel free to hmu about all things chelsea :) title from king of my heart by taylor obv
*faceclaims for y/n and your best friend are camila morrone and suki waterhouse bc i am obsessed with daisy jones and the six lmao
Of all the men in London, Ben Chilwell would’ve been extremely low on the list of who you would expect to meet at a random party your friend dragged you to.
You know who he is, obviously - your younger brother is a massive Chelsea fan, as was your dad before he passed away unexpectedly a couple years ago - but you hardly run in the same circles as professional footballers.
Until now.
A few months ago, your flatmate and best friend Charlotte got an amazing new job in PR. Since then, she’s been invited to a million fancy events and met a lot of famous (and semi-famous) people. Just last week, she went to the opening of a new club and apparently met some incredible, funny, super attractive guy who invited her to a party at his house tonight.
Although you’ve been really trying to push yourself to go out more lately and enjoy being young in the city, your idea of a perfect Friday night is often just staying in and reading or watching Netflix, so you still take some convincing.
“Charlotte, do you even know anything about this Mason guy?” You ask as Charlotte begins to put her makeup on in the bathroom of your shared flat, a tiny but cute two-bed in North London. “Like, his last name, his job, anything?”
“Nope,” Charlotte shrugs. “But I know he’s fit, and probably posh because the address he gave me is in South Kensington.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Didn’t know you were a gold digger now?”
“I’m not, but posh means open bar,” Charlotte grins. “Now hurry up and get ready.”
You reluctantly drag yourself up off the floor and go to your closet to put on your favourite little black dress - a safe bet for any party, regardless of how casual or fancy it might be.
After doing your hair and makeup and taking a couple shots to ease any social anxiety brewing in your stomach, Charlotte calls an Uber and you’re on your way. You quickly post a photo of the two of you before you leave.
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liked by charlottewright, yourmum, & 102 others
yourusername by the way, we’re going out tonight ✨
tagged: charlottewright
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charlottewright hell yeahhhh
yourmum Beautiful girls! xx
yourusername thanks mum x
When you reach the address this Mason guy gave Charlotte, there’s music blaring from the house. Several very expensive-looking sports cars are parked outside, and there are a few people sitting on the front steps, drinking and laughing.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Charlotte says as your car pulls up. She can obviously tell that you’re worried about socializing with all these strangers, especially ones way above your tax bracket. “We’ll get some drinks and have fun. Hey, maybe Mason has some cute friends he can introduce you to?”
You roll your eyes. Dating is far from a priority for you at the moment, having just begun the career in publishing that you’ve wanted since you were a little girl. Work is your focus, but you know Charlotte is right. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun.
“Okay, let’s do this.”
Before you can even fully get out of the car, still straightening out your dress and making sure you have your phone and purse, you hear Charlotte yell “Mason!” and run over to the group of people on the steps.
As you follow her and finally get a good look at the guy Charlotte won’t shut up about, you nearly trip over your own feet.
You recognize him instantly - Mason Mount, Chelsea midfielder. You may not follow the club the way you used to before your dad died two years ago, but you remember watching Mount score a hat trick during one of the last games you went to.
Charlotte doesn’t follow football at all, so you figure she also has no idea that standing next to Mason are his England national teammates Declan Rice and Jude Bellingham.
You, however, can’t help but be a little starstruck. Football was a big part of your life growing up, and it’s a bit surreal to see all these athletic superstars right in front of you.
Thankfully, they’re all occupied with Charlotte and don’t seem to notice you until you regain your bearings and walk over to Charlotte’s side.
“Y/N, this is Mason and Declan,” Charlotte grins. “And what was your name again, sorry?”
“Jude,” Bellingham answers, smiling at you and shaking your hand. “What’s your name, love?”
“Y/N,” you answer, trying not to blush at the attention as Mason and Declan greet you.
“Well, come on in, ladies,” Mason smiles, gesturing to the front door. “Bar’s in the back, and there’s loads of food in the kitchen.”
As Mason leads the way into the house, which is just as massive and stunning as its exterior, you hang back a bit and grip Charlotte’s arm tightly.
“What is it?” Charlotte asks, furrowing her eyebrow.
“Charlotte, they’re not just posh, they’re footballers,” you explain, gesturing to the literal Champions League trophy casually sitting on a shelf. “Like, some of the best in the country.”
“Footballers?” Charlotte’s eyes widen for a moment. “Oh my god, so you know who they are?”
“Yeah, babes,” you chuckle. “Mason plays for Chelsea. I’ve watched him play for Chelsea.”
Charlotte’s face falls a bit, and she lowers her voice. “Oh, shit, do you want to leave? I know Chelsea was your thing with your dad-“
“No, no,” you wave her off with a small smile. “It’s alright, let’s have fun. He is super fit, and he probably finds it endearing that you clearly have no idea who he is.”
“Now that I think about it, he did mention having training in the morning last weekend. I think I asked what he was training for.” Charlotte laughs. “Shit, that’s a bit embarrassing.”
“Nah, he seems into you,” you comment, noting the way Mason’s eyes are glued to Charlotte as the two of you continue to speak privately. “Now go talk to him, I’m gonna go get a drink.”
Charlotte nods and returns to Mason’s side. God, it feels strange to see your best friend chatting up a guy you watched play in the World Cup on TV a few months ago.
You make your way to the back garden, weaving your way through lots of guys - some of whom you recognize as other footballers - and lots of very pretty girls. As promised, there is a full-service bar outside, and you order a vodka coke for yourself.
Thanking the bartender, you decide to stay out here for a few minutes. You’ll return to the party eventually, but you want to give Charlotte some alone time with Mason and despite your assurances that everything is fine, it’s a lot to digest being in the home of an actual Chelsea player.
Most of the partygoers are inside, with only a few people out back having a smoke or going to the bar. You find yourself a quiet spot in the back of the garden and sit on a patio chair, crossing your legs and leaning back as you enjoy your drink.
You pull out your phone and can’t resist pulling up and old photo of you and your dad at a Chelsea match when you were six years old, both of you smiling in blue. Although it’s difficult to look at, it makes you smile, too - you remember how Chelsea beat Liverpool 3-0 that day and how happy your dad was on the drive home. You’ll always treasure those memories.
“Hey, mind if I sit?”
A male voice prompts you to glance up from your phone. It really shouldn’t surprise you to see yet another familiar face at this point, but the man in front of you nearly takes your breath away.
You recognize him right away - the shiny dark hair, the piercing eyes - he’s unmistakable. He’s even more handsome in person than on TV, if that’s possible. Ben fucking Chilwell.
“Yeah, go for it,” you say, gesturing to the other chair and trying very hard not to stare at him too much.
Ben, who is holding a beer and wearing a hoodie and jeans with a pair of Air Force Ones, looks fascinatingly normal to you for someone who you know for a fact scored a Premier League goal just this afternoon - your sixteen year-old brother Max mentioned it when you spoke earlier, still as big of a Chelsea fan as your dad was. Luckily, losing your dad didn’t poison the game for him the way it did you.
“I’m Y/N,” you blurt out, feeling the need to explain yourself and your presence here for some reason. “I came with my flatmate Charlotte, she met Mason at some club last week.”
“I’m Ben,” he says with a small smile. “Mase and I…uh, work together.”
“Yeah, I know,” you chuckle. When he raises an eyebrow, you continue - there’s really no point in sitting here pretending you don’t know who he is. “My brother’s a massive Chelsea fan.”
“Ah,” Ben smiles, taking a swig of his beer. “Charlotte didn’t seem to have any idea who we were last weekend.” He seems to realize he may have come off a bit arrogant there, as he quickly shakes his head. “Not that she should. I was just-“
“All good,” you interject. “And for the record, I love her to death, but Charlotte thought Man City was a gay bar a couple weeks ago. She’s not much of a football fan.”
Ben laughs so hard he nearly spits out some of his beer, and you can’t help but laugh along with him - his smile is completely contagious. It also seems to be the first genuine one you’ve seen since he sat down.
“Fair enough,” he laughs, setting down his beer and turning his chair to face you properly. “So, Y/N, what brings you to this secluded corner of the garden? Not enjoying yourself?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Chilwell,” you smirk, taking a sip of your cocktail.
Frankly, you’re impressed with how cool you’re being given the situation. It’s not even the fact that he’s famous. Sure, you were starstruck at first, but now you just can’t stop looking at him. At those hands clutching the cold beer bottle, that fluffy hair that you’re dying to reach out and touch, those damn eyes…
“Well, I’m a bit knackered, to be honest,” he admits. “But I wanted to come out and celebrate the win. Honestly, I’m waiting til it’s late enough that I can leave without the lads calling me an old man at training on Monday.”
You laugh and nod sympathetically.
“I get what you mean. I kinda got dragged out tonight as well,” you say. “I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to a bunch of strangers after a long work day, but Charlotte wanted me here and she’s my best friend, so-“
“I’m happy to leave you alone if you’d prefer it,” Ben says quickly. “Well, not happy, but I can. If that’s what you want.”
You shake your head, maybe a bit too quickly.
“No, please,” you smile. “I was in budget meetings all day, but you scored a goal against Arsenal. I think that earns you a spot to sit.”
Ben raises an eyebrow and grins. “Sounds like you’re a fan as well, no?”
“I’m…not not a fan.” He looks confused, so you decide to elaborate a bit. “My dad was a massive supporter. We were season tickets holders at Stamford Bridge until he died a couple years ago. My brother, he’s sixteen, still follows the team, and he keeps me updated, but I haven’t really…well, it hasn’t been quite the same for me since then.”
Though you still miss your dad dearly, time has healed the pain enough for you to be able to talk about him like this. Although, you did have to stare at your shoes the whole time to get through it, and when you look up, Ben’s eyes are wide and full of concern.
You immediately worry that you just majorly overshared with this complete stranger.
“Sorry, you didn’t need to know all that,” you murmur, fiddling with the material of your dress. “I don’t even know you-“
“No, please don’t apologize,” Ben says in a much softer tone than he was using before. “I’m so sorry for your loss, Y/N.”
“Thanks,” you say with a sad smile. He holds your gaze, and you can’t help but feel comforted by his warm expression. Then, all of a sudden, a laugh escapes your lips, surprising Ben. “Sorry, I just…I was thinking about what my dad would say if he knew I was talking to the man he once described as ‘the best left-back in the country’ at a party.”
“Wow, that’s high praise,” Ben smiles. “Your dad sounds pretty great.”
“He was, but I love that your reason for thinking that is him praising you as a footballer,” you laugh softly. “To be fair, he was a big fan of Mount and Havertz as well.”
“Oh, well, never mind then,” Ben jokes, making you laugh even harder.
Probably harder than you’ve laughed in years.
The conversation continues as you each finish your drinks, and after Ben gets you a couple more rounds. You talk about everything - your job in publishing, his life growing up, both of your favourite films and music.
You don’t even realize how late it is until you see a much drunker Charlotte come outside with Mason keeping her upright. Despite her protests that she’s fine, you and Mason both agree you’d better get her home and to bed. After giving her some water, Mason calls an Uber for both of you, and in all the commotion, you barely get the chance to say goodbye to Ben.
It’s not until you get home and take care of Charlotte that you realize you didn’t even get his number. You could get Charlotte to ask Mason for it tomorrow, you suppose, but you don’t want to come across as desperate.
You aren’t even looking for a relationship. You just happened to meet a cute, funny, smart guy at a party who probably has girls lining up around the block just to sleep with him. It’s not like this is going to turn into anything.
You wake the next morning in Charlotte’s bed - you passed out next to her after making sure she had water and a bin next to her in case she got sick - to a loud buzzing sound.
“Too early,” Charlotte grumbles, feeling the beginnings of a bad hangover. “Turn it off.”
You reach over to the bedside table to silence your phone, but you quickly glance at the Instagram notification before you turn it off.
Hey, I found your insta through Charlotte’s, sorry if that’s stalkery lol
I had a lot of fun last night. Any chance you want to hang out again sometime?
“Oh my god,” you mumble groggily. “Ben Chilwell just slid into my DMs.”
Charlotte, still half-asleep, rubs her eyes and turns to face you. “Who the fuck is Ben Chilwell?”
next chapter 💙
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