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indiaweekly · 4 months ago
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bestsexofurlife · 1 year ago
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#trailcam #cameratrap #specialfriend
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Trail Camera Footage In All Seasons - Seven Clips In All. These clips are from Prince George, British Columbia, Canada 🇨🇦via tsiu123• • #TrailCams #CameraTraps #TrailCameras #PrinceGeorge #PrinceGeorgeBC #Bears #Rabbit #Coyote #Fox #Bobcat #Moose #Deer https://www.instagram.com/p/BsfI6S0haE1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2hwmkvcg7ddy
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everydaydeeds · 7 years ago
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Day 1525 - More tribute to Citizen Science Day (tomorrow!) by putting in extra effort this week on my all-time favorite platform: Zooniverse. As you can tell, I'm a big fan of their wildlife projects, but they have astronomy, history, arts and so much more. If you're like me and cannot sit still, Zooniverse lets you keep your hands busy while contributing to research and records preservation.
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forestsindia · 4 years ago
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Rajasthan tops highest recordings of enigmatic Caracal https://www.forests.in/latest/rajasthan-tops-highest-recordings-of-enigmatic-caracal/
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janellekaz · 5 years ago
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EcoMinga’s camera trap footage from their Dracula Reserve in NW Ecuador. • *I put these videos out of order so that you might guess what this healthy female puma (Felis concolor) is so interested in. • The following clip shows a well-fed male making a scent mark right in front of the camera. This is the same male that the EcoMinga Foundation had filmed in their earlier operation, confirming the need for an ecological corridor between existing reserves. • I love seeing this distant communication, of interpreting scent chemicals, and the face the female makes while she (perhaps) analyzes what it is this particular fragrance is telling her. • EcoMinga is doing amazing things in Ecuador and has a captivating blog to tell the story. They are currently too cool for Instagram so you’ll have to find them elsewhere. • #draculaorchids #ecominga #puma #felisconcolor #longdistancerelationship #ecuador #wildlifeconservation #cameratraps #bushnell (at Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7l_09tBKit/?igshid=103bkzo4nfku8
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trvernans · 2 years ago
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funnywildlife · 4 years ago
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Check out this brilliant #cameratrap shot of a wild Eurasian Lynx cub by Czech conservation #wildographer @vladimir_cech_jr ・・・ See more of #Birthdayboy Vladimir’s fantastic work at www.fotopasticky.cz & grab yourself some wicked prints. * #Wildography #wildographyandsafaris #birthdayboy #wildlifeplanet #wildgeography #wildlifephotography #wildlynx #lynx #naturephotography #earthpics #earthpix #wildlifeaddicts #wildlifeart #forest #europeanwildlife #wildeurope #worldphotoorg #nature #animal #nightphotography #canonphotography #canon #eurasianlynx https://www.instagram.com/p/CMPSNBSAPNI/?igshid=q1jsxn50tjcj
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groupersoup · 4 years ago
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12345... 12345....
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amazondeals09 · 3 years ago
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Fujifilm Instax Mini 11 Instant Camera - Lilac Purple
Slim body size with transparent ring lens
Automatic exposure - The Mini 11 automatically selects the optimal shutter speed in any environment. Mini 11 captures bright backgrounds and bright subjects, even in dark scenes.
1-touch selfie mode - The Mini 11 has a built-in macro mode and a selfie mirror for the perfect selfie. You don’t need a close-up lens attachment. Just pull out the lens barrel until the “Selfie Mode” mark appears
Customize your camera - 2 shutter button accessories are included - Jewel button and a glow button.
2 - AA batteries,
CHECKOUT : https://amazondeals09.blogspot.com/
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leonardomercon · 4 years ago
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📷 @leonardomercon e jowrodd . Livro lançado! Foram muitas aventuras e desafios. Porém os animais quiseram aparecer... Um trabalho feito à muitas mãos. Obrigado time! . Sim, como devem ter percebido, a imagem é uma montagem. Foi feita com animais fotografados na mesma cena, em dias diferentes. Colocamos eles juntos para ser possível ver o tamanho real de cada um. Os registros foram feitos no Parque Estadual de Pedra Azul, durante a produção do novo livro do Instituto Últimos Refúgios. . Na montagem: - Eu, @gaspartebaldi e @jowrodd ; - Jaguatirica; - Quati; - Cuíca-de-quatro-olhos;. _ Os registros são da nossa câmera especial, apelidada carinhosamente de “Parafernália Fotográfica Noturna”, ou PFN para os mais íntimos. _ O equipamento foi idealizado em 2011, e vem sendo aprimorado ao longo dos últimos anos para registrar os animais em seu habitat natural. _ Quem quiser adquirir qo livro, é só acessar o site do Instituto Últimos Refúgios. _ O livro "Últimos Refúgios: De Pedra Azul ao Forno Grande" é um projeto da Lei de Incentivo à Cultura realizado pelo Instituto Últimos Refúgios, Secretaria Especial de Cultura e Ministério do Turismo, com patrocínio do Grupo Águia Branca (@grupoaguiabranca), Medsênior (@medsenior_ig) e Diaço Distribuidora de Aço S/A (@grupodiaco); e apoio do Instituto Estadual do Meio Ambiente (IEMA), Reserva Ambiental Águia Branca (@reservaaguiabranca), Parque Estadual da Pedra Azul (@pe.pedraazul), Parque Estadual do Forno Grande (@pe.fornogrande), Ecoparque Pedra Azul Aventura (@ecoparque_pedra_azul_aventura), Instituto O Canal (@institutoocanal), MAKNA e Ripple Essentials (@useripple). _ #jaguatirica #ocelot #quati #cuica #marsupial #felino #mamiferos #cameratrap #trapcamera #trailcamera #ultimosrefugios #livro #pedraazul #fornogrande #natureza #fotografiadenatureza #pedraazul_es (em Parque Estadual da Pedra Azul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRIOoBEDtoj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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conservationbiologist · 8 years ago
Hope and Horror in Cambodia’s Virachey National Park
Rare wildlife — and the poachers who target it — caught on camera.  By Greg McCann
Virachey National Park’s location is both a blessing and a curse. Carved out of a chunk of mountains that demarcates the Cambodian, Lao, and Vietnamese borders and terminating in a wisp of terrain known as the “Dragon’s Tail,” the wildlife of this beleaguered and beautiful park has managed to cling to existence thanks almost exclusively to its rugged terrain. Many Cambodian protected areas lay on relatively flat land that makes it all too easy for poachers and loggers to get around in, but that ease of navigation ends at Virachey, which is actually the southern flank of a westward-stretching arm of the Annamite Cordillera. On the Vietnamese and Lao sides of the borders with Virachey the mountains and jungles spread onward, echoing the morning cry of gibbons and the call of the hornbills that always impress visitors to Virachey. This intriguing topography is also a problem because Lao and Vietnamese poachers find it all too easy to sneak across the wild border areas to set snares and shoot rare species like douc langurs out of the trees.
Indeed, Vietnamese and Lao poaching inside Virachey appears to be on the increase, as Habitat ID’s camera traps are now showing. While locals also poach, they do not, according to our camera trap records, seem to be as well-armed, determined, and well-organized as the Vietnamese, who have long made illegal border crossings into Cambodia via Laos and Vietnam to hunt out the last of the tigers and elephants. Local people are allowed to enter the park to collect Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and to fish and even hunt non-threatened species such as wild pig and barking deer. In fact, the locals caught on our film appear positively benevolent compared to the eerily determined Vietnamese poachers stalking the remote Virachey mountains in the dark of night.
Read more on The Diplomat
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An elusive Binturong with two cubs ambles by a camera trap near the Lao border. This species is not often recorded in Cambodia, but it can still be found in Virachey.
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This hardcore poacher has been photographed on two separate cameras one month apart. He lives in the forest days away from the nearest village, determined to find his quarry, whatever that may be. Poachers are serious criminals and should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent by law.
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forestsindia · 4 years ago
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Tiger cub found in PTR, officials in search of the mother https://www.forests.in/latest/tiger-cub-found-in-ptr-officials-in-search-of-the-mother/
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nunoxaviermoreira · 5 years ago
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Not social distancing! Fox and hedgehog by Mick PK https://flic.kr/p/2iU9r5p
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hawgnsonstv · 5 years ago
2020 February 12 -This is HawgLife! 🐖🐖🐖 My Free Range Pet Bucks "Nuke", "Boz", "Dagger", "Vommer" and "Spike" ... 21 months old here, Also "Momma Doe 4 and 8" and their fawns 🦌🦌🦌 they are Livin The Dream enjoying HawgLife TOTALLY LOVING ❤❤❤ The NEW IMPROVED Sanctuary!!! 🙏🙏🙏 YES This is MY back yard and they are after the unparalleled variety of bird seed and corn that the birds pull out of MY PATENTED Designed SUPER FEEDERS!!! They will browse on that smorgasbord of tasty buds in that strategically placed island of trees. They may then work that overhead licking branch on that tactically pruned crabapple tree before they gets a good wiff of the urine under it from the other deer that were there. They will browse my Hughes Hybrids #Soybeans ... and then start nibbling on some Kentucky Bluegrass "Troy" and "Ginger" forgage variety grasses I planted just for the deer, then eat some of those succulent #clovers growing and everything is overseeded with winter rye. And this year I overseeded the soybeans with:  #BigTine Buck Brunch seed that contains Fria Annual Ryegrass, Rape, Crimson Clover, Oats and Purple Top Turnips. That is just another reason all the deer in the area come feast heavily at the wildlife habitat Masterpiece I created out of my yard that is positioned on Illinois' ULTIMATE DEER and Wildlife Travel Corridor!!! 🦌🦌🐺🦊🐿🐹🦃🦅🦆🦉🦌🦌 . . . #DeerPhotography #CameraTrap #DeerOfInstagram #QDMA #WoodrowsDeers #DeerWhisperer #Whitetail #FitnessMotivation #Deers #TrailCams #TheSanctuary #TheDeerSanctuary #FoodPlot #LandManagement #Whitetails #Deer #AbsolutelyFenCrazy #TRENTcamology #TRENTcam #TRENTcams #HawgTV #HawgLife #LivingLegend #GodsGiftToTheWorld #NothingCanStopMe #GodsSecondFavoriteSon #AllGloryGoesToGod https://www.instagram.com/p/B8fD-z9F-8H/?igshid=1e65k5hlqj9xc
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One of our canopy camera traps in the #PeruvianAmazon capture this photo of a yellow-ridged toucan! Our scientists study ways to mitigate the effects of human development on wildlife in Peru.
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