#came for the thomas brodie sangster
ghcstrule · 6 months
i shouldn't have watched tad again because now i am once again considering adding jack dawkins
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keelifallen · 1 year
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embie-the-buttercup · 2 years
Random childhood crushes I had
Bernard from The Santa Clause
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I think this one is pretty much self explanatory, we all had a crush on him.
Ian from What a Girl Wants
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Still a pretty standard and normal crush. That hair was so cool when I was like 7.
Dapne from Sccoby-Doo
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Who am I kidding, I still have a crush on Sarah Michelle Gellar, she's so pretty. Little me had confusing fellings about her in those short dresses.
Velma's friend from Scooby-Doo
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This man doesn't even have a name but I was so gone for him. The hair, the eyes, the goatee, the shirt... I still love him. Somebody give a name to my boy. (And I'm still mad that they didn't let him have a kiss with Velma. I know she was supposed to be gay, but if you didn't make her gay, and made her have a crush on Seth Green in the second movie, she at least could've had this beauty of a man...)
Both Robin and Maria from The Secret of Moonacre
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Such an underrated movie. I loved Maria, she was so sweet and pretty and my little heart could barely handle the scene where she wakes up with curly hair (I couldn't find a picture.) And let's be honest, everyone who watched this movie had a crush on Robin with his stupid little bowler hat and smudged eyeliner. (Oh so that's where my obsession with men in eyeliner came from...)
Simon from Nanny McPhee
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I still have a crush on Thomas Brodie-Sangster. He was my first ever celebrity crush. There used to be a giant poster of Nanny McPhee in the hallway of my elementary school and I used to go to that part of the school just to look at him. I had no other business in that part, I took trips to see him. I still would, tbh.
Audrey from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
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She's cool, she's badass, she's pretty, she's witty. I was whipped the moment she came on screen. I loved that she was a strong female character surrounded by men and she was treated as equal. Same goes for Helga (but she was evil so little me drew the line there) and Kida too (I don't know why but I preferred Audrey over her. Maybe because the scene where she's taken by the crystal freaked me out a kid.).
Vinny from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
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He's the funniest of them all. There's nothing else neccessary for me to develop a crush.
Cinderella from Cinderell II: Dreams Come True
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Let's be clear, Cinderella from the second movie. Not the original, not third with the time travelling AU. This Cinderella was sweet but independent, confident and determined. And she had a great wardrobe. I loved her so much.
Linda from Rio
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Specifically this scene. The part where she drives the motorcycle also did things to me at 13 but I was done for when she put on this costume.
Fly from Help! I'm a Fish
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Now, we're getting into weird territory. For those of you who haven't seen this movie, for most of the runtime he's a fish. And yet, I had such a big crush on him. He was a hot fish, okay?
Mr Tumnus from The Cronicles of Narnia
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I might out myself as a furry now, but I don't even find James McAvoy that attractive without the faun make up. MAybe I had a crush on him because of his personality. Let's just say it was that.
Nico from Rio
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I know, I know, he's a bird. But have you seen the part at the party when he says "Party in Ipanema, baby!"? That's hot, okay? I might or might not have written self insert fanfiction about him and myself (as bird of course)...
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qrcturus · 1 month
didn’t realize it until now but a blurrier version of thomas brodie sangster is almost exactly how i picture tomny.
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God i do love a historical drama
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ermdotorg · 29 days
I cannot cope with the fact that Newt died in Thomas' embrace. Like he ran at Thomas knife in hand and Thomas took him into his arms and held him— possibly for a moment to regain his composure and hold his "best friend" before they'd have to fight again— only to pull away only to see that damn knife. (THOMAS' KNIFE, BY THE WAY, THAT NEWT TOOK TO REMEMBER HIM BY) (i think)
"Please Tommy, please." was of course devastating but every little line of dialogue during that scene was earth shattering. Thomas begging, Newt apologizing, Thomas reassuring him again and again my GOD. And the way they grabbed at each other when Newt's mind came to briefly?? Thomas' face when he pushed away the gun; like he couldn't even believe Newt thought about it. MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD.
I think it was Thomas Brodie-Sangsters idea to spice up Newt's death and I will never EVER forgive him. Though I don't think I could've handled it if the books dialogue were adapted into the film. Seriously the book version messed me up... like bad. my god.
"REPENT FOR WHAT YOU DID." *input me cocking an imaginary shotgun in my mouth*
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liliumsabyss · 2 years
Hello I have once again found myself rereading the Newt fics and my love for them continues to grow. However thoughts have been thunk and I need protective Newt in my life. I’m happy to let you run wild with whatever ideas you want, if you can’t think of any here are some ones that have been floating around my mind:
Newt protecting reader while they escape the maze. Newt protecting reader at the WICKED facility (probs not what it’s called but can’t stop and think about that right now). Newt protecting reader from himself while he has the flare. Newt protecting reader from Teresa/WICKED after the betrayal.
Anything you want, I’ll take it all.
All the love for you and your work ❤️
Protecting and Patching
Newt(TMR) x Male Reader
Word Count: 1.96k
Tw: Maybe OCC Newt, Blood, Injuries, Mentions of Death, WICKED, Swearing, Weapons, General TMR Violence, Film Newt, Based on Both Novel and Film
A/n: Hey again! It makes me so happy that you enjoy the fics so much! I really like the idea of Newt protecting the reader at the WICKED facility especially since my love of that scene in both the films and novels is just <3<3<3 I love that scene so much of course I love Newt more and he’s just so great in the scenes even if it’s very subtle he does a lot of the shit in the scenes. I had so much fun writing this to the point that I rewatched the scene like eight times to include all the little detail things that happen since I just wanted to capture the feel of the scene and Newts character in that scene since it’s like their first time with face to face peril of WICKED. I had a load of fun writing this and I also learned that Thomas Brodie-Sangster the guy who plays Newt is one of the voice’s of Ferb from Phineas and Ferb I don’t know if I love this fact or if it makes me want to cry. Anyway I hope you enjoy and all the love to you! Thank you so much!
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The boys flooded out of the vent into a dark room that was made of dark concrete floor and bright white concrete brick walls that were decorated with metal pipes winding and weaving into the florecently lighted hallways. The group stood antsy waiting for Thomas to give the next instructions, (Y/n) rocked on the balls of his feet, Newt quickly stepped closer to the other. Thomas started heading down the hallway.
“ Wait, go ahead I’ve got something I need to do” Aris calls out to the rest, one replying they will go with him.
The boys started sprinting down the hallway, Newt making sure the (h/c) haired male was beside him. The sound of footsteps pounded through the wall and the group turned the corner only to be met with a lady in a lab coat. The blonde quickly stumbled back making sure to put himself slightly in front of his lover blocking him subtly from the woman. 
“ What are you kids doing-“ The lady started before being cut off with the howl of sirens projecting from overhead siren lights flashed yellow. The lady’s face quickly contorted as the boys seized her holding her hostage as they continued their sprint through the corridor. They turned a corner (Y/n) being in front of the blonde when the ones who had passed the corner skidded to a stop. A man in all black with what appeared to be a large gun shouted a hey before raising the weapon and opening fire. Newt grabbed the (h/c) haired arm pulling him back clutching onto as they started to sprint the opposite way.
“ Are you ok!” Newt tried to shout over the chaotic shouts and pounding of footprints but it didn’t reach the other as he froze looking away towards where the man had come from. The blonde turned to see what the other was looking at, Minho was stopped several feet away with his fist tightly clenched, some let out calls questioning what he was doing at a time like this. Minho turned around letting out a yell as he sprinted full speed hurtling towards the wall as the man came around the corner. He kept through the air his knees close to his chest as he soared into the man taking him off guard knocking him into the concrete walls rendering him unconscious or dead. (Y/n) couldn’t exactly tell as the group surged forward Newt grabbing his arm dragging him along. Thomas had picked up the gun leading the group of boys through the winding hallways as they still kept the woman in the lab coat hostage.
A large metal door stood in front of them quickly being opened as they surged in seeing five very startled people in lab coats. Thomas holding up the large gun waving it between them screeching ‘where is she’ repeatedly. Newt turned to see (Y/n)’s face, he was biting his lip trying to push down the fear but the blonde could still see it in his eyes which had widened at Thomas’ sudden act of aggression. Newt quickly stepped in front of the other pulling his own arm behind his back to grab the (h/c) haired male's hand looking back raising his eyebrow. (Y/n) just gave the other a nod. Thomas had passed the gun to Minho who continued to keep the WICKED employee’s at gun-point. Newt ran forward grabbing a long strip of cloth attempting to tie their hands together as Thomas retrieved Teresa from the medical bed. Then suddenly someone standing next to the (h/c) haired male shouted ‘they’re coming this way!’ (Y/n) looked petrified turning towards the window in the door right where he had been standing. 
“ (Y/n) get back!” Newt screamed, his eyes widening in fear as he pushed through the crowd in the room towards the door. (Y/n) quickly sprinted out of the way, the blond pushed over a nearby metal examination table it made a loud clatter that shuddered through the already clambering room. There was a loud screech as the table was pushed by Newt up against the door barricading it. 
“ BACK EVERYONE GET BACK!” Someone shouted as a loud crash was heard, reinforcements crashed into the door trying to bash it open. (Y/n) turned at the sound of the panging of glass only to see Thomas thrusting a stool into the glass attempting to break it only to be unsuccessful. Newt looked with terror at the door as the WICKED guards were so close to breaking in so close to getting them all and then what would happen would they be killed like their so called rescuers or would only some of them be killed, would one of them be himself or even worse (Y/n), that future could not exist, he picked up another stool hurdling it towards the glass with Thomas. The loud sound of a shatter filled the room as the glass rained upon them. The boys leapt through the empty window frame that still had remnants of glass. Newt kept turning as the (h/c) haired male shakily attempted to climb through with the blonde spotting him, he however stepped on a piece of glass piercing through his foot the tip covered in blood appearing at the top of his shoe. The male let out a quick yelp falling forward onto Newt who luckily caught him.
“ Can you walk?” Newt said worriedly looking between the other’s shoe that was covered in blood.
“ I think so…” (Y/n) seethed, clenching his teeth. The blonde slowly lowered the male's legs to the ground still keeping his arms around him to take some of the weight of his foot. Newt looked up at (Y/n), (Y/n) giving a curt nod, his arm still stretched around Newt. Then they hear a loud crash. The (h/c) haired male didn’t even get a chance to look back before Newt had started sprinting, still supporting some of (Y/n)’s weight. The group sprints through the hallway being led by Thomas, Newt and (Y/n) towards the front of the group running on pure adrenaline. They all ran through a door. A man in a black ski mask with blank eyes stood there with a large gun which must have been the standard for WICKED. Thomas with little hesitation shot the man with the weapon he had been holding. Suddenly they hear the thundering footsteps echoing down the hallway from the WICKED employee’s. Someone yells shit as they race off again, they finally get to the access door all of them clinging desperately to the large industrial door. Thomas frantically swipes the ID card into the access slot, the door buzzes and a red light flashes denying access. The doors metal jaws stay clamped, some slap Thomas’ back yelling word’s of rush such as ‘c’mon’ and hurry up, but once again Thomas tries are futile as he once again frantically swipes the card it fails buzzing a sound of denial and flashing red. They hear the heavy footsteps of guards looking down the hallway and they see Jason surrounded by guards in tactile equipment heavily armed and holding up shields. Newt quickly pushed (Y/n) into the corner of the wall as gently as he could keeping in mind his injured foot shielding him from the rest as he turned to face the guard’s. Thomas quickly started walking towards Jason ready to open fire shouting at him to open the door only for him to respond with a threatening ‘you don’t want to do this’. Newts head whips behind him making eye contact with the (h/c) haired male whose hands were placed on the blondes back shaking, Newt looked away avoiding making the other more terrified he looked desperately back at the card slotted only one thought pummeling through his head how were they going to get out of this. Then as if a higher power heard Newt’s thoughts the heavy metal door screeches open its heavy jaws. Newt gives a cry of relief like most of the group as he throws (Y/n)’s arm around him, (Y/n) lets out a hopeful smile before they stumble through the door. Thomas lets out a few shots before his gun becomes jammed, throwing it at Jason and his security personnel. The metal door starts to shut slowly sliding down, everyone is screaming for Thomas to get there and in the little gap between the metal teeth of the door and the floor Thomas slides under. Jason hits the window of the door angrily as Thomas flips him off. (Y/n) still clasping onto Newt sticks his young out briefly mocking him as wide smiles spread onto the boy’s faces. They start at full speed sprinting through the large warehouse-like room stopping when they approach the large metal gate that stood a steel or iron giant whatever material it may be in front of them towering twenty feet standing between them and their freedom. Thomas quickly pulled a red lever allowing the doors to steadily open heavily, dragging open a greyish-blue smoke swirled past the door as the group flooded out.
Once they got to safety Newt and his lover separated from the group. The blonde still supported the others' weight as they hobbled to a corner where the two could sit. Newt carefully helped the other sit on the floor hoping that the pain had decreased and the bleeding stopped. He looked up at the other for permission as he went to take off (Y/n)’s shoe the (h/c) haired male nodded. Newt tried to take his shoe off as carefully as he could looking up at the other male who was biting his lip trying to not show how much pain he was in. Newt slid off the shoe to see a several inch wide gash going straight through the (s/c) skin of (Y/n)’s foot . It was bloody but didn’t appear to be bleeding as much as it was, being mostly caked in dried blood. Newt quickly took a flask of water that he had picked up earlier pouring the water on the wound. (Y/n) squirmed clenching his fists in pain.
“ I'm sorry love, I'm sorry.” Newt apologized, trying not to look up at the other in guilt. The blonde quickly tore apart part of his white cotton shirt’s sleeve, he gently held up the (h/c) haired male's foot using the cloth as a makeshift bandage wrapping the wound tightly letting the foot go carefully. The blonde then slid next to his lover putting an arm around him. 
“ This hurt’s like a shucking bitch!” (Y/n) whined to Newt waving his leg in the air.
“ It looks like we will be limping together for the time being.” Newt chuckled slightly making the rare joke about his leg only for (Y/n) to give him a bewildered look and a slight nudge. (Y/n) grabbed Newt hand interlacing them, Newt pulled their hands towards himself raising them slowly to his lips kissing (Y/n)’s hands as he peered at them with his honey brown eyes he gave out a short amused hum seeing the others bashful face.
“ We should get some sleep.” The blonde said hugging his lover slightly more into him, the (h/c) haired male leaned his head against Newt's shoulder with Newt reciprocating the action leaning his head against the others head.
“ Goodnight Newt”
“ Goodnight (Y/n), love”
The two drifted off into sleep in each other's embrace, the other boys shaking their heads at the lovesick couple leaving them alone as they continued to their shifts making sure not to wake the pair.
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
How Much?
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Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Smut
I hummed my little tune as I stood in the monochromatic bathroom and I got dressed for the work ahead. I have worked for this company for a good few years now. It was easy money. Some jobs could make a pretty fun night. The Odd Rich Boy Bachelor party Or Bankers Party bus could make you a few thousand pounds a night for really just showing up. I once had a man tip me a pair of Tiffany earrings just for serving his drink with ice. But I did like the small quieter jobs some days. It certainly was nice to have the smaller jobs as you always knew you'd get paid. This. Was one of my more favoured.
I left the little bathroom and headed into the little London house, the place well-decorated and recently renovated, littered with items most of which I didn't know much about. I had this job for about a year or so now, I was hired, as a maid my job was to come on every other Friday from four till six and clean the house topless in a little maid skirt. I suppose it sounds strange, but it's a fairly normal ask in this job. I don't question why people want me to do it, they are willing to pay me so I don't ask. Some people are just into that sort of thing. And it paid extremely well for what little work was actually required, Go around with a fluffy duster, push a vacuum around, wash the dishes with a bunch of soapy bubbles that sort of thing. I had met the guy who owned the house a couple of times mostly in passing but I didn't know much about him, Most of the time he wasn't here. He worked away a lot, but the house had a few of those little motion-detecting security camera's lot of people have for pets and often when I'd been over I'd get a tip from him showing that no matter where exactly he was in the world he would always take the time to sit and watch me work. What he does with the video's, Not my business. What he does do while watching them? well, I can imagine but again not my business. Today he was actually here and sat on the sofa reading some paperwork in jeans and a silk skirt so I smiled at him as I got my duster and began my work going around picking up all his little items and dusting the place all with him and sitting watching me. "Pass me a light would you maid girl," He asked, So I spotted a lighter on the table and went over to him as he had a cigarette hung from his lips so I clicked the lighter on and lit the end for him
"Here you are, sir." "Thank you very much," He smiled blowing me a kiss as I went back to work "I haven't been here while you work for ages. I've really missed you," "You've still seen me work," "Yeah, but it's not the same," He shrugged "I missed you," "I missed you too" I smiled as I kept working finding myself upstairs making his bed and he came and leant on the doorframe to watch me as I changed the sheets "y/n?" "Yes sir?" I asked "Just thomas you know that" "Sorry, Yes thomas?" "Bend over." "Yes Thomas" I giggled moving to bend over as much as I could and still work for a moment I was confused why but then it hit me as I caught the sight of the mirrored door on the wardrobe behind me, meaning as I bent over his bed he could watch my ass and pussy in the mirror "There all done" I smiled "Is that all for today Thomas?" "Actually, just before you go" He smirked putting his cigarette out on the ashtray on his chest of draws "Sit." He demanded pushing the centre of my chest so I landed on his bed "This all?" I giggled "I wanna look at you" he smirked “How much for you to spread your legs?” "What?" “How much for you to spread your legs?” "How wide?" "All the way." "A Hundred." "Deal." He smirked grabbing his phone from his pocket and fiddling with it a moment "Done." He smirked turning it to show me he sent it I smiled and did as he asked leaning back on his bed and opening my legs as wide as I could, he smirked leaning on the door frame and staring at me for a while "You're beautiful." he smirked “How much for you to finger yourself?”
"Really?" "Really" "It's expensive." "How much Maid girl?" "Eight Hundred." He glared a moment but opened his phone again "Better be worth it." "It is. I promise" "There you go" I smiled and took my hand to my mouth slipping my fingers inside warming them and licking them before I slowly pulled them out let my hand slip down my body and gently rub on my clit I gasped as I gently circled it playing with it softly before moving my hand down to slip two fingers inside myself, I moved my legs up higher and more apart so he had a better view as I worked pushing my fingers hard often making myself squeal or drip from the pleasure he watched eagerly for a while until he came sitting beside me on the bed he grabbed my wrist so he could control my hand making it go faster and harder as he whispered “How much for you to blow me?” "Depends" "On?" "How you want me." "Humm on your knees. Naked. sucking my dick maid girl." "one-fifty" "Ohh now that is a little too much." He said, "How much just to fuck your tits?" "Two." "Two? Why is that more?" "Messier" I giggled
"Fine." he smirked getting his phone and fiddling a moment and handing it to me as he began to kiss my neck moving his hand from my wrist to circle my clit hard as my fingers worked "You just put in, however much it's gonna cost me for you to get naked. lay on my bed with your legs open, and let me fuck you till I cum" "However much?" "However much it costs. You just type those little numbers in and and well go from there." "It would be a breach of my contract" "you think I care? If you get in any trouble I'll make you my little sugar baby that a deal?" "Deal" I giggled typing the number in and handing it back "Ohhh you are an expensive little thing" he smirked "Humm you worth it though" He smirked sending it through before throwing his phone and dragging me into an intense kiss
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ramblingsofamuskrat · 3 months
Can you connect the German city of Kiel to Diehard please? Thanks
Well the lazy way of doing this is the villain in Die Hard is Hans Gruber who was German and Kiel is in Germany. I could also be like: Oh Bruce Willis was born in Germany and yeah. But I love making things more convoluted than that...
So, we all know that Bruce Willis is in Die Hard, but an even more important role was his role as Tony Amato in one singular episode of Miami Vice, which we all know stars Don Johnson in it, who we all know was in Rian Johnson's movie Knives Out, which we all know. Ok I'll stop, even if this is just for you. You know actually I really wanted to connect this to Knives Out and then to 10 Things I Hate About You or 3rd Rock from the Sun because of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but I have changed my mind, as it turns out Edward James Olmos is in the same Miami Vice episode as Don Johnson. Okay, so Edward James Olmos is Admiral Adama in Battlestar Galactica, which also stars Michael Hogan, from your favorite TV show ever, Teen Wolf. BUT, he is also in Skyrim as General Tullius. Skyrim also has Christopher Plummer as Arngeir, who was also in Knives Out. But that's not as fun as connecting to Charles Martinet, who was in the Mario movie despite not playing Mario but whatever. Now, as much as I love Charlie Day and want to connect through him, I feel the need to connect through Crisp Rat, but I'm resisting that cause I had a revelation. Charlie Day is in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, starring Danny DeVito, but Kim Whalen was in an episode of that show, and I love Starkid. Corey Dorris is also in Starkid and he was in an episode of Future Man, which has our icon, Josh Hutcherson, who was in Journey to the Centre of the Earth with Brendan Frasier, who was in the Mummy with Rachel Weisz, and she is married to Daniel Craig, bringing us BACK to Knives Out. Am I losing track of the mission?? NO!!!! So, Knives Out has many amazing cast members, but one of the more iconic ones, is Frank Oz. I just realized that my goal was to eventually bring my connection to the Lion King, and I can easily do that now cause Frank Oz is Yoda, but also that's lame cause I wanted to bring it to Matthew Broderick, but let it be known that we could just do Frank Oz to James Earl Jones at this point. So, Frank Oz was in Star Wars with Mark Hamill, who is in many, many things, such as Avatar, which features Dee Bradley Baker as Appa. He is also Perry the Platypus in Phineas and Ferb (for some reason my brain broke and almost wrote Despicable Me). Phineas and Ferb features Thomas Brodie-Sangster, which is always very funny to me, but it also has Ashley Tisdale, who was in the wonderful movie, 2009's Aliens in the Attic. Aliens in the Attic features many people, including Austin Butler, someone who was in the After movies, Tim Meadows, and Andy Richter, who played Mort in Madagascar. Ben Stiller is in Madagascar, who was in Night as the Museum, which has Rami Malek, who was in Bohemian Rhapsody with Joe Mazzello, who is in Jurassic Park (AND a movie called Star Kid). Jeff Goldblum is in Jurassic Park and also in Thor: Ragnarok, which also has Sam Neill in it, but unrelated to the goal at hand. Thor has Chris Hemsworth, who was in 2009's Star Trek, starring Chris Pine, who was in Wonder Woman with Robin Wright, who is in the Princess Bride with Cary Elwes, who was in Psych. Since they are not in the same episode, James Roday Rodriguez is in Psych, and so is Ally Sheedy, who was in War Games with Matthew Broderick.
To answer your question, yes, I came to the official conclusion that I really needed to get on track or this would literally last forever. Crazy how I can get myself to do this and not my homework. Ignore the fact that it took me over a month to respond to your question. Matthew Broderick is Simba in the Lion King, which also features Nathan Lane as Timon. Nathan Lane was in The Nutcracker: The Untold Story, which I know about solely because of Danny Gonzalez. Nathan Lane plays Albert Einstein in this movie, and so, within the lore of the movie, we could accurately state that because Albert Einstein exists within the movie, so does Max Planck, who knew Lise Meitner. I just wanted to say that cause I am aware as to how much you love her. But Max Planck was born in Kiel. Thank you and goodnight.
If I wanted to play this seriously, and not in my convoluted "6" Degrees of Michael Sheen way, probably could've connected Die Hard to Charlie Chaplin somehow, who met Albert Einstein but NO!!
I hope you enjoy this well thought out response, @wiggogwiggogywrath :)
P.S. That point where I was nervous about this going on forever took A LOT of willpower to not continue. Like I was gonna go into the After series and then end up in Harry Potter or some shit. I'm sure I would eventually run into both Smosh and Dropout cause I am addicted. Luckily for you, I was so concentrated at the task at hand, I somehow like forgot that I usually include those too but whatever. There ya go. Bitch.
P.P.S. I just wanted to do this cause now I can't stop please send help oh god oh no I can't stop, can't stop typing why did you do this to me I can't escape
P.P.P.S. Bye :)
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slytherindisaster · 1 year
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》 mini profile
Full Name: Joseph Victor "Jojo" Sapieha
Birthdate: April 7, 1901 (the Gabriel timeline); 1908 (the '81 timeline)
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Parents: Gabriel Sapieha and Roxanne Haley (@mjs-oc-corner)
Personality: adventurous, creative, competitive, easily bored, curious, reckless, impatient, ambitious, sarcastic
About Jojo: The eldest child and the only son of Gabriel and Roxie. While taking after his mother in looks and a rebellious attitude and love for trouble after his father, Jojo considers himself a proper mix of both.
As a child he was already curious, always finding new ways of causing mischief, usually with his friend Samuel Devlin. Upon arriving at Hogwarts he was sorted into Gryffinor, when the two continued on their antics. After his younger sisters joined him at school they kept teasing each other about their house placement, but when it came to it Jojo was always ready to defend them whenever anyone tried to actually made fun of his siblings for anything.
Jojo quickly got interested in Quidditch, eventually making the house team as a Beater. Despite being quite good at it he didn't want to pursue a career as a professional quidditch player. Instead he followed his desire to become a cursebreaker, getting an apprenticeship shortly after he graduated. He loved the job as it allowed him to travel a lot and see many interesting places.
During one of many travels he bumped into Aisling Lynch (@unfortunate-arrow), a childhood friend who was also enjoying her travelling. The kept meeting after that accidentally in other places which eventually led to them reconnecting and falling in love.
》 portrayed by thomas brodie-sangster
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
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The Basics
name: Aiden Philip Stevens nickname: n/a birthday: May 2nd, 1994 age: 29 years old hometown: Tacoma, WA current residence: downtown occupation: line cook at juniper grill gender: cis-male pronouns: he/him orientation: Biromantic Asexual
Deeper Dive
alignment: Chaotic Neutral mbti: ISTP - the virtuoso zodiac: taurus positive traits: Protective, steadfast, resilient neutral traits: Stubborn, challenging, blunt negative traits: Cataclysmic, quick-tempered, foul-mouthed   likes: hats with ear covers, poppy flowers, free-running, rage rooms, dark chocolate, jager bombs, Jack Daniels, bar scenes  dislikes: early mornings, sitting still for too long, almost everything at some point
faceclaim: Thomas Brodie Sangster haircolor: Blond eyecolor: Brown height: 5'11" weight: 165 lbs identifying marks: chipped left incisor, stick and poke skull tattoo on his upper right thigh (it's not great) clothing style: comfortable and casual is his go to - flannels and t-shirts, straight-legged jeans, high-top Vans
tw: divorce, drugs, child custody, emotional neglect, stroke/illness, violence, cheating mention, parental loss
Aiden was born an only child in Tacoma to an otherwise seemingly happy couple. His father was a land surveyor and his mother a realtor, which meant he never had to want for a thing in his life. This also meant that he had been primarily raised by a nanny in his formative years when their jobs ate up all their time. Attention, of all things, is what he hoped for most, but it was hard to complain to anyone when instead he got every new game console and iPhone as they released.
When Aiden was in the end of fifth grade, it came to light that his father was having an emotional affair with a coworker. Although nothing physical had happened between them, it was enough to spur a divorce. After the ink on the papers dried and his mother purchased a new home, she took Aiden to Fairford and transferred him to the middle school there.
Moving to a new town meant leaving any of the friends he had behind, and in his new school Aiden quickly became a problem. Halfway through the year he already faced two suspensions from violence and destruction of property, but his mother did very little to rectify his behavior. A slap on the wrist, and some hush hush money later, not even getting into trouble earned him her attention. It never did look good for the realtor whose son was sending kids home with broken fingers and bloodied noses.
On weekends and every other Wednesday, he took a bus back to Tacoma to spend time with his father once he hit the age of thirteen. There was never an argument on his father’s end about not seeing his son, and his mother didn’t want to put in the effort of driving back and forth at the time. It was only after he was old enough to travel on his own. Although mentally exhausting, there was no animosity toward his parents, from him or between each other. It’s almost as if the marriage had been done long before that the sting of an affair in the making was easy to shake off.
This does not mean Aiden didn’t get into his own fair share of trouble throughout middle or high school either. Skating by with C’s and D’s in high school while in trouble for truancy and fighting any other classmates simply looked at him the wrong way. He also had no issues with destroying lockers or breaking beakers in the science lab, so on and so forth. He was known for running his mouth too much which led him to get into many physical altercations, so he learned how to fight to defend himself.
Around his sophomore year in high school, his father suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed. It put an end to his career, Aiden took it upon himself to help take care of him on the weekends he went to visit. He became a barback in a local dive bar, but also partnered up with coworkers to distribute and sell marijuana to leave money in his apartment after visits.
Despite his mother’s push for him to go to college, all chances were dashed when his math professor in his senior year refused to pass him. He didn’t want summer school, and in a reactive rage, Aiden got ahold of a bat from the gymnasium and shattered the wind shield to that teacher’s car. Instant expulsion left him the option of taking the G.E.D., which he did, so he settled in working as he had been and helped to support the house and bills for his father.
His mother been distant enough from Aiden she never caught on to where his money was going. His father passed when he was twenty-two from causes related to the stroke. The loss wasn’t horribly difficult to get over. Aiden did grieve for a brief period, became a shut in for a few months at all the resentment for not truly knowing his father as a person despite doing all he could to financially help, but in the same breath battling with the guilt over the relief he felt over it.
By the age twenty-five, his mother gave him the boot. Aiden relocated from where she lives on the Coral Coast to downtown Fairford. He has long since quit the drug selling scene and used his restaurant experience to become a line cook at Juniper Grill. He is going through the motions at this point, just to keep his head above water.
Pinterest: [ here ] Playlist: [ here ] Connections page: [ here ]
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comeawayrp · 1 year
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• Robin 'Slightly' McGinnis • Lost Boy • Age Unknown • Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Start your life in the middle of the jungle...
Robin ‘Slightly’ Mcginnis was born in the Enchanted Forest to traveling musician parents. They traveled all over the country and rather than having a small child to drag in tow they often left him in the care of relatives; passing him from one family to the next. They would come and visit him, but it would only be for a few short days and they were gone for sometimes a month or more at a time. It was here that the seed of rejection started to take root.
As Robin grew, so did his resentment of his parents. As far as he was concerned he had no family, no one that gave truly gave two shits about him. His only escape was in his music or in his dreams where he would visit a magical world called Neverland. His only friend, a boy he had met in his dreams. The boy’s name was Peter Pan. 
It didn’t really click that Peter wasn’t what he seemed to be, nor the world he figured was just all a figment of his imagination. Robin was just a young kid who found someone who seemed to understand him and wanted to be his friend. Robin hungered for Peter Pan’s friendship. It was extremely painful to wake up again and again thrust back into the real world where he knew he didn’t belong. 
Robin continued to visit Neverland long into his teenage years. The longer he dreamed the more he became discontented with his own world and wanted out. It was not a healthy situation to be sure. And by then, Robin was treated by the townfolks as ‘slightly’ an oddball - a boy who lived in dreams and got into more trouble leading other town boys astray with their shenanigans and mischievous misadventures.
When the time came, Slightly was only too eager to leave this world behind for a better one. It didn’t take long for him to adapt to Neverland being a real place and Peter, the boy he trusted and come to feel a deep devotion towards was not just a hope and a prayer of his own making. It was a dream come true - he supposed he had always known deep down that he would end up there. Maybe he was dead and this was heaven - either way, he didn’t care. He was where he wanted to be and that was heaven enough for him. 
+ Witty, Sharp, Observant, Clever, Sneaky - Constant Fear of Abandonment, Blunt, Over-Adventurous, Tactless!
Slightly is TAKEN!
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calamitydaze · 2 years
👀👀 doctor who 👀👀 i am listening
HI SLIME omg i’m just gonna gush about the family of blood if that’s alright. so my the stories i find most interesting are always the ones that highlight the doctor’s alien-ness, and this one did it brilliantly— by Making Him Human!!! or more accurately, contrasting the human the doctor created with who he really is. john smith is ordinary down to the name, he’s a teacher, he’s charming in an awkward way and can’t flirt, he falls backwards down a flight of stairs, he does little everyday good deeds, and he falls in love. but the doctor, who we spend so much time with and subconsciously accept as human even though we know he’s not, is described so… larger than life? terrifyingly so. like i won’t recount the whole monologue but He’s like the night and the storm at the heart of the sun, etc etc you get it. and all of a sudden john’s wonderful ordinary honest life doesn’t matter anymore, because they need The Doctor back. the doctor knew this was going to happen, that he’d have to throw away whatever life john built, but he didn’t… care. it just never crossed his mind.
john asks martha “what do you do for him, why does he need you” and martha says “because he’s lonely.” john says “so your job was to execute me” and martha says “people are dying out there, they need him.” when he sacrifices himself, joan asks the doctor “if you hadn’t chosen this place on a whim, would anyone here have died” and the doctor can’t answer. but at the same time, BECAUSE he came, thomas brodie sangster and that other kid were able to survive the war. the reason the doctor hid as a human in the first place was out of kindness, so that the family could die of natural causes instead of suffer the horrible fates he’d have to give them to protect the rest of the universe. the doctor isn’t a good person, but he’s not bad either. he’s callous in the way a natural disaster is— he’s just a Fact. he Exists, and always leaves something in his wake, for better or worse. he’s a god-alien who wears scuffed converse and likes to pretend to be human, but although john smith is still in him somewhere, he’s not human, and in the middle of the most human-like doctor’s run the audience is reminded incredibly viscerally of that
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aiden-stevens · 1 year
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Full Name: Aiden Philip Stevens
Nicknames: n/a
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male
Age and Birthday: 29 years old, May 2nd
Birth place: San Diego, CA
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Status: Single
Occupation: Line Cook at Tejas Cantina
Education: GED
Residence: Aurora Bay Drive
Family: Anastasia Galioto, Philip Stevens (deceased)
Time in Aurora Bay: 16 years
Face claim: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
tw: divorce, drugs, child custody, , emotional neglect, stroke/illness, violence, cheating mention, parental loss
Aiden was born an only child in San Diego to an otherwise seemingly happy couple. His father was a land surveyor and his mother a realtor, which mean he never had to want for a thing in his life. This also meant that he had been primarily raised by a nanny in his formative years when their jobs ate up all their time. Attention, of all things, is what he hoped for most, but it was hard to complain to anyone when instead he got every new game console and iPhone as they released.
When Aiden was in fifth grade, it came to light his father was having a emotional affair with a coworker. Although nothing physical had happened between, it was enough to spur a divorce. After the ink on the papers dried and his mother purchased a new home, she took Aiden to Aurora Bay and transferred him to the middle school there.
Moving to a new town meant leaving any of the friends he had behind, and in his new school Aiden quickly became a problem. Halfway through the year he already faced two suspensions from violence and destruction of property, but his mother did very little to rectify his behavior. A slap on the wrist, and some hush hush money later, not even getting into trouble earned him her attention.
Weekends and every other Wednesday he took a bus back to San Diego to spend time with his father once he hit the age of thirteen. There was never an argument on his father's end about not seeing his son, and his mother didn't want to put in the effort of driving back and forth at the time. It was only after he was old enough to travel on his own. Although mentally exhausting, there was no animosity toward his parents, from him or between each other. It's almost as if the marriage had been done long before that the sting of an affair in the making was easy to shake off.
This does not mean Aiden didn't get into his own fair share of trouble through out middle or high school either. Skating by with C's and D's in high school while in trouble for truancy and fighting any other classmates simply looked at him the wrong way. He also had no issues with destroying lockers or breaking beakers in the science lab, so on and so forth. He was known for running his mouth too much which led him to get into many physical altercations, so he learned how to fight to defend himself.
Around his sophomore year in high school, his father suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed. It put an end to his career, Aiden took it upon himself to help take care of him the weekends he went to visit. Became a barback in a local dive bar, but also partnered up with coworkers to distribute and sell marijuana to leave money in his apartment.
Despite his mother's push for him to go to college, all chances were dashed when his math professor in his senior year refused to pass him. He didn't want summer school, and in a reactive rage, Aiden got ahold of a bat from the gymnasium and shattered the wind shield to that teacher's car. Instant expulsion left him the option of taking the G.E.D. which he did, so he settled in working as he had been and helped to support the house and bills for his father. (Note for me because I forget things - Aiden had been held back eighth grade year so he was 19 as a senior).
His mother been distant enough from Aiden she never caught on where his money was going. His father passed right before he turned twenty-two from causes spurred on by the stroke. The loss wasn't horribly difficult to get over. Aiden did grieve for a period of time, became a shut in for a few months at all the resentment for not really truly knowing his father as a person despite doing all he could to financially help, but in the same breath battling with the relief he felt over it.
Currently, he lives rent free with his mother in a house on Aurora Bay Drive, but she's cut him off from her finances. While he lives rent free and has a decent car she bought him for his sixteenth birthday, she's decided Aiden can provide for himself otherwise. Food, hygiene products, clothing, etc. all is on him. Keep his nose clean, stay out of trouble (which he does, for the most part), he quit the drug selling scene and used his restaurant experience to become a line cook. He is going through the motions at this point.
+ Steadfast, resilient
+/- Challenging, unbothered
- Cataclysmic, foul-mouthed
⊹ aiden's best friend is jack daniels. while he can go days without drinking easy, it does have a hold on his life to some degree. he finds it softens the edges of life.
⊹ just like a typical cook in restaurant, he lives off monster energy drinks.
⊹ he is an amateur free runner. nothing extreme - aiden mostly can scale buildings, ledges, and fences with ease. a skill learned mostly to outrun trouble.
⊹ he has a pet guinea pig named J.D. get it? J.D.? jack daniels.
⊹ his favorite brand of cigarettes are filterless lucky strikes.
⊹ aiden loves spending a lot of his free time playing dead space.
⊹ there is a tic-tac-toe match tattooed on his leg from a game he lost against mack montgomery. the loss is forever immortalized, but he loves it.
⊹ chipped his left canine opening a bottle of soy sauce when he was 20 years old but tells people it was from a fist fight.
⊹ images of his home - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
I am down for most connects other than end game romantic connections. one, for the fact Aiden is a tough one to earn love from, and two, I like to work on natural chemistry. I also don’t do any sort of pregnancy plots - scares, accidental, etc.
♡ @lucydriscoll - an unlikely friendship formed out of aiden's incessant need to break in the faces of bullies, the day he'd seen lucy being picked on something in him snapped and he came to her aid. it's been the theme of their friendship since, and he watches after her. maybe to the point of being smothering, but it is just habit at this point.
♡ @fionaosmvn - the first time aiden met fiona he'd been sure they wouldn't get alone well. yet, they meshed, and to this day she drags him about with only some reluctance. he won't admit it, but the fight is for show as he eventually relents. he might tell her that he doesn't like her, but in the same breath he'd commit atrocities to anyone who gives her a problem. (not in game currently, but still canon)
♡ @cricketcampbell - unexpectedly, aiden's developed a respect for her. at first, cricket had just been the personal chef his mother hired. a worker to pay no mind to, until he started working as a line cook. then of course he developed a curiosity in her work, and he likes to pick her brain. slyly, of course. he can't be so obvious it's a compliment.
♡ @silascody - ex-boss from when aiden was a runner. being older, silas had been someone aiden looked up to. the absence of any strong male figure in his life made it easy for him to do so, the respect he holds for him insurmountable. he'd admittedly felt a little lost when he stopped dealing, and more so when silas disappeared all those years. he looks at silas as some sort of psuedo-brother.
♡ @phoebekeller - ex from highschool, aiden met phoebe in detention. he may have been ahead of her in grade year, but that didn't mean anything. for whatever reason she saw something in him at the time, and God Aiden couldn't have been more grateful for a light to come into his life at the time. one that he regrettably snuffed out in just a few years when he decided to isolate. he knows she didn't deserve to be treated in such a way, and to this day he feels guilty over it and does hold onto some hope they can maybe, at some point, rebuild a friendship of sorts.
♡ @priyaxdesai - ex-customer from his high school years, aiden wouldn't exactly label her as a friend. simply a client and a familiar face who sought out his house to escape the suffocating routine of her parents' expectations. though without that job in motion anymore, as well as her disappearing from aurora bay, he's fallen off from her life. that's not to say he is itching to find out where she's gone, or what she's been up to.
♡ @mackmontgomery - mack is the equivalent to a weighted security blanket around aiden. for someone who couldn't give a rat's ass about anyone's opinion on him, the fact that aiden feels one hundred percent comfortable around mack means more than he'd ever verbally admit. that being said, aiden will do anything to preserve that.
♡ @ambivalenceshefelt - nikki's golden retriever energy doesn't always match well with the extreme feral possum energy of aiden's but he does think she is a sweetheart. he will answer her late night calls for food when she asks, assuming he's up to make the drive, and he can empathize with her on the topic of her mother setting expectations on her. bleh.
♡ @sagexwilliams - aiden likes to give sage shit just for the sake of it. he thinks she is bossy and demanding at work, but outside of it, he finds her amusing. so he's begun the meticulous process of peeling back her layers to figure out more about her. slowly, as he doesn't want to appear too eager.
♡ @katexharmon - aiden thinks kate is pretty, like how razor blades and sharp city outlines and brightly color poisonous plants are pretty. dangerous, and fun. he finds himself by her side when he's bored and itching to get up to no good, and destroying shit at the junkyard has become one of his favorite cathartic activities.
♡ @noralevin - hanging out under the bleachers, climbing up restricted fire escapes, getting high in the custodial closets of the school — all memories aiden can look back on fondly. that being said, when nora returned back to aurora bay, that old flame reawakened, and he hits her up with no question. he's glad she hasn't tried to shake him, because he's holding onto that nostalgic feeling with a white-knuckled grip.
♡ @atticus-cortes - after a disagreement over some classmate on atticus's sports team (involving loss of their player due to drug use from narcotics aiden provided), he and aiden had at it in the hallway. atticus landed an admittedly solid swing to aiden's face, but that didn't keep him from persisting in that brawl. feelings were left at mildly tolerant at best, until they both ended up working at the All Nighter in their young twenties. apparently, getting stoned and making weird snacks with the ingredients on hand was enough to mend their relationship.
♡ @astridlius - aiden would kick it with astrid during school hours, hang out under the bleachers and hide in custodial closets. he liked her, he really did. until he learned that his vandalism hadn't been found out by chance, and she'd been the one to tell the faculty he smashed his math teacher's windshield. he'd been angry then, and he's angry to this day, and blames his expulsion on her.
♡ @summersabella - if you ask aiden, he's not sure why his first instinct when he saw summer was to push her over before riding off on his bike, but it's spun off into a lifelong rivalry of sorts. oddly enough, there is no bad blood, but it's tradition, or whatever, so he keeps at it where he can. there's plenty of times she catches him off guard, and it keeps that spark alive.
⊹ pinterest
⊹ inspo
⊹ playlist about aiden
⊹ aiden's personal playlist.
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
Media IRL X Mafia / Crime Gangs
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating scary
Warnings: Manipulation / abuse
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I stood in my bedroom folding laundry and putting my clothes away, I hummed to myself a little. When suddenly my hums turned into a scream as I felt hands on my waist forcing me down on my bed. I punched kicked and did everything I could to keep these two linnin-suited men away. But they moved back and I realized I knew them...
"Get in the car Miss Y/l/n." One demanded, 
"He. Wants to see you." 
"...Why?" I gasped, 
"Get in the car Miss Y/l/n." The other demanded, opening his white suit jacket and revealing the gun in his waistband, 
I nodded and stood up going to my wardrobe, so they left me alone. I sighed holding back my fearful tears as I got dressed into my little powder blue shoes, my flesh-tone tights, my matching blue dress, I painted my nails to match my dress and brushed my hair setting a white Alice band in my hair the way he likes. 
I grabbed my white bag and gloves and headed out to my apartment where they waited for me. 
Without a word, I was ushered out of my apartment down to their white vintage Ford and sat in the back seat with the men on each side of me. As soon as the door was shut the driver began to head through the warm cobble streets, I held my breath and tried not to cry, not to shake with utter fear. 
Soon enough we pulled up to the large house the car stopping in front of the door so I had no escape, I was forced to climb out onto the cobbles and for a moment I looked up to the tall imposing windows, the stone of the house surrounded me on almost all sides, white cars lined up in the courtyard making me feel like a hunted animal. But they didn't let me stand long.
I was forced to walk through the house without them once touching me but the threat of them standing around me was enough as they walked me through the beautiful expensive old house, I knew my way and they knew I did but they still walked me there making sure I didn't go elsewhere. 
Until they stopped at two large mahogany doors, they tapped three times and two returned. The two men pushed open the doors to reveal an impressive office of red and aged wood, men in black littered the room enjoying drinks and smokes, all of them armed. They both headed inside joining the others I merely loomed too frightened to enter. 
"Come in," His voice called out in its usual refined tone, "I've been expecting you pet," 
I was too afraid but I stepped inside the office my little shoes just over the door line, I was too sheepish to go any further. 
"Sit down." He ordered, "Before I make you sit."
I nodded and stepped across the rug doing my best not to make eye contact with any of the men all of whom fell silent and watched my every step, once I reached the large mahogany desk where a leather chair was waiting for me I perched myself on it as close to the edge as I could and still be sitting, I held my bag and gloves in my lap trying to keep my breathing steady, I glanced up and met his eyes. 
Thomas sat in the large leather chair, in dark almost black oxford shoes, deep blue trousers with a pressed line down the front perfectly tailored to him, a white custom belt with a silver buckle that seemed almost to glint, a perfectly pressed white lining shirt rolled to his elbows, no tie to mention, his matching blue jacket on the back of his chair, his cigar in hand, his brown dark chocolate eyes stared at me, his blonde hair fixed to one side loosely, "They won't harm a hair on your head, don't worry." he reassured, 
I nodded and gulped picking my nails a little, 
"Out." He demanded and without another word the room emptied but us two, he set his cigar down on his ashtray on his desk and he got to his feet, I did my best not to look at him as he came and leant himself on the desk inches from me looming over me, "Don't. I like your nails, how you always match them to your cute little outfits for me." he smirked taking my hand in his to prevent my picking as well as giving my hand a kiss, "You know why your here don't you?"
"...No sir,"
He chuckled, "Come on, you're a clever girl. You don't mean to tell me you don't know what's going on." his long slender fingers came and took a strand of my hair playing with it gently 
"...I uhh I don't ask questions, sir."
"Good girl," He cooed tapping my head like I was a respectful dog, "Now... the business at hand." He said, "If seems someone... has left our ranks, started off on their own and decided to become a rival. Taking my business, and I want that business back." He explained the serious tone in his voice getting lower and lower as he spoke. 
I nodded my fear overflowing me, my body shaking, "...My father."
"Yes, pet. You're father." He said, "He seems to think he has the right to steal my business. I think that gives me the right to steal something of his don't you agree?" 
I nodded tears flooding down my face,
"Don't cry pet. It's just business." 
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry... I had nothing to do with my father I promise please don't hurt me thomas." I begged between tears, 
He chuckled "I'm not going to hurt you pet. I promise."
"You won't?"
"I won't." He nodded, "But I need you, my sweet girl, to do something for me."
"what is it?" I asked as I dried my tears, 
He smirked and his hand that had been in his pocket this whole time slipped out and set a small bottle filled with a fine white powder on the desk in front of me, I stared at it, unable to look away. 
"...It has to be done?"
"He's made himself my rival there for a target. He knew what that would mean." He answered without a shred of mercy to his voice, 
"The boys could so easily-"
"No. I want you to do it."
"... does it have to be me?" I asked meeting his eyes, 
He smiled and stroked my cheek, "I love you pet. I love you very much, However." he said, "You're father has left our organization, taken secrets and connections with him, started off on his own. It needs to be you. Becuase as much as I love you... I don't trust you."
"You can trust me-"
"No. I can't. He's your father." He glared, "I need to know... that you are loyal to me. and not to him."
"I am loyal to you, you can trust me I-"
"If you are, then you should have no arguments and no issue doing what I ask of you pet."
"...Yes sir." I nodded,
"Good girl," He nodded, as he held my face and kissed my hair, "They have a meeting at Estelen this afternoon with his business partners, you are going to meet with him and deal with him." He said, "So? Can I rely on you pet?"
"... and if I fail? If I can't do this..."
He smirked, "I think you know. You will not fail and that is an order pet. Understand?"
"Yes sir." I nodded as a tear slipped down my cheek, 
"Good girl. Now that's all the tears I wish to see slip from those sweet eyes. When it's done you'll come back to me." 
"Yes sir," I nodded as I nervously took the bottle and added it to my bag, 
He smiled and wiped my tear from my cheek, "I want you to do something for me before you go,"
"You know what I want." he smirked biting his lip, "Come. Give me a cuddle and tell me you love me." 
I nodded and sheepishly got to my feet, I adjusted my dress and set my bag and gloves on the chair, I stopped short as I stood before him almost too scared to touch him. 
He didn't wait and wrapped his arms around me pulling me between his legs and to his chest he held my hip and his hand stroked my hair he pulled my head close so I had no escape from him even sharply inhaling my hair, "Come on, I wanna hear you say it pet." he whispered in my ear before his tongue licked my earlobe, 
I held my breath a moment and gathered up all my confidence and held him close resting my hands on his chest, I pressed my lips to his cheek for a few seconds leaving my lipstick kiss against his skin, and whispering in his ear, "I love you thomas..."
"I love you too pet. Now follow my instructions and come back here and I'll give you a very nice reward. Understand?"
"Yes sir,"
"Good girl," He smirked, "I do not like seeing those tears on your face pet  so, do not shed anymore"
"I won't." I nodded,
"Perfect, now don't keep me waiting," he growled as he let me go,
I nodded and turned on my heels walking out of the office and as soon as I was out of view I wanted to burst into tears but I knew it would be foolish so I headed out to the car where the men waited with the door open to take me to the restaurant Estelen.
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boroughshq · 5 months
Eric Dane, Patrick Dempsey, Thomas Brodie Sangster, Taron Egerton, Freddie Fox, Brian Greenberg, Chris Pine, Robert Pattinson, Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Finn Wittrock, Henry Golding, Dan Stevens, Oscar Isaac, Jonathan Groff, Jacob Elordi, Glen Powell, William Moseley, Chris Carmack, Sean Teale, Jason Momoa, Alan Ritchson! (Majority of these also came from the wanted connection suggested FC list, if you're looking for more inspo!)
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