#◂ ❚ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ❚ ▸ & now a word from our sponsor. (OOC)
ionozoned · 8 months
permanent interactions call for 2024 !
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hi! my name is morton. i'm a nervous little disabled guy with autism and adhd, but trying my very best to overcome my crippling social anxiety despite it all. extra reassurance that it's okay to reach really out helps me a lot! so if you don't mind, please like/reply to this post if now or at any point in the future you want to give me permission to do any of the following.
send you asks (prompted or not)
send you ask memes/writing prompts (prompted or not)
write you a starter (plotted &/or prompted or not)
private message you through IMs or discord (available to mutuals) to plot,  discuss starter/scenario ideas, figure out the best way to interact, or just talk about our characters in general!
mutuals in general are always 100% free to do any of these for me as well! if you have a preferred interaction method, please feel free to lmk either in the replies on this post or in my dms, or use the interest checker below!
▽ interest checker ▲ ask memes ▽ inbox call ▲ interaction guide ▽
i'll still be slow. i'll still be anxious. but i'm gonna try to keep improving this year both with interacting, and knowing my limits so i don't push myself too hard and instantly burn out. gonna keep trying until i find a good balance and i'm glad to have yall around for the ride. 👍 (just please keep in mind that iono is a low activity blog, and will not be as active as my main pokemon rpc blog, @.wrongtrain.)
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ghcstrule · 6 months
i shouldn't have watched tad again because now i am once again considering adding jack dawkins
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ghcstrule-archive · 1 year
benson: would you challenge a straight marriage like this? barba, a bisexual man: if i thought the husband was good for murder, i'd cross examine the priest.
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rival-of-the-radio · 2 years
I don't care if you've posted the meme I'm gonna go off about you. You're SO full of love I see it on you every day. You're incredible strong and an amazingly talented individual. I'd fucking go to war for you 💕💕💕💕💕💕
//ASDFGJKL AWWWW KIRBY!!! YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY DAMMIT 😭😭😭 🥹🥹🥹🥹 You're so sweet and I love you to death. You're the softest bean who has been through so much but you walk around with your head high. You've helped me through a lot and I'm thankful to have you as my friend 💕
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studies-of-the-soul · 2 years
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{ Fandom Discourse IRL, brought to you by Anime Expo 2022 }
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roxanncc-a · 2 years
archiving this blog !! you can find me on my other blogs if you want to interact still -- otherwise please feel free to softblock me !
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tewwor-aaa · 2 years
yall know what it is. tag time
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1997bestsalesman · 3 years
(Ooc, sharing here bc it's my deltarune blog: send in your deltarune (preferably ch 2) headcanons!! I need writing inspo, but i'd also just love to hear them tbh!!)
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Anonymous Asks: What are your thoughts on Chalastor? For IC and OOC please.
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“Me? With her? Surley you jest, why that’s the funniest thing I've heard since the great depression! She is nothing but a naive and overly hopeful princess who fails to see the harsh reality that sinners cannot and will not be redeemed, they had their chance in life and I’d argue most if not all love it down here, being able to experience and do all the things they couldn’t in life with near to no repercussions. Dear Charlotte is nothing more than some passing entertainment, something to change the mundane day to day of this eternal inferno. If i were to ever pursue a relationship with the princess it would only be for me to have a way to the far better Magne woman” she wipes some fake tears from her eyes “Oh I haven’t laughed that hard in ages, thank you dear gray face!”
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If I am to be honest, I won’t lie and say I used to ship Chalastor/Charlastor rather passionately in fact; However, I have grown out of it not only due to the sheer impossibility of it ever happening and if it did, it would be some real toxic bullshit but to just how rabid the ship base is. Some (not all) Charlastor/Chalastor shippers get so toxic and angry if there are any other ships that interfere with their OTP, like them often dissing Chaggie, which is fucking canon, and by all means is a healthy relationship and just ugh, leave my canon sweet gay ship alone. No decapitating Vaggie, or Charlie cheating on Vaggie for Alastor or any of that.
 I also dislike how people tend to make Alastor, a soft squishy deer man who is putty in her hands and is oh so wholesome. That is not the case, never will be the case, he is only helping the hotel and the princess because he is bored. He doesn’t believe in the cause or even really give a damn about the place, he literally, the first thing he does is put a fucking bar in a place that discourages sin. He rolls his eyes at her as she is preaching her cause, he keeps pushing Vaggie out of the way to isolate Charlie to manipulate her better  (Vaggie is clearly her voice of reason, and life line). He also makes a bastardized parody of her song. He doesn’t care or give a damn about the princess, and with how devotedly blind to her cause Charlie is, will not even realize it until later down the fucking line.
The ship art is cute, It really is. But it will never happen, it will never be canon and people need to get that through their thick skulls. I’m not saying don’t ship it, ship what you want I am not stopping you, more power to you. This is just my opinion
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dragonleadr · 4 years
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I’m working on raihan’s icons and idk, they’re simple but I kinda like them so far ♡
(I always try to make smaller icons and end up crying because I can’t see what the icon picture is supposed to be of half the time. so, yeah, I’ve given up on tiny icons, I’m sorry I can’t be aesthetic af :’( lol! jk)
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flyiingfoxx · 5 years
Permanent Starter Call
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Mutual’s only please!!!
By liking this post, or replying with your URL if you use a side blog you are giving me permission to do the following: 
Send you memes and random in character asks
tag you in random starters
tag you in posts that remind me of our characters
talking to you through IM’s and other means of contact that we are both comfortable with using ( like discord, group me, things like that)
plotting through IM’s and asks and all the other fun rp stuff
just being good friends in general 
I’m also giving you permission to do the same with/for me! I’m not very good at making friends because of my anxiety, so I felt that this was the best way to reach out to people. That and me and Emily need some love ‘cause we’re lonely beans! 
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ionozoned · 8 months
( i should FINALLY be back here in a few days if all goes according to plan but in the meantime can we all agree that they're in love )
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ghcstrule · 7 months
Hey, you. Yeah, you.
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Do you like intergalactic space heroes?? How about teenage superheroes?? Mad women?? Witches?? Shitty children who say "fuck you" more than me on the clock at work?? Well, then, this is the blog for you!!
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independent & selective multi fandom, multi muse roleplay blog, featuring muses from red vs blue, law & order svu, hazbin hotel, camp camp, and various others!! penned by sarah. low activity. please read this page before following. minors dni.
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ghcstrule-archive · 9 months
i keep saying i'll write up the bios and verses pages, and i swear to god i will eventually, but regarding barba after the events of "last call at forlini's", he took a job teaching law at fordham university.
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rival-of-the-radio · 2 years
~Let's Make A Deal~
Don't Godmod, Spotlight, metagame or anything else like that. There's a zero tolerance policy for bullshit here.
Do not force ships! I ship based on Canon and chemistry. If our muses don't click, don't force it.
Please, for the love of God, give me something to work with when we write together! Give me context, dammit! This is one of the most annoying things about RP to me. WORK WITH ME!
Don't bug me about replies. If it's been a week or more, send it to me. It either got eaten or I dropped it
This is a Mutuals Only blog. This is self-explanatory
Don't reblog shit you're not involved with.
Message me OOC, if you want! I don't bite!
I prefer to plot threads. Especially with OCs. Not to say that I won't do spur of the moment threads but I definitely prefer to plot.
You must be 18+. This blog contains mature content and I'm 21+. Minors will be blocked on sight
For the love of all this is unholy, tell me about your OCs before you throw them at my muses! If I can't figure out how to interact with you and you won't give me anything to work with, blocked. I don't have the time to try to force a sensible explanation out of you.
Vox is a villain. He's going to act like one. If you're not comfortable with this, leave. He's not as bad as Velvette or Valentino but he is definitely still a very evil man. He's in Hell for a reason.
Like this post if you read and understand my rules! I wanna see who's paying attention
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studies-of-the-soul · 2 years
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{ Apologies for the low activity for the past month, I greatly appreciate being tagged in posts and I have much in my drafts I’d like to work on. I’ve just been going through a lot recently with family issues (I also got Covid a while back but I’m fine now)
I don’t know when I will feel calm and focused enough to regularly interact with ya’ll, but I do miss it here and hope to be back sooner rather than later. I do check in at least once a day at my inbox and notes, so if you’d like to talk I am still here!
I just wanted to write something to relieve some of the guilt I feel for not writing/making art/being creative as often as I’d like. I really miss ya’ll and want to talk and interact more when I’m in a better space mentally. Thank ya’ll for your patience and creativity, checking in always puts a smile on my face and I encourage ya’ll to keep doing what makes you happy ❤️ }
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