#thomas brodie sangster is so hot which i knew back when maze runner came out
God i do love a historical drama
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Hello, I am really in love with your prompt list 😍. It was hard to choose at first, but then I decided that I request each one separately. So the first one is #18 with TBS ❤️. Thanks 💕💕💕
#18: I know that it’s three in the morning, but please, I can’t find my cat.
Pairing: Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Reader
Word Count: 1451 (Sorry, got a bit carried away)
Warnings: None
(A/N): I’m glad that you liked the list! And, I hope that you enjoyed this little imagine. I can’t really call it a drabble, so we’ll go with imagine.
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.” You tried for the umpteenth time, searching high and low for the missing cat.
“Come on, Winston. I’m not messing around. Please come on.” Sighing, you made your way over to the door. He was obviously not in the apartment.
“Winston? Come on buddy, it’s time for bed.” No response. Not even a little ‘meow’ to show you that he was around the perimeter. Rubbing your tired eyes, you knew you had no choice. Asking your neighbors for things were not something that you liked to do. But, you had to find your cat. Checking your phone, you noticed the time. 2:54. In the morning.
“Oh my god.” If anyone asked, yes. Your cat was more important than sleep. Rubbing your tired eyes, you walked over to the nearest door. ‘It’s okay, it’s just my cat. They’ll understand…right?’
Before you could psych yourself out, your hand came in contact with the wooden door. Trying a couple more times, you got no answer, you were about to give up and search for him some more. That was until you heard faint footsteps coming from inside the apartment. The door swung open, revealing a man. Before you said anything, you took in his tired eyes and his blonde disheveled bed head. You had obviously woke him up. Which made you feel even worse.
“Can I help you?” He spoke, seeing that you weren’t going to talk first. His voice sounded groggy, his accent made that more apparent. There was a tiny trace of annoyance but that was understandable. You had literally woke him up in the middle of the night to find your cat. He probably had work in the morning.
“Hi, I’m so sorry. I know that it’s three in morning, but please, I can’t find my cat.” He looked at you in surprise, as if he didn’t anticipate for you to say those words. Which, again, was understandable. Once he didn’t say anything, you continued, uncertainty laced within your voice.
“H-have you seen him? He’s a brown-and-black colored Ragdoll. His tail has a white tip, as does his feet. He has blue eyes, and his meow his super loud.” As you explained your cat’s appearance, you grew hopeful.
“Uh… no. No, I haven’t.” You were about to apologize for waking him up for no reason until he completely shut the door. Letting out a scoff, turning on your heel.
“Excuse me for asking.” You muttered sarcastically. You knew that you had woken him up but geez. He didn’t have to be so rude about it. You made it only a few feet before the door opened behind you, out stepping the man. He had put a coat and shoes on.
“I can help you look, if you want.” A look of surprised crossed your features.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to.” He let out a little chuckle, walking over to you.
“It’s okay, it was boring in there. So boring that I fell asleep. Until you came along, that is.”You laughed a bit, continue your walk down the hall.
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it.” After a moment or two of silence, you began hollering for your cat. Well, it was more like whispering, as you didn’t want to wake your other neighbors up.
“What’s the name?”
“Your cat. What’s its name.”
“Oh. His name is Winston.” He nodded, calling for Winston as well.
“Should I ask some more people if they’ve seen him? I mean, they could have found him and kept him.”
“I wouldn’t do that. Most of the people here don’t care about others. Sometimes they file complaints about me because I’m always up making noise in the morning. Does he have a collar?”
“Then, if anyone had found him, they should call.” You nodded in agreement, walking to the elevator.
“So, is it okay if we go downstairs and search there first? He could be down there, and if not then we can just make our way up from there.”
“Sounds good.”
Once downstairs in the lobby, you began yelling a bit louder, since no one was sleeping in this part of the building.
“Here, Winston! I swear if you’re not in front of me in five minutes, I’m going to lock you out for the night.” You weren’t really going to. You cared about him too much for that. But, it usually helped when you looked for him.
“You lure your cat by using threats?” The man playfully scoffed, checking under some furniture.
“Heh, yeah. I wouldn’t actually do it but he seems to believe it so… You know, I never got your name.” He stopped what he was doing and looked at you, as if seeing if you were being serious.
“What?” You ask, continuing the search.
“Uhm, nothing. My names Thomas. And yours?”
“Lovely name.” You blush a bit, but you hid it with your hair.
“Thanks.” After a few minutes of searching, you gave up. You checked the second and third floors but still nothing. You were about to freak out by the time that you made it back to your own room. Which was on the top floor.
“Calm down, love. I’m sure that he’ll turn up soon.” You choose to ignore the little nickname he gave you, opting to believe that it was a British thing.
“What if he’s lost. What if he ran away. Or worse… what if someone stole him. He’s all that I have, I need him.”
“Hey, hey. He’s fine, I’m sure of it.” You look around, hopeless. Checking the time, you saw that it was nearing the four o'clock hour mark.
“You should get back and sleep. You must have work later. Sorry for keeping you up. Thanks for the help.”
“Oh, it’s really no problem. I used to have a dog so I know what it’s like to lose your pet.”
“Yeah. I hate to leave him outside for the rest of the night.” He looked behind you, smiling a bit.
“Looks like someone else hates the idea, too.” Just has he said that, you felt something rub against your leg. It meowed loudly.
“Winston! Where the crap have you been. I’ve been searching everywhere for you!” You exclaimed as you scooped him up into your arms.
“Thanks again for helping me even though I’m a complete stranger.” He smiled.
“It’s okay. Beats running lines all night, so.”
“Running lines?”
“Yeah, I’m an actor.” Your eyes widened.
“Really? Name something you’ve been in. Maybe I’ve seen it.” You figured he was just talking about acting in plays or something.
“Well, my most recent movie was The Maze Runner.” As soon as the words left his lips, your eyes widened.
“Holy shit.” Immediately apologizing for your foul language, you managed to get a look at him. He did look familiar, but in all of your hysteria to find your cat, you completely missed it. You had literally spent an hour of your time with Thomas Sangster and you didn’t even realize it. God, you were an idiot.
“I’m so sorry,” you let out disbelieving laugh. “I probably kept you from your work. I feel even worse now. I probably seem like one of those overly crazy fans that create excuses to talk to you. I’m not, I swear.” He chuckled, leaning on the wall.
“It’s okay, I believe you. Seriously, not even the best actor could fake the amount of concern you had for your cat.” After talking for about another minute or so, Winston began squirming in your arms, as if a signal to shut up and leave.
“I should probably go. Winston’s probably hungry and you should probably go back to sleep. Once again, sorry for waking you.” As you made your way to your door, Thomas’ voice made you turn around.
“Hey, uhm,” he brought his hand up to scratch the back of his neck, “I don’t suppose that you would want to have breakfast with me sometime, would you?” You opened your door, letting Winston go inside, before you answered. You crossed your arms, a playful smile on your face.
“What, did this last hour give you the hots for me or something?” He laughed.
“No, I was just wondering if you would be hungry enough in the morning to hang out a bit more. Maybe talk about some other things other than finding a missing cat.”
“Well, I say sure. Give me a date and time and it’ll happen.” After that, you became best friends, eventually letting the public know that the two of you were exclusive. And all because your cat decided to go for a midnight walk.
Forever Tags:
@trustnobodyshootfirst, @16wiishes, @missmalfoy1703
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