#cam b like. eyebrows
scary-grace · 1 day
camera shy - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
You're a villain who likes catching heroes in compromising positions, and when you can't do that, you put them there yourself. It's not until you capture Tenko Shimura that you lose the upper hand. (All Might rescues Tenko AU, pro hero!Tenko, villain!reader, 2k words. Suggestive if you squint.)
There’s nothing pro heroes care about more than their image, so in your opinion, they were just asking for a villain like you. Somebody has to show the public what the heroes are really like underneath, after all, and you’ve got a flair for the dramatic, so why shouldn’t it be you? All it really takes is a little research, a little luck, a decent video camera or two, and a hell of a lot of rope.
It’s not the heroes with the skeletons in their closets who interest you. Somebody like Endeavor, who’s been at the center of scandal after scandal, has nothing new to say. You like a hero who still has a secret or two, a hero who’s a real challenge to capture long enough for a good confession cam. With those criteria in mind, it really was inevitable that you’d go after newly minted pro hero Tenko Shimura.
You have to hand it to Tenko – he was hard to catch. You knew he’d be hard to catch, given his quirk, but that was what made catching him so much fun. You caught one of his hands first, then trapped the other while he was still trying to figure out what was going on, and then you went to work. Now you have his hands tied above his head, fingers splayed apart so he can’t bring them together or touch anything else. With other heroes, you’ve done some fancy rope-work to jazz up the shot, but you don’t think you need that here. Tenko looks pretty good just like this.
Tenko Shimura watches you through narrowed red eyes as you adjust the camera angles. “Are we shooting a porno or something here?”
“Careful what you say, hero. This is all B-roll,” you say, and Tenko blanches. “I’m kidding. Loosen up.”
“Loosen up. Right.” Tenko rolls his wrists, but you’re confident in your knots, and they hold. “Seriously. What am I doing here?”
“We’re just going to have a talk,” you say. Tenko’s eyes follow you from camera to camera. “You’ve seen my videos, right? Or at least you’ve seen the ones your friends were in.”
“Yeah.” A jagged smile crosses Tenko’s face. “I’ve seen what you did to them.”
“What I did to them?” you protest. “I was so nice to Spinner. We talked about video games. It was fun.”
“Yeah, and then the whole internet tore him up for being a geek.”
“Not the whole internet,” you disagree. The comments on your video were full of gamer girls jumping up and down to ask Spinner out, and you know that at least a few of them went so far as to shoot their shot. “That’s the problem with you heroes. Why do you need everybody to like you so bad?”
“I don’t need everybody to like me,” Tenko says. You raise your eyebrows. “If you wanted a hero who thinks it’s a popularity contest, you grabbed the wrong guy.”
“See, I think that means I picked the right guy.” You sit down cross-legged beside the main camera, ready to adjust it if needed but well out of the shot. “The heroes who care about the rankings, they never say anything interesting. But you, Tenko Shimura – I bet you have some really interesting things to say.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Tenko rolls his wrists again. “The thing is, Cam Girl –”
“Hey,” you protest. “That’s not my code name.”
“You don’t have a code name?”
“Yeah, because it’s not about me,” you say. Cam Girl. God. “You’re deflecting.”
“So are you,” Tenko says. He tilts his head, studying you. “If you don’t want to be Cam Girl, come up with a better name.”
“What, like you did?” you challenge. “You know how many heroes use their full names? Kamui Woods and you. Is that really a club you want to be in?”
“If the other option is the can’t-make-up-a-name hide-behind-a-camera brigade, yeah,” Tenko says. It’s quiet for a second or two. “You take a lot of risks pulling jobs like this, don’t you? Kidnapping people and holding them in place for hours – either you’re really good, or you’ve got blackmail material on somebody important.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny,” you say, and smirk. “Impressed?”
Tenko shakes his head, which annoys you. He’s tied up in your makeshift lair. He should be impressed. “I can’t figure out why a villain gutsy enough to kidnap heroes is too chicken to get in front of the camera.”
“I run the show. I’m not the show. That’s – are you making chicken noises at me?” You’re losing control of this interview. You need to get it back, effective immediately. “Animal noises. Is that one of your special talents? Do an elephant sound next.”
“No animal sounds. And no more answers,” Tenko says. The smirk on his face says he’s got you right where he wants you, in spite of the fact that you’re in charge. You feel a brief but powerful urge to knock him out. “Unless you get in here with me.”
“I’ll answer your questions,” Tenko says, “but you have to sit here with me and answer mine. On camera.”
“If I show my face on camera, this will be my last interview,” you say. “I still have lots of heroes who need a close-up.”
“Damn, I thought I was your one and only.”
“The only one tied down here is you,” you say. How bad do you want this particular interview? Pretty bad. Tenko Shimura’s the most interesting hero you’ve captured so far, and if all it takes to get him really talking is to put on some sunglasses and a surgical mask, it’s worth it. “Sit tight.”
You adjust the cameras to frame both of you, then sit down in the frame facing Tenko Shimura. “Nice disguise,” he says, “but I already saw your face.”
“No, you didn’t,” you say. “Think about it. Have any of the heroes I’ve interviewed been able to describe me afterward?”
Tenko doesn’t answer. “Here’s my first question. What’s your quirk?”
“You think I’ll tell you that?”
“If you want to know what my weakness is,” Tenko says. “Don’t you?”
No. You’re surprised by how quickly the answer occurs to you, and how strongly you feel about it. Your whole project is about exposing heroes’ secrets. It’s not about getting them killed, which is what you filming this and sharing it would be. “I don’t care about that,” you say. “I want to know what the worst part of being a hero is.”
“The worst part?”
“The worst part. Don’t tell me being a hero is just so plus ultra all the time.”
Tenko snorts. “You want me to say villains, right, Cam Girl? That’s the answer you want.”
“I want the truth,” you say. “And don’t call me Cam Girl.”
“The truth.” Tenko thinks about it. And keeps thinking about it, long enough for you to wonder if he’s trying to stall you. “The worst part about being a hero is that I can’t do it all the time.”
“I can’t do it all the time. I don’t want to do it all the time,” Tenko says. You reach over and adjust the camera on the right. You need to zoom in. “It’s my job. It’s not everything about me. The whole work-life balance thing. You know, the thing All Might is really bad at.”
You’ve never heard a hero roast All Might like that. Then again, Tenko was All Might’s protégé before he turned pro, so he’s probably gotten a better look at all of All Might’s good and bad habits than anybody else. “So, All Might –”
“Let me finish, Cam Girl,” Tenko says. His expression is serious. “I don’t want to be a hero all the time. But I know what happens when heroes are looking the other way. And I don’t like thinking about that happening when I’m like – playing video games or something.”
You should ask about video games. Since the video game segment of Spinner’s interview went so viral, you can probably net Tenko a gamer girlfriend. Instead: “What happens when heroes aren’t looking?”
“Nope. It’s my turn,” Tenko says. You guess it probably is. You brace yourself. “What’s your favorite part about being a villain?”
“That’s a new one,” you say, for lack of anything better. “Huh.”
“Like I said, a setup like this is a lot of work,” Tenko says. “And capturing a pro isn’t easy. There must be something you like about it, or you wouldn’t do it. So what is it?”
Tenko gave you a good answer. You feel like you owe him a decent one, and you have to think about it for a second. “I like being free. Not just to do what I want, but to say what I want. And as a – villain, I guess – I can make sure people listen to me. I make sure they listen to my interviewees too.”
You and Spinner didn’t just talk about video games. He talked a lot about being a heteromorph, and you left it all in the video you eventually posted. “My turn now,” you say. “What happens when heroes aren’t looking?”
Tenko’s eyes shift away from yours. “Ask something else.”
“I’ll give you an extra question if you answer this one,” you bargain. “What happens when heroes aren’t looking?”
“Why did you pick me?”
You blink. “Was there a real reason?” Tenko continues. “Or was I just next on your hit list?”
“No,” you say. “I’ve been looking for a chance.”
You have. You had to. Tenko’s anything but an easy target, and if you wanted to capture him, you had to plan ahead. Tenko looks surprised by your answer, but you don’t think he’s unhappy. It’s quiet for a few moments. You’re expecting him to ask his next question. Instead, he answers yours. “What happens when heroes aren’t watching,” he says. “Look closer.”
Look closer? You sit forward, leaning in to study Tenko Shimura’s face. Leaning in maybe a little closer than you should. A lot closer than you’d need to be to see what he’s talking about. “Your scars.”
“People think I got them from a villain,” Tenko says. “I got one of them from my dad.”
Your stomach drops, and you find yourself leaning in closer, one hand already rising before you can think to ask. “Can I –”
“Uh – yeah.” Tenko glances away from you, then looks back. “If you want.”
There are two scars on Tenko Shimura’s face, one over his right eye, the other over the left side of his mouth. They’re both old and smooth, but still obvious. Scars on a person’s face rarely fade. You run your index finger lightly along the scar, and Tenko’s eyes flutter shut. “This one was me,” he says. “When my quirk awakened. I was scratching my face.”
“You must have scratched really hard,” you say. “How old were you?”
“Five.” Tenko’s eyes stay closed. “The one on my mouth was him. He hit me with – something. I don’t remember what.”
You touch that scar, too. Run your index finger over it, like you did with the other one, only this time you can’t make yourself stop. “I’m sorry.”
Tenko’s lips move beneath your finger. “Why? You weren’t there.”
“What you said, about heroes not watching –” This is why you always do interviews. You’re not good at answering questions. “I think that’s when the rest of us are supposed to be doing it. I mean, not us, because we were kids, but – you know what I mean, right?”
“I don’t know. Kind of hard to focus right now.” Tenko’s eyes seem perfectly focused on you. You’re used to your interviewees glaring at you, but nobody’s been as intense about it as Tenko Shimura has. “I don’t remember this from your other interviews.”
“I’m just going with it,” you say. You’ve gone with it far enough that your hand is shifting to cradle his jaw, even as you lean in closer. “What do you think?”
Tenko Shimura’s scarred lips part ever so slightly. “Keep going.”
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bloodyserratus · 11 months
aural fixation
pairing: nanami x fem!reader word count: 11.5k synopsis: kento never knew that ino had a sister. and when he finally meets you, he can't help but feel like there's something so familiar about you... themes/warnings: SMUT! mdni. she/her pronouns, reader is a virtual sex worker (erotic audios, camming, etc.), dommy!nanami, subby/bratty!reader. lil bit of daddy kink, mentions of restraints, domesticity/apron kink? there's a lot of smut and plot. phonesex.
a/n: ...how did this get so LONG?!?!! 😵‍💫 i'm so happy it's out of my brain.
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You tapped your chin as you scrolled through notifications. A handful of comments, two new subscribers, and two direct messages. The DMs were spam, so you went to check the results of your recent poll for top tier subscribers. It was time for your monthly, limited audience live stream and you had offered up a few dates and times. The results were quite split this time, which concerned you, but Friday at 7:30 pm had won by a few votes, so you went ahead and created an event.
A smile snuck onto your lips when you noticed that ken73 had voted for the chosen timeslot. It was probably just confirmation bias, but you felt like ken73 always voted when you put out polls. Part of this was likely because he was your longest time subscriber, so you were most familiar with his username. Reality or not, you were glad for the support. He had been a consistent lifeline when you’d first started this work out of necessity to support yourself and your younger brother, Takuma.
Takuma was older now, and though you didn’t exactly understand what his job was, it meant he could be self reliant. Similarly, you really didn’t need the income from virtual sex work anymore, but something about it kept you engaged. Whether it was sheer boredom or the freedom of being able to explore your sexuality on your terms, you’d stayed active enough to generate a decent little income stream while it still stayed fun.
‘see you next friday!~’ you captioned a photo of yourself.
In it you were wearing a new set of lingerie. In the grand scheme of things, it was relatively modest, but you hoped it served the purpose of piquing your subscribers’ interest.
Kento loosened his tie as he walked into his apartment. It had been a long day. Meetings with Principal Yaga and training with the students at Tokyo Jujutsu High. The training really wasn't nearly as challenging as dealing with Gojo, their teacher. As much as Kento cared for and trusted Gojo, he had never not found himself irked at the end of the day by his shenanigans.
He sighed as he scrolled through his notifications. He made quick work of it, marking items read and flagging things for follow up. His eyebrows raised when he saw the notification for your livestream. Friday at 7:30 pm. He quickly created an event on his calendar so as not to forget.
A soft smile settled on his lips as he examined the photo you’d posted with the announcement. He’d been subscribed to you for so long that the swells and curves of your shape were familiar like old friends and yet, like an old friend, it still brought him joy to see them. His eyes traced the lace lines of your lingerie, but ultimately he found himself fixated on the shape of your chin. For all of the suggestive and sexual ways in which he’d been able to consume you, he had never seen your face. He understood the safety boundaries that you had to maintain, but it didn’t mean he didn’t wonder.
Wonder whether your pleading and begging would be accompanied with round, doe eyes, like he imagined, or a shape more similar to a cat or fox. Wonder what color hair he might find himself with a handful of, in an alternate universe where he was lucky enough to enjoy you in the flesh. Wonder exactly which kinks were yours and which were just good customer service.
“Hmm,” Kento exhaled and stood to pour himself a drink. All this thinking had left him straining against the front of his briefs.
He set his glass tumbler down before undoing his belt buckle. The tendons in his fingers flexed deftly before it came undone with a quiet ‘shhhhhk’. He popped open the button at his waistband before sitting back down. Kento turned on the television in his living room and cast photos from his phone onto it. An album of his favorites was easily summoned at his fingertips and he palmed himself through his zipper as he flipped them.
“Shit,” he groaned, hips bucking slightly, as he arrived at one of his favorites.
It was actually a screenshot of one of his favorite streams. You’d just been in the middle of checking comments, so it wasn’t the most explicit image that he had of you, but something about the way your tits threatened spilled out of your bra as you’d used the mouse had entranced and haunted him until this day.
Kento took his glasses off and set them aside before he unzipped himself slowly. He felt the teeth of the zipper unlatch, delaying gratification slightly, before he pulled himself out. He was thick and heavy in his own palm and already shiny with precum. He spread the slick across his tip with the pad of his thumb and inhaled sharply at the sensation. He dragged his fingers up and down his hard shaft slowly, thinking of how soft your hands would be compared to his. His thighs tensed as his precum spread, making each pass silkier and smoother than the last.
After a few more thrusts up into his face, Kento needed more. He navigated to your audio scenarios and pulled up one of his favorites. ‘Don’t Be So Mean to Me…it Makes Me Really Wet’. Kento had to roll his eyes a little at the title, but it was one of his favorite flavors of you. Whiny, submissive, and playing right into some kinks that he was slightly in denial about having. He scrubbed through the intro…he’d heard it so many times that he could’ve recited it for you.
‘s-stop’ your recorded voice sounded in his apartment.
‘do you always have to tease me like that?’
“You like it,” Kento growled, fist tight around his cock at your airy moans.
‘you’re right, I do’ you giggled, ‘is that bad of me? you’re so mean to me and it just,’ your voice hitched here, ‘...it just makes me leak.’
Kento closed his eyes and shook his head.
‘no? you…you know it does?’ you asked, surprise clear in your voice. ‘do you…do you do it to me on purpose? i-’
He imagined your eyes flashing up at him, eyes wide and pupils wider as you squirmed below him.
‘why?’ you asked in a tiny voice.
“Because I need you to be soaked if you’re ever going to make this fit,” he jerked his cock forcefully.
‘oh! oh…i get to? get to have this?’ your voice was sultry now and the sound of rustling in the audio put him fully into your imagined context. ‘it’s so big, though…’
His brow furrowed as he slumped back into his chair further.
‘you’re going to make it fit?’ you purred excitedly, ‘show me’
Kento’s imagination ran wild. The way he would pick you up and toss you over his shoulder. Or bend you over the back of this armchair. Not in a rush, though, he would allow himself to enjoy the sight of your wet lips soaking through your panties between the plush landscape of your thighs. He might even allow himself to kiss up the backs of your legs from the pits of your knees to your slick inner thighs. You would wiggle impatiently, but his firm hand would keep you pinned over the back of the chair, toes barely able to brush the ground beneath you.
‘ohhhh, you’re one of those.’ you sighed as if frustrated, ‘can’t you be a little more…excited? that you get to have me this way? all puffy and swollen for you?’
He smirked. You were an impatient little thing, at times.
‘don’t you just want to sliiiiide that big cock into my little cunt? or…at least your fingers, right? it would be so easy with how wet you’ve got me’ you coaxed so sweetly.
Kento bit his lip, letting off with his hand for a moment. As a verified enthusiast, he could confirm that you did have the wettest little pussy that he’d ever laid eyes on. The way your lips split prettily around your fingers always made him think about how much deeper his could reach and stretch.
‘i thought so’ you giggled as you slid into yourself with a wet gush. ‘god your-, your fingers…they’re a lot bigger than mine,’ you sighed contentedly.
‘but i think you should really show me how much bigger that cock of yours is. if you think you can last, that is.’
Kento’s lip curled at your bratty teasing. He had no doubt that he could outlast a wanton little slut like yourself, but he so enjoyed the way that you egged him on.
‘i know…the sight of me creaming all over your cock…it’s enough to make anyone bust a nut. but that’s what i was hoping for anyways. as soon as i saw you, i thought, ‘hmm…he looks big and strong. i bet he would hold me down on his cock and breed me. breed my pussy. maybe that would finally satisfy me and make me less of a cockstarved little slut.’
“Doubtful,” he snickered, thrusting forcefully back up into his fist again. But he’d be happy to try. Fuck load after load of his cum into you. Listen to you moan and arch for him like a bitch in heat until each thrust did nothing but push his creamy ropes of cum back out, dripping down to your knees.
Kento’s balls tightened as he listened to you fuck yourself, your moans growing louder and less restrained. Little gasps and hiccups peppered your dirty words and he anticipated the moment that sent him over the edge each time without fail.
‘am…,’ you sniffled ‘am-, am,’ you struggled to speak between thrusts of your dildo. ‘am i being a good girl?’ you sounded so unsure of yourself and that flipped something deep inside of Kento’s brain.
“Fuckkkkkkkk,” Kento let out a deep, primal groan. “Yes,” he panted, about to burst. “Such a good girl. Such a good girl letting me fuck you like this,” he praised through gritted teeth before his cock jerked. Spurts of cum shot out onto his crumpled dress shirt and tie. His chest heaved with deep breaths and by the time his cock had deflated, he had also recovered.
A light flush covered the bridge of his nose as he peeled his shirt off and cleaned up. He was always a little embarrassed at the way he unraveled when listening to you. He considered himself to be an upstanding citizen, so how it was that you unlocked this crazed, unhinged version of himself, he still didn’t quite understand.
Checking the watch on his wrist, Kento sighed. Another day of sorcery work awaited him in the morning so it was time for him to go to bed.
Ino looked at Nanami Kento with admiration. They were on their way back from exorcizing a handful of Grade 2 curses. Ino had been able to handle them with minimal assistance from Nanami, which had his chest full of pride.
“Nanami-san, do you have any plans for the weekend?” Ino asked his mentor as they rode the subway.
“...no,” Nanami answered after some thought.
The most exciting thing he had planned for this weekend was your livestream on Friday, but he certainly wasn't about to share that with Ino.
“Do you?” he asked the younger man, a gentle look on his face.
“Not yet, but, oh!” Ino’s face lit up suddenly, “That reminds me, I need to call my sister back. She had asked about having a meal together this weekend.”
Nanami’s eyebrows raised. He wasn't aware that Ino had a sister.
“Do you mind if I do that now?” Ino asked when they got back to street level. “I'm worried I'll forget again.”
“Go ahead,” Nanami shrugged. They were just walking back to Jujutsu High.
“Hey sis! Yeah, yeah I know,” Ino grew sheepish as he spoke to his sister on the phone. “I’m sorry I forgot! But yes we should get dinner this weekend. How about Friday?”
Nanami smiled. Ino’s boyish nature showed through as he talked and something about it tugged at his heartstrings.
“Oh, you’re busy Friday? Hm, okay how about Saturday? Okay, Saturday then! Let me know where we should go. My treat!”
Nanami heard the voice on the phone protest at this, but Ino insisted.
“All set?” he smiled when the younger man slipped his cell phone back into his pocket.
“Yup! Seeing her Saturday,” Ino flashed a bright smile at Nanami.
“Are you close with your sister?” Nanami found himself asking.
Ino received this question with a look of surprise. Nanami was not prone to small talk, so this caught him quite off guard. He blinked a few times before standing up a little straighter and launching into a monologue about you.
Apparently Ino and his sister were quite close. He explained that his sister had largely raised him due to the significant traveling required by both of his parents’ jobs. She had encouraged him through school and taken on part time jobs in order to help support him. Nanami could tell that Ino felt a great deal of admiration towards her and perhaps that he owed an unpayable debt to her too. He wondered if you knew details of the line of work that Ino was now in or anything about the jujutsu world at all.
“We’re here,” Nanami decided to keep those questions unasked for now. “I have a meeting with Principal Yaga. Good work today.”
“Thank you, Nanami-san!” Ino bowed, brimming with happiness.
You checked the clock. Ten minutes until you started your stream. You checked your appearance again in the mirror and tried to reassure yourself that you looked fine. You were dressed in an oversized sweater with lingerie underneath. You wondered how many of your top tier subscribers would tune in today.
“Here we go,” you whispered to yourself before starting the stream. “Hi guys!” you greeted the virtual room.
A few logins dinged as you checked your framing to ensure that your face was out of view.
“Hi Todo, Hi Ken~,” you greeted a few of your regulars as their usernames popped up.
todollyawesome: ‘damn ken, the way she says your name’
ken73: ‘hi cinnamon roll’
You giggled at the nickname. The pseudonym you used online was Cinna and some while ago, fans had taken to calling you their cinnamon roll. Ken was one of the only ones who still used it and it made you feel warm and fuzzy with familiarity.
“I said hi to you too, Todo!” you protested playfully, watching as the viewer numbers ticked up, but only slightly. For an exclusive subscriber stream, it was to be expected, but you were grateful for everyone that did show up.
todollyawesome: ‘yeah but not like the way you say ken73’s name. its fine i get it, he’s dreamy’
You chuckled heartily at this. todollyawesome was another loyal subscriber of yours. Not quite as long as ken73, but he had a personality that certainly stood out. He was playful, boisterous, and always cracking jokes.
“Small group today then, I guess,” you cocked your head to the side. “What’s on everyone’s minds?”
todollyawesome: ‘you and your big juicy ass’
p1ercing.c0ck: ‘work tomorrow’
“Work tomorrow? On Saturday? Yuck,” you stuck your tongue out with distaste.
Kento nodded in agreement. He didn’t chime in to the chatterbox and instead took the time to observe you. You were dressed in an oversized, cozy sweater with part of the collar off-shoulder. This exposed one black bra strap and a generous view of your collarbone. Kento found himself wanting to suck and bite, marking you up.
“Shall we relieve some stress?” you asked, “Or do we just feel like chatting?”
It was a genuine question. While you were technically a sex worker, sometimes your smaller group streams did just naturally end up as chatting with a few friends.
“Aside from piercing, do other folks have weekend plans?”
todollyawesome: ‘hanging out with my best friend, yuj’
“Nice!” you smiled. “What about you, Ken?”
Kento’s eyebrows raised at the direct call out.
p1ercing.c0ck: ‘RIP cinna’s not even tryna hide her favoritism anymore’
todollyawesome: ‘man we been known that he was her favorite, old news’
“I mean…,” you laughed softly at the direct call out, “He’s been with me the longest,” you shrugged.
It was silly, of course, but you did have your favorites. Aside from being your longer subscriber, he also quite liked his personality. It was straightforward and though not as colorful as todo’s, it stood out to you just as much if not more.
In conversational settings, like now, he was quite reserved. While others liked to draw your attention by being ostentatious, Ken rarely did that. In sexual settings, however, he seemed to change completely. His messages were domineering, demanding, and downright filthy. You recalled clenching while reading them more than a few times. Ken struck you as someone who knew very clearly what they wanted and articulated it.
The personality that you'd fabricated for him was one of quiet confidence and unbridled, raw sexuality. A heady combination.
Kento swelled at the simple explanation for why he was your favorite. A sort of possessive pride filled up his chest at this subtle confirmation.
ken73: 'you're my favorite too.’
todollyawesome: ‘dude they're flirting 👀’
p1ercing.c0ck: 'don't mind me just watching 👀’
“Oh you're both into watching, huh?” you teased, eyebrows raising off screen. “How do you feel about that, Ken?”
Kento considered this for a moment.
ken73: ‘i'm not sure, to be honest’
You grinned. This was a very characteristic answer. Open and honest.
p1ercing.c0ck: ‘i just know it's big zaddy ken’
This had you cackling. You really did adore your top tier subscribers.
Kento flushed at the compliment.
“Speaking of big,” you hummed as you looked over your toy collection. “What do we think of this one?” you selected a dildo and brought it on screen. It was sizable to say the least. Girthy with a bulbous head, it was one of your favorite toys because of the way it popped inside of you initially.
todollyawesome: 'oh fuck yea! gonna show us how you take it?’
ken73: ‘love seeing you spread open around it’
“Piercing’s hands are too busy to type, I guess,” you teased as you stood up and readjusted. You moved the camera down to the floor and adhered the suction cup on the base of the dildo. You straddled it and flipped your skirt up.
“Oh I'm wet, guys,” you moaned, tugging your panties upwards so that the fabric outlined your puffy lips more clearly. A damp, dark spot was obvious.
todollyawesome: 'fucking super soaker 🥴’
p1ercing.c0ck: ‘on my computer screen but never on me 😔’
You rocked your hips, grinding your clit against the taut fabric. A warbled moan left your lips and the chat box popped off again.
ken73: ‘you sound so gorgeous’
todollyawesome: ‘that voice makes me NUT every time, without fail’
“Hah, thanks guys,” you smiled as you let off your clit slightly. “Can I please sit on it?” you cooed.
p1ercing.c0ck: ‘PLEASE GOD YES’
todallyawesome: ‘i’m gonna pass out if you DONT. ON GAWD’
ken73: ‘...do you think you’ve been good enough?’
Your chest fluttered. Ken was so withholding and it drove you wild.
“I think I’ve been good,” you pouted, “Don’t you think I’m a good girl, Ken?”
p1ercing.c0ck: ‘bro…should we leave?’
todollyawesome: ‘y’all need to do a 1:1 stream FR’
Your eyebrows perked at that. You weren’t not interested.
“You’re right, I’m singling him out, aren’t I?” you relented. “Well, I suppose I should sit on this thing and give you what you came for,” you teased, singsongily.
You angled your hips back so that the tip pressed against the wet fabric of your panties.
“Hmm, panties off or pushed to the side?” you asked your audience. “To the side, it is!” you grinned at the easy consensus.
A soft moan left your lips when you pushed your panties to the side. The slick juices caused the elastic to roll across your clit in a way that had you reeling. You glanced quickly as you positioned yourself over the bulbous head. It was a gratuitous upskirt shot as you lowered yourself on the toy slowly.
Kento groaned, hand fisted around his angry erection as he lowered it in time with you. His eyes were glued to your shining lips and the way they spread to accommodate the toy’s girth. Even just after one pass, it was coated with your slick ooze.
“So nice,” you exhaled dreamily when you reached the base. “So full.”
ken73: ‘good girl’
todollyawesome: ‘i’m dead. i died.’
Kento rocked his hips up into his fist as you worked yourself up and down on the toy. You were so fucking wet that a ring of froth was starting to collect at the base. God what he wouldn’t give to see that around his own cock. The swollen, dark head disappearing into your lovely folds as you utterly coated him with your arousal.
“Oh fuck,” you panted, your nipples tightening as your bounces grew sloppier. “I-, hmph!”
ken73: ‘gonna cum already? desperate thing…’
“It’s so wide,” you tried to explain, “The head. Feels so good,” you moaned wantonly.
“I love,” your breathing grew labored, “Love that fat tip,” you cried desperately as it raked against your sensitive spots.
p1ercing.c0ck: ‘god it’s so good when she gets like this’
Kento agreed. So aroused that you could barely string together sentences. He threw his head back and milked himself faster. The tendons in his forearm and hand flexed deliciously as he applied firm pressure to his cock. His thumb brushed over the tip occasionally, which caused his whole body to tense and shudder with pleasure.
“I-, I’m,” you spoke through your panting, “Gonna cum,” you whined just before your body tensed. The orgasm shot through your body with a shudder and a long, satisfied moan wrenched from your lips.
Kento grunted as the sound of your release triggered his. His heavy balls tightened and cum spurted through his stranglehold onto his tummy and chest. He continued stroking lazily, half hard, as he watched you rock through a second orgasm, this time with the toy stuffed deeply inside of you with shorter up and down motions. Ken wondered how many times he might be able to lazily pump you through orgasms until you tapped out.
“Thank you guys for tuning in,” you smiled as you supported yourself with your forearms planted in front of you. “I had fun, as always.”
p1ercing.c0ck: ‘thank you you beautiful goddess!!’
todollyawesome: ‘MARRY ME PLZ CINNA’
ken73: ‘thank you, princess. i think todolly was joking, but curious if i may in fact DM you about a 1:1 or custom audio? if you’re open to it’
Your heart skipped a beat at Ken’s message.
“Please do!” you smiled, blowing a kiss at the camera before ending the stream.
You huffed after checking your email. The past twenty hours had seen you searching for a notification from your streaming platform that never came. Perhaps ken73 hadn't been serious, but he didn't strike you as the type to ask that question flippantly. Shaking your head, you tucked your phone back into your pocket and you scanned the area for Takuma once more.
“Hey sis!” you saw his beanied head emerge from the crowd suddenly.
“Takuma!” you waved at him excitedly. When he got close enough, you folded him into a giant hug. It had been too long since you’d last seen him.
“How are you? You look great,” Takuma complimented you genuinely.
“Well thank you,” you laughed. Takuma hadn't changed.
“Aren’t you going to tell me I look great too?” your brother asked cheekily.
You leaned your head back and let out a belly laugh.
“I don’t know,” you teased, “This beanie…I don’t know if I dig the look.”
Takuma crossed his arms and huffed in protest.
“I look cool!”
“You always look cool,” you patted his head affectionately. Takuma had outgrown you in height now, so you had to reach up to do it, but he was still your little brother. “Hungry?”
“Yes! Always.”
“So how are things with your…work?”
You had a blurry understanding of the jujutsu world. When Takuma had first enrolled in Tokyo Jujutsu High, Principal Yaga had met with you as a courtesy to help you understand exactly why Takuma had been chosen. Takuma had excitedly kept you apprised of his training and ascension through the levels, but after graduating and becoming fully fledged, the sharing had ceased. You certainly understood the need to keep secrets too, so you never pushed too hard. So long as Takuma came home safe, you were satisfied.
“Really good!” Takuma beamed, “I had an assignment with Nanami-san this week. I learn a lot when I get to work with him.”
You smiled. This Nanami had become a mentor of sorts to Takuma through the years. It was clear that Takuma looked up to him and perhaps even idolized him to a degree.
“How are things with you?”
“Good,” you flipped through the menu, “Things at the office have been surprisingly calm and not much has changed.”
“That’s good,” Takuma smiled.
Dinner passed quickly with Takuma filling most of the silence with stories about the new students at Jujutsu High. You listened to him happily. Even if you didn’t share much in common anymore, these days, you were glad to see that Takuma hadn’t lost any of his positivity. It seemed that this Nanami-san was doing his best to take care of him and for that you were truly grateful.
“That dinner was not good,” Takuma shook his head regretfully as you left the restaurant with him.
“I have to agree,” you felt bad saying it, but it was true. “How about I cook for us next time?”
“I would love that! I miss your cooking,” Takuma beamed at you.
“Let me know what you want me to make!” and you chuckled at the speed with which your brother started rattling dishes off the top of his head.
‘You have (1) new messages!’
Your eyebrows raised. You clicked on the hyperlink in the email which brought you to the streaming platform.
ken73: ‘I apologize for the delay. Following up on my comment from earlier. I would love to discuss commissioning a custom audio from you.’
You were a bit surprised. You would’ve expected a 1:1 video session to be more interesting, but alas.
sweetcinna: ‘of course! I was starting to think you weren’t serious ;)’ sweetcinna: ‘full transparency, I haven’t done any custom audios to date, but am willing! if you have a script already or a scenario with some themes in mind, that would be really helpful’
Along with that, you sent some rough ideas of pricing that were mostly a wild guess.
Kento stared at his phone. Scenarios and themes…his mind went blank. All he could think was that he just enjoyed hearing you moan, but that wasn’t anything that you could go off of. He tapped the side of his phone as he thought.
If he let his mind run wild…what would it come up with? He certainly enjoyed your playful and sometimes teasing nature. Your little exhales of surprise made him think he would quite enjoy putting you in your place, manhandling you if needed. Looking up from his phone, the tie on his dresser from the day prior caught his eye. He would love to see you wear it and he wondered if he would enjoy binding your wrists with it.
ken73: ‘I enjoy it when you’re playful and tease. I imagine myself manhandling you a bit when you need to be put in your place. Lastly, I wear a tie to work every day…’
A delighted smile crept up your lips. So a little bit of a brat tamer and perhaps some shibari or bondage interest. You could work with that.
sweetcinna: ‘hm, ok! does an office/workplace scenario interest you?’ ken73: ‘Candidly, no. I prefer not to think about my job during off hours.’ sweetcinna: ‘that’s totally fair, I get it.’ sweetcinna: ‘hmm, how about something more domestic? like welcoming you home after a long day of work.’ ken73: ‘That sounds quite nice.’ sweetcinna: ‘perfect…also what would you like me to call you in this audio scenario?’ ken73: ‘You can keep calling me Ken.’ sweetcinna: ‘sounds good, ken :)’ sweetcinna: ‘let me mull this over a bit and flesh out the scene a bit more. i’ll send you more plot points as I think of them!’ ken73: ‘Great. Thank you, princess. And payment should already be to you.’
This surprised you. You checked and it was indeed already there in your virtual tip jar.
sweetcinna: ‘thank you sugar daddy! ;P’
Kento’s eyebrows raised sharply.
You tapped your chin with a pencil as you looked at the sheet of paper in front of you.
playful/bratty character
brat tamer? Ken
welcoming him home from work
his tie
You huffed. Maybe this custom audio thing was tougher than you had expected. How were you supposed to come up with something out of thin air? You laid down in your bed and closed your eyes, allowing your mind to roam for a bit.
You wondered about Ken. He seemed somewhat stern, but he had to have a wild side if he was following you. You wondered what he looked like. You imagined someone tall and strong. You weren’t sure if the 73 in his username referred to his birth year, but you had assumed that he must be a bit older. You wondered if you should play into a bit of an age gap fantasy…a lot of men tended to enjoy that. Your eyes popped back open as an idea struck you.
“Aha!” you ran back to your desk and scribbled down a few more bullet points.
Ken coming home from work
I’ve been teasing him all day with suggestive texts and explicit pictures
Ken is frustrated and has been aching to get home to reprimand me
I welcome Ken home dressed in nothing but an apron
Ken is stern, ties my wrists together to a bedpost. spanks and overstimulates me until i apologize
You did some more workshopping of the phrasing before sending it off to ken73. You were delighted when he wrote back that he loved the scenario.
Kento couldn’t wait to get home. He had received your audio file in his email earlier in the day and he had rushed through the rest of the day in a blur. Exorcizing curses seemed much more tolerable when he had something to look forward to at the end of the day. Gojo’s antics hadn’t even bothered him as much as usual, which was exceedingly rare.
He shrugged off his jacket and harness while he slipped off his shoes. It wasn’t much longer before he had your file open and was pressing ‘play’.
‘hi baby, welcome home!’ your voice greeted him, sounding slightly far away as some background noise accompanied it.
‘i’m in the kitchen!’
Kento closed his eyes, imagining walking through a set of hallways, slightly on edge from your teasing throughout the day.
“You’re acting awfully chipper,” he greeted you with a cool, terse voice. “When you’ve been acting like a needy little slut all day.”
‘who me?’ you giggled breathily.
“Yes, you,” he growled, stepping through the final doorway to the kitchen. His eyes glanced over your and they widened upon finding that you were dressed only in an apron.
‘hi Ken,’ you greeted him shyly.
Ken’s jaw ticked. Did you think there weren’t going to be any consequences for your actions?
‘i missed you today,’ you stepped towards him, but were stopped.
“You pissed me off today,” he imagined gripping you by the wrists firmly.
‘oh? i-’
“I had a lot of work to get done and I was able to accomplish practically none of it. Sending me all of those pictures and texts…”
‘oh did i distract you?’ you giggled, toying with him. ‘you know i can’t control myself when i get like that’
Kento snorted. This was indeed true. When you were turned on, there was practically no stopping you.
‘maybe you need to teach me a lesson,’ you wondered and he could hear the smirk on your face when you’d said that.
“Maybe I do,” Kento responded to your taunt. Maybe he needed to tie your wrists together with his necktie and spank you until you apologized for your behavior.
‘where are you taking me?’ you asked
“To teach you that lesson,” he replied.
‘you’re-, you’re tying me up?’ your voice sounded like a purr of a delight.
Kento imagined binding your wrists to his headboard, lifting your legs up by the ankles, and folding you in half so that the backs of your thighs were exposed to him. Then you’d have to count. To ten.
‘one!’ you cried at the sound of a spank.
Kento was surprised. You really made it immersive. By the tenth and final spank, your voice had grown airy and you had melted into the bed. He wouldn’t be surprised if you were soaked by now. Soaked and ready for him.
‘ken I need you,’ you moaned desperately. ‘i’ve needed you all day, please’
“So desperate,” he found himself teasing as he palmed himself through his slacks.
‘baby pleeease? can i please have that cock?’
It was too easy to melt at your request. He pulled himself out of his zipper and stroked, nodding to himself.
‘i can’t stop thinking about you,’ you confessed before wet sounds sucked Kento fully into the fantasy.
Your mouth and your pussy were used freely and you came loudly for him several times. He was proud of himself for lasting until the end of the audio, but the sounds of you hiccuping and begging for him to cum inside of you ultimately pushed him right over the edge and he exploded magnificently into his own hand.
Kento breathed deeply for a while before he tidied himself up. You were addicting.
ken73: ‘Thank you so much for that, sweetheart. Incredible.’
Why were you flustered by a message?! You wanted to smack yourself. The message you had received from Ken had been so simple and yet you found yourself melting at his praise.
sweetcinna: ‘thank you!! i really enjoyed making it.’ sweetcinna: ‘may I ask you? do you find yourself responding to me in the scenario? i often wonder that about my listeners, but haven’t ever asked!’
Ken was surprised at your question. He hadn’t even really been expecting a message back, since the transaction was technically complete.
ken73: ‘It sounds silly, but I do respond sometimes. You are very talented at creating an immersive scene, so I can’t help it at times.’ sweetcinna: ‘thank you very much.’ sweetcinna: ‘would it be odd to share that i’m curious what you sound like? like what types of responses come to your mind when you listen to me?’ ken73: ‘Would you like to hear my voice?’
Your heart leapt into your throat. His directness really grabbed you, for whatever reason.
sweetcinna: ‘yes, but i understand if you find that odd! i was just talking’ ken73: ‘No, I would like that very much. Take some time to think about it and let me know.’
Your heart was pounding.
You stared at your phone nervously. You had thought about it, probably too many times, before confirming that you wanted to do a phone call with Ken. You’d picked a day and the time had flown by.
ken73: ‘I’m running a bit late, but I will be home very soon.’ sweetcinna: ‘no rush!’
You decided to pour yourself a glass of wine while you waited. It wasn’t excessive, but the little bit of alcohol helped to ease your nerves.
ken73: ‘I am home. Here’s my number for you to call.’
You dialed and listened to the ring tone, full of excitement and anxiety. It rang just twice before he picked up.
“Hello, this is Ken.”
“Hi,” you did your best to keep your voice level. “How are you?”
“I’m good now, sweetheart. How was your day?”
“It was good,” you thought for a moment, “Work was not too eventful and now I get to talk to you!”
Kento smiled. He was incredibly pleased that you had agreed to a phone call. It was one thing to listen to your audios, but getting to interact with you in a more live fashion thrilled him.
“You have a nice voice, Ken,” you observed, interjecting into his thoughts.
“Ah, thank you,” he found himself flushing and chuckling at your words.
“You have a nice laugh too,” you pressed. You found yourself wanting to hear it again.
“You’re very complimentary, aren’t you?”
“Only when I have reason to be,” you shrugged.
“Consider me flattered,” Kento loosened his tie.
“Are you getting undressed?” you asked, hearing the rustling of fabric on his end.
“Not quite,” Nanami let out a hearty laugh. “Just loosening my tie.”
“Ah,” you nodded, “The tie that you’d like to tie me up with?” you flirted shamelessly.
Nanami tensed at your direct suggestion. Minx.
“I think you deserve it, don’t you?” his voice got lower somehow.
You let out a nervous, airy giggle. His voice was so attractive.
“Answer me,” he insisted.
“Please Ken,” you bit your lower lip and squirmed.
“That’s a good girl,” he exhaled, palming himself through his zipper.
“Your good girl,” you corrected him and you were rewarded with a soft growl.
A streak of possessiveness ran through him.
“That’s right, isn’t it?” he mused, “I’m the one who gets to enjoy you like this, aren’t I?”
“Uh huh,” you giggled. It was true after all, he was the first and only subscriber of yours to cross over into something more.
“My good girl,” he groaned and you purred in response.
“Are you hard?” you asked, hand snaking down to tease your inner thighs.
“Very,” he chuckled.
“Wish I could see,” you pouted.
Kento was struck with the sudden realization that he was more than willing to show you. In lieu of that, for now, he could try and paint you a word picture.
“Greedy girl,” he teased, “You’d love to feast your eyes on my cock, straining in my pants just from listening to you, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes,” you exhaled breathily, “Would want to feel it, rub my face on it, and then ask you if I could take it out.”
“So polite,” he leaned his head back. “Polite little thing.”
“Sir, may I touch myself?” you asked.
“Not yet, sweetheart,” he clicked his tongue, he wanted to tease you a little bit longer.
You let out a whine of disappointment that was music to his ears. You were so expressive and he loved that he was wrenching these sounds out of you.
“You’re going to get on your knees and watch me play with myself,” he decided.
You pouted, even though he couldn’t see you. Your cunt clenched at the thought. The denial was frustratingly arousing.
“Yes, sir,” you answered him, shifting to your knees.
“God you have me aching,” he exhaled shakily as he undid his pants and pulled himself out. His cock was heavy and thick in his hand.
“Would you describe it to me?”
“Naughty girl,” he grinned, “It’s decent sized,” he considered himself. “Six or seven inches with a wide, bulbous head. Veiny and,” he circled his fingers around the shaft, “Fairly thick.”
“Oh fuck,” you sighed contentedly, “You have a pretty cock.”
“Pretty cock for my pretty girl,” he chuckled at your description.
Your thighs squeezed together at his praise. You so desperately wanted to touch yourself…do something to relieve the throbbing ache between them.
“How long do I have to wait?” you squirmed, the crotch of your panties pressing against your clit torturously.
“Go ahead, baby,” Kento relented, “I know you’re not good at being patient.”
You flushed at the soft dig, but thanked him anyway and reached down to rub your aching slit.
“If you were here, I would have you suck my cock while you waited, but alas…,” his rich voice filled your ears and your toes curled.
“I would love that,” you breathed, “I would love to taste you. Feel that beautiful cock on my tongue,” you moaned wantonly.
Ken groaned as you described how you would lick and suck his raging erection. Nibble your lips along the underside, suckle at the bulbous tip, and swallow him down until you gagged on him. He felt like he could burst.
“Get me nice and hard with your pretty mouth,” he sighed, his chest heaving as he stroked himself to your pace. “So you can sit on it.”
You purred excitedly at this thought.
“May I?” you sat up, wanting to grab a toy.
“I think you must,” he chuckled.
You grabbed a dildo with a suction cup at the base and stuck it to the ground. You kneeled and positioned the head at your entrance before lowering yourself slowly.
“Oh fuck!” you whined at the pleasurable stretch. “Ken, fuck…”
Kento’s balls tighten when you moaned for him. He filled in the second syllable of his name in his mind as his hips bucked of their own accord. God, you made him want to bully his cock deep inside of you.
“So good, baby,” he groaned through gritted teeth, “So good taking it for me.”
You whined, bouncing your hips lower and lower on the dildo. Your nipples tightened as you approached orgasm.
“Hng, Daddy, can I cum?” you pleaded without thinking, desperate and wanton.
Kento’s body betrayed him.
“Yes, fuck!” he managed to answer before he came violently. His abs contracted forcefully as he shot ropes of cum onto himself. Your sounds of orgasm melted into his as you both reached your highs together.
“You came?” you asked after catching your breath.
“Yes,” Kento answered, his body slumped down in his chair.
“I should’ve asked you about the ‘daddy’ thing first,” you realized suddenly, “I’m sorry if I caught you off guard with that.”
“It…,” Kento paused. As loathe as he was about admitting it, he felt like he could with you. “I don’t…hate it.”
“But do you like it?” you insisted.
“...yes,” he finally answered.
“Okay good,” you exhaled with relief.
“Do you have other plans this evening?” he asked after a small gap of time.
“No, not tonight. Later in the week I need to get groceries, but nothing today. Do you?”
“Luckily no. Will take care of a few things around my apartment. Cook dinner.”
“Ah, do you enjoy cooking?”
“I do,” Kento nodded. It was a relaxing activity and a welcome reprieve from his job, which was filled with insanity.
“Me too. When I have time, I love to bake.”
“Ah, is that so?” Kento’s ears perked up. He loved baked goods. “What do you like to bake?”
“Oh almost anything,” you settled into your pillows. “Bread if I’m feeling ambitious. Muffins or something else if I’m short on time.”
“Cinnamon roll indeed,” Ken remarked with a chuckle.
A soft warmth flushed through you. Considering that Ken was a technical stranger, it was incredibly comfortable being on the phone with him. Maybe this was how your subscribers felt about you despite knowing very little. It was interesting to be on this end of a parasocial relationship.
You looked up from your pot of soup when you heard the buzzer for your front door. Takuma must be here! You let him in and then went to set the table. As usual you had cooked too much food, but you intended for him to pack most of it away anyways.
You answered the door and were surprised when your eyes landed on a tall, blonde stranger.
“Oh…, hello?”
“Hey sis!” Takuma greeted you from behind the stranger with a wide smile. “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Nanami-san!”
Nanami wished a hole would open up in the ground underneath him. It wasn’t like Ino had railroaded him into joining for dinner, but he had insisted quite adamantly and caught Nanami in a moment of weakness.
“Ah? Ah!” as the name finally triggered recognition and you bowed politely. “Nanami-san, wonderful to meet you! Please come in!”
“I-,” Nanami paused, “Ino, I thought-,” he turned to the younger man with a stern look on his face. Ino hadn’t been quite clear about the invitation, but you clearly hadn’t been expecting Nanami.
“Please, Nanami-san,” you insisted, a soft smile on your face. “I have been wanting to thank you for taking such good care of my younger brother. I would love it if you joined us for dinner.”
Nanami found his cheeks growing warm at your genuine smile. Your eyes were locked directly on his and he found himself struck by your appearance. He noted some subtle similarities to Ino, but mostly he was reeling from how pretty you were. Preparations must’ve still been underway as you were wearing a scallop-edged apron that was tied back in a way that emphasized your shape.
“Ah, thank you,” he bowed before stepping through the doorway.
Takuma helped hang up Nanami’s jacket and leather harness while you added another place setting to the table. You ladeled out three bowls of miso soup and brought them to the table with the other dishes that were already laid out.
“Itadakimasu!” Takuma beamed at you before digging right in.
“Tch, impatient,” you clicked your tongue at him with a fond smile.
“Itadakimasu,” Nanami bowed his head at you as well before picking up his soup spoon. “This looks and smells wonderful.”
“Hopefully it tastes good too,” you winked at him.
“YN is a good cook,” Ino remarked to his mentor.
Nanami’s eyes widened after a few bites. It was delicious.
“This is wonderful,” he complimented you genuinely.
“Thank you,” you grew a little under his heavy stare. He was so serious. “Ah, I forgot!” you stood suddenly, “Would you like anything to drink other than tea?”
“Nanami likes whiskey,” your brother answered helpfully.
“No, you don’t have to,” Nanami put his hands up in protest.
“Ice? No ice?” you asked, ignoring his niceties.
“One ice cube,” he relented and you nodded.
“Let me play house for you, Nanami-san,” you grinned playfully at him when you returned with the glass. “It’s in my nature as an older sister, after all.”
Kento blinked at your teasing. There was something familiar about it. His eyes were glued to you as you untied the apron and hung it on a hook.
“Well, tell me about yourself, Nanami-san!” you demand cheekily as you started in on the food as well. “Considering how many times Takuma has mentioned you, I don’t think I actually know anything about you!”
“Of course,” the tall gentleman nodded, “Nanami Kento. I am twenty-eight years old working as a Grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer.”
You chuckled at his formal introduction.
“Ino YN,” you returned the introduction. “Working as a personal assistant at the Tokyo courthouse. Very nice to meet you.
Nanami found himself smiling at you. You were obviously teasing, but he found that he didn’t dislike it…at all.
“Tell me about your day,” you asked of Takuma as you also started eating.
Without fail, your younger brother launched into enthusiastic storytelling, which allowed you to observe both him and his mentor. Nanami’s blue shirt pulled taut across his shoulders. He wore a spotted tie, which seemed to be in contrast to the rest of his stern appearance. You smiled…it was a nice touch. His hair was parted sharply and his face was full of similar lines and planes, but he was handsome nonetheless.
Nanami looked up during your observation and caught your eye. He was watching you too. Particularly he found himself fixated on your chin and mouth. He felt crazy for even thinking it, but you reminded him of SweetCinna. He even felt that your voice was similar, but perhaps he just found himself attracted and projecting.
“How was your day?” Takuma’s voice cut through the tension. He glanced between you and Nanami and then grinned.
“It was good,” you smiled. “I did some reading in the morning before getting groceries and cooking for dinner.”
“What are you reading?” Nanami asked.
“Land of Milk and Honey by C Pam Zhang. It’s…,” you thought for a moment about how to describe the work. “Interesting. It’s near future dystopian, lots of references and imagery around food.”
“Interesting,” Nanami’s eyebrows raised. “How are you finding it?”
“Hm,” you looked at him head on. “I’m not quite far enough yet to have a strong opinion.”
Nanami nodded. That certainly made sense.
“Do you enjoy reading? I’d be happy to lend it to you when I’m finished.”
“I do,” he nodded, some of the tension seeming to leave his shoulders. “It’s probably my main source of leisure these days.”
“Ah! Me too,” you beamed at him with delight. Nanami smiled at you and your breath caught. There was something satisfying about seeing his stern facade drop.
Takuma look on at your interaction with Nanami, over the moon. This wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind when he’d extended the invitation, but he certainly wasn’t complaining.
“How can I help?” Nanami asked once everyone had had their fill.
“Help me bring the dishes to the sink?”
He nodded and started stacking empty plates and bowls together. You put your apron and gloves back on and placed everything into the sink.
“Shall I dry?”
“That’s not necessary!” you shook your head, chuckle when the image of Nanami in your apron and gloves popped into your head.
“There’s nothing I can do to help?”
“Oh, actually,” a thought did pop into your head. “Can you help me tie my hair up?” you gestured to the hair tie that was laying on the counter.
Nanami blinked at the request, but nodded, grabbing the elastic. His fingertips brushed along your scalp as he gathered your hair into a bundle. He struggled a bit, but managed to get most of it tied up in the band. You’d tried to bite it back, but Nanami had heard what sounded like a soft purr when he’d tugged a little too hard.
He really felt like he’d heard that before.
Nanami tapped his foot impatiently on the train. It had to be you, right?
After the meal with you, he’d tried to put things out of his mind unsuccessfully. The thought of you being SweetCinna had nagged and nagged at him until he’d finally relented and gone over your audio collection with a fine toothed comb. He’d listened and listened to your honeyed voice, painfully hard, until he’d found a clip that made things fall into place.
‘tch, i’m not a brat!’
The click of your tongue had been so similar to your admonishment of your brother.
As he continued to wonder whether he was valid or crazy, his phone chimed with a notification.
sweetcinna: ‘any chance you’re free?’ ken73: ‘I am actually. Anything the matter?’ sweetcinna: ‘no? does something have to be the matter for us to talk?’ ken73: ‘No not at all, angel. I just wasn’t sure if it was a one-off last time.’
You regarded your phone with a look. You supposed that was a fair assumption, but after your slip up with Nanami’s hand in your hair you’d found yourself with an excess of sexual tension that you wanted to work out…with Ken.
sweetcinna: ‘would you be interested in chatting on the phone again?’ ken73: ‘Of course. Give me a few minutes and I’ll let you know when you can call.’
“Hello!” you greeted him sunnily.
“Hi angel,” he smiled at the sound of your voice.
“How are you?”
“Very good,” he nodded.
“Very good?” you laughed, “And why’s that?”
Kento paused before answering in a way that wouldn’t give himself up quite yet.
“It was just a good day,” he shrugged. “How about you? How was your day?”
“It was actually quite good as well,” you answered honestly, “I had dinner with my younger brother and that was a lot of fun.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yes!” beamed as you recalled the meal. “He actually invited a colleague of his who I’d never met before. He talks about him often, so it was nice to meet the gentleman.”
“It must’ve been a bit of a surprise then?” Kento asked.
“It was, but not in a bad way,” you shook your head, “He was quite handsome,” you giggled as you thought of Nanami’s tall, broad form again.
Kento was almost jealous for a moment before he remembered that you were actually referring to him.
“Is that so?” he raised an eyebrow, feigning jealous anyways.
“Quite,” you answered honestly. “Are you jealous?” you asked, catching the slight edge in his voice.
“Should I be?”
“I don’t think so,” you answered giddily, “I probably won’t see him again. And it’s not like he’s made me cum just with his voice, right?”
Kento let out a sharp laugh. You were quite skilled at flattery.
“Hmm,” he hummed in agreement, “And is that why you called? So I can remind my slutty little princess just how hard I make you cum?”
“Ask me for it, pretty girl,” Ken’s voice was low and thick in your ear.
“Hng…Ken, please,” you relented with a soft whine.
Kento squeezed his eyes shut at this noise. You were so alluring. He would have to tell you…he wanted to tell you, but for now he needed to hear you cum, fall apart for him and only him.
“Very good girl,” he hummed, pleased.
You squirmed. It was ridiculous how so few words could have you clenching for him. Your nipples were pebbled through your thin shirt and you brushed your fingertips over them with a soft hiss.
“Tell me what you’re doing,” he demanded, palming himself through the front of the sweatpants that he had changed into.
“My nipples,” you panted, “Teasing them, through my shirt.”
“Imagine, my tongue on them. Lapping with my tongue wide and flat and then teasing with the tip, getting the fabric damp and wet so that when I blow on it, it grows cool.”
“Oh fuck!” you arched instinctively, images of Nanami popping into your mind. His mouth working at your puckered nipples as Ken described.
“Make a pretty wet spot to match the one that I know is on your panties.”
“Ken!” your chest heaved with ragged breaths.
“Yes, pretty girl?”
“I need,” you squirmed, “I need…something.”
“Have you been waiting for me?” Kento asked, slightly fuzzy in the chest at your obedience, despite your obvious desire.
“Yes,” you nodded, “I'm being good, I swear.”
“Can you wait for me just a bit longer? I’d like to take my time tonight.”
Kento heard you nod and he imagined the breathless expression on your face, this time in full clarity. God, he wanted you. To push your knees apart. To tie your wrists together above your head. To feast on you until he'd had his fill.
“Fuck,” he threw his head back and groaned. He hadn't thought it was impossible, but his cock was harder knowing who you were and that you were potentially in reach.
Your toes curled as you pulled your knees to your chest. Your cunt was aching and dripping at Ken’s rough, deep voice and you wished he were there to bury himself inside of you and fuck you within an inch of consciousness. You wished to be drooling and mindless, stuffed full of his fat erection.
“Daddy please, I can't wait anymore,” you cried.
Kento growled at the moniker.
“Go ahead, baby,” he coaxed you. “Go ahead and touch that pretty pussy for me. I know you need it.”
“Thank you thank you thank you,” you murmured as your fingers stroked over your soaked lips. “Fuck I'm so wet,” you giggled, relaxing with relief.
“God I want to taste you,” Kento moaned. “Eat you until it's dripping down my chin. Until you're crying.”
“Fuck! I’m gonna,” you choked at his fervent words, “Can I? Please?”
Nanami’s vision went red. So. Fucking. Polite.
“Cum for Daddy,” he coaxed.
Your body jerked. Hearing him refer to himself that way triggered a deep and primal response in you that had you crying out for him as you snapped.
Nanami’s pupils dilated as he listened to you come apart. You were so loud, so clear, so gorgeous…for him.
“Beautiful,” his voice was almost like a whisper now.
“You haven't cum yet?”
“No, not yet.”
His self control was really something else.
“Good, because I need you to cum in my pussy,” you declared.
Kento’s eyebrows raised. Little brat.
“Oh is that so? How do you figure that?”
“Because I'm you're good little slut,” you insisted. “Don't you want to fill me up?”
Kento barked out a laugh that sent a thrill down your spine. He wanted to grab a fistful of your hair and pull you to eye level with him.
“Babygirl. Listen to me carefully now,” his voice was hard, “I will cum where I want, when I want, and you will be happy with it.”
You melted audibly into your bed with a fluttery sigh and Kento smirked. You were perfect.
“You're lucky I'm in the mood to pump you full of my cum tonight,” he remarked and you felt yourself gush again.
“Please,” you nodded. You felt like you were floating. “I need you to fuck your cum into me with that fat cock, please!”
Kento grunted, hips bucking up into his fist. The dark, swollen head disappeared and reappeared repeatedly between his thumb and pointer finger as his hip flexors worked.
“Kento,” your tongue slipped as you ground your clit against the heel of your palm. “I'm co-oming!” your breath hitched in your throat as you did.
“Hah,” his panting was throaty. He tensed at the sound of your second orgasm and the mental image of being balls deep inside of you pushed him over the edge with you.
You listened to each other breathe as your minds returned to your bodies.
“Did that scratch your itch?” Kento finally asked, a content smile on his lips.
“Very much so,” you nodded, eyelids growing heavy with relaxation.
“You should sleep,” he murmured after hearing a yawn.
“Goodnight, Ken,” you muttered.
“Goodnight, YN,” he whispered after ending the call.
You checked your wristwatch again. The train was more than a few minutes late today. It had been a reasonable day at the courthouse, but you were ready to go home.
Eventually, the train car doors slid open with a squeak and you stepped inside. Glancing around, you were surprised when you saw a now-familiar silhouette.
“Nanami-san!” you found yourself moving towards him.
“A-ah, Ino-san,” he greeted you with a surprised expression.
“Nice to see you again. Are you headed home?”
Nanami nodded and you reached up to grab a handhold as the train pulled out of the station. The car jerked slightly and you stumbled, hand wrapping around Nanami’s flexed bicep instead.
“Shoot!” you squeaked as you tried to steady yourself. You almost jumped out of your skin when a warm hand met the small of your back, helping you regain your balance. “I’m sorry,” you turned away, slightly mortified.
“Quite alright,” Kento found himself pleased at your self-consciousness. His hand was splayed across your back and he let it linger for a moment or two longer than necessary. “How was your day?”
“It was a little busy, but not bad,” you looked up at him. “And yours?”
“It was a fair day. Did some training with students. Have you gotten any further in your book?”
“Oh I have!” your face lit up and you turned to face him. “It’s quite interesting. The language is very beautiful.”
“Hmm,” Kento nodded and you shared more of the plot and your opinions on the work.
“Oh, my stop is next,” you interjected with realization. You turned to him with a look in your eye that was almost regretful.
“May I walk you back?” Kento found himself asking. “I’m enjoying this conversation.”
“A-ah, of course!” you nodded. Heat prickling up the back of your neck.
Nanami fell into step with you as you led the way to your apartment. You found yourself truly enjoying his company so you took a few scenic options.
“Has Ino ever shared much about his special technique with you?” Kento asked.
“No,” you shook your head. “And I suppose I’ve never asked.”
“I see.” Nanami nodded. He inhaled deeply, now was as good a time as any. “There are a wide variety of techniques. One of mine involves creating weak points at a set ratio of 7:3. Some refer to me as the 7:3 Sorcerer.”
You stilled for a moment. 7:3? Nanami Kento, the 7:3 Sorcerer?
You heard an almost comical screeching sound in your mind as the pieces puzzled themselves together. Could Nanami be ken73? Surely that would be too coincidental.
Nanami had kept walking, so you found yourself several paces behind him when you snapped out of your thoughts. You jogged lightly to catch up, shooting him a furtive glance as you did so. You certainly wouldn’t mind it if he was. Imagining all of the phone calls that you’d had, those words coming out of Nanami’s mouth, had a fiery heat building steadily in your belly.
You were rendered quiet until you reached your building. You paused at the sidewalk and tried to keep your face straight as you bowed politely.
“Thank you for walking me back. I enjoyed our conversation today.”
“Likewise,” Nanami nodded. He looked you over from head to toe. You were doing a remarkably good job of staying composed, so he was not sure whether you had picked up on his clues or not. As you turned to enter your building, one last thought entered into his mind.
“YN…are you a fan of cinnamon rolls, by chance?”
Your mask fell. Your mouth fell into a circle and you turned to face Nanami again, eyes searching. He had taken his glasses off and his gaze bore into you, heavy and hot.
“Ken?” you murmured in disbelief.
His lips curled into a smile and relief curled through his chest.
“How?” you shook your head as he stepped towards you.
“I’ve been subscribed to you for years, remember? It is so surprising that I could identify your voice?” his eyes flicked over your face. “Plus you are an insufferable tease in real life too.”
You felt like there was steam coming off the top of your head. You had wondered in the past what it might feel like to be discovered, but it was always more doomsday-y than this. Having Kento find out felt more like relief and nervous excitement. You wondered what he was thinking.
“I am wildly attracted to you, both physically and mentally, but I don’t want to presume anything on your end because I understand that our virtual connection was also your job.”
“You’re not,” you answered honestly. “I-, it was meaningful to me too.”
Kento nodded.
“May I take you out on a date?”
“You don’t think we could skip that?” you reached for his tie playfully.
“I don’t-,” Kento’s mind stuttered at your touch. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea by doing things out of order.”
Your chest squeezed. He was so proper…until he wasn’t.
“Can’t you make an exception for me?” you cooed, running your hands along his lapels.
His hands clutched your wrists and stilled them. There was a tick in his jaw that hadn’t been there before.
“If I tell you no, would you be a good girl for me and wait?”
“Yes,” you sighed, relishing the pressure of his strong grip.
“Good girl. I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner, then,” he decided and then stepped back. Almost as an afterthought he added, “And don’t even think about touching yourself before then.”
You almost let out an anguished wail at this. He was going to make you wait to have him. And you would.
You were vibrating with anticipation when Kento picked you up. The night passed torturously slowly with soft grazes of his knuckles against your calves, his fingertips trailing across your hips and lower back, and his warm breath curling around the shell of your ear when he spoke.
Nanami had watched proudly as you had held back shivers and bit down moans as he’d teased you through the evening. He couldn’t get enough of touching you. Watching you barely hold it together, just for him. Keeping up his gentleman’s facade he walked you to your front door, kissed your knuckles and then moved to leave.
“Kento, please,” you begged softly, looping your arm around his torso and resting your forehead against his back. “I need you,” you whispered, voice growing frayed as your sanity unwound.
Kento swept you up into his arms and pressed a kiss to your temple. You grabbed him by the necktie and pulled him into a ravenous kiss as he backed you into your apartment. Your hands pushed the suit jacket off of his shoulders and explored his broad form. For a moment Kento was caught off guard by the ferocity of your kisses, but he adjusted quickly.
“Shall I put on the apron?” you teased, lips brushing against his. The groan he let out was well worth it.
“Later,” he pressed you down onto the bed and grasped you by the ankles.
He pressed a kiss against your left ankle before he set them on his shoulders. His hands traced down your calves and pushed your skirt up over your plush thighs. It was like unwrapping a present. He found himself kneeling until your legs were hooked over his shoulders and his face was buried against your quivering, needy cunt. You had leaked completely through your panties through the course of the date and your inner thighs were slick with shine.
“All for me, princess?” he teased, before diving in. He dragged his nose along your core and kissed you languidly through the fabric. The noises were so wet and gushy, music to his ears.
“Kento,” you arched up against him, desperate for more. “Please fuck me,” you begged, the words coming out in wet, hot little pants. “You can torture me later, take your time later, but please I need you to fuck me right now!”
Kento smirked against your pussy. He had really done a number on you.
“Since you asked nicely,” he relented, peeling off his disheveled clothes. Your eyes feasted on him as he pulled off your panties and set your ankles back on his shoulders. His pupils dilated as he watched your juices coat his fat tip. His eyes rolled back as his cock slipped past your impossibly tight lips with a ‘pop’.
“God you are fucking tight, princess,” he marveled as he rocked into you. “Your pussy is gripping me.”
“Kento, more.”
He nodded and pressed a kiss to your calf again before he stroked himself deeply into you. You let out an embarrassing noise as he filled you up. Your eyes rolled back and your hips canted to meet his thrusts. Wet sounds of him burying himself into you mingled with wet pants and low groans. A coil tightened in the pit of your belly.
“I’m,” you gasp punctured the air, “I’m close.”
He nodded, keeping up his pace as you clenched around him.
“Are you?” your wild eyes sought his out, “Together?”
Kento’s eyes widened as his stomach clenched at your breathless request. Together. Yes, he wanted that too.
“A little more,” he answered, “Hold on for me.”
You nodded furiously, stifling your orgasm as Kento rutted himself deep inside of you. His cock stroked deep and thick inside of you until he tensed.
“Now, princess!” he whined, his hips stuttering as his cock twitched deep inside of you. His heavy balls shot ropes of cum into you until his body sagged atop yours.
You pulled him close and pressed kisses across his jaw and over his nose while he recovered. He grew shy at this peppering of affection, which only served to endear you to him more.
“Shall we change my nickname to cream pie instead of cinnamon roll?” you giggled, brushing some hair out of Kento’s eyes.
Kento started laughing so hard that his shoulders shook. You wrapped your arms around them and basked in the sounds of his joy.
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maybankswife · 8 months
Falling for him part 1
JJ Maybank x Fem Kook Reader
slight Rafe Cameron x Fem Kook Reader
You and Sarah have been best friends for years, but soon its all about to change.
Swearing, mentions of weed, unedited work
Just letting you guys know,
F/L/Y/N stands for the First letter of your name, so when I was talking about the necklaces this is what I meant, I completely forgot to put the meaning of it when I posted earlier!!!
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“Workers of the world unite!” JJ yelled out from across the party, his arm up in the air and his hand wrapped around his wrist.
You turned around, your long navy-blue dress flowed freely. Your hair was put up in a y2k styled half up half down, your body was laced with gold jewelry dangling on your flesh. You could see Kiara and Pope running out of midsummers, met with JJ and John B. You watched, and had no idea what was going, you made your way over to your best friend Sarah. You saw her, watching in awe as the Pogues departed from midsummers.
“What’s going on?” you asked her, she lifted an eyebrow at you. confusion painted on her face.
“I don’t know Y/N” she said, she sounding annoyed. You scoffed at her. You knew she had gone to the mainland with John B a few days ago, why was she lying to you about it?
“Stop lying Sarah, you went to Charleston with John B a few days ago” you had to yell over the loud music, and overlining conversations. She grabbed you by the wrist and started dragging you to a quieter spot, further away from the hustle of the party.
“Why does it matter?” she asked you, crossing her arms and leaning up against a pillar.
“It doesn’t” you shouted back, “I just want to know what’s going on” you sighed, you hadn’t spoken to Sarah the whole party, and she had been avoiding you and not answering your text messages.
“Do you promise to not get mad?” she questioned you again, you looked at her. Your eyes met hers, she looked anxious to say whatever it was that was about to fall out of her mouth. You nodded and waited for her response.
“I went to the mainland to help John B with something” she cleared her throat “and we may or may not have kissed” her arms dropped to her side, she looked relived that she was able to say that out loud.
“Wait what!?” You replied in shock with what you just heard.
“What about Topper?” you continued, she looked up at you giving you a gentle look.
“I’m going to break up with him, tomorrow” she explained, standing up straight and dusting her dress off.  
“Okay… So are you friends with the pogues now” you lifted an eyebrow, she rolled her eyes at you. Sarah, you, and Kiara used to be best friends, a trio, but she abandoned you guys for the group of boys.
“I don’t know, depends on how things go I guess” she shrugged, you waked towards her and wrapped you arm around the back of her neck and walked together back to the party.
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1:47 AM
Your phone started buzzing on your bedside table, it woke you up. You rolled over and unplugged your phone from the charger.
Sarah Cam incoming phone call
You answered the call
“Hello?” Sarah said on the other line, she sounded distressed.
“What’s going on” you replied, sitting up in your bed.
“John B fell from the hawk’s nest, Topper shoved him” you could hear someone shouting in the background, it sounded like JJ.
“Oh my god Sarah what happened!” you pulled the covers off of you and stood up, pacing around the room.
“John B can you open your eyes?” Sarah pleaded with him, it was muffled.
“Pope hurry!”
wait, was that Kiara?
“Sarah what the hell is going on? Do you need help?” you called out, you heard her pick up the phone.
“I need to go Y/N” she hung up the phone. What the fuck just happened.
You ran over to your dresser and slipped on a light blue summer dress and your white converse. You snuck out of your house and grabbed the keys to your car. You got in and drove straight to the hawk’s nest.
You pulled up to the gravel parking space and saw the infamous twinkie. You switched off your car and got out. You walked over to the twinkie, it reeked of weed and sweat. Your nose twitched at the smell of it. But the twinkie being here meant they were still here too. You ran in the direction of the hawk’s nest, once you were close enough you could here the Pogues and Sarah arguing over what to do. You walked up behind them and pushed in front of JJ and Kiara to get to Sarah.
“What the fuck happened Sarah” she looked up at you, here eyes red and tear-stained cheeks. John B was unconscious on the grass next to her.
“Look who we have here, [Name] Palmer” JJ called out, a smirk drawn on his lips. You turned around giving him a petty smile.
“What are you doing here Y/N” Kiara questioned. You moved your focus from JJ to her.
“I could ask you the same question” you replied slyly, and turning back around to Sarah, she was placing small kisses on John Bs lips, gentle and tender. You could hear ambulance sirens getting closer and closer to the hawk’s nest.
Once the ambulance arrived, Sarah was the one that went with John B. As for you and the Pogues you made you way back to the carpark. “So, what’s a princess like yourself doing here” JJ teased, a smile on his face from ear to ear. You rolled your eyes at him, crossing your arms and standing up against your car door. The way the pet name rolled of his tongue like it was normal, was abnormal. You’ve only ever spoken to JJ at parties when he’s drunk and has tried to hit you up.  
“I got a call from my friend, I came to help her” you responded, JJ was getting closer to you, inch by inch he towered over you. he looked down at you, your knees felt weak under your body threatening to cave in at any moment.
“Hmm” he hummed, looking you up and down “you sure you’re not here to see me” he leaned in closer, you could smell the weed on him, his clothes reeked of it. You lifted your arm and pushed him back.
“Nope.” You answer back, his face was so cocky he knew what he was doing, and he was doing it well. You turned around and opened your car door.
“You know where to find me” he raised his arm and pointed a finger at you, winking. You scoffed and scooted into your seat, slamming the car door shut. Within a matter of seconds, you had driven off, only leaving a trail of lifted dust behind you.  
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You arrived home just after 3:00 AM, exhausted. Going through your front door was difficult, especially because your dog Oakley’s bed was just up the hallway. You opted for the good old window entrance, you walked around the side of your house locating your bedroom window hidden amongst overgrown vines, various plants, and flowers. Slid it open, one foot in, followed by the other. Finally, home. You shut the window, leaning over the daybed that sits in front of your window. You walked over to the pajamas that you were wearing earlier, you had left them on the floor. You kicked off your Converse and glided out of your blue dress exposing your naked body. Pulling the satin shirt over and pulling the satin shorts up. You were ready to sleep, you retied your hair into a loose messy bun and jumped into bed.
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It’s been a few days since the John B falling off of the hawk’s nest incident, you haven’t really spoken to Sarah since she’s been ghosting you for the past few days; not replying to your texts, ignoring your calls and she hasn’t been at her house every time you went to check. This is the last time you were going to message her, she better have a reasonable explanation as to why she has been ghosting you.
“Sarah wtf y have u been ghosting me?” sent.
You watched the message go through. So, she hasn’t blocked you…
‘Read’ popped up underneath your message. Great.
The typing bubble appeared.
“I’m so sorry Y/N/N John B thought it would be funny to keep me and Kiara on a boat in the middle of the marsh”
Oh. She’s been hanging out with them.
“what? You’ve been ghosting me 4 them” sent.
“come to the chateau right now”
Seriously? Your being dragged to the that shit hole, you turned your phone off and went up to your room. You searched your dresser for the perfect outfit, for some reason you felt like impressing them.
You fished out a white bikini, an orange cropped tank top with a cute graphic on it, short denim shorts and your navy-blue converse. You changed into it, hopping it would be up to “Pogue standards”. Or maybe just “JJs standards”… you put on your necklace stack, of 2 gold chains one with a sun charm that is incrusted with diamonds, and the second with a F/L/Y/N charm. You grabbed your Pura Vida bracelet stack and slid it onto your wrists, followed by your ring stacks for both hands. Lastly gold hoops to wrap everything up. A roll of your favourite coconut scented deodorant, a lot of spray of your favourite summery perfume, along with the body spray you use on top of it.
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You rushed out of your room, running into the living room where your mum was,
“Hey mum, I’m heading out with Sarah” you had to lie, because the number of times your parents have complained about the pogues, specifically JJ, your mum would kill you if she knew where you were actually going. You tucked your hair behind your ear, waiting for a response. Your mum, who was sat on the couch looked up at you with a gentle smile and her glasses resting further down on her nose than what they should be.
“Sure, thing sweetie, be safe” your mum replied, she always said yes as long as you were with Sarah. You ran over to her, giving her a tight squeeze,
“Thank you!” you praised, letting go of her and speed walking into the hallway. On your entry table there was a decorative bowl that held your car keys in it, but instead of going by car you decided to take your bike. You walked out the front door and over to the garage where the bikes are stored. You opened the door and walked in, being wafted with the smell of petrol, paint, and rubber. You walked over to your bike, its white, and has a lil basket on the front of it. Perfect. You knew where the chateau is because of the few parties you’ve been to there, so you steered your bike out of the garage and got on and started pedalling.
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You’ve been riding for 5 minutes, still 20 more minuets till you can get there. You reached into the basket and grabbed out your phone, shuffling your summer playlist and the song “Megaton Mile” by Local Natives started playing. You turned it up, almost full volume and chucked your phone back into the basket. The song was playing at midsummers the other night, you actually requested it because it is one of your favourite gems. You continued riding, letting your hair fly in the salty wind, small beads of sweat falling from your forehead because of the humidity, and breathing in the fresh air. Its been awhile since you’ve ridden your bike around the OBX and it feels just as euphoric, if not more than the last time you had.
You were getting close to the bridge that connects the Kook side of the Island to the Pogues. The song “Boys don’t Cry” by The Cure was playing. A large rev of an engine startled you, you looked behind you to see who it was, but your bike went off the pavement causing you to fall off.
“Fuck!” you cursed out, lying on the grass of someone’s lawn. You were on your side, leaning on your elbow, your hair has fallen over your face and over your shoulder. You rolled over, putting yourself in a sitting position with your legs stretched out. Pushing your hair back, you see a familiar car pull up next to you.
The window of the car rolls down, and a familiar face sticks his head out the window. It's Rafe, Sarah's brother. He has always had a thing for you, but you have never fallen for him, he’s just not your type plus he’s your best friend’s brother. His cocky laugh belched out,
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“No way I just saw that” he called out from the car, he was looking dead at you, no sign of sympathy on his face.
“Seriously Rafe, fuck you” you spat back at him, pulling your elbow up and seeing a large gash on it, already pooling with blood. You looked down at your knees, they are also scuffed up, stinging like hell and bleeding too.
“Calm down, your fine” he teases back at you, getting out of his Range Rover. He walks over to you, and offers you, his hand. You look up at him through your lashes, he was still smiling, thinking this was funny. You were covered in mud now. You grabbed his hand, tightening your grip on his hand you pulled him down onto the grass with you. You stood up quickly and looked down at him now on the ground.
“What is wrong with you!” he shouted at you, tensing his jaw.
“Calm down, your fine” you respond, giggling at the look on his face. He scoffed at you and stayed on the floor. Probably to humbled to move. You walked over to your phone which had flew out of your basket when you fell off, luckily it had landed on the grass and not the concrete. You picked it up the song “Time to Pretend” by MGMT has just started playing. You lifted your bike up and put your phone back in the basket, and pedalled away, leaving Rafe behind.  
Finally, you had arrived at the Chateau. You rode your bike all the way up to the front porch, you got off and grabbed your phone. You walked up to the door, knocking on it. You could hear a muffle of voices conversating, and a few heavy footsteps made their way over to the door. Your heart beating faster every time they took a step closer. The wooden door swung open, John B standing in front of you,
“Hey” you sighed, wiping sweat off your forehead. He had a blue cast on his wrist and was alive so that’s a good thing.
“Uh... hey” he croaked out, standing sideways and gesturing for you to come in, “Uhm, come in” he continued.
“Thanks” you responded, walking past John B and into the house. The walls were covered in photos of John B and his dad, as well as a ton of baby photos of him and JJ. You looked around, floor to celling made out of wood, it was cozy. Sarah turned around the corner, a relieved look on her face when she saw you in the hallway.
“Oh my god I was so scared you weren’t coming!” She sped walked over to you, wrapping her arms around you. you groaned because your back was aching from flying off your bike earlier. You wrapped your arm around her, and just as you did, she let go of you. John B was standing behind you,
“Okay let’s go sit with everyone” he cleared his throat, putting his hand on your shoulder almost pushing you forward. Sarah grabbed onto your hand, leading you to the back porch where Kiara, Pope and JJ are sitting.
“So, first Sarah, now Y/N? seriously John B, you may as well invite Rafe over too” Kiara sneered out, looking at you up and down you gave her a bitchy smile. Sarah sat down on a couch, next to John B, the only other spot was next to JJ who was sharing a couch with Pope.
“JJ move over” you instructed, he looked up at you with an amused look. You rolled your eyes. He moved over slightly still leaving barely any room for you, but if you were becoming a ‘Pogue’ you may as well get used to it. You squeezed in next to JJ, in between him and the couches arm rest. There was plenty of room for him to move closer to pope, but nope he was refusing to budge any further.
“Okay now that Y/N is here, we need to catch her up on what’s been going on” Sarah said, looking over at John B for validation in what she just said.
“Uhm… yep, okay. So, Sarah helped me into the archives in Charleston, there we found a letter from Denmark Tanny, a slave, a local landowner, and a sole survivor of the Royal Merchant” your eyes widened, now you’re interested.
“He wrote a letter to his son, Robert in a lost Creole language, Gullah. I took this letter to my history teacher Mr Sunn, who translated the letter. Denmark Tanny saved the gold from the Royal Merchant and brought it ashore, using it to buy his freedom Tanny Hill plantation, in other words Sarahs home, and used it to buy the freedom of other slaves. He wrote the letter to his son on the day he was hung, in a secret language that only they know, telling him where to find the gold. Harvest the wheat, in Parcel 9, near the water. Wheat is code for ‘gold’. Then Sarah gave me an original survey map of Parcel 9 and Tanny Hill at the Hawks Nest, and I got pushed off by topper. Then we made Sarah and Kie stay on a boat together to figure out their differences, and now we are here.” John B finished off, it felt like he was talking forever.
Falling for him part 2
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anonymousewrites · 10 months
Portal to My Heart (Book 3) Chapter Five
Loki x Reader
Chapter Five: Under the Skin
Summary: The interrogation begins.
            “Okay, let’s keep it simple,” decided Mobius as he, (Y/N), Loki, and B-15 walked towards the holding cell Brad Wolfe/X-5 was being held in. “Where’s Dox? Where’s Sylvie? And what did he do to the Tempad? That’s all we need to find out, okay? But of course, Brad knows us, and he knows our tactics. But that’s what makes for an interesting chess match. Okay, most of all, Brad’s an asshole.”
            (Y/N) nodded affirmatively.
            “So don’t let him get under your skin, alright? Okay?” Mobius gave a certain someone a pointed look. “Loki?”
            “What?” said Loki, acting oblivious as everyone looked at him.
            “You know what,” said (Y/N) while Mobius went to the door.
            “Come on,” he said, pushing the door open.
            They stepped into the barren room, and Brad turned around in his chair to face them.
            “Oh, welcome back. Why don’t you go ahead and take this time collar off and start treating me like someone who outranks you?” sneered Brad, going immediately to the asshole act.
            “We don’t work here,” said (Y/N), folding her arms. She and Loki just joined in to defeat He Who Remains, and before that, they were forced to work to not get pruned.
            “Oh, that’s a good point,” said Brad.
            “You should stop talking,” said Mobius. “Hey, what were you doing down there on the Sacred Timeline?”
            “Making movies,” said Brad.
            “Don’t waste our time, X-5,” said B-15.
            “It’s Brad. Bradley,” said Brad sharply.
            “Right, Brad,” said Loki. “Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” His voice turned to the subtler drawl, the slight condescension and cunning clear (to those who knew him, like (Y/N)—who thought it was hot).
            “What did you do to this Tempad?” said (Y/N), holding it up.
            Brad looked at Mobius in fake-exhaustion.
            “Answer the question,” said Mobius.
            “It blocks your trackers,” said Brad.
            “Yeah, no, try again,” said (Y/N). “What is it?”
            Brad scoffed. “Under whose authority are you holding me here? Looking around, I do not see anyone ranking high to make that call.”
            “I don’t need approval to detain a hunter that abandoned their post,” said B-15.
            “I believe in exercising my own authority,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            “Oh, that’s good. That’s good,” said Brad, still holding that condescending tone. “But wasn’t B-15 the one blabbering on and on about how we all had lives on the timeline?” He sneered at B-15. “Well, I went down and got my life. What exactly are you mad at me about?”
            “Risking everyone else for your own selfishness,” said (Y/N), crossing her arms.
            “There are lives at stake,” said Loki.
            Brad turned to face Loki. “There are lives at stake?” Loki nodded darkly, and Brad scoffed. “Oh, you got some nerve. ‘There are lives at stake.’ Everyone here knows what you’re doing, you know?”
            Mobius and (Y/N) exchanged looks. Brad was trying to get under Loki’s skin. Loki remained cam and just raised his eyebrows, prompting Brad to continue.
            “You’re just trying to make up for all the terrible, awful shit you’ve done in your life, you pathetic little man,” said Brad.
            “Okay, that’s enough,” said Mobius, stepping in as he saw Loki take a breath.
            “No, no, Mobius,” said Loki, a lilting tone in his voice that left (Y/N) on edge. “No, it’s…It’s riveting.” Loki’s eyes narrowed imperceptibly as he goaded Brad to continue. “Keep going. I want to hear more.”
            “Good,” said Brad, eager to continue. “See, everything you and Sylvie and (Y/N) have ever done to try to help has only ever made it worse.”
            “Is that so?” remarked Loki. (Y/N) wanted to interject, but there was a certain quality in Loki’s voice that said to stay out.
            “See, I’ve read your file,” continued Brad. “It’s you. You’re the problem. Every time we’ve ever found a you, Loki. Problem is, you think you’re special, but you’re not. So, it doesn’t matter what outfit you put on, play dress or what little lies you tell your friends or even the lies you tell yourself. At the end of the day, you just make everything worse. For Mobius, for B-15, for (Y/N)—” Loki’s eyes narrowed “—for your mother.”
            Loki sucked in a breath and stared down at Brad with cold anger.
            “’Cause that’s what you do,” sneered Brad, knowing he’d hit a nerve. “You lose. You’re a loser. And you drag everyone else into your loss.”
            Loki’s mind flashed to 2012 and all the pain he’d caused (Y/N), and immediately after he remembered that he had nearly lost her because of the battle with Sylvie at the End of Time. It was always his fault she got hurt, and now he was reminded that even on the timeline he was supposed to live he would have gotten (Y/N) and his mother killed. It was always Loki’s fault. Always.
            So how can I be selfish enough to want to say I love her if all I will do is bring her pain?
            Loki’s heart clenched painfully, and he took a deep breath.
            “Stop trying to be a hero, man,” said Brad. “You’re a villain. And you’re good at it. Do that.” He smirked condescendingly.
            Loki chuckled dangerously and smiled coldly. “Thank you, Brad…very much. I really am touched. You know, you’re right!”
            (Y/N) glanced at him curiously but let him continue and stepped back.
            “I have done some terrible, awful things,” said Loki. “Yes, maybe that is who I am, and she knows.” He nodded to (Y/N). “It’s the real me.” He clapped. “A loser. Always have been. Always will be. And perhaps I’ve been…holding something back.” The dangerous tone of his voice had returned.
            “Loki,” warned Mobius, but he knew Loki would only listen to (Y/N), and she seemed way too eager to let Brad get whatever was coming to him.
            “Perhaps I’ve just been biding my time,” said Loki, strolling closer to Brad, who shifted nervously. “Perhaps I’ve just been waiting for a moment like this—” he stood over Brad, who finally realized he was in danger “—so I can do terrible, awful things to you.” Loki’s voice was hushed and tinged with darkness.
            (Y/N) wasn’t sure if she should be worried for Brad and incredibly attracted to Loki at the moment. She settled for both, but the latter was definitely more prevalent in her mind.
            “So, let’s try this one more time,” said Loki. He leaned over Brad, and the actor leaned back nervously. “Where is Sylvie?”
            For a moment, Brad looked ready to answer, and then his smugness returned. “You know, you’re way too obsessed with her.” He looked at Mobius. “He needs therapy. I can recommend someo—”
            (Y/N) stepped up and kicked over his chair.
            “Okay, whoa!” said Mobius, jumping up. He hadn’t anticipated (Y/N) being the one to lose her cool, but he should have remember that she had a quick temper, too, it was just usually her mouth that she ran.
            “For someone who likes free will so much, you sure do obey every stupid whim of your emotions,” jeered Brad.
            (Y/N) knelt over him. “Say another thing about me.”
            Everyone froze and watched her. Even Mobius, who had been moving to sit Brad back up, stopped. None of them had ever heard (Y/N)’s voice so dark. There was a dangerous glint in her eyes that meant she was serious about whatever she said in this conversation.
            (Y/N) smiled, but it was more predatory, more daring than anything pleasant. “Go on. Say another thing about me.”
            “You think you’re tough?” said Brad, foolishly continuing. “Yeah, sure. The only thing you ever do is follow a Loki around. That’s your whole role. Trophy girl.”
            (Y/N) burst out laughing, and everyone stared. “Wow, is that what you think? Damn, I really do seem pathetic when you put it like that.” She stopped abruptly, and her grin widened. “But you’re dead wrong. You see, I put Loki in his place when he’s out of control. I don’t follow everyone.”
            Loki watched with a flurry of emotions as (Y/N) smirked. This was incredibly attractive, and Loki’s mind was finding it hard to focus on her conversation and was rather interested in imagining in what situations she would speak that way.
            “And if I can control a god…” (Y/N) cocked her head. “What can I do to you?”
            “You don’t control me,” sneered Brad.
            “No?” (Y/N) reached out and tugged on his time collar. Brad jerked uncomfortably at the sensation of the tightening collar. “Keep talking, dog.”
            “Ok, alright, that’s enough,” said Mobius, intervening before Brad ran his mouth again. He needed (Y/N) and Loki to be in control of themselves and not defend each other’s honor by threatening Brad.
            Mobius pulled (Y/N) up and nudged them back slightly to Loki’s side.
            “Control your little pets, Mobius,” sneered Brad.
            Mobius coughed. “That got a little tense. Hey, you wanna hear a good one? Knock, knock.”
            “Who’s there?” said Brad, sighing tiredly.
            “Brad,” said Mobius.
            “Brad who?” he replied.
            “That’s showbiz,” said Mobius, smiling brightly. “And I don’t want that to happen to you. So, play along with us, answer our questions, and we’ll get you back there, so they don’t forget about you. How’s that sound?”
            “You would do that?” said Brad.
            “I will,” said Mobius.
            “You promise?” said Brad.
            “I promise,” said Mobius.
            Brad smirked and glanced at the others. “You see this? Mobius, you could be an actor.”
            “I’m not an actor, I’m an analyst, but thank you,” said Mobius.
            “You’re not an analyst. I’m not a hunter.” Brad gazed out at all of them. “None of this is real. I mean, who even are you on the timelines, do you know?”
            “Doesn’t matter,” said Mobius.
            “I think it does matter because none of this is real,” said Brad.
            “Well, okay,” said Mobius, sighing.
            “The TVA is not your real home,” said Brad forcefully. “Mobius isn’t even your real name.”
            “Well, it’s what I answer to,” said Mobius, shrugging the comment off.
            “Do you have any idea what kind of life you might have left behind?” questioned Brad. “Who might be waiting for you out there? I mean, do you care? I mean, you know they took us. You know they took our lives, and you’re still here. I mean, it’s kinda weird, man. I mean, you need to wake up.”
            “I’m awake,” said Mobius, shoulders straightening in the slightest display of tension.
            “Yeah, no. You’re asleep,” said Brad. “You need to wake up, Mobius.”
            “I’m awake,” repeated Mobius.
            “And until you do, you’re nothing,” continued Brad.
            “No,” said Mobius.
            “B-15 is nothing,” said Brad, pointing. He swiveled to Loki and (Y/N). “I don’t know where to start with that—” He stood and walked a pace towards Mobius. “But you’re nothing here.” Mobius’s eye twitched. “And until you wake up, you’re just a nowhere man. You’re a—”
            Mobius punched him.
            Brad stumbled back, still spewing his garbage, and it was only Loki and (Y/N)’s interference on his part and B-15 pulling Brad back that kept Mobius from continuing. Brad laughed wildly at Mobius’s anger while (Y/N) and Loki escorted him out.
            “What was that?” asked Loki as he and (Y/N) followed Mobius through the halls.
            “Nothing,” said Mobius.
            “Are you okay?” said (Y/N).
            “I’m fine,” said Mobius.
            “What happened back there?” said Loki.
            “Nothing,” reiterated Mobius.
            “It didn’t seem like nothing,” said (Y/N).
            “It was tactical,” said Mobius.
            “Seems like he got under your skin,” said Loki.
            “Like ours,” said (Y/N).
            “Nope,” denied Mobius. “He didn’t get under my skin.”
            (Y/N) and Loki frowned and exchanged glances.
            “Mobius, are you sure you’re alright?” asked (Y/N). “We’ve never seen you like this before.”
            “Seen me like what?” huffed Mobius.
            “Okay, we’re not judging,” assured Loki.
            “Feels like you are,” said Mobius. “Look, I told you I can play the heavy keys and I can—Where are we?” He stopped in a blue and green room.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “We were following you.”
            “No, I was following you,” said Mobius.
            “Mobius. You were clearly ahead of us,” said Loki. He looked around and saw Mobius’s dejected face. “How about a slice of pie?”
            “Key lime,” said Mobius finally.
            “Okay, great,” said (Y/N). It’s the only flavor the TVA has, apparently.
            The three grabbed plates of pie and forks and sat down at a table. They sat in silence and ate in peace for a few minutes, letting their thoughts digest after everything that happened in the cell.
            “It’s really good,” said Mobius, finally in a better mood.
            “It is,” said Loki.
            Mobius was quiet again before sighing. “Listen. That wasn’t tactical. I lost it.”
            “It’s okay,” said (Y/N), smiling. “We all did.”
            “It happens,” agreed Loki. “You know, sometimes a rage builds up and you just got to…let it out.” He took a bite of pie. “Do you remember that time I was so angry with my father and brother that I went down to Midgard and I held the whole of New York City hostage with an alien army? Tried to use the Mind Stone on Tony Stark? It didn’t work, so I threw him out a building.”
            “Tried to fry me,” said (Y/N) sarcastically.
            Loki winced. “I do feel bad about that.” His heart clenched at the reminder of all he had done to hurt her. If he could take it all back, he would. Well, actually, he wouldn’t. If he hadn’t done that, Loki would have never met her.
            (Y/N) patted his shoulder and grinned at his guilt. “Don’t worry. I almost fried you, so we’re even.” She shrugged. “We’ve all lost it to varying degrees. Some people just punch people, like you and me, Mobius, and some people take cities hostage.”
            “Our emotions get the better of us,” said Loki.
            “You can say that again,” said Mobius, smiling slightly.
            “Let me ask you something,” said Loki. “Brad, you know, he obviously touched a nerve, right?” Loki and (Y/N) exchanged a look, and (Y/N) continued.
            “You’ve never wanted to visit your place on the timelines?” asked (Y/N) carefully.
            Mobius paused before speaking. “Look, that’s the last thing I should be thinking about.”
            “Are you—Aren’t you curious?” asked Loki. “Haven’t you considered the life you were meant to live before the TVA?”
            “Even just to know?” added (Y/N). “You know, who you were before you were kidnapped and taken to the TVA?”
            “Not really,” said Mobius.
            “Why?” asked Loki.
            “Because it’s not my life,” replied Mobius.
            “And you don’t have any curiosity to know what your life could’ve been?” said (Y/N).
            “It isn’t what mine is. This is.” Mobius gestured around himself to the TVA. “I’d like to thank the guy who kidnapped me and brought me here.”
            “I really don’t think you would, he’s kind of a prick,” said (Y/N). She cocked her head. “But if you never look, you’ll never know.”
            “The TVA is the only life I’ve ever known. I like it,” said Mobius.
            “Look, we understand that. We get it,” said Loki. “And you may think twice because it could be something bad.”
            (Y/N) nodded. “We would understand. We both die.”
            “Or something good,” said Mobius. “Something bad, I can handle. What if it’s something good?”
            And you’re missing out. (Y/N)’s gaze softened.
            “Do you think I wanna have that rattling around in here?” said Mobius, tapping his head.
            “Of course not,” said Loki.
            Silence fell again.
            “You know, Brad isn’t gonna talk,” said Loki, letting the subject change.
            “Brad is gonna talk. We just have to find a way in,” said Mobius.
            “Alright. So what aren’t we asking this time?” said Loki, poking his pie.
            “Look, Brad is a good hunter, okay?” said Mobius. “He’s very good at his job. So, does it really make sense that he could spend all that time down there and not find Sylvie?”
            “Look, Sylvie spent her whole life hiding. He didn’t find her,” said Loki.
            “Yes, but maybe he got a little help from the Tempad,” said Mobius.
            “I still don’t think this thing has anything to do with tracking. It’s not configured that way,” said (Y/N).
            “Okay, but he’s clearly hiding something. And it probably has to do with Sylvie,” said Mobius.
            (Y/N) nodded. “That does make sense.”
            “Think about it. He found her, but maybe didn’t turn her in because he wants to continue to live his best life on that timeline,” said Mobius.
            “He wants more time to be Brad Wolfe,” said Loki in realization.
            “He would want that,” said (Y/N).
            “Now we just have to find a way to get him to admit it,” said Mobius.
            “He’s the only one who knows where Sylvie is,” said Loki. “Just gotta make him talk.”
            “I have an idea,” said (Y/N). The men looked at her, and she smirked. “I think we need to put the fear of god into Brad.”
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moosemonstrous · 10 months
Not me idly wondering what are the jaegers made of, checking out the wiki and once again going mad with crumbs:
a) I reject Mark 1s being made out of iron bc that's just. Not a thing. This sentiment started the mess below.
b) Gottlieb's dad started The Jaeger Program! Tony Stark had a dad! It's all according to plan.
c) The PR lore is insane and I love it.
"I reject that thesis and raise you this," Stark spins his chair around to point his pen at Amadeus's face. "My suits are just that good."
Amadeus raises an eyebrow. "All the seals melted," he says. "We had to cut Robbie out of it. He should've cooked, even if the flame retardant held up. You know there's more to it, and if you backed me up--"
"Oh, there sure is more to it. More body horror I want nowhere near my lab." Stark shudders. "Let's just be glad he made it and leave it at that, huh?"
It takes every ounce of Amadeus's professionalism not to say 'nuh-huh'. He's already laid out his theory. As tempting as it is to go around in circles until he wears Stark down, they have other work to do. It's just--it's so bloody frustrating! He joined the jaeger program specifically to study demon biology and its influence to exposed humans, and he's been stuck mid-maxing the rangers' reaction times like some run of the mill engineer.
He's seen what happens to people who trade in demon remains without protective equipment. The initial increase in strength and agility gives way to organ failure as soon as the corruption reaches the bloodstream. The longest documented survival rate was less than seventy-two hours from exposure and judging by the case footage still replaying occasionally in Amadeus's nightmares, the poor woman wasn't holding scholarly conversations in the last twenty-four.
Now, the exposure must be physical - drifting with the lesser categories haven't shown to cause the same rapid tissue degradation. The beastie riders down in the Bone Slums reported occasional headaches and weird dreams, but it's impossible to verify without independent study, and, well. Then there's Robbie.
Robbie has never drifted, period, before the accident with The Charger. His sudden physical improvements could be easily explained away by access to regular meals and a brutal training regime, and he passed medical before even approaching a jaeger. There is nothing about him - nothing that Amadeus has found so far, at least - that differs from any of the other rangers, other than, oh, being able to drift solo with the most haunted piece of technology ever allowed into military use. And now, apparently, withstanding an over twelve hundred degrees Celcius firestorm.
The media nicknamed the demon Inferno - there wasn't time for anything more creative. The whole Cam Ranh Bay turned to glass, eleven thousand dead, two whole jaegers reduced to slag. The only reason there is any Vietnam left to mourn the losses is still cooling in the sea outside the Shatterdome. The Charger isn't made of anything special, it's the same steel alloys as all the other Mark-2s. When Inferno threw up it's fiery guts all over it, Amadeus started mentally composing a way to break the news to Gabe - like hell he was going to let Ivanov field that one - and he's still not entirely convinced he hasn't hit his head and imagined the way the black jaeger's chains flew out of the fire to wrap around the demon's neck.
It's still black, although no longer from paint. The techs are already busy scrubbing it down and replacing the fried electronics, because at least something got damaged to prove Robbie didn't just teleport his mech in and out of the battle. At this point, there is no discounting any possible scenario. Maybe if he ran a Pons simulation with the Icebox protocol...
Stark sighs. "Kid, let me give you some sage advice," he says. His tone is suddenly very serious - enough to get Amadeus's attention. "Do you know what the military does with weird shit they can't explain?"
"What are you--?"
"One of two things," Stark slaps a finger to his open palm. "Either they pretend everything is hunky-dory as long as the weird shit does what they want, or," he adds a second finger, "someone complains about the weird shit enough that they lock it up, out of sight. So they can speed-run their tests. Are you picking up? What I'm putting down, here?"
Amadeus swallows past the lump in his throat. "You own the Jaeger Program."
Stark rolls his eyes. "You're confusing me with my father again. Keep up." His expression softens somewhat. "Look, I don't like it either."
"Save it," Amadeus pulls on his coat. "I'm going out."
"Cho, don't be--"
"See you at the debrief."
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aceofthegreenajah · 1 year
Wheel of time Season 2 Episode 5 Liveblog - no spoilers edition! Will make a reblog with spoilers in it.
Nice. Good of them to show more of Seanchan, that there is a hierarchy where Suroth is pretty high but NOT at the top.
You couldn't have bought out the horn before Suroth was disgraced Ishamael? That is not how you win loyalty from your subordinates.
Just take the horse with you!!! Dammit. I hate animal death. Also why would Lanfear take a horse anyway? See, there she gets another one it was useless anyway.
Yeah give my unhinged girl a hovercar if you won't let her travel by magic!
They are his pack edmond field 5 FOREVAH (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Also Elyas lying to him is not cool
No more Elyas?? :(
Will hopper follow/go with?
Oo clever of Moiraine and Rand
Yeah Rand has a lot to deal with
See! Hopper! Good boy! He is so cute *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。
Why a seanchan in a cage?
AVIIIIII Damn her cage is too small to fit her gigantic personality in it
WHO IS THIS? Dain! That makes more sense than my first quess
Valda hello beloathed hey please let Avi out you'll deserve anything that happens after
Almost black over red on Liandrin. They keep being so clever.
Did Ishamael give Liandrin a time limit to convert Nynaeve? And not we're on to plan B? That would make sense of her actions and expressions! Love this for us.
I don't know what people are complaining about eyebrows or no Suroth is so pretty
Suroth Are you stupid he isn't of the blood BECAUSE HE IS OVER 2000 YEARS OLDER THAN YOUR BLOODLINE OBSESSION
Yeah Perrin save the living first
Someone loves their shaky cam in this show WHY
Aviendha is SO COOL damn this fight is good. She's unarmed and kicking ass!
'He gave you water' is such a good line here
Aww poor Uno left behind but I get it
Barthanes? Is that you? It is. He looks nothing like I imagined but you know what, I like it!
Galladran is in the show, ok.
'my liege' good try at distraction!
That was unnecessary detail on that 'on the switch' stuff Verin says, but on the other hand, little rebel Verin is a cute enough thought that I'll forgive it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sheriam's life flashing before her eyes here
Good on you Verin!
Gawyn namedrop, compulsion loredrop. Compulsion was one of my guesses on what Lanfear was starting to do to Rand at the end of e4, but on the other hand, it doesn't quite fit...
Detective Verin ❤❤❤
Our master - good good everything becoming clear
YEAH I was waiting for Liandrin to do something! She was primed to! She likes Nynaeve and they built up their relationship so well, she hates Suroth and the Seanchan and everything they stand for, and Ishamael was away so he wasn't here to catch her in the act!
Love Avi's costume. She is so pretty. She is so perfect.
'It is not a lover, wetlander' is so good, and I hate a little how she continued. You just met him! Like good that she's not prudish and maidens are, well, so I guess I'll take it.
Avi and Verin and forsaken I am so blessed.
Who is this guy watching Elayne and Nynaeve?
Nynaeve and Elayne clashing is canon but I hate it. Nynaeve PLEASE I know you're panicking but she's Egwene's friend too and she's keeping a cool head!
More head trauma for our girls. Couldn't have handled that any other way?
Liandrin being smart and thinking ahead with her alibi.
Ah here comes the homoerotic Ishamael/Rand stuff I was expecting. I am cackling here.
OO Ishy+Lanfear hanging out?
Ah he's trying to drive Moiraine to the dark.
Lanfear backstory now???
I dig the collar design. Such a small innocious thing when not in use, grows into this huge thing. And leash of power + an actual leash!
Oh this makes sense. They can't avoid sleep forever anyway so might as well see what Lanfear wants and not weaken themselves unnecessarily.
Lanfear you so dramatic.
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icepixie · 2 years
baseball and russia both have me intrigued 👀
"baseball" was almost certainly inspired by a conversation @rivendellrose and some other folks in our B5 rewatch group on LiveJournal about which sports the B5 characters were fans of. I think we came to the conclusion that Ivanova was a hockey fan and turned Delenn into one as well. Anyway, this is a riff on the Mulder/Scully batting practice scene from "The Unnatural" featuring my ship of choice, Ivanova/Garibaldi.
"russia" is my white whale of a fic, in that it requires PLOT and POLITICS and ACTION in order to finish, none of which I am great at. I am better at all three than when I started it, though, so there's that. Again part of my Ivanova/Garibaldi universe, to take place between "Epithalamion" and "Biological Inefficiencies." While trying to have a honeymoon on Earth, they get pulled into stopping a plot to assassinate President Luchenko. I have about 5,000 words and a two-page outline, but there's a lot of "and then we somehow get from point A to point B" in that outline.
Here are a couple of snippets (okay, long snippets) I particularly like:
She was pacing again.
Michael Garibaldi watched his wife of not quite four days, thoroughly amused at her obvious frustration.  "You're going to wear a path in the carpet," he commented.
Susan Ivanova paused, glared at him, and then joined him in leaning against the bulkhead of their tiny cabin, ostentatiously standing still.  "I just wish getting to Earth on a commercial liner didn't take so long."
He laughed.  "That's not why you're pacing."
She raised an eyebrow, silently asking for an explanation of the patently untrue words that had just come out of his mouth.
He provided one.  "You just hate being on a ship you're not commanding."
She looked like she was about to glare at him again, but then she shrugged.  "Captain's prerogative.  Besides, don't think I didn't see you re-encrypting the standard lock code right after we boarded."
Michael blanched.  He thought he'd been more subtle than that.  They didn't have any reason to suspect someone would want to get into their berth for purposes nefarious or otherwise, but accusations of paranoia or not, it never hurt to be cautious.
"All right, so we're both married to our jobs," he said.  He caught her hand in his, and began tracing his thumb lightly across the inside of her wrist.  "We are also married to each other.  And since both my boss and your second were very insistent about us taking time off for a honeymoon, I think we should use this trip as it was intended."
"Do you," she asked, but it wasn't a question.
"Absolutely," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her.
"Incoming message," the computer said before he got there.
Michael closed his eyes for a moment, sighing softly.  He heard a matching sigh escape Susan's mouth.  "Who's it from?" he asked.  Sheridan and McCreary were the only ones who would dare call them during these two weeks, and if they were on the line, something serious had happened—like B5 blowing up, or one of the Alliance races declaring war.  He really hoped no one had declared war.
"John Sheridan," the computer replied.
He opened his eyes, catching Susan's annoyed expression.  "I suppose this is his idea of payback," she said.  At his questioning glance, she shook her head.  "I'll tell you later."
Curious on two fronts now, he let her go and turned to face the vidscreen.  "Put it through."
Sheridan's face appeared on the screen.  "Susan, Michael," he greeted them.  "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but we *really* need your help."
[At one point, Susan throws herself in front of a PPG to save Luchenko, which enabled me to write the angsty-then-fluffy hospital scenes I wanted.]
Around one in the morning, he was about to experiment with making a bed out of four of the chairs when a doctor walked in.  "Mr. Garibaldi?"
The smile on the doctor's face gave him more hope than he'd had all night.  "Yes?"
"She just woke up.  We had a little trouble in surgery, but she came through just fine in the end.  It's going to be a while, but she'll make a full recovery."
He nearly collapsed onto a chair, but managed to convince his legs to hold him up.  *Thank you,* he sent into the ether.  Just in case.  "Can I see her?" he asked.
The doctor nodded.  "This way."
He found her lying partially propped up on the hospital bed, pale where bruises didn't mottle her arms and shadows darken her face, but her eyes were open and she was alive.  He'd never in his life been happier to see her.
This time he let himself sink into the chair beside her, unable to speak for a long moment.  She was *alive*, and she was going to be just fine.
"Hey," she said, her voice husky from the ventilator that had been used while she was under.
"Hey," he replied, finally finding his tongue.  "How're you feeling?"
She shrugged her good shoulder.  "They've got me on so many painkillers I can't actually feel much of anything.  They said it'll start hurting in a couple days."
"Well, you look like you've been through a war."  Actually, he'd seen her when she'd been through a war, after the Shadows.  She'd looked better then.
She snorted.  "Thanks.  You don't look so great yourself."
"Well, you try pacing around a waiting room for seven hours straight and see what you look like," he joked back.  God, he'd thought he'd never get the opportunity to speak to her again.  He wanted to wrap his arms around her and never let go, but he settled for squeezing her hand between both of his.  "You scared the hell out of me," he admitted.
"Sorry," she murmured.  They both knew she'd do it again without hesitation, but the exchange made it better, somehow.
"The president asked after you," he said.  "You're going to get a medal out of this."
She let out a tired laugh.  "Great.  My office needed something shiny."
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ibis-gt · 3 years
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@mushroom-gt sent me this textpost n asked me to draw cam saying it and who am i to deny the ppl what they want
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drawlfoy · 2 years
fireflies - a wonders of ohio drabble
masterlist series masterlist request guidelines
pairing: draco x muggle!reader
request: no not really! but i’m dedicating this one to @sycathorn-slush ! ty ally i need to get your tarot request out but i promise it will be out momentarily lol
summary: draco goes for a joyride and brings y/n along the way. takes place after graduation and before part 15 of wonders of ohio. this can be read alone, but some of the references that i make are wonders of ohio specific.
warnings: language? i think? mild nsfw content
a/n: you’re speaking to a post finals dee haha. i’m at home for a little before returning to uni for more research. unfortunately, that means i provs won’t be able to write as much this summer as i’d like (im going to have a roomie and will not be exposing my fanfic habit to her and i will need to head to the library to write) but i’ll be able to write more than i can during the school year. which, thank god that’s over. whew. no more political science for me! 
also, big sorry to any of my ohioan readers. if i got something really wrong about the location of the lake that draco and y/n go to, that’s my b. thats on me please feel free to yell at me in the comments
wc: 2.6k
tags:  @writeandtranslate @sycathorn-slush @gruffle1 @missmultifandommess @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell @yiamalfoy @crystalox @dracoismybabey @dreamcxtcherr @decaffeinated-turtle @marrymetheonott @felicityofbakerstreet @daedreamss @sycathorn-slush @writeandtranslate @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural @sycathorn-slush @big-galaxy-chaos @lilyrachelcassidy
“Mrs. Grimaldi sent you what?”
Draco’s eyebrows furrowed briefly before realization washed over his face. “Oh. I’ve never told you about Quidditch, have I? Or flying?”
Y/N’s silence was more than enough of an answer. Her eyes were trained on the broomstick that hung from his fingers, the bristles just barely brushing the earth. It didn’t look like a common house broomstick that she’d use to clean—it had some sort of metal footrest protruding from the middle, glinting in the late afternoon summer sun.
“You sit on this and fly,” he explained, as if that made perfect sense to a physics student. “There’s a game called Quidditch that I used to play at Hogwarts. It’s a bit like, er, whatever your high school plays, but in the air.”
“Like football?”
Draco blushed. “Yeah. That.”
“Somehow I feel like it’s not that similar.”
“I was the Seeker for my house,” he said, puffing up his chest and looking incredibly proud of himself. He deflated slightly at the sight of Y/N’s blank stare. “I had to catch this thing called the Golden Snitch,” he added. “It’s very fast. I had to be very agile and strategic. Catching it won the entire game for my house—well, it ends the game and awards the winning team 150 points, which sometimes isn’t enough…”
“Consider me very impressed,” Y/N crooned, only mildly sarcastic. “I’m sure you were very good.”
He caught her gaze and rolled his eyes. “No need to lay it on so thick.”
She giggled. “I mean it! I think it’s cool. I think I’d probably be more enamored if I knew anything about what you were talking about. So, you can fly? Is the Ministry okay with it?”
“The Grimauldi’s got it cleared,” he said, tossing the rounding handle back and forth between his palms. “They say that as long as I don’t catch the attention of any Muggles, then no laws will be broken.”
“Too late.”
He rolled his eyes again, but the grin stretched across his face had already reached them. “You’re ridiculous.”
She stepped closer, narrowing the gap between the two of them. His eyes sparkled down at her as she rose up on her toes, pressing her lips to the tip of his nose. He grinned wider as he caught her on her way down, his hand gripping her waist as he kissed her properly.
“Y/N! Draco! Are you up there?”
The two sprung apart. Y/N frantically rushed to straighten her clothes as her mother ascended the steps, giving the two of them a sideways glance.
“Am I interrupting anything?”
“No,” the two said in unison, far too forceful to be believable. 
Her mother raised an eyebrow and sighed. “Sure. Listen, your father and I need to stop by the office for a last minute meeting.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” said her mother, though Y/N could tell she just wanted to enjoy her evening cup of coffee and read a novel instead of coming along with her father. “He just needs me to talk to his partner’s wife. Apparently she has an idea that I can help with.”
Her mother nodded, and Y/N felt a sudden rush of sympathy. Stella liked her mother quite a bit, but the feeling was not mutual. Her father must’ve thought Stella’s proposal was something that her mother would love if he was dragging her along. “Don’t burn the house down or anything, yeah?”
Y/N raised her hand in a mock salute as her mother disappeared down the steps. Then she turned to Draco, who still looked rather pale. “Do you know what this means?”
“That she knows about us,” he said, gulping. 
Y/N snorted, “Well, duh. She’s known since before everything.”
Draco blanched.
“That’s not what I was saying,” she continued. “If my parents are gone, then that means we can drive out to somewhere a little more private so you can fly.”
He visibly brightened. “Really? Tonight?”
“Of course,” said Y/N, reaching out to intertwine their fingers. “I think I know just the place, too.”
One 30 minute drive later, Y/N put the car in park in a clearing, lit up gold in the slowly setting sun. 
“Where are we?” asked Draco, tentatively stepping out onto the dirt road that they’d been driving on for almost 10 minutes. 
“It’s a little area off by Caesar Creek Lake,” she explained. “It’s a nice lake that I went to a lot as a child, but it’s normally crowded. This is a fishing spot that’s popular during the daytime, but it’s almost always empty at night. My friends and I come here whenever we want to go swimming or anything like that. We call it Firefly Cove.”
Y/N smiled. “You’ll see. Go fly! Stop stalling.”
He kissed her before straddling the broom and kicking off the ground. She stared as he began to levitate, a smile slowly forming.
“How does it feel?” she asked, breathless.
“Incredible,” he managed. A light breeze ruffled his hair once he had gained more altitude. “I’m going to fly around now, alright? Yell if you want me to come down.”
With that, he disappeared above the tree line. Y/N jogged to the riverbank, staring up at the sky in hopes of catching a few glimpses of him in the air. He was languidly circling around the treetops, his hand coming down to brush past the leaves. A bird flying by startled at the sight of him, squawking and veering far away. She laughed. 
Draco flew in figure-eights, circles, dipped low before ascending rapidly, and performed some tricks like rolling the broomstick around mid-flight. She found herself breathless as she watched him from above. 
When the sun was finally kissing the horizon, he came back down to the clearing, smiling wildly. 
“That looked really cool,” she confessed. “Did you see that poor bird? You probably gave him heart palpitations.” 
Draco laughed, a pleasant sound that rang out through the air. “I didn’t realize how long I’d been up there. I didn’t mean to leave you down here for that long.”
“That’s okay,” she said. “I had fun watching.”
“Well, enough watching for you,” he said, and before she could process his words, she was being hauled over to the broom. “Do you want to try it?”
“It’s really not that hard,” he said, “Or that scary. I promise. I’ll help.”
“Can I even fly?”
“Of course you can.” He responded with so much certainty that she felt silly for asking. “Even if you didn’t summon Merlin’s box, you still have a magical signature on you. I checked before, you see.”
“Oh,” she said, her voice little. “I don’t know…”
“You don’t have to,” he added. “Maybe just try picking up the broom? That might make you more confident.”
“How do I do that?”
Draco set the broom on the ground next to her, stepping away so he was standing facing her. “Hold your hand out above the handle. Then summon it.”
“Summon it?”
“If you can summon Merlin’s box, I know you can summon this.”
Y/N felt a blush form on her cheeks as she extended her hand over the handle. She appreciated how kind Draco was being by including her, but if she wasn’t able to perform a task this simple, it would only serve to remind him how different she was.
Something smacked her palm. Her fingers wrapped around the wood that had risen to meet her hand instinctually, and a soft thrum of energy burst through her. 
“Yes!” said Draco, looking unceremoniously enthusiastic. “That was quite fast. I’m surprised.”
Y/N stared down at the broom in her hand. “Oh. I did that?”
Draco laughed. “Yes. And impressively quick, too.”
“And now I have to fly it? By myself?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he reprimanded. “I’ll be with you. Get on the broom, now. It’ll be dark soon.”
She did as she was told, settling on the wood as Draco arranged himself behind her. She felt very stupid standing astride a glorified tree branch, but she supposed this was more bizarre for her than it was Draco. 
“To take off, you just need to kick off,” he said from behind her. His hands had come around to grip the wood right behind where her own hands were situated. “Your grip is already good. Do you want me to kick off?”
“Honestly, yeah.” 
That was all it took for the broom to be catapulted into the air. Y/N was full of a sense of weightlessness that made her yelp, clutching the wood tighter. 
“Are you alright?” he asked. They were only levitating a few feet above the ground, about eye level with the roof of her car. 
“Yes,” she said, turning to face him. “Sorry. I don’t know what I was expecting it to feel like, but it wasn’t that.”
He beamed. “Turn around. I want to show you how to steer.”
His hands dwarfed hers around the broomstick as he gently coaxed them into the necessary positions to steer left, right, as well as to rise and lower the broom.
“Does that seem like something you can do?” he asked, as they continued to circle around the clearing, Y/N studiously running through the motions without his guidance.
“Is what I’m doing right?” 
“Yes. Excellent, even.”
“Oh, stop it.” Y/N tilted her head back to look at the swatch of sky above that was clear of tree branches.
“Do you want to fly a little higher?” he asked, his chin coming to rest on her shoulder and his hands once again covering hers.
“Can we?”
“If you want to come down, just let me know.” With that, he sharply tilted the broom handle up, hurling them into the sky. 
Y/N squeaked, but the solidness of Draco behind her kept her from panicking as they were suddenly hundreds of feet in the air, hovering over the tips of the trees. 
“How are you doing?” he asked.
“Well…” She was trying her best not to look down but was failing miserably. Her knees were going weak.
“Are you scared of heights?”
“And you didn’t tell me before?” 
“I’m really not that scared of them,” she defended, reaching out to touch the tip of a tree with her toe. “I’m just not that used to floating this high while only being supported  by a little stick, thanks.”
Draco snorted. “If you fall, I’ll try my best to catch you.”
“I feel so much better.” 
“You try,” he said, removing his hands, though they remained poised over hers. “It might make you feel better to have some control.”
Seriously doubting what he had to say, Y/N began slowly picking up speed on the broom, making slow circles to the right, then to the left.
“You’re right,” she said quietly. “I do feel better.”
“Sorry? What was that?”
“You’re right.”
“Maybe one more time for good measure.”
“You’re right,” she hissed, turning to give him a sour look. “And you’re still so insufferable sometimes.”
He looked full of glee as he pecked her hairline. “Try changing the altitude a little. Fly down to the water.”
As Y/N maneuvered the broom to pitch down, she saw the slightest glimmer of light. 
“Fireflies!” she gasped, reaching one hand to point to the flickering lights in front of them. Draco’s sharp intake of breath accompanied his lightning-fast reflex to grab hold of the side of the broom left unmanned. “Oh. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” said Draco, though he sounded a bit strained. 
“Are you scared?” 
He was quiet.
“No way!”
“You try teaching someone how to fly above a forest where there’s no soft landing spots,” retorted Draco. 
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Y/N had since lowered the broom to the surface of the lake, extending one hand to skim the water, spraying just the slightest bit up at them. “I don’t even need the two hands, right? As long as I use my weight, too?”
“Let’s not experiment with that when there’s two people,” Draco suggested. “Two hands, please.”
Reluctantly, Y/N pressed her hands back into position. 
“You would’ve been a good Seeker,” admitted Draco. 
“Life’s many tragedies,” said Y/N, though a part of her wished that she had had the chance to be one. Flying was fun. It was really fun, like she had the entire world at her fingertips and could move with just an adjustment of her wrists or a lean of her body. “Anyway. Look at the fireflies!”
Appeased by her safer flying grip, he spared a glance at the bugs that were now everywhere across the lake, concentrated around the bushes on the shoreline. “What are those?”
“Like I said, fireflies. They light up.”
“I gathered. How?”
“I don’t know,” said Y/N, shrugging. “Let’s go catch one so you can see for yourself. You steer.”
The broom rocketed forward with a speed Y/N had never been able to achieve in her few moments of flying above the tree line, and she gasped. 
“That’s so fast!”
“We’re catching fireflies,” he deadpanned. “Would you like me to amble along at the snail’s pace we’ve been stuck at all evening?”
“I wasn’t complaining!”
Their surroundings became a blur once again as Draco catapulted them forward. As they approached the shore, Y/N reached into her pocket, grabbing an old pill bottle with holes poked in the lid that she’d brought just in case she’d been bored while waiting for Draco. 
They were moving so quickly that the fireflies didn’t even startle as Y/N darted her hand out with the pill bottle, the vortex of air surrounding them sucking a bug into the pill bottle before she snapped the lid back on. 
“Got one!” she cheered, though the wind surrounding them whisked her words away until Draco could only hear a few syllables. Draco slowed to a stop and hovered them over the lake once again.
“Here,” she said, pressing the pill bottle into Draco’s hands. “Your very first firefly. What are we naming it?”
He regarded the bug in the bottle, watching as it lit up and darkened repeatedly, casting a soft golden hue on his porcelain skin. “When I was on the Quidditch team, there was a tradition of naming the first Snitches caught by new Seekers.”
“What did you name yours?”
“Malfoy,” he said, without hesitation.
“So creative.”
“It wasn’t really up to me,” he defended. “It’s also tradition to use your family name if you’re from the Sacred Twenty-Eight.”
“So what would you name this one? Considering the person who caught it isn’t even a wizard?”
“Honestly, still Malfoy,” he said. “Who steered the broom?”
She slapped his shoulder. “I’ll let it slide.”
Once the pill bottle was tucked away in her pocket, Y/N let herself rest against the front of Draco, drinking in the last few minutes of the sunset. 
And as he slowly piloted the broom across the glassy surface of the lake, his chin once again rested on her shoulder, she vowed to never forget how it felt in that moment. 
final a/n: short little drabble thing but i got inspiration bc i flew a plane briefly over the break and felt like i was going to die. so that gave me the inspo
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aedan-mills · 3 years
Part 2 of @fandomfiish and I's Cameron Redemption arc
hahaha Sorry, we will use more "Keep Reading"s 😂 Part 1 here
Last time on the redemption arc: Neil forgives Cam, Cam brought back Keating, Todd and Neil get together and that helps Todd forgive Cam (for reasons ;) ) and Keating gives advice on how he can forgive Cam.... or so he thinks
Cameron looked up at Charlie from his desk, cheeks warm and face looking like a deer caught in headlights.
"Y-you like me?"
Shit, Charlie thought, did his brain slip and say he liked him?? CURRENTLY-- He... He could still fix it.
"Yes." FUCK--
"B-but you hate me. You're always a jerk around me and you punched me and you said you can't forgive me, and now you say--" Cameron’s trying to rationalize it but he doesn't want Charlie not to like him. So why is he trying to say Charlie isn't into him??
It's clear these two have something completely different than the Neil incident to be talking about. At least not while Charlie is cupping Cameron’s face before abruptly giving him a messy 2 second peck on the lips.
Charlie steps back, in shock? In maybe embarrassment. His body moved on it's own.
"Y-you talk too damned much!" Charlie yelled before leaving their room to hide in the bathroom.
The door slamming behind him made Neil and the others worried.
Cameron was stuck frozen on his chair. Charlie Dalton kissed him. Charlie kissed him. Charlie didn't hate him.
Cameron's lips were still ajar when Todd and Knox came in to check up on him. Neil went after Charlie of course, being the only who could probably console him right now.
"Cameron are you ok?? Charlie ran out here so Neil had to catch him." Todd stood by the doorframe, not immediately rushing in just in case there was shrapnel across their room from a fight. But instead, Todd sees Cameron pink faced.
"I-I am fine. I'm fine. I'm ok." Cameron stuttered.
Knox raised an eyebrow, "Uh huh... look I'll for ice, you look like you have a fever, Cameron."
Todd stayed behind because he's knows that look. He's had it before.
Meanwhile, Neil is checking each bathroom stall for his childhood best friend. "Oooohhh Charlieeee, Come out come out wherever you aaaare!"
Unlike their other friends, Neil sorta already could tell whay Charlie’s deal was even if he never told him. They've been best friends long enough for Neil to know that Charlie Dalton doesn't hide in bathrooms over an argument. He's hiding because he did something. Something unlike himself.
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causeiwanttoandican · 3 years
Robert Lacey excerpt
I fully expect them to say William was the one commenting about the baby’s skin color after this. Battle stations! Book excerpt
The Times
Prince William ‘split his household from Prince Harry after Meghan bullying claims’
June 07 2021, 7.00am BST
‘So, are you saying,” asked Oprah Winfrey, talking to Meghan and Harry in their famous interview of March 2021, “that there were hints of jealousy?”
She was inquiring about the Sussexes’s wildly successful tour of Australia and the South Pacific of late October 2018, and the couple shifted uncomfortably in their plush wicker chairs.
“Look,” replied Harry, “I just wish that we would all learn from the past.”
By bringing up “the past”, the prince was venturing into an area that was almost taboo. He was making a sensational comparison between his mother and his wife. Harry was suggesting that Meghan had demonstrated in Australia the same massive star quality as Diana and was now having to face the family envy that went along with that.
“It really changed,” he said, “after the Australia tour, after our South Pacific tour . . . it was . . . the first time that the family got to see how incredible she is at the job. And that brought back memories.”
Memories of what? Again Harry shied away from putting words to the almost unmentionable. But Oprah had prepared and polished this moment, like so many others in the interview, and she had a reference ready to prompt her prince’s revelation. The latest, fourth season of TV’s The Crown had depicted Charles and Diana’s 1983 tour of Australia, showing how Diana had been “bedazzling” in her ability “to connect with people”. Episode six had depicted how the crowds would groan when they realised that Charles, not Diana, was walking down their side of the street — hence the beginnings of the “jealousy” on the family’s part.
“So is that what you’re talking about?” asked Oprah. “It brought back memories of that?”
“Yeah,” Harry finally replied in a fashion that was both dismal and unmistakably aggressive.
What on earth had happened, viewers had to wonder, to the old and once-familiar happy side of Prince Harry?
When trying to define the moment that marked the decisive rift with his brother William — the break-up and actual separation of the joint household they had established together in 2009 — Harry would fix upon his triumphant return with Meghan from their Australian tour at the end of October 2018. But if asked the same question, William would have fixed on a more specific event: the explosive argument he had had with his brother earlier that month.
Both brothers agreed how bitterly they had clashed back in the early days over William’s attempt to slow Harry’s courtship of Meghan — “Don’t feel like you need to rush this . . . ” But both of them had subsequently moved on. Harry’s transparent contentment with Meghan had relaxed the tensions, give or take the odd row over bridesmaids’ dresses. The “no speaks” had eased just a little by the time “best man” William escorted his brother down the aisle in May 2018.
Then five months later came the conclusive and determining rupture — the division that has lasted to the present day — though here the brothers’ retelling of history diverged. As Harry explained it to Oprah, Meghan’s Australian tour success sowed the jealousies that caused feelings to “change”. According to this scenario, William and Kate resented the Diana-like popularity that was generated by Harry’s wife. William had a different recollection.
We now know that Princes William and Harry were no longer on speaking terms before the Sussexes set off for Australia. Feelings had already “changed”, as Harry put it, and drastically so. The brothers had parted on extremely poor terms, with the trouble centring on Meghan’s stringent treatment and alleged bullying of her staff.
Most Kensington Palace courtiers were noted for the comparatively long tenures of their comfortable and prestigious jobs. But it came to look as if employees could not wait to escape service with Harry and Meghan. Those who left formed themselves into an informal fraternity that they titled the “Sussex Survivors’ Club”. They had finally hit back, and their organising agent had been PR man Jason Knauf.
The joint communications secretary for Kensington Palace — who was still, at that date, working on behalf of both of the brothers and their wives — had become concerned by the numerous stories of mistreatment being brought to him by colleagues whom he knew well and trusted.
Texas-born and New Zealand-educated, Knauf, 34, was a popular character in Kensington Palace, widely noted for his friendliness and loyalty towards his colleagues. He had been considered a real “catch” when the brothers snared him from the Royal Bank of Scotland in 2015, and one of his concerns was that professional management practices should be more effectively enforced inside the traditional British palace. Knauf’s American sensibilities caused him to see the Meghan situation as raising principles of human resources management in the palace system that needed to be formally addressed.
Knauf’s first priority was to set down the facts, as he saw them, for the record: “I’m very concerned,” he emailed to William’s private secretary Simon Case, in a document he drafted in October 2018, “that the duchess was able to bully two PAs out of the household in the past year.”
Knauf described Meghan’s treatment of one aide as “totally unacceptable . . . the duchess seems intent”, he wrote, “on always having someone in her sights”. Specifying another staff member, Knauf alleged Meghan had been bullying her as well, “seeking to undermine her confidence”. His office had received “report after report”, he wrote, from people who had witnessed “unacceptable behaviour” by Meghan towards this member of staff.
“Meghan governed by fear,” claimed one courtier. “So many people said it. Nothing was ever good enough for her. [She] humiliated staff in meetings, [would] shout at them, [would] cut them off email chains — and then demand to know why they hadn’t done anything.”
As early as 2017, around the time of the couple’s engagement, according to a subsequent report in The Times, a senior aide had spoken to the couple about the difficulties caused by their treatment of staff. “It’s not my job to coddle people,” Meghan was said to have replied.
“Americans can be much more direct,” wrote the authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand in defence of the duchess, “and that often doesn’t sit well in the much more refined institution of the monarchy.”
A Brit might have raised an eyebrow at Meghan’s alleged behaviour, then looked the other way. The Yank decided to act. Knauf was actually one of Meghan’s most senior advisers — her chief adviser, in fact, when it came to public relations. Earlier that year she had gone to Knauf for help when drafting the disputed letter of severance that she sent to her father. She valued his PR expertise.
Before that, Knauf had helped Harry to word the fierce anti-media statements that he had framed to try to protect Meghan from press harassment, both as his girlfriend and then as his fiancée. The PR man had taken considerable stick from some of his non-royal contacts who criticised him as being overprotective in fighting the newcomer’s corner. Like so many people in all the palaces, Knauf had started off on Meghan’s side.
But as the months went by the American’s feelings became more ambiguous, as numerous colleagues — women whom he greatly respected — continued to bring him stories of what they said they had suffered at Meghan’s hands.
“I can’t stop shaking,” one aide had told a colleague in anticipation of an encounter with Meghan. Another reported that the prospect of confrontation with the duchess had made her “feel sick”. “Emotional cruelty and manipulation”, were the words of a third, “which I guess could also be called bullying.”
The b-word featured prominently in the accounts of several, along with an even more sinister set of initials: PTSD. Post-traumatic stress disorder was a deeply serious condition to allege — flashbacks, nightmares and feelings of deep anxiety — but that was how one complainant said that they had felt.
Several people maintained they had been “humiliated” by the duchess, and that criticism extended to Harry as well.
“I overheard a conversation between Harry and one of his top aides,” recalled one Kensington Palace courtier. “Harry was screaming and screaming down the phone. Team Sussex was a really toxic environment. People shouting and screaming in each other’s faces.”
Shouting and screaming? PTSD? Making people feel sick? Prince William went ballistic when he heard the “dossier of distress” that Knauf had gathered. We do not know whether the communications secretary brought his allegations directly to his boss or submitted them via Simon Case. What we do know is that the prince was astonished and horrified. He was instantly furious at what he heard.
“I remember Christian Jones [William’s press secretary and later private secretary] explaining to me how the Cams [the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge] are paternalistic with their staff,” recalls one royal correspondent. “They copy the Queen in that respect with all her Christmas parties and Christmas presents to her people. They’re proud to treat their staff like family. They recognise that they don’t get paid loads of money, so they are just really nice to them. So this was a very deep clash of philosophies, with Meghan being used to a Hollywood service culture — getting exactly what she wanted whenever she wanted in that famous way that Harry said.”
William personally knew and liked all the individuals whom Knauf had named in his dossier. The prince regarded them as assets to his household — colleagues to be cherished and for whom he was responsible. Human beings. Like Knauf, the prince was appalled that his respected staff may have been put in this position.
For William, Knauf’s allegations also clarified something that the prince had long believed — that Meghan was fundamentally hostile towards the royal system, which she failed to understand as an outsider. William wondered if she had not wanted to leave from the very start — even dreaming, perhaps, that she could whisk Harry back with her to North America.
But Meghan’s lawyers and PR representatives said this was quite the wrong interpretation of their client’s thinking and behaviour in a statement that they issued to The Times early in March 2021. They denied all allegations of bullying as inaccurate and the product of what they described as a “smear campaign”. The duchess wished to fit in and be accepted, they insisted. She had left her life in North America to commit herself to her new role.
I have never met Jason Knauf. What you have just read is based upon the published accusations that Knauf set down on paper — refuted as “defamatory”, it must be stressed again, and “based on misleading and harmful information” in the view of the Duchess of Sussex’s lawyers. It also relies upon William’s personal account of these events to one of his friends who then spoke to this author.
The moment the prince heard the bullying allegations, he related to this friend, he got straight on the phone to talk to Harry — and when Harry flared up in furious defence of his wife, the elder brother persisted. Harry shut off his phone angrily, so William went to speak to him personally. The prince was horrified by what he had just been told about Meghan’s alleged behaviour, and he wanted to hear what Harry had to say.
The showdown between the two siblings was fierce and bitter. William’s pre-engagement questioning of Meghan’s suitability had been quite reasonable, in William’s opinion. His fraternal doubts had been provisional, based upon how the new recruit appeared to be. The elder brother did not really know Meghan in those early days.
But now William had seen enough of his sister-in-law to feel sure that, sadly, he did know her and that many of his reservations linked unhappily with what Knauf’s colleagues had alleged. William believed Meghan was following a plan — “agenda” was the word he used to his friend — and the accusations he had just heard were alarming. Kate, he said, had been wary of her from the start.
Meghan was undermining some precious principles of the monarchy, if she really was treating her staff in this way, and William was upset that she seemed to be stealing his beloved brother away from him. Later courtiers would coin a hashtag — #freeHarry. It was only half a joke.
“Meghan portrayed herself as the victim,” recalled one Kensington Palace staffer, “but she was the bully. People felt run over by her. They didn’t know how to handle this woman. They thought she was a complete narcissist and sociopath — basically unhinged. Which was why the pair of them were drawn to each other in the first place — both damaged goods.”
William felt deeply wounded. “Hurt” and “betrayed” were the two feelings that he described to his friend. The elder brother had always felt so protective. He had seen it as his job to look out for Harry but this was the moment the protection had to stop. At the end of the day the British crown and all it stood for with its ancient traditions, styles and values — the mission of the monarchy — had to matter more to William than his brother did.
Harry, for his part, was equally furious that William should give credence to the accusations against Meghan, and he was fiercely combative in his wife’s defence. Some sources maintain that in the heat of the argument Harry actually accused someone in the family of concepts that were “racist”. But it must be stressed that neither brother has ever confirmed that the hateful r-word was used face to face.
Only William and Harry can know what they said to each other and they have respectfully maintained their silence on that. But Harry made clear to the world in his interview with Oprah that he considered his family’s response to Meghan to have been essentially racist — using the heavily freighted code words “unconscious bias” to provide an intellectual framework for his analysis.
Where could the two brothers go after such painful and damning notions had been thrown into their debate?
We have reached the crux of the drama. What painfully unforgettable and surely unforgivable things have been said? These are not passing differences. They are two core sets of values in conflict — love versus duty — going to the very heart and deriving from the deepest beliefs and loyalties of each man. Two opposing identities butting heads. In the months following the tragic and not-obviously bridgeable rift of October 2018 between William and Harry, the younger brother solidified his belief that his family were suffering from “unconscious bias”.
William, for his part, felt just as strongly about Meghan and the need for her subversive “agenda” to be removed from the operations of the British monarchy, which she did not appear to understand or respect. He certainly wanted Meghan removed, for a start, from the hitherto harmonious joint household that he and his brother had operated together for the best part of a decade. William simply did not want her or Harry around any more.
When accounts of the rift started seeping out through the winter months that followed, it was generally assumed that the volatile Harry must have set the pace in the splitting up of the joint Kensington Palace household. He was the brother who visibly departed, stalking off to set up a new home in Windsor, with offices for himself and Meghan in Buckingham Palace.
But the reverse was the case. It was William who made the decisive move. Following his furious confrontation with his younger brother in the autumn of 2018, the prince instructed Simon Case to start the process of dividing their two households immediately. William wished to be separated from Meghan on a day-to-day basis — and that meant being separated from his brother as well.
“William,” says a friend, “threw Harry out.”
©Robert Lacey 2021 Extracted from Battle of Brothers: William, Harry and the Inside Story of a Family in Tumult by Robert Lacey, to be published by William Collins on June 24 at £9.99
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I‘m having such a bad day. I swear my jaw hurts from eating to much shit… I‘m running from A to B like a stressed out squirrel and can’t seem to get anything done.
Can I have some soft Daniel content please? 🥺
I'm sorry you're having a bad day my love 🥺
This isn't much, just SG-1 kinda vibing in true found family fashion and a little Daniel x Gender Neutral reader fluff sprinkled in for flavor 😘💜
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"So?" You ask, looking up as Mitchell trudges back to where the team is sat.
"Yeah, I don't think it's letting up anytime soon," he drops to sit across the fire from you. You can faintly hear the wind whipping at the mouth of the cave you were all huddled deep in, "We'll check back in the morning."
"If we don't freeze to death before then," Vala grumbles, sitting closer to the flames, shivering slightly. She glances over at Daniel, "If only there was something we could do to generate a little extra hea-"
"Stop," he snaps, not even looking up from the notebook in his hands.
"You don't even know where I was-"
"No, I think I know exactly where you were going with that," he gives her a sarcastic smile before going back to his writing.
"You're just lucky you have someone as gorgeous as Y/n to snuggle up with. While the rest of us turn into popsicles."
Daniel grins to himself, his arm reaching around your shoulders and pulling you against him.
"Whatever," she huffs, waving him off and turning to Teal'c, "What about you Muscles? You must have body heat to spare, care to warm me up?"
He looks at her, eyebrows raised and she sighs.
"What about either of you?" She pouts, looking at Sam and Mitchell.
Sam chuckles and rolls her eyes, but raises her arm slightly, an invitation to her teammate to get close.
"But only because I'm cold too," the blonde clarifies when Vala scrambles over and cuddles into her, hugging her waist.
"Oh, you love me," Vala laughs Happily.
"What are you working on?" You quietly ask Daniel, leaning closer to look at the notebook that was now leaning on his legs while Cam and the others chat.
"Nothing really," he leans his head on yours and tilts the page so you can see better. It was covered in little doodles of different artifacts he'd seen in the nearby ruins earlier that day, "I am pretty lucky though."
He sets his pen and notebook aside and his hands quickly move just under the hem of your shirt. You jump and let out a small shriek when his cold fingers touch your skin, making him laugh.
"Jesus Daniel!"
"Are you alright Y/f/n Y/l/n?" Teal'c asks at your suddenly outburst.
"I'm fine," you wack Daniel's arm, making him laugh harder.
"I'm sorry Petal, I couldn't help myself," he tries to stifle his laughter, his arms wrapping around you, he all but collapses against you, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
You still feel him giggling against your skin and you flick him in the side of the head.
"You're evil, Daniel Jackson," You growl playfully, having a hard time keeping your own laughs in, the joy in his laughter contagious.
"I love you," He says, looking up at you.
"We could not tell Daniel Jackson," Teal'c comments, making Cameron snort.
Daniel rolls in your arms, laying on your legs and flipping Mitchell off, not taking his eyes off you.
"Yeah, it's not like you say it every other minute or anything," Sam teases.
"Yes," You agree, placing your cold fingers on his cheek, "You're anything but subtle, my dear."
"Wow! E tu Зайчик?" he pouts exaggeratedly, placing his hand over his heart, "I'm wounded! I thought you loved me too."
"Now, wherever did you get an idea like that from?" You ask, leaning down to kiss him. He sits up slightly, meeting you halfway,, humming contentedly against your lips.
"If you're going to be all lovey dovey like that, you can get your own cave," Vala groans jokingly, her head laid on her friend's shoulder.
Daniel Jackson taglist: @mysg1spacemonkey @sgcprometheus @i-am-morrigans-apprentice @malcolm-reeds-pineapple @witching-things @reeseykins @abnormalvampire64 @girl-obsessed-with-things @gatez @just-a-si-fi-nerd @ghostlyfanparadise @mysweetlittledesire @pleasantfankingdom @sun-ni-day @lilyevans1 @witchybitchy-7
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I Wanna Lock in Your Love
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Prompt:  Person A: “I have something to tell you.” Person B: “Oooh - Are you about to profess your undying love for me?” Person A: “Yes, I am.” Person B: “.... What?”
Prompt by: @write-it-motherfuckers​​
Warnings: n/a
Words: 469
I omitted the last line from Person B but the premise is the same :) - Admin Cam
After a mission, you’re back at the headquarters pacing back and forth in your room contemplating how you want to approach Wanda. The mission you had returned from had been particularly dangerous and it helped you realize that you can’t keep denying your feelings for the other woman. Even if she doesn’t feel the same way you still want her to know before it’s too late.
Now, you were left wondering how to approach the topic with her. Did you just go up to her and say it? Do you tell her in writing? Well, maybe you could put it off for another day or so. Maybe that’s the best-
There’s a quiet knock on your door jerking you out of your spiraling thoughts.
Opening the door you reveal Wanda Maximoff herself standing in front of you.
“I- Hi, Wanda,” you say, stumbling over your words slightly.
Wanda gives you a confused look but brushes it off as you open the door wider for her to come in. 
“I wanted to check in on you after everything that went on today,” Wanda says sitting on the edge, looking at you with concern in her eyes.
“Oh I’m alright!” You try to shrug off her concern, but the way Wanda raises an eyebrow at you suggests that she’s not buying your lie. “Well, there is something,” you start, looking down at the floor, avoiding the other woman’s gaze, “I have something to tell you.”
“Oooh, are you about to confess your undying love for me?” Her teasing tone causes heat to rise to your cheeks.
Your gaze still on the floor, you respond, “Yes, I am.”
A silence fills the air and after a moment you only look up when you hear Wanda move from her place in front of you. She gets up from her spot on the bed and stands in front of you, lifting your chin so that her eyes meet yours.
“You’re in love with me?” 
Her voice is so quiet that it feels like this fragile moment between you and her will shatter if either of you speak too loudly or make any sudden movements.
“Yes,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
The intensity of Wanda’s gaze seems to engulf you as she searches your eyes for any sign of this not being true, but your eyes hold nothing but pure adoration for the woman in front of you. 
Moving her hand from under your chin, she cups your cheek before leaning forward and kissing you with all the longing and love she has for you. You reciprocate, pulling her closer to feel her body pressed against yours.
Wanda breaks away from the kiss, resting her forehead against yours as the two of you catch your breath.
“I love you too,” she whispers.
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softboywriting · 4 years
Almost Lost You | Ex Machina | Nathan Bateman
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Summary: It takes Nathan nearly dying to realize he loves you, but he needs to know you feel the same and will take some unnecessary steps to find out instead of just asking you. [TW: Blood] [Following the ending events of the film] [Light Angst] [Fluff] [New AI] [TW: Near Death Situation] [Swearing] [Sexual Innuendos] [F!ReaderxNathan] 
Word Count: 5.1k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Fear. It's not something you would think was in Nathan's repertoire of emotions. In fact in the last year you've been living at the facility and testing his AI with him, you've never even caught a hint of it. But now, you can see he is no God. He is a man. He is a man and he bleeds like a man. The terror in his eyes as he looks to you desperately behind the glass door to his bedroom is not something you would soon forget. His white sweater is staining crimson, nearly black with the contrast of the bright hall lights.
Beyond the glass, mere feet from you is the remains of Kyoko, her face torn apart, system core damaged by a blow from a weight bar. You watched it all go down, stared in horror, screaming to warn him about Kyoko approaching with the knife. He couldn't hear you behind the soundproofed door. What would have happened if you had gone out there with him? Would Kyoko have attacked you too? What about Ava? He saved your life in retrospect. Perhaps you could have stopped them both. Perhaps you'd be dead. Perhaps now you wouldn't be watching your boss, your friend, the guy you've come to care far too much about, bleed to death.
Nathan raises his hand to you, and you lay yours on the glass. He mouths something that you can't quite make out. You'll never hear him behind this door and you've no idea how to override the system and take it out of lock down. He points and you look back at the computer on the desk behind you.
"Computer?" You mouth and he nods.
He makes a sign with his hand and you suddenly are grateful he was insistent that you learn to sign the alphabet when you took the job as his assistant. It was for just such an occasion. Should one of you get locked in a room, or to communicate with him on cams when you're around the AI without speaking. He holds up three fingers. That means three words. You turn and scramble to find a sticky note and a marker on his desk before returning to the window.
You bang on the glass and he lifts his head slowly. Your heart is pounding, he's fading fast. Losing him is not an option and at this point you'd rather be in his place.
Nathan carefully spells out the code to unlock the facility. B E A M.  M E. UP. He's such a Star Trek nerd. It figures that would be his override code.
You get up and pull up the system control program and type in his passcode. Sure enough the lights return to normal and the door latch clicks open. You race from the chair, shoving the door open and sinking down beside him. "You're a fucking nerd."
"Yeah thanks." He barely chuckles. "I'm going to die."
"No you're not." You tremble as you take his hand. It's cold, he's cold all over. Skin turning pale. "Nathan, listen to me you're not going to die like this."
"Honey, we're two hours from anyone else. I'm going to die. If you move me the bleeding will get worse. I can't walk, you can't carry me."
You cup his cheek. "I'll carry you. I-I'll pick you up and we can call emergency services. Hold on just a little longer."
Nathan lays his hand on your shoulder. "You were a good assistant. I know I was a pain in the ass and I told you that you sucked. But you didn't. You're very smart. You're the best I had."
"Shut up." You're crying. "Shut up and stop being nice to me!"
"You want me to be mean?"
"No, just shut up. I want you to stop acting like you're dying."
Nathan glaces down at his torso. "I got two holes in me. I don't know what's been punctured."
"Please." You stand and look down the hall. The landline phone is in his den. "Stay here."
"I'm not moving too fast honey."
"Obviously. I'm going to call for emergency services."
"Mmm. Do me a favor?"
"Move Kyoko and Ava before they get here. I don't need to deal with questions."
"I haven't exactly gone public with the AI."
You stand and pinch the bridge of your nose. "Nathan, if I don't leave them out here the medical staff will think I stabbed you."
"And you think they will believe that a robot did it instead? No. We will say there was an intruder, they attacked me and you hid. Break the glass in the kitchen from outside and make a mess as a cover."
"Jesus fucking Christmas. Okay whatever, just shut up and stay alive okay?" He gives a weak thumbs up and you go to the den to call out for help. You're going to call emergency services and he's going to get life flighted out and he is going to live. He's going to survive if it's the last thing you do.
Nearly a month later and Nathan finally gets to go home. You haven't been back since you left in the helicopter with him. It took three bags of blood to keep him alive long enough to get him into the hospital. The doctors said he was lucky to be alive at all and it was a miracle he made it over four hours with wounds like his. Nothing was damaged internally. That's the crazy part. Kyoko just missed his heart by a mere five millimetres. The other wound just grazed his stomach but didn't cause any irreparable damage.
You spent every day at the hospital with him. He tried to get you to go home, to leave him there but you couldn't do that, you love him too much. Without you he had no one. His parents passed years ago. No siblings. No grandparents. You're his family. It's sad.
"You know we have to go to physical therapy twice a week." You say as the helicopter flies toward the facility, trees zipping by beneath you. "That means long flights in and out."
"I know." He rests his head back on the seat. "My work is there though. I can't just relocate without it."
"I haven't been back since we left that night."
"I know."
You shift your feet against the duffel bag of stuff you've been living out of for thirty three days. "It's going to be a mess."
Nathan chuckles. "I'm going to have to get new carpet."
"How good are you at home renovation?"
"Um...I painted a room once?"
He opens his eyes and looks at you. It's so nice to see that playful spark. The memory of his face, scared to death and bleeding out, it haunts your dreams. "I guess we'll learn to lay carpet together."
"You're not doing anything of the sort."
"I'll supervise."
"Nathan. Just hire someone."
"I'd have to kill them. I can't just let people in the facility."
He raises his eyebrows. "You think I'm joking?"
You shake your head. "I'll put in your stupid floor. No Hitman needed. You're ridiculous."
"Careful. I am careful."
"Oh? Careful enough to get yourself sta-"
You narrow your eyes. "Speaking of which. Will you rebuild them?"
"No. I think I'll try for a male model."
"For you."
"For me? What the fuck do I want with a robot?"
"Companionship. Besides, I've only made females. It's time to change it up. If I'm to release them to the world someday surely people will want all options available."
"Why not make it non gendered. Just a body, no determinate features?"
"That's not fun. You'll like him. I've already picked out a name."
You roll your eyes. "Of course you have."
Nathan taps his head. "I've got all the plans laid out right here."
"Mmmhmm. Gonna make him fuckable too? Like you did the others?"
"Damn right." He licks his lip and grins at you. "I know you're curious."
You would never admit it but you are. You will definitely not be doing anything remotely sexual with the robot male. Absolutely off the table. If Nathan thinks you're gonna do anything he had best start finding a new assistant. You have put up with enough. ______________________
It takes Nathan no time to build this new AI. Everything is all at his disposal. He's made several. All it takes a few adjustments to the body forms, simple enough, some wiring changes and such. New downloads for his AI system to make them male presenting. It's all of a week of almost non stop work but by Tuesday you're being called to the lab to see his pride and joy.
You push in the door to the lab and enter the darkened entry way. It's almost midnight. You were nearly asleep when Nathan came on over the intercom system demanding you come to the lab. You wipe your eyes, sleep heavy in them. The bright blue lights blind you as you step into his work area.
"I'm here. Where are you?"
"In the back! I'm just making some adjustments!"
You wander past the tables strewn with parts and pieces and notes and diagrams. Mostly Greek to you. "I was almost asleep. This had better be g-"
Nathan steps aside and sitting on the table is another Nathan. No beard but a fine five o'clock shadow, short dark hair. If you didn't know better you'd think Nathan was pranking you with his own twin. But you do know that he is an only child. Which, how very much like Nathan to make the male in his own image. How self absorbed.
"Say hello." Nathan, the real Nathan, says as he gestures to the AI.
"Why does he look like you?"
"Who better to look like?"
You shake your head and walk up to the AI. You look closely, carefully. The hair looks real, the facial hair looks real. Like Kyoko he has skin head to toe. He's covered at the waist by a sheet and you presume Nathan is doing so as some sort of ego inflating reveal of what is probably an exact replica of his own dick. But that aside, the AI physically is flawless.
"Tell her your name." Nathan says.
"I'm Nate." The AI says with a soft smile. "Nice to meet you."
You look over at your boss. "You called him Nate? You couldn't even give him his own name?"
"He has his own name.  My name is Nathan. His is Nate."
"You're a jerk."
Nate extends his hand to you. "What is your name?"
"That's a secret." You smile slyly at Nathan and look back to Nate.
"A secret name? How intriguing. Nathan, do you know her name?"
Nathan chuckles. "Yes, but it seems she wants to keep it to herself now. Maybe you will have to earn it from her."
"Earn? Like a prize. Your name is a game?"
You giggle. "Sure. I'm going to go to bed now. I will probably see you two tomorrow?"
"Super." You say sarcastically. This is going to be interesting. You've tested his AI many times, spending hours talking with Ava and Kyoko. They were essentially the same AI in the end. This one could be different. You look back as you stand in the doorway. Nate waves to you and you see Nathan turn to look at you, giving a thumbs up. Here you go. Getting in too deep. You should have taken that desk job at the Hilton hotel.
"Where is Nate?"
"He is in the test room." Nathan brings his glass of orange juice to his lips. "Why?"
You shrug. "Just wondering."
"I suppose." You sit back and push your mostly empty breakfast plate away. "It's just weird you introduced me and then just never said anything else again. It's been a week."
Nathan raises his eyebrows. "I've been fine tuning him. Making sure all the eggs are in the basket."
"Uh huh."
"You'll see him soon enough. I've got your first date set on the calendar."
"Date? You mean my first session."
Nathan smirks. "Sure."
"I'm not dating your robot. Get fucked Nathan."
"Oh I hope to."
"Too bad your fuck toys tried to kill you so you had to decommission them."
"You assume I wouldn't fuck Nate."
"You're disgusting."
"Everyone wants to know what they fuck like. Of course I'd fuck myself."
You roll your eyes. "How conceited. By the way, no, not everyone would fuck themselves. You're disgusting. And Nate is not you."
"Isn't he though?"
"No." You push away and stand beside the table, gathering your dishes. "He might have your face but he doesn't have this fucked up brain." You tap your glass to his head and he scowls.
Nathan stands and follows you into the kitchen. "You think he's going to be better than me?"
"No one said that. I just said he isn't you. I know damn well you can't download your consciousness into an AI. So Nate might be your twin but he isn't you."
He just hums. That's it.  No more or less. Just a little hmm. It pisses you off. For some reason you're defensive of Nate and you barely know him yet. He's a robot. He's not real. Not...alive.
"Good morning."
You sit up and rub yours eyes, vision clearing to that of Nathan sitting on the end of your bed. No. It's Nate. "What are you doing in my room?"
"Nathan sent me. He said that I should wake you up."
You glare at the camera in the corner of the room. The one Nathan claims is for security purposes only. "This is my private space. You're not welcome."
Nate looks to where you are looking. "Technically the facility belongs to Nathan and this room is borrowed by yourself."
"It's still my space. Nathan! I know you're watching! This is not okay!"
Nate stands and moves across the room to stand in front of your closet.
You get off the bed and go to the door to go find Nathan. If he thinks letting Nate roam the facility unchecked is okay, he's gone mad. None of the AI have been allowed as such except for Kyoko. Obviously we see how that ended up. "Nathan! You better show you're stupid fucking-"
Nathan steps out of the kitchen and you glare. "Did you get my messenger dove?"
"Messenger...Nate? You are serious about letting him just roam free?"
"Did you forget what happened with Kyoko or?"
Nathan pushes his glasses up. "I thought you'd like him to wake you up. You seem pretty taken with him."
"We've barely spoken."
"Yet you were curious about him, defending him and his unlikeness to me. Tell me, why?"
"I don't know. Get him out of my bedroom."
"Talk to him."
"No. I want to be in the test room. I've never been one on one like this besides Kyoko. It's weird and I don't feel safe."
"I promise he is safe. Touch him, talk to him. Seriously, I want to run this experiment differently than the others."
You look down the hall to your bedroom door that's wide open. "What if something happens?"
"Nothing will happen. Go on. I promise he isn't going to hurt you."
You swallow harshly. That's what you're precisely afraid of. Nate could easily overpower you and who knows how strong he is. You take a deep breath and head back to your room. This is what you signed up for. This is your job.
"Where were you born?" Nate asks you when you walk in the bedroom.
"Um, I was born here in Alaska."
Nate walks beside your bed and you take a seat awkwardly. "I don't know where I was born."
"You weren't born. You were made. Here, by Nathan."
"Oh, yes. I suppose it's strange to think of being made and not born. What should I call you? I still do not know your name. Nathan would not tell me."
"Whatever you like. I’m still going to keep my name a secret. Names hold too much power."
"Kitten." Nate looks proud of himself. "I will call you Kitten."
You can't help the little chuckle that comes out. "Why Kitten?"
"I don't know. I just chose a random name from pet names I found in a Blue Book search just now."
"Alright. I'll take it."
Nate sits beside you. "Do I look like Nathan?"
"I thought I might. I've not seen myself in a mirror yet."
You stand and grab Nate's hand. It's surprisingly warm to the touch. "Come with me." You take him to your bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. "That's you."
Nate leans in and turns his head side to side. "Am I handsome?"
You cannot stifle the giggle that bubbles out. "Yeah, you're pretty handsome."
"Are you attracted to Nathan?"
"In a way I suppose yes."
"In a way? Does that mean you are only attracted to part of him?"
You sit on the toilet seat and sigh. "It's hard to explain. Nathan is visually attractive to me, and mentally. His intellect is outstanding and I'm fascinated by his brain."
"But...he can be harsh. He can be cold and unyielding and stubborn. He is difficult oftentimes. I think he struggles to express himself."
Nate looks at you, staring to the point you feel uneasy.
"What? Is something wrong?"
"You are beautiful."
"Oh. Thanks?"
"You are welcome but it was not a favor. No need for thanking."
"How does a robot gauge beauty? Are you programmed to find me attractive?"
Nate shakes his head and stares at the shower stall behind you. "I do not know. I am not aware of all of my programming. Nathan has restricted access to much of my coding."
"Interesting. Well, I’m going to shower. You can go away and do whatever Nathan wants you to do."
"I will wait."
"Wait? For me?"
"Yes. Nathan wants me to accompany you while he works. So I will wait for you to finish."
"Wait in the bedroom then."
"Okay. Should I pick out some clothes for you?"
"N-no. I will do that."
Nate nods and goes out the door.
You lean against the wall and sigh. This is so strange. If Nathan wants him to pass the Turing Test he is flying through it. You've not spoken to him very long but it's hard to grasp that he's not a person. He's not alive technically. And what's with Nathan hiding his coding? What's that about? Ava and Kyoko knew how they were made and how they accessed information. Why would he keep things from Nate?
"So, how's Nate?" Nathan asks over dinner two days later.
You haven't spoken to him since he had Nate wake you up. You assume he's been in his lab or in the office observing you and Nate. There is no doubt he's done that actually. Every moment you spend with Nate is a session, part of the experiment.
"He's good." You say softly. "May be your best work yet."
"Oh? I sorted out those bugs from Ava then?"
"Mmmhmm." You sip your wine and he smirks. "It's hard to tell he isn't a person."
Nathan hums approvingly. "He has already passed?"
"Yeah, I'd like to say so. I have a question though."
"Why are you restricting his coding? Why isn't he able to access his programming details?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"The first day he told me I was beautiful. Now, he's a robot and doesn't have a type or anything without it being hardwired into him. So I asked him if you programmed him to be attracted to me and he could not tell me."
"He lied." Nathan leans back on his chair. "Day one and he already lies like a human. That's incredible."
You narrow your eyes. "Sounds fishy. Maybe his progress should be monitored within the contained setting then. How long before he gets out? Before he decides to take a stroll in the woods and never comes back?"
"You're worried about him leaving?"
"It could happen right?"
"Yes, in theory, but I've programmed him not to want to do so."
"I don't understand why you made him at all. He says he is meant to accompany me while you work, but I am your assistant. I'm supposed to be with you, not your robot."
Nathan leans forward, elbows braced on the table. "I made him because I want to test him in a different setting than we had Ava. I think that's what drove her to revolt."
"You trap and piss off anything with sentience in a box long enough it will snap. How long before Nate realizes the whole facility is a box he's trapped in?"
"There you go worrying about him leaving. Why?"
"Because! He could be dangerous!"
Nathan shakes his head. "No you're worried about him escaping because you like him. You like him don't you?"
"Of course I like him. He's an incredible piece of technology that-"
"No." Nathan holds his hand up. "You have feelings for him."
"Absolutely not. He isn’t a person."
"Mmm. Your eyes give away everything."
You glare at him. "What do they give away now?"
"I'm getting a real fuck you vibe."
"Nailed it."
He chuckles. "Don't worry. I've collected most of the information I need. I'll put Nate away before we get to the point of him wanting to escape."
"What? Why?"
"I can't have a man with my face running around forever. He's a prototype like the rest."
"Don't be so surprised, Honey. You're giving away your true feelings again."
"Fuck you."
"Is that an offer?"
"Shut up." ______________________
The day Nathan comes to your room and takes Nate you realize that he is jealous of his own creation.
You and Nate had been laying on the bed talking as you usually did after you cleaned, scheduled appointments and played housekeeper all day. It was a normal conversation about your life and how you grew up and where and what school was like, but then Nate asked to try something new. That new thing happened to be kissing. At first you thought it was strange, to be kissing something not technically human. But then you found you liked it. His lips were soft, plush, and warm. He felt like any other guy you had kissed before. Then you realized those were Nathan's lips. Nathan's hands on your hip and cradling your cheek. That thought was both conflicting and arousing. So you went deeper, kissing him back, putting your hand in his hair, aching for more. If Nathan wanted this he wouldn’t have put it in Nate’s programming right?
Suddenly Nate was being pulled away from you, and you could see Nathan at the end of the bed holding his creation as he powered down. It was then you realized he was jealous of Nate. The way Nathan said nothing, just looked irritated, the words were all there. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want Nate to touch you like this.
After that everything began to make sense. Nathan made Nate in his image to test your attraction to him. He hid the coding because he programmed his own attraction to you into Nate. This has been an experiment but not for the progression of AI. It's been an experiment for Nathan to gauge if you like him more than an employee employer relationship. He is so stupid. He really didn’t see how much you care for him.
Just hours after Nathan took Nate from you, you find yourself outside the lab. The door is locked so you know Nathan is inside. He always hides in there. You type in your door code to override the lock.  
"System override failed."
You scan your ID card.
"User not permitted."
"Nathan! I know you're in there!" You lean your head on the door. "We need to talk!"
He doesn't hear you. Of course he doesn't. The idiot genius soundproofed everything. You look to the camera and wave at it. There's a chance he has up the camera feed at the desk.
No response.
"If you wanted to ask me out you didn't have to make a fucking robot to do it!"
The door clicks behind you and you press in to open it. Inside is Nathan parked at his computer, eyes glued to the screen while his fingers go a mile a minute.
"You heard me and you know it."
"What do you want? I'm busy."
"Why did you take Nate?"
Nathan doesn’t look away but you can tell he has an eyebrow quirked up. "Take him? I told you I would be putting him away soon. I got what I needed."
You walk around in front of his computer monitors and he flicks his eyes up for just a moment. "What was it you needed?"
"Data. I collected what I needed. You were very helpful. Good job." He sounds so sarcastic it's sickening. "What did you really come here for?"
You sigh. "Nathan, do you like me?"
"Of course I like you. I wouldn't have hired you and let you into my facility if I didn't."
"That isn't what I mean."
He sighs irritably.
"Use your words genius."
"Go away."
"No. I want answers. Why did you make Nate look like you? Why did you make him attracted to me? Why did you hide his coding so he couldn't tell me if he was programmed to do or say certain things? Why did you bust in when he kissed me?"
"I told you! I needed to collect data! I got what I needed!"
"Data for what?! For what, Nathan?!"
He pushes away from the desk and stands, eyes locked on yours. "For me!"
You fold your arms over your chest. "Answer the questions then. Do you like me? More than your assistant. Do you enjoy my company and are you attracted to me?"
"Yes, yes to all of the fucking above." He clenches his jaw. "There. Happy?"
"Not really. I don't exactly understand why you had to go through all this shit to admit that or bring it up. I watched you dying just over a month and a half ago and I-" your voice stops as your emotions get the best of you. Your chest tightens up and you can't breathe. "I stayed in that hospital every day with you."
"I know."
"I had nightmares every fucking night because of you." You're crying, shaking, hands clenched in your shirt. "I would wake up and lay my hand on your chest to make sure you were breathing because I was so fucking scared of losing you."
Nathan swallows hard. "I know."
"After all that, you had to make an AI to find out if I am attracted to you? To find out that I care about you?"
"I just- I thought you might just have felt compelled to do all of that because of your job."
"My job?! Nathan! You may be a genius but fuck you are moron when it comes to reading people! If I just cared about the job I would have fucking left. I wouldn't have lived in a hospital room for thirty three fucking days if I didn't love you."
Nathan stares over his glasses and it's not condescending at all. In fact he looks floored, bewildered by your words. "You love me?"
"Yes." You walk around the desk and stand in front of him only inches away. "I love you and I'm attracted to you and I want to be here with you as more than your assistant. Nate really solidified that for me because when he kissed me all I could think about was you, all I could imagine was your hands and your lips. Which they kind of were but-"
Nathan grabs your face, hands cradling your cheeks and pulls you in for a kiss. "Couldn't stand seeing him kiss you."
"So you were jealous?"
He licks into your mouth and you let out a soft moan. He kisses far better than Nate, but you suppose it's because he is human with actual experience. "Never thought I could be jealous of my own creation. I knew I couldn't let him fuck you and if things kept going the way they were, well..."
"That wouldn't have happened."
Nathan chuckles deeply. "Oh I think you would have been convinced. You let him kiss you after all and you were getting very into it."
"Sure you didn't wanna see that? Watch your own likeness fuck me?"
"So you would have done it? Would have gotten off on knowing I watched?" He slides his hands up your back and pulls you to his chest. "You're kinkier than I thought."
You roll your eyes. "And you're a narcissist."
"Maybe. But you like it."
"I like most things about you, even your insufferable ego, but I don't know if narcissism is one of the things I like."
"Mmm. Tell me, would you be up for some fun with Nate? You me and him?"
"Nathan! Jesus Christ I tell you I love you and you want a threesome?!"
He laughs. "I'm joking. I love you too by the way. You really wormed your way into my heart and made a little nest." He runs his hand through your hair. "My kitten."
"Wait... that's what Nate called me because I wouldn't give him my name."
"I know."
"But he said he picked it at random."
"No. I programmed him to call you that. It's my favorite nickname." He leans in and kisses your nose. "You seemed to like it."
"I do."
"Then I'll keep it. I like it better than honey or sweetheart." He presses his head to yours and you stare back at him, his eyes such a beautiful amber brown. "Thank you by the way."
"For what?"
"For saving my life. I never thanked you. If you hadn't been there I would have died."
You wrap your arms around his back and grip his shoulders. "If you hadn't locked me in the office we both would be dead."
"I don't think so. You would have been able to warn me about Kyoko. I was outnumbered without you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to watch that all happen." Nathan presses a hard kiss to your forehead and his beard tickles your nose. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Even though I'm difficult and horrible at reading people?"
"Even though you're difficult, horrible at reading people, terrible at socializing and far too egotistical for your own good. You have my heart."
He smiles softly and you think you might melt. "I'll take good care of it. I promise."
"Good. I'm trusting you."
"And I'm trusting you. Finally."
Header by delicate-venus
Thank you for reading. Please reblog if you read or are going to read! Thank you! - A
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kraekat29 · 2 years
Chapter Seven
That night he'd asked me to meet his family, I agreed with only a small fear, " what if they don't like me?" I asked as I was getting ready to go with him, " so you're worried not because you're going into a house full of vampires but if they don't like you?" He asked with slight amusement.
I nodded and he sighed, brushing his lips from my temple and down to my jawline, " they'll love you.." He murmured and I began to feel light headed, somehow forgetting to breathe.
JJ caught me in his arms as I collapsed, " Christ.." He mumbled, " y-you made me faint.." I stuttered out," how am I supposed to take you out like this?" He asked and I gave him a pout, " it's not my fault you're perfect " I reminded him and walked out of my room.
When we finally arrived to his house the anxiety finally kicked in but I put on a brave face, I needed to show I was confident even if I didn't feel like it.
I stayed by his side the entire time, only Cleo was there out of his siblings, Pope had gone off with Kiara to convince her I was safe and wouldn't expose them.
I had to admit I felt more welcome in a house full of vampires than I ever had anywhere else, for once I actually felt like myself.
I followed after JJ as he led me into his room and looked around, he had a massive cd collection and it quickly gained my interest, I knew he was trying to understand what I was thinking.
I turned towards him, " you have an impressive collection" I admitted and earned my favorite crooked smile, " it helps me concentrate" he said and pressed play on his radio, Clare De Lune started playing through the speakers.
My mom used to play that song while she was cleaning so I knew it very well, I cleared her from my mind as I looked around, " no bed?" I questioned," no uh vampires can't sleep" he said and I frowned, " that must be awful" I said and he shrugged, " sometimes" he admitted.
I knew he was waiting for me to run away from him, he was always trying to scare me away, " I hate to break it to you but you aren't actually scary " I lied and he smirked, " you really shouldn't have said that " he said and crouched down.
A low growl escaped his lips and I took a cautious step backwards before he pounced me, knocking us both onto the couch, " you were saying?" He asked and I struggled to catch my breath, " that you are a very terrifying monster " I said and he laughed.
It turns out vampires love to play baseball, but they can only play during thunderstorms, I listened to every word JJ said and I was eager to know more.
No one has ever been able to gain my attention with talking sports but JJ could, I'd listen to anything he'd say.
I cam out into the living room and sat beside John B, " I have a date" I said and he raised an eyebrow, " I thought you didn't like any of the boys here?" He questioned," Well JJ doesn't live in town technically.." I mumbled," please tell me it isn't Maybank " he said wirh a groan, " surprise?" I said wirh a sheepish smile.
John B groaned again, " Rubes -" he began, " just be nice please? He's.. Important " I pleaded and nodded," bring him in" he said and I lept up onto to my feet to open the door.
Surprisingly JJ and John B got along which was great, one less thing I had to worry about and soon enough he was leading us into the woods. I paused when he parked the jeep, " We have to go on foot from here " JJ said and I shook my head no, trying to crawl away from him, " c'mon it isn't that bad" he said and caught me around the waist, I squirmed in his strong grasp as he flipped me onto his back, " just breathe okay? And shut your eyes " he said and then took off running.
I clung to him tightly and hid my face in his back, trying to focus on his scent instead of the motion sickness which seemed to be working, and soon before I knew it he was helping me down.
JJ gave me a smirk, knowing that he was right but I rolled my eyes as he led us towards his family, Cleo was there again only this time so we're Kiara and Pope.
I stiffened, suddenly unsure of this was a good idea but JJ looped his fingers through my belt loop and pulled me along with him, I was hoping that things wouldn't end badly, if they did, I would become the meal.
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eruden-writes · 3 years
Lights, Camera, ORC-TION! (part 11)
(I can finally post the whole chapters on Tumblr again! Sorry for the spam.)
Summary: With medical debt looming over her head, Avicia Thorn can’t rely on her cam career to make ends meet. She applies for a slightly-better-than-minimum-wage data entry position at a motion picture production company.On her first day, she stumbles onto the illustrious Kahdreg Vidaroc looming over the HR Recruiter, making demands. By the time she stumbles out of the office, she is Vidaroc’s new personal assistant. Whether she likes it or not.Her pay gets even better when she becomes Vidaroc’s “girlfriend,” a ploy meant to stave off unwanted attentions from an highly influential siren investor. Farce doesn’t keep feelings at bay as they play pretend.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Epilogue
Heaviness settled on Kahdreg's shoulders, facing Kallinaera in their doorway. They never particularly liked it when the siren dropped by unannounced. This time, there was another itch in the air. The back of Kahdreg's neck prickled, remembering how she'd basically outed them to Avicia.
They were tempted to slam the door in her face, but professionalism stilled the temptation.
"You forgot your gift bags the other night," Kallinaera chuckled, holding out two shiny silver gift bags. She seemed unaware or uncaring of the stiffness in Kahdreg's form. As the orc stared at the bags, Kallinaera went on, "Besides, I felt a bit bad about how I made things so awkward with you and Annie."
"Avicia," Kahdreg corrected, an eyebrow twitching. Their gaze shifted from the bags to Kallinaera's face, but they made no move to grab the proffered gifts.
From her obscured position, Avicia quietly scoffed and shook her head. Miss Virlee wasn't even being subtle. So, she decided, she didn't have to be either. Backing away from the corner, Avicia mussed her hair - for that implied night full of sex look - and shifted the borrowed shirt so it fell a little higher up on her thigh. In a flash of brilliance, she also adjusted the shirt until her shoulder was bared through the neck hole.
After a quick survey of herself, she grinned. Perfect. A sloppy morning look that made it clear she was at home within Kahdreg's domain. Much too comfortable for a first sleepover.
"Oh, sorry. I met so many new faces last night." Kallinaera sighed, unaware of Avicia's plot transpiring around the corner, as she put a hand to her cheek. The mood around her seemed like one of simply misremembering the name of a new pet. Her tone took on a higher, more pointed tone, as she added, "She's not one of those overly jealous sorts that hates when their lovers have close relations with friends, is she?"
Kahdreg frowned and opened their mouth to reply, though they hadn't settled entirely on what to say. Probably just a short, curt 'no.' A part of them wanted to breach the siren's inexcusable actions last night. They didn't get a chance as Avicia made her entrance.
"Kallinaera! What a pleasant surprise!" Avicia's crooning tone was toothachingly sweet as she slipped around the corner. Kahdreg half-turned, catching a look in Avicia's eye. Oh gods, what was she going to do? Mingling of relief and dread churned in their stomach. What did she have planned for the siren? And had her hair been quite so messy earlier? They didn't think so...
Giving a little gasp as she approached, Avicia eyed the siren's proffered gifts still hanging unreceived. Hooking her fingers around the handles, she flashed the other woman a bright smile. "Thanks so much for bringing these! I totally forgot to grab them."
Of course, she forgot to grab them, since there hadn't been any gift bags to grab. But she didn't have to say that. Avicia did her best to hide the awareness in her gaze. No, no. For now, she was just the pleasant unshakeable barrier between a siren and her perceived prize.
The siren managed to maintain a pleasant smile, despite the stoniness her gaze developed. Though Avicia couldn't help but notice a hint of grudgingness on Kalli's part as she released the gift bags.
"Ah, Ava, you stayed the night." It wasn't a question. Just the realization of a sour outcome.
"Yes, Kahdreg and I had a lot to discuss last night," sighed Avicia, ignoring how - yet again - Kallinaera had gotten her name wrong. It didn't bother her, so why address it? She trod to Kahdreg's side, shooting them a look of light frustration coupled with an accepting smile. "I wish they'd told me from the start, but it can't be helped and I know why they were hesitant to say anything."
Heat licked over Kahdreg's face and they looked away from Avicia. The whole ordeal was feeling too real. As if she was genuinely saying she wanted to know from the start. And that made something in Kahdreg squirm. "You know my reasons."
"Yes, I know." Avicia sighed softly, leaning her head against their arm as a slight amusement curled at the corners of her lips. The bashful way Kahdreg reacted conflicted with the confident director she knew. But, all the same, it was cute to see. Turning her gaze to Kalli, Avicia stood straighter and turned her smile up a few watts. "I should really be thanking you for getting it all out in the open. So thank you!"
Almost at once, an awkward buzz settled over the three. A glint emanated from Kallinaera's eye, as if she couldn't believe what the other woman said. Kahdreg barely managed to hide their amused snort, raising their hand to their lips as if to cover a cough. Avicia pretended to not notice, continuing to smile placidly toward the siren.
"And I should apologize for dropping by unannounced," Kallinaera smiled like a lioness baring her teeth. Her gaze shot to Kahdreg, giving them her full attention. Or, more likely, pretending Avicia had disappeared into the ether. "You were obviously in the middle of something."
Heat flared again through Kahdreg. Memories of last night, from explaining the situation to Avicia's mark to curling up on the couch together, swarmed his thoughts. A little too quickly, they replied, "We just woke up."
"Even if you did interrupt, we could always start back up," Avicia laughed, winking at Kahdreg and nudging playfully into their side.
"Avicia," they warned, giving her a look while ignoring the squirming in their stomach. The persistent heat inside their core felt like a smoldering coal, slowly becoming hotter. Her suggestive teasing was not helping.
She just smiled in return, retreating to the couch with the haul of presents in hand. She did, perhaps, swing her hips just a little too obviously. Anything to make it apparent she was in Kahdreg's shirt. Avicia could almost imagine the roiling frustration churning inside the siren and that only broadened her own smile.
"Well, I'll be off." Kallinaera's voice made Kahdreg jerk, turning to face her. They hadn't even realized they'd been staring after Avicia, watching her swaying hips as she departed. The stoniness in Kalli's face had hardened to steel, her eyes glinting as she stared up at the orc. The look made uncertainty prickle through the orc's stomach. But, still with that smile and light tone, Kallinaera simply said, "Stuff to do, important people to meet. You and I should do lunch some time, Kahd!"
They'd been about to answer when the siren's hand came up, caressing Kahdreg's arm. The touch made their stomach lurch. And just like that, Kallinaera was gone, purposefully striding down the hall to the staccato beat of her heels. For a breath, the orc watched her go. Their heart pounded, as if they'd just narrowly avoided being consumed by a much larger creature.
Once they closed the door and the lock fell into place, Kahdreg pressed their forehead against the door and breathed. Tension twitched along their jaw and down their back. They rubbed at the spot Kalli's fingers had grazed while they goaded the adrenaline in their body to ease away. When they felt ready, they turned back to the living room, observing Avicia as she pawed through the bags.
"Did you really have to do all that?" Kahdreg gave her a look, closing the distance and settling onto the couch beside her. Though they weren't entirely displeased, they couldn't help but worry about what ripples her actions would have. After all, they did have a movie to think about.
"I don't know. Want to see what gifts she brought?" Avicia snorted and held up a flimsy dark blue little number, made of little more than lace and strings. Kallinaera's unmistakeable perfume wafted from the very fabric, as if she had sprayed it down. "Looks like she was anticipating having to console you."
A disgusted groan left Kahdreg's lips, the aroma making a small flash of panic rise up. They leaned closer to peer into the bags resting on Avicia's lap, silently taking solace in her body heat and scent so unlike the siren's manufactured aroma. "Are there any actual gifts in these things?"
"A few things. Some enamel pins, gift cards and vouchers, some cufflinks, a wristwatch, and a new trendy instant camera." Avicia pointed out the things as she said them. The camera was at least sixty dollars. She didn't even want to think about how expensive the watch was.
The goodies were a far cry from the plastic tiddlywinks and erasers she would get as a party favors. She glanced up to Kahdreg - trying to ignore how close they were - as an unimpressed look creased her face. "Grab bags for a charity event sounds super sus."
"Yeah, welcome to how the upper crust do philanthropy," the orc sighed, leaning back against the couch. They realized, as they shifted, their arm rested on the back of the couch, almost curling around Avicia's shoulders. Knowing they should move it, something else overpowered the urge, and their arm remained in place.
After all, Avicia had basically used them as a bed last night, hadn't she? It was all in the spirit of getting used to putting on a convincing show.
At the same time, the heat from Kahdreg's arm barely kissed at the back of Avicia's shoulders. Noticeable but not uncomfortable. It was still enough to make her stomach flip as she ignored the meaningless proximity. It was harder to ignore the urge to lean into their side or muse about brushing her fingertips along parts of their body.
Quickly, her thoughts turned toward the siren, trying to stymie the hormone-drenched thoughts. Faintly, Avicia wondered how Miss Virlee planned to excuse such a risque gift? Oops, I gave you the wrong bag? Well, care to see me model it for you? Hah. What poor taste, especially after her faux pas with outing Kahdreg.
"Oh, there's a receipt in he-" Grabbing the piece of paper, Avicia's eyes widened as she stared at printed numbers. "Holy shit."
Avicia flashed the receipt to Kahdreg's questioning gaze, pointing at the total at the bottom. The orc's raised their eyebrows, leaning forward as if distance was the issue. It wasn't.
Judging from the stunned silence and the crease deepening between Avicia's eyebrows, Kahdreg could see where her thoughts were going. Kallinaera had, apparently, spent six hundred dollars on the flimsy set of designer fabric. After being a major player in a charity event.
"Well, it'd be a pity if it went to waste." Kahdreg said jokingly, wanting to distract her from the realities of business. Even as they said the words, a lump of old disgust sank further in their stomach; having learned the lesson long ago but not liking how it sat. But the negative feelings were easy to ignore as Avicia's attention shifted from the receipt to Kahdreg's face. For a quick second, there was a flash of embarrassment, a blush waiting to crest on Avicia's features. The orc's grin broadened.
But the sensation of catching her off-guard passed as her demeanor shifted. She dropped the receipt into the bag, hoisting out the lacy brasserie to her own chest. Kahdreg's attention flickered to the article of clothing, part of them quietly frustrated at how much their shirt hid Avicia's form.
Then she held the bra to Kahdreg's chest, her fingers plastering the fabric firmly across their front. "This is not going to fit either of us."
When Avicia backed away, the orc let out a breath they didn't even know they were holding. The lingering warm sensation of her fingers at their ribs taunting their thoughts.
She had noticed their reaction. An awkwardness that reminded her of friends in the past, who didn't know how to react when she grazed a little too close to them. A slow smile curled at Avicia's lips, delighted in their reaction. Riding on the high of that low-level bliss, mischief shot out a suggestion before Avicia could censor herself. "Why don't we return or exchange them, then?"
Almost at once, Kahdreg's embarrassment fizzled. They raised an eyebrow, lips quirked in a humorless smile. "You want the money?"
"This boutique is pretty high-end," admitted Avicia, as she picked up the receipt again. In reality, she was wondering what sort of goodies she could find for her streams. Some new sets, featuring luxury lingerie, would definitely sell for a pretty penny. "I might get a few things."
"Of course." Kahdreg rolled their eyes as they got to their feet.
Sensing the sudden change in the air, Avicia glanced up at the orc. Her brows furrowed and a slight frown dipped at the corners of her lips. "What?"
"Seems a bit hypocritical, don't you think?" Kahdreg crossed their arms, resting their weight on one foot. Some indescribable sense of disappointment poked through their thoughts. Perhaps it was just a reminder that Avicia's main goal in this ploy had been monetary. Not driven by kindness or understanding, but dollar signs. Which Kahdreg knew wasn't a fair assessment, but the feeling clung. They tried their best to keep the frustrated tone from their words as they went on. "Getting mad about Kalli spending so much on scraps of fabric, just to get something yourself?"
"I'm a thriftier shopper than Miss Virlee and I'm not going to blow it all on a single set," Avicia said indignantly as she got to her feet. There was a flash of her own displeasure in her eyes as she glared up at Kahdreg. For a beat, the two just stood, leering at one another. The heat churning between them was not born only of annoyance. Alarms flickered at the back of Avicia's head as she realized what was happening.
"Besides, maybe you can get something, too." She grinned, closing the distance between them. Her hand raised, fingers grazing lightly down the front of their chest. It was easier to fight one kind of frustration, so she may as well pick the fun one.
At her suggestion, color bled through Kahdreg's face. Their eyes followed her fingers as they mumbled, "What makes you think I want lingerie?"
Avicia grinned, leaning closer and planting her hand firmly against their pec. "Maybe I want to see you in lingerie."
That certainly took her boss aback. It was like a jolt shot through them, but they didn't step away from her. Their mouth opened, before snapping shut, lips bunched into an uncertain expression. The color in their cheeks deepened, edging closer to their ears. They stood there, completely at a loss of what to say.
Avicia drank in every ounce of their response. A delightful warmth swirled inside her. Before she did something she might regret, Avicia maneuvered around Kahdreg, returning to the guest bedroom. Though, even after pulling away, tingling sensations burned at her palm. Over her shoulder, she laughed, "Get dressed, we're going shopping."
As they watched Avicia disappear down the hall, Kahdreg pressed their lips tightly together. A shameful thrill thrummed in their chest, regardless of their expression. It'd be a lie if they said they weren't looking forward to more time spent with Avicia. Not that they had the chance to even think about it before their visitor. But the feeling was there. More time to get to know her, more time to solidify their impression and get a better idea of who Avicia was.
But going lingerie shopping with her? Kahdreg couldn't decide if the universe was smiling down on them or tormenting them. Probably the latter. A muscle in Kahdreg's jaw twitched as they finally began the journey to their own bedroom, trying not to think of Avicia getting dressed in the other room or how the shirt she had borrowed would smell of her.
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