#callee talks
I’m back after 2 years for one little post because I’m rereading life and death and I’m at the point where Beau sees Edythe’s skin for the first time in the sun and oh my gosh it reminds me of how much I hate the sentiment of the “stupid sparkly vampire” when Stephenie literally revolutionized the classic predator!!! No longer a creepy crawly thing that hides in the shadows but a flashy, beautiful, alluring animal that lures you into its trap. If Edythe/Edward had truly been evil or a “true vampire” it would have been all too easy to get Beau/Bella and that’s why they were designed that way. A peacock or poison dart frog ready to lure its prey. It’s an entirely new take on such a classic beast and I’m sorry that the world wasn’t ready for it. God these books might just pull me back into its clutches 😭
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cal-out-to-sea · 2 years
Having a lot of thoughts rn about grey//waren (SPOILERS) (AND TW TALKING ABOUT MY DEAD DAD AND SUI//CIDE) it was insane how much I resonated with De//clan when he came to the understanding that his dad actually loved him so much that he did everything to keep him safe. I resented my father for so long after his death, “how could you leave me like that if you ever actually cared?” But I realized that his problems were his and had nothing to do with me, that he did love me unconditionally and I’ve had to relearn how to love him too. I know De//clan was going through a reinvention in this book and he definitely had to learn how to love Ni//all all over again. Also that older sibling complex was crazyyyyy. I shoulder so much so my sister doesn’t have to and it just get so heavy sometimes. When De//clan is thinking in ch 42 something like wanting someone to carry it all and carry him I literally paused my audiobook and had to sit for a second because wow I’ve never felt so seen in a character before. Anyways that was that
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brooklynisher · 4 months
The Spine had done nothing to deserve it
He was not performing exceptionally well
He was not any more useful than he usually is
He didn’t achieve anything new
But Peter Walter VI loved him
He loved him like a father would love his son
And The Spine couldn’t help but feel like his son
He always thought it, but one day it came out
The Spine callee him “papa”
Rabbit overheard The Spine calling Peter “papa”, and now she calls him “papa”
Rabbit called Upgrade. She called Peter “papa” during the call. Now Upgrade calls him “papa”
Upgrade went to visit The Jon. She told him that “papa” was doing well. Now The Jon calls him “papa”
The Jon sent a letter to Zer0. In the letter, The Jon asks Zer0 to update him on “papa”. Now Zer0 calls him “papa”
Zer0 invites Hatchworth to the manor. They have a nice chat. They talk about “papa”. Now Hatchworth calls him “papa”.
The next Father’s Day was a celebration to be remembered
We love you papa
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hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Got any hc for Mr. Deley in your BDA descendants rewrite ?
Okay so I decided in this au, that instead of him being the usual dirtbag I write him/perceive him as I would write him as a tired, grumpy teacher who is frustrated by the lack of proper safety equipment in the school labs.
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As a man who has had to explain to FG and his several other non-human coworkers why exactly this and that safety equipment is needed when teenagers-with-still-developing-brains are the ones handling the chemicals they're experimenting with, and why they need to spend more money on things like that.
A man who has had to remind his coworkers several times 'no, human children aren't fire resistant' and 'no, chemicals spilling on a human child does not have the same outcome as if it spilt on a demi-god, fae child, etc.'
A man who is used to explaining everything about a zillion times to his coworkers, superiors, and angry parents who's kids get away with everything short of murder and students who couldn't care less about what he's teaching if they don't get to do an experiment that day.
That is to say, I want to write him as a man who is tired of everyone around him and endless grumpy because he does not get paid enough for any of this but who isn't completely prejudice. A man who can admit he had a wrong first impression and who can try and change for the better (read a fic once that inspired this inkling of my brain). A man who has had to hear countless jokes about his name, and just wants to get a student who is actually eager to learn instead of students who give him heart attacks because they don't listen to instructions and, as one certain demigod student in his first year of teaching did, drink the chemicals on a dare in the not even two minute span he had his back turned to write the instructions down.
Which leads into my Badun Detective Agency Descendants rewrite where instead of the core four, it's The Badun cousins, Hermie Bing, Eddie Balthazar, Yzla, Reza, and Hadie who come to Auradon first.
Mr. Deley's expectations are low.
Is it right? No but it's the truth.
He hasn't had high expectations for many of his students since his third year of teaching and he certainly doesn't have any for students coming from a place where barely any teachers were sent.
He expects hell to be raised by the children (because even the Auradon Kids are little hell raisers who cause chaos who have thankfully gotten by miraculously unscathed).
He expects the children to months, if not years behind or completely unaware of chemistry in the worst case scenario.
He expects them to be disruptive and disrespectful, and for them to talk nonstop and cause all kinds of chaos that he'll have to clean up and smooth over with their foster parents because the heroes usually get mad if even a little unkind word is said about their precious little darling even if little Billy dared little Bella and not so little Hercules to drink chemicals or if little Susie set a girl's hair on fire with a lighter she wasn't even supposed to have in the first place.
All of that is to say, he had little to no expectations.
But these kids?
These kids blew all of that out of the water.
Jace Badun is quiet but follows instructions and answers questions when callee on, usually getting the answers correct or close to correct.
Hadie is eager to learn.
Harry Badun can keep up nearly seamlessly despite saying it isn't his best class.
Yzla and Reza are star pupils, always willing to learn something new and answer questions without even being called on, and they are always willing to tutor their peers if asked.
The only one of them he really has any issues with is Eddie Balthazar, because the kid is always falling asleep in class but that's not anything new and his foster parents say they're handling it, and that they're sorry they didn't inform him ahead of time about the issue.
They're honestly well-behaved more than the other students he has to deal with and make him rethink everything he had thought before hand (like Evie hopefully did after d1 though judging by the books about Aurdaon Prep like the New Vks Guide, probably not).
I thought it'd be a nice change of space and well, I do like trying to make characters more complex.
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autisticandroids · 2 years
i dont understand ur post about the bad people being removed. someone reblogged it w the addition that we cant just kill the rapists. if it is okay, can you explain what that means? is no one deserving of the death penalty? i am young and i would like to understand
it's mostly about how there aren't two types of people, good and bad, there's only people, who are capable of both. and like, also, yeah personally i also don't believe in the death penalty. like obviously sometimes in un-ideal circumstances, such as self-defense situations, human beings have to be killed, but this is always tragic and never deserved even if it's justified.
but honestly? that post was originally about a petty fandom drama in which one person seemingly went through a whole ~*problematic*~ tag on ao3 to look at the comments until they found someone they knew commenting on a ~*problematic*~ fic, so that they could then publicly call that person out for reading a fanfiction. not writing it. not talking about it to their followers. not sharing it. not promoting it. just reading it. and on the basis of this private act, which affected no one, the caller-out decided that the callee was unsafe to be around. because apparently the caller out believes we live in a world that is divided into "good people" and "secret perverts" (whose perversion is the root of all social ills, and who can be found out and removed).
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dawn-falls · 2 years
Okay, I've been into Undertale for too long now and I have imagined too much.
Example... How would the Underverse happen in other multiverse? Such as Fell and Swap? I had idea for both of them but I'll be putting into separate posts.
On this one, I'll talk about VerseSwap.
(OBS: Swapverse is already a thing, which is why I called it VerseSwap.)
It would start off with a different backstory for Xswap (which I haven't thought of yet) but would include the adorable CrossBerry that @jakei95 made.
The ending would be CrossBerry alone in that white void with Xswap Frisk, then the two would meet Template, a swap Error, that had been talking to Xswap Faster for a while.
Unlike Ink, he wouldn't be truly a “bad guy”, he would befriend CrossBerry but wouldn't be aware that Xswap Frisk was a ghost that kept around CrossBerry (Did I explain this correctly?)
After a while, another Sans would appear in the empty Xswap, that would be Dream from Swapdream. He noticed how much CrossBerry had hope and was super positive even if his world was a void, so he decides to “help” him find a way to restore his universe with one condition.
CrossBerry would have to join Dream into a quest for Dream's younger brother, Nightmare, who had disappeared on the multiverse and kept “causing trouble.”
The main changes here!
Even if it's a swap, the war would still focus on Sanses.
CrossBerry Sans will be callee Cross, but to differentiate him from the original I wrote CrossBerry.
Instead of having a Blueberry! Ink, Error, Dream or Nightmare, I thought it would be interesting and more original if there were added the “swap fates” of those universes, since none of the four “have Papyruses”, if you get what I mean. So now we have Swapdream Dream and Nightmare, Template and Pale.
Since in Underverse we had Cross and X Chara fight in both Underfell and Underswap, since the multiverse is already swap I'll have them go for Fellswap on the fell fight and Swapfell on the swap fight, I hope that makes sense.
I hope you liked my idea! When I have time, I'll be writing my idea for the Fellverse.
Swapdream AU belongs to song-song-a (couldn't tag them here, sorry) and Template and Pale belong to @unu-nunu-art.
Thanks to @persuvia for telling me who they belonged to!
I would love to draw something like this, but if you came to my Tumblr before you know my drawing is bad, I'm ashamed of even trying to do something of such masterpiece when my skills are as great as a dog's.
Anyways, thanks for reading this!
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fapper · 2 years
me talking to a nerd: well yeah haha you know im into like video games and stuff like that like. i enjoy watching the gameplays more if that makes sense *giggling shyly*
nerd: Uhhh no it seems like your bug is coming from the injunction of the opposite circuit where youre loading the callee saved register before you jump and link to a different function. also you dont store before you jal
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musiclessonsforme · 1 year
Music Industry Diversity
For years, we have heard about all kinds of discrimination and for years we have talked about it. Music is a force that brings us closer than ever before the color of our skin or the race of our face. We see it all the time, how these voices no one would listen to finally became heard.
50 Cents was raised by his single mother Sabrina who had him when she was just a teenager. She was a highly regarded drug dealer with a lot of enemies. She was later killed in a fire. No one knows how the fire started. Her young son Curtis,( who was just eight years old) decided to follow in his mother's footsteps. He started dealing drugs when he was twelve and by the time he turned nineteen years old, he was the new neighbourhood kingpin.
On May 24, 2000, Curtis was shot outside of his grandmother's house nine times. This scared him to his core so much he went ahead to commit fully to his music.
That was how he got his first album as 50 Cents, callee " Get Rich Or Die Trying".
Music can be this force, that can change a person's life around despite their background.
However, we still need to talk about racism within the industry since it never really left the conversation, to begin with.
Mathew Knowles ( Beyonce's father, as well as the manager of Destiny Child), has called out the issue of colourism within the music industry.
When he was asked if Beyonce was more accepted because of her skin tone, he replied back saying"It becomes easier. Absolutely.".
He went on to add: "This is the record industry and the music industry that has chose to have this colourism because in America you can't name in the last 10 years... [there's] maybe one person in the last 10 years that wasn't a lighter shade of black at pop radio. It's a 100% fact."
Already you might be wondering what this means.
How can you have a black artist but they can't be too dark?
Why is it we put the spotlight on some black people and take it away from others?
When did we decide what was black enough? Where did we draw this line somewhere along the way of how dark a black person should be?
An Artist by the name Lioness would constantly be told by people like the A&Rs [talent scouts], "She would be better if she was light-skinned".
Yet the discrimination does not end here.
How many non-skinny people are there in the music industry? How many females are running the game behind the scenes in the music industry? Why is it that some LGBTQ+ plus songs are barely ever played on the radio?
I keep asking you these questions because like you, I wonder if we have come so far then why is it we still struggle to name more than a few people.
Maybe we could say we have Meghan Trainer and Lizzo, ok who else?
Maybe we can talk about female producers such as Missy Elliot,and Paloma Faith who has gone on record to say "There are all these engineers there, and they don't let you touch the equipment .... I was like, 'Well, can I just edit my vocals?' And they'd be like 'No, just tell us what to do, and we'll do it.' And then a male producer would come in, and he'd be allowed to do it."
This was the reason she self-produced her own album Art Angel.
Now with the issue regarding why we don't have that many LGBTQ+ plus people in the music industry, I would like to bring light on what Lauren ( a former fifth harmony member who went solo) talked about during an interview on how she was told she didn't have to actively define she was bi but say things like how she was open to any human regardless of gender without giving herself a label that might turn off male fans.
With all these diverse and different people in the industry constantly breaking barriers. We should be saying the music industry has become a more open and accepting place.
We live in the year 2021 with no real change.
We have gotten more diversity but have we really when what is offered to us is heavily motored.
You can be a Cuban woman singing in a girl group but don't come out as bisexual.
You can call it diverse with a handful of female producers in an industry filled with an ocean full of male producers.
You can talk about body positivity until back up dancers get put to the side during an artist's more sexy performances for being undesirable yet only put them in when someone wants to talk about self-love or look inclusive. If the singer themself is chubby than even the fact we live in 2021 won't save them, because the industry is mostly run by older men who have been doing this longer and have picked up tricks to get what they want.
It a pick and choose kind of diversity that leaves much to be desired.
Is there any real diversity if we are constantly just drawing up more lines for people to not cross.
The reason why the music industry is so diverse now is that they heard the people's demands,   it doesn't mean their minds have really changed.
What going to happen next time a "too dark " girl walks in with her head held high who is open to the fact that she is a lesbian or bisexual who also happens to be apart of the Muslim religion.
In fact, name me one girl in the music industry who like that,
Now name me a boy whose white, who either is Jewish or catholic and is straight and how many people did you think of.
I know the first people that came to my mind were Justin Bieber, Shawn Menders, Ed Sheeran.
These men are extremely talented, but what happened to the girl who was" too dark", who fit outside more than one box.
Where her album?
I have asked many questions during this time, however how many of you can actually answer me why this is all happening. How should we know? Where not the one running things.We are just people online reading a post, trying to learn to step into an industry with a history of labeling all of us.
Before we are producers we are men or women with no mention of the nonbinary ( not that theirs alot to talk about with how low the percentage of them is in alot of fields).
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Before we were singers we are, black or brown or white girls/boys/thems.
Before we are anything we are defined by a box we could not help but be born into.
We learned how to manage within the box, but if we ever stepped out we have no knowledge of where that would lead us. Are we even allowed to be ourselves if we are not deemed the norm?
The answer is yes, because music has no gender or race. We may be born different, however, we make music all the same, and that is what the music industry needs to understand as well as remember as should the rest of us when we listen to a song,We are there for the artist and what they stand for not what label is sellable.
( This was a raft draft for school when my word wasn't working enjoy if you want)
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calleebradford · 2 years
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Callee Lynn Bradford
Nickname: Cal, Callee Lynn  Face claim: Jenna Coleman Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 23y 
Appearance Height: 5’2” Weight: Petite/Hourglass Hair: Shoulder length brunette hair. Skin: Pale Distinguishing marks: Eyes: Large, golden brown. Clothing: Comfortable, practical, classic. 
Family Mother: Janet Bradford/42 Father: Thomas Bradford/45 Siblings: Thomas Bradford Jr./Deceased 
Personality Temperament: Patient, thoughtful, observant, organized, creative, intelligent, witty, calm. Moral/ethical beliefs: Lawful Good - Golden Rule Religious beliefs: Agnostic Light Political stance: ---- Hobbies: Bread baking, baking in general, reading, arts & crafts, knitting, studying plants/wildlife. Habits: Nail picker, talking to herself. Quirks/eccentricities: --- Likes: The outdoors, kids, baking/cooking, sewing, knitting, study, gardening herbs. Dislikes: Rude, cruel, violent people. Hard candy, strong artificial smells. Fears: Being alone, deep water, dismemberment. Strengths: Working with children, conflict resolution, organization. Weaknesses: Dislikes confrontation, violence, apathy. Short term goals: Teaching certification. Long term goals: Becoming a teacher. Hopes and desires: To learn and grow in her education, touch children's lives in positive long lasting ways.  Occupation: Live in Nanny. Skills: Early Childhood education license - knowledge of plants, herbs and local wildlife.
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snuggget · 2 years
i dont undeestand why they call them meatloas wheen there's no breead its just meat why would they do that it doesn't makee sense i dont understand i ont i just i dont gt it theres no read who named meeatloaves i wanna talk to theem i wanna find out why they'd name it tht way it just doesn't make any sense it doesnt i dont know why but i wanna know why i wanna kknow why thy'ree called htat its such a conundrum a mastterful riddle i just dont gget it i dont why why why why would theey do wsucch a thing i cant elieve this is tsi i i ff its like ifif theey calleed lasagna abgueeattte noodle i just and like htey call fttichinu lnot that why dnot theey call petticchuinia ilike i dont know breead salad or something exccept its not salad its an italian noodle dih that wprobably has no veegetabls i think i dont actually know wxactky what ettichini is i'vee neever had it but i have a vagu idea anyways please fix the name of matloaf
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Au where Bella actually learns a ton about cars in new moon from Jake and when Edward breaks her truck in the beginning of eclipse she just opens up the hood and reconnects whatever he took apart and drives off without him leaving him in shock cause he didn’t realize that she learned anything
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emjiroki · 3 years
Why is painting my nails so hard 😫
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mocacheezy · 3 years
Love is hyping up your partner up for murder at like 5am when she notices a huge milipede in the corner of her room and making her laugh over the cat fountain looking like The Well of Sparks
Once again @nikkistrations2-point-0, thanks for staying up to help your terrified gf kill a fucker.
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edwardslostalchemy · 3 years
I can't even enjoy things right now because I'm so stressed out. I'm glad I'm on anti depressants because if not, I'd be on the floor crying. At least I'm sitting down but I could be crying on the floor. I barely remembered I have to eat.
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forthallium · 4 years
So you keep mentioning a batim au? When are you going to post more about that?
Hrjfkkfif well I have a fic started, and Im working on character designs im just not sure what to talk about/ release first about it?
It has some confusing concepts and I'm alittle nervous that people are going to be confused about some things so I am trying to iron everything out before I say much
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heyekiel · 6 years
next person to call me smol is getting drop kicked fuck off with this shit
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