#callee info
calleebradford · 2 years
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Callee Lynn Bradford
Nickname: Cal, Callee Lynn  Face claim: Jenna Coleman Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 23y 
Appearance Height: 5’2” Weight: Petite/Hourglass Hair: Shoulder length brunette hair. Skin: Pale Distinguishing marks: Eyes: Large, golden brown. Clothing: Comfortable, practical, classic. 
Family Mother: Janet Bradford/42 Father: Thomas Bradford/45 Siblings: Thomas Bradford Jr./Deceased 
Personality Temperament: Patient, thoughtful, observant, organized, creative, intelligent, witty, calm. Moral/ethical beliefs: Lawful Good - Golden Rule Religious beliefs: Agnostic Light Political stance: ---- Hobbies: Bread baking, baking in general, reading, arts & crafts, knitting, studying plants/wildlife. Habits: Nail picker, talking to herself. Quirks/eccentricities: --- Likes: The outdoors, kids, baking/cooking, sewing, knitting, study, gardening herbs. Dislikes: Rude, cruel, violent people. Hard candy, strong artificial smells. Fears: Being alone, deep water, dismemberment. Strengths: Working with children, conflict resolution, organization. Weaknesses: Dislikes confrontation, violence, apathy. Short term goals: Teaching certification. Long term goals: Becoming a teacher. Hopes and desires: To learn and grow in her education, touch children's lives in positive long lasting ways.  Occupation: Live in Nanny. Skills: Early Childhood education license - knowledge of plants, herbs and local wildlife.
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beastlings · 4 years
Important Tips for Cold-Calls
It is important that you are able to approach prospective tenants in a way that's easy for both you and them. The better you are at establishing rapport and communicating effectively, the faster you will find yourself making sales and saving money in your home rental business. Let's start by examining what many call centers perceive as a ineffective call-to-action. They run into you on their telephone scripts, asking you for your name, zip code, and account number. They tell you that you need to provide these items in order to get a free trial period, an investment envelope, or more. There is no dialogue, no interaction with you. These direct-by- omission techniques from the call centers are most frustrating and ineffective, as they do not accomplish what they are being told. Can these call centers construct an effective script that creates an effective interaction? How much thought have you gone through to develop an agenda for the purpose of the call, and how much time have you spent creating rapport? Home services companies such as carpet cleaning, office cleaning, and lawn care services often make the mistake of asking you to: "Please make an appointment with us today and receive a free report on our professional cleaning services." This is out in left field and just gives the impression to the prospective tenant that you don't know or care. This strategy almost guarantees you will never hear back from them, after all, it's a free report. Another problem is that you have the prospect call you back later within your budget, if they call you at all. This approach gives you the impression that you are well-organized, and that you must be looking forward to placing the order. As you learn to apply the "it's not about me" approach to your conversations, you will be learning new skills that you will be sending to your agency. It may be the best investment you ever make in your business. I often recommend to my clients that they ask their prospects three questions prior to making the call.  Here they are:  Who, What, and Why. 1)  Who- What do they need from you today, today? If it's something like a free quote that is obviously periodic, you should ask for response date earlier in the call and state the date they are being given. It helps them take a commitment in a more positive manner, rather than obtaining commitment from you. 2)  What- What specific need do you hear you meeting today? You will find their answer to their need and will need less of your time. Many times, they have already finalized their decision on what they feel is the absolute best choice among numerous options. It helps them remember that they have made a commitment to you. Also, if you did not make a priority choice that is common in the area, most folks would assume whatever the caller selected was the right one at that point. 3)  Why- "Is it important that you use our services today?" Most calls end up at an info@ or fax@ number. Be sure the call center representative is comfortable working with the ego of their callees, that you get someone using your name, and upon asking, if you have another person to reach, lets get to that. If you see a number that goes back to a call outside of your geographic area, you may have heard an incorrect number. Aeasyphone number search will identify a number twice.  Learn to handle this part of the call properly and career professionals could save you hours. As you learn how to become a better asking agent, your phone calls will be more friendly, productive, and efficient. If you feel that the real added bonus is getting these calls answered, work for their representatives. Most call centers have set up their processes to allow you to place many of these calls at no charge to you. Others offer to per-charge you for the cost of a call. Consider this to be an investment in your business because the amount of time you will save calling business will be much more than that taken in browsing records of another agent.
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terabitweb · 6 years
Original Post from Security Affairs Author: Pierluigi Paganini
The Android caller ID app Dalil exposed online data belonging over 5 million users, security experts discovered a MongoDB database left accessible on the web without a password.
The MongoDB behind the Android caller ID app Dalil was left exposed online, at least for a week, without a password, leaving 5 million users accessible on the web without a password.
Most of the data included in the MongoDB belongs to Saudi users, it also included data of Egyptian, Emirates, European, and some Israeli and Palestinian numbers.
Analyzing the data provides a glimpse into why Caller ID apps are the devil incarnate. At each call, the application logs the phone number, IP Address (internal and external). email, SIM ID, IMEI, timestamp, cell ID (location), GPS location, and caller (or callee) name. pic.twitter.com/OgzUehZ1Bi
— Ran L (@ranlocar) March 4, 2019
The unprotected MongoDB install was discovered by security experts Ran Locar and Noam Rotem, the database contained cell phone numbers, App registration data (full name, email, Viber account, gender, etc.), device info (vendor, model, serial number, IMEI, MAC address, SIM number, OS version, others), telecom operator details, GPS coordinates for some users and logs of the users’ activity (Individual call details and number searches).
The availability of this data represents a serious threat to the privacy of the users, threat actors could use it for surveillance activity.
The availability of GPS data for some users could allow attackers to track them.
The database is 585.7GB in size, during the time the database was left exposed Locar observed a large number of new records that were added, a circumstance that suggests it was the production server used by the Dalil app.
Local also found some encrypted data in the database and also a ransom note, likely a threat actor accessed the archive and attempted to extort money to the company.
“Locar says that at one point a threat actor also accessed the database, encrypted some of the data, and left a ransom note behind, but Dalil’s IT team didn’t even notice the breach and continued to save new user data and app logs on top of the obviously compromised database.” reported ZDNet.
According to ZDNet the database included 208,000 new unique phone numbers and 44 million app events that were added in the last month.
Locar reported its findings to the Dalil staff on February 26.
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try { window._mNHandle.queue.push(function () { window._mNDetails.loadTag("762221962", "300x250", "762221962"); }); } catch (error) {}
Pierluigi Paganini
(SecurityAffairs – Delil, hacking)
The post Saudi caller ID Dalil app exposed data of more than 5 million users appeared first on Security Affairs.
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Go to Source Author: Pierluigi Paganini Saudi caller ID Dalil app exposed data of more than 5 million users Original Post from Security Affairs Author: Pierluigi Paganini The Android caller ID app Dalil exposed online data belonging over 5 million users, security experts discovered a MongoDB database left accessible on the web without a password. 400 more words
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knoldus · 6 years
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”
– Martin Fowler
“I can code.” I always say to myself. But do others think the same? Is my code good enough for people to understand? Do other people think “Damn I wish I could write such code.?” –  that’s the main question I have in mind.
Definition of Clean Code can vary from person to person. Clean code is subjective and every developer has a personal take on it. In my opinion, I found it to be the simplest definition :
Clean code is a code that is easy to understand and easy to change and has a same meaning for everyone.
In this blog, we will be covering some of the best practices that we should keep in mind for writing a good code. We will be taking reference from Robert C. Martin’s Book: CLEAN CODE.  I am keeping this blog generic i.e it won’t be bound to a specific coding language.
Robert C. Martin in his book: Clean Code clearly states the following : “Nothing can be quite so helpful as a well-placed comment. Nothing can clutter up a module more than frivolous dogmatic comments. Nothing can be quite so damaging as an old crufty comment that propagates lies and misinformation.”
  “Don’t comment bad code – rewrite it.” Comments Do Not Make Up for Bad Code! One of the more common motivations for writing comments is bad code. We write a module and we know it is confusing and disorganized. So we say to ourselves, “Ooh, I’d better comment that!”
Use Only When There seems no Way Out When you find yourself in a position where you need to write a comment, think it through and see whether there isn’t some way to turn the tables and express yourself in code. If not, go ahead. Who can stop you?
Here are Some Examples of Some Good Comments and Some bad Comments :
If you need to explain in English what your code does, you have failed to explain with your code. Let’s have a look at an example :
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Here, we need to use a comment to explain what the if condition does. How about we replace it with a method with a useful name :
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Smaller and Easy to Understand. Right?
Coders feel Commented Code is Invisible. No, It is Not.
Others who see that commented-out code won’t have the courage to delete it. They’ll think it is there for a reason and is too important to delete. So commented-out code gathers like collected salt at the bottom of a not-so-well-stirred lemonade. We’ve had good source code control systems for a very long time now. Those systems will remember the code for us.
  Code formatting is important. It is too important to ignore and it is too important to treat religiously. Code formatting is about communication, and communication is the professional developer’s first order of business.
Using IntelliJ, we mostly consider ctrl + shift + Alt + L as our formatting spell. But have you ever wondered what’s the best way to format the code? In this part, we will have a quick look on that only.
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  A messy code is hard to read.
When people look under the hood, we want them to be impressed with the neatness, consistency, and attention to detail that they perceive.
You should take care that your code is nicely formatted. Code formatting is important. Code formatting is about communication, and communication is the professional developer’s first order of business.
Vertical Formatting
Topmost parts of the source file should provide the high-level concepts or abstractions and details should increase as we move downward.
Dependent Functions: If one function calls another, they should be vertically close, and the caller should be above the callee, if at all possible. This gives the program a natural flow.
Smaller classes are easier to understand. Try to write a class with around 200-500 lines.
Vertical Openness: Methods should be separated by blank lines, also lines of code that differ in functionality should be separated by blank lines.
Horizontal Formatting
Programmers clearly prefer short lines. Keep your lines short! Set a limit of characters per line of code.
A good character limit on a line is 120-150. You should never have to scroll to the right.
Use spaces between operators, parameters, and commas.
Indentation -It is a good practice to indent the lines of source code according to their hierarchy levels so that it would be easy to visualize the scopes.
  We all must have heard that in our code  The Classes Should Be Small !!
But the question that often comes to our mind is HOW SMALL????????
With functions, we can measure size by counting physical lines. With classes, we use a different measure. We count responsibilities. We will be discussing the responsibilities later in The Single Responsibility Principle.
The class name should represent your responsibility. If you cannot derive a good class name, it’s probably too large / too broad a scope.
In this part, I will list down 5 most recommended design principles, you should keep in mind while writing your classes. These design principles are called SOLID, in short. They also form the best practices to be followed for designing your application classes.
  The Single Responsibility Principle
The Single Responsibility Principle states that a class or module should have one, and only one reason to change. This principle gives us both a definition of responsibility and guidelines for class size.
Let’s have a look at an example: In this screenshot, you can see that the class SuperDashboard has 2 reasons to change i.e  version info and  GUI components :
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So this class does not follow the Single Responsibility Principle. But the class Version has only one reason to change i.e The version info. Thus it follows the principle. You can have a look at the class below :
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  Open Closed Principle
This principle simply states that the classes should be open for extension but closed for modification. Interface specifications can be reused through inheritance but implementation need not be. The existing interface is closed to modifications and new implementations must, at a minimum, implement that interface.
We will receive benefits as flexibility and prevent appearing new bugs.
  Liskov’s Substitution Principle
This principle is a variation of previously discussed open-closed principle. It says:
“Derived types must be completely substitutable for their base types”
The idea here is that objects should be replaceable by instances of their subtypes and that without affecting the functioning of your system from a client’s point of view. This principle basically confirms that our abstractions are correct and helps us get a code that is easily reusable and class hierarchies that are very easily understood.
  Interface Segregation Principle
Classes that implement interfaces, should not be forced to implement methods they do not use
Robert C. Martin says: Clients should not be forced to implement interfaces they do not use.
In other words, it is better to have many smaller interfaces, than fewer, fatter interfaces.
  Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
This principle is actually very simply stated:
High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.
  The Agile and TDD movements have encouraged many programmers to write automated unit tests, and more are joining their ranks every day. But in the mad rush to add testing to our discipline, many programmers have missed some of the more subtle, and important, points of writing good tests.
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  It isn’t hard to write clean tests, but it takes a lot of practice, and that is why so many developers are struggling with it. So we have listed down certain parameters which might help you write clean tests.
Use the F.I.R.S.T rule for testing:
The test is fast-running.
The tests are independent of other.
The test is repeatable in various environments.
The test is self-validating.
The test is timely (TDD) 
First Law: Do not write any production code without a failing test first
Second Law: Write only enough test code as is sufficient enough to fail 
Third Law: Only implement a minimal code that makes the failing test pass.
 What makes a clean test? Three things.
Readability is perhaps even more important in unit tests than it is in production code.
What makes tests readable? The same thing that makes all code readable: clarity, simplicity, and density of expression. In a test, you want to say a lot with as few expressions as possible.
“The pattern to keep your code organized” Build: the first part builds up the test data. Operate: the second part operates on that test data. Check: the third part checks that the operation yielded the expected results
Here is an example for reference :
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Tests come to a single conclusion that is quick and easy to understand. The main motive behind this is the ability to understand where the code is breaking rather than knowing that the code is breaking. Using single assert per test cases will let you know which all test cases are failing. But, multiple asserts will only fail at the point where the first assert fails without checking the further asserts,
To sum up, what we have covered in the blog, let us have a quick look at what all we need to keep in mind while writing code.
Start with bad code and clean it
Keeping things small
Keeping code readable
Follow all the Standards
Follow the class principles
Clean Unit tests are a must
Remember !!!!! You are the one responsible for how presentable your code is !!!!!
In the end, let me just point out the Boy Scout Rule by Robert C. Martin.
References: Clean Code – Robert C. Martin
You can also have a look at another of our blog on Clean Code: here
Hope This Helps. Stay Tuned for More.
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eckertmdoqa2e-blog · 8 years
Which is the best means to fix 0x80010011 ?
A lot of installed processes and programs are certainly not alone operate on the computer, their efficient shows cannot abandon with out numerous info and layouts, in fact it is this kind of needed data file that you ought to protect properly on your personal computer. After you come across any problem such as 0x80010011, you ought to take quick steps to repair the error well.
Recommendation: SmartPCFixer -- The Best Automatic Fixing Tool
Why does 0x80010011 Error Occur?
Errors like 0x80010011 are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files in your windows operating system. There may be many factors which might have contributed to the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. Every one of the above actives may lead to the deletion or corruption from the entries in the windows system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly linked files and information needed for the proper working of your application.
How to Fix 0x80010011
A good usage habit will be helpful to keep your operating system healthy. While your pc get errors like "0x80010011", you will find lots of methods to resolve it on the internet, but a few of these need you understand some professional knowledge or hard to operate, and there will be several frequent easy methods but sometimes they just don't work. For common users, I will suggest to use 0x80010011 Error Fixer to fix this error, it is definitely an helpful tool which could fix all common errors in five mintues with simple clicks.
1. Click below download button to get 0x80010011 Error Fixer. 2. Launch the Smart PC Fixer tool and make a total scan for your computer or laptop. 3. By pressing on 'Fix All' button, the 0x80010011 error will be fixed as well as some more errors which was found in previous procedure.
Other Methods
The windows system carries a powerful feature - System File Check, it can be used to scan and clean up r most of system exception. In most case, your error can be got rid of by running SFC (short by System File Check), reading following tutorial to get a full scan of your respective system.
Press Win + R, type cmd, press enter.
Type sfc /scannow, press enter.
When the progress is done, close the window.
Restart your computer to check whether "0x80010011" issue has been cured.
Tips: We highly recommend use SmartPCFixer to remove 0x80010011 problem and protect your computer system regularly.
Tags: 0x80010001 call was rejected by callee,0x80010001 rpc_e_call_rejected,0x80010010 ninja storm 4,0x80070011 xbox one,0x80010115 ole has sent a request,0x80010119,0x80070011,0x80010001,0x80010117,0x8001011f,0x80010016 ps vita,0x80070011 xbox,0x80010010,0x80010001 error,0x80010114,0x80010001 xbox one,0x80070011 windows 10,0x80070012
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