#call of duty funniest moments
yooo-lets-go · 7 months
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mandarinmoons · 3 months
lemme set the scene for u -
rossi’s wedding (please please can Derek be there 🥺🙏 idc if it’s the wrong time just please let him be there my hot choco)
anyways, shy little miss y/n is dating our fav boy genius and it’s about time to introduce her to the team, and when better to do it then when they’re all guaranteed to be in the same room together!
the team is very welcoming but also can be a bit touchy or overwhelming for reader cuz maybe she’s like spencer with the touching
uh if you didn’t think this was that boring and wanna do it you can change up literally whatever 😭 really just wanna see shy & awkward reader meet the team and spencer just stand there with an awkward smile supporting his gf as she fumbles over her greetings cuz uh that’s me
You smoothed down your dress as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Dresses aren’t something you usually wore, but duty called and you pulled out your emergency fancy clothes from the back of your closet, something you never thought you’d have to do for a long while. But here you were, going to a wedding with your boyfriend and meeting all of his teammates, also his friends, for the first time. However, this was more of like a two in one deal. The only family Spencer had in his life was his mother and his team was like a second family to him, which made this whole ordeal more unnerving.
“Hey, are you ready to- woah…”
Turning around you saw Spencer’s eyes wide as saucers as he took in your appearance. A beautiful floral dress hugged you at just the right places and showed off your figure, a sight which was clearly adored by your genius boyfriend.
Walking over to him, you rested your hand on his cheek and tapped his chin, “Close your mouth or else you’ll catch flies.”
Spencer rolled his eyes as a chuckle left your lips and it was soon muffled by Spencer’s lips finding your own, pressing a light kiss to them.
Pulling back, Spencer’s eyes were still on you, admiring your beauty while your gaze lingered to the side and a light sigh leaving your mouth.
“I’m nervous…”
“I know, but you’ll love everyone, trust me.”
“You haven’t been wrong yet, so.”
Spencer chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “And that day will never come.”
The drive to the venue was nerve wracking. Spencer gave background information on what everyone on the team was like as well as telling some of the funniest memories he’s had with each member. Hearing all the tales did help to ease some of the tension, but it would be a miracle if you’d be able to remember even the tiniest detail by the time you’d set foot in the chapel. Spencer may have an eidetic memory, but you’d be lucky to remember what you had for breakfast this morning.
Arriving at the destination, your shaky legs walked up the steps and Spencer’s hand rested on your waist to try and steady you.
The moment you walked through the door you heard someone gasp and the sound of heels running toward you filled your ears.
“You must be Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you!” a blonde woman you guess to be Penelope Garcia immediately comes over to introduce herself and you feel yourself freeze when she takes you in for a hug. You didn’t mind hugging, but when it came to someone you had just met 5 seconds ago, it was a bit much.
Spencer pulled Penelope off of you gently and told her you were a bit shy when it came to meeting new people and Penelope being the saint that she was, apologized right away and said she’d let you eat her piece of cake as a peace token.
Soon enough the rest of the team took notice of the woman Spencer brought along with him and with their interests peaked, made their way over to the both of you to see the new love birds.
Your breathing became a bit erratic as your space was filled with so many new faces that you didn’t know where to start and who to answer first. You didn’t mind meeting new people at all, but when there’s multiple questions coming from every corner you could think of, your brain shut down and your mouth dried up.
Spencer took notice of your change of behavior and excused both of you from everyone while he led you to the side.
“Are you okay?” Spencer’s hand rested on your cheek while his other hand was on your waist, his thumb gently rubbing over the fabric of your dress.
“Yeah, there’s just… so many people.”
Spencer nodded and brought you in closer as you rested your head on his shoulder and he pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
“How about you meet everyone one by one? Have some to talk to everyone a little so it’s not so daunting?”
“That works yeah.”
Spencer nodded and made his way back to the team with you by his side, taking a hold of his hand as if you were a child holding onto their parent’s arm on the first day of kindergarten.
Making your way back to everyone, you could see the concern written over their faces. You didn’t want them to think of you as this fragile girl who wasn’t able to be alone without her boyfriend and you hoped to God that they wouldn’t make fun of your behavior.
Later on as the ceremony was done and everyone had a blast dancing and chatting away, you managed to ground yourself and now here you were, chatting to the girls of The BAU about anything and everything. What had only been a few hours felt like you had known these girls for a lifetime.
The evening also included Derek and Luke taking turns dancing with you, Rossi sharing his famous pasta recipe and the highlight of the night being Spencer pulling you to the dance floor and trying his best to sweep you off of your feet with his dance moves. Knowing that he has two left feet when it came to dancing, it wasn’t hard to do.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile and laugh so much.”
“I guess your team is really good at bringing that out.”
“They really are.”
Looking to the side, you saw some of the members looking over at you and Spencer as you two slowly danced together and a chuckle fell from your lips as you heard Derek call out “Show her what you can do, pretty boy!”
Locking eyes with each other, you squealed as in one swift movement, Spencer dipped you and a second later his lips were on yours and from the side you heard everyone cheer.
“You really do have some moves, Doctor Reid.”
“You haven’t seen nothing yet.”
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igotanidea · 1 year
chapter 1 : Another privateer: Nikolai Lantsov x fem!reader
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A/N: I'm having so much fun writing this. So much that chapter 2 may be coming faster than expected 😊 😊 😊
Y/N Y/L/N was a Grisha. An Inferni, to be precise. Raised in the small palace but never adjusting properly to the royal life. She was not like Zoya, proud, confident and more queen-like than an actual queen. She was not like Genya, careful, gentle and quiet (even if that came with a bit of cunning). Or like Nadya with all her positive attitude and calmness.
Y/N was someone you would call a trouble maker.
More often than not her kefta was disheveled, torn or dirtied, her hair messy, her face reddened, eyes glistening. She was the kid who was running through the palace corridors, fooling around, teasing and playing pranks on everyone else. Not listening to her Inferni teachers, skipping classes and causing havoc. All those rules and limitations that she was so swiftly finagling were boring and confining and she could not deal with them. She did not want to deal with them. She did not want to relent.
However, such vivid expression of emotions and god, forbid – fun -was unacceptable.
Especially from a kid.
Especially from an Inferni, who dealt with the most dangerous and unpredictable element.
And especially from a legacy as her father used to call her, even if the sound of the word made her sick to the stomach. Much to her resentment Y/N came from a long line of merited, noble house and what was expected of her had little to do with joy. Her father was the personal advisor of the king so her family was always close to the royals and that meant attending banquets, balls, playing the role of someone she was not. And someone who she did not wish to be. A lady.
She had obligations, duties and strict agenda and it was weighting her down.
“Sit still!” her mother scoffed her during another preparation for another royal dinner. “You have to act like a girl and look like one, not a tatterdemalion.”
She never complied with any rules.
One day, when it all became too much, she used her skills to set the curtains in one of the classes on fire and run away from, as far as possible. And that’s how she found herself in the presence of second son, prince Nikolai Lantsov. Of course she knew who he was when full of anger, with fierce face expression run into the forest surrounding the palace, ready to burn it to the ground. Of course she remembered that a prince should be treated with respect. She clearly recollected all the bow in his presence, act coy and cautiously, be gentle….. Saints! Even the memory made her roll her eyes and she could not care less. As for the prince he took one glance at her messy figure and literal fire in her eyes made him gasp in awe on the inside and smirk characteristically on the outside. He remembered that girl.
“Hard day?”
“You have no idea.” She muttered flopping onto the ground with a heavy groan.
“I actually think I do. You know, I am the prince after all.” Silent emphasis on the title did not slip by her.
“Oh I’m sorry, moi tsarevich.” She immediately jumped to her feet and bowed in the funniest way he had ever seen, almost tripping over her own feet “forgive me for my audacity. Will you grant me the honor of resting on the ground in your presence?”
“You’re something different, aren’t you?” he looked at her carefully with sparks in his eyes “not like the other Grishas here?”
“Whatever that may mean, I guess not.” She shrugged “Whatever, but my parents would probably disinherit me if they knew how I’m addressing the prince at the moment.”
“Good thing the prince appreciates your honest attitude.” He laughed whole-heartedly and all the tension in her shoulders disappeared just because of that sound. Apparently he was something else than what was presented to people as well.
“Does he?” she raised an eyebrow “I thought him to be the one greedy for blarney and cocky.”
“Can you blame me? I mean look at that handsome face.” Nikolai grinned and that earned him a chuckle from her “Someone’s feeling better, I see. I know, I know, my sense of humor is impeccable.”
“Cocky it is” she nodded to herself.
 “True, I don’t mind a good praise. But I’m bored with pretenses and restrictions. I can’t really do much of what I want in the palace and that is just…..”
“Yeah…..” He glanced at her once again but this time it was like he really saw her “I’m Nikolai. Not a prince, not a tsarevich, not a royal.”
“Bet you say that to all the girls you flirt.” Y/N spat, but deep inside started to wonder if he really was on a fist name basis with every girl Grisha in the palace. Given his direct approach to the matter that truly was something to wonder about. And it made her feel ….. weird. Saints! She barely met him and he managed to spark something with all the attention focused on her. Probably the first person she met who did not considered her a menace.
“Careful there.” he warned playfully “You got yourself in good terms with me and if you want to keep being yourself you’re gonna need someone to look after you. Guess that’s gonna be me.”
“Look after? Really? I’m not some stray cat who needs protecting. Besides, I’ve been doing fine till now.”
“How about the turn fine into amazing?” he smiled and she could not help reciprocating. “come on, look me in the face and tell me that does not sound promising.”
“I’m Y/N.” she laughed unable to do what he asked but not wishing to say it straight away “Want to make some mess?”
From that day they became friends, but kept it in secret, stealing all the little moments together. No one knew. For three years. And it all came out because of Zoya and her scheming.
There were probably better ways of meeting than sneaking out in the middle of night to that one spot in the forest, but both Y/N and Nikolai had some flair for dramatics. He was a prince trained in sword fights and combat and she was an Inferni, what was the worst thing that could have happened , right? Besides, the palace and adjoining grounds were a safe place, right?
“Nik! You came!” Y/n emerged from behind the trees immediately spotting her best buddy, already there, waiting for her. Honestly, she felt relieved when he showed up first. Nikolai has been acting strange for the last couple of weeks, avoiding her, defending himself with all the duties. Well, as if she didn’t have things to do! Between being Grisha and training and her obligations towards father and the crown, she really had to cut down on sleep and rest to tear time for him. But it was important. Maybe it was more important for her than for him. And all that’s been happening got her mind spinning and well, worrying.  
“Missed me that much?” he smirked observing her coming closer, her coat disheveled, hair messed, as usual since some things never changed, even after years.  
“Pf! You wish.”
“And what if I do?” that mocking expression disappeared from his face, replaced by seriousness and care.
“I bet you say that to all the girls…..” she laughed, trying her best to defuse the tension. Even though the Inferni were the Grishas who could not start a fire out of nothing, at that moment she swore she could make a flame from all the feelings inside.  
“No. No I don’t” he took her hand in his, caressing it gently and intertwining their fingers. Her small hand aligning so well with his.  
“What are you doing?” as much as she wanted to turn around and run away that simple gesture as holding hands got her absolutely frozen in place. Rooted to the ground.
“Dazzling you with my charm?” his other hand travelled up to cup her cheek.
“It doesn’t work on me.” She opposed, eyes widening in shock, breath hitched in anticipation of what was coming.
“Too bad.” he leaned forward, but before their lips met pulled away leaving her absolutely confused.
She frowned but the teasing smirk on his face told her everything she had to know.
“Told you” Y/N shrugged “it’s not working. Bet you know it as well since you backed down on your own.”
“I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” He spat back.
“Mhm. Sure. Whatever game you were playing here, tsarevich, you lost. Bet you don’t like that, do you?”
“How was your day, fireball? „he let go of her completely, sitting on the tree trunk and patting the spot next to him invitingly “Managed to fry any dummy of an opponent?”
“Many. But you know, the night is still young, I got a chance to add another one to the list.”
“Got your mind on anyone in particular?”
“Maybe. Not that it’s of your concern. How was your day, prince?” she was trying, but could not hide that annoyed tone and he knew well enough that if it came to calling him with official titles it was serious. Good. At least now he knew what feeling she was hiding inside. Not that he was going to take it easy on her. “did you managed to charm anyone? Your brother, perhaps?”
“Don’t even get me started on that…..”
Ever since that almost-kiss in the forest something has changed between them and it was hard to determine whether it was a good or a bad shift. There was a lot more teasing than usual and that giving the fact, Nikolai were a natural at that. But now, when he saw her in the palace or in the ground or in the library he was always approaching her, commenting on her fighting skills and technique, even in the presence of other Grishas. On top of being known as the most unruly person in the Little Palace, now the rumors considering her relationship with prince has started. Oh, Nikolai just loved to make her life harder than it had to be and she had enough, ready to confront him and tell him off.
Right at the moment.
But when she ditched her Inferni practice (again) and was on her way to the royal wing of the palace, unexpected appearance of her father put her off the stride.
“Y/N” he smiled in a predatory manner, putting arm on her shoulders and walking her away from destination “I’ve got good news. Our family has been invited to the banquet. You included.”
“What? No. No way. I’m not….”
“You are going, I won’t hear a word about it. And you will behave.”
“but….” She squirmed. The grip on her was hard and hurt to the point when some tears showed in her eyes. And of course that was the moment Nikolai chose to show up. Just one glance at her face was enough for him to take action, she did not wish for.
“Lord f/l/n.” he spoke in the most royal tone he could.
“moi tsarevich.”
“Y/N” Nik turned his gaze on her, but she did not say and only another press on the shoulders made her mutter some sort of greeting “I think there’s no need to keep your daughter a prisoner, lord f/l/n. Whatever she may have done we have other sort of punishments in the palace.”
“Of course.” with such words she was able to breathe normally again “this one’s a challenge. Refused ‘to attend the …..”
“I know. “Nik smirked “but I really hope to see you tonight, Y/n”
“Tonight?! What do you mean tonight!?” she cried out “I need like a week of mental preparations for that!”
“No, you don’t” both men said in unison, each with different tone.
Yes, she was forced to attend.
to be continued
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@pinksirensong - you're probably gonna kill me when you get back and see all the things I tagged you in ... ...
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My Favourite Streams/Podcasts/ to do chores to (in no particular order):
1. Jacob and Julia having a NICE, CUTE TIME in LEMON CAKE - in which Jacob and Julia beef with the ghost character that teaches you to play the game and create a little gremlin of a player character who says the most bizarre things.
2. Brittany Broski | Ghost Stories, World War 1, Call of Duty- I love pretty much every podcast/ Interview Brittany is in, but something about this one hits different. This one has Brittany and Zach discussing fan fiction, fictional crushes and the relationship between influencer and celebrity.
3. Not Another D&D Podcast- Emily Axford's Iconic Moments Compilation- Genuinely one of the funniest videos I've ever watched, featuring exasperated Murph, Emily saying combinations of words I could never have anticipated and a song about hemp milk.
4. Gamefee Plays The Game of Life- Chill vibes, Nathan has seven loans, Karina is roleplaying as Legoshi from Beastars and chaos is abound. Featuring special appearances from the producers (their cats)!!!
5. Ranking Things 100% Perfectly (And No One Gets Upset) - The Drawfee gang rank types of potatoes ("Aww, people are saying smiley fries are S-tier? Don't you have to be 13 to have a Twitch account?"- Karina), discuss which animated wolves are and are not sexy and share sandwich opinions.
6. The Wrong Stream- This is probably one of my favourite on this list. In this one we learn about "The Wrong__" series of movies, discuss Traitors Australia and find out that an otter in a room full of bears is a Twink.
7. Why I left the Christian Church, The Broski report- The title may seem intimidating, but in this one, Brittany talks about her debilitating crush on a cosplayer (and the fact that he posts dick online), and then breaks down Ethel Cain' s The Preacher's Daughter. Equal parts hilarious, poignant and resonant, this one is good for mindless chores like doing the dishes.
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More 141 nighttime shenanigans
So you remember Ghost walking around in a white sheet with sunglasses on right? I now present to you... More of that bullshit. Ghost, at 12 AM, somehow gaining a skateboard while wearing that ghost costume again: *Whistling some Green Day music through the halls.* Gaz, sleep-deprived as all hell: Do a kickflip! Ghost, also sleep-deprived: *Proceeds to do a kickflip and sticks the landing before skating into a wall and falling over like a pile of bricks.* Price: Quick gang, let's unmask this ghostly ghoul! Soap: *Yanks off the sheet before dramatically gasping.* He's... He's... HE'S... adorable! *Begins wheezing as he joins Ghost on the floor who is also giggling.* Price, doing the sign of the cross: I now pronounce you husband and dumbass, you may kiss the idiot. Gaz: *Wheezing with nothing left in his lungs, throwing glitter into the air like confetti over the two idiots on the floor.* Congratulations! Nik, who's on sleep-deprived-idiot-duty, sipping a cup of coffee: Wow. Horangi, also standing next to Nik: You should see them with pillows, it's like the funniest thing I've ever seen. Nik: Now I gotta see that. - - - Speaking of the idiots with pillows... It's again, 12 AM and the main four haven't had any sleep again (really rough mission that took more than a week to finish) and everyone is on edge, grumpy, planning murder or all three. This time Nik followed Horangi's advice and got a bunch of pillows in the lounge room, calling the four into the lounge. Ghost, glaring intensely as he walks in before seeing the mountain of pillows, only proceeded to flop into them and dig his way into the mountain, only letting his feet be seen. Soap walked in after and gasped before yelling 'DON'T WORRY SIMON I'LL GET YOU OUT!' and diving into the pillows before getting dragged into them by Ghost, followed by a muffled 'Nooo the pillow monster has taken meeeee' with giggles. Gaz and Price were last and had the bright idea to make a pillow fort so they ran off to get blankets and other items that would make a great pillow fort. Nik watched on as he chuckled, Horangi joining him after he put Konig to sleep. They both watched as four grown-ass men dismantled the pile of pillows and construct a really awesome looking pillow fort, before laying down inside and saying dumb jokes that had them giggling like teenagers. Ghost is great at fart jokes if he's sleep deprived. Horangi then proceeds to look at Nik: I have something they'll all like, hang on. *Proceeds to head back to his room and comes back a few moments later with squishmallows, about 10 of them in different sizes.* Nik: Wow... *He gets handed one and he instantly clings to it because goddamn it's soft.* Horangi, chuckling: Hey boys, I got something. *He crouches down and lifts up a flap of a blanket, shoving the squishmallows inside and ushering Nik to look inside.* As soon as Nik does, he sees Ghost cuddling with Soap as he uses a squishmallow for a pillow, Soap getting comfy and clinging to Ghost. Gaz and Price ended up passing out as soon as they hugged their own squishmallows, Gaz sleeping on top of Price who had an arm over his shoulders. Pictures were taken and eventually Nik joined in with them, sleeping next to Price. - - - The next morning, the lounge was off limits for the day to the recruits and only Horangi and Konig could enter, never being seen again until the next day when the pillow fort was dismantled and no one said a word about it... however they did get to keep the squishmallows and Horangi wasn't judging them as he had a few of his own still. - - - Again, more will be posted later
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ooachilliaoo · 1 year
The Tower of Ishal
His elation naturally lasted no more than a moment. A second, or maybe two. It entirely accorded with the rest of the day, which had been essentially one shit thing after another.
He was used to shit things in general. There had been less of them under the Grey Wardens than there had been in the abbey, but not so few that he had stopped expecting them at every turn. Frankly, he considered himself lucky that at least one of the new recruits had made it through the Joining and extra especially lucky that that one just had happened to be the best, funniest and prettiest.
But then, of course, everything after that had turned phenomenally shitty.
First, Duncan had informed him that he wouldn’t actually be in the battle. Their first real battle against the darkspawn. He’d been so ready for it too. Ready to stand side by side with his brothers – and the father figure he never thought he’d find – and do his duty.
He’d fought before, of course, both as a templar in training and as a warden in skirmishes with the darkspawn. But he’d never been in an actual battle before. With lines and strategies and armies.
All day, he’d been full of nervous energy. The horror of witnessing a Joining subsiding into that anticipatory excitement mixed with utter terror that came before a fight. He’d been ready – eager – to work off some of that energy in a full pitched battle against the darkspawn.
Duncan and Elissa – Elissa the new warden – had been called to a meeting with the King and Teyrn. He hadn’t been sure why, and hadn’t particularly cared. Frankly, he was mostly trying to stay out of the King’s way as much as possible. It brought up… uncomfortable things that were best left alone.
As long as he remained just a warden in the crowd he’d be fine, and Duncan seemed to agree. They’d defeat the darkspawn in glorious battle, and he’d go on being a warden. It was a good life. Or, at least, a better one than any other he’d yet lived.
Except that the result of that meeting had apparently been the decision to exclude both him and the new warden from the battle. Foolish, in his opinion. Removing the two of them from the front lines, just so wardens could be holding the torch for the signal fire.
But then, from what he’d seen of the King, such romanticism probably appealed over common sense.
Except, as it turned out, maybe it hadn’t been so foolish, because the second shitty thing that had happened today – beyond the lurching, swooping feeling in his stomach as he and Elissa had watched the wardens charge the darkspawn lines – was the surprise darkspawn in the Tower of Ishal. Maker only knew how they had come to be there. They shouldn’t have been, and it had turned what should have been an easy task into a frantic, time-sensitive one
Read the rest on AO3
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jcryptid · 30 days
I love my friend group actually bc it’s always like “this person is definitely a vampire!”
“And this one is the spitting image of how I imagine my favourite podcast character!”
“This one is a feral animal (and I have a sneaking suspicion they’ll turn into a fox and root through my garbage if my turn my back on them for even a second). I am still working on house training them.”
“This one is absolutely some kind of eldritch Fae horror posing as human. Every time I see an apocalyptic mutated hell scape, I think of them.”
“This one likes making friendship bracelets with colourful beads but will absolutely stab a bitch with no hesitation. They found out I was enby years before I did and was subtly dropping hints to me in all that time. Somehow their whole body decided to pull some absolutely insane shit on them, and at this point even the doctors are impressed.”
“This one is a pixie and we all call them ‘Mother’. I’m pretty sure I’ve never met someone who made me feel like I still have time to make up for my childhood”
“This one is the living embodiment of everything anti-vaxers fear and turns everyone they meet Autistic. They’ve called me on my bullshit more than once,”
“This one is loving embodiment of what conservatives fear, and turns everyone trans, and is also dating the autism virus. Together they are terrifying. We actively warn new cis friends of their immense power. ”
“This person we picked up on a train to the middle of nowhere. They have a toadstool named Terry and treat every bug they meet like a new friend. I’m pretty sure they aren’t human either, or at the very least not entirely.”
“This person is my go to for chatting about and sharing fanfiction. We are both unapologetically seeing feeding each others fanfic addictions, and have no desire to get clean.”
“This person is 6ft and has the demeanour and fashion sense of a fluffy pastel unicorn. I met them at a youth group, I scare away the men at bars for them.”
“This person helped me figure out I was touched starved by giving me hugs and gave me all their favourite recipes they made us during final exams”
“This friend helped me understand what sharing in fandom with friends could be like, and we did our first cosplay together”
“This friend and I trauma bonded during high school and adopted a legion of younger teenagers”
“This friend pulled me out of quicksand that one time, and gets mad when I don’t update my fanfic”
“This friend is always there to chat when pulling all nighters”
“Me and this friend have a relationship exclusively built on bullying each other for the most mundane things”
“I feel like it is my god given duty to protect this person at all costs”
“This person is my go to if I ever have a group project bc we work so well together.”
“This friend said some of the wisest shit I’ve ever heard, and they have all the experience in things I was too scared to try”
“I have no idea who this person is but I must have met them at some point bc I invited them to the discord chat and they’re always there for us”
“This person is my go to if I need a scary as fuck monster design. They are definitely some flavour of undead.”
“This person is constantly bidng their time for the perfect moment to say the funniest fucking thing you’ve ever heard. No one ever sees it coming. It’s uncanny, and frankly impressive.”
“This person is secretly absolutely a kids tv show host. And not the human kind, they’re probably made of felt to be honest.”
And so on.
What a strange and wonderful group of people I’ve collected in my life. 🙃
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bunathebunny · 2 years
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(click the read more for details)
though mhy has never disclosed heights, i hc xiao as being short and 150 cm is the perfect height of a short person
zhongli is a fucking beansprouts and i love him for it and yeah 175 cm because that’s the normal height of a tall person
eh mhy is very wishy washy when it comes to age so who knows but what we do know is that xiao was there when guizhong died so he would be 3.7k+ years old
zhongli is something about 6k+ so yeah old man UwU
as much as i like the idea of the rest of the adepti staring at zhongli as he courts xiao cradle-robber they’d say, i think that it’s not like they put much in age differences and such because they’re pretty long-lived in general
Gender & Sexuality
most of the time i write them as trans but like the ??? means that they are whatever gender and sexuality is the funniest at that moment
also because zhongli is “what do you mean i have to choose one gender??” while xiao is “wtf is a gender?” but like politer
Horny level
xiao i think is the kind that has a normal libido but if no one reminds him he just forgets about it
there’s also xiao and his complicated relationship with sex in general
zhongli has a normal libido but he’s not as repressed as xiao but rather has a healthy relationship with sex in general
Awkwardness level
xiao is super awkward due to a) his introverted nature and b) the fact that he has gotten all rusty because he no longer has anyone to interact with on a daily - or near daily - basis
zhongli is very sauve and good with people like he is introvert but has the marking of an extrovert in that he likes being surrounded by people - more like he likes that there are people around him 
Jealousy level
xiao doesn’t have a high jealousy level because he has a poor self-esteem already so he wouldn’t be jealous but would probably has it in his head that one day zhongli would leave him when he’s not amusing or interesting anymore
zhongli is sometimes jealous of other people who can get close to xiao because he wasn’t able to when he was the archon of liyue and xiao’s liege lord to boot
and now he’s just zhongli and it’s like the doors are opened now he can love and be loved and not weighed down by his duties
Big spoon vs Little spoon
zhongli is a big spoon because xiao is very small and a perfect armful
also because zhongli kinda likes the idea of shielding him while he rest (he’s a shielder in-game and perfect for xiao)
xiao is a little spoon because he can’t deny zhongli anything even though he would love to be the big spoon
but also because he’s not very straightforward when it comes to his desires but being held is very nice and he likes it - and thinks that he likes it a bit too much
Lending & Borrowing clothes
xiao has exactly one set of clothes that still survives until today so no lending anyone anything
zhongli has clothes, a lot of them and he would love dressing xiao up and he does and takes great joy in dressing xiao in all the pretty clothes he would not let himself wear
Pet names
zhongli has a list of pet names and he loves to use it and uses it very liberately and he especially likes it when xiao is flustered by them
xiao wouldn’t dare to use a pet name to call zhongli even if zhongli probably would love it but xiao would wilt like a sad like plant that hasn’t seen the sun for months if he ever utters something like a pet name
Introvert vs Extrovert
they are both introverts tbh even if zhongli is very close to inching toward the extrovert territory
it’s just that zhongli likes the company of others and very used to it like listening to them speak while xiao is more used to being alone and also loneliness
Words vs Actions
they both prove their affections through their actions because they’re both in the “affections speak louder than words” camp
zhongli, however, has a love for pet names so yeah a lot of affectionate words
also because he likes it because xiao is always caught off guarded and blushes very pretty
sadistic pleasure or something about making xiao so flustered he wants to cry
xiao would just repressed and take it to his grave if he could
he has a very low self-esteem and thinks that zhongli deserves better than him
zhongli on the other he would realize it very soon but does not wish to push xiao into having to accept and return his feelings
zhongli is very conscious of the power imbalance between xiao and him
Dealing with bugs
zhongli prbably wouldn’t be grossed out by bugs unless they are squirmy things and i can name a few of those and think he would be grossed out by them
xiao normally wouldn’t try to hurt insects or living things in general but he puts zhongli’s well-being on the top of his list so it’s either instantly removed or instantly squashed
teyvat doesn’t have cars but the closest they have would be hm horses or carriages
since both of them are archon war veterans i think both of them can ride horses
but for carriages i think xiao would be the one who drives it like as if he would let zhongli does it
if zhongli insists then he would but he would be asking if it’s ok and gets very red
xiao cannot cook and i subscribe to this hc
the only way for him to cook is to give him an extremely detailed instructions on how to cook but unless it’s really simple dishes, he would screw up
zhongli knows how to cook and takes pleasure from cooking and caring for xiao but his cooking is very long and tedious and xiao doesn’t like long waiting time and such but he never says a word because zhongli looks very happy when he cooks and when he tries to feed xiao
Public display of affections
xiao isn’t a big fan of pda but zhongli is and he takes every chance to heap love on xiao
xiao doesn’t like airing his love affairs out in the open but zhongli is happy so he’s fine with it
zhongli knows it and does try to tone it down a bit but still very much pda
zhongli is pretty chill tbh because he knows xiao’s limit though he does try to look after him from afar, just in case
xiao on the other hand, knows zhongli can take care of himself but he also has been zhongli’s general for centuries so he’s very worried about zhongli’s well-being in general and would be fussing over zhongli all the time if he could
of course fussing over the small stuffs because zhongli is very much a cuckoolander
Relationship experiences
zhongli has exes and most of them are dead
xiao, on the other hand, doesn’t have exes because his work keeps him too busy to date
the closest thing he had to a romantic partner is the thing he had with his friends
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raayllum · 2 years
Hey, since you’re the CHET instigator 😁
Do you reckon the Callum Aaravos possession plotlinewill drive an inverted hostage exchange scenario where Rayla will be pushed into choosing Callum over the World?
So ever since the full timeskip was revealed / we know Callum would be poking around Aaravos' mirror, I crafted an add on to CHET (aka what would possibly help pave the way there) called "Mutual Salvation Theory" in which Rayla would save Callum from Aaravos mentally/emotionally and Callum would then save her from Aaravos physically.
I think we'll definitely see a scenario play out where Rayla's Love vs Duty is pitted against each other in which it's Callum or the safety of the world (i.e. stopping Aaravos in some manner) and she'll choose Callum, because of course she will. However, that also means she'll have to save him from that scenario (get him to snap out of it, perhaps) thanks to the light and darkness motif they have running throughout their arc(s) and relationship. That means that Aaravos' initial plan isn't going to entirely work out because Rayla will (once again) thwart it.
Yet Aaravos posits that Callum is "destined to play" into his hands and we know that however Callum comes back to Rayla, Aaravos is still going to ultimately get out of his prison.
While I think there's now grounds for a "Callum forcefully loses the Cube by having it taken or stolen from him" in terms of narrative framework in ways that wasn't there before (which was always why I leaned so hard into the "It has to be a choice" mindset), there's also equal if not strengthened groundwork for something like CHET, I think, whether it's for just Rayla or for Rayla and Ezran, or something.
I have a bigger meta on this in my drafts, but I found the juxtaposition between Rayla and Ezran each giving up something of their fathers to Rex Igneous in the Gifts scene in 4x08 mirroring Callum's inability to do so with the cube to be very interesting. He's beyond freaked out by what happened, so much so he asks Rayla to kill him and wants her to promise that she will if it happens again, but when given a tangible step he can take to protect himself, he doesn't do so.
Which begs the question: what is he willing to give up the cube for?
As well as Claudia having a tendency of taking Rayla's tricks and repurposing them / the fact that Rayla refused to make an actual deal...
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Let's just say I'm still very hopeful
And honestly either way, the fact that the s4 finale did have a hostage situation involving Claudia, Rayla, and a boyfriend in terms of 'objects' for loved ones, will always be one of the funniest fucking moments of my life, personally. I was scream-laughing
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chessmaste56 · 1 year
Another Day
As I move on into another depressive day. I spiral. Knowing that there was once someone who claimed my heart and soul. The echo of that loss still haunts me. I ache. Desiring to see her face, feel her touch, hear her voice. I ache to cut loose. Find a way to message her, to reach out, to wander into her graces and be scalded by the sun of my detested desire. I once thought that I was Lancelot, catching the heart of Qwynevere, stealing her away from Arthur. In the end we ended up like the fairy tale. Lancelot was sent away, to fight day after day. Challenged man after man. In the end being slain by a woman. Gwynevere making the decision to stay with the man she loved, but didn’t make her happy. Till the day they were slain by their regrets and mistakes.
Can I laugh? At the absurdity? I asked an Oracle deck the other day. Where is my love, how long must I wait, I wish for my heart to be loved once again. I drew Venus. I used to call her Aphrodite/Venus goddess of love. For she looked like the portrait of Botticelli’ ‘Birth of Venus’ She was a long haired, red haired beauty, with some curves. Past scars marring her flesh. I couldn’t have been any more in love. When asking about my heart mate, the future. I was reminded once more of her. I used to trace her scars, calling them battle wounds, a tracing of a battle hard fought. I wanted her to feel loved and safe in my arms. I wanted to give her my soul, my everything.
The funniest thing is the lamp. We used to live together, her and I. It might of been the worst time of health for me, but it was the happiest I have ever been. Coming home to the woman that I loved, seeing her face stuck in worry, concentration, or even happiness at the sight of me. She was in her last year of college, me in my second year of my career. I worked long hours, but when I came home I was hers. She was the moon in my eyes. My Chariot, my moon. I could never love her more, I could never not know peace than cradling her in my arms as we watched Netflix, or planned meals, or laughed and lived in our shared spaces. Those 10 short months could not of lasted long enough. Forever will I be scarred by her absence in my life. A loss of who I was for a brief important moment of time. 
Sorry the lamp. Every night she would turn it off. She insisted in putting me to bed first. I had work, she had studying. But she would always shut the light in the living room off. The first night she left. The night we departed and never lived together again. The light was left on, and I cried, and cried, and cried. The smallest thing, the habit once formed to never be replaced. Years later I broke that lamp in a drunken fugue. I don’t know why, but slowly I wonder is removing closure.
I still have the things she made. Light ornaments made out of old whiskey bottles, a portrait where she promised we would be friends forever. A box hidden in my room of all the gifts she ever gave me. She was an ingrained part of my life. A few years together (3), apart for longer (5), but forever a scar. She has married her fiancé, continued her job, or so I assume. A poly relationship where Lancelot lost once again. A parable to not love a taken woman for she will choose familiarity and duty over happiness?
Am I destined to be a man who makes someone happy, but gets left behind? A patchwork kit to mend a heart to trigger trauma and act as a a scapegoat to justify following the should? Am I Gatsby? Drowning in a pool as the love of my life goes with the man she could never leave but never love? Where do I go from here? Another day, another bottle emptied, another poem wrote. Am I any closer to healing than I was when she said good bye? Questions? Questions? Questions? Always asking myself, but if I seek answers will I destroy myself?
(Since I will never say them again to her. Peepo, Waz, Chariot, Carly, Venus, my love)
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saltypandapainter · 2 years
The Anatomy of a Great Palang Pintu Kereta
1. Fruit From the Looms
two. Python’s Give Live Birth
3. The Toad Elevating Second
4. Secret From the Misplaced Python Sketches
five. Brian’s The Lifetime of The Bash
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6. Kim Bread Aka John Cleese
7. Around The World In eighty Days
eight. Get By yourself To Mars
9. Retain It Serious
ten. The 12 Fisher Monkey Kings
eleven. Parting Shots
one. Fruit As part of your Looms
Another person the moment said anything alongside the strains that, Monty Python would be to ‘funny’ what chartered accountants are to ‘unexciting’. Who're we to disagree?
The legend of Monty Python emerged nobly from the dusty corridors of Oxford and Cambridge universities. All of the British Python users had their comedic starts off in revue exhibits placed on by these universities. They soon rose for the ranks of duty in just these societies, “In bewilderment we observed a detect board informing us that we at the moment are officers!” recollects John Cleese.
Their perfectly-received show, A Clump of Plinths, transferred to London’s West Finish and afterwards frequented New
Zealand and Ny underneath the new title Cambridge Circus.
Cleese stayed on in New York and during a photograph shoot for a comic strip he achieved American illustrator Terry Gilliam. Terry was quickly folded to the just about every escalating omelet.
The BBC, on the recommendation of producer Barry Took, signed the team – which now provided Eric Idle and Terry Gilliam for any 13-demonstrate collection. Ah, but what to call the exhibit?
Owl Stretching Time. A Horse, A Spoon and also a Bucket. The Toad Elevating Minute were all names from the functioning. But as scheduling for your collection grew to become additional chaotic, the BBC management started to seek advice from the staff being a ‘flying circus’, influenced because of the Crimson Baron’s Earth War One particular fighter squadron. The troupe appreciated the seem of it and randomly extra the time period Monty Python from their escalating listing of alternates. Funny that.
No person is familiar with what occurred to them.
Oh wait, three new sketches of by no means right before found Python content have been just lately learned and performed in the Edinburgh Fringe Competition. The famed sketches ended up prepared by late Python star Graham Chapman and were unearthed by a literary executor in Los Angeles. Each sketch lasts 4 minutes and encompasses a Solid of people which include a gay parrot and an overworked Messiah.
Monty Python’s Lifetime of Brian snagged the funniest film of all time in a poll organized by Whole Movie journal.
The movie satires the rise of organized faith and triggered more controversy than a Kevin Smith baptismal when it had been unveiled again in 1979. It absolutely was banned in many elements of the united kingdom and church leaders accused it of blasphemy. Almost nothing like poor publicity to force the ratings.
Their King Arthur era spoof, Monty Python as well as Holy Grail, trailed by only some places, landing Palang Pintu Kereta it at quantity 5.
Top ten Comedy Films
one. Life of Brian
two. Airplane!
3. Withnail & I
four. There’s Anything About Mary
five. Monty Python as well as Holy Grail
6. American Pie
seven. Groundhog Day
eight. Some Like it Warm
nine. Blazing Saddles
10. Planes, Trains and Automobiles
John Cleese rode a roller coaster of fame during the 1970’s taking part in the position of stressed hotelkeeper Basil Fawlty in Fawlty Towers. He continued his fame with movies like Privates On Parade and Clockwise, then hit throughout the world stardom using a A Fish Termed Wanda in 1988. The follow-up film, Intense Creatures faulted to realize awareness with audiences. Lately audiences know him finest as the new Q while in the James Bond movies and Virtually Headless Ned from the Harry Potter movies. He'll upcoming be found playing father to Lucy Liu in Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle and as the voice Fiona’s Father in Shrek two, Fiona is voiced by Charlie’s Angel’s co-star Cameron Diaz.
Michael Palin has also rocketed to fame due to his flip With all the troupe and in 1977 he teamed with Terry Jones to produce their own individual comedy collection, Ripping Yarns. Michael also appeared aside John Cleese inside of a Fish Known as Wanda, then went on to carry out a truth exhibit for BBC Tv set, named World wide in 80 Times, where he attempted to basically comply with in the footsteps with the Jules Verne literary character, Phileas Fogg, by looking to journey worldwide during the allotted time, but without having flying – Incidentally, it’s Jules Verne’s 175th birthday this 7 days. Throughout the Pole to Pole vacation, he achieved up with Python admirers in Greece and ate snake in China even though battling to meet his deadline.
Eric Idle ongoing his stint during the limelight by teaming with Neil Innes to generate Rutland Weekend Television, a parody of regional broadcasting. He later on appeared in Graham Chapman’s Yellowbeard, Disney’s Honey, I Shrunk the Viewers and Splitting Heirs. His new novel titled, “The Road to Mars” is about two comedians during the 22nd century. Fans most certainly know him right now as the voice of Mr. Vosknocker while in the animated movie, South Park: Greater, Longer and Uncut.
Terry Jones preserved a variety beyond mere comedy, by creating about history, presenting documentaries, penning small children’s guides and heading on to immediate the 1996 Variation of Wind during the Willows, starring his outdated pals – Michael Palin, John Cleese and Eric Idle.
Terry Gilliam lent his talents on the troupe as a director and by generating the extremely distinct animations that turned Monty Python’s Visible trademark. We before long followed it together with his aspect film debut, Jabberwocky, starring Michael Palin. Following helming the Significantly liked, Time Bandits, his fame skyrocketed in Hollywood. But his type led to several conflictions during the biz together with an enormous throw down with Common Studios about his movie Brazil then issues with backers over the extremely costly, Adventures of Baron Munchausen, which starred Eric Idle and featured Robin Williams.
His actual achievements accompanied by taking over unconventional studio movies including the critically acclaimed, The Fisher King starring Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges along with the stylistic sci-fi thriller, 12 Monkeys starring Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt and also the Hunter S Thompson extravaganza, Anxiety and Loathing in Las Vegas starring Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro. These 6 actors all gave many of the finest performances of their job in Gilliam’s films.
“We weren’t remaining satirical mainly because it wasn’t the detail that fascinated us,” Terry Jones claims. “Ours was a rather much more summary humor – just playing around genuinely. What satire There may be, is much more generalized satire.”
Referring to your Lifetime of Brian – “Comedy is about reminding us of the reality of currently being human: we all Use a entire body and all of us ought to die, and it really is all right,” reckons Eric Idle.
“Monty Python is an excellent blend of intellect and silly”, concludes Robin Williams.
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bosssmg · 4 months
TAQ-56 Rebirth Island Comeback: 45 Kills Epic Gameplay | Boss SMG
TAQ-56 Rebirth Island Comeback: 45 Kills Epic Gameplay | Boss SMG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YWd7aZIUA4 Hey, everyone! Watch as the TAQ-56 makes a huge comeback on Rebirth Island with an insane 45 kills! In this video, I'll show you the best TAQ-56 loadout and share some tips and strategies for dominating Rebirth Island in Call of Duty Warzone. Don't miss the intense action and top tips for high-kill games. If you enjoyed the video, like, comment, and subscribe for more epic gaming content. Join the community for daily updates and unforgettable moments in the world of gaming. Thanks for watching, and enjoy the gameplay! This video is about TAQ-56 Rebirth Island Comeback: 45 Kills Epic Gameplay. But It also covers the following topics: TAQ-56 Gameplay Tips Warzone High Kill Game TAQ-56 Comeback Warzone Video Title: TAQ-56 Rebirth Island Comeback: 45 Kills Epic Gameplay | Boss SMG 🔔Looking for non-stop laughs and epic gaming action? Subscribe to Boss SMG for side-splitting jokes, intense gaming showdowns, and the wildest moments! https://www.youtube.com/@bosssmg9615/?sub_confirmation=1 🔗 Stay Connected With Me. 👉Twitch: https://ift.tt/Qsw9YRl ============================= ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 When Gamers Lose It: The Funniest Rage Ever Caught Live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7tt-ryWxWo 👉 Just Logged In & Already Getting Trolled 😂 | Gaming Gone Wild! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T_8Q8UGaNo&t=32s 👉 Epic Fails & Savage Clutch: Gaming With The Boys! Gaming Shenanigans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXEwv2jlHJU 👉 CALL OF DUTY MW3 - watch me destroy this team callofduty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-_vJIHFMNk 👉 When DJ Khaled plays Call of Duty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phOZkBEpdo0 ============================= ✅ About Boss SMG. Welcome to Boss SMG, your go-to destination for top-tier comedy and gaming content! Get ready to laugh till you cry with hilarious skits and dive into epic gaming adventures. From side-splitting jokes to intense gaming showdowns, I've got it all here! Remember to SUBSCRIBE for epic gaming content, funny videos, and my journey through the wildest gaming moments. Join me for daily entertainment, and remember to smash that like button. Get ready to boss up your day with Boss smg—where comedy meets gaming excellence! 🔔 Ready to level up your gaming entertainment? Don't miss the epic gaming content, fun, and unforgettable moments—hit that subscribe button now for this wild ride! https://www.youtube.com/@bosssmg9615/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #taq56 #rebirthisland #callofduty #warzone #gaming #gameplay ⚠️Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Boss SMG. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Boss SMG via Boss smg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRXdRMk6p9kblfy5iqH77w May 26, 2024 at 08:48PM
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coy444 · 7 months
being the youngest sibling is like. i haven't known a life without you, and i never will. you will always be part of my life. mom knew not to make the same mistakes to me, what she did raising you. and that doesn't mean she didn't make mistakes, she just didn't make those specific mistakes. and you will never get to knew how i felt childhood. and i wont ever get to feel yours.
i remember you as an angry teen, not wanting to play with me, and yelling at mom. i ran behind her legs. you looked at me with nothing in your eyes, before running up to your room to cry by yourself.
i remember myself standing behind your door, begging you to come out to draw with me, or braid each other's hair. and i still remember when i realized you aren't busy, you just don't want to anymore.
i remember you as a teen, smelling like a cheap cologne and cigarettes. you always wore black and everything that had staples on them. you had so much eyeliner i thought you must have been trying to drown in it.
but i also remember you as the bravest humanbeing i had ever seen. you went to ask our neighbours our football back, when i kicked it over the fence. and you had so many school deadlines. and you sang in front of the whole school. wow, you were brave, i remember thinking.
and i remember you as a funniest person on earth. always trying to lift me when i was feeling down. and always cracking jokes, even though you would have been the only one laughing at them. you dried my tears with your shirt, and secretly gave me one of your candy, without moms permissions. it was peach flavored. i still remember how it tasted.
i remember you as my childhoods safeperson. you protected me when no one else was able to.
and a few years later, when everything was crumbling down, and i started to experience the same emotions you covered with the eyeliner – instead of giving me an eyeliner, you asked me how i was doing and took me out to eat at mcdonald's. again, without mom's permission.
and when a boy broke my heart for the first time ever, you were the one i called knowing i didn't have to know what to say, you'd know. you answered and you knew. you came to pick me up, we went to a drive, and you played me the same songs you listened to back then, with your broken teenage heart.
and the time when i baked, and tried to make a new cookie recipe for 3 hours straight, only for them to come out horrible — you tasted them, and just bursted out laughing. we laughed together even though i felt like i could throw the cookies out of the window, out of frustration. but you were the only one whose laugh i didn't take personally, and could just join.
and when i went to my first houseparty, secretly from mom, and you texted me: " stay safe, and hit me up if you want for me to pick you up in case something happens or you drink too much. or if you lose your friends. love you have fun". i didn't get too drunk and stayed with my friends, but i thought about you through the night, knowing i was safe even though if something would happen. mom never got to know, but you did. you always got, and will get to know more than mom.
and at all of those tiny moments, we were girls together. and you were there . it was what mattered.
i will always remember you as the teen who messed with my hair when walking by and the one who i've had my greatest laughs with. i look up to you even when i'm 67, and still baking you cookies.
you have done so much for me, and i'm so incredible sorry, for you not having a person like you are now, when you were a kid.
i love you, and i still wanna steal your clothes and eat your leftovers from the fridge and i wont ever stop wanting to. those are my duties as a little sister. you are still my biggest enemy but at the same time my lifes most important person. and still, in my eyes the coolest.
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owlixx · 10 months
CoD 2 Mid-Thoughts (Russian and British Done)
Oh hey, I’m just realizing that the CoD 2 campaigns are in the reverse order from CoD 1. Neat. Also, I think it’s funny that this game is on 360 but not PS3 simply because the PS3 did not exist when it came out. Also that it’s a launch title for the 360 is funny. I’m playing the PC version though, while I played CoD 1 on PS3 via the downloadable “remaster” version.
Going from PS3 CoD1 to PC CoD 2 is important context to have because it further exacerbates the difference between these games. I went from god knows what resolution/frame rate to a 4K/144Hz version of a game at least made for 360. Plus, I went from clunky controls made for KBM played on PS3 controller to just using KBM proper. So this game looks better, runs better, plus better, AND has a few key modern enhancements to the game design.
The big one is regenerating health. What a godsend. Look, I love me a good boomer shooter, but it just felt out of place for CoD 1 to not have it. It was a miserable slog to mishandle one altercation and then have to backtrack if you want to live, or have to decide whether that’s worth it or not.
The other big one is the inventory. CoD 1 had 2 main guns, a side warm, and grenades each as a different equippable weapon and then you use the bumpers to switch between them like Fortnite. CoD 2 brings us the standard 2 weapon system with a grenade button and a tactical grenade button. Still no sprint but I can live without it. I wanna say that breath holding is new too but I’m not sure. I do keep hitting shift to sprint only to end up meleeing, which I never do on purpose since it’s so weak. Only downside of the traditional inventory we’ve gotten into is that pistols are worthless now.
I once again find myself relying on the MP40 across each campaign as the most bountiful automatic weapon, then trying to have a semi auto rifle or scoped bolt action rifle as my secondary. I also rely on grenades as much as possible.
For the Russian campaign in particular, I generally enjoyed it pretty well. I think my favorite parts were the tense pipe section where you get weird angles on German encampments as you crawl along a pipe and they fruitlessly retaliate, and then I also really enjoyed the one “open” mission where you could do the five objectives in any order. I did also enjoy the big defense mission too, especially compared to how awkward those were in the first game. But I mean, even from the tutorial, this game has been such a relatively joy to play and look at.
I was excited for the British campaign to be set in Africa, but it just kind of means all the levels are the same tan wastelands. Well, I think the last part was somewhere grassy. The plot is pretty thin on these older CoD games, it’s just “go win WW2, I guess”. The funniest part of the British campaign is when I got into the back of a truck for an on-rails section complete with an unboxed crate holding a rocket launcher, giving me awful flashbacks to the section of CoD 1 that killed me a dozen times, only for this section to be supremely easy.
There is some pretty cool large scale fighting in the British campaign. There’s been a few moments where there’s so much going on at once on screen that I just kind of take it in and actually feel a little immersed. Stuff like where there’s ground troops, tanks, planes, explosions, shouting all at once and it actually kind of feels like a war for a second before it goes back to being a WW2 themed shooting gallery. I think I remember seeing a Polygon article criticize the weird celebration of military culture that Call of Duty has become, calling it a “circus of violence”. It’s meant as an insult but I think it also succinctly describes what I like about these games. Yeah, it actually is a circus of violence. It’s awesome. Well, it’s awesome to play at least. I’m not going to deny that there’s something inherently kind of problematic about making video games played by kids about how cool the military is. (Also I think they may have been specifically referring to the Call of Duty convention or big live event but the point stands).
Anyways the British tank mission is…fine. Feels a little contrived and a little sparse but the dialogue is more lively this time and thank god again for regenerating health here.
Oh, I did get to actually use the STG44 (called MP44 here) more than a little here which was nice. Ammo is sparse enough and enemies plentiful enough that I feel like I really have to pick my weapon based on what I can get the most ammo out of still.
Also I did start the US campaign, which opens with D-Day but was honestly a little lackluster as far as D-Day recreations go. I suspect they had to scale back their vision to fit on the 360 at launch.
I still struggle with telling friend from foe, and I die from “friendly fire is not allowed” more often than actual deaths. Of course that’s partially because I’m still playing on easy mode while I warm up to this leg of the series.
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shrekzilla · 1 year
MIGHT BE THE FUNNIEST KID IN PROXIMITY CHAT | ShrekZilla #cod #warzone #callofduty
MIGHT BE THE FUNNIEST KID IN PROXIMITY CHAT | ShrekZilla #cod #warzone #callofduty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iielBzUSVaQ Join us in an uproarious journey through the hit game Call of Duty Warzone, as we bring to you some of the funniest moments ever captured on camera. Visit my Twitch for more video games: https://ift.tt/MSjAO8V Experience the unexpected humor from the gaming world through this hilarious video that reminds us of the lighter side of gaming. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button for more comedic COD moments. The video is about "MIGHT BE THE FUNNIEST KID IN PROXIMITY CHAT - The Funniest Warzone Moment" but also tries to cover the following subject: Comic relief in gaming Unexpected Warzone moments Hilarious Proximity Chat encounters TITLE : MIGHT BE THE FUNNIEST KID IN PROXIMITY CHAT | ShrekZilla ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@ShrekZilla ✅ Important Links: 👉 If You Want To Support The Channel: https://ift.tt/7RcMrYV ✅ Stay Connected With Me: 👉 Twitch: https://ift.tt/MSjAO8V 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShrekZilla83 👉 Discord: https://ift.tt/qpxudTh ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Gta V Online: Easy Ways To Earn Money | ShrekZilla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzWgkuBME9Q 👉 Call Of Duty: Trust Issues In Warzone - Who Can You Rely On? | ShrekZilla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdpc2gflJlY 👉 Call Of Duty: Unforgettable Gulag Victory - Winning Warzone Duos | ShrekZilla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r287mh1w5Y8 👉 Call Of Duty: Exciting Double Wins: Conquering Warzone Quads | ShrekZilla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEfJek8taSM ============================= ✅ About ShrekZilla: What's up, YouTube followers. I'm new to YouTube but been gaming all my life. Diehard COD fan and have owned and played all of them! For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Subscribe to my channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/@ShrekZilla ===================== #warzoneproximitychat, #codfunny, #gamingcomedy, #warzonehumor, #hilariousgaming, #callofduty Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © ShrekZilla via ShrekZilla https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrHwWboxO5bTpiIHDNkIYfw July 25, 2023 at 01:41AM
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daniel-envy · 4 years
New video out now! Modern Warfare Funniest Moments - The Claymore (Daniel Envy)
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