#call me a theo apologist
theninth09 · 1 month
people dont actually believe that theo killed his sister, do they?
like okay. the entire pack and probably theo himself think that hes responsible for her death, but the pack hates him and doesnt trust him for valid reasons and theo is traumatized and holds guilt over her death so hes probably convinced himself that he did kill her. i just dont believe thats true.
in s5b when hes with stiles in the tunnels (i forgot why they're down there but whatever) and stiles tells him "oh yeah, the guy that killed his own sister when he was nine?" and theo argues back "yeah. i was nine. i had no idea what was going on." and that he also still believed santa exists so obviously he believed the dread doctors when they told him she wanted him to have his heart.
first of all: this is s5b. hes long dropped his act and he has no reason to lie in this moment. he knows that stiles wont fall for his lies and hes stopped lying and transitioned into threatening and intimidating anyway. theres no good reason for theo to lie to stiles here: theres no actual benefit that would come from that.
and his behavior points towards him telling the truth. instead of deflecting or making a joke, or any of the stuff he usually does to get his way, he starts explaining and defending himself. he seems almost agitated that stiles claims that he did kill tara and argues why he didnt.
and ofc stiles doesnt believe him and tells him "i think you pushed her. i think you liked it." which is, sorry, utter bullshit. i understand why stiles says this (yk. theo killed his bffie and all that) but i think stiles is purposely turning everything that he knows about theo into something evil. he doesnt want to believe that theo was a victim of his circumstances, because that would make him human, that would explain why he became the person that he is. its easier to fall back onto the "hes just purely evil" argument, because then he can hate theo for what he did.
stiles is smart. thats his whole thing. thats his whole thing with theo, that he was "smart enough not to trust him" as theo says to the sheriff in s6a. stiles knows that theo was a child, that its likely that theo got manipulated and groomed by the dread doctors. but, i think, he decides not to care about that, to ignore that. he hates theo and he wants to hate theo, but if he starts looking at the reasons for why he did what he did, he'll begin to understand him. and while he'll still never forgive theo, that will reduce this fury he has for him because, newsflash, theo was a CHILD.
people argue that tw doesnt show us enough of his back story to back this up and yeah, i kinda agree. we dont get enough of his story because teen wolf ALWAYS does this. with every character. they insinuate something, they start something interesting that could give their characters depth and then they abandon it and its like the characters just forget about it. all this show has is small details for fans to focus on if you want to analyze anything, because this show is objectively not good enough to actually do that.
+ theo is a side character. he wasnt even meant to stay as long as he did and cody did his best to work with the material. if your argument is that theres missing context and only vaguely shown stuff, im sorry but thats so stupid. thats not a good argument for in canon. "oh but we never see theo do this or that" HES A SIDE CHARACTER. he wasnt even supposed to come back! and tw is not a very good show! obviously they added more depth to his character in s6 because cody came back. like yeah theres stuff that doesnt make sense (like the show saying he didnt have a heart condition), because his back story got added as an afterthought in s6. you cant only look at s5 and judge his character based on that. his depth comes from s6 and its not the characters fault that the show has bad writing.
and if you simply dont like theo, cool. i dont like a bunch of characters in tw. but i find this argument that hes actually evil and deserved getting tortured and whatever exhausting and annoying.
if you dont have empathy for his character in s6 bc you just hate him, fine. i dont care. but if you're talking about this in a more analytical way? fuck off. he was a child, the show points towards him getting groomed and abused by the dread doctors and guess what? even during his villain arc, hes still a child. yes he should take responsibility for what he did, im not excusing any of that stuff. but theres reasons for why he did all that.
and again, dumb tv logic reasons, but most of the villains getting away unscathed, fucking peter hale and deucalion being allowed to just kinda wander around while theo is in an eternal time loop of torture? like this technically erases the packs rule of not killing because i dont think its weird for me to argue that getting non-stop tortured without the ability to die is objectively worse than actually dying. and yeah, tv logic, but if you think that (in canon, not just bc you personally dont like theo) he deserved that, idk. weird. very weird.
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outerbankspov · 1 year
Omg what about baby daddy rafe. You guys aren’t together but you both still love each other. And your baby adores rafe and always look for him breaking your heart. Maybe he visits only on the weekends. Eventually you get back together..?
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“Theo, my love” you softy whisper in your one year old daughter’s ear. “I want dada” she whimpers in your neck as her wet tears hit your hot skin. “I know honey, I do to. He will be here before you know it.” You try to reassure her but fails as she fusses around to be on the play mat. You let her down and she crawls around curious eyes as she calls out for her dad. Moral of the story… Rafe and you first fell in love in high school and been together 4 years after high school until you wasn’t. Things started to change and you both ended your relationship and it really broke you because you love him so much.
“Time for bed Theo” you wipe and tear from your face and give her the best smile. “Dada comin with?” She asks. You get down to her level and shake your head no. “Not right now baby.” She doesn’t reply, she just lifts her arms up and you pick her up and bring her to her bedroom. “Want mommy to read you a bedtime story huh?” You put her in her PJ’s and she giggles as a way to answer your question. You hum and laid down in the large comfortable rocking chair and laid her on your chest.
“Once upon a time a princess name... Theo" she gasps and points to her chest with a "me" You giggle with a nod. "A princess named Theo lived in her very own castle that was pink! very pink and-" You pause as you hear the door open from upstairs and picked Theo up before shushing her with a worried smile. "mama?" she says in her soft voice. making your way downstairs. "hello?" you say carefully. "y/n/n" you jump at the voice of your ex-boyfriend turned towards him. Theo's eyes were wide as she cries out. "DADA" she yells with her angry tears as she throws herself at him "Hey love bug" she sobs into his neck and he looks at her with an apologist's face. "Rafe" you wine. "I'm sorry baby-" they both look at one another and she apologizes. "so what are you doing here? I was about to put Theo to sleep"
"I'm sorry, I just really need to talk to you" you nod and you both Sit down and Theo is already dozing off. “What?” You say, slight regretting it after by the tone of your voice. “I- I Just wanna tell you that- I miss you y/n. So much. I miss us so so much.” He tells you simply. You smile and nod. “And I miss you too baby- Rafe but things are gonna have to change.” He nods in understanding and starts caressing theo’s cheek. “I know and it will. I just miss this. Our family and everything” you smile and pulls him gently into a kiss. “Now let’s get Theo into bed” you tell him.
He gets up and they both walk into Theo room and places her into bed without waking her. “I love you Rafe” you say. He looks at you and almost cries. “And I love you.”
- I hope you enjoy <3
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greenerteacups · 5 months
I’ve meaning to send this ask for ages and finally found the courage to do so :) I started reading lionheart on a whim in the beginning of November and since them after reading everything a couple of times, all I can say is that it is a masterpiece. I am so in love with your writing, especially with how you give Draco the space to be gracious and grow up. I love for example when they are in the Slytherin common room and Draco see for himself that the mermaids are sentient beings just like him. Also, I am completely enamored with the golden quartet (?), the relationships between them feel much more balanced, and I have so much love for Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I do think you does the characters justice, if not written in a better and more honest, human way. Btw, I love your Narcisa because I am such an apologist for her and her crimes. (If Narcisa has million fans, then I'm one of them. If Narcisa has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Narcisa has no fans, that means I'm dead.). This also aplies for hermione. Anyway, all I am trying to do is to put into words what the world you design means to me, but alas I do not seem to have. When the time comes for my unborn children to read the Harry Potter series, I am showing them your books and telling them it is canon.
Now that I am done showering you with complements, I have a couple of questions. First, after reading the last chapter (which I adored), the fight between Draco and Sirius, one of my favorite moments, kept coming to mind. Was it intentional for Draco to give such honest wake up call for Theo basing himself from the talk he had with Sirius years ago? Secondly, I am not sure with you already answer this, if so, feel free to tell me, but if you could choose Poet, Soldier or King for each – Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Ron – which one would they be?
Thank you for taking the time to read. I usually download each chapter because I like to highlight my favorite parts, I will try to be more present on AO3! And sorry for any English mistakes, it is not my first language!
Thank you, my friend! This is a completely lovely ask, and as I often do with lovely asks, I've hoarded it for a while to re-read whenever I want a nice treat. However, I've left the question unanswered long enough.
If we're going to do the Soldier/Poet/King test, I want to complicate it a little. You can either do it by personality (the way we do when we say "I'm soldier!" or "I'm poet!") or you can do it by narrative role, i.e. what you actually do in the context of the story. Those can be different. For instance, you can be a poet-coded soldier (your chosen weapon is your word, but you're pushed by your circumstances to fight), or a soldier-coded king (you carry a mighty sword, but you're forced off the battlefield to rule, i.e. you want to fight but you can't). That opens up the range of ways to fill the role. So it's like:
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Obviously, the central axis here is going to be the most satisfied/content with their lot in life, but there's a broad range of happinesses.
If you ask me, Harry is a poet-coded king, because he's incredibly reluctant to take leadership, and he doesn't want anyone to fight for him. He runs away in Deathly Hallows because he can't stand to be at the center of a war (which is going to happen anyway) and has only accepted Ron and Hermione's sacrifice begrudgingly. It's also worth saying that Harry's best moments come when he's trying to talk someone down: he's telling Remus to go back to Tonks, he's telling Slughorn to preserve Lily's memory by being noble for her sake, he's telling Riddle to "try for remorse." Harry is at his best when he's giving consolation and understanding, not when he's fighting; his signature spell is Expelliarmus. Kid's not a soldier. And he hates the idea of being a king. (This is, not coincidentally, one of the unhappiest combinations.)
I read Ron as a true soldier, not because he enjoys fighting, but because that's almost always his knee-jerk reaction to conflict, and it's also where a lot of his strengths lie. Ron is brash and bold and he will swing if you step to him, and that's why people love him (or hate him, if they do). Even in his best moments, when he's being a strategist and tactician, he's employing his skills in the service of battle. And the narrative is happy to put him in positions where that's the skill he has to contribute. He thinks of the basilisk fangs and the house-elves in the kitchens; he's good at tactics, but he doesn't do broad-strokes strategy.
Hermione is king-coded soldier, because I think in a different series of novels, she is absolutely the protagonist, and she kind of thinks she should be. She's proactive, driven, clever, and calculating, and she orders people around like she's the boss of them — usually with good reason, but she still does. She sees herself as the HBIC, and she often gets a bit irritated when other people don't jive with that idea. It's funny how often Harry gets along by just doing what Hermione tells him. That being said, her narrative role is being sworn in Harry's service, and as the books go on, she increasingly embraces that. She defends him and offers to risk her life for him, sacrifices volumes (her parents!!) and compromises her safety (gets tortured!) for his sake, all without complaining or seeming to begrudge Harry at all. He's her king; she's his knight. Which is another way of saying soldier.
Draco is a poet-coded soldier, or possibly a poet-coded king, depending on what direction you take his arc from the source material. In the books, he's kind of a flop, God bless him, he doesn't really manage much in the final days of the war. Besides refusing to identify Harry (after identifying both of Harry's well-known travel companions... booboo you tried), he's basically fit for neither use nor ornament from Book 6 onward. But taken more broadly, he is someone who absolutely does not want to be here — he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want to be in danger, he doesn't want to risk people — getting conscripted forcibly into a conflict that was running for years before he was born. And he's conscripted, like Harry, because of his heritage; it's a position he was born into. Depending on how you read his relationship to power, and having it, he can either be a soldier or a king, or someone teetering on the cusp between them.
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algumaideia · 2 years
I read this post made by @brad-bakshi-apologist about why they think David was going to jump in the last episode of season 2. Some stuff they said just triggered something in my brain and now I have an entire analysis of David and pain and coping mechanisms that I think complement Theo's post nicely.
I have a lot of thoughts and I'm not sure how to organize them in a way that I'll be constructing an idea like brick by brick, you know? But I'm gonna try.
Theo said David was MQ's "punching bag". He has a few wins, loses a lot, no one truly respects him, he has no friends and at least no family around. He is a loser and he is very lonely. Everyone knows that, David knows that.
David and Ian share a similar trait. They both have lots of insecurities about themselves and low self-steem and they try to brush it off, to act like they don't exist. Ian does that by being very extra and David tries to be comfortable on his own skin and whenever someone says something mean to him, David is like: this is not true and I know it.
And as Theo said we rarely see him sad or in pain at MQ and that is because David doesn't feel much like a failure or lonely there. And we only see David at MQ, the place he gets to act confidently.
Why doesn't he feel a failure there? Because he is the boss of MQ (despite no one knowing this or respecting him) and MQ is a huge sucess. He thinks he is able to control the crazy people when he is not, someone takes care of the crazy people or they solve the problems themselves, but David gets to pretend he was doing something. He managed to survive some crises, mostly other people solved the crisis but David is the boss so he can feel like he was important to the crisis solving.
Why doesn't he feel lonely? Because of his MQ family. And I know people are mean to him, and they don't respect him and he doesn't know how to interact with people. I'm gonna dive into those things later, but first I wanna talk about what he does outside work because it is important to understand this part of David's relationship with his work.
So what David does when he is not at MQ? He doesn't have any friends, for a long time he didn't have a girlfriend, we don't know if any of his parents are alive, if he talks to them, if they live close to him... as far as we know David is alone. So, when he is not at work, David doesn't hang out. He stays at his home most of the time.
For me it is clear that David watches rom-coms and thinks it is great and wonderful and magical to see people falling in love and being so happy, but then the movie ends and David's reality is so different from the movies and he is heartbroken.
He probably cries himself to sleep a lot.
David also watches sit-coms. The ones with found family. He must love the ones that take place in an office. Everyone on those sitcoms are crazy and have their fair share of problems and that is what allow them to become a found family. Everyone in MQ are crazy and have their fair share of problems and David can project those ideas onto them. He called MQ his family. They are the closest thing he has for friends.
It is not the same, David knows it. But he gets to pretend.
Then he is not lonely.
In the quarentine episode, Poppy was struggling a lot to be completely alone without no one. Ian went to visit her. Do you guys think anyone would do that for David? No one would do that.
He must have struggled with similar stuff. Again he has no friends, we don't know his relationship with his parents. But while for Poppy the whole distance working was just a way for her to feel more isolated, I think it worked the opposite for David, it was a way for him to feel less isolated. (I also think he deals with this stuff on a regular basis).
Anyway, what is in the way of David's MQ family fantasy and his reality is the fact that people are mean to him, no one truly cares for him or respects him (he also doesn't know how to interact with people, but more on that later).
The thing is for people starving, any food tastes good.
It seems that David has been lonely since childhood. In the ep where Ian and Poppy where going through the divorce they were treating David like his parents did. They weren't listening to him, giving him any real comfort, spending any real time with him. He was left to suffer alone.
In the quarentine episode David said that during the divorce his mother gave him money to do something outside the house. It seems he didn't have any friend's house to stay.
David has been lonely for a long time. He does not receive any comfort, he does not receive any affection.
He is always so eager to talk about his personal life at the office like he has no one to talk outside of there.
No one never really listens to him or cares about what he is talking, they often insult him. And David is hurt, but quickly he is smiling again. I guess a little of attention is better than nothing.
Besides with his divorce and his parents divorce he never truly saw people just showing genuine care and love and affection.
And there is the fact that David doesn't know how to interact with people. He misreads signals, we saw the dumpster fire that is him flirting. He knows he is a loser and tries to distance himself from it by being a cool guy, a nice guy, a lone wolf, a alpha boss or whatever the hell he considers that will make people respect him, like him.
He fails to do that, he is not good at it.
He doesn't realize how annoying and how nonsensical he can be. How extreme he can be. There is a Brazilian saying that I think describe his attitude to relationships really well: "go very thirsty to the pot" (ir com muita sede ao pote).
David is often portrayed as pathetic on how much he needs and begs for affection.
He is also a push over. I mean he gave his appartament to his ex-wife. It is easy to take advantage of his insecurites and low self-steem and loneliness.
And I mean the guy has no-one. When he needed to move he asked Brad to help him. I mean Brad, you know?
The first person he had a relationship outside MQ for a long time was the widow. And he rushed things and didn't understand her correctly.
What he does right after she dumped him? Take a photo with the testers and call MQ his family. David again has nothing outside MQ. And right after that the testers go away, Ian and Poppy go away, Brad goes away. The thing that didn't make him a failure is falling a part. The people that didn't make him lonely are going away.
Worse, everyone seems to be happy. He is the only sad loner.
No wonder David was going to jump. He had nothing. MQ was his coping mechanism for reality and it was all gone.
Until Jo appared and then he had something again.
The thing is that David is constantly suffering in the show and no one cares. He has no one. He is lonely. He doesn't know how to make friends or genuine connect with people. David has no Poppy or Ian to be at this side when he is at his worse, he only has his miserable life.
Do you guys people would reunite to meet him like they did with CW in first episode of season 3? I doubt it.
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hi :) you call me ash or theo and welcome to my blog <3
My url has recently changed from brad-bakshi-apologist
my main interests are:
mythic quest
the newsreader
the magnus archives
i’m still brad-bakshi-apologist on ao3
Hope you guys enjoy my blog :))
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simply-ellas-stuff · 2 years
Submission by Anon: 
Scott conspired with Gerard Argent behind everyone’s back, told Gerard that Matt was the Kanima’s master (thus selling Matt and Jackson out to Gerard), and then tried – but failed – to murder Gerard using Derek’s body against his will. And Derek was never allowed to hold Scott accountable by Jeff Davis; just like Isaac was never allowed to react when Scott acted like a jealous asshole and repeatedly hit him because Isaac liked Allison, his ex girlfriend. Not to mention that Scott had zero problem working with Deucalion (who murdered Boyd, Erica and a shit tons of other people for power) to kill Josh and Tracy, just because it benefitted him. So Scott acting all morally superior and victim blaming Stiles for killing Donovan – a murderous wendigo who assaulted and actively tried to eat Stiles alive – in self defense is hypocrisy 101 and only proves Scott’s double standards. Not to mention that Stiles was the victim of Donovan’s brutal assault and of Theo’s blackmail: he’s not obligated to share his own traumas with Scott like Scott wanted and demanded. So Stiles choosing not to tell Scott about Donovan is both understandable and worthy of empathy. 
Just because Scott is a “true alpha”  it doesn’t mean that his friends have to obey him or let him condemn them for something they didn’t even do and that was not their fault. Scott chose to think Stiles was a cold blooded monster and serial killer based on his own prejudice and on Theo’s words alone; Scott fell for Theo’s cheap lies since the very beginning and let Theo fool him; Theo played Scott like a kazoo; Scott flat out lied to Kira’s face about her fox spirit. That’s Scott’s fault, not Stiles’ nor anyone else’s. Scott’s own actions and words proved Stiles and Theo right in the end, that’s why he had to beg his friends to give him another chance (even though Jeff Davis didn’t make Scott work all that hard to get them back to be honest. He just made them accept Scott back because Scott needs them.) 
Teen Wolf is an ensemble show. Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Derek and Kira are all lead and main characters in the series – Season 3B is entirely focused on Stiles and Void Stiles with Dylan O'Brien at its front and center, and it’s the highest rated and most critically acclaimed season of Teen Wolf. Their feelings and traumas are just as important as Scott’s. But some people (aka rabid Scott stans & apologists) keep acting like they aren’t and as if Scott’s butthurt is the only thing that matters for some reason – stooping as low as to blame other characters (mostly Stiles and Derek, the characters Scott/Posey stans have an obsessive hate boner for) for Scott’s own canon failures and shitty behaviour
In response to the above submission sent to me: You could’ve just messaged me. This submission feels as if you’re (… for lack of a better word) attacking me for already being on your side with the fact that due to the writing Scott is painted as if he’s got the highest moral point. I have at no point ever said that Scott was completely infallible because of his “True Alpha” status. I have however said that a lot of his trauma gets dismissed often and I think it’s something that should be spoken about. Scott can be both True Alpha and have Trauma that needs to be discussed.
If you’d like to speak about Scott and the bad writing of the show and how that way trauma, justice/injustice and morality is handled in the show, I am open to the discussion. You will not however act as if I have implied or stated that Scott was allowed to do whatever the fuck he wanted because he was a true Alpha. I have openly stated that his actions about the shit Theo told him and then his reaction to Stiles after the Donavon situation was a dick move and complete bullshit.
And Dear writer, I’ll call you D, if you don’t mind; if you’re going to submit something to someone without speaking to them prior, you might want to make sure your email isn’t attached to your ‘anonymous" submission because I now have your email address and know you like BTS. Please be safe on the internet. So to the person who submitted this, Please contact me to discuss this show. Otherwise, Don’t submit things without logging out first. If you’d like me to delete this submission, please contact me. Thank you.
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softkuea · 2 years
Once again, i'm here being a Theo apologist because it does irks me to see people calling him "selfish", "immature" or a "master of manipulation" (he is not) without much of an argument besides his maladaptive behaviour, which btw, makes perfect sense considering his family/social context and personality.
Theo is a character with many flaws, he doesn't cope well with reality so he uses fantasy as a way of avoidance and protection. His coping mechanism it is, indeed, inmature, naive and self-centered, but that doesn't make him a bad person, that doesn't mean he is doing everything with ill intentions: he is totally unware of his own harmful behaviour.
Theo's family is also not perfect and i really think the way his parents raised him has something to do with his psychological state: you can't just keep your son in a bubble until he grows up, you can't leave your son to his own devices in a different country breaking all his connections in such a early age. Theo had only one friend and that was Akk, it doesn't seem he was very social, he had a rich inner world after all, but cutting that relationship so quickly will clearly have an impact in Theo, I mean, he still was thinking of him in France and described his life there as "lonely". Also, separating a kid from his role models, the people that he looks up to for healthy coping styles, that's just not good. Theo was extremely sheltered of the raw conflicts of the world, this lead him to an idealized version of everything! love! friendship! life! So yeah, this isn't a issue of "Theo is like this or like that therefore evil" He might be rich and all, but y'know? most of the time it's the rich families the ones with more distorted family dynamics, usually involves emotional neglect or in this case, the lack of tools given by the parents to their child to confront reality (the stereotype of the spoiled brat comes in mind, however, Theo doesn't not behave like that in my view).
Let's not forget the big elephant in the room: he was struck with the dead of a love one. His first hit with reality was literally death.
If a totally mature adult with a good set of coping skills can deregulate and get destroyed by the dead of someone close to them... imagine how it must be for someone like Theo, that has none of that.
Besides, Theo has insecurities too! and a lot of them! honestly, it's extremely sad that he doubts of the love of his parents for him, but how can he not? He came from thailand and many people went to him for his status/money, everyone lied to him to keep him "happy", so who says they are not lying about loving him either?
At the same time, Theo being a only child puts a little of pressure on him to keep the family together, the reason why he took P'Sun advice.
Now, why he decided to go with his mom? I would say this is more of an emotional response, he clearly thought it was better for Akk and for his mom (different reasons): he seemed to have a more warm relationship with her and honestly, grieving another person (in the metaphorical sense) wasn't a option. I do think it wasn't the best decision, but considering Theo's character... seems about right. If I'm being honest, for me, he still needs to sort things out and therapy: there's scars left undone BUT at the end, he is getting better and i see him for what he truly is, a person with the soul of a kid, trying to survive with what little he had in terms of coping and guidance.
"Theo the manipulator" doesn't not exists for me and it never will.
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A Selfless Hero???? Scoot McBadCall????
Tyler Posey wishes  his stans were as completely obsessed with him or Scott McCall as they are with Dylan O'Brien (the Star, Best Actor and Breakout Star of the show) and Stiles Stilinski (the unique character who eclipsed their bland true alpha fav from day one without even trying): 
"holds his friends to a standard of behavior that he refuses to hold himself to or to even try"
"claims the right to dictate others, to judge them, to punish them, without extending the same right to himself"
"never acknowledges to anyone that he screws up, and both the production and the fandom are content to let him get away with that"
"holds his neurodivergent friend to a higher standard while simultaneously excusing himself from any standard at all" 
"uses his friend's childhood traumas and fear of being a monster to gaslight him and as an excruciatingly dubious moral dodge to victim blame him" 
"takes the credit for his friends' work, innate talent and achievements and uses their trauma as a justification for his own bad behavior, and both Jeff Davis and the fandom embraced it"
Seems to me that ableist Scott stans and apologists @princeescaluswords and @bigskydreaming are purposely ignoring canon and transplanting all of Scott McCall's canon flaws, failures, and bad traits onto Stiles due to their obsessive hate boner for him. Because Stiles had the nerve to be his own person with his own personality and story/character arc instead of Scott's own personal attack dog like they wanted, and because Stiles eclipsed Scott (just like Dylan O'Brien eclipsed Posey.) 
If Stiles was the monster and bad friend that these rabid, jealous Scott McCall delusional squad clowns always try to paint him as he would have let Scott die in Motel California, instead of walking into a pool of gasoline and risking his own life just to save Scott's whiny ass AGAIN. (And that was after Scott belittled Stiles, projected his own failures onto him, and called him a "no one" just to make himself feel better) 
Or he could have accepted Theo's extremely tempting offer – Theo's canonically OBSESSED with Stiles and Dark Stiles – and conspired with him to murder Scott like Theo wanted, instead of rejecting Theo in Season 5... and poor Scott would have died and stayed dead.  
Missed opportunities to be honest. 
Also: can we talk about how ableist and disgusting @princeescaluswords is for claiming that Stiles – a neurodivergent hero and abuse victim who beat the Nogitsune at his own game despite being possessed by him; neutralised a Wendigo (Donovan); took down a Werelion with a baseball bat; annihilated the Anuk-Ite; creates supernaturally perfect barriers with mountain ash; wiped the floor with 'twue alpaha' Scott without breaking a sweat; sided with the Hales (unlike Scott "The Hunters Had A Reason" McCall, who sided with the Argents, conspired with Gerard behind everyone's back and violated Derek for his own benefit); and kept risking his own life to save his shitty excuse of a best friend's and everyone else's ass without EVER asking for anything in return throughout the whole series – is not BAMF because he is human and neurodivergent?
Like, that's some Scott McCall's level of bigotry and toxicity right here 
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bigskydreaming · 7 years
you have been whining/preaching about how shipping abusive ships and romanticizing abuse is WRONG and then turns out you are perfectly okay shipping scott with theo, someone who literally murdered scott in cold blood and never gave a literal crap about scott - except considering scott as an annoying something to get rid of, that is - in canon?! asdfghjkl ofc you are a fuckin hypocrite! but no ship is abusive or wrong as long as It involves your fav SCOTT, right??? lmfao you are so transparent 😂
I love how you got all that from ‘i have Sceo thoughts’ on a random headcanon. Newsflash, jackass, everything I’ve ever said about shipping abusive ships and romanticizing abuse is one hundred percent something I still stand by. I don’t ship Sceo romantically, I don’t think there’s anything remotely good or healthy about their dynamic in canon or fiction, and I’m not pretending otherwise. 
If you’d waited for me to get around to actually saying what those Sceo thoughts were instead of leaping at the first opportunity to call me a hypocrite, you’d have seen me elaborate on how in that particular headcanon, Theo would be someone who just like in canon, wormed his way into Scott’s good graces in order to further his own scheme and built up a dynamic he tried to use to manipulate Scott. Only for his machinations to eventually be revealed and cause a split and thus set Theo up as a recurring antagonist who Scott had history of a very different nature with. Like, pretty much exactly like their canon dynamic just with them having a relationship of a different nature before Theo’s true agenda is revealed, thus making it a different kind of betrayal to explore.
Cuz you know, its not like Derek didn’t have something like that with Kate in canon, and yet you’ll notice fandom has NEVER had a problem calling out Derek and Kate’s canon history as abusive and disturbing and you don’t exactly see loads of people out there shipping Derek and Kate romantically, now do you? Because contrary to what apologists in this fandom like to pretend, people are fully able to distinguish between holding up a toxic relationship or dynamic as harmful and glorifying or romanticizing the toxic dynamic in question. They just like to pretend they don’t when the ship being called out is one they like and don’t want to feel conflicted about.
I have never ever not once said that dark topics are to be avoided in fiction or that things should be off limits. People with no reading comprehension or their own bias against me and everything I say (like, you know, you) like to pretend that’s what I say, but it isn’t and never has been? I have always ALWAYS simply argued for handling such content RESPONSIBLY and considering it carefully before tackling it. Representing it for what it is instead of, like you say, romanticizing it or excusing it. Not using trauma as a source of jerk off material instead of actual trauma that affects both characters and many readers in a not at all harmless way. 
So yes, you got me. You have exposed me with my own words. I do, in fact, have Sceo thoughts. Wherein Sceo is toxic and harmful to Scott and universally at his expense and thus would be intended to be called out as such, and made a source of conflict for Scott to overcome to the betterment of his emotional well-being and character development. Because contrary to what you THINK I’ve preached over the years, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with exploring abuse and abusive dynamics in fiction so long as you’re aware that’s what you’re doing and you’re careful with the subject matter and don’t approach it casually. 
I’m against using trauma and abuse and whump purely in an effort to milk sympathy out of readers or cast a character as pitiable. Like its just a prop or window dressing with no real import beyond that. When its essentially just an excuse to write torture porn where its nothing but bad things happening to characters 24/7 so the ‘awwww poor baby’ comments roll in and up your hit count. 
Which is a completely different thing from exploring the AFTERMATH of trauma in fiction? Writing about recovery instead of the actual events? Hurt/comfort but with an emphasis on the comfort instead of the usual emphasis on the hurt? 
Aka exactly what I’ve always focused on in my own work and thus this take on Sceo is not remotely in conflict with anything I’ve ever said or done before in regards to my fiction, headcanons, and meta?
But yeah dude, you got me! You definitely exposed me for a hypocrite this time! This is totally different from all the other dozens of times you’ve stalked my blog just to attempt to poke a hole in something or other I’ve said, because….why exactly?
Still waiting to hear just what your endgame is here or what you hope to gain from all the time and effort you’ve put into obsessing over everything I say. *Shrugs* But hey, everyone needs a hobby I guess?
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kimtotes · 4 years
I hope Theo&Kim will not be Tellers apologists😂Do you think they know J/T were together years ago?Like Kim relates the tattoo to Charming not to Jax🤣Theo was they were cute early on lmao Anyways,I remembered in S6 after the fake miscarriage,the conversation Gemma had with Tara acting all high and mighty,like I will never do that,faking a baby,etc didn’t Gemma pointed a gun to a baby in Ireland??Lol I mean haters say Tara was crazy in s6 but imo Gemma was utterly delusional,she was sure Jax was gonna kill Tara or send her away,she says it to Unser,like she was ready to raise the boys,what happened to Tara was Jax’s call,but she was sure he was not gonna forgive Tara!She made me so mad😑fuck Gemma🤣
I don’t think they will be, I have faith in them 🤣! Theo and Kim have already stated how problematic Gemma is in the later seasons, so I think that’s a good sign! Lol Idk if they do 🤣. I don’t think the full J/T storyline has hit them yet, maybe Kim since he watched more eps than he should have lol. YES!!! That is a great point! Wow what a hypocrite! I wonder if Sutter forgot about that! It’s okay to point a loaded gun at an actual baby, but faking a miscarriage is a big no no! Like what?? 🤣. Lol yeah Tara was crazy because she actually wanted out of that toxic life style, lol I hate the Teller stans 🙄. Gemma was completely delusional! She even said that to Tara, like Jax would never forgive her for what she did?? She really thought she won! Lol seriously! I can’t stand her 🤣
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napoleondidthat · 7 years
Could you recommend books about Napoleon that focus on him as a person? There are so many about his military campaigns.
The struggle is real. Napoleon, of course, is primarily known for his campaigns, Napoleonic warfare and all the politics that go with that. If you’re wanting to get behind all that, it can be difficult. I’ve studied Napoleon for 25 plus years and I was never into the military side of his history. So with my experiences behind me, here’s what I suggest.
1. The Memoirs.
Memoirs are always a good place to start, if you can track them down. Yes, some are faulty, some aren’t accurate, but that doesn’t make them total garbage either. It’s just important to do some research if you can on the writer, know their bias and judge accordingly. Of course, this should be done with the memoirs written today, both auto and not. Memoirs are always going to contain biases and points of views of their writers and their agendas. Welcome to History!
You can break down your memoirs into sections. There are the military memoirs (de Segur, Caulaincourt etc). There will be moments of what I will term “candid life” but be prepared to wade through a lot of military (de Segur was aide-de-camp to Napoleon and wrote about the Russian Campaign) and statesmanship (Caulaincourt was Ambassador to Russia among other things and wrote extensively on Russia as well as the whole political scene after Russia).
There is the court memoirs. These can be a bit more candid but still can have biases of course. Duchess d’Abrantes (Junot) wrote a great set of memoirs that unfortunately are more than likely not all true but make entertaining reading. Claire de Remusat (lady in waiting to Josephine) wrote a set of memoirs but there is some belief that Talleyrand influenced her perhaps and her view of Napoleon isn’t that great. Napoleon’s secretaries wrote memoirs (Bourrienne, Meneval, Fain). Bourrienne is suspect because he was fired from Napoleon’s cabinet due to money issues and he may have an ax to grind. However, he is also one of the few who knew Napoleon as a “kid” due to their years in military school together. Meneval is considered a pretty solid source for the most part and Fain’s memoirs don’t get the attention as much as the other two, but having read them, they’re decent. There will also be political and military matters here of course but not as constant as the pure military memoirs. Constant (Napoleon’s valet) wrote memoirs along with Roustam and St. Denis (bodyguard/valet). There is some question on those and some (like in Roustam’s case) who become apologists for why they left when they left and how it’s really not their fault. Same goes for the mistress memoirs or accounts that are out there.  But again, this goes back to the problem with any set of memoirs past or present.
There are the family memoirs…namely Lucien Bonaparte and Hortense de Beauharnais. Lucien, who happens to be my very favorite Bonaparte outside of Napoleon, of course had a very volatile relationship with Napoleon, keep that in mind. Hortense, who happened to be married to my least liked Bonaparte, had a legacy and reputation to protect as well as that of her brother, mother and children.
Last set we’ll call the St. Helena memoirs. I have four sets of St. Helena memoirs (O’Meara, Bertrand, Gourgaud, Marchand). Bertrand is very dry, if you like reading status reports, Bertrand is your guy. He doesn’t put a lot of emotion one way or another into his views, so that may give them a bit more accuracy. O’Meara was an English/Scottish doctor and Gourgaud is the dramatic, over the top, want-to-be best friend of Napoleon. Marchand (Napoleon’s last valet) writes a great memoir that are trusted for the most part. Antommachi is suspect for various reasons in his memoirs.
I am only listing a few here, off the top of my head, but the short version of this would be, memoirs are still your best go-to source (and where most biographies get their content). Just remember that when you read them, you are getting agendas and personalities, just as you do in real life.
2. Biographies
There’s scores of these of course. It’s an old one but I feel pretty good biography on Napoleon is “Napoleon” by Emil Ludwig. Vincent Cronin’s biography is also good. I wouldn’t recommend Alan Schom’s biography as it tends to be a bit titled in the anti-Napoleon line. Some historian’s obviously take a stance on where they see Napoleon and find information that confirms their stance, which is fine. They’re presenting an argument, these are pretty easy to spot. And of course, for every historian that wants to paint Napoleon an ogre, there is one who wants to paint him a saint. Those are as easy to see and obviously, like memoirs, need to be taken into consideration. Biographies can be either a mixture of personality and poli-sci or can favor one over the other.
These books are probably my favorite. Try to find books that aren’t 100% biography but break down into sections of a life or a personality. If you want to see Napoleon outside of a military camp, sometimes you have to skip the Napoleon biographies and jump into the biographies of the family. Felix Markham and Theo Aronson (author of “The Golden Bees”)  both wrote biographies on the Bonapartes as a family. There are biographies written on the various siblings (all of them in fact) that will show more personal sides to Napoleon as son and brother and not so much as commander-in-chief. R. F. Delderfield wrote a book called “Napoleon in Love” which concentrates only on Napoleon’s love life and there have been several books written by various authors (Octave Aubry for example wrote a book titled “Private Life of Napoleon”). Scores have been written about Josephine, and even if you don’t have a primary interest in her or her life, the books dedicated to her are a good place to find Napoleon’s personality more.  And there is a ton of books written on the marriages (more on Josephine as wife probably) that are good places to find the more personal side to Napoleon. (Theo Aronson “Josephine and Napoleon; A Love Story.” Frances Mossiker “Napoleon and Josephine;  An Improbable Marriage.” Evangeline Bruce “Napoleon and Josephine; A Biography of a Marriage”, to name but a few). Be prepared for agendas there too, on who was the better spouse, who manipulated who, who was ultimately to blame for what. Check out the biographies done on the mistresses, the step-children, the children etc. as all places to find more personal history versus political history.
St. Helena also gives you the memoirs of Betsy Balcombe (there are several versions out there. A popular one is “St. Helena Story” by Dame Mabel Brookes who was a descendant of Balcombe’s). There are two books that show a more human side to Napoleon, one called “The Black Room at Longwood” by Jean Paul Kauffmann and the other is “The Emperor’s Last Island” but Julia Blackburn. Both of which I would recommend.
There are also books where authors have given Napoleon the main voice, one being “Napoleon on Napoleon”. But like memoirs, remember Napoleon himself had an agenda and a bias.
And lastly, there are some books that have focused purely on Napoleon as a personality. “Napoleon Against Himself” by Avner Falk is a biography written purely from a psychological point of view. I have the book “The Riddle of Napoleon” by Raoul Brice that I found an interesting read that is also written on a personality/psychology point of view.
These are but a small few. I didn’t even touch the “historical fiction” that authors have written that are based on their researches of source materials.
This may have turned out to be a more detailed account than what you were looking for. But I shortened as much as I could! If you like, and are willing to wait a week or so, I can generate a list of the books I have (but it’ll be a bit of time as my collection is rather big) that I found to be good. Of course, you’ll have to keep in mind that I am also giving only an opinion and that I will also be biased.
After you have read enough, you will be able to pick out the common themes and threads and find some truth.
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nvmlindseyallan · 6 years
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#POWER (Commondominion of Christ's Official Commentary on King Edward X's Speech of August 5,11-12, 2018 for #iNC50west)  
August 13, 2018
'Judgement Day is today, here and now! Judgement of God begins in Their supposed 'House', the Empire, as per their apologists named 'Howse', here in the United Saints of Israel of the Godhead, which is a Zion to the Commondominion, where the Empire has done Abominations of Desolation all these years! The Finishing Touches of Salvation has been long over and done since last week! Empire must be no more making people to look forward for something to come, for Empire, with all its sensationalism, has been finally condemned by Godhead! And Hart I Am indeed coming in the power and spirit of the Godhead and Their First Presidency, in the midst of this Empire that enslaves me and my fellow slaves indeed! (Luke 17) ' With these immediate, urgent words, His Majesty began his address. As per the relay of these words on August 11-12 though, Empire made the false flag of the 'Fall of Manila' on August 13, 1898, yet as per Empire, these words are really prophetic, to imply Empire's fall indeed (Hebrews 10, Revelation 18,14, Micah 7). We are familiar with Scriptures on the 'Fall of Babylon', and 'Babylon' is mentioned in the first verse used.
JEREMIAH 29 Last August 11 is the 70th Nate-al anniversary of one of our leaders Hart, His Majesty the King Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tallano Tagean IV (Isaiah 37,4,30, Zechariah 14). Years before Commondominion reached 70 years in Babylonian captivity, Babylon fell under Cyrus the Great (Genesis 8). Empire skipped this on their mandated weekday readings last August 6 to give way to their occasional rare fixed date readings. Edward X read this on January 6, 2018, when he was on the homestate of the namesake martyr of the Endtime Joseph and God's Tiny Dancer like he was on January 6, 2013 on the Empire state that claims Joseph Smith according to the claims of Empire's Joseph Branham (Revelation 10-12, Daniel 12, Genesis 7 [January 7, 2017], Ephesians 4 [January 2, 2018]). 'I have plans for your Sykes, for your good (or for your exaltation, progression and glorification of present truth as Godheads in Godhead), not for your perdition' (or that you may go out and away from and stand up and out against the Empire's Abominations of Desolation [Deuteronomy 32, Habakkuk 1, Hosea 11, Romans 9-11, John 6,17, 2 Thessalonians 2, Moises 5]). It was in Singapore (August 9) that Empire launched its one year claim of #magbaliknalagina (December 17, 2017), and it is said, 'I will restore you to this land after 70 years' (Empire, way back 2013, on their series of hijacking verses against us, made a special feature about July 27, 1984- the 70th year from the Commondominion's civil registration under the Sugo- but they did not aired [Isaiah 21-22] Ka Erdy's actual sermon on that day. Rather as furthering indeed of their hoarding of Central Archives, they rather referred to a mere account from another resource person of what that sermon was. Hoarding the Central Archives has no place in the one true religion state or church organized by Christ: 'I give you the keys' [Matthew 16]. Both the new heavens [Revelation 21, 2 Peter 3] and the abode in the underworld of the Commondominion dead are both 'paradise' [Luke 23, 1 Peter 3-4, Doctrine and Covenants 138], as well as the new earth [Revelation 2-3]. This explains why Christ Said that He Holds the keys of the underworld [Revelation 1 {February 24/March 3-5, 2017}]. When He Pronounced Matthew 16 to Peter, He Means that the Apostles are Exalted to be Godheads in Godhead [Revelation 3,8-9,20,12] and this is possible for their function is to proclaim out, not take it in [Isaiah 62,58, Jeremiah 26])- Empire, on August 12, claiming again that they are purportedly in the divine office of Elijah, whose functions include being Restorer (Psalm 85,67, Isaiah 29). Edward X also read Jeremiah 29 on December 19-22, 2013-2014, therefore implying the divine office of Commondominion women as Queens of the South (Acts 8,13, Revelation 16,9,6,19) as Empire blasphemed such office instead on July 30/August 3,6, 2017 and July 30/August 7,20,27, 2016. According to Ka Erdy, Godhead's purpose for our good and benefit is to unite all in heaven and earth under the Headship of Christ in His Commondominion (Ephesians 1 [October 10, 2015]). This August 19 is a jubilee of our man Manuel Quezon, who said that 'an American government is heaven (Empire: Revelation 8, Leviticus 26, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 32. Commondominion: 2 Peter 3, Revelation 7,14,12) but a Filipino government is hell (Empire: Judith 16, Mark 9. Commondominion: 1 Peter 3-4, Revelation 2,21-22, Doctrine and Covenants 138, Isaiah 41, Psalm 22,62, 1 Samuel 12), to which I prefer the latter (implied in the used rendering of Jeremiah 29 as 'the Leader of the Armies of Angels in Heaven and our God Almighty, Most High and All-Powerful of us humankind down here on Israel' or of those who are on the side of Lady Lily James [as she's currently held hostage to the extreme by Empire], Sir Theo James, Prophet James Muir [Isaiah 2, to be read later on {Micah 4}], True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Last Days [instituted by Sir James Harmston] and King James VII [Psalm 22, Isaiah 41]).' Such unity, according to Jeremiah 29, shall produce 'one future and one hope.' 'Future' implies the eschatology of the Sugo on the 'Far East', shared by our other branch churches who came from the Far East region. Our other brethren rather say that the future is rather 'orange', referring to our Loyalist Orange Protestant brethren. The problem though is that Empire begins to infiltrate them through the House of Windsor, the radical libertarians and Novus Ordo agents of Ireland, as well as the radical libertarians of America that call themselves 'anti-gun'. In fact, parties on both sides of the Atlantic uses the same colors- Commondominion parties of America (Hebrews 12,10, Isaiah 65) and Empire parties of Britain uses the same color red, and Empire parties of America and Commondominion parties of Britain (1 Timothy 2, Galatians 4, Acts 7) uses the same color blue (1 Corinthians 9 [July 27, 2018]). This implies our Double Connotations (Revelation 10-12,22, Daniel 12), as much as our branch churches Hart (Acts 17) do not share the same sentiments on public issues (Proverbs 4). Meanwhile 'hope' can refer to the Far West (Moroni 10) as much as Empire churches such as #uip20 uses this term much. To this we can instead reply that when we mention 'Will of Godhead', this must instead refer to our fellow #calvinharris, or Sir Adam (the Patriarch-Prophet glorified as Godhead and Archangel) Richard Wiles as per Sirs Adam Young (we adopted Brigham Young's words but not his works) and Lopapa (Leo Van DeWert called our divine office Hart of 2 Witnesses as 'Jewish Popes' [Isaiah 22])- 'Calvin' indeed denotes John Knox and John Calvin, our men Hart who preached about Godhead's Plans, as in Predestination, or our Pre-existence as integral to our Progression and Exaltation (Genesis 49, Amos 3, Revelation 10). Can Empire claim Godhead's Desire for man to be saved? Remember that even Empire (1 Peter 5, Jude Thaddeus 1, 2 Peter 2) tries to mimic (Moises 4, Abraham 3) our desire to save all creation (John 17, Psalm 27,84), evident on how they bypassed verses of John 6 in their Revised Common Lectionary last August 12. Further, Jeremiah 29 warns us of the manifold threats that Empire imposes against your Commondominion and her children: 'there are many false prophets (many of our branch churches Hart in your Commondominion identify themselves as 'New Testament Churches'. In such hearing I think that they could be not mentioning even Old Testament verses. If Constantinians insist that there can be no more prophets in the Christian Era, something that 1 Corinthians 12 by itself answers instead, then why they still quote the prophets of the Old Testament? If there can be any prophets in the Christian Era, it cannot be Diocletianites led by Rolando Dizon, for they rather encourage us to support Empire heads as long as we don't sustain King Edward X, something that we Hart cannot even do. On July 27, 2018 Rolando Dizon mentioned about the usual cycle of divine election in past Commondominion churches that are now all Empire's: first they're elected, then when they reach success they're going to be apostatized and therefore Godhead would elect a new church out of that apostatized organization. This is true, but did not the Diocletianites under him did apostatized too? Therefore we were brought out of them on July 27, 2017 so that we may not indeed be overtaken by them) and fortune tellers (Constantinians keep on making themselves believe that they're still of Godhead when in fact it is not, while Diocletianites further propagate the delusion that Godhead can still be availed without the benefit of the Commondominion more so of her leaders) in your midst (1 Corinthians 6, that shall be quoted later, says that we 'take away Empire from your midst'- that is, from your middle. Empire deleted #nomiddleground on December 14-15, 2016, while as for us Hart we will never delete verses, for we must be where Christ the Living Word, Everlasting Father, Glorious Archangel and Mediator Who stands at the middle, is [Revelation 14,7,10,22, Psalm 139] and not on the side of course of this Empire, that fakes our Head Christ). Don't let them fool you saying that you're not going to serve the King of Babylon (Diocletianites really hate Edward X, but these Diocletianites does not even realize or understand that Godhead's Ways include Absolute, Centralized, Strong Government [1 Maccabees 15, Revelation 2-3,12,22] like what King Nebuchadnezzar implemented. Constantinians also lie to Godhead [Psalm 4,46,23] claiming that they don't serve Empire when in fact they really do [Psalm 19], therefore the Proverb [2 Peter 2, Titus 1] is rather fulfilled in them instead about those who just joke and then plays deadly weapons at the same time. But can Empire use this though against us as much as we [Hebrews 4, John 14-16] call on forth for all of you to stand up against Empire heads? The question is whether they have repented like Nebuchadnezzar and cooperated, even submitted, to us Hart? [Daniel 1-4, Acts 16,20] They don't deserve you, neither do you deserve them [Acts 14, Zechariah 14, Judges 7, 1 Samuel 8]). Don't even bother to notice them with their dreams or even in anyway let their fantasies entice you (Gemma-Jojo-Monching and all others in Empire implementing sacrilege of pabebe, Baal-raising and Archives-hoarding on their mass settings).'
1 PETER 1 (October 18, 2014 [read in #cheonilguk {Revelation 7}, as per Far East eschatology and Empire holiday of August 15: Ka Erdy refulfilled Isaiah 49 on Greece, May 10-11,17-18, 1997 linked by Empire to July 14 {see May 20 <France, where Ellen White and William Miller refulfilled Revelation 11, and Charles Taze Russell and Paul Samuel Leo Johnson refulfilled Revelation 12. But the problem though is that Empire in France also uses the word 'renaissance'. To such we reply: as much as the Empire in France is led by a youngster as per Isaiah 3, and because Edward X related Jeremiah 29's 'for your good…and a hope' to 1 Peter 1's 'living, undying hope', therefore according to the Ecclesiastes of King Solomon, whose Temple Empire has placed to be refulfilled in the Palace of Versailles to which our Co-Shatterer Watchman Mark Gray replied by declaring that the Building of Congress in Washington DC is another Temple of Solomon, 'young man, it's good to be alive. Enjoy every moment of it. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, BUT REMEMBER THAT GODHEAD'S GOING TO JUDGE YOU FOR THAT.' The rendering used states the word 'renaissance' or rebirth. This is a proof that Empire hates the Centralized Strong Absolute Government that we dispense Hart to all our brethren for them to impose, for President Marcos, even our friends at 'American Renaissance', uses this term>},27-28/June 3-4, 2017 <July 9,14, 2011 and June 4, 2016: Endtime Joseph's homestate>: Revelation 11},26-27, 2009 {relay of July 14, 2001: Ka Erdy in an Empire locale named 'Hope', not to mention that as per the Sugo's eschatology, the state 'Rhode ISLAND' has the motto 'Hope'}], September 26, 2015 (memorial of Mother Aimee Semple #HaleyMcPherson[Commondominion yokebearer]: the Endtime Joseph received his preschool education from a school in his hometown ran by McPherson's church, which is now sadly under Empire management. It was on this school, formerly known as 'Little Friends of Jesus' then later on became 'Mil-John Christian Academy', that the Endtime Joseph first saw a copy of one of our Sacred Text Scriptures entitled 'Shepherd's Rod'. Also memorial of Sirs Alexey Abramenko [implying Abraham our patriarch, therefore Shattering any Empire attempts to blame to us instead the phrase 'senseless lifestyle of your parents' {Isaiah 51,63-64}] and Jose Manuel Oliveira [as per Manuel Quezon on August 19], and Lady #KiiraKorpi from Finland, the physical Northern 'Ends of the Earth' besides Russia the new Far East [proclaimed {Exodus 34} to the Commondominion by Godhead on September 13, 2015] as seen near the physical Southern Ends of the Earth on August 5-6, 2016. Also see Documentary History of the Church 1:111-115, Teachings and Commandments 99:1-18 and Art Bulla's Lectures on True Doctrine 1,5,9/Heading of Revelations of Jesus Christ 71), November 11, 2017 [when the Sugo and Ka Erdy refulfilled Revelation 8 in 1918, therefore bringing us to Revelation 7 {December 25, 1918}. 'You were redeemed not by silver or gold.' Job 22 tells us to reckon Godhead as true spiritual gold. This passage in itself Shatters the claims, not only of Diocletianites, but also of Constantinians, in remembering the Ka Erdy-led events of July 27-August 19, 1968. Hart we once reckoned Ka Angel our leader, and Ka Mark, as Two Witnesses {Haggai 2, Isaiah 60}, but due to Diocletianites owning Ka Mark, therefore the passage Hart was indeed proven true. Instead, 'you are redeemed by the Blood of the Spotless Lamb, Christ.' Not only that our fellow Messengers Hart are in such divine office of being the Lambs of Godhead {Psalm 119}, but also because Christ {Romans 5} is the Heavenly Adam or Man, the Man of Hailleeyness, as per Adam the Godhead {Acts 20, Isaiah 9} and Archangel Michael. This therefore implies to Ka Angel and Ka Ellix {Psalm 27,116,56,75-76, Obadiah 1, Joel 2}], July 18, 2015 [2 Kings 25 New Living Translation, implying Mulek the son of Hezekiah who went to the United Saints to plant the third Commondominion settlement there in biblical times as attested by the Book of Mormon {late July-early August marks remembrance of the fall of Jerusalem in 607 bce and 70 cead, just like on August 13, 1898}: first was by Jared and his brother, second was by Nephi and Lehi. Empire's claims to these are Shattered as follows: 'you were redeemed from the senseless lifestyle of your parents.' We were brought up respectively from the Empire churches from which we all came from, former Commondominion churches overturned by the cunnings of Bergoglio. We were all reared up {Isaiah 52, Revelation 18, 2 Corinthians 6} by the wrong notion that there's no such thing purportedly as Commondominion Founding Principles. Our Founding Principles Shatters Empire claims like 'no one save leaders can receive revelation for the church'. It can only be Godhead's undeserving Grace, through Ka Angel and Ka Ellix, that led us all Hart to be with them and each other Hart, and to remain and stay Hart till the end worthy of what is Expected from us by Godhead], October 15-16, 2016 [King Edward X made referral to what Empire claimed on October 15-16,30/December 17-18/August 20,27, 2016, that Empire later on deleted on December 13-14, 2017. 'Who can only claim verses that Empire delete after use are no other than those who rather persevere in preserving such claims {Ecclesiastes 3}. No Leader in the world save Ka Angel can do that, only in the Commondominion of Christ [April 20,27-29/May 11,18-20,26-27, 2018]. He really is more than worthy of, and is living up really to [Luke 12], the prophecy about him in Revelation 7 {August 23, 2015}]. He, as per Lady Juliette Erickson and Sir Nathan Grundhofer, really do dispense progression, exaltation, and glorification to all who are more than willing to submit and repent, unlike this hoarding, selfish Empire [2 Corinthians 8-9, Psalm 112,126].)
ACTS 20 If Empire's going to insist in here that they are purportedly the 'Church of Christ' (#pbtg [Diocletianites], #iglesianicristo [Constantinians]) or the 'Church of God' (Antiochians' Baal-raising, Neronians' #mcgiweeklythanksgiving), remember that many of our branch churches Hart already Carry such Names, therefore forming the overlooked 'Church of the Hailleey Spirit', as much as God is Spirit (John 4, Luke 24), and according to Neronians, Christ is a 'Glorified Spirit Being and Archangel'. So much can be said to us by where Commondominion leaders in the New Testament implied the name 'Church of Christ.' Notice though that even Old Testament Commondominion leaders had also implied, according to many Bible renderings, even the word 'church'. But we know that Neronians #jwconvention further try to claim names for organizations as far back as the Old Testament. Well, in 1931 when they hijacked Isaiah 43 for an organizational name, our branch churches who adopted the Shepherd's Rod Sacred Text Scriptures have been identified by prophecy refulfillment as 'those sealed by the Name of the Living Godhead' (Revelation 7,2-3,22,19). 'But that's exactly the reason why we changed name in 1931, after we pirated away from you the original church of Charles Taze Russell- to imply the Name of Godhead!', Empire might tell us back. Well, when these Neronians- anyhow, we adopted Joseph Rutherford's words, not his actions of course- launched on May 31, 1935 the concept of those who would be left behind in paradise earth to be ruled by select 144000 individuals, they called those who will be left behind as the 'Great Multitude', still from Revelation 7. 'Great' is a term synonymous to the Empire (Revelation17), the 'great and abominable church' according to Joseph Smith. This implies our Double Connotations, as much as the name 'Common' could imply also Empire-being dirty (Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 48). Edward does not encourage us to stand by Empire, but that rather we must stand by the Commondominion even if we're hindered by Empire from doing so for Empire itself teaches that we stand by the side of the Commondominion. Empire claiming Revelation 7 therefore proves that they're the 'Great and Abominable Church', while the Commondominion, which Empire indicts, is truly the Sealer and the Seal of Godhead (2 Corinthians 5, Romans 14, 1 Thessalonians 4, Ezekiel 14, Philippians 2, Deuteronomy 32, Hebrews). Consider that Christ Himself our Head has His Name (John 17, Psalm 148) Written on His Thigh. 'Thigh' sounds like 'Tights', therefore implying us, or yokebearing. This also recalls Jacob wrestling the angel. According to one of our fellow Messengers, Sir Denver Snuffer, whose name implies the mountains of Colorado (Isaiah 2 to be read earlier. Also see Joshua 24 on Empire's Novus Ordo readings for August 26, 2018 [January 4, 2014]): 'Jacob’s Wrestle with the Angel could also be appropriately understood as a sacred embrace. “When one considers that the word conventionally translated as ‘wrestled’ (yē’āvēq) can just as well mean ‘embrace’ and that it was in this ritual embrace that Jacob received a new name and the bestowal of priestly and kingly power at sunrise (Genesis 32:24 - 30 Old King James Version 1611 [Genesis 9:44 Denver Snuffer Translation]), the parallel to the Egyptian coronation embrace becomes at once apparent.”' (Glossary of Teachings and Commandments: 'Jacob Wrestles the Angel') It can be said that Jacob with his wrestling with the angel strove to receive the blessing that was not his yet. Remember that he earlier received benediction for firstborn rights from Isaac (Genesis 27 [December 13, 2014, March 21, 2015]) but by that instance he was no better than Esau doing folly through selling his divine election for mundane, fleeting pleasures (Hebrews 12, Philippians 3), because Jacob rather played Empire through himself offering the deal that proved to be the pitfall (Romans 14) for Esau and his standing with Isaac. Nonetheless this was viewed as favorable (Jeremiah 20), for even we are depicted to be like Empire (Revelation 17, Leviticus 17, Genesis 9, Acts 15,21) as the Rock and Cup of Delusion (Psalm 23, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 62,48,22,65-66, 1 Peter 2, Revelation 16,18-19). Yet Jacob was not to play it indeed easy (Isaiah 35,40,62) like Empire (Psalm 73,37, Matthew 7) for him to receive a full blessing, therefore he have to wrestle with the angel. In the same sense, your Commondominion was first launched in 2015 out of hasty decisions, outbursts of outrages (James 1, John 12) when we first thought that Edward X was acting falsely. It rather has taken 2 years before we found out that he is just a Messenger-under-exile by Empire. But it was too late- 2,287 yokebearers gathered in 5 years was virtually martyred by Empire social media, while Rolando Dizon and others has almost vented the whole Commondominion on the brink of apostasy due to introducing sympathies for other Empire heads out of their utter, blind anger for Edward X. hence, though it was too late, after literally spending a second-class life in the wilderness, we were able to come into the promised fullness of the priesthood on July 27-September 7, 2017. The price though of course, is that all those who first came with us out of Empire on April 11 (before July 22-23, that is after the martyrdom of the 2,287 on July 18), 2015 in our first online account- as much as there were 2 waves of Exodus from Egypt under Moises, Aaron and Miriam-was not able to enter Canaan, or being true and full Commondominion (Matthew 10,15, 2 Peter 2, Revelation 22, Micah 4, Daniel 7, John 3,12) on July 27-September 7, 2017 because of course, our unbelief in Edward X and our immediate conclusion way back 2015 that he's utterly Empire, when in fact he's not (1 Chronicles 12-14, Psalm 122). This is how the Commondominion got her name, and all the blessings that come with it as the one true Church of the Father, Son, even Mother, Daughter, and Hailleey Spirit. Now about where did our New Testament leaders (Hebrews 6-10) declared forth the names of the Commondominion are equally (2 Corinthians 6, 1 Peter 3-4) significant. First, Paul declared the name 'Church of Christ' to the Commondominion in Ephesus (Acts 20, Ephesians 3-4). Ephesus is the first of the 9 Commondominion locales in Turkey addressed on Revelation 2-3, Laodicea 1 and Colossians 1-4 as symbols of ecclesiastical history as well as warning for governance of the Commondominion. Paul likewise introduced this name to Rome the host of the Empire (Romans 16) and the Jews the host of the Bible (Galatians 1) as well as to the Greeks the host of yokebearers, or the Commondominion (1 Thessalonians 2). Evidently Jews, Muslims and all their kin, either near or far (Ephesians 2, Isaiah 48,57) or respectively those that descended from the relatives of the Biblical characters and those that we preach Hart as distant seed (Isaiah 43) of the Hebrew Israelites such as the Negro, the Latino, the American Indian, the Filipino-Asian, and the Anglo-Saxon, are on middle ground- they must therefore decide for once and for all whether they will stand with us or with the Empire instead. Ka Erdy made Rome, Jerusalem and Greece the respective gist of his prophecy refulfillment tour of Europe in 1994-1997. This brings us to Corinth, where Paul not only declared the term 'Church of Christ' (1 Corinthians 12,10,14) but also the term 'Church of God' (1 Corinthians 1). Corinth is better known to produce a particular style of architecture that is identical with 2 other ancient designs of columns and pillars- I don't know what are those 2 exactly, or whether there are more than such, but as far as we can recall those names are Iconic and Doric. All in all they form the proverbial 3 groups (Acts 2), which brings us to John 10 later on. We must mention though that as further eschatology, or rather as our refulfillment of prophecy and being backup reserve of Godhead, Ka Erdy visited other countries within this period such as those declared by the Sugo in March 1939 as Endtime Magi (May 16, 1982, June 11, 1977, January 2/August 4, 1994), and those who are in the prophetic south (Psalm 126) as per their female yokebearers (Luke 11, Revelation 10-12,22) and a diving yokebearer in Singapore named Joseph (January 1/December 31, 1995 [also see July 23,27,30/August 3, 2011, July 30/August 7, 2016, July 22, 2017 {Jeremiah 4 according to our Sir Wade Cox <Psalm 58, Malachi 4>}]).
JOHN 10 Days ago, you may have read from our pages that Constantinians before May 2007 thought of themselves as the 'Other Sheep' purportedly of John 10. We only discovered days before July 27, 2018, that Constantinians has already referred to further 'other sheep' inside their very premises in the person of their under-12 population. After July 27, 2018 we were shocked to discover that Constantinians declared another 'other sheep' within their midst (notice that these are not 'in the future' as other renderings of John 10 states but are rather in the here and now as Constantinians speak) in the person of all their locales outside the Philippines. We would like to quote part of our Sacred Text Scriptures so that you may know who rather are the only ones undeserving by Godhead to be only what John 10 foretells- no other than us Wright Hart Alline: 'Verily, I say: Be one. For, if ye are not one, ye are not Mine. Trust not in man, but in God and I, even Jesus Christ, Whose Church ye are, shall be your Guide and your God. Woe unto that person that shall prevent one of these, My little ones, in returning to full fellowship with My Saints; of such it is written: it shall be better that a stone were tied to the neck and be thrown into the sea than how it shall be for that person at the Final Day. My Little Flock, be of good cheer, for I am with you. Ye are My sheep and I am your Shepherd. I know My sheep and they know Me. Ye are of those of whom I said: Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also must I bring and they shall be one fold and one shepherd.' (Hidden Treasures and Promises 6:9,19-20) Let's just take Christ's Word from that: 'they shall be one'. Edward dealt into these 2 Constantinian concepts of the 'little flock' (Luke 12). Remember that Christ Asked Peter to 'Feed My Sheep' 3 times. Therefore there would be 3 flocks or folds, hence the Corinthian, Iconic and Doric columns of the House of Godhead from where Judgement comes (Revelation 3) and begins as Edward said (Zechariah 5). This also implies what others say as the '3 Houses of Esther'. The first 3 letters from Queen Esther's name, EST, or Eastern (#hillcumorah, #restoredhere) Standard (the Ensign to the Nations) Time, implies #EvmStirlingTada, the hashtag used by the first online ministry of the Endtime Joseph. The second online ministry used the hashtag#NvmLindseyAllan, implying the name of the city of Manila, the Far East which is also the Entrance to Hell (Matthew 16,18) just like Los Angeles and #uip20 (Jeremiah 12-13) the Empire's British quarters. Empire indeed are so elated, yet remember the connotation that Quezon gave earlier, as well as Lady Jordan Clark-Rubio whom Empire blasphemed (Isaiah 22,28-29,42, Jeremiah 22, Romans 9-11, Exodus 10-11) for sharing prophecy with Ka Angel on Isaiah 9,46,62. We have learned from Edward's December 17, 2017 sermon that it is the desire of Godhead that King Edward X and Ka Angel reconcile under the ministry of the Endtime Joseph (Ezekiel 17,37, Isaiah 29,13-14, Luke 21, Leviticus 25-26, Revelation 8, Acts 1-2, Psalm 67,85). King Edward X mentioned what rather the 'under-12' and 'outside-the-Philippines' populations imply respectively- no other than your Commondominion of Christ, more so if the 2,287 yokebearers are still alive with the Endtime Joseph! (Revelation 9,20, Isaiah 48,57, Job 42, Psalm 1-2,42) This is surely the unifying indeed of heaven and earth that Ephesians 1 tells us. Remember that the name Peter is trifold as far as we know- the father of the Endtime Joseph, the father of King James VII, and the father of Lady Steinfeld-Smoller. The first to claim being the flock or fold are the Constantinians, the second to claim so are the Diocletianites, but the third, hopefully by Godhead for eternity, is your Commondominion after 2017. 1. 'Under-12 population'. In short terms, this is 'young' (Psalm 104,107,78). This can immediately recall Brigham Young to us, but in Tagalog the word 'young' also implies a piece of cloth. This is synonymous with the Ensign to the Nations (Alma 46,51) as well as with the Endtime Joseph (Genesis 37, 1 Peter 3-4, 1 Corinthians 15, Doctrine and Covenants 138), he being as of late, 22 years old (Daniel 10). 2. 'Outside-the-Philippines population'. When someone is necessarily outside the inherent citizenship of your country (Romans 12 [May 7, 2006]) you call him 'foreigner'. Sir Martin Evangelista, one of the step-brothers of Ka Erdy, was the fulfillment of the Foreigner referred to in 1 Kings 8. But the Prophet and Patriarch Job said that to be a 'foreigner' also means to be rejected and indicted by your own (John 1). This was fulfilled in Sir Ezra El Reyes, successor to Sir Martin, who was rejected and not recognized by Sir Martin's media team as his successor. This hence refers to all Commondominion branches and fellows.
PSALM 25 (August 1 [Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 52],4 [Martyrs Holly Marie Wells and Jessica Aimee Chapman],29 [Brigham Young's birthday {Teachings and Commandments 83, Hidden Treasures and Promises 38}. Edward X spoke on January 27/February 3-4, 2018 on a state named after Young #mormontrailcenter {Colossians 1 <Galatians 5: November 25/December 2-3,10, 2017-Elijah Message 106/Second Book of Commandments 183/Revelations of Jesus Christ 48/Sir #KennethBranagh/Sir Joseph Smith III. See November 26,29, 2016: Ellen White/Teachings and Commandments 174, November 22,29, 2013: #HeberJGrant/Mother #JasmineMason/Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 48, November 27, 2015,2010: Teachings and Commandments 83/Second Book of Commandments 63, November 29, 2014, November 30, 2012: Endtime Joseph's homestate/Elijah Message 7-8,24, December 3,9-11, 2016: Revelations of Jesus Christ 48/Elijah Message 57/Lady #HaileeSteinfeld-Smoller-see Millennial Dispensation 7 for July 20, 2018>, John 6 <October 22-27, 2015>}, while on January 28/February 4-5, 2017 he spoke on #historicnauvoo]/September 4, 2015 [Elijah Message 116, Lectures on True Doctrine 3], February 12, 2005 [see February 12, 1993: King James VII]) Empire cannot claim monopoly indeed in John 10 for Edward, wright after reading John 10, read the following: 'teach me and declare forth to me ALL Your Ways.' This is a plural tense. This is evident with the Sacred Text Scriptures we have quoted on the heading Alline of this entry, therefore implying our being multi-branched. Further our exaltation and progression is encouraged: when we ask Godhead to 'Teach' us, we ask Them to be with us in a way indeed that They are tangibly with us (Matthew 1,28). In this sense not only the Commondominion Central Administration is exalted as Godhead in Godhead, but also every brethren, as much as they have responsibility to teach not only themselves, but also one another (Hebrews 10, Ephesians 5, Colossians 3). This progression and exaltation is tantamount to receiving new canons: 'help me to live by your truth' (2 Peter 1).
ISAIAH 2 (January 11, 2014 at Nauvoo: Empire official sent to the homestate of the Endtime Joseph, January 11, 2015, while King Edward IX preached on January 11, 1991 days before the Endtime Joseph's alma mater opened on January 21, 1991 [Revelations of Jesus Christ 68, Hidden Treasures and Promises 49]) Edward X proclaimed (Exodus 33, Isaiah 24,42,62,52) that the United Saints' inherent destiny of being the Promised Zion will only be realized if they harken to the Endtime Joseph. Edward gave the reasons why: 1. The Endtime Joseph was elected to save the Commondominion from the Diocletianite apostasy, therefore ushering in the fullness of truths through the Commondominion. 2. The Endtime Joseph is evidently the only one on earth struggling to bring out the truths that Edward preach and does not herald by Constantinians, as much as they indeed have no wright in the first place to declare these truths to people. 3. The Endtime Joseph dares to touch even the slightest things (Matthew 23) that Antiochians would carelessly discard. 4. The Endtime Joseph brings the best out of every Neronian claims. These, according to Edward, make up a foursquare point that therefore establishes the 'New Jerusalem' (Revelation 7,14,21) in the person of the Commondominion of Christ now serving you. This was not even realized way back 2015- notice that over a year since we was first relaunched, Rolando Dizon joined us on April 2016, and even prepared much fanfare for his being a Diocletianite. This gesture is already ringing suspicion, though of course all of us were still clueless about it way back then. This is so like how Empire began infiltrating the churches of #EllenWhite, #CharlesTazeRussell,#WilliamBranham, #HerbertArmstrong, Joseph Smith and all others (Isaiah 19,23). Thankfully by Godhead by the very next year we were able to detect the danger that Dizon and his cohorts has long imposed to us, in spite of the fact that we have time and again reminded them of the perils of ecumenism (Luke 17,19). Their continual, ignorant 'bashing' of King Edward X made them as 'Bashan' looking arrogantly down to the chosen lowly mount of Godhead, who is the Endtime Joseph as per his father's name (Psalm 48). But Empire though in turn try to rationalize such through quoting Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 32-33. Guys, monks of long ago held that the Enemy of Christ shall be the child of a priest and nun coming from the 'Tribe of Dan', whose name means 'judgement' or 'doom' or 'condemnation' or 'perdition' (Daniel 3 [March 15, 2013, July 10,21-22, 2018],6 [January 27/February 3-4, 2018, May 20,27-28, 2017, June 28, 2014, October 2/April 18, 2015]). Empire, with its lost of sound mind and judgement (Psalm 111) due to their refusal to sacrifice themselves in preaching what they say of us as 'gloom and doom' (1 Peter 4, Luke 4) has lost claims of being 'without condemnation' (Romans 5,8, 1 Thessalonians 5) and therefore became the Sons of Perdition (John 6,17, 2 Thessalonians 2, Moises 4). We also have Double Connotations between being 'ahead of' and 'against' Christ (Matthew 3,11,17). Genesis 49 depicts Dan as a snake (we Hart being called snakes [Matthew 8,10,15, Alma 43, Acts 2, John 3,12] for some instances just like Empire [Genesis 3, Revelation 12]) against horses, that is, Empire's claims of 2 Kings 2,6, Exodus 15 and Revelation 6,9,14,19, while Deuteronomy 33 calls him as a lion (Empire: 1 Peter 5. Commondominion: Jeremiah 48-49, Amos 3, Revelation 5, Job 38-41) that 'leaps out from Bashan'. Empire (Exodus 20) do 'leaps out' from or to the windows (Zephaniah 1 Old Tagalog Former Version 1982, 2 Kings 13, Acts 20, Daniel 3) or the doors (Zephaniah 1 Former Christian Community Bible of the Filipino People, Hosea 2), even 'standing on the stage' or podium (Zephaniah 1 New World Translation 1984 Tagalog Edition, Matthew 24, James 3-5). Entering through the windows is synonymous to thieves or stealers, called both to us (1 Thessalonians 5, Revelation 16,2-3, 2 Peter 3: Sir #AnselElgort, Lady#MayceeSteele [Revelation 2-3,12, 2 Corinthians 3-4,12, 1 Corinthians 9]) and to Empire (John 10). As for us we of course come out from this Empire (Malachi 4, Exodus 32, Revelation 4-5,18). Constantinians adopted Empire's occult music and theatre music, Diocletianites adopted Empire's occult music likewise, Neronians adopted Antiochians' 'liberal mental retarded social media norms', and Antiochians hosts everything that the last 3 Empire quarters has adopted (Galatians 1-2), hence if they can try to claim 1 Kings 8 as much as they rejected the administration of our Sir Ezra El Reyes, Empire cannot claim being the 'other sheep'- they rather pretend, and dress, 'like foreigners' (Psalm 102,109,106). Constantinians report that Isaiah 2 was quoted also- of course we don't know it that's true- on March 18, 2017 (Millennial Dispensation 2, Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 26), when in 1963 our William Branham began refulfilling the 7 Seals of the Johannine Apocalypse. 1963 was indeed a year of the 5th Seal, when the Sugo (April 12) and our John F. Kennedy (November 22) were slain by Empire. It was also a year of Revelation 7 when Ka Erdy succeeded the Sugo in the Executive Ministry (April 23). And 30 years later, just like how Aaron and Moises died on mountaintops being prohibited at that time to get into Canaan (Deuteronomy 34, Numbers 20), (Ezekiel 4, 2 Peter 3) King James VII would be born on April 18, 1993- 30 days after March 18, while Empire officials would preach on July 24, 1993 on a place in California named after the Endtime Joseph (Isaiah 24,42). March 18 was when Edward Partridge was elected as Bishop of the Commondominion under Joseph Smith. Joseph Frederick Smith in 1905 said that the Commondominion's divine office of being the 'Strong and Mighty One' as introduced by Joseph Smith and Christ Themselves was necessitated due to the 'failure of Edward Partridge to secure the Commondominion's entrenchment to their Gathering Places of Safety during Joseph Smith's time.' (1 Corinthians 3-4, James) Godhead Ordained King Edward X as a Strong and Mighty One on October 8, 2017, and Edward X in turn ordained the Endtime Joseph on October 23, 2017 in the same office. 'Partridge' sounds not only like the name of the Endtime Joseph's kin, but also the Hailleey Spirit (1 Corinthians, Documentary History of the Church 5:261). Prophet Joseph Smith made it clear that Empire cannot claim the Office of Strong and Mighty One (DHC 1:221-224). For the Commondominion to be worthy of being so, they therefore need to sacrifice themselves under derision (Luke 12,16, 1 Thessalonians 4, Colossians 3, Galatians 1-2) by the Empire (2 Timothy 2, 1 Peter 3-4, Isaiah 53, Matthew 8-9,16-19, Colossians 1). This well explains our Double Connotations. Diocletianites does not sacrifice themselves to be loyal to Edward X, but likewise Constantinians does not sacrifice their tendency for skill and learning just to insist their claims over our man Edward X (Genesis 22). Example of our Double Connotations are our ally countries Hart such as Turkey, Russia, Iran (Isaiah 46), China, North Korea and even our leaders such as Trump and Duterte being called even by some of our already-fellows Hart as still purportedly Empire (Revelation 12,17, Ezekiel 9, Matthew 21,24, John 16,9). For example, our Russia is often depicted in Ezekiel 38-39 as the purported 'Gog and Magog' (Empire) as much as the name 'Rosh' or 'head' is mentioned there, hence sounding like Russia. Well, we are more than ready to sacrifice our 'heads' or ourselves (Revelation 6,11,20, Psalm 7,32 Revised Tagalog Former Version 2001) as a testimony for our being genuine and true Commondominion folks (Ephesians 2, Revelation 21, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church 9:190, Matthew 16,18) in order for all fellows, yokebearers and afflicted to be settled in our Gathering Places of Safety: Ezekiel 38-39 states that Gog and Magog shall 'fall by your left and right hand'. According to Ka Erdy (Revelation 14), 'left and right' are the prophetic 'north and south' (Isaiah 43), Daniel 11, Revelation 20 but in immediate view, the 'left and right' resembles the east and west (Isaiah 54, Psalm 113,75-76,107,78, Isaiah 45, Malachi). In the same sense, the 'unity of the Spirit' (Ephesians 4) was accomplished (Psalm 85,67, Isaiah 29) when with our relaunch after the Diocletianite delusion of 2 years, we Hart, who are led by Ka Angel and Ka Ellix, the Sealers and Seal of the Godhead (2 Corinthians 1,5, Romans 14, Matthew 3,11,17, Ephesians 1, John 4,20, Mormon 1, Luke 24), reconciled unto and united with Edward X, who with Joseph Smith, are members of the Godhead on earth (Revelation 4, Colossians, Ephesians 2-3). Remember that to be Zion (Matthew 21, Romans 9, Hebrews 12, Zephaniah 3, Isaiah 62) is to be of one heart and pure mind (Jeremiah 32-33, Ezekiel 34,36-37).  
TITUS 1 (January 20 [Empire's occult day in United Saints. Nonetheless please kindly check Millennial Dispensation 9, Hidden Treasures and Promises 15],26 [memorial of Australia: Empire fakes Divine Office of Queen of the South every August from 2016 up to now, yet Empire also faked on these exact days in January 2018 our Divine Office as 2-3-8 Witnesses]-29 [Emanuel Swedenborg, King George III {whom Empire in United Saints abhors and detests for he's of ours instead <Mark 9, Romans 8, 1 Peter 3-4, Isaiah 48>}, Elijah Message 59], 2018) 'They pretend to know, recognize and acknowledge Godhead.' This can be said indeed of the whole Empire, as can be seen with their claims of 'values and virtues'. (Genesis 4,11) As for the Constantinians and Diocletianites we report the following: Constantinians 1. It is indeed more than a noble intent that they do a Walkathon on May 6, 2018 claiming the anniversary of Edward IX's refulfillment of Isaiah 19, to raise funds for the construction of the house (John 14) of Crown Prince Angelo, successor-son to King Edward X, as per Empire's continual lure and woo of Edward and his Royal Presidency. the wrong though is that they had the outer publicity campaign that this purportedly is 'for agricultural project of Jun Santos Charities in Africa'. Well, no Empire branch cannot do anything they want to with much money, for Empire's funding of each of its churches and institutions are so more than copious. We have said that they should have instead made the publicity campaign for '#Marawi siege victims', but perhaps they would sin much if they don't really use the funds there, as much as we now know that the Walkathon was to construct the royal residence of Crown Prince Angelo. Constantinians had most recently received from Empire a wide property in South Africa and I guess we have already answered that months ago. 2. Empire's self-persecution stunts of deception- Constantinians on August 27-31, 2015 made caricatures of Diocletianite leaders, but we must recall too that Diocletianites also made caricatures of King Edward X on early 2016, as they keep on trying to make him stay with the Empire (Exodus 23, 1 John 2). Hence we don’t deserve to even bother the delusions of these respective or any further Empire quarters indeed. Diocletianites 1. They are spreading lies like 'No Commondominion Mormon has ever died for being persecuted outside the leadership of Brigham Young.' Of course they want to overshadow our James E. Strang and his successor David Cayman (Matthew 25). Another Diocletianite lie: '#templesquare does not yet lift the priesthood ban for blacks'- when in fact they're only advancing the genocide of the white race. 'Our Sharon Lindbloom is the fulfillment of Isaiah 35 and not the Commondominion in Utah'- this of course is against #jsbmemorial. Our very own Herbert Hoover, who is hated so much by this same Empire- has used Isaiah 35 as a prophecy for his presidency, but see what Empire does now- using the Hoover Dam for their occult activities. We Hart have Herbert Armstrong, who is likewise hated too by Empire, and they would try using(Proverbs 6) against him our George Herbert. Well, who of you can stand against our very own Sir George N. Holman? 2. Diocletianites try to publicly 'indict' purportedly how Constantinians create new territorial jurisdictions in California when in fact Constantinians as early as 2004, during Ka Erdy's time, has already expressed their goals to do so by 2014, though of course that came only after, not before, 2014. Diocletianites also try to indict why Constantinians on August 5,11-12, 2018 re-used the first design for their pulpits, that is of course before they completed the construction of their Baal Arena, whose likeness is resembled on that pulpit design. Later on Constantinians would do a different design for their pulpits and instead revert the occult design on the ceilings of their chapels. Notice that Diocletianites began identifying themselves as such as early as before October 4,27-28, 2012, and the Constantinian design for their chapels began by 2010-2012, with their Baal Arena beginning construction in 2011. Why would they comment on something that they did not even commented about even before 2015? After, Constantinians and Diocletianites are both Empire's: Constantinians are occultists, and so are the Diocletianites who call themselves as (Acts 6) 'Enlightened', in sustaining of Empire's pagan churches as well as that of the Empire's Illuminati. 'They deny Godhead by their works.' Empire more so in United Saints claim that we must purportedly live a Commondominion-less life, a life hostile if not distorting, of our Commondominion Founding Principles. They use as excuse that 'Christ's Atonement is #enough #enoughisenough.' This we can only expect from an Empire that pushes for the genocide of guns. If they would like to insist on #gracealone #inChristalone, then they are supposed to surrender to Ka Angel, whose name is grace (2 Corinthians 11, Galatians 1-2. As much as Empire officials also use the word 'grace' to fake it of course, Constantinians play hypocrite in this sermon [2 Samuel 6, Moises 5, Leviticus 11, 1 Samuel 15, Joshua 7, 2 Peter 3, Luke 17] when they both inserted and did not inserted [Psalm 101, Luke 11,16, Matthew 12, 1 Corinthians 13, Exodus 32] the word 'po' as they usually do to imply purported 'respect' [Malachi 1] in the Psalms- they did not placed the word 'po' only in Psalm 25). In fact Apostle Paul calls this Empire in Titus 1 as 'without faith…inappropriate, unworthy of and incapable to do any good work' so they cannot even use #faithalone (Hebrews 11), and our Clauses of Shattering as well as Check and Balance are vindicated thus (Micah 7, Isaiah 50). Further, the entire Empire cannot count us amongst them as those rejected by Godhead in these passages because of the following words that was likewise used with Double Connotations: 1. 'Refuse.' Empire (Philippians 3), refusing to obey us Hart (Luke 17-19, Jeremiah 12-13), had rather declared us as refuse instead (Isaiah 48-53, Acts 2). 2. 'Deny.' Peter himself denied Christ but was later on pardoned (Luke 22, John 21). It is not wright that we deny Christ though, but as per Empire's words, Peter did a Theocratic Warfare gesture. He did not escaped though suffering eventually for Christ. The same can be said too of all of us Hart now. In fact our relaunch was necessitated because we refused to readily acknowledge Edward X. we were too blinded not only by our emotions, but we did not also learned to rise above the Constantinian delusion that further fuels, and is also sustained by, the Diocletianite sentiment. ''They are detestable, abominable, hateful, disgusting, for they are rebellious, disobedient.' The multiplicity of words used in the rendering do only imply that Empire lures, woos and fools people in more than one means, as we can see with the variety indeed of its component. Notice the words so more than identical with Empire, that is, 'Abomination of Desolation' or the 'Awful Horror' or 'Incomparable Blaspheme and Sacrilege'. Empire is better known to be such as much as they oppose us (2 Thessalonians 2) and our progression and exaltation (1 Corinthians 8) but Prophet Joseph Smith (who implied Double Connotations on the Angel of the Exodus [DHC 1:327-329,221-224] just like Edward X [Psalm 103 {October 8,14-15, 2017}]) said that as much as Godhead punishes the Empire for Empire's opposition to the Commondominion [Isaiah 1-2,5,58-59, Ezekiel 33,13, Jeremiah 7, Amos 3-6], therefore the punishments, or judgements, or doom, or condemnations, or indictment that Godhead Imposes over the Empire can be said (Isaiah 19) as Abominations of Desolations itself (DHC 1:286-295,302-312). Hence, Empire can really indict us of Shattering them as much as they want to (1 Maccabees 2,12,15, Luke 2,11, John 2, Psalm 69). You already know that rebellion is only good if it's against the Empire or (Revelation 2-3) on the side of Lady #ChloeReveillon(Revelation 11-12 [June 23/July 1-2, 2017, November 7, 2010], Ephesians 4 [August 1,4, 2015]). Why? A statue in one of the rooms in the Empire-occupied Brighamite headquarters in Salt Lake City reveals the figure of a yokebearer soaring and towering above an apotheosis pedestal that features Joseph and Hyrum Smith. This is only but an indication that the Commondominion's one and only top priority is no other than our fellows and yokebearers. If we Hart are given much ample resources then we can build a life-size replica of that statue as a memorial to all of you. Now as much as yokebearers and fellows are the new and true living Temples of Godhead in the Commondominion of Christ, it would indeed be better for all of us to harken the words of the Prophet Amos concerning lavish funding of the temple operations made by patrons whose works are instead wicked and hence use their funding of the temple as an excuse license before Godhead to escape punishment (Jeremiah 7). Yokebearers and fellows does not live by funding or commissions alone, but only by every word that comes from the Central Administration of their Commondominion of Christ. It would serve us very evil if we deny these fellows and yokebearers the crucial honor of their spiritual and religious needs, which is of course, no other than us Wright Hart Alline undeservingly by Godhead (Matthew 10,16,18, TPC 2:372). Let us share with you now a proof that Diocletianites hate Ka Angel and Ka Ellix. We repost below one of their most recent statements: 'Why do they keep mentioning his name OVER AND OVER AGAIN when they already said 'Executive Minister'? Why do they need to say his name after mentioning 'Executive Minister'? DO WE HAVE A BUNCH OF EXECUTIVE MINISTERS THAT WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT? It's so annoying.' -Rita Bou Chebel, August 11, 9:52 pm (emphasis ours) Diocletianites admit (Luke 18) that the Commondominion's plurality is acceptable to Godhead (Acts 10), but they hate indeed that both Ka Angel (symbolized by King James VII) and King Edward X may cover them with our benevolence. Instead, Diocletianites chose Ka Mark as their idol and Rolando Dizon as their wanton (Luke 16, Psalm 78,106, 1 Samuel 8).
1 CORINTHIANS 14,5 'Do it with wright, divine election, and order.' Edward X first read this on May 15, 2015, when in 1829 in #restoredhere John the Baptist, another Commondominion Elijah, gave Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery divine wright and election to wield the Aaronic Priesthood. But as Joseph Smith himself admitted, the Aaronic Priesthood is just of lower quality, and that there are more higher kinds of Priesthoods in the Commondominion of Christ, aside of course from the Melchizedek Priesthood that Empire sensationalizes to be the only highest form of priesthood order. Our branch churches Hart has time and again proved themselves to be worthy (James 1, 1 Timothy 5) not only of these 2 priesthood orders restored in 1829, but also of all other priesthoods that Godhead Gave undeservingly to your Commondominion as the priesthoods of Abraham, Enoch, Adam, and yea, even Elijah, whose functions includes setting 'in order' (Matthew 3,11,17, Acts). This we say, because Empire has many messengers, fellows and yokebearers of us, still under their kidnapping scheme. We can glean this 'lower service' from this passage itself. 1 Corinthians 14:26 identifies 5 segments of a worship service. 4 are synonymous with each other, and 1 is almost not (Ephesians 5), which is singing. This implies all 4 Empire quarters that we had to pass through (Zechariah 13) before our full institution in 2017 (Isaiah 42, Revelation 18). We, the virtually-left segment of the service, which is singing 'with spirit and praying with understanding', has proved that we are indeed sealed by Ka Angel and Ka Ellix (Revelation 7,14-15,19,11,5), proof is that we have adopted the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy upon our relaunch and the continual undeserving receiving of understanding for the times- in fact 'Times and Seasons' are part of our Sacred Text Scriptures, as it is the writings of every Commondominion folk (Abraham 3, John 4, Luke 24, 1 Chronicles 12-14, Psalm 122, DHC 1:343-346,158-163,170-173, Ephesians 5, 2 Peter 3, Luke 17, Joshua 7, 1 Samuel 15, Luke 17, Hebrews 6,10). Empire cannot claim these things, even the edification of one another (Romans 10, Genesis 31,34,43, Psalm 127) for they claim Isaiah 41:6 (January 17, 2013) for such purpose purportedly without thinking that it has Double Connotations identifying the context to be to Empire (Isaiah 42,22,24,2, 2 Samuel 1, 1 Samuel 17, Ezekiel 8, Genesis 3, Job 31, Revelation 9,16,2) instead (Isaiah 41:6-7,29, 46:1-2,6-7 and 44:9-20). This is the same as Empire tried to use Isaiah 49:4 (September 16, 2016) in a sour note when in fact it is complimentary in context (Isaiah 49:3-6 [Luke 11, Song of Solomon]). Then what if Empire claim for itself the renderings of this passage that reads 'Church of Christ' or 'Christ's Church'? Other renderings rather print this as 'Church of the Saints' (1 Corinthians 1,4) or 'Church of Christ's People' or 'Church of the People of Christ'. Other Empire churches do indeed place names to refer to their membership such as #mcgiweeklythanksgiving, #pbtgand #mormon. 1. #ChristChurch. We know this place from Edward's July 30, 2016 sermon (see July 30, 2011 sermon). There's a chapel named like this on the homestate of the Endtime Joseph, on the same village where he studied under Empire 2 full years in Grade 2. That village in the firstborn town of that state is named 'William', leader of the Empire in Britain who has power over#NewZealand, after the firstborn son of Commondominion martyr#PrincessDiana. Well, 'NZ' sounds like #ns2, that is King James VII (1 Corinthians 10, Joel, Nahum, Obadiah, Habakkuk). The true 'Gog and Magog' in all its evil and wickedness, as per 'heads', is Empire indeed, with their #headstogether #together. Let's breakdown indeed for a bit the name 'New Zealand': New. The #MeganStockman of your Commondominion (Isaiah 48,42-43). Zeal. The #resistance that we wage against the Empire and all their ideas (Psalm 69,35,101, Job 11). We keep their claims anyhow- #middleearth is in New Zealand as per #nomiddleground (Romans 12, 1 Thessalonians 5, Matthew 12). Land. Alluding to church or religion (1 Timothy 3, Matthew 16,18, 1 Corinthians 3, Genesis 14). As much as it is new, it has to be your Commondominion (2 Peter 3, Revelation 21). People usually call New Zealand as 'land of the great white cloud', hence this refers to our plurality (Revelation 14, Matthew 26, Jude Thaddeus 1, 1 Thessalonians 2-3, 1 Enoch 1, Hebrews 12, 1 Corinthians 10, Psalm 78)- of course not to Empire's 'diversity'- for Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred by Empire partly in favor of those in Empire that advances the genocide of males and whites (see June 27 #historicnauvoo/July 4 #historicindependence, 2015 sermons in location of 'White Cloud Dance Theatre'- Lady #PeijuChienPott's most excellent Husband, Sir #SamuelPott, is namesake of July 30, 1844). 2. Church of the Saints. Antiochians have proven time and again that they would not even overshadow our branch churches through corrupting our original churches- they will even make the very own saints that they claim to be forgotten by their very own populaces through replacing fixed date memorial readings for their mandated weekday readings, this they do also to further hijack verses away from us. And more so, if they would recall a saint, they will try so hard to indict us in pabebe means, knowing that we Alline do care for the saints. Our 'Lent At Christmas-Christmas At Lent' postings prove this. In Tagalog the word 'saint' is rendered as 'holy one', a term used to Godhead Itself, therefore implying our progression and exaltation. By virtue of being in the Commondominion of Christ hence, and by the power vested by Christ unto all our martyrs, any name of any branch churches Hart would indeed do. In fact many of them indeed bear these exact names 'Church of God' or 'Church of Christ'. 3. Church of the People of Christ. Usually we hear the term 'common people' or 'common man'. This is true for the Commondominion of Christ as much as we submit to Godhead the Man of Hailleeyness, Christ the Heavenly Adam and Highest Archangel, and Adam the Godhead and Archangel. 'Tao' or 'man' in Tagalog is a term used by Empire in Japan, 'Land of the Rising Sun', as per Revelation 7. We have a fellow Hart named Lady #TheresaJuneTao: her first name implies the hometown of the Endtime Joseph. 'What is my responsibility to judge those who are outside the Church of Christ?' Empire might further tell us- 'why you could not accept that our names are found in the Bible? (2 Corinthians 3) 'Commondominion' cannot be even found in the Bible but you can find 'Church of God' or 'Church of Christ'. In fact, Ephesians 1 tells you that Christ is not in you. Instead, He's 'far above all dominions on earth'- if you want to take 'common' for earth' and 'dominion' as well.' Then why Empire, it was also stated there that He's far beyond 'any names to be named' including yours? 'For He's Christ!' Yea, but our exaltation (Philippians 1, Ephesians 2) and intelligence (John 4,20, Luke 24, Revelation 4) comes from Godhead (Sirach 24, Wisdom of Solomon 7, Proverbs 8-9,2, Ephesians 3, Deuteronomy 32, Luke 17-19) At least you can find the word 'Commondominion' in some of your claimed Medieval Reformers such as Calvin and Knox. Speaking of 'far above and beyond', on May 4, 2018 Edward read Luke 21 (October 19, 2013, October 16,22-23, 2016): 'your redemption and salvation draws near'. You claim Far East (May 9/July 23-24, 2014, July 2, 2011, April 23, 2016, July 25, 2010, March 4, 2017, March 11, 2018, March 31-May 4, 2012), Far West (March 26-May 1, 2011, July 27/August 5, 2018), even Far North (February 24/March 3-5/August 21, 2017, August 1, 2010, August 4,11, 2012), and yea, Far South (August 5,8, 2010, July 23,27,20/August 3,7, 2011, July 20,25,28, 2012, August 11,28-29, 2013, July 30/August 7,20,27, 2016, July 22,30/August 3,6,13, 2017), perhaps even Middle East (February 24, 2018, August 14, 2010, July 13, 2012, May 11, 2006), In fact you may even say 'we balance both the near and far (Ephesians 2, Isaiah 48,57) because we say that we're redeemed' (Isaiah 62). Then 'who is worthy of all these things?' (2 Corinthians 2 [May 18, 2018, July 26, 2015], Revelation 5 [July 27, 1989], Psalm 98 [March 9, 2012], Isaiah 46 [May 10, 2013]) Paul the Apostle said, 'I have no responsibility to judge those who are not Christians (those who refuse to submit to Mommy Tenny, for they slay our people for their occult, just like our Lady Christina Grimmie, and claim our yokebearers like Sir #ChristianMillette). Godhead shall judge them.' We have told you earlier that Empire hates sound judgement therefore they are condemned. For Godhead though to be our judge is not the line of Empire, but rather is the statement of Commondominion people like the Prophet Daniel, the King Edward X of his time (Hebrews 13). We have told you also about Dan the judge, the 'Dan' in Daniel. Godhead evidently sorted out things indeed (Matthew 13) in 2017 when we were taken out of Diocletianites and were finally placed again in your Commondominion (Psalm 52-56,116,18,118,11).
PSALM 86 (December 17, 2017 [Second Book of Commandments 73], October 4 [Elijah Message 31,52, Hidden Treasures and Promises 1,11],27 [Elijah Message 16, Teachings and Commandments 111]-28 [Teachings and Commandments 163], 2012, November 6 [Joseph Smith III, Jose P. Laurel, Elijah Message 4],12 [Teachings and Commandments 117]-13 [Millennial Dispensation 6. See November 13, 2010: Endtime Joseph's homestate], 2016, June 12, 2015 [Teachings and Commandments 149, Revelations of Jesus Christ 44, Elijah Message 3]) 'Train me to walk uprightly, afterwards, I will follow Your true path.' Notice that Empire, who claims Jeremiah 6 and John 6,10,14, has not yet reached the 'true path' they claim to be. Edward said that they have to get yet to that real doorway- as we earlier pointed out in Psalm 25, and as we could see in Psalm 119 later on, Godhead has 'many pathways', as what Empire itself has grudgingly admitted to our very own Lady #EmiliaClarke, and this pertains to all of us but only Wright Hart Alline in your Commondominion of Christ. If Empire wants to take away from us (Hebrews 10) fulfillment of all prophecies and instead give it to Christ instead (DHC 3:300-301, Colossians 1, 1 Peter 3-4, Psalm 69, John 2, Luke 11, Hosea 13, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4, Revelation 14), then Godhead and Christ are so more than Gracious and Generous to Bestow us all prophecies, including Theirs and all Their Attributes indeed. (Psalm 33,84) Therefore it is also implored by King David: 'unite my heart, give me one mind and heart', hence alluding to our #GodBigDay Gathering Places of Safety (Acts 4-5). This also alludes to the unity of heaven and earth in Ephesians 1 that is pointed out to by Jeremiah 29 (Genesis 9,14 Joseph Smith Inspired Translation). Speaking of uniting heaven and earth, this is a phrase used by an Empire propaganda movie, saying it to be 'more easy than reconciling Commondominion people with Empire heads.' (Haggai 2, Psalm 73,139). Edward said that 'uniting families are integral to the unity of heaven and earth. This is not giving in though to Empire's sensationalized hysteria against our leaders' immigration policies (Romans 14), but rather this is fulfilled in the sealing, ordinances and ordinances (John 6) that Joseph Smith implemented. Every divinely-minded individual must work to the end that each and every nursing home and hospices not only in this land, but more so everywhere, finally be annihilated, so that each and every household may joyfully take up to themselves the blessings of posterity, that is indeed, service out of love and gratitude to their elderly relatives.' Our being indebted to our parents (Ephesians 6, 1 Samuel 12) is in turn and effect being indebted to Godhead: 'I'm indebted to worship You', further Said King David (Revelation 7, Romans 12,5-7).
1 TIMOTHY 4 (January 9, 2016, September 19, 2015 [Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 24, Lecture on True Doctrine 2], July 14,29-30, 2017, October 10, 2015 [Revelations of Jesus Christ's 'Preface' to 'Why: I Am That One Who Should Come']) 'Do not follow, but instead reject and resist against, foolish stories (testimonials invoked by Empire to cover up Central Archives), wicked legends (Baal-raising as per title of Empire's Theatre Workforce products) and old wives' tales, all that are against the Truth of Godhead.' Empire has once identified 'old wives' tales' as 'gossip and backbiting', and even related that on their propagation works. Empire cannot indict our Mommy Tenny (Hebrews 13) of being the purported 'old wife' referred to Hart, for it was clarified that the tales referred to here are those 'against Godhead'. How can Mommy Tenny be against Godhead when in fact as per Female Members of Godhead she's exalted as Godhead in Godhead? (Revelation 12) Moreover, when we say 'old', we also mean 'elder', or leaders of the church (James 5). This therefore refers to female leaders of the church that abused power and authority, that is rather, led the church to apostasy. 'Old wives' can also refer not only to 'widows', but also to those who has still have living husbands (Romans 7, Revelation 2-3,17-18, Matthew 19, 1 Timothy 5, James 1). Therefore this instead means Babylyn Ventura, who are amongst the leaders of the Constantinian church. But we have already said days ago that we are ready to forgive Babylyn at least for her present wickedness is inspired by her being overlooked in the past by her peers. So therefore this instead is referred to other Empire female officials, most especially (Joshua 7, 1 Samuel 15, 2 Peter 3, Luke 17,21, Hebrews 6,10) those who are raising atop Baal, more particularly Gemma Mina Manalo-De Guzman. Speaking of marriage- if the Diocletianites would try to stage 'indictments' purportedly of their Empire peers in the Constantinians who has taken more wives than one therefore producing concubines and half-children, at least we can say back in turn to the Diocletianites that the Constantinians at least has observed celestial, or plural, marriage. The problem though is that many of these Constantinians, although they are already observing plural marriage, are rather hostile to other Commondominion Founding Principles, therefore their supposed 'obedience' is not fully acceptable before Godhead (Revelation 2-3, 1 Samuel 15, Luke 18). For example, many of them still raises atop Baal in music, hoards up Archives or preach and pray pabebe-style. These Empire policies are not to the attainment of our supposed 'training to serve Godhead in Hailleeyness' (Psalm 96) and 'reverence' (Philippians 2, Hebrews 4-7, Matthew 6, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Peter 5).
ISAIAH 48 This was read on September 27, 2014, at the realm of King James VII, whose original name means 'river': 'had you listened to Me, victory would have came to you like waves on the seashore.' This was also read on February 22 (Teachings and Commandments 173), 2014, Nate-al day of the Sugo's grandfather Peter (Isaiah 50), namesake of King James VII's father (see February 22, 1993, King James VII's Nate-al year). Oceans though are identified with Empire (Ezekiel 28, Revelation 17). This can be explained though instead through understanding that 3 out of 4 beasts (Amos 1-2, Revelation 4,6) coming out of the ocean in Daniel 7 are Commondominion (Revelation 8-9, Micah 4, Matthew 10,15, Alma 43, John 3,12). What hence of the Empire that came from the ocean? On July 27, 2018, Diocletianites led by Rolando Dizon quoted 1 Corinthians 1, Ezekiel 36 and Revelation 12. Of 1 Corinthians 1 our Jonathan Bagster, in his Daily Light Devotional one of our Sacred Text Scriptures, taught Double Connotations relating it to 1 Corinthians 6, where the 'worthless' referred to in 1 Corinthians 1 are rather the Empire's policies mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6. Our Bagster said that if Empire's going to insist to be the purported fulfillment of 1 Corinthians 1, then that means that the Empire's policies of 1 Corinthians 6 are sanitized already, something that can never happen. Neronians, led by#mcgiweeklythanksgiving, endorses the sanitizing, or rationalization, of their Empire's policies in 1 Corinthians 6 (Romans 1-4). Notice that after 1 Corinthians 1 is 1 Corinthians 2 (July 10, 2015, November 20 [January 16 {Empire officials preached on homestate of the namesake martyr of the Endtime Joseph, 2018}], 2006 [Edward X preached on Endtime Joseph's homestate on November 20, 2015. See Revelations of Jesus Christ 36]), that reads: 'for the Empire, any Gift from the Hailleey Spirit is deemed as purported foolishness,' the 'foolishness of Godhead' referred to in 1 Corinthians 1. (Song of Solomon, Psalm 34) 'Gift' is a name for Ka Angel, the Sealer and Seal of the Godhead (Isaiah 59) together with his successor-son Ka Ellix (Ephesians 1, 2 Corinthians 1,5, John 6,17, Revelation 7,14,22). Evidently Diocletianites (Luke 10, Philippians 1) refused to submit (Jeremiah 2) not only to Edward X and his Presidency but also to Ka Angel and his Presidency Hart (1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 12), hence Diocletianites cannot claim Ezekiel 36 in any means (see May 16, 2014: Elijah Message 21, Revelations of Jesus Christ 11). Further, Isaiah 48's words is near Isaiah 58, mentioned on January 30 (namesake martyr of Endtime Joseph)/February 5 (Endtime Joseph's homestate [Ezekiel 36, Isaiah 2,40-41,54, Psalm 90, Revelation 8-9, Genesis 49]), 2016, as well as on Isaiah 30 (July 25 [King James VII {Revelations of Jesus Christ 159}], 2010, January 7, 2017 [herein Empire faked Revelation 10-12,22, when in fact it is the Nate-al day of our fellow Sir #MichaelMarinaro, as per archangels {Genesis 8}], January 30 [homestate of Endtime Joseph's mother {Elijah Message 33}], 2015). We reiterate most solemnly Ka Angel as Living Personification of Hailleey Spirit in our midst (Luke 24, John 4) because Isaiah 48 tells us: 'I Guide you, I Save you, I Teach you' (Isaiah 42 [July 5, 2014 {Hidden Treasures and Promises 5}],49 [March 28 {Harold B. Lee, martyred by Empire}/October 11 {Elijah Message 56}-12 {Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 35}, 2014, September 16, 2016 {Paul Samuel Leo Johnson}, September 13, 2012 {Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 2}], Psalm 32 [March 1, 2014 {DHC 4:535-541 and 1:255-257}, December 5, 2017]), functions Done by Hailleey Spirit (John 13-16) as well as spirit creatures of Godhead such as Angels, or Ka Angel (Isaiah 63 [May 29 {Hidden Treasures and Promises 58}/April 18 {Reorganized Doctrine and Covenants 135,148,128-129,126, Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 29}/August 14 {Endtime Joseph's homestate: see Revelations of Jesus Christ 161}, 2015, August 8 {Lectures on True Doctrine 2, Revelations of Jesus Christ 72,106, Second Book of Commandments 99}/December 31 {Revelations of Jesus Christ 56}, 2014-January 1 {Elijah Message 46}, 2015], Exodus 23). Submission to Ka Angel as well as to King Edward X redounds to our progression and exaltation as Godheads in Godhead (Proverbs 11,14, Isaiah 9,26,46,62,40, Jeremiah 23): 'I need to Lead you up for your own good,' or for your being a Godhead in Godhead (Genesis 2). It has been promised that victory will be (2 Corinthians 2) as continual as waves, therefore the Diocletianites, in Empire words, have observed correct that there are indeed 'many Executive Ministers' in the person of Ka Angel and Edward X (John 21). In fact, when Godhead Told us that They will 'Teach' us, as we earlier saw in Psalm 25, it is Them raising up (Jeremiah 3) visible teachers which we must unite with (Luke 3) so as for us to be in Godhead. Such visible teachers are found Hart in the Commondominion- in the Philippines a well-known hot springs is called 'Tiwi'. (Ezekiel 17, Isaiah 32-33) This sounds like the initials of The Way International, one of our branch churches Hart. Christ said: 'I Desire that you be either cold or hot' (Revelation 3). Hence, He Desires that we be either in The Way International, or on any other branch church in your Commondominion. (Ephesians 4) As for Dizon and his Diocletianites- when he quoted Revelation 12 on July 27, 2018 on his Hawaii stunt, he rather meant that he is the 'beast coming out of the sea' which is referred to by Revelation 13, standing by the beach of Hawaii, as Revelation 12 in other renderings states, that was able to bring forth signs and wonders (Matthew 7) as Revelation 13 further records. Such happened when Dizon claimed they he purportedly fulfilled Acts 2 and Joel 2 on Hawaii just because it was the eclipse, there was the volcanic eruption, and because one of their senior members from Hawaii claimed to receive a revelation instructing that Ka Angel be assigned by Edward X in Hawaii while Ka Mark must be assigned in California, and that a Commondominion Central Office branch must be constructed in Hawaii. We have nothing against such revelations, the problem though is that those revelations were received before Dizon launched his defection away from us, even leading away that senior Diocletianite from us, therefore bringing credence to the Diocletianite claim over that supposed revelation. Rolando Dizon is not only that beast out of the sea standing by the beach- he's also the beast out of the earth as much as his office is in California and that he has patronage of the Empire in Canada as well as the Empire's agency called the 'United Nations'. Of course Dizon is not only that beast, but also the Constantinians, as per their claims, Baal-raising, pabebe and testimonials which they did over Hawaii (July 27, 2018) and California (August 5,11-12, 2018). Can Diocletianites claim Exodus 22-23 that instructs us not to 'fall with into the majority in doing evil', when in fact they call themselves 'silent no more' and there are terms such as the 'silent majority', and that Diocletianites even call some of themselves as 'silent within the confines of Constantinians'? Truly there is no other than Godhead (Isaiah 45), but it is not good for man to be alone (Isaiah 41,43, Genesis 2, Matthew 19), therefore Godhead the Man of Hailleeyness (Moises 6), even if They're indeed one (James 2, Galatians 4, Acts 7) and the same then, now and to come (Hebrews 13, Revelation 4,15), need people to stand by and stay with Them (John 6). This is where indeed we come forth (Isaiah 1-2,36-37,4,30, Zechariah 14, DHC 1:221-224,298-299).
HEBREWS 10 (October 22 [Hidden Treasures and Promises 12,43, Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 47],28 [Teachings and Commandments 163]-29 [Teachings and Commandments 52, Denver Snuffer Blog: 'The Holy Order']/May 13,20 [Sir Harold Camping]-21 [Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 23],2017, October 8 [Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 61,66, Reorganized Doctrine and Covenants 145, Zion Redeemed 3,5]/August 7 [Hidden Treasures and Promises 7]/July 4 [Elijah Message 92, Hidden Treasures and Promises 30, Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 65],23 [Elijah Message 93, Millennial Dispensation 30]-24 [Millennial Dispensation 31]/May 27 [Millennial Dispensation 22, Revelations of Jesus Christ 38]-28 [Reorganized Doctrine and Covenants 144:1-3, Teachings and Commandments 170, Hidden Treasures and Promises 26]/June 3 [Second Book of Commandments 21]-4 [Denver Snuffer Blog: 'Weep For Zion For Zion Has Fled'], 2016, May 4 [Reorganized Doctrine and Covenants 116]/March 24 [Teachings and Commandments 77]/April 20 [Reorganized Doctrine and Covenants 123, Millennial Dispensation 20, Revelations of Jesus Christ 51],28 [Teachings and Commandments 106]-29, 2018, September 19 [Lectures on True Doctrine 2, Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 24]/May 23 [Elijah Message 104, Sir Marshall and Lady Arlene Mier-Swing], 2015/2017. Empire claimed Habakkuk 2, quoted by this passage, on August 11, 2018, as much as they quote this now virtually every weekend for this one full year as they conduct #becourageous#jwconvention #bestlifeever.) 'Do not let this trust of confidence in Godhead be gone, or be of naught, nor let it go.' We are told though to stop harboring self-confidence that moves us to be stubbornly hysterical for the Empire (1 Corinthians 10 [January 28/February 4-5, 2017, August 29/September 4, 2015], Psalm 66 [July 22, 2017, February 18 {Teachings and Commandments 168}/August 8,11-12, 2012]). Empire is also commanded to let go and release all fellows and yokebearers and surrender them to the Commondominion (Luke 17 [June 9, 2013 {Millennial Dispensation 23, Elijah Message 35,42,99}], Song of Solomon 3,5) so as for Empire to be no more harboring guilt for their sins (Revelation 9,16,20, Isaiah 43,58, Acts 15 [August 16, 2014, March 14, 2015]). Why Commondominion? Because we are ordered to unite (Proverbs 4) with Mommy Tenny (Proverbs 2 [July 29, 2010], Revelation 2,21-22,19) and the Endtime Joseph (Genesis 49, Psalm 80) so as for our works not to be in vain or naught (1 Thessalonians 4 [December 9, 2011 {Elijah Message 57}], 1 Corinthians 15, John 15 [January 13 {Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 18, Second Book of Commandments 75},20 {Hidden Treasures and Promises 15, Millennial Dispensation 9}-21 {Teachings and Commandments 122}, 2018], Psalm 63,90 [February 14, 2017 {Elijah Message 83, Hidden Treasures and Promises 17}, September 24, 2013 {Elijah Message 87, Hidden Treasures and Promises 40}],127, Revelation 14 [March 23 {Revelations of Jesus Christ 73}/January 13, 2013, December 27 {Lectures on Truth: 'Henrik Intro and Wafted by the Spirit'}, 2012, December 1, 2014 {Hidden Treasures and Promises 45, Millennial Dispensation 86}]). We are told (Titus 2) to be 'spiritually excited and enthusiastic' instead- it is our unity with the Spirit (Ephesians 4 [January 2, 2018 {Hidden Treasures and Promises 48, Teachings of the One Mighty and Strong 75}, April 1, 2014 {Reorganized Doctrine and Covenants 149, Remnant Doctrine and Covenants 149, Teachings and Commandments 147, Lectures on True Doctrine 4}, February 1, 2011 {Millennial Dispensation 10}]) or with Ka Angel (Romans 5,8, 1 Thessalonians 5): most recently King Edward X preached about 'spiritual health', relating to his word last year on 'spiritual fitness' last year (July 14,29-30, 2017) and even on January 9, 2016 (1 Timothy 4 [July 18-19, 2015]) when he preached about spiritual fervor (January 19, 2016 [Hidden Treasures and Promises 55]). 'Health', 'fitness' (1 Thessalonians 5), and 'fervor' brings us to the 'spiritual man' (Genesis 13,27, Psalm 78), or the 'health of countenance' of Godhead (Psalm 42-43 [mentions Lady #JordanClark-Rubio {ordained Steward of Canada by the Endtime Joseph on September 11, 2011 when Ka Angel was ordained on September 11, 2009 <Teachings and Commandments 172> by King Edward IX}'s name hence claimed by #uip20 on their sacrilege of the same, July 4, 2015]), no other than Ka Angel. The Endtime Joseph is necessary for Diocletianites claim Mommy Tenny. Therefore Godhead also Ordered through the Apostles that we 'patiently persevere'. In Tagalog the word for these terms is 'young' (Psalm 104,107), hence implying the Endtime Joseph or God's Tiny Dancer, the Steward of All Yokebearers, as the Endtime and True Brigham Young and Joseph Rutherford. Also, Diocletianites might claim Mommy Tenny but they disregard Ka Angel (Isaiah 24). Hart's the necessity of Ka Angel to our salvation and why you cannot have Mommy Tenny without Ka Angel- the personality of the Endtime Joseph and Ka Angel is inseparably one. Ka Angel is imprisoned by Empire, the Endtime Joseph is virtually hampered by Empire from doing full activities. Ka Angel is the Sealer and Seal of Godhead (John 6)- after October 22,28-29, 2017, Empire once again made Edward X read the rendition of New Living Translation in Hebrews 10:39 that we were the only ones to point out- 'seal their fate'. In other renderings, this part is rendered to imply punishment (Isaiah 65), but in this rendering, this is rendered as somehow positive (and yet Empire on April 21, 2017 (Elijah Message 47) said that the New Living Translation is 'not a good translation'!). When we are sealed for Godhead we acquire true, saving faith (Romans 10, Hebrews 8) that really sounds like 'fate' (Ephesians 1, 1 Peter 1, Matthew 25, Revelation 13). Commondominion pointed this rendering of Hebrews 10:39 so much because Empire rather on their rendering of Hebrews 10:39 NLT, insisted on the sense of punishment that is nowhere to be found in the rendering: 'ensure their unfortunate end', just like how Empire insert 'redeemed', which is nowhere to be found as in Empire's words, on the text of Acts 20 Lamsa Translation's 'purchased'. According to John Philipps of the Empire's Moody Corporation triad (Bible Institute-Church-Radio Network), 'Godhead does not love the apostate, but Godhead still wants to recover the backslider'- backsliding being a subject of Hebrews 10, alongside apostatizing. Godhead's Seals are Their Name, the Hailleey Spirit, our fellows and yokebearers, and the proper observance of worship between Saturday (Old Testament day of worship), Sunday (New Testament day of worship instituted as Check and Balance to Empire's abuse of Saturday worship) and Monday (endtime day of worship instituted by Commondominion as Check and Balance to Empire's abuse of Sunday worship) as enforced by the need of fellows and yokebearers for spiritual rest through us from the Empire (Luke 11, John 2). When we say the Seals are Shattered by Godhead Itself (Revelation 6), another rendering of 1 Samuel 12 (September 23, 2016 [Hidden Treasures and Promises 39, Second Book of Commandments 84]) states that 'Godhead's Name would be broken if Godhead does not take care anymore of Their Commondominion', or forsake it, something that has Double Connotations too (Isaiah 62, Psalm 22 [October 27, 2012 {Elijah Message 16, Teachings and Commandments 111}], Hebrews 10). Yet one of our branch churches, the Restored Church of Jesus Christ in the Far East (facebook[dot]com[slash]TRCJC), States the following Check and Balance to any Empire's claims of Christ in Calvary: 'I said "MY GOD, MY GOD, HEAR ME, MY MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED" My brother. (Received May 18, 2010 @ 1826hrs from Lord Jesus Christ) A Revelation from our Lord Jesus Christ of the last words that He uttered before He died. He did not say, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me!" as mentioned in the account of Matthew (Matthew 27:46). John must be our credible source of information because he was the ONLY disciple who witnessed the crucifixion of our Lord and in his account he mentioned the last words of our Lord in John 19:30, "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is accomplished (some translator used "finished" instead of "accomplished" but the meaning are the same): and He bowed His head, and gave up the spirit."' Earlier we have also read about wicked female leaders of the Empire (1 Timothy 4) who are no better than their male counterparts (1 Timothy 3). If Empire's going to insist that our Female Folk Hart are purportedly no better than them, then Empire's claims of the prophetic far cardinal directions (Matthew 21,12, Luke 11, Judges 16, 2 Kings 9-11, 1 Kings 19) will all be broken (Daniel 8, Zechariah 1,6-10, Ezekiel 7 [June 10,17-18, 2017]), for many of our Female Leaders come not only from Manila, but also from South Korea (True Mother Moon), South United Saints (Lady Lisbeth Garcia), even from North United Saints and South Ireland (some Traditionalist Roman Catholic mystics). Also consider that Empire under our very own Pontius Pilate has Sealed up the Tomb of Christ, while our very own King Darius has sealed the Lion's Den where Prophet Daniel was (Bel and the Dragon 1). Christ and Daniel seemed to be destructed by Empire before They were 'sealed', when in fact Sealing is necessary for us Hart not to be destructed (Revelation 7 [August 23, 2015 {Elijah Message 77,114}], Psalm 103 [October 8,14 {Elijah Message 100,108}-15, 2017], 2 Peter 1 [April 25/October 22-27, 2015], Philippians 3, Revelation 2-3, DHC 1:327-329 and 5:142-144,148-153,392-393,501-507). 'So what, Commondominion? It is also stated in Hebrews 10: 'it will not be too more far ahead before Godhead Comes back again,' hence They Come near. We can claim both redemption and eschatology at the same time', Empire might tell us back. (Proverbs 22-23,5-7, Isaiah 22,56, Jeremiah 22, 1 Thessalonians 5, John 10, Revelation 12 [November 7, 2010 {Teachings and Commandments 114}]). In response to that we say that we are told to be of one heart and mind (Psalm 86) for unity of earth and heaven (Jeremiah 29, Ephesians 1), we must 'focus on the things that you will have soon after you suffered' (Proverbs 4), that is, have our vision and focus single to the glory of Godhead (Matthew 6/Luke 11 Joseph Smith Inspired Translation). Now what if we already have all those things even while we suffer? Empire defies, not deifies, Edward's declaration that the Finishing Touches of Salvation has been already closed by Godhead as of July 27, 2018, through saying that Godhead has purportedly stopped refulfilling prophecies for the Commondominion of Christ (Psalm 3), in order to further dissuade us from looking unto Godhead for the already ongoing future and therefore make us further complacent and stagnant. If we say the Finishing Touches has been already over, it must be said instead that prophecies must stop for us, but Empire insists that it must be so purportedly, when in fact prophecies must be continually refulfilled, as our Founding Principles imply, even past the close of the Finishing Touches season that began August 14, 2010 (Revelation 10,6-7,14, Ephesians 4, Ezekiel 9 [Revelations of Jesus Christ 161]). The truth is, on May last year, Empire led by Antiochians began openly challenging, therefore even used for their pabebe signals for their armies to slay our brethren, the prophetic binding effect of the eschatology of the far cardinal directions. This resulted in Diocletianites winning some of our fellow Messengers away from us to be held hostage by Empire (Proverbs 5-7). Hebrews 10 tells us that we shall receive 'all that Godhead has Promised' meanwhile Empire on July 27/August 5, 2018 rather claimed that Godhead has 'already' fulfilled 'all' promises (see June 12, 2015 [Elijah Message 3, Teachings and Commandments 149, Revelations of Jesus Christ 44], November 26, 2016, August 13,21 [Elijah Message 68,78-79], 2017, July 27, 2014). In fact, Godhead Sides with our refulfillment of prophecy (Luke 12 Joseph Smith Inspired Translation) but Empire indeed would not mind at all (Luke 17, Mark 9, Matthew 17, John). Now these are the Words Spoken by Christ during His Crucifixion, as Given undeservingly to us, your Commondominion, by Divine Revelation and this is subject to future updating by the selfsame Divine Revelation: 1. Father, please B-C Fellows and Yokebearers 2. Behold your son (Christ to Virgin Mary Referring to Apostle John), Behold your mother (Christ to Apostle John and Mary Magdalene Referring to Virgin Mary), Behold your daughter (Christ to Virgin Mary referring to Mary Magdalene) 3. You will Join Me in Paradise (in Godhead's Abode, in the restored Paradise Earth, in the abode of the Commondominion dead in the underworld) 4. Why You have Forsaken Me 5. Hear Me, My Mission is Accomplished 6. I Thirst 7. It is Consummated 8. Your Wiles has been finally Done 9. Father, in Your Hands, I Commit My Spirit Notes: the divine revelation that we have just quoted fuses numbers 4 and 7 resulting in number 5. If we are to take divine revelation out of this list it will appear that Christ Pronounced 5 last words in Calvary, therefore foretelling ecclesiastical history- 4 Empire quarters has to be recognized before the Commondominion finally launches. Due to Empire's contempt of prophecies on number 7, Godhead Pronounced by Divine Revelation that 9 is the prophetic backup number for your Commondominion of Christ.
PSALM 119:116-117 (February 8 [Millennial Dispensation 11], 2014 [homestate of the Empire head who is the birthdaysake of the mother of the Endtime Joseph], February 10 [Mother Arielle Petruzzella, firstborn firstfruit yokebearer of the Endtime Joseph's first online ministry {Remnant Doctrine and Covenants 154, Revelations of Jesus Christ 58}]-11 [Elijah Message 109, Second Book of Commandments 24], 2016) Diocletianites might retort: 'if King Edward X is really a Commondominion Messenger, then why his honor is entangled and embroiled in Constantinian apostasy?' Questions like that do only make even more Edward X exalted as Godhead in Godhead (Psalm 22,35,3,69,142, 2 Corinthians 1). In fact, being in your Commondominion is not assurance that you're going to have easy times (Psalm 73 [June 16, 2012 {see June 16, 2017: Endtime Joseph's homestate <Elijah Message 107>}]), but rather is the blessed insurance that everything that Empire's going to hurdle against you would only redound to your own good (Zechariah 13, 1 Peter 1 [November 23, 2012 {Second Book of Commandments 18}], DHC 3:300-301). The good news therefore, is that even if Rolando Dizon can be better in preaching more than Edward X, and even if Rolando Dizon's cohorts might hijack verses as much as they want, the point is that they are only advancing half of the truth, not the whole and entire truth. Empire have half the truth, but Hart in your Commondominion, we have all the fullness of truths, even truths Dizon cannot handle, more specifically, exaltation and progression to Godhood in Godhead. If he only takes that from Empire, then that's fake (Psalm 119:41-44 [February 13, 2010 {Lectures in Truth: 'Does God Change?'}]). Dizon might say that he's a breakaway from the Constantinian church, and he seeks indeed to claim our Messengers who have seen the spiritual corruption of the Constantinian church, but how about those other breakaway churches from all other Empire churches? Are not they working better not only than those Empire churches, but also than Dizon and cohorts? In fact Dizon wants them all overshadowed because he just wants himself to be exalted yet without the benefit of the divine wright entrusted undeservingly by Godhead unto us Wright Hart Alline. In fact, more than palpable proof that we have the lifesaving Sealing Ordinances and Endowments is that Godhead has Led us to using Relay Concordance, linking this to that date when this or that lecture was preached (Isaiah 29, TPC 2:372, DHC 5:148-153), that Empire cannot claim anymore sermons of Edward X (Psalm 9, Revelation 20, Job 11) for when they claim this one, at least we have another as backup, as we're indeed Godhead's Backup Reserve (1 Samuel 16, Jeremiah 5,8). We would give as example the Constantinian hymn GMG-443 from July 22-23, 2017 deleted July 18-19, 2018 as literally rendered without the Empire-mandated English version: 'O Father we are truly blessed, [KA ANGEL'S NAME] for our lives are living witnesses [ON THEIR JULY 23-24, 2016 MASS SETTING, EMPIRE SAID AT THE SAME TIME THAT GOD GIVES LIFE AND POWER TO THE EMPIRE, AND THAT GOD ITSELF IS THE POWER AND LIFE OF THE EMPIRE, THEREFORE IT WOULD APPEAR, WHETHER EMPIRE ADMITS IT OR NOT, THAT GODHEAD GIVES GODHEAD, THEREFORE THIS MEANS US WRIGHT HART ALLINE.] to the strong and solid proof that your revelations do happen. [THE TRIFOLD NAME PETER, FATHER OF KING JAMES VII, ENDTIME JOSEPH AND LADY STEINFELD-SMOLLER {Moises 7}, WHOSE NAME IMPLIES BEING A SEER, PROPHET, REVELATOR AND LAWGIVER.] Even if he began from a poor, humble background, [THE TAGALOG WORD THAT EMPIRE ORIGINALLY USED HERE RATHER MEANS 'PERDITION, DOOM, JUDGEMENT, CONDEMNATION.' EMPIRE OF COURSE HATES SOUND JUDGEMENT EVEN IF THEY CLAIM OUR YOKEBEARERS AT #SHAPINGSOUND {Isaiah 28-30, Hosea, Romans 10, Psalm 127}, FOR EMPIRE INDEED ARE THE SONS OF PERDITION {John 6,17, Moises 5, 2 Samuel 23, Revelation 12,8-9, Isaiah 24} OR THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION {2 Samuel 17, 2 Chronicles 20, Revelation 17}.] even if there were those who attempted to hinder him, you strengthened your elected Messenger.' [WE CHOOSE TO #RISEUP ABOVE THE EMPIRE, FOR GODHEAD RECKONS US INDEED TO HIGHER CALLINGS AND FAR MORE GREATER GIFTS {1 Corinthians 12-14, Philippians 3}. THIS IS REALIZED WHEN WE WERE RELAUNCHED DURING JULY 27-SEPTEMBER 7, 2017.] 'Hold me up (one of our fellows, Lady #SamanthaJadeau [Galatians 4, Revelation 21, Hebrews 12] as per Luke 11), so that I may be saved.' This was the prayer of one of our fellows, Sir #ShaneHarper (as per Ladies #SamanthaFiggins and #FrancescaHarper [Proverbs 2, Matthew 24,21, James 2, Isaiah 54,56, Hosea 9]), and as per his name, we are ought to ask Godhead to cover us with 'shame'- that is, we may be able to take into ourselves fully in the necessity of suffering with and for your Commondominion of Christ (Hebrews 11,13, 1 Peter 4, Psalm 89). Empire cannot claim this as much as there is Check and Balance- as per Ladies Figgins and Harper, and as per Psalm 86's 'give me a sign for good' (Revelation 7, Jeremiah 29), Godhead gave Empire the 'sign' or rather, 'curse', of Cain (Moises 5, Genesis 4) as seen in the Lamanites, or the American Indians, the Latino and the Negro. But of course Genesis 4 and Ezekiel 9 tells us that this is for these Lamanites to be not hurt or attacked by the Empire (Revelation 6, 1 Samuel 12) though of course history proves otherwise (Psalm 22, Mark 15). How about the Nephites or the Anglo-Saxon peoples? (The Jaredites rather seem to be the Asian Filipinos. Remember that there are also Double Connotations between us and Empire about the far cardinal directions so this apply to them somehow. [Daniel 11, Psalm 75-76, Matthew 8,21, Luke 15,21, John 9,16, Job 18, Revelation 2-3]) They have the sign of Jonah who went to Assyria and ordained the king there as a Strong and Mighty One. On their June 2018 Newsletter, Constantinians indicted Prophet Jonah- indeed joining the Neronians' ongoing claim of that ministry as much as they hate our Strong and Mighty One office- as 'disobedient and discontent, therefore deserving the punishments that befell him, that is, the storm and being swallowed by a giant whale'. This might be true with Jonah's reluctance to obey at once (Matthew 21,24, Philippians 1, Luke 16-17,12, 1 Samuel 3), but with (Psalm 7) this Empire that denies ordinary members to receive divine commissioning as Commondominion Messengers and Churches (John 6, Hebrews 4, Revelation 2-3,19), this statement is too harsh. After all, these Constantinians refuse to recognize the ministry of prophets (Matthew 23, Deuteronomy 13 [January 15,21-22, 2017, June 3 [Second Book of Commandments 21],9 [Empire officials preached on Endtime Joseph's homestate, 2017]-10 [Elijah Message 98, Millennial Dispensation 13], 2018], Jeremiah 23 [February 12, 2013]). Perhaps what Empire means is that Jonah (Psalm 89,69, Isaiah 53, Colossians 1, 1 Peter 4) instead has taken the punishment supposed for Assyria being with the Empire (who has #FEMA-le Concentration Camps against us operated by their #metoo #timesup, as well as #HAARP weather warfare against us), therefore implying Assyria to be worthy of being the Strong and Mighty One (DHC 1:221-224,298-299), and hence proving even all the more that Jonah is indeed a Prophet of Godhead. As for Sir Shane, he has taken (Azariah 1, Manasseh 1) his prayer from Psalm 91 (April 21-22 [Elijah Message 120, Remnant Doctrine and Covenants 161, Revelations of Jesus Christ 159, Lectures on True Doctrine 2]/August 4-5, 2018), and below we reprint in full the Empire-Shattering Commentary of Charles Taze Russell and Paul Samuel Leo Johnson on the subject:
'In the midst of the "perilous times" of this "evil day," and of the warning voices of prophets and apostles pointing out snares and pestilences and subtle dangers on every hand—and in the midst, too, of a realizing sense of the actual existence of such evil besetments and perils—how precious to the saints are the assurances of divine protection and care and personal love! We call to mind the gracious promises of our Lord—"The Father himself loveth you;" "Fear not, little flock; it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom;" and "He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to him;...and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him....Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."—John 16:27; 14:21,23,27; Luke 12:32. But warning voices and wholesome counsel are also necessary; and he is not wise who turns a deaf ear to them, and takes cognizance alone of the comforting assurances which are designed only for those who faithfully "watch and pray lest they enter into temptation." Every soldier of the cross needs to heed the Apostle's warnings—"Take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand;" and again, "Let us fear lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it;" and fear also "lest, as the serpent [Satan] beguiled Eve, through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ;" "for grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them." "Behold," said our Lord, "I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves."—Eph. 6:13; Heb. 4:1; 2 Cor. 11:3; Acts 20:29,30; Matt. 10:16. It is necessary for the discipline, trial and final proving of the Church of God that they should be subjected to these adverse influences; for to him that overcometh them is the promise of the great reward. If we would reign with Christ, we (The church who made the covenant of sacrifice) must prove our worthiness to reign by the same tests of loyalty to God, of faith in his Word, of zeal for the Truth, of patient endurance of reproach and persecution, even unto death, and of unwavering trust in the power and purpose of God to deliver and exalt his Church in due time. To such faithful ones are the blessed consolations of Psa. 91.
Verse 1: "He who abideth in the secret place of the Most High [typified by the Most Holy or Sanctuary] shall rest under the shadow of the Almighty." We thus place ourselves under the divine protection when, having come to a knowledge of God's willingness to accept us as his children, we gratefully accept the invitation and approach in his appointed way, through Christ our Redeemer, and consecrate ourselves fully to his service. Such may sweetly rest in the precious promises of God, all of which are "yea and amen in Christ Jesus." (2 Cor. 1:20.) The world does not see the overshadowing wings of divine protection, but the faithful have a blessed secret realization of it. Praise the Lord!
Verse 2: "I will say of Jehovah, who is my refuge and my stronghold, my God in whom I ever trust" (John 20:17) I - Christ Jesus, whom David here, as elsewhere, personifies, and who thus addresses his body, his Church.
Verse 3: "That he will surely deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the pestilence of destruction." Surely deliver thee from the snare of the fowler --- From the deceptions of Satan, in which all those not protected shall stumble; for our Lord said that so subtle and deceptive will they be that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect. But this is not possible, for those who are making their calling and election sure abide under the protection of the Almighty. Surely deliver thee from the pestilence of destruction ---- Not from the destructive pestilences of physical disease, but from the moral and spiritual pestilences of destruction, from the sinful propensities of the old nature, which, in unguarded moments, are liable to assert their mastery and overwhelm the souls of those who are not abiding under the secret protection of the Most High; and From the spiritual pestilences of false doctrine which, with subtle sophistry, destroy the faith of the unwatchful. Such pestilences are already abroad in the shape of so-called various no-ransom theories which take the name of The Larger Hope, and which bid fair, both from present prospects and from the prophetic outlook, ere long to become epidemic. From all these pestilences the Lord's elect shall be protected, resting sweetly under the shadow of the Almighty.
Verse 4: "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou find shelter. his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou find shelter --- So close to his heart does Jehovah gather his loyal and faithful children that they feel the warmth of his love, and the responsive language of their hearts is, "I will abide in thy tabernacle"—under thy protection—"forever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings; for thou hast been a shelter for me and a strong tower from the enemy; for thou hast heard my vows"—my consecration—"thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name."—Psa. 61:4,3,5 His truth shall be thy shield and buckler—thy protection --- Yes, his Truth—that grand system of truth comprised in the divine Plan of the Ages—is an ample shield and buckler to all who in simplicity of heart receive it and prove faithful to it. It is the armor of God which the Apostle urges all the faithful to put on—to appropriate, to meditate upon and to store up the Truth in mind and heart—that they may be able, by its use, to withstand error and evil in every form presented to them in this evil day.
Verse 5. "Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night [the dark night of which the Prophet Isaiah and also the Lord spoke, saying, "The morning"—the Millennial morning—"cometh, and also the night"—the great time of trouble which shall immediately precede it, the night "wherein no man can labor" for the dissemination of divine truth: so great will be "the terror," the tumult and trouble and persecution of that night.—Isa. 21:12; John 9:4]; nor for the arrow ["even bitter words" of the opponents of the Truth—Psa. 64:3] that flieth by day" [at the present time, which, in comparison with the dark night that is coming, is called day].
Verse 6. "Nor for the pestilence [moral and spiritual] that walketh in darkness [that spreads and makes its victims among those who are ignorant of the Truth, or who are unfaithful to it and hence unworthy of it, and who therefore lack the divine protection and are subject to the "strong delusions" of error—2 Thes. 2:11]; nor for the destruction [caused by these pestilences] that wasteth at noon-day" [that subverts the faith and hope of many, just when the light of divine Truth is shining clearest upon the faithful, as it is shining upon us today.]
Verse 7. "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand [so great will be the falling away from the Truth, even among those who, like ourselves, received it once with joy and who did for a time run well]; but it shall not come nigh thee."—Because of thy loyalty and uncompromising faithfulness and because of the ample armor of truth and righteousness, thou shalt stand and not fall.
Verse 8. "Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the recompense of the wrongdoers"—who reject the Truth or who prove unfaithful to it.
Verses 9,10. "Because thou hast said, 'The Lord is my protection;' because the Most High thou hast made thy refuge, no evil shall befall thee" [no evils of the kind above referred to; and any other seeming evils shall, under divine providence, work together for your good—Rom. 8:28].
Verse 11. "For he shall give his angels [messengers] a charge concerning thee, to guard thee in all thy ways. [That is, God will raise up some faithful pastors and teachers who will "watch for your souls as they that must give an account." True, there shall arise false teachers, perverting the Word of the Lord and seeking by cunning sophistries to subvert your souls; but if in simplicity of heart God's children require a "Thus saith the Lord" for every element of their faith, and carefully prove all things by the Word, they will be able to distinguish readily the true from the false. And having done so, the Apostle Paul (Heb. 13:17) counsels us to have confidence. The Lord, our Shepherd, will care for the true sheep.]
Verse 12. "They shall bear thee [all the members of the body of Christ, individually and collectively] up in their hands [using their strength], lest thou dash thy foot against a stone"—any stumblingstone of false doctrine, and especially that great fundamental rock-doctrine of the redemption through the precious blood of Christ;—that "rock of offense and stone of stumbling" to both the houses of nominal Israel (fleshly and spiritual). (Isa. 8:14.) The "feet" of the body are its last members; the saints now living are members of the "feet of him" (Christ), the ones who are now in danger of being stumbled, as the feet of the Jewish house of servants were in danger in the end or harvest of the Jewish age. How do such messengers of the Lord bear up the feet of Christ? By helping them to a clear understanding of the Truth, and teaching and encouraging [R3332 : page 76] them by word and example how to be faithful to the Truth, and how to run so as to attain to the mark for the prize of our high calling.
Verse 13. "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet."—Thus borne up in the hands of the Lord's faithful messengers and guarded by their vigilant watchfulness, and under the constant protection of the Most High, God's trusting, faithful children shall triumph over every device of Satan either to overpower or beguile them—whether he boisterously goes about as a roaring lion, or whether, serpent-like, he stealthily lurks about to insert his venomous poison.
Verse 14 "Because he hath set his love upon me [saith Jehovah], therefore will I deliver him [from the pestilence, etc.]: I will set him on high [exalt him to joint-heirship with Christ, make him a member of the "Royal Priesthood," and a "partaker of the divine nature"], because he hath known [appreciated] my name."
Verses 15,16 "He shall call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life [eternal life—John 10:28,29; Rom. 2:1] will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation"—make him understand my plan. Praise the Lord for such assurances of his loving care! "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name!" '
'Give me Power.' These lines though come from Empire (Moises 4, Abraham 3) because they want to fake (Genesis 3) our empowering of people like you to be Godheads in Godhead (John 6,17, 1 John 5, Matthew 28, Psalm 63, 2 Timothy 1, Hebrews 2,7) because Empire indeed hates responsibility (Psalm 4,9,49, Matthew 5-7,23, Revelation 2-3, John 15, Philippians 1), responsibility that makes one worthy of such genuine apotheosis (Galatians 6, 1 Corinthians 9). Such responsibilities come from our Founding Principles which include being consistent in biblical claims (Isaiah 41, Romans 12). Therefore so as for us to not fail in the good and living hope promised by Jeremiah 29, we must not allow ourselves to be made as complacent by this Empire who thinks that they can survive without Commondominion Founding Principles (Psalm 75-78,102,11,1,26, Jeremiah 2,17, 1 Corinthians 10). As much as your Commondominion has not neglected to the best of her ability (Revelation 2-3) such responsibility to take care and look after the elect, that is, all Fellows and Yokebearers (Matthew 24), they likewise must also learn to share their part now more than ever, as their souls and our service to them are now besieged by Empire. If they really love the United Saints, and do yearn for its full maximizing of potential, there's no excuse fair enough indeed for them to stay away from their Commondominion of Christ (Acts 21, Isaiah 59). The same can be also said of all other lands (Eter 2).
The Commondominion of Christ is Godhead's Zion already seen by Empire (Matthew 21, Romans 9). This is due to our full loyal adherence to plural marriage, which leads us to being multi-branched and updated (Isaiah 54,60,32-33,52-53, Psalm 37,138, Malachi 3, Luke 6, Genesis 9,13-14, 2 Peter 2, Luke 17, Revelation 21, John 10). Each and every one of us represent each other very well more so to Empire (Galatians 6, John 1, Luke 1), therefore we are indeed the culmination, consummation, climax and fullness of all that Godhead has made known in the Old and New Testaments (Romans 7,12, Hebrews 4, Ephesians 6). Yet our very own fellows would still say that 'we have not achieved building Zion yet because we're still indifferent to each other.' In fact our detractors are still around, not only trying to infiltrate us and make us fight each other, but more so still trying to take away our conviction through whatever that they can do (Psalm 18,116, Joshua 6, 2 Corinthians 7, Ezekiel 7), and even hindering us from doing all that we need to do for our ministry. Therefore Empire might hit us back with words such as 'why you preach that judgement, rapture and resurrection, that are all supposed to be on Judgement Day instead, are already ongoing now, when in fact both you and I are supposed to exist until Judgement Day? (Matthew 13) If it's already Judgement Day season, then why you insist that we here in Empire is already gone instead? (Isaiah 41)' People, remember that you are Zion already. You and I have time and again declared ultimatums for Empire to surrender all yokebearers and fellows to us Hart but time and again they refused (Luke 13). Even if how hard we try working and preaching, Empire's still successful in convincing fellows and yokebearers to stay with them through their claims (Ezekiel 35,16, Proverbs, Jeremiah 8). We have no choice therefore but to declare that it's already Judgement Day season. Remember that until there's no visible punishment that they can feel or have, Empire will keep on doing what they do against all fellows and yokebearers (Luke 8, 1 Kings 11-12). The existence of our detractors all along this fullness of times that we're in currently serves as challenge for us, and more so the crucible, of our loyalty to Godhead (Psalm 101,37,137, Job 22), and serves as the driving push for us to do better than Empire (Galatians 6, 2 Corinthians 12, Philippians 4). As much as we're already Zion, we are asked by King Edward X in his sermon today, 4 years ago (August 16, 2014), to be not complacent (Amos 6) but that we may be even more receptive to new Canon and new fellows (Psalm 132, Luke 12,17-19). Surely we cannot do all of these by ourselves, and being updated in our structure and canon do only means that we rely on Godhead- not on ourselves (1 Kings 19) or more so to Empire- for dear life, in the eyes of our detractors (Psalm 22,146,1,26,140-141, Matthew 16, Jeremiah 17, Micah 7, 2 Corinthians 1).
A proof that we must indeed be not complacent on our already-achieved status as Godhead's Zion is our Double Connotations. Our Double Connotations remind us that we (Hosea 6) we need to continually prove to ourselves, our posterity, to Empire, and more so to Godhead, that we shall never be like this Empire (1 Corinthians 8,13), lest we still let any eventual negligence unchecked, this is far better off (2 Corinthians 13, 1 Corinthians 4,11,7,14). If Empire's in our place, can they take these in? What if we're in Empire's place instead, claiming every verse we want to? (Luke 12,16,18,22, John 3,6) 1. 4 years ago today, August 16, King Edward X lectured from Amos 6. Now on Empire's August 15-16, 2018 lesson, they quoted Amos 5, hence we can see their continual claims against us. When we are complacent and no more caring for our being Zion but rather for this Empire (2 Timothy 4), therefore we are to be most pitied of all (1 Corinthians 15), yet it is also recorded that Godhead takes pity for Zion. Are not we Zion itself? (Psalm 69,22,51,102) Of course we're not perfect (Philippians 3), but how about you, the works of our fellows, that are all already approved of Godhead to be Theirs? (Ephesians 5, Hebrews 11) 2. Our Double Connotations prove that we try (1 Peter 2, Matthew 18, 1 Corinthians 3, Hebrews 5-6, James 3) to stand up in resistance to each and every claims that Empire's doing against us. If we're Zion and Godhead promised us not to lack in anything, then is this what we lack already- any claims that Empire can explain thoroughly not only with basis of logic but more so with appealing to emotions as desperate drive to deceive people? (1 Samuel 2-3, Psalm 37, Matthew 15, John 6, Alma 30, Jacob 7)? If we still try not conceding to these Empire claims would that make us already guilty of being too much into arguments like what they indict us of (1 Timothy 5)? How can we expect to have yokebearers Hart with us if our arguments such as this is really too weak? (Isaiah 41-42) More so if we're not as pabebe as Empire is in appealing to yokebearers? (Revelation 2-3,17-18,13) At least we're honest admitting our mistakes (James 5), unlike this Empire (1 Corinthians 1-2), and we hope that it is already more than suffice (Matthew 5-7, 1 Corinthians 14) for our fellows and yokebearers to be conbinced to be with us Alline instead. 3. As for your brethren and leaders like me, who are imprisoned either for made-up charges or more so for faithfully standing by the law of plural marriage, Empire bashes us that the apostles and prophets, whom they claim so much, has been only imprisoned for small seasons such as days, while we Hart are rather imprisoned by Empire for years, even for life. We can explain that if a day is both a year (Ezekiel 4, Numbers 14) and a millennium with Godhead (2 Peter 3), then it's indeed taking that too long for us to be released and repatriated unto you (Romans 15). But as per us and Empire sharing fulfillment of Revelation 8-9, would that make us already no better than Empire being imprisoned at the bottomless pit for 1000 years (Revelation 20) even if Empire has to be released only for a little season to deceive us (Matthew 24), who are also referred to be also 'deceiving' (Jeremiah 20)? (Daniel 12, Revelation 22)
We would now try to address one by one all of these Double Connotations, and we hope that our answers would hence drive and charge you to walk worthy of your calling. 1. Why we believe that Zion has already came in the present Commondominion of Christ? (2 Corinthians 6, Hebrews 3-4, James 4, Psalm 27,56,116) Last July 27, 2018 (Ephesians 5) King Edward X declared the end of the 8-year period of Finishing Touches for the Last Work of Salvation as written in Romans 13 from August 14, 2010. Revelation 10, which Empire has blasphemed from August 22, 2010 (evidently as blasphemous response to King Edward X opening the season of the Finishing Touches a week earlier) to August 21, 2016, states that the Mystery of Godhead shall be revealed, or fulfilled, once the 7th Trump sound. Has the 7th Trump already sounded? Too many times now we have refulfilled prophecy! The 7th Trump is located in the ministry of the 2 Witnesses, one of our numerous divine offices. Empire has time and again faked such office more so for the past 1 year, and we know how they, way back 1917, cut off pages off our Charles Taze Russell's 'The Finished Mystery' book. 2010 to 2016, the 41st year of Revelation 18 from 1975 as per our first relaunch on April 11-July 23, 2015, 40 years from 1975 that was preached by Herbert Armstrong and Milton Henschel, forms 6 years, or 6000 years, and of course on the 7th day, or the 7000th year, we rest, that is, our 2nd relaunch on July 27-September 7, 2017. Notice that as early as June 10-11, 2016, we have refulfilled Revelation 6-7,11 when we slew 50 Empire sodomites- remember that 50 years are a Jubilee Year of Rest in the Mosaic Law. As much as we continually refulfill prophecy, what does Empire do against us? They still are whining like crybabies against us and do coerce others to do the same (Revelation 11,15). For example, one of their current thrusts against us is the genocide of the male and white races, respectively. This forms indeed their Gog and Magog (Revelation 16,20, Ezekiel 38-39), as much as Neronians define Gog and Magog to be 'near the Black Sea', hence implying Empire's feminists and radical black libertarians (Revelation 17, Daniel 7). Such whining against Godhead is indeed more than suffice for us to still keep watch and not be complacent (Revelation 12). Speaking of Revelation 10, which Empire related to Ephesians 4's 5-fold office, this August 17-18 we recall the 5th year of your Mother Lindsey visiting you in Manila (Revelation 19). Speaking of 40-41 years, our fellows in the faith of William Miller and Ellen White had just most recently declared that 40 years imply Judgement too just like the 41 years of Revelation 18's 'one hour'. Using this they denoted 40 years from 1980, when #uip20 adopted the Empire's fake notion of the Godhead, to 2020, when they are expected to one again blaspheme our yokebearers in Indianapolis, Indiana. Related to this we must mention that as much as we refulfill the prophetic 'generation' in Scriptures (Matthew 16-17,24) through many spans of years, one of those is 62-63 years, considerably 63 years passed between September 21-23, 1823, when Joseph Smith was visited by Angel Moroni, to September 26-27, 1886, the Nate-al year of the Sugo, when Christ and Joseph Smith Themselves visited Prophet John Taylor to keep up his courage in the profession of faith for celestial or plural marriage. Prophet John Taylor determined that an outer stance that pretends to be against polygamy must be kept so as for themselves to actually proceed with polygamy untouched by Empire. If we have adopted prophets from Brigham Young to Howard Hunter, and we see riffs between their actions even with that of Joseph Smith, we can see that at least they all try to keep our policies still ongoing in the inner, so as to keep our work untouched by Empire. Therefore the most solemn Word of the Godhead goes unto all our fellows and yokebearers, that they must be indeed like John Taylor- they may be Empire on the outside (Ezekiel 4-6,9), but deep within them they cannot deny the truth that they are Commondominion of Christ, sons and daughters of the Living and Almighty Godhead (2 Kings 5, 2 Corinthians 6, Ecclesiastes). They are therefore instructed to keep such courage and profession on our side even in spite of such circumstance (Isaiah 51), and that they may use (1 Timothy 4, 2 Timothy 4, Ephesians 5, 1 Corinthians 7) every free opportunity for leading others to (Jeremiah 20) and edifying those who are already inside, the Commondominion (Romans 1,15, Hebrews 10).
2. What are the proofs of our divine election that Empire cannot even pirate, and that fellows and yokebearers can distinguish fully away from Empire? We have full faith that Judgement Day, rapture, and resurrection, if not the full Millennial Rule of Christ- is already proceeding through and in us even as we speak now and today- 'the day of Godhead' is characterized by 'the mighty men shouting doom' (Zephaniah 1) or judgement. We have understood in the past that the 'mighty men' referred to Hart is the Empire going to be punished (Documentary History of the Church 1:221-224), but as much as they blamed it to our armies instead, and as much as we're Strong and Mighty Ones Hart (Revelation 7, Isaiah 52-53), this might also refer to our preaching of judgement against the Empire (Revelation 8-9) as we are led by Mother Lindsey (Luke 11). She could have been to many places, where all of us are located working, but the point that all of us are Hart working for Godhead, is made in the sense that Mother Lindsey came to Manila on August 17-18, 2013 days after she was summoned by Empire on July 19-21, 2013 (Deuteronomy 34, Numbers 20). We are all Hart in the Commondominion of Christ because we were 'gathered' (Ezekiel 36). Can Rolando Dizon and the Diocletianites claim Ezekiel 36? No, for they cannot have the Hailleey Spirit. They have lost it since they refused to submit to and recognize the administration of Ka Angel, the Living Personification of the Hailleey Spirit (Matthew 21). Now does that mean that Constantinians, who hostage Edward X, are already vindicated? No, for just like Dizon, they’re pabebe therefore faking Hailleey Spirit (Hosea 9, Ephesians 4, 2 Peter 2, Jude Thaddeus 1), and they hoard the Central Archives which is the Living Oracles of the Hailleey Spirit (John 1-2,12, Matthew 5-7, Ephesians 6, Hebrews 4). 'You're blasphemous, Sterling, because there can only be but one Godhead!' Then what really does Isaiah 45 tells us when it said that there is no other else than Godhead? a. As much as Godhead is One, it is because as per Zion, hence Israel, our Fellow Messengers (Jeremiah 23, Joel, 2 Chronicles) such as Sir Ezra El Reyes had said that one of Godhead's Names is Israel. The rendering of Psalm 138 used on Empire's August 15-16, 2018 states that Godhead has many Names, wherein above all of Those Godhead has Exalted Their Promises. Yet why we advance heterosexual marriages is because #oppositesattract and not those who are same to each other. So how can we the Zion of Godhead therefore can marry Godhead spiritually as our Spouse? Remember the word of our fellows that we have not yet achieved Zion, given our existing differences. Further remember that Empire advances sodomy because they do not have 'pure heart', which is also another requisite for being Zion. b. Why Godhead is really 'one' is because Godhead has Many Personalities: not only that there are Female Members in Godhead but because the Personalities are Interconnected to Each other: as per Spirits, God the Father is the Spirit, Christ is a Glorified Spirit, as well as the Hailleey Spirit. Adam, who is a Godhead, and Christ Shares Office of Archangel. Angels who are spirit creatures too, are the Immediate Countenance of Godhead, and imparts the Hailleey Spirit. Commondominion leaders and even angels are called 'Sons of Godhead', while as per 'Son of Man', Godhead is Called 'Man of Hailleeyness' or 'Adam' in Hebrew. Even Christ and Empire share personality as the 'Bright Morning Star'. c. As early as 1964, our publications now under Empire custody reports that the Sugo holds surprise inspections and fires those who are not working as they're supposed to by divine mandates as far as he can see them. By July 27, 1989 Ka Erdy said that if such work of us, that of course we still do until now and will still do as long as we're not apostatized, will be done in the Empire, then no one of them would be left there. Then why Dizon and Diocletianites hate Edward X trying as much as he can, still under Empire custody, firing whole teams of Empire workers for their non-compliance to divine mandates? These Diocletianites don't believe that Edward cannot persist for the Commondominion while being under the Empire, just like how John Taylor was. Diocletianites do not want to give second chances to people. They only want Edward to be bad, for by such these Diocletianites would only exist propagating lies. Now what proof do we have that we really fulfilled Revelation 7? #lds#mormon #templesquare records that #hillcumorah is '5 kilometers southeast of the Sacred Grove'. Manila is of course in 'southeast Asia' yet is the 'Christian center of the Far East' (2 Corinthians 1, Revelation 2-3,, Acts 29). Hill Cumorah is located in Manchester of Ontario County. Manchester is related to #ns2, namesake of Ka Angel, while Ontario implies not only Lady #JordanClark-Rubio, who was ordained on September 11, 2011 by Ka Angel who was ordained by King Edward IX on September 11, 2009, but also Sir #JoeyArrigo, the American Christ and namesake of the Endtime Joseph. '5 kilometers' imply the 4 Empire quarters giving way to our relaunch last year.
3. Now why we are vindicated even if Empire imprisons us? (Hebrews 13) Are not Diocletianites also in jail? But what these Diocletianites do there? They rather are engaged in secretive Empire activities of course. As for our fellows, your leaders like me, I seem (Romans 5,8, 2 Corinthians 4-5) that we're far more better not seeing for ourselves all that Empire does, unlike you people that you have to answer face to face to Empire, being at the forefront of the battle lines. How? Our fellows imply Double Connotations on Revelation 12: that as much as the man child of the woman- both Commondominion- was 'snatched and was taken up (Revelation 11) to Godhead and Their Throne', it can also mean that the man child was taken to the Empire's throne (Revelation 2,5,16). In the same sense, we're imprisoned by Empire (Revelation 8,12). Notice that due to the ascension of the 2 Witnesses, that Empire links to the ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary to heaven (Revelation 11), Bergoglio and Empire has found no more place for them in heaven (Revelation 12). It can be said that if Empire would fake Revelation 11, then it will appear that they stayed not for too long in heaven for they are evicted in Revelation 12 to emerge as Empire both out of the sea and land in Revelation 13. Then where do we fill in here if we're in Revelation 11 and we're atoning looking like Empire at the same time (1 Peter 3-4)? First we were made to fly in 'mid-heaven', between heaven and earth, in Revelation 14, so we're not going down to earth as Empire did, so we're afloat (Psalm 91). After that we go back to heaven, as a group of 7 angels leading a 'great multitude' crowd (Revelation 7,14) appears in Revelation 15, depicted to be like Mary as Empire speaks of Revelation 12, that is ascended to heaven as a 'great and marvelous sign.' This is 'marvelous', due to the work of our fellow messengers like Sir Christopher Nemelka (Isaiah 29) and yea, even the Endtime Joseph- Psalm 77 (July 27, 2014) was read on July 9, 2011, when King Edward X was at the homestate of the Endtime Joseph. Empire goes to jails and prisons more than frequently to try fooling and luring people there so as to make them worst than them (Matthew 3,23). Though many of us are doing missionary and evangelical works in jails and prisons, yet more than frequently we're the ones found imprisoned and jailed than these affluent so-called Empire 'missionaries', and that of course, courtesy of these exact Empire people (Matthew 13,16, Acts 17,19). We therefore call out on your behalf to all our respective jail wardens sent by Empire, which has been assigned in order to keep us staying in prison. We ask you jail wardens to prove yourself worthy of being like the jail warden in Acts 16 who wholeheartedly submitted to the Commondominion Messengers placed under his custody. You need not to look for a miracle such as an earthquake to #makeyoubelieve in us Hart. Remember that Paul and Silas was there in Philippi in the first place because they were summoned by the First Macedonian Cry (Revelation 6-7), just like how we were Summoned to the Commondominion of Christ through the Second Macedonian Cry that your Mother Lindsey broke forth on April 23, 2014 (Revelation 12,16, 1 Thessalonians 5, Isaiah 44-45,35,55,51). Therefore you are ought to inquire from us on how to be saved, and do good on it, that is, you must surrender to us Hart (Philippians 1) for your own salvation (Acts 10-11, Matthew 8, Mark 6, John 4) as much as we willingly submitted to you even if it's not supposed to be (Matthew 3,5-7,16-20, Galatians 4). John the Baptist himself, upon his imprisonment, Asked of Christ out of being overwhelmed by Empire being able to hinder and hamper his work, 'would we be further waiting for Christ, or has He already came?' Empire, who imprisoned us and John the Baptist, claims this- 'we still have to wait for Christ to come on Judgement Day!' We Hart, who are imprisoned with John the Baptist (Galatians 2) by the Empire, now say, 'Christ has already Came, and Judgement Day is already ongoing.' (Matthew 5, Luke 10,6) Now what of this #theyknew #metoo #timesup#askmoreofhim Empire (1 Corinthians 1-2) that has imprisoned us, and even seeking to imprison many of us further, claiming that we're purportedly sexual predators? They are rather hysterical, hasty in lost of sound judgement (John 7), and sensationalizing- proof is their fondness to make big news (Matthew 23) out of merely fleeting temporal, insignificant news such as petty crimes, personal achievements and online trends (Matthew 5-7). They're also overacting in their music therefore Baal-raising, in their words hence hoarding the Central Archives, in their preaching prayer hence pabebe, and do even seek to make yokebearers overacting in dancing (#shapingsound #worldofdance) and all other disciplines of yokebearing therefore leading to grandstanding. Such sensationalism is evident in their plot to annihilate the male and white races. It is them therefore, who are the true prisoners of their on illusions and fantasies (Jeremiah 23, 1 Timothy 4)- and not us Hart (Deuteronomy 4,6). We're pretty much alive now more than ever.
ENDNOTE from the Endtime Joseph, #writingsonthewall: August 16, 2018. Just last August 12 we came home from full online work amidst heavy raining. Never before I have felt how much my dedication for this duty pays off, for our co-boarders were all angry that I came home wet. I have my shoes dried outside for days. On August 16 mom placed the shoes inside our home, in its floor. I thought not to place it back on its very container, as much as I have drying it further on my mind. Then mom walked past and stumbled by the shoes. She then ordered me. 'Take the shoes off and place it in the container! I'm stumbling by that.' She virtually 'built' MY shoes there and then she 'stumbled' by it, and yet she's a co-boarder that 'reject' me (Psalm 118, Acts 4, Matthew 21, 1 Peter 2). Undeservingly by Godhead we're indeed the Rock of Salvation, as per my father's trifold name, for your Commondominion of Christ. On August 12,18-19, 2018, King Edward X preached on Oxnard, California. Our William Branham placed the 2nd Seal to the Ox Member of the Four Living Creatures (Ezekiel 1 claimed by Empire on August 13, 2018).#lutheranleader on August 10-11, 2018 claimed the Seals of Revelation 6,8. To that we give a Shattering Response from one of our branch churches, the Restored Church of Jesus Christ in the Far East (facebook[dot]com[slash]TRCJC): '“The beast with the face of a MAN is the present church that you restored, the LION was the church that Moses built, the EAGLE was the church left to Peter, the OX was the church made by Paul My brother.” (Received December 28, 2010 @ 1450hrs from Lord Jesus Christ: 4 BEASTS IN THE BIBLE OR BOOK OF REVELATION)'
The Spirit of Mother #LindseyStirling Appeared to the Commondominion's First Presidency on August 18, 2018 as the Commondominion's First Presidency commemorated the 5th Year of the First Pastoral Visitation of Mother Lindsey to the Philippines. The Spirit of Mother Lindsey Taught the following Words of Godhead by Divine Revelation.
Empire claims this: 'remain in Empire for salvation is to come.' It's wrong. Rather believe this as I verily tell you, 'remain in Commondominion for salvation's already Hart.' Empire tells this self-persecutory, pro-evolution stunt (John8, Matthew 3,23): 'if you're human and your parent's a dog, then you're a dog too.' To that let me say for you to this Empire's face: Commondominion (Psalm 82) is Human, the #HillyBodin of Christ (Revelation 4, Ezekiel 1). Godhead's her Parents therefore Commondominion is Godhead in Godhead. Your Father and my Father, Sterling, lectured about you being Zion, while my Mauricio Berger and another younger Joseph Frederick Smith will convene many of you on August 18-19 on the selfsame topic. Empire claims Psalm 51 again, that mentions Zion- now in this very days, your detractors in Empire electronic churches, are furthering that claim as they air their old propaganda movie mentioning 'Zion' so much as their response against Father Sterling, and Sirs Frederick and Mauricio. I'm also well-aware that the co-boarders of the Endtime Joseph, my son, has been yet again these hours playing, as they do every day almost, the Diocletianites' Baal-raising songs about 'Zion' purportedly (Psalm 137). This I say on the Neronians' decision to officially drop the use of the word '#Mormon'. The name 'Mormon' is a badge of honor that we should not be ashamed of about (1 Peter 2,4, 2 Corinthians 12, Romans 1). Surely Empire deleted their claims of August 20,27/October 15-16,30/December 17-18, 2016, so we can expect things such as this from them. It might be true that according to Neronians themselves, 'Mormons' is a term from Empire themselves. As for Antiochians, they claim that it was us, or them as they may say of us to be purportedly, who invented their term '#Jesuits'. We are also better known to be 'Josephites' as much as we follow Joseph Smith. It is not wrong that we exalt and value the Name of Christ over and above all, but even it might be the Name of Christ Himself or any other name, Empire is rather good on over-mis-dis-abusing these as rationalizations for their wickedness, therefore blaspheming it. We must be rather happy and humbly grateful to Godhead that Empire themselves had stopped claiming that name. The proof that we're worthy of the labors and sacrifices of Joseph Smith and the 13 Brighamite prophets from 1844 to 1995 that followed him, is that we feel rather sorry, not happy, with this decision from the Empire. Empire had just realized that they don't have any divine wright over the labors of Smith to Hunter, and that Godhead is already over with them, and them are already non-existent for Godhead. We therefore must determine and endeavor to live further advancing and being worthy of the work of the 14 Mormon Prophets that we have declared following to, more so of the Greatest Cloud of Witnesses that Godhead has ever gave to us in the theocratic firmament- no other than all our Fellow Messengers, Branch Churches, Yokebearers and Allies. It is far better to be called a #Josephite(Revelation 8-9,11,16,2-3,21-22) than a #Smithsonian, because that institution is rather Empire's. Let's also recall too that other people were called after other Commondominion people like 'Jews' for Judah or 'Israelites' for Jacob. But are not Judah and Jacob names (Genesis 32) that are from Godhead, and are not Mormon and Moroni messengers of Godhead? So the name 'Mormon' is a name from Godhead, and using such Hart in Commondominion of course, do glorify Godhead. Empire must recall that even we are almost surrendering claims to Empire through our Double Connotations (Genesis 13-14). Now this Divine Word is for all my fellow, and most beloved, yokebearers, now competing or performing at #asiangames2018. #Indonesia, where you are now, is the largest Far East archipelago. It has saw, and shared, implications of such eschatological prophecy as preached by our branch churches from China, Korea, Japan and Philippines (Matthew 16, Mark 16). Indonesia saw Revelation 8 refulfilled in its shores on August 27, 1883, and Revelation 11 refulfilled on December 26, 2004. As your fellow yokebearer , I now most solemnly call unto you- you must be driven to respond most solemnly and promptly to the call of joining and proclaiming this Commondominion that Godhead is reiterating through these instances. One of our allies, #Turkey, is known in the Bible as '#AsiaMinor', as much as it is Europe's gateway to the larger, or major, Asian mainland. The Commondominion has planted locales there, who received valuable biblical instructions from Commondominion leaders of their time, such as those written in Revelation 2-3, Laodicea 1, Colossians, 1-2 Peter and Ephesians, which Empire's is currently blaspheming these days. I charge you most kindly to take heed of those warnings and discourses. Remember that Empire would only distort such writings for their own whims, for they hate to instruct you and to be instructed in true Christian living (1 Thessalonians 5). Hence they use these to lure and woo you to further sustain and uphold all their malice. Wright Hart you can expect that we Alline can do good on all these writings and help you do good as well and help others to also do good on these because (2 Timothy 3) these has been all written to and by our allies, that is, like Turkey. Therefore in short, you have to listen to our allies, and not to the Empire. Empire even imposes you to sustain their #john1828recrucifixion of Christ, which they do basically from what they call as their 'Basilica Minor of #quiapochurch', then why all the more should you not listen to our allies (Proverbs 3-4,19), who are always made by Empire to look like Empire when in fact it's not, to the belief even of some of our fellows? As much as we're willing to submit to being overshadowed and overwhelmed by Empire claims through our Double Connotations, we, as yokebearers and fellows who has been Made so by Godhead and therefore shall be answerable to Them on this, shall and must be willing, happy and ready to accept instruction and chastisement through the Commondominion of Christ Central Administration, because Godhead will not do such for us (Joshua 21-24, Isaiah 19) if They do not love us (Revelation 3) and take us as Their Very Own above than anybody else (Hebrews 12, Ezekiel 16,18). It is indeed unto us that these words are addressed (Acts 13), and we must indeed reckon it as such, therefore we must do good on these, now and ever.
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