#calf milk replacer
divya1234 · 8 days
Boosting Calf Health with CALFVIN: A New Approach to Milk Replacers
For cattle farmers, ensuring that calves receive the right nutrition in their early life stages is essential to their overall health and productivity. CALFVIN, a novel calf milk replacer, offers a new approach to feeding pre-ruminant calves, focusing on providing a complete and balanced nutritional profile tailored to their unique needs.
One of the key benefits of CALFVIN is its ability to promote strong immunity in calves. During the first few weeks of life, calves are highly vulnerable to diseases, and inadequate nutrition can leave them susceptible to illness. CALFVIN is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system, helping calves fend off common health challenges like scours, respiratory infections, and other early-life diseases.
In addition to boosting immunity, CALFVIN also supports overall growth and development. Its balanced formulation includes high-quality proteins and fats, which provide the energy calves need to grow quickly and develop strong muscles. This also contributes to a more efficient transition to solid feed as the calf’s digestive system matures.
CALFVIN’s approach to calf nutrition is centered on health and growth, offering farmers a reliable product that ensures their calves start strong. By incorporating CALFVIN into their feeding program, farmers can rest assured that their young calves will thrive, leading to healthier, more productive cattle in the future.
For more information visit us:
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maximumarcadetyrant · 2 years
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thewitchsgirl · 11 months
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I'm HIGHLY allergic to something in the calf formula. Anyone have any ideas?
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mrx17022004 · 2 years
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babygirl-riley · 9 months
Small Traditions
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Simon starts to notice the small signs that his mother would do when he was young to what he now does with his girls
A/N: GUYS naturally I had to use @ave661 art cause listen ovaries HURT anytime she posts the dad!simon series 😭
“That she's gettin' older and I wish that you'd met her. The things that she'll learn from me, I got them all from you.”
Warnings: angst, fluff, dad!simon, mentions of childhood trauma, missing mom hours, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family
Simon was finally able to actually spend time with his baby girl. He was gone for a while, 3 months to be exact. Which made his baby 6 months old, he missed out on appointments and her first roll over on her tummy. So when he came home, he made it a mission to spend anytime and every time with her.
When she woke up early in the morning he turned to you, feeling you getting up. “No love stay asleep, ‘ll get the little one.” He mumbled, waking up a bit.
You hummed and laid back down immediately passing back out. Simon put on a black shirt as he adjusted his sweats as well. He made his way to his babygirl’s room. She was standing up holding onto the rail of her crib. Her smile beaming as she giggled, jumping up and down.
“Ah isn’t the little rascal,” Simon smiled chuckling lightly. She reached up for him as he picked her up. She placed his head on his shoulder and gripped his shirt. “I’m happy to see ya too princess.”
Simon changed her diaper and started to make his way into the kitchen. His daughter cooed as he held her close. She would play with his shirt or put it in her mouth. “See ya starting’ to teethin’.” He said softly, letting her suck the shirt.
After making the bottle he went into the living room to put on the tv. He set her on the couch with him on the edge, she was old enough to hold the bottle herself so he just watched. Her hands gripping her bottle as she chugged the milk down.
Simon chuckled now sitting on his calfs. “Damn little one, ya that hungry?”
He never knew if she was listening or even understanding by how her eyes would just stare blankly. As he stared at her, he noticed the small things. The features that would bring his heart to swell but also break a bit. The dimples that she had were in the same spot that his mother had.
Simon picked her little feet up and played with them as he thought. His mother would be proud of where he is at. The family he created after all the pain he went through. Never would have thought to be a father, after what he saw with his father. He was afraid to become him. To be him. Yet here he was, with a baby girl.
“Grandma would have loved ya,” He mumbled kissing her little socked feet. She sighed as she fought back a laugh, she was very ticklish on her feet. Just like Tommy, as kids Simon used to piss him off by tickling his feet. Simon inhaled deeply before shaking his head. He didn’t need to get emotional, there was no need. However just the way his daughter had some of the features conjured them. “Would love the way you look so much like me, have some similarities from her, hell Uncle Tommy would make fun of actually settling down.” He chuckled to himself.
He never thought even before the tragedy of his family that he would settle down. Family was plagued by his father. His childhood made Simon not want to give his own children one solely on fear of course. Yet here he is. Half of him and half of you. He would never trade it for the world.
Simon has even noticed the things he would do that his mother would do before his father was shunned away from the family. The way she would hum particular child songs to calm both him and his brother down. How when dad wasn’t home, she would whip up a random treat, particularly peanut butter bars. In which, your child has become addicted to them. Or when putting him to bed she would say ‘never forget, you’re smart, you’re handsome, and you’re loved.’ Instead his babygirl would be replacing handsome with beautiful.
Simon would only do it when you weren’t around, whispering it softly. Even though he doesn’t know you usually are around the corner, listening to him, with tears. Simon noticed these things as time grew on with his daughter. It didn’t hit him until now. Thinking of all the things that his mom would do with her grand baby. The family dinners. The babysitting. The holidays. All of it.
Simon noticed that tears were at the edge of his eyes. He shook his head and coughed then grabbed her little feet and softly ran his thumb from her heel to her tiny toes. “Ya made me soft ya brat.” He tickled her foot as she let out a laugh kicking his hands away.
Years gone past and now he has three of them. He stood in the kitchen as he placed lunches in certain boxes. You needed help as you did hair and gathered their school things. Simon never could do hair hell not even his youngest’s hair and she was 1. “Dad! I can’t find my shoes!” Millie yelled as she ran down the stairs.
Simon sighed and smirked. “Well since you didn’ put them away, I threw them in the trash.”
Millie stopped in her tracks and had the same smirk that was on his face on hers. “Uh huh, really though please.”
Simon smiled and nodded. “‘ight ‘light, they’re in the closet with the coats,” She shook her head and went towards the door. Simon placed the last thing in the last box. “Start puttin’ them in ya room yeah?”
Millie nodded and looked at him. “Aye,” She walked up to him and lifted her finger. “Love ya see you after?”
Simon looked down at her finger, his mom would tap his finger, going once up and they would switch sides and tap again. It was their way of saying bye and love you when dad had his beer and game review on. Simon smiled and tapped her finger as they flipped them over to do it again. “I’ll be pickin’ ya both up.”
“Daddy! Daddy,” His head snapped up to see his second daughter soaring down the stairs. “Look what mum did!” Her hair was in to braids that linked into one large one. A smile beaming on her face. Showing one of the dimples his mother once had.
Simon chuckled grabbing a small piece of it before placing his thumb on her cheek. “Looks beautiful Alli,” He said softly then kissed her on her forehead. Simon looked up the stairs and saw you smiling down, holding the newborn. “Ya takin’ them?”
You nodded as you walked down the stairs. “Yes I have to grab more things from the store.”
Simon and you already talked about the store and her taking Millie and Allison to school. Simon pushed and pushed to only get pushed back, eventually compromises came and he staying to give you a break from the 2 month old. Then he could pick up the girls after school. You handed Tessa over to Simon. “Already changed just needs to be held. Needy this morning.” You whispered kissing Simon softly on the lips.
“Roger,” He mumbled as he kissed her one more time hearing Allison fake gag. Simon chuckled as he turned handing you the boxes. “Packed and ready.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, grabbing them, and ushering the older two out the door. “I’ll be back!”
“Bye dad!” Millie yelled walking out first.
“Bye daddy!” Allison followed suite turning to sign ‘I love you’ with one hand.
Simon did it back cradling Tessa between his chest and bicep. You smiled at him, kiss towards him. He smiled as the door shut. Tessa wiggled and started to whine. “Shh shh,” He whispered looking down at her. “It’s ‘light we can go down stairs and watch somethin’ yeah?”
Later that day Millie and Allison opened their lunch boxes that day and found a small sugary snack with a note attached reading; ‘what do you call an angry carrot… A steamed veggie.’ They always loved it, having notes from dad that had terrible jokes even if Millie would roll her eyes and smirk. She loves them.
You didn’t know about it until the next day. You were check boxing everything that was needed to grab as Simon helped with Tessa. When you opened it you saw the note, chuckling to yourself. Millie stood next to you and looked at you. “Dad says that Grandma Riley would leave jokes for him and Tommy.”
You looked over at her and up to the stairs, making sure he wasn’t coming yet. “Oh really?”
“Yeah,” Millie smiled. “I always read ‘em to my friends. Just don’t tell him. His head will inflate more.” She joked grabbing her box.
You smiled as you watched Simon come down the stairs in his uniform. “I shouldn’ be long,” he mumbled having his balaclava in his pocket. Millie frowned as did Allison. “I told Uncle Price I’ll be late to take you two.” He smiled at them as their faces calmed into a soft content expression.
Simon handed Tessa to you and kissed your cheek. “I’ll be home no later than 8.” You nodded and watched them go out the door.
Simon opened the door for both Millie and Allison to get in as they went down the street. “Was Grandma Riley fun?” Millie asked nonchalantly as she looked out the window.
Simon could feel his throat hitch from the sudden question. “Yes.”
“Do you do things like she did to us?”
Simon looked in the rear view mirror for a brief moment. Only if she knew, all the things his mother taught him has been passed down to his girls. After his father was kicked out for good his mother was more open about good parenting, she always was of course. However there wasn’t any hidden signs or anything of the sort. Even when he was older, when confrontation came around, she was kind and gentle. Since both him and his brother didn’t know how to handle or deal with situations as so. 
Simon taught his girls to be polite and kind to everyone. Just like his mother was. Everything she did that he remembered he wanted to pass along. Simon inhaled for a moment. “Ya know the finger taps,” Both her and Allison nodded their heads. “That came from grandma. It was our sign to say love you and bye.”
Allison smiled. “Did she do the night routine?”
Simon smiled. “Yes.”
It was silent again before Millie shifted a bit. “Grandma Riley sounded cool.”
Simon smiled again and nodded. “She would have loved all of ya.”
It was good silent as he stopped in front of the school, as kids packed to go inside. Allison opened the door and turned with her finger out. Simon and her did the signature finger taps as she hopped out. He waited until she caught up with friends that were right outside the car. Then he went to Millie’s school.
“What happened to them?” Millie asked, Simon knew that eventually the girls would put two and two. Uncle Tommy and Grandma Riley not around, yet dad talks highly of them? It would make a tween curious.
Simon took a second to think of the answer. He never told you until 3 years of your guys’ relationship. Millie was too young to know but he couldn’t lie to her either. “Someday I will tell you.” Was all he could say to it.
Millie nodded and chuckled. “Was she terrible at the jokes like you?”
Simon laughed a bit. “Terrible? My jokes are amazin’!”
Millie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Yeah yeah.” Simon pulled up in front of the school and he turned to her. She unbuckled and lifted her finger, smiling. “Glad you keeping’ traditions dad. Grandma would be happy.”
Simon felt his chest tighten as he smiled it off. Doing the taps. “She would be happy indeed,” He nodded his head to the school. “Get goin’ ya love the joke today by the way.”
Millie laughed as she opened the door and shook her head once more. “Yeah maybe.”
Simon watched until she got into the school and drove to the base. “You would have loved ‘em mum.” He mumbled to himself as he kept the tears at bay.
Even through all the hardships, he will be forever grateful for his mother and her teachings. He hopes that one day that she will meet his family, the family that he knows she would have loved. To see how much as changed in Simon that he thought that could never happen. So she could see that not only her that showed him unconditional love even through the darkest parts but how his girls have showed him as well.
Simon sighed as he relaxed. Yeah, she would have loved them all.
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devoted1989 · 1 month
the dark reality behind dairy
By World of Vegan.
Within the dairy realm, two narratives intertwine: the plight of the mothers and that of their offspring.
Artificial insemination serves as a harsh introduction to the dairy industry’s cycle of exploitation. Unlike the natural way to get pregnant, female cows within commercial dairy farms are subjected to an intrusive process that blatantly violates their reproductive system.
This invasive procedure forces cows into a perpetual cycle of pregnancies, denying them the right to choose their mates or control their reproductive destinies.
Just like human mothers, a female cow has a nine-month gestation period. And after giving birth, calves typically nurse from their mothers for 6 months or longer.
But in the dairy industry, once her calf is born, she’ll experience a mere day or two of companionship—sometime less—before her calf is forcefully separated from her to prevent the loss of even a drop of valuable milk, which would cut into the profits of the dairy industry. This is the last time the mother will see her baby.
Like most moms, cows have powerful maternal instincts and are extremely distressed when their babies are taken away from them. Their anguished bellows can be heard for up to a mile away. Some cows are so distraught that they will even stop eating.
Post-separation, the mother cows are subjected to mechanical milking—a stark contrast to the nostalgic image of a farmer hand-milking a cow.
As soon as her baby is taken away, the mother will be hooked up to a milking machine to take the milk that her body made for her calf. In natural circumstances, nursing cows produce just 12 to 15 pounds of milk each day and calves nurse all day long.
But in the majority of today’s dairy operations, a mother cow will produce a staggering 50 pounds of milk daily. The pressure of her painfully loaded udder will only be relieved by mechanical milking twice a day, which often leads to mastitis and other excruciatingly painful conditions.
As time progresses, milk production wanes, initiating a vicious cycle of repeated artificial impregnation, bereavement, and mechanical milking.
This cycle persists yearly until these cows meet a grim fate—slaughtered as adolescents, their natural lifespan of 25 to 30 years cut short. Their bodies, devoid of milk-production utility, are often processed into meat products, most often burgers.
Shifting focus to their offspring, USDA statistics reveal that 97 percent of calves are separated from their mothers within the first 12 hours of birth.
Female calves, like their mothers, confront a bleak fate. Denied maternal nourishment, they are confined in solitary and often cramped pens, where they have no way to find comfort or nurse from their mother.
Replacing mother’s milk with a formula, they endure this existence for 6-8 months, foregoing a natural upbringing characterized by play, bonding, and freedom.
Once fertile, the cycle of forced impregnation, grief, mechanical milking, and eventual slaughter begins anew.
50 percent of the babies born will be male, and a male calf has little financial value to the dairy industry because he’ll never produce milk.
In most situations he’ll either be kept and raised for beef, slaughtered immediately for cheap veal, or sent to a torturous facility to become higher priced veal.
On a veal farm the baby calf will be confined in a small space in which he can barely move and fed an iron-poor diet until he becomes severely anemic. His muscles will atrophy, and at just a few months of age, he’ll be slaughtered. His tender, pale flesh will be sold as veal.
You may be surprised to learn that marketing buzzwords like “Organic, Grass-Fed and Free-range” you might see on meat, dairy, and egg labels don’t guarantee better lives for the animals.
The mechanics remain the same, including the unavoidable separation of baby from mother, painful surgical mutilations without anesthetic, factory-style milking, and premature slaughter.
These terms, designed to attract compassionate consumers, fail to dismantle the core mechanisms of exploitation.
Considering the immense suffering, is the fleeting gustatory pleasure of cow’s milk truly worth it? The array of delicious, plant-based alternatives renders this question obsolete. Opting for both taste and compassion aligns with our evolving food landscape.
Our grocery choices equate to votes for the world we desire. While personal, these choices transcend the individual, impacting the lives of others.
Opting for animal-based dairy entails contributing to a continuum of suffering. Awareness fuels change. Acknowledging one’s past contributions to cruelty ignites a journey toward more humane choices. Armed with knowledge, we navigate a path of greater compassion, for when we know better, we can genuinely do better.
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shadow-book-wren · 9 months
Yule Superstitions
Legend says animals can speak on Christmas Eve but not to listen for them because it is unlucky to hear them
Some cattle ranchers believe that if the first person to cross the threshold on Christmas eve is female, only heifers will be born on the ranch for the next year. however, if it is a male, many male calves will be born
Feeding a sprig of mistletoe to the first calf-bearing cow of the new year ensures future fertility for both
Some British believe that ivy leaves fed to each cow after milking and before noon on Christmas morning will force the devil away from the herd and keeper for the next 12 months
If the stars are bright on Christmas Eve, hens will lay well the next year
In Sweden, its believed that trolls travel freely through countryside from dusk on Christmas eve to dawn on Christmas morning. its common practice to stay indoor during those hours, in Sweden.
Greece and Poland considers it unlucky to be born on Christmas eve and Christmas day because the roaming monsters - kallikantzaroi (Greece) and werewolves (Poland) can capture the newborn's spirit for their own devices
It is customary, in Greece, to burn all old shoes to ward off misfortune in the new year
Ghost refuse to come out of hiding on Christmas day, babies born then are said to be forever free of ghostly troubles
Refusing mincemeat pie on Christmas brings bad luck in the next year
You will lose a friend before next Christmas, if you don't eat plum pudding during the holiday season
Eat an apple at midnight on Christmas Eve for ensuring good health
Leave a loaf of bread on the table, after Christmas Eve, to guarantee plenty of bread for the household in the coming year
Christmas cakes must remain uncut until December 24, and one piece left uneaten until after Christmas day to ensure good fortune
In Germany, it's customary to eat greasy pancakes on the winter solstice and leave some on the table to feed the winter hag so that she doesn't "hunt you down, slice open your belly, and take the cakes right out"
Gift Giving
When giving clothing for a gift, don't wash or iron or it will press in bad luck and wash away good
Make sure all fires in your home burn throughout Yuletide season in order to be free of evil spirits
Some Scandinavian families place all their shoes side by side on Christmas Eve to bring harmony in the home
If you have holes in your stocking, hanging them upside down on the hearth before bed on Christmas Eve is said to have them repaired by St. Nick
Place a cherry tree branch in water two weeks before Christmas. if the branch blossoms by Christmas Day you'll have good luck in the new year.
If you fix a hole in your roof between Christmas and New Year's Day it will reappear
You'll have bad luck if you bring holly into your home before Christmas Eve, and triple bad luck if it's removed before January 6th
Mistletoe has to stay hung in place for one year to ensure good luck and when replaced, the old one should be burned
Burn evergreen and decorations of evergreens to ensure good luck
There is an ancient German custom that states that things with wheels, especially spinning ones- may not be used from 5 days before the solstice until six days after it or else the sun causes all fleece and fiber to tangle beyond repair
Marriage Omens
In Germany, girls play a holiday game, seemingly similar to duck-duck-goose, where the first player to be touched by the blindfolded goose will be first to marry of the participants.
In England on Christmas Eve, its customary for unmarried girls to knock on the hen house door... if a rooster crows in response, she'll be married within 12 months
In Northern Europe, some girls arrange three buckets of water in their bedroom, pin three sprigs of holly to their nightgowns before sleeping and are awakened by three shouts and three chuckles. an apparition of their future husbands will appear and if the buckets are rearranged - the marriage proposal wont have any issues ; If they aren't - they may not be a willing partner
In Poland, it is believed that grinding poppy seed on Christmas Eve will ensure a quick marriage for unmarried women
Tossing twelve sage leaves on Christmas Eve winds will make the image of your future lover materialize
If the night sky on Christmas Eve is clear and starry, summer harvest will be abundant
The 12 days of Christmas tells the weather for each following months. ex: first day of Christmas = snowy ; January = snowy
Easter will be cold if it doesn't snow on Christmas
if Christmas Day is breezy there will be good luck for the new year
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jungle-angel · 1 year
24. “Man, this tea could knock out a bad illness in one go”
With early morning Nat trace my forever bi awakening!
(rings the little diner bell with the order) ONE NUMBER 24 COMING UP!!!! (lol).
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Bozeman, MT
Spring, 2023
You had been up for a while, rifling through the fridge for the breakfast ingredients while "Shamballa" by Three Dog Night played from your little bluetooth speaker on the counter, the soft yellow glow of the morning becoming more so as it threaded together with the yellow gingham of the curtains in the kitchen window. You looked over to the small table in the dining room, the table that had photos of Nat's grandparents, her grandpa in his dress blues and her grandma in her nurse's uniform. The incense and flowers would most likely need to be replaced later, but it could wait until after breakfast.
The meow of the old tabby cat you two had taken in, suddenly caught your attention, shooing her away before she had a chance to steal whatever food you'd be making that morning. Out of the fridge came the eggs, the fresh pepper slab bacon and thick grainy barley bread, all packed with seeds and grain and as black as could be. It wasn't long at all before the kitchen was full of the tantalizing smells of eggs, bacon, toast and some of your fresh, homemade tea, nor was it long before you heard tired groans and heavy feet coming down the stairs.
"Mornin sleepyhead," you chimed as you cracked another egg and threw it in the cast iron pan on the stove. "Bacon or steak with the eggs this morning?"
"Pepper slab bacon, heavy on the pepper," Natasha answered, her nose plugged up beyond all human reasoning. One very unladylike snort told you it was that time of the year again.
"Here," you told her. "Drink this, it'll make you feel better."
You handed Natasha her favorite mug full of a delicious looking brown liquid which she promptly drank even though it was still steaming. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed as a bite of heat ran across her tongue, lips and into the back of her throat. "Baby what did you put in this?"
"Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, star anise, juice from a few blood oranges and some of those black dragon chilis that have been growing with my special fertilizer," you chuckled.
"Good grief," Natasha coughed, fanning herself from the heat of the chilis. Her eyes started watering uncontrollably and her nose had begun to run like a sieve. "Man this tea could knock a bad illness out in one go."
A few coughs from her and a small laugh from you signaled that the food was ready. Once she had her plate in front of her, Nat dug right in, still shuddering a little from the spicy tea. "I think I'm gonna end up blowing through a whole gallon of milk again," she joked.
"Oh no you don't," you warned her. "Until this clears, no cheese, no yogurt and definitely no milk."
Natasha groaned in exasperation. In your house it had become common to blow through a gallon of milk in less than a week, leaving the rest of the Daggers to go and get it from the farmers' markets or the store which was almost an hour away.
You kissed her cheek playfully. "I'm only doing this because I love you," you chuckled. "Now drink your tea and eat your food, Bagman apparently needs help with a calf that's gonna come at any hour."
"Yes dear," Nat half laughed, returning the kiss.
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vitalvibes21 · 4 days
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The Tirupati Laddu, a globally renowned and sacred offering from the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), is currently at the center of a heated controversy. Allegations that animal fat was found in the ghee used to prepare the laddus have stirred religious, political, and social unrest.
What Happened?
In September 2024, reports emerged alleging that the ghee used in Tirupati laddus contained traces of animal fats, including beef tallow, lard (pig fat), and fish oil. A laboratory report from the Centre of Analysis and Learning in Livestock and Food (CALF) lab indicated adulteration of the ghee with these substances, triggering outrage among devotees and the public.
Key Findings from Lab Tests
According to reports, the ghee used was found to be highly adulterated with a concoction of both animal and vegetable fats. The lab results were alarming, with the ghee sample values being much lower than acceptable standards. Pure milk fat should have a reading between 95.68 and 104.32, but the samples tested only showed values around 20.
Political Fallout
The controversy quickly escalated into a political battle. Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) accused the current administration, led by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, of negligence. Naidu’s son, Nara Lokesh, echoed these concerns, accusing the YSR Congress of disrespecting religious sentiments. In response, Jagan Mohan Reddy dismissed the allegations as politically motivated.
Impact on Devotees
The allegations of using animal fat in a sacred offering like the Tirupati laddu deeply hurt the religious sentiments of millions of devotees worldwide. For many, the laddu is not just food; it is "prasadam" – a holy offering blessed by Lord Venkateswara. Any adulteration of this sacred item is considered sacrilegious, adding to the severity of the situation.
Actions Taken by TTD
The TTD, which oversees the production of Tirupati laddus, responded quickly to the scandal. They blacklisted the suppliers involved and initiated legal action. Additionally, they formed an expert committee to set up an in-house laboratory to ensure better quality control in the future.
Political Context
Beyond religious and social implications, the Tirupati Laddu controversy has political undertones. The TDP has used this incident to attack the YSR Congress, accusing it of failing to protect religious sanctity. On the other hand, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has dismissed these claims as "diversion politics," accusing Naidu of using faith for political gain.
Future Precautions
In response to this controversy, the TTD has vowed to improve its quality checks and ensure that only the highest quality ingredients are used for sacred offerings in the future. They have also replaced the current suppliers with more reliable ones to avoid such issues going forward.
FAQs About the Tirupati Laddu Controversy
What is the Tirupati Laddu controversy?
The Tirupati Laddu controversy centers around allegations that the ghee used in the preparation of the laddus contained animal fats, including beef tallow, lard, and fish oil. This has triggered widespread outrage among devotees and led to political blame games between the TDP and the YSR Congress.
Why is the Tirupati Laddu sacred?
The Tirupati Laddu is considered sacred as it is an offering (prasadam) given to devotees of Lord Venkateswara at the Tirumala temple. Millions of devotees believe that consuming the laddu brings blessings from the deity.
What action has TTD taken?
The TTD has blacklisted the suppliers involved in providing the adulterated ghee and initiated legal action. They are also setting up an in-house laboratory to ensure better quality control of the ingredients used in temple offerings.
Is the controversy politically motivated?
The TDP has accused the YSR Congress of neglecting religious duties by allowing adulterated ghee in the laddus. However, Jagan Mohan Reddy has dismissed these claims as politically motivated, accusing his opponents of exploiting religious issues for political gain.
The Tirupati Laddu controversy is more than just a food adulteration case; it has religious, social, and political implications. As both sides continue to debate, the TTD has taken immediate action to restore trust and ensure the sanctity of temple offerings. Moving forward, stringent quality checks will be essential to ensure the sanctity of temple offerings. Moving forward, stringent quality checks will be essential to prevent future scandals from damaging the reputation of one of India’s most revered temples.
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queerpyracy · 9 months
we’ve got alice (annie’s calf) caught in a pen for the next few days until we can get her willing to drink milk replacer. she’s not happy but she isn’t panicky, at least. have to go to town to take care of some things but we’ll check on her afterward to see if she’s drunk any of the milk replacer
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divya1234 · 8 days
CALFVIN: The Next Generation Calf Milk Replacer for Optimal Juvenile Nutrition
As cattle farming evolves, providing optimal nutrition for calves in their early stages of life becomes increasingly critical for long-term herd productivity. CALFVIN, a cutting-edge milk replacer, is designed to address the specific nutritional needs of pre-ruminant calves in their juvenile state. This novel formula is gaining attention for its balanced approach to early calf nutrition, setting new standards for milk replacers.
What sets CALFVIN apart is its unique composition, formulated to deliver a precise balance of nutrients essential for early calf development. Unlike traditional milk replacers, CALFVIN contains the right mix of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals that mirror the nutritional content of natural cow’s milk. This ensures that calves get the necessary components for healthy growth and immune support during this crucial stage.
The juvenile stage is vital in a calf’s life because it sets the foundation for its future health and productivity. CALFVIN helps calves develop a strong immune system, build muscle mass, and support gut health, all of which are essential for a smooth transition to becoming fully ruminant. Proper nutrition during this stage also promotes better feed efficiency and reduces the risk of illness, which translates to healthier, more robust animals in the long term.
CALFVIN is a next-generation calf milk replacer that offers an innovative nutritional balance, providing calves with the critical nutrients they need for healthy development. Farmers looking for a comprehensive solution to calf nutrition will find CALFVIN a reliable and effective choice.
For more information visit us:
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wordsbymae · 1 year
Oh what about Farmer with a horse girl? Does he have horses. My dream is to basically be a hometeader so I keep wondering what his farm has.
Oh yeah, he has horses!! Ok, so this is how I view his farm. He has the homestead of cause, which is this pale yellow colour (for some reason? it's not even a colour I like, but it's what I imagined it as when I wrote the first one). It's two stories with a wrap-around porch and has big white shutters with those pretty shaped cut-outs.
Then the infamous barn is the stereotypical red and white barn. But it's seen better days. The red is more of a dull/brownish red and the white has chipped away and now it's more wood than paint.
I see him having a few fields of wheat/barley. This is more of a way to feed his animals rather than a profit. But if he has enough left over he will sell.
His main profit is his bulls. I don't see him being able to sell cattle for meat or anything too intensive. It's mostly just him and he only gets seasonal workers to help with the harvest or just when he needs them. So instead he runs a bull stud. Breeding the best bulls in the state. It's a small operation but he charges a hefty price for quality so it works. He has about 2 bulls he keeps for 4-5 years before replacing them, and about 30-50 cows/heifers depending on the season.
Then he has his pigs, thats how his father made his money breeding boars, but pigs are noisy as all hell, so the farmer has it more as a side project rather than the main source of income. He has a pair he keeps and he then sells the litter.
Then he has his chickens, a good 20 of them. One big red rooster and all the rest hens. He sells the eggs he doesn't want either as produce or as incubator eggs. He has this huge chicken coop he built himself.
Then he has one or two dairy cows. He breeds them with his bulls and shares the milk with the calf. Or sells the calf depending on if it's a bull calf. Doesn't sell the milk, but uses it for himself (after pasteurisation of course). He'll most likely sell the heifer calf later on.
Then there are the horses. He doesn't have many. Maybe one or two and they're used as transport mainly through his fields or to round up the cattle. They aren't anything special either just quarter horses, but they get the job done. I can see the horse girl reader just falling in love with them and getting mad when they find out he calls them Horse, and Also Horse. Reader will braid their hair and beg farmer to let them go for rides. He agrees as long as he's with them.
Then he's got a cat that just roams around. He doesn't even own it really. It just showed up and never left.
Then there are his working dogs. If I hadn't implied he was from the Us south/Texas, I would have given him kelpies. They are the best working dogs! At least in my biased australian opinion. I was thinking of giving him cattle dogs (blue/red heelers), cause they are recognised in the States but cause his cattle are breeding stock he won't want the dogs to be overly aggressive and bite their heels (they can be trained out of them but easier to get another breed).
Ok, I did some googling and cause I have three kelpies myself, I'm giving him some. I don't care if the us doesn't recognise the breed (rude) but it's not unheard of for them to be used in the States. So yay! Anyway, he only has two cause he has such a small herd. They aren't inside dogs cause they are primarily working dogs so they get this nice kennel outside. And cause I love country music and by extension, he does too, they are called Pancho and Lefty.
He also has a veggie garden and grows most of his own food. If you are a vego/vegan DO NOT go into the small shed out the back. That chicken he took in there does not come back out alive.
Anyway! Hope you liked it. I got a bit over the top
tag list: @floraroselaughter @psyche-entwined-in-love
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rizlowwritessortof · 2 years
Cowboy Rescue - Part 2
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Cory makes an impulsive decision to drive from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Montana, accepting an invitation from an old boyfriend, hoping to put closure to their failed long-distance relationship. When circumstances leave her lost in the Montana countryside in the blizzard of the century, local rancher Dean Winchester comes to her rescue. He is far too tempting to resist, but is she getting herself into just another hopeless long-distance situation?
Pairing: Rancher Dean Winchester x OC Cory Tate
Word Count: 2668
Warnings: None. Fluff, a little angst, and eventual smut.
Dividers by the ever-lovely @firefly-graphics​ - thank you, Daisy!
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Cory could still hear the wind raging outside when she woke the next morning. It was so cozy in her cocoon of blankets that she didn’t want to move, but her stomach growled impatiently, so she reluctantly threw back the covers.
Her jeans and sweatshirt from the day before were neatly folded and sitting beside her door when she walked out. Dean had apparently washed them for her, and she smiled at his thoughtfulness. She dressed, glad to have clothes that didn’t try to fall off with every step she took, and headed for the kitchen.
There was a note on the kitchen island, and she picked it up, smiling again. ‘Help yourself to whatever you want. The coffee is in the cupboard above the coffeemaker. I have to check on the cattle, so I’ll see you when I get back. Make yourself at home.’
There were bagels in the old-fashioned bread box on the counter, and she toasted one while the coffee brewed, then carried both into the living room. The fireplace was still going, so she fed it a couple of logs to stoke the fire and wandered over to look out the window. It was a little better than the day before, but she could barely make out the barn across the yard from the house and the wind still howled, snow whirling wildly about and adding to the already huge drifts. She went back to the sofa and curled her legs up beneath her, eating her breakfast and enjoying the fire.
It was afternoon when Cory went to the window, wondering how Dean was faring. Silly to worry about a grown man who had lived here his whole life, but… As that thought crossed her mind, Whiskey came into view. She watched as Dean dismounted, then reached up to lift something from the horse’s back. She squinted to see through the swirling snow, gasping softly as she realized he was carrying a calf. He disappeared into the barn, and she hurried to pull on her boots and bundle up quickly in the rest of her outdoor clothes, rushing out the door.
Going down the stairs was treacherous - Dean had cleaned them off earlier, but the wind had begun drifting them full again. Cory made her way through the snow to the barn, struggling with the heavy door in the wind, and pushing her way inside. Dean was just laying the poor creature down in an empty stall, and he turned, surprised to see her. “Dean, how can I help?”
“Well, she needs to get rubbed down, warmed up. I need to mix up some milk replacer, try and get her to eat. Mama didn’t make it. I’m not sure she will either, but we’ll do what we can.”
Cory went to the closet and grabbed an armful of towels, then headed into the stall. Dean had just broken a bale of fresh straw, and bent to lift the poor animal into his arms again, laying it on the soft bed. Cory was on her knees before he could say a word, grabbing a towel and beginning to dry the shivering calf, speaking softly as she worked. She crawled up onto the straw next to the baby, working as quickly and gently as she could, rubbing the poor thing’s fur to dry it and warm it up.
Dean watched her work for a moment, a slightly bewildered smile curving his lips. She was right down there on the floor, getting wet and dirty, completely absorbed in taking care of the helpless creature, and he had to admit he was impressed. “I’ll be right back, need to get her some milk. And take care of Whiskey.”
She nodded with a quick smile, then turned her attention back to the calf. By the time he came back with the calf bottle in hand, she had the animal half on her lap, covered in dry towels, still rubbing to get it warm. “It’s okay, little one, you’re gonna be just fine.”  She looked up as he entered the stall, eyes widening at the size of the bottle. “So, how do we get her to drink?”
Dean went to one knee beside the calf, setting the bottle down. “I’ll have to try and keep her upright, and we might have to teach her to suck. Get a couple of fingers in her mouth, and instinct will kick in. Then we can hopefully get her to do the same with the bottle. You don’t mind a little calf slobber?”
Cory laughed. “Well, I guess we’ll see. We have to help her, so whatever we’ve gotta do.”
Dean grinned. “Okay. Ready?” She nodded, and he lifted the calf, holding it steady as she petted and spoke softly to it.
“Okay, girl. You gotta eat now. Let’s give it a try.” She lifted the bottle to the calf’s mouth, but she just jerked away, shaking her head as Dean tried to hold her still.
“Not gonna work. Try to get your fingers in her mouth.”
Cory nodded. “Okay, here goes.” She kept talking, her voice soothing, petting her with one hand and working a couple of fingers into her mouth with the other. The calf bucked a little, but then started to suck, and Cory let out a little cheer. “Good girl! Good girl. See, it’s not so hard. Let’s try this again.”  She picked up the bottle again, and Dean reached forward to squeeze gently at the hinge of the animal’s jaw, forcing it to open enough that Cory could work the bottle into its mouth. After fighting for a few seconds, she finally began to suck and Cory let out a relieved sigh. “Such a good girl. You’ll feel better after you eat, little one.”
“Nice work,” Dean praised her, and Cory blushed a little as she smiled, holding the bottle up for the hungry little creature. She downed it in just a few minutes, and they got her settled in her straw bed, covering her with a couple of horse blankets Dean had grabbed from the closet. “Okay, that’s all we can do for now. We’ll see how she’s doing later.”
Dean went ahead of her, cleaning the steps off once again, and they entered the warmth of the house gratefully. “Glad you stoked the fire, feels nice in here,” he commented.
Cory looked down at her clothes with a sigh and laughed softly. “Well, I guess it’s back into your giant clothes again. I’m a mess.”
“Sorry about that. But thanks for the help, it was a lot easier with two of us.” He hung his coat on the hook and turned towards her. “Go ahead and change, I’ll grab us some coffee.”
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They sat in companionable silence that evening, Cory absorbed in her reading and Dean working on the ranch books, a pencil between his teeth as his fingers flew over the calculator. He was so focused on his work that, when he looked at the clock, he was surprised that a couple of hours had passed. He stifled a yawn, glancing over Cory’s way and laughing softly. She was slumped sideways on the couch, her face half-buried in the pillow, her reading glasses askew on her face and the book still clutched in her hand.
He closed up the ledgers he’d been working on, putting it all on the large coffee table, and rose to his feet, stretching. He walked over and went down on one knee in front of Cory, taking her book and placing the bookmark inside before laying it on the table beside her. “You are so damn cute,” he whispered, smiling, reaching both hands to gently remove her glasses and place them on top of her book. She let out a little sigh and wriggled down into the couch, and Dean pulled the blanket from the back of the couch to cover her. He stared down at her for a moment, resisting the urge to touch her face. She was proving to be quite a surprise, a pleasant one, and he had to admit he was becoming very attracted to her. Not that it could go anywhere -  in a few days, she’d be back in Oklahoma, and he’d be back to being alone.
He rose to his feet, heading to his room to get ready for bed and crawling between the sheets with a weary sigh. In spite of himself he drifted off to sleep imagining the taste and feel of Cory’s soft lips against his.
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The smell of coffee made Cory’s nose twitch, and she opened her eyes slowly, a little disoriented. “Morning, sunshine,” Dean teased, setting a steaming mug of coffee on the table beside her as she sat up, peering up at him with a shy smile.
“I fell asleep here?” she asked, her voice still a little raspy from sleep. “I’m sorry.” She pushed the blanket aside and picked up her cup, cradling the welcome warmth in her hands. “Thank you – for the coffee, and for the blanket. Was I snoring and drooling all over your pillows?”
Dean laughed softly. “No. But your glasses were all smashed into your face, so I took them off for you.”
Color rose in her cheeks, and she took a sip of her coffee, her eyes closed in appreciation. “Thanks. Not embarrassing at all.”
“Kind of adorable, actually.” Dean moved to the kitchen doorway, turning to speak to her again. “Another cow dropped a calf yesterday, so I bedded them down in the shelter. But the snow’s really light today, so I’m gonna lead them back with me, see if mama will adopt our orphan calf. Then I’ll go dig your car out enough to get your bags. Sorry I couldn’t get it done yesterday. I’m sure you’d like to have your own things.”
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Cory showered and dressed in her once-again-laundered clothes, then busied herself in the kitchen for a time. Once she had a chicken and vegetables simmering in a stock pot, she searched for cleaning supplies, dusting the beautiful hardwood floors and then tackling the furniture. By the time Dean made his way inside with her bags in tow, the house was clean and a delicious aroma filled the air.
He dropped the bags beside the door and pulled off his boots and coat, inhaling the mouth-watering smells with his eyes closed in bliss, then letting his feet carry him to the source.
Cory was singing softly to herself as she cleaned off the island, and he cruised right by her, heading for the stove and reaching for the lid to the stock pot. “No!!” He snatched his hand back as if he’d been scalded, his eyes wide, and Cory giggled. “Sorry, but if you take off the lid, you’ll ruin the dumplings.”
Dean shrugged with a sheepish little smile, stuffing his hand into his pocket. “Sorry, my nose carried me away. Smells amazing in here, what...”
“Chicken and dumplings. My grandma’s recipe. And if you take the lid off before they’re done, the dumplings won’t be fluffy.”
He held his hands up, stepping back from the stove. “Hey, never let it be said that I un-fluffed your dumplings.”
Cory laughed. “In about 20 minutes, you can dig in and let me know if it was worth the wait.”
“Good. Just enough time for a shower. Don’t start without me!”
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Dean let out a well-satisfied sigh as he finished his meal, and Cory breathed in silent relief. She was not sure how much longer she could have listened to his unabashedly lustful moans at almost every bite he put in his mouth. She was having a hard enough time trying to ignore his ridiculously attractive appearance without the soundtrack putting more thoughts into her head. After all, she’d be gone in a few days, and the chances of their meeting again were very slim. She pushed that thought from her brain, not liking the feeling that came in its wake.
They cleaned up the dinner dishes together, moving around each other in the kitchen as if they had done it together many times. “So, now – back to the books?” she asked, laughing as he made a wry face.
“Not tonight. I need a break. Something’s messed up and I don’t have the brain cells to tackle it tonight.”
“Want me to have a look?” Dean looked at her in surprise, and she shrugged. “Not trying to be snoopy, just – it’s what I do. Every day.”
“I do the books for several of our larger clients.”
“Wow – well, maybe… maybe a new set of eyes wouldn’t hurt. If you wouldn’t mind...”
“Of course I wouldn’t. Besides, look at all you’ve done for me.” He looked into her eyes, finding nothing but an honest desire to help, and nodded.
“Okay. But you’re not spending all night on them like I did last night, just look things over and see if something jumps out at you. Deal?”
They sat at the dining room table together a little later, and Dean wondered why he hadn’t asked for her help sooner. The only trouble was that it was way too tempting. He’d almost kissed her earlier when she had looked up to show him something, barely restrained the urge and turned his eyes to the page where she was pointing. There was a definite attraction between them, and it was getting more difficult all the time to keep his distance.
In spite of his distraction, they managed to get the books back in order in less than an hour, and he thanked her with enthusiastic gratitude and a cold beer. He set a couple of bowls on the table and sat back down at the table, putting his own beer down along with a deck of cards and a large bag of candy.
“What’s up with this?” she gestured at the items, and he smiled.
“Blackjack. You know how to play?”
“Blackjack?” she laughed. “Yes, I know how to play. But...”
Dean tore open the bag of M&Ms and dumped a generous amount into each bowl. “High stakes in this house. And you can eat ‘em if you want, but don’t blame me if you run out.”
“So we’re playing for M&Ms? My kind of stakes. Deal ‘em out!”
It was almost midnight before they realized it, several beers and a lot of laughter later. Cory helped clean up, turning to Dean as he tossed the deck of cards into a drawer. “Thanks for that, it was really fun. It was nice to do something besides read by the fire.”
Dean smiled through his yawn, nodding. “Yeah. Used to do that with my dad sometimes.” He leaned a hip against the counter and looked at her, his mind made up. Yeah, she was leaving in a few days, but – fuck it. “So glad to have those books straightened out. It was driving me crazy. And I was wondering, you know, if I could take you out tomorrow night, as a thank you.”
Cory’s eyes widened a little. “Take me out?”
Dean nodded, watching her face a little nervously as he spoke. “Yeah. I mean, I know I can’t really take you out, but – I know this place, it’s got a great atmosphere, and the cook’s a little weird but he grills up a mean steak. It’s within walking distance and everything. And then I thought maybe a movie?”
A smile was teasing at Cory’s lips as she listened. “Walking distance, huh? So, is this place like, four star?”
“Well, not really, but there is a dress code. Got anything fancy in that suitcase?” His eyes were sparkling with humor, but she played along.
“Oh, hell, yeah. I was coming to Montana for a party, remember? I think I’ve got something.”
Dean grinned. “Great – so I’ll pick you up at your room, 7 o’clock?”
She looked at him, her eyes smiling back. “7 o’clock.”
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Tags for my lovelies:  @saenalife​    @deanscarlett​    @jensensgotyoudean​    @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis​    @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​    @geeklibrarian​    @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​     @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan    @mrswhozeewhatsis​    @littlegreenplasticsoldier​    @sleep-silent-angel​    @darcia22​    @winchesterprincessbride​    @ellen-reincarnated1967​    @eyes-of-a-disney-princess​      @deanslittleangel2y5​    @melanie451​        @spectaculacular-sammy​     @bookchic20​    @jodyri​    @selma-jean-blog​           @savingapplepie-eatingthings​    @kittenofdoomage​    @masked-maiden42​    @lean-mean-deanwinchester​    @ericuhlorain​    @undecided-garden​    @ceeceewinchester​    @typicalweirdbookworm​          @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit​    @youtoldalie​    @tanithlowisabamf-blog​    @deandoesthingstome​    @jxackles​    @nerdwholikesword​    @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic​    @kreweofimp​  @gabavaldman​    @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog​    @darkx143​    @disassociativedogma​    @ioanashalala​    @jencharlan​    @deansthirstblog​     @dorky-and-i-know-it​    @mischief-maker1​    @winchestersandwordprocessors​    @percussiongirl2017​    @bringmesomepie56​   @akshi8278​    @torn-and-frayed​    @sandlee44​   @wingedcatninja​  @evansrogerskitten​   @emoryhemsworth​  @peaceinourtime82​  @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior​  @sarcasmqueen74​   @maliburenee      @mrsjenniferwinchester​  
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mrx17022004 · 2 years
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hipsofsteel · 9 months
personal, animal death warning for content below the read more
Annie, my ten year old cow (which is getting up there in age but not terribly old just yet) had a nasty fall on xmas eve, and got stuck and mired in mud. we got her out and treated her for cold and shock, but her body seemed fine and we thought she would stand up once she had strength, warmth, and had recovered from the shock (which she was in the process of doing when we finally left her alone on xmas eve)
xmas day, however, she was unable to get up on her back legs. we realized she'd sustained an injury to either her spine or pelvis. there's no coming back from that, especially since generally if something goes wrong there, internal organs have likely taken significant damage. we left her as comfortable as we could leave her, and decided to put her down on boxing day
which brings us to today, boxing day. we put down my annie cow, orphaning her four month old calf in the process. we're going to try to get Alice (her calf) on a diet of milk replacer and grain alongside hay and water today and tomorrow, to try to get her through the next few months without being stunted too badly. we're gonna do everything we can.
im sorry, Annie. after my Rosie cow, you were one of the best cows of all time. a sweet and gentle lady with a pretty face and good disposition. we'll look after your daughters Abilene and Alice as best we can.
here's to a good cow. one of the best i could ever hope to have
we miss you already, Annie girl
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devoted1989 · 2 years
why vegetarian is not cruelty - free
Eating meat directly involves the slaughter of animals.
There are millions of vegetarians worldwide who have made the life-changing decision to give up consuming the flesh of any other animal in order to save countless lives.
However, many believe that the production of eggs and dairy does not involve taking the lives of innocent animals. Thus consuming these products is not considered to be morally wrong because no lives are taken.
This approach is, unfortunately, deeply flawed. Agricultural production is based on intensive farming methods. Factory farming is a globalized business that strives to maximize profits by being as efficient as possible. The result is the absolute exploitation of animals.
And there are other, even more tragic issues involving the production of eggs and dairy that are not always apparent to those seeking a compassionate lifestyle. “What happens to the males who serve no purpose to the industry?”
Egg-laying hens and dairy cows are female. Since animals tend to produce male and female offspring in a roughly 50-50 ratio, what happens to the approximately 50% of male chicks and calves born on farms around the world?
Profit margins within the industry are slim, so producers cannot afford to waste anything, and this includes not supporting unproductive animals.
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All milk production depends on the forcible insemination of cows against their will.
On all dairy farms calves are traumatically separated from their mothers, usually within a few hours or days of birth. This separation is devastating for both mother and calf.
A spiked nose ring is an alternative to separating calves from their mothers during the weaning period. They cause pain to the cow, causing her to reject the calf’s efforts at suckling.
This is because, like all mammals, cows only produce milk to feed their young. Our demand for milk can only be met by keeping cows forcibly pregnant and lactating, then tearing away the calves for whom the milk is intended to ensure that all of their milk reaches us.
Male calves are cruelly confined in crates or stalls and slaughtered for veal, or are sent to auction at only a few days old – their umbilical cords still attached.
Female calves are removed from their mothers and fed milk replacer, soon to be impregnated themselves and forced to endure the same devastating cycle of repeated birth and loss.
Most dairy cows raised on factory farms stand in mud, milked by machines and fed antibiotics.
After a few years of constant milking, dairy cows are slaughtered when their milk production declines, at only a fraction of their life span after which they are rendered into ground beef and other constituent parts.
Cows are sent to slaughter at a fraction of their lifespan. In nature they can live up to 20 years, but those on dairy farms live a mere average of 4 years. Cows who are failing to yield sufficient milk are slaughtered many years before they would naturally die, after which they are rendered into ground beef and other constituent parts
Long bolts are shot into their heads in order to render them unconscious before throat-slitting, but many animals are not properly stunned due to careless handling.
The animals are then shackled by one leg and hung upside down from chains. Their throats are slit and though they are meant to die first from fatal blood loss, many are still conscious.
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Most layer (broiler) hens are kept five to a tiny battery cage, where they must stand and sleep on a wire floor 24 hours a day. Living under these horrendous conditions, a hen needs about 30 hours just to lay one egg.
Even though a chicken can live five years, most hens are killed before their second birthday, because their egg production declines with age.
Male chicks are of no use to the egg industry because they don’t lay eggs, and haven’t been bred to grow as large or as rapidly as chickens raised for meat. Common methods of killing male chicks include suffocation, gassing and grinding them up alive. Over 250 million male chicks are killed at hatcheries each year in the United States.
Their sisters are raised to lay eggs. Debeaking or beak trimming is carried out to reduce damage caused by injurious pecking such as cannibalism, feather pecking and aggression caused by the chickens being crammed into close confinement.
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Beak trimming is carried out without unaesthetic, using electrically heated blades in a beak trimming machine, which cuts through this complex horn, bone and sensitive tissue causing severe pain.
Once their egg production rates decline they are considered “spent”. At only 1 ½ - 2 years of age they are slaughtered. Chickens can live for ten years in nature. The commonly used breeds of hens used produce 3-5 times more eggs than normal.
Additionally, all commercial egg-laying hens are cruelly slaughtered at a fraction of their natural lifespan, and they are no longer considered useful. They are then killed by strangulation, gassing or are simply dumped on a landfill. The birds are slaughtered while fully conscious.
Others who can be used for meat are either slaughtered onsite by cramming them into individual cones and slitting their throats or shipped to slaughterhouses.
They are carried by their feet and tossed into crates on the back of trucks. They are terrified and stressed, travel through all temperature extremes and are denied food and water for up to 36 hours.
At the slaughterhouse the birds are shackled upside down, run through an electric water bath that renders them immobile but fully conscious, and have their throats cut with a mechanical blade. All farmers use the same means to slaughter their birds, whether cage – free, free – range or organic.
Each year, millions of animals in the U.S. do not survive these grueling trips. 
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To encompass a vegetarian lifestyle, is not cruelty – free. The only compassionate way is to remove animal products of every kind from our lives.
With thanks to stopthebarbarism.wordpress.com, The Humane Society of the United States, britishmeat.com, Wikipaedia, Louise Wallis, Free from Harm, ecoblog, Woodstock Sanctuary, Liberation BC & Animal Place.
All images with kind permission from Jo - Anne McArthur.
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