#cae has a face
firstmatedville · 11 months
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suprise sidney or whatever that gay little bitch said
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candied-cae · 1 year
I’m gonna be so real, babes, when I saw that storm looking so ROUGH at the end of episode 2, I was real worried The Revenge was going to capsize and completely break to splinters and just sink to the bottom of the ocean. And I was DEVASTATED!
I was legitimately about to cry for that big ol’ boat bc she’s home and she's a part of their journey, and she can’t rest until her captains have been reunited! She deserves to see it happen on her deck, or so help me-
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ot3 · 19 days
There are a lot of pokemon out there. Some of them are good. Some of them are bad.
the world of pokemon is a beautiful one filled with many "types" of pokemon. some pokemon are steel. some pokemon are bugs. some of them are even normal. lately i have found myself thinking, which pokemon is the most steel? which pokemon is the most bugs? which pokemon is normal? and today i am proud to say i have answered these questions and more.
It can be hard to decide, since there are so many of them, but luckily I'm here to make that decision for you. i have definitively chosen the most representative (most) least representative (least) personal favorite (best) and least favorite (worst) design of every pokemon type. and i will now explain it to you in detail
now keep in mind we are ONLY talking about design here. lore is not coming into play whatsoever. if you want to explain to me why xyz pokemon is actually the most/least/best whatevertype pokemon because it's based on this or that: i don't care. that's not why we're here. we're judging books by their covers today
Normal Type
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Most - Herdier: This is just a regular ass dog, which may be considered one of the normalest things on the planet. It doesn't get much more normal than this, folks.
Least - Arceus: If i saw this thing it would be one of the least normal days of my life.
Best - Skitty: This is just a perfect design, there isn't anything bad you could possibly say about it and if you tried I'd hit you. Look at that face. ^_^
Worst - Castform (Normal): It looks like either a pair of balls or caspar with a fat rack and in either cae it's just kind of unappealing to look at.
Grass Type
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Most - Shaymin (Land Forme): Although 'grass' a type represents all plant life, I am choosing to interpret it literally here. Shaymin is the grassiest of all grass pokemon, and although this is not part of the criteria, it is also very cute so lets all take a moment to appreciate that
Least - Kartana: this is an origami swordsman bug thing which to me isn't really Grass at all. I do love the design but it's not very grassy. yeah paper comes from plants but gun to my head i would have not guessed grass type for this pokemon in top 3, maybe not even top 5.
Best - Wo-Chien: I just think this guy represents a ton of pokemon design philosophy at its best. It has a very strong sense of color, good use of shape, is just a tiny bit strange, and most importantly is a kind of Creature i would like to hang out with
Worst - Calyrex: The more realistically proportioned hare head with the strange body does NOT work for me. I'm not mad about the massive berry on top at all but why the perfectly round torso? Why the stubby little arms? Why the noodle legs with the thigh high boots? I think you could fix this one pretty easily ultimately but it really needs fixin
Water Type
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Most - Wailord: Although there is no actual water in wailord's design, the mere presence of a whale implies the necessity for an amount of water that is almost as catastrophically overwhelming in its absence as its presence.
Least - Palkia: Other than looking like an anthropomorphized speedboat palkia is not particularly aquatic in its nature
Best - Lapras: There's a lot of great water pokemon designs but i think lapras is firing on all cylinders. Really a classic pokemon design.
Worst - Quaquaval: There are a lot of pokemon that are uncomfortably anthropomorphic and there have been since gen 1. It's not something I'm against in concept at all and it's produced some of my favorite pokemon designs of all time. But unfortunately when it flops it flops hard. Seriously, what are these proportions? Perfectly fine idea for a pokemon just executed with shocking inelegance.
Fire Type
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Most - Gigantamax Cinderace: This is simply the most amount of fire you're getting in a fire pokemon. Biggest bang for your buck
Least - Blacephalon: Another ultra beast design that is, as a design, excellent, but i would not be able to guess the typing on the first try if you put a gun to my head
Best - Chandelure: What if a haunted chandelier was your friend. Enough said. This thing just rules
Worst - Cinderace: Everything I said about quaquaval is equally true here.
Fighting Type
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Most - Machamp: He's a wrestler with four arms this is as fighting as fighting gets
Least - Meditite: This is a small child in an open, peaceful stance. I sense no violence here. If he were to fight, he would have been provoked.
Best - Mienshao: effortlessly elegant design that conveys the aesthetics of martial arts with the simplified animal anatomy and strong shape language that represents pokemon at it's best
Worst - Gurdurr: This entire line is profoundly uncomfortable to me but the prominent near-bursting veins and inexplicable hourglass figure are at their worst here.
Flying Type
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Most - Altaria: This is a bird made out of clouds, which is the most flyingest a thing could be.
Least - Shaymin (Sky Forme): This dude doesnt look like its feet are getting off the ground anytime soon if i'm being quite honest
Best - Sigilyph: Great example of what flying type can look out when you branch away form birds. The stranger and less organic feeling pokemon are collectively some of my favorite and i think sigilyph is one of the more effective ones.
Worst - Enamorus: 😬
Electric Type
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Most - Xurkitree: The Exposed Copper Wiring Pokemon. Great stuff. Also a banger design on top of being the most.
Least - Alolan Geodude: I understand the eyebrows and hair are supposed to be gatherings of lead sand but its still not giving electrivity. it just looks like a rock, one of the least electric things on the planet
Best - Rotom (All Forms): I wanted to put every rotom here but there was no way to arrange that easily. Just picture all the other rotoms here too. Rotom is awesome it's normal design is just cute and fun and then all of the other appliances are just a great concept.
Worst - Elektrike: Not unforgivably bad or anything but just kind of a design that doesn't convey a lot of information or have any appeal to it. Completely forgettable.
Poison Type
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Most - Galarian Weezing: This guy is the most poisonous possible poison you could have. This guys hobby is global warming. This guy is dumping carcinogens into the river. And not just incidentally. He's ideologically motivated AND gets pleasure from it.
Least - Oddish: Not only do I not believe eating an oddish would poison me, i think oddish is healthy. I think it's good for you.
Best - Ivysaur: It's impossible to truly extract the nostalgia from my feelings towards the gen 1 pokemon designs but I think we can all agree. Ivysaur looks great
Worst - Eternatus: Does not even look like it belongs in the same franchise as anything else on this list so far. And on top of that, it looks stupid. 0/10. I do like the version of it that's an evil hand though.
Psychic Type
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Most - Mega Alakazam: This dude looks like he should be airbrushed on a black velvet tapestry. I can't imagine anything more psychic than that.
Least - Exeggcute: Picking a least psychic pokemon was a hard one, because although we have some specific idea of what a psychic is, it's hard to say what one isn't. Ultimately, I don't think a handful of cracked eggs feels very psychic to me. I'm not sure what they feel like to me to be honest.
Best - Deoxys: Take a note, people, this is how you design a pokemon that's 'cool'
Worst - Necrozma: Take a note, people, this is not how you design a pokemon that's 'cool'
Ground Type
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Most - Dugtrio: Dugtrios presence in the area is synonymous with the ground. It is not the ground itself but it is of the ground. It will never leave the ground. We will never know dugtrio in its entirety, we will only see as much of it as the ground lets us.
Least - Whiscash: That's a fish, it shouldn't be on the ground.
Best - Trapinch and Claydol: I really really wanted to avoid ties here but please indulge me just this one. These are two creatures that are perfectly made but each in its own distinct way.
Worst - Zygarde (Complete Forme): Overdesigned as fuckkkkkk
Ice Type
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Most - Avalugg: This guy's ice.
Least AND Worst - Jynx: Not only is Jynx not particularly icy, changing the skintone was really not enough to redeem this design.
Best - Glaceon: There aren't any bad eveelutions. That said, glaceon isn't my favorite. However in the contect of ice pokemon I think it does a great job of using shape language and colors that feel icy without needing to actually resort to just chucking ice onto it. A lot of ice pokemon are either a little bit too on the nose or just outside of my taste bracket
Bug Type
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Most - Caterpie: Very bug.
Least - Pineco: this is a pinecone with eyes, which is different from a bug.
Best - Leavanny: Look at that winning smile :)
Worst - Buzzwole: TOO SWOLE!!!!
Rock Type
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Most - Onix: You may think it would have been geodude, who is just a rock with arms, but onix is actually just a rock with a face which is then attached to SEVERAL MORE ROCKS. That's as rock as it gets.
Least - Sudowoodo: You can't pull the wool over my eyes. That's a tree.
Best - Lunatone: What if the moon was kind of creepy and also your pet.
Worst - Terrakion: Think this motherfcukers just ugly
Dragon Type
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Most - Mega Charizard X: We all know Charizard is a dragon but that's only sometimes true. When it's true, it's very true.
Least - Tatsugiri (All Forms): Why is a piece of sushi a dragon. I do support it don't get me wrong. But I'm not exactly following the throughline
Best - Rayquaza: I think sometimes the legendary pokemon end up in the Too Much category but I think rayquaza pushes riiight up against that edge without going over it.
Worst - Dracovish: Shitting on the mix and match fossilized pokemon feels kind of like low hanging fruit. I honestly think they're kind of fun in concept. But this just looks stupid
Ghost Type
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Most - Haunter: Self explanatory
Least - Decidueye: A very fun design but it feels like its got much too life in it to be ghostly.
Best - Polteageist: I'm insanely biased because I love ghosts and have a teapot collection so when i saw they put a ghost in a teapot i was overjoyed and it became my favorite pokemon as a whole instantly.
Worst - Gholdengo: Looks like the mascot for a string cheese brand
Dark Type
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Most - Guzzlord: Dark type in japanese is Evil type which certainly has different connotations. In either case, I think whatever it means for a pokemon to be dark or evil is embodied here.
Least - Scraggy: I don't think this guy is dark or sinister at all.
Best - Mega Absol: I'm just so charmed by mega absol because it is indistinguishable from the kind of thing a teen with a deviantart would have drawn. It's like an edgy emo fairy white haired anime boy angel sparkledog. But despite that it still has a lot of aesthetic integrity and manages to only be a bit over the top in a way i think it's suited for.
Worst - Mega Sharpedo: This cluttered design pretty much undoes anything that's successful about sharpedo's standard form
Steel Type
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Most - Melmetal: the unrelenting metalness of this guy is not even tanted by any even vaguelt biological components
Least - Wormadam (Trash Cloak): Not a single visibly metallic part on this pokemon
Best - Magearna: A clockwork magical girl... what a great design.
Worst - Varoom: Something about this guy looks agonized to be alive. And I feel that agony too. It looks like a motorcycle that was in the process of being transmogrified into a creature but the process was incorrectly terminated halfway through and now it lives a cursed and painful existence.
Fairy Type
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Most - Mega Diancie: this thing could give me a quest to save the world and i would listen to it
Least - Galarian Weezing: I also wanted to do no duplicates but once again I will ask you for my forgiveness. Clearly this thing is the least fairy fairy. Not only is it unfairy, I think it tortures fairies. I think it's the villain in a movie where a bunch of children have to rescue a gang of captured fairies who are being used to power a Pollution Factory. I think this things grinds fairies up into dust and uses them to line the rim of its cocktail glass.
Best - Klefki: Klefki is soooo fun. I feel like if klefki was a ghost pokemon it wouldn't hit the same way because the idea of a haunted keyring is fun, sure, but it's notwhere near as good as a Whimsical Enchanted Keyring.
Worst - Zacian: this thing could give me a quest to save the world and im not sure i would listen to it. man the legendary dogs are just kind of a mess aesthetically
Okay that's all of the types. I don't really have a way to end this post. Of course there are a bunch of really good designs and really weird and cluttered ones that I didn't get a chance to talk about but. Idk man I can't rate every pokemon design there's just too many of them. there you have it.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Torn V
Kewis x Child!Reader
Summary: You go to the doctor
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Usually, when you go to the doctor, it's because Mom has to have another checkup on her knee.
Lately though, it's because of you.
You go to the GP and then you go to another doctor and then another one.
Mom and Mommy are worried about you but you don't know why. They speak in hushed tones together and always make sure to squeeze you extra tight during bed time cuddles.
You don't understand what's going on, even as you're taken to the special doctor and have sticky things stuck to your head.
Mommy says that it's to check you're healthy. You don't know why you have to be checked like this all of a sudden but it's not too bad.
Mom had surgery before. That's scary.
Having weird things stuck to your head isn't scary, not really so you force yourself to be brave.
You get to hold your favourite dino toy nice and tight as you look up at flashing lights and the nurses set you up for the rest of your tests.
Things are weird but you must be brave like how Mommy was brave to move across the world to be with Mom and how Mom was brave when she had her knee surgery.
You have to be brave because Mom and Mommy are brave all the time and you don't want them to see you scared.
You go for more appointments too, to get your blood drawn and to be checked over.
Then, it's a round of waiting.
Mom and Mommy don't tell you what's going on, not really, but they hold you more often.
You're sitting in the doctor's office again when your moms get told the results.
Kristie's been anxious all morning, knee bouncing as the doctor pulls up your file.
Any number of things could be wrong with you.
She'd doom scrolled through google last night, reading about cancer and tumours for so long that Sam had to take her phone from her and hold her as she cried.
You'd never been sick like this before. Sure, you'd had the flu and a tummy bug before but your random zone outs are nothing like that.
Kristie doesn't know how long you've been having them, doesn't know how long they've been ignored for. She doesn't know if they're going to get worse or if you've already hit the worst of them.
She takes Sam's hand tightly in her own, eyes darting down to the floor where you're amusing yourself playing with your dinosaur toys.
"Alright and this is for the little one, right?"
Kristie nods.
"Can you confirm her name?"
"y/n Mewis-Kerr."
"And birthdate?"
Kristie answers easily and squeezes Sam's hand.
"Right." The doctor types in a few more things before swinging his chair around to face them.
"Is she okay?"
"That depends on what your idea of okay is. We can make a diagnosis after seeing the results of her tests."
"And?" Sam asks, getting a bit impatient with this man trying to delay telling them.
He reaches across the desk to grab a pamphlet, offering it up to them.
"We're very confident that Miss y/n has CAE. Childhood Absence Epilepsy."
"Epilepsy," Sam repeats," She's been having seizures?"
The doctor nods. "Now, there's not much to worry about at this stage." He opens the leaflet and points to a section. "The type of seizure she's been having are absence seizures. These are normal enough and aren't as dangerous as others."
"So...So she'll be okay?"
The doctor purses his lips. "Most kids grow out of it by the time they're teenagers but..."
Kristie sighs. "Some don't."
"There is a chance that she'll develop a different type of epilepsy as she grows up."
"That's it?" Sam scoffs, something unfamiliar swelling in her chest. "Oh, your kid has epilepsy! Here you go?!"
"Sam!" Kristie hisses.
The room falls silent as you twist around to look at Sam, broken out of your play by her loud voice.
"Are you okay?"
Sam looks at you, mouth hung open for a moment before she opens her arms up for you.
You go to her willingly, letting her lift you up onto her lap.
"We're talking to the doctor about you, chook," Kristie says," He's going to help you get better."
"But I'm not sick," You tell her," Am I sick, Mommy?"
Kristie shakes her head. "No, chook and we're going to keep you that way. Let's just listen to what the doctor has to say."
The doctor clears his throat. "From what I've seen and what you've told me, I'm going to recommend some medicine to keep her seizures under control. I'll send off the prescription in a moment and the pharmacy will call you when it's ready. All the dosages and instructions are on the bottle."
Kristie nods as Sam holds you tighter than before.
"We'll schedule another appointment in a month so we can check how she's doing on her new medication and we'll adjust as needed. She'll also need to be seen by her neurologist at least once a year just to check on how she's doing."
"And...And if she does develop a different type of epilepsy?" Sam asks tentatively.
"Then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
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sexydoffyman · 1 year
Somnophilia with Sanji and/or Katakuri?
U don’t have to do this btw
Law and Ace version here
genre: smut
characters: Sanji, Katakuri
word count: 488
Warning: This may be uncomfortable for many people. If you feel like you can't handle this kind of content, keep scrolling.
A/N: Yeah, I could've made it a non-dark theme. Why would I do it tho?🪰 I took the CAE English exam. Now I just hope that I will pass.
I'm still pretty tired, so please let me know if the quality is dropping.
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-Sanji has a sick mind
-He once saw you so vulnerable, just sleeping.
-He jerked off to you so many times. He didn't even know why.
-He didn't understand. Why would he get a hard-on when he saw you like this.
-He didn't get it.
-At first, he thought of himself as a monster. (post nut clarity☠️)
-Just after it became a part of his routine, he started getting used to it.
-He still didn't understand how did you drive him so crazy in your current state, but he was more focused on his little problem.
-After a while, he starts to get more comfortable. He started kneeling over you and cumming on your face.
-Being caught is a boost of adrenaline for him.
-he always made sure to clean up whatever mess he made.
-After a few months of pleasuring himself in this fucked up way lot of shame built up in him.
-He came to you not being able to maintain eye contact. He told you everything.
-He told you all about the shameful nights.
-You both talked about it, and you found it funny.
-Later, he begged you on his knees to let him do things to you while you were asleep.
-After days of him begging you, you give him permission to do unspeakable things to you.
-"Just don't make a mess."
-He did wake you up plenty of times. You saw him saying the most filthy words to you.
-He always got embarrassed, and later in the morning, he made you a special breakfast.
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-You were one of his servants. Loyal and willing to fulfill any request of his.
-There were a lot of times that you felt like someone was watching you sleep.
-You always woke up to a completely normal room.
-Of course, He wouldn't let you know what he was doing.
-He loved to watch you squirm under his touch. The feeling of him being the cause of such movements made his mind go crazy.
-Sometimes, you would wake up with a slight bruise on your neck.
-He loved to just touch you. It was the feeling of power that was motivating him.
-You are giving him a service (even tho you don't know about it.) So he becomes a little protective of you.
-He always has his eyes on you. But again, he won't let you notice.
-He will just use his observation haki to see when you will look his way.
-He will never let you know until Big Mom arranges a marriage for you.
-It may not benefit her in any way, but for her strongest child Katakuri she'd do it.
-He will let you know you are not getting away from him.
-He is definitely possessive of you after the marriage.
-He isn't really sneaky about it either. Now that he has you in the palm of his hand.
-He will never let you go.
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merao-mariposa · 6 months
Chef Missa x Shapeshifter-Crow Phil AU.
(Just hear me out)
Missa is a single father looking to be a professional chef, moving to France to work in his idol's restaurant. He takes his daughter, takes his suitcases and moves to Paris, France to fulfill his dreams.
Phil is an ex-fighter who needs a change and get away from everything after a dramatic event (no spoiler) so when he receives an invitation from his brother in arms, Etoiles, to stay with him in France for a while he does not hesitate to accept.
His son Chayanne has trouble adjusting to his new life due to his selective mutism, fortunately Tallulah (Not tula) and Chayanne become friends at school.
Pissa basically know each other through their children.
Time skip to Tallulah finding out that Chayanne likes cooking, and it just so happens that his dad is el mejor chef del mundo! (She says) Missa starts giving cooking classes to Chayanne (it has nothing to do with him wanting to get closer to Phil, nope, absolutely not, he could never ever thought about that, he only does it because he cares about Chay//and his father)
Missa tries to play it cool and suave for Phil which leads to a lot of silly cartoon situations.
Missa and Phil get distracted by cooking, more smoke than normal starts coming out but they are so caught up in their flirting that they don't notice. Missa: Is it hotter here or is it just me?? Phil laughs, looks into his eyes, into his lips and back into his eyes, and slowly approaches, so slowly and Missa's heart almost sto- Until suddenly a blast of dry ice hits them rigth in their faces. Chayanne came back from whatever he was going to do, and found a tower of smoke! What happened!? …Neither Phil nor Missa can answer that. A bit because they are covered in dry ice and another bit because no mames, what a shame.
Jump to Missa, he's feeling homesick and unsure of his abilities. Tallulah has a fever and Missa is too worried.
The cooking classes stop for a few days.
Until a crow suddenly crosses through his window. That should scare him, his daughter is sick! And crows don't exactly prophesy health.
But he doesn't find himself able to chase away the creature that looks almost as worried as Missas feels. If crows had faces he would say that he frowns when he sees the girl. This crow seems to be really used to humans or something because he allows himself to be petted by Tallulah as if he were a cat, his feathers fluff up and rumble as if he were almost purring in his daughter's hands, her tired face lights up cuz of something that It's not the fever.
He decides to leave them alone.
Since that day the crow visits them more often almost like a family pet, he always comes and goes at night and always seems to be there when they need him most.
(Abajo esta en español, no worries my friends)
Missa es un padre soltero que busca ser chef profesional y se muda a Francia para trabajar en el restaurante de su ídolo. Toma a su hija, toma sus maletas y llega a París, Francia para cumplir su sueño.
Phil es un ex-peleador que necesita un cambio y alejarse de todo tras un susceso dramático (no spoiler) por lo que cuando recibe una invitado de su hermano de armas, Etoiles, para quedarse con el en Francia durante un tiempo no duda en aceptar.
Su hijo Chayanne tiene problemas para adaptarse al colegio y su nueva vida por su mutismo selectivo, afortunadamente Tallulah (no tula) y Chayanne se hacen amigos en la escuela.
Básicamente se conocen a través de sus hijos.
Salto de tiempo a que Tallulah se entere de que a Chayanne le gusta cocinar, y da la casualidad de que su papá es el mejor chef del mundo! (Dice ella) Missa empieza darle clases de cocina a Chayanne (no tiene nada que ver que quiera acercarse a su padre, nop, en definitiva y absolutamente nunca pensó en eso, solo lo hace porque le cae bien el niño //y su padre)
Missa trata de jugarlo cool y suave para Phil lo que lleva a un montón de situaciones tontas de caricatura. Missa y Phil se distraen cocinando, empieza salir más humo de lo normal pero ellos están tan atrapados en su coqueteo que no se dan cuenta. Missa: hace más calor aquí o soy solo yo? Phil se ríe, lo mira a los ojo, a los labios y devuelta a los ojos, y se va acercando lentamente, tan lento y el corazón de Missa casi se detien- Hasta que una ráfaga de hielo seco los golpea de lleno en la cara. Chayanne regresó de lo que sea que fue a hacer, volvió y encontró una enorme torre de humo! Qué pasó?! …Ni Phil ni Missa pueden responder a eso. Un poco porque están cubiertos de hielo seco y otro poco porque no mames que vergüenza.
Salto a Missa, tiempo despues, se siente nostálgico e inseguro de sus habilidades, para peor Tallulah tiene fiebre y Missa está demasiado preocupado.
Las clases de cocina paran durante algunos dias.
Hasta que un cuervo se mete por su ventana. Eso debería asustarlo, su hija está enferma! Y los cuervos no profetizan la salud exactamente.
Pero no se encuentra a si mismo capaz de echar a la criatura que se ve casi tan preocupado como el, si los cuervos tuvieran cara diría que tiene el ceño fruncido cuando ve a la niña. Este cuervo parece estar realmente acostumbrado a los humanos o algo así porque se deja acariciar por Tallulah como si fuera un gato, sus plumas se esponjan y retumba como si casi ronroneara y la cara cansada de su hija se ilumina por algo no es la fiebre.
Decide dejarlos solos.
Desde ese día el cuervo los visita más a menudo casi como una mascota de la familia, siempre va y viene por la noche y siempre aparece estar cuando mas lo necesitan.
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azul-marie · 1 year
luis. (sweet talk)
note: fem. reader. implied to be latina/hispanic; no physical features are mentioned. can also simply pass as a spanish speaker. spanish was kindly corrected by @angi-writes-filth ; translations are included at the end for your convenience.
“¿dime, chula, qué pasa entre usted y el oficial?”
his question has leon turning to you with a serious curiosity, no doubt hoping you’d translate something useful. unfortunately for him, and for you, it’s nothing more than what luis hopes will turn into flirtatious banter.
you shake your head at your partner, leaving him unconvinced. you hope his meager grasp of spanish keeps him from understanding too much. “¿qué con que?” you beck your head at luis, who grins upon receiving your attention. “es mi socio, nada más.”
your coy reply does not escape him. at once he slinks to your side, playful gray eyes flicking about your pretty face. “parece que le caes muy bien, ¿eh? te ha cuidado más que a la niñita.” he bumps shoulders, a teasing gesture. gets you rolling your eyes with a hint of a smile on your lips.
across the room of the safehouse, ashley looks on with girlish interest, her brows raising suggestively at the sight of you two so close. you send her a face, a code between young women, that has her fighting back a laugh.
leon, ever responsible, busies himself by placing whatever broken wooden planks he finds onto the dirty glass windows by the entrance door. you catch him glancing ever so often back at where you stand, unable to hide the wary way he eyes the man cozying up beside you. you ponder luis’s words.
“quiero pensar que somos amigos. los amigos se necesitan quererse, ¿no?” you reiterate, shifting your weight opposite of him. a thrill runs up your heart when he inches closer, intentions all too obvious.
“eso es lo que quiero saber, cariña. usted, el chaval, sólo sois amigos, ¿verdad?”
“vaya…estás muy interesando en él. ¿por qué me hablas a mi?”
“supongo que quiero saber si tengo una chance, ¿que mas?” luis chuckles, moves to prop his shoulder onto the wall behind you, one arm loosely caging you, the other resting on his hip. “y, pues, la cosa es…” he leans in, the tip of his nose brushing against the shell of your ear, “que difícil ignorar a alguien tan hermosa.”
heat rises up your face, a trained façade breaking as you laugh him off, unable to stop from smiling this time. luis hovers, incredibly pleased, watching from up close how your beauty lights up. he lingers even when you give him a lighthearted shove, stammering an excuse of having to check upstairs for supplies.
he lays back against the wall, feels the vibrations of your heels clicking up the stairs. knows you won’t find anything, anyway — if you weren’t so flustered, you’d remember he had already gone up there to check as soon as the group arrived.
a satisfied smirk refuses to leave his face, despite the severe way leon glares at him from across the room.
“i’m guessing you didn’t share any valuable input?” leon asks curtly, broad shoulders tense.
friends, my ass, luis thinks. he throws his hands up innocently, appearing clueless to leon’s envy. “no, no, it was. valuable for her to know, at least.” he winks impishly, earning himself a scowl. “c’mon, yanqui, i’m just being friendly, you know?”
though his jaw sets tight, leon says nothing in return, remembering ashley stands not too far from his place near the front door.
“everything’s clear up here.” your voice comes down the stairs before the rest of you does. you pointedly ignore both men eyeing your figure as you make your way to ashley’s side. “there’s a relatively clean bed upstairs if you’d like to rest, sweetie. i know it’s hard to relax in our situation, but i think it’s best you try.”
ashley quirks a brow. i’ll go if you tell me everything.
you offer your hand. well, duh.
“yeah, you’re probably right.” ashley agrees, voice feigning hesitation, placing her hand in yours to lead her away. she gives leon a passing look to gauge his reaction, but can’t seem to look past what she now recognizes as his “cool, calm, agent guy” persona. that, and, he’s a little too occupied watching you walk away to really react.
at least luis shows a little disappointment when you walk by without looking his way, even pouting at the lack of attention. the air sours as the two men are left alone, for plenty of reasons she’s clueless for.
she should really brush up on her spanish when she gets home.
translations below: “tell me, cutie, what’s up with you and the officer?” “what’s with what? he’s my associate, nothing more.” “it looks like he likes you quite a bit. he’s taken more care of you than of the girl.” “i like to think we’re friends. friends have to like each other, don’t they?” “that’s what i’d like to know, sweetheart. you, the guy, you’re just friends, right?” “wow…you’re seriously interested in him. why are you talking to me?” “i guess i wanna know if i have a chance, what else? and, well, the thing is…it’s difficult to ignore someone so beautiful.”
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flan-tasma · 6 months
good morning, how are you? I would like to request a kissing session with gaming pretty pleaseeeee i love your writing <333
💖~ Thanks for asking! I've been doing well, and I hope you're having a great day too. Thank you for your nice words too!
Thank you for making a Gaming request! He is so adorable, I just want to pinch his cheeks because he is a great boy and he deserves it.
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Es un amor, es el mejor novio del mundo. Es el más divertido, el más amable y el más comprensivo, por eso es tan genial estar con él. Gaming siempre te trata de manera tan delicada, como si fueras su mayor tesoro y temiera que tu piel se dañe por sus uñas, por lo que siempre te acaricia con la yema de sus dedos cuando te levanta el mentón para dejar un beso en tu nariz.
Siempre inicia así, nunca empieza besando tus labios, en cambio, está dispuesto a besar tu rostro completo antes de darse ese lujo. Puede que te muerda cariñosamente las mejillas, pero solo son sus formas cariñosas de amarte y molestarte: toma tus manos para que no te alejes, te sostiene de la cintura o te abraza, solo no quiere que te vayas cuando empieza a danzar contigo hasta el sofá.
Le gusta besarte cuando va pasando, cuando se despide para ir al trabajo o cuando te saluda en la mañana, te besa la mejilla y se va. Pero para los besos largos que te da, es imprescindible que ambos estén cómodos.
Sostiene tus mejillas luego de besarlas, te mira con amor y fascinación antes de hacer que te acerques más a él, prácticamente acurrucados en los cojines. No importa si su cuerpo es naturalmente más cálido que lo normal, tú no vas a alejarte, ¿verdad? Por eso es que se permite enredarse contigo cuando por fin reclama tus labios, acariciándolos suavemente y con confianza, dibujando una sonrisa cada vez más grande en su rostro.
Se toma su tiempo para adorarte, paseando sus manos por tu espalda y tu cabello cada vez que busques respirar contra sus labios, susurrando cumplidos dulces contra tus oídos, llamándote su pareja, como alguien que aún no entiende cómo pasó, pero que está sumamente agradecido.
Se deja mimar por tus besos y tus caricias, ronroneando entre tus brazos cuando lo abrazas de igual modo y le dejas ser tan mimoso y cariñoso como quiere. Ha tenido un día largo, independiente de si fue pesado o no, ahora solo quiere besarte hasta no poder más.
Es una llama, te calienta suavemente, te atrapa en una casa de madera, pero las flamas no se expanden, no busca quemarte ni abrumarte, no quiere que te dé calor, por lo que te permite abrir las ventanas mientras que le permitas abrazarte con su manto. Es adicto a sentir que le peinas el cabello al mismo tiempo que paseas tus labios sobre sus párpados, puedes sentir que sus dedos dejan arrugas en tu blusa.
Es una chimenea agradable, te permite acercar la mano al fuego y besa tus dedos uno por uno. Tu piel no se chamusca, sino que te deja con el recuerdo de sus besos como un río que cae por tu carne.
Apasionado y cálido, gentil y devoto. Gaming adora besarte, pero su corazón se rinde cuando le devuelves el cariño
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He is a sweetheart, he is the best boyfriend in the world. He's the funniest, kindest, and most understanding, which is why he's so great to be with. Gaming always treats you so delicately, as if you were his greatest treasure and he was afraid that your skin would be damaged by his nails, so he always caresses you with the tips of his fingers when he lifts your chin to leave a kiss on your nose.
He always starts like this, he never starts by kissing your lips, instead, he is willing to kiss your entire face before giving himself that luxury. He may bite your cheeks affectionately, but those are just his affectionate ways of loving and teasing you: he holds your hands so you don't walk away, he holds you by the waist or hugs you, he just doesn't want you to leave when he starts dancing with you until lay on the couch.
Gaming likes to kiss you when he passes by, when he says goodbye to go to work or when he greets you in the morning, he kisses your cheek and leaves. But for the long kisses that he gives you, it is essential that both of you are comfortable.
Holds your cheeks after kissing them, looking at you with love and fascination before making you move closer to him, practically snuggling into the cushions. It doesn't matter if his body is naturally warmer than normal, you're not going to walk away, are you? That's why he allows himself to get tangled with you when he finally claims your lips, caressing them softly and confidently, drawing a bigger and bigger smile on his face.
He takes his time adoring you, running his hands over your back and hair every time you seek to breathe against his lips, whispering sweet compliments against your ears, calling you his partner, like someone who still doesn't understand how it happened, but is extremely grateful.
Allows himself to be pampered by your kisses and caresses, purring in your arms when you hug him in the same way, and let him be as cuddly and loving as he wants. He's had a long day, regardless of whether he was heavy or not, now he just wants to kiss you until he can't take it anymore.
He is a flame, warms you gently, traps you in a wooden house, but the flames do not expand, it does not seek to burn you or overwhelm you, it does not want to burn you, so he allows you to open the windows as long as you allow him to hug you with his mantle. Gaming is addicted to feeling you comb his hair at the same time as you run your lips over his eyelids, you can feel his fingers leaving wrinkles in your blouse.
He's a nice fireplace, he lets you put your hand near the fire and kisses your fingers one by one. Your skin is not singed, but rather leaves you with the memory of his kisses like a river flowing through your flesh.
Passionate and warm, gentle and devoted. Gaming loves to kiss you, but his heart gives out when you return his affection
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jomadis · 5 months
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After MONTHS of my printer throwing a tantrum, I finally somehow got it working again, and now I have more stickers for you all!!!!!! I also took updated pictures to try and organize my shop better, and I think the bicolor backgrounds are cute!!!
We've got four new faces this time around: cae-SILLY-an, tiny Blossomfall Briarlight and Bumblestripe, tiny Lightleap Pouncestep and Shadowsight, and tiny Mothwing Hawkfrost and Tadpole stickers!!! I think they all turned out super cute-- come check them out!!!! And even if it's not your thing, I appreciate ya reading this far! My shop mainly has Warrior Cats, random animal/zoology, and Wings of Fire stickers, but I'd like to expand more! Either way, thanks for stopping by!!!! <33
Psst as a bonus some orders will recieve tiny black footed cat stickers as freebies! (As long as supplies last lmao)
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firstmatedville · 11 months
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happy ween I'm a vampire clown
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glitcheslikeslego · 3 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 25)
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Chapter 25 : Sleep Powder
Sleep Powder is a non-damaging Grass-Type move that has a chance to send the opponent to sleep.
“Maybe it’s good I don’t have a phone…” You mutter to yourself as you look at the crowd of passed out customers, surrounded by spilled drinks. “It’s like the Grimace Shake all over again.”
You cautiously walked over the people, trying not to kick any of them by accident. 
“Sleep Bug! Download from the nap store today!”
“That’s gonna get obnoxious really fast…” You grumble as you finally make it to the other side of the cae to hang up your apron. You put your name tag away in the pocket before leaving the cafe entirely.
You kind of remembered the route from your workplace to MK’s and after taking a few turns in which you hoped was the right direction, you smile upon seeing the outside of Pigsy’s noodles. You also spotted MK outside, and your smile faded to a concerned cringe as you looked at him.
He was wearing a fuzzy green robe and had incredibly messy hair. He was pushing a shopping cart covered in coloured lights, and Pigsy was asleep inside the cart. You could hear him muttering, but couldn’t make out what he was saying. The closer you walked, you could make out him speaking in a tone similar to Pigsy’s before falling to his knees and dramatically sobbing.
“Uhh, MK? Are you good?” You speak up with trepidation, and MK he turned to you, eyes bloodshot and had bags under them that would make Gucci jealous. 
“You’re okay!” Mk exclaimed happily and he hugged you tight, making you grunt in surprise and slight pain.
“MK, too tight!” You said, patting his shoulder.
He stepped back from the hug with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, I’m just so glad that I’m not the only one awake anymore! It’s been so quiet.”
You pat his head as his eye slightly twitches. “That sucks. Listen, everyone’s asleep, the entire city.”
MK gasped. “Wait, really?”
“Sleep Bug! Download it from the nap store today!”
You sighed in agitation. “And I think I have an idea as to why.”
MK blinked, looked down at his own phone, before looking back at you and throwing it to the ground, smashing it to pieces.
You shrieked. “MK! What was that for!?”
“If that’s the case, then I know exactly what we need to do! Let’s go!” MK grabs your wrist, but you make a fist with your hand and bonk him on the head, making him pause.
“Before you go into the ‘hero stuff’, maybe get changed first?”
As MK ran to get dressed upstairs, you successfully stop Pigsy’s cart from rolling off and put it in a safe place, hoping that this would prevent him from getting seriously injured later in this episode.
MK had gotten changed in record speed and hadn’t even bothered with letting you get in a word before he transformed his staff into a super awesome hoverbike and pulled you on before flying off to–.
“To the Cloud!” He cheered as the wind whipped in your ears. 
The flight to the Cloud was quick, and ended with you and MK miraculously landing in front of the doors to the Cloud, completely unharmed from the crash. The bike seemed to also survive for a second before crumbling into many mechanical parts and transforming back into the staff.
Your heart was beating in your chest as you stared up at the imposing door, the paintings of the two guardians felt like they were staring into your soul. This was your first adventure with only MK, something you from Season 1 would have never thought of doing.
“No guards, hmm… something is definitely up.” MK declared as he leaned on the door.
“MK, wait–!” You reached out for him, but you were too late to stop him from falling through the door and into the Cloud. You ran in after him and bent down. “MK, are you alright?”
MK was face first on the floor, groaning. You went to help him up, but he was surprisingly heavy for someone his size. Thankfully, he recovered quickly and helped himself up. 
“This is the worst day of my life…” He groaned, but his disgruntlement was replaced with awe as he looked at the interior of the Cloud. “Woah…”
You stood next to him with a similar look, the Cloud had rows upon rows of books, all filled with knowledge that any person would love to consume. It was much more grand than the show could show.
“Wow…” You whispered as you two began walking down the biggest, middle aisle to find where the bug was.
"Where are you little bug? We're gonna find you!" MK yelled as he ran from one place to the next, leaving a mess behind.
"MK! Wait up!"
He faltered for a second, letting you catch up to him. The bug was on top of a holographic circuit looking thing, looking like it was charging.
"Found you, bug! Thanks for making it easy for me." MK pulled his staff out of his ear. "Time to bring my friends back."
"Well, well, well."
MK's staff flew out of his hands, and you jumped, turning to face the person speaking to you... more like the spider that was speaking to you. You glared at the demon and Mk stayed still, looking at him in surprise. 
"The one and only Monkie Kid." He put the cube he was holding onto into his pocket, and his goggles disappeared. "You two should be asleep."
MK gasped, and his staff fell end first on his head. "Another person! Wait, one of Spider Queen's goons."
"What do you mean we should be asleep?" You ask, deciding to stand in front of MK if he wasn’t going to be doing anything.
"Uh, because of my sleep bug game that sent the entire city to sleep?" The spider scoffed with a raised brow.
"That was on purpose?" Mk responded in shock.
The spider smirked at my response. "Exactly. Now, did I need to put the entire city to sleep just to incapacitate the Guardians here? Perhaps not, but in for a penny in for a pound either way. You don't have the mental dexterity to debug my game. You're just a motherboard with a decent GPU and no Central Processing Unit."
The techy spider boasted, and MK just smiled dumbly. "Uh... GP wha...?"
You just stood there, his techie jargon going in one ear and out the other.
The spider's smirk formed into a frown. "A Graphics Processing Unit, it means you look good and are well animated, but you don't have any brains."
"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but are we gonna fight or what?" 
"No, I'm a big fan of outsourcing." With an outstretched hand, the spider used a green hologram keypad to control the Cloud, making everything glow red.
You and MK looked around worriedly. "While I'd love to hang around and chat, I have other things to attend to, and you're about to be eviscerated by the ancient Guardians of Knowledge, so I guess we're both pretty busy. Okay bye!"
He disappeared into the shadows above, and MK called out for him. "Get back here!"
The lights then turned on properly, and me and MK both turned to face the Guardians of Knowledge, who were two hulking figures that were several feet taller than both of you.
"Only those marked in the great ledger of knowledge and time shall be deemed worthy to enter this Temple of Wisdom and live." The two guardians spoke at the same time and raised their weapons.
Quickly, MK grabbed you and used his staff to escape, only to be stopped by the blue one, who was simply holding out his hand. He managed to flip out of his grasp and land before the entrance. 
"You are not on the ledger, you are not worthy."
"But can I add my name to the ledger?" MK asked, their weapons stopped just before they hit my attack and MK took that as his cue to continue. "Uh, like, can I sign up, is that a thing?"
"Of course!" The red guardian responded, the two smiling happily at you two. 
"Knowledge is for everyone." The blue one added on. 
Together, the two picked us up and took us to an office with a giant desk with a fancy looking computer. You sat next to him boredly as he filled out his name. He sat filling out his name for five whole minutes before his ID could get printed out.
"That's a real mouthful." The green one said.
"Yeah, no wonder I go by MK, right?" 
The printer took a while, but MK finally got his ID, and you were back on your way to stop the bug.There was a lot of running and being transported through portals, but you eventually made it to the circuit the bug was in.
“Lemme try.” You said, rolling up your sleeves. It took a while, considering that the demon was right and you had no idea how hacking or computers actually work, but after pressing some random buttons, the bug was safely deleted, and you and MK returned to Megapolis.
You and MK arrived at Pigsy’s as fast as possible, seeing Mei and Tang trying to help a confused Pigsy out of the shopping cart.
“You guys are okay!” MK exclaimed, happily hugging them.
“What happened?” Mei asked.
“It was one of Spider Queen’s goons, he sent the entire city to sleep. I don’t know why, but I think Spider Queen is planning something big.” You explain, recalling the cube that Syntax was holding that would be used in the mech making soup thing.
“Strange…” Tang hummed thoughtfully, wondering just what they were planning on doing.
MK shrugged. “That’s a problem for another day, for now, I’m just glad that the Sleep Bug is off the app store for good.”
Everyone nodded in agreement as you thought worriedly about what would come next.
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virgothozul · 1 year
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They’re so dear to my heart I swear 😔
I love them so many ways. I wanted to share a cj thought. I love stories about
 Cae pining HARD and facing internal conflicts. I like the interpretation of Caesar being a catholic closeted gay man. Guilting and burying himself (on so many levels, not just love and attraction, also his feelings towards platonic relationships, self worth, honor, morals, etc). He seduces many women to cope with some of his issues, overall it makes him feel in control (notably because it proves a victory over his inclination towards men, and he doesn’t feel vulnerable and overwhelmed with strong feelings as he’s not, well, into women.)
When he grows close to JoJo, he loses his mind over his bullshit, his tricks and halfassed attitude, but also over how JoJo is so surprising and exciting and everything he thought was a waste of time and energy. He thought there’s no way in hell he could respect this loud rude reckless big jerk. And he was proven wrong, bc JoJo just has a very personal way of being good and reliable and irresistible. He has a sincerity and fun thinking and somewhere hidden there, a pure heart.  He doesn’t ask for permission, is incredibly creative and quick witted. He is very proud but unlike Caesar he doesn’t cover his ego with a honorable family myth, because he’s unapologetic. Somehow it doesn’t seem he acts to do the right thing from a general point of view, he does things on his own terms and values, and doesn’t care for somebody’s judgement. 
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y3ager · 1 year
— hamon training has left joseph and caesar oh so high strung… you’ll be a good little helper and give them a hand while lisa lisa and suzie q are gone, won’t you?
joseph j. x black!fem!reader x caesar z.
tags: canonverse, smut, mmf threesome, oral sex (m receiving), double penetration, spitroasting. creampie. minors dni.
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“CAESAR! JOSEPH! JUST a few more minutes and i’ll have lunch ready for you guys.” dusting flour off your apron, you smiled sheepishly. “had to run down to the market, we were out of butter! us! out of butter! crazy, huh?” you turned to the stovetop and carefully fished the gently coiled nests of freshly made pasta noodles from the pot of boiling water. “i decided to try my hand at that squid ink pasta you keep raving about, jojo, i really hope it’s to your liking.”
“…, you spoil me!” joseph grinned brightly. as exhausted as he acted while walking through the threshold to the kitchen, he suddenly had the energy to rush up to you and wrap his arms around you tight, pulling you flush against the front of his body. bending his head down, his smile turned impish as he got close to your ear. “keep it up, and i might have to make you my wife.”
“get off the lady, joseph. she’s cooking, and you reek like a pigsty,” caesar scrutinized as your face burned hot. you hoped you could conceal it with the heat wafting off from the stovetop. “hey, …, do you know where master and suzie q are?”
“they told me they had business to attend to in the city. good news is they’ll be gone for a while, so you two have time to eat and rest for a bit.” you squirmed in joseph’s grip. “jojo,” you whine. “i can’t make your plate if you don’t let go. it’s like you’re gonna crush me.”
joseph’s arms loosened, but it wasn’t the only thing that changed about him. at this newfound knowledge his eyes darkened, unbeknownst to you, of course. he glanced over at caesar. for once, mild annoyance didn’t immediately cross his face. his pretty features were instead being decorated with a small smirk. he knew what joseph was thinking just like joseph knew what he was thinking. gone, and for a while, huh?
“you know, you really do take good care of us, …, and i fear we don’t appreciate it enough.” finally, joseph released you from the cage that was his arms, backing up to give you enough space to plate the food. his interest in that, however, was quickly waning. he wanted something else. “i know we’re a handful. caesar more than i.” the italian scoffed.
“you two do plenty. i mean, what can you do? you’re always so busy. i’m just happy i can show i care by doing the most i can to help you.” now free, you had the space to plate the steaming food on perfectly white porcelain plates. next, you scrutinized the two bottles of wine you brought up from the cellar, suddenly unsure of which one you wanted to pair with this late lunch. joseph’s and caesar’s staring certainly didn’t help your indecisiveness. “but now you’re making me nervous staring at my back! it feels like you’re gonna glare holes through me.
“go, shoo-shoo!” you turned and attempted to usher the two men out of the expansive kitchen and towards the dining room of the manor, first nudging the brunet, who kindly entertained your admittedly weak shoving by pretending to exit, and then the blond when he was close enough. you managed to get them closer and closer to the threshold, but only because they let you. “i can bring the plates to you, i can’t expect you to eat standing up! rest while you have a chance. show your appreciation by doing this.”
caesar stopped himself by placing his hand on the the doorframe. “i know you must’ve spent so much time cooking for us and believe me when i say we appreciate it, but i think we want something else.”
"for once i agree with ol' caes! do you mind doing something else for us big fools? we promise it'll be worth your while..."
a cute furrow forms in your brow as you stare up at the two men. "oh, uh, sure!" you exclaim, a bit unsure. the two working in tandem sets off enough alarms in your head, but you know they would sooner die than lead you astray. "what is it that you need...?"
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“open your mouth for me, baby.” your face burns as you look up at joseph, his deviously charming crooked smile twinkling back at you. obediently, though, you open your mouth, sticking out your cute little tongue for the joestar. “good girl,” he coos. he languidly strokes his cock with one hand, coaxing it from semi-hard to full on throbbing. with the other, he presses down on your tongue with his thumb. “suck— there ya go, just like that. a little pro, huh? now can you do that with this?” after staring into your glazed over eyes for a few moments, he retracts his hand. a thin line of drool connects his thumb to your tongue. “use your words.”
“y-yes, jo— oh, g-god!” caesar’s hand has moved to your throat, lightly clenching as he eases his heavy cock into your dripping cunt. “c-c— ohh, fuck! please!”
“i’ve been fantasizing about this ever since i first witnessed how your skin glittered under the venitian sun, cara mia.” that caesar, ever the casanova even while he was balls deep inside of you, hips easing back and forth slowly. for now. “how beautiful you look under me, taking me so well. always such a good girl for me. for us.”
a shaky moan passes by your lips before you're reminded of the other man in the vast bed. joseph taps the tip of his dick onto your plump bottom lip, gently reminding you of your other task. eagerly, you open your drooling mouth and with gentility you didn't know the joestar possessed, he pushes himself past your mouth. your lips press firmly around him, your moans a pleasurable vibration on his cock.
you're completely at their mercy now, but there's no place you'd rather be. caesar has hiked up your legs and thrown them around his hips to get the leverage he needs to really fuck into you. joseph might have been soft before, but now there's purpose behind his thrusts deep into your throat. their hands are everywhere, groping your breasts and brown, pebbled nipples, your swollen clit, it's nearly too much to bare.
"oh, please. oh, fuck. fuck me, please." what a chatty little thing you are! pumping joseph's spit soaked dick with your soft hand, you beg and plead the italian to keep going, don't stop. "i'm gonna cum, please," you sob.
"of course, tesoro. cum for me." leaning over slightly, caesar drills into you until you unravel and writhe on the sweaty sheets. your orgasm washing over you, the blond pulls out only to paint your brown cunt white. the sight is enough to send joseph over the edge. with a loud, low groan he cums as well, spilling white over your lips and part of you cheek. you lick it away eagerly. everyone’s panting, bodies numb and slick with a thin layer of sweat.
joseph, unsurprisingly, breaks the silence first. “you have another one in there for us, don’t you, pretty girl? you’ll love this, too.” he’s maneuvering the two of you, his back against the headboard before he pulls you up to place you in his lap, your back against his chest.
“jojo,” caesar starts.
“oh, don’t act high and mighty now! like you haven’t fantasized about this too.”
“about.. what..?” dickdrunk as you are you can’t say you appreciate them talking like you’re not even there.
joseph’s hand easily envelopes your face, gently squeezing your cheeks until you lips form a gentle pout. “us fucking you at the same exact time.” his other hand slides down your body until it meets you cunt, making you shiver. “now, you would love that, wouldn’t you?” two of his fingers sink deep inside, walls still so wet and warm.
“yes, ohh, y-yes.. please.. please…” you open your legs wider so the joestar can have even more access, missing how caesar swallows thickly.
“look at her,” joseph coos before looking up at caesar, grinning mischievously. “we can’t keep the poor lady waiting.”
caesar tries to maintain his gentleman image but the needy, wanton, downright slutty look in your hazed over eyes has all the blood in his body rushing straight from his brain to his dick. the wetness dripping down from your folds proves to be just the lubricant joseph needs, his thick tip pressing into your back hole and making you shudder in pleasure. “jojo,” you whine.
“that’s a good girl,” he praises, one hand easing up to fondle your tit, fingers pressing and pinching your nipple.
“caes,” you call out, still getting stretched by joseph but wanting more. seemingly at you beck and call, he sidles forward, lining himself up with your awaiting hole. "fuck m- oh, fuck." you feel impossibly full as the italian slides his dick deep inside you. the two work together in tandem, with one of them sliding out of you as the other pushes inside, keeping you stuffed. once again, you're nearly overwhelmed as you're sandwiched between the two men, their moans low and heavy in your ears. "feels s' fuckin good.." your back arches up, chest pressing into caesar's as your cunt flutters and clenches. "s-so.. much.." they speed up, making you bit your lip and clench your fists had, body trembling.
"give it to us, love. let it out." joseph pumps his hips harder, his own orgasm coming closer and closer. the mild shakiness in caesar's thrusts signaling his own.
it's too much now, them pressing so deep into you finally pushes you over the edge with a loud cry, their own cum quickly spilling from your spent holes.
everyone falls away, caesar next to the of you on his chest, joseph with his back against the headboard with a loud sigh, and you on top. hearts are racing, chests heaving in greedy gulps of thick air. wits about you after a couple minutes, you realize you want to continue helping them out.
a/n: blah blah no anal w/o proper lube blah blah i never claimed to be an accurate sex narrator
never written for jjba b4 but pt 2 had the writing juices flowing last year! yes, this is from last year… 🫠
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Yes My Lord "The Hidden Song"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The morning was calm at the Phantomhive mansion. The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting golden rays through the tall windows, creating a spectacle of light and shadow in the elegant corridors. It was early, and the mansion was enveloped in an almost sacred silence. S/n, who had been awake for some time, was in the armory room, cleaning her daggers.
With meticulous movements, she slid the cloth over the blades, making them shine under the soft light. As she worked, she began to sing softly, almost without noticing. Her voice, clear and melodious, filled the room with the lyrics of the song.
"Cae la noche, me está buscando Hay luna llena y las loba' estamo' cazando Caí en el party, humo volando Di un par de paso' y vi que me estabas mirando..."
Sebastian, always attentive, was passing through the corridor near the armory. The sound of S/n's voice caught his attention, making him stop. He silently approached the slightly open door, curious and enchanted. He had never heard S/n sing before, and the softness of her voice combined with the intensity of the lyrics surprised him.
"Oh, te acercaste y me pediste Fuego pa' encenderte un blunt Ni lo pensé Te lo saqué de la boca, lo prendí y te dije que..."
She sang with a passion and rhythm that Sebastian did not expect. The words flowed naturally, and he could feel the emotion in each verse. There was something captivating in the way she moved, even while performing a simple task like cleaning her daggers. He stood there, immobile, almost hypnotized by the scene.
"Detrás del humo no se ve, no, no se ve Acerquémono' un poquito, que te quiero conocer Te lo muevo en HD, un perreo HP Una hora, dos botellas y directo pa'l hotel..."
Sebastian entered the room silently, his steps inaudible. He leaned against the wall, his eyes fixed on S/n. She was so immersed in the music that she did not immediately notice his presence. He observed her every movement, from the way she cleaned the daggers to how her lips moved as she sang. There was a natural sensuality and strength in her performance that left him fascinated.
"Dá calor quando chega perto de mim Que vontade de sentar em você Faz aquele jeito do macentin' Mírame, y hágale Por trás da fumaça tu sarra em mim Tomamos três goles de prazer Olha nos olhos, olha nos ojos, ah..."
S/n finally noticed Sebastian's presence when she lifted her gaze and saw him watching her. She abruptly stopped singing, a look of surprise crossing her face.
"Sebastian," she said, putting the dagger aside. "I didn't know you were there."
He smiled softly, stepping out of the shadows. "Forgive me for interrupting, Miss S/n. Your voice is... enchanting. I didn't know you could sing."
She shrugged, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "It's just something I like to do to pass the time. It helps me relax."
"I must say, it was a pleasant surprise," he commented, approaching her. "The lyrics of the song are quite... intense."
S/n laughed, the sound light and carefree. "Yes, it's a song I like. It has an energy that makes me feel alive." Sebastian watched her for a moment, his gaze intense.
"You have many talents, S/n. Every day I discover something new about you." She looked at him, her eyes shining with a mixture of challenge and curiosity. "And you, Sebastian? Do you ever allow yourself to be surprised?"
He smiled enigmatically. "Rarely. But I must admit, you manage to do so more than most." There was a palpable tension between them, something that went beyond words. Sebastian, always controlled and calculating, felt something new and disconcerting.
S/n, for her part, perceived a vulnerability in him that she had never seen before. She stepped closer, her eyes fixed on his. "Perhaps you should allow yourself to be surprised more often. It can be... invigorating."
He tilted his head, the smile still present, but his eyes showing a depth of emotion he rarely revealed. "Perhaps you're right, S/n. Perhaps I should."
In that moment, the invisible barrier that existed between them began to dissolve. It wasn't just attraction or mutual respect, but something deeper. A recognition that, despite their differences, there was something that connected them in a way they were both still learning to understand. As the sun continued to rise in the sky, casting a golden glow over them, S/n and Sebastian stood in silence, a mutual understanding growing between them. It was the beginning of something new, something that promised to change not only the dynamics between them but also the very essence of the Phantomhive mansion.
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A/N – I know this is a day late, depression has been rough this week, and the amount of details in here had me pulling my hair out. This is entirely back story for my OC, very minimal Lucifer. Also, barely proofread, but I needed to get it out of my drafts so I don’t delete the whole thing and my account. Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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CW: language, I think? Also, the phrases and her mom's accent are Scots. Hopefully, the page I used to reference it was accurate
Chapter 6
My History
Caelwen’s eyes snapped open at the sound of birds. She hadn’t heard birds, real birds, in centuries. Propping herself up with her hands, she looked around to find the source of the sound; perhaps Lucifer had made a chirping rubber duck? But instead of the dark reds, pinks and blacks of the fallen angel’s workshop, she saw trees full of green leaves and patches of yellow flowers scattered in the tall grass around her. This couldn’t be hell, so where was she?
The last thing Caelwen remembered was Lucifer above her, casting the spell to break the seal Adam had placed on her. What the fuck happened?
"Hullo! Hou'r ye?” A voice sounded behind Caelwen. The brunette spun around into a crouch to face the stranger with her fists raised. Taking in the woman before her now, Caelwen’s shoulders slumped in disbelief. There stood her mother, wavy light blonde hair tied back with a leather cord and warm brown eyes shining, just the way she looked the last time Caelwen saw her.
Caelwen dropped to her knees fully, making no effort to stop the tears beginning to stream down her face.
“Well? Hou’r ye, love? Been awhile, hasn’t it?” The mother’s smile was bright as she walked closer to kneel next to her daughter. “I’m so happy to see ye, though, the circumstances aren’t ideal” she spoke in a whisper and wiped away her daughter’s tears.
Caelwen’s eyes darted over her mother’s face, taking it in before launching herself into the older woman’s arms. Caelwen squeezed her mother tight, terrified she’d disappear, and sobbed loudly. The last time she had seen her mother, the woman was being dragged off by angry villagers while Caelwen had hid inside a hollowed out tree.
“Now now, wee one, enough of that – we don’t have much time. There’s some things I need to tell ye.” Caelwen pulled away slightly, looking up at her mother in confusion. “You’re sleeping, love. Breaking that seal did a number on your mind and soul, you would’ve died if not for Lucifer’s magic being stronger than your father’s!” She said with a half laugh.
Caelwen raised a hand to her chest, remembering the burning pain from before she passed out. She looked to her mother, opening and closing her mouth a few times, too used to not having a voice to remember what it felt like to use it. “W-what, what do you-,” Caelwen coughed a few times, her throat dry.
Oh! Here, drink. It’ll help.” Her mother handed Caelwen a small pouch filled with water.
Taking a few eager gulps and wiping the couple drops that escaped from her chin, Caelwen tried to speak again. “What do you mean ‘we don’t have much time’? What’s going on?” Her voice was hoarse and quiet.
“Well, ye can’t stay here forever! That man, Lucifer, is losing his mind over you. Ye’ve been asleep for a week, Cae’. Poor thing hasn’t been away from your side for more than a few hours. Ye found a good one, better than I did a’ least!” The blonde woman chuckled while brushing Caelwen’s hair away from her face.
The younger girl blushed at the talk of Lucifer; even though he had told her she hadn’t misread the signs, it was still so odd to hear he had been caring for her. “Do you mean Adam? Is that what we need to talk about?”
“Aye. With you being fully intact now, it’s time ye know everything. Adam and I met not long after me ma and da passed, sweating sickness, and I was doin’ my best to maintain the house. I’d had gentlemen coming around for weeks, but Adam was so charming. He told me he was a knight for the king, didn’t know he meant God at the time o’course, only found that out when I had you! He’d been so kind, told me he’d marry me once he was released from service. When I told him I was carrying you, he got so angry – told me to take something, anything to get rid’a ye and then left. I couldn’t bear to do it, so I started running. After the first few months, I couldn’t hide ye. People started to notice the bump. And that I was alone. They all thought I was a harlot, then a witch, I was barely able to find food and shelter before I’d be shunned. And then I had ye, and you were so perfect! But, ye had these wee little nubs on your back. And after your first year, they’d grown and had feathers; that’s when I realized your da wasn’t human, he’d been the only man I’d laid with so I knew it'd been him.” Caelwen’s mother paused, a sad smile on her face.
Caelwen looked puzzled for a moment, acknowledging what her mother had said. “I don’t remember having wings until a few weeks after you died. How could I have had them when I was a baby?”
The older woman chuckled slightly, “I’m getting to that. When you started toddling around, I couldn’t hide them in a swaddle and a child from a village we passed through saw them. Thankfully, her parents thought she was dreaming. I started looking for ways to hide them and remembered something my ma had taught me. My ma was a witch, but a clever one, no one ever knew except me when she told me as she died. She’d always told me before I knew what she’d meant, that healer women always had the best books. The next village we reached, I found a healer and asked if she knew of a book that might help. She only helped when I told her who my ma was and what I truly needed, and thankfully, I kept the secret well. She also helped me with the seal we used, but she’d tied the seal to my life, so once I died, so too did the seal.”
“And that’s why they only showed up after you died. And grandmother being a witch, explains why Adam believed you bewitched him, everyone back then believed it ran in the family.” Caelwen laid back, staring up at the blue sky before her as she thought over everything she had learned.
“Aye, but there’s one more thing. Your great-great grandmother made a deal with a demon that all of the daughters in her line would honor him and spread his name in exchange for protection from evil men. If we ever failed to uphold our end, we’d all suffer for eternity. But if the demon ever allowed harm to befall her line, that daughter would gain abilities to aid her in the depths of hell. That’s why you were able to survive so long with half of you sealed off, the demons deal took effect when Adam hurt you.” The older woman looked off into the distance as Caelwen sat up, processing everything she had learned.
“What about you, though? Men killed you, so why didn’t you survive in hell?”
“Before they could try me as a witch, one of the farmer’s wives had given me a drink with mandrake. I died before the men could do anything, and I didn’t stand much of a chance when I landed in hell.” Caelwen’s mother had a sad smile on her face - she never should have trusted that woman.
The two sat in silence for a few minutes, taking in everything around them and enjoying each other’s presence.
There was one more mystery for Caelwen, though. “How are you here then? If you’ve already died in hell, how are you here telling me all of this? Even if it is a dream, I couldn’t possibly have any of this information in my subconscious.”
“A deal I made before I died in hell, so that when you made it down here I’d be able to tell you everything I never had a chance to while alive.” The older woman paused, looking at the sky. Then, as if getting a signal, she nodded and turned to Caelwen. “We’re out of time love, you need to start trying to wake up. Come here,” she held her arms out to her daughter.
Wrapping her arms around her mother, Caelwen held her tight, not ready to leave the warm embrace. Her mother pulled away, brushing loose hairs away from Caelwen’s face, then cupping her cheek. Brown eyes gazed into green, “A love ye, Cae. Be safe, please, and kick yer father’s arse for me?”
Caelwen leaned into her mother’s hand, closing her eyes and laughing slightly. “I think I can do that. I love you too.”
When the Nephilim reopened her eyes, her mother was gone, and so was the field. Now surrounded by the inky blackness of her mind, Caelwen crossed her legs and tried to focus on waking up.
~In Hell~
“I’m sorry Charlie, I can’t come today… yes she’s still not awake… I know, but I-…” Lucifer was pacing the floor of his room, shrinking into himself as he spoke to his daughter. He hated to disappoint her, again, but Caelwen could wake up at any time, and he wanted to be with her when she did. Sure, it had been over a week now, and the doctor he'd sworn to secrecy had said it may take a while still, but what if it didn’t and he wasn’t here?!
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Charlie. I’ll- I’ll be there in an hour, okay?... Yeah, see you soon.” Lucifer ended the call before walking closer to his bed. He looked down at Caelwen’s prone form, her hair splayed around her peaceful face. Grabbing her limp hand, Lucifer squeezed it, whispering, “I’ll be back tonight. Can’t keep letting Charlie down, right? Heh…” He laughed awkwardly, releasing Caelwen’s hand and darting out the door before he could change his mind.
Later that night, Lucifer returned home, drained. He loved helping Charlie and bonding, but dealing with the sinners of the hotel was far from enjoyable. Lucifer walked into his room, removing his coat and vest and rolling up his sleeves. He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up while briefly glancing towards his bed and then moving towards his bathroom.
Entering the bathroom, Lucifer looked at his reflection, releasing a heavy sigh. He closed his eyes and hung his head for a moment before his brain finally caught up with him. Lucifer’s eyes sprung open, and he threw open the bathroom door to look at his bed. There was Caelwen sitting up in the bed, green eyes glittering as she tried to hide her laughter behind a hand.
Calewen had stared at Lucifer as he walked into the bathroom, wondering if he had noticed her. She had been awake for a couple hours, long enough to mull over all the information she had learned and stretch out the stiffness in her joints.
“You’re awake? How- uh, how are you feeling? Any pain?” Lucifer questioned the Nephilim in his bed. When she shook her head, he let his shoulders relax. “Did it… have you tried to talk? To see if it worked?” Lucifer nervously fiddled with his fingers as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.
Caelwen cleared her throat slightly, “It worked. Thank you, Lucifer!” She smiled brightly at the fallen angel before her. “And thank you for taking care of me while I recovered, I’m sorry to have worried you.”
Lucifer smiled tiredly, “I’m just happy you’re okay. And that it worked!”
Noticing the bags under her companions eyes, Caelwen pat the bed and started to rise, “We can talk more in the morning, you look like you could use some sleep. I’ll head to the guest room, it’ll be nice to stretch my legs!”
Before she could swing her legs over the side of the bed, Lucifer was pushing her back down. “No! No, stay, please! I can go sleep somewhere else, no need for you to push yourself!”
Caelwen looked at Lucifer’s panicked face, raising a brow and grabbing his hands that held her shoulders down. Lucifer, realizing what he had done and the position they were in, jumped off the bed, half tripping over his feet as he backed away towards the door.
A quick, high-pitched goodnight was the last thing Caelwen heard before Lucifer had disappeared in a puff of red smoke.
A/N – I’m stopping here for a few reasons, but mostly because this chapter has kicked my butt and I hate it. Sorry it’s a bit shorter than normal, but this took like 2 days to write. Next chapter will be a bit more of like fleshing out the relationship.
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lore and character/class updates from tonight's episode:
Caes Mosor still stands as a massive, 11-story structure in the middle of the ruins of Molaesmyr. The cracks and fissures that run through the streets appear to emanate from it.
There are still bodies here, entangled with roots and mostly skeletal. They have been reincorporated with the voluminous, thriving corruption, creating twisted, almost beautiful murals and sculptures.
UNDEAD TREES!! (note, because I had to look it up: the trees that Caduceus encountered in the A2 crash site did not register as undead when he used eyes of the grave on them.)
There are also spores that permeate the air around the city, all coming from these twisting, vibrantly red trees that have bits of bone protruding from them. Their branches form hands, the bark has a semblance of eye sockets and a mouth. The Bells Hells can't tell if the trees are mimicking corpses, or if they once were corpses.
Frida knows the decompose cantrip!
FCG casts divination, and it appears to work. They hear the wind pick up, and it clears a path through the fog toward Ludinus' tower. Now, divination was among the spells listed by the Vellum Steeple as one that was tried unsuccessfully -- so are the gods settling into a new defensive position, and therefore mortals are able to contact them because they're stationary again? Or is it just that FCG in particular is being shown favor by the Changebringer? And if it's the latter, what does that say about the gods' favor to player-characters, and what does that say about fate and destiny when metaknowledge is considered?
The ghosts are doing a weeping angel thing, closing in on the group whenever they're not being looked at. They are elven in base structure -- angular features, long ears -- but their features are twisted and elongated.
Empathy domain clerics get divine strike instead of potent spellcasting at 8th level, implying that the subclass is more melee-oriented than range-oriented.
A winged creature watches them from Caes Mosor. Frida and Deanna see a creature with thin, leathery wings, with ribbon-like strands that trail from the 35-foot wingspan. Many, many taloned legs extend from the body, and there is no head -- just shoulders, a torso, and a bunch of legs.
The symbol of Molaesmyr is of a white tree, whose branches extend to the sky and whose roots encircle a white sun-like thing that's subterranean. (I'd put money on this being a depiction of a Luxon beacon.) The upper part of the crest is almost identical to the "elven" half of Uthodurn's crest.
Apparently "talking through some stuff" during a short rest can restore FCG's stress points.
Seething Storm is a reskin of either hunger of hadar, storm sphere, or conjure volley.
Dire wolf-like creatures are chasing the party, but their features and faces are elongated, almost like a mole. Their torsos and hinds extend into a serpent-like body that conjoin 30 feet later into one pair of hind legs, like a chariot pulled by 5 wolves.
Wait, Imogen have "infinite sending"? How, and since when?
Regardless, an 89 on a d100 allows the message to go through despite the leyline interference, due to the close proximity between her and FCG.
Deanna summons a spiritual guardian to protect the path they're taking as they climb up the Guildhollow Tower, and it looks like a big, angry, werewolf Chetney.
OHHHHH that creature is a "wolf king," like a rat king!
The inside of Ludinus' tower — the Guildhollow Tower — is mildewed, old, musty. Like the rest of the city, it's been picked through and looted by many, many people over centuries; there are bodies here, the remnants of a camp, all sundered, and much newer than the tower itself.
Has anyone written an academic paper about Matt's use of music in Critical Role, especially in mid-late C2 and C3? and if so, can someone write that? because there's so much mastery there it's insane
Even through the damage this room has sustained, there are elements of very expensive furniture and decoration, as well as patterns and designs that match Ludinus' vibes.
On the next floor, it appears that everything in here is crooked and tilted not because of someone throwing everything against the door, but because things were displaced in the blast. But again, the entire floor has been thoroughly looted.
Despite that, Chetney finds pieces of paper and cloth with elvish writing on them, mostly obscured by the root growth. Some has been torn off and taken, so it's broken up, but Deanna begins to read.
One cloth scroll is notes, self-written annotations, bullet points. "Patterns of arcana across cultures and time, Exandrian calendar patterns, repititions of magic, fonts of arcana that overlap with celestial events... noting where things continue to recur over long and short periods of time." This proves that Ludinus was studying the exact same thing in Molaesmyr as he is today: the movement and cyclical patterns of the leylines. It also bears resemblance to Ryn's research that the M9 found.
Another details "historical specialists, people to reach out to... names like Vatora, doesn't ring a bell; Laerryn, doesn't ring a bell; Vishtaron, doesn't ring a bell... there's also part of a small journal, a series of vellum pages torn from a religious tome. There are circles and notes talking about temple propaganda, inconsistencies and elements of religious rites that are contradictory and in of themselves proof that there is no real truth or plan in what the gods present. It looks like someone is preparing a speech, almost like an Exandrian TED talk, on what is wrong with the religious rites... you notice a heavy emphasis on the Matron, a lot of self-written notes about 'what's her name? I have to find her name. There is power in names.'"
Chetney finds a weird part of the wall, and by casting light at it, Deanna identifies it as an arcane lock that needs magic to open. This is very similar to the locks we saw on doors in Aeorian crash sites in C2. Frida vaguely recognizes the type of lock, but can't remember how to open it.
Chet climbs upward and plants his hand directly into a crimson cocoon, and the entire party watches as something pinkish-red begins to emerge, like an ooze of skinless flesh, a molasses of muscle — faces emerge from it, bestial maws that stretch out from it as it slams onto the stone in the center of the chamber. It has no form, like it hasn't decided what it wants to be yet... "it's drawing inspiration from you and whatever denizens of this city has walked its paths as these arms and tendrils and teeth begin to take form in this mass of chaotic, hungry, insane life that wishes to say hello to the new occupants of this tower."
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