#c: toph beifong
waterfire1848 · 1 year
Kuei to Hakoda: You have children? That's great. [ Sokka runs by. ] Kuei: Is that one of them? He's adorable. [ Katara runs by. ] Kuei: Oh, look another one. [ All of them run past. ] Kuei: Many. Oh my. You are definitely not related to that one. What's happening? How many children do you have? Hakoda: Nine. Half are benders and all of them have very little regard for the law.
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cleo-c-art · 4 months
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A drew these a bit ago from some suggestions on insta
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goldyluna · 2 months
Bingo game 💖 Sent, Emu, Toph 💖
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I knew you would ask me about Sent, because you fell in love with them. I don't really have a lot to say about Sent. I like them, they are a good character. I can't imagine anyone else instead of them. And I really love seeing your reactions when he is affectionate, you magnet for praise. And I truly would love to have them as a pet.
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Emu is such a cute character. At first I thought she is loud and chaotic.... And she is. But we love her for that. Her design and personality are great, I wouldn't change anything in her. Her love for the Phoenix Wonderland, her grandpa and the smilef of others is precious. I would give this girl everything.
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Toph is so coooool and badassss. Toph is one of the best characters, she is strong and funny. She really is an inspiration to never give up and to be the best you. While watching atla, there was not even a moment where I didn't think she is a great character.
I would love to carry her as my purse dog but I don't think she would let me lol but if, she would be my little mean and blind guard doggo.
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stitch1830 · 5 months
ok but what if kanto had to fake his death (even to toph) because of some dangerous and threatening stuff and then when things were safe again he suddenly comes back and appears at toph's door??
i feel like toph would break down and wouldn't be able to stop crying and shaking after seeing the love of her life standing right in front of her, alive.
oh, and what if toph was the one who had to fake death and then suddenly appears at kanto's door?? what would be his reaction??
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! :D
And interesting question... 0-0 Happy to answer!
For Kanto disappearing (faking death) and then suddenly returning:
Obviously, he'd have a good reason for it, because if he shows up at Toph's front door Not Dead, there's a 50/50 chance the woman of his dreams will kill him LOL.
I feel like in this situation, it would where Kanto leaves because it's dangerous, but also so that he can get the person that's threatening him, maybe even Toph. There would be a reasoning behind why he left, like a mission of sorts. Because I think that if it was just life threatening stuff and Kanto was worried about his safety, with Toph is probably one of the safest places haha!
But "losing" Kanto is really difficult for Toph. She feels like she lost a piece of her, and she's never going to get it back again. He's gone, and there's nothing she can do to bring him back. (Although I might argue that Toph would be one of those people that just refuses to believe he's dead and either tries to find him, find out why he had to leave, or demands that she examine his body to know for sure that it's him. @krastbannert wrote a prisoner of war fic that kind of encapsulates that vibe!)
When Kanto finally returns home, she doesn't believe that, either. She feels like she's being duped, that there's no way that Kanto is standing at her doorstep right now. But she feels his heartbeat, traces the lines on his face, feels his calloused hands, and it's him. He's back.
She'd probably pound his chest, scream in his face about him being a dunderhead and scaring her and breaking her heart and leaving her, but she doesn't mean it. She's just so happy that he's alive, that he's holding her in his strong and sturdy arms, that he's home.
Kanto never stop apologizing for leaving her, for hurting her. But he had to do it, and Toph understands. She gets the dangers of the job, although part of her wishes she was in on the mission, because she knows she could've helped.
Things take a while to go back to a normal routine, because Kanto has to explain to people that he's not dead, and Toph has to trust Kanto again. She doesn't not trust him, but she let him in and fell in love with him and thought she lost him. That's... it's a lot to deal with, and she sometimes struggles letting people in. Kanto works tirelessly to earn her trust back, and he's very patient with the process. He gets her on a level that others don't, and so he's not trying to rush into things. Plus, Kanto's a bit of an optimist. He tells her that they have their whole lives ahead of them, so he can be patient when it comes to finding their sense of normalcy.
If we were to add some more drama to this, imagine if Kanto "died" and Toph found out she was pregnant shortly after? 0-0 Capital D Drama!
For Toph disappearing (faking death) and then suddenly returning:
Very similar to Toph being the "survivor", but Kanto struggles to move on, to get over Toph's death. A lot of loved ones from his past have died, and Kanto never thought Toph would be one of those loved ones. She was so strong and powerful and smart... he never even imagined a person or a thing that could take her down. It's a shock to him, and I think he'd struggle to move on and try to live life without her. He knows what life is like with her, and that's all he wants.
So when she returns, at his doorstep, at the apartment they shared... He's in disbelief. He can't believe that she's there, that she's alive and okay and—
Toph probably rambles and starts assuming that he moved on and everything, but then he pulls her into his arms and just cries because she's alive—
It's a very teary reunion that's for sure.
I think Kanto would also struggle to trust right away, but he'd be able to let her in quicker than if it was the other way around. Kanto's very happy that she's back and he wants to know all about the mission that kept her away from him, and after hearing the story a couple of times, he's able to rationalize and understand the why behind the mission and why he was left in the dark.
Okay! I think that's all I have for this! Thanks again for the ask, Anon. If I missed anything or you have other questions, feel free to stop by :D Hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything! :D
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c-worldproductions · 4 months
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I met the Toph’s voice actor, michaelamostly (IG)! She’s an amazing human being, entertaining, and totally fun to interact with! I love how she brings Toph to life with her voice and mannerisms! I also love the jersey that she’s wearing in this photo! I hope she’ll be able to come back to Calgary/Otafest!
🗡️ Silver: me
📷 Photographer: An @otafest staff or volunteer member
🗓️ Event: @otafest 2024
🔖 ATLA Print: quirkiliciouz (IG)
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Round 1, Bracket 2, Side C, Seventh poll
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Suzaku Kururugi and Lelouch vi Britannia [Suzalulu], Code Geass vs Princess Azula and Toph Beifong [AzuToph], Avatar the Last Airbender  
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cy-cyborg · 6 months
How your disabled character's allies react to their disability can make or break the representation in your story: Writing Disability Quick Tips
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[ID: An image with “Writing Disability quick tips: How your character's allies react to their disability matters” written in chalk the colour of the disability pride flag, from left to right, red, yellow, white, blue and green. Beside the text are 2 poorly drawn people icons in green, one is standing with their hand up to the face of the other, who is in a wheelchair. /End ID]
Something I brought up in my big post about Toph Beifong was how the other characters reacted to Toph pointing out that things were not accessible to her and setting boundaries regarding her disability, which were ignored. I had more to say about it than I thought I did, as it turns out (when isn't that the case lol) but I feel like this is an important aspect of disability representation that is all too often over looked.
You can write the best, most accurate portrayal of a specific disability ever put to screen or page, but it won't mean much if all the other characters, specifically those we're supposed to like and empathise with, treat your character terribly for being disabled and having needs relating to said disability, especially if the story justifies their behaviour.
You see this most often with autistic characters and especially autistic-coded characters. The character in question will be given a bunch of autistic traits, most often traits relating to not understanding certain social dynamics or sarcasm, and when they get it wrong, the other characters we are supposed to like jump down their throat, tease them or outright abandon them. Autism isn't the only disability that gets treated this way, but it is one of the more common ones that get this treatment. It doesn't matter if you do everything else right when creating an autistic character if the other "good guys" constantly call them annoying, get angry at them or laugh at them for the very traits that make them autistic, or for advocating for their needs.
Likewise, if you have a leg amputee character who is otherwise done well, but is constantly being criticised by their allies for needing to rest their legs or taking too long to get their prosthetics on, it undermines a lot of the other work you've done. Same goes for having a wheelchair user who is accused of being a bore or a stick in the mud because they point out the places their friends want to go to on a group holiday have no wheelchair access, or a deaf character who is accused of being entitled for wanting their family to learn to sign, or anything else.
This isn't to say you can never have moments like these in your stories, but its important to remember that a) people with the same disability as your character will be in your audience. If you spend a whole season of your TV show shaming your autistic character for real traits that real autistic people have, they're not exactly going to feel welcome and may not want to hang around. b) it's going to very, very heavily impact people's perceptions of your "heros" who do this, especially in they eyes of your audience members who share the character's disability or who have had similar experiences. This isn't like calling someone a mean name or being a bit of a dick when you're sleepy, it's going to take a lot to regain audience appeal for the offending character, and depending on exactly what they do and how frequently they do it, they may not even be able to come back from it at all. And finally, c) there should be a point to it outside of just shaming this character and saying the other guy is an asshole. Like I said before, you're character is criticising real people's real disabilities and the traits or problems that come with them, things that they often have no control over, it shouldn't be used as a cheap, quick way to establish a quirky enemies to lovers dynamic or show that one guy is kind of an ass before his redemption arc. If you really must have your characters do this, be mindful of when and how you use it.
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Best Green Character Round 2-C
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50 Random Character Asks: Lin
may be some repeats in here BUT its done lmao
1. Canon I outright reject
The 16hour nap and suddenly shes okay with Su like thats not how that workssss 
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
HC i will die on is her scars going up to her eyebrow and shes blind in that eye, i loveeeee her surviving easily off the seismic sense and then when shes in the south without her bending people realize they can sneak up on that side and quietly adjust how they approach her so they stop scaring her.
3. Obscure headcanon
She paints! Shes been painting since before she could bend and it’s something she had that was all hers and no one else in her family could compare it to Toph. 
4. Favorite line
“I am a detective you know.” 
5. Best personality trait
I love that shes that ‘good is not nice’ its so in line with her being the beifong of the LoK series and seeing how much she genuinely cares under that tough armor is endearing
6. Worst personality trait
Dude she jumped at every chance for a suicide mission. Thats gotta be some deep seeded issues lmao
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Shes like 50-53/54 in the show 
5ft 4inch (she is SMOL and ANGY and you cannot stop me)
Again probably the appropriate weight for being her size and muscular. After book one tho she has a hard time remembering to eat and i hc in the south she lost a ton of weight in the recovery.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
idk if i have a wholly unpopular opinion. I know the fandom can be a bit divided on things. 
I have gotten a lot of backlash for my height hc in the past tho lmao 
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
The first scene MY HEART i love her soo much. I saw her in screen and went, that ones mine! 
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
I love the scene where bumi is trying to talk in code names and lins like “WTF are you saying???” 
11. Faceclaim for the role
I love @mgthejerkbender ‘s FC of Joan Chen 
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12. Crack headcanon
She and Noatak were involved shortly after the breakup with tenzin but it didn’t last long. 
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
In canon she brings an RCPD skyship into Ba Sing Se and aids Korra and Tenzin in stealing the EQ’s air bender army. All in uniform.
14. Most heroic moment
Oh god pretty much every time she’s on the screen lmao, but I hc she goes down for good protecting Korra not long after canon. 
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Hmmm I’m so caught up on this question because does it mean  A) thing they did with Bad Intentions that had a Bad Outcome  B) thing they did with Good Intentions that had a Bad Outcome  C) something they perceive as a failure / personal sin they’ll be forgiven for?  There’s so many ways to take thissss 
I’m gonna say during one of the first undercover operations with Saikhan she had to kill a man to keep her cover and he’s a cold case file in her office. 
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
that through all her good intentions and desperate attempts to keep people she loved and the city she loved safe, she’s always left defeated and broken with a new scar on her somewhere and blood on her hands. 
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Pluto by Sleeping at Last this song was fucking made for Lin i swear
Blame it on the Kids by AViVA 
I have a whole Spotify playlist and more linked in the pinned post lmao
The Void calls in sweet tones and false promises, by WolfSkullJack /FaceBook plink/ This is just sooooooo Linmon I’m writhing in agony 
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
She wouldn’t. But there’s a MIGHTY NEED for her to see one lmao 
19. Vices/bad habits
Smoking, drinking, burying herself in work. 
20. Scars
Burn to her left shoulder - house fire she was first responder to 
Three large gashes on her back - criminal animal 
Burn left hip - firebender (Zolt possibly) on her second patrol 
Right hip back and front - rebar puncture from building fire/explosion 
A handful of Cigarette burns across her shoulders, collarbones and one on her neck - her bio father was upset she wasn’t a firebender 
Facial scars from su are higher and damaged her eyesight. 
Then a smattering of lines and smudges from her time on the force 
(if where in my dark timeline she’s got tally marks across her shoulders and down her back from amon 👀)
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Jasmine tea 
22. Best physical feature
I really love her face lmao 
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
You know that smell when a heating vent just turns on in the winter? That “oh god something has gone wrong and it’s burning” but it’s not actually gone wrong. And mint. 
24. Most annoying habit
She picks at the skin around her nails when she’s nervoussss Kya’s constantly healing up scabs where she’s pulled the skin off too far. 
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Her uniform, a jeep, and rations. She’ll make her way home left with nothing but those will make it easier lol. (She is a detective you know) 
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
she would probably just metal bend the elevator to open, most likely leaving it more broken than it was but still. At least they’re out safe. 
27. Their guilty pleasure
She has the entire collection of the in universe equivalent of Nora Roberts or Jane Austin novels. 
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
probably neutral to slightly annoyed. 
29. Eating habits
you guys ever hear about Snake Meal? 
30. Sleeping habits
She can sleep when she’s dead. 
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
it would be a mostly dead blog that she made because asami and mako Insisted she did so they could send her memes. 
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Bumi, always. Hes always had a way of getting through the armor and helping her loosen up a little and smile. 
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
People reinforcing the idea that she’s alone and not worthy. 
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
No emotions. 
Only action. 
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Up for a run at 3am. 
Make Kya coffee and breakfast 
At work by 5am 
Moving cases along, no losses.
Back home for dinner at about 7-8pm 
Relaxing with Kya until bedtime. 
36. Their favorite season
Fall, before the air gets too cold. 
37. What they really think about themselves
she’s worried everyone is right honestly. Sometimes the letters from Kya dwindle as responsibilities emerge, dinner with Saikhan and Akira and the kids get put on hold, tenzin not allowing her back to the island she grew up on because of the bitter words shared between them. Maybe she will be a stubborn old woman left alone with her wounds.  
38. Favorite holiday
Probably a new years holiday 
39. Favorite game
Card game for sure like solitaire or trash 
40. Favorite book
She read a book in school for a study hall about the history of the arts and historical pigment making. She has a few copies and one dedicated to her notes and swatches from trying out the methods. 
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Aang, 10000%%% she would want to see Aang again and update him on all the crazy shit korra was doing and about Tenzin’s kids. 
42. 3 comfort items
The bison whistle Aang gave her. (Bumi has his original one but he had more made for the other kids) 
The stuffed badgermole she’s had since she was like 4 
Then they were preteens Tenzin had made her a bracelet with a small thumb sized stone pendant that he carved for her to rub/pick at instead of her fingers. She used it for a while but ended up putting it away when she started the junior league ProBending. 
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Fav - mochi, that seal jerky she’s always loved it, a chicken curry type dish Akira makes. 
Des - eggs if they’re alone like fried or scrambled she won’t eat it unless it’s mixed in with a bigger dish. Milk and cheese, She's not a fan of them. 
44. Their happiest memory
It was her 4th birthday before her element showed and shes sitting in the gardens with aang and tenzin and some of the other kids on the island for her birthday. Her uncle aang gives her a stuffed badgermole toy and a warm and very soft blanket bumi and kya made with katara from Appa’s shedding fur and she still has both items on her bed with her to this day.
45. Their favorite celebrity
And old old singer from when she would listen to the radio at night. 
46. The person they most admire
Oh gosh probably Suki, she was a strong warrior and led her life how she wanted to. 
47. Their dream job
she would love to be a sculptor/artist full time, she makes the most gorgeous sculptures. And paints some amazing landscapes. 
48. Scariest moment of their life
Oooof there’s a few. If day the times where she KNEW she was going to die without help. When she fell under the ice when she was like five or six. Then again when she landed on the rebar in the building explosion. The agony of being in pain and the realization that she was too hurt. She couldn’t get herself out of there. At least when she was tortured by Amon she chose to put herself in the situation. Even if she didn’t know the extent. The others though, it was random. She couldn’t control that. She didn’t have a choice. 
49. Favorite toy as a child
Her stuffed bagermole toy for sure 
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Basically the entirety of Suyin's father living with them. 
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pumpkinrootbeer · 6 months
Not enough Avatar fans recognize how good of a bender Bolin is bcuz he's mostly busy being played as comic relief. But even just at the end of TLOK he's praised by his personal hero Toph Beifong and is one of 3 known lavabenders, has gone toe to toe and bended alongside Toph's talented daughters and displays similar feats.
And he's shown to practice bending seriously and improve between time jump, b/c have you noticed that he observed and mastered the Red Lotus lavabender's lava glaive trick and uses it to cut through platinum in Book 4? That and Toph said that she'd be willing to teach Bolin metalbending b/c she brags about being able to teach anyone metalbending (Toph's metalbending school comics reference yay) & in the TLOK comics Toph is shown to go out of her way to leave the swamp & head to Rep. City to hang out with her granddaughter and her future grandson-in-law, so I'm betting Bolin's been getting some tutoring in and officially become one of Toph's students.
TLDR I hope Bolin shows up in the new Avatar series and shows up how strong he is at old age, b/c half his canon appearances so far are him at 16 and he's underratedly really good.
no because Bolin is genuinely an unparalleled bender. he has sheer power on the level of avatars, see how catches an entire building dropped on a room full of earth benders before anyone else and then was the only one holding it up despite TOPH BEING IN THE ROOM? for one.
he also has the drive to be good at his bending that we don't really see with mako or even really korra in the show. sure, we see korra learn air bending but then she's just frustrated it's not coming naturally. with Bolin we see him struggle with his bending and still become the best. see how quickly he mastered an element with No One to teach him or him throwing himself at metal bending over and over. Which I'm honestly torn if I want him to learn it? On one hand, literally op earthbender which is amazing yes please. On the other, I kinda like that metal bending, something that is traditional earthbending techniques taken to the extreme, is what Bolin struggles with.
It's pretty heavily implied Bolin and Mako had no formal bending teacher and are completely self taught. In fact, the times we see Bolin do the most traditional earthbending moves are in season 4, which takes place after the 3 year jump. This is also when he's working for Kuvira and is probably the only time he did get formal training in earthbending, so it would make sense he would incorporate that more.
and ive talked about this before but, Bolin is the quickest earthbender in the entire show. he is incredibly talented in his craft and no one else in the entire show bends like he does. like, okay. This?
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that move? that spin kick he's doing? That's a fire bending move.
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he's doing a fire bending move with earth. kinda like iroh's move for redirecting lighting, bolin's entire bending style is this quote "when you take (wisdom) from only one place it becomes rigid and stale. understanding others, other nations, will help you become whole" Bolin is an earth bender who grew up learning to bend by watching fire bending. and that is a huge part of why Bolin is such a unique and talented fighter.
tbh I hope he never learns metal bending because the contrast between him and toph is nice. Toph is someone who excels at traditional earthbending, to the point of inventing a new type of sub-bending. whereas Bolin is so skilled at adapting and integrating different bending styles that he's able to master a volatile element that is eath that behaves like water with properties of fire at 17 with no teacher.
so yeah I agree 100% I would fucking love to see Bolin older because he would be a fucking powerhouse.
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a-den-of-demons · 1 year
Fey Muses
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Sumeragi Lee Noriega- Personality: Flirty, Slutty, Cunning; Switch (Sub as Holstaur) and massive slut
Height: 5'3"
Bust Size: F Cup, G as Holstaur (cow-like werebeast)
Kinks: Masochism, Loves giving blowjobs, Groping
Forms: Hunter, Holstaur (Gains small cow horns, larger breasts and hips)
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Christina Sierra- Personality-outgoing, energetic, loyal; mostly slutty and switch
Height: 5'3"
Cup Size:DD cup
Kinks: exhibitionism, flexible poses, bondage
Forms: hunter, dryad
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Cia (LoZ)- Similar to canon personlity; Very sultry and slutty
Height: 5'7"
Bust Size: E Cup
Kinks: Yandere, Bondage, Mindbreak (Others); Switch
Forms: Changling Mage
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Toph Beifong- Personality: Brash, Impulsive, Challenging; Major Sub
Height: 5'3"
Cup Size: F Cup
Kinks: Egging on and challenging partner, Titfucks, Mating Press
Forms: Human (Fey Blood)
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Kali Belladonna- Personality: Motherly, Open, Protective; Slutty Sub
Height: 5'5"
Cup Size: E Cup
Kinks: Breeding, Raceplay, Doggystyle
Forms: Beastwoman, Hellcat (Fey)
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Jaune Arc (RWBY)- Personality: Brave, Relentless, Passionate; Switch, Dominant (Werewolf)
Height: 6 ft (Human), 8 ft (Werewolf)
Cock Size: 8 inches (human), 13 inches (Werewolf)
Kinks: Foreplay, T&A, Breeding (Werewolf)
Forms: Human hunter, Werewolf
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Sun Wukong (RWBY)- Personality: Bubbly, Fliratious, Bold; Switch
Height: 5'3"
Bust Size: D Cup (C when wrapped)
Kinks: Contortionist, Exhibitionism, Marathon Sex
Forms: Monkey-Kin
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Milly Ashford (Code Geass)- Personality: Social Butterfly, Commanding, Bubbly; Sub
Height: 5'9"
Bust Size: F Cup as Human (G Cup as Holtaur)
Kinks: Titjobs, Spanking, Getting fucked stupid
Forms: Human Hunter, Holtaur
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Rumi Usagiyama (MHA)- Personality: Brave, Confident, Hot Blooded; Switch (If you can handle her~)
Height: 5'2"
Bust Size: E Cup
Kinks: Doggy Style, Marathon Sex, Breeding
Forms: Rabbit Fey
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windandwater · 2 months
I was bullied tagged by @jessreallywantsitall. added an extra option because I physically couldn't leave Pippin off this list but didn't want to waste two regular slots on Tolkien characters. don't worry about it, my logic is impeccable.
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identity-library · 5 months
Disability (TV Shows)
Action Pack (2022)
Eon (Down Syndrome)
Adventure Time (2010)
Finn Mertens (Amputee)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)
Akela Amador (Blind, Prosthetic User)
Daniel Sousa (Amputee, Crutch User)
Gordon (Blind)
Leo Fitz (Brain Damage)
Alladin (1994)
Mechanicles (Low Vision)
All The Light We Cannot See (2023)
Marie-Laure (Blind)
American Dragon: Jake Long (2005)
Peg Leg Pat (Amputee)
A Million Little Things (2018)
Eddie Saville (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Amphibia (2019)
Angwin (Blind)
Lysil (Blind)
Stumpy Stumpson (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Arrested Development (2003)
Buster Bluth (Amputee)
Jack Dorso (Paralyzed)
J. Walter Weatherman (Amputee)
Marky Bark (Prosopagnosia/Face Blindness)
Rita Leeds (Unspecified Intellectual Disability)
Arthur (1996)
Binky Barnes (Allergy - Food)
Buster Baxter (Asthma)
Carl Gould (Autistic)
Francis Haney (Dyslexia)
Fred (Colour Blind)
Fritz Langley (Arthritis)
George Lundgren (Dyslexia)
Jenna Morgan (Allergy - Food)
Jessica (Allergy - Food)
Keith Powers (Autistic)
Lydia Fox (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Maria Pappas (Stutter)
Marina Datillo (Blind)
Mr. Morris (Asthma, Allergies - Dust, Food, Pollen)
Nemo (Allergy - Food)
Nigel Ratburn (Hard of Hearing)
Pickles the Clown (Allergy - Animal)
As We See It (2022)
Harrison Dietrich (Autistic)
Jack Hoffman (Autistic)
Violet Wu (Autistic)
Atypical (2017)
Sam Gardner (Autistic)
Avatar: Legend of Korra (2012)
Ming Hua (No Arms)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)
Combustion Man (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Teo (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Toph Beifong (Blind)
Battlestar Galactica (2004)
Felix Gaeta (Amputee)
Big City Greens (2018)
Bill Green (Amputee)
Big Mouth (2017)
Caleb Linden (Autistic)
Lars (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Breaking Bad (2008)
Walter White Jr. (Cerebral Palsy)
Bluey (2018)
Dougie (Deaf)
Bob's Burgers (2011)
Courtney Wheeler (Congenital Heart Condition)
Rudolph "Regular Sized Rudy" Stieblitz (Asthma)
Bones (2005)
Zack Addy (Autistic)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000)
Zeb Nebula (Amputee)
Call the Midwife (2012)
Sally Harper (Down Syndrome)
Chicago Med (2015)
Isidore Latham (Autistic)
Colin from Accounts (2022)
Colin (Wheelchair User)
Community (2009)
Abed Nadir (Autistic)
Jeremy Simmons (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Craig of the Creek (2018)
Jackie (Deaf)
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (2012)
Chrissie (Unspecified Disability, Crutch User)
Daredevil (2015)
Matthew Murdock/Daredevil (Blind)
Stick (Blind)
Dead End: Paranormal Park (2022)
Hercules (Unspecified Limb Difference)
Nora Khan (Autistic)
Zagan (Amputee)
Deca-Dence (2020)
Natsume (Amputee)
Dirty God (2019)
Jade (Facial Difference)
Doc McStuffins (2012)
Wildlife Will (No Legs)
Doug (1991)
Chad Mayonnaise (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Dragon Tales (1999)
Lorca (No Wings, Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
DuckTales (2017)
Black Heron (Amputee)
Della Duck (Amputee)
Elena of Avalor (2016)
Cristina (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Empire (2015)
Lucious Lyon (Amputee)
ER (1994)
Kerry Weaver (Congenital Hip Dysplasia)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)
Woo Young-Woo (Autistic)
Extreme Ghostbusters (1997)
Garrett Miller (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fairy Tail (2009)
Gildarts Clive (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Family Guy (1999)
Joe Swanson (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fear the Walking Dead (2015)
Wendell Rabinowitz (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fireman Sam (1987)
Hannah Sparkes (Unspecified Walking Disability, Wheelchair User)
Fish Hooks (2010)
Chief (Amputee)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004)
Wilt (Amputee)
Game of Thrones (2011)
Bran Stark (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Jaime Lannister (Amputee)
Tyrion Lannister (Dwarfism)
Gargoyles (1994)
Halcyon Renard (Unspecified Illness, Wheelchair User)
Glee (2009)
Artie Abrams (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Becky Jackson (Down Syndrome)
Glitch Techs (2020)
Miko Kubota (ADHD)
Goldie & Bear (2015)
Marian Locks (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Gravity Falls (2012)
Mr. Poolcheck (Amputee)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Arizona Robbins (Amputee)
Christina Yang (Dyslexia)
Lucas Adams (ADHD)
Nick Marsh (ADHD)
Virginia Dixon (Autistic)
Growing Up Fisher (2015)
Mel Fisher (Blind)
Hailey's On It (2023)
The Professor (Partially Blind)
Hamster & Gretel (2022)
Gretel Grant-Gomez (ADHD)
Harley Quinn (2019)
Barbara "Babs" Gordon/Batgirl (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Sy Borgman (Amputee, Wheelchair User)
Hazbin Hotel (2024)
Lute (Amputee)
Vaggie (Partially Blind)
Hawkeye (2021)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Deaf)
Maya Lopez/Echo (Deaf, Amputee)
Heartbreak High (2022)
Quinni Gallagher-Jones (Autistic)
Heartstoppers (2022)
Felix Britten (Wheelchair User)
House (2004)
Gregory House (Limited Mobility, Cane User)
Human Resources (2022)
Alice Wong (Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Wheelchair User)
Inside Job (2021)
Andre Lee (Tourette's Syndrome)
Reagan Ridley (Autistic, Amputee)
In the Dark (2019)
Murphy Mason (Blind)
Jessie (2011)
(Future) Jessie Prescott (Partially Blind)
Kim Possible (2002)
Betty Director (Partially Blind)
Felix Renton (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Sheldon "Gemini" Director (Amputee, Partially Blind)
Land of the Dead (2005)
Charlie Houk (Intellectual Disability, Partially Blind)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003)
Clyde (Amputee)
Loudermilk (2017)
Roger Frostly (Limb Difference)
MacGyver (2016)
Matilda "Matty" Webber (Dwarfism)
Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series (1996)
Baron Von Licktenstamp (Amputee, Partially Blind)
Duke L'Orange (Partially Blind)
Miles From Tomorrowland (2015)
Gong Gong (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Mom (2013)
Adam Janikowski (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Mr. Munson (Blind)
Monster High (2022)
Deuce Gorgon (Dyslexic)
Finnegan Wake (Limited Mobility)
Meowlody (ADHD)
Twyla Boogeyman (Autistic)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2023)
Eli (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (2010)
Kerfuffle (Amputee)
Scootaloo (Underdeveloped Wings, Limited Abilities)
Stellar Eclipse (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Twist (Speech Impediment)
NCIS (2003)
Carol Wilson (Dwarfism)
Delilah Fielding-McGee (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
NCIS: Los Angeles (2009)
Hetty Lange (Dwarfism)
Joelle Taylor (Amputee)
NCIS: New Orleans (2014)
Patton Plame (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Never Have I Ever (2020)
Rebecca Hall-Yoshida (Down Syndrome)
New Amsterdam (2018)
Elizabeth Wilder (Deaf)
Lauren Bloom (ADHD)
New Girl (2011)
Winston Bishop (Colour Blind)
Ninjago (2011)
Bob (Deaf)
Cyrus Borg (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Jacob Pevsner (Blind)
No-Eyed Pete (Blind)
Once Upon a Time (2011)
Blind Witch (Blind)
Seer (Blind)
Only Murders in the Building (2021)
Theo Dimas (Deaf)
Paulette (Wheelchair User)
Our Flag Means Death (2022)
Black Pete (Cleft Lip, Lisp)
Israel "Izzy" Hands (Amputee)
Panic (2022)
Dayna Mason (Wheelchair User)
Parenthood (2010)
Max Braverman (Autistic)
Paw Patrol (2013)
Rex (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Pelswick (2000)
Pelswick Eggert (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2023)
Hephaestus (Unspecified Disability, Cane User)
Person of Interest (2011)
Harold Finch (Chronic Pain, Limited Mobility, Cane User)
Phineas and Ferb (2007)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Multi-Limb Amputee)
PJ Masks (2015)
Ivan/Ice Cub (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Polly Pocket (2018)
Lila Draper (Diabetes)
Rahim (Deaf)
Puppy Dog Pals (2017)
Lollie (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Pupstruction (2023)
Roxy (Amputee, Wheelchair User)
Raising Dion (2019)
Dion (ADHD, Asthma)
Esperanza Jimenez (Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Wheelchair User)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja (2012)
S. Ward Smith (Blind)
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (2017)
Hook Foot (Amputee)
Hook Hand (Amputee)
King Edmund (Amputee)
Lord Demanitus (Partially Blind)
Roswell, New Mexico (2019)
Alex Manes (Amputee)
Sesame Street (1969)
Ameera (Spinal Cord Injury, Wheelchair/Crutches User)
Aristotle (Blind)
Julia (Autistic)
Katie (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Linda (Deaf)
Tarah (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Tyrone "Traction" "TJ" Jackson (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Sex Education (2019)
Aisha Green (Deaf)
Isaac Goodwin (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Shake It Up (2010)
Cecelia "CeCe" Jones (Dyslexia)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Entrapta (Autistic)
Tallstar (Amputee)
Silent Witness (1996)
Clarissa Mullery (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
South Park (1997)
James "Jimmy" Vulmer (Limited Mobility)
Timmy L. Burch (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Speechless (2016)
J.J. DiMeo (Cerebral Palsy)
Spirit Riding Free (2017)
Eleanor Kimble (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
Geordi La Forge (Blind)
Star Wars Rebels (2014)
Kanan Jarrus (Blind)
Station 19 (2018)
Robert Sullivan (Chronic Pain)
Stumptown (2019)
Ansel Parios (Down Syndrome)
Supernatural (2005)
Bobby Singer (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Eileen Leahy (Deaf)
Pamela Barnes (Blind)
Superstore (2015)
Garrett McNeil (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Nicki (Dwarfism, Wheelchair User)
S.W.A.T. (2017)
Dominique Luca (Dyslexia)
Teamo Supremo (2002)
Larry/Laser Pirate (Partially Blind)
The Baby-Sitters Club (2020)
Stacey McGill (Type 1 Diabetes)
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
Emily (Deaf)
Sheldon Cooper (Autistic)
The Casagrandes (2019)
Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr. (Down Syndrome)
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
James "Bucky" Barnes (Amputee)
The Flash (2014)
Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper (Deaf)
The Ghost and Molly McGee (2021)
Juniper "June" Chen (Autistic)
The Good Doctor (2017)
Shaun Murphy (Autistic)
The Lion Guard (2016)
Ono (Low Vision)
The Little Mermaid (1992)
Gabriella (Deaf)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1888)
Papa Heffalump (Allergies)
The Office (2005)
William "Billy" Merchant (Wheelchair User)
The Owl House (2020)
Dell Clawthorne (Partially Blind)
Eda Clawthorne (Amputee)
Hieronymus Bump (Low Vision)
Luz Noceda (ADHD)
The Proud Family (2001)
Bebe Winans (Autistic)
Johnny McBride (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
The Rookie (2018)
Tim Bradford (Unspecified Learning Disability)
The Sex Lives of College Girls (2021)
Jocelyn (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005)
Bob (Dyslexic)
The Walking Dead (2010)
Connie (Deaf)
Hershel Greene (Amputee)
The Wild Thornberrys (1998)
Bethany Gibson (Cerabral Palsy, Wheelchair User)
The 100 (2014)
Raven Reyes (Chronic Pain, Nerve Damage)
This Close (2019)
Kate (Deaf)
Michael (Deaf)
Thomas and Friends: All Engines Go (2021)
Bruno (Autistic)
Total Drama (Franchise)
Cody (Allergies)
Jay (Allergies, Lactose Intolerance)
Mickey (Allergies, Lactose Intolerance)
Hezekias "Zee" (Limb Difference)
Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Amputee)
Years and Years (2019)
Rosie Lyons (Spina Bifida, Wheelchair User)
101 Dalmatians: The Series (1997)
Tripod (Amputee)
101 Dalmatian Street (2019)
Da Vinci (Autistic)
Dawkins (Autistic)
Delgado (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
9-1-1 (2018)
Christopher Diaz (Cerebral Palsy)
9-1-1: Lone Star (2020)
Mateo Chavez (Dyslexia)
8 notes · View notes
stitch1830 · 1 year
Hi! It’s me! :) for the prompts, can I get fluff #12 please? Thank you✨
Do you even remember sending this? Because it's been ages—
That's on me. That's my bad LOL.
Anyway, I have finally finished the prompt, my Twinkles. Hope you enjoy! :D
And yeah if y'all don't mind waiting 5ever for me to respond, here's the list for this particular prompt LOL.
Kantoph - Fluff - #12 - “Just shut up and kiss me.”
“I think we should split up.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Hotshot.”
“I’m serious,” he insisted. “I’ll take the B-team and we’ll clear the back of the building, while you take the A team. It’ll be much quicker.”
Toph rolled her eyes at Kanto. “You and I both know it’s safer when we don’t split up.”
“You’re just nervous for me,” he whispered in her ear, the teasing tone evident in his voice. “Don’t worry, Chief. We’ll split up, and our reunion when we meet in the middle will be oh so sweet.”
“Shut up.”
Kanto chuckled, and part of her hated how the low, rumbly noise that vibrated in his chest when he laughed made her stomach flutter. The damn man did have a way of making her knees weak, even if she didn’t dare admit it.
But before she could give him a proper retort, Kanto placed a gentle, reassuring hand on her shoulder, then walked away. He called out for the B-team to follow him toward the back, and Toph was left to manage her squad. 
With a frustrated huff, she muttered under her breath. “You better make it out in one piece, Hotshot. Otherwise, I’m killin’ ya.”
Toph straightened her posture and put on her game face. Despite her quiet fretting over her stupid deputy, they had a job to do, and she wasn’t about to be distracted by anyone. She raised her hand, beckoning the team to gather around her, and once they all understood the game plan, they’d infiltrate the front of the building together.
Time to go to work.
They took swift action to secure the premise. Her metalbenders apprehended suspects, tying their hands for most, knocking others out cold when they tried to attack. Rooms were cleared, evidence was tagged, and suspects walked out the front door apprehended. The whole situation was rather routine.
Until it wasn’t.
Toph kept track of every body, every heartbeat in that building. And despite her best efforts to not focus on just one, she found herself zeroing in on a particular heartbeat that gave her comfort every morning.
And every night.
As her team organized the suspects outside, Toph monitored Kanto’s whereabouts inside the warehouse. He dallied inside more than she preferred, but that was his way of doing things. Slow, steady, methodical movements to ensure that no evidence got lost in the shuffle of an infiltration mission. It was one of the many qualities that made him such a great deputy chief.
They were almost done with the final sweep in the house, it seemed, and Toph let out the breath she’d been holding as she kept track of Kanto.
But then the world underneath her feet disappeared, and she lost sight of everything.
She lost sight of him.
An explosion rumbled throughout the area, knocking Toph off her feet. When the dust settled and the dazed state faded, panic settled into the earthbender’s bones. Time stopped moving, and all she could think about was how Kanto was still in the building when the explosion occurred, and the thought of the worst-case scenario filled her with dread. She got to her feet and just stood there, unaware of how much time was truly passing as fear overcame everything else.
Questions entered Toph’s brain. Questions she desperately wanted answers to.
What happened?
Where is Kanto?
Did he make it out of there?
Is he alive?
Officer Jiahao’s voice snapped Toph back to reality. “W-what?”
“We’ve located most of the officers that were still in the building. They’re being transported to the infirmary now, Chief.”
“And Kan—and the, uh, Deputy? Where is he?”
“He was pulled out of the rubble a bit ago, Chief. They were taking him to the infirmary, but—”
Toph wasted no time and ran to the hospital. 
Her lungs burned and her legs didn’t move fast enough, but Toph kept going. She ignored her aching muscles and her sore body from the explosion; all that mattered was getting to the hospital to find Kanto. 
Right now, nothing mattered to Toph except him.
When she finally arrived, Toph didn’t bother to ask anyone for directions. She wandered the halls, desperately searching for a familiar heartbeat, voice, scent, anything.
The spirits were good to her, it seemed. Because when she passed one of the last rooms in the hall, Toph caught a whiff of a charred version of Kanto’s cologne. 
No one responded to her, but the healers in the room shuffled around the cot, furiously helping their patient. She made her way to the side, tentatively grabbing the person’s hand.
And she immediately knew it was him.
“Kanto?” Her voice wavered as she spoke. “Kanto, baby, please say something.”
His breathing was ragged, and his undergarments for his uniform were singed. The healers tried to get Toph to move, but she refused. She squeezed his hand, forcing herself to hold back the tears that wished to fall. “Kanto, wake up for me. Please wake up.”
Kanto remained quiet, and Toph nearly lost all hope. Her world suddenly felt darker than it ever had been, and it was all because her stupid deputy made her fall in love—
Toph gasped, inching closer to Kanto’s face. “H-Hotshot?”
The man groaned again, stirring ever so slightly in his cot. As he regained consciousness, Toph held her breath and waited for him to say something. Anything.
She prodded him to answer her one more time, gently caressing his cheek “Baby?”
Kanto swallowed thickly, and in a hoarse voice, finally replied. “Told you our reunion would be sweet.”
“Pretty romantic of you to kneel by my bedside as I wake up.”
With a teary laugh, she said, “Oh, just shut up and kiss me.”
And he did. He kissed her lovingly, longingly, as if they’d been separated for half an eternity and not just a couple hours. 
Despite the stress earlier in the day, Toph had to admit that the reunion was oh so sweet.
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything, really! :D
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zypria · 1 year
Atla The Rift comic sucks part 1
Comparing apples and zucchinis
The past vs future, change vs tradition is very interesting dilemma to explore. And they've chosen two good representatives for each side - Aang, the last of his kind and the avatar vs Toph who refuses to be bound, creates new style of bending utilizing modern structure, does what she wants really. Secondary are acolytes vs factory, same thing. And my God do they suck at pitting these two against each other. Both of these sides take everything in the world and go me. Like those Katara touches necklace memes "lets eat. my mother used to eat". Connecting things that have very little to do each other just so we can have a conflict. misunderstanding but it's unintentional. They just lost the ability to make comprehensive parallels.
100+ year old ritual = bad parenting
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Rituals are rooted in tradition. We do them because they are symbolic, we do what we do because that's how it's done. We honor our roots, ancestors etc etc
The phrase triggers unhappy memories for Toph, particularly of her restrictive childhood. Fair enough. But. Some of these aren't even "tradition", her parents were just like that. "This is how it's done" is no logical response to "why can't I play with other kids". There have to be rich kids with friends out there. Blind kids with friends. This is solely Beifong issue. I despise forced parallels
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The following statement is just incorrect:
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He didn't forget (although 100+ years are justifiable excuse). He was 10 and wasn't paying attention in the first place, figured there is plenty more festivals to remember. It wasn't celebrated because the peeps are dead. A genocide if you will. The world wouldn't end even if there were no humans around, doesn't mean we should just cease all cultural activities
Also it was ESTABLISHED that we're doing this for AANG. You know, our beloved friend the last Airbender? He wants to honor his long gone culture for a special day. Also also past avatar has something important to say, what if something happens (and something ALWAYS happens)
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Instead of addressing any of this Aang goes the air nomad philosophy route. just WHY? These are not insults just for the sake of insulting, they have opposing views and should talk about it maybe. Were not even in the place to have change vs tradition argument, we're just having a field trip atm. Simple "this is really important for me and I want to share this day with my found family" solves everything but noooo. Zen mode, it will sort itself out, I'm not actively getting involved (man. this is TOPH. you should know better. rock beats airbender etc etc)
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Toph is mean just to be mean. Not the cuddliest character but when did she go around insulting your every move? Especially since they didn't really ask her to do anything. You don't have to actively participate, why are you complaining in every panel? OOC behavior just to keep that gaang rift nice and divided
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I can't spend 30 seconds to explain why we're about to be pulverized but I can do ancient history 101
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he doesn't deny this! why. to have aang vs toph and co that's why. the most pointless fight in existence. because we have time for that apparently
the spirit is just asshole in the end
I'm not pulling caps for this. Yangchen did everything to keep her promise, not her fault Sozin happened. And let's not forget people ran away in all directions from fire nation for a century, why wouldn't they inhabit this nice empty land? The spirit was angry about his friend's demise (turns out she did that herself and is very chill. And can manifest freely too). Spirit does not ask for balance in any way, shape or form, humans must die so that I can have this land to stare at. What if some spirits decided to reside in Ba Sing Se, we destroy entire city? I thought that refinery screwing nature was going to be the big plot point but nope. Cabbage restaurant -gone. Houses - gone. You can't even walk here, disrespectful, gtfo. Extreme situation that calls for stupid resolution - spirit dead. Although looking back I can find some appreciation for not managing to tie everything nicely, cookie cutter avatar style. But imagine how much better it would've been if conflicts were well written in the first place
We got another festival so all is well?
24 notes · View notes
randomwritingguy · 1 year
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 31
A small radio lies still on the small table before me. Despite its size, I feel like a prey to a giant. Fists clenching tight, sweat on my skin, and teeth gritting, I stare at the communications device that will soon change my life forever.
“Y/N! What happened to you?! Are you okay?! How did you get out?!
“Zaheer. We need to get to Korra immediately!”
I don’t know how long it has been since we escaped Ba Sing Se. Despite the beauty and the utopian atmosphere that surrounded the metal city of Zaofu, I still can’t shake the sights I saw from my mind. Those awful, awful sights.
Getting out of their cell, Mako and Bolin rush to me with concerned faces. The other prisoners run out of their own, screaming cheers and joyous profanities at the dream come true that their tormentor that was their highness was dead and that they are free.
Free. No-one is free now.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” Mako asks me, fear etched in his face. “You look like you can barely stand.”
No. I’m not all right. If anything, I feel like a corpse that is forced to walk via invisible strings like I am some twisted puppet. But that doesn’t matter. Not right now. The Air Nation is more important.
“I said I’m fine!” I snarl, turning away from them both. “We need to get out of here! I’ll tell you all along the way what the message is.”
While the others are too focused on the other radio they are using in desperate hope to get into contact with the Northern Air Temple, I’m all alone using a spare.
Good. I don’t want anyone to see this.
When we finally rush out the main gates of the palace, I am greeted with the stuff that my own mind could not imagine.
In such a short amount of time, chaos erupted.
Screams, shouts, shrieks, yells surround us all along with the blazing heat of flames that consume the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se like a hungry mauling animal. So many flames. So many screams. So, so many.
“I can’t believe it!” Mako exclaims in shock. “The Upper Ring is in chaos!”
“Should we do something?” Bolin asks aloud, shocked and devastated as we all are.
“This isn’t our battle. We have to deliver Zaheer’s message to Korra immediately.”
The two brothers start walking away from the palace, focusing on the task at hand, to find an airship to esacpe. But I stay still. Frozen like a platinum statue that not even the famous Toph Beifong can’t move.
So many flames. So many screams.
I don’t hear it. How can I? How can I hear my name when all I can hear are the screams and yells that overwhelm the beacon of the Earth Kingdom?
So many flames. So many screams. So many.
This is all my fault…
If I was strong enough, If I had enough power, I could have prevented all of this.
How many will suffer because of my failure?
Rough hands on my sides shaking me partially snaps me out of my thoughts.
Mako is staring at me, teeth gritted, with golden eyes staring into my own E/C.
“Snap out of it, Y/N!” he barks out, using his authority as a police officer. “Remember what you told us! We need to get to Korra! The Air Nation’s survival depends on it!”
Shaking my head slightly, I completely rid the awful thoughts from my mind.
He’s right. Focus on the task. Grieve later.
“Yes, yes.” I mutter to him, nodding slightly. “You’re right. Let’s go.”
As if time was slowed down through a force beyond our understanding, I rise my arm and stretch out towards the radio in slow motion.
The rough exterior of the radio speaker adds to the intense feel as I grab it with my palm.
Seeing Korra and Asami in Misty Palms after hours of rescue, escape, and dread from the crumbling Ba Sing Se gave me enough joy to smile just a bit. But only a bit.
Despite the relief, the flames and screams still echo at the back of my mind. They persisted throughout our rescue of Mako and Bolin’s family and the long transport from the city to the desert. I have a feeling they will persist for a long, long time.
The happiness and relief that was briefly expressed on the blinding smiles on Korra and Asami when they saw us quickly vanish as they see my bruised and battered state.
“What happened?!” Korra asks with panic and fear as she rushes up to me, ignoring Mako and Bolin, and placing her right hand on my shoulder and cupping my cheek with the other.
“Tortured by the Earth Queen.” I tell her bluntly, slightly leaning into her hand. Unlike the blazing heat that I felt in the city, the warmth I felt on my cheek by my best friend’s hand. I harden my gaze at her slightly. “She’s dead.”
Korra’s eyes flash with utter rage upon the revelation. “I know.” She growls. Then, her features soften. “I am so, so sorry, Y/N.”
“Korra, no.” I tell her, placing my hand on top of her own and giving it squeeze. “None of this is your fault. Okay? None of it is. But, right now, we have more important matters to discuss. Zaheer wanted me to give you a message.”
Her mouth drops slightly and I can feel her hands tense up as with the rest of her body. “What message?”
Here it goes.
Taking a deep and long breath, I finally tell her. “The Red Lotus is heading towards the Northern Air Temple right now. If you don’t turn yourself in, they are going to wipe out the Air Nation…for good.”
Taking the radio, I start the call.
I sit and wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.
Finally, after a second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century, a thousand years, the other end picks up.
The first thing I hear is the rough, heavy voice of my dad.
Swallowing a gulp, I start talking.
“Hello, father.”
I purposefully call him the more formal “father.” Maybe it might lessen the pain if I create some distance.
After a brief moment of hesitation, he responds with a simple but tense “Y/N. You finally called.”
“I have.”
“I take it you have finally made your decision?”
Clenching the radio tighter, squeezing it perhaps too much, I swallow a gulp once more. I repeat my previous answer in a monotone “I have.”
Here it goes.
Taking a deep and long breath once again, I let out sigh. Finally, I give him my answer.
“I’m joining the Air Nation.”
As soon as the words leave my lips, I can feel the life that I once lived shatter entirely into shards. The intensity of the atmosphere is almost overwhelming.
Then, out of nowhere, the transmission ends.
Wait, what?
I check the radio and…
He ended it.
He didn’t even say goodbye.
He just…ended it.
Slumping down in the chair, I just…stare.
Not at the radio. Not at anything, really.
So, that’s it.
I’ve been disowned.
I am no longer welcome in my own home back at the South Pole.
No longer welcome to my own parents.
Much to my surprise, I don’t cry. Maybe the flames and screams from Ba Sing Se have shook me to the core so much that I can’t cry right now. Or maybe I’m just tired of the tears.
I just feel…empty. Cold. Alone.
I hear footsteps approaching only to stop dead when they presumably see me. I don’t utter a single word.
“Am I interrupting something?”
I recognise the voice immediately without even glancing at the source.
“No.” I tell her, rising from my seat and then finally turning to face her. She is wearing her typical Zaofu guard armour and helmet. I see a slight frown of concern on her face. “I just finished.”
Kuvira tilts her head to the side. “Is it about your parents?”
I nod. “It’s done.”
She sighs heavily and walking forward she places a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” I tell her. Then, hoping to stop talking about my depressing situation, I change the topic. “Has Korra gotten into contact with Tenzin?”
Noticing this obvious topic change, she lets it go and removes her hand from my shoulder and her posture returns to business as usual. “She has but I’m afraid the Red Lotus has already gotten to them first.”
“Shit.” I mutter under my breath. “We better get going then.”
Walking back outside, I see my friends accompanied by Lin, Suyin, Tonraq, and Lord Zuko. When they see our approach, Suyin walks to the captain of the guard. “Kuvira, gather the guards and get an airship ready.”
“Of course.” Kuvira responds immediately with professionalism and after a quick glance in my direction marches off.
“I’m sure Kuvira told you what happened.” Suyin says as we walk side by side to the others.
I nod gravely. “She did. This isn’t good.”
Sighing heavily, the matriarch rubs her grey silver hair. “It isn’t. We have to act fast before Zaheer tries anything.”
When we finally reach to the cluster of people, I speak up.
“I heard about what happened. What’s the plan?”
The others turn to me but Korra is the first one to answer with utter seriousness.
“You’re staying here, Y/N.”
“What?!” I reply. “No! I’m coming with you.”
She gestures towards my form with her hands. “Look at you, Y/N! You are still badly hurt!”
I scoff at her claim. Yes, I am still hurt. But I can still fight.
“Korra’s right, Y/N.” Mako agrees. “You were tortured for hours. You need rest.”
I glare back at Korra with all the confidence I can muster. “I’ve healed enough! I am not going to sit here and do nothing while you surrender to the Red Lotus!”
“She might not have to do that yet.” Lin says, though her voice doesn’t sound as confident as her claim. “We are still coming up with a plan that will prevent that from happening.”
“And if you don’t manage to do that?” I retort, glaring at her.
No response.
I continue with my rant. “Regardless if Korra is going to surrender or not, I am not going to sit by and not help my friends! I am coming whether you all like it or not!”
As soon as I finish, silence lays upon all of us. I am staring right at Korra who is staring back in defiance. We are at a standstill.
Eventually, out of all people, Suyin speaks up.
“I agree…with Y/N.”
I glance at her in surprise. “You do?”
She nods. “We need fighters now more than ever. Even though you’re hurt If you want to help, I don’t see why you shouldn’t.”
My jaw drops for a moment, but I quickly snap it shut.
Suyin…actually defended and agreed with me. Huh. I think that’s the first time she’s done that since we met.
I nod in a silent way of saying “Thank you” before turning back to the others who seem to have reluctantly accepted the situation.
“So, what’s the plan?”
“I say we make our approach from the west, drop down from the airship on cables, ambush these Red Lotus low-lives before they know what hit.”
“It will never work. That Combustion Lady will pick us off one by one.”
“You have a better idea on how to save the airbenders?”
“Yeah. We come up from the valley, scale the side of the mountain and take them off guard.”
“That could work.”
“And give them the high ground? No, if their lavabender spots us, he'll melt the mountainside and us with it.”
Aboard one of the advanced Zaofu airships, we all throw out plans, suggestions, and ideas onto the table of how we can save the airbenders and fight the Red Lotus without having Korra to surrender herself to them. So far, we are having no success.
Every single time a plan is suggested there are always major drawbacks and flaws. The Red Lotus have abilities that allow them to counter anything we throw at them.
“Last time I fought the combustion bender, I was able to defeat her.” I throw out admist the chaotic mess of plans.
“What?!” The entire room let out; jaws dropped to the flaw in complete shock. Honestly, I can’t blame them.
“How did you do that, Y/N?” Tonraq asks me.
Crossing my arms, I continue gazing at the map of the Northern Air Temple. “I was barely able to get close to her enough to chi-block her into submission. I could try and do that again.”
“If you can close to them again.” The Chief of Police corrects me, though I can hear the impressiveness in her voice. “I doubt she will fall for that again. She will probably try to create some distance to ensure she isn’t distracted too.”
The Chief does make a good point. The combustion lady doesn’t strike me as one to be fooled twice even with outside interference to help me.
“This is pointless.” Korra speaks up bitterly. “. None of these ideas will work. The second Zaheer realizes we're up to something, he'll wipe out the airbenders.”
“And Opal is one of those airbenders.” Suyin adds, her motherly instincts taking over. “Believe me, I understand what's at stake.”
Tenzin, Bumi, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Kai, Esha, Opal, and so, so many more….
So many lives are at stake. So many.
“Then I'll think you agree that the only plan that will work is for me to give myself up.”
“No way.” I immediately retort. “It’s too dangerous.”
“It’s the only way, Y/N.” Korra counters. Her eyes are full of determination but melancholy. She knows full well the gravity of the situation. “I talked it over with Lord Zuko, and I've given it a lot of thought. I have to do this.”
“You can't expect us to sit by and let Zaheer take you.” Asami says in desperation to change our friend’s mind. But, from the look of her resolved face, it seems like it has already been made up.
“The world has been out of balance for far too long: it needs the Air Nation back again.” Korra explains with conviction. “I can't let Zaheer destroy it and everyone we love. Help me save the airbenders, then you can worry about saving me.”
As much as I hate to admit it…she’s right. Typical Korra, always thinking of others before herself. It’s why she’s the Avatar after all.
After a brief exchange of glance between Tonraq and Suyin, the former speaks up. “We’re with you Korra.”
“Whatever you need.” The matriarch adds.
I let out a deep, frustrated sigh but relent. “I hate this. I really, really hate this but…you’re right. Make the call.”
Korra nods. “Thank you. I’ll radio Zaheer now.”
She walks off to exit the meeting room, leaving all of us behind to make a deal with the most dangerous criminals in the world.
Dammit. I wish there was another way…
I perk up at the mention of my name and I see Tonraq by my side with a mixture of concern and sternness on his features.
“Tonraq.” I speak up. “Is there something wrong?”
The Chief of the Southern Water Tribe shakes his gently. “No trouble. I was wondering if I can speak to you in private for a quick moment?”
I raise an eyebrow in curiosity and suspicion, but I agree. “Sure.”
We both exit the meeting room and enter a narrow metallic corridor with not a single person in site. The voices in the meeting room are muffled but we are out of earshot.
“So, what’s this about?” I ask him, leaning back on the wall.
Tonraq does the same and his face softens slightly. “I understand this is probably not the most suitable time to discuss this but I figured I might as well get it out of the way.”
What’s he talking about?
He takes a deep, long breathe and leans forward to place his hand on my shoulder. “I know about your situation with your parents.”
I open my mouth to say something, anything, but no words come out. I close it, trying to think of what to say, and reopen it. All I can make out is a simple “I see.”
Sensing my discomfort and stunned nature, he steps back to give me some space. “Your parents talked to it about me when they first found out that you were an airbender. I was shocked at how serious they were being. It seemed so out of character for them. I knew how traditionalist and patriotic they were but this…I never expected they would do something like this.”
Nodding gravely, I glance downwards. “I just had a call with them a few hours ago. It’s done.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Tonraq says, sounding so sad and sympathetic. “I tried convincing them to do otherwise but they wouldn’t budge.”
“That sounds like them.” I bitterly remark. “They can be stubborn like earthbenders sometimes. Please don’t let this ruin your friendship with them, though. I know you and Senna have been really good friends with them. What they’re doing is really, really wrong but…I still love them.”
Tonraq’s face briefly flashes with surprise at my consideration to my parents despite everything they’ve put me through. I can’t say I blame him. I would be surprised too. This surprise fades a few seconds away, replaced with a gentle smile.
“Your compassion knows no bounds.” He tells me softly. “And, if it means anything, you will always be family to Senna and I. You have been best friends with my daughter and stood by her since you two met. We are so grateful Korra had you in her life where she was forced to be isolated. You gave her normalcy in a life of responsibility and I thank you for that. You are always welcome with us.”
As he finishes his speech, a tsunami of emotion overwhelm me and I feel tears streaking down my face as fast as a satomobile.
He…He really means all that?
“T-Thank you.” I mutter, so overcome with my feelings that it comes out weak. “Thank you so much.”
Then, without even thinking, I wrap him in a tight hug. I feel Tonraq briefly tense up in surprise but melts away as he wraps his arms around me in a fatherly gesture.
Despite the darkness that is soon to come, nothing can ruin this.
Korra’s POV
We have arrived.
After radioing Zaheer, he told me to meet him at an area called Laghima’s Peak. Considering his admiration for Guru Laghima, I can’t say I’m surprised at the destination. There, I will turn myself in while Mako, Bolin, and Asami go to the Northern Air Temple and collect the airbenders.
Y/N is staying to help Tonraq, Lin, Suyin, and the rest of the Zaofu guards. I still don’t like that they’re here because he’s still injured. But it was unsurprising that they refused to stay. They’re stubborn like me.
That’s one of the many reasons why we get along so much. Little can be done to change our minds.
Much like I’m not changing my mind on my surrender. It is time.
As Tonraq and Suyin walk down the ramp of the airship, Lin, my friends and I are at the entrance. There the Chief of Beifong passes me a radio. The plan is for Mako to radio me the very instant they spot the airbenders in the temple. That way it will prevent us from falling for a trap.
Turning to Asami, a worried concern on her beautiful face, I pull the black-haired woman into a tight hug. As we embrace, I feel warmth and…something else. Something tender.
Now’s not the time to think about that, though.
“Be careful, Korra.” She tells me, her spiritual voice worried and caring.
“You too.” I add back.
When we pull apart, I look at Mako and, despite the awkwardness that has been going around us since our breakup, I wrap him in a hug too. After a brief moment of surprise and hesitation, he hugs back too. I’m glad we can still being friends after everything.
Before I can even react, Bolin pulls me into a massive, tight hug that threatens to spill the air from my lungs, sobbing as he does so. Classic Bolin.
Y/N also hugs the others to, wishing them luck, and soon afterwards we walk down the ramp of the airship, my glider in my hand.
As we finally exit the airship, I see dad walking towards me with a worried look on his face. No doubt his fatherly instincts are kicking in.
“Don’t worry, Dad.” I assure him. “I’ll be all right.”
Then, like my friends, he pulls me into a tight embrace. “I just want you to know how proud I am of you. The risk you're taking to save the Air Nation will be remembered for generations.”
The words from dad lift my spirits somewhat but I can still feel the intensity. Still, I smile.
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
As he starts walking to the metalbenders, I give him one last piece of advice. “And Dad, watch out for Zaheer. He's not very fond of world leaders.”
Despite this warning, my father doesn’t seem concerned. He still looks and sounds confident as ever. “I can handle him. Just stay focused on your mission.”
Then, finally, I turn to Y/N. Despite being mostly recovered, I can still the faint bruises and cuts from the Earth Queen’s torture. When I saw my best friend in such a brutalised and disfigured state…I had felt so much. Panic, sadness, anger, hate.
Despite Y/N’s reassurances that it wasn’t my fault…I would be lying if I said part of me still doesn’t blame myself. While I was stuck in a desert my best friend who has always stayed by me was being tortured to near death.
While I wish it never happened, another part of me is glad that the Earth Queen is dead. And I don’t know what that says about me.
But enough thinking about the past, I need to focus on the present.
Now, I see Y/N trying to give me a confident smile but I can see it faltering. They have been through so much. First their parents, then the Earth Queen, and now this. Once this is all over, I am going to make it up to them. I will.
“How are you feeling?” they ask me in a gentle tone.
Such a simple question that asks so much.
“Honestly?” I as them rhetorically. “I’m scared. But I know I have to do this.”
They sigh heavily but, in an attempt to lift the tension, chuckles dryly. “I guess that’s in the Avatar job description, huh?”
The light joke works as a good chuckle erupts of me and so does Y/N. They always had a way with their humour.
“I suppose not.” I tell them with a small smile and I pull them into a tight, tight hug. The embrace soothes my fears and thoughts of failure.
“Please, be careful.” Y/N desperately tells me as if they’re begging.
“Only if you’re careful too.” I retort.
We pull apart and, after an exchange of small smiles, they walk towards Tonraq and the metalbenders.
Shifting my attention away from the group, I glance upwards to the very top of the the peak.
Time to face Zaheer.
Pulling out the wings from my glider, I use my airbending to thrust myself into the wild air as fast as Equalist Jets back in Republic City.
As I am gliding to the top of the mountain, I turn on the radio. “Mako, did you see the airbenders?”
“Not yet. We’re just arriving. Don’t turn yourself over until I get a visual on them.”
Got it.
When I finally reach to the rendevouz, I spot them. There, standing at the far edge of the mountain is Zaheer and the combustion bender with an airship right behind them.
Instead of stopping right in front of them, I land a good distance away at a lower relief.
No-one says a word for a brief moment. Until…
“Drop your staff and surrender yourself.” Zaheer commands, voice stern and powerful.
I stay where I am.
“Don’t make me come get you!”
I still do not move an inch. I need to wait until Mako gives me confirmation that the airbenders are there.
Feeling impatient, I radio him again. “Mako, what’s going on?”
The response is immediate.
“They're here. And so is the lavabender.”
“Tell Ghazan to let the airbenders go!” I shout at Zaheer, hoping the anger in my voice will make him to back down and listen to my demands.
It doesn’t. Instead, his features flash with irritation. “Not 'til you turn yourself over. This isn't a negotiation.”
Then, he pulls out his own radio. “Wipe them out!”
“No!” I immediately let out, panic now replacing my anger. Then, in defeat, I add “I’m coming.”
The combustion bender marches down the slope toward me and I head to meet her. As I do so, I hear Zaheer order Ghazan to stand down.
Good. So far, so good. This can still work.
When I finally reach close to the incoming woman, I notice her holding cuffs. I drop my staff and radio and she immediately uses them to cuff my wrists and angles.
Dammit. I didn’t think of this. Maybe, I can metalbend them?
“Don't bother trying to metalbend out of these.” She tells me, answering my unspoken question as if she read my mind. “They're platinum.”
Then, with a light shove on my back, I start walking to Zaheer and the ship.
Okay, good. Everything is going to plan. The airbenders will finally be free again…even if I might not be around to see it. I am ready.
We reach to near the airship and before we get a foot closer, I hear my radio turn on.
“Korra, it was a trick! They're not here. Don't turn yourself over!”
Engraged, I glare daggers right into Zaheer’s emerald eyes. “We had a deal!”
Then, before he or his ally can restrain me, I jump upwards and use my feet to separate the two criminals with my airbender whilst creating distance from me!
The battle has begun.
I am holding onto one of the many metalbenders as we hang from the mountain with the cables. We have been in this position for a while now. Something doesn’t feel right.
My concerns are confirmed when, beside the guard and I, Chief Beifong’s radio switches on and I hear Mako’s voice.
“Chief, get Korra out of there. Now!”
“Go, go!” Lin immediately barks out and in a flash we are all thrust forward along the metal cables from point to point of the mountain side until we finally reach to the top.
Me, Lin, Suyin, and the guards of Zaofu land on the mountain and we immediately start our pursuit towards Korra.
As we rush forward step by step, using all the energy within us to speed up our charge, I see the combustion bender leaping up into the cloudy sky and land with a loud crash right in front of us.
Before I can warn the others, she leans slightly back to charge up her attack and unleash a powerful explosion of orange and red. I barely manage to jump out of the way, knocked slightly forward by the explosion, and land on my feet. When I recovered, I see the Chief and Suyin launching rock disks, boulders as fierce projectiles towards our enemy. She effortlessly dodges each and every one and purposefully angles her explosions to force the two Beifongs to take cover beneath a large rock.
Even the guards, despite outnumbering her, are no match for her and they are soon blasted off the mountain afterwards!
I need to get closer to her!
But, every time I try to the slightest step, she fires an explosion in my direction, forcing me to dodge its fiery grip. Dammit!
It stays like that for a few minutes, an intense standstill as she launches explosion after explosion after explosion to keep me out of the way. She does the same to the rock the sisters are hiding behind, not allowing them to exploit her focus on me.
Dammit, dammit, dammit!
The more I stand here and waste our time, the more time Zaheer has to take Korra away! This has to end now!
I know the risks the Chief told me about repeating the same tactic but this is my only chance. I have to get close and chi-block her!
I need to do this! For Korra! For the Air Nation!
Forgetting all my fears and worries, I rush forward.
The combustion bender, who was currently focused on the Beifongs, is startled by sudden boost of aggression and starts aiming and firing. But I was just expecting that and, like our previous confrontation, barely manage to dodge and flip away from her explosions. The heat scorches my skin but I ignore it, and I continue my advance.
Come on, come on, come on.
Then, like last time, when I have gotten too close to her she firebends a red tsunami towards me and I sink to my knees so it would pass right over me. Despite the pain on my legs as I slide across the rock, I rise to my knees and-
-And knocked backwards as the combustion bender throws a fire kick right at me, the flames hitting right into my chest and knocking me back onto the ground!
I try to rise upwards but the pain from the attack and the injuries from my torture by the Earth Queen becomes too much. Everytime I try to rise, a searing pain erupts at my back like a dagger.
“There was no way I was going to fool for that again.” She barks out with a sadistic smile, clearly taking pleasure from winning the rematch.
I failed…
She leans back, charging up her attack…
I’m sorry, Korra…
She leans forward…
I’m so, so sorry…
And metal wraps around her entire head as soon as the explosion begins to form. A loud BOOM is heard from within the metal encase…
Her head…
Her head is gone…
Then, in a blink of an eye, what’s left of the combustion bender falls to the ground, smoking rising from the metal surrounding the area of what was left of the head. Completely devoid of life.
Eyes widen and heart pounding, I stare at the corpse.
I then glance to my right and I see the two Beifong sisters, the matriarch devoid of her metallic armour.
It was her…
Suyin…saved my life.
The scream of utter anguish from Zaheer snaps me out of my trance and I look to the source.
There, standing motionless at the top of the mountain, is the leader of the Red Lotus. From what I can see from the distance, sadness and regret paints across his features.
I then remember what he said to me back in the Spirit World…
“One of them...she...she was the love of my life.”
I then glance at the combustion bender. At P’li.
He…He loved her.
And now she’s dead.
Somehow, despite everything he has done, I feel…sorry for him.
Then the sound of firebending brings me back to reality.
I see Zaheer dodging from projectiles made of fire. Korra!
“Y/N, come on!” Suyin yells.
Rising to my feet, I run faster than I have ever run before and when I’m close enough Suyin grabs onto my arm and sends a metal cable up to the higher relief where the two fighters were along with her sister.
When we reach to the top, what we see shocks me.
Standing at the edge of the mountain is Zaheer, holding an unconscious Korra over her shoulders, staring down at us. But…
He has no way out.
There’s an airship, yes, but its far away from him.
We got him!
“It’s over, Zaheer!” Suyin shouts.
I was expecting at least an inch of fear to be written across his face. But instead…
He closes his eyes in calm serenity.
“Let go your earthly tender.”
“Release the Avatar!” Lin commands him.
Something’s wrong…
“Enter the void.”
Something is definitely wrong…
“Stop, Zaheer!” I shout to deaf ears.
“Empty and become wind.”
He opens his emerald eyes and glares right at me.
And then takes a step back…
“NO!” I yell and we all begin rushing forward!
No, no, no, no, no, no, please, please, no.
When we reach the end, what I see shakes me to the core.
Instead of seeing nothing at all, we see Zaheer…floating.
How…How is he doing this?!
In vain attempts, Suyin and Lin shoot out their metal cables right at him…
…only to simply fly away from them.
He is flying…
And then, he flies away….
With Korra in hand…
And, in just a minute, Zaheer becomes a tiny spec until he fades into the grey clouds.
We lost…
I failed.
First Ba Sing Se…
And now Korra.
And that's it!
I hope you all enjoyed it! :D
Feedback is appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter!
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