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rt2417 · 2 years ago
[Hymn of Serata on the Requiem Night] July 2023 Event
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Featured Characters: tba
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choicesfrog · 1 year ago
what do your ocs/mcs/lis smell like? (not in a weird creepy way asdfghjk but in a what's their fav scent/their house smell way yk)
Thanks for the ask! Don’t worry I got what you meant! This got way too long, but it was fun to think about 😄
Dez really likes the scent of mint (and also eats mints/chews mint gum peppermint not wintergreen). I imagine Indigo having a citrusy smell from body wash.
Since Sloane likes lavender I imagine Carolina started using lavender scented shampoo. Also, lots of lavender soaps and candles.
Milo I think would probably have some super strong smelling cologne that gets its smell all over everything. He thinks it smells good, as for anyone else? Not so much 😅
I imagine Eloise and Hana really liking floral smells. Lots of flowers in their house. Gardenias, roses, lilies the works. I would imagine they both use some kind of floral perfume, but with a softer smell.
Elaine loves the smell of the ocean and tries to visit the beach whenever possible. I imagine Liam enjoying the smell of baked bread and baking scents in general (if that makes sense), reminding him of baking with his mother.
Similar to Liam, Lennox and Kate enjoy the smell of baked goods. You’d think they’d be tired of it after working in a bakery all day, but they both have a major sweet tooth. I imagine they still bake at home.
Jade likes the smell of cinnamon and strong smells in general. Naomi enjoys fresh air, nature, and just the smell of the outdoors, bringing her back to her time living on her family’s ranch.
So for Valentine my mind keeps coming back to this really gross smelling candle we had where I used to work that was a Halloween themed scent. I can’t even describe what it smelled like other than strong and gross, but I feel like he’d be into that? Also, herbs and spices. I imagine he’d join Ava on her witchy endeavors.
Marella likes the smell of typical bubble gum, cotton candy, and really any candy related scent. For some reason I imagine Andy liking the smell of movie theater popcorn. Those two probably watch a bunch of ridiculous movies together, so buttery popcorn is a common smell.
Cassie actually likes the smell of garlic. She’s also one that likes smells that remind her of cooking and happier times with her parents. She remembers eating large, strong smelling meals with her family. Garlic reminds her of her favorite garlic and butter noodles. The smell of hay and the forest remind Imogen of her beloved horse. I still picture her to be a major horse girl. Maybe opening up a rescue for them after the story. She also wears fancy perfume, and she likes floral and vanilla scented ones.
Theo likes the smell of coffee and coffee grounds. They needs their coffee in the morning to wake up/stay awake after all nighters. Trystan likes the smell of books having read a lot when she was younger.
Ruelle is another who loves the smell of nature, the forest, the river rushing by. They’re all smells that she can carry with her to remind her of home, even if she’d rather keep on traveling than return. Nia likes the smell of roses and sweet pea. I imagine her gravitating more towards floral and springtime smells.
Charlotte likes the smell of chocolate, crisp air, and wood burning in the fireplace. She enjoys cozy nights in, in the winter. I think of Emma as a fall and pumpkin spice person for some reason, so fall smells.
I imagine both Lily and Olive are super chaotic, and their home probably doesn’t smell too great sometimes, when they’re in their apartment and not supervising the Shadow Den. Lily likes the smell of pizza and uses really outrageous toppings. Olive is pretty similar in liking food smells. Usually fast food/junk food, French fries, potato chips (sour cream and onion). Just because vampires don’t need food, doesn’t mean they don’t like smelling it.
I feel like I don’t “know” Erica and Amalia enough since I’m not too far into It Lives Within, but I’ll probably update this when I figure something out.
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iamanartichoke · 7 months ago
Posted this on twitter but it applies here, too. Also a plug to I guess follow me on twitter if you want - I'm not super active there insofar as posting goes, but I'm on there a lot (more than I ought to be, tbh).
Anyway I'm posting this partly to share but mostly bc I have things to say about it and I want to come back to it without it getting lost in my brainpan.
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vonkarma2 · 5 months ago
l/c working out because despite lennox being #1 avoidant pushing people away enjoyer, crow is so clingy and has so little dignity that it doesn’t even matter. he somehow roped this man into a dinner party with his estranged family they’re not even dating they’re not even friends with benefits they are coworkers with benefits but it happened anyway
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skulldeermate · 1 year ago
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I upgraded the designs a bit. Now here is the first set of the Delta Kids.
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dogstarblues · 2 years ago
let me in your temple
show me what you're into
it could be so simple
black and white girl
you come first like rent due
i see your potential
it could be so simple
black and white yeah
don't make it complicated
i'll be your peace you be my baby
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dxrkenedheights · 2 years ago
where: lennox trailer, 4th of july
with: fenix lennox and trix stone @blackheartatl
"Oh Good, you're home. Come on." Lola's head appeared through the trailer door as she laughed, catching just a sight of fluffy curls and knowing she was speaking to Fox before she was gone again in a flash. "Bring some beers, pass them up." She added with no context as enough was given by the way she climbed onto the deck and then tried to carefully scramble her way to the trailer roof. "The fireworks will be any minute, I heard Andy has a bunch too so it's gonna be great." she smiled as she saw him appear on the steps, waving her hands to gesture for the case of beers. "Quickly!"
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daringsunflowers · 2 years ago
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declan had been out front hanging some balloons from his girlfriend's mailbox when he had seen the man pull up. his stomach had turned, he knew just who it was. with a heavy sigh he rolled his eyeballs as lennox had stepped out. he loathed the man if that was even a strong enough word. he had felt that he could be a better father to miranda but he really hated him because the way he had seen amelia was when lennox was around. sure there was times she was upset and pissed at him, she would argue with the man but declan wasnt stupid. he could see how his girlfriend still cared about the man. lifting back up he looked over at him. "well look who decided to show up. i see amelia invited you, even though i told her it was a terrible idea... mostly because i didnt think you'd show." he crossed his arms a bit. "i don't know why you even showed, it isn't like miranda is even going to know your name in a year." it was harsh but he didn't care. "miranda isn't here yet. her grandmother is bringing her in half an hour." he told him. "amelia is in the kitchen getting ready i am sure she will be thrilled to see you made it." he rolled his eyes once again but this time in front of the man's face.
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lol-silva · 2 years ago
where: fox’s room with: @fox-lennox​
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                                            Lola had never been very good at confined love. She was possibly terrible at putting anything into boxes, and if there was someone who was impossible to put in a box in the first place, it was Fenix. After their short dating life, their friendship was by all means, what Lola considered perfect. “So, you said once, you could write a song about anything and I realized, I just believed you.” she chuckled, grabbing a notepad and a pen from her bag. She mostly used it to sketch the scenery, or write down her random thoughts that never made any sense. Finding a clear page, she clicked the pen and laughed again. “Obviously I believe you but I want to witness it with my own eyes. Or, ears.” she added, getting comfortable. “So here’s the test. I’m going to call out a word and you have to incorporate it into the same song. And the starting word is...” she thought long and hard, wondering what could make it difficult. “Oranges, because nothing rhymes with oranges.”
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merrymercart · 28 days ago
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throwing random OCs into a swan princess au after rewatching the movie
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rt2417 · 2 years ago
[Hymn of Serata on the Requiem Night] Chapter 1
Bradley: Even at a feast, yer still a damn miserable son of a bitch.
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Location: Forest
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Lennox: Kenja-sama's handkerchief, it's quite to hard to find, isn't it.
Akira: Yes. I thought I dropped it while I was walking around this area earlier, but…
I feel a little sorry for having you keep me company for so long.
Lennox: Please do not worry about it. After all, everyone loses things sometimes.
Together with Lennox, who encouraged me, we advance further into the gloomy forest.
As the chilly night wind passes us by, Lennox suddenly lifts his head.
Akira: What’s the matter, Lennox; did you perhaps find something?
Lennox: No, I thought I heard a sound. Like the sound of a bell…
Akira: It’s true! It’s coming from deep in the thicket over there, don’t you think?
Lennox: Someone may possibly be out here. Still, it’s already quite late…
Akira: You’re right… Why don’t we take a little look around?
Mixed in with our footsteps as we tread on the grass, the sound of the bell is long and thin, and continues to echo on as if trying to lure someone in.
After a bit of walking, a sweet aroma suddenly tickles my nose.
Akira: (Smells nice…)
As if enticed by the aroma, I look ahead past Lennox’s broad back.
In a clearing with few trees, a bonfire's flames flicker. Standing quietly in front of it, is a figure cloaked in black.
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Faust: ……
Lennox: Faust-sama?
Faust: Kenja and Lennox�� As expected, there was a hint of your presence.
In a place like this, what is it that you want?
Akira: No…
Faust speaks quietly, as he always does, but I suddenly find myself at a loss for words.
The flickering flames contrast against the moonlight; his beautiful profile looks pale and somewhat otherworldly amidst it all.
Lennox: …Faust-sama. In addition to you, was there anyone else here?
There’s empty liquor bottles, almost as if someone was having a banquet.
Akira: Ah, it’s true. The bonfire is surrounded by plenty of alcohol and fruit. There’s also corolla flowers lined up…
Faust: No… I’ve been alone the entire time.
The moon is clearly visible tonight. I thought I’d have a drink by myself while gazing up at it.
Akira: Eh…?
It feels a bit unexpected to hear those words come from Faust.
Even as Faust speaks with a light casual tone, a hint of self-deprecation flickers on his face, as he slowly looks upward.
Up in the night sky, the enormous Great Calamity looms above, threatening to engulf us.
Faust: Looking up at the moon… makes me feel uncomfortable, like I have an ache in the depths of my heart.
That’s why, with this as a side dish, I thought I’d direct a complaint or two toward the Calamity.
That’s it, there’s no more to it.
Lennox: ……
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Bradley: Hmph. If that’s what yer havin’ as a side dish, it’ll only make the booze taste like shit.
Even at a feast, yer still a damn miserable son of a bitch.
Akira: ……!
I turn around at the sound of the familiar voice coming from behind us. Faust also gazes deep into the forest, where it originates from.
Lennox: Bradley… Could it be, you were blown away by a sneeze again?
Bradley: Well, that’s about the gist of it. ’M not very happy ’bout it.
Bradley says this nonchalantly, as he steps out of the woods with ease.
Bradley: Y’all got a depressing look on yer faces. I can get why you feel such resentment, though.
I was hurt too, but the eastern curse worker was almost killed by that damn moon.
Faust: That’s right. However, ultimately I didn’t end up dying.
Faust mumbles as he casts his eyes downward, then he abruptly fumbles with his sleeve to retrieve something.
Faust: Come to think of it, I picked this up earlier. Is it yours?
Akira: Oh, my handkerchief…! Thank you so much, I was searching for this.
Lennox: I’m glad you were able to successfully find it.
Akira: Yes! Lennox you too, thanks so much for keeping me company while searching for it.
Faust: In that case, if you’ve finished with your business you shouldn’t linger for long. Please head back to the Wizard Manor as soon as possible…
Bradley: Huh, there’s some good booze ‘ere.
Interrupting Faust, Bradley steps forward before the bonfire. He quickly crouches down to judge the bottles of alcohol lined up.
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Faust: Oi, don’t go rummaging. There’s no liquor here for thieves.
Bradley: It’s good, ain’t it? If ya went to the extent to pull all this out, it’ll be hard to bring it back. I’ll lend a helpin’ hand.
Akira: Ah… Well, I’ll help you tidy up too. I think we’re all about finished for the day.
While saying this, I reach for the items scattered around me. Then, Faust’s sharp voice rings out.
Faust: Stop, don’t touch that!
Akira: Ah, I’m sorry…!
In response to the unexpected menacing look, my shoulders jumped. Faust looks taken aback, his words muddled.
Faust: Apologies… I didn’t mean to frighten you. It’s just that you shouldn’t carelessly touch a wizard’s tools like that.
Particularly when it comes to things that a curse worker like me handles.
Lennox: …Here, let me help.
The night wind is getting colder, so please head back first, Kenja-sama and Bradley. We’ll return soon.
As he speaks, a strong cold wind blows between the two of us. Bradley scratches the tip of his nose and grumbles.
Bradley: Shit, that was close. Hell, I don’t wanna be sent flyin’ again.
C’mon, Kenja. The bar at the Wizard Manor is a way better place to drink booze in than this shithole. Come ‘n get a drink with me.
Akira: O-Of course. Well then, I’ll take your word for it… Faust, Lennox. Good night, I’ll see you tomorrow.
Faust: Ah. Good night.
Lennox: Have a good night.
As we exchange salutations, Bradley, with one hand in his pocket, magically pulls out his broom.
He yanks me on by the scruff of my neck, and once I settle behind him with my legs crossed, we’re immediately lifted off the ground.
As the wind blows, I can faintly hear the sound of the bell from somewhere beneath us.
Location: Manor
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And so, a few days later we’re presented with an unexpected request.
Arthur: Pure white hands creeping through the sky?
Cock Robin: Yes… It seems to be an anomaly happening in a village on the outskirts of the Central Country.
Once night falls, I was told that multiple hands emerge and creep all throughout the area.
Riquet: Are you saying that there’s no face or body, that it’s just hands?
Akira: That’s rather unsettling. It’s almost like a different sort of scary than ghosts and the like.
Rustica: When it comes to only having hands, we need to think over how to communicate with them. Rather than idle chit chat, perhaps we should use music.
Rutile: Hm, that sounds lovely! Even if you only have fingers, you can still play the piano and pluck strings.
Cain: It would surely help if they like music, wouldn’t it. Actually, what’s the situation like in the village itself?
The people gathered around to listen to the request are Rutile, Rustica, Cock Robin-san, and myself. The Central Wizards are also among us.
Cock Robin-san was originally looking for the Central Wizards and me, however, seeing Rutile and Rustica in the dining hall, he also asked them to help.
Cock Robin: It seems that the residents are so frightened by the strange sight that they’ve withdrawn into their homes.
Furthermore, some residents have even left the village after rumors spread that it was a curse of sorts…
Oz: So, the hands are just wandering about then. What’s the actual harm?
Cock Robin: Um, well… According to reports sometimes they just merely float about, but other times they draw near private homes and livestock pens.
I heard that some villagers and livestock were grabbed by the shoulders and were nearly dragged straight into darkness, and such…
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Cain: That’s a rather vague report.
Cock Robin: Sorry, the contents of the report were a bit ambiguous in certain places…
Arthur: Judging from his penmanship, he may have been in a state of distraught. He must’ve been frightened, but still somehow managed to send us a letter.
Rutile: In addition, it seems that the time when the anomalies began to occur was… It says that it was after the Great Calamity came.
Riquet: I see. In that case, it’s our turn.
Cain: Yeah, we should go check it out in person. It’s most likely an after effect of the Calamity. Is that alright with you, Kenja-sama?
Akira: Yes, of course. Please, allow me to accompany you all in this investigation.
Arthur: If that’s the case, we should promptly discuss a date as soon as possible.
Since this is a Central Country affair, the participants will be Cain, Riquet… and myself. I’ll keep my identity concealed though.
Rustica: Then let me also accompany you. The wandering hands may possibly be looking for a potential dance partner.
Even for me, it’s not every day that I get the chance to have someone other than myself take my hand.
Rutile: I’m coming too! Since we just had the pleasure of talking together, I would be happy to help in any way I can.
Arthur: Thank you. It'll be reassuring having the both of you. Oz-sama, what about you?
Akira: (Ah, right… Arthur is worried about Oz’s wounds from the Calamity, since the anomaly occurs at night.)
Oz gives a slight nod toward Arthur’s concerned look. Then slowly, he looks me in the eyes.
Oz: …There are others who are more qualified for this than I am.
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Oz: When it comes to curses, there’s someone whose specialty lies in them.
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choicesfrog · 2 years ago
Random, but I picture Lennox as having red hair (I didn’t really like the red hair option they had, so I stuck with him having longer hair). I think the red hair from Red Carper Diaries/Save the Date but longer is more what I picture his hair looking like. Also, he has glasses. I’ll learn to edit sprites someday to at least give my MCs glasses that have them
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graunblida · 4 months ago
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@ghostlyjest sent: "There must be a rational answer for all of this." (veronica in her t100 verse?)
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Knife rotates around and around in calloused hands. She grows tired of hearing excuses ( what the pleas sound like to her, anyway ) but is somehow inclined to let the woman continue. " I do hope so - for your sake, " The commander adds, sgian dubh pointed for emphasis. Her tone is even and seems not to contain any anger or MALICE. However, those that know Leksa well, understand the warrior has mastered reigning in her emotions while facing adversity. These invaders sky people seem to have trouble following them at every turn. Leksa is only mere steps away from breaking the alliance between their factions. Of course that would come with its own set of risks, but the good of the coalition comes before all else. " I would hate to have to change the terms of our...agreement. "
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honeyedblossom · 2 years ago
closed starter for @ofcelestiials ( lennox? )
"My family never ceases to amaze me, do they not realize both their children are full-grown adults? I'm truly debating finding a way to cut them off entirely, but who's to say how they'll react to that?"
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dogstarblues · 2 years ago
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elliespectacular · 6 months ago
happy deathday to cloncord or whatever
[Video ID: Spoofs of the logo for Firewalk Studios' Concord appear over starry backdrops as pitch-distorted versions of the theme stinger play underneath. The emblem is distorted in assorted ways which are mostly random but sometimes related to the text. The starry backdrop changes color but is most often red or purple. In order: Corcnord, Condord (accompanied above by a cropped post from @hollowtones which reads "Im for the new game Im" - the emblem is filled with a content-aware-scaled image of Lennox's face), Cooldood, Doodoocon, Noc Noc (the emblem is filled with a wood texture), Connor 'N' Don, Corn'd (the emblem is colored to resemble a corn cob in a husk), Dr Coocoo, Dronc (the emblem's shapes are uneven), Rod 'N' Cone (the emblem resembles an eyeball), Corner Donor (the emblem consists only of triangles), Coco From Flight of the Conchords (the emblem is a parallelogram filled with an image of Sutton Foster in her role as the aforementioned character), Nod Now, a tiny clip of The Captain saying "No.", Coward (the emblem resembles an angry face), Noice Crocs, Discord (the emblem resembles the Discord logo), Noo-Noo-Core (the emblem resembles Noo-Noo the vacuum cleaner from Teletubbies), LOL U Dorc, Nood C*c (the emblem is a fleshy color and is pixelated along with a letter in the text. The video is superimposed with a close-up of Teo making a smug expression which quickly gets more content-aware-scale distorted), a tiny clip of The Captain saying "No.", then the final logo spoof simply reads No. /End ID]
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