#c: kvatch
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y6zs · 2 months ago
my silly guy as sheogorath :) i call him shylv in this form xd sheogorath+ylves
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alteredphoenix · 1 year ago
The moment you take Mirmulnir's soul and you hear the Greybeards shout your title all the way up from High Hrothgar, this should be the moment where everyone in Skyrim should be on high alert. Not just the Thalmor, not just the Empire, not just the Stormcloaks, not just the Blades - EVERYONE. So right from the start that should already put more pressure on you (as the Dragonborn) for when you do the Diplomatic Immunity questline, and even more so depending on which side you choose for Season Unending, leading up to either the Reunification or Liberation of Skyrim.
Because you are the Dragonborn. You are a legend made incarnate the likes of which have not been seen since Tiber Septim. You are, for all intents and purposes, a god in mortal form born with the blood and soul of a dragon by Akatosh himself. You are basically a walking weapon of mass destruction who can not only devour dragon souls and sever their immortality but can also summon the dead. You are literally a dragon's worst nightmare come to life. That kind of power should not only shake Tamriel to its core but also put fear into the hearts of every faction that tries to get involved with you even as they vie to have you on your side to either make Skyrim an independent nation or tie it even further to the Empire. Even the Thalmor, who should be doing everything they can to get all the dragonlore they can get their hands on and twist it for their own gains so they can fan the flames of the Civil War even further.
Sure for most of the game you're not a powerhouse (again, barring the entirety of the side content that isn't the main quest), but by the end of the game you are squaring up with the arbiter of the apocalypse, not only the eater of worlds but the eater of kalpas, in the Nordic equivalent of heaven. And yet, somehow, your status as the Dragonborn in the game itself doesn't bring about any major shifts in Skyrim or beyond it other than being formally recognized by the Greybeards, an acknowledgement that some people aren't keen on having the Dragonborn return, the Blades serving you up until Paarthurnax's connection to the Greybeards, and being the person who deals the blow to Alduin that (presumably) sends him back to merge with Akatosh. Even in a playthrough where you join the Dark Brotherhood and assassinate Emperor Titus Mede II, a quest that should have lore-based consequences, feels hollow because outside of the main content your status as the Dragonborn is not taken seriously if not outright ignored altogether. You may as well be another person who just happens to get involved in current events and going along for the ride just for the hell of it because, other than the listed mentions above, the choices you make and the status that should have an effect on Skyrim are ultimately inconsequential.
Writing up a little chapter bullet point for a Skyrim crossover fic and it's very abundantly clear the story doesn't give you any time to breathe if you just do the main questline and only the main questline. You are thrown straight into dealing with the Blades (and turning on them if you refuse to slay Paarthurnax), trapping the dragons that get brought back to life, and stopping Alduin. The DLCs may as well have no bearing on it.
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terramythos · 4 months ago
Oblivion Cities Tier List btw:
S - Anvil, Leyawiin
A - The Imperial City, Cheydinhal
B - Skingrad, New Sheoth
C - Chorrol, Bruma
D - Bravil
Rip bozo - Kvatch
Ok I love you byeeeee
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aladaylessecondblog · 6 months ago
Return II
Author's Note: Sadara goes to Kvatch AU.
If there was one thing Sadara missed, it was colors.
She'd spent so long in the Red Mountain region, and then in that little room at the Argonian Embassy that she'd almost forgotten there could be more to the world than red, brown, black, and gray.
The green, rolling hills, the ivy over walls. The blue sky stretching out overhead, the ocean or lakes beneath. The West Weald as she passed it, the beauty of the Gold Coast.
It was not what she felt with Voryn, this sensation of being where she was supposed to be, but there was still a sense of rightness, that soon twisted painfully. If only, she thought, if only she could have him here. But he would never leave Morrowind - he thought little of anything beyond the confines of that province, barely left the Heart Chamber, much less Red Mountain itself!
She had been safe there, perhaps, but towards the end she had felt rather like a princess from a fairytale locked in a tower, tucked away and secluded from nearly everything that made life worth living.
What kind of life would that have been for her and little Sunnar? Queens of the dead. Ladies of a House both feared and reviled, served by monsters and ghouls.
Could you not have thought of this before you let him put the babe in you?
The trip to Kvatch took another day to finish, and by then Sadara was more than ready to walk again. The carriage had been mostly empty, but still, carrying as much in the way of gold and valuables as she did it made her nervous. It was a small fortune to her.
"We will make our own way," she said again, under her breath.
Sunnar mewled to be fed in response.
The owner and publican of the Dragon's Roost inn was an elderly Bosmer woman named Galawen that despite being four feet high on days she didn't have to stoop and who weighed less than a hundred pounds was a veritable force of nature.
Sadara had taken a temporary job there cleaning up, easy enough to do with a babe in a sling around her neck, and was witness to a lot of the woman's antics.
She did not keep Pact, although no one seemed to say anything to her about it. She turfed out drunks with the strength of someone half her age and twice her size...and Sadara envied her greatly for the strength of her personality.
"You're a force to be reckoned with," she said to Galawen, "I've never seen so many men tell me to be careful around someone that wasn't some sort of obvious threat. You seem nice, but...I have never had the best judgment."
"Bah, the drum making would leave too much evidence...oh! Who is THIS?"
The woman's expression changed on sight of Sunnar, who was currently engaged in gumming her mother's fingers.
"My daughter," Sadara said with a smile, "She's quieter than most babes I've seen. I hope she hasn't been an annoyance."
"Of course not!" Galawen gave her own smile, "Are you stopping here on the way to Anvil?"
"No, I...we're hoping to make Kvatch our home," she said, "I had hopes of opening an alchemy shop, but that seems to be a family enterprise, though the Temple is happy to get the occasional healing potion off me."
"You have the money to open a shop? Why are you working here, then?"
"I was poor once...and it brings in money." Sadara shrugged. "I want to have something coming in, in case the worst should happen and I should happen to lose what I've got."
It was a habit she would never kick, she was sure.
Over the next few months she and Galawen had this conversation many more times, and eventually, the little Bosmer had a proposition.
"Why don't you buy this inn from me?"
"Why should you want to sell it?" Sadara asked. "I'm not sure I'd have quite the sum necessary for it in any case. A small shop maybe, but an entire inn?"
"I'm not getting any younger, and I never had children," Galawen said, "I've got no one to pass it to, and I don't want the city to turn it into a barracks."
Eventually they worked it out that Sadara would get the inn for a reduced price, and be officially listed as the new owner. Galawen would slowly hand duties over to her as she was less able to do them, and be provided for in her dotage.
Sadara did not relax, but it eased her mind a little to know the matter of income was settled.
Fortunate, because she had felt unable to sing with the enthusiasm she'd always had before. She still practiced to not lose her skill, but instead of music flowing from her fingertips and out through the lute, she could find no happiness in the exercise.
The small shrine she had built to her ancestors in the corner of the room she shared with Sunnar had yielded nothing. She felt the definite presence of someone, but with the same sensation of speaking to a crowd with their backs turned.
They saw her, but they refused to acknowledge her.
She supposed she could understand, but continued to make offerings anyway.
Forgive me, she prayed there as she did in the chapel of Akatosh, Please forgive me for what I could not do.
There was never any answer, no voice to give a comforting word in this pain that no one seemed to share.
Or so she thought.
Sunnar sat before the shrine late one evening months later, giggling and waving her hands at something unseen. A few steps closer, and Sadara heard it: a male voice, strong, firm, singing a song of some kind.
"Nu kan, nu kan, nu kan metanane anya..."
The words were Ald Chimeris, and Sadara had a vague feeling she'd heard them before.
"We dare, we dare, we dare to choose life," the male voice went on. It stopped and she saw--just the faintest shimmer, the slightest outline.
"Are you one of my ancestors?" she finally found the courage to ask.
"In a sense." The figure became clearer, and smiled at her. Suddenly it was clear. She had seen his face before...laid out in metal.
She was on the point of dropping to her knees when he spoke to stop her.
"Why should you kneel?"
"To beg your forgiveness, as I have to do with the others," Sadara said, "For failing to--to--"
She gulped, to stop the tears from rising.
"You did not want to murder one whom you came to love. I would not have been able to do it either, for all the jabbering the Temple likes to do." He gave another smile when she picked up Sunnar, and made a face at the babe. He was rewarded with more giggling. "You'll have to forgive me...I never had children, though I desperately wanted them."
"It's--I don't mind." Sadara gave a weak smile. "What would you do, now, in my place?"
"If things were different, I would pray to Azura for guidance," he replied, "But she refuses me now, as I am sure she does you."
"I have heard nothing since 'you have earned what you will get, failed incarnate!'" Sadara lowered her head. "She would scold me now and then while I was...in Red Mountain, before I left, but..."
"She boils in inaction, and bursts with rage. It is her way, much as she does not like people to know of it."
"But what shall I do?"
"Live," Nerevar said faintly, "And whatever comes, know that I will be with you."
Sadara reveled in Nerevar's spectral embrace, the first touch of its kind she had felt in over a year.
Whatever would come, at least she was not alone.
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yewphoric · 4 months ago
OH yeah also tell me about Mazzy's relationship with Marty c:
:3 I shall gladly try! Their relationship is not the most developed at the moment unfortunately, but I do have some things to say about them!
So, of course they met when Mazourkh fought her way into Kvatch to rescue Martin. It's sappy and cliche, but it felt like time stopped around them when they first spoke. Martin was awestruck by the sight of a tall, bloodied, and beautiful orsimer woman leaning over him (and can you blame him, really?). Mazourkh was less dumbstruck, as she was on a Mission(tm), and unfortunately Martin's speechlessness went away as the reality of the situation crashed back down onto him.
I think Martin developed feelings first, and they were more like infatuation almost right from the start. Considering his past, not surprising. He knew to ignore it and focus on more important things, as per his priestly training. Mazourkh took longer to come around, as she is demi, but she fell hard once she realized. And once Martin noticed she liked him, he allowed his own feelings to come back <3
Mazourkh likes to yap and writes all her adventures down to tell Martin because he can't leave the Temple. Martin loves it, not only because he gets to hear about the state of Cyrodiil, but also because he likes to hear her talk. She also brings books for him to read. Martin in turn will talk to her about his knowledge of religion-- not just about Akatosh, but his understanding of the Imperial Pantheon as well as what he knows about other cultures' religions. Daedra, Aedra, and worship-- he's studied it. A lot of it goes over Mazourkh's head, but she likes to hear about it anyway.
The two of them had led very different lives until their paths converged, and Martin was always curious to hear about her upbringing and family. One thing they do bond over is not knowing their fathers, but knowing that they were rich and important, and also rejected them. Neither of them are really that torn up about never meeting their biodads, but it is something they have in common. They both get to be mad at their biodads! Together!
I also think they will get married in secret by orsimer tradition :3c
But yeah that's all I've got for now.... holds them gently..... my bi4bi babies.........
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moriche · 4 months ago
Hello!! For the firsts ask: 2, 4, C, R, 🐣 and 🖌️!
Aaah thank you for your question! I shall delve right in! 2 - First time meeting their best friend
Logically, Veryn probably had a best friend in the orphanage he grew up in - but I'm going to pick one where he's older. He went to the Arcane University at 17, on a scholarship. This meant money was scarce for him, and he often picked up small odd jobs to supplement his income. One of those jobs was at the University library, stocking books and copying lists. That's how he met Henantier, an older student who, like Veryn, loved to delve deep into the possibilities of magic. They became best friends, and in the end, briefly lovers. 4 - First time experiencing grief While celebrating the Old Life Festival as a child. Veryn never knew his parents, being left outside the orphanage of Saint Alessia at a few months old. During the Old Life Festival, it's a tradition to write letters and notes to the dead and to reflect on the past, and this tradition was something he grew up with. It's also something that left a deep impression on him - he wrote messages for his parents he presumed might be dead, but might just as easily be alive. C. First physical contact (handshake? hug? something else?)
I'm shipping Veryn together with Sharn Gra-Muzgob, your Friendly Neighbourhood Necromancer from Morrowind. His first physical contact with her is probably a handshake when they first meet each other - though I haven't actually written that bit in my fic :p R. First time cooking for the other
Ohhh, the first time he cooks for Sharn! I admittedly don't have a specific moment in mind - I'm thinking he cooks for her the first time when he's waiting for her to come home and her work at the Mages Guild runs overtime. What I do have is a little scene of him actually cooking for her in a situation just like this!
Veryn left before dinner, his freshly restocked potions carefully wrapped inside his bag, roaming around the market until he decided on a large kwama egg and some greens. He headed for Sharn’s apartment, letting himself in with a key of his own. The door creaked open, and he chuckled to himself. No more breaking in. He left the food simmering on a low fire, stirring it every so often while he waited for her to return. She was home late, arriving with her jaw clenched and fire in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked while embracing her, breathing in the subtle scent of her magic, standing on his toes to nuzzle her forehead.
🐣 - First piece you ever wrote (share a snippet or description)
I still got that! So the very first stories I wrote in Dutch are from 2003 - but I also have my first snippets of fic I wrote in English from 2007 - and how fitting that they are for Oblivion! I'm proud to say my grasp of English has made leaps and bounds since then (it's a foreign language for me).
She screamed when she saw the scamps coming again. And again. Would this never end? One moment she was at the fields of Kvatch, another moment she just stepped into the Gate. And now she was in that tower. Again. The soldier ran to the scamps to fight them, but she just stood there. She must have panicked, she realised later. When a scamp came running at her she shot a fireball at him. Two fireballs and a few slashes with her sword did the trick. She had readied herself to cast another spell at the second scamp. She released the fireball, but suddenly the air had felt thicker. The scamp didn’t flew through the air as the other did. The soldier had taken its place. She remembered everything becoming black, but in dreams, reality is different. Someone shook her shoulder and when she looked behind her she saw the dremora. Its terrible, distorted, humanlike face stared at her. Again. She started to scream. “Calm down!” A spell was cast at her. The dremora changed into a hooded man, bended over her. “One of the few who have a nightmare, it seems.” She withdrew from the man. “Who are you?” The man smiled benign. “I am a Speaker of the Dark Brotherhood. The Night Mother called you to become one of us.”
🖌️ - First character you created, or first character you wrote for I've been creating characters as long as I can remember. As a child, I had some kind of fantasy world with elves who lived in treehouses, and I used to draw them a lot. Princes and princesses and knights and adventurers, modelled for example on Ronja the Robber's Daughter by Astrid Lindgren and later on books like Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. The first fanfic I wrote was in Dutch, in 2003 for Harry Potter - and it was Marauders Fic. I was hip almost two decades in advance 😂 There were a few Oblivion characters too, some concepts for Fable, but I've forgotten a lot of that, and they weren't very rounded or deep. First serious, in-depth character I created was Aleksej, a vampire who got into trouble with the Russian mafia who fled to Amsterdam. There he got into trouble with a Dutch criminal mastermind, and ended up working for her after saving her from a drive-by shootout. I was 15 or 16 at the time, and my best friend and me were playing a roleplay campaign based on Vampire the Masquerade, with a dash of GTA Vice City and San Andreas on top.
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 2 years ago
So, based on the post @nientedenada made on Altmer names, I've devised the names for my Hero of Kvatch's family, all the way down the line to my Last Dragonborn, Leara.
Avarenya, my HoK; Oromis, my Sheogorath; and their two brothers, Amroth and Rumil, belong to a noble house in the city of Cloudrest. Their father and his brother:
Elmoriar, their father, is the younger of two sons of the Lord of House Stardust. His uncle, Elglorion, maintained a manor house in the city of Skingrad, which he left to Elmoriar in the event of his death. Elmoriar gifted the house to Oromis in 3E 401. Resents his elder brother as he does not believe Celengon takes being heir seriously.
Celengon, Elmoriar's older brother, is the heir to House Stardust, but he is a staunch bachelor. Oromis was originally groomed to be Celengon's heir before Oromis left to join the Arcane University. Celengon becomes Lord Varlarata in 3E 434 and is later succeeded by his nephew, Amroth, in 4E 98.
Their paternal grandparents, Lord and Lady Varlarata:
Elcaranon was the Lord of House Stardust from c. 3E 100 to 3E 434, at which point he was succeeded by his older son, Celengon. Elglorion was his younger brother. He was a strict and practical person both at home and in court.
Lothmiriel was Lady Stardust from c. 3E 100 to until her death in 3E 407. She was not fond of her daughter-in-law, Morwen, but doted on her grandchildren, particularly Avarenya, who was the only girl.
Their mother's side of the family:
Morwen, their mother, is an only child. She is very ambitious and seeks to elevate her station through her children. After the death of Lady Varlarata, she acts as hostess for her father-in-law.
Arkano, Morwen's father was a commander in the Welkynars in Cloudrest. He came from a long line of Welkynars, but is the first to achieve commander since the early Second Era. His grandson, Rumil, serves under him during the first part of his career.
Filiglan, Morwen's mother, was a sister to a respected vintner. Hér pedigree was clean, if lower than typically acceptable. She encouraged Oromis to follow his dream of joining the Arcane University.
The above are the two lines joined in Oromis, Amroth, Avarenya, and Rumil. Therefore, their name is:
'len Morwen Arkano Filiglan 'ata Elmoriar Elcaranon Lothmiriel cal' Varlarata
Avarenya ran away from Summerset in 3E 426. She was subsequently disowned. She then spent the next seven years bumming out in her brother Oromis's house during which time she tried to compete in the Arena and then joined the Fighters Guild. Then everything changed when the Mythic Dawn attacked.
In 3E 433, Avarenya became the Hero of Kvatch. At some point later in the Oblivion Crisis, she and Martin Septim slept together. They were IN LOVE! Not long after that, Martin destroyed the Amulet of Kings, mantled Akatosh, and defeated Mehrunes Dagon. He then turned into stone, leaving Avarenya knocked up and alone.
Subsequently, Avarenya hid out in Oromis's house. She didn't tell anyone she was having Martin's baby — few people knew she was even pregnant. Avsrenya and Martin's son, Magnus, was born in Evening Star, 3E 434/4E 1.
Oromis, a member of the Arcane University's Council of Mages, has gone to investigate a mysterious door in Niben Bay. About the time his sister kills Mankar Camoran, Oromis mantles Sheogorath.
Amroth, after Oromis has renounced his rights to the house lordship, is Celengon's heir. With his grandfather Elcaranon's death, Amroth is heir presumptive to the Varlarata title. In the decades leading up to the Oblivion Crisis, Amroth fell in with a fringe group, which would later become the ruling body of Summerset.
Rumil is an active Welkynar. He got serious flytime during the Oblivion Crisis. Rumil is the only one having a good time right now.
Avarenya raises her and Martin's son, Magnus, in Skingrad. Despite being disowned by her parents, it is very important to Avarenya to give Magnus an Altmer name. Unfortunately, she never knew Martin's mother's name (neither did Martin), so she inserted a generic "Unknown Mother" type deal into Magnus's name.
Magnus 'len Avarenya Elmoriar Morwen 'ata Martin Uriel Lenvvahta cal' Septim | Racuvarla
While Magnus is technically a Septim, Avarenya gives him a different last name, one which she adopted for herself after being disowned. She belonged to House Stardust, but now her rights to the Varlarata name have been revoked. In response, Avarenya becomes a Fallen Star:
Varlarata = Stardust; Racuvarla = Fallen Star
Oromis, now Sheogorath, bestows a pair of magic rings to his sister which alter outward appearance. Daedric in origin, the rings are made of madness ore and fire, and confuse any Aetheric based magic that may try to undo the enchantment. While the ring does nothing to Avarenya, it changes Magnus's appearance to make him appear fully Altmer rather than Half-elven.
Avarenya is killed in c. 4E 11. Magnus is afterward a ward of Janus Hassildor. At 23, Magnus leaves Skingrad for High Rock, as the political situations in Summerset and Cyrodiil are increasingly tumultuous. He eventually settles in Wayrest.
Magnus appears Altmer, save for his blue eyes, which he got from his father. To cover these, he wears one of the rings Sheo!Oromis gave Avarenya. He meets Linley, a Priestess of Mara, in 4E 80. It is a long time before he tells her his full name. They marry in 4E 85. When they have the twins in 4E 87, they make the conscious decision to change his (famous) parents' names when naming Marelen and Avrose.
'len Linley Ardil Alpenwe 'ata Magnus Atavahta Avarin cal' Racuvarla
In omitting Martin's name and altering Avarenya's, the twins' connection is much less obvious to anyone taking a cursory glance.
Marelen, the older twin, is magically gifted and enjoys trolling the Thalmor agents that nose around High Rock. She marries a Breton blacksmith named Thoronis Ormand (his father Antoine named Thoronis after the Direnni he worked for) in 4E 133. Their daughter, Maragathe, is born in 4E 137. She is killed in 4E 148 by order of Lord Varlarata, aka Amroth, who is unaware he's taken out a hit on his niece.
Avrose, the younger twin, is less headstrong and actionary than her sister. She marries an Altmer teacher in Wayrest, Vorondon, in 4E 119, and they have a son, Erbane, born in 4E 132. She takes in her niece after the deaths of her sister and brother-in-law in 4E 146 and 4E 148.
Magnus dies in 4E 142 while his grandchildren are still young.
Marelen does not give Maragathe an Altmer name. She and Thoronis are more inclined toward Breton culture. Marelen names her daughter Maragathe Elanor Ormand, leaving only a nod to her High Elven heritage in the form of Maragathe's middle name. In contrast, Avrose does give Erbane an Altmer name.
Erbane 'len Avrose Magnus Linley 'ata Vorondon Hendunar Anorien cal' Bostor
in 4E 148, Maragathe goes to live with her aunt and uncle. Avrose's husband, Vorondon, discovering Maragathe to be a prodigy, trains her in magic. Maragathe's lone handicap is her low magicka regeneration rate, due to her being born under the Atronach. Avrose gifts her with a moonstone diamond ring that boosts her regeneration rate (regenerate magicka 100%}.
In 4E 155, a training accident results in the death of Vorondon. While the accident isn't Maragathe's fault, she subsequently runs away from home. Avrose is devastated by her husband's death and her niece's running away. Linley moves in with her daughter and grandson at this time.
In 4E 156. Maragathe joins the Blades under her middle name, Elanor. When she is sent to Alinor to infiltrate the Aldmeri Dominion in 4E 166, she does so using her mother's ring. Maragathe Elanor appears very Breton, save for her height of 5'11" (180 cm), white gold complexion, and the sharper taper to her ears. With the use of her mother's ring, Elanor appears entirely Altmer. Under the cover name Vilya, she devises an Altmer name based on her uncle, who was respected in Wayrest, and though he was not committed to the Dominion, he wasn't vocally defiant of it either.
Vilya 'len Lomiel Atavahta Lenvahta 'ata Vorondon Hendunar Anorien cal' Bostor
"Lomiel" is a fictitious woman Maragathe Elanor Vilya invented to act as her mother. As her uncle is dead, no one can uncover the validity of her lineage, but it is enough for her to gain a position under Elenwen in Alinor.
This is the last use of the Altmer naming scheme in the Racuvarla line. Erbane marries a Breton woman and names his son in the Breton style. Maragathe Elanor Vilya Leara names her children in the Nordic fashion: Martin Ulfricsson and Kyneiren Ulfricsdóttir.
Although if you're shipping Rosewing, Leara's kids are simply Kendov and Kaandrem respectively.
The Varlarata line is continued through Amroth's children Calmirien and Thorondon:
'len Galadien Cuillas Celithil 'ata Amroth Elmoriar Morwen cal' Varlarata
Rumil has one child, a daughter:
Armirel 'len Lindis Caragon Rohiren 'ata Rumil Elmoriar Morwen cal' Varlarata
Armirel, Calmirien, and Thorondon are Erbane and Leara's first cousins twice removed. As of 4E 201, Thorondon is heir to House Stardust.
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bigmeandragonlady · 2 years ago
hahah so i did the height comparison chart for my more prominent ocs, in order of who was created first
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Avanne Dana: My Neverwinter Nights main character. Sorcerer/Red dragon disciple
Ashe: My very first TTRPG character! She was created in rolemaster for a very long campain, and i still have her binder. Spellblade to archmage, became a gold dragon.
Odette: Hero of Kvatch from tes: Oblivion. Mainly a mage, specializing in lightning magic and restoration magic. Bangs Martin at least once b/c it's her story
Selene: Skyrim dragonborn, direct decedent of Odette. Primarily a thief but good with destruction. Very angry about being in Skyrim and isn't shy about it.
Kinara: My warrior of light! White mage. Wind themed. Happy to let someone else take the spotlight
Hatja: A ff14 oc, part of the wol's light party. Based in Ul'dah, she is a black mage specializing in ice magic. Getting up close doesn't work, she will beat the shit out of you anyway
Lemon Lime: another ff14 oc. Lemon is a nickname, the only one who used her real name is her mother (who still lives in Limsa.) Warrior/Dark knight mix. Sailor, boisterous, very friendly.
Siren: Oldest and tallest of my ff14 light party. opposite of Lemon, does not want attention, is not talkative, and prefers to not be around people. Bard primarily with astro secondary
Katya: andromeda six mc. Still learning about the world and tries not to be scared of that. Uses knives, bad aim at range
Woods: my TVD oc, who does not have a first name still. Witch who has been transplanted from the 1860s via some magical bullshit. I want to say she's not important but I've written 175 pages about her so far
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imjustgoose · 16 hours ago
I want to have a Spiderverse but for all of our Dragonborn characters.
The lead Dragonborn is just the default Nord guy with the studded armour and iron helmet. Only he is called Dovahkiin.
They don't portal travel to restore canon it's basically Sovngarde but cooler. They all gather in a cooler building and cook for each other.
Literally nobody works or does anything they just hang out and do some crafting or alchemy or sparring. They might help the occasional civilian though.
Please y'all I want for my Dragonborns to be friends with everyone's Dragonborns and they can all have adventures and shout at each other :c
There are also buildings for different Heroes of Kvatch, Nerevarines, Heroes of Daggerfall and Eternal Champions. Occasionally they all convene and have a Tamrielic potluck. Can this apply to ESO characters? Idk how that game works because I tried it twice and wasn't a fan.
Which one of y'all has the character who brings a McDonalds plate that you see in those TikToks? The fries and nuggets always look so cold :(
I got like two Dragonborn characters, Aicanaro and S'sarabi (I haven't mentioned her on this blog yet, she's my Khajiit who married Kaidan).
Aicanaro would bring like an alchemic punch with frost salts and snowberries because he loves alchemy.
S'sarabi would bring cakes!! But I'm thinking they're like the cakes from the ATLA flashback with Aang and Gyatso.
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They look AMAZING!!!
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
a abandoned abandonedmine abecean acrobatics aerin agea agent alawen ales alessia aleswell all aloys also ambush amelion an ancestor and anga another anutwyll anvil applewatch apprehension arcane are aren argonian arkved arms arpenia arrius arrowshaft as ash at atatar athrelor atrene aurus ayisha ayleids azani azura baalim baasha bag bak bandit bandits barren barrenmine barthel basin batul bawn bawnwatch bay beast become bedrock been belda beldaburo belletor belletorsfolly belongs bincal black blackheart blackwood blankenmarch bleak bleaker bleakmine bloated bloodcrust bloodmayne bloodrun blueblood boarding bodean bogwater boot border boreal both bottom bowl boy bramblepoint bravil break breakneck brellach brena bridge brina brindle brittlerock broad broken brotch bruma bulwark but by c cabin cadlew callia camonna camp can candle canulus capital capstone captive caractacus carandial carbo carmala cave cavern caverns cedrian cell ceyatatar chalman chance chapel charcoal chests cheydinhal chorrol city clans clavicus claws cloud coast coldcorn collapsed collapsedmine collarbone collector colovian completed copse corbolo count cove cracked crayfish creatures crestbridge cropsford crosier cross crowhaven crumbling crumblingmine culotte cuptor cursed
cursedmine cyrodiil dagny dark darkfathom dasek dasekmoor dead decker deepscorn deepwallow derelict derelictmine deserted desertedmine desolate desolatemine dirich districts dive divided dog doomed doomedmine door doublecross drad dragon dragonclaw drakelowe drunken dunbarrow dzonot each east echo echomine edge elenglynn empire empty emptymine endre entius estate exhausted exhaustedmine exit facian fallen fanacas fanacasecul faregyl farm farragut fat fatback fathis feed felgageldt fellmoor fieldhouse fighters fighting fingerbowl fisherman fissure five flask flats flecia float flooded floodedmine flowing fo foaming folly forest forlorn former forsaken forsakenmine fort frostfire fyrelight garlas garnet gate gernand ghosts glademist glen gnoll goblin goblins gold goodwill gottlesfont gottshaw gra graveyard grayrock great greenmead grey greyland grief gro group grove guild gutted guttedmine gweden hackdirt hale hame hand harcane harlun harm has hastrel haunted hauntedmine have haynote head heartlands heist held here hero hidden highcross highlands hill hole hollow home homestead horn horror horunn hotel house howling hrota hrotanda ill imperial in infested infestedmine inhabit inhabited inhabiting inn inside into involved irony is isle isles istirus it j ja jenseric jerall jim job kemen kindred king kingscrest knights kvatch labor lair lake lane large larsius last le leafrot leed level leveled leyawiin liberation linchal lindai lipsand listed lodge lonely lord lost lots luther mackamentain magia malada map marauders mare marked marksman marsh matius matron maw mazoga meeting mehrunes memorial mensa merchants mine mingo mirisa miscarcand mogens mongrel moor morahame moranda mortal moslin moss moths mountain mountains mouth muck n nagastani name namira narfinsel naso natural nayon nenalata nenyond new newlands newt niben nibenay nikel nine ninendava niryastare nisin nomore none nonungalo nonwyll nornal nornalhorst north northeast northwest not nothing now number oak
odiil of official ogres olav old omen on ondo one only ontus onyx or orc orrery orsimer other outlaw outside over pale panther part pass passwall patrolling pell pillaged pillagedmine pinnacle piukanda place plug plundered plunderedmine poppad possess pothole priory prison promises punk queen quest quests quickwater ra ramp range rayles razor red redguard redman redwater reed reedstand refugee region renegade repairing rest rickety ricketymine rielle ringleader river robber rock rockmilk roebeck roland roots rose roxey ruby rugdumph ruler rumare s sage saints sancre sandstone sardavar sava savlian scales scar scinia sea secret secrets sedor seeking sejanus selas sentinel septim seran sercen serpent settlements seven sewer sewers shadeleaf shadow shadowscale shardrock sharob shattered shatteredmine sheoth shetcombe shifter shinbone shivering shrine si sideways silorn silver silverfish silverhome sinkhole sisters skingrad sleeping slough small smoke smuggler some south southeast southwest split squandered squanderedmine st staff stallion stone strand strange strid suicides suitor sundercliff sutch swampy sweetwater system tack tail taken taking talwinque tap tarn tavern td teleman telepe temple the there they this thorn three throat thugs tiber tick tidewater timberscar time to toadstool tomb tong tooth top topal tor torbern totem tower trail training trap traps tried troll trossan trouble trumbe two twyll uderfrykte ultimate underpall undertow unearthing university unmarked urasek using vahtacen vale valley valus variela varondo varsa varus veins veyond view vile vilverin vindasel virtue vitharn vlastarus walker war wariel watch watchman water waterfront wawnet way weald weatherleah weedum welke wellspring wendelbek wenderbek wendir wenyandawik west weye weynon white whitmond wind with wood wooden yellow you your
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the-rat-plays-games · 3 years ago
From Blutothinn. The Bear’s Tenacity hunt holds several of the founding members (three, to be exact), and two outsiders with unique stories of their own. They are a finely-tuned unit, with subtle signals that nobody else understands. 
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HADVOR, the Chaser. A hardy exile from the Phalanx, Hadvor is dedicated and hard-working. While his military manner unsettles some of the pack’s more free-spirited wolves, Hadvor is nonetheless good at what he does. He is polite and constrained; no wolves who are not on the Hunt have really seen his smile, but in the moments where the group comes together and the three chasers are working in beautiful unison, Hadvor has been even heard to laugh. 
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BLODUNDR, the Chaser. Bitter and angry when he first joined the pack three years ago as one of its founding members, Blodundr has become a calmer soul. With his mate and his children, Blodundr has found that he has something to work for. While he can be gruff with his hunt-mates, Blodundr tries to be civil with the lot of them -- but all of them have gotten some “tough love” from him every now and again in the form of bites about the ears. It... says a lot about how highly he is regarded that even Kvatch allows this. The oldest member of the pack, Blodundr knows his time is coming to a close, but refuses to go quietly; he will remain doing what he loves until the day he dies. 
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ELREAH GREYMANE, the chaser. A grouchy and terse woman, Elreah is not incredibly happy with a lot of things, but even she has mellowed out. She may not trust the pack on a whole (and who can really blame her, given how things went with the Greymanes), but Elreah has recently taken a mate -- Hadvor -- and has decided to make the best of things. When asked what made her choose Hadvor, Elreah simply responded with “figured I’d pick someone with a prettier smile than my own,” which made the hunt laugh, but the rest of the pack was on the whole rather confused.  ( @wolves-of-winter-pines​ for the Greymane lol )
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WILCHELM, the Stalker. A friendly fellow with a winning smile and a sweet streak a mile wide. He’s a gentle soul at heart, the kind of man who loves to wake in the morning and see the rising sun. Which, of course, is why he is prone to heckling his mate, Blodundr, and calling him a grouch. On the hunt, he is dedicated and quick on his feet, and takes the personalities of his huntmates into account; if one of them is having a tense time, he’ll select a prey that they can work their agitation out on and the like. On the hunts that take long stretches of time, Wilchelm will make up little songs on the road, and the five have been observed singing some very strange little song from time to time. 
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KVATCH, the Finisher. Blessed by the Goddess of Deathstrikes and New Life, Kvatch has a bite that can sever stone if she hits it right. She is massive, intimidating, and quiet. Still, she adores her hunt-mates, and when she was approached by Yvthildr to be her mate, she took her concerns to the hunt-- only to be given an unanimous go for it, dumbass! In response. Now that she’s married to one of the heirs, she’s called Princess by the rest of the hunt, and it gets her flustered and stuttering. 
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teamhawkeye · 5 years ago
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OCs + Face Claims
I was tagged by @outranks @josephseeds-rosary @honesthearts @starsandskies @callmeredhood @seedlingsinner @refinedstorage @higgmonaghan @bigbywlf​ - thank you all so much!!!
(sorry this took a hot minute - i only had like three solid face claims and had to spend time figuring some out! I also haven’t ever really made anything like this before, so I’ll simply say i tried my best, haha)
tagging anyone who hasn’t been tagged and would like to do this!
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wispstalk · 3 years ago
also on AO3
The door to the great hall swings open, and Martin looks up from his desk. Coradri and Tanis are deep in conversation as they emerge, both carrying bundles of papers and books.
“Oh.” Tanis stops in his tracks. “We can go somewhere else.”
“No, please.” Martin hastily makes room on the table. “My brain’s gone to pudding doing all this research. I could use some company.”
Tanis hesitates. “Uh… I’d really rather—”
“It’s fine. He’s just embarrassed.” Coradri gives his arm a hearty thwack, then announces cheerfully, “I’m teaching him to read!”
Martin feels a flush creep up his neck. How many times have I passed him a book, just assuming?
But the Hero of Kvatch only gives a good-natured grumble and settles across the table from him. “She’s a terrible teacher,” he says, “but we’ve got piss-all else to do until we hear from Baurus.”
They stack their materials in the empty space — two slender volumes and several sheafs of paper, covered in neat rows of blocky Daedric lettering. He grins, thinking of the scarred mercenary copying lines like a schoolboy.
“Actually, I’d be happy to help. What are you working on?” Martin picks up a slip of parchment and reads aloud from it, stumbling over the words as he transposes the letters in his head. “Bar— barmig as kagouti aradir kili bahr as guar… zalku.”
Tanis covers his face with his hands, shaking his head, and Coradri cackles. “What?” he demands.
"Never do that again," Tanis mumbles into his hands. "My beautiful language."
Coradri explains, “You know how Dunmer are. If you walk into a shop in Morrowind talking like that, they’ll beg you to speak Cyrodiilic.”
Martin is almost affronted, but Coradri’s laughter is so contagious that soon all three of them are shaking. “I thought I’d done well,” he defends himself, “considering I don’t speak Dunmeris at all.”
Tanis raises an eyebrow. “Why do you know Daedric script, then?”
But before Martin is forced to answer, Coradri rescues him. “We’re working on Cyrodiilic now. These are just for practicing reading aloud,” she says. “That’s not going all that well, but he picked up Dunmeris writing in two days.”
“Two days?” For how the man jests about being a brute, he is quick to grasp new things. Unnaturally so, to Martin’s mind.
Tanis purses his lips, a purplish blush creeping into his grey cheeks. “I tried to teach myself about twenty years ago. If you know where things are on a map, you can piece it together with the sounds.”
Martin cocks his head. “You taught yourself to read with nothing but a map?”
“Only after a fashion. And I’m no good at making your Cyrod papers talk yet.” He reaches into one of his many pockets and draws out a well-worn piece of parchment, then unfolds it to reveal a map of the province.
“I know this says Weynon Priory, because Baurus marked it for me. And it says Chorrol right next to that. What I don’t understand is this one. That’s the border with Morrowind, so it must be Cheydinhal, but the first two letters are the same…”
“Yeah, it’s like that,” Coradri says, nodding. “They make different sounds sometimes.”
Tanis gives her a look of utter despair. “Why?”
Coradri settles in beside him and points. “Well, the ‘h’ is silent in Chorrol. You don’t pronounce it.”
“Silent?” Tanis frowns down at the map, then looks up at Martin. “Why are you allowing your letters to lay down on the job?”
He laughs. “It’s a relic of Old Colovian, and I won’t be held responsible for it.”
“You’re the Emperor. It’s stupid. Change it.” He jabs a finger toward Martin, then his head whips around. “Hey. Change. Cheydinhal. They start with the same letters?”
“Yes!” Coradri reaches across Martin’s desk and plucks the reed pen from his fingers. “Now see if you can spell out the rest. Remember the ‘eh’ sounds?”
Tanis starts painstakingly writing out c… h… e… n…
“Very close,” she says, “but it’s another one.”
To look at him, this is altogether more harrowing than the Deadlands. He mouths the letters as he writes, and Martin can’t help but find it charming.
C… h… a… n… j…
“Good guess, viya, but not quite.”
“Give me a hint.”
“See? Terrible teacher.” Tanis gestures imploringly at Martin.
He wishes sorely he could trade his days of unproductive reading for a glimpse of the lessons up to this point. Tanis rubs at his face, leaving a smear of black ink along a sharp cheekbone, then makes one more valiant attempt.
“There’s—“ Coradri covers her mouth with her fingers, suppressing a laugh. “There’s a silent ‘e’ at the end.”
Tanis narrows his eyes and straightens, letting the pen fall from his fingers. “You’re fucking with me.” He looks at Martin. “Is she fucking with me?”
“It’s not precisely silent, it modifies the other vowel—“ Martin trails off helplessly, and the three of them dissolve into laughter.
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vounoura · 2 years ago
#but there were some Weirder incidents Naryu chalked up to luck for years before Nirasa came clean
ohhhhh man. what i wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall during THAT conversation 👀
(in all seriousness, im proud of Nirasa for eventually talking about Coldharbour, etc c': god knows that girl suffered silently for long enough ❤️)
GOD yeah!! The Maulborn incident was of particular note, since there was an incident where Nirasa Really Did Die of Poison but Naryu just chalked it up to pure dumb luck bc as far as she's seen that's all Nirasa runs on, but the conversation really cleared up a lot of the odder facets of her behaviour, esp. in Kvatch (which was right after Coldharbour, and she was still in that 'I can play loose and fast and reckless with my health and life because it doesn't matter anyway' when she Really Couldn't anymore).
It was both enlightening and all a bit sad on Naryu's end.
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redwoodrroad · 3 years ago
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i made a compilation like this for Morten TWO YEARS AGO now (here) and decided to do one for Ra too! and this would be a good excuse to talk a little about him <3
so, Ra (full name Ra'vakka Jo-dar) was born in cyrodiil and adopted by two khajit parents who would raise him in Anvil, where he and his big kitty feet would primarily get in trouble pulling pranks until he grows up and eventually gets into enough trouble to get shipped off to Vvardenfell :( where he promptly is taken advantage of by every empire-friendly organization before discovering he's the Nerevarine--and then he saves the world! but at a big cost :(
in the midst of the main quest, he joins the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, and the Fighters Guild as well as House Hlaalu (he's lonely). he's best friends with Balmora mage Ajira ;o; and he fools around a lot until he meets the Hero of Kvatch @renmorris and i share (Farric), and he's then able to hang around for the next 200 years until he gets to hang out with our Dragonborn too <3
so! this is Ra in a few outfits--something comfy i made up, then the Dark Brotherhood armor (which he stole after an attempted assassination), and then glass armor (which he also stole). then i have drawn out pretty much everything he carries with him at all times. below the cut is a description of each!
A. Balrizar's Mazed Band, which he gets from his cosmic ex-girlfriend
B. Caius's Ring--a gift from Caius Cosades that actually has really good stats
C. Amulet of Divine / Almsivi Intervension; he has both that he uses interchangeably to get around a little easier
D. Madstone of the Ahemmusa, which he needs for self-identification as Nerevarine to the Ahemmusa Ashlander tribe (necessary for the prophecy), and he just likes it
E. Moon and Star ring, gifted to him by Azura
F. The Ring, Belt, and Robe of the Hortator, gifted to him by councilors from each Great House to hallmark him taking on that role for each
G. Trueflame, the Nerevarine's prophecied sword that he rebuilt in Mournhold
H. Keening, blade built by Kagrenac in the first era that Ra needs for main plot reasons
I. Sunder, hammer built by Kagrenac in the first era that Ra also needs for main plot reasons
J. Belt of the Armor of God, which he received after solving some murder crimes in Vivec city, and which has stats i quite enjoy
K. Grand Soul Gems, needed for his magic weapons
L. Potions, poltices, usually for health or magic recovery as well as the occasional levitation potion or chameleon / invisibility potion
M. Greater Soul Gems, also needed for his magic weapons
N. Moonsugar--just don't tell anyone! He WOULD carry Skooma as well but I think it's probably not concentrated enough for him. just tastes like sweet water. gotta have the Good Stuff
O. Lockpicks and probes for Sneaking. they break a lot. he's not very good at using them
P. Books for reading on lonely nights, including history books, poetry books, the Lusty Argonian Maid.... which was a gift..... it's probably signed smh
Q. Spell scrolls--lots of conjuration and destruction, although he'll also carry some levitation scrolls
R. Steel Arrows (or really any arrows he picks up)
S. Bonebiter Bow of Sul-Senipal, which he retrieved from a tomb while attempting to befriend the Urshilaku Ashlander tribe
T. Daedric Dai-katana--just a very good long blade he wields most of the time
U. Wraithguard, glove built by Kagrenac to handle his tools, which he Also also needs for main plot reasons
he carries other things with him, like gold and some other weapons, but these are all the important things i wanted to sketch out. love my little kittyboy
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alnifena · 4 years ago
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TEStober - Day 1 “Hero” 
Used my dovahkiin Hrist Dovafeyn for this prompt! I was originally going to draw my hero of kvatch but I have no reference pictures of her :c 
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