stellarick1d · 5 years
The Girl
“There’s this girl, the biggest ball of sunshine I’d ever witnessed. Her optimism met no bounds, and at first it was overbearing. Even in her messages, she’d radiate light, ending in exclamation points or with a smiley face. She always said inspirational things and always made sure you were taken care of. She reminded everyone of self love. She said one time, “if someone makes you happy, make them happier.” At first I greatly disagreed, but just knowing her and her mindset, if she really did that, and she is know as the most altruistic and loving person EVER, then it must me right. She loved yellow, because it was a ‘happy’ color, and adored the moon, but I never knew why. I was stunned by her brutal kindness. Not to mention her physical appeal. Each smile that carressed her lips carried dimples, each deep enough to swim in. Her eyes, so relentlessly rich and blue. I was jealous of her at first, and that soon mostly went away after she helped me with a breakup with my boyfriend, but I think I still envy her a bit.
But, to my main point. I couldn’t believe someone so bright existed, and now I feel played. I’ve seen her cry a few times, but I didn’t pry, because everyone has issues, and I was sure that it wasn’t a huge deal, and if she needed help she could handle it on her own or ask someone (which I guess sounds selfish now). But this one time, we were all out with some people, and she had her phone face up, and she got a notification. She had left to do something, and no one else really cared because we all looked through each others stuff, but I took her phone to look through it. She didnt have a passcode, so I just went through ya’ know. I know I was in no place to look through it, but I guess I didn’t think of it. So I clicked on the notification, which was to insta cuz some guy was texting her. I started reading her messages, and she was the same ball of sunshine and whatever, but this dudes messages were weird. Like, pervy weird. I didn’t know him personally, but he mentioned something about college (lemme mind u she was 15/16) and he kept saying condescending things but also flirtatious. And it made me kind grossed out, but in a stupid way a little jealous because she had some dude hitting on her(I would never have acted out on it though). Like, I’m pretty sure he knew she was naive or something and was using her. But I snooped a bit more, and went to her notes, and that was what had the most surprising thing. She had so many, and many A LOT of notes. Which were all pretty depressing. She talked about issues at home, and with her dad who was a drug addict, and all that. Stating how sad she was but making mental notes that writing really helped and that it was probably just hormones from being a teen. But anyway, I feel rlly bad and don’t know if I should bring it up, but I also feel played. Like she’s a super fake, but I don’t want to dislike her for it, so...idk” -anonymous
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stellarick1d · 5 years
Honey Jars
“Hey,” one awkward word would dwindle our hands in future light, and I could never regret my brash decision. You were obviously displeased by my voice, perhaps the metal rings punctured into my face were frightening. You blanketed the disappointed by a honey like smile, and your eyes voluntarily brightened. Good acting it was indeed, enough to fool me into your sweet gaze. I felt conquered.
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stellarick1d · 5 years
No offense
I hadn’t noticed your presence until you spoke, hadn’t realize you were the one exuding the sweet scent of tobacco and musk. You were so contrasting to stare at, purely black and white. Skin fair as porcelain, and clothes as dark as night. Yes, you were attractive, but your eyes spoke of danger in words I’d never know, and your smirk would speak secrets I’d wished I never knew. But the first thought I had (and no offense) when you approached me was,
“Aw man!”
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stellarick1d · 5 years
I recall your azure eyes, an ocean angry enough to drown in. Your dimples, deep enough to swim in, no matter a frown or smile. Your hair, a gradual wave of gold and bronze, capturing the suns glimmering beams. And your smile, oh my how radiant. The perfect curvature of your lips, the small quirks of your cheeks. You were purely heaven to the eyes, an emission of golden light upon my tenebrosity. I didn’t know what to think besides,
“Holy fuck.”
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stellarick1d · 5 years
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Remember when our breath would intertwine? Remember when your lips caressed my skin and created stars? Or when your nimble fingertips swept my unkempt hair to the side?
Because I don’t.
You left me in the dark, even when the sun rose. And I can’t help but to wonder, did you ever love me like I loved you?
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stellarick1d · 5 years
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Gaze upon the hidden moon,
Caged against the looming sky,
A beryl abyss,
Laced with the finest lights.
A thousand wishes caught in the net
Of reality.
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stellarick1d · 5 years
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I remember when I was a vivacious flame, now tamed. You speak as if I am a ghost; small and faint. You no longer hold a hand upon my heart, only a fist in my heaving lungs. My tender soul was taken by your somber fingers, molded into a multitude of earl grey, molded into something forlorn. I cared for you when you wept, kissed your cigarette stained lips.
Your mind was tainted with beckoning monsters, and with each breath that breached upon my skin, I became just as tarnished. I yearned for your shadowy embrace, forever the adrenaline in my veins. But I will never be as brilliant as your crepuscular aura, your twilight gleam.
You basked in my innocence, and told me I was your everlasting sunshine. Told me my voice was as sweet as honey, and my eyes as soft as silk; but you’ve turned my eyes hard like the moon, distant and dry, and I will always loathe you for it. Loathe you for stealing my love, loathe you for each kiss on my neck.
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