#c: jared evans
ithinkitscami · 1 year
closed starter for: @jaredx // location: in line for the ferris wheel
Camille was no stranger to venturing to events alone. It was her me time and she'd usually meet with Raleigh at some point only and if her sister had decided to come out. She enjoyed her own company and that's all that mattered to her. Being alone also ensured any type of adventure to happen, if she chose to go along on one.
The ferris wheel called her name as she stared up towards it. It was a bit past sunset. The sky was at that point of different mixtures of colors. Hues of pink, orange, blue and purple filled the sky. She had to look past the safety risk. It would be worth it. She marched on into the line with her eyes on the Ferris wheel still. This was self care.
And there it was. A familiar voice. No fucking way. Her eyes averted to the person next to her as she turned for a full view. Jared Evans. Her nose flared a bit in annoyance. Out of everyone in the whole town, it would be that her luck to run into him. "I'm surprised to see you here." She was. This was not in her plans. "How did those flowers pan out for you?" She was curious, but she wasn't ready to face the mystery girl if he was with her. They hadn't even had their coffee yet which she had time to prepare for and now she had to wing it.
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wesxevans · 9 months
Closed starter: @jaredx
Wes truly didn’t know how he kept getting talked into attending events like this since he absolutely hated parties and dressing up. Now he was doing both. Last time he went to something like this, it’d been on Valentine’s Day last year, an event he only attended to try to get to know Liza more. It ended up being the night Elise was conceived, too, which was something he was sure to not have a repeat of.
Wes had already ditched the mask because he thought it was annoying and stupid, and he was headed to the bar to grab a drink when he spotted Jared.
“All you need are little horns and a goatee and you’d be the devil.” He teased his brother for his red outfit.
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jacksonxellis · 11 months
starter for: @jaredx / sharky's halloween party
"Yo," Jackson walked towards Jared, "What's up big boss?" He asks as he stands himself in angle to block Jared's view from the crowd. "I saw that ex-girlfriend of yours... she looks hot, so I thought you'd want to go outside and smoke," He pulled the other half of the joint he had rolled out of the front pocket of his shirt and held it up, "so you don't have to see her." He wouldn't want to look if Liza or Bella wore that.
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ya-what--ya-erster · 1 year
What are you an-
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 months
the way that jared and alana sing parallel to each other / harmonizing even in disappear, ywbf, gfy, well let's imagine if there was an entire Alana & Jared song
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Jared what does cutter mean, evan won't tell me
cutter as in like he cuts himself..,..,.,.
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gatheringbones · 1 year
Hey, do you have any good books for understanding and disarticulating authoritarianism? I've really benefited from a lot of your book recs, thank you
start granular go big
I cut my eye teeth on domestic violence literature, then by the time I got to Judith Herman explaining that the tactics of abusive families and abusive governments are the same, I had enough base knowledge on the internal systems of abusive families to muddle my way forward from there. I’ll try to structure the list so it follows that same basic trend.
adult children of emotionally immature parents by lindsay c gibson
controlling people by patricia evans
trauma and recovery: the aftermath of violence from domestic abuse to political terror by judith herman
if this is a man by primo levi
by hands now known: jim crow’s legal executioners by margaret a. burnham
the man they wanted me to be: toxic masculinity and a crisis of our own making by jared yates sexton
jesus and john wayne: how white evangelicals corrupted a faith and fractured a nation, by kristin kobes du mez
caste: on the origins of our discontents, by isabel wilkerson
white rage: the unspoken truth of our racial divide by carol anderson
captive genders: trans embodiment and the prison industrial complex by eric a. stanley
the origins of totalitarianism by hannah arendt
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ifeellikeameowster · 1 year
I've seen a lot of fanfictions about 2012 Mikey deciding to run off with the Rise turtles because they "treat him better". And while that's cute and wonderfully angsty to speculate about AU wise...
I can't help but imagine those fics from the 2012 brothers perspective. Like they genuinely love and care for Mikey, they're just not the best at showing it sometimes. Which is okay! They're teenage boys, of course they're gonna pick on each other and slip up and accidentally take it a little too far sometimes. That doesn't mean they deserve to be completely replaced and left behind. :'c
But anyways I mention all this to say that in this scenario I can imagine 2012 Leo, Raph and Donnie singing the song Good For You from Dear Evan Hansen to 2012 Mikey after they find out his decision to stay in the Rise universe.
2012 Leo sings Heidi's/Evan's mom's part.
2012 Donnie sings Alana's part.
2012 Raph sings Jared's part
And of course 2012 Mikey sings Evan's part.
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nerdle-turdle · 1 month
watching the Andrew Barth Feldman slime tutorial here's some things I've noticed:
Evan immediately gave off the vibe of a very sweet, dorky guy.
He sounds very cheery with undertones of being sad, like he's trying to convince himself that it's going to be okay. It seems more like he actually is trying with the letters, and not that he's being forced to do them.
Heidi sounds more aggravated and standoff-ish?
"Neither do I :("
Connor is extra sassy.
Jared seems equally nerdy as Evan does. He's less mocking, but still retains his snarkiness.
When Jared comments on Connor's hair, his "it was a joke?" Is him backpedaling, not being annoyed with Connor.
The push was so gentle it was kind of funny
"no. me? no way. :) Jose."
"would anybody notice if I—" there was a long pause, like he was thinking through his next words. "—disappeared tomorrow?
"Cause there's Zoe!☺️..." reads for a moment. ".....is this about my sister????"
Cynthia and Larry are usually fighting, but in this one they are borderline signing divorce papers whenever they talk.
Evan starts hyperventilating in the principals office.
"That was an emergency landing.😐😐😐"
It's probably the low quality but he kind of looks like Daniel Thrasher in some parts
"THEYRE GONNA WANNA SEE OUR EMAILS!" "*dramatic gasp* you think?"
He sounds so excited for taco Tuesday :((
"I'm sending pictures of the most amazing trees—" *cue Jared cackling*
"MY sisters HOT" "whAUHT THE HELL😨😨😨😨"
Zoe's feelings toward Connor are different, I can't pinpoint how exactly.
he didn't actually kiss Zoe
He didnt get up off the ground until he looked at Connor's signature.
Overall, his Evan isn't as sarcastic and bitter as Ben Platt's, and he's more generally awkward but he doesn't struggle as much? Does that make sense? Probably not. But anyway, I love both of their versions for different reasons and will update on act 2 tomorrow.
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casketears · 2 months
edits that i would have made to riverdale if they'd known to hire me
more explicit hiram/archie/veronica. now i know what you must be thinking: how the fuck could it get more explicit than what was already shown, especially since archie is the flavor of oblivious gay that would mean he'd likely shirk any form of homosexual contact with a confused smile and an aha, whoa, did you– did i– no, im straight. yeah. but all the same i'd have liked some more sensual solo scenes with him and hiram. his deteriorated half disinterest in his relationship with veronica in favor of his growing obsession with her dad is good but not perfect. i want them to get touchier and weirder about it. and i want veronica to also get in on it
cheryl as an insane quasi incestuous straight woman. i have never seen a less convincing dyke than as portrayed by madelaine petsch, and i have never seen her have more chemistry with anyone than when she was either a) obsessing over jason, b) using archie as a romantic projection of jason or c) straight up romancing archie in season 7. it's actually absurd. also cheryl is fucking crazy in a commandeering action seeking sort of manner and archie is the ultimate orders boy so you can imagine what a red-haired power couple the two of them could have been. archie go die in my mines yes honey <3
if cheryl had to be a lesbian then at least let her be involved with donna sweett from season 3. no meaningful thoughts here i just think they could have enjoyed each other's weird mind games, writing/painting foils, and overall gothic aesthetics. and i bet donna wouldn't have been so lame about the whole taxidermied twin in the basement thing
more explicit hiram/reggie/veronica. here i do actually mean explicit. i want that boy passed between the two of them like a rebound blunt. i want him spitroasted by the narrative.
speaking of which reggie and archie should have at least made out in season 7 and it's actually preposterous they didn't. i never knew a gay man (the show creator) within a cast of gay characters could queerbait like that.
in the jughead paradox i would have loved to see a taste of the flavor of insanity that would have befallen jason if the roles were reversed and cheryl had been the one to die way back in episode 1. i think about this roleswap a normal amount
more ethel. thank fucking god season 7 gave her justice by letting her escape the narrative but i still wanted to know more about this dnd-obsessive horror artist weird girl (+ betty's arguable half sister)
i would have had reggie actually be groomed by that driving instructor (miss bella) in season 7 rather than have it be a red herring. more horrible parallels to archie etc. also i want him and veronica to stay in that awful toxic rebound-adjacent business partnership forever but that's just me
more on the season 7 mini jughead squad (dilton doiley, ben button, ethel muggs). they hinted at it and never delivered and it makes me lose my mind to think about
more detective drake from season 5. she showed up told betty to leave her man and experiment with women and left without even kissing her. also her name sounds like dyke. i miss her so much and also every day.
musical episode ideas: dear evan hansen (smth related to covering a murder and jughead is evan and archie is jared and a gun is in my mouth), bare: a pop opera (featuring gay kevin), in trousers or hadestown (they could never pull either off but i'd love to see them try).
actually fuck it also more on eric jackson from season 5. preferably dating archie but i'm not picky.
kevin worse quality life. yes i just don't think he goes through enough. i think he should have been in an unhealthy sexual relationship with the devil after he turned him into a cop (percival pickens) (i know percival is technically not the devil but he's english anyway)
cheryl should have had a cannibalism moment that post on tumblr was right
i don't think i emphasized enough earlier how badly i want explicit hiram/reggie/veronica. specifically of a flavor where both the former and the latter are using him to fill an archie shaped hole in their heart while also as a weird incest divorce cope to get back at their respective daughter/father. if you think i had established my point well enough just remember it again with me because it could have been beautiful. i'd have dragged this out for half a season at minimum
more on peaches the background character peaches (she is very attractive).
a proper time loop episode
was about to say 'canonically bisexual betty' (<- has been a vocal supporter since day 1 when she kissed veronica) but then remembered this is actually true now and now i'm so happy i forgot most of the other qualms i was going to add on this list
non-sike deaf jughead
non-sike dead jughead
a jughead that kills himself and makes it everyone else's problem
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ithinkitscami · 9 months
starter for: @jaredx / nye's masquerade ball
Camille had been having fun dancing and mingling with friends here and there throughout the night. She managed to somewhat avoid Jabari by mere seconds too. Some might say, her parents mostly, that she ran once again by going home to Oregon right after her encounter with him. This time, she came back, but she wasn't ready to face him again - at least not yet. There were other people and things she had to face before.
She had been walking down the steps to the ballroom, scanning the area, her eyes focused when her eyes landed on Jared. She could spot him in any crowd if she really looked. And she was.
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The path towards him was clear as she made a b-line towards him. It wouldn't be long before the toast started and she knew she wanted to be right next to him when it happened. "Would your date be upset if I said you looked handsome tonight?" She mused as she stepped up to him.
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
julian's masterlist !
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Chris Evans
❁ Making Magic
Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first horse show-what could go wrong? Or, in her case, what could go right?
❁ It'll Be Okay
You just started a new job and have started getting bad migraines. Chris just wants to be there for his daughter.
❁ A Fresh Start
Y/N is finally moving out of her childhood home. It's a big decision, but she knows she's got Chris and Sebastian in her corner.
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Sebastian Stan
❁ Making Magic
Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first horse show-what could go wrong? Or, in her case, what could go right?
❁ A Fresh Start
Y/N is finally moving out of her childhood home. it's a big decision, but she knows she's got Sebastian and Chris in her corner.
❁ Back to School
It's back to school time for Y/N, how much chaos can this possibly cause in the Stan household?
❁ Paparazzi Sucks
On a father-daughter date, paparazzi do their best to ruin it. Sebastian doesn't let it get to you too much, though; lots of fluff &lt;3
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Tom Holland
❁ Best Friend Ever
You found out some news about yourself and you really want to tell your best friend Tom. You're really worried about how he'll react, but he comes through like the amazing person he is.
❁ Not A Girl
Y/N is trans male, and after a fight with his mom, he goes straight to the person who knows him the best-Tom. They've been best friends for years, and Tom's happy to help his favorite person however he can.
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Tony Stark
❁ Burgers
You're sick, and you scare the shit out of your dad. Fluff and burgers ensue.
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Jensen Ackles
❁ Go Fish, Bitch
When Jensen gets bored, he tends to cause chaos. Today, he brings Y/N into the chaos, and she loves it. In which a card game commences, and Jensen loses by a long shot.
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Harry Styles
❁ That Just Happened
You've known Harry since you've been in high school-little does he know that you see him as a father figure. After a really rough day, you accidentally call him dad. Love ensues.
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I Write For:
M A R V E L:
>Tony Stark
>Bruce Banner
>Black Widow
>Pepper Potts
>Steve Rogers
>Peter Parker
>Tom Holland
>Chris Evans
>Sebastian Stan
>Chris Hemsworth
>Anthony Mackie
S U P E R N A T U R A L:
>Dean Winchester
>Sam Winchester
>Jensen Ackles
>Jared Padalecki
>Misha Collins
M A R A U D E R S:
>James Potter
>Lily Evans
>Sirius Black
>Remus Lupin
>Peter Pettigrew
>Jake Peralta
>Ray Holt
>Terry Jeffords
***I am only on the first season!! I'm not familar with the characters, but I'm really loving the idea of writing for some of em :)
>Spencer Reid
>Aaron Hotchner
>Derek Morgan
Please keep in mind that I am currently only writing platonic fics! I'm writing teen!reader, daughter!reader, best friend!reader, or sister!reader. I am comfortable writing pretty much anything, so please feel free to send in a request.
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Request Status: Open!
major thank you to @aadapaadakaunpaada who helped me figure this whole thing out :)
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palatteflags · 10 months
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Jared Kalwani and Evan Hansen based Gay and Bi moodboard~ ^^ For @dank-meme-legend c: Hope you like how this turned out~
Want one? Send an ask! -mod Jay
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joker1315 · 1 month
All the actors you can find on this blog
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a: adam croasdell - aiden turner - aimee garcia - alan rickman - alan tudyk - alex kingston - alison sudol - allen leech - amanda abbington - amir wilson - amita suman - anatol yusef - andreas pietschmann - andrew garfield - andrew scott - aneurin barnard - annette badland  - anthony hopkins - anthony mackie - antony starr - anya chalotra - august wittgenstein
b: barry bostwick - bellamy young - ben barnes - ben mckenzie - benedict cumberbatch - benicio del toro - bernard cribbins - bill nighy - billie piper - billy boyd - brendan gleeson - brent spiner - brianna hildebrand
c: calahan skogman - cameron monaghan - candice bergen - carla gugino - caroline dhavernas - cate blanchett - catherine e coulson - catherine tate - catinca untaru - chadwick boseman - charlie chaplin - chris addison - chris cooper - chris evans - chris hemsworth - chris malcom - chris pine - christian bale - christian clemenson - christian tramitz - christiane paul - christina ricci - christopher eccleston - christopher lee - christopher lloyd - cillian murphy - colin firth - colin odonoghue - colin woodell - corey johnson - cory michael smith - craig parker
d: dakota fanning - daniel brühl - daniel craig - daniel radcliffe - daniel sträβer - danielle galligan- david bowie - david dastmalchian - david duchovny - david morrissey - david tennant - david thewlis - david wenham - deforest kelley - diego luna - dietrich hollinderbäumer - dominic cooper - dominic monaghan - dominic west
e: eddie karanja - elijah wood - elizabeth olsen - elton john - emilie de ravin - emily beecham - emma thompson - emma watson - ethan hawke - eve myles - ewan mcgregor
f: ferdinand kingsley - frankie adams - freddy carter - freema agyeman
g: gareth david lloyd - gary oldman - geoffrey rush - george eads - george takei - georgia tennant - georgina haig - gillian anderson - ginnifer goodwin - gwendoline christie - gwyneth paltrow
h: hadley fraser - harrison ford - harvey keitel - hayley atwell - heath ledger - helen mccrory - helena bonham carter - henry cavill - hugh dancy - hugh jackman - hugh laurie - hugh skinner - hugo weaving
i: ian mckellen - imelda staunton - inbar lavi
j: jack davenport - jack wolfe - jackie earle haley - jake gyllenhaal - james mcavoy - james spader - jamie lee curtis - jared padalecki - jason isaacs - javier bardem - jayne brook - jeff goldblum - jenna coleman - jennifer connelly - jennifer lawrence - jennifer morrison - jensen ackles - jeremy renner - jim beaver - jodie foster - joel rush - joey batey - john barrowman - john boyega - john hurt - john larroquette - john rhys davies - john simm - johnny depp - jonathan frakes - jose pimentao - joseph gilgun - josh dallas - jude law - julia stiles - julianne moore - julie covington - juliette binoche
k: kacey rohl - karen fukuhara - karen gillan - karl urban - kat dennings - kate capshaw - kathryn hahn - keira knightley - kevin alejandro - kit young - krysten ritter - kyle maclachlan - kyra sedgwick
l: lana parrilla - lara pulver - lars mikkelsen - laura allen - laura dern - laura fraser - lauren german - laurence fishburne - laurie kynaston - laz alonso - lee arenberg - lee pace - leonard nimoy - lesley ann brandt - lesley sharp - lindsay duncan - lisa vicari - liv tyler - lizzy caplan - louise hofmann - lucas till - luke evans
m: mads mikkelsen - maggie gyllenhaal - majel barrett - margo martindale - marion cotillard - mark gatiss - mark pellegrino - mark ruffalo - mark sheppard - mark strong - mark waschke - martin freeman - matt smith - max schimmelpfenning - may calamawy - meat loaf - megan boone - mel gibson - melinda clarke - melissanthi mahut - meret becker - mia wasikowska - michael benyaer - michael bully herbig - michael cumpsty - michael des barres - michael fassbender - michael gambon - michael raymond james - michael sheen - michelle gomez - mikael persbrandt - miranda otto - misha collins
n: natalie portman - ncuti gatwa - neil patrick harris - nell campbell - nichelle nichols - nicolas cage - nicole kidman
o: olivia colman - orlando bloom - oscar isaac - owen wilson
p: paddy ohagan - patricia quinn - patrick stewart - paul bettany - paul chahidi - paul lux - paul mescal - pedro pascal - penelope wilton - peter capaldi - peter falk - peter hinwood - philip glenister - phoebe waller bridge - pierce brosnan - pip torrens
q: qorianka kilcher - quentin tarantino
r: rachael harris - rachel weisz - rafi gavron - ralph fiennes - rayner bourton - reece shearsmith - rene russo - rhona mitra - richard armitage - richard obrien - rob benedict - robbie kay - robert carlyle - robert downey jr - robin lord taylor - robin williams - ronald guttman - rose mciver - rupert graves - rupert grint - russell crowe - ruth negga - ryan gosling - ryan reynolds
s: sam neill - samantha smith - samuel l jackson - scarlett estevez - scarlett johansson - sean astin - sean bean - sebastian stan - sherilyn fenn - shohreh aghdashloo - sky du mont - sophia di martino - stanley tucci - stellan skarsgard - steven strait - susan sarandon
t: tan caglar - taron egerton - tilda swinton - tim curry - tim roth - toby maguire - tom conti - tom ellis - tom felton - tom hiddleston - tom holland - tom payne - tom sturridge - tomer capone - tony curran - tony curtis - tricia helfer - troy garity
u: una stubbs
v: val kilmer - vanesu samunyai - viggo mortensen - vivienne acheampong - vladimir burlakov
w: walter koenig - william shatner
y: yasmin finney
z: zachary quinto
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unproduciblesmackdown · 5 months
remembered that the other day i was thinking about how like, "jared & alana kind of re/connecting more in college / becoming friends then" ideas sure have a potential complication in "do they talk about tcp ever lol. jared has this secret here" where like yeah maybe the answer is "no not really," at this point post orchard it can be kind of in the past / in stasis, like maybe alana keeps the site up & all but for one thing, well, she's busy with college at the moment & maybe even other things (so many possibilities about what college looks like for alana or jared or whomever. just like in life) and also from her perspective like well jared wasn't ever That involved anyways, even if you harmonized together for two measures in a song like of course alana was focused on evan as the other co president co True Believer / Understander about the ethos of the project anyways, vs that it was fine to have jared in the background possibly, doing tech support. and she could just suppose that, even if she does suspect something Was up about everything, that maybe it's not like jared knew about that or was involved
but anyways i was like "well fuck it, what if she did also suspect jared could've known anything was up about the supposed factual premises around here. and she was mostly fine with that" (which i mean. could be true anyways. alana could sure likewise just have complicated feelings, about things beyond The Absolute Facts Of The Case, as is relevant the entire time re: anyone else. even if yeah it would also bother her. she has her own path right there to sympathizing more easily anyways in like, yeah she Was his lab partner, the facts may not be that moving, but it was still meaningful enough to her as a connection / Theoretical connection like 'well we Could've been friends?' / alana sympathizing with someone Now Never Having The Chance To Know Connor which is also evan's status or anyone else's anyways)
so further anyways i was also just thinking how like, well, there's complications in "jared can't tell the full story b/c a) he & evan are keeping this secret for themselves And each other, just unspoken across time & space & perhaps forever thusly. nbd & b) he can't tell the Full Story to anyone else anyways. goodforyou.mp3....though, see: the Handshake Gay potential element to college alana & jared friendship lol. don't need to give granular details about Realizing Things / Fun Facts of disastrous [all very heterosexual] relationship histories" but also maybe even if he is willing to give any very general acknowledgment to "Was something up with all that, do you think, do you know" type inquiries, it was like well but what if that's actually somewhat / enough of a relief to alana to get further confirmation that yeah there were some extra reasons things fell apart a bit there. Because like, otherwise, from her perspective it's like she was helming this surely noble helpful project with mostly this one other person who then stopped caring or at least responding in the same ways, and then that happened more generally with alana being mostly solo running things and then those things going to shit. where maybe having a hint that yeah, there was some other weird complications going on like problems as fundamental as [this story wasn't quite factually true was it] can be, to her, like nonzero reassurance that She Herself wasn't thee factor who like managed to be on a different page than everyone else after all & also just ruin things in whatever way b/c it was all going great until it sure wasn't
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Hey jared don't know if you saw my Announcement or evan told you but we're having a baby ☺️
Hey Siri play Casual by Chappell Roan
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