ithinkitscami · 1 year
closed starter for: @jaredx // location: in line for the ferris wheel
Camille was no stranger to venturing to events alone. It was her me time and she'd usually meet with Raleigh at some point only and if her sister had decided to come out. She enjoyed her own company and that's all that mattered to her. Being alone also ensured any type of adventure to happen, if she chose to go along on one.
The ferris wheel called her name as she stared up towards it. It was a bit past sunset. The sky was at that point of different mixtures of colors. Hues of pink, orange, blue and purple filled the sky. She had to look past the safety risk. It would be worth it. She marched on into the line with her eyes on the Ferris wheel still. This was self care.
And there it was. A familiar voice. No fucking way. Her eyes averted to the person next to her as she turned for a full view. Jared Evans. Her nose flared a bit in annoyance. Out of everyone in the whole town, it would be that her luck to run into him. "I'm surprised to see you here." She was. This was not in her plans. "How did those flowers pan out for you?" She was curious, but she wasn't ready to face the mystery girl if he was with her. They hadn't even had their coffee yet which she had time to prepare for and now she had to wing it.
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jacksonxellis · 1 year
closed starter for: @phoebekeller // food stalls
As good as carnival food tasted - the smell was a little all overwhelming for Jackson. The more he looked at all the options and smell growing stronger, the more he wanted to puke in his mouth. He needed to eat something though. "What do you think is the safest thing to eat here?" He turned slightly, asking the nearest person next to him. "Wait, I know you." He didn't know her name. Not asking for names seemed to be a reoccurring theme for him lately. "Are you going to eat?"
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jacksonxellis · 1 year
closed starter for: @emersonxcassidy // location: a bench by a game stall.
Jackson hadn't been at the carnival that long, well, is three hours long? Either way, he was beginning to grow stagnant. Rides and games, all the same. He took a seat on the nearest bench, hunching over as he rubbed his temples for a moment before sitting back against the bench. He didn't know how much longer he could take. Sunset was about to start which meant the night would be winding down just a tad. He could hold out. He had nothing to lose. He stood up and stretched his arms in the arm as he looked around the crowded area.
Scanning the crowd, his eyes fell onto her. He didn't actually know her name. The only thing he had to remember her from was the small bruising on his foot from the book that fell on it. He hadn't returned that book in fact. It was on the night stand in his room as he had been reading it. "Hey," He said with a smile, "You're the girl who dropped that book on my foot." He felt ridiculous saying it, but that shit hurt. "I never caught your name so that's all I know you as." He continued, "I'm Jackson."
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jacksonxellis · 1 year
closed starter for: @madiiscn // meeting at the funhouse
Jackson looked at his phone as he waited in front of the funhouse. It was probably the easiest spot to meet up, or at least, any ride was easy to meet up at. This was just closer to the entrance. He had texted Madison to meet up, so here he was.
He enjoyed carnivals. They were fun, but he wasn't one much to get on the rides. He had seen too many videos of carnival rides breaking down and the fact that they were built and broken down in one day was insane. Jackson was scared of anyone who got on them.
He glanced at his phone again, impatience growing, before looking up and seeing the brunette herself. "Took you long enough, Mads." He shook his head with a smile. "Did you just get here?" Because he had and he needed to know the vibes of the event if she had been there longer.
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jacksonxellis · 1 year
closed starter for: @kyleexanthony // location: near end of night, near the tilt-a-whirl
Tonight wasn't bad. The only thing that he wished he had done was smoke some weed before he got to the carnival, but it didn't matter so much now that it was the end of the night. He had been walking around and stopped as he leaned against a pole by one of the rides. Just his luck as he spotted Kylee Anthony himself. If he were really lucky, she'd be carrying some on her. "Kylee," He shouted as he walked towards the brunette, "How're you doing tonight?"
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ithinkitscami · 1 year
closed starter for: @wesxevans // location: somewhere by the funhouse
The festival had been great. It was needed to keep Camille distracted for awhile. She was glad that the weather was nice as well. She had been wondering around the carnival, taking in the booths and the rides before making a stop by the funhouse. She had pulled her phone out to check the time when she recognized a familiar face ahead of her. Wes. Liza's man and baby daddy. She hadn't spoken to Wes much, but it always made her happy to see a familiar face. "Wes!" Her voice grew loud as she made her way towards him. "How goes it? Are you here with Liza?"
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