#c: hunter williams
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Summer TCA - July 11, 2024 Hallmark Panel
(photos from Hallmark's official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts)
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80smovies · 10 months
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batt00ny · 1 year
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Where are Pacesetter, Director of Land Development, Bellringer, Witness Stand-in, and Stenographer?
Unfortunately, Tumblr polls only allow me to fit 10 contestants! The 10 contestants were chosen based on how low the difference was between them & their winning opponent. Those 5 were the least close in their respective poll, so they are unlikely to really make a difference if they returned in the poll….that's how I see it anyways!
Also for clarity: The numbers ARE NOT a ranking. They're numbered to help with images. Idk it would help me so maybe it'll help someone out there XD The contestants are all ordered in alphabetical order to eliminate as much bias as possible!!! Good luck!
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runelocked · 11 months
✔ just some guys just some dudes...
My muse: william :3
Do I know your muse: yes i am jamie’s no. 1 fan | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate verse | other
Pre-established relationship: yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmates | co-worker | roommate this in indescribably funny to me. william showing up with his suitcase and moving in completely unannounced is EXACTLY what jamie needs i think | family, biological or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protector - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed i still don’t actually know what this would entail | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humour | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests! my interest is making these men suffer .. join me in my hell
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fandom · 10 months
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Huge congrats to The Iliad. It's only taken 3,000 years. This list is brought to you by Tor Publishing Group, which you're probably familiar with, given what tops the list this year.
The Locked Tomb series +3 by Tamsyn Muir
The Percy Jackson & the Olympians series -1 by Rick Riordan
The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
The Six of Crows duology +3 by Leigh Bardugo
Dracula -3 by Bram Stoker
The Warrior Cats series -1 by Erin Hunter
A Song of Ice and Fire -1 by George R. R. Martin
The All for the Game series by Nora Sakavic
The Discworld series +7 by Terry Pratchett
A Court of Thorns and Roses series +3 by Sarah J. Maas
The Silmarillion -1 by J. R. R. Tolkien
Pride And Prejudice -3 by Jane Austen
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Raven Cycle series +3 by Maggie Stiefvater
The Sun and the Star by Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Wings Of Fire +9 by Tui T. Sutherland
The Secret History -7 by Donna Tartt
The Trials of Apollo series -4 by Rick Riordan
The Iliad +10 by Homer
The Odyssey +24 by Homer
The Folk in the Air series -8 by Holly Black
The Animorphs series +5 by K. A. Applegate
The Stormlight Archive +8 by Brandon Sanderson
Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
Moby Dick +24 by Herman Melville
1984 +6 by George Orwell
Fables by Bill Willingham
The Diaries of Franz Kafka by Franz Kafka
The Song of Achilles -10 by Madeline Miller
The Last Hours series by Cassandra Clare
The Simon Snow series -10 by Rainbow Rowell
The Throne of Glass series +13 by Sarah J. Maas
Nimona by ND Stevenson
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard +6 by Rick Riordan
The Bell Jar -15 by Sylvia Plath
The Dreamer trilogy +6 by Maggie Stiefvater
The Shadowhunter Chronicles -15 by Cassandra Clare
The Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
Captive Prince -1 by C. S. Pacat
The Twilight Saga -7 by Stephanie Meyer
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
The Deltora Quest series by Jennifer Rowe
Romeo and Juliet -8 by William Shakespeare
The Far Side by Gary Larson
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde +2 by Robert Lewis Stevenson
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
The Picture of Dorian Gray -31 by Oscar Wilde
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
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theamazingstories · 2 years
Figure 1 – Robert A. Heinlein Today is November 11, which is Remembrance Day in Canada, and Veterans’ Day in the U.S. (which, thankfully, seems to have survived the midterm elections on Tuesday). Please take a moment to remember the people from all over the world, not just Canada and the U.S., who fought and died, both as soldiers and civilians, to preserve freedom. You and I owe a lot to them,…
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icycoldninja · 7 months
hey so i was thinking: Sparda Boys and V with a writer S/O? take as long as you need to with this (writer's block is kicking my ass rn sadly but) , i don't really mind
Hey I feel that bro, enjoy and hopefully your inspiration will return to you 💜
Sparda Boys + V x Writer!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-He's not a scholar and knows next to nothing about books since he rarely reads, but if his sweetheart is writing stuff, by God, he will read whatever they put out there.
-Uses you as a human dictionary whenever he comes across new words, not understanding that that's not the purpose of a writer.
-"Hey babe, what's this word?"
"What word?"
"Ink-can-dress-ant, I think that's how you say it."
"How's it spelled?"
"Incandescent, Dante, not ink-can-dress-ant."
-He'll be the first to read your work and is very proud of this fact. He, Dante, the Legendary Devil Hunter, is also your private beta reader. Awesome.
-Oddly enough, him reading all your works results in him developing a larger vocabulary--something that shocked everyone, especially Vergil.
-Congratulations! Thanks to you, Dante can use big words now!
■ Vergil ■
-You, a writer, are dating Vergil, the biggest bookworm on the planet? You are now Vergil's goddess.
-He wants to read everything, regardless of its quality. He'll visually devour all the words off the page, absorbing every word.
-You two now have yet another topic to nerd out about; you can spend hours chatting about books, writing techniques, and so on.
-Vergil is filled with a sense of pride whenever he reads your published writing; it pleases him so much to know you're growing your talents.
-He has an entire bookshelf dedicated to your books and takes special care of these books. They're more than just words on pages bound by cardboard and leather; they're treasures.
-Will take up writing as well, just so he can be closer to you.
□ Nero □
-Nero is not a bookworm by any sense of the word; he's read a few books in his time, but he's more combat oriented.
-Doesn't mind being a beta reader for anything you write.
-Your works have inspired him to take up reading again, and in doing so, he unleashes his inner book nerd. Like father, like son.
-He's always looking forward to whatever you write, and when you get writers block (as we all do) he'll take you out to a park, or a peaceful lake, in the hopes that the natural beauty of your surroundings might restore your creative juices.
-He, too, has a collection of all your works and keeps them proudly on display on a nice bookshelf in his house.
-Encourages you daily to keep writing because now he's addicted to reading your work. You really have changed him.
● V ●
-Oh congratulations, you've found yourself a soul mate.
-V loves to read (he totes his copy of William Blake poetry around and reads from it all the time, even in the middle of battle) and is more than happy to read your books.
-V is also a writer himself; he writes poetry, as we know. Because of this, he understands more than anyone the pain of writer's block and knows just what to do about it.
-He'll arrange for a relaxing movie/reading night, which in his experience, helps restore your creativity.
-If that doesn't work, Griffon's loud mouth and wise-guy (yet funny) jokes will take your mind off of things.
-V understands literature and knows all sorts of obscure things about famous literary figures; so much so that you two can converse for hours on end just gabbing away about books, their authors, and other interesting tidbits of knowledge.
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wc-confessions · 4 months
Here's a rapid fire list of non-Warriors xenofiction novels WC fans can read. Will say I haven't read all of these, and in that case, I will not leave a comment. Obligatory Wings of Fire, Guardians of Ga'hoole, Redwall, and Watership Down recommendation. Honorable mentions go to other Erin Hunter series - Seekers, Survivors, Bravelands, and Bamboo Kingdom. Varjak Paw series by S.F. Said. Two books. Geared toward a younger audience like Warriors. I can vouch this as one of my favorites. I can see it being an acquired taste, especially for someone older, though. Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams. One book. Personally, I'd only recommend this book if you're super interested in learning about the inspiration for Warriors. Otherwise, its themes have aged like milk and the story isn't all too special. I will say the plot gets pretty decent and horrifying at the halfway point. The Deadlands series by Skye Melki-Wegner. Three books. I have completed the first and a read a little of the second. Geared towards a younger audience like Warriors. You can tell that the audience is younger due to the dialogue and characters. Descriptions are good and I'd imagine thrilling for the target demographic. In fact, I'd describe the books, that I've read so far, as thrilling in general. However, the "Jurassic Park meets Wings of Fire" comparison is a lie. Wings of Fire is accurate but this series has nothing to do with the Jurassic Park movies or books besides dinosaurs. It'd be closer to say "The Land Before Time meets Wings of Fire." I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for Warriors with dinosaurs. Silverwing series by Kenneth Oppel. I've only read a little of the first book, so I don't have much to talk about. I will tell you that a graphic novel has recently released! Fire Bringer by David Clement-Davies. One book. About deer. No comment. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. One book. Horses. No comment. Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker. One book. Utahraptors. No comment. A Black Fox Running by Brian Carter. One book. Foxes. No comment. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O'Brien. One book. Mice. No comment. Foxcraft series by Inbali Iserles. Three books. Foxes. No comment. The Tygrine Cat series by Inbali Iserles. Two books. Cats. No comment. The Books of the Named series by Clare Bell, more commonly known as Ratha's Creature or the Ratha series. Five books. Prehistoric Dinaelurus nimravids. No comment. I think I've listed enough in this ask, but I'll drop this xenofiction list https://www.tumblr.com/the-owl-tree/745956715298799616/xenofiction-reading-recommendation-list?source=share in case anyone wants more.
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focsle · 1 year
have you written anything about tattoos? is that relevant? don't know how your niche lines up with generic "sailor" tradition, but wikipedia simply says on knuckle tats that deckhands may get "HOLD / FAST" as a charm to support their grip on rigging, and i thought that was kind of cute.
I haven't written anything myself, mostly cos if you throw a stick out in the internet you'll find any number of articles about the symbolism of sailor tattoos, like hold fast and pigs and roosters and swallows and all that!
In my narrow window (the middle decades of the 19th century), I don't see tattoos mentioned all too often, compared to late 19th and throughout the 20th century where they became more common. For instance, this register of seaman's protection certificates (which are admittedly limited in the scope of things, since they're only from a few specific ports) from 1796-1871 rarely list tattoos as distinguishing marks, beyond the odd mention of being marked with an inked anchor, eagle, or letters here or there. Here's a neat jstor article (if you have any more of your 100 free monthly articles to read with a google account) that goes into late 18th-early 19th c tattoos that has some tables and visuals. The research was also done using seaman's protection certificates, with the following stat:
"The SPC-A records start in 1796 and include tattooed men born as early as 1746. There were 979 tattooed men out of a total of 9,772 men whose records survive from 1796 through 1818.26 These men were marked with a total of about 2,354 separate designs."
So, not a large number, but also 10% isn't insignificant. The protection certificates while a reliable source, also only describe the man in one specific moment. I'm sure a few of those men who just have their moles and scars and crooked fingers listed eventually picked up a tattoo or two in their time. Most journal keepers perhaps didn't think it important to mention who had tattoos or what of, though the typical motifs of anchors, nautical stars, girls, religious & patriotic imagery, etc. were certainly a part of the visual language at this point. Whaler William Abbe who sailed in the 1850s, devoted considerable attention to describing the physical appearance of some of his shipmates. In one instance, he wrote about the tattoos of one 'Johnny Come Lately' or 'Jack Marlinspike' (Real name, John Hewes of Buffalo NY)
'from beneath this cap his face looms out - while beneath supporting his comical head is a bare neck and breast — hairy + brown —the upper timbers to a stout hull of a boat that boast a pair of arms all covered with India ink tattooings — the figure of American Liberty — Christ on the cross — an American Tar holding a star spangled banner in one hand + a coil of rope in the other — a fancy girl — + anchors, rings, crosses, knots, stars all over his wrists + hands — the memorials of different ports he has visited — for Jack has been in all kinds of vessels from a man of war to a blubber hunter — + has consequently been to many ports.'
From the logbook of another whaler who sailed in the early 1840s, James Moore Ritchie, he had a page of his drawings with prices included. This potentially may have been a tattoo flash sheet for his shipmates:
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American whalers also noted the tattoos of indigenous people who had signed on to whaling vessels, particularly in the South Pacific. William B. Whitecar, whaling in the 1850s wrote: "Several New Zealanders in the respective crews of these vessels attracted my attention from the tattooing on their bodies" making mention of "figures on their face and breast".
I'm too sleepy to have a conclusion lol. Tattoos! They existed! Though perhaps not as ubiquitously as the pop culture sailor designs would imply, at least prior to the late 19th c.
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Stone Turtle of Karakorum, Mongolia, c. 1235-1260 CE: this statue is one of the only surviving features of Karakorum, which was once the capital city of the Mongol Empire
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The statue is decorated with a ceremonial scarf known as a khadag (or khata), which is part of a Buddhist custom that is also found in Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. The scarves are often left atop shrines and sacred artifacts as a way to express respect and/or reverence. In Mongolia, this tradition also contains elements of Tengrism/shamanism.
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The city of Karakorum was originally established by Genghis Khan in 1220 CE, when it was used as a base for the Mongol invasion of China. It then became the capital of the Mongol Empire in 1235 CE, and quickly developed into a thriving center for trade/cultural exchange between the Eastern and Western worlds.
The city attracted merchants of many different nationalities and faiths, and Medieval sources note that the city displayed an unusual degree of diversity and religious tolerance. It contained 12 different temples devoted to pagan and/or shamanistic traditions, two mosques, one church, and at least one Buddhist temple.
As this article explains:
The city might have been compact, but it was cosmopolitan, with residents including Mongols, Steppe tribes, Han Chinese, Persians, Armenians, and captives from Europe who included a master goldsmith from Paris named William Buchier, a woman from Metz, one Paquette, and an Englishman known only as Basil. There were, too, scribes and translators from diverse Asian nations to work in the bureaucracy, and official representatives from various foreign courts such as the Sultanates of Rum and India.
This diversity was reflected in the various religions practised there and, in time, the construction of many fine stone buildings by followers of Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.
The prosperous days of Karakorum were very short-lived, however. The Mongol capital was moved to Xanadu in 1263, and then to Khanbaliq (modern-day Beijing) in 1267, under the leadership of Kublai Khan; Karakorum lost most of its power, authority, and leadership in the process. Without the resources and support that it had previously received from the leaders of the Mongol Empire, the city was left in a very vulnerable position. The residents of Karakorum began leaving the site in large numbers, until the city had eventually become almost entirely abandoned.
There were a few scattered attempts to revive the city in the years that followed, but any hope of restoring Karakorum to its former glory was then finally shattered in 1380, when the entire city was razed to the ground by Ming Dynasty troops.
The Erdene Zuu Monastery was later built near the site where Karakorum once stood, and pieces of the ruins were taken to be used as building materials during the construction of the monastery. The Erdene Zuu Monastery is also believed to be the oldest surviving Buddhist monastery in Mongolia.
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There is very little left of the ruined city today, and this statue is one of the few remaining features that can still be seen at the site. It originally formed the base of an inscribed stele, but the pillar section was somehow lost/destroyed, leaving nothing but the base (which may be a depiction of the mythological dragon-turtle, Bixi, from Chinese mythology).
This statue and the site in general always kinda remind me of the Ozymandias poem (the version by Horace Smith, not the one by Percy Bysshe Shelley):
In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone,
stands a gigantic leg
which far off throws the only shadow
that the desert knows.
"I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone,
"the King of Kings; this mighty city shows
the wonders of my hand."
The city's gone —
naught but the leg remaining
to disclose the site
of this forgotten Babylon.
We wonder —
and some Hunter may express wonder like ours,
when thro' the wilderness where London stood,
holding the wolf in chace,
he meets some fragment huge
and stops to guess
what powerful but unrecorded race
once dwelt in that annihilated place
Sources & More Info:
University of Washington: Karakorum, Capital of the Mongol Empire
Encyclopedia Britannica: Entry for Karakorum
World History: Karakorum
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disturbingstar · 16 days
TV/Comic Death Comparisons
• In “Save the Last One” Otis is left to be devoured by walkers after being shot in the leg by Shane Walsh.
• In the comics, Otis is devoured by walkers in the Prison. He is put down by Rick Grimes after reanimation.
Sophia Peletier
• In “Pretty Much Dead Already”, Sophia is revealed to have been bitten by a zombie and reanimated, and is later shot in the head by Rick Grimes after reanimation.
• In the comics, Sophia is still alive.
Dale Horvath
• In “Judge, Jury, Executioner”, Dale is disemboweled by a walker on Hershel's farm and mercifully shot in the head by Daryl Dixon.
• In the comics, Dale dies much later during the group's conflict with the Hunters, after being sustaining a bite from a walker. He is shot in the head by Andrea before reanimation. His death is similar to that of Bob Stookey from the TV Series.
Shane Walsh
• In “Better Angels”, Shane is stabbed to death by Rick Grimes, and is shot in the head by Carl Grimes after he reanimates.
• In the comics, Shane's death happens much sooner, roughly a day after the attack on the Atlanta camp. Instead of being premeditated like in the show, Shane's attempt on Rick's life is a “spur of the moment” event, brought on by Shane losing his mind due to several factors. Unlike the show, Shane is shot in the neck by Carl Grimes. After discovering that people reanimate regardless of the circumstances of their deaths, Rick travels to the Atlanta campsite to put Shane down, shooting him in the head.
Lori Grimes
• In “Killer Within”, Lori dies during a C-Section giving birth to Judith Grimes. She is shot by Carl Grimes before reanimation.
• In the comics, Lori survives giving birth to Judith, and isn't killed until the Governor's second assault on the prison, when she is shot and killed by Lilly Caul. This also results in the death of Judith, who is crushed by Lori's corpse, unlike the show where Judith is still alive.
Andrea Harrison
• In “Welcome to the Tombs”, Andrea is bitten by an undead Milton Mamet, whom Philip Blake stabbed and left in a room with a tied-up Andrea. Rather than die from infection, Andrea chooses to take her own life by shooting herself in the head.
• In the comics, Andrea dies much later during the war with the Whisperers. While leading a giant heard away from Alexandria, she is bitten on the neck while saving Eugene. She eventually dies from infection and is stabbed in the head by Rick Grimes after she reanimates.
Hershel Greene
• In “Too Far Gone”, Hershel is decapitated by Philip Blake after Rick refuses to vacate the prison. In “After”, he is put down by Michonne, who stabs him in the head.
• In the comics, Hershel gives up on life after his son Billy is killed during the second prison assault. He is executed by Brian Blake, who shoots him in the head.
Philip Blake
• In “Too Far Gone”, Philip is stabbed through the back by Michonne Hawthorne, and is later shot in the head by Lilly Chambler as he lay dying.
• In the comics, Brian Blake is killed by Lilly Caul, who shoots him in the head and kicks his body into a group of zombies.
• In “Four Walls and a Roof”, Gareth is hacked to death by Rick Grimes.
• In the comics Chris, Gareth's comic counterpart, is brutally slaughtered by Rick Grimes, Andrea, Abraham Ford, and Michonne Hawthorne.
Bob Stookey
• In “Strangers”, Bob is bitten on the shoulder by a walker. To spare Sasha from watching his slowly die, he decides to walk out into the woods, where he is knocked out by one of the Terminus remnants. He wakes up, only to discover his leg has been eaten by the Termites. When Bob reveals he's been bitten, Gareth decides to return him to the church. He eventually succumbs to infection in “Four Walls and a Roof”, and is put down by Tyreese Williams before reanimation.
• In the comics, Bob is a former army medic living in Woodbury, who patched up the Governor after the latter endured brutal torture at the hands of Michonne Hawthorne. In the novel series, Bob continues to serve as the town's doctor following the second prison assault until his death of a heart attack. He is then put down by Lilly Caul before reanimation.
Tyreese Williams
• In “What Happened and What's Going On”, Tyreese is bitten on the arm by Noah's zombified brother. His arm is sliced off by Michonne to stop the infection from spreading, but Tyreese dies due to blood loss anyway. He is stabbed in the head by Michonne before reanimation.
• In the comics, Tyreese dies sooner, during the second prison assault. He is decapitated by Brian Blake after Rick refuses to vacate the prison. His zombified head is later stabbed by Michonne Hawthorne. His death is similar to that of Hershel Greene from the TV Series.
Ron Anderson
• In “No Way Out”, Ron holds Rick at gunpoint after witnessing Rick hack off Jessie's hand to save Carl. He is stabbed through the chest by Michonne, which causes him to reflexively fire his gun and shoot Carl's eye out.
• In the comics, Ron is devoured by zombies when he starts panicking and making too much noise. Carl's eye is accidentally shot out by Douglas instead. His death is similar to that of Sam Anderson.
Abraham Ford
• In “Last Day on Earth”, Abraham is picked by Negan Smith to be executed. Negan smashes Abraham's head with his baseball bat, Lucille, off-screen.
• In the comics, Abraham is shot in the back of the head and through the eye with a crossbow bolt fired by Dwight. His death is similar to that of Denise Cloyd.
Glenn Rhee
• In “The Day Will Come When You Won't Be”, Negan Smith smashes Glenn's head with Lucille after Daryl attacks him.
• In the comics, Glenn's death is similar, but happens under slightly different circumstances, as Glenn is the one who is chosen by Negan to be executed.
• In “Hearts Still Beating”, Olivia is shot in the face by Arat as retribution for Rosita trying to kill Negan.
• In the comics, Olivia dies much later during the conflict with the Whisperers, when she is decapitated by Alpha.
Carl Grimes
• In “The King, the Widow, and Rick”, Carl is bitten by a walker while taking Siddiq back to Alexandria. In “Honour,” Carl shoots himself in the head after saying goodbye to his friends and family.
• In the comics, Carl survives the entire duration of the series.
Paul “Jesus” Rovia
• In “Evolution”, Paul is stabbed through the heart by an unnamed Whisperer.
• In the comics, Paul Monroe is still alive.
• In “Walk With Us”, Alpha has her throat slit by Negan, who then decapitates her and brings her head to Carol. Her head is later recovered and put down by Beta.
• In the comics, Alpha's death is pretty much identical, although the circumstances of her death are slightly different. Negan doesn't lure Alpha away by claiming to have captured Lydia, but she instead approaches him after banishing him to sleep outside the Whisperers' camp. He also brings Alpha's head to Rick instead of Carol. In addition, Alpha's head is not known to have been put down afterwards.
Rosita Espinosa
• In “Rest in Peace”, Rosita is bitten on the shoulder and succumbs to the infection. She is then put down by Eugene before reanimation.
• In the comics, Rosita is one of the pike victims.
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Published: Jul 13, 2023
As experienced professionals involved in direct care for the rapidly growing numbers of gender-diverse youth, the evaluation of medical evidence or both, we were surprised by the Endocrine Society’s claims about the state of evidence for gender-affirming care for youth (Letters, July 5). Stephen Hammes, president of the Endocrine Society, writes, “More than 2,000 studies published since 1975 form a clear picture: Gender-affirming care improves the well-being of transgender and gender-diverse people and reduces the risk of suicide.” This claim is not supported by the best available evidence.
Every systematic review of evidence to date, including one published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society, has found the evidence for mental-health benefits of hormonal interventions for minors to be of low or very low certainty. By contrast, the risks are significant and include sterility, lifelong dependence on medication and the anguish of regret. For this reason, more and more European countries and international professional organizations now recommend psychotherapy rather than hormones and surgeries as the first line of treatment for gender-dysphoric youth.
Dr. Hammes’s claim that gender transition reduces suicides is contradicted by every systematic review, including the review published by the Endocrine Society, which states, “We could not draw any conclusions about death by suicide.” There is no reliable evidence to suggest that hormonal transition is an effective suicide-prevention measure.
The politicization of transgender healthcare in the U.S. is unfortunate. The way to combat it is for medical societies to align their recommendations with the best available evidence—rather than exaggerating the benefits and minimizing the risks.
This letter is signed by 21 clinicians and researchers from nine countries.
FINLAND Prof. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, M.D., Ph.D. Tampere University Laura Takala, M.D., Ph.D. Chief Psychiatrist, Alkupsykiatria Clinic
UNITED KINGDOM Prof. Richard Byng, M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D. University of Plymouth Anna Hutchinson, D.Clin.Psych. Clinical psychologist, The Integrated Psychology Clinic Anastassis Spiliadis, Ph.D.(c) Director, ICF Consultations
SWEDEN Angela Sämfjord, M.D. Senior consultant, Sahlgrenska University Hospital Sven Román, M.D. Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
NORWAY Anne Wæhre, M.D., Ph.D. Senior consultant, Oslo University Hospital
BELGIUM Em. Prof. Patrik Vankrunkelsven, M.D. Ph.D. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Honorary senator Sophie Dechêne, M.R.C.Psych. Child and adolescent psychiatrist Beryl Koener, M.D., Ph.D. Child and adolescent psychiatrist
FRANCE Prof. Celine Masson, Ph.D. Picardy Jules Verne University Psychologist, Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants Co-director, Observatory La Petite Sirène Caroline Eliacheff, M.D. Child and adolescent psychiatrist Co-director, Observatory La Petite Sirène Em. Prof. Maurice Berger, M.D. Ph.D. Child psychiatrist
SWITZERLAND Daniel Halpérin, M.D. Pediatrician
SOUTH AFRICA Prof. Reitze Rodseth, Ph.D. University of Kwazulu-Natal Janet Giddy, M.B.Ch.B., M.P.H. Family physician and public-health expert Allan Donkin, M.B.Ch.B. Family physician
UNITED STATES Clin. Prof. Stephen B. Levine, M.D. Case Western Reserve University Clin. Prof. William Malone, M.D. Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine Director, Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine Prof. Patrick K. Hunter, M.D. Florida State University Pediatrician and bioethicist
Transgenderism has been highly politicized—on both sides. There are those who will justify any hormonal-replacement intervention for any young person who may have been identified as possibly having gender dysphoria. This is dangerous, as probably only a minority of those so identified truly qualify for this diagnosis. On the other hand, there are those who wouldn’t accept any hormonal intervention, regardless of the specifics of the individual patients.
Endocrinologists aren’t psychiatrists. We aren’t the ones who can identify gender-dysphoric individuals. The point isn’t to open the floodgates and offer an often-irreversible treatment to all people who may have issues with their sexuality, but to determine who would truly benefit from it.
Jesus L. Penabad, M.D. Tarpon Springs, Fla.
[ Via: https://archive.today/IRShy ]
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The gender lobotomists just got called out.
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runelocked · 10 months
❛ being stuck inside with you all day is my worst nightmare. ❜
WILLIAM’S HAND IS OVER HIS HEART, LOOKING GENUINELY STUNG. UNSURE WHY, CONSIDERING HE’S BEEN DELIBERATELY AGGRAVATING EVER SINCE THIS STUPID SNOW STORM STARTED. For a moment, he considers slapping Jamie: and then scowls, urge passing, and he looks away sullenly. Good mood fading entirely, because sure, it had been a harmless retort, well - deserved considering his behaviour, but fuck Jamie for saying it. Dick. “ I’ll just leave then, will I, ” he says challengingly, and then eyes the snow outside, piled heavy against the door, arms crossing defensively. “ Give you some peace if you hate me that much. ”
Why is he so caught up by Jamie’s words ? William knows he’s being a dick right now, and knows he’d been irritating all day, constantly getting in the other man’s personal space and talking non - stop and generally being a nuisance . . . But damnit, he hates the cold, and he’s genuinely been enjoying himself with Jamie. Whatever. Whatever. He turns away, resisting the urge to kick a hole in Jamie’s stupid wall in his stupid house just to see the anger on his stupid face. “ I’ll do you one better, actually. I’ll just go freeze to death in the snow to get out of your way. ” A childish retort, and yet he’s bizarrely stung for reasons beyond his own understanding. “ I hate being stuck with you too, for the record ! If I could leave, then I would ! ” A bold faced lie, not that he’ll tell Jamie that . . . William stomps out of the room, and doesn’t slam the door like he’s about to burst into tears because some stupid teacher hurt his feelings, definitely not. Because he’s a grown adult, thank you, and has completely control over his emotions. And definitely doesn’t let himself get hurt by Jamie fucking Fouler.
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Xenofiction (& similar) Media Masterpost
Editable Google Doc Link here
PS. This list is for keeping track only. This is not a recommendation list and I won't be advocating for any Work, Author or Company listed. There will be footnotes about a work/author for undesirable behaviour or themes if necessary.
This is a WIP and will be updated whenever I have the time to. Feel free to recommend works or inform me about an author so I can update the post. Be Aware works on this list might have been cancelled or on indifinitive Hiatus and not all works are available on English.
Comic Books & Graphics Novels
Picture Books
Indie Written Works
Animated Series
Live-Action & Hybrid shows
Short Films
Animated Films
Live Action & CGI Assisted Movies
Online Browser Games
Table Top Games
Other Online Projects
Gen. Videos
To search is Ctrl + F (Windows) or Command-F (MacOS), on phone browser you have "Find in page" (Drop menu at top right)
Age of Fire - E. E. Knight
Adventure Lit their Star - Kenneth Allsop
Alien in a Small Town - Jim Cleaveland
Alien Chronicles (Literature) - Deborah Chester
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Animorphs - K. A. Applegate
Am an Owl - Martin Hocke
At Winters End - Robert Silverberg
Avonoa - H.R.B. Collotzi
Astrid and Cerulean: A Parrot Fantasy - Parasol Marshall-Crowley
A Wolf for a Spell - Karah Sutton
The African Painted Wolf Novels - Alexander Kendziorski
The Alchemist's Cat - Robin Jarvis
The Amazing Maurice and his educated rodents - Terry Pratchet
The Amity Incident - C. M. Weller
The Ancient Solitary Reign - Martin Hocke
The Animals of Farthing Wood series - Colin Dann
The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein
The Author of Acacia Seeds and Other Extracts from the Journal of Therolinguistics - Ursula K. Le Guin
A Magical Cat Named Kayla: Whiskers of Enchantment -Carlos Juárez [AI Cover]*
The Animal Story Book - Various Authors [Editor: Andrew Lang]
Abenteuer im Korallenriff - Antonia Michaelis [DE]
Bambi: A life in the forest & Bambi Children - Felix Salten
Bamboo Kingdom series - Erin Hunter
Bazil Broketail - Christopher Rowley
Beak of the Moon & Dark of the Moon - Philip Temple
Bears of the Ice series - Kathryn Lasky
Beasts of New York - Jon Evans
Beautiful Joe - Margaret Marshall Saunders
Beyond Acacia Ridge - Amy Clare Fontaine
Birddom - Clive Woodall
Bird Brain - Guy Kennaway
Black Beauty - Anna Sewell
Blitzcat - Robert Westall
Blizzard Winds - Paul Koch
Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells
Braver: A Wombat's Tale - Suzanne Selfors & Walker Ranson
Bravelands series- Erin Hunter
Broken Fang - Rutherford Montgomery
Bunnicula series - Deborah Howe & James Howe
Burning Stars - Rurik Redwolf
A Black Fox Running - Brian Carter
A Blue So Loud - Tuesday
The Ballard of The Belstone Fox - David Rook
The Bear - James Curwood
The Bees - Laline Paull
The Biography of a Silver Fox - Ernest Thompson Seton
The Blue Cat of Castle Town - Catherine Cate Coblentz
The Book Of Chameleons - José Eduardo Agualusa
The Book of the Dun Cow - Walter Wangerin Jr.
The Book of Night with Moon - Diane Duane
The Books of the Named series - Clare Bell
The Bug Wars - Robert Asprin
The Builders - Daniel Polansky
Call of the wild - Jack London
Callanish - William Horwood
Catwings - Ursula K. Le Guin
Cat Diaries: Secret Writings of the MEOW Society - Betsy Byars, Betsy Duffey & Laurie Myers
Cat House - Michael Peak
Cat Pack - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Cats in the city of Plague - A.L Marlow
Celestial Heir series - Chester Young
Charlotte's Web - E. B. White
Chet and Bernie mysteries - Spencer Quinn
Chia The Wildcat - Joyce stranger
Child of the Wolves - Elizabeth Hall
Clarice the Brave - Lisa McMann
Cry of the Wild - Charles Foster
Coyote's Wild Home - Barbara Kingsolver; Lily Kingsolver & Paul Mirocha
Coyote Series - Michael Bergey
Crocuta - Katelyn Rushe
Coorinna: A Novel of the Tasmanian Uplands - Erle Wilson
Cujo - Steven King
The Calatians Series - Tim Susman
The Cats of Roxville station - Jean Craighead Georde
The Chanur Novels - C. J. Cherryh
The Cold Moons - Aeron Clement
The Color of Distance || Through Alien Eyes - Amy Thomson
The Conquerors - Timothy Zahn
The Council of Cats - R. J. F.
The Cricket in Times Square - George Selden
The Crimson Torch - Angela Holder
The Crossbreed - Allan Eckert
The Crucible of Time - John Brunner
Darkeye series - Lydia West
Deadlands: The Hunted - Skye Melki-Wegner
Demon of Undoing - Andrea I. Alton
Desert Dog - Jim Kjelgaard
Dinotopia - James Gurney, Alan Dean Foster
Doglands - Tim Willocks
Dimwood Forest series - Avi
A Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray - Ann M. Martin
A Dog's Porpoise Duology - M. C. Ross
Dogs of the Drowned City - Dayna Lorentz
A Dog's Purpose series - W. Bruce Cameron
Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians - Mark Caney
Domino - Kia Heavey
Douglas' Diary - Andrew John
DragonFire series - Lewis Jones Davies
Dragon Fires Rising - Marc Secchia
Dragon Hoard and Other Tales of Faerie - Cathleen Townsend
Dragons and Skylines series - Rowan Silver
Dragon Prayers - M.J. McPike
Dragons of Mother Stone series - Melissa McShane
Dragon Girls Series - Maddy Mara
The Deptford Mice series - Robin Jarvis
The Dogs of the Spires series - Ethan Summers
The Dragons of Solunas series - H. Leighton Dickson
The Duncton Chronicles - William Horwood
The Destiny of Dragons - J.F.R. Coates
The Diary Of A House Cat - Ileana Dorobantu
Dogtown - Katherine Applegate & Gennifer Choldenko
Die schwarze Tigerin - Peer Martin [DE]
Die weiße Wölfin - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Die Wilden Hunde Von Pompeii - Helmut Krausser [DE]
Das wilde Mäh - Vanessa Walder [DE]
The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers
Eclosión - Arturo Balseiro [ES]
Ein Seehund findet nach Hause - Antonia Michaelis [DE]
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Roald Dahl
Faithful Ruslan - Georgi Vladimov
Feather and Bone: The Crow Chronicles - Clem Martini
Feathers & Flames series - John Bailey
Felidae series (1) - Akif Pirinçci
Fifteen Rabbits - Felix Salten
Fire, Bed & Bone - Henrietta Branford
Fire of the Phoenix - Azariah Jade
Fluke - James Herbert
Firefall series - Peter Watts
Firebringer - David Clement-Davies
Flush: A Biography Book - Virginia Woolf
Fox - Glyn Frewer
Foxcraft series - Inbali Iserles
Frightful’s Mountain - Jeanie Craighead George
Frost dancers: A story of hares - Garry Kilworth
The Familiars series - Adam Jay Epstein
The Fifth - Saylor Ferguson
The Firebringer series - Meredith Ann Pierce
The Fox and The Hound - Daniel P. Mannix
The Forges of Dawn - E. Kinsey
Freundschaft im Regenwald - Peer Martin [DE]
(1) Felidae's Author - Akif Pirinçci - is known to be a Xenophobic, Anti-muslim, Anti-Lgbt and Extreme Right-Wing guy (A N4zi by his on words). Won't be going onto details just know he has a non-fiction work called "Germany Gone Mad: The Crazy Cult around Women, Homosexuals and Immigrants." His works has been out of print ever since.
Guardian Cats and the lost books of Alexandria - Rahma Krambo
Guardians of Ga'Hoole series - Kathryn Lasky
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Griffin Quest - Sophie Torro
Gryphon Insurrection series - K. Vale Nagle
The Ghost and It's Shadow - Shaun Hick
The Golden Eagle - Robert Murphy
The Golem and the Jinni - Helene Wecker
The Good Dog - Newbery Medalist
The Guardian Herd series - Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
The Goodbye Cat - Hiro Arikawa
The Great Timbers - James A. Kane
Haunt Fox - Jim Kjelgaard
Haven: A Small Cat's Big Adventure - Megan Wagner Lloyd
Heavenly Horse series - Mary Stanton
Hive - Ischade Bradean
Horses of Dawn series - Kathryn Lasky
House of Tribes - Garry Kilworth
Hunter's Moon/Foxes of First dark - Garry Kilworth
Hunters Universe series - Abigail Hilton
A Hare at Dark Hollow - Joyce Stranger
The Hundred and One Dalmatians & The Starlight Barking - Dodie Smith
The Hunt for Elsewhere - Beatrice Vine
Hollow Kingdom Duology - Kira Jane Buxton
I am a Cat - Natsume Sōseki
I, Scheherezade: Memoirs of a Siamese Cat - Douglass Parhirst
In the Long Dark - Brian Carter
The Incredible Journey - Sheila Burnford
Im Reich der Geparde - Kira Gembri [DE]
Joe Grey series - Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach & Russell Munson
Julie of the Wolves - Jeanie Craighead George
The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
Journey to the West - Wu Cheng'en
Kävik the Wolf Dog - Walt Morey
Kazan duology - James Curwood
Kine Saga - Alan Lloyd
Kona's Song - Louise Searl
The Killers - Daniel P. Mannix
Kindred of the Wild - Charles G.D Roberts
König der Bären - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Lassie Come-Home - Eric Knight
Last of the Curlews - Fred Bodsworth
Lazy Scales - D.M. Gilmore
Legends of Blood series - Ethan Summers
A Legend of Wolf Song - George Stone
Luna the Lone Wolf - Forest Wells
Lupus Rex - John Carter Cash
Lutapolii: White Dragon of the South - Deryn Pittar
The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle
The Labrador Pact & The Last Family in England - Matt Haig
The Last Dogs - Christopher Holt
The Last Eagle - Daniel P. Mannix
The Last Great Auk - Allan Eckert
The Last Monster on Earth - L.J. Davies
The Life Story of a Fox - J. C. Tregarthen
The Lost Rainforest series - Eliot Schrefer & Emilia Dziubak
The Lost Domain - Martin Hocke
The Last Whales: A Novel - Lloyd Abbey
Mammoth Trilogy - Stephen Baxter
Manxmouse: The Mouse Who Knew No Fear - Paul Gallico
Marney the Fox - Scott Goodall & John Stokes
Mattie: The story of a hedgehog - Norman Adams, & G.D. Griffiths
Matriarch: Elephant vs. T-Rex - Roz Gibson
Midnight's Sun - Garry Kilworth
Migon - P.C. Keeler
Minado The Devil - Dog - Erle Wilson
Monkey Wars - Richard Kurti
Mouseheart Series - Lisa Fiedler
The Mistmantle chronicles - M.I. McAllister
The Mountain Lion - Robert Murphy
The Mouse Butcher - Dick King-Smith
The Mouse Protectors Series - Olly Barrett
Maru - Die Reise der Elefanten - Kira Gembri [DE]
New Springtime series - Robert Silverberg
Nightshade Chronicles - Hilary Wagner
Nugly - M. C. Ross
Nuru und Lela - Das Wunder der Wildnis - Kira Gembri [DE]
Old One-Toe - Michel-Aimé Baudouy
Of Birds and Branches - Frances Pauli
Outlaw Red - Jim Kjelgaard
The Old Stag - Henry Williamson
The One and Only Ivan - Katherine Applegate
Painted Flowers - Caitlin Grizzle
Pax & Pax: Journey Home - Sara Pennypacker
Petrichor - C.E. Wright
The Plague Dogs - Richard Adams
The Pit - Elaine Ramsay
Pride Wars Series - Matt Laney
A Pup Called Trouble - Bobbie Pyron
The Peregryne Falcon - Robert Murphy
Pork and Others - Cris Freddi
Queen in the Mud - Maari
Quill and Claw series - Kathryn Brown
Rak: The story of an Urban Fox - Jonathon Guy
Ramblefoot by Ken Kaufman
Rats of Nimh series - Robert C. O'Brien
Raven Quest - Sharon Stewart
Ravenspell Series - David Farland
Raptor Red - Robert T. Bakker
Red Fox - Charles G. D. Roberts
Redwall series - Brian Jacques
Rose in a Storm - Jon Katz
Rufus - Rutherford Montgomery
Run With the Wind series - Tom McCaughren
Runt - Marion Dane Baeur
Rustle in the Grass - Robin Hawdon
Rusty - Joyce Stranger
The Remembered War series - Robert Vane
The Rescuers series - Margery Sharp
The Red Stranger - David Stephen
The River Singers & The Rising - Tom Moorhouse
The Road Not Taken - Harry Turtledove,
The Running Foxes - Joyce Stranger
Revier der Raben - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Salar the Salmon - Henry Williamson
Scary Stories for Young Foxes Duology - Christian McKay Heidicker
Scaleshifter series - Shelby Hailstone Law
Shadow Walkers - Russ Chenoweth
Scream of the White Bears - David Clement-Davies
Seekers saga - Erin Hunter
Serpentia Series - Frances Pauli
Shadows in the Sky - Pete Cross
Shark Wars Series - EJ Altbacker
Silverwing series - Kenneth Oppel
Silver Brumby series - Elyne Mitchell
Sirius - Olaf Stapledon
SkyTalons Series - Sophie Torro
Solo's Journey - Joy Aiken Smith
Sky Hawk - Gill Lewis
Snow Dog - Jim Kjelgaard
Song of the River - Soinbhe Lally
Spirit of the West series - Kathleen Duey
Survivors series - Erin Hunter
Stray - A.N Wilson
String Lug the Fox - David Stephen
Swashbuckling Cats: Nine Lives on the Seven Seas - Rhonda Parrish & Co.
Swordbird series - Nancy Yi Fan
The Sheep-Pig - Dick King-Smith
The Sight & Fell - David Clement-Davies
The Silent Sky - Allan Eckert
The Silver Claw - Garry Kilworth
The Stoner Eagles - William Horwood
The Stink Files - Jennifer L. Holm & Jonathan Hamel
The Snowcat Prince - Dina Norlund
The Story Of A Seagull And The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a Snail Who Discovered the Importance of Being Slow - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a dog called Leal - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a Red Deer - John Fortescue
The Summer King Chronicles - Jess E. Owen
Schogul, Rächer der Tiere - Birgit Laqua [DE]
Stadt der Füchse - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Tailchaser's Song - Tad Williams
Tarka the Otter - Henry Williamson
Three Bags Full - Leonnie Swann
Thy Servant a Dog - Rudyard Kipling
Tomorrow's Sphinx - Clare Bell
Torn Ear - Geoffrey Malone
Thor - Wayne Smith
Trickster -  Tom Moorhouse
Two Dogs and a Horse - Jim Kjelgaard
The Tale of Despereaux - Kate DiCamillo
The Travelling Cat Chronicles - Hiro Arikawa
The Trilogy of the Ants - Bernard Werber
The Trumpet of the Swan - E. B. White
The Tusk That Did the Damage - Tania James
The Tygrine cat - Inbali Iserles
Ultimate Dragon Saga - Graham Edwards
Under the Skin - Michel Faber
Varjak Paw duology - S.F Said
Vainqueur the Dragon series - Maxime J. Durand
War Bunny series - Christopher St. Jhon
War Horse - Michael Morpurgo
War Queen - Illthylian
Warrior Cats series - Erin Hunter
Watership Down/Tales of Watership Down - Richard Adams
Ways of Wood Folk - William J. Long
Welkin Weasels series - Garry Kilworth
West of Eden - Harry Harrison
Whalesong Trilogy - Robert Siegel
Whale - Jeremy Lucas
Whispers in the Forest - Barbara Coultry
White Wolf - Henrietta Branford
White Fang - Jack London
White Fox Series - Jiatong Chen
Wings trilogy - Don Conroy
Wild Lone - Denys Watkins-Pitchford
Wild Animals I Have Known - Ernest Thompson Seton
Willow Tree Wood Series - J. S. Betts
Wings of Fire series - Tui T. Sutherland
Winterset Hollow - Jonathan Edward Durham
Wolf: The Journey Home | Hungry for Home: A Wolf Odyssey - Asta Bowen
Wolf Brother series - Michelle Paver
Wolf Chronicles - Dorothy Hearst
Wolves of the Beyond Series - Kathryn Lasky
Woodstock Saga - Michael Tod
A Whale of the Wild - Rosanne Parry
A Wolf Called Wander - Rosanne Parry
The Waters of Nyra - Kelly Michelle Baker
The Wolves of Elementa series - Sophie Torro
The Wolves of Time - William Horwood
The Wolf Chronicles Series - Teng Rong
The Way of Kings - Louise Searl
The White Bone - Barbara Gowdy
The White Fox/Singing Tree - Brian Parvin
The White Puma - Ronald Lawrence
The Wild Road & The Golden Cat - Gabriel King
The Wildings & The Thousand names of darkness - Nilanjana Roy
The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
The Wind Protect You - Pat Murphy
The Wolves of Paris - Daniel P. Mannix
Yellow eyes - Rutherford Montgomery
The Year Of The Dinosaur - Edwin H. Colbert
Zones of Thought series - Vernor Vinge
Z-Verse series by R.H
Comic Books/Graphic Novels
Animosity - Marguerite Bennett
Age of Reptiles - Ricardo Delgado
Legend - Samuel Sattin Koehler
Mouse Guard - David Petersen
Pride of Baghdad - Brian K. Vaughan & Niko Henrichon
Rover Red Charlie - Garth Ennis & Michael Dipascale
Stray Dogs - Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner
We3 - Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely
Beasts of Burden - Evan Dorkin & Jill Thompson
LOBO: Canine Crusader of the Metal Wasteland - Macs-World-Ent
The Sandman: Dream of a Thousand Cats - Neil Gaiman
Animal Castle - Xavier Dorison & Felix Delep
Blacksad Series - Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido
Scurry - Mac Smith
The Snowcat Prince - Dina Norlund
Rankless - Maggie Lightheart
Animal Pound - Tom King & Peter Gross
Animal Castle - Xavier Dorison & Felix Delep
BlackSad - Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido
Picture Books
Steve the Dung Beetle: On a Roll - Susan R. Stoltz & Melissa Bailey
Hot Dog - Doug Salati
The Rock from the Sky - Jon Klassen
Whoever Heard of a Flying Bird? - David Cunliffe & Ivan Barrera
A Cat Named Whiskers - Shana Gorian
Ocean Tales Children's Books Series - Sarah Cullen & Zuzana Sbodová
Jake the Growling Dog - Samantha Shannon
Indie Written Works
Fins Above Series - MIROYMON
Journey of Atlas - Journey of Atlas
Africa - Arven92
After Honour - genstaelens
Awka - Nothofagus-obliqua
Arax - Azany
Amarith - Eredhys
The Apple's Echo - Helianthanas
Alone - Magpeyes
The Blackblood Alliance - KayFedewa
The Betrothed - Kibisca
Black Tyrant - Zapp-BEAST
Blue - HunterBeingHunted
Beast Tags - TheRoomPet
Spy - Utahraptor93
Be Reflected in my Eyes - Aquene-lupetta
Carry your voice - TacoBella
Caelum Sky - ALRadeck
Crescent Wing - Mikaley
Crescent Moonlight - AnimalCrispy
City of Trees - SanjanaIndica
Corpse - doeprince/ratt
Darbi - Sherard Jackson
The Devils Demons - Therbis
Doe of Deadwood - Songdogx
Dyten - Therbis
Desperation - PracticelImagination
Equus Siderae - Dalgeor
Empyrean - Leonine-Skies
Enchantment - FeralWolf1234
Fox Fires - Pipilia
Forget me Not - Nitteh
Fjeld - Dachiia
Felinia - Rainy-bleu
Golden Shrike - doeprince/ratt
Ghost of the Gulag - David Derrick Jr.
Horse Age - BUGHS-22
Hiraeth - AFlameThatNeverDies
Half-Blood - majkaria
Horns of Light - ThatMoonySky
I Hope So - Detective Calico
The Ivory Walk - TacoBella
I'm not Ready - Wolfkingdom372
Jet and Harley - doeprince
Kestrel Island - Silverphoenix
Kin - Fienduredraws
KuroMonody - IrisBdz
Krystal - Nitteh
The King of Eyes - CloverTailedFox09
Legend of Murk - Azany
LouptaOmbra - Loupta Ombra (OngakuK, MlleNugget & joeypony)
Leopards bring rain - Kyriuar
Mazes of Filth - petitecanine
Minimal All You Are - mike-princeofstars
Nine Riders - SpiriMuse
No Man's Land - TacoBella
Never seen the Day - R3dk3y
Norra - shadowmirku
Obsidian Fire - SolinaBright
Oren's Forge - teagangavet
Off-White - Akreon
Out Of Time - IndiWolf
Rabbit on the Moon - Songdogx & Nitteh
The Rabbit Hole - Detrah
RunningWolf Mirari - Mirella Menciassi
Raptor - ElenPanter
Redriver - FireTheWolf777
Repeat - Songdogx
The Rabbit's Foot - riri_arts
Scurry - Mac Smith
Simbol - Zoba22
Spirit Lock - Animal Crispy
The Sylcoe - Denece-the-sylcoe
Sunder - Aurosoul
Tainted Hearts - Therbis
Taxicat - owlburrow
That's Freedom Guyra - Nothofagus-obliqua
Three Corners: A Kitten's Story - Lara Frizzell
Tofauti Sawa - TheCynicalHound
Two of a Kind - ProjectNao
To Catch a Star - SleepySundae
Under the Ash Tree - ChevreLune
Uninvited - Nothofagus-obliqua
Water Wolves - LuckyStarhun
What Lurks Beneath - ArualMeow
Water Wolves - LuckyStarhun
Wild Wolves - Lombarsi
White Tail - SleepySundae
What's your damage? - FrostedCanid
The Wolves of Chena - Yamis-Art
Waves Always Crash - Hellhunde
The Whale's Heart - Possumteeeth [Warriors Fancomic]
A Centaur's Life - Murayama Kei
Beastars - Paru Itagaki
Chi's Sweet Home - Kanata Konami
Ginga Series [Silverfang] - Yoshihiro Takahashi
Gon - Masashi Tanaka
Houseki no Kuni | Land of the Lustrous - Haruko Ichikawa
Inugami-Kai - Masaya Hokazono
The Jungle Emperor - Osamu Tezuka
My roommate is a cat - Minatsuki & Asu Futatsuya
Crimsons – The Scarlet Navigators of the Ocean - Kanno Takanori
Rooster Fighter - Shū Sakuratani
Simoun - Shō Aikawa
The Fox & Little Tanuki - Mi Tagawa
Yuria 100 Shiki - Nobuto Hagio
Massugu ni Ikou - Kira
Cat Soup
The Amazing 3
Cat + Gamer - Wataru Nadatani
Animated Series
101 Dalmatians: The series & 101 Dalmatian Street
A Polar Bear in Love
Baja no Studio
Bagi: Monster of Mighty Nature
Bannertail: The Story of Gray Squirrel
Centaurworld (2021)
Chirin's Bell
Chironup no Kitsune
Dokkun Dokkun
Gamba no Bouken
Hazbin Hotel
Invader ZIM
Inu to Neko Docchi mo Katteru to Mainichi Tanoshii
King Fang
Koisuru Shirokuma
Kemushi no Boro
Kewang Lantian
Konglong Baobei: Shiluo De Wenming
Little Polar Bear
Manxmouse's Great Activity
Mitsubachi Maya no Bouken
Mikan Enikki
Massugu ni Ikou -
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Mikan Enikki
Ore, Tsushima
Okashi na Sabaku no Suna to Manu
Polar Bear Cafe
Robotboy (2005)
Seton Doubutsuki: Risu no Banner
The Amazing 3
Tottoko Hamtarou
The Adventure of Qiqi and Keke
Tama & Friends: Third Street Story
Watership Down (2018) & Watership Down (1999)
What's Michael?
Wolf's Rain
Wonder Pets
Live-Action/Hybrid show
Fantasy High
A Crown of Candy 
Burrow's End
Good Omens
Dinosauria - Dead Sound
My Pride - tribbleofdoom
Whitefall - Chylk
The Stolen Hope - Galemtido
Dragon's Blood - FluffyGinger
Helluva Boss -
Murder Drones -
Short Films
Alone a wolf's winter
Baja's Studio
Beautiful Name
Cat Piano
Cat Soup
Chicken Little
Far From the Tree
Ferdinand the Bull
Frypan Jiisan
Genji Fantasy: The Cat Fell in Love With Hikaru Genji
Gaitou to Neko
Hao Mao Mimi
Houzi Dian Bianpao
Je T'aime
Lambert the sheepish lion
Laoshu Jia Nu
Mahoutsukai no Melody
Monmon the Water Spider
Mushroom - Nakagawa Sawako
Of Mice and Clockworks
Osaru no Tairyou
Robin Robin
Sauria - Dead Sound
Smash and Grab
Street of Crocodiles
She and Her Cat
Space Neko Theater
Shiroi Zou | White Elephant
Shi | Food
Sugar, With a Story
Straw-saurus NEO
The Chair
The Blue Umbrella
The Shell Shocked Egg
The Dog Door
The Dog In The Alley
That's Why They Were Made
With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun
Zhui Shu
Animated Films
101 Dalmatians duology
A Monkey's Tale (1999)
All Dogs go to Heaven
The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin
Alpha and Omega saga
An American Tail
The Aristocats
Animals United
Annabelle's Wish (1997)
Alakazam the great (1960)
Back Outback
Bambi / Bambi II
Brother Bear / Brother Bear II
A Bug's Life
The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales
Bee Movie
The Brave Little Toaster
Birds of a Feather
Back to the Forest
Chicken Run
Speckles: The Tarbosaurus || Dino King: Journey to Fire Mountain
DC League of Super-Pets
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Fantastic Planet
The Fox and the Hound
Finding Nemo/Finding Dory
Free Birds
The Fearless Four
The Good Dinosaur
Ghost in the Shell
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
Happy Feet/Happy Feet Two
Help! I'm a Fish
Home on the Range
Hoero! Bun Bun Movie
Hokkyoku no Muushika Miishika
Ice Age Franchise
Isle of Dogs
I Am T-Rex
Jungledyret Hugo
The King of Tibetan Antelope
Kuma no Gakkou trilogy
Lady and the Tramp
The Land Before time Franchise
The Last Unicorn
Leafy, A Hen in the wild
Little Big Panda
The Lion King Franchise
Lucky and Zorba
Lilo & Stitch
Last Day of the Dinosaurs
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Marona's Fantastic Tale
Millionaire Dogs
My Friend Tyranno
Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants || Minuscule - Mandibles from Far Away
Mouse and His Child
Nezumi Monogatari: George to Gerald no Bouken
Oliver & Company
One Stormy Night
Over the Edge
The Plague Dogs
Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro
Pipi Tobenai Hotaru
Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure
Raven the Little Rascal
Reynard the Fox (1989)
Rock a Doodle
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1998)
The Rabbi’s Cat
Samson and Sally
The Secret of Nihm
The Secret Life of Pets/The Secret Life of Pets II
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Sheep & Wolves
The Seventh Brother
A Stork's Journey
Stowaways on the Ark
A Turtle's Tale
The One and Only Ivan
Toy Story
Twilight of the Cockroaches (1987)
The Trumpet of the Swan
The Enchanted Journey
Vuk the Little Fox
Watership Down (1978)
White Fang
The Wild
Wolf Children
You Are Umasou
Live Action/CGI Assisted Movies
Au Hasard Balthazar
Beverly Hills Chihuahua franchise
Cats & Dogs franchise
Charlotte's Web
Fluke (1995) - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Homeward Bound duology (1963 & 1996) - Disney
The Legend of Lobo (1962) - Disney
Strays (2023) - Universal Pictures
Pride (2024) - BBC
101 Dalmatians duology (1996 & 2000)
March of the Penguins
Meerkat Manor
Lemur Street
Gangs of Lemur Island
Orangutan Island
Prairie Dog Dynasty
Chimp Empire
Monkey Thieves
Monkey Kingdom
Animalia Survival - High Brazil Studio
Cattails - Falcon Development
Endling: Extinction is Forever
Gibbon: Beyond the trees - Broken Rules
The Lonesome Fog - Might and Delight
Meadow - Might and Delight
Niche - Stray Fawn Studio
Shelter / Shelter 2/ Shelter 3 - Might and Delight
Paws - Might and Delight
Stray - BlueTwelve Studio
The WILDS - Gluten Free Games
Wolf Quest - eduweb
Golden Treasure: The Great Green - Dreaming Door Studios
Spirit of the North - Infuse Studio
Ōkami - Clover Studio
Rain World - Videocult
Feather - Samurai Punk
Eagle Flight - Ubisoft Montreal Studio
Copoka - Inaccurate Interactive
Untitled Goose Game - House House
PaRappa - NanaOn-Sha
Night in the Woods - Infinite Fall & Secret Lab
Monster Prom - Beautiful Glitch
Them's Fightin' Herds - Mane6
E.V.O.: Search for Eden - Givro Corporation
(Pretty much most of Might and Delight games)
Online Browser Games
Flight Rising
Table Top Games
Bunnies & Burrows
Chronicles of Darkness
Mage: The Awakening
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Three Raccoons in a Trench Coat
World Tree (RPG)
Heckin' Good Doggos
Dungeons & Dragons (Depends on the GM)
In My Eyes You're a Giant - Sonata Arctica
It Won't Fade - Unia
The Cage - Winterheart's Guild
Other Online Projects
Cardinal West
Xenofiction Reviews
Gen. Videos
Trope Talk: Small Mammal on a Big Adventure by Overly Sarcastic Productions
Mirolapye - Varverine
Sonic the Hedgehog
My little pony
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Monter High
Tom & Jerry
Baldur’s Gate
Maya the Bee
The Little Polar Bear
157 notes · View notes
fandom · 2 years
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Vampires and lesbian necromancers and demigods, oh my!
Percy Jackson & The Olympians +2 by Rick Riordan
Dracula by Bram Stroker
The Harry Potter series -2 by J.K. Rowling
The Locked Tomb series +6 by Tamsyn Muir
The Warrior Cats series -1 by Erin Hunter
A Song of Ice and Fire +7 by George R.R. Martin
Six Of Crows -5 by Leigh Bardugo
The All for the Game series -3 by Nora Sakavic
Pride And Prejudice -3 by Jane Austen
The Silmarillion +1 by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Secret History -2 by Donna Tartt
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
A Court of Thorns and Roses series -6 by Sarah J. Maas
The Folk of the Air series -2 by Holly Black
The Trials of Apollo series -1 by Rick Riordan
The Discworld series +4 by Terry Pratchett
The Raven Cycle series -1 by Maggie Stiefvater
The Picture Of Dorian Gray +6 by Oscar Wilde
Maus by Art Spiegelman
The Song Of Achilles -5 by Madeline Miller
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The Simon Snow series -1 by Rainbow Rowell
The Shadowhunter Chronicles -1 by Cassandra Clare
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
If We Were Villains +3 by M. L. Rio
Wings Of Fire -1 by Tui T. Sutherland
The Last Hours Series by Cassandra Clare
The Animorph series +8 by K. A. Applegate
The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn
The Iliad +10 by Homer
Red, White, and Royal Blue -13 by Casey McQuiston
The Stormlight Archive series -9 by Brandon Sanderson
1984 +8 by George Orwell
Wuthering Heights +8 by Emily Brontë
The Twilight Saga -3 by Stephanie Meyer
The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
Romeo And Juliet +1 by William Shakespeare
The Great Gatsby -12 by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Dark Artifices -2 by Cassandra Clare
The Captive Prince series -21 by C. S. Pacat
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard -8 by Rick Riordan
The Fowl Adventures series -8 by Eoin Colfer
The Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater
The Wicked Powers +1 by Cassandra Clare
The Odyssey by Homer
The Throne Of Glass Series -17 by Sarah J. Maas
Renegades by Marisa Meyer
The Infernal Devices -9 by Cassandra Clare
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde -3 by Robert Louis Stevenson
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
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i-am-church-the-cat · 11 months
Logan Sargeant is a silly little guy
@vii-tto idk why but it wouldn't let me tag you. Hopefully you see this. also @spell-of-the-rain i added things if you want to check out 75-87
But here's the list of things i know/want to know about logan sargeant
Favorite Actor is Brad Pitt
Favorite Movie is Wolf of Wall Street
Favorite food is a hamburger
Has a boat and often goes deep sea fishing
Lived in London since he was 15
Lose Yourself by Eminem is his favorite hype up song
Is a Dolphins and Heat fan
Enjoyed “No Man, No Cry” by Jimmy Sax
Drinks iced lattes with oat milk
Pumpkin spice lattes?? Edit 12/16/23: No
Has been to Wimbledon
Knows what cricket is
Has a rescue dog named Coco
Also enjoys hockey Edit 11/1/23: Supports the Florida Panthers NHL team and has gone to at least 1 of their games with his friend Kyle Kirkwood
Does he follow college football?
What does he think of the new Miami head coach? 
If not for motorsport, does he think he would have gone pro in a different sport, and if so which one?
Enjoys listening to 50 Cent (is also a big rap fan in general)
Can he speak any other languages with any degree of familiarity?
Cannot draw
Can make a sandwich (other foods?)
Rates all food from one bite and with weird decimals
Gritty-ed in his f1 car
Makes the Williams photographers look like they take good photos
Does he have an English or a Florida driver’s license? And does he still have US citizenship even though he lives in the UK? What kind of visa is he on?
Top three female athletes? (Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and Megan Rapinoe are all acceptable answers) 
Collects Aussies and Kiwis for friends
Does he like the snow? Prefers the heat but does he like snow?
Does he like Missy Elliot? (Requirement) 
“Basic Halloween Bitch”
Calls people “mate” but in an American accent which will never stop being funny
Eye Crinkles™️
Does not have a set eye color he’s just too mystical for that
Has never been to a concert (presumably too busy with racing)
He can swim, he can drive, but can he ride a bike? Edit 11/15/23: He can indeed ride a bike
American commercial cars or  European ones?
Has an older brother but is like an older brother to Benny’s kid
Likes marshmallows
Does not like black beans
Did not think apple could be chips
Knows how to sail??
Knows how to golf
Can paddle (required for any F1 driver)
Lost the F3 championship in 2020 bc of a DNF in the last race
Can he sing??
Does he drink energy drinks? Red Bull or Monster? 
He and Duracell are passionately making out
Blush is very pretty 
Wears a lot of baseball hats
Somehow beat jet lag (expat king)
Mostly spends his nights in but he has some nights out (presumably very interesting ones)
Has an iPhone with a blue case
He looks very pretty in blue
His eyes are sometimes blue
Blue=fav color?? Edit 11/6/23: favorite color is Ocean blue (credit to @spell-of-the-rain)
Pretty insecure (armchair diagnosed anxiety)
Close with his brother and parents but maybe not his extended family?
Is Florida State his college team?? (Worst thing a man can be is a Florida St fan) Edit 12/16/23: believing that FSU got screwed over this year is acceptable
Did he graduate high school??
Did he ever consider going into NASCAR or did moving to Europe at a young age kind of set in stone his path towards open-wheel racing?
Hair is blond/dirty blond
Does he vote in American elections?? (If he supports RonD I cannot stan)
Burger Sauce™️
Logan Hunter Sargeant, certified Frat Bro, most American man ever
Has seen peaky blinder and presumably stranger things
Knows how to carve a pumpkin but has not celebrated Halloween at home in a bit
Possibly dating some instagram model
Caused $4 million in damages, gets payed $1 million a year, and supposedly brings in $30 million in sponsors
Key phrases: “Locked in”, “Bam/Boom”, “Done and dusted” Additions 11/1/23: "Oh hell yeah", "I think you're a little lost here, Chief". Additions 11/6/23: “Yeh” (gets quieter throughout the word (how it’s one syllable??)), “on the bounce” (credit to @spell-of-the-rain i believe)
Joined the Williams Driver Academy in 2021 
Got stuck in F3 bc he didn’t have the money to move up
Driver for Carlin in 2022
Former teammates include Liam Lawson, Oscar Piastri, Frederick Vesti (Edit 11/6/23: Max Fewtrell possibly?)
DOB: December 31, 2000
Had a giveaway for gloves he used to win an F4 race on Twitter in 2017 and both Lando Norris and Max Fewtrell replied
Originally his number was 3 but he switched to 2 for F1 (to much fan consternation who thought he had so many better options)
Childhood best friends with Kyle Kirkwood, a current Indycar driver
Logan's older brother Dalton raced in NASCAR until 2018
Did a commercial for Sport23
Does not have cowboy boots as of COTA 2023
Born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA
lived in Switzerland from 14-15(?)
knows the conversion rate for a kilometer
is taller than a tuna fish
Podiumed at the Macau Grand Prix in 2019
Won the CIK-FIA championship when he was 14 Additions as of 11/1/23
Loves waffles but they are not his favorite dessert
Very patriotic (oh hell yeah)
is the first American F1 point scorer in 30 years and the first one to score on home soil since 1989
Went to see the Nets in NYC (but would have preferred to see the Knicks)
has a custom Miami Dolphins jersey with his last name on the back
Claims to know all the lyrics to "Ice Ice Baby" (credit to @formulaaone) (Edited 11/6/23)
Additions as of 11/6/23:
Under the same talent agency as Alex Albon
Has the same manager as George Russell
George Russell was his mentor coming up
Went to a catholic private school (credit to @wenevrknew)
Does not like fish? (Credit to @spell-of-the-rain)
He runs weird (in my opinion as he reminds me of my brother when he was 12 (he ran very strangely))
Karted in Las Vegas when he was a kid
Can he drive a stick shift? (Alex believes he cannot)
Enjoys video games
Refers to his car as “she”
Knew how to attach a visor to his helmet prior to February(? Could’ve been March but before the season) 2023
Additions as of 12/16/23
Broke his arm in a 2014 German Karting Championship when Marcus Armstrong took him out at T1 (credit to @spell-of-the-rain )
Has gotten his head eaten by the Golden Knights mascot
If he could have any superpower, he would like to teleport
Has never flown a drone
Favorite racing movie is Talladega Nights (sad Mater noises)
Does not trust other people to drive him
Would rather sleep in then get up early
Considers himself fairly organized
His mother makes a very good sweet potato casserole
Got his habit of worrying from his mom
“Santa’s Little Helper”
Driving for Williams Racing Formula 1 Team in 2024
Got out qualified by his teammate every race of 2023
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