#c/ult of the l/amb
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Uhhhh, what about several followers with absolutely horrible messy colds (I’m talking totally disheveled and with snot dripping down their faces and on their robes) trying to clamor to the lamb to get a blessing of health and the lamb just being like “NOPE, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME”
Or alternatively (or also if I’m not clogging up the asks) the lamb after having caught the aforementioned cold laying in bed, possibly with one or more followers pampering them.
Sorry this took for feckin ever, I hope you like it! I know the Goat doesn't count as a follower exactly but I ship them so I wanted to draw them together 🥰
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my brains not functioning right now but tldr if you dont wanna see C/ult of the L/amb shit from me interacting with the relevant character(s) block this tag:
⌦Become A Lamb To The Slaughter⚉V: C.OTL⌫
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Okay, so, I’m pretty freaked out by spiders.
Also I have yet to play C/ult of the L/amb (I’m gonna buy it during Thanksgiving break).
But man. I’d let Shamura eat me.
#vore talk#vore rambles#vore rambling#spider pred#wrap me in silk too fuck it#I'll be a willing little sacrifice lmao
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i just don't want to hear abt c/ult of the l/amb
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Wed[nesday] 10 September 1834
8 55/..
12 3/4
No kiss rainy morn[in]g F[ahrenhei]t 56° at 9 50/.. br[eak]f[a]st at 10, and read[in]g the morn[in]g Herald till 11 20/..
10 min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t – at my desk at 12 5/.. – interrupt[e]d – H[a]d Mr. Hoyland – advis[e]d paint[in]g
the blue r[oo]m a light grey – dawd[lin]g w[i]th A- [Adney] out a lit[tle] – talk to John ab[ou]t coal-pl[a]ce and
determ[ine] to ma[ke] one in the farmy[ar]d ag[ain]st the new mangle-r[oo]m – wr[ote] civ[i]l no[te] comp[limen]ts to ‘Mrs. Machin’
and s[e]nt it by John th[i]s ev[enin]g to say sor[ry] I c[oul]d n[o]t gi[ve] an answ[e]r ab[ou]t the coal, n[o]t hav[in]g rec[eive]d Mr. Holt’s
val[uatio]n – sure he w[oul]d n[o]t delay unnecess[aril]y – If Mrs. Machin c[oul]d wait a day sh[oul]d be m[u]ch
oblig[e]d – A- [Adney] 1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t th[i]s morn[in]g and an h[ou]r or mo[re] w[i]th my fath[e]r and Mar[ia]n th[i]s aft[ernoo]n –
bef[ore] din[ner] (at 6 25/.. and coff[ee] immed[iatel]y aft[er]w[ar]ds as us[ua]l) and 3/4 h[ou]r aft[er]w[ar]ds till 10 55/.. wr[ote] out 31st ult[imo]
and ev[er]y day of th[i]s m[on]th up to now 10 55/.. p.m. – hav[in]g been w[i]th my a[un]t (m[u]ch bet[ter] tonight)
25 min[ute]s till 10 10/.. – bef[ore] th[i]s aft[e]r din[ner] and coff[ee] h[a]d play[e]d b[a]ckgam[mo]n w[i]th A- [Adney] leav[in]g off
aft[e]r sev[era]l hits, she 1 hit a heard – she sat by me in my study aft[e]r my leav[in]g my a[un]t –
thorough[l]y rainy day – hardly 5 min[ute]s fair the who[le] day – F[ahrenheit] 58° in my study at 11 20/.. p.m.
and F[ahrenheit] 56° at 12 1/2 tonight in the tent-r[oo]m (upp[e]r kitch[e]n ch[ambe]r) – sat up talk[in]g ov[e]r Mr. Edw[ar]ds’ let[ter]s
to Mrs. Suth[erlan]ds’ settlem[en]t of her prop[ert]y on h[e]r husb[an]d, accord[in]g to Mr. E-‘s [Edward] let[ter] even without being
settled first on her children – A- [Adney]’s cousin came a very little tonight –
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1834 May Tuesday 14th
6 5/60
12 soft rainy grow[in]g morn[in]g - F56 1/2° at 10 20 /60 - ready in 3/4 h[ou]r – w[i]th Jos[e]ph in hi[s] r[oo]m teach[in]g h[i]m to arrange his cupb[oar]ds till 8 - out a few min[ute]s – w[i]th my father and Marian - the form[e]r complain[e]d that his left arm felt weak yest[erday] - this morn[in]g he h[a]d he has hard[l]y an[y] use of it – br[eak]f[a]st today at 8 1/2 in 1/2 h[ou]r - asleep in my study 1/2 h[ou]r
and at my desk at 10 20/60 - till 11 20/60 wr[ote] 2 1/2 pp to Miss W- [Walker] Wash[ing]ton p[ai]d me the theat[re] div[iden]d £21.13.10 1/2 yest[erday] aft[ernoo]n - £15 is to be laid out on the Bailey Hall cot[tage]s if she h[a]s no object[io]n - wants a check for £40 to pay taxes - go[in]g to Udale after hay ti[me] will persuade them to do wh[a]t Throp wants – Matt[hew]to ta[ke] less[on] in shav[in]g and be off here this day-week in ti[me] to co[me] all the way - my fath[e]r may keep h[i]m and ha[ve] him in h[i]s r[oo]m - his left arm numb yest[erday] – h[a]s hard[l]y an[y] use of it this morn[in]g - I suspect a slight paralyt[i]c affect[io]n – if Miss W-[Walker]’s chair-bed n[o]t at ho[me], to s[e]nd for it - we will set it up in my father's r[oo]m - I shall be glad to ha[ve] her back ag[ai]n and settled, ‘my a[un]t is gradually gett[in]g worse ‘ - fair for an h[ou]r by 12 out a few min[ute]s wr[ote] out rough dr[a]ft of lit[tle] index fr[om] 10th Mar[ch] 30 ult[imo] inclus[ive] and gen[era]l index fr[om] 27 Mar[ch] to 3 Apr[il] inclus[ive] till -
then out ag[ai]n - h[a]d Gill about hedg[in]g stuff – prom[ise]d him to go to yew trees wood tomor[row] if fine to meet h[i]m there – w[i]th John (who h[a]d been once for hedg[in]g stuff to Yew trees wood this morn[in]g) plant[in]g strawberry[ie]s on the slope this aft[ernoo]n - w[i]th the mason and with Pickels and Dick and John Omblu, and Ch[arle]s Howarth at the rail[in]g - h[a]d set up fr[om] the end of wh[a]t used to be the lit[tle] Lane down the hall croft to this end of the ‘coal pit f[iel]d’ – Ja[me]s How[ar]th and Carter all day prepar[in]g rails – Geo[rge] Hardy and his son a boy finish[e]d upp[e]r kitch[e]n ch[ambe]r firepl[a]ce - Sykes finish[e]d wall[in]g up the 2 small side ent[ran]ce gates - one man hol[in]g posts can do 5 or 6 a day and Mallis[o]n hew[in]g wind[ow] frame –
Din[ner] at 6 1/4 - coff[ee] - sat read[in]g Walpole's Reminiscences address[e]d to Mis Mary and Miss Agnes Berry till n[ea]r 8 - then out an h[ou]r in the hut walk - at 9 Joseph b[a]ck fr[om] Lidgate - Sarah arriv[e]d - Joseph br[ou]ght b[a]ck hamper of cowslip roots and asparagus, and packet contain[in]g Fr[en]ch pillowcase add let[ter] 4 pp and ab[ou]t 1 page of crossing and a few lines on the envelope will be delight[e]d to see me on the 20th at 12, and will cert[ainl]y be ready- says I always think of her and not myself afr[ai]d I shall be tir[e]d w[i]th the long journ[e]y fr[om] here to Richm[on]d all the sa[me] day – will be gl[a]d Eugenie, if I co[me] b[a]ck here for a few days bet[ween] the 20th and 2nd of June –
the letter might be cried out at the market cross yet still it is in the quiet style of confiding and affectionate regard – finish[e]d my let[ter] writ[ten] this morn[in]g add[in]g the last 1/4 p[age] 3, the ends and cross[e]d ½ p[age] 1 – ans[were]d all the main points of her let[ter] – and s[e]nt off mine at 9 55/60 p.m. (by Jos[e]ph b[a]ck in an h[ou]r) to ‘Miss Walker, Heworth Grange, York’ – mignonnette sown by John the boxes und[e]r the draw[in]g r[oo]m winds this ev[enin]g – fr[om] Rainy grow[in]g day – ab[ou]t an h[ou]r fair fr[om] ab[ou]t noon- then ag[ai]n till aft[e]r 4 – aft[er]w[ar]ds fair and fine ev[enin]g – F57 1/2° at 11 5/60 p.m. -
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how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55
Hello dear friends, thank you for choosing us. In this post on the solsarin site, we will talk about “ how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55“. Stay with us. Thank you for your choice.
📷how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55
Budweiser Select 55(how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55)
This post deals with a different kind of beer you’re going to be hearing a lot about real soon: Budweiser Select 55. It’s billed as the world’s “lightest,” at 55 calories and just 2.5 percent alcohol. Likewise, people ask, what is the alcohol content of Budweiser?5%Likewise, is Bud Select 55 healthy? Bud Select 55 A 55-calorie beer looks appealing at first glance, but fewer calories means lower alcohol content and very little flavor. Although Budweiser Select is higher in carbs (3.1g), if you’re drinking to unwind, it’s worth the splurge. (BTW, beer might just be the healthy cooking ingredient your kitchen needs).Similarly, which light beer has the highest alcohol content?Bud Light Platinum by Anheuser-Busch As one of the highest ABV light beers, Bud Light Platinum is acheap beer option that is advertised as “reinventing the category of light beer.”Which domestic beer has highest alcohol content?The highest alcohol content domestic beer valued at 65%. It is quite simple that ginger beer abv is safe for kids. It prevents the generation of cold. 35 Related Question Answers Found What’s the worst beer to drink?how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55 The 10 Absolute Worst Tasting Beers, Ranked Keystone Light. Busch Light. Bud Light. Corona Light. Bud Light Chelada. Michelob Ultra. Budweiser Select 55. Natural Light. What beer has most alcohol? The Highest ABV Beers You Can Buy Sam Adams Utopias – 29% ABV. BrewDog Tactical Nuclear Penguin – 32% ABV. Struise Black Damnation VI, Messy – 39% ABV. BrewDog Sink The Bismarck – 41% ABV. Schorschbräu Schorschbock 42% – 42% ABV. Schorschbräu Schorschbock 57% – 57% ABV. Brewmeister Armageddon – 65% ABV. Brewmeister Snake Venom – 67.5% ABV. 📷how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55 What cheap beer has the most alcohol? Get Drunk Not Broke BrandABV Alcohol % by VolumePrice Per 1oz. Pure AlcoholSchlitz Beer4.7%$1.18Jim Beam Kentuckty Straight Bourbon Whiskey40%$1.18Miller Lite4.2%$1.19Busch4.3%$1.21 Can you get drunk off 2 Coronas?It depends on the ABV of the beer. Corona is 4.6%. Assuming you are around 175 lbs, after 2 Coronas, your BAC will go to approx 0.05%. Corona is 4.6%. Does Bud Light have the same alcohol content in Budweiser?Black Crown and Bud Light Platinum are stronger-than-your-average Budweisers. Part of the beers’ advertising hook — Black Crown is new, with a 2013 Super Bowl ad and all — is that they’re 6 percent alcohol by volume. Budweiser is advertised and labeled at 5 percent AbV. Bud Light is said to have 4.2 percent AbV. Does Bud Light hydrate?how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55The average beer nowadays is 4 or 5 percent. So the answer to the question “Does it hydrate or dehydrate you?” is that it actually dehydrates you. It’s actually thought that if you drink 200 ml of beer, that you don’t just urinate 200 ml of water. You actually urinate 320 ml of water, which is a 120 ml of dehydration. 📷how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55 How many beers does it take to get drunk?You can probably sip and consume one (normal) beer per hour and go all evening without getting seriously “drunk.” But I’ll answer your question by saying that if you throw down four beers in an hour you will be classified as “drunk” by some people (some of them may be law enforcement officers). What is the weakest beer?how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55 50 Select Beer Calories (per 12 oz.), ABV, Efficiency (see Extended for all 265) BrandCaloriesABVBud Ice1235.50%Natural Light954.20%Michelob Ultra954.20%Miller64642.80% What beer has the least calories and most alcohol?how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55 These brews are the best option for beer lovers who are working on their six pack. Budweiser Select. Calories: 55 per 12 oz. Busch Light. Calories: 95 per 12 oz. Michelob Ultra. Calories: 95 per 12 oz. Natural Light. Calories: 95 per 12oz. Corona Light. Calorie: 99 per 12 oz. Coors Light. Calories: 102 per 12 oz. Bud Light. Does Michelob Ultra have less alcohol than Bud
Light?Both Select 55 and MGD 64 are just 2.8% alcohol by volume. That’s low, even by light lager standards. Michelob Ultra, the first ‘super light‘ lager at 95 calories is 4.2%, the same as Bud Light. What is a good light beer? The Best Tasting Light Beers Miller Lite 4.2. (96 Calories) Coors Light. (102 Calories) Sam Adams Light. (119 Calories) Yuengling Light 3.5. (99 Calories) Amstel Light. (95 Calories) liplip added Michelob Ultra. (113 calories) Corona Light 3.7. (99 Calories) Bud Light. (110 Calories) What kind of beer is Stella?how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55Stella Artois (/ˌst?l? ?ːrˈtw?ː/ STEL-? ar-TWAH) is a Belgian pilsner of between 4.8 and 5.2 percent ABV. which was first brewed by Brouwerij Artois (the Artois Brewery) in Leuven, Belgium, in 1926. Since 2008, a 4.8 percent ABV version has also been sold in Britain, Ireland and Canada. Does light beer have less alcohol?Light beer has been brewed to be lower in alcohol, lower in calories, or lower in both (depending on the brand), while low-carb beer has only been brewed to remove carbohydrates (but could have the same alcohol content). Is Bud Light Platinum good?how much alcohol is in budweiser select 55Its the first of its kind, and the only beer worthy of the name Bud Light Platinum. Exceptional lite beer. It has no off-putting taste, no off-putting odor, is relatively low carb and it is 6% abv. To top it off it’s dirt cheap. How do I increase the alcohol content of my beer? In summary to increase the alcohol or ABV of your beer you can consider: Using a yeast that can handle a high alcohol content. How much alcohol is in a 16 oz Coors Light?2% abv ingredients: great beer happens when you combine superior ingredients with a time-tested process. Every brew of coors light is made with traditional two-row lager malt which is made from our unique high country barley and four hop varieties. What’s the alcohol content of Michelob Ultra?4.2% What’s the alcohol content of Budweiser Select? 4.3% Budweiser Select has 99 calories, 3.1g carbs and a 4.3%ABV. Is Bud Select 55 discontinued? Wynn Dixie used to carry both Bud 55 and Miller 64. Bud 55 is now gone altogether and they now only had a few cases of Miller 64 cans. Does Budweiser Select have less alcohol? A 12-ounce Budweiser Select has 3.1 grams of carbs and 4.3% alcohol-by-volume. That’s fewer carbs than both regular Budweiser and Bud Light with a similar level of alcohol. Calorie-wise, Budweiser Select has fewer than a Budweiser (145 calories) and has slightly fewer of a Bud Light (110 calories). Is Bud Select 55 discontinued? Wynn Dixie used to carry both Bud 55 and Miller 64. Bud 55 is now gone altogether and they now only had a few cases of Miller 64 cans. What beer has the lowest alcohol content? With the rise of non-alcoholic beers, many companies have created delicious, low calorie options. Coors Edge (0.5% ABV): 45 calories. Becks Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.0% ABV): 60 calories. Heineken 0.0 (0.0% ABV): 69 calories. Bavaria 0.0% Beer (0.0% ABV): 85 calories. Budweiser Prohibition Brew (0.0% ABV): 150 calories. Who carries Budweiser Select 55? Walmart Walmart Grocery – Budweiser Select 55 Light Beer, 24 Pack 12 fl. oz. Cans. What beer has the lowest calories and carbs? Michelob Ultra is a low-calorie beer that has only 2.6 carbs. Michelob also has an amber ale and a light lager in addition to the classic original lager, and the company recently released a low-calorie lime and prickly pear cactus beer. Do they make Bud Select 55? Select 55 is golden lager made with caramel malts and a blend of imported and domestic hops. Brewed to complement the full-flavor of Select, but with only 55 calories. So you can be good time. When did Budweiser Select 55 come out? 2009 The 2.4% ABV, 55-calorie Budweiser Select 55, meanwhile, gets similar treatment, except with a gray label. That brand, introduced in 2009 in response to MillerCoors’ 64-calorie MGD 64 (later rebranded to Miller64), also hasn’t received much marketing focus in recent years. 📷how much alcohol is in budweiser
select 55 Does Budweiser Select taste like Budweiser? Select from Budweiser is best because it has the same great taste of Budweiser you know and love but is a low calorie, low carb light beer you don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying. It’s the light beer for the people who love beer full of flavor and refreshment Is Bud Select any good? Zero warming alcohol as expected of 4.3%. Overall this is a good light lager. All around nice robustness and balance of pale malt and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; very smooth, crisp, clean, and refreshing to drink. Tastes like a more flavorful version of Bud Light/Regular. Results from sister projects Roger Ebert all wearing freebie hats from Nivea skin creme. No hats for the Knicks, Budweiser or I Heart [sic] New York. All Nivea skin creme. Countless hats of Nivea Anheuser-Busch brands (redirect from Budweiser Select) and Budweiser‘s Select 55 have been reduced simply by lowering the fermentables content. MGD 64 has only 2.8% alcohol content and some Select 55 states resource: wikipedia
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I've been getting into C/ult of the L/amb lately, anybody wanna send me snz drawing requests for the characters? 👀
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1834 Oct[obe]r Wed[nesday] 1
7 1/2
12 5/..
pretty good one last night settl[in]g wash[in]g acc[oun]ts – out a lit[tle] whi[le] - br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/4 - Mallins[o]n beg[a]n
reop[enin]g place for wind[ow] int[o] Hall ch[ambe]r to be call[e]d lin[e]n clos[e]t - g[o]t my gr[ea]t canteen (the fut[ure] lin[e]n chest)
int[o] it – A- [Adney] fill[e]d it w[i]th h[e]r tab[le] and bed lin[e]n - Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s mov[e]d A-‘s [Adney] mahog[an]y wardrobe and my large mahog[an]y chest
draw[e]rs int[o] tent r[oo]m as als[o] my pap[e]r-draw[e]r and oak cupb[ora]d - mov[e]d A-‘s [Adney] 2 mahog[an]y bureaus int[o] the
north parl[ou]r (n[or]th din[in]g r[oo]m) – busy w[i]th the mov[in]g till 12 50/.. - h[a]d w[i]th gr[ea]t diffic[ult]y g[o]t the new sofa
int[o] my a[un]t’s r[oo]m – she d[i]d n[o]t like it – so h[a]d it put in the blue r[oo]m th[e]re to rem[ai]n – at
my desk at 12 50/.. sleep[in]g and dawd[lin]g and d[o]wnst[ai]rs w[i]th A- [Adney] till 2 3/4 - th[e]n till 4 5/.. dawd[lin]g and writ[in]g
cop[y] of let[ter] to Pearce and Baxter ab[ou]t the carr[ia]ge - aft[er]w[ar]ds till 5 1/4 wr[ote] (and s[e]nt bet[ween] 6 and 7 by John) wr[ote] to
‘Mr. Hutton Tailor 113 Park st[ree]t Grosvenor sq[ua]re Lond[on] P[ost]P[ai]d’ to say the pelisse w[a]s duly rec[eive]d
and fits ver[y] well, and subjoin[in]g ord[e]r up[on] Hammersleys’ for £8 - wr[ote] als[o] to ‘Mess[ieu]rs Pearce
Baxter and Pearce coachmakers 103 Long Acre Lond[on] P[ost]P[ai]d’ – 1 p[age] ord[erin]g the addit[io]ns for inside
of carr[ia]ge and new drag chain and shoe, amount[in]g to 7 or 8 guin[ea]s - ask[in]g for dimens[io]ns of top of front
boot and wh[a]t depth of imper[ia]l it w[oul]d ta[ke] think[in]g the boot imper[ia]l of my oth[e]r carr[ia]ge w[oul]d
prob[abl]y do ver[y] well – wish to kno[w] bef[ore] determ[inin]g ab[ou]t pat[en]t axles if they h[a]d put th[e]m
on man[y] carr[ia]ges for abr[oa]d and if all th[in]gs consid[ere]d they h[a]d been f[ou]nd to ans[we]r – my on[l]y fear
being th[a]t if an[y] accid[en]t occurr[e]d it w[oul]d be diffic[ul]t to get it repair[e]d on the cont[inen]t – ask
how long I might reason[abl]y expect th[ei]r new wheels w[i]th pat[en]t axles to run, mak[in]g allow[an]ce
for bad r[oa]ds – ask th[ei]r adv[i]ce ab[ou]t mail c[oa]ch lamps - obs[ervin]g they seem to shed a stronger light
and be less liab[le] to blow out th[a]n the others – say Mess[ieu]rs P- B- and P- [Pearce Baxter and Pearce] may keep the carr[ia]ge 4
m[on]ths - din[ner] at 6 3/4 - coff[ee] - h[a]d Mark Town – wants me to build for him, and to let
h[i]m sell off his oat straw, ab[ou]t 100 st[ock] of it – no object[io]n if he w[oul]d cart on an
equival[en]t of rotten manure – of w[hi]ch Washingt[o]n to be judge – W- [Washington] to settle and look
aft[e]r th[i]s matt[e]r - b[u]th th[ou]ght Mark might ma[ke] manure as cheap as buy it - s[ai]d I h[a]d told
h[i]m bef[ore] th[a]t when he chang[e]d his mind and ga[ve] up wish[in]g me to build for him just bef[ore]
I left ho[me], I h[a]d made up my mind n[o]t to do it – and I h[a]d no th[ou]ght of build[in]g for him –
w[oul]d n[o]t say I w[oul]d nev[e]r do it - b[u]t h[a]d no th[ou]ght of it at pres[en]t - d[i]d n[o]t mean to do it at
pres[en]t – he bet[te]r provide hims[elf] w[i]th a h[ou]se – an h[ou]r w[i]th my fath[e]r and aft[er]w[ar]ds shew[in]g Mar[ia]n
the tent r[oo]m and explain[in]g how h[e]r own r[oo]m w[a]s to be done - th[e]n 1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t till 10 10/.. –
wr[ote] the last 21 lines – fine day - F[ahrenheit] 60° now at 10 50/.. p.m. – till 11 1/4 – (A- [Adney] sitt[in]g by me
writ[in]g to h[e]r sist[e]r) read fr[om] p[age] 269 to 283 Boase’s prim[ar]y geol[og]y –
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