K. Vendamora
23 posts
Author | All original content is the intellectual property of K. Vendamora | Respectful critique and discourse welcome, positive or negative as long as it's fair and informed | Writeblr
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
The outline seems inspired, the first draft seems moronic. The revision feels fantastic but the next go round reveals the amateur mistakes. Polish, polish, polish, make it shine until I feel like maybe I can make it with this strangled art. Dreams of my soul in text, refined until I hate myself a little less. At day’s end, I’m always the only one who cares. So cheers to me, you vile prince. Maybe one day you’ll learn to love yourself.
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Provoking Obsession
Never did I dream love could so silent stab in pain
This shared fierce fondness shackled in repression
Each affection’s stroke upon your face in vain
In silence whispers the echoes of your name
An emptiness to follow heart’s confession
How could I dream love would silent stab in pain?
As one we burn so bright the stars pale in shame
Blinded by you my soul begins to question
Is each tender touch between us all in vain?
In my arms, against my chest so softly lain
You spur my heart to pound, my will to lessen
Knowing it shall end, this love does stab in pain
Alone and free from public pretense’s game
We fervent feel our desire’s expression
Is it really true my heart does yearn in vain?
I will stand with open arms and naught to gain
For this true love asks of you no concession
I will let our love to silent stab in pain
Though each stolen kiss upon your lips shall fade in vain
-K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Check it out!
For anyone into oddities and curiosities, this is my shop. I’ll be adding more in the next month. :)
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
This is a brief look at a scene involving an important character in the first book of the Heroes of Ragnaheim saga.
The blood-baptized man stood at the foot of a fresh mound, his heart heavy as he struggled to speak his parting words to her. Not because he could not find them, but because he did not want to go.
“In the end,” he muttered softly, his throat constricting against his speech before he gritted his teeth in anger at his meakness and said again, louder, “In the end, I leave you after all. I know not why or how I am spared, and perhaps the Spirits mock me for all my years a fool. All my life I thought to leave and here I stand wishing desperately that I could have this home with you. I failed to die, and so you wait in vain. But not for long, my love. I dared to dream that we would be mated souls joined into a life anew… I’ll find the fight that brings me to you at last, you have that solemn vow.”
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Cloudy day and sneaky sun beams
Bathing wisps with golden light
Streams of liquid color
Dancing away
-K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
An overcast day
Heavy air and heavy heart
Lonesome but in love
-K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Wonderously wretched are my follies 
Hindsight’s cruel clarity 
Ever taunting my efforts to achieve 
Never knowing the path 
Worry reigns triumphant in every choice 
Insecure in my role 
Leading my brood toward a fate unknown 
Leading them far astray 
The errant notions that control my mind 
Hinder my potential 
Insecurity leading me awry 
Surety ever absent 
Hedonism grants a selfish repose 
Escaping wont of soul 
Lewd behavior in lieu of commitment 
Losing faith in my heart 
Bile boils as I consider me 
Uniquely vile prince 
Regret and remorse beg me to atone 
Not yet condemned to woe 
Determination and true heart’s resolve 
Offer my only grace 
When wit and wile fail to see me through 
Now I face the fire
-K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
I now no longer know
What to say or do
How it is that I should
Speak my heart to you
What have we now become
Sitting in this pain
When truest virtue love
Silent cries in vain
Oh what a fool am I
Still so very blind
There is no meaning here
Or peace of weary mind
No longer can I give
Freely from my soul
Empty as I am now
Loss does take its toll
K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Untitled Song Lyrics
Should ever I be blessed to feel your skin on mine
In tangled sheets with tangled limbs that passion entwine.
I pray it be in quiet private precious romance
The dream of we blended as one deep in love’s chance
Is no idle carnal pining but love’s longing trance
Laughs; muttered moans hot on necks between each clumsy kiss
Every mistake and stumble a guide to shared bliss
How we will learn the art of us every loving stroke
The melody of our hearts merged a perfect cloak
An aegis against pain and refuge when restraints revoke
Let me start slow, doting hands, your body I caress
I crave you panting over this yearning I profess
Together we can figure out this sultry dance
The dream of we blended as one deep in love’s chance
Is no idle carnal pining but love’s longing trance
With every treasured velvet strand lain upon my face
I breathe you in, the scent of each lustful need awoke;
So my own shall swell and in desire we embrace
The dream of we blended as one deep in love’s chance
Is no idle carnal pining but love’s longing trance
The melody of our hearts merged a perfect cloak
An aegis against pain and refuge when restraints revoke
Oh how perfect it could be
Love making with you and me
K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Head Upon My Shoulder
I now hold in my soul a cherished memory 
You, soft and rhythmic breathing, laying close to me 
Head upon my shoulder leaping heart within my breast 
Eased by your kind and gentle hand lain across my chest 
And sometimes face! I would in quiet laughter rouse 
Touched to find head pressed to mine the time that pose allows 
Until you shift and arms hug in sleep around you 
Soon shrug rebuffed from such a striking beauty true 
Thrice in the night I did awake to find you there 
Head upon my shoulder and doting hand so fair 
Often would I hold you in terror of its end 
But ever will I treasure what we were just then 
Oh to feel your mind and mine oh so very close 
Unto myself all your pain! Even lethal dose! 
Bitter sweet suffer smile as soul would smolder 
All to again know your head upon my shoulder
K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Life Born of Love
The forest of my love is now long dead,
Barren, dismal and dusky
Its green and bloom supplanted with thistle
Thorn and bramble ensnaring
All stirrings to protect its ever-gloom
The gardens of my heart have known neglect
The borne fruit robbed in malice
Its strong stalks trampled to perish and rot
Once smooth stone paths bearing
Center now broken and lost to peril
In the forest of my dry dreary love
There is a spark, a blaze
Birthed bright from green-eyed flames to spread clearing
Pain of old to grant life
Anew the barren land budding ardor
In the unkempt gardens of my heart found
Infest with scorn’s vermin
There arises a keeper of honest
Heart with gentle hands plucking
Weeds of sorrow to sow seeds of passion
k. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
The fire's furious flames sizzle to burn through reason
All the hate and pain sating the unbidden maelstrom
What wild wile has provoked this visceral response?
The flame knows not, nor will its tinder soon to turn to ash
The blaze burns out as a bitter breeze blows in frigid rains
So suddenly sad and unexpectedly cold inside
These sobs play out to precipitations rhythmic patter
As the world prepares for the next climate change
Night falls as the sounds of the storm fade to a faint whisper
No stars twinkle in this bleak black somber sky
An empty void of a land without an echo of life
Abyssal and absent of any hope, hate, or sorrow...
And again the turn to bright blue skies and singing songbirds
A springtime splendor of overwhelming and zealous life
So ready to release a raucous roar of defiance
Unconcerned with the inevitable mood transition
K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Death of a D20 Warrior
Across a grid-paper plane I journey with heroes bold
Lead by the DM adventuring to great lands untold
I am a true brute of a fighter AC so high
Boundless HP to boot, my healing surges get me by
Despite the great prowess and strength I can pridefully boast
I fail a perception, a skill in points our rogue has the most
Foolhardy I lead my miniature’s charge over tiles
My checks fell short as I succumbed to enemy wiles
Initiatives rolled once the goblin horde's ambush was sprang
Yet we held no fear when flanked, granted buffs as the bard sang
Experience to my next rank and heroic tier
Urge me to cast my die each turn until the way is clear
Greataxe wielded high in my mind as I try for a crit...
The quick roll plus my modifier guarantees the hit
Thrilled with success I toss again - NO! It comes up a botch!
And I listen in dismay as my foe gains a new notch
K. Vendamora
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
EPDM Update
Hand-edited the prologue and I may just up load snap-shot examples instead of going through the effort of showcasing my process to an as-of-yet absent audience. Afterwards, I will post the updated draft. Not sure where I’ll go from there, nobody I know personally has been able to actually join in and discuss / critique this, and I wanted this to be a strictly open venture, guided by insight and input from my friends and peers. I think I’ll wait to continue until I see that pick up a bit and just go back to working on HoR.
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Never underestimate the power of a little positive feedback on another writer’s work. You could be the difference that convinces them to keep going or inspires them to write that next chapter. Spread positivity and support other writers ❤
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
Hello! Once you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is super cool!)
Lol great, a difficult task 💀 I don’t really care to talk much on myself, but I’ll give this a shot:1. The one thing I value the most about myself is also the thing that I struggle with the most: my mind. I’ve cultivated a strong intellect that is complemented by the culture, perspective, and interests I’ve developed through my studies and personal engagements. However, all this is offset by a pretty severe case of Borderline Personality Disorder, woo! 2. I am tenacious and, though riddled with anxiety, am fearless in the face of any mortal challenge. This often comes across as obstinance (and maybe that’s exactly what it is 😂). 3. I have a nice face, I guess. No, I will not reveal it. 4. I’m a dedicated father and husband, confident in the affection and guidance I provide them. 5. My heart. I’ve always loved more than I’ve hated, though for much of my life anger and unhappiness put a callous over that kindness and had me hiding from the world in a bitter shell.
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uniquelyvileprince · 6 years ago
I’ve purchased items from this store, excellent quality and gorgeous pieces.
If uh, anyone wants to be a dear and share my etsy store link that’d be great. 
I’m trying to sell as much jewelry as I can to pay off some medical bills and debt that I’ve been struggling with for the last year and despite getting a job it sadly won’t be enough. 
So any purchase/sharing helps. And if needed I’ll provide proof of where the money is going. 
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