#c!tubbo is just having the time of his life with this
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Was thinking about cubito Tubbo and how time after time after time he is haunted by the motif of not being taken seriously/not believing believed and feeling like he is not cared for/not the first choice, so here is a list I wrote (feel free to correct if I misremembered something or if you have stuff to add):
c!tubbo <- constantly disregarded by anyone in power, 'just a pawn', 'the discs were worth more than you ever were'
o!tubbo (specifically season 3) <- not taken seriously in his attempts to be evil and his concerns over the glass ceiling constantly being disregarded, trying to get attention and appreciation of o!Phil and o!Sneeg and being brushed off
r!tubbo (especially season 2) <- laughed at when he lost his best friend, even when it was just a stick, constantly not believed when he says something, was exiled
q!tubbo <- ocean deep issues of not being the first choice to the point of trying to break up his best friends because he was afraid they wouldn't need him anymore if they dated, LITERALLY DIED because people did not believe that he is actually on a limited lifespan and has only one life left
tr!tubbo <- felt like the team does not value him enough and was not even believed that the suicide trap he made is real,died because of it
even sqc3!tubbo, who is not really a character bcs it is a different type of event still fits <- bad, pac, etoiles, etc did not believe when he tried to stop them from huddling in a corner during the night and they proceeded to die because of it
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the narrative that c!tommy used c!techno is kind of diabolical tbh, people often forgot that c!tommy is fresh out of exile and doesn't consider the place that he's in.
He's running on pure instinct, fresh from suicide attempt and running from his abuser and the only one he can confide in is c!techno the criminal that destroyed his home country. Despite their history c!techno still took him in, but why? He could of just kick c!tommy from his house and let him run lose in the tundra of snow and let him survive on his own while c!drm sniff over his trails of footstep. But he took him in and protect him from the looming threat of his abuser.
And its sad, its very sad that even if c!Techno took c!Tommy in he used it as an opportunity. An opportunity to use c!Tommy as a pawn in his quest for anarchy. Now, you might be thinking, but c!techno took him in, take care of him and even defended c!tommy ,why are you painting him as this heartless villain that used an abused child for his own gains? Frankly, I try not to and maybe its also in the way i'am awful with articulating my words into something that make sense. I truly do not think c!Techno is heartless and his relationship with c!tommy does have a sincerity in it.
But I think my main point is that, there was a power imbalance between c!tommy and c!techno that people often overlooked. Like I said c!Tommy is fresh out of exile n traumatized n stuff and he's in a weaker position and his only hope in escaping his abuser is c!Techno since he is the only character thats is deadass near logstedshire and also one of the most powerful people in the esempi.
And also I just do not think painting an abuse survivor trying to find help as an act of... That, is a nice message you know 😁 haha- not to get real and get to the implication of stuff- but ahahaha, yk haha. ANYWAY.
I don't think c!techno is a heartless monster, like I said i think his relationship with c!tommy has sincerity within it. I think as time goes on, i think techno grew actual care toward tommy evidence by his interaction with tommy as time goes on growing more closer and affectionate and his strong reaction when tommy left him for tubbo.
But still, c!Techno treats tommy more of a pawn in his quest for anarchy, you also have to remember that he will send off c!tommy to his abuser again without a second though if c!drm used his favor. Of course, if you were in c!tommy place, why would you stay with a guy like that? He goes againts everything you stand for and you don't even know if you're safe with him. Maybe because he saved your life? Do you really owe him that much that you are willing to destroy your home and even fight your own best friend for him? Was it all transitional? Do I worth anything? Do I not matter as a living breathing human being? Am I not worth of safety?
I just wanna talk about my feeling about c!tommy and c!techno relationship in post-exile arc, because i think i find the narrative a bit icky if you are maybe a survivor of abusive relationship. I also wanna talk about the interesting bit of sincerity their relationship actually kind of have, that despite c!techno using c!tommy as pawn he does actually cares in the very end. Which is sad to think about
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exploding into a thousand tiny little bits actually the red team is soooo pack bonded right now. they r blood brothers they did not commit ritualistic sacrafices just to not latch onto each other for life and become soulmates forever. i can only imagine. like.
phil, baghera, and jaiden give the rest of the team (that are present and willing; mainly charlie, cellbit, and foolish) a crash course on how to preen wings in case another bird isn't there to help. phil gets real sad sometimes when helping jaiden or baghera so they help 'preen' in other ways (pulling chunks of dirt/blood out of his hair and ear feathers when they see them, insisting on including him (and cellbit) in a """manicure night""" (they are just scraping the dirt from under their fingernails with their other fingernails/sticks and using rocks to file).
charlie takes requests on which team to hack into (because his code nonsense lets him switch frequencies and infiltrate the other teams' calls very easily) so people can spy on their other people. phil often asks to know what missa is up to. cellbit obviously asks about roier, and sometimes uses charlie as a middleman to pass messages to his guapito. baghera asks him to check on the other frenchies and often shouts at them through his mic when they're getting on her nerves. if anyone dares bring up her friendship with bbh and why she never asks of him she gives them a facefull of BOLAS??!? bbh slander.
carre is (jokingly) borderline worshipped whenever he wakes up. it becomes an instant confidence boost and is oftentimes the only time you see the entire team trying to gain percentages or kill other teams.
they spill entirely too many secrets to each other too casually. they are going to end the two weeks and some of them will know more about some of them than their spouses do. day one cellbit was admitting to murder and basically admitted to being a cannibal. it only gets worse.
they mostly take getting killed in stride unless it's by a) tubbo b) bbh or c) if someone decides to do it over and over again. BOLAS??!? hatred is unlike normal hatred. if they hate you you will feel unsafe going into the wilderness because They Will Just Lurk There in a group and jump you for no reason other than pettiness. charlie slimecicle literally ran across an entire island to chase bbh with no food no water and Mid tools and armour. for like five minutes. out of blind rage and spite.
can you tell i love red team im obsessed with them they are going to know each other on such a deep and intrinsic level in two weeks their romantic partners are literally going to get jealous. like. Nobody Will Have With Them What They Have With Each Other. its all completely platonic but they are soul bound. theyre gonna look at their hands irl and see like 5 pink strings of fate like bruh
#im obsessed im insane#anyways#carre#qsmp#qsmp purgatory#charlie slimecicle#slimecicle#baghera jones#philza#cellbit#badboyhalo#jaidenanimations#foolishgamers#qsmp bolas
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Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Tommy has a dream about his past life
A short little season 2 c!primeboys-centric fic for this prompt:
“What’s up?” Dream asks, closing and latching the gate to their new chicken pen. “You look like you have something on your mind.”
“I’ve been having weird dreams lately,” Tommy says. “A couple nights ago, I dreamt that Tubbo had nukes! Crazy, innit?”
Dream laughs softly, and the sound is a bit airy with a hint of a wheeze, as though there’s something wrong with his lungs. Not that Tommy would be surprised if Dream had lung issues, but he’s never thought to ask. Maybe Dream just has a weird laugh. That wouldn’t be surprising, either—he’s a weird dude. Dream likes to say that Tommy’s equally as weird, but Tommy would like to refute that and say that he’s perfectly normal, thank you very much.
“Tubbo with nukes sounds terrifying,” Dream says.
He throws a handful of wheat seeds into the pen and watches as their newly acquired chickens flock to them.
Tommy thinks cows are cooler, personally, but they haven’t got the materials to rebuild their cow pen after Sapnap—the blaze hybrid they met a couple weeks ago—burnt it down accidentally. If you ask Tommy, he thinks it was less of an accident than Sapnap claims, but Dream just tells him he’s paranoid every time he calls Sapnap a wrong’un. Which, if Tommy might add, is very hypocritical considering Dream is the definition of paranoid. And skittish. Dream is very skittish; every time they talk to someone else, Dream looks like he’s ready to bolt if they so much as look at him wrong.
Tommy’s the only exception to that, which is something he takes a lot of pride in. Well, technically, Dream’s just as comfortable with the snakes that follow him around, but Tommy’s fine with that. He’s the only person who Dream’s fully comfortable around, and it’s nice, makes him feel special.
“You were in my dream last night,” Tommy finally says. He pauses and then scoffs. “Dreaming of Dream. Kinda sounds like a shitty pun.”
Dream turns around to look at him, rolling his eyes playfully. “I’m not changing my name, Tommy,” he says. It’s something Tommy’s brought up many times before, mostly jokingly.
“You sure? Maybe you should. It’s making this conversation too complicated.”
Dream laughs again, shaking his head. It’s nice—sometimes, Tommy gets in his head about being too annoying, but Dream takes it all in stride. It does make Tommy feel a bit bad sometimes when he teases Dream a bit too far, since the poor bloke just takes it without retaliation, but Dream’s ability to go along with him is nice nonetheless.
“So, I was in your dream last night,” Dream says. “What was it about?”
Tommy swallows the lump in his throat. It wasn’t really a nice dream, though not quite a nightmare, either. Maybe if it had been a nightmare, it’d be easier to talk about. The two of them have enough nightmares that it’s become pretty normal to even just talk about the emotions the nightmares left.
Tommy’s dream last night wasn’t a nightmare; it had just settled heavily in his mind this morning, that’s all.
“You were sad because we weren’t friends,” Tommy says, trying to phrase it in the most lighthearted way possible. “Throwing a proper tantrum over it and everything.”
Maybe that’s not entirely true. All Tommy really got from the dream was this downright awful sense of hopelessness, which was really clashing with the look of fragile hope on Dream’s face. It made him feel guilty, and a bit regretful. Not a fun time.
“Aw, Tommy,” Dream smiles, “that’s a cute dream.”
“Is it?” Tommy frowns. “But it was all sad and shit.”
“I just think it shows that you value our friendship. It’s sweet,” Dream says. “And, for the record, I would be sad if we weren’t friends.”
“Course you would be. I’m awesome,” Tommy says, but he mumbles it. It’s really hard to get into a teasing mood when Dream is just so genuine all the time.
“Well, what about you?” Dream asks. “Were you sad we weren’t friends in the dream?”
In the dream, it had felt like the entire fucking world was ending, but all Tommy could think about in the morning was the regret of not befriending Dream. Considering he can still feel the weight in his chest now, he’d say he was pretty upset about it in the dream.
“Eh,” Tommy says instead, shrugging. “I guess I was a bit bummed.”
Dream snorts. “Okay, Tommy. Whatever you say.”
Tommy huffs and crosses his arms. Whatever. He is friends with Dream, so the dream he had last night doesn’t really matter, and there’s no use dwelling on it. Like most of the dreams he has, it will probably just fade to the back of his mind eventually, even if it had stubbornly lingered all the way to this afternoon. He’ll forget about it soon enough, anyway.
Besides, Tommy has more important things to think about, like what wood they should use when they make a new cow pen, and whether or not it'd be a bad idea to accept Tubbo's dinner invitation considering Dream's whole thing with other people.
"Tommy?" Dream calls. "You know, if the dream upset you, you can always talk about it more."
There Dream goes again, being so genuine. It's almost sickening. It's mostly really comforting, though, and soft like the sweater Dream had knit for him.
Tommy shrugs. "I'm fine," he says. "It was just a dream, anyway."
#can you tell I had trouble ending this lol#sixteenthdayevent#c!tommy#c!dream#c!primeboys#c!discduo#dsmp#dsmp fic#writing from the void
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Ohhhh!! Can we talk about the Pokemon AU?? What ideas do you have for professors and gym leaders? What about a regional champion?? I 100% think that Techno is the regional champion and Phil could be either a professor or part of the Elite 4! Tommy can be the scrappy teen that is trying to accomplish the gym challenges and try to fight Techno for the title! Dream can be his unofficial mentor the one that comes by when things get tricky with the evil team and then had a dramatic twist of “he is the villain but actually not, he is just a tragic figure”
*crack my back and rise* Be prepared for a long post because I have a lot of them in my brain.
Original pokemon AU (base plan):
The original headcanon I had for the pokemon AU is more based around cc!Dream with a dash of drama from canon linked here! You are absolutely right that Techno is the champion and has and will continue to challenge and enter competition even outside of his region! Phil can absolutely be one of the professors! He can be invested in the study of fossil or death >.< The gym leaders are pretty loose as I don't give much thoughts to that tbh, but I do think that Tina as grass leader, Puffy as water, etc. Maybe I will throw in the newer mafia, who knows? I definitely see Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo as the trio working their way through gym challenges, stumbling into villain organisation and accidentally saving the world hahaha.
Dream in this AU is more laid back, not liking to battle but his pokemon has maxed out friendship and can definitely rain hell on any trainers foolish enough to approach with ill intention. He works in a pokemon daycare during his free time and will give out friendship eevee for those close to him. His care to the pokemon means that most of the eevees have good EV! He definitely gets dragged into the plot unknowingly, much to the dismay of his close friends.
This AU is mostly chill and just shenanigans!
The B side of the Pokemon AU:
This, this is the part where things start to derail for me because if I can have a pokemon AU based on the cc why not go all the way to c!Dream as well.
So this is an alternate Pokemon AU involving c!character. In this side of the AU, c!Dream still possess the revival book and because of that, he forces himself to release all his pokemon with the intention to perish witht the revival book. In the process of destroying the book, he accidentally intergrate the book with himself so we now have an immortal walking revival book that is Dream. Worried that he and any of his close ones will get targeted, he devoted himself a life of a lone hermit and proceed to travel the land in hope to find a way to truly end his existence. He does, however, perform small miracle act subtly whenever he passes by someone or some pokemon in need of help as a way to atone for his sins. He makes sure to do it discreetly so that he would not gather unintended attention.
Alas, sometimes people still put two to two together so he still occasionally gets targeted. What he doesn't know is that most of the people he helped one way or another, does in fact help cover up his trail, misleading any hunters after him. Dream has one pokemon willingly follow him; a stubborn Charcadet, which prove to be a good helper by saving Dream multiple time in their travel.
Dream can hold his own against pokemons in this AU. He kinda has to, as he doesn't have a companion pokemon of his own for the longest time. Phil, as the angel of Death or the guardian in pokemon term is actively tracking down Dream to detain the revival book, but after he witness the bond between Dream and Ceruledge, he let Dream go with the condition that should Dream one day run into any problem bigger than he could handle, he would find Phil to help.
Techno is one of the child Dream helped revive on a whim. He was born sickly and wasn't supposed to make it past the night, well, if Dream hasn't shown up like a wet cat on his doorway. Techno still makes fun of him on the off chance that they met. Because of the second chance, Techno was able to become an extraordinary trainer. He helps out Dream whenever he can and even offer a roof for the homeless Dream to stay in. Dream refused ofc, but he would crash in from time to time to rest.
Speaking of the B side, it leads to an uncontrollable spiral in which I start imagining Pokemon with any and most of my AUs. Like would syndicate!Dream has an Eevee as well or would he has a Arcanine, I can totally see him accidentally taming Zygrade (Dog) without knowing it as a legendary. Also witch!Dream would have a Hatterene. Cornelius can have a Floette, Hubert and Indeedee works because of the bulter theme. Can you see how I am absolutely normal and not being able to talk about this has only made me more normal?
Anyways, thanks for the ask and sorry for taking so long to reply. It is...a lot.
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During his lonesome time in exile, c!Tommy began to associate the moon with certain people from his life. After all, how could he not, if he was left all alone most of the time?
The moon was the only thing that never left him, regardless of his behaviour. It was always up in the night sky, silently observing and listening to him — his laughter, his desperate cries for help, his jokes, his screams of agony, his banter with c!Dream, his sobbing…
And just like any God, it never tried to save him.
He was irreparable, as c!Dream often said.
Yet, despite that, the man never left him alone for too long.
And even when c!Tommy didn’t deserve it, he was there to comfort him.
He was always there for him.
He was his friend, wasn’t he?
Surely, he’d never abandon him, like his friends did.
At first, c!Tommy associated the moon with the sight of c!Dream’s pure white, eerie mask, almost glowing in the dark as he silently approached the teen, the fury unmistakable in his posture. So, every time the blond looked at the moon, he’d feel his breath hitch, flinch for seemingly no reason, and feel the urge to hide.
But he was still in the company of the moon alone.
Because c!Tommy hated the idea of remembering the green bastard every time he saw the moon, he attempted to find another association, and kind of reclaim it. It took him quite a while, but one day, as c!Tommy desperately swam toward the beach after sleepwalking into the ocean again, he caught a brief glimpse of the still present moon, and found it.
L’Manberg. His friends. His home.
They’re all so close, yet so far away, just like the moon.
If only it could hear his desperate pleas, and take him away from here…
He missed his friends, so desperately. But he already had a new one, didn’t he?
Sometimes, when c!Tommy looked at his ‘Your Tubbo’ compass, it felt like gazing at the moon again — a comforting feeling. Whenever he looked at the moon, he couldn’t help but wonder if c!Tubbo was doing the same, thinking of him.
However, after the Beach Party, everything changed. The thought of seeing the reflection of c!Tubbo in the moon now broke his heart; it was too much to bear.
What kind of a friend would exile and abandon his friend?
Did he ever care?
…He betrayed him, it was clear.
Suddenly, c!Tommy wished to see c!Dream’s mask again, instead of that traitor his best friend. Everything was so much easier with c!Dream- at least, when he was good for him. They’d laugh, have playful banters, go mining, and simply bond together. It almost seemed to be perfect.
After all, c!Dream cares, and would never lie, or abandon him.
Sure, his rules are tough, but if c!Tommy does everything perfectly- if he’s Good Enough, he’ll never be alone again.
If he’s hurt, maybe he simply… deserves it?
#my c!prime thoughts#dream smp#dsmp#c!primeboys#primeboys (derogatory)#c!discduo#c!clingyduo#c!tommy#c!dream#c!tubbo#dsmp exile arc#tw abuse#tw obsessive behaviour#tw possessive behaviour#tw trauma bonding#tw conditioning#tw manipulation
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just watched the dream smp lore in 2024 stream everyone's been talking about
i have so many feelings, mostly nostalgia. i never watched any of the proper dream smp endings so i kind of felt like that chapter of my life didn't have proper closure either, to this day i still really really miss l'manberg and how good everything was before c!wilbur went insane. but seeing jack's stream and seeing the state of l'manberg with all the vines and stuff.... i feel like i can put that longing to rest.
it was also nice to see where the clingyduo had gone after everything. c!tommy just living a peaceful life, c!tubbo selling honey off his bees. they were really the only people i cared about throughout the dream smp and it feels so nice to know they're doing well now. its like watching a really sad show but it ends with a time skip to where all the protags are living their best life :') not everyone got their happy ending, but atleast i know clingyduo did and thats all that matters to me.
#im still crying over it#seeing snowchester and technoblades house hit me like a ton of bricks#jack manifold#tommyinnit#tubbo#dream smp
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A copy of my liveblog on discord through the entire DSMP portion of Jack’s stream. If you can’t watch it, this give you the gist, and every piece of lore.
Okay I’m ready
Jacks getting himself into lore mode
“Wiki updaters get ready. Play some jump in the cadillac”

Okay he just got distracted by a tweet apparently rosanna pansino is siccing the FBI on mr beast
It’s happening
elder guardian jumpscare
My god the last time I saw this room technoblade was streaming
Disclaimer I was not interested at all in jacks pov so I will not be understanding any references to his own lore. Manishroom. Appears to hold emotional weight
“Wonder where all my friends are (opens tab) ……..oh. Guess I’m here alone.”

“Legitimately emotional. God this is so fuckin’ stupid bro…..I actually got sad. Toby gave me this mushroom on [my] very first day [on the server]”
Calls joining the dsmp as the beginning of the career he has now (affectionately)
Does not know how he got in this prison or how to get out. Trying to remember Sam’s secrets /hj
The phone at the mic. We’re truly back
Jack lost a bet to Tubbo (You Laugh, You Loose) and that’s why he’s on the server now
Surprised that it survives intact to this day. “So I’m actually uh. Trapped in the prison. And I think [Tommy] had OP— not to spoil the illusion”
Tommy never sucked up enough for OP. He was a true bad boy
“Fuck me, man” -Tommy realizing he’s gotta log on to the dsmp
“It’s like looking a dead child in the eyes” -tommy
“Yeah I expected to laugh at that dead child! And now here I am feeling real remorse” -jack
“Oh, christ…….” -tommy getting on
Jack very nearly leaked the dream smp IP in the year of our lord 2024
Tommy was in fact getting ready for bed and has been thrust back into the horrors of his OC
I can’t tell if this horrid audio lag is legit or intentional for lore. The dsmp streamers have returned to gaslighting— oh no it’s legit he’s trying to fix it lmao
Tommy does not have OP on the dsmp but Toby does
Jack is ringing toby
Toby is not picking up
Near leak number 2
Toby is coming
The DSMP remains a viewer spawnrate hack
The prison has been broken for ages
“Everyone’s logging on to break me outta the prison. I gotta put on my lore music”
He has initiated his lore music
Toby is experiencing technical difficulties
Best lore stream ever
Discussing the ending. Mixed feelings on it
This server is so laggy
It will not let Tubbo in
Jack is mortified at pinging the DSMP discord server. However he is threatening to dm badboyhalo to get out of this place
toby has departed.
Bad is busy. Jack is dming a secret server operator guy that he hasn’t talked to in years
“We can at this point only pray”
“Get Phil do it” -chat
Jack is refusing. I would die. WAIT HE IS
Man. The random messes in the sky…..
“IT WAS COOL?!” Jack seeing Las Nevadas

The lag is insane
I’m not being dramatic this is literally the first time I’ve ever seen the inside of the casino
Tommy has rejoined
I think they’re entering lore mode
It’s begun

Jack has canonically been alone at the casino this entire time
“We can make it canon that I’ve been here the whole time” -jack
“Chat, L’Manburg doesn’t exist anymore. We can’t go back there. Now let’s win big” -jack
He has semi broken the roulette wheel. He freaks out, like man who’s lived his life in solitude at that table for years. He walks outside. He gasps,
“Is that…t-t-t-tommy?” -c!jack
c!tommy has arrived.

c!tommy is asking “seriously, what happened”
c!jack is having him fix the wheel

All Jack cares about is the wheel. You can practically hear Tommy. They (characters) are back
He’s following tommy somewhere
“I have a house. It’s nice.” -c!tommy
c!Jack knows he could just take the money but he’s been surviving off the thrill of gambling

c!Tommy moved far away from the central zone. Brings back too much. Feels unreal seeing it again
“Joy, fun, sadness, pain, too much of it all” -c!tommy
They’re approaching the community house.

Oh my god
Are they going where I think they’re going
I know this path

I’m going to explode. Jack doesn’t know where they are
c!tommy doesn’t live here
“No. Oh god, no” - c!tommy at the idea of living here

Sidenote what’s crazy is the server remaining intact yet abandoned and tommy just living here in peace, with everyone just gone and jack being surprised to see him here, fits perfectly with my own headcanon of what happened to the group in the end
c!Jack jokes about buying c!techno’s house. Is told it’s techno’s house. Immediately, comedically, backtracks
c!Technoblade doesn’t even live here but c!jack knows to still put respect on that man’s name
He calls techno living here ‘cultural significance’ this is hilarious from a character pov

he looked at the compound and types “o7”

tommy just sure here outside the fence and sits here “as long as he needs to. Sometimes minutes, sometimes hours”
This is making me ill in every context including that of my headcanons
It appears tommy was for retconning the nuke but jack would rather keep it
Jack’s officially called it the epilogue
The nether……

Hes realized his mistake of sprinting on the prime path. Everyones subbing
Bench spotted


Reminiscing in his old house
Looked through the nuke lab. Chat is screaming because he didn’t check on Micheal (guys he’s with his honey-vendor dad of course)
Walking through the battlefield of the prison escape. Like he’s trying to murder me

Disregard that. Death begins now.
“There it is! The first place I was a part of. Then technoblade nuked it”

“And now I’m here. And this is the ruin.”
To paraphrase: he really came here expecting to make fun; he’s thought of the smp as something behind him, and it is. He came here to have a laugh but it’s…nice. This arc is finally, fully closed. He is planting the Manishroom, the one thing he’s maintained since day 1, in his original L’Manburg house.
“God just— picking through ruins to make this. So…poetic”
“Not even a lore-bit, this just feels like a nice way to close it out. That feels important to me. Thank you for being here,”

“I always felt like part of the [dsmp] group. Now I feel like my own guy. Really is a new arc”
“I didn’t like letting go of the mushroom. Felt like I wanted to cling on to it forever. But I feel like this was the right thing to do.”
Some more personal reminiscing at the end

Returning to the roulette wheel at Las Nevadas; c!Jack Manifold’s final resting place. Getting that big win; all in on red!
#It’s 3am plz appreciate this. No alt for that reason; sorry#dsmp#Dream smp#Jack manifold#c!tommyinnit#c!jack manifold
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Things from the Dsmp Era i remember as someone who wasn't a part of the fandom back then
Context: i remember in 2020-2021 i really wanted to be part of the fandom but i had no idea where to start and my english wasn't one of the greatest at the time, but i did watch some things about it and this is most of what i remember
C!tntduo animatic on tiktok of them threatening each other
Clip of tommy asking tubbo how he felt about people people shipping them, tommy was like "i dont mind it" & tubbo was like "Fuck No"
C!wilbur. He was literally everywhere
The tommy lesbian incident (i was on his side (i think))
Clip of gnf calling dream's mom or something?? and telling her he's his boyfriend
Animation of them singing and passing the phone to each other idk how to describe it
I remember seeing a lot of Ranboo's tiktoks
Dude i just checked and for some reason i had save two sad-ist animatics on my phone?? I did not remember this holy shit (Dream SMP War & Dawn of 16th)
I also apparently saved the "Centuries" animatic by the real squiddo, which i also have no memory of doing
This screenshot i dont have the context of:

Tommyinnit gacha life au where he was a god or some shit
And for the last but not the least: watching some manhunt videos for 10 seconds and then stopping because they were really boring (i thought the manhunt videos were the actual dream smp and was like How The Fuck Do You People Enjoy This Shit)
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Simply c!Tommy finally learning how to move on
Fic under cut!
Words: 1,624
There's a candle on Tommy's desk. A reminder of everything that's happened, a way too never forget the memories he holds dear to him. The flame has never been put out or let get too low.
Because the moment it does, it means he's let everything go, let those memories become faded until they disappear completely.
Maybe one day he'll be able to let it all go, let himself become lost to time as well. Maybe he can finally be satisfied, letting go of the past, step back and let himself become nothing more than a faded memory.
And he's not sure he's ready for that yet, to move away from all he's loved and fought for. To let go of the last of his attachments he's held onto so closely for far too long.
So, the flame continues to burn on that desk, flickering but refusing to go out completely.
If someone had told Tommy he would be having a heart to heart talk with Jack Manifold of all people, he would have laughed in your face.
But here he was, leaning against the fence of his property, looking out at the rolling hills and the sky so blue it hurt to look at for too long. It was beautiful, really, and it was sad that everyone was too worried about war and power to actually enjoy what they had.
What they could have kept if they took the time to take the time to breath, and smile, and look into the distance.
It was just him, Jack, and Tubbo now. Everyone had moved on with their lives, leaving them tied to this place. But he thinks he can finally form a friendship with Jack, bond over their love for this place.
Maybe in the end, the three of them can finally be happy.
Jack's words played on repeat in Tommy's mind. Was he happy? Could he be happy? He never believed happiness was possible for someone like him.
He couldn't even remember the last time he was truly happy. Except, Jack set a spark of hope in chest. Maybe he CAN be happy. All he had to do was believe he deserved it.
…Okay, maybe that'll be harder than he thought.
Maybe if he turns around, he finally move on from the beautiful land he held onto so dearly.
Mareep was laying her head on Tommy's knee while he petted her absentmindedly, staring at the candle on his desk. He found the sheep on accident, bloodied and stuck in a bush while he was working his fields.
It wasn't as if he could just leave her there. He would take care of her, than let her be on her way.
Well, it's been three months and she's healed all the way now, yet she sleeps at the edge of Tommy's bed and he brings her with him everywhere. Not because the thought of her all alone and scared makes him want to cry.
Definitely not.
Mareep baas softly and he smiles, scratching under her chin. It's funny, how he hasn't thought of Friend, or Henry, or Shroud since she's been here.
Maybe it's time for him to let go of them as well.
His old uniform was packed away carefully in one of his chests. He took it out, letting his thumbs rub against the starchy fabric, tracing the patches and medallions on the front. The dark blue was almost faded into a dull gray now, but it was the same as he remembered.
Tommy couldn't help but smile at the memory of him getting angry that it was too big for him. The sleeves had to be rolled up and it was baggy to the point of making it hard to move in. After he was revived he tried to put it back on.
…It wouldn't fit no matter how much he tugged on it. How ironic it once too big for him no longer fit. He had fallen to his knees and screamed. For the life that he could never go back to and a childhood he never had.
And that was the point wasn't it? A child shouldn't be wearing a uniform in the first place. It didn't fit because he was never supposed to wear it.
Tucking the uniform under his arm, Tommy left his home, waking down the Prime Path and admiring the flowers that grew along it. He had spent many a hours to get them to grow perfectly.
Before he knew it, he was back to the place that started it all. The greatest part of his life as well as one of the worst parts.
Tommy is a part of L'manburg. Wilbur once told him it was made in his visage, it was an extension of him. He couldn't leave it behind once and for all because it was so much of his life. The idea of L'Manburg persisted throughout all his life.
He closed his eyes and tilted his face to the sky, feeling the wind blowing around him and the sunlight warming his skin.
If he let himself imagine, he hear the cheerful voices of his friends, his countrymen, the voices of people who had nothing and everything to lose.
Opening them again, he placed his carefully folded uniform on the grass. One last time he stood in front of the crater of the most beautiful country ever created in his mind. This country built him to who he was today. And he was thankful for that.
A tear slipped down his cheek, followed by another, until he was silently crying, but he made no move to wipe them away.
Raising his right hand to his forehead, he saluted his country one last time.
"Thank you, L'manburg. For everything."
Maybe now it was time to cut that last remaining thread holding him back.
What does it mean to be human?
Humans are cruel and greedy, who backstab for their own gain. We swear up and down we're the ones who are different, we're the good guys. But when do the lines between right and wrong, good and evil, began to blur together?
Does a forsaken soldier think he's in the right, destroying everything he's worked for just to die in the end? Does a anarchist feel regret for spilling the blood of children to prove his point?
What about the man who claims to be a god, that everything he does is for the greater good, no matter who gets hurt in his climb to power?
What about that kid who broke everything he touched? Who screamed for help but no one cared enough to come?
Who wanted to be saved, but was too much trouble to handle, too unlovable. Who foolishly thought in death he would finally be mourned, but who would mourn a monster?
Be honest. If you had to give up your life for someone you loved, you would still hesitate, wouldn't you? Self-preservation or some shit like that.
You're not the hero, no one is. Heroes don't exist here. Everyone wants something to gain in return: fame, love, power, a long-lasting legacy.
It’s fucked up actually.
But humans are also resilient. We scream, we cry, we break, but we still stumble forward, blood on our faces and eyes alight with determination. We have to tear ourselves down completely to finally begin to heal.
We aren't monsters for wanting to survive. You'll need to realize the Sun won't come out for you on a cloudy day; you just have to square your shoulders and keep moving forward without it.
We aren't monsters for wanting to survive. You'll need to realize the Sun won't come out for you on a cloudy day; you just have to square your shoulders and keep moving forward without it.
And if you find yourself on that Tower or staring into the lava, remember that there's something, someone, out there worth living for. And if not? Live for yourself.
The Sun will be there to shine again some day. You just have to make sure you're there to see it.
Continue to love after you've lost everything, continue looking for hope when there's none in sight.
I don't think I'll ever be truly happy; I've been shattered far too many times for that to be possible. I've clawed myself up from the darkness, that spark still ignited in my chest.
I've loved and I've lost, been used and discarded. But I also smiled and laughed, made memories I'll never forget. I'll always be grateful for that.
This isn't goodbye, my story hasn't ended yet. I will keep moving forward and learn not to look back. Maybe happiness is too far from my reach, but I will still LIVE. Live for myself and those around me. Never let myself give up.
Maybe that’s what makes me truly human.
See ya later,
Tommy placed downed his pen, stretching. Well, he's said his silly little words and wrote down his silly little feelings. And that was good enough.
He folded up the letter, placing it beneath the candle holder and shrugged on his carrier bag. He hesitated, watching the flame that still danced in the darkness.
Maybe it was time for Tommy to finally start to become a faded memory as well. He smiled at the thought.
He blew out the candle for the final time.
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Hello, I'm the factive who asked your husband how he was able to find peace in being open as a factive in a relationship with you. His confidence and insight really helped me feel validated and less ashamed of my existence. I also wanted to ask your POV being out as factive? And does it bring you peace and comfort to be where you are with your husband now than before? You don't necessarily have to share everything, only bits you're comfortable to share are ok by me.
I think, after all this, I wanted to be close or connected to other factives wherever I could find one. Just like you and your husband, me and my in-sys husband wishes to be ourselves and gush about each other without feeling too scared to speak our names out loud. If you find this ask relevant, thank you so much for taking your time in answering.
AAAA HELLO!!! OMG I totally forgor about this lol okayokayokay
YES I AM VERY HAPPY AND SECURE AND STUFF I am feeling very pog!!! 👍🏻 I do not have anxiety or anything anymore I am feel peace. And I am SO GLAD we are out? Literally best decision of my life. We r seen and we can be ourselves and it's so much better than hiding FORREAL FORREAL
So about the fear thing, I'm a tommyinnit factive so like.... There was a lot of fear when I first started doing my thing. Because the interactions I'd had with the DSMP community previously were...uh....bad!!!
Very bad!!! Like, doxxing people over shipping c!Tubbo/c!ranboo in a romantic way even though they were literally married bad !!!!!! Suicide baiting and shit bad!!!! And they also seemed to think that things like special interests and introjects were things you can control (even though they aren't) and would harass neurodivergent people who had connections to problematic cc's in that way, so the ableism was also spooky.
So I got it in my head that if I came out, especially as an alter in a relationship with someone else, it would be a BIG problem even if I wasn't vocally pro-rpf and anti-censorship because like. They would see my existence as offensive to source and also as "shipping" and then I would literally be hunted for sport and die. Like that's not an exaggeration that's literally what I thought, I had nightmares about people showing up to our house with guns because they found my Tumblr blog?? Which is.....very overdramatic like that is NAWT going to happen. HELLO???? My Tumblr blog with like 300 followers??? As if someone's going to purchase and learn to use a gun, find our real world address, travel all the way to it, and somehow manage to get to our house with a gun in their hands without being stopped, and then manage to get INTO the house without being stopped or spotted or bitten by the dogs, and then find us, somehow know which one of the people living here is us, and successfully both shoot and kill us??? GIRL NO. GIRL THAT WAS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
But I was SCARED. So what I did, right, was that when I first made my blog and started posting? I took a page out of poppytwt's book and wrote everything with numbers and symbols and shit, (like this: "T0mm√1nn1+") And I didn't interact with any DSMP posts at all. I would see fanart and fun posts about my source or the characters and I wouldn't like or reblog because I was paranoid that OP would be mad at me, so I would scroll sadly by.
But I was still myself. I was still "Tommy" and I still explained that I was an introject, and in a relationship with Seán. And that was a big step!!! -even if I had to put a space between Tommy and Innit when talking about my source, and also spell it like I was a Homestuck character.
Eventually I dropped the censored letters because it was MAD annoying but I still used spaces liberally, and avoided referring to my source as anything other than "source" unless I like, HAD to. I also didn't make "Innit" jokes about myself, even tho I REALLY wanted to.
Then I started making the Innit jokes too, but only with spaces, and I started timidly reblogging fanart from people who seemed chill- I would read DNIs and intros first, but if I got the vibe they were chill with me, I would reblog. This was a BIG BIG step for me, and I remember at first obsessively checking for DNIs and if someone didn't have one at all, like my blog, I would either scroll through their blog to get a feel for their opinions or I would just leave- because I didn't want to risk interacting with someone who was weird about introjects or RPF or both.
And then people from the fandom...started talking to me. I made friends and acquaintances. And they all told me that basically, as long as I knew who to block, I was fine; and that the fandom overall had MASSIVELY calmed down since 2020 anyway, so the things I was worried about weren't even normal anymore here on Tumblr- only on twitter. And they sort of reassured me.
I stopped feeling the need to put spaces between "Tommy" and "Innit", and started using Tommyinnit casually, both in reference to myself and source. I went back to all our AO3 fanfics, which at the time had no character tags to avoid popping up in DSMP circles, and added the character tags.
Then I started actually making fanart just for source, not septicinnit, and even- gasp- TAGGING IT with tommyinnit. Same with liveblogging and posts about him.
And then I made even MORE friends as people realized my blog like. Existed?
It was a very gradual process for me, and if you need to go slow too, that's okay. But what I've found is that the things I was worried about weren't even really things I had to worry about at all. I didn't get much Anon hate, in fact over the last two years I think I've only gotten it three times.
once from someone who said I was faking DID because I had no friends and was mentally ill and depressed which. Hurt but also was kinda funny because they were being so ableist and mean to me? Girl you clearly don't care about systems.
once from a confused anti-endo who thought WE were endogenic because we have endo friends (and literally all they wrote was "traumas fuck endos suck" with nothing else??? LMAOOO?????? So thankfully that one didn't even hurt my feelings)
And once from a person who spammed a few poorly written asks because I was talking to my friend Kency and someone who didn't like Kency was going through their interactions and anon-hating people. They did have alt accounts that they came back with when I blocked the first ones but they only had like four so after I blocked the anons the fourth time, it stopped.
I was mostly able to laugh it off, and when I was sad, Seán and our friends/family were there to support me.
I ended up on r/system cringe, too, and I had a meltdown about that, but then quickly realized it didn't really matter? Again, no one was coming to my house. None of these people would actually hurt me, especially not when they do this all day and have no special malice for me specifically. If anyone showed up I'd just block them- and even weeks after the post, no one did.
Once someone posted a screenshot of one of our fics to twitter, and then people dogpiled us and we got some hate comments, but all it took was a friend pointing out that ao3 is a pro-rpf and proship/anti-censorship website for op to delete the screenshot, and everyone else stopped after that.
Like, what I've discovered is that as awful as cyberbullying is, it's only as bad as your fear lets it be. If you block them and if you remember to stay calm and that you're not in any physical danger, then it's not a big deal. It only hits hard when you panic, and even then you can find support from the people who love you.
Doxxing is of course another story but it's usually rare and also usually easily solved (delete the information) and also ... doesn't always lead to action. In order to have a hate mob swarm at your house your address can't just be posted, you also have to have a bunch of people decide, independently, to actually get off their ass and show up; and unless you're taylor swift that's probably not going to happen.
I can't keep a cool head under pressure, but Seàn can, and I've found that when we talk things out and work as a team, the threats usually aren't as bad as they look. And again, I've never been doxxed and my harassment has been very minor.
I'd recommend having one or more people in your life who are able to talk things through calmly with you and think clearly when things are a little hectic, to block anyone who bothers you or who looks like they might (because of their DNIs or past activity or whatever), and then to just...take the plunge. Because once you experience being out you're forced to realize that the negatives aren't nearly as harsh as they looked. The water looks colder than it is; you won't truly realize how warm and welcoming it can actually be until you're swimming :) I wouldn't trade this for the world 🌍💓 and that's FACTS, forreal forreal.
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long rant abt c pumpkin & (some) tnt duo
(cw/tw: loads of abuse mention)
screams and shakes around like that one halloween animatronic … u know the one …
like this is how i feel when i think abt tnt duo. in my mind its always been one sided… like they can never actually MUTUALLY like each other. it’s such a disheartening feeling/experience. never being able to recognize their own feelings or the other person’s.
I could rant abt Quackity’s relationships for genuinely fucking ever. I genuinely believe that Q and Wil are so incompatible and are gen only able to quote unquote be together when their lives are in ruins. They can only find solace in each other when they’re amidst chaos or their own downfall like it’s a fucking joke. BUT NOT WHEN THEIR LIVES ARE GOOD! They have no interest in one another when they’re being fulfilled in some other way. They’re genuinely ALWAYS each other’s last resorts and I will DIE ON THAT HILL.
Don’t even get me STARTED with pumpkin duo i will fucking **** ****** trying to verbally articulate the sheer complexity of their dynamic and why I will always be a pumpkin duo truther. I will always have a deep craving for a Schlatt revival and an actual redemption arc. I think so many ppl get caught up in this fanon central caricature of him. Like why make him one note evil villain 😈 😈😈 when you can have a complex and even at times conflicting character.
Schlatt gets infinitely more interesting when you actually delve into his relationships and his actions taken all throughout the server. Everything is meticulously planned even the mistreatment of everybody in his cabinet excluding a few ppl. Do I think he knew/was prepared for just how bad it eventually got? No clue.
Abuse is made up of the “good” and bad, they require each other to keep the victim not only afraid but dependent. Life is pretty easy when you have ppl at your beck and call. I always imagine what Tubbo could’ve ended up being if he hadn’t had an out in the form of Tommy/their relationship. My beloveds fr..
Back to /srs rant lmao. Does nobody think abt just how hard it must’ve been for Q to try and get out from underneath that. Knowing that he doesn’t like the way Schlatt treats him, that he isn’t respected or seen as a person most of the time, yet he has no choice but to try and survive bc nobody else has his back atm—because they physically can’t .
Then there’s the trauma bonding.
For the ppl that don’t know a trauma bond is the (unfortunate) relationship formed between an abuser and their victim . There is no mutual bond or equal/leveled ground in that bond. It’s basically getting attached to your abuser and the abuse they inflict on you.
Smthin smthin… self harm addiction smthin smthin…
I wish more people highlighted the importance and actual existence of Quackity’s dependence on Schlatt because that’s what J wanted. Do I think he MEANT to do that? That he went in with the intention of breaking Quackity into submission/compliance, forming a twisted relationship/bond that graduated into a mutual enabling? Doesn’t matter because he managed it anyways.
Schlatt’s brutal existence says everything we need to know about him internally. Like it’s amazing the way his facade slowly faded away as he lost autonomy bc of his alcoholism and that people started treating him as such. Like. He was playing with his cards showing LITERALLY.
… and that’s where i’ll leave this bc my brain is actually cooked and this probably didn’t make sense anyways LMAO
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i unapologetically love the dream smp. it was never a phase to me (which i always thought felt so dismissive to label it as anyways when really it's no different than having any other interest that got really popular for a time) it was just a story that i loved seeing come together with all these different characters' perspectives and you could just jump in to any of them and step into an entirely different view of the world that you'd thought you'd fully understood already.
november 16th wasn't just incredible because you got to see c!wilbur fall apart and blow up l'manburg. it was also being able to look through c!tommy's eyes and see him try to show c!wil that it could still be saved, and c!phil and seeing c!wil and taking his life, and c!techno seeing the new government form and not going down without a fight, and c!niki finding the tnt but not telling anyone, and c!fundy taking schlatt's sword after enduring everything he put him through, and c!tubbo being left 'president of a crater', and c!quackity asking for c!wilbur seconds before the explosion sent him flying into the air, and c!jack being being killed by c!wilbur and no one noticing amidst all the chaos, and so many other captivating points of view that were all happening at the same time and you got to watch it all unfold and know that the story was just beginning.
it sunk it's teeth into me and i'm still not over it. it had its flaws but i still love it. happy november 16th.
#dream smp#november 16th#mcyt#i love you mcrp i love you dream smp#rambling rocks#pebble post#//#mentioned:#character death
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Another collection of thoughts about mcyt characters as celestial bodies but with c!benchtrio this time instead of life series winners.
Tommy - Earth: The Earth is full of harsh and biting creatures and conditions, but if you look closer you’ll see the things sweet and beautiful hidden underneath. He has a great appreciation for all nature, even the misunderstood parts. Many of the ones who have claimed to love him have hurt him; whether it be intentionally through obsessive hatred or accidentally through ignorance, it hurts all the same. Despite experiencing death and suffering over and over again, the Earth remains resilient and still chooses to love and to live.
Ranboo - Moon: The Moon is split in two, a balance of half light and half dark. While the Sun and Earth are familiar with their brighter side, no one's really explored the Moon’s more mysterious side. They often forget themself as they wane into their unknown half where people know they’re there but can’t fully see them until they wax back to their full self. Though these two sides might seem to be at war with each other, neither side can live without the other, and they’re ultimately both still a part of the Moon.
Tubbo - Sun: The Sun burns brightly, even in a void of nothing. He leads the universe as its greatest source of energy, bringing light to a whole world of creativity and innovation. While it may seem like the Sun is a constant, a simple indestructible law of nature, the truth is the Sun does struggle. He’s weighed down with a responsibility he never asked for but carries out nonetheless, and he too will burn out one day. After all, the Sun is just another star. But it’s the proximity that makes the bond between the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon so special.
Their bond: The Sun shines on the Earth and the Moon, bringing them together despite everything else. Though each body could not imagine existing without the others, there was a point when the Earth disliked the Moon. How could he not when they eclipsed his beloved Sun from him? The Earth can’t live without the Sun! But as the Earth watched the Moon pull the tides of his oceans and dimly light up his night sky, the Earth did what he does best and came to see the beauty in the Moon too.
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Those doozers are going to flip when they hear q!foolish and q!tubbo have canonically kissed each other. Or that fooligeta have a bigger age gap than foolbo does. Or that foolish and tubbo met when tubbo was 18. Or that c!tubbo was canonically in a romantic relationship for the majority of the dsmp’s run. Or that tubbo makes frequent jokes about shipping his roleplay characters. I could go on.
It is crazyy, though Foolish did meet Tubbo when he was 17 but he barely knew him then and has known Tubbo for much longer as an adult. Tubbo flirts with half the men on the server, makes sexual jokes with Foolish constantly, and so so much more. CBeeduo will forever be considered just besties that life with each other, raise a child together, and kiss can’t even be a qpr by these people till the end of time.
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For today's DMSP AU, Imma talk about my Fullmetal Alchemist DSMP AU, one of my many AU mash-ups! Here we go!
Obviously, this is heavily based on Fullmetal Alchemist(The original manga plot and the FMA: Brotherhood series btw) so here are some of the roles the characters have:
Tommy - Edward Elric: They both have similar personalities but one is tall while the other is made fun of for being short which is hilarious in my opinion :) Also, Tommy joined the military when he was 12-14 and he's currently 16.
Ranboo - Alphonse Elric: I had to think about this one a lot since Tommy and Ranboo wouldn't be blood brothers like in the original and Ranboo would not be a suit of armor. Ranboo is the adopted brother of Tommy and they're still really close. Ranboo's soul was transferred into a sort of large organic doll/chimera that was the experiment of Phil(who takes the place of Von Hohenheim, I'll get to him in a bit). It's basically a lot like C! Ranboo's body but it's incredible durable/has tough skin(as in bulletproof), can't digest food(the body will reject and Ranboo would end up having to spit it out), can't sleep, and can't feel anything(he can hear, see, and smell, but not taste, feel pain/feel anything physical). His original body is basically Ranboo in real life but younger. The body Ranboo's soul is in has a lot of complexities to it that will be explained for another time.
Tubbo - Winry: He's an automail mechanic, it suits him. He also won't hesitate to clonk Tommy's head with a wrench if Tommy gets careless with his automail. He's surprisingly strong(as in probably being able to pick Tommy up and throw him) and hates feeling powerless despite always being left powerless.
Phil - Von Hohenheim: Still immortal and still left his family. Tommy doesn't like Phil because he left them but Ranboo feels more neutral about Phil. Basically like in the original FMA. Phil's wife is, of course, Kristin(RIP). He also doesn't have wings. Idk what else to say for Phil, he's really similar to C! Phil and Von Hohenheim.
Wilbur(not related to cc! Wilbur) - Roy Mustang: It just fits so well in my brain. His title is the Dynamite Alchemist and yes, he is sane. He's a lot like L'manberg era Wilbur but much less naive since he's seen what war is. ALSO, his uniform is extremely similar to the L'manberg military uniform in C! DSMP(but without the hat), I just really like that idea :)))) He and Tommy have a similar relationship as Ed and Roy in FMA but if you added more friendship and fondness because I love Crimeboys in AUs and DSMP :]
Techno - Scar: I debated VERY HARD on this one between Techno taking the role of Scar or General Armstrong/Olivier Armstrong because both fit so well for me. In the end, I decided on Scar but with a different backstory. Techno is a piglin hybrid because I added hybrid races to this world. So far, there are Enderians(I'll talk about them more in another post) and Piglins but there might be more. Techno is an anarchist still and he's very strong and good in combat. I still haven't figured out how he'll gain the destructive alchemy ability but I know that at some point, he'll be able to do more reconstruction, even being able to change the physical appearance of a person(that'll be elaborated on later). Techno did not kill Tubbo's parents btw, so Tommy doesn't have as much anger towards him besides the fact he keeps trying to kill state alchemists and succeeding most of the time. When Tommy and Techno had to work together, they had some surprisingly nice joking moments but it still took a while for Tommy to be comfortable around him since, y'know, Techno tried killing him on several occasions. I think he'll still have the voices which will be a major part of his backstory that I'm still piecing together.
Okay, it's late and I'm tired so that's all you're getting right now.
#dsmp au#fullmetal alchemist#fullmetal alchimist brotherhood#dsmp#fullmetal alchemist dsmp au#tommyinnit#tommyinnit dsmp#dsmp tommy#tommy dsmp#dsmp ranboo#ranboo dsmp#ranboo#ranboo beloved#tubbo dsmp#dsmp tubbo#au lore#dsmp au lore#tubbo#philza minecraft#philza#dsmp philza#philza dsmp#technoblade#technoblade dsmp#dsmp techno#dsmp technoblade#fma dsmp au#nekole's aus#nekole's au lore
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