#c!Karl Jacobs Fictive
tinarsdgroup · 2 years
We are the Tinarsd Group.
[ pt: "We are the Tinarsd Group." End pt ]
We are part of a Plural System, we can't say our system name because they don't let us.
We are a tiny group of 22 alters that are pro transX identitys.
We can front for more than 30 minutes now, thanks to our in-sys supporters that helped us
We do requests of Transid things
Body presentation:
Autistic, Plural and minor.
Owners presentation:
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Kagej/Karl: C!Karl Jacobs Fictive, Abroachillean, Demiboy, He/Time/Purple and Multiage. (17 and 25.)
No typing Quirk.
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Lidiagene/Lidiane: Somtive, Unlabelled, Cis Girl, ShX/Xhe/Blie and Transage. (37, YTO.)
Blue text.
[ pt: "Blue text" end pt]
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Strawybenny/George: Strawberry George Fictive, Pan gay, Bigender, He/Straw/She/Cuteself and Xenoageholder.
Text. 🍓~ and Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text.
[ Pt: "Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text" end Pt]
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Little Fox/Fundy: a c!Fundy Fictive, Gay, Quoimasc, He/Tail.
Mainly do Stimboards
No typing Quirk.
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Tom/Tommy: C!Tommy(from a fanfic, not wanna talk about it.) Fictive, Gay Aroace, Boy, He/Him.
Mainly do flags
No typing Quirk.
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branded-perceptions · 5 months
We as society collectively (mis)interpret
objective systems reality
via reductionistic driven measurements' integration into symbolic🎅 linguistic🗣 shared reference constructs (argumentative construct l-ego bricks) that we in relation🧭❤️🧭 to their connotation to identity constructs reputations (which social reward streams🐟🐟🐟 of money and sex and thus social survival are bent by) mimetically🏟👏👏👏 charge🍌💦 emotionally❤️🎅❤️ via an out of shared🧭 psychological splitting's derived in-group vs out-group sense of belonging
(team-identification, group-identities, political identities 🎶"left brain, right brain - Bo Burnham", "opppsing" cultural bubbles, exaggerated preference hypes like veganism vs carnivorism, etc.)
which thus via these subconscious emotional charges of symbols' filters incoming data in ways that forms shared Sensory Processing Disorders as seen in
A) bra(i)nde(a)d processed foods where a lot of people eat them because the above explained emotional affectivity of their hallucinatory mind tends to overwrite an objective judgment (reality testing) of actual causal taste / real joy / internal sensory data input of long-term effects on the biological hardwares boundary needs
B) all sort of trend hypes like
the C-19 "test pandemic" where the naturally polarising hallucinatory aspects of our minds split society into two groups of psychotic hallucinations:
1. those who due authorities' delusional apathy towards obvious irrationalities and issues then exaggerated it to have denied that the virus exists, that it has a certain danger to certain risk groups, or that all the corona testing would have been completely fake
2. those who believed the exaggerated perception managed threat created by infrastructure of big pharma lobby interests💸💉💸 motivations🧭❤️💸❤️🧭 and thus did not realise how the fictive reductionistic🤏 nerd🤓 measurements of incidence rate measures similar like reductionistic GDP or one-sided evaluation of death tolls in wars (🔍Notes on Nationalism George Orwell) narcisstically photoshop😘🤳 our thus authenticity-lacking collective authority status interface🤡 we use to make sense of the spectrum of creation POTENTIAL of objective reality
[Our sense-making defines direction🧠👅🧠 our collective workforce and consumer motivations🧭❤️🧭 and thus our causal CREATION process itself and how it affects our median life force: if we would have chosen to make sense of measures of reductionistic incidence rates in different ways like via a mix of by blood-tests evaluated risk-group assesement related evaluation of via statistics accessed preventative health measures like preventative vitamin infusions, immune system strenght (could have been easily accessed at scale by cheap blood tests) and economic functionality (personalised lockdowns for very few that then could have been fully backed by a thus less burdened social security)]
which we lost touch with due variation of Corona test pattern
[as example: we tested more the unvaccinated while stopping to test the vaccinated due to irrational pre-assumptions (🔍list of psychological biases) which then similar like in all sorts of $cientific studies in all sorts of topics fully scewed the irrational judgment (reality testing) of vaccines as a shared Sensory Processing Disorder whose reality becomes more obvious if you watch ironic rebounds of the German stutter Comedian Karl Lauterbach from the SPD "party" who in this regard has done his job perfectly: he via his goofy serious self-ironic jokes (as example saying that "telling the truth would often mean political death" regarding another health topic that is scewed in similar ways) made it publicly more obvious for everyone who had a brain to introspect about what he sees]
as what we as society pay attention to naturally exaggerates itself due to by
(similar like by Jacob Lurie's higher topos / Infinity Category Theory shown)
human motivations
[[[the way how we "order" numbers that we mistake for objective reality ... if you have 5 things of something according to conventional nerd algebra well that is just a fiction fantasy (equality does rarely exist in actual reality), there are still a myriad of possibilities of how these according to nerd autism observed and hypothesed supposesly "same" "5" things (reductionism) can be ordered🧠👅🧠 ((methorical TASTE in economic context: this explanation here encapsules problem and solution of disfunctional aspects of math parts of economics and its relation to creation potentials aka metaphorical "timelines" we can switch to if we update aspects of the "software" in all our minds with linguistic programming as shown on this account)) differently in objective realities' time and s-pace: creation potential which AI-tech learns more and more about as more it "falls"🤥😷😇 into reductionism of our biological hardware: the fluid spectrum of lying / the inevitable confabulation of polarising interpretations of reductionistic language constructs seems an partly out if this subjective prioritisation 🎶"Magic - Coldplay" of biological interface rising function]]]
bent mathematics (🎵pay another number to the score) just like my content here in a "trendy" shared sense-making matrix🌛 that like
🎶Domino Dancing - Pet Shop Boys
in any subjective "observers" perceptions on objective realities' relation🌞 to our life force or my for that via irony optimised linguistic rhyme pattern of my posts
flip [🔍"flipper movie 1996": study language pattern of dolphins and how they use interpersonal irony / play to tease their in-groups to solve problems or threats towards their group swarm dialectically rationally on eye-to-eye-level, often quicker than many nerdy humans that via their reputation and perception management of fictional mind identity🤡 constructs due by colonial dynamics via nature and nurture inherited (genetic) repressions have a stick in their arse creating such a time delay regarding economic agility of care! This is because they lost funky sense of irony that helps to imcentivise to distinguish in-group functionality of fiction from objective reality]
between extremistic poles
[metaphorical "Quantum world" is ironic metaphor for this ambiguity between overcomexifying mind theories (("black cube" = the hereby on this account hinted at and due overcomplexifying stupidity "unsolved" "cube of physics" theory of everything which is a software issue of our minds that can only be solved via shared introspection (intimacy: 📚real love by Greg Baer) not by more "competing" for more and more posing "different" stupid overcomplexification's nerd strategies like the "race" (chase) for all the countless theories that like groupbidentity constructs distract us from the quite common shared relation of life force and objective systems reality and have the overlapping aspects of what is explained here)) and complex nuanced objective causal reality: the various forms of irony are the mental variable to as shared dialectics navigate that "Quantum realm" of ambiguous stupidity of overvalued symbolic and linguistic constructs that can be incentivised to habitually be looked behind via ironic rhyme strategies as explained here via by brackets stacked program loops of our reductionistic robot minds whose by rationality as follow explainable human element is love: the motivation to transcend it towards direction of exploring shared causal presence of our life force not own or other's mind constructs]
of autistic reductionistic nerd focus like on inevitably flawable, subjective shadow-creating and for objective reality mistaken measurement CONSTRUCTS like economic variables, medical parameters or C-19 incidence rates or its complete devaluation and demonisation of it
which has had the very same system effect that our collective focus on reductionistic GDP had during last decades via narcissistic reputation management of "positive" motivations of collective investment infrastructures like index funds / popular fonds
making is collude to incentivising "profitable" wars or "profitable" chronic diseases
[🔍big food and big pharma and big agriculture killing for profits and getting away with it due being disguised via "positive" vain err media stories of economic go(o)d(s) laughing killer clown communicative madness (which inhibits problem-solving if perception managed like this for years) whose narcissistic and even psychopathic form of 🔍"brand love" lacked any sign of intimacy, sense of responsibility or public vulnerability]
that "grow" our hallucinatory debt bubble
[[as more sick our society gets as more people like Gary Vee can publicly pose and scream as if they would be "winning" ... ever watched horror movies? Now you rationally understand why those killer clowns laugh in so weird ways: for them subjectively (sadism vs masochism) it seems very enjoyable in a pathologically ideologically linguistically via perception managed way their in-group abuse depends upon, 🔍Gary Vee talks about enjoying the process and the game and the importance of doing what you love being more important than "anything else" while having had the knowledge and means to at least somewhat at least a little bit warn his psychotic peer-pressured audience so they would have more choice (informed consent, free will) if they wanna get economically💸💉☠️💉💸 raped by psychological ID🍌💦 motivations of laughing killer clowns'🎭 joy or not: #meToo!]]
of closed mickey mouse systems of value-exchange fantasies just so that statistically those who the least question its group-insanity can "win" "positively" like Gary Vee💉 building their "biggest building in town" on a causally documented hill of corpses and peer-pressured suffering like half of Americans not being able to pay their out of this group sadomasochism rising health care costs and inefficient group behaviours / "t(h)reat-me(a)nt" mod(u)alities' causal problem solving.
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kandikiddo · 2 years
Hai !! I'm Karl. This is my over exaggerated blog where I post stuff abt ME. Kandi/aesthetic/fictive stuff/my interests. BTW I am a c!Karl Jacobs fictive !! I am not a dsmp fan I'm just a fictive
My pronouns:
^^ PLS check before referring to me. I also hoard xenogenders because I'm nonhuman and they're what I relate to most with my identity.
I dont really have any sexuality labels aside from polyamoruous!! I am very very very polyam. I'm currently with my fiancés Nikkie and Quackity (Nikkie at @c0rpsel0rd Quackity at @uncorazonderramado), my boyfriend Foolish, my boyfriend Wilbur/Jubilee! (Wilbur is @wilbyitjubilee), and my partner Blues!!
I belong to @arcadefucggz (arcade sys). I am the current co-gatekeeper of our system :]
I do not tag things like food for my sake. I do not tag caps. I do tag triggering content. My blog has a general eyestrain warning but if I post to certain tags I do tag eyestrain.
tag list (will expand as I start posting!)
⏳️ (General posting! for when it's just me posting on my silly lil blog)
🐤;Ducky (Quackity!)
🐼;Pandas (Nikkie!)
🦊;Fox (Wilbur/Jubilee!)
🦈;Sharkie (Foolish!)
🐇;Bunny (Blues!)
🐸;Frogger (Boomer!)
🌹;Rose (Eret!)
🦎;Slime (Charlie!)
📖;Amnisia (A tag where I post about memories, either for keepsakes or to talk about the amnesia I've expirienced. This tag may work as a journal)
🪶;Tales (A tag where I might talk about my experiences time traveling)
🌈;Antonymph (A tag where I talk about internet culture, scenecore, scene, scene rivival, cringecore, and things related to that)
🔎;Gender (Kinda self explainitory! Tag where I talk about gender, xenogenders, pronouns, gender coining, and what gender feels like cuz I was born genderless)
🔮;Gummy (unhuman posting.)
🎨;Art (Art tag!)
🪡;Kandikiddo (Kandi tag!)
🎵;Jukebox (Tag where I talk about music or post song lyrics ^-^)
🎭;:( (Dream/Punz talk. Venting or talking about my expirience with them. This is a neg tag.)
🐸;Bog Dweller (posts abt my frog BAB)
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audiokinhelp · 2 years
names and neos for a karl introject? prefer femme/androgynous names but masc also works !!! scenecore like pronouns work well. thanks!! - 404 sys
[Prns under the cut]
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cloudy-kin-basket · 2 years
Hello! I’m a Dream SMP Karl Fictive, but most of my memories are around Tales from the SMP, so could I please get a shufflemancy for my relationship with Quackity and Sapnap? I don’t remember them too much and it’s bothering me. 6 shuffles please, thank you!
hello!! ^^ the song i got out of those shuffles wassss…
[ I Can’t Fix You - The Living Tombstone ]
When I first saw the song, I knew the relationship was really negative and unhealthy. There may have been lots of internal relationships issues. They may have been relying on you a-lot in it, and you had to carry those burdens. I’m sorry to break this to you.
🪣 — Remember to take it lightly. if this doesn’t feel right to you, feel free to discard it.
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las-nevadas-cafe · 3 years
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🧸 c! Karl 🧸
[art] [art] [art]
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find-fictives · 3 years
Maybe a long shot but I'm a c! Sapnap fictive/factive whichever you wanna call it from the dsmp, I'm lookin for my husbands Quackity and Karl Jacobs, um my memories aren't too clear but we had matching charms for each of us and every Saturday we'd walk along the edge of the woods. If uhh this sounds familiar like this post or send an ask to @/cyber-city-collective, the body is a minor, and I am 24 so. Yeah cool.
MESSAGE @ cyber-city-collective TO RESPOND!!
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Hermitcraft / Traffic Series / Empires fictives
— Jimmy (double life)
— Sheriff (empires s2)
— grian (mixed sources)
— Ariana Griande (mixed sources)
— Mother Spore (HC S7)
— Rendog (Unknown source ATM)
— bdoubleo100 (last life)
— Queen of shadows (last life)
— Zedaph (HC s9 and hardcore hermits)
— Niki (factive)
— Quackity (Las nevadas / Fictive)
— Alex (Karmaland)
— HD!George (fictive)
— George (Manhunt vers / fictive)
— C!George (Kinoko kingdom / fictive)
— Kaprice ( Karl jacobs kinoko kingdom fictive)
— Karl jacobs (factive)
— Tubbo (snowchester / fictive)
— Tommy (fictive)
— Mumza (fictive)
— Aimsey (factive)
— Ponk (fictive)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
im so so sorry i made you feel like i didnt love you, i do i promise. every minute i was thinking of you and i miss you so so bad. i was watching some of my source the other day and i realized how much that mustve hurt you, for things to go that way. im really sorry, even if thats not how it went in my memory. i love you both so so so so much and i miss you even more. i hope you two are happy, wherever you are<3
-c!karl jacobs (fictive)
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grians-perch · 3 years
hey! c!karl jacobs fictive here! can i get some positivity please? i really miss my fiancees quackity and sapnap and am worried they may not be looking or even want to find me...
Hi Karl! I know how hard it is missing canonmates, and I’m sorry. I’m sure that if your fiancees are looking for you if they know who they are! Sometimes it takes longer to find canonmates because they don’t even know about kin stuff! I’m sure you’ll find them both eventually!
And of course they’d want to find you! In every single one of my own canons, you three were so in love, theres no way they aren’t missing you! I can’t wait for you to find them, because I know you will!
-Mod Mellohi
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findthebae · 3 years
Hello! I'm a C!Karl Jacobs fictive from the Dream SMP! I'm looking for everyone, but especially my fiancees Quackity and Sapnap, and Dream and George! Feel free to message me! Also I'm 18 if that makes anyone uncomfortable.
! ! !
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las-nevadas-cafe · 3 years
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c! Karl Jacobs
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
There's a song on tik tok rn that's only a demo called "we'll never have s-x" and it's a really soft but sad song and every time I hear it I think of you. I don't know why exactly I think about you two, but I do. I know I whine about it a lot, and I really try to play it off, and I feel like no one takes me seriously. Like separately me.
I just want to wake up in bed with my fiances. I want to just lay in bed and be happy they're here. I want to hold their hands and I want to kiss them and I want to apologize for being so stupid and keeping secrets.
Sapnap and Quackity, I hope you know how much I miss you. I want to hope you're out there and that anything's possible but.. it's okay. I hope at least wherever you guys are you're happy and still in love. Or at least happy. I think that's all I have for now. I love you.
-c!Karl Jacobs fictive (#💍💌📕)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I miss my fiances : ( I miss Q and Sap, and honestly I'd give anything to even just sit on the couch and cuddle. Or another Karaoke night. I hope you guys know how much I love you. I think about you guys all the time. On the bright side, there's no way I'm going to forget you guys at all ever in this life. My memory is definitely still bad, though.
-c!Karl Jacobs (Please tag as fictive)
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