#by which i mean the things they call forbidden youtube
sweaterkittensahoy · 8 months
Me: Ah, let us enjoy a solid couple of hours of youtube shorts as I work on this crochet project at its boring time.
Youtube: Here's an hour of content you dig.
Me: Yay!
Youtube: Here's an anti-queer video.
Youtube: Here's a no-name country singer who thinks he's gonna get cancelled for writing a positive song about a cop.
Me: Does he want some milk with his toast?
Me: Also, block.
Me: Also, also, no more shorts tonight. Literally have no clue why you keep showing me the shit I block every time you show it to me.
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creature-wizard · 3 months
Hii genuine question. Are Christian holidays not actually from a basis of paganism? I felt like from what I’ve read about it before made sense to me
So like, a lot of people basically jumped to conclusions whenever a Christian holiday was either celebrated near the time of an old pre-Christian holiday, or its name sounded superficially similar to something pre-Christian, or its popular celebrations included elements that didn't seem quite Christian enough.
So, let's take Easter, for example. At one point, this guy Bede mentioned that the holiday got its name from "Eostremonath," IE, Eostre Month, which was named after an old goddess, Eostre. Now, that may very well be true, but it doesn't demonstrate that the holiday had pagan origins. See, when it comes to words for the holiday celebrating Jesus's resurrections, English is an outlier. Most European languages use words that derive from Pascha, which is ultimately derived from the Hebrew word Pesach, as in Passover.
There's also no evidence that Eostre's symbols included eggs or hares. In fact, everything we know about Eostre comes from Bede. Anything else is just guesswork. Dr. Andrew Henry of ReligionForBreakfast on YouTube, by the way, has a decent video on the topic of Eostre.
So why eggs, anyway? Well, back in the day, eggs were forbidden during Lent, so by the time Easter rolled around people had like a month's worth of eggs stacked up. So like, why not eggs?
And then of course, Alexander Hislop completely pulled the Easter/Ishtar connection out of his ass, because he was an anti-Catholic conspiracy theorist who did not care about scholarship, only about demonizing the Catholic Church.
Christmas has been claimed to have been derived from Saturnalia or Sol Invictus based on similarities in dates, but scholars have found that there was this belief that holy men died on the same day they were conceived. So if we start with Good Friday and fast forward nine months, that puts us either in December or January, depending on when exactly you believe Jesus was crucified. So Western traditions, which went for March 25, settled on December 25, whereas Eastern traditions, which went with April 6, got January 6. Dr. Andrew Henry talks about this here.
Christmas trees are also claimed to be pagan, but in reality they weren't a thing until the late medieval period. The earliest known reference to a decorated tree goes back to 1419. Or, it might be a tree; the word used ("Bom") could also mean a pole, as in a decorated pole like a maypole. It was shortly after this that people began erecting trees out in public squares. Again, Dr. Andrew Henry has a video on this.
And yes, it's true that Christmas is called something like Yule or Jol in other languages, but as we've determined from Easter, a name doesn't necessarily tell us where something came from. Most languages don't use anything like Yule; for example, English uses Christmas, as in, "Christ's Mass," while many languages use a word deriving from the Latin natalis, as in "birth," as in "Jesus's birthday."
Just about every attempt to link a Christian holiday to a pre-Christian one is operating on similarly poor methodologies. People just kinda drew conclusions based on things looking kinda similar without looking closer to see if they were really actually connected, or based on things not lining up with their personal ideas of how Christians ought to behave. (This whole idea that pure, true Christianity is sourced 100% from the Bible and the Bible alone is very Protestant, btw. It's also a position that would have baffled the earliest Christians, who didn't even have a New Testament and didn't regard things like the the epistles as holy scripture yet.)
Now of course, the Christianization of Europe didn't overwrite its cultures entirely, and local cultural beliefs and traditions ultimately did influence holiday traditions in some way; Christmas elves are a pretty clear example of this. But this whole idea that the Catholic Church just stole all these pagan holidays and remade them into Christian ones is pseudohistory.
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lexinoctura · 1 year
Rant incoming!
Okay, so I apologize for my language in the following post, and I disclaim that I have NOT seen the entire show, but only a compilation on YouTube and read the summarizes on Fandom.com
So, be warned, because this is going to be ugly!
I fucking LOVE the book series Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead.
I read them in English and in German, I have the audiobooks in both languages and the comics to it. I recently read the best FanFiction I have ever read about my favorit ship Rose/Dimitri (Romitri) called "The Ties that Bind Us" by @hiccuppedstudio , and it is one of the very, very few books, shows or movies where I don't have the burning need to write a fix-it, because the books are perfect in my eyes.
I liked the movie from 2014 well enough, even though it was a bit faster than the books. I can understand that and I fully accept that.
What i can't and won't understand and accept is that bullshit motherfucking series from 2022 which I just masochistically (otherwise i have no explanation why I sat through those 7min) skimmed on YouTube.
And don't get me wrong, it is not because they decided to cast people that don't look like the characters from the book. I couldn't care less if I can vibe with them and the story.
BUT, and here comes my full-blown inner Rumpelstizken out to play, what I HATE is when they not slightly change a plot, but fuck the entire thing up with no shame or decency or honor or respect for the source material what so ever!
you CAN'T put the content of 5 (i don't know if they added the sixth as well) books into 10 episodes, no matter how long they are.
you CAN'T try to establish characters, a forbidden romance, a stalker and kidnapper, a very traumatic death of your best friend, the murder of your ship, the 'I have to go and kill the man I love', the restoration of that man and the murdering of the leader of that society within 10 fucking episodes, just to end it with a: \(o.o)/ meh
you CAN'T just fuck something out of existence that is as vital as Dimitri's restoration and redemption to the entire plot of the fifth and sixth book because of… reasons.
you CAN'T just kick out a turn of events (Dimitri turning Strigoi and Rose going to Siberia to kill him, and everything that it entails) when it is THAT VITAL to not only three books, but also to the character development of ALL THE MAIN CHARACTERS!
I fuck you not, I have another ten reasons on what that shitshow of a show fucked up, but I fear that if I go on, I'll bit into my screen, and I am not even exaggerating!
Now, seriously, who the FUCK decided to do that!? The books are awesome – like I said – and I can only recommend them to each and every one who likes BAMF main character, and doesn't automatically think that vampire means sparkling disco ball!
BUT! The show was not made for the 'normal' consumers; it was made for the fans, because the books are relatively old (2007 was the first volume released) and the producers/directors/screenwriters dared to try and sell us shit on a paper plate and then asked us to clap
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kittyprincessofcats · 10 months
Okay, let's talk about Germany
because seriously, wtf is happening to my country?
So, a few weeks ago Germany outlawed Hamas and Samidoun. And with that, our interior minister Nancy Faeser also explicitly outlawed the phrase "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free", with the reasoning that it's linked to Hamas / implies genocide against Jewish Israelis. You can now be fined or go to jail for using this phrase.
I was at a demonstration a few weeks ago that was an absolute nightmare. So, usually at the beginning, the rules for the demonstration (what is or isn't allowed to do/say) get layed out. At pro-Palestine demonstrations, there's always A LOT of police and they sometimes check protest signs in advance, too.
At this demonstation (which was organised by several Jewish organisations btw), one of the things we were chanting was "Stop the Genocide" - also a lot of other chants involving the word genocide in some way. At first, this was allowed. Then, halfway through the demonstration, the police suddenly decided that using the word "genocide" is forbidden now. Halfway through, after they were okay with it at first!
Then they arrested a Jewish Israeli woman (who they'd already wrongfully arrested once before) because her protest sign said "Stop the genocide in Gaza". Then they also arrested another person because their sign said "From the River to the Sea, we demand equality". THAT LITERALLY ISN'T EVEN THE PHRASE YOU BANNED! If you're going to ban FtRttS because it "could imply genocide against Jewish Israelis", then this changed version which makes explicitly clear what's actually meant should be fine! But nah, doesn't make a difference to them. If it starts with "From the River", you're gonna get arrested.
What shocks me the most is the arbitariness of it all. How can you just randomly decide in the middle of a demonstration, that something that was fine at first is now forbidden and then arrest people for it? I've been to demonstrations later where the word "genocide" was used again and it was fine. They literally just made up random reasons to arrest people. There's no logic behind any of it.
I've heard from other demonstrations in Germany that they apparently also arrested people for signs like "From the River we do see, nothing like equality" and "Bombing children is not self-defense" (what?). Also apparently they arrested one person for drawing the famous raised fist icon onto their poster because it "implies violence".
I don't want to live in this country anymore. What is going on? When has Germany become... this? I mean, I never thought we were super great, but I didn't think we were this.
And before anyone says that it's overcompensation for Holocaust guilt: That might play into it, but I don't think it's the real or only reason. Because the thing is, Germany didn't use to be like this. Israel-Palestine isn't exactly a new conflict and I remember that when I was younger, people from both sides were allowed to talk in talkshows etc. There's a clip on Youtube of a talkshow from 14 years ago where a CDU(!!! - big conservative/center-right party) politician talks about his trip to Palestine and the humiliations the Palestinians suffer every day and how no people would just let themselves be treated like this - nowadays you'll only hear something like this from the very left of the political spectrum and never on TV because anyone who speaks up for Palestine won't even get invited to the talkshow.
So like... what happened? Germany didn't USE to be like this. Why is EVERY party, even the Greens, suddenly talking like a copy of the AfD (extreme right-wing party, basically Nazis) and trying to paint Mulims as evil? And why are we at a point where anyone who speaks up for Palestine gets arrested and charged with "antisemitism" while actual Nazis are allowed to protest and get protected? We Germans are always so quick to call out other countries for lack of freedom of speech, so what is... THIS? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?
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lilover131 · 2 years
Chapter 70 Analysis
I’ll be frank right now. This analysis was hard to write. It’s hard to write not just because of how absolutely wrong all my theories were (lord, were they wrrrrrrrrrrrrooonnng), but because this chapter made me unexpectedly very emotional. I’m just speechless and cannot believe that CLAMP got me again like this. I just find it absolutely amazing how Ohkawa’s writing can steer you in a direction and make you think you know what is going to happen, and every single time, she turns you on your head. Fucking incredible. I honestly don’t know how she manages to do it. Just…everything clicks now and I see the puzzle in front of me showing its picture, and it’s beautiful and also so so heartbreaking at the same time.
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 I’m not going to post a gif or image of the month this time, simply because I don’t feel like there is one that really is suitable.
Also, I apologize in advance for the crappy quality images in red of the screenshots I took. The English chapter has yet to come out in good quality and is currently only available on Youtube, so I had to make do with the red colored pages for now. 
 With that said, I’ll get started on my thoughts.
The color page this month is so stunningly gorgeous and it fits the theme of this chapter so well. It is beautiful and warm but also has a melancholy feeling that can’t be shaken. Sakura has a face that looks as if there is something missing, and by the end of this chapter, we know why.
 Admittedly, when the chapter first started, I was very confused. It seemed to jump straight to Kaito using the EXCHANGE card without time for anyone to stop it, thus making my theory that Syaoran would fight to keep it from happening completely wrong. Lol. But I’m not upset about this. Not seeing a Syaoran sacrifice made me relieved, at least for the moment…(I’m still not ruling that shit out for the future. Haha)
 But I wondered what it meant to see Sakura now as the Red Queen and Akiho as Alice. Did this mean Kaito had switched their lives after all? It certainly seemed to be the way things were going, and I was worried that he had been successful and wondered what the repercussions of this would be. It’s been well described in other CLAMP series (-cough- Tsubasa -cough-) that changing the fate’s design like this ultimately creates huge ripples and damages in the world around it. There is a reason it is considered forbidden magic after all, because of course if one could simply undo things or swap lives with people, why wouldn’t it happen all the time?
 The first thing noticed though in particular was that it wasn’t just Sakura and Akiho that seemed to swap in roles. The very outfits themselves were changed. Some of you might recognize them as the first versions of the outfits that Tomoyo had made and decided to start over on as they did not feel right to her. It seems now that this is because these outfits were originally designed for them to be in swapped roles, so Tomoyo’s intuition here seems to reign supreme again but also makes me wonder for the millionth time how she doesn’t have magic (lol). Another difference seems to be that Syaoran has taken on the role of cat in the originally intended method of just voicing rather than acting on stage. Initially, this also worried me as the reason he had done the role on stage physically was to be by Sakura’s side in case something happened, so by seeing him not do this, it made me curious as to whether his relationship with Sakura was still the same.
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Moreover, we must keep in mind that the title of the story had also changed from what was originally written. Before, the story of the play was called “The Two Alices” (which now I realize is super sneaky Ohkawa!) before Naoko made a last minute change and titled the play “Alice in Clockland”. Even the story itself seems to have deviated from what we saw before in the previous chapters. Alice Akiho mentions that her family had a fourth chair at the table always open, but she never understood why. And Red Queen Sakura mentions how she doesn’t remember how she became Queen and only ever remembered being in Clockland. The story soon seems to develop to reveal that the Red Queen is actually Alice’s twin sister who was lost long ago. It seems to also have a happy ending with the Red Queen returning home to her family.
 Back on the rooftop of the school, Kaito and Momo are speaking. She asks him how he feels now that he has gotten what he wanted, which is still unclear to us at this point in the chapter.  He claims to be relieved that Sakura finally created the card he needed before Momo goes on to explain to us readers (bless her) on what has occurred. And boy, is it a doozy.
 The first thing was Sakura’s wish, which was simply to switch roles with Akiho and be the Red Queen instead. That seems fairly harmless in nature, but the second wish was for the artifact inside of Akiho to be exchanged to Kaito for his broken pocket watch. Naturally, taking on the artifact is absolutely huge because it was this very thing that the Squid Clan and the Association wanted to keep to themselves desperately. It was their grasp at power, which was all they cared about in this world. Additionally, Kaito had explained before that this artifact had already absorbed so much magic that if it took on anymore that it would crush Akiho’s soul, so what are the implications of that now in Kaito’s body, which undoubtedly already has a ridiculous amount of magic in it? We know already that he has shown no care for his own well being, so this seems to be more dire a situation than he was in before.
 Akiho now has Kaito’s broken watch, but she still has no magic in her body, so she could not use it even if she wants to, so this will not impact Akiho in any way. She seems to be completely free of the binds that tied her to her awful family who wished only to use her as a tool and did not acknowledge her as a person.
 But Kaito took it one step further…
 The scene changes to the end of the play where the girls are being applauded for their performance. Naoko tells them that she knew they were perfect for the role of Alice and Red Queen. And I’ll tell you right now that when I was initially reading this chapter, it was in French (because the English chapter wasn’t quite out yet), and I had to use Google Translate. Upon translating the next speech bubble, I found myself absolutely fucking speechless and wondering if I had typed something in wrong or if Google messed up the translation.
 Not only did Kaito take the artifact away from Akiho, but he also rewrote the past so that Akiho was born as Sakura’s twin sister. I think I can safely say that a majority of us had thought that Kaito was intending to swap Akiho and Sakura’s lives so that Akiho could have a happy life and Sakura would take on the misery Akiho endured. And I feel terrible now thinking he would actually do something so cruel, seeing as he honestly hasn’t really done anything to deserve that opinion. When you think about it, he never actually harmed anyone at any time, and even the trouble he caused was still much less dangerous than even what Eriol put them through (think about it, Eriol nearly had Syaoran cut Sakura in half when he controlled him with threads!). And additionally, most of the trouble was actually caused by Sakura herself with her out of control magic.
 Was Kaito shady? Absolutely. Was he secretive and somewhat manipulative? Of course. But does that inherently make him a bad person? After this, I just can’t see it. What I’ve always enjoyed about Kaito particularly is that he always keeps you guessing. You never know exactly who’s side he’s actually on, and I’ve rather enjoyed learning more about him because of that. But one thing that always remained unfettered was that he cared about Akiho. In fact, Akiho seemed to be the only thing he ever showed any care towards (other than maybe her mother, but we still don’t know exactly how that story ended, and I’m sure we will learn more soon).
 And now that we know what his intentions were, I cannot help but see the clues written all over the wall absolutely EVERYWHERE. CLAMP has literally been dropping hints for years, and I can’t help but be angry for missing it all! Granted, that was the point, but fuck I can’t help but be impressed by the writing just for that alone. Every single mention of how similar Sakura and Akiho were, the mention of them ‘synchronizing’, even Akiho’s fucking name! I have always had a feeling that Akiho’s name wasn’t always Akiho because it felt odd that she had a Japanese name despite being born to English parents in England, but now I can’t help but think that Kaito had her change her name so she could fit neatly into her new life. And still in my head I cannot forget that one scene in the anime (episode 10) with the SNOOZE card where he came to pick up Akiho, and Sakura and Akiho said something with the same reaction at the same time, and Kaito just laughed. I always wondered why he laughed like that, and now it makes complete sense. He was laughing because he had always intended to make Akiho Sakura’s twin sister, and it was funny to him because the two of them were already acting like twins.
Not to mention the many many scenes of Kaito seemingly investigating all aspects of Sakura’s life, like her father, Touya, the house she lived in, her mother, Syaoran, etc. He did all of this because he wanted to make sure Akiho would have a good life with Sakura’s family, and that she would be surrounded by those that would protect her. And like…I know many of us noticed this and theorized he was doing this because he wanted to swap Akiho with Sakura, but I feel awful that I never considered them being twins as an option and assumed the worst. What he proved here by making them twins was that he wanted to save Akiho, give her a better life, but without taking away from others in the process.
 But there is one major problem with this wish… or rather two.
 Momo looks to Kaito and tells him that even with his magic, he cannot contain the power of the artifact. It is at this very moment that the pages of the book artifact appear beneath his feet, and some of his memories begin to show in the pages. It was when he was younger and had volunteered to go with Akiho on her journey to absorb more magic. Both the Clan and Association did not like this idea and showed distrust towards him, worried that he’d try to use the artifact for himself. But they decided to make a ‘compromise’ (assholes) by stating that he could take Akiho on her journey if he accepted the ‘Seal of D’. This seal is actually a curse that is intended to keep him in check and will activate if he tampers with the artifact in any way.
 Kaito seems to agree to this without hesitation and is warned that he can never break this seal, and if he does anything to ‘the artifact’ (god I wish they would talk about Akiho like the human being she is), he “can never return”. Do those words sound familiar? CUZ’ THEY FUCKIN’ DO TO ME.
 It turns out that the voice we have seen and heard in the manga and anime several times saying “You can never return” was directed at Kaito. The strange disembodied voice in Sakura and Akiho’s dreams was that of one of the Clan/Association members telling Kaito he could never go back if he broke this vow. And this also explains why Kaito had such a grim reaction when Akiho brought up those words before from her dream. It’s because he knew exactly what those words meant, but he still decided to go through with this anyways. From the very beginning, he knew he was going to sacrifice himself, and although we had our theories about this for quite some time, it is absolutely confirmed now.
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A magical seal appears over his chest, almost undoubtedly at this point the ‘Seal of D’, and in my initial read, I again was using Google Translate on the French pages before I saw this text, and it fucking broke me.
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I started crying almost instantly. To know that he was a boy that grew up caring for nothing, wanting nothing, liking nothing…to say that the very spell that will undo him is the first spell he ever wanted to use. It’s fucking heartbreaking, and for the first time other than when he laughed, I could see a smile on his face that I knew was 100% genuine in every way. He’s not hiding anymore. It is the smile of someone who feels he has just fulfilled his purpose in life and is ready for the end.
 Momo emulates me and most of the fandom by shouting and crying that he’s an idiot before he completely vanishes within the pages of the book. Sakura halts briefly, having felt something, but appears to brush it off, and lord I wish she wouldn’t have. The rooftop is now empty with neither Kaito or Momo, and the chapter ends there (because of course it does).
 -Wipes tears and blows nose-
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 Okay, so this chapter messed me up emotionally, but I honestly loved it. It’s so beautiful and devastating at the same time, but I think I finally have an idea of where the story will go from here. Sakura still should have her magic and she has already developed the ability to remember things despite rewinding of time etc. But I think RECORD will also play a part. The card has been extremely useful in showing things that didn’t even happen in the real world, such as her dreams, but it has also been shown in the anime to show records of past events that happened prior to Sakura even being born and never experienced. I also think the watch will play a part. We know now that Akiho has a broken pocket watch and will likely not be able to remember where it came from but have melancholy feelings when looking at it or some sort of heart ache. I think this watch will assist in bringing Akiho and Kaito back together.
 The ‘Seal of D’ also appears to have the same kind of appearance as the dragon from Sakura’s dreams, so I believe that the curse the Association and Clan put on him will have turned him into this dragon, and that he is currently roaming the world of the book. Because Sakura’s dreams showed the dragon in Tomoeda, I think that he will somehow break through the book in this form at some point, but there is still definitely the question about the Cloaked Figure, and it is still debatable who that will end up being. We know that part is still to come as Sakura has yet to wear the ‘sleeve’ she mentioned before that she would have on when she finally meets the Cloaked Figure for real. 
 God, just when you thought the climax was finally here, it seems we haven’t even reached the tip of the iceberg. This is most definitely why CLAMP needed another full volume to finish it, and I’m all for it.
  I am so fascinated to see the next chapter and what this new timeline is like. Does Akiho know about Kero and Suppi etc.? What has gone on exactly in regards to the Clear Cards? And what about Syaoran? Does he still have the Sakura cards? What are the actual ramifications of this massive timeline change? And Lillie? What happened to her if Akiho was never born her child, and how did this affect Nadeshiko?
 But we’ll get answers here real soon, and I look forward to talking about them all with you! See you next month!
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felassan · 2 years
I have a friend that has never played the games (They're very close to my heart, I forgive them this sin 😂) but they are really interested in watching Absolution. Do you have a basic run-down or know of a pre-existing post that would have the most important bullet points of the games to get the most out of the series? Appreciate your immense wealth of knowledge!! My wife and I intended on watching just the first 2 episodes and at the end all 6 were like.... that's it?! We need more 😭
hello! tysm and I know what you mean, more pls!! (๑*ᗜ*) that's a good question. the Dragon Age wiki has plot details/summaries of each of the games (DA:O, also DA:O, DAII, also DAII, DA:I, also DA:I). lots of YouTubers have done Lets Plays of the games over time. Ghil Dirthalen has a series of YouTube videos on Thedas lore here. in the one called "Nations of Thedas", the segment on Tevinter starts at timestamp 9 mins 30, and "A Brief-Complete History of Thedas" covers the history of the world. IGN did a "Dragon Age in 5 Minutes" video that covered the story so far/general broadstrokes lore up until before DA:I, Kotaku wrote a beginner's guide to all things Dragon Age article designed to help new players to DA:I who hadn't played DA2 and DA:O which could be useful, and The Kingdom has a series of 3 videos explaining the history of Tevinter (one, two, three). and to help get the most out of the series it might be helpful if they browsed the wiki pages on Tevinter, mages, blood magic and spirits/demons/possession.
I think the most important bullet points would be that:
the world is called Thedas and in it, being a mage often comes with a cost due to risk of demonic possession or perceived risk of this. because of this in most of the countries in the world mages are made to live in a system which is part of the main in-world religious organization, the Chantry, called the Circle, which keeps an eye on them and is policed by an order of knights called the Templars. however in one country, Tevinter, the country's government is made up of noble mages called Magisters, and it's effectively a magocracy. lots of bad things, dark magics and corrupt stuff goes on in Tevinter so it doesn't have a good reputation among the other nations
the Chantry religion is centered around a god called the Maker and his prophet, a human woman called Andraste
Tevinter has its own version of the Chantry, its own Chantry leader and its own Templars
Tevinter is a socially stratified society which has slavery
there are 4 races in the world, humans, elves, dwarves and Qunari (a tall horned people). elves are oppressed by humans who are the dominant race. in Tevinter elves are often enslaved. members of the other 3 races are also sometimes enslaved in Tevinter.
blood magic is a form of magic powered by blood (usually through sacrifice), it's very powerful but most people fear it and consider it to be evil. it's usually forbidden. it carries increased risk of possession. there's lots of blood magic stuff going on in Tevinter
a few years before the show begins, a corrupted ancient Tevinter magister from long ago basically came back to life and tore open part of the veil/barrier between the waking world and the magic dream world where spirits and demons live because he was A Bad Guy. this was called the Breach and demons from the other world poured through. a group of heroes got together and set up an organization with Chantry backing called The Inquisition. it was led by the Player Character from the most recent video game in the series. they could close mini-holes in the veil because of a magic mark on their hand. their title was the Inquisitor and some people thought they were chosen by Andraste so they called them The Herald of Andraste. many people joined the Inquisition to help. after closing the holes and saving the world, the Inquisition did some other stuff and then eventually disbanded.
I feel like those are the main things someone would need to know? (I tried to pare it down and put it into like, non-DA fan general fantasy terms)
I hope something here is helpful and that your friend enjoys the show ^^
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fierceawakening · 1 year
You know, the more I think about my mom’s behavior, the more the thing Forbidden YouTube calls “vulnerable narcissism” makes sense to me as an explanation, whether or not there is such a thing above and beyond stuff this one person I am related to does.
That being that literally everything is bad to or for her. My dad got implants put in his mouth and now she struggles to hear him, but instead of “oh fuck, this is an unfortunate confluence of disabilities it’s “I can’t understand him! Fierce, can you understand him! It’s just SO UPSETTING THAT I CANT UNDERSTAND MY OWN HUSBAND clearly the guy doing the implants is a HORRIBLE RIP OFF. I tried to convince him NOT TO SEE THAT GUY but NO.”
Or worse, “WHY doesn’t he pronounce words CLEARLY,” knowing he had speech therapy. Which is just mean, and would be even if people with normal hearing struggled to understand him too. But we don’t. Or at least I don’t.
All this when he’s in the middle of a surgery procedure with stages so switching dentists is a bad idea unless he’s doing it wrong or something.
Like it’s unfair she’s hearing impaired, just like it’s unfair I have impaired mobility. But no one failed to put a curb cut in a useful place AT me. I Can be annoyed at whoever designed or built it, but I shouldn’t lament my plight in ways that make other people feel bad but can’t be solved. All I can do is decide if I want to walk around to find a cut or if I don’t.
On some level my attitude is my responsibility. I have to decide to deal, or to make a change.
Which is likely why The Forbidden YouTubes say not to try to convince your family member or partner to change. Because if they’re fundamentally convinced things are bad AT them, that’s a distortion that no one can undistort but them. By choice.
Which is a thing I did by choice when I decided to work on my own mental health. I tried very hard to ask myself what I could expect from other people and what I’d need to provide to them for our relationships to be positive, and thought really hard about how to get what I needed if I was asking too much.
It was kind of painful to withdraw when I still felt hurt, and it took a lot of getting used to. Now, though? “Hey Fierce, I feel for you but I’m overwhelmed myself/I need to go for dinner with friends/blah” “Oh okay, I’m gonna talk to another friend/play video games/exercise until im too exhausted to feel like shit. Thanks for listening.” And I still feel kinda bad but that’s not a betrayal. Friend left because Friend has own life. Which is just as scary and confusing as mine is.
When I see Tumblr saying that people just GET to not show empathy, or just GET to offer non reciprocal relationships, it really sounds to me like what’s being said is “you don’t have to bother trying not to hurt others, you poor baby.”
And I just… no. You get to think about whether someone’s demands are too much, sure. You get to decide the answer is yes.
But that may actually mean “the compassionate thing to do is cut this person off, because I’m unable to be the kind of partner or friend they need unless I become better at reciprocal relationships, which is hard for me.”
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poohwhin · 2 years
mandela catalogue volume 4 LONG thought dump. (for my dialovers followers i apologise for clogging your dash)
also big massive tw for this series.
OKAY SO. SOME THINGS! i’m a little bitch and pause the video every 15 seconds, so excuse me. but this also means that i can give you my rambling thoughts for various timestamps SKSKS. i’m not a theorist. i’m just a guy with some thoughts. you can actually skip all this bs if you want since i did an ACTUAL post abt my thoughts HERE.
[ 𝟎:𝟎𝟎 — 𝟐:𝟑𝟗 ]
we’re started with an explanation on the earth’s creation (in relation to christianity). which i always find it very interesting when we’re able to see the connections to religion, even if older bible cartoons and vhs style stories are a little unsettling to me.
but then seeing (what i’m assuming to be) gabriel’s statue just. standing there with his face obscured, after the text “awaken my son” appears is. wow. (definitely had me pausing my video every 3 seconds and hiding behind my phone.) i’m not gonna lie, i never expected alt! gabriel’s influence to go back that far into the christian lore. man’s been here from the jump i guess. (and ofc we get the infamous forbidden fruit scene, and eve becoming painfully aware and scared of the man looking down at them)
[ 𝟐:𝟓𝟎 — 𝟑:𝟏𝟐 ]
i have no real thoughts i just find the idea of someone names O’Brien calling to say hello to Dave to be incredibly endearing for some reason. SKSK. LIL DAVE HAS A FRIENDDDD. (also the windmill cgi(?) i’m diggin it.) also dave’s friend is religious which is. making me anxious for the both of them. SKSKS but O’Brien’s a band member which i find cool as hell.
[ 𝟑:𝟐𝟖 — 𝟒:𝟎𝟔 ]
also local businesses havent been doing so hot? man i wonder why. could it be the population dropping by the thousands (/j)
AYO ONE OF THE EMPLOYEES WHO WORKS WITH DAVE FOUND A TAPE FROM THATCHER? AHHHHH??? “same old procedure” , oh dear. i can only fear for what this tape holds.
also found out that Dave himself isn’t religious. which now makes me wonder about the position he’d be in when encountering an alternate. (O’Brien is also so nice though omg. understanding man.)
[ 𝟒:𝟏𝟑 — 𝟒:𝟑𝟔 ]
i just wanna say that alex’s cinematography has gotten SO MUCH BETTER? HELLO? these long black screens have really got me on edge, even though not really any of them have been leading to anything particularly scary. also the employee stealing the tape thatcher sent to, presumably, go watch it 👁️. oh dear oh dear.
BACK TO HIS FILMING SKILLS FOR A SECOND— everything being in black and white as well as him focusing on large silhouettes is just. UGHHHH 😩😩😩. what im assuming right now is some sort of tv has such an intimidating silhouette my goodness. (also “property of dave!! hands off!!!” i love him SKSKS)
[ 𝟒:𝟒𝟐 — 𝟓:𝟏𝟒 ]
ooooo static on da big screeeeeeeen. if its the intruder im literally gonna shit myself omg. he scares me sm.
( at 4:58) nvm it was a drawing.
eugh i paused on the drawing.
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ngl if that’s a child’s drawing i am. very concerned? because why is a child drawing something that realistic and morbid, i am. CONCERNED. but also the intruder is actively stealing children en mass so maybe we have other issues.
[ 𝟓:𝟏𝟐 — 𝟓:𝟓𝟓 ]
i’m ngl i thought that was a face instead of the back of someone’s head.
youtube closed captions the audio is not “foreign.” pls.
(at 5:21) bro why did thatcher do a tiktok trend with his delayed ass walk.
wait why are we seeing thatcher’s day to day from this perspective?? is this significant? if it is i think its odd. us just chillin in his cabinet.
[ 𝟓:𝟓𝟔 — 𝟕:𝟓𝟏 ]
omg kid named lola. (also i feel like i’ve seen that last name before but im too lazy to check sksksks). also they’re in art club??? are they the kid who drew the drawing before?? (i mean they’re on the NEWS, SO—)
AYO MISS SARAHHHHHHHH. MISS SARAH HEATHCLIFF HELLOOOOO. (and omg she’s the founder of the paranormal club at BHS??)
omg we’re seeing how sarah and adam met. so neat 😩 (also i cant make out the name of the hs adam goes to but it starts with a W. youtube closed captions also arent doing me any favours SKSKS?
adam grew up in mandela?? noice.
bro this silence is kinda freakin me out but that has nothing to do with the video SKSK
[ 𝟕:𝟓𝟕 — 𝟗:𝟒𝟓]
omg more live action i love it 🫶
(8:26) “look at it and don’t look away” WHATRE WE LOOKIK AT BOYS?? mentally preparing for a jumpscare rn.
the night vision lens scared the fuck outta me my god.
(8:50) oh you got me fucked ALLLLLLLLLLL the way up. I’M WITH SARAH TBH I’D BE SCARED AS HELL.
ngl if this was the sort of ‘norm’ that adam was dragging them to, then i kinda get it. but also i’m an adam apologist so i’ll defend him for the rest of my days.
[ 𝟗:𝟒𝟔 — 𝟏𝟎:𝟐𝟔]
i’d be scared as hell too so its okay sarah 🫂🫂 like imagine you think you’re starting this quirky paranormal club then right outta the gate its like “DEMONS 👹”
omg :( sarah’s dialogue reminds me a lot of jonah’s from vol 2 with how she’s starting to think twice. but at least she’ll still do everything else 🫂
“two years later” so are they both 19?? 17?? idk the timeline here but they started bps in high school, so.
[ 𝟏𝟎:𝟐𝟕 — 𝟏𝟏:𝟏𝟓 ]
omg new characters in here. ofc we got sarah, jonah, and evelin but we got a tyler and amanda too? 👁️ damn what happened with amanda 😞 (also jonah and adam stoners confirmed?? tf y’all getting 25mg of? SHARE BITCH?) i also made a note to pay attention to the dates even though my ass will forget.
(jotting them down here: eve: just now | sara: friday | jonah : jan 7 | tyler : jan 2 | amanda : dec 19 ) idk if these are important but i got ‘em.
(10:45) SHAWTY REMOVED JONATHAN AS A CONTACT? MANNNNNNNNNNN. also omg we got a noah?? does he have an arc? (ik i’m so hilarious)
also adam fr give my girl eveline some closure 🙄
[ 𝟏𝟏:𝟏𝟔 — 𝟏𝟑:𝟐𝟏 ]
adam my boy ily but pls learn your “there’s”. c’mon.
idk how i feel about adam’s picture being in black & white while sarah’s is in colour. that’s either important or adam is just emo as hell. (also theyre both grainy as hell. ik its 2009 but c’mon SKSK)
“ and idk what happened to him” changed to “pretty sure he’s dead or something” MY BOY BAHSHSHSHS. “idk he might be dead or smth. rip” LIKE ADAM. SHAWTY. THEN HE JUST MOVES ON LIKE “NAHNAH LEMME GIVE YOU THE GOOD NEWS!!!” BAHSHSHSHS
(12:32) oh. sarah’s pfp change. OH NOOOOOOO. SARAH NOOOOO. okay its back to normal nvm.
“i didnt think it would be that big of a deal” adam. bby. your friend is DEAD? shawty looking out for himself, so power move i guess SKSK.
(13:21) “i dont have friends” okay emo ass.
[ 𝟏𝟒:𝟎𝟐 — 𝟏𝟒:𝟏𝟒 ]
sarah just been going OFF. POP OFF. also adam hanging up like a lil baby 🙄
“no wonder evelin left you” DAMNNNNNNNNNNN
[ 𝟏𝟒:𝟏𝟔 — 𝟏𝟔:𝟏𝟒]
damn mandela county went from 19,867 to 1,075 in just 19 years. also, thatcher :( he sounds SO BROKEN and SO TIRED. his actor did so good :(.
HIS MONOLOGUE ABOUT RUTH. IM GONNA SOB SO FUCKING HARD. “i’ll make you proud ruth” IIIII HATE IT HERE. SO MUCH. also “the darkness followed me home” i will cry so hard dont play with me
[ 𝟏𝟔:𝟑𝟎 — 𝟏𝟕:𝟑𝟎]
Thatcher’s room is just like mine for real.
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JESUS I FORGOT THIS SERIES WAS AN ANALOG HORROR FOR A SECOND. GOD I HATE IT. the idea of something being in your house but not DOING ANYTHING. GOD. LIKE NOT MOVING SHIT AROUND OR PROWLING. JUST STARING AT YOU. FUCK. AND ITS JUST THERE LIKE “🧍 lemme talk to you about your car’s extended warranty”
the fact that thatcher and his alternate are having a staring contest has me cracking tf up. they like: “LOL HELLO??”
[ 𝟏𝟕:𝟑𝟐 — 𝟏𝟖:𝟐𝟗 ]
OH THE LADY WHO WORKED WITH DAVE WAS EVELIN IM AN IDIOT BAHSHSH. but omg dave is in SHOCK. THE GLASSES CAME OFF. him finding out evelin went through the shit >>>> but him firing her :(
[ 𝟏𝟖:𝟑𝟎 — 𝟏𝟗:𝟒𝟒]
“remembrance”. oh dear.
OH MY GOD THATCHERS ALTERNATE? MOVING IN REAL TIME? HHHHHH. AND HE CALLED OFF ALL UNITS? EUGHHHHH. god alex is so talented with his cgi i stg. and the emphasis on how INHUMAN those face movements are. eghhhhhhh. that was some chameleon shit i stg.
“dead or alive you’re no use to these people” i will cry. thatcher :(
“a scared boy with a gun” AHHHHHHHH
[ 𝟐𝟎:𝟎𝟎 — 𝟐𝟏:𝟑𝟐]
oh no he’s crying :( . THE ACTING IS SO GOOD IM GONNA CRY OML. thatcher is so sad dude. :((( “now your dead ‘cause i was so fucking scared” HNNNNNNNNNNNN.
so i’m gonna assume that thatcher is dead now? :( i hate it here.
[ 𝟐𝟐:𝟐𝟖 — 𝟐𝟑:𝟓𝟕 ]
youtube closed captions this is not applause.
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ADAM THIS ISNT ANY BETTER BAHSHSHHSHS. this man is READING A SCRIPT, BRUH. “jonah passed away peacefully” now you know damn well.
[ 𝟐𝟑:𝟓𝟖 — 𝟐𝟔:𝟏𝟓]
oh shit we got home footage now. ALSO CAN I JUST SAY? NIGHT VISION CAMERA’S ARE FREAKY AS HELL. i cant tell if its just normal motion blur/it tryna refocus or if theres ACTUALLY SMTH THERE.
omg its the preacher’s (or was it the messenger? idk) image. heyyyyyyyyy
OH WAIT ITS A DRAWING. i cant make out the words on it though. 😞 but the sentence itself looks like it was cut off, so even if i could read it it’d be incomplete.
BRO WHO’S HOUSE IS THIS? WHY ARE THE DOORS SO FUCKING TALL?? WHY IS EVERYTHING STRETCHED OUT?? is it just the lens or is this house ACTUALLY just wonky as hell.
ooo what’re we covering up??
DAMN JONAH WAS 21? and the mf’s middle name was edmund.
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oh no.
this funky ass text is really gettin me. also adam really just spitting some hot philosophy to evelin 🤨 damn. tbh if i was told even HALF the shit he was told i’d be mad too.
(25:20) bro this video. oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear. also had me thinking that my youtube was buffering but nah thats just the video sksksk.
[ 𝟐𝟔:𝟏𝟔 — 𝟐𝟔:𝟐𝟐]
ooooo correspondence. alex is really THRIVING with words ending in “ence/ance” 😩😩
[ 𝟐𝟔:𝟐𝟑 — 𝟐𝟖:𝟎𝟎 ]
i have. no words. absolutely NO WORDS BAHAHSH. this post really just. sums up my thoughts SKKSS. nah but?? face studio 2 ??? where tf is the first one? anyways that demonstration video was freaky but i find it hilarious that alternates are sittin at their lil desktops customising their face <3 BAHSHHSS.
[ 𝟐𝟖:𝟎𝟏 — 𝟐𝟖:𝟐𝟖 ]
oh dear it transitioned to home footage. oh my.
i’m assuming thats the intruder’s face in the corner. but the phrase ‘a thriving society’ with this image is. eugh.
“a thriving society of followers of the true saviour(?)” is that what was said? there was a lot more after that but after the word ‘true’ i could hardly make anything out.
okay everyone hold tf on because i’m about to try and make out what he’s saying at 28:03
“a thriving society of followers of the true saviour. his entangled (?) limbs danced around my bedroom. i held my breath. and waited for it to stop. i was too scared.” then it glitched out from there, but i assume it repeated some of the stuff already said???
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hey stinky.
[ 𝟐𝟖:𝟐𝟗 — 𝟑𝟏:𝟐𝟗 ]
omg wait she’s looking for thatcher. 😰😰😰 oh dear oh me oh my.
(29:48–30:00) GOD these long pauses are unsettling as hell SKSKSK.
(30:06) thatcher?? hello sir. i guess my earlier thought about him being dead was wrong SKSKSK. BUT IM GLAD(?) AT LEAST? i’d miss him for real. ALSO HEY DAVES BACKKKKKKKK.
dave sounds like he’s been crying. i mean i could be completely wrong and it’s probably just the audio editing but man.
“how much of that was really worth it though” i mean he got a point.
“find a new meaning in life” the fact that he’s saying that to THATCHER hits.
[ 𝟑𝟏:𝟑𝟎 — 𝟑𝟏:𝟑𝟒 ]
malignance. alex here again with the SAT words 😩😩
[ 𝟑𝟏:𝟑𝟓 — 𝟑𝟐:𝟏𝟒]
Evelin’s sitting at Thatcher’s desk, oooooooooo
[ 𝟑𝟐:𝟏𝟓 — 𝟑𝟑:𝟒𝟕 ]
i love the cgi and backgrounds and shit. gives me early black and white movie vibes. or even some later films and edward scissorhands beats.
OMG DAVE. IS AT THE CHURCH?? oh shit that means i’ve gotten to the moment everyone’s RAVING about.
O’Brien’s become an alternate hasn’t he. the inflection in his voice is off.
[ 𝟑𝟑:𝟓𝟎 — 𝟑𝟓:𝟏𝟓 ]
FUCKING GABRIEL IS BACK AHHHHHHHHHHHH. idk how to feel about this disney villain ass voice though.
(33:56) ew i hate featureless figures so much HHHHHHH THE SCARE FACTORS ARE STILL HERE
bro gabriel really is the joker rn good lord SKSKS. but him impersonating O’Brien’s(?) voice. AHHHHHH
omg wait, ive been seeing things say that dave offed himself (which is likely true) but im gonna assume that the dark substance running from his eyes is blood?? in my head that IMMEDIATELY makes me thing of how you should never look an angel(?) in the eye (i think thats the thing), because you won’t be able to comprehend it. even though he 99% offed himself i think to thing he died from looking gabriel in the eyes.
okay i take that back there’s blood pooling from his head. he likely threw himself off a ledge or smth.
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also hi gabey wabey would you be interested in maybe. NOT? DOING THIS?
[ 𝟑𝟓:𝟏𝟔 — 𝟑𝟕:𝟎𝟗 ]
oooo we got evelin lookin through some filessssss. and theyre ADAM’S FILES, OOOOOOOOOO.
okay so adam is also 21. gotcha gotcha. so adam was 4 when he was yoinked through the TV.
OH! adam didn’t react to anything on the toddler stress assessment? oh jeez. this kid’s got some guts ig idk. SKSKS.
oh shit oh shit.
(whoever) SET OFF THE ALARM?? MANNNNNNNNNNNNNN. alarm systems are scary as hell dude my god. got me thinking of purge sirens.
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OH HELLLLLLL NO. i really like the use of the spinning siren lights to create atmosphere though. vv nice <3
[ 𝟑𝟕:𝟏𝟎 — 𝟑𝟗:𝟎𝟗 ]
omg the messaging sequences are back. and SOMEONE’S BEEN TRYING TO CONTACT HIM? HELLO?
“Hello! We have been trying to contact ADAM MURRAY. Is this you? Please confirm YES or NO” “Hello! We have been trying to contact ADAM MURRAY. Is this you? Please confirm YES ”
unsettling as hell.
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“with contorted flesh and broken bones i made myself known” aw he just wants a friend SKSKSK.
“your skin is not your own” UM!!!! also ngl i never expected him to be so gentle with the children he takes.
“you are not the real you.” SIR?!?!?! SIRRRRRR??
[ 𝟑𝟗:𝟏𝟑 — 𝟒𝟎:𝟓𝟑 ] ; 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
uh. wow okay. SKSKS. THERE WAS SO MUCH IN HERE AND I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. which i will try to compile in an actual post that isn’t my own brain dumb. <3. but uhh
“I deceived them. the mandela prophet. it begins today” wow thats cryptic. then pictures of ADAMS FACE? HHHHHH. okay anyways if you made this far ily. <3
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medicinemane · 25 days
It's puritanism, but without even the sanctimonious morality and piety
You get people who are plenty depraved, but so beaten by tech companies that they can't even be horny (or whatever they want, it's just usually that) without smirking like a child because they're about to hear a no no idea... like b**bs, or s*ggs, or **** ******** *** ******* *** ******** *** (which would kill them to even imagine, which is why every letter needs to be censored)
Like there's no morality, there's not even enforced morality, no one's censoring it cause they think this stuff is wrong to talk about, they're just worried about getting in trouble
And the people who make the algorithms don't care either, they don't have a drop of ethics in their whole body. They just want everything squeaky clean, not because it would bother them to advertise next to something lewd or disgusting, but because someone might complain
(And if someone complains their share prices might drop slightly)
At no point in this is there a single bit of doing anything because it might be right, there's no discussion about serious issues and if we have a duty to throw our weight around to pursue a better world
Swearing doesn't have to go because it's wrong, it has to go because it might upset the broader market. Sex doesn't have to go because they don't like it, they have to go because an adult talk about something like that on their platform might upset pepsi, and it's not cause pepsi cares, but what if they get boycotted cause their add appeared on a tiktok where someone says "I am the fuck master!"?
It's puritanism, but it's corporate puritanism. It's naming your kid Chasity not because that's a virtue, but because they might be selected for free mc... mcpatty meals (I'm glad to say it turns out I can't remember what they call their burger, don't tell me)
...and I'm sick of it, there's no adult spaces on the internet anymore, certainly no major ones. Everything has to be constantly monitored, and so may people self censor and... I do have to wonder about how it makes them think
If you seriously say "unalive", are you even capable of talking about subjects like police brutality, or genocide, or any serious topic involving death?
Cause when I say there's no adult spaces anymore, I don't just mean sex (though I do mean that too), but like anyone I follow who covers any news on youtube can't even show the words "sex trafficking" on screen if they're showing an article, they have to redact it even as they're speaking it
Sorry, if I showed up to a place that's talking about a serious topic, I expect to be allowed to use serious words, but no... it's too upsetting, you're forbidden... I'm tired of it
Because again, that's not there out of a moral duty to protect people with triggers, they don't care, they just don't want a boycott if someone did get upset. If it was about that they'd ask people to put content warnings on, but again, burger thing might not want their ad on a video talking about police brutality
I'm so tired of this... I know I say it all the time, but every week I come across a new low and... I don't know...
I don't think that it's cause people are just stupid. That's too easy an answer that does more to fluff my ego than to explain anything... but... something's very wrong with a lot of people and how they interact with society
They seem far more worried about their next hit of content than about anything else, and that includes a lot of people in supposedly moral groups like hard line Christians... they still seem super ready to line up for the next live action junk remake, they're just as tuned out as everyone else
Legit half of why I'm on tumblr is it's the best place I know that has the most engaged people when it comes to stuff like this or ai... but that could just be my bubble... and... what the hell are any of us doing about this either?
...what can we do? If you got a way to stop this baby talk self censorship I'd love to hear it... but... I don't know how to force people to engage with the world and act like adults
0 notes
phoenixmosheh · 1 year
Welcome to the Phoenix Mosheh Blog. If you come across any accounts asking for money or donations of any kind using the Phoenix Mosheh name. You are being scammed and hustled out of your doe (money). Phoenix Mosheh does not ask for money or sell any products.
Phoenix Mosheh provides FREE CONTENT ONLY...
This goes for any affiliates working in cohesion with Phoenix Mosheh such as ...
1. The Brand Enchantress
2. Eden's Nightgarden.
If you get scammed...this is your own fault.. because you believed in a lie without doing your own research and without any evidence.
Stop being a follower and use your own brain.
...with that said
Enjoy the Blog (show). If you are 18 or older you have the option to turn on your mature tumblr settings... so that you can view "mature audience themes" because Phoenix Mosheh has a bunch of copycat haters who got their feelings hurt when Phoenix Mosheh threatened to expose their sorry fake personas, crimes, work ethic and moral to the public, even though this blog has no followers (dummies) ...which resulted in these "we have money but no brains idiots" peeing on themselves over how to hide certain blog post. Instead of these idiots apologizing for all the dumb and selfish chess moves they have made in life... they reported certain post to tumblr in fear of exposure and becoming a hit tv show.
You will not see all of these exposures without turning your tumblr settings to mature audiences...(again switch on all the mature audience settings...like you do lightbulbs.
https://youtu.be/0z0J_t33-b4 - YouTube Fifth Amendment Miss Sloane Scene
(This Katy Perry video reminds me of that time they made up "Eve eating the forbidden fruit" great myth. The subconscious is a beautiful thing.)
The Goal: I want to recreate this scene of Jennifer Lawrence...only I want to see if you can do a better job than an actor after realizing your subconscious has been asleep. (Like a science experiment).
Who am kidding...I have this bet with God that you won't survive this blog or be able to comprehend the underlying patterns within the entertainment content posted (recreated by the actors, musicians & everyday souls you love) which are most certainly based on biblical characters and predicted prophecy hidden within your entertainment (your welcome again). God seems to think differently. \
Fun Fact: Muslims.
Did you know the hijab was originally used in the bible to hide a Melchizedek's womans beauty in order for her to flee...it was a whole movement of women...Don't get me started on the Burqa...poor Sarai those eyes would have given her away...please don't cut my head off. (you all have made it look sexy asf though ...great work)! Stay safe.
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Luckily, I'm not here to force you to read the blog...I am just here to put the information on the blog ...so when sh*t hits the fan ..you as an individual cannot say "why didn't God send someone to help us." This is most certainly on purpose... So, I can sleep peacefully at night knowing I tried.
Are You Still Awake?
...every now and then Phoenix Mosheh throws in what many would call gangster...ghetto music... God calls it "Its time to hurt somebodies feelings music"...don't be so sensitive betch... we have a gangster theme going on ... its like putting hands on someone audibly. It would not have the same effect if acoustics were playing...this does not mean we don't like classical. It means the message we are delivering would most likely fail otherwise. Do you shag (have sex) to the ABC's betch...the Phoenicians did check them out... hit that g note!
You may also notice Phoenix Mosheh uses your everyday entertainment like scenes from movies, scenes from tv shows and tarot readers to get our message and points across in order to awaken two of your spiritual senses...sight and sound. Which will eventually awaken your natural spiritual intuition (subconsciousness)...everybody has it.
Fun Fact: Tarot Readers...What if I told you that when slave masters outlawed reading...they meant tarot (your real connection to God...couldn't allow you to find out that bible was not real copy).
This blog will expose this real story (many of the tarot readers on YouTube can verify this story...if they take the time to use their intuitive prowess together (take the time to study other videos besides your own without thinking its a competition).
Example 2: For Elias 6/25/2023
https://youtu.be/Lj4adAAHa68 - Training Day King Kong
https://youtu.be/yWYw - The Mistake You Made - The Equalizer
Why do Melchizedek Trust Angels to fight their battles (wars) Instead of Humans?
Lets take a look back in time....for starters It never works. Humans wimp out too easily, decide to switch sides (become Judas's) when Melchizedek start becoming too powerful and resort to ruthless acts in order to eradicate bloodlines who would eradicate you all if they could...and what leader would want to subjugate the fragile human brain, prone to ptsd and other mental health disorders in order to fight for causes that could possibly sacrifice their own families (with no benefits after war).
Who would want to follow leaders of nations who never set one foot in battle, while you uplift their children, who watch yours go to war, only for their nepotism babies to lead you into a new one (even nepo babies have to earn their stripes...oh wait...are you all fighting battles and supporting people (Kings and Queens & Presidents & Celebrities etc... who have sacrificed nothing in return?). Did Caeser teach you nothing?
Example Videos Below: Why do Melchizedek Trust Angels to fight their battles Instead of Humans ?
https://youtu.be/SaGI4tX9FVw - Ex 1: (Imagine the Michael they are referring to in this clip is Archangel Michael)
https://youtu.be/eOoRqesH0sk - Ex 2: Jon Snow Kills Danny
Why Melchizedek prefer Angels (Guardians) to fight wars...no fingerprints!
https:/youtub.be/T9sKhnO9osM - Final Destination (There is no Hell after Earth people...its Earth than Heaven) Anyone Remember what angel plans out death...the answer was given on this blog previously no its not archangel Michael..
Thank you Elias, for playing decoy with me. I couldn't have done it without you. You were the operative (secret detective/spy) ...way to form an "alliance."
(Don't be mad at me blame God... I didnt know ...but I do know, I don't heal as fast as you, so I would have died...thank you for your sacrifice (service)
Did you know in The Book of Eli when they took Noah's wife and killed her he became an alcoholic?
Elias, Abba told me to place this message for you, its from your gaurdian Raphael. (I didn't finish watching it yet...but I am just trusting God (Abba) that it resonates).
I still have trouble determining when it's my Angel (gaurdian) or God responding to me.. gaurdians act as personal assistants depending on their giftings. They like to show you signs (think of a brother who likes to play with a younger sibling or protect them by teaching them what they know) while God is more affirmative, reaffirming, no nonsense, Fatherly. For instance if You ask God a question the response is straight to the point: "I said this" "Do it like this" "Don't be afriad" "You can do it"...
The angel (gaurdian) is going to show you signs based on what God has affirmed... "God said this...here's the dream..." Do it like this... here are the resources , the plan" "Don't be afraid (your gaurdians will get it done but eventually you'll be able to do it yourself) "You can do it (I told you so)." Eventually, you will be a le to see your gaurdian...you have more coming by the way.
If you think the Melchizedek woman is mean/bad....you haven't met the real Melchizedek man (Elias). His wife is "nice" compared to him.
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If you (humans) don't have this gift (intuitive energy reading/tarot) from God...you most likely have another...
-empath intuitive (trait/gift knowing the contents of someone's heart...not to put therapist out of business because God is my only therapist but...if you get a therapist get one that is an empath...so they don't break HIPPA law and make fun of your poor choices amongst other medical personal when you leave...)
https://youtu.be/hWTBvWfsU34 - An example of empath intuitive tarot reader based on how Elias may have been feeling during this ordeal (this breaks my heart 😢)
Every time, I see that scene from Avengers Endgame, where black widow dies. I low key think of Elias and his wife intuitively telling one another "you are not leaving me here with these crazy humans...I'm throwing myself off of a cliff...we are going thave to fight for this suicide my love?...lol
https://youtu.be/DG_IhmVKbxU - Black Widow Dies
An Empath intuitive is similar to an energy reader. You may notice that in tarot a normal energy reader will read the energy of a person and judge the whole energy based on a piece of information they are currently reading about a person. So, if the person (masculine or feminine) has done something wrong, like committing a crime (i.e stealing) they will judge the person solely off of that crime without actually looking into why this person was stealing...were they stealing because they were under a spell, were they stealing medication because their child was sick and prescription prices are through the roof or are they just a pathological liar and thief? This is often what people forget to look into when judging people and whether they deserve forgiveness or a slap on the wrist or a death sentence. This gift is important because people often judge others for what they have heard about other people instead of trying to clarify or go deeper...people fail to empathize because they don't know the full story and do not take the time to see if what they have been told about others is actually true or just a rumor. People also fail to try and relate to choices people make and often can't see why someone chose a certain route that maybe they wouldn't have chose. Not everyone has the same weaknesses, dysfunctions, childhood wounds or habits...but it doesn't mean you don't have any...different weaknesses can cause you to fall prey to different entrapment, tricks, spellwork, vicious cycles. Etc. (you may not be an alcoholic it taste bad so why would you use it to drown your emotions ...but you are an emotional eater yes?) One sounds better and maybe is more socially acceptable both are still unhealthy coping strategies.
-art intuitive - some people create messages from God using art (the guy I'm staying with drew this it's almost time to meet up again Elias (like Isaac and Rebekah 😉) Get some rest and smile more.
https://youtu.be/KiKD6i_QRJI - Matrix Resurrections Coffee Shop Fight Scene
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When you get invited to a motorcycle party by the guy, you are staying with that is not Elias and Gabriel reminds you "aren't you pregnant, don't you have a husband?" ... (Elias' Wife: where he at though jk jk)?
-creative intuitive - ever have a random dream or an idea and it becomes an invention, book or a movie
-reiki healing - if you're a nurse or medical personal who went to nursing school because you actually had a desire to help heal people without beating them in the head or just for the mula. (Be careful who you let "lay hands" on you...you could end up sick or dead).
(Also, things like sage, salt around your house, wolf's Bain, silver bullets(werewolves), rocks (healing stones) for protection, these trinkets and gemstones will not protect you supernaturally. The universe? The universe listens to its Creator...its best to know which god (spirit) you are talking to because some of them are thirsty and looking for vessels stupid enough to be used. A soul is not a spirit.
Intuitively God knows your heart ...so whether you believe in the universe or Sun God Ra ( EviRAh an original) or Allah etc....The original God who crested these spirits (gods) will know, so don't worry about your religion. However, if you call on the universe its a lot more vague than calling on Allah or Jesus...but it goes back to God knowing your heart because even people who can pronounce the name of God with their hand on a bible can be fake believers.
The law of attraction is true in that you can attract a specific god based on what's in your heart (your mentality, your desires, and moral). You can ask the universe for something you want and get it...but you always want to know which god is giving it to you (who is behind your universe, whos power are you borrowing to get what you want, and does it want something in return?) Basically, be careful who you pray to ...you might want to be more specific.
Oh and Samjaza doesn't like humans at all...he think their messy and dumb and easily controlled. Honestly, if he could get back into heaven by sacrificing you all he would. Samjaza (Satan): "How many times do I have to tell Adam I'm sorry for raping his wife forbidden fruit style?" (In case someone was wondering...Samjaza also has a thing for black women...right Evirah? Samjaza has narcissistic traits... do you know what happens when you reject a narcissist? (Why do they hate black people so much, and treat black women like dirt...? Please don't tell me it's a skin color thing?...doesn't your food grow from dirt something that is black and brown and you eat it! Lets not forget the sh*t that falls out of your booty hole comes in many shades of healthy browns/blacks... when it comes out a different color you get scared and run to a doctor...and beg them to make it brown again! Lol I Crack myself up)... This is an observation people chill... the sight of black/brown people thriving and remembering their culture and how to grow out their own hair... reminds Samjaza of what he did to his beloved Eve. God forbid they look like his original Queen and haunt him. You're welcome black people, let racial slurs bother you no more and let's move on.
The Original Harriet Tubman was White.
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Angels only answer to Melchizedek...so don't waste your money on things like spellwork to try and conjure them...its a deaf ears kind of thing. They can however interact with humans and show them signs as well.
etc etc...
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Phoenix Mosheh is Ethnicity Neutral aka not racist ...but sorry if we offend you in some way shape or form...you all are very sensitive, especially when it comes to Cultural Appropriation and Gender...he she they them it...who you currently think you are...does not affect my life... just don't try and steal someone's identity out of jealousy, like the basic betch that gets dragged on this blog. Otherwise...Phoenix Mosheh prefers to mind our own businesses..
...although we may suggest some things within this blog regarding gender or race at the end of the day ...you don't have to believe in what others believe in...in order to listen to someone's point of view...not hate them...and move on with your life unbothered...
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You will find that Phoenix Mosheh also uses a variety of ethnicities and cultures and curse words (not curses...curse words) ...this is to debunk untruths about God and who He can and will use to get a message across... it also makes our enemies who can't stand watching certain ethnicities "angry, irate and sick to their stomachs." We love making our enemies sit and suffer...and if they don't sit through it and suffer... they are still going to suffer because this is information whether they define it as ghetto or not. The truth is the truth no matter who it comes from.
Besides... How do you defeat an opponent without information about them? Phoenix Mosheh suggests even if you don't agree with what Phoenix Mosheh has to say... as an intellectual... Phoenix Mosheh believes it's important to study things you don't believe in...like witches or magic...because you don't want to be caught blind from an attack you don't believe in...(at least with some information on the topic... your brain could at least form the concept that maybe...the attack is coming from something you probably didn't believe in. Phoenix Mosheh studies all of you and honestly, we see a lot of stupid things people believe in and we just keep it in the "perhaps this information will be necessary one day to win wars."
(by the way it's not just white people who are racist...you have black and brown shades from all cultures/and ethnic backgrounds who have colorism brainwashing and they can do this delusional trick where... they look in the mirror and think certain racist commentary wouldn't apply to them... (recommendation for those who are sadly mistaken: replace your mirror).
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We also like to reveal encrypted messages from Heaven...like this.. you kind of have to seek and you will find on this blog people...stop being lazy...this is a group project and you all are sleeping like you don't have technology. Moses and the tribes back then had it wayyyyy worse than you all...like what are you doing?
Don't tell me you all are somehow slower than people who took gold from their ears and made a cow to worship it...no offense India...(i'm going to throw a Band-aid in the air because I know that hurt somebody) ... On the bright side...Phoenix Mosheh prefers Bollywood over Hollywood! And India thank you for keeping Rebekahs fashion alive ...those nose rings are still in style. Oh...and Rachel. Jacob's wife would also like you all to know her name is pronounced Raquel.
Why didn't Phoenix Mosheh use more religious music artist throughout this blog (like Lecrae or Kari Jobe) we appreciate it truly, but Phoenix Mosheh is trying to prove a point; God can use anyone...even those that don't believe or preach the word of God. So be careful who you are following...if it could happen to a Melchizedek, it can happen to you. (Phoenix Mosheh is not asking anyone to commit violent acts in anyway unless provoked and your laws permit it. Phoenix Mosheh's' first line of defense is to fight in the spirit... (so you don't leave fingerprints) this is just a blog to inform and educate.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Happy Rude Awakening!
0 notes
What is Kosher?
Kosher: The Basics / What is Kosher? - Everyday Jewish Mom What is Kosher? Chabad.org (Youtube)
What is Kosher? (Website)
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What is kosher? What are kosher rules?
The Hebrew word kosher literally means "fit." The Laws of Kosher are guidelines for what are and what are not fit foods for Jews to consume. This means that certain species of animals (and their milk/eggs as well) are allowed to be consumed, and some are forbidden. As you can see in the infographic, a good example of a non-kosher food would be pork or shellfish.
Kosher laws also prohibit the consumption of meat and dairy together. In a kosher household, separate utensils are used when making either type of food. Foods cannot be kosher if they use these two ingredients together, or if they are prepared using the wrong utensils (such as if one were to prepare meat on the same cutting board where they sliced cheese). Also important is that there is a waiting period between eating the two types of food. The Chabad video states that waiting period as six hours, but the other video says that this time can vary based on different communities.
Another important thing to remember is that meat must come from animals that are slaughtered in a very specific and painless way. This method is an ancient method called shechitah (or ritual slaughtering). The meat is checked for disease and certain parts are removed (including the blood).
Fruits, vegetables and grains are typically considered kosher, but the itty bitty bugs that might be on those things are not kosher. This means always checking these foods for any signs of bugs in order to ensure it's kosher status.
While watching these videos and reading the article I read, I learned that Kosher does not mean food blessed by a rabbi, which is what I was always told. Kosher means following the laws of Kosher. A Rabbi is involved in the process, just not the way I was taught. Since any, even the tiniest amount, of non-kosher food can render a food no longer kosher, all processed food and eating establishments are required to be evaluated and certified by a reliable Rabbi or a kashrut (laws of kosher) supervision agency.
So, why do Jews keep kosher?
According to the Chabad video, no one really knows exactly why the Torah defines the laws of kosher. Regardless of this, keeping kosher is considered a mitzvah (a good deed) and another way to honor G-d. The Chabad website writes that, "The kosher laws were commanded by G‑d to the children of Israel in the Sinai Desert. Moses taught them to the people and wrote the basics of these laws in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14." Eventually, these laws were passed down and written in the Talmud and the Mishnah. Keeping kosher is a uniquely Jewish experience as well as a definitive one.
It shows that even the most mundane acts, such as eating, are G-dly.
More about keeping kosher:
There are three categories of kosher foods:
Meat includes the meat or bones of mammals and fowl, soups or gravies made with them, and any food containing even a small quantity of the above.
Dairy includes the milk of any kosher animal, all milk products made with it (cream, butter, cheese, etc.), and any food containing even a small quantity of the above.
Pareve foods are neither “meat” nor “dairy.” Eggs are pareve, as are all fruits, vegetables and grains. Pareve foods can be mixed with and eaten together with either meat or dairy (fish are parve, but not eaten with meat due to health concerns outlined in the Talmud).
Eggs, Milk and Honey
"A rule of thumb cited by the Talmud is: What comes from a kosher animal is kosher; what comes from a non-kosher animal is not kosher."
Milk and eggs are only kosher if they come from kosher animals. All eggs are supposed to be inspected before being used to check for blood spots.
Honey is kosher because isn't considered an animal product. Bees, however, are not kosher.
"The kosher laws stipulate that all dairy products should be chalav Yisrael (lit., “Jewish milk”): a Torah-observant Jew must be present from the milking to the end of the processing to ensure that only milk from kosher animals is used.
Kosher terms
Kosher: (Hebrew) the catch-all term that refers to all that is fit to be consumed or to be used together with kosher food.
Treif: (Hebrew) literally, “torn,” referring to an animal that met an unnatural death other than shechitah, but extended to mean any food that is not fit to eat.
Parve: (Yiddish) the in-between, neutral foods, which are neither meat nor dairy and may be eaten with both.
Fleishig: (Yiddish) meaty. Variants include fleishigs, and fleishige.
Milchig: (Yiddish) dairy. Variants include milchige and milchige.
Pesachdig: Kosher for Passover (Pesach). Since Passover has its own set of rules, food and dishes that conform to the Passover standards are referred to as Pesachdig or Pesachdik.
Kasher: (Yiddish) the act of making something kosher. This can either refer to the salting of meat or to the process of making dishes or appliances kosher through the application of heat.
Mashgiach: (Hebrew) supervisor, often appointed by a supervising agency to ensure that food produced at a commercial establishment is kosher.
Hashgachah: (Hebrew) Supervision, and the certification thereof, often issued by a rabbi or a rabbinic agency.
Hechsher: (Hebrew) Kosher certification, and the actual symbol denoting that a given product is certified kosher.
Glatt: (Yiddish). Literally “smooth,” this refers to an animal whose lungs have been found to be superbly healthy and free of adhesions. Since this is a higher standard of kosher, it has come to refer to food that is kosher according to the most exacting of standards.
Shechitah: (Hebrew) Kosher slaughter.
Shochet: (Hebrew) Trained kosher slaughterer.
Chumrah: (Hebrew) Additional stringencies that are beyond the letter of the law, which some communities or individuals may adopt.
This was very interesting to learn about, but it's definitely a lot to remember. I've babysat for a family that kept kosher in the past, and it was really interesting to learn from them a little about it. I didn't know that there wasn't a specific reason for why Jews keep kosher other than what I explained above. But given when I know about Jewish history, I always just assumed that it was for health reasons. I remember reading somewhere that kosher laws (among other things) were why Jewish people weren't initially falling ill at the same rate as Christians during the black plague. This was one reason why they were persecuted (because it was assumed they were engaging in witchcraft.
One thing that interested me was how hygienic it all is. These laws have existed for so long, since well before science really studied these things. It interests me that these were written down, and have continued to be so intuitive and hygienic to this day. It just all sounds so cool to me!
I'll definitely have to read more about it.
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I need to be better organized - I found this picture above online and I recommend reading at this link, fast-search for topics in other posts!
https://www.tumblr.com/beyond-the-northern-lights/699473391495888896/signs-of-a-controlled-incarnation-system (*I intend to stop adding there, I can just update here*)
   I Took Down What is at the Link, I’ll Finish Before I Repost
I plan to copy, paste parts of older posts in this post over time!
I intend to add info below but then private certain old posts 📝
I really want to separate info on Ea specifically, for example, from all the info on those who appear to back up Ea e.g. the Illuminati 🔥🐲
   * many may dismiss what else I wrote for they see this as drama
Signs of a Morally Corrupt Reincarnation System                              e.g. Ea Yah An El Lucifer Plays, Hurts Each Side!
   as if We Live Here Once, Due to Much Memory Loss
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If true Enlil is basically Thor? then auTHORity as a YTer pointed out!
I recommend reading sections 8-10 in this Tumblr post at least 🧩
In Trump’s family, names Mary and Christ are in many full names!
   In other words, it is a likely sign of a heavy Christian influence?
If a guardian of humans, what kind? a guard to help Ea keep food?
If Yah is said to increase, in what way then? increased the status?
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I recommend reading pt1, pt6 at least - further down sections https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEqHNQMJGjRTf33fg0q8QW5QoYh3FgLZg (*to add more*)
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2) It is Said That All in the Flesh Sin, That Sin is Lawlessness
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3) I Should Add How Lucifer is Said
to See Parts of the Future, Out of Context
4) https://mythology.net/others/gods/anu/ (*a family of An and Ki*)
It is supposedly said by Enki that “Enki” is pronounced as “Anki”, too.
It is said to be misspelt -- that it means SON OF AN, RULER OF KI.
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It is a title, even said that Enki claims to be the father of humanity 🧬
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5) It is Said Yaldabaoth is an Archon, Many Mention an AI False God
.. scientists still learn certain things called “impossible” are possible.
forbes.com/sites/bridaineparnell/2019/05/29/forbidden-planet-shows-up-barren-cosmic-wasteland/?sh=20ab00a620c3 (*NoT impossible*) 
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It is said that certain Anunnaki are behind the existence of dogmen so maybe, Ea Enki is why many dogmen are said to have German shepherd-like heads? If unknown, dogmen are werewolf-looking 🧬
Like with all humans, wolf DNA has been used in experiments.
It is said on YouTube by a researcher of mythology, that myths share certain beings were made to walk on hind legs in mockery of man 🧪
I heard there are good-overall and bad-overall dogmen in the woods!
In the latter, he said the community thinks a creature carried a child up a steep mountain in general due to what wounds are on him etc!
In it, seems to imply he is anti- the dogmen theory early on!
* a thirteen-year-old boy found high up a steep mountain
     - exposer says he’s friends with workers on this case
          ~ said he worked as a combat medic in the army
     - shares how the boy lacks any drag marks
     - said that unknown people showed up and told others
       such as gov’t groups what to do, they obeyed, etc 🐍
     - said his wounds were as if a big animal carried him
          ~ no high-drop, thirteen-year-old not dragged, an
             example he gave was the lightish teeth marks
             on his neck-shoulder-arm area looked as if a dog
             carried a puppy (*except this is a really big dog*)
     - medical examiners say these marks are from a canine
          ~ they cannot identify which type of canine did it 🧬
     - claims workers struggled a lot to get to where he was
     - talks of threats being made to people, to silence them
It takes such a surprising direction after a few minutes in 🔐
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It is said that Ea, a mind controller, hides facts in plain sight 🐑🐺
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In the film, (spoilers) he walks on holy ground while in human form.
I learned how one of the oldest tales of RRH involves a werewolf!
In a movie referred to as “Bad Moon” the werewolf attacks from up in the trees at least once, like what many call dogmen are said to do 🌳
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In a RRH FROM SCRIPT TO SCREEN book, above a form too!
If not.. it looks like it is cause of a pic of him attacking a village.
It seems as if it was a plan that was scratched. I cannot recall if he is said to walk on its hind legs, in the original script.. the big bad wolf in tWAU has a two-legged wolf form, a four-legged wolf form though 🧬
.. back on topic lol, supposed facts in “Red Riding Hood” (2011) 🪄
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I mean the word ETC instead of ET above - ETs, descendants of Ea?
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I know he tends to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but “literally” there!
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6) It is out of context - I do not imply I have that as a name meaning!
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7) Yet, certain names are a sign of a warped view of a lEAder there?
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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUWZfpprZsPxtFIVb-84-fum7THeDore8 (*I recommend reading it, fangs on ceiling too?*)
9A) I’ll emphasize how it does not mean they’re Satan’s incarnations.
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9E) I mean, I read others say how it sounds like TRUMPETS 🎺 ☁️
If unaware of it, in bibles trumpets are emphasized in a countdown!
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I miswrote, they’re incarnations but possibly not Satan’s incarnations.
I see how he seems to continue his plain in tHB.
9F) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2ZynkD3N_k
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In the Old Testament, Lev 26 vs Exo 7? Yah, Controlled Opposition.
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In tOT, Yah claims to have come as El then as Yah. So, ELites 🐑🐺
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10A) El (“God”) Shaddai (“the Almighty”) Came as LORD God Yah
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In Comics, Marik Also Says People Think He is God - Voice in Head
Similarities Wrote of Throughout the YT Channel, “Bring it On” 📖
I know more of them and I think of how a scepter is called a rod 🤔
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I See Rev 22:2,3,4 vs 1 John 5 6,7,8 - Trinity, Spirit of Truth Where?
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that vs what Jesus says
in John 15, for truth and a heart of men given?
    Rev 13 (*first beast*) vs Hos 13:4,5,6,7,8 vs Daniel 7:3,4,5,6,7,8
    and I sadly did not notice Rev 13 vs Hos 13 without help yet still:
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13) It is Souls with Moral Guides - Yah Injects Them, Hears Them?
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two darker energies of Lucifer (*light*) are Satan and the Devil 🔥
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGNJec0EswA (*the Devil?*)
In the bible, I recall how Jesus said a corrupt fruit cannot
come from a good tree 🐑🐺 It is said by him in at
least one other part of the bible, that only God is good -
the Word called God in the flesh! all in the flesh sin 🤔
He is a Jealous “God” Who Puts Himself Above Other “Gods” 🤔
spirits, Spirit, sons of God, the only Son of God, God, gods, etc!
It sounds as if Jesus, with a heart of men, vs John 1 describes Yah
In 2 Thess 2, the Following is Stated and I Think of Yah as a Rebel
so Yah is - Hypocritical, Violent, Jealous, Power Hungry, Vengeful
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a Rebel, Yah, Later Given a Heart of a Man (*Dan 7*) to Be Jesus
but he is hateful, power hungry, vengeful again as Rev Jesus 🔥
14A) Gen 1 - EL angELs, israEL, MichaEL, GabriEL, HelEL, ELohim
etc while “Lucifer” is one of the Ras (*a sun god*) - “God” is?RA,EL?
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said that An, Ki split then An went to heaven and Enlil went to earth
Do many follow Yah because Yah is scary and claims to be God?
.. he knew the truth would come out, about how he pridefully tried to take God’s place and many want that dark entity to be the highest. I see how we get to feel what it is like, what EA did with free will here!
It is said that people lacked fear before. It was not in the DNA until a number of his kind found ways to directly damage it e.g. injection 🔥
  to clarify, fear inactivated in the DNA before or fear not in DNA
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the fallen are taken out of heaven by force
said that all in the flesh sin, said that anyone who says otherwise are
a liar - bible reveals how all sinners are lawless so Yah, lawless one
and Yah tries to put all on a path that leads to destruction (*not love*)
I know Ea is said to be part AI, a form of evil in Ea from trauma 🧬
In the bible, a serpent called the most subtle beast of the field.
I see how he uses trick wording, I see how his lies are complex!
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there are reasons he could fool so many for thousands of years!
It is said if an alien arrived and wanted blood offerings from us:
   1) it is a sign this is not the highest if this alien claims to be
   2) that a use of curses aka black magic is a sign of evil
   3) that we should not worship this alien due to superior tech
and so on 😅 So, why is an alien seen as Ea the exception here?
It is curious how Yah words things in the bible e.g. harvests souls!
It is as if this is a subconscious attack, a secluded farm for him 🐺
but he has to get our permission in some way, even if via tricks 🐍
   the subconsciousness of many likely see how they sit in the
   mouth of a serpent as in that part of the Vatican, likely spot
   certain hints in bibles and certain hints in supposed channelings
   etc yet they ignore it because why? fEAr? no love for the truth, I
   see how his lies are set in a way to make truth seem as if the lie
I note how Planet Earth is similar to a secluded village in RRH2011 -
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I notice how there is a said-to-be lamb who talks like a dragon 🔥🐲
In bibles, Yahweh (*Yahushua*) rains fire -- a wolf in lamb’s clothing! 
Some Verses in Luke 9, Fire from Heaven Likely from Alien Tech?
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In the series, they hint at the above (*so 1,000 and not 5,000*) -
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It is a split personality, likely partly of a past-life as a tomb keeper 🤔
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--- If any skipped it, I put three pics from a link
by the top and some sentences below it
all made through energies in the creator of all, true first and last?
  always everywhere at least,
 if not like that than not the true sum of all
How can any believe this jealous false god (*and no I do not believe
any of the other so-called gods and goddesses are God - the hell is
the matter with any who try to discredit that way*) lacks any evil? 📖
   besides, I see their similar tales e.g. Ea has many names
   and Ea goes by Osiris or Anu as Odin (*for example*) - I
   saw a YTer point out how the word THOR is in auTHORity
If any claims to have not created sin, why called the creator of all?
   nothing exists outside of that energy, conscience with fanfiction
In defense of who I see as God, know God’s ways are not our ways!
that is a favorite argument of many who claim that “Jesus” is God 🔥
so I can use it to defend who I see as God, just as others can 🧬 📜
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a man who claims to be an incarnation of Ea said that when it comes
to Osiris - Ea had forced Osiris out and controlled the body 🪄 and I
saw how supposed channelers of Ea said Set is a dark side of Osiris!
  seems to be what is hinted at based on info in section nine above
  and I see that vs the part shortly before section one above, etc 🌋
Some Big Edits in the Post -
I added that now-third-to-last pic and that now-second-to-last above
and I added more to a paragraph with the word “auTHORity” above
that is a bit up, I added to a word chunk above a seventh-to-last pic!
bible states the life in Jesus is the light of men, that Christ is in all 🤔
 many do not read the first four NTest books that differ, and Eli? 🔥
I see Rev Jesus push peace, claim to be God, threaten to kill, etc 🚩
In Exo 32, he wanted to do that evil - it wasn’t a test on his end!
 shoulda stood up to stop him from killing the firstborns, too
Isn’t it said that a snake-like energy is in all people - Kundalini?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njXZUH5hv0w (*I see how his
name can mean “Who is Like God” - love, true intelligence, and a
choice to change as her name can mean “revelation of God” 🤔*)
If recommended bits ignored, the latter will likely not make sense 🧬
How many followers of Jesus agree with Jesus, in Matt 5:43,44,45?
0 notes
thesunshineriptide · 2 years
So I was wondering if you could do HeartsLabyul, savanaclaw,scarabia, and pomefiore with a S/o who is a moth fairy with the same powers like orizaba from Elena of Avalor?
(But they aren’t like nocturnal and their wings won’t burn in the light bc that doesn’t sound very pleasant lol)
I wasn’t familiar with Orizaba prior to this request and it seems like she’s overall a somewhat obscure character, which means watching clips of how her powers work overall on YouTube wasn’t an option so I watched two whole episodes for this. #research
Also side note but I recognized so many of the voice actors??? I didn’t realize that they really went all out for that cast
Scrolling through her official Disney article was also not helpful, but I did learn that one of her powers is literally just a moral alignment assigned to magic so that’s kinda cool.
I also looked into her inspiration and that was fun too. All this is to say I really enjoyed researching this and you have excellent taste I am very happy to fulfill this request
Faith, Trust, and…
Characters: Riddle, Cater, Ace, Leona, Jack, Jamil, Rook
CW// bugs, mentions of potentially unhealthy relationships, rook hunt typical behavior
It is the darkness that beaconed you here, the promise of magics forbidden and of shade from the burning light. Cavernous halls that you could fly high into the air of, forests and rivers nearby to let you connect with nature at whim.
You would never again need to walk with your feet on the dirt, no longer have to tuck away your wings or hide your swarms of moths, shrouded in purple mist. The shadows of this castle that is called a school were at your beck and call, wavering and slinking their way to you when you needed them.
Perhaps, here, it would be easier to fit in. There were plenty of other fae, of creatures detested and revered alike. Bats, Crocodiles, even fire breathing Dragons. Your obsidian wings would blend in nicely, you think. Perhaps this castle of darkness could be a home.
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Riddle Rosehearts is not a man frightened easily. He keeps his face carefully painted with a stern expression, or occasionally contempt. He leans his head back so his eyes may look down on others and remind them of their rank. Of his power. In that regard, you are alike. Your prowess for magic rivals each other, forcing the other to become better and better. Riddle is marvelous at a verity of things, but your expertise as dark magic and shadow work makes even him a little fearful. And incredibly jealous. But luckily, since you two are together, you feed each other. Perhaps it could be more healthy, but it is certainly passionate. Sparks fly around you whenever you’re together.
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Cater Diamond can’t believe how incredibly lucky he is. Sure, he’s terrified of your power, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t adore you. He finds you stunning, immaculate, beautiful, one-of-a-kind, other synonyms for he thinks you hung the moon and stars in the sky. He can appreciate the serenity of nighttime with you, and he loves to hear the gentle beating of your wings when you get excited about something. You’re together out of affection for one another, and it’s something softer and sweeter than either of you have had before.
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Ace Trappola is what could be described as an interesting choice of a partner. He’s somewhat selfish and moody, and refuses to open the fuck up. However, he is the guy you’ll have the most fun with. He’s always happy to see your moths appear to him with a message, and always ready to cause mischief. He’s like a perpetual summer fling, full of heat and chaos and fun. He is the flame you are drawn to, so to speak.
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Leona Kingscholar is an outcast in his own right, feeling discarded and lonely in most of his days. Perhaps you two are drawn together from that same feeling, as moth faeries aren’t exactly the most well liked. Your affinity for dark magic doesn’t phase him - his signature spell is of the same verity. You spend long nights talking to each other about everything and anything. He is simultaneously tender and reluctant, soft and jaded, all for you. He is the type of person you choose to be with every day. You both value each other more than anyone else, and it makes you both feel so loved.
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Jack Howl is not the type to let someone slip through his fingers. He will fight for you. Whatever you need of him, it’s done. He is your white knight, always around to help you from even the slightest inconvenience. Together you two tend to his plants, and he can’t keep his tail from wagging when he sees you smile. He is dedicated and kind, a ray of sunshine in your darkness. He fears you greatly, but loves you more. He never says anything unkind about what you are, but doesn’t particularly acknowledge it either. He’s a beastman, after all, being part animal is normal.
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Jamil Viper was absolutely terrified of you when you met. It took wrapping him in moth silk for him to even look at you, only to find that - hey, you aren’t that scary. Well, you are, but it’s okay. Jamil knows he can handle himself, even if he’s absolutely terrified of bugs, so he reluctantly spends more time around you. He’s a slow and steady partner, and not a particular “romantic” one at that, but he does truly care about you and attempts to show you that. It’s a relationship that fate can’t seem to determine, and neither can either of you.
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Rook Hunt is a passionate pursuer of beauty, and was naturally drawn to you. It began as it does with most students - he begins to “hunt” you, studying your movements and habits. When you snatch him in a purple cloud of mist and draw him to you, however, it becomes clear he isn’t the hunter but the prey. He’s incredibly lucky you’re interested in him, or he would be dead meat. He admires every feature of yours - your wings, your magic, your eyes, your hands, your talent, everything. He is dedicated to you and you alone, and he truly shapes up to be a Prince Charming. If Jamil had little romantic aspects, you might suspect that Rook is amassing everyone else’s. Every poem and sonnet in the world couldn’t compare to your love.
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
General Headcanons (fleshing out the world kinda)
States will sometimes be paid to appear in advertisements for company PR. For example, Oregon gets a lot of nice stuff from Nike and appears in ads for them.
Whenever Monopoly comes out for game night, states often over-price properties for states to get the cards with their names on them when making trade deals.
California, New York, Oregon, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Alaska (Hawaii roped him into it) all played a session of Insane Monopoly on Tabletop Simulator once. That session lasted a full 12 hours straight, no sleep or breaks. Everyone was too stubborn to quit.
There are low effort 3AM horror videos about the states. They love laughing and cringing at the terrible accents, bad acting, and awful costuming.
(ALLIGATORS?!) SUMMONING FLORIDA AT 3AM (ACTUALLY WORKED!!1) *GONE WRONG!!* did go viral because Florida really did show up after one of the Youtubers accidentally stumbled onto his real call. 
Florida thought it’d be funny so he appeared, non-scriptedly scared the ever-loving hell out of them through various hijinks, and then dipped. Swamp cats may or may not have gotten involved.
A lot of commentary channels cite that video as the gold standard of 3AM horror content with how real it seemed, how the Youtubers actually had fairly decent acting, and the high production value. The fact that they had two Florida actors, with one being obviously fake and the other one looking so real, made it that much more believable. Bravo to them.
There are philosophical discussions about what exactly personifications are and what their purpose is. Are they angels sent from heaven to serve His children? Are they evil spirits that spread discord through promoting divisions in humanity? Are they themselves gods that draw strength from their people?
Personifications don’t really know themselves. They all have different answers depending on their cultures and beliefs. Though one thing remains basically the same: they exist, they represent communities, and they live their lives.
There are humans who try to fake being personifications for the clout and benefits. These usually get revealed pretty quickly. One time, a person claimed he was Virginia State on live television, to which the real Virginia State teleported behind him and silently tapped his shoulder.
There are definitely humans who believe that personifications aren’t real. They often claim that personifications are propaganda from the government, actors for marketing stunts, or straight up just surveillance androids. Conspiracy theorists will come up with anything despite the fact that personifications have been around for as long as human society.
Some groups will want a personification in order to give themselves more legitimacy. Sort of like “Look! We have a personification representing us! That means our community is real!” They might try getting one by attempting to force one into existence (which doesn’t work), convincing a pre-existing personification to pretend to be theirs, or faking the existence of one.
Mentioned before:
Personifications are forbidden from holding any world records (even for ones who don’t reach superhuman physicality), except for personification specific records. Any sort of achievement is chalked up to “supernatural stuff,” and therefore it’s considered unfair for human competitors.
All the American personifications are recorded and cataloged by the federal government in the National Personification List (NPL). (name still subject to change lmao)
(New stuff anyway) Since they can sense each other, personifications are prompted to report newly existing ones to be identified, recorded and sometimes detained. This is more of a modern procedure, so there are still some unrecorded personifications running around. The big ones have basically all been catalogued through.
The process involves FBI calling the newbie to an unspecified location so that they can’t teleport away. Then a background check is conducted in order to gauge what community they represent and its safety to national security. 
If they’re considered safe, they’re given a brief rundown on and given some starting stuff like IDs, clothing and some cash. If the personification represents a group that FBI feels could compromise national security, then they’re detained at that facility.
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soramei · 3 years
Intentional - Part 5
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Landing your first real job at JYPE was something short of a miracle. You were prepared to face the new struggles of this elusive career whilst moving to a new country, however, nothing could have prepared you for him. Will stolen glances, secret touches, and hushed nights spent in the recording room ever be enough for the both of you?
Genre: idol!bang chan au, forbidden relationship, coworkers to eventual lovers, slow burn
Warnings: cursing, eventual smut
Word Count: 4.0k
A/N: yeah so about that upload... i was really busy this whole week but i hope to start uploading mondays again! thanks for understanding!!
Taglist (reply to be tagged!): @planetdemon​ @hvunvely​ @fluffybitch0325​ @fashi0nablee @juststop88 @straykisz @theultimaterad @margaritas-en-la-montania @meowtella
There was a pause in the phone call.
You started biting your nails, instantly regretting what you had just done. Basking in your stupidity, you could only wait for his response, for it was too late to retract what you had just said. Your day must have been worse than you thought. It must have been so bad that you had the nerve to ask Bang Chan — an idol, a person with a strict schedule, somebody who you had an argument with — to come over to your pathetic little apartment.
You kept nibbling on your fingers.
“I’ll get my jacket.”
You froze, eyes wide.
“Huh?” You were bewildered. You weren’t even expecting an answer, much less this.
“It’s cold this late at night,” he explained, “I’ll be there soon.”
You didn’t know what to say. You heard rustling on the other side of the call.
“Wait, I’ll tell you my address,” you blurted out.
“You did,” he said.
You frowned, trying to remember if you did or not. That’s right. You blushed at the memory of your first day of work.
“Oh yeah, umm, I’ll hang up now.” You awkwardly said, hanging up before Bang Chan could fit another word in.
You were a statue in your own apartment, clinging on to the last words exchanged on your phone. In actuality, you didn’t know why you asked him to come over. It was just blurted out in the moment. Or maybe it was a result of your extremely frustrating day. Either way, you felt extremely embarrassed that you did so, especially so late at night.
You started boiling some water, still trying to rationalize what you had just done. This was normal for friends, right? Na-eun and Yoojin came over just yesterday and you were friends with both of them. You knew for a fact that you two were friends, but you still couldn’t find an explanation for the strange feeling in your chest whenever you were around him.
Turning your phone on, you checked your face in the selfie camera. It was a miracle that your makeup didn’t smudge off. You thanked your new ‘CLIO’ foundation cushion, it looked like all that time you spent doing your makeup didn’t go to waste. You stared at your reflection for a couple more seconds before turning your phone off. Why did it matter what you looked like anyways? You wiped off any remaining lipstick with the back of your hand.
The kettle started rumbling, letting you know that the water was ready. You took out your mug to prepare some tea. It was a bad idea to have tea this late at night, but there was something about your mother’s tea that could knock a grown man out.
Sipping your tea, you turned on Youtube to an episode of a Korean web-drama that was getting really popular. It was another one with some rich CEO and a clumsy average girl, but you still watched, fully enamoured. On the recommendations list, there was a video with Felix — the other person you saw at the cafeteria on your first day — on the thumbnail. I can never escape from work, you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes.
You clicked on it anyways, just to pass the time. Watching through the video, you were shocked by the production value. Well, that, and Bang Chan. Whether it was hair and makeup or just his acting, he was so different from the person you knew in real life. You were in awe by his natural charisma gleaming at you through the screen as it was a rare quality that few people you knew possessed. Embarrassingly, you found your eyes drawn to only him in every group shot. He looked good in an apron.
You got distracted by more random videos before clicking back on your drama. The next episode was just about to start when the buzzer to your apartment rang.
It was Bang Chan.
Hurriedly, you shuffled towards your door. With your hand on the handle, you took a deep breath before opening the door.
“Hey,” you smiled.
“Hey,” he smiled back. He was leaning over you, his forearm on the doorframe. His coat was bulky, almost engulfing his whole upper body. He was wearing the same beanie you saw on multiple occasions, and in his hand was a white plastic bag.
You stepped aside, silently gesturing for him to come inside. He took your hint and sauntered in the room, head turning left and right to observe his surroundings.
“It’s not much,” you blushed, realizing how small your apartment really was. You could basically see all your belongings from the center of the room.
“No, it’s cute.” Bang Chan looked at you, taking his hat off. His dimple peaked out. “I brought some leftovers from that barbecue place. The kids and I went there after our shoot today.”
So that was what the bag was. With only food on your mind, you rushed to help hang Bang Chan’s coat before setting the table up.
The food was really good. They were leftovers, but it was so good. Stuffing a bite of pork belly in your mouth, you sighed. Where was this food earlier today?
“It’s good, right?” Bang Chan asked whilst chewing on a piece of meat. “I’ll take you next time.”
It was like he read your mind. You nodded eagerly in response, to which Bang Chan replied with a smirk.
“So, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck, “how was your date today?”
You rolled your eyes, not wanting to remember that embarrassment of a night. It was such a pity too, because that man was probably the most gorgeous man you’ve ever witnessed. You swore he had just stepped out of a webtoon when you first met him.
“It was alright,” you shrugged. It was difficult to reflect on the date without putting a damper on your mood, but maybe vocalizing it would have helped ease your discomfort. “He compared me to a model, you know.”
Bang Chan chuckled, making you look up in confusion.
“Was it because you looked exactly like the model?”
“No,” you replied.
His face immediately fell. “You’re kidding, right? Y/n, tell me you don’t believe anything that loser said. He’s got to be something below garbage if he was comparing two women.”
“Thanks, Chan.” You tried to force a grin on your face. “I appreciate it.”
There was a pause.
“I know my opinion means nothing, but Y/n, I think you’re beautiful.”
You stared into Bang Chan’s eyes, frozen like a statue. Your heart was beating so loud that you could hear it more than you could feel it. He stared back at you from across the table; mouth parted, breaths uneven.
You’ve received many compliments before, to which you would always reply with a smile and a quick ‘thank you’. However, it felt as if your brain malfunctioned in this moment and your heart was the only thing keeping you alive. You could still feel your body, but you couldn’t think.
“Thank you, Chan.” You awkwardly coughed, blushing profusely. Immediately focusing your eyes at the table, you couldn’t bear to keep looking at him.
The two of you ate in silence, with only the tapping of chopsticks adding to the ambience of the room. You wanted to make conversation with him, but you did not want to be the first one to break the silence. It frustrated you that you were so shy right now as you’ve never been like this back home.
To heck with it, you thought. There was no need to be shy around him.
“So,” you still couldn’t look him in the face, “any shows you’ve been watching lately?”
Small talk was good. You could do small talk.
“Actually, I’ve been wanting to watch this Transformers movie for quite a while.”
���Transformers?” You’ve never heard of that one. It must’ve been an American movie.
“Seriously?” his eyes widened. “You’ve never seen Transformers before? Oh, we’ve gotta watch it now.”
“You wanna?” you smiled. “I haven’t used my TV since moving in.”
“Mhm, let’s do it.” He stuffed the rest of the leftovers in his mouth before standing up and clearing the table.
You watched him clear the table in a trance. You should have offered to help since it was your own home, but watching the veins on his hands appear and disappear was way more interesting. Watching him, you suddenly remembered the hoodie.
“Oh, that’s right!” You exclaimed, shuffling over to the bag with the hoodie in it. Taking Bang Chan’s black hoodie out, you held it up to him with both hands.
He looked down at you and chuckled.
“Keep it,” he took it from your hands and slipped the hoodie over your head. “At least until you buy a new jacket.”
“I will.” You rolled the sleeves of his hoodie higher to show your hands. You turned the light off, leaving only the floor lamp to illuminate your apartment. Grabbing the remote from your coffee table, you summoned Bang Chan over to the couch.
You turned on the TV, fooling around with the remote control for a few seconds before giving up.
“I give up.” You sighed. Pouting, you handed the remote over to Bang Chan. He took it from you and started reading the buttons.
“Netflix, right?” Bang Chan asked, to which you nodded. “There we go.”
He scrolled through the titles, looking for the coveted movie. Once he found the movie, he quickly selected it and turned the subtitles on. That was nice of him, you thought. Although you also studied english in university, it was nowhere near the level of watching a full english movie.
The title sequence started and you tried to immerse yourself in the movie. You watched in awe, surprised at the fast pace of the action already.
Fully engrossed, you started to sink your back into the couch. Half-way throughout the title scene, you felt Bang Chan stretch his arm behind you to rest on the back pillow. Suddenly, you started feeling too aware of your surroundings. You sat up straighter.
Throughout the whole movie, you caught wafts of Bang Chan’s cologne everytime he moved. He smelled like safety and familiarity.
You turned your head up a little to get a glimpse of his profile, mapping out every edge and curve of his face. The light illuminated the tip of his nose, along with his dewy cheekbones and chin. The plum of his lips were let slightly open, allowing his teeth to peek out slightly. You unconsciously let out a sigh.
“Something wrong?” He turned his body to face you.
You shook your head and focused on the movie.
The rest of the movie was pretty good, although it lost you at parts. You watched the end credits in silence, not knowing what to say.
“So,” Bang Chan cleared his throat beside you, “I should get going now. Since it’s late.”
You turned your head to face him, not realizing how close the two of you had physically gotten throughout the movie. Looking up at him, your face was inches away from his. His face was almost enveloped by the darkness of your apartment. You heard his breathing get heavier.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “you should.”
He didn’t get up though.
You heard his staggered breath as you kept looking in his eyes. The end credits had long been over by now. Your own breath was just as shaky and you heard your heart beat out of your chest.
He started leaning in. Slowly.
Your eyes widened. You gulped, your nerves snapped you back to reality all of a sudden. Wasn’t he supposed to be your friend? This wasn’t what friends did… Right?
Clearing your throat, you leaned back shyly.
“You should go. I don’t want the others to notice you’re gone.”
“Yeah.” Bang Chan’s lips flattened in a line. Without another word, he stood up and walked towards your door.
You followed him in silence, hoping to at least send him off. Wrapping your arms around your torso, you watched as he put his boots on in the dark. He tied his laces, and with a nod, he opened the door and stepped out.
You were left with a sour taste in your mouth and a cloudiness in your head. Still standing in front of your door, you tried to process what had just happened. However, you couldn’t. All you could think about was the soft curls of his hair, the delicate threads of his eyelashes, and his lips. The dusty rose of his lips. The parting of his lips. Inviting you in.
You were frozen, looking at nothing particularly. The only thing on your mind was Bang Chan.
The door opened.
“Hey, sorry, I forgot my jack-”
His sentence never got a chance to complete itself as you rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. As your lips touched his, you felt a fire ignite in you like nothing you’ve felt before. Your fingers clawed at the nape of his neck, wanting more. Wanting to be closer.
Almost immediately, Bang Chan responded. He was taken by shock at first, but his hands didn’t waste any time to grip your waist. You felt the muscles of his shoulders tighten as he pulled you closer.
He moved you back into your apartment by the waist, lips never leaving your own. You blindly shuffled backwards, only focused on trying to get closer to him. If that was even possible.
You ignored the clunking of his boots against your clean floor, allowing him to guide you to the couch. A whimper left his lips as you used your hand to comb through his hair, pulling it. His soft brown curls were silk against your fingertips.
The back of your legs hit the couch and he turned you around so he could sit on the couch. Your lips finally left his. You gasped for air, trying to steady your deep breaths.
Bang Chan’s breathing was synchronized with yours, his equally as unsteady. He reached his hands out again, grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him. You were a ragdoll, responding to whatever he wanted to do to you.
With each knee on either side of him, you gripped his jaw and kissed him again. The fire inside of you instantly reignited. It was addicting.
The two of you didn’t dare to separate from each other, only parting to gasp for air every now and then. Even in the dark, you could imagine the plum of his lips and the threads of his eyelashes. This drove the fire in you more.
“What if the boys realize you’re gone?” you breathed out the next time you parted from his lips. They were most likely sleeping, but the thought still worried you.
“Fuck them.” Bang Chan exhaled. Grabbing the back of your neck, he reconnected his lips with yours. You gladly complied.
His sloppy kisses slowly moved from your lips to your jaw, then to your neck, eliciting a soft whimper from your throat. This seemed to only edge him on as kept leaving sloppy kisses against your neck, all the while running his hands up and down your waist.
His cologne surrounded you, keeping you safe. Soon later, the adrenaline left the two of you, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing to fill the room. You brushed your thumb under his eye to which he deeply inhaled.
“Chan?” you said. He was leaving kisses all over your collarbone.
“Hmm?” He didn’t seem to pay much mind to what you were saying.
“It’s half past three. I really think you should get going.” You didn’t want him to leave, but you were almost sure he had another packed schedule for tomorrow.
“Mhmm.” Your words went in one ear and out the other as he made his way up your neck again. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and let out a small moan.
“C’mon, get up. How did you even get here, by the way?” It took everything in you to break away from his touch, but you were starting to get sleepy.
“Taxi.” He said, helping you get up from his lap. He stood up after you, brushing his hand against your waist one last time before making his way over to his jacket.
“You’re allowed to ride a taxi?” You tilted your head, sceptical.
He slipped his jacket on.
“No.” He peppered little kisses on your cheeks. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that now.”
You giggled, pushing him by his shoulders out the door. He played along, pretending to stumble with every step he took back.
“Text me when you get home,” you said, repeating what he said to you on your first day of work.
He nodded in response and winked before turning around to head home. As soon as the door shut, you slapped both hands against your face. Your little act of impulse had spun your head in spirals. You didn’t know whether to feel relieved at the fact that Bang Chan reciprocated your impulsive actions, or to worry that you had not only just kissed your coworker — but also a freaking idol. No one — not Manager Chen, your friends, or even anyone in the general public — could know about this. If they did, both your careers would be screwed.
You doted on this thought as you got ready for bed, only the worst possible outcome came to mind. If either your manager or his manager knew about what happened tonight, you could get fired. Or even blacklisted. You sat in bed, nervously biting your nails.
Your phone buzzed.
Bang Chan: Hey, I got home. Nobody’s awake… ^^
Bang Chan: Don’t think too much, alright? It’s late, go to sleep…
You felt relief reading his text. For some reason, he knew you were overthinking your actions. You decided to listen to his words and go to sleep.
The next day, Sunday, was very uneventful compared to the day before. You texted Bang Chan back when you woke up, but because of his busy schedule, he hadn’t had the time to reply yet.
Yoojin called in when you were eating lunch, asking about your date. You told her the truth, explaining how there would definitely not be a second date with that man. She sounded disappointed and vehemently tried to set you up with another man in her pool. You politely declined, thinking about your restless night with Bang Chan.
You finished some work ahead of time to free up the next week. Since you were invited to work with Manager Chen at the content shooting, you assumed that you could lessen your work stress ahead of time.
The shooting days were allocated for Friday and Saturday, with there being an overnight stay at the mountains. Whilst you didn’t know the arrangements for Stray Kids, you were informed that the production crew booked a small lodge for the team. You were excited to not only see a behind the scenes of a real shoot, but to also possibly form a closer relationship with Manager Chen.
You were thankful that you did some work ahead of time as Monday’s workload was so much lighter than usual. People were still coming to you with their ideas for the project, but with your other work done, you had the time to go through everybody’s ideas.
You didn’t hear from Bang Chan the whole day, which was nothing out of the blue. You remembered him showing his schedule to you once. The amount of things he had to do everyday had your eyes bulging out from their sockets. All of a sudden, you were thankful for your nine-to-five job.
The next couple of days ran the same way as your Monday, with you easily breezing through your workload. Since you had more time during your breaks at work, you took to exploring the part of the building that you could. You admired all the art, the trophies, the awards and memorabilia. Of course, you also spent more time with your new friend Na-eun.
On Thursday, the day before the shoot, you were helping the producers by translating some notes for the script. All was going smoothly, when you got a text.
It was from Bang Chan.
You weren’t going to lie; you were curious as to what he sent you. He was basically silent the whole week so far, and if you were being honest, you missed hearing his voice. And seeing his face. And feeling his hands brush against your waist.
Bang Chan: Come to my recording room… I’ve got something to show you.
Your eyes lit up right away, curious as to what he wanted to show you. Quickly checking the time, you decided to take your lunch break then and there. After all, you didn’t have much work left for the day anyways.
Locking up your computer, you zoomed inconspicuously past all the other cubicles and made your way to the elevators. You weaved through the hallways of his floor, praying that your memory didn’t escape you. It seemed like your memory was on your side today as you found yourself in front of a familiar set of doors. You didn’t bother to knock before going in.
Inside was Bang Chan: feet up on the desk, drinking from his iced coffee, concentrating on his producing software. You smiled. He looked so comfortable, even in an ‘office’.
He had his headset in, and didn’t seem to notice that you had entered. You went up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around, and immediately threw his feet off the desk and stood up upon seeing that it was you. You smirked.
“I should really put a ‘please knock’ sign on the door.” He cursed under his breath. He reached behind you to close the door.
You giggled.
“So, what do you have to show me?” you wondered aloud.
“A new song. Since the filming is tomorrow, the producers put me on a time crunch to finish the song by today.”
So that was why he was so busy, you thought. You didn’t realize how the sudden filming would have impacted his schedule for the month. Especially since it would take up two whole days.
He let you sit in his chair, and hovered over you to press play on the song. His chair smelled like his cologne.
As he was playing the song, your eyes drifted up to see his face. The face — even after only four days — you missed. The dark circles under his eyes were prominent. That, along with his disheveled hair, told you that he truly was dedicated to his work. You imagined him sitting where you were, two in the morning, sipping on his iced americano.
“You like it?” His eyes drifted towards you, resembling a puppy bringing a ball back to its owner.
“It’s amazing. I don’t know how you managed this in just a few days,” you said. And you were sincere too. You couldn’t imagine yourself doing any of this.
“Eh, you know, late nights.” he shrugged. “Wanna see another?”
You nodded, and the two of you began listening to another one of his songs. You listened in silent wonderment.
However, the silence didn’t last long as the two of you soon found yourselves on the couch: hands all over each other, lips the same. You were lying underneath him, his arms resting on either side of you to hold his weight up. Your lips never left his as you ran your hands up and down his defined biceps.
The two of you couldn’t stay away from each other. The sound of the songs that he had put on shuffle filled the room, along with a fleeting sigh of moan every now and then. Bang Chan’s hand had started wandering up your blouse when, all of a sudden, the door opened.
“Hey, I have the lyrics h-” He stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide.
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
mechanisms basics & lore
welcome to my updated mechanisms intro post! this post will cover both the topics discussed in my mechanisms basics post, which is geared towards people who don’t know what the mechanisms are, and my deep lore post, which aimed to be a comprehensive compilation of all the important character and world lore. this post should serve the above group, but it’s geared towards people who have listened but feel there’s a lot of lore that seems to be common knowledge they’re missing. we’ll start out with a basic introduction, and then go into crew lore and a semi-comprehensive guide on where to go for further information.
the mechanisms were a steampunk concept band, known for their queer representation and their tragic stories. they are no longer together, their last performance being january 2020, but several of their members are still creating related spinoff content.
they follow the trope many steampunk bands do, which is albums that tell a story; think similar to listening to a musical soundtrack, but geared to a visual-less experience. what distinguishes them is 1) narration tracks between each song, making the plot very easy to follow, and 2) being meant to be watched live, meaning there’s layers of meta that are more easily understood by watching recorded gigs rather than studio recordings of albums. specifically, there’s a focus on the narrators, known as the mechanisms or the crew of the aurora, who are immortal space pirates telling the stories and occasionally inserting themselves into them. though they are tragic figures themselves, their banter serves the purpose of bringing a lightheartedness and dark humor to the stories. if there’s an aspect of the lore you’re confused on, it’s probably related to the narrators!
to watch the mechanisms live, you can find recordings on youtube, dropbox, google drive, soundcloud, or vimeo, which are all compiled in this post (including transcripts!). if visuals aren’t your thing, i’ve linked the studio recordings later on in this post when they come up, and here are the mechanisms’ official spotify, bandcamp, and youtube, as well as an unofficial comprehensive lyric videos channel. 
the albums
regarding the albums specifically, there are 4 main ones (once upon a time (in space), ulysses dies at dawn, high noon over camelot, and the bifrost incident), 2 that are compilations of miscellaneous songs (tales to be told 1 & 2), 1 single (frankenstein), and 1 album that’s a high-quality recording of their last live show, including an alternative performance of the bifrost incident, 2 songs only performed at live shows, and 'the deathsong’, which details how they all eventually die (death to the mechanisms).
as you might have been able to tell from the titles, they’re all based off of various myths, folklore, literature, and/or fairy tales, using different genres on top of a sci-fi setting to add a fresh twist to them! for example, high noon over camelot is a western based on arthurian mythos, set on a space station. (the albums are known for all ending in tragedy, so be careful if that isn’t your cup of tea!) if your goal is to get into the mechanisms, i’d suggest sitting down and listening to them all in full; links will be provided below, or alternatively you can watch once upon a time (in space) live here, ulysses dies at dawn live here, or the bifrost incident live here. (there is no full live recording with visuals of high noon over camelot, sadly, but there are partial and audio only recordings.)
once upon a time (in space) - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
ulysses dies at dawn - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
high noon over camelot - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
the bifrost incident - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
tales to be told, volume 1 -  spotify/bandcamp/youtube
tales to be told, volume 2 - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
frankenstein - spotify/bandcamp/youtube
death to the mechanisms - edited video with the stream corruption fixed + subtitles / stream / spotify / bandcamp / youtube / transcript pt. 1 / transcript pt. 2
reading the fiction is integral to understanding both the albums and the mechanisms themselves. the fiction is a collection of short stories set in the mechanisms universe posted on their website here and compiled by me here, with an extra high noon over camelot story here. (there are also audio versions for ‘mirror mirror’ and ‘a rebel yell’ included on both the website and the compilation).
the crew of the aurora
as for the crew, at their peak there were nine members played by people, as well as the ex-member dr carmilla, who has extensive solo lore and is still active (which we’ll touch on in a few paragraphs). there is also their ship, the aurora, who is sentient and has her own lore. in fact, every member of the crew has their own backstory, set in a different genre or historical period; for example, nastya rasputina's is historical, jonny d’ville’s is a western and marius von raum’s is a mecha anime. however, they’re all still different flavors of steampunk! below, i’ll list each member, their performer, and the main sources of lore about them. for the majority of them, they have their own song in tales to be told, but there are a few outliers. everyone also has their own bio up on the website, which can all be found here. 
the aurora (n/a, ship)- on aurora (meta)
jonny d’ville (jonny sims)- one eyed jacks (song), jonny before he was mechanized (meta)
nastya rasputina (anonymous)- cyberian demons (song)
ivy alexandria (morgan wilkinson)- archive footage (fiction), crew bio
ashes o’reilly (frank voss)- lucky sevens (song)
drumbot brian (ben below)- lost in the cosmos (song), crew bio
the toy soldier (jessica law)- the story of the toy soldier (fiction)
gunpowder tim (tim ledsam)- gunpowder tim vs the moon kaiser (song/minialbum)
marius von raum (kofi young)- the death of byron von raum summary (blog post)
raphaella la cognizi (r l hughes)- crew bio
if you’ve noticed the crew bio doesn’t say much about raphaella, that’s because we know little to nothing about her backstory. the only thing we have to go on is a quote from the tv tropes page, which looking at the edit history, was likely written by one of the mechanisms. the quote is ‘Science officer who may or may not have cheated her way onto the ship after becoming a little too interested.‘ and the page is here.
the majority of fandom content is about the crew, working off of what we get from the tales to be told songs, the live gigs, and the fiction.
dr carmilla
speaking of characters with obscure lore, let’s talk about dr carmilla! rather than linger, i’ll just link my carmilla basics post, which is a comprehensive summary of who she is in and out of universe. to summarize, she’s a character based on the novella ‘carmilla’ by sheridan le fanu, commonly regarded as the first vampire novel, but her lore has diverged heavily from that original starting point since then. she is the oldest out of all of the crew, and made the majority of the other crew members immortal. she, as well as aurora, is from a planet called terra, which was destroyed partially as a result of her actions. her character is defined by her immortality and how she deals with it, her experiences on terra, her relationship with the mechanisms, and her dysfunctional relationship with her ex-girlfriend loreli, the last of which is the most covered by her songs. out of universe, she is played by maki yamazaki. all her lore lines up with what happened out of universe, and ties to the fact the mechanisms were originally dr carmilla and the mechanisms. she has two solo albums and two singles, which i’ll link below.
ageha (prototype edition) (album)- bandcamp | youtube
exhumed and {un}plugged (album)- bandcamp | youtube
the city {nex:type mix} (single, in-character cover)- bandcamp | youtube
eleven (single)- bandcamp | youtube
the majority of her lore is still to be officially revealed, and will be in the trilogy of albums maki yamazaki is working on.
further reading
if you’d like to delve further into the lore, there are a few sources i use! there are official, in-character, blogs, as well as things that are harder to dredge up; i won’t link them here, but some sources include @/thedreadvampy (the band’s artist, as well as morgan wilkinson’s sister and kofi young’s partner; don’t bother her for lore or anything, but she’s previously made posts sharing previously unknown information), old websites and deleted content found on the wayback machine, the tv tropes pages, and most notably the lore doc.
the ‘maki forbidden lore doc’ is an archive of all the lore maki yamazaki has shared on the mechscord, the official mechanisms discord which she’s on, and her own personal server, where she’s running an arg (alternate reality game) as a way of relaying more lore about the dr carmilla universe. for an idea of the scale, the doc is currently 91 pages and 28346 words, and recontextualizes much of what is known about dr carmilla and maki’s canon of the mechanisms universe. it is confidential to anyone not in her discord or the mechscord, as she’s said that this lore isn’t thought out nearly as much as the albums and is subject to change, so she’d rather it not be out in the open. however, information on how to join the mechscord can be found here. there is also a non-canonical fan project based on the arg in progress, but information on it is also confidential for now.
with regards to the above phrase ‘maki’s canon’ it’s worth noting that all of the individual band members have their own idea of what counts as canon and what doesn’t, and as you foray deeper into lore that division becomes more and more apparent.
with that, here are the mechanisms’ blogs. they are all both run in-character by the main nine band members and inactive unless i note otherwise.
website/wordpress (run ic by tereshkova’s ghost, the blogbot, for the most part)
carmilla twitter (active, run ic by dr carmilla)
now that we’re coming to the end of this, i’d like to thank whoever got this far, and to say a few words. my interest in the mechanisms has been slowly fading, and i’ve been writing less and less meta and lapsing in keeping up with new lore myself. honestly, i’m pretty worn out by how much i’ve done on this blog and in this fandom, and the commitments i’ve assigned myself. i do have plans for future meta, but it’s unlikely they’ll come to fruition. so, i thought i’d do a new version of my two oldest posts on this blog, and hopefully enable other people to look into the lore and theorize themselves with the new information.
to find more information, remember there’s a mechanisms wiki, and that my askbox is always open.
thanks for reading!
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