#by the nightmare from the other day but also . yes i am . a little bit
yutadori · 13 days
can somebody kill me my anxiety has been so debilitating recently and for what
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temis-de-leon · 8 months
Pick me girls and OM! Brothers - Part 2
Characters: Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie (x reader, separately)
Part 1 - Lucifer, Mammon and Levi (x reader, separately)
Part 3 - Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon (x reader, separately)
CW: pick me girl behavior, one of these girls is actually really stupid, suggestive, mentions of sex between the brothers and mc, mentions of violence, a bit of magic, mentions of cheating (not actual cheating), nightmares, implied death, jealous mc, some fluff, some hurt, some comfort, still ooc but i had even more fun
Your boyfriend looked more offended than you ever had the chance to feel.
The cashier at the bookstore barely had the time to say anything about her supposed romance with the demon before he appeared in his signature pose: a hand in his hip and the other one over his chest.
He had been a regular for years and you didn't know if the girl had been delusional enough to believe she had something with him or if she was just jealous and wanted to make you feel bad.
You weren't sure which one was sadder.
"Am I hearing this correctly?" he said with spite, distracting you from your own thoughts "Are you so daft you were considering me reciprocating your feelings?"
The girl lowered her gaze, clearly embarrassed, and for a moment you felt guilty. Maybe she really thought she had something mutual going on with Satan; a crush that went too far in her own imagination.
She proved you wrong, however, when not only did she give you a side eye, but also said the most stupidest thing one could ever muster.
"Well, obviously you are so daft you chose them over me"
You couldn't waste time on feeling hurt; not when Satan was showing his fangs, letting his tail scratch the floor as it lashed behind him. As hot as he looked like this, it was not the moment nor the place to show his demon form in a fit of rage.
The stupid cashier seemed proud of getting a reaction out of him, finally catching his attention. Maybe she was a demon of wrath too? Maybe that's how she flirted with other demons?
The poor thing would be lucky if she ever lived to see another day.
Let her discover that fact on her own.
"She's not worth it, Satan" you urged, pushing him to the door "Let's go to that cat cafe you mentioned earlier. You said they had new kittens, right?"
That seemed to do the trick.
He looked at you with love, still mixed with anger and bewilderment, but not enough for you not to hold his hand and lean against him.
"I'm sorry, my dear" he murmured, then he spoke louder "Do not believe a word she said"
"I would never"
He nodded to himself, like the idea of you believing the cashier was too stupid to even consider it, but neither of you could ignore how his hand stiffened in yours for a second.
"Let's go see some kittens" you said in a singing voice, leading him in the street towards your destination.
You failed to see the adoration in his eyes.
This succubus dated Asmo long before you were even an idea in your parents' minds and she wanted you to keep that in mind.
She wanted you to know that everything you knew, she knew better (a blatant lie) and that Asmo preferred experience over novelty (ew).
"I remember the times we went to the sauna and... Oh, sorry, does he take you to the sauna?"
"He invited me a couple of times, yes" but I had to say no or else I would've boiled alive.
"And does he...?"
Does he. Does he. Does he.
In which moment did you think going to The Fall was a better plan than doing each other's skincare routine while making fun of 50 shades of Grey?
The both of you could be criticizing that poor excuse of BDSM right now (before recreating the correct version), but, instead, Asmo was ordering the girliest cocktail ever made while this Camila Cabello wannabe harassed you.
"...that was a little joke between us"
Lord Diavolo she just kept going.
"I'm so happy you remember so well your past relationship with him" you intervened with a strain in your voice, "but maybe it's time for you to stop and leave"
The succubus smirked with a smugness that made your innards burn from the inside out.
"Don't get jealous! I'm sure he loves you too"
Oh my Lord.
The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch.
"Hon', look at this!"
There he came, your savior, dressed in a skimpy dress with hands full of shimmery drinks and a glint in his very beautiful loving eyes.
"They didn't have human beverages, but I swear the taste is impeccable, you'll love it! Just let me take a picture for Devilgram first"
Camila Cabello, as you had finally decided to call her, cleared her throat in search of the demon's attention. Asmodeus looked in her direction, obviously trying to remember who she was.
"Asmo, baby!" she was nothing but a smile full teeth and a mission. Her gaze a little desperate "Remember me?"
Her determination died, however, when Asmo's expression turned shocked after studying her. He grasped his chest in sorrow as he asked the funniest question you could hear at the moment.
"What are you wearing?"
Camila Cabello was finally at a loss of words and you briefly wondered if this had ever happened to her.
"If you're gonna meddle in my relationship with MC at least take effort in looking decent"
His expression was sweet, saccharine, but there was an underlying seriousness in his voice.
He was so beautiful. And he was all yours.
She was one of the boys, apparently. Beel had definitely never mentioned her, but the girl only laughed when you told her that.
"Wow, controlling much? Does he have to tell you about every friend?"
Well, no, Beel didn't have to inform you about everyone he's ever met, but your boyfriend was sweet enough to want you in every aspect of his life, thus introducing you to his friends, his teammates and even his gym bros.
Definitely not to this girl.
You looked at her in disbelief, licking your teeth with a calculating glance. How much would Beel care if you hit this airhead with a dumbbell?
"We hang out together almost every day" she boasted, twisting a strand of her hair around her finger "It's not even weird for me to be in the boys locker room"
Were you strong enough to throw a dumbbell?
Surely she'd rather be with them instead of you if she was 'one of the boys', no? Why would she be in the bleachers with you, waiting for the team to finish their training, when she could be in any other part of the field doing exercise or playing for another sport?
"I'm not making you insecure, am I?" asked the girl in poorly faked innocence "If he loves you so much you should have nothing to worry about"
"Oh, I trust him" you assured her, but you didn't sound as confident as you wanted to. Although Beel never gave you any reasons to doubt him, it was difficult to defend your relationship when this girl was so convinced everyone was in love with her.
"That's so cool"
You decided to ignore her and her mocking tone, hoping to end the conversation right there, but she just kept talking. It was obvious she wanted to get under your skin.
For what? you wondered. Did she expect Beel to leave you if she batted her lashes fast enough? Did she know Beel at all??
"Oh, Beely!"
You cringed with a scowl visible to everyone around you. Some of Beel's teammates laughed at your missfortune, while the others, the ones you liked best, turned around in horror and left without a second glance.
Wether he was oblivious or just didn't care, Beel wasted no time in running towards you with a smile on his face.
"Did you see me?" he asked, looking up to you with a boyish grin and brightened eyes.
"I'm always looking at you"
Beel blushed, his smile still obvious in his face, but he couldn't get another word in before the girl talked again.
"I was looking at you too"
You rolled your eyes and Beel immediately stared at you with a curious glance. He hummed in response, ignoring her once again as he reached out for your hand to caress your knuckles.
"There's a new limited edition menu in a restaurant near RAD"
No questions added nor needed. You smiled at him and nodded, bringing his hand to your lips to kiss it. A promise for later.
"Noo, we used to go there so much..."
"Can you stop?" Beel interrupted her with a deadpan expression "You're making MC uncomfortable"
The girl looked at him in surprise, mouth wide open, clearly not expecting to be snapped at.
She didn't dare to look at you after that.
It wasn't the first time you dreamt about this girl and it wasn't the first time you dreamt about her stealing your sloth of a boyfriend.
She wasn't some mystery girl, but rather Belphie's old seatmate, the one he had before you were kidnapped admitted in RAD. A quiet doe-eyed succubus that looked at him like he was the best thing that ever happened to both human and demon mankind.
She'd tried to sit next to him a couple of times with no avail, always getting rejected in your favor. Then, Belphie and you started dating and she stopped trying. You'd innocently thought she'd surrendered.
But not only did she search for him the very few times you guys weren't next to each other, she also ignored you completely when you were there.
Ignoring her back was easier said than done.
And this time, the oniric version of her wasn't just stealing your boyfriend. This time, he was willingly going to her, making your heart hurt so much it made you wake up with what felt like broken ribs.
It took you a couple of minutes to pull yourself together and not push Belphie away when he brought you back to his chest. The image of him kissing her while looking at you was engraved in your mind.
So, although sweating and hurting both from your heart and your confidence, you forced yourself to sleep.
You didn't notice just how awake Belphie was.
Back when you were still friends, you had allowed him to introduce himself into your slumber each time you had a nightmare. Images of you dying under the jaws and claws of faceless demons disappeared faster when the real Belphie was there. Ironic, isn't it?
He tried to stop every single one of them, but sometimes he was so deep in his own dreams it was proved to be impossible.
You thought this was one of those occasions, but, alas, you were wrong.
Days passed without any new event and Belphie mentioned nothing about your initial irrational coldness towards him, which made you feel a tiny bit better. Eventually you'd get so embarrassed about the situation that you had no other option but to dote on him like the brat he was, leading to a whole weekend sprawled over his bed in the attic.
The girl was still there, although not as persistent with Belphie, and she avoided you like the plague, with fright in her eyes.
So he did something about her, didn't he? But how did he know? And what did he do? You wanted to ask, curious as ever, but as time went by and the eyebags under her eyes started to occupy her entire face, you decided against it.
Barely a month later she disappeared without leaving trace. And since Belphie didn't even acknowledge her at all, why would you?
Tagging a little more: @hello-gloomy @the-sassiest-toaster @hero-nii-blog @yourlocalyin @elaemae
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iamasimperyk · 3 months
Mrs. Cameron
Summary: You just graduated, so Rafe took you on a vacation to celebrate it, making sure to make it unforgettable.
Warnings: Fluff, Not proof read, English is not my first language
Pairing: Professor!Rafe x Reader
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"You like it here?" Rafe asked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"It's beautiful. Thanks for taking me with you," You smiled up at your former professor.
A few days ago you finally finished college and officially started dating Rafe. To celebrate your success, he took you on a vacation to Hawaii.
It was mesmerising there, and things couldn't be better between the two of you.
"I planned something special for tonight," he murmured into the crook of your neck.
You let out a small giggle, "Another surprise?"
"I could never get tired of surprising my beautiful angel." He told you.
"You are so cliché, you know that, Mr. Cameron?" You kissed his cheek before pulling away from him, "I have to get ready now. Can't look like this when you have some big surprise for me."
He slightly shook his head, "You look stunning, even with the towel on your head."
You let out another giggle before disappearing into the bathroom.
Rafe let out a sigh. He planned out the whole night. He wanted to show you how serious he was when it came to your relationship.
You accepted his past and loved his daughter as if she was your own. Also, you accepted his ex and became quite good friends, which was weird at first, but it was better than the two of you hating each other.
Rafe couldn't help but smile as he thought about last weekend.
"I had a nightmare. Where is daddy?" Daisy mumbled, standing in front of your shared bed.
"He is still in his office, sweetie. Do you want to sleep in here tonight? Maybe I can also protect you from the bad things you dreamed about." You suggested with a tired voice, and she just nodded before quickly getting in the bed.
Daisy cuddled up to you quickly, "Thank you for letting me stay here."
You smiled down at the little girl, not believing how things between you and Rafe turned out.
Rafe listened to the conversation between his daughter and you that night, and he finally realized that you were the one.
"Can I take the blindfold off yet?" You giggled as you squeezed Rafe's hand a little bit more.
"We are almost there," he replied, but his nervousness was noticeable.
After a few more minutes, he stopped walking and let go of your hand, "Okay, you can take it off now."
There he was, kneeling in front of you, a diamond ring nestled in a red velvet box.
Your eyes widen immediately, and you put a hand over your mouth.
"Y/n Y/l/n, the first time I met you I was your professor. I remember how you came in, wearing those stupid stockings. I immediately felt drawn to you, and I hated it at first. I was your professor, and I knew that having feelings for you could cost me my job. I was also quite sure that a stunning girl like you would never fall for someone like me. However, for some unknown reason, you did notice me and chose to be with me," Rafe started his speech and had you crying after the first words, "We have had our ups and downs, but we are here now, together and happy. I know we haven't been together for ages, but I am quite sure you are my soulmate even if you are young and have your whole life ahead of you. I just hope to play a part in it for a little while longer. Y/n Y/l/n, I love you with all my heart, and nothing would make me happier than to call you my wife. Will you marry me?"
You were nodding frantically while the mascara you had just applied half an hour ago was running down your cheeks.
"Words, darling," Rafe smirked a little.
"God, yes, Rafe. A million times yes." You hiccuped, and he put the beautiful ring on your finger.
Rafe stood up, kissing you passionately before he pulled away as the two of you ran out of air, "Mrs. Cameron. I like the sound of that."
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sansaorgana · 7 months
Hello love! I've just found your Buck fics and I love them!! Please can you write one where Buck comes home from the war but he has nightmares from being in the POW camp and he always manages to wake himself up before he wakes the reader up but one night you wake up first and then the reader wakes him up and tries to calm him down and reassure him that he's safe. Just Buck clinging onto his girl to remind himself that he's home? Thank you!
hi love! 🌺 thank you for this request! I love writing Buck fics no matter what but tbh I was growing a bit tired of the stories happening on the base etc. and I'm in love with some domestic Buck back at home! the next story I am going to write is about dad!Buck and I can't wait to write that one, too 😻 btw I mentioned Meatball here as usual because I love this dog and I miss him and I know Buck is technically not his owner but I love to imagine him adopting Meatball after the war lol
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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You were lucky – not only was your husband back home, but he was back home normal. Except for a few scars on his face and a few on his body, Buck seemed to be completely alright. It was almost alarming how normal he was.
He was the same man he had been before the war. Not that you had known him for long before – you had gotten married pretty fast, knowing that he could not come back from Europe. But to you he seemed to be the same man. He was soft for you, always trying to give you a smile, calm and stoic most of the time but also could make a good joke or tease a little. He seemed to act the same and you always wondered about it. You knew that he had to live through unimaginable horrors up in the air and when he was in the German camp. But he would never talk about it and you didn’t want to push him to talk.
You were a member of the local society for military wives and widows. You had meetings twice a week in the evening in a room given to you for that purpose by the local church. This community had helped you a lot mentally when Buck was in Europe, especially when he was in Germany. There were women with stories like yours… but worse. Some husbands were lucky enough to come back like your Buck – nearly scratched on the surface. But all those wives would eventually come back with some depressive story. One husband started to drink, the other started to be abusive, a few were constantly shell-shocked. Or traumatised as it was called now.
But not your Buck.
Sometimes you felt stupid for even speaking during those meetings. You felt as if you had no right to be there. Everything was fine with your Buck. He had never been a drinker and he was not now either. Even the war couldn’t change that. He didn’t start to gamble or sleep around either. There were many stories of infidelity. But once again, not from your Buck.
You even asked him about it one day. You just couldn’t believe – after listening to all these women’s stories – that he had been such a good and loyal husband to you. But he only looked at you as if you were crazy.
No, your Buck was not a cheater either.
“Recently I feel like these other women there don’t like me,” you told your friend when you were walking back home after one of the meetings in the evening. It was dark already but you lived in a safe neighbourhood and on the same street. You had become friends because both of you had husbands in Europe. But hers hadn’t come back.
“I’m not going to lie, (Y/N),” she sighed as you stood in front of her house. All the lights inside were off. Poor thing lived all alone now. “It’s difficult not to envy you.”
“It’s not like Buck had it easy!” You got defensive. “He went through hell!”
“I know,” she smiled sadly. “But he doesn’t show it.”
“I’m lucky, I know,” you took a deep breath in.
“Yes, you are. But I feel like all of them are lucky. Even the ones with drinking and cheating husbands. I wish mine was like that, too… At least he’d be back with me,” her eyes filled with tears.
“Oh, darling…” You leaned in to give her a hug and kissed her cheeks. “Go, make yourself a tea, watch something on TV and go to sleep. I have to go now, it’s late. I’ll visit you tomorrow for coffee,” you promised her and she nodded her head.
You waved at each other goodbye and you crossed the street to go back home, too.
Surprisingly, Buck wasn’t waiting for you on the porch. He would usually do that because he wanted to make sure you’d come back home safely from the meetings.
Not only was he not on the porch but also all the lights inside your house were off, too. And when you wanted to enter the house, you noticed the doors were locked. You sighed and reached for the key inside your purse.
When you entered the house, you were greeted with silence. You locked the door behind you and took a walk around all the rooms on the ground floor. Meatball was sleeping on the carpet in the living room and you scratched him behind his ear before going upstairs.
Buck was in bed already, asleep. You smiled to yourself as you approached him to fix his duvet and put a kiss on his forehead. He had been struggling with a headache for the whole afternoon so you just wanted to leave him in peace, glad that he was finally resting. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, just like a little boy.
Quietly, you went to the bathroom to prepare yourself to go to bed, too. It was still quite early but you didn’t want to wake him up with the sound of TV or a radio.
When you were in your nightgown already, you turned the light in the bathroom off and you joined Buck in bed. You weren’t very sleepy so you just laid on your side and watched his side profile. You smiled to yourself and caressed one of the scars on his cheek gently.
After a while, when you were starting to drift off to sleep, you got startled by Buck’s sudden movement. He tossed around as his face winced a little. You furrowed your brows and rested on your elbow. He moved once again and trembled as incoherent words were leaving his half-parted lips.
You realised he was having a nightmare and it was painful to watch. He no longer reminded you of a peaceful boy. He was scared. You had never seen your husband scared.
“Buck, baby,” you whispered softly as you grabbed his arm, trying to shake him out of his dream. “Buck, come back to me, hey…”
His eyes opened as he sat up rapidly, taking deep breaths and wiping the fresh sweat off of his face.
“Buck…” You asked quietly and he turned around like he was surprised to see you there.
“(Y/N)... You’re back already?” He furrowed his brows as his lower lip trembled.
“Yes. What’s going on?” You asked him and tried to move closer but he flinched. You remained still, feeling a little hurt at his rejection. “Buck, what’s going on? You had a nightmare?”
“Yes, it’s fine,” he lied.
“It happens sometimes. Why don’t you want me to touch you?” You asked, carefully.
“I didn’t want you to see me like this,” he confessed and hid his face in the palm of his hands.
“What?” You shook your head awkwardly. “You couldn’t know, come on, Gale, we all get bad dreams sometimes…” You caressed his back. His white shirt was wet from the sweat. You sighed and moved closer. He didn’t flinch this time and you tugged on the fabric of his shirt. “Come on, baby, let me help you change. You need a new pair of pyjamas.”
“It’s not sometimes,” he mumbled and you stopped pulling his shirt.
“Hm?” You asked and gently moved his hands away from his face. Your heart sank in your chest at the sight of the tears in the corners of your husband’s eyes. You had seen him cry only on special occasions like your wedding day or when he was back home. He hadn’t even cried when he was leaving because he didn’t want to make it even sadder and more difficult for you.
“I said…” Buck’s voice trembled, “that it’s not sometimes. I have them all the time, those dreams,” he explained.
You went silent for a while and then you left the bed to turn the small light on and sit back on the edge of the bed, holding his hands.
“Why haven’t you told me?” You asked, worryingly.
“I didn’t want you to worry and…” Buck took a deep breath in as he looked down. “...I didn’t want to spoil your life. I wanted to be the same as I was before. I didn’t want to come back only to ruin everything, to be weaker. It would be a disappointment for you.”
“Buck, stop,” you cupped his face and made him look at you again. His cheeks were damp already and it was breaking your heart. “I can’t listen to this, stop,” you shook your head and leaned in to press your forehead to his. “Baby, you can’t hide such things from me. You’re in pain and I’m your wife. I’m here to help you with the burden.”
“I don’t want to be a burden.”
“You are not one, you will never be. But you are carrying it and I want to help you. Oh, Buck, baby…” You hugged him and caressed the back of his head.
After a while of hesitation, he clinged to you and hid his face in the crook of your neck. You started to shush him and caress his back as you rocked him softly in your arms.
“Now, get out of that wet shirt,” you moved away slightly and helped him to take off his pyjamas.
You took them to the bathroom to put them in the laundry bin and you got him a fresh pair out of the closet.
“Do you want something to drink?” You asked and he shook his head as he was putting on his new pair of pyjamas. You waited for him to finish and you turned the light off before joining him in bed again.
“Gale, baby, come here,” you opened your arms and he laid his head down on your chest. You hugged him tight and placed a kiss upon his forehead. “What are your nightmares about?” You dared to ask.
“I’m back in Germany and they’re shooting us like dogs and I just… I just want to go back home to you,” he whispered as his voice broke. You felt tears forming in your eyes. “It’s so cold and I’m hungry and I realise that I won’t see you again. And it’s killing me to know that… That you’re here and you won’t ever see me again, too. And how heartbroken you will be when they tell you I’m dead. Even facing death I’m more scared and worried about you,” he continued. After opening up finally, he wanted to let it all out and you were listening to it while caressing his back gently. “I remember that song playing while we were dancing at our wedding. I remember you in that white dress, I remember your smile. And I think that’s when they kill me.”
“Gale…” you couldn’t stand to listen to it anymore. You didn’t want to shut him up but it was painful for you, too. “You’re home with me, love. You’re home with me, everything is alright now. You’re safe,” you assured him and leaned in to kiss the top of his head. “I won’t let anyone… anything, harm you,” you added.
Usually it was him telling you such things.
“Next time you have a nightmare, wake me up, please, baby,” you pleaded and he nodded but you knew he wouldn’t do that. He was too proud for that. You sighed and squeezed him tighter in your arms. “I love you, Gale.”
But he didn’t answer. He was already back asleep, tugging on your nightgown like a little boy. However, you were glad to see him so peaceful again.
It turned out that no man came back the same.
Not even your Buck.
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bubblergoespop · 7 months
My Top Geordi Quotes
geordi come home i swear i’ll treat you better
“Oh. Cute. Hot. There’s a difference. There is a difference, but they’re both. How are they both? That’s not fair, you can’t be both!”
“It’s our bedroom, it’s our bed.”
“Smiling. Pretty smile. Don’t smile at me, that’s not fair.”
“My cutie.”
“It’s not a nickname it’s my full name, yes, it’s from Star Trek, yes, my parents were total nerds hahaha I like the show too, yes, I’m also a total nerd.”
“Nervous? Ya think? That’s a bit of an understatement, hot stranger. “
“Their face goes all soft when they smile.”
“Is this flirting? This feels like mental warfare. It’s kinda hot though.”
“That’s cool. That’s great. That feels good. I like this and I’m having a good time and uhhhh they want my number—”
“Just focus. Just run. Running’s fun, right? Run back to your car. Fast. Very fast. So I can have a panic attack in the comfort of my own home.”
“Have a good day, what am I, a drive thru employee?!”
“I don’t wanna hook up. Well… I mean—“
“Thanks. Oh my god, they kiss me and I say thanks?“
“Fuck they look cute. I love when you look at me like that. That little half smile. Like you can see right through me.”
“I don’t actually know how to play poker. But I sure know how to strip—“
“I’m not normal people. I’m a panicking mess.”
“You give good kisses. Except for that time where you sneezed in the middle of one.”
“I’m dating a crazy person. Oh my god they’re like those people who think they’re really vampires.”
“How did I not know they believe shit like this? They seem so normal!”
“Say… fucking… uh… ‘you asked for it, a whole video devoted to the Rainbow Sponge’!”
“I mean the two of us? Cuddling? Keeping each other warm? It’s scandalous! What’ll the neighbours think? I mean I’m pretty sure I saw your knees the other day, I mean we’re already gonna bring shame to our families at this rate. Oh and fucking on the couch yesterday probably isn’t helping our case either.”
“They come out as a Telepath and my fucking rat brain says ‘oh we don’t get to play video games?’”
“Shut up—! Call me out on it.”
“What are words? Don’t know them never met them. What am I saying? “
“This is a bad idea— This is a really good idea.”
“I don’t have a chance to refine my thoughts into beautiful prose, you just get monkey-brain going—‘You? Me? We fuck now?’”
“We’re gonna fuck— Yes thank you hindbrain. The evolved parts are trying to be at least vaguely romantic— [moan] Nevermind.”
“Why does that song always get stuck in my head?! God, it’s like a soundtrack to my insanity.”
“But it’s more than that. It’s you. It’s you in here with me. Sharing everything. No walls. I don’t have to have walls with you. I’m safe with you. Finally safe.”
“I love you. I’m glad your smile is back.”
“Hell is real and it’s here in this brain.”
“You make this all feel safe. And honest. I didn’t know it could feel like that again. Until I met you.”
“I can’t fix this, but I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I got you. And I’ll hold you as long as you need.”
“Don’t smirk at me like that! But do, cause it’s cute. Rude. But cute.”
“Yeah, I’m all weeetttttt unnhhhh”
“Oh my god. You are a nightmare. My favorite nightmare. “
“Why haven’t we done this before—? Do not encourage them!”
“It’s really fucking hot. It’s also really fucking dangerous! Which is kinda hot… Oh my god why do I like this. “
“Touch me. I don’t care where we are, just touch me, fuck, please.”
“I see how much you struggle with this, and I want you to have peace from all that.”
“I want you to heal.”
“I love you. I loved you then and I love you now. You are worth work and effort.”
“Drinking this really bad bad coffee. [his laugh here brings tears to my eyes] That felt good.”
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kanmom51 · 6 months
JK's birthday 2019
Let's talk about JK's birthday in 2019.
I know it's a long time ago, but I got to thinking about it again and it just filled me with joy. And who am I to deprive you guys of some delusional joy as well? Right?
So, I think I am actually going to start from the end on this one.
JM flying half way across the world, from Paris...
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to be with JK on his birthday only to have to fly out the next morning to Hawaii with Sungwoon.
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And he does this all by surprising JK, who was not expecting him to be there with him, as he knew JM was in Paris, sly JM even sending him a kind of generic happy birthday message from Paris. You know, making sure JK KNOWS that he is still there on the streets of Paris all while JM was already on his way to be with him.
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JM loved to tell us all about it in his Riad live (you know, the one he also told us how happy he was with the surprise birthday celebration JK arranged for him during their concert there, oh and the same one we got him eying his "manager").
There is a link to the live itself in my post as well.
And here you will find screenshots of JM telling the story:
He was so damn proud of himself.
And rightfully so.
He made JK's day.
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Brought him this very special gift too:
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Yeah, let's hear how this wasn't planned why don't we?
Moving on.
Or perhaps moving back would be the proper way of putting it.
All of this happened on JK's birthday itself at night time (JM tells us he arrived back in SK 8-9 pm). But see, JK started off his birthday for us.
Wait. Was it for us? Or more so, was it only for us? Or was it perhaps also meant for that one person that wasn't there on that day. The one person that was in Paris, and whom JK believed was not going to be spending his birthday with him. The one person that flew half way across the world to surprise JK, and he sure did.
I know at this point I could be considered to be reaching a little bit, but hear me out here. Yes, JK was sending Army a message (well a few of them as you will see), but I do think that within those messages (this is something that those two are so good at), he was also sending another message, and it wasn't just for us. Although you could argue that in a sense it was also for us (letting us know who was on his mind at that point in time).
So here we go.
JK posts on Weverse on the eve of his birthday. This is just after midnight, specifically at 00:22 or 12:22 am KST.
This one is clearly for Army (not the one who declares himself to be Army).
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Following that, JK moves on to Twitter, where he tweets twice exactly 40 minutes later. 2 tweets, one minute apart from each other.
First tweet at 1:03 am SKT:
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Let's look at the numbers first before we move on to bigger and better things.
1:03 am 1.9
Just looking at those numbers we can get:
13-10 (1+9)
If we look at the date as 1.9.19 then we have the 13-10 and 1-9 as well. Go figure.
On purpose?
Who knows... maybe if we look into it a little further we will have more facts that can show us either way.
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The caption on JK's first tweet.
Could definitley be meant, once again, for us. Even though he already thanks us for making him happy. But what if this time it wasn't meant specifically for us. I mean, he already thanked us in a long message only 40 minutes earlier. What if the earlier one was for us, and this one here, with the timing of the posting, was meant for a special someone else, who happened to be far away from him.
Perhaps his choice to split his posts, his thanks, was because they were meant for 2 different recipients? Perhaps, this was just like him splitting up his White day live in 2023 into 4 segments. Each one of those segments with a clear purpose and you could also say a specific audience (at least for one of those 4 the intended audience was not us).
Yeah, I know, call me deluded. Call me crazy and call me whatever, but you know, I really don't think it's that far fetched.
And even more so when within a minute he tweets again. This time he uploads his gift - a snippet of his song Decalcomania.
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Captioned: "This... Please look forward to it".
{Side note, we still are even though we will never get the full song seeing that he had deleted it.}
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Are you seeing what I'm seeing here?
Like seriously, how can we miss this? And nope, you can't make up this shit either.
Time stamp on clip:
1: 18 min.
The song is clearly cut off at that time stamp.
This is not a coincidence. Seriously, enough is enough with that excuse. The recurring use of these numbers. 118, Nov 8, again and again and again. Before and after.
This is a clear message JK is sending again
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and again
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and again
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and again
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And lest forget a couple of his latest 8:11's
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And here we have JK, on his birthday, following his tweet only one minute earlier thanking "you" for making him happy. Who he means by "you", well that I'm sure many will assume is his fans. At this point, seeing what came before and definitely what came after, I am easily convinced that it wasn't necessarily that "you", but the "you" that was about to surprise the shit out of him later that day.
So yeah, I'm finding it hard to conclude this is all a coincidence, seeing JM himself told us it's not...
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As for Decalcomania. Well, that one requires a post all of it's own.
One more thing before I go.
JK's 2019 birthday was a big one. It happened when the band were on break. When JM was using this time to travel with friends (not that they didn't spend time together, JK basically tells us that in BV4). A time with a couple of yucky dating rumors. A time of self reflection. This was a break where JK had his hand tattoos done, and surprisingly (NOT) added that very 'inconspicuous' J just above the M after his birthday.
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So yeah, this here my friends, is a hill, or even more so a mountain, that I am climbing up and are pretty confidently willing to die on...
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h-33-s-3-ung · 1 year
Good girl
Jake smut MDNI
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Synopsis: It was your first official time hanging out with your boyfriend alone in his shared dorm. He had planned a whole movie night but it turned out to be much better.
Warnings: virgin reader, virgin Jake, oral sex (f, m receiving). Lmk if I missed something.
Word count ≈2300
💬-Hey Jakey
-sorry I just woke up… what is it?
💬-Guess what…
-You’re with Layla?
💬-unfortunately no.
-But there’s something else!
💬-I don’t know… tell me please.
💬-the boys are all gonna be away tonight. They will come back around 2 am.
-So… I thought you could come over and we can have a movie night! We can go get some snacks at the convenience store down the street and watch a bunch of movies! What do you think? You can even sleep over if you want.
💬-I have to go do some laundry first tho… when do you want me to come over?
💬-Maybe around 9pm? Is that good?
💬-That works for me… okay so I’ll see you tonight. LOVE YOU JAKEY ❤️
You arrive at enhypen’s infamous dorm. It was going to be your first time going there and spending a night alone with Jake. You had five hours with your boyfriend and you couldn’t be more excited. You had already made a list on your phone with all the movies you wanted to watch. You and Jake agreed you wanted tonight to be a horror movie night, so you prepared a few classics.
You walked in the little path leading to the front door and rang the door bell. You heard Jake screaming "Coming!" Accompanied with his loud footsteps indicating he was running to open the door. How adorable.
He opened the door:
"Y/N!" He said happily as you entered the building.
You gave him a long and warm hug while saying:
"I’m so excited for tonight. I made a list on my phone of all the movies we could watch. Not only for tonight but for other nights too."
"Wow! You came prepared! Oh, and I already went to the convenience store. I couldn’t wait so I got you your favorite Candy and chips!" He said showing you the plastic bags happily.
"Omg! You remembered my favorites? You’re so thoughtful thank you Jakey." You said pouting.
"Also I have another surprise. Follow me." He said turning around walking at a fast pace from the excitement. "Look! I made a giant couch from the two couches!"
You could almost see a tail wiggling behind him as he said so. He resembled an excited puppy and you couldn’t resist his cuteness.
"Awn you’re too kind! I’m so excited to start this movie night."
"Let’s get this party started then!" He said plopping himself down on the comfortable couch.
You did the same as him, sighting in relief as you melted in the soft cushion after your long day of endless chores.
"So what’s the movie you want to watch first?" He asked.
"What about nightmare on elm street?" You proposed.
"Ouh yes I’ve been wanting to watch this for the longest time. Let’s gaur!" He said clapping his hands from joy.
And so you started the movie.
An hour later
You were still eating the snacks your precious boyfriend had got for you but you also cuddled him lightly, still a little bit shy as this was the first time watching a scary movie with him.
"You can cuddle me more if you want." He said looking down at you.
You blushed and scooted away a little bit only to rest your head on his lap. His black sweatpants were so soft against your cheek and his lap was surprisingly cosy compared to what you expected, which was a pile of hard muscles from dancing so often.
There was about 40 minutes left to the movie and you started to feel that your boyfriend was moving a lot, seemingly uncomfortable. You sat up and looked at him concerned.
"Are you okay? Am I hurting you? Do you want me to move?" You asked.
The screen became bright and it illuminated your boyfriend’s face, that was now embellished with red as he blushed.
"No please don’t move" he responded sounding exhausted. "I’m okay."
"Okay, if you say so." You said laying back down. This time when your gently placed your head back on his lap, you felt something hard. You thought his thighs were contracted and you thought nothing of it until it twitched.
"Are you sure you’re okay Jakey?" You asked once again.
"Yeah… I’m just… you…" he licked his lips and scoffed before replying frankly: "I’m hard."
You tilted your head in confusion and looked down, realizing what he meant. There was a big bump coming out of his pants. It made your heart skip a beat in excitement as you felt a sensation you had never felt before. You could only describe it as a knot in your throat.
"Do you want to do something about it?" He asked seductively.
"You mean… s-sex?" You responded stuttering.
"Only if you want to tho." He assured you.
"I’ve never done anything with anyone except myself before… I don’t know what to do." You added.
"Don’t worry, I’m a virgin too. I can guide you tho. Do you want to?" He asked.
"Yes!" You responded.
"Alright… let’s just start by kissing a little bit and making you feel comfortable." Your boyfriend said before putting his hand on your jaw and kissing you softly and sensually.
You responded by wrapping a hand around his neck while the other one stayed on his toned abs, sadly covered by his shirt.
You slightly moaned in between kisses as he inserted his tongue in your mouth, making it come in contact with yours. He scoffed and smiled into the kiss, sending shivers down you spine.
His free hand came up from the couch and came in contact with your waist, giving you slight goosebumps. He then slid his hand up and stopped kissing you only to ask: "Can I touch you?" To which you responded by nodding your head.
His hand then went under your shirt. He caressed your waist a little longer before sliding up until he reached your bra. He opened his eyes and stopped kissing you once again to ask you: "can I?" To which you responded saying: "Please." In a whiny voice.
"Good girl." He said.
You moaned at his words making him kiss you even harder than before. He moved your bra to the side before grabbing your boob squeezing it lightly. He felt your nipple harden at the sensation and quickly grabbed your second boob, giving it the same treatment.
"You can touch me too you know." He said almost begging.
You reached your hand under his shirt caressing his abs slightly, making you wet down there.
“Do you want me to teach you how to make me feel good?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"Yes Jake." You replied.
"Okay, so, reach down my pants and grab my cock" He instructed you.
You did as he said. He was so big and his veins were sticking out almost everywhere. You were drooling at the sight. You knew it was big but you never imagined it that big. You gave him a cute look telling him: "what next?"
"Okay…" he continued with a gasp: "You’re going to stroke it slowly but don’t hold it too tight or it will hurt."
You followed his instructions and all he could do in response to your actions was to tilt his head back and moan deeply in pleasure.
"Aah~ that’s it. Y-you’re doing amazing. G-good girl." He moaned.
You only got more excited as his words entered your brain.
"I’m close. Stop I don’t want to cum yet." He said.
He paused, catching his breath before asking you: "Can I make you feel good now?" He proposed.
"Yes please." You begged.
"Alright." He said before making you stand up and exchanging positions with you so that you were laying down and he was on top of you.
He took your shirt off and admired your body for a few minutes before starting to kiss all over it. Starting from your boobs, kissing licking and sucking on them all of that to make you feel comfortable around him. He moved down slowly now kissing your tummy, leaving purple-ish marks all over it. "You’re so hot, baby." He said in between kisses, making you smile and gasp at the sudden praise coming from him.
His head got down to where your pussy was and gave you a look asking for you permission to take your pants off. You smiled and nodded your head giving him your permission to do so. He smiled, gave your stomach one last kiss before curling his fingers under your waistband, pulling your pants down and eventually taking them all off. He paused shortly admiring your underwear. You wore a black see through lace thong that gave him the opportunity to see your folds clearly. "So beautiful." He complimented before taking your underwear off as well, throwing them somewhere in the room.
"Can I?" He asked looking at you.
"Please." You whispered.
He smiled and grabbed under your knees, making them bend into a 45° angle so he could get a good look at your wet folds. He started kissing your inner thigh giving it the same treatment as the rest of your body. He looked at you with doe eyes while doing it, making you smile in admiration of his beautiful face. After a few more minutes he finally attached his lips to your clit, giving it little kisses gradually including his tongue in them making you feel things you never felt before. Your mouth hung open as your eyebrows furrowed. What a sight for your horny boyfriend to admire while tasting you. He kept going for a few more minutes before you stopped him, saying: "I’m also close… I don’t want to cum yet either." He understood and stopped.
"Do you want to ride me?" He asked right away.
"I was about to ask if I could." You responded smiling.
"Okay, I’m gonna sit down. Do you want me to guide you a little?" He asked.
"Yes. I think I know what to do but I’m also not sure." You confessed.
"Don’t worry. I can teach you."
You got on top of him, kissing him trying to calm yourself down before starting your session. He removed his shirt, was about to start and then stopped.
"Wait." Your boyfriend suddenly said, lifting you up and making you sit down.
"What is it?" You asked confused.
"Condom." He simply responded.
"Oh, right" You nodded.
He came back after a few seconds, condom in hand he sat back down, unwrapped it and slowly rolled it down his long and thick shaft.
"Come back here." He said, doing a *come here* motion with his right hand.
You got back on top of him and grabbed his dick putting it close to your entrance. You slowly started moving down on his length. It was quite sore at first and Jake saw your face that indicated it stung a little, so he grabbed your left boob once again and started playing with it and kissing it to distract you from the pain. It eventually distracted you enough to start moving more. His cock now all the way inside of you, making you both moan in pleasure.
"You’re so warm and tight darling. So good." He praised.
He grabbed your ass and guided you as you were riding him. You started moving faster and faster both of you started moaning louder by the second. Your skin was slapping together making wet noises. It bothered you at first but the sensation of Jake being inside of you made you quickly forget the embarrassment.
"Jakey…I-I’m close. I think… I think I’m gonna cum." You moaned, your pussy tightening around your boyfriend’s cock, making his face contort intensely in pleasure as you came all over his thighs.
"I’m cumming to baby,Aah~" he moaned in response as he continued to make you ride him as to make you ride out your orgasm and make him cum in the process. He eventually did so, in the condom before letting go of your ass and laying his head on the cushion. You collapsed on top of him breathing heavily, listening to his heart beat which was pretty relaxing to you.
"That was amazing y/n. Did you like it?" He asked
"Yes yes yes, I loved it. And I love you so much Jakey." You responded pulling him into a warm kiss before getting up from him, cleaning yourself up and getting dressed.
Your boyfriend followed you into the bathroom to clean himself too. He also got dressed and you two sat back down on the couch. Your first movie was now over, but you started a second one and waited for the boys to come back.
A few minutes later you heard the front door open. And the guys were laughing and talking loudly. Jay came into the living room first and screamed: "Oh man! What did you guys do in here?! It smells like sweat!" You looked at each other and burst out laughing. Jay responded by saying: "Don’t tell me you did some nasty business on the couch where heeseung plays video games with Niki all day long…"
Jake only shrugged his shoulder with a grin plastered on his face.
Niki responded: "Heeseung hyung, I love you but I don’t think I’ll be able to play video games with you on the couch anymore.
"Oh me neither Niki, don’t worry." The eldest responded.
Jake looked at you and laughed again. "We’re gonna go to sleep. Good night guys." He said while waving goodbye to the boys.
"No more dirty business! I want to be able to sleep tonight." Sunoo said.
"No worries." You both responded.
You got your and Jake’s bed set, brushed your teeth and cuddled until you both fell asleep from exhaustion.
Here’s jake’s story! I hope you like it. Thank you guys so much for liking my precious fictions!🫶 See you guys soon!❤️
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romancefranaticstay · 6 months
TᑌTOᖇ ᗰE
Category: ♥ Fluff, smut ♥
Teacher!Seungmin x fem!reade!student
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Another day, another time, it sucked. You were a student at the university of Seoul. You were doing great at almost every subject you choosed, exspect... math.
You didn't even know why math was one of your subjects. You never choosed it. You even sended a mail, but you couldn't change now. So you had to survive it this year. Your worst nightmare, you worst fear, *math*.
Your teacher didn't had time to tutor you, so he asked another math-teacher to help you. Today was the day to meet him, after school.
The entire day went very slowly, but atleast your friends were comique so it wasn't to boring. Your teachers were always gossiping about every student. And then they dare to say that we are horrible?! How?
After school you had to stay in your classroom. You were waiting and playing with your pencils. When he wasn't here yet for the past 5 minutes, you decided to walk around the classroom. Just walking and staring at the walls.
Suddenly the door opened and you saw an interesting man walking inside.
'Miss... I/N Y/N?" his eyes widened when he saw you. You were very beautifull, he could not deny.
'Yes, that is me, i am here for you tutoring lessons.'
'You can seat yourself next to me.'
You walked over and seated yourself. The chair hurted your butt, but that does every chair in this university.
'Could you tell me what you don't understand?'
'Everything is much.'
'Yeah i don't know much about math.'
He started with chapter six, because thats the most important chapter. His voice was very soft and it made you relaxed. You could quit understand a bit, but it was very difficult, because maybe this would sound weird... he was extremely hot. You could call him 'smexy'.
You were staring a bit to him. Not really focusing on this theorie of this chapter. His lips were cute, his nose also, but his eyes. You just could stare in them forever.
He saw you watching his face. He actually didn't mind it. You snapped out of you deep-stare.
'I am sorry, i was just wandering into my thoughts, mine apologies.'
'It is okay, this part is not very important.'
He was actually only supposed to teach you for 1 hour, but he taught you for 2 hours. You didn't watch the clock, you loved each other's presence. He could explain everything so well, his voice was so beautiful. For him, 2 hours feels like 10 minutes. Its beautiful; hands turned the page.
Suddenly your alarm went off, and everything was a little disrupted. Seungmin looked at his watch.
'Oops, it's already 8pm, my apologies. I'll give you some papers to work on at home. You have lessons from me every day, so finish these papers by tomorrow if possible.'
'That's probably possible, depending on what tasks I still have to complete from my other teachers. Thank you for this lesson.'
you stood up and started packing everything up.
'I'll see you again tomorrow. Have a nice day!'
He watched you leave the classroom. He never noticed what a beautiful figure you have. He had already seen you walking around, but of course he had never spoken to you. Of course he had never spoken to you before, you are a student and he is a teacher. It is not forbidden, but it is frowned upon. Still, some girls flirted with him, sometimes tried to touch him themselves, but always avoided them. If you flirted with him, he wouldn't avoid it. But you weren't really that romantic, you read a lot of novels, but even when you were little you realized that not everything in the books could be fulfilled.
You and your teacher started to grow a little closer together. You could say that you two formed a friendly bond. Sometimes you got jealous when some girls tried to twist Seungmin around their fingers. But yes, Seungmin also got jealous when boys came to you. You were very beautiful and intelligent, so boys took their chance, even sometimes girls tried to take their chance with you. You didn't always notice that. Your eyes were actually only focused on Seungmin.
You sat in your class and you followed the reading. You sometimes overheard some conversations that were happening in front of you. You were learning about Korean Culture when you suddenly heard Seungmin's name in front of you.
"He's so handsome, could he be that good in bed?" two girls giggled.
You straightened your back and started to lean a little closer.
"He could play with me."
You looked at them as if they were crazy. Seungmin isn't that type of guy. What are they thinking, talking about him like that, aren't they ashamed? Your brow furrowed as you heard their multiple conversations. Deep inside you were burning with jealousy, so many girls wanted to have him. So many girls, some were so beautiful in your eyes. You started to focus on your classes again, but what if... what if Seungmin enjoys all that attention? What if he likes one of those many girls? What if he's... a spicy teacher... if you know what I mean? No, that's not possible, no, Seungmin a spicy teacher? Maybe...
You were walking around the square with one of your friends, just chatting about boys and also the new Arcade. You went through the main hall when you saw a group of girls surrounding Seungmin. They all asked him questions and if he could tutor them. They gave him cookies and so much attention. It made you angry, even though there is absolutely nothing between you and Seungmin. He saw you looking from a distance, he saw anger in your eyes. He turned away from all the girls and came towards you. Why is he coming towards me, you thought. You panicked a bit, he looked so good today. His sleeves were rolled up, his blouse was very tight, his buttons could pop off at any moment. You looked in all directions, your girlfriend looked at you strangely, as if you were a mad dog. You dragged her with you to the girls' toilets.
Seungmin tried to speak to you but it was already too late. Of course he wasn't allowed in the girls' toilets.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lately you started to distance yourself from him. He didn't understand why. He tried to have a conversation with you outside of school, but you avoided him every time. The tutoring sessions were also filled with a kind of tension and not good tension. Sometimes he tried to sit close to you, just to give you some comfort.
He wanted to ask you about it, but he didn't want to bother you with all those questions. At some point he had enough, because he cared about you a lot. He wanted to love you and he would do anything to fix it.
Tutoring was over, and you started packing your things. You wanted to go to the door, but suddenly he blocked you.
“I can't take it anymore Y/N. What did I do wrong? Did I hurt your feelings? Did I accidentally hurt you?'
'What are you talking about?'
"Lately I feel like you're trying to avoid me, have I done something?"
You were quiet. You looked at the ground.
'No nothing.'
He lifted your chin with his index finger.
'Do not lie to me. You can tell me.' '
No, I can't do that.'
'Why not?'
“It's not your fault, it's just…”
you took a deep breath
“all the girls are hanging around you. Flirting with you and for some strange reason it makes me jealous and an-'
he interrupted you by kissing you on the lips. His tongue slid through your mouth. He placed his hand on the back of your head. You opened your mouth wide, giving him all the access. He slid his tongue out of your mouth.
"Does that answer?"
'Don't know.' you teased.
"Maybe you should be a little more clear?"
"Of course princess."
He brought you in for another kiss. This time he held your cheeks with both hands. He stroked it with his thumbs. He made you step back until you bumped into his desk. He opened your legs with his knee. From your mouth his tongue went to your neck. He started licking it like a puppy. You whined softly. You heard him laugh against your neck. His fingers slid into your underwear. He slid between your folds, which were very wet. 'Wet for me? I love that.' He began to gently caress your clit while still sucking on your neck.
You started to position yourself on his desk. He pulled your panties down so he could get a good view. You could see through his pants that he was already hard. You took off his belt and pulled his pants down enough so you could take out his member. He groaned when you started to gently pump his dick. Just to make sure it was hard enough. He positioned himself at your entrance, he began to quietly nestle himself into you.
He held you tight as he slowly started pumping into you. You felt safe with him, his warmth. You heard his heart beat faster. He whispered soft words into your ears, which actually made you more excited. The fact that he was only your tutor two months ago.
His rhythm quickened, so did his breath, his hands felt every part of your body, his hair got wet, his body sweaty, and this all happened in a boring classroom. Your legs were shaking with excitement. Your arms clung to his neck. Everything was perfect, even if you did it on his desk.
"I *kiss* love you so *kiss much, baby."
You brought your two heads closer together.
'You are my soulmate. You are my soul, ohh *kiss* Seungmin, *kiss* what would I do without *kiss* you?'
He kissed you with passion, he kissed you like it was the end, he made sure you knew how much he loved you.
When you both came, he still held you tightly. He looked at you and caressed your cheek.
'That I could love you, as I did just now, is what you call happiness.' 'I feel happy with you.'
Your lips met again, and you devoured each other. You couldn't keep your hands off each other. Everything was perfect at this moment, the atmosphere, the sounds and the one person who could make it all happen: Seungmin.
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literaryavenger · 10 months
Broken - part 5
Summary: You and Bucky keep bonding.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Language. Innocent and broken Bucky. Mentions of Bucky's past and nightmares. A lot of fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.2K
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
A/N: I decided on the ending for this story, and I have only one more chapter to go! Enjoy, the last one will probably come sometime tomorrow. Also, again, it's 4:30 am and I can't help myself lol.
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Spending time with Cassie you couldn’t help but feel better.
The more you have fun and laugh with the little girl, the more you forget about your anger against the team.
It also helps that you spend most of the day away from them, eating lunch with Cassie and Scott, who you didn’t stay mad at for too long. To be fair to him you didn’t even know him when everything happened so you don't blame him too much.
As promised, Bucky comes looking for you as soon as he and Steve get back to the tower, finding you still on Scott's floor while you guys watch Despicable Me inside a huge blanket fort Cassie insisted on building in the middle of the floor of the living room.
Thankfully the other occupants of this floor, Bruce, Thor and Loki, are still in New Asgard. He’s just about to turn around and go back to his room when you notice him.
"Hey Bucky! Where are you going, how did it go?" he looks uncertainly at Scott and his daughter before answering.
"I was just gonna…" he trails off, pointing behind him towards the elevator.
"Nonsense, come here." you tell him, patting the seat next to you in the fort.
He’s a little hesitant, but slowly comes further into the room, sitting on the ground, leaving a little space between you.
You give him a smile that he shyly returns before you hear a little voice clearing her throat, which brings your attention to the little girl on your right. "Yes, Princess Cassie?"
"And who would this be, Queen Y/N?" Bucky’s a little confused by the interaction, but says nothing.
"This is Bucky. What title would you like to give him?" Cassie thinks about it for a second while staring very intently at Bucky, narrowing her eyes at him, and you can’t hide your amusement.
That is, until Cassie suddenly lands on a role for Bucky.
"He should be the King!" she says, looking from him to you a couple of times "You guys look good together." you’re about to say something, when Scott beats you to the punch.
"She’s right, I can see it." he says putting his hands up and looking through them to frame you and Bucky together, clearly much more amused than you are at the situation.
You sigh, knowing you can’t escape this. "Well, what Princess Cassie says goes. I’m sorry, King Bucky, you’re stuck with me now."
You turn to Bucky who's still very confused, and is now also starting to turn slightly pink, so you decide to explain.
"We’re playing make believe. Cassie is the Princess, Scott is the Jester and I’m the Queen. I’m sorry to inform you you’ve been crowned King of the castle." you gesture to the fort with your hands.
"And also Y/N’s husband!" Cassie feel the need to shout, making your head snap to her with wide eyes while Bucky turns even redder, your own face starting to change color now.
"He gets it, Princess." you try not to snap at her, she’s just a kid and doesn’t mean anything by it, but it’s still pretty embarrassing.
You see Scott snickering behind Cassie and glare at him as much as you can trying to go unnoticed by her, but Cassie's attention is on the super soldier now.
"You're going to play with us, right?" she asks him in a  sweet voice, making the biggest puppy eyes you've ever seen. She certainly knows what she's doing.
Bucky, who hasn't said anything until now, doesn't know what to do. He looks at you for help and you give him an encouraging smile.
He then looked at Scott, worried that the man might want Bucky anywhere near his daughter, but Scott simply nods his head with a smile.
Bucky relaxes a bit and turned his attention back to the little girl, trying to find the right thing to say.
"Of course I'll play with you. After all, the Princess’ word is law." Cassie starts giggling at the bow he gives her, and you're almost giddy at seeing this side of Bucky, more relaxed than he's been since he got here.
Granted, it was just a couple of days ago, but he seems to be making a lot of progress really fast, so far, just like Steve said after he hugged you yesterday morning.
You keep watching the movie, then the second one and you get halfway through the third when Maggie comes by to pick up Cassie.
So, with the promise not to finish the movie without her, you and Bucky say goodbye to all three and make your way to your shared floor.
"You were right, she really is adorable." Bucky says with a smile as you get into the elevator.
"I know, it’s pretty hard to stay mad at Scott when he lets me hang out with her." you smile back at him. "So, how did your meeting go?"
You see Bucky tense and feel a little bad. You really didn’t mean to make him uncomfortable, but you were genuinely curious and also wanted to support him. After all you know having a hearing isn’t certainly gonna be easy.
"I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to." You quickly reassure him and he seems to relax and gives you a nod.
When he doesn’t say anything else, you let it go. But Bucky had a question himself.
"Why are you ignoring everyone but me?" you sigh.
You don't blame him for being curious, you yourself are as nosy as they come. Always in a respectful manner, of course.
"I’m mad at them." You simply say. "They selfishly kept a pretty big thing from me. They made me feel bad, knowing they were lying to me. They’re my family, they should trust me more than this. I’ll get over it, eventually, but for now I’m happy avoiding everybody." you shrug. You know it’s kind of childish, but you also don’t care.
"Okay, I understand that… But why are you not avoiding me?" Now you’re confused.
"Why would I avoid you?" he bows his head in shame, not meeting your eyes as you exit the elevator and you already know you’re not going to like his answer.
"I’m the reason it all happened in the first place… it’s all my fault." You can feel the sadness in his voice, you can see he actually feels bad about causing this.
You, on the other hand, don't agree.
"Bucky," you start, stopping right in front of him, forcing him to stop too, looking up and quickly putting his hands on your arms to make sure you don't fall after almost colliding with you. "you can’t blame yourself for other people’s choices. Steve chose to help you, Tony chose to fight it, everybody else chose a side. None of it was on you. You didn’t ask anybody to do anything. So, please, stop feeling guilty."
Bucky looks at you silently for a few moments and you feel like he's searching your face for any hint that you might be lying, that you don't really believe what you were saying.
But he doesn't to find any so he nods and says "I’ll try." with his hands still on your arms and it's like you're suddenly registering just how close he is and how warm his touch is on your skin.
He’s about to say something else, when you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
Bucky drops his hands from you like they burned and you turn around, almost feeling like you got caught doing something wrong when you see Steve and Sam just standing there looking at you two.
Steve has that stupid grin on his face that he doesn’t seem to be able to wipe every time he sees you and Bucky together, but Sam looks more concerned than anything.
"Everything okay here?" he says and you can’t help but roll your eyes at his insinuation that something might be wrong just because you’re alone with Bucky.
You turn back to the brunette super soldier and smile at him "I’m gonna go to my room, I still have some reports to finish. See you later?"
You wait until he nods and then get on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek like this morning, smiling a little more when you back away and see a little pink hue coming back to his face, but with a smile nonetheless.
You turn around and pass the other two men without saying a word, hearing them sigh behind you as you walk away towards your room.
Maybe you’re being a little dramatic, but you don’t feel like forgiving anybody else just yet.
So that’s how you find yourself spending more and more time with Bucky.
It feels like you spent all your free time with each other, only being apart at night and when Bucky joins the team for dinner.
He tried to get out of it multiple times to join you when you would eat in the kitchen of your floor, but Steve insists that it would be better for him to be around the team, even if just for an hour a day, and you fully agree.
That, however, doesn’t stop him from joining you afterwards just so you won't have to eat alone, for which you're grateful.
Initially Bucky's pretty content just following you around like a lost puppy, a fact that Sam and Steve never fail to mention as it amuses them to no end.
But Bucky doesn't care, and neither do you as you enjoy each other’s presence, even in silence.
Bucky likes watching you go about your day, still amazed by everything you do and you like having him near you. It makes you feel safe.
Still, the more time you spent together, the more comfortable he feels around you.
The real turning point comes when one night you open your door to find a disheveled looking Bucky, and you know immediately that him knocking at your door at 3 am meant nothing good.
Which is confirmed when he sniffles and you realize he has tears streaming down his face.
Without saying anything you hold out your hand, which he instantly takes as he lets you guide him inside, shutting the door behind him.
You walk to the bed and sit down, hand still in his and, when he just stands there you tug on it, silently letting him know that it's okay for him to join you.
You expect him to sit next to you as he’s done countless times now while leaving a respectful space between you, always the gentleman.
What you didn’t expect is him crawling into your bed, taking you to lay down with him, and hugging you as tightly as he can without hurting you, his legs also wrapping around yours.
To say you're shocked right now is an understatement. You always made a point to keep physical touch to a minimum when it comes to Bucky, not wanting to do anything to make him uncomfortable.
But here he is, clinging to you like a scared little kid, crying his eyes out with his head buried in the crook your neck.
You wrap your arms around his shaking body, hugging him as tight as he is, rubbing his back to try and soothe him, whispering what you hope are words of encouragement in his ear. 
You stay like that for a while until he finally calms down and stops crying.
You don’t rush him to let go or to talk about it, letting him decide if and when he's ready to talk at all.
After a few minutes of total silence you think the poor guy cried himself to sleep, but he proves you wrong by moving his head away from your neck and placing it on your chest.
You feel him play with your necklace as he starts talking with a quiet voice that reminds you of the first day you met him. "I’m sorry, doll. I didn’t want to bother you, but I didn’t want to be alone and had nowhere else to go." and your heart breaks for him.
"Don’t apologize, Buck. You can always come to me, it doesn’t matter what time it is."
He looks up, looking at you like you hung the moon and stars just for him, and seems like he's about to say something else but thinks better of it, his mouth opening and closing a couple of times.
He settles for giving you a gentle squeeze and moving his head back to lay on you, but you don't need words to know he's grateful for your understanding.
He's seemingly unashamed of the way he's still clinging to you and you’d be lying if you said you mind being so close to him either.
You start running your hand through his hair, which he seems to appreciate, and, after a few more minutes of silence, he starts speaking again.
He tells you about the nightmares he’s been having ever since he escaped Hydra, and that tonight, after a particularly gruesome one, he just couldn’t stand being alone.
He doesn't go into too much detail about the dream but tells you enough for you to want to take a few firearms and track down every single person connected to Hydra so you can put as many bullets in them as you can carry, then light them on fire for good measure.
But, Bucky being your first priority, you stay where you are and try your best to comfort him, eventually changing the subject to keep his mind off the nightmare.
You talk until the sun comes up, birds chirping, but neither of you make a move to get up at any point, eventually falling asleep for a couple of hours in each other’s arms.
Part 6
Taglist: @aesthetic0cherryblossom @buchi91 @sapphirebarnes @ordelixx
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lyrenminth · 3 months
Hello 👋🏻 There's was also a thought about Joe and Y/n: Y/n are dating, but secretly, with rumours having been going around for a long time. Y/n has been modelling for a long time and this is Joe's first time out. And at the end of the show, thinking that nobody sees you, Joe compliments you, but you were caught and had time to take a photo so that you didn't notice it and these photos flew to the net) In the end, Joe posts a picture with you from the trip)
This is a great idea! I hope i made it justice anon
That Paris trip
Runways were a nightmare in events like this were everybody was watching. It wasn't your first rodeo, but you still felt nervous most of the times. Especially now because it was the first time your boyfriend was modeling too.
You never thought you could say that, but Joe was in France and modeling in the same event as you. It was a pleasant surprise, he told you about it in advance, and you could tell the whole thing made him nervous. So you give him a few tips, show him how to walk and he learned pretty fast. You always thought Joe was model material, but he didn't want the attention. His runway was before games, the way to the locker room and that's it.
During all the trip he was in contact with you. He called you before sleep to tell you about his days and any doubt he had about the fashion industry. One day you had breaksfast together so he could ask you more questions and talk about anything, you went for a walk after and you both took pictures of each other.
"I'm glad you have been in this for a long time" he said, sounding tired "It seems pretty intense at times"
You were modeling since a young age, so he trust you more than anyone there. "Yeah, the thing it's you need to have fun. You're going to see how chaotic everything is, but you are lucky because there's not a change in wardrobe so is going to be less chaotic but still chaotic, you know?"
"Chaotic" he repeated.
"Yes, tons of people yelling directions, make up artists losing their cool, designer hurrying up everyone" you recalled, half joking.
"After the show I am going to see you?" he asked hopeful. You had been for one week in France and you didn't have a chance to see him. It was insane if you think about it. The truth was you tried to keep it low for several reasons, the main one was the privacy that comes with it. It was convenient and easy for both. There were rumors flying around but your identity has not been revealed yet.
"For sure. What hotel are you staying at?" he told you the name of the hotel. "Yes, yours is closer somehow"
"I really want to see you, baby" he pleaded. "Me too, Joe" you sighed "I am so proud you are doing this" you said, your voice sounded so emotional.
"I am nervous as fuck but I will be fine" he confessed with a low laugh.
The day of the event.
Brushes, make up, glitter and lots of hair spray. You were using a black transparent dress by Givenchy, and a natural make up that emphasized your cheekbones. Your hair was slick and shiny from all the air spray, your black lips made the look a little bit goth, completely the opposite of your usual style, but that was modeling, a person became a white canvas for the designer.
The show was fine, you modeled around the plaza, enjoying the moment as you usually do. You tried not to look for Joe, but you hoped he would enjoy the moment and himself for a bit.
After the event, you packed your things, and Joe sent your his location. It was easy to find him. You were not all dress up, but he was and it was breathtaking. The black suit fit him perfectly, and the back was a great idea. Justin was with him, but as soon as he saw you he smiled and left. "Bonjour" you said in your poor french accent. "I always knew you were model material, I was right all along" you kissed his cheek and he put and arm around you, bringing you closer. "How it was?" you asked, curious.
"It was good" his answer made you snort.
"Only good?"
"A little bit fast for my liking" he added. He smelled incredibly good. You were aware there was a few people around you, but you did not move his hand from your waist. "I am starving, we should go and eat something" you suggested.
"I am having dinner with Kyle and the boys" he brought your closer, his big hands on your back. "You can come" you would love it, but you felt it was not the moment for it. "Go to my hotel after the dinner, don't you?" you requested. "Room 230"
"Yes, ma'am"
You leave after that, wishing to spend more time with him. And not hiding.
The next day.
Adaman bursted into your room with her cellphone in hand. "Excuse me?" you were having breakfast in your room, your cellphone was charging "Joe Burrow and you? You and Joe Burrow? Bitch since when?" she screamed, surprised and excited. "Why you didn't tell me? There a picture of you all over the internet, he look so in love" she said in a dreamy tone.
Adaman was a hopeless romantic.
Instead of swooning like her, your stomach twisted in a sick sensation. "What picture?" you weren't hungry anymore. She sat next to you a show you a picture of you and Joe, he was grabbing you by the waist, smiling at you face, his look of tenderness made the picture look extremely private. It was funny the distinction between your outfits, you were wearing sports clothes and he was wearing the suit. You were smiling too.
"Oh..." was all you could say "We have been dating for a while?" you phrase it like a question.
"BITCH WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? he's smoking hot, all the girls are losing it" you pressed your lips together. "We want to keep it private" you stated.
"I checked your profile you have won a hundred thousand followers during the night"
Well, that would happen sooner or later. You couldn't hide forever, right? You sight heavily. "Mmm, I think I'm fine, I don't plan to post him anyways"
But Joe had a different idea. The night of that same day, he posted another dump on his instagram. You scrolled until you saw your own side profile on that picture, Joe didn't show his face, but he had an arm around your shoulder, and you were looking at the camera, smiling. The lasy picture it was you, the day you went out to eat breakfast, and you were feeding a pigeon. Thank god your face was partially hidden, and your outfit was cute. It had about four thousand comments of girls posting crying emojis.
You felt...weird. But you love it at the same time. You guess Joe was trying hard to be different as he said.
And it was working.
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
The ninja deserve emotional support animals except they’re them so none of them get a damn dog or something.
Zane has a penguin, he’s lovingly called zaneguin (real name: Peniuella, or Penny) (Penny gets along with Zane’s bird) (he rlly wanted a polar bear. Wu said no) (he waddles with the penguin, bro loves waddling.) (he once waddles over to some villains full penguin style as a on the spot distraction. Cole gave him a lecture about safety and being smart. Zane waddled away right after it was done.)
Kai has a parrot, bro loves his parrot (he’s called parry the parrot and he’s taught him how to scream FIYAAAAA) (Kai is usually the first ninja up for training, so he actually get his parrot to wake the others (Nya) up by putting Parry in their room and getting him to scream their elements.) (its become a common thing to hear ‘WATAHHHHH’ at 6am in the morning) (or ‘GREANNNNNNNN’ or maybe ‘ARTHHHHHH’ in a really deep voice. Cole had nightmares after hearing how deep Parry’s voice can get.)
Lloyd has a ferret, he’s just a ferret kinda guy. He also got a chinchilla soon after cause he got the dust for a dust bath, and then found out ferrets can’t have dust baths (he just wanted a lil guy to have a dust bath with.) (Yeah you heard me, Lloyd does dust baths. He likes the feeling of it.) (he rlly wanted to called his ferret ferry the ferret but Kai already took the joke, he called him Mr Ferrington instead.) (plus his Chinchilla is called Chilly, he loves dressing him up in mini versions of Zane’s gi because of it.)
Nya has two rats, she calls them her babies (don’t insult her rats, she will drown you.) (Jay named one Ratatouille, and as much as she hated the name she had no choice but to keep it, Jay would be sad if she didn’t.) (the other rat is called Rumphly. She thought it sounded sophisticated.) (she lets her rats burrow in her hair.) (she also has to protect everything she owns, her rats chew on everything and anything. Nothing is free from their menacing little mouths.)
Jay has a spider. He’s a lil weirdo like that (its a deadly spider) (he found it in his workshop) (it was 2:54 am and dark) (he almost died from the damn thing) (Pixal almost lost it when Jay literally clung to her begging her not to kill it-sorry, my mistake, her.) (he stays up late at night building stuff and chatting to her and she dances every time Jay goes on an excited ramble.)
Cole has a lizard, and it’s a Chameleon. He named her Lizzy (Kai calls her Queenie.) (he lowkey lost Lizzy on her first day and had a breakdown) (Jay said that defeated the purpose of an emotional support animal) (until at 11pm at night they found out Lizzy was just chilling in Cole’s hair and they just couldn’t tell) (everyone thought Cole was gonna be annoyed, but bro lowkey broke down again because he got emotional about how she clung to him the whole time.) (he got Lizzy because he missed Rocky) (I miss Rocky too)
Morro has a rabbit. Named Chompy (and they’re a ghost) (lowkey Morro has no idea what Chompy is, the lil brat just jumped onto him and went ‘CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP’ and bit him.) (it looks like a rabbit, if oni’s could be rabbits.) (he blames Garmadon, he probably corrupted the damn thing and now he has some weird monstrous rabbit attached to him) (he does like telling Chompy to attack tho. He finds it hilarious when the other ghosts are sent running) (their convos go like ‘No Chompy, you can’t eat my book’ ‘chomp chomp?’ ‘Because i said so.’ ‘Chomp chomp!’ ‘Uh, yes, i can.’ ‘Chomp chomp chomp!!’ ‘Wha-why you little-’) (everyone thinks he’s mentally unstable for thinking he can understand them) (and maybe he is but you can shove it, he deserves to talk to weird monster animals who actually like him, after what ever octopus bull the preeminent pulled)
Skylor has a turtle, she got him from Griffin (he couldn’t take care of him all the time and got busy so he asked Skylor if she’s willing to co-parent) (she had to agree that turtle was giving her puppy eyes) (they love acting like divorcees) (Kai pretends to the new boyfriend who hates the og partner) (the turtle is named Grecko) (Griffin wanted to mess with people who thought he was talking about an actual Gecko when instead he was talking about a turtle named Grecko) (Skylor loved and hated it at the same time) (she calls him Greg.) (she gets Greg to walk small distances over to kids in her restaurant and give them food) (the kids love him.)
Neuro has a mouse, five, to be precise. (Nya got the idea for a rat from Neuro, who has to explain to her the difference between the two.) (he loves letting them hide in random places of his body.) (don’t be surprised when you’re talking to him and a mouse just pops out of his shirts collar.) (he doesn’t even look phased.) (he’s accepted his fate as a climbing tree) (he is also trying to learn how to speak mouse by reading their minds) (its going…somewhere.)
Pixal has her lil robots. She loves mini pix with all her heart thats her baby.
Wu has his damn chicken and his chicken has been around for centuries. Morro also loved the chicken.
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emmatgc · 1 month
Chapter 12- Wonderful World
“I DON'T NEED PROMISES” (Preferably for adults only. A bit of *Smut* is present. This is only for Seon Yul x Soo Hyun shippers)
“Till death do us part” - the lovebirds said. Soo Hyun is happy her ex husband found another love and hopefully, another family of his own. Congratulations, she said to the newly weds. It is a sunny day for a wedding. It took courage for her to attend but it took extra courage for them to attend together, Seon Yul and her. After that lovers spat, where it took both of them in an unspoken truth of fragile feelings, they promised to stay together and avoid secrets, if possible. They both understand the need to protect each other but the year is almost ending, and somehow their little secret, is taking its toll to people around them. They realized it cannot be this way for long. People can see, people talk. In this wedding, people actually did talk..a lot. One guest started it all. “My dear Soo Hyun, how wonderful for you to attend your ex husband’s wedding”, an old lady heavy on make up, probably a friend of the bride as Soo hyun never saw her ever before. All the more weird for her to reply but she did after-all. She smiled and said “yes, thanks”.
It was a tension filled sunny and windy afternoon and Seon Yul is the most uncomfortable of them all. He looks handsome in a tie and suit, perfect for his skin tone and brown eyes. Soo Hyun was breathless when he fetch her to go to the venue. Seon Yul didn’t talk much as he can see the piercing eyes upon him. It didn’t help that most of the guests are from the news channel’s company where in even that the last 6 years of news has been buried, some remembers. They can hear whispers “isn’t that boy the son of the one she murdered? Are they mad?. Every time they hear those words, their intertwined hands grows tighter and they grow closer as if they needed to protect each other from everything and anyone. They are united. Soo Hyun knows she is still a public figure but she is also a private one as she assumed and prefers to be left alone.
Driving her home, Seon Yul was still pretty much silent. He knows going into this relationship, this is bound to happen. His friend warned him “the world is not kind for your love story” he remembers hearing those words. Not only the nightmares are almost haunting him every night now, he hasn’t also told Soo hyun yet. He is avoiding the topic. He doesn’t want to burden her. Soo Hyun said “Im sorry” upon arriving at her home. He caressed softly her face and he in return, put a lock of her hair beyond her ear and replied “I am fine, don’t worry”. They kissed softly and bid each other goodnight and goodbye. 
“You traitor, how can you this to us? How can you love that murderer? She broke our family. She also killed me. What kind of a son are you?” His mom is strangling him in his dream. He woke up, panting and sweating. He can barely sleep 3 hours these days. Last time he dreamt of his uncle and now his mother. There must be a reason why he is having these nightmares after all these years. He wanted to call Soo hyun but its 3am and again, he doesn’t want to burden her with this.  He didn’t sleep after that and waited for the sun to rise and called some friends of his in his past life. He called a detective in charge of the case of his uncle Kim Joon. He wanted to know how is he and last time he heard , not sure that he was applying for a parole. What the detective told him send chills down his spine. “Son, don’t be surprised but in the coming days, his plea for a parole will be heard in court and he might do an interview if he is awarded that parole. They said for good behavior and national security purposes, the President wants to pardon him”. 
Seon Yul dropped his phone in shock. He thought deep. He needs to do something. He walks back and forth in his home , drinks water and walk again, thinking his next moves. It is over, he said but why does he feel unsafe and something is bound to happen again. His mind went straight to Soo Hyun, thinking about her safety. He texted her he has an emergency in the hospital and he has to work early and that he will call her later. He lied. He wanted to visit his uncle in prison. He wants to talk to him. He wants to see him now. 
“I want to see my uncle, Kim Joon” he said to the jail guard. The guard said he will ask first if he is expecting a visitor and when he came back, he opened the door for his entry. In a room, they can only talk behind a wall for his uncle is put in an intensive unit for high crimes unit. He sat down and waited for him. Handcuffed, and smiling he walked towards the glass separating him from Seon Yul and got the phone and said “Hello, Son”. He answered back “I am not your son”. Kim Joon fell from grace after that fateful night when his crimes were exposed 6 years ago. He has small grey hairs now but it seems his face lacks remorse as Seon Yul feels.
“My dear nephew, how are you? I heard you are seeing that woman, for real this time. I didn’t know you liked older women. Crazy. Is it because I took your Mom early?   His blood boiled upon hearing about his mother. He killed her and now he is granted a hearing for leniency? He wanted to punch him and the glass separating him. “What are you up to? , he asked. “ I just wanted to be free. I think I deserved to be free. I have been good and the secrets I hold, I don’t think the government can take it me spilling more”. He seems confident, this arrogant bastard he thought to himself. “Are you afraid I’d come back for your woman, your lover?”. “If you lay a hand on her, I swear will kill you myself!”, he stood up and punch the glass in front of him. The jail guard warned him and said he only has a minute left. “Be careful nephew. She be careful too….and his family”. Then he smirked at Seon Yul and went back to his cell. Seon Yul stood there for awhile to compose himself. This is not happening, again.
Soo Hyun has been staring at her phone all day. She never got a reply from Seon Yul after she said “Ok, I love you and I will see you later”. She was worried when she saw his texts saying “I have an emergency this early morning at the hospital and I’ll be out late. I’ll call you later”. He seems to forget we had a plan to have dinner but of course, she understands works comes first. She just can’t help but be worried afterall this past few weeks he seems agitated and secretive since that fight they had. She was waiting for him to open up and tell her about his nightmares but its been weeks and there was no stories he shared. She feared something is wrong, she knows something is up and he doesn’t want her to know.
It is now 6pm, she is at the orphanage and its been almost 8 hours he hasn’t; contacted her and continued to reject her calls. She is beyond worried. She decided to call his friend, Shi Joon. She asked him if Seon Yul is there. She Joon was surprised “Seon Yul? He filed for leave. He is on leave today until tomorrow I believe, Seon Hyun. I thought he is with you”. She replied, “He is not”. Is everything ok, he asked back? Soo Hyun was confused and behind the call, Shi Joon feels her fear and said “I’ll reach for him, I will update you if J have news”. Thank you is all she can say. Now, she is more than worried, he is terrified where the hell is her boyfriend! “Where are you?” She texted a 5th time. It is now 8 o’clock in the evening. Turning on the TV, and on the news, she dropped the remote control. Her jaw opened and Kim Joon is in the news. He is applying for parole.
This can’t be, she thought. Now she knows why he is acting strange lately, Does he know about this? He is too good to let this be all but a coincidence. The horror is setting in. Kim Joon might go free? Suddenly her fear is tangible. She looked at the kids in her orphanage. She thought of her family, especially her mom. Will he come back for me? to destroy us? She can’t think clearly. She wants to see Seon Yul, that’s all that matters. He is all that matters now. She grabbed her keys and went to his house.  “Seon Yul?”. Seon yul, are you here? She checked his rooms. No plain in sight, He is not here. Was he kidnapped? Is he hurt? Soo Hyun nearly fainted and took a seat. She drank water and told herself to calm down. 
She fell asleep waiting for him and she heard a text. “I am sorry. You must be worried. I am fine. Do not worry”. It is from Seon Yul. This jerk, she said cursing him out loud. She texted back “Where are you?”.  I need time for myself. I want to be alone, Soo Hyun. Please let me be for now. Please, do not be mad, I beg of you”, he replied. Soo Hyun starts to cry and she can’t give up. He must be hurting, she knows him too well. “Tell me where you are right now. Or I swear….you won’t see me again”.  He replied “Maybe it is better that way”. Her heart sighed and tears poured more. She doesn’t want to give up on them. “Ill drive in the middle of the night and will never stop looking for you. Tell me where you are right now, Seon Yul. If you want to protect me, talk to me. I’ll call on my ex husband and we will come looking for you, together”. That should do the trick, she said and it did. Seon Yul smiled a little. She knows how to trigger him just fine. His jealousy is his weakness, she knows. He is just a boy , a forever green boy in love with her. “I am here at the garage where we used to meet and eat”. Without a delay more, she grabbed her keys and drive down there. Soo Hyun didn’t even know it still existed. One detail Seon Yul didn’t share in their relationship, she discovered. She will ask later but for now, his safety is her priority. He is alone and she doesn’t want to make him feel that way, ever again. 
She saw him the same years ago, in a bonfire he created, looking at the stars. Same as that time, too..he had wounds in his knuckles. He must have punched at someone or something. She brought him some food, his favorites. “Hey” she said, coming forward but not too close. He seem distant. He smells wine. She doesn’t want to force her boundaries. He seems preoccupied in his thoughts. She decided to sit beside him. No touching. Just siting near each other and wishing he will talk. “I saw him today. Kim Joon. Sorry, I lied where I was. If you saw the news, it is true. The government might cut a deal for him and may grant him leniency. It sucks. The system is broken.” 
She replied “ We will fight again. We did it once and we will do it again. It is just a possibility. It hasn’t been decided and granted yet”. She wants to touch him but he is too far gone in his eyes and doesn’t even look at her. “Is this my karma? My punishment of taking revenge on you? On being blinded by hate and for a while, accomplice to his evil acts? Or this… now finally he looks at her, “is this…us, frowned upon by the Gods so bad they don’t want us to be together and just be happy?  Is this a curse?  She stood up and went towards him and kneeled before him, capping his face touching him softly, he closed his eyes “Don’t regret us. This is not punishment for us nor for you. He is just a bad, evil man. He took her hand and kissed his knuckles even with the stain of blood and he stood up. He walked away from her and his back against her he said “Maybe, this is it for us. Let us end this. I don’t deserve you. I will only ruin you. Please stay away from me, Soo Hyun.
“Are you breaking up with me? She asked. Why are you doing this? I love you! Don’t push me away. He walked towards the home storage car he has. She grabbed his hand. “Don’t walk away from me, Seon Yul”. 
He raised his voice “Love is not enough! Don’t you see what’s happening, Soo Hyun? He is gonna get that deal and he is going after us, after you!  This is all my fault. I dragged you into this. I went back into your life, forced myself again into your life and for what? For this? Your life and your family’s life is in danger if he walks free. What then? I can’t run away from this. I am cursed. I don’t deserve you or any joy this world can give. So, just listen and let’s stop this. You deserve a peaceful life. Walk away now. Walk away from me, please. Just listen to me this one time”.
His voice is starting to crack. He is starting to cry. He went inside and sat in his bed. Soo Hyun wants to smack him or punch him for being an idiot keeping it all to himself. Does he think she is inadequate for him? She thinks he thinks of her too fragile. She can handle it. She wants him to know that. She went inside and again kneeled down to him. She grabbed his wounded hands and kissed them again. “Just go and leave me” he begged. “I don’t want to. I will only leave if you will say you don’t love and want me anymore. Say it and I’ll walk away…for good, forever. 
Seon Yul looked at her.. deep into her eyes. He sighed. He is breathless in front of her like always. “Of course, I love you. I always have and I always do” but…I don’t want to hurt you, Soo Hyun. Not again. Not ever. And this…this can hurt you, us and your family. It is not fair. She clapped back at him “You know what is unfair? You not trusting me to be there for you. Look at me, I am here. I am not going anywhere. Don’t try to belittle me. I can do this. I am strong, you know that. I can protect you, too. “ 
Tears came down his face. Nobody has said those words for a very long time. “Ill protect you”. It has always been him protecting everything from everyone he loves. “Just tell me what you need, Soon Yul, let me in. I promise I’ll give it to you”.  He brought his hand to her cheeks, “I don’t need promises. I can’t promise you anything either but I just want you to stay. Don’t leave me. I don’t want to be alone, again”. I just want you.
For the 1st time Soo Hyun saw Seon Yul’s darkened eyes with deep devotion and if she is right, lust. She knows that look. It has been a long time since anther man gave her that look. She teased him “You are the one wanting me to leave and let me go” . “You can have me. You always have me”. 
“I know”, he answered. She stood up and when he wanted to stand up, she stopped him. “ Don't. Just sit like that. Don’t move". Confused Seon Yul got stiff and frozen, what is she doing? His mind is topsy turvy. It is only now he realized, Soo Hyun is wearing a skirt. She adjusted something under her skirt, his mind went blank. Soo Hyun now is on his lap. There is always a first time. His legs is about to break. Yet, something is hardening below and Soo Hyun knows it. She kissed Seon Yul and this time, deep and hungrily. She is taking charge. She is taking control. In his ear, she whispered “ So, you still want to let me go and leave?”. He let a small groan and replied “No, I lied. I don’t want you to go. Not ever.”.
Both breathing heavily now. She is feeling intoxicated and wild. She hates him now but she can’t help it, she is in love with him, too it hurts. They are both hurting. But their bodies need this now. The hear is definitely on. This is somehow his punishment. She bit his ear and said “Don’t say those words again. Don’t do this again. It’s not him who will kill me, its you if something happens to you”. Those words made him moan. His first. He knows what she wants now. Its been the thing he wants the most, too. Them, to be as one. Opening his jeans and both eyes locked at each other, full of love, longing and lust now, he grabbed her waist and ran his fingers in her back like his life depends on it, she saw his length and he is ready to take her. She now is ready to be taken. Slowly, she went down and just like that, up and down, she rode him like it’s the last ride of their lives. She looks sexy, hot, beautiful and breathtaking he whispered to her. Gods be damned. The world be damned. This is their world and it is now crushing in. They made love for the 1st time. In an unconventional place and time. But then again, nothing is conventional with their love why start now? Panting and sweating together, they broke from their kisses, Soo Hyun said “Let’s face it all, together. And with another kiss and thrust, he replied, yes, together”.  🔥
NOTE: Whew! I know. A little smut here and there. lol 😉I am extra proud of this chapter and this one is one of my favorites to date. I don't know if you are surprised but I had a good time writing this one towards the end but also a hard time with their story of continued pain. They deserve better and they will have just that. Before the rainbow though, storms are always there. Last 2 Chapters and then epilogue. I am in love with this two! The end is near. Thank you so much for your support!
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gremlintheslut · 1 year
Forever theirs
Chapter 8 sleepy time trouble
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Warning can't be fucked you know whats going on
Not much happened after I woke up. I woke up at around 5:30 which was much later than they wanted me up. We sat down and watched tv for the rest of the day because they didn't want me to get hyper so close to bedtime.
Now here I am lying in our big bed tears of frustration run down my face as I try to think of ways to fall asleep. I can't think of anything. My daddies would know. My mommy would know. But they're asleep and I'm not waking them up. I don't feel tired at all and I begin to think about what will happen in the morning.
They said they'd poured water on dom before what if I finally fall asleep and I wake soaking and cold because I didn't get up? I cover my mouth as sobs wrack through my body. What if they spank me? There was an empty high chair maybe they had someone else before and they killed them.
They're gonna be so mad. "sweetie what's wrong?" I hear rhea ask in a tone I've never heard before. She pulls me towards her and I rest my head on her shoulder and let her hold me. She shushes me and I lay there crying for minutes on end. I finally stop sobbing but tears are flowing and I know my voice will be unsteady.
"tell me what's wrong please?" she says generally worried for me. She wanted to wake up the others but she thought it might have been a nightmare so she decided against it. "I've tried everything I can't sleep please don't be mad," I say expecting her to yell at me or hit me.
But instead, she squeezes me tighter. Not like trying to crush you tight but a soft reassuring tight. "keep trying for me, sweetie. It's okay if you can't and please wake me up if you can't soon" she asks sweetly. I look up at her shocked. She kisses me good night before closing her eyes. The tears finally stop and I rest my head on her chest and close my eyes.
It's easy to relax knowing she won't let me be punished in the morning but there's not a tired bone in my body. I lay there trying for roughly an hour before the tears start again. I tug on rhea's shirt a bit before I hear her speak. "you okay sweetie?" her hand lifting to my face and wiping my tears with her thumb. "can't sleep, mommy" I mumble trying to stop her from hearing the wavering in my voice.
"Why don't we go downstairs and get you a little snack or something?" she says not wanting me to fall asleep sad if I fall asleep at all thinking it might give me nightmares. I nod my head and she picks me up. I wrap my arms and legs around her and hang off the front of her. Of course, she's actually holding my body weight up by holding my thighs but still.
The feeling of being carried is kind of making my eyelids heavy. We make our way down to the kitchen and rhea opens the fridge. She looks down at me as if waiting for an answer. I turn my head and look at the contents of the fridge. I can see the blood pouches Rhea and Dom were drinking before. But, It's also filled with my favorites but I make grabie hands at my favorite of all time as it is out of reach.
Mommy gets it for me and we sit down. I sit happily in her lap eating my food. "are you still sore, baby?" she asks. I blush and look at the corner of the room. After a few seconds of her waiting and me staring out the corner of the room motionless. She reaches down and cups her hand over my pussy before squeezing. I squirm in pain as I was still incredibly sore. "yes" she answers for me and I begin eating again.
Once I'm finished I put my dish/rubbish on the table. Rhea grabs it and puts it away. She starts walking upstairs and I rest my head on her chest and close my eyes. She looks down at me lovingly as we make our way to the bed. She lays down with me. I feel my tiredness slip away but I don't say anything and she falls asleep.
After a few hours of laying there motionless, my tears feel never-ending. At around 4 am and I tug on rhea's shirt again. "still can't sleep, baby?" she asks softly and I shake my head. "I was kinda tired when you were walking around with me" I mumble not wanting to bother her. "I can walk around with you till you fall asleep. Is that what you want mommy to do?" she asks and I nod my head. "yes, please mommy"
She gets out of bed and walks around with me. My eyelids are heavy but I still can't sleep. We hear mumbling and shuffling coming from the bedroom. Rhea stops walking and instead rocks me back and forth. "what are you two doing," Finn asks groggily as he stumbles out of the room.
"she can't sleep so I took her down to have a snack thinking maybe it would tire her just a little so she could sleep but she said me carrying her around was making her tired" rhea responds. "I think she likes being rocked more," he says.
Rhea gives him a questioning look and he points at me. I'm half asleep my eyes are barely open and I'm clearly trying to stay awake so I don't miss anything. Rhea chuckles at my cute face. "close your eyes, Finn's going to bed and I'll go to bed when you have" she says and I listen. I feel someone kiss my head followed by Finn saying good night rhea does the same. "good night mommy, good night daddy" I say putting my head on rhea's chest.
"wait" my head shoots up as I call out to Finn. "tell daddies good night for me," I ask and he smiles at me. "I will," he says turning back around towards the bedroom. I put my head back down and close my eyes. I am completely at peace as my mommy rocks me to sleep.
Thanks for reading love ya-gremlin💗💋💞
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wongyuseokie · 1 year
Buzz Buzz | l.s.m
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Summary: Your boyfriend discovers your sex toys and is now wondering why you need them if you have him, but more importantly, he wants to see what they do to you. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ♕ smut |  ♥ completed works Word Count:  513 words Pairings: Lee Seokmin x Female Reader Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Smut & fluff Content Warnings: Smut, fluff. Kissing. Seokmin is being pouty for a second it's v cute. Smut Warnings: Smut, pussy fingering, use of a sex toy (vibrator). Orgasm. Kissing? A bit of praise. Pet names (kitten, hehehehe) and good girl. 
Authors Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SUNSHINE @the-boy-meets-evil. I adore you endlessly and love you so dearly. Wishing you the most wonderful day ever, and since my love language is attacking, here's a little smutty thing for you 💕 (I'm posting this a little earlier because time difference is a nightmare) 💕 Authors Note 2: Thank you so much to @onlyhuis for beta'ing this ilysm June 💕 Authors Note 3: tagging some other Seokmin fanatics @onlyseokmins @seokgyuu @dkakapizzaboy @cheolism Cross Posted to AO3 © wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved.
“Is that what I think it is?” Seokmin asked, and you groaned, cursing yourself, damn you should have cleaned up before your boyfriend got home, and you were too slow to stop Seokmin as he walked over and grabbed the device. 
“A vibrator in plain sight?” Seokmin teased. 
“Baby, am I not enough?” Seokmin asked with a sad pout. 
“You are, of course, you are. Now can you please give it back?” You whined. 
“Why do you need a vibrator?” Seokmin asked with a pout. 
“Because, my handsome, you are often gone, and I get very needy,” you explained. 
“What do you think of when you use this?” Seokmin asked. 
“What about me?” Seokmin urged. 
“Your thick thighs, how you let me ride them and fall apart on them, your big cock and how it fills me up so deliciously. I also think about how long your fingers are and how they hit every spot that I can’t,” you answered, making Seokmin gulp. 
“I also think about your mouth, your sweet mouth, how you eat me out so good, how you make me cum hard, and how your lovely nose hits my clit every time you eat me out,” you elaborated, making Seokmin groan. 
“You still want to use the vibrator on me, baby?” You asked, and Seokmin nodded furiously, making you smile, as you grabbed Seokmin by his shirt, pulling him into you, and Seokmin pulled you into a kiss and pushed you down onto the bed. Seokmin moved quickly, his one hand moving to your jeans and undoing them. You kicked off your jeans and panties, and Seokmin’s knuckles met with your wet folds. 
“All for me, kitten?” Seokmin mumbled against your lips. 
“Always dripping for you, baby,” you said, pulling away from his kiss. 
Seokmin helped to pull your shirt off and discarded your bra along with it, and stared in awe at your naked form. 
“So fucking beautiful,” he praised as helped you lay down on the bed and started to plant kisses down your body. 
“Pretty,” Seokmin muttered as he moved his mouth along your body. Seokmin ran the vibrator along your folds.
“Fuck!” You gasped, hissing as the cold metal touched your aching cunt, and you let out a yelp as Seokmin pushed two fingers into you and switched on the vibrator. While the vibrator constantly pulsated against your clit. You felt your eyes roll back as he started thrusting his fingers in and out of you.
“Fucking hell,” you whimpered as you grabbed his forearm. 
“Good girl, you take my fingers so well,” Seokmin praised as he saw you fall apart under his touch. You let out whimpers, biting your lips to stop yourself from screaming in pleasure. 
“So, fucking good,” you mewled as you rode out your orgasm. 
“Better than me?” Seokmin asked as he turned off the toy and slowly pulled it out of you. 
“Never better than you,” you mumbled. 
“I’ll let you recover, kitten, and then I’ll show you exactly why a silicone toy can never compare to me.”
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satureja13 · 5 days
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After dinner, the Boys walked over to the Campeggio 'Fattoria di Lama' (= Camsite 'Old Llama Farm'). The nights at Tartosa are still warm and they look forward to their stay here.
Jack noticed that Sai looked worriedly over to the Castle, where they are supposed to meet Ms Coombes and athena tomorrow afternoon. And where they'll have to discuss the loan for their school fees... Jack: "Hey, let's leave the worries for Tomorrow Afternoon Saiwa, hm? It's been a while since we've been here. Let's not taint it with our problems." Saiwa sighed. Jack is right. He shouldn't dim their mood after such a great day, now that they are all happy together again. Uhhh - maybe he can cuddle with Jeb later in their tent! Sai quickened his pace.
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The Boys, the Little Goats and Skully gathered by the fire. Jack started the Tartosa Playlist and Skully sang along. But quietly, to not wake the Little Goats and Kumo, who already fell asleep.
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Jack was hungry - again - and started to roast some Veggie Dogs. Vlad never tasted roasted marshmallows before, since he only learned he can eat real food January this year, so Ji Ho shyly showed him how to do it. They are still far from not being awkward around each other. And it doesn't make it easier they can feel through the Bond how the other feels. None of them wants the other to feel pressured and they want to take it slow. Now, they can finally be together, they want the whole package. Getting to know each other, date... They kissed and woohoed already many times before, but it will all be new for Ji Ho, now that he has his feelings back. And new for Vlad, now that Ji Ho is finally able to love him.
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After Jack munched his third Veggie Dog, Jack and Kiyoshi stood up. Jeb: "Are you going to sleep already?" Jack: "No, since we only have one bathroom here and it's late, my good mate Kiyoshi and I are going to start with showering and brushing teeth so we all get ready before bedtime. It's quicker when we go together and share the bath." Jeb: "Ah, I see." Sai didn't really listen because he was so excited to spend the night with Jeb <3 And poor Ji Ho burned his mouth, the marshmallow was too hot...
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Then it dawned on Sai: "What? You are showering together? I told you we are not going to go down that road again!" Jack: "Tch. What a dirty mind you have. We are mates, Sai, just mates."
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Sai calmed down eventually. If Jack and Kiyoshi can take a shower together, Jeb and him can do that all the more!
Meanwhile, in the bathroom. Jack tried to comb through his hair with his fingers and his hand soon became sandy and sticky. He turned and looked in the mirror to catch a view on the back of his head and he saw his tangled strands. Jack: "Gods - how am I supposed to get all that sand and kelp out of my hair?!"
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Kiyoshi: "Don't worry, I'm going to give you a hand." And then he pulled Jack into the steaming shower. Jack: "Aouwww, you're a true mate!"
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Kiyoshi tried to entangle Jack's strands and remove the sticky kelp. Jack howled: "Ouch! Go easy on me!" Kiyoshi drew back: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm going to use more produce... I'll be careful."
The open bathroom is right next to the fireplace and the others heard a bottle click open and a squeeze. And then Kiyoshi slicking his hands... Kiyoshi: "Come closer and bend down a bit - then it's easier." Jack: "Like so?" Kiyoshi: "Ah, yes. Exactly like so."
Sai: "Do we really want to allow this - eh... mateship of them? What if Jack goes crazy again? I'll never forget the night he had that nightmare and I will never forget when we had to fear for his life when he fell in that coma when he was about to kill Kiyoshi."
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Vlad remembered just too well. Jack is his best friend and he doesn't want him to get hurt again. But he also remembered how Kiyoshi was by his side when he watched over Jack - lying in that pod to keep him alive. And how afraid Kiyoshi was to lose Jack. Jeb pulled them out of their gloomy thoughts: "Kiyoshi won't let Jack get hurt again. He learned his part. And Jack prospered, a lot. They are honest to each other now and care for each other." Our little, naive Ji Ho: "They are mates, just mates."
Jack moaned as Kiyoshi scrubbed his scalp: "Mmmmh - your hands are magic, Kiyoshi..." A little later. Kiyoshi: "Gods, Jack, you have sand everywhere!" Jack squealed and laughed: "That tickles!"
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Finally they finished! Jack looked at Kiyoshi in the mirror and he liked what he saw. He couldn't help to admire Kiyoshi. How beautiful he was. You can totally do that as mates. There's nothing wrong with it. Jack: "I'm glad it's you." Kiyoshi: "Are you happy?" Jack: "So happy. You?" Kiyoshi: "Same."
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After Jack and Kiyoshi returned to the fireplace, Vlad went alone to the shower and then Ji Ho. No need to rush things. They are going to take their time and slowly approximate to each other. And cherish each and every moment. In their own pace. Sai whereas can't wait to finally lose his virginity! He wiggled on his chair, now it's Jeb and his turn to hit the shower. Jeb: "I let you go first. It's an important day tomorrow." Saiwa blinked: "Eh, thank you..." Sai stood up like in trance and shuffled to the shower. Jeb does not want to shower with him... That reminds him of last year when they were in the same situation right here at the campsite! Argh. Nothing changed!
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And when Sai returned, Jeb went to the bathroom. Vlad was still sitting by the fire. They didn't talk and sat quiet for a while. Vlad and Sai share a deep friendship that needs no words and they can sit in silence comfortably. Sai was just planning how he was going to seduce Jeb later in their tent when Vlad called: "Night, Jeb! Take good care of Ji Ho!" Jeb: "Night, you two! Will do!"
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What was that? Jeb taking care of Ji Ho? Sai: "Are you not going to share a tent with Ji Ho?" Vlad: "Gods, no. It's too early. When I lie next to him I can't help myself and think about how beautiful he is and how much I want him." Sai: "And?" Vlad: "The Bond, Sai. He can feel what I feel. Not what I think, of course. But he would feel my arousal, for example. I don't want to frighten him off. We're just at the beginning. And we're going home tomorrow. Means, Ji Ho and I are going to need our strength to teleport the TukTuk and it's going to drain us. And he will get travelsick again. I don't want to stress him further." Sure, Sai knows all that about their Bond - but he never thought about how exhausting this must be, and embarrassing ö.Ö' And then it clicked. If Jeb shares a tent with Ji Ho - Jeb is not going to share a tent with him! Argh! It's even worse than last year!
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And Skully sang:
'Noi, senza dignità, oltre la montagna scopriamo l'amore. Qui, qui senza falsità, noi ci amiamo come la mente non sa. Noi, senza dignità, oltre la montagna scopriamo l'amore. Qui, qui senza falsità, noi ci amiamo come la.
'Without dignity, we find love beyond the mountains. Here, here without falsehood we love each other in a manner not known by the mind.'
Una Notte Speziale - Alice
Until Sai screamed at him to finally shut up...
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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isleofdarkness · 15 days
Rise of Red Doll Review
Putting this under a cut because it's going to be long.
So, I got the Rise of Red singing Red doll NiB (new in box) off of eBay.
First off, the box was impossible. Getting her out was mostly easy, but there were these little plastic things keeping her head in the plastic backing for her head (hard to explain without showing but I didn't think to film the unboxing.) I needed to have my brother get his pocket knife to get her out of the box. Yes, I will acknowledge that Monster High and Ever After High dolls had these same plastic tidbits in the backs of their heads, but they only had two plastic tidbits while Red had three, and there usually wasn't a piece of moulded plastic covering the back half of their heads. She also did not come with a hairbrush, which is kind of irritating, but I guess that's what Barbie does so I'll allow it.
Now for the doll herself
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Her hair is super long. It's long enough to reach the tops of her thighs. It's also crimped kind of like D2 Uma's hair was. She has these weird painted-on edges.
Her face looks like Kylie but not like Kylie, if that makes sense. Like they took Kylie as Red and edited her until she was slightly uncanny valley
Her clothes are a mere one layer, which is kind of to be expected for Descendants dolls. I got the doll with her original punk outfit and am sad to report that it does not have her crest, likely due to the velcro on the back of her jacket.
All of the designs of her jacket are printed on rather than layers, which is also to be expected.
Her shirt is just a bit too short for her high-waisted pants. You can see in the pictures that the holes of her speaker and visible between the hemline of her shirt and the waistline of her pants.
She has a belt with a black heart buckle, but the buckle is also not her crest.
She has chunky bright red platforms that do kind of have her crest if you lift up the leg of her pants to look, but it's a poor excuse for her crest, being solid red, having the lightning strike in the wrong position, and being very hard to see.
Now, for the doll as a doll
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Number one, I scared myself shitless as I was trying to pull off her inconvinient jacket and accidentally pressed the button on her chest, causing her to sing quite loudly. And then I noticed something quite infuriating;
See that? yes, there are two tiny plastic tabs keeping her shirt attached to her pants. So I had to go get the scissors.
Her arms and legs are one-jointed, meaning her has moving hip joints and moving shoulder joints, everything else is fixed. Meaning she is going to struggle to do her epic jumps. A tragedy
The battery can be accessed through a small compartment in her inner left thigh using a small phillip's head screwdriver.
Overall, her design feels very Barbie-esque, which I guess I expected from Mattel.
But, here's my final test of quality
Do other doll clothes fit Red? For this, I used a G1 Mal, Dracubecca wearing Ghoulia's clothes, Legacy Day Briar Beauty, some random Barbie clothes, and Namaari. I was originally going to do more but I got so sick of getting jumpscared by the music that I decided to forgo that idea. Maybe I'll test her against G3 Twyla, Porter Geiss, and generic Cassandra another day.
Test one, Ghoulia's dress (plus a Ghouls Rule Frankie boot)
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Results; Fail. Did not close down the back, was honestly a nightmare to put on due to Red's non-detachable hands
Test two; Briar Beauty's Legacy Day Dress
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Results; Fail. Didn't velcro down the back and also jumpscared myself again trying. Didn't bother with the shoes since MH and EAH shoes are the exact same
Test three; Namaari
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Reults; Partial success. Namaari's clothes were a bit baggy but fit. Her boots, due to Namaari having flat feet and Red having those doll high heel feet, did not fit
Bonus picture of Namaari wearing Red's clothes
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Test four; random Barbie clothes (Fashionista line, I believe she was from the first Fashionista series and petite)
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Results; Success, though I'm not sure if yellow is her colour. Thoughts?
Test five; G1 Mal
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Results; Partial success. Clothes did not fit at all but the boots did fit
Objectively, this doll's quality would be a step down from the G1 Descendants doll quality if not for the dragon Mal I have downstairs, which also has arms in fixed positions. I also do not like how loud her music is. My parents are napping downstairs and I had to hide Red under my pillow every time she went off, because I was genuinely afraid she would wake them. That's how loud she is. Also, I'm skeptical about this doll being thirty dollars retail. EAH dolls were only twenty and far higher quality
If you want clothes for Red, I think petite Fashionista Barbie clothes might be a good bet.
I wish she had a hairbrush
She is not allowed to join my other dolls until that battery is removed
I am happy to have her, don't get me wrong, the multiple jumpscared just put me in a bad mood
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