#by little i mean a couple of weeks at most
aroaceleovaldez · 3 days
What is the PR disaster in question that made Rick announce TSATS? I wasn’t active in the online fandom at that point
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Of course! This was awhile ago so it figures people don't remember it/aren't familiar:
Basically a couple years back (2020) the fandom had some posts circulate discussing the ways different characters in the Riordanverse were written poorly or offensively. There was a masterpost that went around tumblr but the two major points people were particularly focusing on were Piper and Samirah (particularly because Piper had featured prominently again in Trials of Apollo recently and the third MCGA book had further emphasized and discussed Samirah being Muslim, since it was supposed to take place during Ramadan). Basically each had multiple posts breaking down the ways they were depicted incorrectly or offensively. The entire fandom for a little bit was VERY intensely discussing this (and it's around this time the "RR crit" tag got very popularized on tumblr - it did exist before, but suddenly was being used VERY frequently - cause it was that wide-spread - though the discussion took over basically every side of Riordaverse social media on different platforms). People really wanted Rick to respond to these criticisms, so he did!
He made two blog posts, one about Piper and one about Samirah. He has since deleted both so the links are to archived versions. The short version: he essentially tried to justify his poor research and double-down that he hadn't written them offensively, actually, people were just being mean to him. The fandom, of course, reacted poorly to this.
[Further elaborated events under the cut since this got a bit lengthy]
(Fun fact, this all happened within a month or so of the time i posted an open letter on aphobic tropes in the Riordanverse that Rick replied to, and then he immediately followed with announcing that Reyna was intended to be ace-coded [which cause a LOT of fandom debate] before Rick dipped for a couple of weeks, and then came back to post the blog posts in response to Piper and Sam stuff. So I like to jokingly refer to this as "The time I imploded the fandom/drove Rick off of twitter." Twas I that set the house ablaze.)
Rick fully left social media after this and the LT Musical social media manager became Rick's social media manager for the time being.
So this all happened June/July of 2020. Tower of Nero would end up being published in October of 2020 and a few months after that Rick would state that he was done with the series and wouldn't be writing any more series installments involving Percy, and also that he wouldn't be writing a Nico quest following Tower of Nero as it "wasn't his place to" and encouraged the community to write their own versions of Nico's story.
The community continued to circulate the tumblr posts and discuss the topics of Rick's offensive character depictions, and this is also where we see the dramatic shift in how the fandom depicts Piper in fanwork (though in most cases it is admittedly not an improvement 😬) because of all this discussion. This is also around the time when the fandom brought Viria under scrutiny claiming that she was whitewashing Piper as part of the same discussions, through the justification that she was drawing Annabeth as having tan skin (which she does canonically), and if Annabeth has tanner skin then Piper then that's whitewashing Piper? Except they were using completely separate images of not fully rendered Piper art versus Annabeth in dramatic lighting, so it's all very awkward and poor logic, and did actually get kind of racist. A lot of people were calling it "Tannabeth Blackchase" (yeah, i know) or similar and a common sentiment you'd see repeated is "Don't draw Annabeth as having darker skin than Piper, because that's offensive/racist/whitewashing." (Note: it was not phrased "don't draw Piper as having lighter skin than Annabeth" - we also won't get into certain offensive depictions of Native Americans, but I digress). But yeah, the Annabeth stuff in all that did not age well at all.
Anyways, in October of 2021 however Rick would announce that he was co-writing The Sun And The Star - with a lot of heavy emphasis on how Mark Oshiro works as a sensitivity reader, and some false advertising from the official social media that Mark Oshiro was the first time a non-Riordan author would be collaborating on the series (disregarding the ghostwriters completely). One of the big criticisms in the breaking down of issues in Rick's writing was his lack of ever seeking a sensitivity reader, and fans claiming that a sensitivity reader could solve a lot of the problems. This was basically Rick's "look! I totally listened!!!!" (though it did little to actually improve things, based on the book) and in TSATS as well Piper gets a large cameo at the end where the text very directly addresses a lot of points made in criticism of Rick's writing of her.
We also then of course got the CoTG trilogy later, explicitly stated to be for advertising purposes for the show.
So basically, short version: Rick came under scrutiny for a lot of offensive writing within the span of two months, made some bad blog posts doubling down about it, left social media. TOA ends. Rick says he wasn't going to continue the series/write what would become TSATS. Community celebrates the end of of the franchise but also continues to discuss Rick's poor writing and the blog posts at length. Rick suddenly announces TSATS and Mark Oshiro's involvement. Everybody gets distracted from being mad. Show announcement stuff also happens and the discussions peter out.
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hl-obsessed · 3 days
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WARNING! it's a long one - 54 fics listed! 🙈💕✨
✨💎 Lend Me Your Broken Parts by @dizzy-pixie17
(M, 2,4k)It's been five years, but when Lottie doesn't know what else to do to console a hysterical Louis, she calls Harry.
And despite everything, Harry comes.
Look How Well I Play the Bare Truth by Missbeautifullywritten17
(NR, 8,7k) When recently single (to the general public, of course) Harry Styles gets nominated to an Oscar for playing a gay policeman in the 1950s he thinks it is the most wonderful and, at the same time, painful thing it could have happened to him. How is he supposed to say how much Tom and Patrick's story means to him without revealing he is being closeted himself? How is he supposed to go on with his life after receiving the most important award there is for simply playing the bare truth? Well, maybe the rainbow dress he is wearing would be enough of an statement...
Or, the one where Holivia stunt ends, dwd flops and My Policeman gets lots of oscar nominations. Now, it is March 2023, Louis can't be there with him even though his bearding relationship with Eleanor and bbg are already done and he is in the process of coming out himself (apparently, coming out was one thing, but them being a couple... that was perjudicial for their careers and shall remain hidden). So what he does instead is a rbb photocall with the one and only Niall Horan while they watch Harry on the TV screen.
Meanwhile, Harry Styles remembers his past and finds himself on stage with an oscar in hand and, perhaps, his only chance to be free.
Cigarettes and Fuckin’ on the Windowsill by carmelstyle
(NR, 2,4k) Harry comes back from Italy after filming “My Policeman” and stunting. Louis isn’t happy about that last bit.
Or: Sex in front of a window.
Rest in Peace by @stfustucky
(M, 2k) Sometimes, when he looks back on things, there’s a small, angry part of Louis that wishes he’d never met Harry. If he’d just missed that audition, if he’d just stayed in bed, he never would have fallen in love with curly hair and bright green eyes and dimples he’s never gone a day without kissing since. Most times, when he looks back on things, Louis blames himself. The very solar system revolved around Harry and Louis had the closest orbit, flying close enough to feel that warmth in every atom of his body. He should have been paying closer attention, should have opened his eyes and stared into the sun and seen what was happening.
Harry has inoperable brain cancer at the age of 26. Louis watches the love of his life slip away.
guide you home by @nauticalleeds
(G, 0,8k) It’s been a while since Harry’s been able to appreciate the night sky, been a while since his life wasn’t full of hectic schedules and interviews and jet lag. He looks at the sky a little longer, watches the stars blink back at him and thinks about another bright presence he’s been missing.
Taking out his phone from his pocket, he thumbs at his screen to open a new message.
Full moon tonight, he types, and presses send. He keeps the app open, expecting the message to come instantly.
It does.
the peace ring is back in louis' ass? by @greeneyesfriedrice
(E, 1,2k) peace ring adventures with harry and louis! probably not what you expect!
Singing My Name Like Your National Anthem by @letthemusicmoveyou28
(T, 1k) “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Louis just scoffs at that, dismissing Harry quickly yet lovingly in a way that only he has ever seemed to manage. “Good luck getting me to be anywhere else love.”
Harry sighs. “Louis you can’t afford to get sick too. Your album release is next week, you’re booked solid.”
Louis just shrugs. “And if I get sick then we’ll rebook all of it. Or damn it all to Hell for all I care. As much as I want my fans to hear the album, there is nothing more important to me than you.”
✨ Second Time's A Charm by @dizzy-pixie17
(M, 4,7k) “Harry?” Oli Wright said nervously into the phone. “Um… How… how’re you doing?”
Harry’s heart was already picking up speed because there was only one reason Oli ever called him after midnight.
“I’m alright,” Harry answered. “What’s going on? Is it Louis?”
“Uh… yeah,” Oli admitted. “There’s been an accident.”
The one where Harry finds out Louis broke his arm. For the second time in one year.
A Boyfriend for Christmas
(G, 5,5k) Louis' co-worker, Gemma, asks Louis to be her date for Christmas dinner. She needs a fake boyfriend to keep her family from harassing her about her singlehood. Louis adores her, so he doesn't mind helping out--until he meets Gemma's handsome younger brother.
Feeling It Now by @ireallysawanangel
(E, 7k) When Louis hooked up with a hot guy in the bathroom at a music festival, the last thing he was expecting was for that guy to be one of the headlining acts at the festival.
✨ Seal The Deal by @itsnotreal
(NR, 2k) Harry’s been getting Louis Tomlinson’s mail for months, even though he told the mailman that he lived in apartment two and Louis lived in apartment eight.
✨ It's Thursday. Let's Get (un)Dressed by @bananaheathen
(E, 9k) When Louis is peer-pressured into downloading TikTok over the holidays, he fully expects to hate it. And he does hate it. All of it. Well... except for aspiring OOTD influencer, @ harrystyles.
Your Silhouette Over Me by orphan_account
“Alright don’t forget the mission, get Louis laid,” Louis shouted over the music.
“Don’t know who Louis is, but I support it.”
Louis turned towards the contributing voice and saw the bartender leaning in front of him, his elbows resting against the lip of the bar. He had brown hair that fell in loose curls just above his collar bones which were perfectly on show due to the fact that his shirt was unbuttoned halfway down his abdomen. The shirt’s sleeves were cuffed up along his inked bicep and the pattern was something that Louis would expect a dad on vacation to wear, not a young bartender.
“He’s Louis,��� Zayn said, jutting his thumb in Louis’ direction.
The bartender nodded approvingly, “then I definitely support it.”
Or the one where Louis went out one night after work, wanting to get laid, and then ended up meeting a bartender named Harry Styles.
you drive me wild (you know you do) by @missandrogyny
(E, 6,6k) Their management informs them that they have an interview right before the ARIAs, and it isn't until he's in a suit, seated on a couch between Liam and Zayn, that he gets the idea.
The interviewer, Angus, smiles at them, right before the cameras roll on, and a metaphorical light bulb goes off inside Louis' head. He's perfect. Well, not as perfect as Harry, but enough. He's attractive, attractive enough to drive Harry crazy, and he doesn't even think of the consequences of his actions, just decides right then. It's all Harry's fault anyway. Louis should be allowed to have a little fun.
(or: Louis flirts with the Australian interviewers and Harry gets possessive.)
Love In Conversation by @hellolovers13
(T, 4,9k) King Arthur Baking Hotline.
Your bread fell flat. Your cookies crumbled. Who do you turn to? The King Arthur Baker’s Hotline.
Louis has a severe baking breakdown.
Thankfully, he gets help from baking-hotline operator Harry.
✨💎 i've secretly always wanted to be yours (and for you to be mine) by @bottomhaztoplou
(M, 1,6k) Harry has just presented. Louis needs to know that he's okay.
Only you by @germericangirl
(E, 4k) Harry comes home from filming a particularly intimate scene for My Policeman. Louis is jealous, Harry doesn’t understand why. They talk it out, more or less…
✨ Whoever, However by @brooklyn-babylon / @twopoppies
(E, 8,9k) Louis could feel his heart rate pick up as he positioned the camera and Harry slowly stood up. They both knew what came next –– it had been clearly outlined in the advert Harry answered. The studio Louis worked for was filming a new series of camboy videos. Louis’ job was to make it look like amateur porn –– sweaty, sensual, dirty –– but well lit and edited. He was an artist, thank you very much.
Or: Louis has a much better day at work than he’d expected.
home at last by @greeneyesfriedrice
(E, 1,9k) Harry turns, a wide smile on his face. Louis stands in the doorway to their shared bedroom, his right arm held close to his body and in a makeshift sling.
He makes sure not to fully ram into his husband, but it’s been almost one month, so sue him if he’s excited.
Everything by @tommokat
(E, 4,3k) He’s got a job he loves, fans he adores, friends to call on and family to claim. He’s traveled the world, broken records, set new ones. He’s 13 years into a relationship with the love of his life, the man he can’t wait to start a family with. He’s a three-time Grammy award winner getting railed by his husband in the back of a SUV in the middle of LA traffic. He’s got everything. What more could he want?
Post Grammy’s SUV Celebration Sex
Devil in my brain, whispering my name @lunarheslwt
(E, 9k) Or, Louis, a demon, shows Harry, an angel, just how good it can feel to give in to temptation and sin.
Only You, Always by @larryficwriter
(NR, 5,5k) “Hey Haz,” Louis says, tensing because he can tell that something is wrong. Out of the corner of his eye, Louis sees Liam hurriedly busying himself with the Xbox.
Harry walks over to Louis, eerily calm. Louis’ gulp is so loud he’s almost sure that Niall and Zayn could have heard it. He leans down, his breath tickling at Louis’ ear. Honestly, Louis can’t help the shiver that runs down his spine
“Bedroom.” Harry practically growls into Louis’ ear and then he walks away, just as calm.
For a second Louis is frozen. Just the tone of Harry’s voice has Louis twitching in his trousers. Louis knows what’s about to happen, he can just tell. And it is a far cry from the fight that he had been expecting. Louis gulps again, looking over to Liam. The tips of Liam’s ears are flaming and Louis’ about seventy-three percent sure that Liam had heard what Harry had whispered. Liam is specifically avoiding Louis’ gaze. And then it hits him that he should be up; he should be moving.
or how Harry reacted to the "Lilo Kiss" incident
Won't You Please Come Around by @allwaswell16
(M, 5,8k) Harry has lived in London for a month, and so far the only friend he's made is his sister's cat, Mr. Whiskers. When the lock on the window breaks, Mr. Whiskers begins exploring his new neighbourhood a bit too thoroughly and brings back mementos of his escapes.
Or a Valentine's Day story where Harry has a really fit neighbour, and his cat is a thief.
I Hope You Choke (on those words) by @imogenleewriter
(E, 3k) Harry Styles had been head of security for concert venues for over eight years.
Never in his career had he seen a musician as reckless when it came to personal safety as Louis Tomlinson.
After making his job a living nightmare, Harry decided he needs to talk some sense into Louis.
If only there were some way to shut him up.
You Could Give That Aspirin the Headache of Its Life by @letthemusicmoveyou28
(M, 3,6k) Louis had once heard that the chances of being struck by lightning are 1 in 700,000. He wonders now, how those odds compare to randomly being seated next to your ex boyfriend on a 10 hour flight.
Honestly, if the universe is going to insist on ruining his life, he really would have preferred the lightning thing.
(Or the one where Louis is a football player who gets stuck on a flight with his ex-boyfriend Harry. The universe might be conspiring against him, or is it?)
You Can See It with the Lights Out by @larryatendoftheday
(M, 8,6k) In a universe where you know as soon as you meet your soulmate, Harry's been shaking hands his whole career, waiting for the one.
Things Unsaid by @londonfoginacup
(G, 4,4k) Or, where you have a tattoo of the first thought your soulmate has when they see you.
✨ If the world was ending, you'd come over, right? by @enchantedlandcoffee
(T, 6,3k) "Is Harry with you?" Louis blurted out, his free hand tapping anxiously against his knee.
"Yeah. Is Harry with you?"
On any other occasion, Louis knew Niall would have yelled at him for calling in the middle of the night. But Niall must've sensed the urgency in his tone, his voice immediately taking on a lighter touch.
"Yeah. Yeah, he's been staying in the spare room. Why? Do you want me to get him for you?"
"No!" Louis panicked. "Just- check on him please? Make sure he's breathing and everything?"
✨ My Arm Might Be Broken, But I Won't Be Broken Down by @boosbabycakes28
(T, 2,4k) Louis broke his arm for the second time and he is bored out of his mind. He has nothing better to do than mess with his husband.
✨ Together We're the Greatest by @hellolovers13
(E, 4,6k) “How the fuck does this always happen to you?” Louis huffed, pulling Harry's limp body into the half fallen apart car he'd borrowed for this. Well, he didn't intend to give it back, really, but insurance covered theft, did it not? And this thing was basically held together with duct tape and good faith, so really, the former owners should thank him for taking it off their hands.
It's not the first time Louis has to stitch Harry back together, but Louis will make sure it is the last
With the Bomb Lighting by @letthemusicmoveyou28
(E, 4k) “Hey mate, sorry for the delay. Pop divas I swear…”
Harry’s eyes jolt open with record speed and he notes in horror that the man that had been filling his fantasies mere seconds ago is now filling his laptop screen.
“Holy shit, is that your dick?”
(Or the one where Harry is doing Zoom interviews to promote his new album, but his time management skills are lacking. Louis is the writer interviewing Harry for Rolling Stone when he accidentally gets an eye full. They figure it out).
the sweetness of your words knows no bounds in making my heart leap by @bottomhaztoplou
(M, 1,4k) At the end of his heat, Harry writes a letter.
At the beginning of his rut, Louis writes one back.
Meant To Be (Arse First) by BayouSexual
(T, 4,8k) Zayn groans in response, and Louis can hear the slow rustle of his bed sheets in the background. “Is it another ‘you woke up in the back parking lot of a Tesco’s with no pants and I need to come get you before the cops do’ panic or more of a 'I can stay in my bed and lend you an ear’ kind of panic, because I drank a lot more than you did last night, Lou.”
“Uhh,” Louis replies eloquently, “more like an 'I have two giant, blood red handprints on my naked arse, and no, they aren't from a good shag’ kind of panic.”
Or the one where your soulmate mark appears on your body where they first touch you and stays there until they touch you for the first time.
Aka the one where Louis's soulmate must like bums.
Makes Me Feel Alive by @itsnotreal
(E, 8,3k) Louis hated when people came in to get tattooed and couldn’t sit still— bunch of fucking squares is what they were. If only that had been the issue for his newest client.
Completely Oblivious by @itsnotreal
(G, 1k) “Are we dating?” Harry looked very confused.
Louis huffed, “That’s what I’m asking you!”
Or an interaction with a stranger helps these two finally figure their shit out.
✨💎 Your secret's safe with me by @lightwoodsmagic
(M, 7,4k) He knew almost everything about Haz, considered him his best friend. He knew his favourite movies and books, how he liked his coffee, knew how many pets he had and what he was most afraid of. Louis knew how to calm him down when he was panicking, and that he’d lost his virginity to his ex-boyfriend when he was 17. He knew that Haz had curly hair, green eyes, that he was tall and considered himself slightly awkward. He knew his Instagram account that only had aesthetic pictures or ridiculous jokes, but in the all the time that Louis had known him, he’d never learnt, or been allowed to know, Haz’s full name, what he sounded like, or what he looked like.
Louis didn't care.
Or, when Louis' favourite singer comes back and announces he's performing again, him and the rest of his group chat decide to go. When Haz, the man Louis' fallen in love with without meeting him, says that he can't, Louis tries his best to convince him with a drunken phone call, hearing his voice for the first time. It's not until he's at Royal Variety that he swears he can hear it again.
✨ Let The Ocean Worry About Being Blue by @greenblueish
(E, 5,6k) In a society where young adults go through the so-called Colour Test which determines their affiliation to a Colour - Blue, Yellow, Red or Green - and thus where they'll live, work and socialise for the rest of their lives, Harry is finally about to take the Test. Born and raised in Yellow, he met his boyfriend when he was still a teenager - against the government's recommendation. Louis, however, changed from Yellow to Blue two years ago. The problem: Harry needs to receive a Blue Test result as well, because a relationship between two people who live in different Colours is forbidden.
The Touch of Your Hand by @larry-hiatus
(E, 8,2k) Louis has decided to bite the bullet and get himself a dick piercing. He knows it’s going to hurt, but what he doesn’t know is how to calm down when he finds himself on the brink of a panic attack in front of the incredibly attractive piercer, Harry. Luckily, Harry is really sweet and offers to help ease his nerves.
You Don’t Have to Be Lonely Tonight by @neondiamond
(G, 2k) Louis is stuck working the Christmas day shift at the coffee shop. Harry is the sad stranger who comes in to spend the day there.
✨ In Jest by @londonfoginacup
(T, 4,8k) Louis, who smiles at Harry as he reclines in his chair. Louis, whose soulmark is visible thanks to his low-cut top.
Louis, Harry’s soulmate, who seems to either be blissfully ignorant of that fact or maliciously ignoring it.
Harry would really like to know which.
✨ you give me feelings that i adore by @alwaysxlarrie
(T, 7,6k) Harry doesn’t mean to fall in love with Louis’ scent when they first meet after the Alpha joins Harry's study group, but after Harry leaves a sweater behind by accident and it comes back smelling like Louis, he can’t really help it. Nor can he really help continuing to leave his things behind in hopes that Louis will take them home and drench them in his wonderful, mouth-watering scent. He just has to hope Louis will play along.
Or, 5 times Louis scents Harry's things and the 1 time Harry returns the gesture.
We All Scream for Ice Cream by @wishingforloushair
(M, 3,1k) Harry snatched the flyer back off the noticeboard, waving it at Liam. “BJ in your PJs?” he repeated.
“What? I’m not giving you a blowjob, Harry,” Liam said, looking slightly affronted.
“See?” Harry rounded on Niall. “No one thinks of Ben and Jerry’s when they read BJ.”
“Well, they should,” Niall said, snatching the flyer back. “Not everyone is a disgusting heathen like you two.”
“It says BJ in your PJs?” Liam asked, sounding aghast. “On all the flyers?”
“You told me it was catchy!”
When Resident Advisor Liam left his boyfriend Niall, and Niall's roommate Harry in charge of advertising the end of semester ice cream celebration for their hall residents, he should've expected it to end in disaster. Niall created an entirely inappropriate flyer, offering a very different experience than what they were planning to offer. When distributing the flyers, Harry meets Louis, an older student studying Drama, who is far more interested in BJs that doesn't involve Ben and Jerry's.
AKA crack/fluff with a bit of smut, based off of that one viral poster 'BJs in your PJs'
✨💎 Odds Are That We Will Probably Be... by @lululawrence
(NR, 0,6k) From the moment Louis learned no one would survive past the evening, the only thing he knew was that he had to get to Harry.
✨ I Knew From the First Time by @lululawrence
(NR, 6,1k) Or the one where Harry definitely doesn't take a sneaky pic of Louis on the Tube. Absolutely not. (Except maybe he does.)
All You Want's Under Your Nose by @wishingforloushair
(E, 3,5k) Louis decides to treat himself to a new sex toy, but is perplexed when he sees a man in the shop placing each vibrator against the tip of his nose and sneezing. Curiosity gets the better of him, and it turns out the man, Harry, is a sex-god who knows far too much about sex toys and promises Louis that if a vibrator makes him sneeze it will definitely make him come. Of course there's only one way to find out for sure...
On Love's Doorstep by @hellolovers13
(T, 1,6k) Harry Styles: a day in the life
☑ Stuck in a dress
☑ Abandoned by his best friend
☑ Date with hot neighbour
All in all, not the worst day ever
If Life Is a Photograph by @allwaswell16
(T, 2k) Harry gets plucked out of the crowd to take Louis’ crew pic on stage in Guadalajara.
It Was Electric Touch by @allwaswell16
(E, 2,2k) Harry, assistant to The Snuts' manager, has been indulging in fantasies about the headliner and founder of the Away From Home Festival, Louis Tomlinson. He gets the chance to indulge in the real thing at the after party.
Just Two Stars Passing By by QuickedWeen
(E, 5,1k) Harry blew up on TikTok and became a fashion commentator during the pandemic. Now, all of a sudden, big channels are asking him to cover their red carpets and premieres. Somehow he ends up covering arrival fashion for the 2024 Euros, and somehow Louis Tomlinson already knows his name.
A Late Summer Day by @gettingaphdinmomo
(NR, 0,5k) Today
I realized
you are home.
I almost told you
I love you.
Figure This Out by @haztobegood
(E, 2,4k) Louis is everything Harry could have imagined when he’d typed “silver fox enthusiast” into his Grindr profile. Too bad he's probably scared Louis off by giving him too many expensive gifts.
✨ Booked and Busy by @insightfulinsomniac
(E, 9,2k) Booking the Away from Home Festival is the biggest opportunity of Harry’s up-and-coming career to date. It’s just an added bonus that the festival is hosted and headlined by his longtime celebrity crush, world-renowned rockstar Louis Tomlinson.
Despite his excitement, doesn’t expect Louis to watch his set. Or to visit his dressing room ahead of his show to wish him good luck.
Or to flirt with him.
But seeing as this is the most monumental night of Harry’s life to date, he might as well make the most of it.
A fluffy, smutty PWP where Harry performs at AFH 2024 and gets a lot more than he bargained for.
✨ you gave me a ring, lad! by @theeliampayne
(G, 0,2k, Liam & Louis) In which Liam visits Louis at a concert and "give me a ring, lad!" is taken more literally than Louis intended.
like air to me by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(M, 5,3k, Louis/Zayn) Five times Louis’ smoke break brings back memories of Zayn and one time it brings him back to Zayn’s doorstep.
🌿 part 1 (+50k) 🌿 part 2 (30-50k) 🌿 part 3 (10-30k) 🌿
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hugheses · 3 days
Transcript Below
[Dan Rosen] So let's get to that interview we had with Jack Hughes. We talked to him at the Player Media Tour in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Here is our interview with Jack Hughes.
Sean, we're here with the cover star, the cover athlete, one of three cover athletes for EA Sports. You've talked about it. I've read some stuff about it, so I don't want to go too deep into it, but just how cool is that?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, doing it with Quinn and Luke, obviously really special. I think we're the first set of brothers to be on the cover. So I think most NHL guys grew up playing NHL.
So that was definitely a massive honor that, you know, we're lucky to be a part of.
[Shawn Roarke] Have you had fights over the rankings yet? Over your player rankings? Who's got the best one, do you know?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, we know. I think it's in the right order, I'd say, with how last year went. All right.
[Dan Rosen] Do you still play?
[Jack Hughes] I used to when I was in like my third year in the league. I played a lot, honestly, I can't lie.
And then I kind of was like, enough's enough. And I've never been much of a gamer, so. But that one year I played a lot.
[Dan Rosen] So did you play, were you yourself?
[Jack Hughes] No, no, but I did enjoy playing HUT for a while there and grinding that. That was pretty fun. So like that's that's honestly why it's the coolest part, just because, you know, we grew up playing it.
Like that was like coming into the NHL, that was definitely a goal of mine. Like I was like, oh, I would love to be on the cover one day. And then to do it with Quinn and Luke is is even more special.
[Shawn Roarke] This season is going to be special for so many reasons. One, you guys are healthy again. You've added a lot during the offseason.
People are really excited. And you start in Europe.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I mean, the Europe part is definitely exciting. I think the last like week or so has been, I think, like a bit a bit off in the whole hockey world, with the Gaudreau thing. So that's obviously sad, but it's a damper on the season a little bit.
But, you know, once we get going, I think we'll be excited to get to Europe and get the year going. So I think we got a good group. I'm looking forward to get going.
[Dan Rosen] Since you brought it up, I did want to ask you. I mean, he had such an impact on a lot of players. Did he have an impact on you?
[Jack Hughes] No, I can't say I was like a massive fan in terms of like watching him play all the time and stuff. But, you know, I think the, you know, American players like to stick together a good amount. I don't know how other countries are, but I feel like with the U.S.A. hockey guys, there's kind of a brotherhood there where, you know, people play with each other at Worlds or All-Star games, whatever it may be. So, you know, I played with him at Worlds, played with him in an All-Star game. And obviously I know a lot of people that were close to him. So just a sad thing for for the whole family.
[Shawn Roarke] One of Johnny's great achievements, among many, was Team North America's leading scorer for that team. You were a little bit behind that. I'm curious what your thoughts were in watching it and what you think the legacy of that team is when you think about all the players that were on that team and how great they all ended up being.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I mean, I didn't even know he led that team in points. You know, I remember him from World Juniors when he was overseas and they won gold medal. I think Seth Jones was the captain.
So that was like the first memory I have of watching him play. But yeah, that North American team was pretty crazy. You know, I was I was a young guy then.
I was like 14 or 15. So watching that was pretty, pretty crazy seeing where all those guys are now and that they're all on one team.
[Dan Rosen] Flipping it back to you guys and your team and yourself. I mean, Sean touched on it. I mean, the additions are notable.
Markstrom, Pesci, Dillon, Dougie's back. Dougie Hamilton's back. You're healthy.
I would imagine you're healthy after shoulder surgery. Are you good to go?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I feel good and excited going into the year, you know, feel feel like my body's in a really good spot. And with how the season went last year, you know, pretty frustrating with, you know, just personally not playing. And, you know, the team really performing not how we were supposed to.
So I think we got to definitely a rejuvenated squad with with new players and new coaching staff and, you know, the guys that were there. We're excited to, you know, get back to where we were two years ago.
[Dan Rosen] Because of the additions, because of the health factor right now and the optimism everybody has going into a season, does it feel for you that this team can make last year just a blip and really what it is is more of what you were two years ago?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, it's I mean, at the end of the day, I think I don't know if it's a blip. I think we we underperformed big time last year. And that's that's on us.
And that's something we're going to have to, you know, remember heading into this year, but it's a learning curve. And we're a group that's going to be hungry going into this year. But like I said, we got a lot of new faces and a new coaching staff.
So a lot of new things going on in New Jersey. So camp will be important. You know, we'll be excited to go for the season.
[Shawn Roarke] You've done Europe once before with so many new players. How important is that trip going to be to bring everybody in and have that bonding experience?
[Jack Hughes] Uh, yeah, it'll be big, you know. I don't know if it'll be like like life or death, but, you know, it'll be good for the guys in the team that, you know, have kids and stuff and all the new guys to kind of get acquainted with the group. And I think we have a really welcoming locker room to start with.
So I don't think it'll be too hard for anyone to fit in. But, you know, for us to go overseas for about a week there and, you know, just be with the guys and just the boys and being able to be a team, that'll be pretty important for us. And I think an exciting time for our whole group.
[Dan Rosen] Obviously, Sheldon Keefe being the new coach, too, very helpful for him getting over there with you guys as well. What have you gotten from him so far? I'm sure you've talked to him a few times.
Like, what's the the vibe you get and the, you know, the conversation's been like?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I've had a few good talks with him. Haven't spoken to him face to face yet. So looking forward to do that.
But, you know, I watch the Leafs a lot. I watch how they play. And, you know, I'm really looking forward to just picking his brain.
You know, developing a relationship where, you know, I understand what he's doing and he understands the kind of person I am and the player I am. So I'm excited to get that going.
[Shawn Roarke] Last year, obviously, goaltending was one of the issues you've had. Tom addressed it. How important is that going into a season when you know that you have two NHL goaltenders on your roster that have proven what they can do in this league?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I mean, it's hard to just use the goalies as a scapegoat for last year. I think that was like a minor problem to what we had. You know, we had obviously we dealt with a lot of injuries.
We lost some good pieces. And at the end of the day, we were kind of just a looser group. Not as hard to play against.
And, you know, we gave up too many chances and we just thought we could probably outscore teams, you know. So it worked for us in the past. And last year we got sloppy, I'd say.
So obviously we are good goalies. We're excited for Marky and Allen to be with our group this year. But I think the root of the problem is just how we played as a team.
And hopefully we can clean that up for this year.
[Dan Rosen] So do you want to forget about last season and move on from it? Or does it serve as a useful tool?
[Jack Hughes] I mean, I don't think you can forget about any season, you know. I mean, it's still my fifth year in the league. I'm always going to look back on it and be like, that was an up and down season.
And, you know, our team underperformed. But that should be something that helps us in the future, you know. I think a lot of people expected us to be a playoff team for good after we made the playoffs the one year.
And, you know, we took a step back. But that just means we'll be a hungrier group and, you know, a more focused group going into the season.
[Dan Rosen] Dougie Hamilton's back too. And you didn't have him for really almost the whole season. I mean, it was a long time that he missed.
He plays such a vital role for you guys. The impact that he makes when he's on the ice. I wonder if you could just describe it.
What he does to help you guys with the role that he plays.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, I mean, we brought in Luke and Nemec who both had great years. And, you know, they're going to be massive parts of our future here. But at the end of the day, Dougie did have 74 points.
So it's hard to replace 22 goals and 74 points or whatever he had. And, you know, he's got that big shot on the back end. And just another threat.
I think if we can go into a game with Luke and Dougie and these guys coming off from the back end, you know, it's pretty dangerous. Just being able to hit these guys late and create chances off the rush. So I think Dougie just adds another layer to our game where we're a little more dangerous.
More offense on the back end where we can kind of not just roll them over as one line. But, you know, we throw Luke over one line and we roll him over. Then we throw Dougie on and then we throw Nemec.
You know, that's pretty good for offensive defensemen. So that'll be pretty good for our group.
[Shawn Roarke] He's such an interesting guy, Dougie Hamilton. Ton of different interests. He did that video when you guys had not your schedule, which he was hilarious.
And I'm curious what he does for your team in the locker room and off the ice.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, Dougie, I didn't even see that video. I don't even know what you're talking about. But Dougie's a super nice guy.
Really, really nice guy. Honestly, you know, not a bad bone in his body. So he's definitely not the loudest guy or, you know, the best, the biggest leader in the group.
But, you know, I think he's a guy that most guys in the team can go talk to and have a good combo with. And he's a really caring and nice guy. So not having him around was definitely different last year.
And, you know, be nice to him back in the locker room.
[Dan Rosen] All right, the big question. What's Luke's living situation? Is he living with you again?
Or is he getting his own place?
[Jack Hughes] Just under my wing. No, but we're going to live together again.
[Dan Rosen] Yeah.
[Jack Hughes] I don't see why we…
[Dan Rosen] Why not, right?
[Jack Hughes] We wouldn't.
Like, why wouldn't you want to live with your bro?
[Dan Rosen] Yeah. Is he a good roommate?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah, he's good. I mean, he's my brother. It's not like I'm, like, all over him.
Like, I lived with him my whole life. So now he just happens to be way bigger and even messier. But he's a good roommate.
[Shawn Roarke] Well, I was going to say the dynamic changes, right? Without parents around enforcing discipline and everything else. You guys have to do that among yourselves.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah. I mean, I can't say I'm busting him about, you know, things. I'm just letting him do his thing.
So he's doing okay.
[Dan Rosen] He really has come along. What did you see from him last year in terms of his growth and the impact that he made in his first full season and what he can now be?
[Jack Hughes] Yeah. I mean, I think something that's, you know, not spoken about enough is the fact he played all 82 games. You know, that's, in my mind, that's really impressive going from college.
And, you know, I think when kids leave college, they're always talking about how they'll adjust to the pros playing 40 games to go on to play 82. And, you know, Luke played 82 hockey games. And I think that's really impressive.
And then on top of that, you know, he had a good season offensively. He's just going to continue to grow his game. You know, I think he's different than Quinn in terms of he's bigger, he defends better.
And I just think Luke will be a hell of a player. But, you know, I think the product we see at 21 is going to be a lot different than 25. But I think with the way he's trending, we're going to have a hell of a player this season.
And the season's coming ahead, the same thing.
[Shawn Roarke] You talked about doing the EA cover with your two brothers. Did you guys spend any time this summer talking about the Four Nations and the opportunity that sits there in a couple of months to do something very similar and very notable as a family?
[Jack Hughes] Honestly, not really. The three of us live together in our house and we didn't even… I don't think we talked about that once.
You know, I don't know if we really talked about that. But we were definitely excited for Quinn when he got named to that team. And then regarding me and Luke, we just want to put our best foot forward and we'll see where it goes.
[Dan Rosen] I did have one last question for you. We recently talked with Macklin Celebrini. Number one draft pick coming into the league.
Any advice for him?
[Jack Hughes] No, he'll be just okay. You know, he's a really good kid and a really good player. So I honestly haven't tuned into a Sharks game in a long time.
But I'm going to be keeping tabs on Mack for sure.
[Shawn Roarke] I have to ask you one last question too. This is the 20th year that Sidney Crosby is going to be playing in the league. Do you have a favorite Crosby memory?
[Jack Hughes] I think like growing up, I used to… He had a movie when he went in like 2009 when they were in that cup run against the Wings. And it was the year they played the Winter Classic.
So I grew up, me and my brothers, we watched that movie in Miracle on Ice like hundreds of times. It was like, I think it was called Sidney Crosby on the ice and beyond. And probably the Winter Classic shootout goal.
Like that's a classic Sid moment. I'm sure if you're a Canadian, it's got to be his Olympic gold medal. Yeah.
But I hate seeing that. But…
[Shawn Roarke] All three of us hate seeing that. And two of us saw it live and we really hated it.
[Jack Hughes] 20 years is crazy though because he was like Sid the Kid. And now he's like in his 20th year. Like that's pretty crazy.
[Shawn Roarke] Him and Ovi both.
[Jack Hughes] Yeah. Wow.
[Dan Rosen] Yeah. You'll get there one day. Jack, thanks so much, man.
Really appreciate it. All right.
[Jack Hughes] Yep.
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doctorbunny · 15 hours
MILGRAM x Karatez Interrogation Questions
Disclaimer: Weather-cluddy (and Maristelina) already translated these, I am not so filled with hubris that I think my work is better than theirs This is just me doing a favour for a friend who was bothered by the formatting/image quality of the original post That said, repackaging other people's work wholesale is a bit weird so these are my translations (yes I am procrastinating the hallucenation stuff but I promise I've started working on it)
Do you have any memories of karaoke?
Haruka: I feel like I went when I was really little I remember hearing my parents singing I want to try going with everyone
Yuno: I use them a bunch! I do things like going singing with my friends, as well as for some other stuff* Could you set it up for us in the prison? [Karaoke rooms are cheap, private and soundproof meaning a lot of people use them for 'hook ups', I'm pretty sure you're not meant to use them for that though, I wonder if the sponsor was aware Yuno was one of those people]
Fuuta: I only went around the time I started uni and was doing new student stuff But I stopped going not long after
Muu: I've been a couple times But most of the time I just end up chatting with my friends
Shidou: My family used to go Although I'd usually just be there listening to them
Mahiru: I feel like it'd be a good first date, wouldn't it? Then I could learn what my partner's favourite songs are... What kind of music do you listen to?
Kazui: I'd go there for stuff like drinking afterparties, y'know Drunk old men* really like singing, don't they? Recently the food's also really good, hasn't it? [*Kazui's favourite word ojisan lol]
Amane: I don't You can't have memories of something if you never went
Mikoto: Back in uni it was a godsend, I'd go almost every week I'm pretty confident in my ability to liven up karaoke Because I mastered the songs that everyone enjoys [Mikoto uses 'boku']
Kotoko: I've used them a lot before They're the most affordable kind of private room So they're really convenient when you don't want your conversations overheard
Images/Transcript below the cut
ハルカ:ちいさいときに行ったきがします おやがうたっているの聞いてたとおもいます みんなと行ってみたいです [Image source: moibakadesu]
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ユノ:よく使うよ 友達と歌いに行くのもあるし、他にも色々 監獄の中にも作ってくれるの? [Image source: K-Books]
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フウタ:大学入ったばっかりときは新歓とかで行ったけど そのうち行かなくなったな [Image source: K-Books]
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ムウ:たまに行くよ ムウ場合はほとんど友達とおしゃべりしてる [Image source: K-Books]
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シドウ:家族で行きましたよ 俺は大抵聴いているだけですけど [Image source: K-Books]
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マヒル:付きあいたてのデートって感じがしていいよね 相手のお好みの曲覚えたりして… あなたはどんな曲聴くの? [Image source*: Weather-Cluddy, but this image also appears on an earlier DCinside post with a different crop, so I think it's taken from a now deleted source and I couldn't find any other images]
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カズイ:飲みの二次会とかで行くねぇ 酔っ払ったおじさんは歌いたがるもんなのさ 最近はご飯もちゃんと旨いからいいよね [Image source: melsie]
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アマネ:ありませんね 行ったこともので思い出などあるはずもありません [Image source*: Similar situation to Mahiru where the earliest source is Weather-Cluddy/the DCinside post but I can't find any other images/their sources]
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ミコト:そりゃもう大学時代なんてほぼ毎週お世話になってたよ カラオケの盛り上げ方なら相当自信あるよ、僕 老若男女の喜ぶ曲マスターしてるからね [Image source: K-Books]
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コトコ:よく使ってたよ 一番手頃な個室だから 聞かれたくない話をするには重宝する [Image source: K-Books]
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*if anyone could provide better quality/sourced images I would appreciate it
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dullgecko · 2 days
Fabian asks Riz out to senior prom.
Not really romantically, and the main reason was that too many lovestruck underclassmen were asking Fabian to go with them or slipping flowers into his locker (I mean cmon hes the the fit, half-elf, wealthy pirate that dances like an angel, who wouldn't do this).
The attention is stifling, which is saying a lot considering he's the most flamboyant attention seeker in school. Anyway he gets mobbed two weeks before prom and pressured into giving an answer, and even though he was planning on going alone, Fabian panicked, and the first thing he thinks to say is: "Sorry, I'm going with the Ball."
Well great. Now he's gotta ask his asexual best friend to a goddamn formal dance.
He tracks Riz down after school, the goblin chatting with Kristen and the other student council members about something Fabian was sure was VERY boring and unimportant. Waving the goblin over to himself when he was noticed and waiting for him to finish his conversation.
"The Ball, excellent. All done with your... stuff?" Fabian tried to affect a casual tone, leaning on the lockers beside himself before realising how awkward it looked and standing back up straight.
"Yeah just lots of logistics left to do before the dance, only got a couple weeks before it kicks off so we need to get it all sorted soon." The rogue ran his hands through his hair, a little stressed, knocking his glasses askew slightly as he stared at the notebook in his hand. Fabian taking the oportunity to crouch closer to his eye-level under the pretense of fixing it for him so that he wouldnt be overheard by anyone still milling about the coridors.
"Ah, of course. SPEAKING of he formal-" Excellent segue Seacaster, you're doing such a good job of being casual about this. "Have you perhaps found anyone to go with yet?"
"Me?" Riz laughed, turning his head up to let Fabian try to level out his glasses and snorting when he also tried to fix his messed up hair. "No? I was kind of just planning on volunteering to check tickets and bounce once everyone was inside."
"Oh. Fantastic. That means you haven't volunteered yet." Fabian flattened out Riz's hair before thinking better of it and messing it up a little more artfully than it had been before and leaving it at that. Removing is hands but remaining crouched so Riz didn't have to look up at him while talking.
"I was wondering if you'd perhaps like to go with me?"
It took the goblin a couple seconds to process what he said, one ear drooping down in an expression of pure confusion before they both perked up. Riz beaming at him and waveing his tail behind him with an expression of pure joy.
"What like... as your date? Yeah! I've never been asked to prom by anyone before."
"Well yes." Fabian stood back up, dusting off his pants and mentally patting himself on the back for a job well done. Not awkward at all, The Ball was ALWAYS happy to hang out with him when asked. "That's a big help. I've been absoloutly mobbed by underclassmen this week and I may have told one of them I was taking you. I hope you don't mind."
Riz's expression faltered a bit, tail slowing in its happy waving as he thought about what Fabian just said. "Wait... you're asking me to come to Prom with you because the underclassmen were annoying you?"
"Yes, I paniced when they asked who I was going with and I figured you probably didn't have a date. Probably more fun to go with someone as friends anyway."
"Oh... as friends. Yeah, we can go as friends." His tail stopped completely, settling into a neautral position behind him. Hand coming up to wipe at one of his eyes under his glasses before he took them off completely. Heel of his palm swiping at the corner of his eye as it started watering. "Ah fuck, sorry. Um, eyelash in my eye need a mirror. Gotta go. I'll talk to you later yeah?"
Fabian gave him a friendly wave as the rogue literally dashed in the direction of the closest bathroom. Kristen finally coming over from where she'd been TOTALLY not evesdropping further down the hallway and startling him by grabbing him by the shoulders and giving him a rough shake.
"Yooooou idiot. You have fucked UP." Kristen gave Fabian another rough shake "WHY? Why would you confirm its a date then backpedal into going as friends and only because your other options were annoying you. Gods help me you're dumb."
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cheeseboi420 · 2 days
Of A Feather - Chapter One Preview
A/N: hi everybody!!! I am super duper stoked to present u all with the first 2k words of Of A Feather, aka the "what if Jason's bio mom didnt SUCK" fic. Im hoping to have the full chapter ready for publishing in the next week or two! Big thanks to everyone who's talked to me abt this fic so far, and an ESPECIALLY big thanks to @jayladfanpage for basically being my jaybin encyclopedia while i work my way through this fic!!! This warning will be more applicable in future chapters but it should be noted that this fic is NOT canon compliant and does significantly change/recontextualize a couple things about Jason's background, but you the audience get to find out about all that in real time alongside Jason lmao!! Anyways, without further adieu, please enjoy this preview ❤️
TW: mentions of drug use, teen pregnancy, allusions to underage sex
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You expect this evening to play out like the one before it. And the one before that. And the one before that. Your routine hasn't changed in the last 13 years. Why should it? It serves you well enough, keeps you alive and… Well, that's about all it does for you. Not that you're looking for more! For the most part, you are… content, maybe isn't the correct word. Complacent fits a little better, but still isn't wholly accurate. You're content in the knowledge that your boy is safe and loved, somewhere far away from the trouble that chases you. You're complacent in your own quiet misery. The longing and loneliness had been a bitter pill to swallow those first few years of running, but after this long you've learned not to complain. God knows no one would listen if you did.
You've got a shitty box pizza in the oven. This will be your dinner, tomorrow's breakfast, and tomorrow's dinner. You won't particularly enjoy any of the meals, but they'll sustain you well enough. These days, food brings you little, if any joy. Meal times are a chore to slog through before the distraction that work brings or the sweet embrace of sleep. You look forward to, more than anything, going to bed. Not because you're tired (though there is a bone deep weariness that permeates- that no amount of rest could ever fix) but because bed means sleep, and sleep means dreams, and dreams mean a chance to hold your baby again.
You don't dream of Jason every night, but every morning, you wake thinking of him. Is he still asleep right now? Having breakfast? Is he eating well? Is he happy? Is he happy? Is he happy?
By the time you push your way through breakfast most mornings the cacophony of thoughts revolving around your son quiets to a dull roar in the back of your mind. It's better that way, you think. If you thought about him as much as your mind seemed to want you to, you'd never get anything done.
Life carries on, you suppose. However dreary and dull that life may be.
At one time you'd found the whole thing very exciting- though not in a particularly enjoyable way. The adrenaline rush has worn off over the years, no longer do you feel as though death is nipping at your heels. The paranoia never fades though. Even if your doom does not cast a shadow over you, you're always looking over your shoulder, always ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble.
You keep a bag packed and ready in the closet by the front door for when you have to leave this place, too. Though, you think it's buried under a winter jacket and your spare blankets. You really ought to dig it out, keep it easily accessible. You should do that but… it's been a long day. You want to eat your shitty pizza, lay down on your futon, and let the sound of tv static fill your studio apartment, lulling you to sleep.
You're getting too comfortable here, you think. You've lived in Michigan for nearly a year now. It is simultaneously entirely too close to and entirely too far from Gotham. The apartment itself was a godsend after spending most of your time sleeping in cars, tents, whatever unfortunate business was willing to employ you, anywhere you could, really- sure it has bugs, and the windows don't close all the way, and you're fairly certain it'll only take one more bad winter storm for the place to come crumbling down, but rent is dirt cheap, and the slumlord you rent from didn't ask for any ID when you signed your ‘lease.’ You're fairly certain that thing's not legally binding anyways- it was written on a cocktail napkin for Christ's sake. That didn't stop you from using a fake name when signing it. You can never be too careful.
You haven't seen your landlord since you moved in anyways. You don't ask for maintenance when things break, you fix them yourself or just learn to live with them broken. You deliver your rent by slipping a cash stuffed envelope with your name (your fake name, the one you signed your lease with, the one you use at work, the one you'd use at coffee shops if you ever went to any) on it through the slot in the office door. You do your best to be invisible. You don't cause problems, and you don't go out of your way to fix them for others. You make no friends or enemies. You've left no impact on the many places you've been, the cities you've drifted through.
The only evidence you've gone anywhere at all in your life is a stack of postcards, held together with a worn rubber band, sitting at the bottom of your go-bag. The only evidence of a life lived before that is in a similarly bound stack of polaroids, held together with a too-small paperclip. Every now and then, you'll buy a bottle of cheap wine to chug as you pour over the old photographs. Only when you leave for a new city do you dare to touch the stack of unsent postcards.
You can't bear to look at the photos too often, a painful reminder of your own failings. A reminder of the stupid, reckless little girl you'd been and the shell of a woman you'd become in the aftermath.
Girls like you'd been were a dime a dozen in Crime Alley. Really, you weren't even a particularly special or severe case. Sure, you did drugs, but you weren't on crack. You were just a bit of a stoner! Sure you'd been sixteen and pregnant, without the slightest idea which of your former paramours had knocked you up- but it was all above board, really! None of those men had forced you to do anything. In fact, you sought them out of your own volition for all sorts of reasons. Attention, cheap affection, cheaper drugs, something to do, somewhere to go when the home you'd once shared with your father and brother had become too stifling to bear.
It's all your own fault, really.
At least that's what you keep telling yourself.
It's easier to swallow than the alternative: that you were a vulnerable and unloved thing, eating from any hand that would feed you, until the hand that feeds decides to beat.
This, you think, is why you shouldn't think too hard about the past. It doesn't do you any good to dwell on it.
You force yourself to focus on the present, on the here and now. The scratchy polyester blend of the futon cushions, the scent of cheap cheese melting in the oven, the distant sound of sirens, and howling wind outside your apartment. There's no sense in thinking about Gotham now, not when you're so far from it.
You sit up on the futon, no longer content to lounge and let your mind wander. Instead you task yourself with flipping through channels on TV, seeking something mind numbing enough to distract you from your unusually strong urge to reminisce.
The Wonder Years? No, you don't want to watch anything about a family.
Alf? No, that puppet creeps you out.
Cops? Fuck that.
You're about to resign yourself to another night of murmuring the (mostly incorrect) answers to Jeopardy questions at your tv, when you're startled by a knock at your door.
A… knock… at your door.
No one ever knocks on your door. You don't get mail, you don't have friends, if your landlord wanted something, you're willing to bet the greasy bastard wouldn't be willing to haul himself all the way up to the fifth floor at nearly 10 PM.
Oh God… Did… Did he find you? Is this it? Are you going to die in the upper peninsula of Michigan, of all places?!
No, no. You have to stay calm. This could be anything. It's just a knock at the door. It could be anyone!
Oh lord, it could be anyone.
You keep the tv on, hoping that the sound of Alex Trebek grilling folks on useless trivia will cover your footsteps as you creep towards your front door. You hold your breath as you press yourself against it, double checking that all three of your locks are secure before you risk a glance out the peephole.
When you look out into the hall you're surprised, and frankly a bit confused by the sight before you. Standing at your door is a boy, dark haired and bright eyed. He stands straight but not particularly tall- he can't be more than five feet. He's glancing around the hall, rocking back and forth on his heels. He's wearing a red sweatshirt and jeans, with a backpack slung over one shoulder. Despite his small stature he holds an air of determination that makes you think he must feel quite old for his age- you get that, you were the same way in your own youth. A chip too big for your shoulder.
You're so focused on studying him that it startles you when he leans forward to knock again. You jolt, accidentally kicking the door (with your bare feet too, damn does that hurt your poor toes) and responding to his knock-knock-knock with a solid knock of your own.
“Hello?” The boy calls. “Anybody home?”
“I don't have any money!” You call back, cursing yourself for the shake in your voice. You should not be this rattled by a random adolescent on your doorstep. “So, if you're selling popcorn, or cookies, or whatever, you should try next door.”
The boy rolls his eyes.
“I'm not a boy scout!” He says. “I'm looking for-”
And then the shoe drops; he says your name. Your full name. Not your fake name, that you use at work, and on envelopes, and in hypothetical coffee shops. Your real name.
It takes every bit of emotional regulation you can muster not to spiral into a full blown panic right then and there because good God, did He send a child to finish you off? The cruel irony is not lost on you. Come to think of it, this boy on your doorstep does bear an uncanny resemblance to-
“My name is Jason Todd,” the boy continues. “And uh… well, I might be your son?”
He could be lying, the logical part of your brain insists. This could be a ploy to get you to open the door, don't open the door! But your hands are moving on their own, shakey as they may be. The first lock twists unlocked with ease, the second takes a fair bit more of your fine motor function, and by the time your shaking hands reach up to unhook the chain on the door, you're struggling to see through unshed tears. You attempt once, twice, three fucking times to get your hands to cooperate and unlatch the damn chain.
Fuck it.
You open the door, yanking it inwards, towards yourself as hard as you can. It should probably unnerve you that the flimsy chain breaks at the first sign of real resistance, but that's not what's important right now.
What's important is the boy standing before you- your boy. Your Jason.
He looks as surprised as you feel, his eyes flitting between the broken chain, and you.
For a long moment the only thing you can do is look at him, reacquaint yourself with the sight of him. Of course, you know that he did not stay frozen in time, the way your memory of him is. It's been many years since you've held that babbling toddler. But knowing and seeing are two different things.
He's small for his age, is your first thought. Your own fault, you're certain. Between a premature delivery and your own malnourishment during that first trimester, it's a miracle he'd survived in the first place. Small, but well fed. His cheeks are full and flushed. Despite his size, he seems healthy. Good. That means Will's been feeding him. Hopefully, it means they got the hell out of The Alley, into a nicer neighborhood.
His hair isn't as curly as you'd pictured it- too short in most places to hold a curl, save for his bangs, which seem to almost form the shape of a heart over his forehead.
“Jason?” You can barely manage to say his name through the lump in your throat. You find yourself suddenly struggling to focus your gaze on him, the haze of tears welling up in your eyes makes it difficult to see. You try to blink them away but instead they roll down your cheeks.
God, when's the last time you cried?
You reach out to him, cupping one of his cheeks in the palm of your shaking hand. He leans into the affectionate touch, and you're reminded of puppies, overeager and seeking love at every opportunity.
“Mom,” he says back to you, his tone just as reverent as your own. “Mom,” he says again, voice crackling. And then, in unison, the both of you have pulled each other into a crushing hug. You can't tell if the sound you make is a sob or a laugh. You hold onto Jason like he'll vanish into the ether if you loosen your hold for even a second, one hand clutching at the back of his sweatshirt, the other at the back of his head, petting his hair as he buries his face in your neck.
Finally, at long last, your heart is home.
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SO. What do we think folks. Are you hooked? I hope youre hooked. Please be hooked. I wanna talk to people about this fic so damn bad. Please send anons or dms or literally anything. When the chapter is complete I'll be putting it up here as well as on my ao3, which I'll link to! Thanks so much for reading and i hope yall are enjoying yourselves so far! Send me an anon or a dm if you'd like to be included on the taglist for this series!
TAGLIST: @leirobles
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groovebunker · 2 days
i’m gonna be obnoxious about this and people are just going to have to be cool about that. yes? good.
happy birthday to what would you do (if they ever found us out) (affectionately known as wwyd)!!! a year ago today, i posted chapter one and (i’m not being dramatic here) i think it changed my life?
little backstory: i’m a dyke with eyes and a type, so when i watched fran drescher making impassioned speeches about labour rights, i was both smitten and reminded that i’d been meaning to watch the nanny. i was also (mostly unbeknownst to me) about as mentally ill as i’ve ever been in my life. i was halfway through a phd which i loved but it was making me so, so unwell. anyway, i started watching the nanny as some kind of escapism and one night, i was like…has anyone thought of fran and cc kissing on the mouth? and they had (obviously) and so i started thinking about that and how whine cellar is a deeply disappointing episode in so many ways and then i was like ‘i can fix that! with a one shot!’.
fast fwd to april 2024. i’m in my favourite city in the world. i’m posting the 11th chapter of that one shot far too late at night (sorry sara). it’s ended up about 85k words long. i’m no longer a phd candidate. i’m significantly less mentally ill. and i’ve spent the last 8 or so months being held by a group of people i would never have met if i had never started writing again.
i didn't quit my phd to write fan fiction, obviously. but writing fic helped me realise how unhappy i was because it was something that gave me joy in a time that was so fucking bleak. i don't really like thinking about it too much but it wasn't great. and then i had this lifeline. these two idiots (affectionate) falling in love with one another, not only in wwyd but all the other fics i was writing. and talking about with people who were commenting and finding me on tumblr. and then, eventually, we weren't just talking about fran and cc, we were talking about our lives! because we were friends!
people will tell you before you start a phd that it's a lonely experience. i was the only history student in my cohort. i only met one of my supervisors in person at his leaving drinks. i have two friends i met at my uni, one of whom was the first person i told that i had to quit. i had other friends and an incredible, loving, patient partner, and they were amazing. but still, it was lonely.
and then i just fucking wasn't.
january ‘24, the squad evolved from being my stupid tumblr tag to being the most chaotic group chat i have ever been part of (until nic got us nicely organised). a week or so later, i quit the phd. and i told a bunch of people i’d never met that i was dropping out of grad school and they were so fucking kind. i will never forget that. the squad, in all its iterations, will have my heart for my whole life. i will not rest until i have annoyed you all in person. my dream is winning the lottery and flying you all to a villa in spain for a week so i can cook you dinner (and cass can make bread) every night and drink wine and splash about in the sun (or in sara’s case, hide in the shade and probably yell at us to put sun screen on). when i say i love you, i mean it so wholly and truly.
anyway, back to wwyd. it’s not my first fic. i’ve been writing on and off for 15 long, long years. but i hadn't written a ton for a while (other than my aloto fic bc gretson my beloved) and i really kind of expected to get a couple of comments and a few kudos. i just had a story that wanted to get out so i published the first few chapters in really rather quick succession (i’m sorry to anyone who reads my stuff, my adhd is too bad for a posting schedule) and people…loved it? like, really loved it. which was so nice because i’m gonna be honest, there was not an adoring audience for my academic work (perils of being a genocide scholar). and i know it's become quite a few people’s comfort fic. i know people have reread it, more than once in some cases, which feels wild. people have left the most wonderful comments, said the kindest things, drawn gorgeous art, made a fanmix (which is fucking amazing), followed along on this journey which i did not expect them to do.
i don't have favourite children (b&w fans, i promise you, the next chapter is in the works) but if i did, wwyd might be one. sure, she's my difficult eldest child. but she got me into a fandom for the first time in years, she’s given me friends i know I will hold onto for the rest of my life, she reminded me how much fun writing can be. and she’s spawned so much more because she made me so much more confident as a writer.
so i don't think i’m being overdramatic when i say it changed my life. if you’d told me all of this when i hit publish on chapter one last year, i would have told you to fuck off. relatively vehemently. but i’m better now. and i’m so fucking grateful for this fic for being part of what gave me that.
anyway, thanks for letting me be a bit self indulgent - promise you don't have to sit through this ever again (maybe for won't you when i finally get it done. i’m sorry. i’m verbose). and once again, to everyone who has read wwyd, given it kudos, commented, reblogged a chapter on tumblr, all of it, my eternal thanks. i couldn't have done it without you.
finally, because i cannot say it enough, to the squad, you have my whole heart. it’s actually mad to me that this time last year, i had no idea who any of you were. your stamp on the last few chapters of wwyd is indelible. your stamp on my life is somehow more permanent than that. thank you. ilsym 🫶🏻
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etherealbelphie · 3 days
Obey Me! Brothers at the nail salon (Ft. GN!MC)
Warnings: None!
A/N: Hey y'all! I know it's been a super, super long time since I've posted anything substantial. But a couple nights ago, I randomly got motivation to write and managed to complete the whole thing in one go. So, here we go!
As always, if I've missed a warning please let me know!
-Ethereal (✿◡‿◡)
Scenario: You convince one of the demon brothers to accompany you to the nail salon.
Lucifer wears gloves most of the time, so he doesn't really see the point at first.
(Honestly, he probably wouldn't get them painted regularly at all if it wasn't Asmo doing it. He'd never tell, but Asmo painting his nails is Lucifer's favorite bonding time with his little brother.)
But, you really wanted to go get your nails done at the salon, and he figured since he was there anyway he might as well.
Lucifer is absolutely capable of functioning with long nails, and has done so in the past when attending dinners with Queen Rose.
However, just because he can doesn't means he wants to. And it's more comfortable to keep shorter nails while wearing gloves, anyway. He'd go with a short, round nail.
He wouldn't go with anything overtly flashy or glittery. I think he'd go with something simple but elegant, like this.
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(Credit: @/Poshmark on Pinterest)
Mammon has gotten his nails done a couple times at the salon before, but usually it's because the company he's modeling for wants him to, and he has to get them done the way the company asks him to.
He never goes otherwise, since they can be pricey and Asmo offers to do it for free.
But since you really wanted to go, he wasn't going to pass up on the chance to get his done too.
Now that he has free reign on what kind of design he gets, he goes all out.
He gets incredibly long stilleto nails (and greatly underestimated how hard they are to get used to).
And of course, he'd get something super flashy with a lot of gold, silver, jewels, chains, pretty much whatever the salon was offering.
His would end up looking something like this.
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(Credit: @/poupie.nails on Instagram (found on pinterest))
Levi has yet to get his nails done professionally done, mostly because he is not a fan of strangers touching him.
You insisted he didn't need to do this if he wasn't comfortable with it, but he really did want to do this with you.
Levi has had long nails before, but they've always been press-ons that he would wear for conventions and then take off at the end of the day.
Having long nails for weeks? Yeah, he'll pass. Gaming on a keyboard will be near impossible. He ends up with short, round nails.
He also just gets regular polish that he can take off later at home, instead of going back to get it buffed off.
That being said, I still think he'd want something cool. He ends up with some really cool crackle polish.
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(Credit: @/ND Nails Supply on Pinterest)
Satan hasn't yet been to a nail salon. Like the others, he relies on Asmo to keep his nails out of a state of disaster.
Honestly, I don't think he cares too too much about his nails, as long as they arent filthy and the polish isn't horribly chipped.
As a result, he hasn't really done much experimenting with different colours or designs (despite Asmo's begging).
You suggest this time he gets something different.
He doesn't.
He ends up with some sage green matte nails, slightly longer than his fingertips.
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(Credit: @/Prada & Pearls on Pinterest)
But! While he's there, he catches sight of someone with really cute nail art.
He decides to add a little cat, one on each hand. Likely on his thumb, so he can see them while he's holding a book.
I imagine he'd pick a cat design similar to one of these.
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(Credit: @/eBay on Pinterest)
Unsuprisingly, he's the one who goes to the nail salon the most often.
He could do his own nails if he wanted to (and often does), but he really loves being pampered so he goes quite often.
He is the most likely to expiriment with different styles and colours, but since pink and green are his favorite colours, those are his go-to.
He usually gets very long, stilletto nails and can function perfectly fine with them.
He would definitely want something super intricate and detailed.
He also has the the most patience to sit still for a long manicure, so...y'all are gonna be there a long time.
He'd end up with something like this.
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(Credit: @/Etsy on Pinterest)
Beel always keeps his nails short.
He does a lot of sports and weight lifting, and he doesn't find long nails easy to work with at all.
He also probably wouldn't want to get anything super fancy either.
See, there's a reason he always gets Asmo to do them, and it's because of how often Beel needs them touched up or redone.
Between getting chipped during his workouts, and the amount of food stains he gets on them, they just don't stay nice for too long.
He also lowkey thinks it's a waste of money he could be spending on food instead (but he'd never tell you that).
Plus, he just doesn't wanna ruin the nail tech's art so soon after they finished. He'd feel bad.
He just gets regular orange polish and a clear top coat.
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(Credit: @/Prada & Pearls on Pinterest)
Belphie also likes having relatively short nails. Tip of the finger, max.
They're easier for day to day , and he doesn't risk accidentally scratching himself (or any cuddle partners) during his sleep.
He avoids rhinestones for the same reason. Slightly too scratchy for his tastes.
That being said, he isn't opposed to a little sparkle. Or even a lot of sparkle.
He would get something dark blue and glittery, because it reminds him of the starts.
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(Credit: @/clownprincess on Pinterest)
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steamberrystudio · 23 hours
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29/09/2024 Devlog
Hallo everyone!  Tumblr devlog time. This one is a little short because even though there's a lot that's happened there's not too much detail I can go into so it's mostly just kind of an overview. But here it is.
Finished Asher Test play
Finished Asher's CG
Finished Daaz's CG
Mini-alpha testing
Made a lot of corrections
Mini-beta testing
Made a lot of corrections
Released Episode 1 beta to Patreon (Black Tea tier)
Made even more corrections!
Some additional artwork
Technically started working on Episode 2 coding stuff.
I finally...*finally* finished my play test of the game (mind you, this play test was of all 630,000 words).
Once I finished my test, I gave a friend access to the game as sort of a mini alpha-test. After making a lot of corrections at that stage, I gave beta access for Episode 1 to another friend who uncovered a major issue with the flowcharts.
But that is also fixed now. And after even more corrections, I released the beta build to Patreon members at the Black Tea tier. 
And have sense made more corrections but haven't uncovered any more huge bugs.
Got Asher's CG finished and Daaz's CG finished. I also did some other miscellaneous art that is now squared away for the first Episode.
Like a background cut in and a couple of other really small art-related things.
Upcoming Weeks:
Continue to make corrections and, when reports of typos slow down, I will release Episode 1 to the Patreon tiers that have early access.
Public release is currently looking to be in November, most likely.
In the mean time I have been doing some of the preliminary coding set up for Episode 2 (Chapter 3 and 4).
I've also been making lists of new assets I'll need, or marking off where CGs will go in the next chapters, etc.
Anyway, that is all for now. I will see you in two weeks or so!
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bottom-lexa · 11 months
got another 600 words down for the werewolf au!!! this is for chapter 2 but still
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francy-sketches · 4 months
I'm gonna have to work on my final project non stop for like a month straight bc I procrastinated on it too much fuck my stupid baka life
#.txt#also I have to do a movie pitch for it bitch it's an amv with intentionally one dimensional characters 😭 tf do I even say about it#at least the characters are like. knockoff jaime and tommen so its almost like im drawing asoiaf fanart#unfortunately I've come to hate them. the knockoffs I mean#I wanna change the designs a bit so they dont resemble my blorbos as much. i think im gonna give the kid darker hair#ok well discount jaime just looks like him with 2 hands and a blue cape 💀and I cant change him atp#my worst mistake was giving him like. a solid metal skirt armor thing bc its a pain in the ass to animate#at the start of the year I had the most work done out of everyone how did this happen#its bc they started nitpicking the story and I kinda lost motivation to work on it lke this shit is stupid. and cringe#by they I mean the extra screenwriting teachers we had a couple lessons with which like. this is an animation course not a writing course#I'd get it if it was like. a full time school but we have 2 3 hour classes a week we dont have time for this shit man#ig my mistake was that my idea didn't start from the story it started from the song I wanted to make a cool music video for it#its not that the story is nonsensical or anything its just a very basic fairytale esque thing nothing groundbreaking#'but you're not SAYING anything with this' I'm not trying to omg just let me make my little amv :(#does everything need a plot twist or to subvert expectations is it not enough that it looks cool#there's a couple people who are worse off than me in terms of how much they've done but also theres a couple that are nearly done#looking at them like god I wish that were me.....#and also I think I accidentally overwrote a shot I worked on for 3 hours. killing myself#maybe I can restore a previous version but its on the school computer and the school is closed for a week so im not gonna know until then
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todayisafridaynight · 11 days
Since you mentioned it, what did you think of Speak No Evil? I was thinking of watching it myself :0
i really liked it ............ my friend scoffed at me when i told her i was watchin it so take my opinion with a grain of salt tho </3
#snap chats#SHE DIDNT EVEN WATCH IT BUT W/E SPOILER FREE QUICK REVIEW DOWN HERE HIIII <3<3<3<3#ive been made aware my tastes are. Questionable so proceed with caution vlklvjv im so sorry if i convince you to see it and you dont like i#moving on I Have. done nothing but listen to Eternal Flame for the past week its been stuck in my head ever since#BUT FR as i said I Really Liked It. i heard that theres another/original version so i wanna watch that at some point#if i care to remember and find it vjaelkjeakl but as This Movie On Its Own i had a swell time !!!#it does a really good job of teetering that line of#'this is just a quaint little sometimes-awkward get-together' and 'this is so stressful i just might throw up'#it did a good job of keeping me invested and on my toes i guess- it bitters innocuous scenarios really well which i like#like i wasnt sure WHEN whatever scene i was watching would turn sour but i always had that feeling it /would/- that lingering feeling#the horror in this is more psychological than violent- it only gets crazy by the last quarter honestly#which isnt bad! i like psych horror and Christ. the amount of times i was just grimacing in my seat like Suspense Is The Word#like imagine a dinner party where people only say controversial things and you dont want to blow up the situation#so you just try to be really polite about pivoting from the topic. but they keep going. thats basically the horror of this movie at its cor#i do have SOME comments about some bits but i wanna rewatch the movie at some point to be thorough on my comments jglejlakj#yk do a rewatch where im. NOT jokin bout with my brother- THO TBF DESPITE THAT I was still invested#like its premise is so. simple? in concept imo. but 'simple' isnt automatically bad in my eyes and i really liked how it played out#i dont watch movies much tho so maybe its been done different but there is ONE thing tht definitely made me like. HUH#but its nothing super major i dont htink? I MEAN IT WAS KINDA BIG BUT there were signs to it being revealed. still it made me vjLJ like god#i cant explain tho cause SPOILERS but ... Yeah. its not that crazy it just definitely took me by surprise for how quick the reveal was#tldr: if you ever wanted to watch an awkward dinner party where you couldnt do anything about it this is the movie to watch#and i like that. i like that because i hate myself apparently jVLAEKJVAEKLJ#coupled with horror it was also funny at times which i felt did help with that underlying 'when will this be tainted' horror#i really liked that ... when normalcy or the feeling of safety can be taken away in an instant#if you watch it and wanna talk bout it more in depth ill prob have rewatched it by then and id like to give a more. Detailed review#OR AT LEAST ONE NOT SO RAMBLY VELKAVJEALKJ im not good at reviewing things .... i just know when i like or dont like somethin ..#ive only had my bro to talk bout this with and he doesnt really. Give his thoughts or opinions too much like i do#so id be happy to talk bout it and get your perspective !!!! but only if you want Again if you dont like it im so sorry erlakjaekl#god theres so much more i want to say but im just rambling and i wanna be brief for you my friend vlakjlakvlkj#anyway yeah. those are my quick thoughts. i was Very Normal about james mcavoy for most of this movie ty for reading
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vulpinesaint · 2 months
school for the kiddos starts up again tomorrow and i'm gonna be so honest i love summer camps so much but also i'm really excited to get back to my school year job <3 walk the kiddos to school... sit and help them with their homework...
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lesbiacnh · 8 months
omg i get a little stressed and to cope i end up playing esthetician until 130 am and go to bed feeling worse than before. and like id pluck every leg hair out but haven’t brushed my teeth yet. and after that my skin gets soo bad and im like whattttt why is this uappening.
#text#the past couple of months have been crayzeeeeeee but now things are cslm. but im still 🫨🫨🫨 mentally bc im not in a good routine or anything#it always starts bc im like ‘i need to take better care of myself’ and then ends badly. lol#tiktok ‘everything shower’ joke kinda made me get back into the strange habit of doing the absolute bare minimum + doing everything in one#night and feeling worse. instead of like having a more consistent routine#rly i need to start working out again. it helps me regulate things bc i like to plan ahead lol#im on anxiety meds now so im gonna TRYYYYYY to help myself by getting in a better routine#AND BY THAT. i mean SLOWLY bc ive gone through this cycle before and and starting things all on the same day is a variant of this.#and i gotta get off my phone. my neck fucking hurts from sitting weird and scrolling too long#tiny bit cringy to admit but i want to find a stim toy that i could do the same scroll motion on. if that makes sense#like a smooth peice of metal or something. maybe i’ll buy a little keychain and see if that could replace the motion while im chillin doing#something else#SORRY if anyone does read this usually i reread my posts to make sure im coherent before posting but its 140 something am and im high again#ALSO 2024 resolution im done being high on most week nights. i need to calm down w it#ok last thing bc this is funny#phoebe bridgers song came on while i was driving home and the one lyric was like im not afraid of going back to school…….#and it hit me in that exact moment bc I AMMMMMM AFRAID TO go back to school but im not‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ it’s fine‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ i am not gonna#ok goodnight. i brushed my teeth#sabotage this.
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asiancatboy · 1 year
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
im finally going to replay y0...
#it's been a little over 2 years#and ive never replayed any of the games before so im very interested in what this is gonna be like#i just played them slowly and in order + lad ishin at the end#i kinda wanted to do the judgments first but uh. they're never on sale <3#someday though#ugh im nervous though#not about this but like. ok real ones will remember that a couple of months ago i mentioned i finally asked my mom for like. mental health#assistance that wasnt her telling me to stop spiralling. the two appointments we could do were like. next week or october#i technically have enough time to get my shit together but ive also like. never talked to an actual doctor about this stuff before#and she kept asking me if i could be more specific than 'general longterm mental health issues' (and anxiety which she added)#but like. i dont wanna tell her Shit about that yknow#especially not like. just woken up at 2pm no preparation#also she added anxiety on her own. so you KNEW it was an issue and you didn't fucking do anything about it? at all??#truthfully i don't think it's nearly as big of an issue as before. i get stressed about stuff sure but it's pretty circumstantial#like these days i dont have anxiety about much of anything because im not trying to decide my entire future between 8 hour days in the#bright lights and eye contact factory#girl you don't have any idea what we're getting into by doing this#anyway if i get an ocd diagnosis that'll be the most awkward because that's the only one they actively joke about and that i've butted head#with them on. (i mean theyre also shit to npd/aspd ppl i just haven't chewed them out for it yet bc every time i do that i end up useless#for the rest of the day at least and i gotta pick my battles)#and idek what i wanna do about the Probably Autism going on man. i've been thinking about doing foster care/adoption for years now#when im older/if im ever financially stable. a diagnosis could basically nuke my options for that#but they'd NEVER believe a self diagnosis#whatever FUCK JT ITS YAKUZING TIME!!!!!!!!!#OH AND IT'S THE FIRST TIME DOING ONE ON LEGEND#which im nervous about bc i never really play stuff on anything but normal#so uh. 😬😬
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